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Mary meets Bigboy for the first time then introduces young girlfriend to him and his nephews..
BigBoy 1 edit 2

​Back in the late seventies after divorcing my second wife I started to hit

the party sceene again..

Met this woman in a bar one night, Got pretty wasted and horny so we

decided to go to my place.. On the way there we passed an adult book store,

She asked if I had ever been in there and Of course I said yes because the

owner was a customer and friend.. She said that she had never been because

she was to shy to go by herself..

I offered to escort her if she would like to check it out.. She agreed.

We went in and looked around then she asked what was through that door in

the back to which I said it was where you could preview the movies they

had for sale.. She said that she liked porn movies but never seen but one

or two and wanted to check it out.. I took her back and of course there

were several guys standing around..

I selected a booth and inserted a couple quarters but that was all the quarters

I had when the time ran out she was getting pretty horny and ask me to get

more coins so we could watch more.. I went up front to get change and when I got

back there was a line at the door to my booth when I got close enough to see

She was sucking this guys cock.. When she finished the next guy stepped up..

I counted four guys before I got to her and told her that I had porn movies at home..

She was evidently enjoying herself because she was hesitant to leave..

When we got home I put some movies on while she played with my dog Bigboy..

We watched movies and fucked for about an hour.. I went to shower and when I

got back Bigboy was reared upon her between her legs.. I didn't think much about it

since he had never been with a woman I figure he was just enjoying the petting he

was getting.. As I sat down she said I think he likes me.. I kind of laughed and

said he likes anybody who will pet him.. She said That's not what I mean his cock

is against my pussy.. I said oh shit, You want me to take him outside.. She said

no actually she was still horny and it feels good.. A couple minits later she scooted

further down on the sofa and said yes that feels much better he's inside me now, I

think I might just like this.. About that time Bigboy hit her hard and she hollered

"damn he's big".. I ask if she want me to get him off and she said don't you dare I'm

loving this.. He's getting bigger, Much bigger.. My god how big is he, What's that

that feels like a knot.. I said that's exactly what it is, A knot.. Well it is getting

huge and kinda scaring me, If it get much bigger I don't know if I can handle it..

I said you really don't have a choice now, He's tied you and won't be coming out until

he's finished so you might as well relax and enjoy it.. Oh fuck I am I just hope he

don't get much bigger.. Not only is that knot thing huge but he must be a foot long

I have never been fucked this deep before.. He's definitely hitting bottom..

Oh fuck he's cumming and it so hot.. Now I am too She grabbed him around the shoulders

and held on while she franticly fucked him back.. Don't believe I have ever seen

a woman cum that hard.. Wow he's still cumming she said.. Yep he will continue to

do that until he comes out and probably after.. Well I love it, The more the merrier..

Bigboy is holding still now just resting but she starts to slow fuck him then starts

cumming again which evolves into a continues orgasm.. This gets Bigboy aroused and

he starts fucking her again.. When he cum's this time she literally passes out.. A couple

minits later she arouses and says "That was wild" Is he finished now.. I sid well I

guess that's up to him.. She screws up and starts slow fucking him again with the same

result.. This time he fucked her hard for about ten minits before he cum..

After relaxing for a bit he finally had enough and slipped out with a plop..

I have seen lots of dog cocks but never one that big He was absolutely huge

He was at least ten to eleven inches before the knot and with the size of it

that must have been eleven or twelve inches that he fucked her with..

Thinking that she was done in for the night I was wrong, She slid of the sofa

and under him and started sucking him off.. Hell the shaft bust have been a good

three inches thick.. Don't know if he was liking it or just to tired to protest

but he stood for her long enough to get him off again and swallowed every drop..

She looked at me and smiled saying "after the fuck he gave me I just had to reward him

And besides I love sucking cock as if you didn't already notice at the bookstore"..

She took a shower and cleaned up a bit while I fixed us a drink and let Bigboy out to

relieve himself wasn't but a couple of minits until he was scratching at the door..

Let him and he curled up in the corner for some much needed rest.. He had been fucking

for a good hour and a half..

We talked for a good while because she had never been with an animal before and had lots

of questions.. After finishing our third drink she went over and started petting Bigboy

telling him what a good doggie he was. He got aroused again and pushed he over onto her

knees and mounted he doggy style.. He jumped off a couple times and was about half hard

With his undersized knot out the third time he nailed her hard knot and all which caused he

to shriek but got right into it like a champ.. He fucked her about ten to fifteen minits

This time and after resting a bit dismounted butt to butt until he shrunk enough to

come out..

After that she showered again and got dressed.. On the way back to her car she ask if

she could come out again and I told her sure, I know Bigboy will be glad to see you.

I told her that If I was not there where the key was hidden and she was welcome to go on

in because I knew she would be coming to see Bigboy anyway.. She just laughed and said

that if she had a dog like that she would probably fuck him to death..

Not surprisingly I came home the next day and found them on the sofa tied.. She said that she could

think of nothing but Bigboy all day so she came out as soon as she got off work..

They fucked off and on until 11 pm with me getting a couple of blowjobs..

This went on for about a week every day until one day I came home and found her there

On the sofa again but this time to my surprise there was also very young girl there

watching.. At first she felt a bit awkward but soon relaxed and told me that Mary and

her worked together and she had been confiding with her that her husband could not please her

When Mary told her about her fooling around with a huge K9 she could not believe it

so she invited her to come along and see for herself.. I said well do you believe it now?

She said wow what's not to believe, He has already fucked her twice and Mary has been cumming

her ass off if I could only cum like that just one time I would be a happy girl, Can't wait

for my turn. You say that your husband can give you what you want, Why is that..

Well he has an extremely small cock that just don't do anything for me I always have to

masturbate which hepls but still leave a lot of need.. You ever been with anyone other

than him with a larger cock? No he's the only one.. Well Bigboy would not be the right

dog for you, He's very large.. Yes Mary told me but I'm desperate, I need to get a real

fuck but don't want to do it with another man because of possible jealously issues..

Well If you're interested I may still be able to help you.. Bigboy has a couple of nephews

out back in the kennel I could let you try with one of them if you want I'm sure they

won't be nearly as large as him.. Oh god yes please.. I went out to get Duke and by the

time I got back she was already nude sitting on the sofa next to Mary.. She said I thought

you said that he was smaller then Bigboy? NO the body size is the same but I'm sure that

his cock is smaller.. Not like my husbands I hope.. LOL not even close young lady..

He will be plenty big enough to give you what you want and need.. Just lay back and let

him get between your legs then play with his ears he like that then you can take his

front legs and lift him up onto your belly and keep petting him.. As young as he is he will

probably get excited pretty quickly.. Just keep easing down further on the sofa and pulling

him closer until you feel his cock at the entrance.. Once you get the tip inside he will

probably take over.. ahh yes I feel it and you're right it's not very big but its hotter

than my husbands.. OK now slide a little further toward the front of the sofa.. That did it,

Dukes breeding instincts took over and he knocked the wind out of her.. Duke will do the rest

now.. You are in for the fuck of your life.. I believe you because I cum as soon as he started.

You were also right about size, He started growing as soon as he was in and it's still getting bigger

I'm loving this.. Damn I'm cumming again I never dreamed that fucking could be so good.. ouch

what is that big ball on his dick, It's getting really big.. That's called the knot and it will

get so large that it won't come out until he's finished maybe about thirty or fortyfive minits

from now.. Oh my god my husband has never lasted more than five.. well he won't actually fuck much

longer than that but as long as he's inside he will continue to throb and squirt inside you..

Uh oh he's started cumming.. I thought his cock was hot but his cum is scalding my insides and now

I'm cumming with him.. I can't believe this this is the third time already and I love it even more..

OK hold him around the neck and shoulders so he can't git down to soon.. Once he knows what you want

him to do he will probably just lay there and pump his spunk inside you.. If he struggles I will

help hold him.. Turns out Duke is a natural he simply lays there like he's taking a nap

After a short break Lisa started the same thing as Mary with slow fucking him In just a couple of

minits she was cumming again the more she stroked the harder she came intil she was going crazy

with orgasms then Duke started fucking her again..

Here I stand with two hot women fucking two of my dogs and I'm getting ignored lol..

Bigboy finished his third fuck before Duke and like before Mary slid off the sofa

and sucked him off.. I saw Lisa watching her and I guess it gave her ideas or maybe she was

just transfixed on the size of Bigboys cock.. Sure enough when Duke dismounted I saw that

his cock was only about eight inches including the knot but still a good size in diameter, About

two and a half inched thick..

I was right her watching Mary suck Bigboys cock did give her ideas.. Not sure if she thought

she was supposed to or if she really wanted to.. I held Duke by the collar while she sucked

him kinda reluctantly at first then started getting into it and so did Duke because he

Started to whine and thrust into her mouth.. Again she took it like a champ allowing him

to penetrate all the way to the knot and When he cum she swallowed ever drop and kept on sucking

When she pulled off she sat up with a big smile on her face licking her lips and said

This is unbelievable I have did three things today I never dreamed of doing, First I fucked a

dog and had the most amazing orgasms of my life, not just one I lost count of how many then I

Had oral sex for the first time, not with a man but with a big dicked dog and swallowed every

drop of his cum still wanting more.. I feel like going for broke, I have never been with a man

other than my husband would you mind if I sucked your cock? LOL she sure didn't have to ask twice..

Lisa hit the daily double today she found out she's a dog fucker and a super cock sucker..

my husband doesn't know it yet but he's gonna buy me a big dog.. Meantime do you mind if I come

back again with Mary because I saw Bigboys cock and feel I will never be satisfied without trying

it.. I know that he's huge but Mary took him and loved it, If she can I can, Please I'll even

let you fuck me first if that will help.. Afterall I have never fucked a man with a big cock so

I would like to cross that off my list.. Okay Mary has dibs on Bigboy so if it's ok with her to

take duke while you take Bigboy it's fine with me..

Mary said it was ok with her because she feels that Bigboy will have a good one for her also after

he's finished.. Did you say you had two other dogs one more than Duke? Yes his brother Prince..

Good I can fuck duke first then Prince doggy while I suck Duke.. Lisa why don't you make up a

story for hubby that you and Mary have some things to do Saturday that may take all day, That

will give you girls time to have all the fun you want.. I'm sure that the three of them will

send you both home happy.. Oh my god I can't wait, I'm so fucking horny right now just talking

about it would you mind if I brought a couple of joints? You think you need it? No but when I

masturbate I get off much better if I smoke, I would like to see what its like while being

really fucked.. Okay but only two, You and Mary can share..

As I said before I'm so horny talking about Saturday do you think Bigboy can go again now?

Not sure I guess it's up to him Why don't you have a seat on the sofa and call him over..

Sure enough Bigboy took his position and Mary said why not have a preview of Saturday,

Bring prince in and lets get this show on the road hell I'm horny too.. When we finish with

them we will both suck your cock.. Okay but remember Prince has never fucked before so his

balls will be full.. Oh yummie would you help me with him while I let Duke fuck me doggy I

can suck out all that delicious dog cum..

Sure but first lets see what happens with Lisa and bigboy.. Lisa just like with Duke

Ease forward on the sofa until you feelt the tip at your entrance Then ease it in a bit

Once he feels your warmth he will take over.. Oh my god I can tell already that he is much

bigger than duke was and he only has about an inch in.. Yikes he just shoved it all the way

It hurts a bit but feel great at the same time.. He's not finished growing yet Lisa..

Good because I actually want more.. and yes he's still growing but already hitting bottom..

God he's not even finished growing and I'm already cumming this is gonna be one hell of a fuck..

Mary I see now what you were talking about.. Now the knot is getting very big and causing

him to go even deeper this is fucking amazing.. Mary will the pain go away? yes just give

it a minute or two and then you will really start to enjoy it.. Damn that knot is huge

and it feels like the tip is up in my belly.. Don't know if I can possibly enjoy it more

than I do now hell I'm in a constant orgasm and he hasn't even cum yet.

Mary I think she has everything under control now so I'll be right back with Prince why

don't you start with duke.. When I got back Duke was hammering away.. She said I have

always liked young studs now I like young dogs also.. What he lacks in size he makes up

for in enthusiasm you or prince one get over here fast I need a cock in my mouth..

Turns out as expected Prince was horny.. she only stroked his sheath a couple of times

before he was out, As soon as she saw pink she took him in her mouth and he started

humping away it only took a couple of minits and he was cumming like gangbuster right

down her throat she struggled to keep it all in but kept on sucking for more.. It only

took prince about the same amount of time to recover and I could tell she was in heaven..

He lasted longer this time and he and Duke came at about the same time.. It only took

Duke about five minits to dismount.. She said please bring him around here and put

Prince on me He actually has a much bigger cock and I need that.. Sure enough Prince may

Turn out to be as big as his uncle when hes fully mature.. I see now why she was struggling

with his cock in her mouth hell it was down her throat because he must be at least nine

inches to the knot although not as thick but still very respectable.. He's gona be a real

lady pleaser like his uncle.. He also is a quick recoverier because as soon as I put him

in a bit he took over and was giving her everything he had.. Mary started hollering OH god

no his knot is to big to go in but prince had a mind of his own and pressed forward

He got a good hold of her hips and rammed with all he had.. She screamed bloody hell but

he was in and locked..

The pain must have spurred Mary on because she started a continues orgasm right away and

was actually trying to get Dukes knot in her mouth.. she was sucking him so good he didn't

last long.. after he finished cumming she took her mouth off and told me that when Prince

finished she wanted to suck him again because he was the first to go as deep in her throat

and she loved it.. She said that even though she enjoyed Duke he just wasn't long enough

and she couldn't get his knot in er mouth.. She said that she would really like to fuck

Bigboy and suck Prince at the same time..

I decided I had better check on Lisa but found her doing just great she said that he had

just finished fucking her the third time.. She added that she was kinda sad.. I asked why

and she said because I don't want him to stop but I know that he can't last forever..

If I had a dog with a cock like this I would let him fuck me any time he wanted and my

husband could like it or leave.. I told you that I have never fucked anyone other than

my husband but I want to tell you that you can fuck me any time you want, I owe you

so much I could never do enough to thank you properly.. From now own if you do allow me

to come here more often that I want to fuck you before the dogs then after the dogs I

want to suck your cock..

Well Mary and I have a surprise for you.. She is now finishing up with prince and

surprisingly he has a cock almost a big as Bigboy not quiet as thick but maybe a bit longer..

She has already deepthroated him while Duke was fucking her now when he dismounts she wants

to do it again.. well if Bigboy ever shrinks enough to cone out of my tight pussy I want to

suck him also.. I loved sucking Duke but doubt that I will be able to take him to the knot

like I did Duke but I want to deepthroat you if you will let me and will try to do Prince if

I gat a chance.. so you like sucking cock and swallowing cum do you? Yes it surprised me but

when I was sucking Duke I actually had an orgasm now I want more, lots more..

Mary told me how the two of you met and that sucking off complete strangers really turned

her on.. Now that I know that I like sucking cocks I would love to do that but then

I world be afraid that one of them would be my husband or someone that knows me and him.

If it was in a different town I would do it in a minute.. Mater of fact if you have eight or

ten friends that would like a good blowjob and a show you could bring them here and I would

Suck all of them then fuck all three dogs while they watched then suck all of them off again

That would be so exciting if you could arrange that.. If some of them have really big cocks I

would be willing to let them fuck me if they will agree to cum in my mouth instead of my pussy..

If you can arrange that during the week I will take a sick day from work that way Mary won't

need to know about it.. Well this is only Tuesday how about if I can arrange it by Thursday..

The sooner the better I think I'm addicted to dick lol.. When I finish sucking Bigboy

And take a shower would you please fuck me? I just have to know what it's like to have a real

human cock deep inside me.. I would love to and yes I will cum in your mouth rather than your pussy..

Look you saw Mary get the key from my hiding place, If something happens that she can't come out

one night you are welcome to come any tine.. really! That would be super that way I can have four

big cocks all to myself.. Just don't let all the dogs in at the same time without me here they

might start fighting over you..

About this time Bigboy slips out and she slides off the sofa and starts sucking him like a

starving baby.. After a few more minits Prince slips out and Mary gets under him and devours

his cock right down to the knot.. Damn how lucky can I be, I get to watch two sexy women

fucking and sucking dogs knowing that when they finish I'm gonna get some pussy..


2024-05-21 13:22:55
k9 are the top ten. they really make better lovers than men


2020-10-14 13:58:59
When I was very young an older girl in the neighborhood with a dog named Bigboy, would get me to help her play with him and get his cock hard. She would get under him with her top and bra off.... she showed me how to let him fuck my hand and squirt. She liked to have his cum squirt on her tits and nipples. She would masturbate like crazy.... once the dog lost interest she had me suck her tits and would shake and cum like crazy.


2019-06-28 16:11:07
wow this it true just wow

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