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Successful business woman is attracted to the young salesman who works for her. She decides to take a risk and one thing leads to another...

Everybody liked Bernie. Her given name was Bernadette but everyone called her Bernie. She was a hard worker, a live wire and an inspirational leader. People loved being around her and worked hard for her because she busted her ass, was always positive and enthusiastic, had a great sense of humor and could sell ice cubes to an Eskimo in February. Oh, and she was also hot as a firecracker.

Bernie was in her early forties but looked ten years younger. She was of medium height with light brown shoulder-length hair, pretty face, a mature, slim body with all the right curves and nice firm boobs jutting straight out. She had a way of turning heads wherever she was whether it was because of her infectious charisma, her impeccable dress or her incredible body.

She was a Vice President of Sales for a large marketing firm. But her style was unlike that of the other VPs in the company. The others tended to spend most of their time at the corporate office holding meetings, working at their computers or talking on the phone. But Bernie spent much of her time in the field. She still serviced a large number of accounts herself while the others only handled a cherry-picked few. She also spent a lot of days riding with the sales reps under her umbrella, meeting their clients, learning their territories and helping them sell.

Bernie had a sales manager working for her named Wendy. Wendy was Bernie’s polar opposite: A fat dead-serious Jewish woman with a grating nasal voice, annoying personality, no sense of humor and seemed to take little or no enjoyment from her work. She was all about the numbers.

They were planning to open a new territory in an outlying area that was a two-hour drive from the office. They would need a qualified self-starter who could get up and running and become productive quickly and could work unsupervised most of the time. It was decided that Wendy would interview the applicants and any that she deemed strong candidates would then be interviewed by Bernie. They had both interviewed five applicants when Wendy asked Bernie to interview Jayden. ‘This could be the one’, Wendy had said.


I remember when Jayden walked into my office for his interview. My very first thought was, ‘Wow, this kid sure is nice to look at’. He was mid-to-late-twenties, tall and I could tell he was muscular underneath his snug dress shirt. He was ethnically handsome with a dark complexion. His black hair was pulled tight against his scalp and tied into a pony tail which was tucked into the back of his collar and down inside the back of his shirt. He made a good first impression, had a professional appearance and I instinctively knew he could represent the company well.

His resume was pretty much what we were looking for too: College degree and some, but not too much, related experience (the company had its own culture and liked to mold its own). He was sharp, quick-witted and very likable, and spoke with a clipped, indiscernible articulation. Within five minutes I knew two things: One, I was going to hire him, and two, I was going to supervise him myself.


After the first interview I didn’t think I’d get the job, and wasn’t even sure I wanted it. Wendy seemed to be so serious and such a ball-buster I just couldn’t imagine working for her. But when she said she wanted me to interview with her boss, a VP named Bernie, I figured ‘Okay, what the hell’. I went to the interview the next week and had no idea Bernie was a woman until I walked into her office.

What a knockout! She might have been older, but she was fucking hot. Great thin body and nice firm tits all wrapped up in a cool blue designer business suit with just enough skin of her upper chest visible to give my dick a buzz. I tried not to let my eyes linger there but I’m sure she caught me.

We hit it off immediately, she was nothing like Wendy. Bernie was enthusiastic as she described the position and asked all the typical interview questions and she had a magnetic smile and laugh. I liked her immediately.

A few days later I learned that I got the job and was relieved and flattered to hear that Bernie would be my direct supervisor. She mentioned that Wendy was already spread too thin but I think she may have sensed that me and Wendy would have been like oil and water.


Jayden started work three weeks later. The first week was classroom training with other new employees. The company put him up in a local hotel so he wouldn’t have to drive over two hours each way each day. A couple evenings after class he met with Bernie in her office and they discussed his prospects, his work plan and goals and mapped out the new territory. Bernie said that she would try to arrange to ride along with him at least once every couple weeks for a while to help him get off to a fast start. Both times they were in her office till after seven p.m. On Wednesday evening she took him out to dinner and they talked business and it was after eight by the time she dropped him off. It appeared that he would be working for a workaholic. He’d noticed she was in early and went home late.

“You really work long hours, don’t you, Bernie?” Jayden asked her at one point.

“Yes, I guess I do,” she said, “But I love what I do. My daughter is grown and out of the house and my husband Fred is an airline pilot. He flies from the U.S. to the far east…Tokyo and Hong Kong…and back every week. He is gone Sunday till Thursday. So I work a lot during the week, and go home to a big, empty house.

‘Hmm’, Jayden thought to himself, wondering if she was getting enough at home.

On Friday, the final day of training, Bernie told Jayden that she would come out and ride with him the following Wednesday. She asked him to set up a full day with four or five confirmed appointments and they would make some cold-calls too. They were going to close some sales.


Jayden had five set appointments. They went 0-for-2 in the morning but closed two out of three in the afternoon, and managed to set up several appointments for the coming days. Jayden would let Bernie kick things off and then follow her lead. They quickly developed a chemistry together. The prospects seemed to enjoy their performances.

Jayden got the hang of the job quickly and was doing pretty well on his own, but every time Bernie rode along with with him was a productive day. Unless appointments canceled on them, they’d always manage to close one or two and identify some good future prospects. Bernie would arrive early and they would haul ass all morning, then Bernie would treat him to lunch, and then they’d haul ass all afternoon. Then right before they parted at the end of the day Bernie would get out her datebook and schedule their next ride-along.

Each day they spent together was seven or eight or nine hours in close quarters, in the car, side by side in front of a client, at a cozy table for lunch. They became very comfortable together, their inhibitions lowered. They laughed together, occasionally touched one another during conversation, and shared personal information.

“Can I ask you a question?” Bernie asked him one time at lunch.

“Sure,” Jayden said. “What?”

“You have a slight accent. It’s very unique. Where are you from?”

He smiled and sat back. “I was born in Curacao and lived there until I was twelve. Then my mother wanted me to be educated in the States and we moved here. My father stayed.”

“Ah, interesting. How did your parents meet?”

“My mother is American. A tall blonde with blue eyes. She was a senior in college and in Curacao on her Christmas break when she took a snorkeling trip and met my father. He was Captain of the boat. She went back home and finished her final semester of school with me in her belly. As soon as she graduated she went back to him. They were together until she brought me here when I was twelve. She begged him to come but he had no interest. He’s still there, still running boat charters. We’ve stayed in touch and I visit him from time to time; he is always after me to move back and go into the business with him. I probably will some day.”

“Your father sounds like a character from a Hemingway novel.”

“His name is Alonso. He is a descendant of the Caquetio Indians and the Dutch. He loves where he lives and what he does.”

“That’s the secret of happiness, I think,” Bernie said. “Who, what and where. Sounds like your father has at least two out of three.”

“Huh?” Jayden asked.

“Who, what, where,” she said. “Who are you with, what are you doing and where are you doing it? If you are with the right person, are doing what you want and live where you want to be, that’s true happiness. If you have two out of three you can be reasonably happy too. Less than two, I don’t think so.”

“Hmm,” he said. “I never thought of it like that. Interesting.”

“How about you, Jayden? Where are you on the scale?” Bernie asked. Her eyes were wide open and staring into his. He detected a slight semi-wink from her left eyelid.

“Two out of three. I have the what and the where.”

“No who?” she asked.

“Nah, not right now, I’m too busy with the new job and everything.” he said. “My last who ended months ago. I’m currently who-less.”

Bernie laughed and paid the lunch tab. They went back to work and sold a new account that afternoon. At the end of the day Jayden watched Bernie drive off and thought about that little sparkly wink in her eye. He had a brief thought about Who’s Who and then instantly put it out of his mind.



After a couple of months I could have ceased and desisted with the ride-alongs. Jayden was doing a very good job on his own. But I didn’t because I was getting as much out of it as he was, I think. Those days riding around with him were a nice change of pace from my days around the corporate office. I really enjoyed his company and I could tell he enjoyed mine. Whenever I was with him I would sneak peeks at him. I found myself dressing up for him. He was always checking me out, I could tell, and I was checking him out too, believe me. Sometimes we flirted a little.

I think there are times we come to in life where we have to make hard decisions and take a risk. Risk, or lose out. I could hardly believe it, but I started actually contemplating taking a big risk. Risking my marriage, risking my job, risking my reputation. With a young employee only a few years older than my daughter. My brain was saying no, but another part of my anatomy was screaming yes, yes, yes!

In twenty-three years of marriage I had never cheated on my husband. Men had come on to me plenty of times over the years but I’d never strayed. My husband had, though.We learned the hard way that him flying halfway around the globe and back every week, and crashing at airline-owned condos in the Far East with other crew members could lead to some shenanigans. Now, for the very first time I was considering it. Adultery, that is.


We became pretty comfortable together. We made a good team on sales calls. We shared a lot of laughs and there was definitely a mutual attraction despite the age difference. We were both a little flirtatious but it was all just innocent, playful fun. If Bernie hadn’t been my boss I would have made a move on her, married or not. But she was my boss and I knew it would probably never happen.

One time I made a follow-up sales call to a client I had seen the week before with Bernie. ‘Where’s your girlfriend?’ he asked. I played dumb and he added, ‘You know, your girlfriend you came in here with last week’. ‘Oh, Bernie’, I said. Then he asked, ‘You tapping that?’. ‘Bernie, hell no, she’s my boss!’ I said incredulously. He said: ‘I know that, but it wouldn’t be the first time it happened. You sure you’re not tapping that?’ I assured him I wasn’t. Not that I hadn’t thought about it, though.


It was very early on a Tuesday morning. Bernie was in the shower when she decided what the hell, this would be the day. She quickly scrubbed her body clean, shampooed her hair and rinsed off. She dried herself and dressed in one of her hottest pantsuits. She added a touch of red lipstick and smoky eye shadow. She logged on line briefly and booked a hotel room for that night. Then she packed an overnight bag and got into her car and began her two-hour drive to spend the day with Jayden.

They met in their usual place, a shopping center which conveniently had plenty of parking and was directly across the street from the hotel where she would stay that night, hopefully with company. If she was going to enter into an affair, she reasoned, then doing it two hours away from home was the way to do it.

Jayden had a full day planned for them and they ran hard all morning and afternoon, not even having time to stop for lunch. They grabbed hot dogs from a street vendor as they hustled from one appointment to the next. They managed to sell two new accounts and it was almost six o’clock when

Jayden dropped her off at her car.

“Do you have plans tonight, Jayden?” Bernie asked.

“Nothing big tonight. Go home, heat up some rice and Chunky Soup. Recover from the way you run me ragged. Rest up for tomorrow.”

Bernie laughed. “Would you like to have dinner with me?” she asked.

“Dinner with you?” Jayden said with surprise. “Tonight?”

“Yes. We didn’t get much of a lunch today and I’m staying over there tonight,” she said, pointing at the hotel. “I wasn’t up for the long drive back. Are you up for dinner?”

“Uh, sure,” he said. “I’d love to.”

“Okay good, I’ll enjoy the company. I want to get a shower and I have a little bit of work to do. How does seven-thirty sound?”

“Seven-thirty sounds fine.”

“All right, let’s meet in the lounge. I’ll buy you a drink.”

Jayden headed home to get a shower and some fresh clothes.


When Jayden entered the lounge at seven-thirty Bernie was already camped out in a small booth along the wall. She was talking on her cell phone, frantically waving her hand as she spoke and had scattered papers and a half-empty glass of wine on the table in front of her. She spotted him and waved him over.

Jayden sat down and waited while Bernie finished her call. She was talking to one of her managers about one of her areas. A waitress came by and he ordered a draft beer.

“So here we are, thanks for coming,” Bernie said when she finished her call. She slid a piece of paper across the table. “Here, sign this. Then our work is done for the day.”

“What is this?” he said as he picked up the paper.

“It’s your ninety day review. Don’t worry, you aced it. Just a formality and now your probationary period is over and your benefits kick in.” She sipped her wine. He signed it and slid it back across the table.

The waitress returned with his beer and Bernie ordered another glass of wine. They made small talk for a few minutes. Jayden was a little nervous and tried not to drink his beer too fast. He noticed some men in the room checking them out. They’d noticed that this stylish older woman had been busy in her booth by herself and now this young guy strolled in and joined her.

Jayden was into his second beer when Bernie steered their conversation into shop talk.

“So, Jayden, now you’re a crusty, old employee of ninety days. What do you think?”

“What, about the job?”

“The job, the company, your boss, the whole shebang. How do you feel about it?”

“I’m happy with it,” he said. “The work is harder than I thought it would be, but the company offers good product and delivers on their promises. Most clients seem satisfied and the ones that have had issues get taken care of. I’d like to make more money but I know that will come, I can see growth in that area already. And you have been great. You are a great help and I appreciate it.”

“Well, thank you and you are welcome. Your success is my success, remember that. The better you do the better we both look.”

“Here’s to looking good!” Jayden said, raising his glass.

Bernie laughed and raised her glass. “To looking good,” she said, and gave him her sparkly wink.

Jayden thought, damn right you look good. She had on a fine white blouse with a gold pendant peeking through the top two open buttons. A trace of nipple nudging through the fabric above the tabletop. Red, sheeny lipstick.

The waitress came by again and Bernie asked for menus. She asked Jayden if he minded if they had dinner in the lounge instead of the dining room. He said he didn’t. ‘It’s cozier, more intimate’, she said. They ordered another drink. They were loosening up.

Dinner arrived in short fashion. Bernie had a Greek salad and Jayden the Club Sandwich. Eating light. About halfway through the meal there was a brief lull in the conversation. Bernie knew it was time.

“You know, we’ve had a lot of success and fun these last few months on our days riding together, haven’t we?” she said.

“Yes, we have.”

“You set ‘em up, and we knock ‘em down,” Bernie said. “You could have a great future here if you want to.”

“I hope to,” he said. He noticed her eyes were wide open and staring into his.

There was a brief silence. They took sips. Their eyes were locked.

“You are getting the job done, no doubt about that, Jayden. But even though you are doing a great job, I have to admit that there have been times when I’ve wondered whether it was a mistake to have hired you.”

“Really? Why?” he asked.

“Can I be brutally honest with you, Jayden?”

“Yes, please.”

“Okay. I’ve been doing this kind of work for a long time. I started on the ground floor, worked hard, worked my way up, took night classes, became a manager and now I’ve been a VP for six years. And in all that time I had never found myself in the situation…in the predicament…I’m now in with you.”

“What do you mean?”

“Come on. I’ve seen you checking me out. And don’t tell me you haven’t caught me checking you out. Agreed?”

“Agreed,” he said, his voice slightly breaking.

Bernie leaned closer so their faces were inches apart. Jayden could see a glassy green brightness in her eyes and tiny trickles of sweat above her ruby lips.

“This is the first time I… You are the first man ever to work for me whom I’ve wanted to fuck,” she said softly.

There was a long silence as they sat staring at one another. Bernie was suddenly very afraid she’d gone too far and had blown it.

“What do you think about that?” she asked nervously.

Jayden was silently shocked. After a moment he said, “All I can think of to say is yes, good. Sounds like a plan.”

Bernie sat back a little, relieved. “I’m quite a bit older, does that bother you?”


“Do I turn you on, Jayden?”


“Good, you turn me on too. Can you keep our secret?”


“Good. Want to come to my room?”




I couldn’t believe what was happening. It was surreal, like my head was separated from the rest of my body. It seemed like a long walk to her room even though it was just down the end of the hall from the lobby. I didn’t know what to do, should I hold her hand, should I touch her? I wanted to jump her bones, but she’s my boss! How does she like it? She wants to fuck, that’s for sure, but what else? How far should I go?

As she was unlocking the door to the room my brain slowed down enough so I could relax a little bit and think straight. I realized that SHE PLANNED THIS. The hotel room, the dinner, the drinks. Then her telling me she wanted to fuck me and knowing I wanted to fuck her.


I was thinking, finally, I’m going to get to fuck this kid. God, I was relieved when he said YES! I thought that he would, but you never know for sure and it would have been pretty embarrassing if he’d turned me down. That would have been an awkward situation I don’t think we could have recovered from. But I was confident enough to go for it because I knew he didn’t have a wife or girlfriend, I was pretty sure he wasn’t gay, plus I’d seen him peeking at my tits and my ass and my crotch enough times and I knew he liked what he saw.

He’d caught me peeking too, of course. I never got tired of running my eyes around his sweet butt, over his broad shoulders and down between his legs, thinking to myself, ‘I bet he’s hung like a horse’.


Once in the room Bernie entered the bathroom first. She sat on the toilet and peed, then washed and freshened up. She splashed a reinforcement of a subtle lemon scent onto her chest and touched up her ruby lips. She planned on leaving her lip prints all over Jayden’s hard young body.

She came out of the bathroom and Jayden immediately went in, saying he had to pee. ‘Good idea’, she thought, ‘Soon something else will be shooting out of that dick of yours’. She kicked off her shoes and sat down in a chair. A minute or two later he came out of the bathroom. She scooted to the edge of her seat.

“Come here,” she said.

Jayden walked to her and stopped, standing about three feet in front of her. Bernie reached out and hooked a finger into one of his belt loops and pulled him close, his crotch now inches from her face. She was looking up into his eyes as she unbuckled his belt. She unbuttoned his pants and unzipped his fly, then took a breath and pulled down his pants. She gasped softly but was happily in awe by what she saw.

No underwear, that’s cool, Bernie thought. And not a whisker of pubic hair on him, a first for her, but also cool. But his cock: Oh, what a cock.

It hung long, thick and dark between his legs. She hefted it in her hand and felt its bulk and weight. She licked her lips then licked its head. She stretched her mouth open wide, trying to ready it for what was coming. She looked back up at Jayden, who was unbuttoning his shirt with a serious look on his face.

“I want you to come in my mouth,” she said. “After that, you can have your way with me.”

Then she spread her lips and took his gunmetal cock into her mouth.

Bernie’s mouth was of good size but she could feel instantly that this was the largest thing that had ever been in it. She opened wide and eased it in and when she felt the head touch the back of her throat…not even half of it in…she began sucking. With each infinitesimal sway of her head she sucked him, gently at first but soon with more force, and before long, with its girth filling her mouth, she was slurping and saliva drooled from the corners of her mouth.

Jayden’s balls were dangling like mojo sacks. Bernie took one in each hand and gave them both a deep massage. She now felt his hands firmly on the back of her head and he started pumping his cock into her mouth as she sucked. He wanted to give her more.

She wasn’t sure she could take any more, but Jayden was pushing it into her pretty good so she kept sucking. She adjusted the angle of her head and his shaft slipped in deeper and she felt the head slide into her throat. Jayden’s next swing had a little more force and she gagged.

She backed off, took her mouth off of him, and she was surprised by the amount of cock that emerged from her mouth. His scrotum was now like a pair of roasted chestnuts in her hands.

“Sorry,” Jayden said.

“Your cock, it’s beautiful,” she said, “But I don’t know how much...”

“It’s all good, what you’re doing. Suck me, Bernie.”

She felt an increased pressure of his hands on the back of her head and the head of his penis against her lips. She wiped the spit off of her chin, opened her mouth as wide as she ever had in her life and his cock, with a force of its own, found its way in, and in one plunge filled her mouth and entered her throat. And Jayden fucked her face.

As she sucked him and felt the power of his dick pounding away in her mouth, Bernie thought, ‘Ah, so this is why they call it giving head’. She’d wanted this kid’s cock and now she was getting it. She squeezed his nuts softly in her hands.

“Ughhh…” Jayden groaned.

She squeezed again, trying to help him along.

“Ughhh…” His groan was deeper, louder, more guttural.

Jayden’s body wobbled and his legs almost buckled but he held on to the back of Bernie’s head and felt the silkiness of her hair between his fingers. He felt his cum rising from deep down and it felt almost like slow motion as it rose up through his shaft and forced its way out of the tip of his cock.

With half of his cock filling her mouth Bernie felt the rush of Jayden’s semen spray-paint the back of her throat. It was a hefty load. After the second shot she backed off before she would gag and with just his cockhead in her mouth, with each succeeding spasm she lustily sucked his cum into her mouth. When he had no more to give Jayden moved his hands to her armpits and gently lifted her. His cum-covered dick plopped from her mouth and she rose from her chair and stood looking up at him. She had his cum churning in her stomach and coating her throat and dabs on her cheek and chin.

And she still had a mouthful, which Jayden’s tongue tasted when he stabbed his tongue hard and deep between her lips. They gripped each other tightly as their tongues glided around in their oily mouths. It was a lingering kiss and the fronts of their bodies were plastered together, her breasts mashed against him and his slimy erected cock soiling the fabric of her blouse. When they finally ended the kiss they both smiled and broke into quiet laughter.

“God, that was fantastic, he said.

“I love your cock,” she said.

Jayden unbuttoned Bernie from the top down. Her bra-less tits were firm and her nipples aroused. The blouse came off with a sexy shift of her shoulders.

“Let’s get you naked,” he said.

Jayden slipped one hand inside the back of her slacks and panties and felt her bare ass for the first time. He undid the front with his other hand and slipped his fingers into her. She was warm and wet. He thumbed her clitoris and felt its readiness. With a hand on her ass and a hand in her twat they kissed again, another long one, long enough for Bernie to squirm out of her pants and push them down.

Still in her kiss bliss, Bernie suddenly felt two hands on her buttocks lifting her up. Jayden pivoted around and lay her gently on the bed. He pulled her pants and panties off her ankles and hung them on the chair. With his cock still stiff and pointing at the ceiling, he stood there for a moment looking at her. Her puffy, kissable lips, where he had more work to do. Her neck, which he wanted to cover with kisses. Her tits, which he wanted to suck the shit out of. And he’d get to all that. But her was neatly trimmed and beautiful and seemed to be smiling at him. It would get his immediate attention.

“Damn, you have a great body,” he said.

“Take it.”

Jayden didn’t hesitate. He spread her legs and knelt between them. He kissed and licked both thighs and gradually zeroed in. Bernie sighed as he kissed her crotch and licked her open lips but she literally howled when he jammed his tongue into her. She pushed her crotch hard against his face, wanting to feel it deep, and deeper, over and over.

Bernie felt his strong hands on her butt, molded to her cheeks, squeezing simultaneously with each of her movements. With each stroke, eight, ten, twelve, Bernie pinched his tongue with her cunt and Jayden tasted her hot briny sauce. Then Bernie tensed when she felt his finger enter her asshole.

“What are you doing?” she asked curtly.

He backed off and said, “Getting a better grip. Easier to hang on for the ride.”

He removed his finger from her ass and slipped his hand into her runny twat, soaking it. Then he stuck the finger back up her ass with a jolt.

“Yeow!” Bernie squeaked.

He lowered his head back into her crotch, licked each of her slick lips, and stabbed his tongue into her a couple times. Then he wrapped his mouth around her plumped clit and sucked it like a syphon.

“Oh my God!” she blurted.

Bernie’s body writhed on the bed like a fish out of water with her asshole pivoting on Jayden’s embedded finger and her clit plastered to his lips. She had her hands on the back of his head with one fist gripping his pony tail. She mashed her groin into him, and soon wrapped her legs around the back of his neck and squeezed tightly. His mouth and her cunt were working hard and fast as a single unit, every thrust accompanied by grunts of pleasure and a sharp poke up her ass, and each one taking her closer to orgasm.

Her climax was loud and wet. Bernie almost screamed when she released, and her legs became like channel locks around his head, and her saved-up cum sprung from her and soaked his face and mouth and the bedspread. When she’d expelled all of her ejaculate and her body became still and free of tremors, Jayden spent the next several minutes lapping up excess cum from her pussy and thighs.

By then he was ready to fuck her.

Jayden rose up on his knees, his cock hard and long and thick. Bernie’s eyes turned into saucers as she marveled at it.

“I’m gonna fuck you now,” he said.

Bernie nodded fast and furiously. She groaned when his cock entered her. It felt large inside her. He started slowly but soon he was pounding her. With the force of his fucking and his weight atop her, his finger felt even bigger and sharper and deeper in her ass. She pounded him back with all she had, matching him stroke for stroke and grunt for grunt, and the double penetration made her feel like she didn’t know if she was going to come or shit. But she did know one thing: This was the most-fucked she had ever been.

The bed was rocking and knocking. Jayden was squeezing Bernie’s ass with his other hand. Her legs were scissored around his, and her arms were around his back. Their eyes were wide and locked-in and they stared at each other as they fucked away. Their bodies were hot and slick with sweat but it felt cool on their skin in the air-conditioned room. Bernie felt his dick inside her, gliding in and out of her soaked, slippery cunt. She felt her water rising when Jayden’s body shuddered.

“I’m gonna come,” he said. “Is it okay if…”

“Yes!” she barked. “Me too.”

Jayden groaned raspy and deep like a leaky trombone. He banged her harder; he wanted to give her every drop.

Bernie took the pounding and her body released its own flow, and their cum met and mixed inside her. When their bodies finally stilled and Jayden pulled his lumber out of her, their blended juices seeped out of her and onto the bed.


Bernie and Jayden were lying together basking in their afterglow. She was resting in his arms with her head on his shoulder and one arm around him. The fingers of her other hand were wrapped around his cock.

She liked how it felt in her hand. Substantial. Big and heavy. She was thinking that she wanted it again, and began stroking it. She raised her head to kiss him and his tongue plunged into her mouth and she sucked on it. As they kissed his cock grew in her hand and her ass was palmed by his.

She pulled her mouth off of his and said, “I want some more of this,” and squeezed his turgid thickness.

He lifted her ass and rolled her on top of him. He put two fingers in her mouth and she sucked on them, then with his hands on her hips he lifted her and she pointed the tip of his cock at her open gash. She lowered onto it and felt all of it again fill her up.

“Ooh, ugh…” Bernie slurred when Jayden’s fingers filled her asshole.

Up and down, up and down, over and over he lifted her and lowered her and craned his groin into her with every movement. The bed groaned with Bernie as she rode him, harder and faster. Jayden held himself back, wanting her to come first, so on and on they fucked until she did.

Bernie’s orgasm was coupled with a rebel yell when she came on him. Jayden did his sick trombone bleat when he came in her.

She collapsed on the bed and thought that maybe this is the time when Jayden would get up and leave, but he didn’t. ‘Oh well’, she thought, ‘Guess I’m sleeping with him tonight’.

Which she did. Which probably is a good thing, she thought, because he’ll have a nice, big boner in the morning. Which is exactly what happened.

Bernie woke with the sun with her naked body up against his. She felt around between his legs and found it. His cock, long and hard.

So she sucked it. Then she fucked it. And she kissed him goodbye. Then she showered, got dressed, checked out and drove to her office.



Oh my God! I can’t believe what I did…what we did. It was like I was on auto-pilot or something. As soon as we got into the room I turned into a whore for Jayden’s cock. And what a cock…it’s huge. Jesus, when it came out of his pants, hanging there from its hairless perch, I swear it looked like a giant sausage on some smokehouse wall. And it was darker than the rest of him, that was a surprise, but it turned me on even more. The inner slut that I never knew was inside me came out and took over. I looked at his ripped body and his big hard cock and just went off. I wanted it. I couldn’t believe it, that’s the first time I ever sucked a man’s cock before we even kissed! And we fucked like animals, it felt like we were Tarzan and Jane.


I definitely wanted to fuck Bernie, but, I don’t know, maybe it’s because she’s my boss, but I had no idea she would be such a wild whore in bed. And what a cocksucker, I had her lipstick all over my body, my cock and balls and thighs and neck and face and who knows where else. I can still taste it, still taste her, and can still feel her slinky hair between my fingers and her hand around my cock.


That’s how their affair began. They both knew there was no going back now, they’d done it. They couldn’t unring the bell; they would have to be secretive and discreet.

It heated up even more after that. Every other week Bernie would plan a day riding with Jayden…or sometimes just an afternoon…and it was always just a prelude to what they were going to do in her hotel room that night. Bernie would anxiously look forward to those days and they would professionally go through the motions of the sales calls until they could get back to the hotel and fuck. Bernie was Jayden’s boss when they were at work, no one could mistake that. But they were equal coworkers when they got in the sack.

Some of Jayden’s clients sensed what was going on. A couple asked him about it, a couple came right out and asked him if she was as good in bed as she was good-looking. Jayden denied it but they knew, and he took the ribbing well.

Bernie would think about Jayden often in between their trysts. When she and her husband had their regular weekend fuck she found herself comparing his every move to Jayden. Fred wasn’t very adventurous in bed. He had a routine and didn’t stray from it much. She wanted to direct him, ask him to do this or that, but she didn’t. She knew that if she said, ‘Oh Fred, please stick your fingers up my ass’ it would make him suspicious.

Jayden thought of Bernie too. There was the kidding from the clients of course, but that didn’t really bother him. He worked hard for Bernie, and when she came to town he fucked her hard. He wanted to keep her happy with his job performance and with the sex, and he jerked off a lot in between. But he knew he had to be careful and not fall in love. That could mess everything up.

A couple months later there was a regional meeting planned at the corporate office. These were held twice a year and were mandatory, so Jayden would be attending. Bernie had warned him to keep his distance from her during the meetings or people might figure out what was going on. He agreed. Their body language had given them away in front of some of his clients, and they didn’t even know her; no telling what people who knew her well might perceive.

There was no problem avoiding each other during the meetings. Jayden was meeting lots of people for the first time--Wendy introduced him to many of her sales reps--and Bernie was involved with the management and the presentations of some awards to various reps. They made eye contact from afar a couple of times during lunch. Then during the afternoon break they ended up face to face in the hallway after he came out of the restroom.

“Hello, Jayden,” Bernie said apprehensively.

“Hi, Bernie,” he said, looking straight into her eyes.

“Are you enjoying the meeting?”

“Yes,” he said. “Nice people, very informative, lots of good information.”

“I hope at the next meeting you will be one of those coming up on stage to receive an award.”

“I’m working on that,” he said, and smiled. He leaned closer and said, “But I may need a private training session. You know, one on one.”

Bernie smiled, looked around and said, “Oh, you’re not getting enough from our ride-alongs?”

“The ride-alongs are great. But I can’t get enough. I was thinking maybe some private tutoring. Maybe on the couch in your office.”

She shook her head. “Ssh, you’re terrible!” She noticed Wendy approaching, then she added in a voice loud enough for her to hear, “I’m glad you’re enjoying the meeting, Jayden. Drive safely on the way home.”

He watched Wendy and Bernie walking away and then headed back to the auditorium. About ninety minutes later as the meeting was coming to an end, his cell phone vibrated. It was a text from Bernie.

It read: ‘My office 30 minutes’.


The auditorium cleared out in a hurry as a hundred sales reps made a mass exodus to the parking lot to find their cars and drive off into rush hour traffic. Jayden walked the hallways killing time as the daytime employees at the corporate office ended their day.

When he knocked on the open door to Bernie’s office she was standing at the window closing the blinds.

“Hi, come on in,” she said, and then quietly added: “Close the door.”

He closed the door and walked toward her desk. She was standing beside it, looking hot and ready in her sleek knee-length red dress with its sexy V-neck, and twisted yellow gold dangling from her ears, neck and wrist. She flicked a tress of hair out of her eye with a subtle sway of her head. He stood in front of her for a moment. She smiled coyly.

“So, I guess we like to live dangerously, huh?” she said.

“Yeah, I guess we do,” he replied.

They were on each other like pit bulls on a side of beef.

Their bodies exploded together and their open mouths met with a charged frenzy and instantly their tongues were like electric eels tying knots. Their arms tightly enwrapped their bodies but in quick time their hands instinctively dove for the spaces between their legs.

Jayden pulled up the front of her dress for easy access and pressed his hand into her crotch and pushed two fingers into her pussy through the cloth of her thong. Bernie rubbed the crotch of his pants and felt the bulk of his cock as it came to life. She started on his belt buckle.

He pushed her back and to the left so her butt was resting on the edge of her desk. He pushed her dress up and knelt in front of her.

“Let’s take this off,” he said, and Bernie squiggled her butt while he pulled her thong down and off and handed it to her. She tossed it onto her desk.

Jayden looked up at her. Her ass resting on the desk, her dress bunched around her waist, her pussy exposed. Then he bulldozed his face into her twat like he was the defending champ in a pie-eating contest.

Bernie tried to keep quiet as he ate her out. It was hard to do because she was clutching his head and doing her best to fuck his face. The grinding went on for several minutes until Bernie’s cunt was feverish and soaked and leaky. Jayden could feel the seepage on his chin and his dick was now a steaming lead pipe. He gave her clit three good hard sucks, then stood up in front of her and finished unbuckling his pants.

“You ever been fucked on your desk?” he asked.

“No. But I thought you wanted one-on-one on the couch?” she said.

“That can wait,” he said. He unzipped his pants and dropped them.

As many times as she had had it and seen it and thought about it, the sight of his cock still was a feast for her eyes whenever he took it out. She didn’t see it for long because Jayden quickly guided it into her soppy sinkhole and covered her mouth with his and started banging her.

Again Bernie tried to muffle her moans into murmurs lest they’d be found out. This was her office not the Holiday Inn, and there still might be workers roaming about. So their groins pounded out a steady beat and each mouth muted any sounds from the other.

After several minutes of kiss-fucking Bernie’s cell phone rang. They stopped what they were doing and Bernie looked down at the phone on her desk.

“Shit,” she said. “I have to get this. Wait a sec.”

She picked up the phone and answered the call with Jayden’s cock still inside her.

“Hello….Oh, Hi….Yes, it was, I was very happy with the way it went….Yes, I am….I’m in a meeting with a sales rep….Sure….Okay, give me just a few minutes….See you then.”

Jayden’s dick was still hard and still inside her and still interested in finishing what it had started. He started again swinging it into her.

“That was the CFO. I have to go meet with him for a little while. I’m not in the office all that much so when he knows I’m here he usually has something he has to review with me.”

Jayden kissed her and started fucking her harder.

“You turn me on so fucking much,” he rasped. “When you talk business like that you make me so horny.” He started slamming his cock into her. She slammed him right back.

“Hurry up and come,” she whispered. “I have a meeting to go to.”

It didn’t take much longer. Bernie held onto his neck and wrapped her legs around his as her pussy absorbed the sweet, hard punishment of his big pole, and when she felt his body tense up she knew what was coming.

He tried to soften his volcanic groan as best he could, but this ejaculation was a real afterburner. It was a big one, stored up all day while he watched his secret lover from afar, and it burned on the way up, burned on the way out, and burned after it was all gone. When he pulled out of her there was a long, hot rope hanging from the head of his cock.

Bernie didn’t reach an orgasm, she was too distracted. She tried her best to straighten herself up.

“You didn’t come,” Jayden said, as he tucked in and buckled up.

“No, I was too nervous I guess. You owe me one.”

“Just one?”

“Tell you what,” she said softly. “Go out and get a drink or something nearby, I’ll call you when I’m done. It shouldn’t take too long. I’ll take you home with me. My husband’s in Hong Kong.”

“Do I get to fuck you in your own bed?”

“You can fuck me anywhere you want.”


Bernie was a little flustered. She went to the restroom to freshen up. Not too bad considering, she thought as she looked in the mirror. She touched up her lipstick and straightened her hair. Then she went to meet with the CFO.

The meeting took longer than she expected, and it seemed even longer and Bernie found it very hard to concentrate after about ten minutes in. That was when she realized she’d left her thong back in her office.

After the meeting, which lasted over half an hour, she rushed back to her office. She flipped on the light and walked over to her desk. But the thong was missing.

Bernie started to panic. She remembered tossing the damp, funky garment on the desk. She searched around the desk, the floor, the chair. Nothing. Her handbag, the sofa, nothing. She opened up the top left desk drawer and the one below it, same result. Then she opened the top right drawer--one she didn’t use much, as she was left-handed--and there it was. Neatly folded.

“Shit,” she said to herself.

She didn’t remember putting it in the drawer. Had she? She lifted it up to her nostrils and smelled her sex.


She went out to the parking lot, got into her car and called Jayden as she was driving home. She gave him directions to her house and told him to pull right into the garage. She told him about her thong mysteriously moving from the top of her desk to the drawer.

“It wasn’t me,” he said.

“Shit,” she said.


Bernie got home, changed her clothes and put on an old floral cotton dress and nothing else. The dress had a zipper in back all the way down to her ass. She wanted to be wearing something that was easy to get out of. She was opening a bottle of wine when her cell phone rang. It was Beverly. Beverly was her very efficient, very feisty thirty-something bisexual executive assistant.

“Hi Boss,” Beverly said. “Hey, just a heads-up, I went into your office earlier tonight to drop off the file with last week’s numbers and I found a thong on your desk. I didn’t think you’d want the cleaning crew to find it so I put it in your top right drawer.”

“Yes, I found it, thank you.” Bernie tried to think of some clever excuse but Beverly continued before she could.

“Tsk, Tsk, Tsk. I won’t ask any questions, but I gotta say, it smelled pretty good. If you decide you want to experiment, maybe swing both ways, you let me know. I can hook you up.”

Bernie laughed. “No, thanks, I’m okay, but I’ll think about it.”

“Okay, well you have a good night, and I’ll see you in the morning.”

“Yes, good night, and Beverly…”


“Thank you.”

“No problem, you’re welcome. I’m here to serve.”

Relieved, Bernie ended the call and took the bottle and a couple glasses out onto the lanai and sat by the pool. A couple minutes later she heard a car pull into her garage, a door slam, and the sound of the automatic garage door closing. Jayden entered the house through the kitchen and Bernie called to him to come outside. She poured him a glass.

Even though she’d just seen him a little over an hour before she loved the sight of him. They’d been interrupted in her office and they had unfinished business. He walked outside and she rose to kiss him. His cheeks and chin were blotched with lipstick.

“Jayden, look at your face, it’s covered with my lipstick.” She tried wiping it off with her finger.

“Oh shit,” he said. “No wonder I was getting funny looks.”

“Did you see anybody at the office when you were leaving?”

“Just an overweight executive-looking dude and a short redhead chick. She was coming out of an office a couple doors down from yours.”

“Beverly,” she said. “My assistant. She found my thong.”

Jayden sat in the chair next to Bernie and took a swig of wine. He looked around the lanai and the pool area.

“This is nice,” he said. “You have a beautiful home. And the pool looks fabulous.”

“Thank you. Take a swim if you like. It’s been a long day, it will be refreshing.”

“What about you?”

“I will. I’m chilling right now for a few minutes. I was a little upset about the panty raid until I found out it was Beverly. But go ahead, you first. I love to watch a naked man swim.”

Jayden smiled and took another healthy gulp of wine.

“You talked me into it,” he said, and started taking off his shoes and socks.

He stood a few feet away unbuttoning his shirt. He placed it over the back of the chair. He unbuckled his belt and unzipped and pushed down his pants and skivvies in one quick swoosh.

And there it was. That big, thick piece of dangling meat, right before her eyes. She wanted to reach out and suck it into her mouth right then but she resisted the temptation. She watched him drape his pants on the chair and turn around. She was staring at the crack of his ass when he dove into the pool.

Bernie topped off her glass and watched Jayden swim around for a few minutes. He had a nice, strong stroke, just like in bed, she thought. She loved the smooth flex of the muscles in his shoulders and arms and upper back.

“You coming in?” Jayden called as he was treading water in the deep end.

“I’m enjoying myself watching you.”

“Don’t make me come get you.”

Jayden paddled into the shallow end and then walked up the three steps out of the pool.

“Okay, I’m coming,” Bernie said, rising out of her chair.

Jayden strode over to her just as she stood upright. He took her in his arms and they kissed. Then he lifted her up, one arm around her back and the other around her legs. And he jumped into the pool.

First Bernie screamed but then she shrieked with laughter after they’d splashed into the water and come up for air. Jayden unzipped her dress and pulled it off and threw it to the far end of the pool. It continued floating as they made out.

They took it into the bedroom where they twisted into sixty-nine position and Bernie tried to suck all of the chlorine off of Jayden’s cock and Jayden tried to lick all of the chlorine out of Bernie’s twat, and both got a mouthful of cum as a result. Then Jayden got on top and fucked her till they passed out.


They woke up around midnight and made sandwiches. They hadn’t eaten dinner and were famished. They ate the sandwiches and went back to bed. They didn’t fool around because they fell right back to sleep.

In the early morning Jayden woke up and his cock was hard. The sun was just coming up. He nudged Bernie awake and they kissed, and her hand instinctively reached for his crotch and she took immediate interest in his boner. Soon she was sucking it with intense gusto, and she even stuck her finger up his ass the way he did to her. He liked it and held her head as he fucked her face. With a stone-hard morning chubby it never takes long and in a minute he ejaculated into her throat. Bernie kissed him and said ‘good morning’.

“Good morning,” Jayden said. “And thank you. That was a nice way to wake up on my birthday.”

Bernie shied backward. “Birthday? Today’s your birthday? I didn’t know that, although I guess I should have. But I didn’t get you anything.”

“Don’t worry, I’m getting plenty already.”

“Tell me what you want. What can I give you for your birthday? Besides the blow job?”

“I’ll think about it,” he said. “But first I want to take a dip in the pool. Is that okay?”


Jayden got out of the bed and walked to the french doors which opened onto the lanai. She watched his naked ass as he walked to the pool and dove in with a splash. Bernie went to the bathroom and peed and washed and brushed. She wrapped a robe around herself, went to the kitchen and turned on the coffeemaker, then walked out to the pool. Jayden was sitting on the lower step, the water up to his chest. Bernie hitched up her robe and sat on the edge of the pool at the side of the steps facing him. Her crotch was about level with his chin. Jayden scooted in close.

“So did you decide what I can give you for your birthday.”

“Yes,” he said, opening her robe. “I did.” Then he put his face in her crotch and ate her pussy.

‘Damn’, Bernie thought. She put her hands on his head, scooted closer on the Gunite surface and chafed her butt in the process. She’d never had her pussy eaten so much in her whole life as she had since she’d started fucking Jayden. She ground her mound into his face and held his head firmly while she tried to clamp her cunt muscles down on his tongue as it slipped around inside of her. Finally she wailed like wildcat when he chomped down on her sweet spot and sucked.

‘Oh shit’, she thought as he suckled her plump meat, ‘Here I come again and the coffee isn’t even ready yet’. And then: ‘Hell with the coffee’!

She came in a spasmodic gush, and felt chills, partly from the cold pool water washing over her open twat but mostly from her orgasm, which was pretty high on her carnal Richter scale. Jayden drank her warm cum and felt it on his face, and dunked his head in the pool before he rose to kiss her.

“God, Jayden, you’re an animal; a handsome, beautiful, sexy animal,” Bernie said, after a thirty-second tongue suck.

“I’m not done yet,” he said. “Now I’m gonna get my birthday present.” He kissed her.

“Really? And what’s that?”

Jayden put his mouth next to Bernie’s ear and whispered, “I wanna fuck you up the ass.” He kissed her again.

“Oh, I don’t know about that,” she said.

“Come on, let’s do it. I’ve fantasized about it. With an ass as nice as yours, you know a man is gonna wanna fuck it. You like my fingers up there.” He kissed her again and sucked on her ear.

“I know I do, but…it’s too big.”

“We’ll take it slow. Remember the first time you sucked me? You could barely take half in your mouth. Now you can practically swallow the damn thing.”

“I know but…I don’t know. What about lubricant? I don’t have any.”

“How about vegetable oil…do you have any?”

“Yes, in the kitchen.”

“Get it,” he said. “Now.” He kissed her again.

Bernie walked to the kitchen with her robe hanging open. She turned off the coffeepot and took a bottle of oil out of the cupboard. When she returned to the pool she saw that Jayden had pulled the cushions from the lounge chairs and formed a makeshift mattress on the patio beside the pool. She handed the oil to him.

He took her into his arms and as he buried his face into her neck he pushed the robe off of her shoulders and it fell to the ground.

“Lie on the cushions, face down,” he said. “And relax.”

Bernie did. She was nervous, but curious too. She’d definitely thought about this. She liked the feeling of his fingers in her ass, but his cock was a lot longer and fatter. She couldn’t imagine that big old thing up there.

Jayden spread her legs and knelt between them. He started by gently massaging her lower back and slowly moving to her buttocks, helping her to relax. He started kissing her butt all over, circling around, slowly closing in on her asshole. Then he spread her cheeks apart and licked her opening.

Bernie gasped when she felt his tongue dancing around her rim. But she soon relaxed and enjoyed the flittery softness as he licked her and teased her. After several minutes of that Bernie gasped again when she felt the length of his spongy tongue ram into her asshole.

She savored the slushy plunging, jabbing inside her over and over, and she eased into a blissful repose. She knew what he was doing, and it was working. He was easing her into it, one step at a time. She was loving it but in anticipation, she also found herself wanting him to move on.

After a few more minutes he pulled out.

“You smell good,” he said. “Ivory soap and pool water.”

He grabbed the oil and poured it over her ass. Bernie sighed when she felt it dripping into her crack. Jayden started smearing it all around her asshole and made sure a healthy dose oozed into her. He stretched one cheek as far out as he could to open her and she squeaked when he stuck the length of his index finger into her and squiggled it around so the oil would reach all of her anal far-off places. And while he was doing this, Jayden started singing.

“Happy birthday to me….Happy birthday to me...Happy birthday dear Jayden…”

Bernie giggled and wiggled her ass and squeezed her sphincter tightly around his finger.

“Ah, very nice,” he said. He slipped his middle finger into her. His fingers dug around in a circular in-and-out motion.

“Ahh…” Bernie sighed. She was reveling in the gentle pulsing in her ass and she started moving it gently back and forth in sync, aiding the penetration.

Jayden did this for a couple minutes. He could tell Bernie was getting into it. Then he pulled his fingers out. With a finger and thumb of his left hand he stretched her asshole wide. Then he tightly grouped three fingers on his right hand and put them to her hole and shimmied them in.

“Ugh,” Bernie grunted. “What, do you have your whole hand in there?”

“Three fingers,” he said. “This is good. This is going to work out fine.”

He three-finger-fucked her for a minute. Bernie was taking it like a champ, groaning with every poke but going with it. His dick felt like an overloaded pipe, ready to blow. He knew it was time to put his tractor in her trailer.

Jayden pulled his fingers out. He widened her hole again and put the head of his inflexible pecker at the opening. He entered her and eased his cock into her with easy baby swings.

“Oh, God,” Bernie said.

Little by little his easy baby swings became more and more determined and within a minute or two his swinging became slinging and with his grunts and her groans they were making some beautiful butt music.

Bernie was slinging right along, and stroking her own swollen tool as well, even though her ass felt like an overstuffed burrito, steaming and about to split. But Jayden kept filling her stretched tortilla, stride after stride until his rambunctious cum was uprising.

“God damn this is good,” Jayden said. “I’m gonna come…”

“You better come,” Bernie blurted loudly. “I don’t think…”

“Here I come…”

With a feral growl Jayden released his load with two or three good hot shots in the depth of her asshole and the rest squirted on the cheeks of her ass and lower back when he pulled out. He collapsed on top of Bernie and with his cock resting in her crack he kissed her neck and the side of her face. Bernie relaxed beneath him and even though the inside of her reamed ass was sore and felt like creamed spinach she was proud and pleased that she’d taken it.

“You’re incredible!” Jayden said. “I could get used to this.”

“I figured that,” Bernie said.

“Are you okay?”

“Yeah, I’m fine.”

“God, I love your ass.”

Suddenly they heard some noises coming from the kitchen. They looked over to see a short dark-haired woman rummaging in a cabinet. When she turned around she looked right at them for a second.

“Oh shit!” Bernie said. “It’s Delia. Get up.”

“Delia? Who’s Delia?”

“My housekeeper,” Bernie said, as she was putting on her robe. “She comes every other week. I forgot today was her day. Shit, you have to get out of here. Come on.”

Jayden collected his clothing and footwear, which were still by the pool where he’d left them the night before, and followed Bernie into her bedroom. He hastily dressed and Bernie escorted him to the garage. She kissed him goodbye and said she’d call him later and schedule a ride-along. She told him maybe they would do most of their riding in the hotel room.

Bernie went into her bathroom and look a long hot shower. She scrubbed her whole body squeaky clean and washed her hair. She washed all the cum out of her pussy. She shoved her soapy fingers and washrag up her ass, getting his cum out of there too, and she liked it. It felt good. She knew now they had added a new number to their repertoire and she’d be getting it up the ass from now on.

She dried off and went to her walk-in closet. She felt utterly fucked and sexy as hell and she dressed that way in a tight black skirt and matching jacket and a low-cut white blouse.

Before she left for work she went to the kitchen where Delia was mopping the floor.

“Delia, can I speak with you for a moment?” she said.

Delia stopped mopping and turned to face Bernie. She had a scared look on her face.

“Delia, I’m sorry you had to see what you saw out there,” Bernie said, with a nod toward the pool.

“It’s okay,” Delia said.

“No, it is not. I forgot this was your day to clean. You shouldn’t have had to walk in and see that.”

“It’s okay,” Delia repeated. “I took your dress out of the pool and put it in the wash.”

“Thank you,” Bernie said, even more embarrassed. She’d forgotten about the dress. “Again, my apologies, Delia. And I hope you can keep what you saw to yourself.”

“Yes, Miss Bernie.”

Bernie thanked her again and said, “Well, I have to get to work,” as she turned to leave.

“Hombre guapo!” Delia called behind her. “Pene grande!”

Bernie shook her head laughing on the way out the door.



Jayden and I had been fuck buddies for a couple months already but our affair was elevated to a whole new level in one night. It’s one thing to screw in a hotel room two hours away from home where no one knows me, but it’s a completely different story to have such a close call in my office at work and then to go home and get caught red-handed by the maid with Jayden’s dick in my ass!

It was stupid to take such a risk at the office, I knew that. And I just plum forgot it was Delia’s day to clean the house. But God, what a rush it was. I get chills just thinking about it. This kid is under my skin now and I don’t know if I could get him out even if I wanted to. He’s inside me in many different ways.


Fucking Bernie is like a narcotic. First time I saw her I thought she was hot, and the more time I spent with her the hotter she became. Of course I thought about what it would be like to fuck her--what guy wouldn’t?--but she was my boss, she was older, she was married, and there didn’t seem like any way in hell it could ever happen. Until it did.

At first I thought, Wow, I’m fucking my boss. But then I realized we are a man and a woman…a fucking hot and sexy woman…and she wanted to fuck me too. She started it, thankfully, because I don’t know if I would of had the nerve. Every time I put my cock into her is like taking a trip.

Then it got even crazier, better. The night of the regional meeting I fucked her on her desk, right in her office. I threw that idea out there as a joke and I couldn’t believe we did that, that she would do that.

But it made us closer somehow, even more intimate. It was intense enough already. For two months she couldn’t get enough and I don’t know how many times we fucked or how many times my dick was inside her, in her mouth, in her pussy. And now I’ve been in her house, and in her pool, and in her bed, and in her ass. I think I’m in her head too; I know she’s in mine.


They started hooking up even more often. Bernie would drive the two hours, ride along with Jayden, then they’d go to the hotel and fuck. Sometimes they would each drive an hour and shack up at a hotel midway between. Jayden even drove to Bernie’s house a couple times, arriving late and leaving early, careful to avoid the days Delia was scheduled to clean. Bernie felt safe if they were out of town because there would be little chance of being found out.

There was a close call at the house one time. Bernie was on the sofa getting her pussy licked when her cell phone rang. It was her daughter Tina so she answered the phone while Jayden was going at it. Tina was moving in with her fiance and said she wanted to come over to the house and pick up a couple of chairs that Bernie had said they could have. As they talked Jayden didn’t let up and Bernie was hoping Tina couldn’t hear him chomping away. Fortunately Bernie was able to convince her to pick up the chairs the following day and just as she was hanging up the phone she came in Jayden’s face.

“It’s a good thing I picked up the phone,” Bernie said a minute later. “Or Tina and her fiance could have walked right in on us.”

That was all she said, though. She couldn’t keep talking with a dick in her mouth.


It came time for the next regional meeting. In the days leading up to it Jayden teased Bernie that he was looking forward to the meeting because he’d finally get to do her on the sofa in her office.

The meeting was much like the previous one, with motivational speakers, new promotions, training and awards, one of which Jayden received. When he walked on stage to receive his award from Bernie, they shook hands and her eyes were searing into his. She said ‘Congratulations’, then leaned closer and added softly, ‘There may be another award later’.

That evening after the meeting he went to her office. Bernie was seated behind her desk talking on the phone and she pointed at a chair for him to sit. A minute later there was a knock on the door. It was Beverly and Bernie waved her in. When she ended her call she made introductions.

“Beverly, this is Jayden. Jayden, this is my assistant Beverly.”

Jayden rose and said, “Nice to meet you Beverly,” as they shook hands.

“Likewise, Jayden,” she said. “Congratulations on your award. You are off to a very impressive start with our company.”

“Thank you. Bernie has been a lot of help.”

“Oh, I know she has.” She turned back to Bernie and handed her a file. “Here’s the report. Do you need anything else?”

“No, that should do it. Thank you. Have a nice night.”

Beverly walked away and when she reached the door she turned around, gave Bernie the thumbs-up sign and silently mouthed ‘Have Fun’. She walked out closing the door behind her.

Bernie and Jayden looked at each other and didn’t say anything for a moment.

“What are you thinking?” Bernie asked.

“You know what I’m thinking,” he said.

“You want us to get horizontal on that, don’t you,” nodding at the sofa.

“It’d be a good start.”

“Jayden, I have to get out of here tonight. I’m afraid the CFO will call again. And there is a strange vibe around here, it feels weird somehow, I’ve felt it for days. Let’s go find another sofa.”

They left separately and went out to dinner, at a small cafe not too close to the office and not to close to home. Then Jayden followed Bernie home and parked his car in the garage next to hers.

They went inside and fucked on the couch.


About a week later Bernie found out that the weird vibe she’d been feeling at the office was not a figment of her imagination. Very soon the life she knew was to drastically change in a number of ways.

They were in the hotel midway between the office and Jayden’s territory. They thought it was going to be another rapturous night of lovemaking, and it did start out that way, but things soon went south.

Bernie had just gotten out of the shower when Jayden arrived. She wore nothing but a towel. They embraced, kissed for a moment and the towel fell away. Jayden slowly backed her up until Bernie was sitting on the arm of the sofa. The back of the sofa was against the wall, so he told her to sit up there. Then he knelt on the sofa and buried his face into her pussy. A few minutes later Bernie came in a screaming rush. Jayden stood and took off his pants, then he climbed up and fucked her up against the wall.

A little while later they were on the bed naked and Bernie sucked his cock until it was at high alert. Then she slathered it with lubricant because Jayden had said he wanted to fuck her up the old dirt road. Jayden was lubing Bernie’s asshole when her cell phone started ringing in the bathroom, but she didn’t answer. He placed a pillow under Bernie’s butt and she raised her legs. She spread her buttocks for him and he put the head of his dick against the rim of her asshole. He entered her and soon his cock was fucking her ass, his tongue was fucking her mouth, and Bernie’s finger was plucking her clit like it was a Jews Harp.

They went at it for a few hard minutes until they both came, Jayden first and Bernie next. They collapsed on the bed for a while before Bernie got up and went to check her phone.

“Uh, oh,” she said. “This can’t be good.”

“What’s the matter?” Jayden asked.

“It’s the Human Resources Director. Why’s he calling me after hours?”

Bernie sat on the bed and returned the call. He answered on the second ring.

“Hello, it’s Bernie. You needed to talk to me?...Okay…Yes, I could…Jayden?…Yes...Okay…Goodbye.”

Bernie ended the call and sat quietly for a moment. She could feel Jayden’s cum seeping out of her ass.

“I think we’re in trouble, Hon.”

“Why? What’s up?”

“I have to go to the HR office tomorrow morning at ten o’clock. And so do you.”



I couldn’t believe what was happening. There I was sitting at a conference table across from the HR director and the chief of security. They didn’t look happy. They knew all about my affair with Jayden and said that it is a definite no-no and I knew it, it’s in the management handbook. They had photos of both of us entering and leaving the hotels with dates and times, and of our cars parked in the hotel lot. They had hotel records, some phone records, they had me dead in the water.

They asked me to answer a simple yes-no question and said if I answer yes there will be a simple solution and if I answer no things could get drawn-out and ugly. They asked: Are you having an affair and sexual relationship with our employee Jayden ____.”

I couldn’t lie, they knew the truth. I said I was. They told me they were very sorry but they were only doing what they had to do. They said I was being terminated and put some papers in front of me to sign, which I did.

It was humiliating of course, but it all was over in twenty minutes. One good result of it was that by signing I was agreeing to accept the termination without reciprocation, and would receive a good chunk of change to go away quietly. I wouldn’t call it a golden parachute, but maybe a silver or bronze one. With severance, unused leave and my 401K I’d be walking out with over a million dollars.

Beverly called me later in the day to tell me how sorry she was. She said the security guy had come snooping around but she swore she hadn’t told anyone a thing. I believe her.


I had to cancel my appointments for the day. I drove to the office afraid that I knew what was coming. Bernie and I went separately of course, and they had me wait in an office for a half-hour before they summoned me. They led me into a room with a big long table and the HR guy and some security jarhead sat across from me. They asked me if I was having sex with Bernie and said not to lie because they already knew the answer. I said I was.

I got the feeling they were both jealous of me. Bernie had told me about a few times when men around the office had put the moves on her and said a couple were still around and had hard feelings.

They told me I was fired but that I would get a nice severance package if I agreed not to try and sue anybody. It was a fair amount of dough, more than I would have expected. I took the money. I didn’t want to work there any more anyway if Bernie was out.


Bernie and Jayden went to lunch and then said goodbye, and they wouldn’t be in touch for several days because her husband Fred was due home that afternoon. Bernie was bummed out and stressing about how she would break the news to him.

Tina and her fiance Jim came over for dinner the following night. Tina thought something was troubling Bernie and asked her about it but Bernie said everything was fine, just the normal headaches of the corporate world.

Late Saturday night she and Fred were having sex but Bernie’s mind was elsewhere. She was thinking about different things. She was thinking about how to tell Fred she’d lost her job, and could she tell him and leave out the real reason why? No, because he knew people she worked with and would be bound to learn the truth anyway. She was thinking about how they had found out about the affair, and where she had screwed up. And as Fred mindlessly pounded away on top of her, she was thinking about Jayden, and their night in the hotel when the HR director called, and how he’d pinned her up against the wall on the back of the sofa and fucked the hell out of her.

She chickened out. She decided she would tell him the next week.

But next week never came.


It was Tuesday night. Bernie and Jayden were sitting by the pool sipping iced tea and talking. Jayden was actually not too upset by the firing, but of course he didn’t have all of the associated baggage that a husband and family brought into it. Bernie was addicted to the sex with Jayden, but the thought of a future with him she had only just begun to consider.

“At least now we only have to keep a few people in the dark about us instead of a whole corporation,” he said.

“I can’t. They’re going to find out. It’s my family. I have to tell them.”

“Let’s run away together.”

“If I was single I probably would. Where would we go?”

“Where would you want to go?”

“Curacao,” she said. “You’ve told me how nice it is and how you figure you will go back someday. I think that is the ‘where’ for you. And working with your father might be the ‘what’.

“And are you the ‘who’?”

“I don’t know. But two out of three ain’t bad.”

“Ah, there is this beautiful spot. It is called Paliaw Cove in the south on the leeward side. My father and I have talked about it, it would be perfect for his small fleet. There is a small beach and marinas and an inn on the hillside that changes hands every few years. We’ve talked about buying it and expanding it. It’s an ideal location for a quiet getaway, fishing, scuba diving and snorkeling, and sight-seeing trips.”

“Sounds wonderful,” Bernie said.

“It is,” he said. “But I’ll have to keep you away from my old man. He loves the ladies. Especially pretty ones.”

They smiled at each other and kissed. The doorbell interrupted them.

Bernie looked at her watch. It was a little late for a social call. Jayden got out of sight and Bernie went to the door. She turned on the porch light and looked through the peephole. There were two men, one in a suit and one in a uniform.

She opened the door into a private hell. The man in the uniform was a deputy sheriff. The man in the suit was from the airline.

“Oh, no,” Bernie said, and covered her mouth with her hands. It must be a plane crash. She always knew there was a possibility of this.

But it wasn’t a crash. Fred had had a heart attack during his layover in Hong Kong. He died before the ambulance got to the condo where he was staying.

Bernie wept in the doorway. The men tried to comfort her but she said no, thanked them, said she needed to be alone. The suit said she would be hearing from them again tomorrow. She called Tina, who said she and Jim would be right over.

She fell into Jayden’s arms. She fought back her tears. She knew she had to get him out of there pretty quick, and he understood. This would not be the time to introduce him. She promised to call him the next day. He kissed her, told her how sorry he was, said goodbye and made a quick exit.

She found out two days later that when Fred had his heart attack he was in bed sticking his dick into a flight attendant named Henrietta. Bernie remembered meeting her and her husband at a Christmas party. She guessed it must have been going on for some time.


Death fucks up everything. Bernie would never have to tell her husband about why she got fired, but she would have to explain it all to Tina, and everybody else would find out anyway. Now she was a widow and would have to deal with all the shit widows have to deal with: funeral homes, burials, death certificates, insurance. And the embarrassment.

Bernie decided that there would be no big funeral, no viewings, no limos, no wake. Just a private memorial service and burial for family and a few close friends.

Bernie arranged everything at the cemetery so that when the body finally arrived things were all set. There would be a service in the small chapel and then everyone would hike a hundred yards to the burial site.

The day was gray and cloudy with a light steady rain. ‘Showers of blessing’, the preacher said. There were only about 25 people there. Jayden skipped the service and burial but was at the house afterward. Bernie wanted him there. She said they all knew about him anyway so they’d probably want to get a closeup look at the handsome young man she was fucking.

Most of the people came back to the house, where food and drink were served. Jayden noticed everybody checking him out. A couple people introduced themselves to him, and Bernie introduced him to others, including Tina and Jim. Tina greeted him rather coolly; Bernie had told her all about her affair with him but she was still not over the shock.

Tina was a younger, darker-haired version of her mother. Lean, shapely body, sleek good looks and a sexy smile.

“I’m sorry about your father, Tina,” Jayden said. “I know this is awkward for both of us, but I am sincere. I am close to my father, although I don’t see him as much as I’d like, and I couldn’t imagine losing him so suddenly. You have my sympathies.” This disarmed Tina a bit.

Later she cornered him. “So how did it happen?” she asked him.

“What do you mean?” he said.

“You know what I mean. You and my mother. How did it start?”

“I don’t know, it just did. She was training me, I don’t know. We liked each other.”

“You liked each other? That’s it? Men have been hitting on her for twenty-some years and she beat them off like she was swatting flies. Why you?”

“Tina, I don’t know…”

“Did you seduce her? Or did she seduce you?”

“You should ask your mother that question… Let’s just say it was mutual.”

Tina smiled subtly for the first time.

“Well, you must be okay. My mother wouldn’t waste her time with a loser.”

“Thank you,” he said.

“Take care of her.”


The next couple of months were busy ones for Bernie. She had to deal with the life insurance companies. Between their personal policies and those of the airline she would net almost a million dollars. And she had to get the house ready to sell. If the appraisal was even close she should net another half-million on the sale. She knew she had to get out. She didn’t know where she was going or what she was going to do next, but when she figured it out she would have the cash.

She didn’t want Jayden to move in with her at first because she knew it wouldn’t look good. But after a couple weeks she didn’t care. She knew she would be leaving, even though she hadn’t discussed it with anyone yet, so she didn’t really care what anybody thought. And she wanted the sex, as much as possible. She wondered if she had a sickness, and wondered what Tina would think if she knew her mother was such a nympho. She just wanted to come, and make Jayden come, in her mouth, in her pussy, on her tits, up her ass, she didn’t care. The only times she wasn’t thinking about everything else was when they were fucking. And she wasn’t sure how healthy that was. Yet as much as she craved it, she knew she would have to give it up for a while. She had to be by herself for a while to figure out where she was going from here.

One day Bernie was on-line and she thought she had found what she was looking for, or at least something that could be a bridge to the next phase of her life. It would also be an adventure, a vacation, and would give her plenty of time to think. A nice, long cruise.

She checked numerous cruise lines and looked at dozens and dozens of cruises of various duration and ports of call. They all ran together in her head. How would she know one from another and which ones were good or bad? And then one jumped out at her and her decision was made. It was a 145-day around-the-world cruise which started and ended in Miami. But what instantly clinched it was the port it sailed into on Day 119: Curacao.

For almost five months no one would know where she was. Solitude. No phones. Communication only by email and only when she felt like it. It would set sail in less than three weeks and there were still cabins available. She booked it.

The next three weeks were spent tying up all the loose ends that were still dangling. She and Jayden and Tina worked around the house getting it ready to sell. They got rid of a lot of stuff and Bernie signed the documents to put the house on the market effective the day she left. She hired an attorney to handle the transaction. She arranged to donate all of the furniture to a local charity. Jayden would stay and house-sit until the deal closed and see that all of the furniture and personal property was picked up before closing.

During those three weeks Bernie and Jayden fucked like rabbits on crystal meth. First thing in the morning, last thing at night and plenty times in between. In the bed, in the pool, on the floor, on the chair, backwards, forwards, sixty-nines. It was like Bernie was a 117-pound sponge trying to soak up enough orgasms to last her 145 days. Her jaws, pussy and asshole were abraded and sore when the day finally came for her to leave.

Jayden drove her to the airport and Tina accompanied them. She would fly to Miami and board the ship the following afternoon. Bernie and Tina hugged and kissed a teary goodbye. Then Tina got to see her mother and Jayden really kiss for the first time. Lovers saying goodbye with tongues and their bodies in a tight hug and their breasts and groins pressed flat against the others’. She could tell by that one kiss that they would be animals in bed.

“Do you understand what she’s doing?” Tina asked Jayden as Bernie walked through the gate to her plane.

“Not really. But her life’s been turned upside-down lately. Needs time, I guess.”

“Yeah, I guess. Do you think she understands what she’s doing?”

“I have no idea,” he said.

“Neither do I,” she said.



I emailed Tina and Jayden as soon as I got settled in on the ship. I wanted to let them know that I’d made it alright but figured that would be our only contact for a while. We’d be cruising through some very remote regions of Earth and internet would be sporadic and phone service almost nonexistent.

The ship was not as big as I expected. It only has about 500 guests. But there is a pool and a nice workout room. I expect to do a lot of swimming and tanning and working out and to catch up on my reading. And of course sightseeing at sixty-some different ports. I will be filling my time with different things because Jayden’s not here to fuck at the drop of a hat. That is one concern I have. How am I going to handle going from being the most over-fucked woman in North America with an insatiable young lover to being celibate?

But I need this time. The last three months have been an earthquake of craziness, sadness, depression and embarrassment. Jayden…and the sex…was the only constant and is what kept me from losing it. Now it’s time for a cleansing of my mind, my body and my heart. I’ll see what’s left after 145 days.


Bernie is gone and I’m alone in her house. It’s kind of lonely but I agreed to house-sit and it’s a lot nicer than my crappy little apartment. I spend my time swimming, going to the gym, running, jerking off. I think of Bernie and wonder if she is fucking anyone on that ship. But I know I shouldn’t do that because when we started our affair I knew she was much older and married and our relationship was doomed in the long run. It wasn’t going to last. Was it?

Bernie left me her itinerary so I bought a world map and hung it on the wall in the room I’m staying in. I have a pushpin that I move every day or two as I track her voyage.

I have to keep the place real neat and clean and be ready to leave on a moment’s notice so real estate agents can show the house. Tina comes over occasionally to get something or check on things. She seems to have warmed up and accepted me, so that’s a relief. I guess she figures that if her Mom cared for me then that’s good enough for her. She never brings her fiance; I don’t think he likes me much.




There are mostly couples on this cruise. There are a few recluses like me and several families, but mostly couples so I haven’t mingled that much. I’m fine with that but once in a while some human interaction is nice. Also I’ve noticed that new people board at most stops, and some get off. Evidently customers can purchase different legs of the cruise and not the whole thing. There are many different nationalities aboard which makes it interesting.

I’ve emailed Tina and Jayden just to touch base and let them know I’m having a lovely cruise. They both responded promptly and told me that the house just went under contract. Other than that not much news on either end.

One thing I did not tell either one of them is that my inner slut came out last night. I was fine for a few weeks but I eventually got horny. I met this kid at the pool bar. He was Scottish, twenty-two years old, a year younger than my daughter. He was on the cruise with his family, some kind of combination reunion and graduation gift. He was kind of cute and started flirting with me and I led him on a little bit. I asked him if he liked older women, he said yes. I asked him if he liked oral sex, he said yes.

I asked him if he’d like to go to bed with me, he said yes. I asked him if he had any condoms and he said no. I told him to go get some.

He went to the ship’s store and was back in ten minutes with a three-pack. We went to my cabin and we used all of them.

He was a good kisser but I had to teach him how to eat pussy. I sat him on the bed, slipped out of my sundress, then pushed him onto his back and sat on his face. His tongue was flying all over the place, I had to get him zeroed in on my magic bean. God, I came like a machine gun, soaked the kid’s face and half the bed. After that I was all his. I watched him undress. His cock wasn’t big, maybe half of Jayden’s, but it was hard and would have to do. I tore open the pack of rubbers and sheathed his cock with one. I told him to fuck me.

He did a pretty good job, I must admit. He grunted like a wounded javelina but we rocked the cabin. After he came and pulled out I couldn’t believe the sack of cum inside the rubber hanging from his cock. It was the size of a golf ball. We fucked two more times, and I surprised him when I told him to do me up the ass. I pulled some coconut oil from the table while he put on a rubber, then I coated his cock with the oil. I knelt on the bed and opened and closed my sphincter a few times, winking at him, and he got a kick out of that. I had developed a good control of my muscles back there after having Jayden’s big bone up there so many times.

I told him to oil me up and soon I felt his slushy fingers in my asshole. I told him to lick it, to stick his tongue in there. He seemed hesitant at first but he did it, I guess the kid likes coconut. Then he stuck his dick up there and fucked me and it felt good after so long without. He had another big glob of cum hanging from the head of his dick when we were through. I gave him a blowjob before he left. After Jayden, deep-throating him was a cinch, and he was pretty impressed with that. He came again. He tasted like fish.


Bernie got a contract on the house. The lawyer called Tina and she came over to let me know. Now I have to get ready to move out. Back to my dingy apartment. What’s next? I’m not sure. I have some cash in the bank. I’m thinking it’s time to go to Curacao, finally go in the business with my father.

Tina has been over to the house quite a bit. I think she’s feeling nostalgic and emotional over selling the house. I’ve gotten to know her better. She’s much like her mother, has the same direct style, charisma and sense of humor. I showed her the world map on my bedroom wall. I had tracked Bernie’s cruise closely for a few weeks, moving the pin every couple days. But I hadn’t moved it in a while. I could feel her sailing away.

Tina asked me directly, do you love my mother? I told her that was a tough question with no easy answer, but I also said that maybe on some level I do. We knew going in that falling in love was not an option, there was the age difference, she was my boss, she was married, it could never work. But she’s not your boss and she’s not married anymore, she said. I said, I know, but she’s gone. So it was physical, she said, it was all about the sex. I said yeah, the sex was good. Then she said she could tell that our sex was good by the way we kissed at the airport.

She asked me about the age difference. I said that when we were in bed it didn’t matter but we knew it would catch up with us. Then she said, you know you are a lot closer to my age than you are to her’s, and I told her I was aware of that. I couldn’t believe how open I was with her, but she was just so easy to talk to. She was staring into my eyes just like Bernie used to do.


The days and weeks passed quickly. Bernie cruised, caught up on her reading and her body never looked better, deeply tanned from the tropical sun and athletically toned from her workouts.

Her inner slut was getting an occasional workout too. The Scottish kid came back for seconds and used up another three-pack in Bernie’s cabin the afternoon before his family got off the ship for good. Then during a rainstorm she shacked up with an older guy who had been eyeing her for a while.

Then there was the young Italian couple on their honeymoon. It started by the pool when Bernie struck up a conversation the woman, Maria, who was funny, attractive and had a fabulous body that was barely contained by her microscopic bikini. After a few drinks her husband Al showed up and he was attractive with a good body too, and was wearing tiny, tight trunks with his bulge in front. They invited her back to their cabin. They were barely inside the door when Maria french-kissed her and Bernie went with it, kissing her back.

Nobody had much clothing on so it all came off pretty damn quick. Bernie realized that Al was watching them and he was already aroused, with his cock hard and straight and sticking out the top of his puny swimsuit. He started kissing her and soon they were all naked in bed and spent the evening kissing and licking and sucking and fucking and everything else that came to mind. The combinations were numerous. Bernie sucked cock and was fucked and eaten…Maria was expert at cunnilingus, making Bernie squirm and squeal and come all over her…and Maria even seemed a little jealous when Al fucked Bernie up the ass and he seemed to like it so much. And Bernie got her first taste of pussy since a couple drunken experiments way back in college. Maria screamed her way through it and came in a torrent. Bernie hooked up with Maria one more time a couple days after that.


Several days before the house was to close Jayden was packing some things into boxes when Tina came over. She looked good in white shorts and a red tube top with her nipples shining through.

“What are you going to do?” Tina asked.

“Move back to my apartment for the time being. It’s a real come-down compared to this place. But my lease is up the end of next month. I’m going to Curacao, where I was born. My father has wanted me to go into business with him. I think it is time. So…what brings you over here today?”

“I don’t know,” she said. “It’s my old house, where I grew up. It’s hard to see it go, you know?”

“Yeah, I think so.”

“And I had a fight with Jim. We’ve been having a lot of those lately.”

“Really? I’m sorry.”

“I don’t know. Sometimes I wonder if he’s the one.”

“If you’re wondering that, then he probably isn’t. Don’t marry him if you’re not sure. That could be a huge mistake.”

“I know.”

“What do you fight about?” Jayden asked.

“Oh, anything and everything. Dumb stuff mostly.”

Tina fiddled with a roll of packing tape, picking it up then putting it back down. She looked up at Jayden, who was watching her.

“Sometimes we’ve fought about you,” she said.

“About me?” Jayden asked.

“Yeah. He thinks we got a thing going.”

“He does? You and me? He’s engaged to you!”

“Yep. Crazy, isn’t it?”

“He doesn’t trust you?”

“I guess not,” she said. She looked into his eyes, searching. “But then, maybe he shouldn’t.”

“Why shouldn’t he?”

“Because of what I’m thinking right now.”

“And what are you thinking right now?”

“About this,” she said, and stepped in and kissed Jayden on the mouth. She lingered a few seconds, letting him absorb the softness of her lips.

They looked at each other for a long moment. Jayden could feel the burn of her eyes. This time he initiated it, and they kissed again with open mouths and adventurous tongues, and it went on and on, and they each felt the other in their arms for the first time.

“I had a dream about you,” she said.

“You did? Was it a good one?”

“Oh yes, very good. We didn’t just kiss.”

“Really? What all did we do?”

“Take me to bed and I’ll show you.”

Jayden picked her up and carried her to the bed. They kissed fully-clothed on the bed for some time before Jayden pulled off her top. He spent fifteen minutes kissing her mouth and face and neck, and sucking her tits and licking her stomach and trailing his tongue the along the waist of her shorts, pushing her to the edge. He pulled off her shorts. Her pussy was sublime, shaved and wet and eagerly pink, with her outer labia pierced and adorned with gold. There was a Kokopelli tattoo high on her thigh and it looked like the horny little guy was about to leap into her twat. Tina screamed when his face dove into it. He ate her beautiful, tasty muff until she screamed again and came in his face. Tina shivered and quivered and had tears of joy on her cheeks.

He stood next to the bed and Tina watched him undress. She gasped when she first saw his cock, long, hard and dark.

“So this is how you kept my Mom so happy,” she said.

Tina held it in her hands like her mother had, hefting it, getting the feel of it. She sighed loudly when he inserted it into her. Her pussy was filled to its max, like he was parking a monster truck in a one-car

garage. She felt it stretching her inside as it barged into her deeply and out. They fucked hard, Tina thinking, God I’ve never been fucked like this and it’s our first time, and just as Jayden was busting his nut he thrust his rod into her with a little extra oomph and a slat slipped out of the frame below and the bed collapsed.

Over the next few hours they went around the world; in the bed and not on a ship. They went out for pizza and a pitcher of beer and then came back and did it all again with the mattress on the floor.

At one point Tina was sitting cross-legged beside him holding his fully engorged cock in her hands and sucking on it. She stopped momentarily and took the engagement ring off of her left hand and put it aside.

“I’m giving this back to Jim tomorrow,” she said, and went back to work on his cock.

She didn’t go home that night. She slept like a baby in Jayden’s arms and first thing in the morning made love to him. There were umpteen calls and messages from Jim on her cell. She went home, packed all of her stuff into her car and left the ring and a goodbye note on the kitchen table.

She moved into Jayden’s apartment two days later. A week later she knew she was in love. It was working on all levels. In bed it was magic, but their minds were like connective parts, where one went the other was right there too. Her place was with Jayden.

“Tina, I’m going to Curacao, you know,” he said. “It’s planned. My father expects me.”

“I know that,” she said. “Can I go with you? I’ll pay my way.”

“Really, are you serious? You wanna ride along?”

“I’ll follow you anywhere,” she said.

Jayden was visibly relieved. Tina gave her notice at work.



I’ve decided get off this bucket in Curacao. Get on dry land for a while. See the sights, see where Jayden came from. Find that quaint little inn on the hillside of that scenic cove that he said was so beautiful. If I like it maybe I’ll buy the place.

I emailed Jayden and told him my plan. He said he was going there too, finally, to go into business with his Dad. Maybe we’ll run into each other. Maybe...

Tina emailed and told me she’d broken her engagement. That was sad to hear. Jim seemed to be a nice enough guy, although there seemed to be something missing. I hope she’s okay.


We flew to Aruba and took a puddle-jumper to Curacao. My Dad picked us up at the airport. We’re staying with him while we scope out the territory and look for a place of our own. We try to keep it down in the bedroom.

We marked the day that Bernie’s ship would be arriving on the calendar. I still had the itinerary and Dad knew where every ship docked. We all blocked out the day so we could greet her when she walked down the gangplank. Hopefully she won’t shit herself when she sees me with Tina.


The day finally arrived. Bernie’s ship was scheduled to dock about ten a.m. Jayden and Alonso packed two coolers with ice and food and drinks and loaded them onto the boat. Tina joined them and they motored to the marine terminal. The plan was to take Bernie on a boat tour of some of the island and end up at Paliaw Cove. The kind of welcome and introduction to the island that most tourists never get.

They saw a cruise ship heading in as they were tying up the boat. Jayden picked up the binoculars and took a closer look.

“That’s it!” he said.

It was another 45 minutes before the ship was secured at the pier. A crowd of anxious passengers were on the deck ready to get off, like a playground full of kids waiting for the bell on the last day of school. Then the gates opened and the stampede began.

The stream of people was down to a trickle when Bernie became visible at the top. She was carrying a couple tote bags and was pulling her suitcase on wheels.

Bernie was two-thirds of the way down when she heard Jayden calling her name. She could hardly recognize him at first because his hair was hanging long and loose and not pony-tailed. She was shocked to see him but a wide grin came to her face. Then she noticed Tina, and instantly knew why she wasn’t engaged anymore.

Bernie dropped her bags and bear-hugged Jayden and Tina.

“What a nice surprise!” Bernie said. She stepped back and pointed her finger at them and moved it back and forth. “You two..?”

They both nodded and Jayden put his arm around Tina.

“Yep,” Tina said. “Sorry, Mom.”

“Don’t be sorry,” Bernie said. “Be glad that both of you have such good taste in partners.” She was thinking, well at least I know my little girl is getting taken care of in bed.

“Bernie, this is my father Alonso,” Jayden said.

“Very nice to meet you,” Alonso said.

“Likewise,” Bernie said. “Jayden has told me so much about you. I’m happy that he made it back to see you. He spoke of you often.”

The men took her luggage and as they all walked to the boat they described the day they had planned: a water tour, lunch, Paliaw Cove.

“You know, we didn’t even think that the last thing you might want to do is get on another boat!” Alonso said with a laugh. “I hope you don’t mind.”

“Oh, I think it’s a wonderful idea. I’m just so happy you all were here to meet me. It means so much to me. I really had no idea where I was going. I just knew I wanted to see Curacao after all Jayden had told me.”

“We even reserved you a room at the inn I told you about,” Jayden said. “On the bluff above the cove.”

They cruised along the coast and Alonso pointed out various landmarks. They saw the city from the water and entered St. Anna Bay where Alonso found them a quiet, shady spot to stop for lunch.

“You know, I have to admit I was caught by surprise this morning,” Bernie said to Jayden and Tina. “But I want to say that I’m very happy you two found each other. It is plain to see that you are in love.”

“Who, what and where,” Jayden said. “We have all three.”

They spent the afternoon heading southeast along the coast. It was a sunny, clear day and everybody wore sunglasses. Behind hers, Bernie’s eyes were active checking out Alonso. He was well-built and handsome, much like his son, tall and sleek with broad shoulders and muscly arms. Smooth coffee-colored skin, a broad smile and a tight butt for a man pushing fifty. But her eyes kept heading down to his crotch, looking for an outline or some indication of what he had down there. She couldn’t be sure but she thought he was checking her out too.

He was. He thought Tina’s mother was a twenty-first century fox. Long and lean, killer body, tanned and toned. He was already planning on how to put the moves on her without screwing things up. She had smiled at him a few times when he was checking her out, so he thought that was a good sign.

They were in Caracas Bay and it was late afternoon by the time they got to Paliaw Cove. Alonzo putted around the perimeter so Bernie could see it up close. She found it just as beautiful as described. Trees lined the hills and Jayden pointed out the marinas, restaurants and bars, and the inns. The place was somewhat secluded and only one road led to it on land so there were no big hotels. Jayden pointed out the inn he had mentioned to her before.

“That’s the inn we’d like to buy someday and expand,” Jayden said. “There is a nice pool behind it and three decrepit tennis courts. But almost nobody plays tennis. Dad and I have talked about this. We could get rid of one or two of the tennis courts and add fifteen or twenty extra rooms.”

Alonso looked right at Bernie. “My son’s got ideas, no?” he said.

They docked the boat and while Jayden and Alonso were washing her down the girls went to Bernie’s room to shower. The boys would shower back at Alonso’s house which was up the hill and down the road.

They all met for dinner at the restaurant at the inn and had a rip-roaring good time. There was beer and wine and orange liqueur drinks, which pack a punch. They were the loudest table for sure, full of laughter, loud toasts and the occasional sound of silverware falling onto the wood floor. Alonso was especially animated and clearly proud that his son had finally come to be with him. He toasted Tina, his son’s ‘beautiful, beloved sweetheart’, and toasted Bernie too, as the ‘beloved sweetheart’s beautiful mother’.

They feasted on seafood and were at the table for several hours. There was definitely a chemistry developing and some flirting going on between Alonso and Bernie and it didn’t go unnoticed by Tina and Jayden. Bernie tried to pick up the check at the end but Alonso insisted on paying.

“Well, thank you Alonso. After all you’ve done for me today, all the trouble you went to, thank you. It was a wonderful day. I could not have imagined such a perfect first day in Curacao.”

“There is one more thing I would like to do for you today,” Alonso said. “I would like to walk you back to your room.”

Bernie looked at her daughter and Jayden. They both had ‘We knew this would happen’ smiles on their faces.

“He doesn’t want the boogie man to get you,” Tina said.

“We’ll wait out front, Dad,” Jayden said. “Don’t take forever.”

It was not a very long walk to her room. Bernie held onto Alonso’s arm as they walked.

“I will not take long. I only want to ask you one question, but I wanted to do it alone. In case your answer is no,” Alonso said. “I wanted to ask you if you will have dinner with me tomorrow. Just the two of us.”

“My answer is yes, I would love to,” she said. “But I will pay.”

“Oh no, I can’t let you do that. I am asking you…”

“I’d love to. If I can pay.”

“Okay, we will talk about it tomorrow. Perhaps we will have our first argument,” he said.

Bernie laughed and said she hoped not.

“I have a dive trip tomorrow,” he said. “Some college kids. I will call you here when I get back, it should be mid-afternoon unless weather is bad it will be earlier. We will make our plans.”

“A dive trip. Sounds like fun.”

“Not really. I get everyone set up and they go have fun while I sit up top and watch for sharks and Portuguese Man O’Wars.”

“Do you mind if I ride along?” Bernie asked as they reached the door to her room. She looked up into his eyes.

“You really want to go? I thought you’d be sick of boats for a while,” he said.

“I’ll need to get used to it. I live in Curacao now.”

“I’d love for you to come. I would love your company. But I still want to take you to dinner.”

“Of course.”

“Okay, it’s a date. Be down at the wharf at eight-thirty. We shove off at nine.”

“Aye aye, Captain,” she said.

Then she hugged him, her arms barely spanning his muscular frame. She kissed him on the cheek.

“Thank you again for today, Alonso. I’ll see you in the morning. Good night.”

Bernie entered her room and sat on the bed, instantly realizing how tired she was. She phoned the desk for a wake-up call. She lay back and as she slowly nodded off she was thinking that getting off in Curacao had been a good idea. A very good idea.



2020-12-10 22:43:13
First i must say that this is one of the best things i have read here on xxnx.
I know that this is listed as fiction, but this is so well written that it could very easily be a true story.
I agree with others that this defiantly needs a part two.
From Misterjedi.


2020-12-10 22:42:05
First i must say that this is one of the best things i have read here on xxnx.
I know that this is listed as fiction, but this is so well written that it could very easily be a true story.
I agree with others that this defiantly needs a part two.
From Misterjedi.


2020-12-10 22:40:42
First i must say that this is one of the best things i have read here on xxnx.
I know that this is listed as fiction, but this is so well written that it could very easily be a true story.
I agree with others that this defiantly needs a part two.
From Misterjedi.


2019-11-04 23:33:10
This definitely needs, a part 2!!


2019-11-04 23:32:49
This definitely needs, a part 2!!

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