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Four teenagers doing what teenagers do
The Voices in my Head 1

My name is John Stevens. I'm nineteen years old, six feet tall with a slender build, blond hair, and pale blue eyes. Overall, I'm a pretty normal guy except that I'm diabetic. It's nothing serious yet, I don't have to take shots, just a couple of pills every day. I like to read, making me a bit of an outcast with most of the kids my age who prefer more active pastimes. As a result I don't have many friends.

Peter and I had been in the same class since kindergarten and by a quirk of fate had always ended up sitting next to each other in class so we kind of drifted into being friends. Peter was another outcast because he tended to be a little chubby and only about five foot nine. Becky was another classmate and a reader, preferring to read thick novels instead of gossip like almost all the other girls. She was a trim five foot two, with a moderately good figure, but usually hid in loose fitting clothes, with her long auburn hair covering most of her face. She could have given most of the girls a run for their money if she wanted to, but preferred to stay in the background. The three of us often hung out together, outdoors in nice weather, or the library or a coffee shop when it was too cold or wet to be outside.

One summer evening, we were all laying on a hillside clearing in the woods behind my house watching the Perseid meteor shower. The really cool thing was that they always appeared to be spraying out of the sky directly for us, spreading into radial bright steaks to the sides. I'd read that what we were seeing was like tiny grains of sand burning away as they hit the atmosphere at ridiculously high speed.

That night, I spotted one bright speck that barely moved as it shown against the clear night sky.

“That one must be headed straight for us,” I observed, pointing into the sky, “it isn't making a streak at all.”

It lasted long enough for Peter and Becky to notice and they agreed with me, joking about getting hit by it as it faded away. Oddly, it seemed to dim to yellow then orange then red before it disappeared rather than just winking out like the rest of the shower. Weird, I thought.

A few minutes later something stung me on the forehead, close to my hairline. I yelped in surprise as I slapped at my head, but instead of a bug of some sort there was just a little bump under my skin. My friends were startled at my outburst, but the incident was soon forgotten as we watched the celestial fireworks. A little later the show was mostly over and we split up, heading home.

In the morning I noticed a small red spot, like a pimple forming, but I couldn't feel a core under the skin. On closer inspection, it looked more like one of the tiny burns I sometimes got if I was too close to somebody running an arc welder. I decided it wasn't something to worry about and went down to breakfast. I didn't have to go to my part time job that day and spent most of it in dad's recliner, reading. Every now and then, I'd hear a faint voice, too faint to make out any words, but it bothered me a little as I was alone in the house. I checked the yard a couple of times but couldn't find a probable source. Maybe the house was settling.

That night, laying in bed, I felt an itch in my ear. I was wondering if I should just ignore it or get a cue-tip when it suddenly passed. Then I heard the voice again, quite clearly.

“We are friends,” said a male voice, “do not be alarmed.”

“Who are you?” I asked softly, “Where are you?”

“There is no need to vocalize.” said the voice, “just try to think clearly.”

I repeated my questions silently, trying to think of the old movie or book that might be the source of this particular hallucination.

“Oh, we are quite real.” said the voice, with a slight chuckle, “We are explorers, crashed on this planet, on you actually, and are currently working on repairs.”

If I hadn't been a fan of science fiction, I'd probably think I was losing my mind. As thing stood, I was excited. I was talking to aliens.

“Sir, we have integrated the host identity matrix. Identity symbol; 'John',' Said a female voice.

“Huh? What do you mean, 'host'?” I asked, “are you going to eat my brain?”

“Be calm, John,” said the male voice, then in a more stern tone, “All internal communications will be on channel two when the communicator is active.”

The voice and I spoke for some time, they explained themselves and their current predicament while I answered general questions about the earth and our technology. After a little back and forth, we agreed to a name for them, actually a rough translation of their ships name, 'Searcher'. They existed for the most part in some higher dimension, the part of them that extended into the space I could perceive was about half the size of a standard bee-bee pellet. Some of the concepts did not translate well, but I was able to get the basic ideas. They were currently 'parked' somewhere around my inner ear where they could access my brain through the auditory nerve bundle. Their view of my brain was not unlike my view of the world wide web, they could more or less freely access my mind and senses. While they could control me, they preferred a free and informed agent. Almost none of their technology could used by the earth, being highly dependent on structures in higher dimensions that we on earth could not access at our current level of technology.

What they wanted from me was a supply of raw materials that they would draw on, literally one atom at a time. I'd never notice what they took, but they would occasionally ask that I eat specific things, for example, if they needed a magnesium atom, they might ask me to take a magnesium supplement for a few days.

One point they were adamant about was that I not reveal their existence to anyone. If I were to make an effort to reveal them, they would, to protect themselves, take full control of me, arranging to transfer themselves to a new host. On the other hand, as long as I cooperated they could help me in various ways. I agreed to their terms.

The next day, I was on a morning shift at a little computer store where I did basic repair and diagnostics. I was working on a laptop computer that had an intermittent error and getting nowhere with it.

“Searcher. Can you help with this?” I thought.

A different voice asked me to stand by. After a moment, an image of the laptop appeared, floating in the air before me, the shell and peripheral components faded away from the image until I was looking at the motherboard. A tiny red circle appeared, as my view zoomed in on a particular solder joint.

“There is a variable malfunction of the electron flow at this point.” said a voice.

I thanked whoever it was, and after the shop owner gave me permission, opened the shell of the laptop. Working carefully, I soon had the motherboard exposed. I looked over the board, identifying the point indicated in my vision. There, plain to see was the grainy look of a cold solder joint. I took it to the boss, pointing out what I'd found. He looked at the connection, saying it might be the problem, but even if it weren't, we should probably fix while we had it accessible.

The repair only took a moment, literally a quick touch of the slender soldering iron. I put everything back and tested the machine. The problem was apparently gone. I signed off on the repair and put the machine on the shelf for repaired machines. When I clocked out at noon, the boss complimented me on a good catch before I left the store.

I met up with Peter for lunch before we went to the mall to admire the girls wandering between stores in their skimpy summer outfits. While, in our experience, the girls were generally resistant to our advances, it was fun to look them over and fantasize about them.

A slender blond girl, about seventeen or so, caught my eye. She had a nice figure and her legs were nicely tanned. Her hair hung to her waist, framing a oval face and full lips. I wondered what she would look like naked, giving me a blowjob or riding me cowgirl fashion.

“You wish to engage in reproductive activities with this subject?” asked a voice.

“Oh, yeah!” I thought.

“Please stand by.” replied the voice.

A moment later the blonde girl approached me, Smiling nervously.

“Hi there,” she said, glancing around, clearly nervous, “I'm Sandi and I wonder if you'd help me with something?”

“Sure,” I said, what's up?”

“Come with me.” she said taking my hand and leading the way into a department store.

“you guys go on,” stammered Peter, wide eyed, “I'll wait here.”

She led me to the back of the store and after a nervous look around, pulled me into the family restroom. She paused long enough to lock the door then quickly stripped naked and started fumbling with the zipper on my pants. She was breathing deeply, clearly excited.

“Oh, God.” she said, “this is so not like me, but I want you right now.”

I helped her get my pants down around my ankles and she dropped to her knees, sucking my hard prick into her mouth. She bobbed her head on my prick, swirling her tongue around the shaft. I reached down, fondling her breasts, perhaps 34 C cup size, feeling her nipples harden. Her cheeks were hollowed by the suction she was applying, she looked up at me with startling emerald green eyes. The stimulation was almost unbearable. I felt my balls tighten and with almost no warning, blew a load of cum past her tonsils. She kept sucking for a moment as she fought to swallow every drop. I felt myself softening as she took a few final licks at my prick.

“Performance augmentation protocols active.” said the voice in my head.

My prick rose up into an almost painful erection. Sandi gave a quiet squeal of delight, holding my prick in her hand as she led me to the sink. She sat herself on the counter, guiding my prick to her waiting pussy. I cooperated wholeheartedly, sliding my prick into her dripping pussy. She let out a little gasp as I entered her crying out a soft 'oh' with every stroke. Her pussy felt like it was on fire as her muscles worked to pull me deeper. My hips had taken on a life of there own, pumping into her.

“Secondary pleasure matrix engaged.” said my inner voice.

She wrapped her legs around my waist, pulling herself off the counter, onto my prick. I grabbed her ass cheeks to support her as she threw her arms around my neck, burying her face in my neck as she slammed her hips into me. I felt the cum boiling up from my balls as she archer her back, hissing out a well muffled squeal through her clenched teeth. Her pussy clenched like a fist around my prick as I blew my second load of the day into her pussy. As my cock softened, I placed her back on the counter. My prick slipped out of her pussy, covered in her juices and my cum. She jumped off the counter, dropped to her knees and quickly sucked me clean. She had me help her onto the counter, knees straddling the sink as she cleaned herself. I stood just behind her admiring her firm ass and fondling her breasts.

“I've never done anything like this,” she said, “I don't know what came over me, but something about you really flipped my switch.”

“Maybe we should try this again,” I said, gently pinching her nipples, “somewhere with more privacy.”

“Semi-permanent modification to attraction matrix complete.” said the voice in my head.

She plucked my pen out of my shirt pocket, briefly scribbling on a paper towel.

“I'm John,” I said, as she stuffed the towel into my shirt pocket along with the pen.

She dried herself with some paper towels and quickly dressed as I pulled my pants up. She unlocked the door, sticking her head out for a second, then took my hand and led me back into the store. We strolled toward the entrance, making small talk. Out in the mall concourse, she stood on tiptoe to give me a quick kiss and walked away.

Peter was still sitting where I'd left him. A quick glance at my watch showed that less than ten minutes had passed. I must have had the king of all silly grins on my face as I rejoined Peter.

“What the hell, man?” he said, looking at me like I'd grown an extra nose.

“She, uh, needed her ashes hauled.” I stammered, still not quite believing what had just happened.

“I'll bet she did.” he replied, grinning at me, “What ever you did, can you teach me.”

“Don't know,” I said, “the details are still a little fuzzy to me.”

As we walked down the concourse, I pulled the paper towel out of my pocket.

“Sandra (Sandi) Fowler

“327 S. Olive Ave.


She had made all the periods and dots little hearts. I carefully folded the towel, slipping it into my pocket.

“Searcher,” I thought, “can you guys do something like that for my friend?”

“Subject two, identification symbol 'Peter' is fixated on unknown entity.” said the voice showing me an image of a rather buxom girl that I realized was Peter's concept of Becky.

Peter had a crush on Becky? I'd had no idea.

“Evaluation of subject symbol 'Becky' will require proximity of less than three hundred thousand microns . . . unit conversion . . . three meters for effective evaluation.

“Not a problem,” I thought, “just don't make any changes to either until I tell you to.”

“Cautionary prohibition noted.” the voice replied and fell silent.

The next day was another morning shift, boring in the extreme as no customers came in and the work was caught up. The boss and I passed the time playing games and mousing around the internet. Noon finally came and I joined Peter and Becky for some lunch. I silently asked Searcher to evaluate the feelings my two friends had toward each other, finding they each was in love with the other but were inhibited by their status of friends. I asked that the inhibition, be reduced and their attraction be increase by a small amount. I wanted the changes to be easy and feel natural to my friends. By the time we finished lunch, they were holding hands under the table and were having a hard time following the conversation.

I called Sandi and asked her to join us tonight to watch what was promised to be the best part of the meteor shower as a thinker part of the swarm would be visible. She agreed readily, apparently pleased that I'd called her. I got Peter and Becky's attention, telling them someone else would be joining us this evening and suggested he bring along an old blanket to be more comfortable.

I pulled up to Sandi's house just as the sun touched the horizon. She must have been waiting for me as she came out almost before I was parked. I saw her call something over her shoulder as she closed the door and ran to the car. She was wearing what looked like hiking shorts and a close-fitting tank top that showed off her breasts to good advantage. In the car, she cuddled up to me and kissed me as I pulled away from the curb, heading toward my house.

Peter and Becky were waiting on the hillside, sitting on a blanket, when we got there. Becky had on some kind of short, sleeveless jumpsuit that displayed her usually hidden figure. Her breasts were noticeably bigger than I remembered. I made introductions then spread the blanket I'd brought a little distance away from theirs, where an old tree stump provided a comfortable back rest. While the girls chattered about girl stuff, Peter joined me, helping me get the blanket spread out flat on the ground.

“Damn, John,” he said, sotto voce, “she's even hotter than I remember.”

“Becky's looking good tonight too.” I replied quietly.

“Yeah,” he responded, “it sounds crazy, but she was just waiting for me to make a move.”

“You guys enjoy yourselves,” I said, “I know we will.”

Sandi joined me as Peter walked back over their blanket. As the last of the light faded, the first streaks of light burned across the sky. Sandi was laying in the crook of my arm, gazing enraptured at the light show overhead. I idly played with a breast as she let out little gasps of delight at each new streak of light. Her hand lay on my thigh as we gazed into the sky when a particularly bright meteor, longer lasting than most, streaked by overhead shedding tiny sparkles of light. Sandi laughed in delight clapping her hands.

“I never knew there was such a thing!” she said, “is it always like this?”

“Just for a few weeks in the summer.” I said quietly, “tonight is about as good as it gets.”

“Wow, it's like fireworks,” she breathed, as she put her hands down, “maybe we can have some more fireworks a little later.”

Her hand had landed on the tent in my pants over my stiff prick. She was rubbing gently, breathing more deeply. Her eyes sparkled in the bright starlight. I shot a quick glance at Peter and Becky, who had given up on star watching and were entwined with each other, making out. In the still night, I could hear their heavy breathing.

Sandi turned toward me, lifting her face for a kiss. I slid a hand under her tank top, fondling her breasts, feeling her nipples rise up. She hadn't worn a bra tonight. She got my zipper down and pulled my prick free, holding it gently while she slowly stroked my ridged shaft. I worked us down, away from the stump until we were lying side by side, facing each other. I alternated between her breasts, gently pinching at her nipples as she continued stroking my prick. She stopped for a moment, grabbing my wrist and pushing my hand toward her crotch. At some point, she had opened her shorts. I slid my hand in, covering her pussy, mildly surprise that she's also neglected to wear panties tonight as well. I let a finger slide between her folds, softly stoking across the opening of her pussy. She gasped and let out a low moan, humping her hips against my finger. At the top of her folds, I found the little nub of her clit. Letting my finger glide over it, lubricated by her juices, applying almost no pressure at all. She growled deep in her throat, pulling me close against her, trapping my hand against her pussy. I rubbed her clit a little harder as she gasped out a soft 'yes' of approval. I slipped a finger into her sopping wet pussy, making her gasp again.

She suddenly pushed me away, rolling onto her back to slide off her shorts, then sitting to pull off her tank top in one smooth motion. She pushed me onto my back working to pull my pants down and my shirt off. She swung a leg over me, straddling my hips, trapping my prick between us in the folds of her pussy. She slid back and forth along my prick as she bent down to kiss my neck and chest. I gently pinched a nipple and wormed a finger in to rub her clit. She was shaking and gasping, almost unable to breathe when she froze for a moment, holding me tightly as she hissed through her teeth.

“Oh, that was good!” she breathed as she started to slide down my legs, leaving a trail of wet kisses down my chest and belly.

I stopped her, pulling her back up and, with gentle pressure turned her around until I was staring at her pussy in the dim light. She was licking my prick as I lapped at her pussy, tasting her for the first time. I drove my tongue into her pussy, taking time to lick her clit every other stroke. She pulled my prick into her mouth, sucking strongly as she swirled her tongue around the head. I abandoned her pussy to lick at her clit full time, as she bucked her hips against my face and sucked me even deeper into her warm mouth. I bit at her clit as gently as I could, causing her to stiffen, squealing around my prick as I loosed a load of cum into her mouth. Her juices flooded over my face. I licked at her pussy, as she struggled to swallow my cum. Every time my tongue touched her clit, she would jump, letting out a little squeak.

She finally rolled off me, getting turned back around to lay across my chest. We were both almost gasping for breath, enjoying a mutual afterglow when I became aware of noises from Peter and Becky.

We both looked over at them. In silhouette, Becky had her shoulders on the ground with her body bent almost double and legs waving in the air. Peter was over her slamming into her pussy. With every thrust he would grunt with effort and she would squeal.

Sandi felt for my prick, finding it stiff and ready for more action. She straddled me again, lowering her pussy over my hard prick. I felt my prick engulfed in her fever hot pussy. She clenched her muscles around my prick, bouncing on my prick. Her moans rose in volume and pitch. I mauled her breasts, while she pulled my hands against them, urging even more brutal treatment. I heard Becky scream out her orgasm, followed instantly by Peter roaring out his own. This pushed me over the edge, pumping loads of scalding cum into Sandi's pussy. She came a second later squealing loudly as her body spasmed around my prick.

Sandi collapsed onto my chest, gasping for breath. All four of us lay there for long moments while our breathing returned to normal. I rolled Sandi gently off my chest and on to her back. I saw Peter and Becky getting themselves untangled out of the corner of my eye. Hours later, I delivered Sandi to her door, kissing her goodnight.

In the morning, after breakfast, my father stopped me for a moment as was about to leave the table. He glanced toward the kitchen where my mother was washing dishes.

“You kids were up at that clearing last night?” he asked softly.

“Yes, sir.”

“I heard something last night,” he went on, “I think it might have been a mountain lion. Did you guys hear it?”

“We heard something,” I replied, “but it seemed to be a long way off.”

“Probably some kind of echo back in the hills.” he concluded, “You kids be careful out there.”

“Yes, sir,” I responded, heading back up to my room.

Who would have thought of Becky as a screamer? But even at that, a mountain lion?


2022-07-22 20:05:36
Back again for another read through, I do enjoy this story series so much.


2019-12-21 03:25:44
Loved this Series so much, am back for another read. So good that it's not a wham bam, Thank you ma'am story.


2019-07-04 17:33:22
Loved this so much!

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