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I actually didn't know what I was doing until I did it to an RN.
Cervix Penetration:

​Not many have experienced it and most of the ones who have didn't know what was happening at the time..

I learned at an early age of about 18 about cervix penetration from a little 80 pound girl of the same age.. This had to be the horniest girl in the world.. She absolutely loved sex.. The first time we fucked it was weird. Once I was almost all the way in she held me off and began to rotated her hips slightly, Applying a little pressure as she did.. I could feel myself touching what I thought was bottom but then I felt something that felt like it was nibbling on the head of my dick.. All of a sudden she hunched really hard against me and whatever that was that had been nibbling my cock head engulfed it.. Wow what a feeling, It was like a small mouth sucking my cock and she went absolutely bonkers almost throwing me off of her she was bucking so hard.. Then we both cum like gangbusters..

"Damn girl that was one wild fuck.. Where did you learn to do that?" "I really don't know it happened by accident and now I try to do it every time because it feels so good.." We fucked about twice a week for about a year until I got married and we lost touch with each other.

It took me at least another year to successfully penetrate my wife's cervix but when I did it had the same effect on her.. After that for the next three years she was constantly horny until our first baby was born.. I have no idea what changed but it seemed like she just lost interest in sex..

My sex drive was still going strong so I started cheating on her.. Each of my conquest got their cervix penetrated for the first time and before long I had quiet a following.. There was quiet a few ladies, Married and single that welcomed me into their bed or the back seat of a car any time I wanted..

I actually didn't know what a cervix was until I had a one night stand with an RN.. After we fucked for about an hour I went for a shower and when I came back to the bedroom she was balled up on the bed crying.. "Hey are you OK.. Did I hurt you?" "No I'm just fine, You didn't hurt me.. Quiet the contrary you made me feel better than I have ever felt in my life and I know I will never see you again." "according to all medical knowledge the cervix can not be penetrated during intercourse but you just proved the theory wrong in spades, You defiantly penetrated my cervix and it was the most glorious feeling in the world.."

"Well I had no idea what I was penetrating.. I learned about it quiet by accident" "You are not unique, I have did this with several women and learned how it's done successfully, If you would like I can teach you so that you can teach your lover.." "Oh god please do.." "Ok just listen and copy what I tell and show you"

I penetrated her and when I felt her cervix I said "Now I'm against your cervix right? "Yes" "now when your lover gets to this point you hold him off because if he presses to hard he will simply push it to the side and it won't happen.. Now with slight pressure rotate your hips until you feel the opening line up with the head of his cock and at this point press really hard.." She did and true to form it popped right in.. "Oh my god I can't believe I actually did it on my own"

We fucked for another hour but this time she wasn't crying afterward.. She was extremely happy knowing that she could now repeat that feeling at any time even without me..

One year later I got a card from her in my office mail saying "Not sure if you remember this date or not but on this day one year ago my life changed forever Thanks to you.. I am no longer tied to one lover but have experienced may since then and with complete success.. I even did this one black guy with a huge 11 inch cock that was really thick.. Surprisingly enough he went right into my cervix and all the way balls deep.. I actually fucked him for two days almost constantly.." "I don't know if this is a blessing or a curse.. Although I am Thorley enjoying myself I'm constantly horney.. If I don't get fucked for a couple of days I get desperate to the point of sometimes dressing very provocatively.. I will put on a very short skirt with a loose fitting button up blouse, Unbutton the top three buttons and as you know I do have some nice DD breast that try their best to get out of the blouse,, hehe at times they do manage which always gets the desired effect.. You would be surprised how much attention I can get at the mall or just walking down the street. That's how I met the black guy, He thought I was a high class working girl.. lol I told him No but if he was interested I was.."

"If you ever get to New Orleans please look me up.."

About two months later I had to go to New Orleans on business so I decided I would make a vacation of it and stay a couple days.. Nora had included her phone number in the card so when I got there I called her.. She was elated that I was there and had called her.. I said "well I'm here on business meeting four potential clients who I hope to obtain a contract from.." "well I wish you luck.. Will you have some free time to visit with me, I hope" "That is in my pans for sure"

"what about tonight? I want to see you really bad.. It's been a couple days since I had sex and I'm horny as hell" "LMAO well there's a dinner planned tonight if you think you won't feel out of place with five men you are welcome to be my guest" "Oh god no I would love to be the sixth wheel if you will have me" "OK this is where we're staying and we will meet you in the lobby at 7:pm and go from there" "this might be a little awkward for you, The guys may think you are a pro, Can you handle that?" "Of course I can, no problem"

Right on time she walked into the lobby and WOW she must have spent the rest of the day getting ready for tonight, she was dropdead gorgeous.. She approached me with outstretched arms giving me a tight hug and kiss hello.. I introduced her to the others and said "Shal we go?" I had arranged for a limo for the night and we all piled in.. On the way to the restaurant there was small talk with the guys telling her how pretty she was and I agreed.. She Thanked them and said "Look guys Bo is a dear friend of mine and No I am not a prostitute that he has arranged to entertain you.. I only fuck the guys I really like Then kinda giggled" Now that that's out of the way.. Are you guys married or playing the field?" They all said they were married but wouldn't be opposed to a little strange now and then.. She simply said "good" and left it at that..

We had a nice dinner and a couple of drinks when I said "why don't we go back to the hotel... there's a nice wet bar in my sweat.."

On the way back Nora's drinks had relaxed her a bit and was now revealing lots of cleavage and leg much to the guys delight..

she lay her hand on my thigh high up close to my crotch and kinda purred.. I didn't think much of it until she did the same to George and again purred.. "You know you guys all seem nice and I kinda like all of you" you do remember what I said about guys I like don't you?" With that she took my cock in her hand and then Georges and squeeze smiling up at George.. "I think that tonight's gonna be a really good night don't you guys" With that she scooted forward on the seat causing her dress to ride higher with legs spread revealing a completely bald and wet pussy mound.. " I am so horny I can't stand it.. Would you guys please help out a damsel in distress.." Fred said "Absolutely" and dropped to his knees and dove into her pussy.. She threw her head back and groaned placing a hand on his head begging him to suck her clit.. "you make me cum before we get to the room and I will fuck your brains out" Well he did..

We entered the room and she said "fuck the wet bar I'm going to freshen up and when I get back all I want to see is five hard cocks.."

When she returned we were all nude and hard just as requested.. She was also.. She said "Fred I made you a promise so you're first, now lay on the bed please" and she straddled him driving to bottom in one stroke.. Nora you didn't slow down for the entrance, Why?" "Oh no the big guy stretched her out pretty good and I no longer have to coax her she swallows it up with no problem.. Damn its good"

George ask me "What you guys taking about? "Well he's fucking her cervix" "Cervix? What the fuck you talking about?"

Well it's part of a woman's anatomy and when she or the guy knows how to penetrate it they go fucking crazy.." "That's why she so horny all the time, She just can't get enough of the feeling.. She will gladly fuck all of us all night long and still want more.. Once she finds a guy she likes to fuck he can come back for more any time.. As a matter of fact if you guys do a good job she will prolly give you her phone number in hopes of a repeat.."

Nora fucked all of us until after midnight when the guys had to leave but before they did she said "look I like all of you guys and I plan to take a few days off work, If it's ok with Bo I will be here until he has to leave so any time you feel horny please come by, I will be I assure you lol" Although I'm a real horndog I am very choosy about who I fuck.."

The next day when we broke from the meeting George said "Look Bo I have this project manager who is a super good man and who I value highly would it be possible for Nora to fuck him also? "Well now that would be up to Nora now wouldn't it" Well yes but I just didn't want you to think I was taking advantage of a good thing.. You see he is black and as I understand it he has problem with women being able to take him.." "Hmm Well Nora told me about her fucking a black guy with an 11 inch really thick cock so maybe she would be interested especially if she likes him" "Another thing Leroy is only 19 you think that would be a problem?" "LOL Cougars like young guys so I doubt the age would be a problem" "bring him by tonight and introduce him to Nora.. I will ask her about it and if she says no I will call you"

That night after dinner George and Leroy came over.. "Nora this is Leroy my project manager" "Well hello Leroy, My you are a big boy, How tall are you?" Well mam I'm 6'6" "Bo tells me you are 19, Have you ever been with a woman before?" "well mam I have tried but they can't take me, He'll most run away, It's very depressing" "How about we see what scaring them so bad" Leroy dropped his pants and out popped a huge already extremely hard cock.. "WOW Now I can see why most girls especially young ones would run "Have you ever measured it?" "yes mam it's 14" " wow 14" and thick as a beer can,, This looks challenging" "I'm sorry mam I'll be going now" NO NO I said challenging not impossible.. Why don't you have a seat in that chair." He did and she straddled his legs raising herself up enough to position the head at her opening and rubbed it back and fort lubing it up and getting her pussy accustomed the girth.. Occasionally she would stop and press down really hard, Groan and rub it some more Then repeat.. she did this for about 5 min when she stopped and said "Here goes" and pressed really hard with a slight jolt the head popped in.. She grunted and leaned forward onto his chest relaxing a bit then started undulating her hips a bit pressing down, Little by little he was going deeper.. after about three or four inches she started short stroking him.. Then it happened she started cumming he ass of moaning and groaning.. during her excitement she pushed down until she had about eight inches buried.. I knew why she stopped, She looked me in the eyes and said "Here goes" The slammed down really hard saying "Oh god fuck me please" he did and she went wild bouncing up and down taking more and more.. "Oh god please fuck me harder I want it all.. The kid lost it then and cum like gangbusters with cum squirting out from around his cock. This lube him more and he went deeper until he hit bottom where she stopped, Leaned back to look and see if she had him all which she liked about two more inches.. She began taking really long strokes talking down really hard against bottom until she get his pubic bone against her clit and that did it she began a full body shaking orgasm and was going completely wild thrusting her hips back and forth really hard rubbing against her clit when she started squirting everywhere.. She finally ran out of girl goo but continued to thrust and quiver like she was having seizures.. Once she calmed own she leaned back looked him in the eyes and said "Leroy that was the most amazing fuck of my life.. Those other girls may run from you but not me baby.. You can fuck me any time you want to.. In fact I'm going to give you my phone number and hope you call me often.."

With that she started long stroking his half hard cock and really getting into it.. saying " even half hard your cock feels really good..

Leroy evidently liked what she was doing and saying because he began to get hard again.. She said "Oh how nice to be young" The harder he got the harder she fucked him until she was almost coming all the way out before slamming down really hard and rotating her hips.. Wasn't long before both of them was cumming again.. This time she didn't hesitate, Just began stroking his half hard cock saying "Again please, I want more of your wonderful cock" Again he did, In the next 1.5 hours that kid cumed 5 times and had to take a break.. Nora had gotten really stored up and wanted more so she said "how about you guys double fucking me until Leroy recovers" We did and when she wore all of us down she simply straddled Leroy's half hard cock and began to ride as before..

You would think that after fucking Leroy for an hour and a half and then fucking all five of us down she would be satisfied but she couldn't wait to get to him.. The hell of it is that she wasn't drying up even though she had been cumming almost constantly for the last three hours.. Obviously the five of us only served to stimulate her like foreplay.. as Leroy began to harden she really got into it whispering to Leroy "Oh yes baby give mommy that big cock" wasn't long before she was again cumming and grinding her crotch hard against his groin Then again she went into the full body shaking orgasm Thrusting wildly against him Then again she began to squirt everywhere.. Once she calmed down she said "wow that's the second time that happened and whatever it was I hope it does again, That's a weird feeling but one I love.." Leroy hadn't cum yet so she simply started long stroking him telling him how much she loved his big cock..

After two hours of this I said "I'm going to bed.." "Ok remember how I told you I fucked that eleven inch cock for two days?" "Yes" "Well do you mind if Leroy stays over, I want more" "LOL not at all, You two enjoy yourself" Next morning they were still at it.. I just shook my head and left for the meeting..

When I got back that evening hell they were still where I left them.. I said "WOW heve you guys not stopped all day?" she kinda laughed and said "Well we ordered lunch in the room and we stopped long enough for me to fuck the bell boy for about an hour, He had a nice cock" "I fact I gave him my phone number since he's local maybe I can get some more of that" "Turns out Leroy in a real stud, I lost count of haw many times he's cum." "The great thing about his huge cock is that even when it's half hard I can get off on it big time because it's still inside my cervix." "I have simply got to find a local guy with a cock like his"

"After you guys leave I plan to run an ad in the local paper for big dicked guy's lol"

"Leroy and I decided that he will go to his room tonight and get some rest then I can devote my time to you guys again.. Then tomorrow he and I can fuck all day while you guys are in meetings"

Well the meeting ended and we said our goodbyes.. Nora did give everyone her phone number and ask that we please call her..

A couple months later she called me on my office phone and said " Bo you're never going to believe this.. I ran that add in a local swingers mag it read "Guys with 14" plus really thick cocks who can't find a woman who can take you balls deep please give me a call.. Only 14+ need to bother.." Believe it or not the first week I got two calls that sounded promising so I ask for their email and told them I was sending a photo of myself for their eyes only and if they liked what they saw to please reply with a photo of their hard cock beside a ruler that was readable and one beside a 1 liter pop bottle so I could gauge the thickness.. Guess what they both replied the next day with proof..

Neither of them were married so that wasn't a problem I called both of them on a conference call and ask what days they were free because I wasn't into slam bam thank you mam sex.. If we were going to get together it must be for at least all day or all night or both because I need lots of sex.. Believe me I will probably were both of you out before it's over... One of the guys was in his mid forties and the other was 52..

They both said any day or night or both would be fine with them so I said OK I will rent a room of my choice and call you with details..

I called as soon as I got off the phone with them and made reservation for the next two nights Then called them back with the information, Saying that I would expect them at 2;30 tomorrow.. About 2:15 there was a knock on the door and it was both of them.. Their photo didn't do them justice they were both very handsome and in really good physical condition.. I invited them in and introduced myself to Frank and Tom..

When I greeted them I was in a very flimsy wrap and nothing else You could clearly make out my hardened nipples because I was already very aroused.. I fixed them both a drink and we chatted a bit getting to know each other.. Frank said "Look Nora you are a very beautiful white lady who could probably get any guy she wants why are you looking for black guys?" "Well Frank In my add I never specified race.. My only requirement was 14"+ and very thick, Just so happens that only blacks answered the add.." "Well you do have a point there" a little about myself " I am unmarried and a professional lady not a working girl so you can get that out of your mind.. It just so happens that I learned a long time ago about how to enjoy sex and ever since then I can get enough.. The more I fuck the more I want to fuck so get it out of your head that I will get worn down, It will never happen at least not in the two days I have planned for you two.. Why do you think that I welcomed the chance to be with both of you at the same time.. "Did you guys like what you saw in the picks?"

They both said hell yes.. "Well here it is in real life" and let my wrap fall from my shoulders revealing my full breast and erect nipples.. cupping them in my hands and pinching my nipples I said "they are already as excited as my dripping pussy and spread my legs revealing my clean shaven mound.."

"Now that that's out of the way how about I see what you're working with?"

They stood, Dropped their pants and wow I was looking at two of the most beautiful cocks ever.. I can believe my luck.. "Frank you said that you were fourteen and a half I have fucked a fourteen before and you look longer but not much but thicker yes, Very interesting for sure.. Tom you said you were fifteen and and a half I agree that you are and prolly more, I don't think you guys were holding the rulers correct and yes you are thicker than Frank but not scary at all.."

Have either of you ever been inside of a woman"? "The both answered no.. Well before you guys leave here you will not be able to say that anymore" "Frank since you are close to the size I'm used to you get first dibs.. Now sit in that chair please" When he did I simply straddled his legs and because he was a bit thicker than Leroy It was a bit of struggle to get him started although not as much as Leroy was.. Once it started in I simply continued down right into my cervix and all the way to bottom.. He said "oh my god I thought that would never happen" Then I started long stroking him and asked "You like that Frank?" "Oh yes very much I'm probably not going to last long since this is my first fuck" "That's ok Frank you will later I assure you especially after I fuck you about ten times" with that he lost it and cum like crazy.. I hadn't cum yet so I just continued to long stroke him.. It wasn't long at all before he began to stiffen.. He said wow you are still fucking me even though I'm not hard" "Yes the thing about big cocks like yours and Toms is that even half hard they still feel good" He is getting harder now and the harder he get the harder I stroke him until I'm coming almost all the way out and jamming down as hard as I can, After a few minutes of this and I'm cooking for the first time which gets him off again as we cum at the same time..

I climbed off of Frank and told Tom to take his place.. Tom was actually very close to the size of the 1 liter pop bottle so it took a bit of work but I did it.. Damn I love being stretched and scratched I was.. Before I even got to my cervix I was cumming like crazy.. During my orgasm I lost control and jammed him into my cervix and wow now I'm really going.. He'll I came again before I hit bottom.. This has got to be the best fuck yet.. Bo you are not going to believe how fucking good he felt.. Once he hit bottom there was still two unused inches and I was determined so I was jamming down really hard, It hurt like hell at first but once he was all the way the pain was exchanged for the most intense pleasure yet.. Damn I'm cumming again for the third time since I started fucking him.. I leaned forward and whispers "Please pick me up and lay me on the bed.." He did.. "Now Fuck that pussy like you're mad at it I need it hard and fast" Man did he ever I'm now cumming like a wild woman and went into hysterics crying and begging him to fuck me harder.. He evidently got tired and slowed down.. I wrapped my arms around his neck and said "now back in the chair" once back in control I started fucking him like he had me.. This time when it hit me I went in to a full body shaking orgasm jerking and thrashing wildly rubbing my clit against his pubic bone until I started squirting girl goo everywhere.. That's when he lost it and busted a nut deep inside me..

Like with Frank I didn't even pause but began long stroking his half hard cock.. I cum four more times before he was completely hard again.. Again I told him to lay me on the bed and fuck my brains out.. Well he sure tried.. Again I was cumming so hard I was crying and begging him to fuck me harder.. This time he cum inside me while in the missionary position..

Once he was finished he backed away and pulled out saying "wow girl I got to take a break.. I looked at Frank and thankfully he was hard again so I said "come here baby I need more cock please fuck me like Tom did,, Hard and fast I love it.. I started cumming again as soon as he was inside and just kept up continuously cumming.. Frank wore himself out so when he cum that time he to pulled off and out.. I lay there for a min relaxing.. Then got up and went to the shower.. When I came back they had me a drink mixed and we sat for a few min.. Tom said "Girl you didn't lie when you said you liked to fuck did you.." I laughed and "said no iI didn't once I get started cumming it's like the flood gates open I just keep cumming.. The more I cum the more I want to cum..

I realize that you guys can't keep up with me, My problem is I don't know that many guys with cocks like you guys.. The closes I came was a 19 year old with a 14" thick cock that I fucked for two days almost continually.. I did give him a break and let him sleep one night while I double fucked five smaller guys until I wore them down but next day I fucked him all day long only taking a break for lunch while I fucked the bell boy for about an hour.. So yes I'm one horny white woman.. lol" "If you guys know any with cocks like yours I would gladly fuck eight to ten in one setting including you guys of course.. Tom the thickness of your cock really feels good, If you could last I would gladly fuck you for a couple of days without stopping.. If you know any guys with thicker cocks even if they are not as long I would love to try them, I love being stretched..

I know that there are much more guys out there with ten to twelve inch cock so if you can put together fifteen or twenty like that I will double fuck them also.. ten guys like you and twenty ten to twelve inches would be a happy time for me even if it lasted two or three days..

WE fucked another round but they were worn out and had to leave promising to give me a call later hopefully with more recruits..

I had already paid for two days and was still horny as hell so next morning I got up and got breakfast then went back to the room and dressed in my pickup cloths and was driving around looking, Hoping to get lucky..

I drove into a neighborhood and spotted a group of about fifteen teen boys playing street basketball.. I parked and watched them for a while then honked my horn.. One of the guys looked my way and I motioned him over.. I already had one of my tits out so when he got there I simply said you interested in some fun for you and your friends? He kinda did a double take and said friends? You mean all of us? Yes that's exactly what I mean, I'm really horny and need lots of fucking really bad.. Oh shit you serious lady.. Yes I'm very serious.. I already have a room so you guys just come right up and bring more if you want.. I will be waiting for you..

I got back to the room and put my wrap on again.. Sure enough it wasn't but a few min until there was a knock at the door.. I opened it and said "Welcome boys" I counted as they can in and he evidently found some more friends because there was 27 horny teens in my room all of a sudden..

I turned dropped my wrap and said "ok whose first" as I lay back on the bed.. The kid I talked to at the court was on me in a flash,, To not have a very big cock he did a pretty good job causing my first orgasm.... I'm guessing that in view of the situation I was a bit keed up.. He was thankfully replaced with a kid with a respectful cock and again another orgasm... Ban bam I had fucked about ten when I said to the next kid "ok lay on your back" He did and I sat down on him once he was seated good I mentioned for the next kid and told him to fuck me at the same time.. He did and wow this was getting to be fun.. Now they were into the swing of things and simply lined up with me double fucking like crazy and cumming my ass off.. One of the guys got impatient and simply shoved his cock into my mouth, As horny as I was I didn't protest even though I have never did oral sex before.. That started a trend and now I'm double fucking and sucking off another,, Surprising to me I started liking the taste of cum and was really getting good at sucking cocks.. Before the day was over there's no telling how many loads of cum I swallowed..

Between 10am and 7pm I continually fucked and sucked 27 young guys and was still horny..

I got up showered and put my pickup clothes back on and hit the streets.. I found an out of the way bar and went in, It was all black.. I took a bar stool and ordered a beer.. Before I could drink half ot it this nice black guy came up and spoke to me.. He said you new aren't you? I said yes.. Well you waiting for someone or looking for someone.. Well actually I'm looking for several new friends.. Several? yes several.. As in what's several mean? well eight or ten at least, Preferably with huge cocks.. You know where I might find them? Wow what you mean by huge cocks? How's 12 to 16" and thick sound?

My god lady are you serious? as a heart attack.. with that I pulled my blouse back a bit exposing my tit and when his eyes popped back in his head I turned to face him and raised my skirt more spreading my legs exposing my wet bald mound.. He swallowed hard and said damn lady you are serious.. Well now can you fill my needs? well I wouldn't want to leave any of my friends out on this how about 15 well above 12"? Sounds like just what I'm looking for.. When can you fill my order? In about thirty min lady, How does that sound? Sounds just great to me here's my room number, Don't keep a horny lady waiting please.. as a bonus you will be first.. I'm leaving now and will be waiting..

Sure enough in about thirty min there was a knock at the door.. When I opened it there he was with A bunch of guys behind him.. I invited them in and counted as they entered there was 17.. Hopefully they were as he promised, Well above 12".. "Forget the introductions I would never remember all of your names anyway the only thing I'm interested in right now is the size of your cocks.." With that they started dropping their pants and yeppiea it was as promised.. The longest I guessed to be at least 17 inches and thick.. The thickest was at least 14" and much thicker then Toms It must have been as thick or thicker than a 1 liter pop bottle.. The guy I had talked to at the bar was at least 15" and pretty thick himself.. I removed my blouse and dropped my skirt took his hand and led him to a chair pushed him down and straddled his legs lowering myself all the way to the bottom.. Someone said "WOW did you see that, she took him all the way in one move?" He spoke up and said yes and no woman has ever did it before either.. I pulled the guy with the pop bottle size cock over and said "don't you worry baby before the night is over I'm going to fuck every inch of your beautiful cock until you beg for mercy.. With that I took his huge cock in both hands and kissed the head of it saying "just be patient. It will be worth it.." The guys cock was starting to feel pretty damned good, I guess the 27 teens I fucked all day had me wound pretty tight.. I began short stroking him getting longer and longer until he was coming out and going back in my cervix and it took me over the edge cumming hard I told him to fuck me hard.. He did and I cum again almost immediately which caused him to loose ti.. When he finished I leaned in and whispered "That was a great fuck, I would fuck you more but there are guys waiting their turn.. Promise that you will fuck me again later ok." I pulled off and said NEXT.. another guy took his place that was about the same size and again I dropped to bottom in one move and began fucking him like mad.. I was now really getting into it and again cum right away but kept up the long stroking.. He didn't last long but I still cum again.. The lifted off and another guy took his place.. This continued until everyone had had a turn except mister pop bottle.. I looked at him and smiled "Well it's finally your turn.. He took the position and even though I had fucked 16 big cock's before him he was still a challenge. After some effort.. I backed off looking him in the eyes and said "You ready baby?" and jammed down as hard as I could just barely taking the head in.. Leaning forward I whispered "wow that thing feels so fucking good" After a brief rest I began to lower myself taking little by little until about 8 inches was in and he was at the opening to my cervix.. I rotated my hips a few times and again whispers "Ready" and rammed down really hard cumming immediately.. As he went deeper I continued to cum one after the other until I hit bottom and then I really went bonkers Screaming oh god please fuck me harder.. Once I calmed down I whisper for him to lift me and lay me on the bed and fuck me the way he wants to he did and he did fucking me long and hard bringing me to many orgasms I was cumming so hard I started to cry.. He stopped and said "you ok? "oh god yes never better" once I calmed a bit I said back to the chair please.. Once back in control I began to long stroke him until he cum buckets full.. I leaned in and said before you leave tonight I want you to have my phone number so you can come to my home and fuck me any time you want to and I hope that's often.. I again began to stroke his half hard cock and cum many times before he got hard again.. We actually fucked for another hour.. He finally said Nora I really have to go I have work tomorrow.. Maybe we can get together at your place just you and me and we can fuck all you want..
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