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When I woke up, I heard my phone buzzing on the dresser.
The Chauffeur (#54) The Shooting


Copyright 2019

Chapter 1

When I woke up, I heard my phone buzzing on the dresser. Being all entangled into Dakota and Jill, I really didn’t want to get up and check my phone. I just let the call go to voicemail, however, less than 5 minutes later my phone was buzzing again. This time it was a text message. Now, I reluctantly got up and shuffled over to my phone.

I picked it up and tried to focus my eyes on the text message, but I was having a hard time. Finally, I read the text. It was from Tina’s Mom. It read “Shooting at the college campus. More than 50 dead and over 200 injured. Been texting Tina since I heard it on TV. Can’t reach her. HELP!” My heart skipped several beats.

That text made me sound the alarm in the Chateau. I called Tina’s Mom. She was frantic when she answered the phone.

“David, I can’t reach Tina. She had class today. The media is talking about more than 50 dead and more than 200 students injured. Please help, I got to find her and make sure she’s OK,” she tells me.

I turned on the TV in our bedroom. I woke Dakota and Jill. I started dialing up Tina, but the phone call only went straight to voicemail. I left message after message before I started texting her. When Dakota and Jill both saw the reports on the news, they also began dialing up Tina.

I told Dakota to call the jet crew and let them know that we will be heading to Phoenix as soon as possible.

I went outside the bedroom to John and Diane’s bedroom. I pounded on the door; John opened it up after me pounding for a couple of minutes. I told John and Diane to get dressed as we were all heading to Phoenix. He seemed puzzled as to what I was talking about, but I wasn’t in the mood to stand there and discuss the issue right now, I figured we would talk on the plane.

As I came back from John’s bedroom, I told the Secret Service agents that we were heading to Phoenix and will be leaving in just a little bit. They all knew about the shooting and asked why I was headed there. I quickly explained that Tina was missing, and her Mother called frantically.

“Sir, you may not even be allowed to do anything depending on where the shooting occurred and how law enforcement has it roped off. Don’t be surprised if all you can do is stand on the sidewalk and look from behind the yellow crime scene tape,” One of the SS agents tells me.

I still am not willing to sit by. Tina’s Mom called frantically, and we have not reached Tina, so in my head, we are heading to Phoenix. I asked Dakota to get Tina’s class schedule so we can check classrooms when we get there.

John, Diane, Jill, Dakota, BJ, Amy, Allison, and Belinda are all up, dressed, and ready to head to the jet. Sharon and Danni are going to the office to answer any questions. I texted the porn twins and the CG boys to let them know that several of us are heading to Phoenix and the reason why.

In the car on the way to the airport, I dial up Special Agent Fernandez and ask him how much of a mess the whole campus is right now. He tells me that local law enforcement, county sheriffs, Arizona troopers, and the FBI are already on scene. He did tell me that they will be posting names and hospitals of those who have been injured. He said that he cannot release any names of anyone who has been killed until their next of kin has been notified. I tell him that her Mother called me and my family in a panic because she doesn’t know if her daughter is alive or dead. Agent Fernandez took Tina’s name and assured me that if he comes across her name either as an injured student or a killed student, he will call me directly.

Dakota rents us a couple of minivans to drive as showing up to a crime scene in a limo would be of poor taste. The group quickly gets up on the plane when we arrive. Fred said that he would keep an eye on the phones in the Chateau and let me know if there is any contact from Tina or any law enforcement.

The flight from LA to Phoenix is only about an hour so I decided to use that time to establish our game plan. I wanted everyone to walk around the campus and look for Tina. Dakota will send Tina’s class schedule to everyone’s phone as well as a map of the campus. I made sure that everyone knew that we are not to interfere with any law enforcement whatsoever. If anyone finds her, call me first then either Jill or Dakota and one of us will contact her Mother.

At the end of the hour, our jet landed, and we all stepped out to go inside the hanger to get our nicely rented minivans. This is a vehicle that I have not ridden in nor driven since my first marriage. We all just laughed a bit, but I was sure that it was more of a way to release some of the tension.

Dakota, Jill, Allison, and Belinda and I all went in one minivan. With John, Diane, BJ, and Amy going in van number 2. Once again, I reminded everyone that the campus will be crazy and filled with both media and families looking for their loved ones just as we are looking for Tina. Be respectful of what’s going on and do not cause any issues.

As I parked the minivan, I went to the first law enforcement officer that I came to and asked what hospitals the wounded were being taken. He rattled off 8 different hospitals, but he said he was too busy to give me addresses or directions. I thanked him for his help and headed back to be with Dakota and Jill. I suggested that I and someone else start checking hospitals. Maybe Tina isn’t hurt but she is at a hospital with someone who is hurt. They wouldn’t have her name, but she’s trying to help just like the Tina we all know and love.

Jill said that her and I should start checking the hospitals leaving Dakota with John’s group. She’s much younger and would not be challenged to be a college student. I reminded her to please be careful because we have no idea if the shooter is still alive or under arrest or as I hoped…dead.

Jill started Googling the addresses of the 8 hospitals. We went to the closest one first. We ended up parking in what seemed to be a mile away. I’m sure it wasn’t that far, it just felt that way. Jill and I walked into a madhouse with students and family all over the place. We were asked whom we were looking for. Jill gave Tina’s name but the person we were speaking with had no information about Tina. She did suggest that if we can make our way gently through the massive amount of family members we would be allowed to quietly walk around if we don’t interfere with anything that is going on regarding helping the injured.

The two of us were holding hands as if we were parents looking for our daughter. We called out Tina’s name, but with a large number of other people looking for their loved ones, we were getting nowhere. We first walked the entire ER then the waiting seats than a large number of kids milling around. Jill suggested that maybe we should check the cafeteria just in case she was there having a coffee. It took us about a half an hour to get through the massive influx of people and we get to the cafeteria.

When we finally made it there, the cafeteria was stuffed full of students and family. We just quietly walked around but we didn’t see Tina anywhere. As we were just about to leave the cafeteria, a young lady asked the last name of Tina. I told her Tina’s entire name. She told us that she knew Tina but hasn’t seen her since the shooting and she doesn’t know if Tina is alive, dead, or injured, or just fine. We exchanged phone numbers just in case.

Jill and I walked hand in hand back towards the ER, but an idea came over us. We went to the main entrance and there were a lot of college students. We looked around but didn’t find anyone which made us head back to the ER. Once we got there, we looked around but still didn’t see Tina anywhere. From there we headed to the minivan to go to the next hospital.

That hospital wasn’t all that far away. However, with all the people trying to get into this hospital that we were leaving it made the process of getting to the other hospital a bit more difficult.

The drive wasn’t all that far, but we drove as carefully as we could to get into the next hospital’s parking area. Once we found a place, we walked to the ER entrance. Once again, the number of people looking for their loved ones was truly staggering. Mom’s, Dad’s and other family members were crying, and many were hysterical trying to find their family members.

Jill and I as quietly made our way into the ER and began to look around. Just as the first hospital, we didn’t see Tina. We walked around weaving our way through all the bodies. Girls were crying, boys were unsure what to do. Moms and Dads were searching for their children. Some parents had found their kids but were waiting for the hospital staff to look them over.

After we looked around in the ER, we walked to the cafeteria. Again, we found no Tina. We kept calling out her name. Another girl asked for Tina’s full name, but she didn’t know our Tina which was very disappointing. As we worked our way through the cafeteria, Jill and I headed back to the main entrance hoping to find Tina there, but again we were disappointed.

We walked back out to the minivan and headed to hospital number three.

This hospital was overloaded with people. Jill and I parked the minivan and carefully worked our way into the hospital. We started in the ER, but we didn’t see Tina. From the ER, we again moved to the cafeteria calling our Tina’s name. When we got to the cafeteria, I saw Tina across the room. When she heard her name, she bounced up and literally sprinted over to Jill and I. Jill texted everyone that we had found Tina. She leaped into my chest and put her arms around me. It turned out that Tina was sitting with a friend trying to get her some coffee since being seen was not going t happen for a bit. Tina herself was not hurt in any way; she was just trying to get her friend taken care of.

I called Tina’s Mom and handed Tina the phone. There was a big squeal out of Tina when she spoke to her Mom. Now, it was up to us to gather everything up and put all of us in the minivans. We gently drove towards Tina’s Mom’s house. When we arrived there, Tina bounced out of the vehicle and literally ran into the house. I made the decision in my head that we were going to move Tina and her Mom to the Chateau. Tina is like a daughter to Jill, Dakota, and me.

I walked into their house to help them put several bags together. When John showed up with the other minivan, Tina bounced out and leaped into his chest hugging him. Diane was so happy to see Tina, that she was crying.

Dakota dialed up the jet crew to let them know that we would be making our way back to the plane shortly. I called Sharon and let her know that we found Tina and would be boarding the jet and heading home in just a few minutes. On the way to the jet, we went through McDonald’s drive through and got several meals for everyone. After a bit of time, we got to the airport and turned in the minivans. Each of us carried a McDonald’s bag filled with burgers, fries and a Coke.

I went inside an turned in the minivans. I signed the receipt and headed back out to the jet. Once we were all on the jet, we taxied down the runway and accelerated to head back home.

Tina and Dakota sat together. Tina’s Mom sat with me on the couch. We talked about what they saw and heard at school. I proposed that we move Tina to either UCLA or USC. I wanted both Tina and her Mother to move into the Chateau. I know that they both work for me, but I was more interested in Tina coming back to the Chateau. Tina was like a daughter to Jill and I and we wanted her home.

We both felt that Tina’s Mom and Melanie would get along wonderfully. My only thought was how to find a decent guy for Tina’s Mom to date, much like Fred.

The Secret Service guys were happy that we carefully worked our way through all the craziness from the shooting. We listened to the news and was still shocked at the number of students that died and the number that was severely injured.

Once we were in the air, I noticed that everyone seemed to relax a bit. Tina and Dakota sat next to each other, just like sisters which Dakota talked about a few hours earlier. Jill sat next to me laying her head on my shoulder. John and Diane sat together just holding each other. The rest of the family that was on the jet, all took positions that we were all happy that Tina was coming home, and her Mom was as well.


I was very happy that we were all heading home. Everyone seemed happy to have our darling Tina come home with us. Her Mom was all teared up thanking us for finding her daughter and ensuring her safety.

The flight crew dialed up Fred for him to get two or three limos to meet at the jet in the private part of the airport.

We were all eating McDonald’s that we had bought. Finally, we began to descend to the runway of the airport. When we felt the wheels touch down, John let out a ‘yipee’ enjoying that we had Tina and her Mom back into LA. The jet taxied around and came to a stop by the limos. Once the stairs were extended, we all went down the stairs to the limos. I got in with Jill, Dakota, Tina, and her Mom.

The news media was still going crazy talking about the shooting at the school. I got up in the limo and walked over to Tina giving her a big hug and kiss and whispering in her ear that we were all very happy to have her home. She smiled and kissed me back telling me that she felt as if things were all right now that she was at the Chateau where she belonged.

Once we approached the outer gate, Fred poked some buttons to make the gate open. He drove inside to the inner gate, poked more buttons and the inner gate opened allowing the limo into the courtyard. Fred put the limo inside the garage, and everyone got out of it. Dakota took Tina by the hand and lead her into the house. We all were very happy that Tina was home, as was Tina.

The two chefs were excited to see Tina and they hugged her giving her a kiss on the cheek.

I looked around and didn’t see the porn twins, nor the CG boys. The four of them seemed to be somewhere other than at the house. I went out back and knocked on the pool home door and got no response. I asked Fred if he had any idea where the four of them might be, he shrugged his shoulders and went to Mom’s room to bring her out to the dinner table to meet Tina’s Mom. They both hit it off right away chatting it up about the shooting.

I asked Bobby and Sammy what was cooking for dinner. They told all of us that they were making steaks, baked potatoes, and mixed vegetables. They also made a salad for the ladies. I pulled out three bottles of water for Jill, Dakota, and Diane to drink while having dinner.

Once everyone had a plate of food for dinner, I stood and welcomed Tina back to the house. We also welcomed her Mom to join us at the Chateau. The shooting at the university really shook many of us, including Tina.

By 6 pm, everyone was home from work and was eating a delicious plateful of steak and baked potato. Three of the ladies were having a salad with their steak and potato. Sharon arrived a bit before 6 and looked beautiful as she came through the front door.

Everyone was enjoying their dinner. John had gotten Diane a plate full of steak along with salad and potato. Dakota, Jill and I all had steak as well. The ladies added a salad to their plate, but I only added A-1 sauce to my steak. John was adding Heinze 57 which I really didn’t like. The rest of the ladies all had made their plates and were happy with what they chose.

Before I began eating, I headed down the hallway to change clothes. I put on my usual shorts and white tee shirt and came back out to the dining room table. John decided that he was going to have a second steak, which didn’t bother me one bit. As we were eating, the front door knocked once again. I got up and opened it. Once again, there stood Michael. He said hello to me and asked if he could come in.

“Of course, you’re allowed to come in. Get a plate and sit down and have some dinner,” I told Michael. He filled his plate and sat down on the other side of Dakota. I carefully watched him this time. Dakota got up and moved over to the other side of Jill.

I began to introduce him once again to everyone that was at the table. He acknowledged everyone and told me that he was enjoying the steak. So far, Michael was being quite the gentleman, unlike last time.

We chatted for a few minutes before he told me that it has been difficult since his Mother died. He was working, but he wasn’t sure what he should be doing since his Mother passed away. I suggested that he take a couple of days and visit with all of us. He said that he would think about it.

He told me that his Mother left him the house, but he really didn’t know if he should keep it or not. The house was OK, but the house needed some work. I offered to have some of my people work on his Mother’s house to fix up some things. He said he would probably just let the non-essential things to just sit and he would take care of them later. I assured him that taking on some of the smaller projects at that house would give him something to smile about.

Michael asked if he was allowed a second plate of food. I assured him that he was more than welcome to eat all he wants. He got up and filled his plate with another steak, a second baked potato and some mixed veggies.

Michael always a good eater, and he was handy in the kitchen. He asked me how I obtained this huge mansion. I told him that I had we had acquired a limo company which from there we added on and made the second limo company easy for people to make our second company more accessible and not just something to put people into. I explained that our second limo company was designed to take regular customers around to make money.

I also explained that we had a third limo company that was in Las Vegas. He seemed impressed that we were able to get all three to make money.

I went on to tell Michael that Jaxson, Inc. also had a hotel chain, a restaurant group, three wineries, a trucking company, a record label, Fleet services, and two jets.

Fred put the limo into the courtyard and pulled us up to the front door. Although it was still raining, we all made a run for it to get into the house. We were all laughing and giggling as we got inside the Chateau. Once we were inside, we all gathered around Bobby and Sammy to begin to make dinner for all of us.

Tina’s Mom and Melanie sat at the dining room table chatting it up as if they were old sisters. I sat in my usual chair at the head of the table. Of course, Dakota was on my right and Jill on my left. Tina’s Mom and Melanie both sat at the other end of the table which was nice to see. Tina and Dakota were holding hands, chatting it up, and making sure that they had plenty of time for one another.

I asked both Tina and her Mom to move into the Chateau. Tina couldn’t say yes fast enough which made me smile. Dakota and Tina were hand in hand once again. I smiled seeing Tina hold on to Dakota. The family was very happy that Tina and her Mom were home once again. I just smiled as they made their way to the Chateau.

Mom talked to Tina’s Mom about being at the Chateau. Sammy and Bobby decided to make a wonderful dinner. They made beef stroganoff. They used hamburger meat and of course sour cream to make the entrée. I watched Bobby and Sammy work their way into the entrée round of the meal. Sammy went back to making a couple of cakes for the dessert. Bobby was making the beef stroganoff and he made a simple salad for the ladies.

John sat next to Diane. He made sure that Diane was fed with stroganoff. John also made sure that all the ladies had some salad complete with some homemade dressing. John and Diane were both happy with the ranch dressing that the chefs made for the salads. I took a small serving of the creamy Italian dressing. Everyone took a seat at the dining room table.

We had a wonderful discussion with Tina about being home here at the Chateau. Jill offered Tina her old job back as her assistant. I let Tina know that her old room is now occupied by Melanie and she just needs to select a different room and her Mom needs to choose a room as well.

I was kind of hesitant to tell Tina that her room was occupied, but she didn’t seem to really care that someone was in her old room.

Jill said that she needed two assistants, so she will be keeping BJ and adding Tina. This made me smile that things were now running well. I sat down with Tina and chatted with her about if she wanted to go to USC or UCLA, she preferred USC. I dialed up the university and spoke to their administration about Tina transferring from the school that had the shooting today to USC. I let them know that she was not on the scholarship of any kind, which seemed to make them happy.

We all watched carefully as there didn’t seem to be any announcement of the shooter being either caught or killed. I was hoping for dead not just apprehended. However, the media did not say one way or the other. While we were watching TV, I dialed up Special Agent Fernandez to let him know that I found Tina in one of the close hospitals and brought her home to the Chateau.

He thanked me for calling him and making it able for him to close that file. He went on to tell me that the injured numbers are more like 140, not 200. Anyone who went to the hospital was lumped into the stats for the shooting, even if they were having a gallbladder attack. I asked how Agent Longmire was doing. Fernandez asked why I would ask about her. I laughed and told him that I put her, and a guy named Patrick together for a non-date, which made Fernandez laugh as well. He went on to say that Agent Longmire seems a whole bunch happier now that she is seeing someone.

Fernandez asked me if there are any other hookups that he should know about relating to my group. I told him that my lady Sharon was seeing an Agent Don McHenry. I could hear the sigh over the phone that Heidi was dating someone that I know and now I reveal that Sharon is dating Agent McHenry. Who knows, maybe they have an older agent that we could put together with Tina’s Mom which was funny in my head.

I did apologize to him for not starting his wife working for me in our real estate department. Diane was all set to feed Agent Fernandez’s wife a series of listings and some contact information of employees who wanted to sell their house and buy a new one.

I told Agent Fernandez that we will start his wife on Monday. He told me that she is chomping at the bit to get to work. I told him that we have all the work she will be able to handle. In my head, I felt as if I should invite all three agents to the Chateau for dinner. Inviting Agent Longmire, Agent McHenry, and of course Special Agent Fernandez. Fernandez did quietly tell me that the shooter is dead and to not let the ladies worry about it as it is over now.


When we got up the next morning, the TV news was still telling us all about the shooting at the University. They told of kids killed outside of their classrooms plus other kids not in cover. They glorified the shooter which in my opinion was just bad TV. He didn’t need any more attention; he was a loser and he hurt and killed people. One of the items that the news pointed out was that he wore a tactical vest and had multiple clips used rifle that had a bump stock which is illegal in many states, but clearly, he didn’t care. I did notice that both State Senators for California had opinions, but it was more like they were running for office rather than worrying about the kids and families that were hurt, injured, or killed.

When my eyes opened, I saw Tina and Dakota sleeping together in one of the play beds. They were all entangled but to me, it was very nice to see. I rolled over and kissed Jill on the forehead before getting out of bed and heading into the bathroom to shower.

As I was standing underneath the hot water of the showerhead, I felt the cool air hit me as the shower door was opened when someone stepped into my hot shower. I took my head out from underneath the hot water but before I could do anything, I felt a soft gentle pair of hands on my body. I thought for sure it was Dakota as she likes to do that, but when I turned around, I saw it to be Tina.

We kissed passionately for several minutes as we stood underneath the cascading hot water. I played with her svelte body as we were in the shower together. Once she managed to get my cock hard, I lifted her up and slid her down to impale her on my manhood. Tina is a curious creature. One moment she is all shy and a few minutes later she is aggressive. Tina is an equal match for Dakota, if there is such a thing.

We spent more than an hour being intimate in the shower. While we were having our way with each other, I saw Dakota peek around the corner but when she saw that it was Tina and me, she went back out to the bedroom to head across the hallway to her own bedroom. I asked Tina how she would feel if her Mom saw her and I playing. She answered that her Mom is not a prude and probably would want to join in. She said that she gets her sexual drive from her Mother, which surprised me.

Clearly, we stood underneath the shower for quite a while as both of our hands were all pruny We kept kissing much like that of high school teenagers. Tina whispered in my ear that she was so happy to be home which made me feel good to have her at the Chateau.

Today is Saturday and we really didn’t have anything scheduled, so when we left the shower, we took time to dry each other off. It really felt good in my head and my heart that we had Tina back home.

Once we were dry, we got dressed. I put on my usual shorts and a white tee shirt, Tina put on one of my white tee shirts and then opened her suitcase that we packed. She took out a pair of shorts for herself. I stepped in behind her and put my arms around her whispering in her ear that I loved her and was so happy that she was home and was safe.

As we were heading out of the bedroom, I told Tina that I had some work to do and will probably spend two or three hours on my laptop, but she should relax and just enjoy being home once again. I did ask about her Mother and what I should expect from her. Tina said that I would just have to wait and see. Apparently, her Mother can be like Melanie and very much the Socialite or at times she can be the slut of the party. I smiled thinking that the apple didn’t fall that far from the tree.

I’ve played with Melanie but now this intrigues me. Potentially, having Tina and her Mother would be an interesting accomplishment. However, that will happen only when one of them approaches me.

I head upstairs to the office and open my laptop to get some work done. As I turned on my computer, I decided that I should get a glass of pineapple juice to start my day. I head back down to the kitchen, poured myself a glass of juice and took it with me to to the office. However, when I was downstairs in the kitchen, Tina was having an omelet made for her with some fried potatoes and fried onions.

As I was climbing the stairs, I stopped and turned around to get a couple of slices of toast and strawberry preserves. As the toast was cooking, I asked what was on the menu for lunch. Sammy told me that we were doing either chicken salad sandwiches or Tuna salad along with chicken noodle soup. I liked that idea as I haven’t had chicken salad in quite a while.

As I was heading back up the stairs, my mind drifted to the porn twins and Fred’s nephews. We have not seen any of the four in several days.

Tina followed me up to the office. She put her arms around me and hugged me for quite a while. It wasn’t very long before Tina’s Mom was in the office as well. Her Mother is beautiful and very sexy. She came up behind me and put her arms around me. I felt her giving me little kisses on my neck. I spun around and pulled her into me. What Tina said about her Mother seemed to be spot on. Her Mother being beautiful seemed willing to participate with me and have some time for her and me to get a bit intimate, which I liked very much.

I made my way to my laptop once again. When I opened it up there were nearly 350 emails. As usual, I removed the duplicate emails. I looked for the important ones that I needed to read.

The first email that I came across was one from Roger. He explained that I needed to read and delete the emails from Roger.

After that, I read two emails from the trucking managers. They again thanked me for giving them the authority to order new trucking tires. I sent them a ‘your welcome’ as they were really making that department lots of money.

When I was reading other emails, these nice hands appeared over my eyes. Again, I felt soft gentle kisses on my neck. I gently turned around and found Tina’s Mom kissing me. I responded gladly as she is a beautiful woman and she clearly wants to become intimate with me, which I am more than willing. She begins to remove my tee shirt, then my shorts before she starts removing her own clothing. Once we were both naked, she straddled my lap and began to grind her soft wet pussy onto my hard cock. I felt her put my manhood at the entrance to her pussy.

We both rocked back and forth before I thrust myself into her wet womanhood. I heard her whimper and moan as my cock slid right into her. I thrust repeatedly in and out of her listening to her moan in my ear. She impaled herself on my cock and began to fuck me just as aggressive as I was fucking her. We were both moaning loudly. Tina opened the office door and just walked in without saying a word. She removed my cock from her Mother and put it in her mouth licking and sucking me. I just leaned back in the chair and enjoyed both ladies having their way with me.

After several minutes, Dakota showed up and also began to have her way with me as well. She got down on her knees and began licking and sucking my cock. After several minutes of Dakota’s antics on my cock, I felt that twinge letting me know that I was now approaching the point of no return. It didn’t take long before I exploded into Tina’s Mom. She moaned loudly telling me that she loved me shooting rope after rope into her wet wanton pussy.

After I emptied my balls into her, she got up and turned around and impaled herself on my cock again, but this time my cock pushed itself into her ass. I stood her up and bent her over the desk continuing to fuck her as fast as I could. She began to orgasm multiple times before I reached my pinnacle once again. I was pounding into her as hard as I could and she was moaning loudly and begging me to fuck her harder and harder, which I gladly did.

As we both orgasmed several times. She took me by the hand and laid me down on the office floor where she straddled me and rocked back and forth until she again announced that she was cumming so damn hard. I felt her splash my pelvis with her woman juice.

We began to have our way with each other, being intimate. Tina’s Mom was very sexual as well as being beautiful. Both Tina and I gladly became intimate with each other.

As we were intimate, Michael came into the picture once again. Michael took Tina by the hand and walked her up to the bedroom that she slept in. I know that he was quite the ass the last time he was at the Chateau, but this time he was very different. He acted like a gentleman with Tina, but I know that Dakota watched him like a hawk. Clearly, she didn’t trust him and neither did Jill. I love both Jill and Dakota and am very happy to have both pregnant. Tina came back down 10 minutes later. Clearly, Michael did not impress Tina.

As Michael took Tina up the stairs to her bedroom, there was a knock at the front door. I got up from the dining room table to answer it. When I opened the door, there stood my beautiful Dr. Ronda. I pulled her into the living room and proceeded to kiss her passionately. She kissed me back just as hard and just as romantically. I heard Tina’s Mom ask the dining room who was I kissing. Jennifer answered that I was kissing Dr. Ronda. She is a dear friend to Jill as well as being a Marine.

I asked Ronda to please look at the three pregnant ladies to make sure they are all in good condition with the babies. Ronda took a few minutes, starting first with getting the vital signs from Diane. After she got the necessary vital signs, she moved on to Dakota then Jill taking care with each one.

So here we have it, Michael is upstairs with Tina. Dr. Ronda has arrived to look over each of the three ladies and Tina’s Mom has already had her way with me.

I call Special Agent Fernandez. Once I get him, I tell him that on Monday his wife should show up to the Hawk to have her first day of work for Jaxson, Inc. He seems very happy that his wife will be going to work for me. I tell him that she should show up about 9 am so she can help put many of the houses on MLS for sale. He is very happy that she will be coming to work on Monday.

I do ask about Agent Longmire and her relationship with Patrick. He says that they seem to be quite the couple. I express that I am very happy for both of them. He asks if we can plan a dinner one night. I accept but I know that it may cause an issue, but we will look at the potential for Longmire and Patrick to come to dinner. I suggest that we all meet at Longhorn once again. They have delightful steaks cooked. I suggest to Special Agent Fernandez and his wife, Agent Heidi Longmire, and Patrick, along with Agent McHenry and Sharon. All six of them agree to meet Jill, Dakota, and myself at Longhorn.

Once we all arrive at Longhorn, I look around and see that Patrick and Heidi have already taken a seat. It certainly was a surprise that Heidi and Patrick had already arrived. The rest of us followed the hostess to the table. The hostess sat all of us and asked if we wanted to place a drink order of any type. Jill and Dakota both ordered a glass of water. I decided to do the same thing. Heidi already had a glass of wine. Patrick had ordered a glass of red wine. Special Agent Fernandez along with his wife placed red wine orders as well. Sharon and Agent McHenry each ordered a glass of wine as well.

Dakota, Jill and I all ordered a glass of water. Special Agent Fernandez took it upon himself to order the table a couple of appetizers. One was a plateful of fire shrimp and the other was the cheesy suggestion of my favorite stuffed mushrooms.

It didn’t take long before the server brought the appetizers along with the glasses of wine. I watched as the server worked around the table pouring full glasses of wine. I grabbed a small plate and some of the cheesy shrimp. The FBI people and their spouses all took a big serving of the firecracker shrimp. We all laughed at me protecting the cheesy shrimp from everyone else.


As we all were finishing up with the appetizers, the next server brought the salad course to the table. He mixed it well before he started serving it to us all. For my serving, I asked him to leave out the onions which he took the time to remove from the salad bowl.

The server was careful to put the service onto small plates and give us each portion of salad. I was delighted to have salad as it was delicious. I, as usual, watched Dakota eating her salad. Jill moved herself over to be next to me and took a smaller portion of a salad than Dakota had taken.

I looked around the table, I was enjoying the group eating and laughing. I was happy that Special Agent Fernandez’s wife was coming to work for me on Monday. I liked that Sharon had an interest in Agent McHenry and of course Patrick and Agent Longmire.

Patrick asks me about Jill and Dakota. I explain that both are pregnant, by me. Patrick asks how is it that I have a pregnant wife along with a pregnant assistant both of whom know each other and have no issues with each other being pregnant by me. I shrug my shoulders and tell him that I’m just lucky. He smiles and laughs a bit.

I see that Sharon has her arm underneath the table rubbing Agent McHenry. He is just leaning back in his chair and enjoying Sharon’s antics.

Dakota is smiling and participating in the conversations at the table. Jill is also participating in the conversations.

While we are all sitting there and enjoying dinner, our server begins to bring out our meals. I had ordered a ribeye steak, medium rare along with garlic mashed potatoes and corn. Jill ordered the Red Rock shrimp with additional garlic butter. She also chose a baked potato fully loaded. Dakota chose a chicken breast and green beans. The agents all ordered steak and the non-agents decided to order other items other than steak. Each of them ordered something delicious but not a steak.

As we were sitting at our table, the waitress Missy Jones came over and said hello. She leaned down and gave me a very romantic kiss which got the eye of all the agents at the table. Special Agent Fernandez was the first to ask, “Um. Is there something we should know about you? I mean, you have two gorgeous women who are pregnant sitting here and now you have a beautiful waitress just come up and give you a very romantic kiss.

Missy whispered in my ear that she wants to stop by the house and get intimate with me I say that it’s OK. I told her that it is fine anytime she wants to stop by the house. I see a couple of people whispering back and forth about me and Missy. Shortly after the kiss, the manager made a beeline over to our table. He seemed worried that Missy was being much too friendly, which she wasn’t.

Agent Fernandez continued with the questions.

“So, how did you get your wife to agree that you were going to get your assistant pregnant? Of did you just do it and then ask permission?” Fernandez asked with a big smile on his face.

“Well, Jose, actually the series of events are in reverse order from what you think. Dakota came to Jill and me to let us know that she’s wanted a baby for quite a while, but until just a few weeks ago she had not found a man that she trusted enough to get her pregnant. She asked Jill’s permission to get pregnant by me which Jill told her yes. Not long after she became pregnant, Jill also became pregnant. Quite the story eh?” I say to Fernandez.

“Will there be any others, my wife wants to know since she starts working for you on Monday,” he says to me.

“Well…….um………actually, there is another. She’s the lady’s OB/GYN. Her name is Dr. Ronda. When she’s working, as a doctor, she goes by Dr. Ronda, when she’s not working, she’s just Ronda,” I tell the table. I hear Sharon giggling because she knows me well enough.

Sharon’s friend Agent McHenry looks at her with a bit of incredulity. She just smiles and doesn’t say a word, which leaves him stunned. I hear him whispering and asking questions, she just puts her hand up and quiets him. Sharon works well for me, so much so that I trust her to handle everything in the office whether I’m there or not.

As everyone was finishing their meal, the waiter came and began to remove empty plates. He recommended a couple of desserts, one a NY style cheesecake with a strawberry glaze and the second one dulce de leche. Everyone one except for Sharon and me went for the dulce de leche. Sharon and I had the cheesecake.

“David, I noticed that you kind of sidestepped my original question,” Fernandez says.

“I’m sorry, I don’t remember what your original question was,” I say to him.

“How did you convince your wife to allow you to get your assistant pregnant?” He says.

“Well, like I already said, she didn’t allow me it was a mutual agreement. Dakota wants a baby and she thinks that I’m a good candidate to be the Father to her baby. The three of us slept together several times and soon enough, Dakota was pregnant and about a month later Jill was also pregnant,” I tell Fernandez.

“David, it sounds like you’re building one of those old ‘commune’ places that we used to have here in California back in the ’70s and ’80s. And to make this even more incredible you have a third lady who wants to get pregnant by you. Are you doing this the old-fashioned way or the new fuel injected method?” He asks me.

“No, if I’m going to create a baby, then I get to have some fun,” I tell him smiling and laughing.

Special Agent Fernandez phone goes off. He checks it and excuses himself from the table. A couple of minutes later, Agent McHenry’s cell phone goes off and he gets up from the table and steps outside. While they are gone, I call Missy over to the table and ask her to box up the desserts that were ordered for the table and please have our waiter bring me the check.

It takes about 15 minutes before Fernandez and McHenry return to the table. Fernandez apologizes and tells me that he has been called into the office. Agent McHenry also apologizes and tells Sharon that he too has been called into the office. She puts on her pouty face. It was almost as if Dakota had taught her the proper method to get maximum mileage out of the pouty face.

Fernandez asks the waiter for our check; he finds out that I’ve already taken care of it. I thank all the agents for coming to dinner and I send them home with their desserts. I see McHenry kiss, Sharon, quite nicely and offers to call a cab for her. She just tells him that since I own two limo companies that she’ll get a ride home.

Patrick and Agent Longmire are just chatting at the other end of the table. I ask them to come down to my end and join us in a bit of after-dinner conversation.

“Agent Longmire, how come you didn’t get called into work?”

“Well, first it’s Heidi. But they are going to take down some bad guys. They are part of one of our tactical units. I am not cleared for field work, they have me at a desk but what I do I do well. I help the agency find companies that are hiding money through shell corporations or in the Caribbean or the Bahamas things like that. I love what I do and I don’t think that I would enjoy working anywhere else,” she tells me.

“Really? So, if I offered you a job working for Jaxson, Inc. and I want you to work with a team of forensic accountants would you be interested?” I ask her.

“Mr. Greene, are you serious or are you just having some fun with me?” She asks.

“Oh, he’ serious,” Sharon says.

Dakota and Jill are watching this quietly.

“Um, well I don’t know. You put Patrick and me together and I have really enjoyed seeing him, However, now you are toying with me as to whether you are going to offer me a job or not,” she says to me.

“Heidi, how many hours a week do you work at the Federal building?” I ask her.

“Somewhere between 40 and 45 hours,” she says.

“OK, if I may ask what salary range are you making doing what you do for the FBI?” I ask again. I see that this question hit a nerve.

“Well, I make about $55,000 a year plus medical and dental,” she says a bit sheepishly.

“Hmm, $55,000…that much. OK, how about this I hire you to run my forensic accounting team. You will stay here in LA. I will pay you $100,000 the first year with a bonus for every $25,000 you are able to uncover in misappropriated funds. I will also buy you a 2019 Ford vehicle of your choosing,” I tell her.

“Mr. Greene, you can’t be serious,” she says to me with a look of surprise on her face.

“Heidi, you don’t play poker, do you?” I ask.

“Um, no not really, why?” she asks.

“Well, you have no poker face. All your emotions are clearly displayed on your face, but yes, my offer is sincere. However, there are a couple of things. First, you will have to sign a 5-year employment contract. Second, you will have access to privileged information, and you will need to sign a non-disclosure agreement, Third, I would like you to give proper notice and not just quit the FBI. They have been good to you and you’ve worked hard and have made lots of friends in the agency. I don’t want you to lose them,” I tell her.

“Um, you said something about a new car?” She asks me again sheepishly.

“Yep, as soon as you sign the contracts, I will take you personally to buy a new Ford,” I tell her. She is looking at me across the table as if I’m going to say, ‘just joking’.

Patrick is sitting next to Heidi and has a stunned look on his face. Jill and Dakota are giggling. They’ve seen my act before, never on an FBI agent, but still, I was able to recruit her to come to our company.

I had the idea that we were moving that accounting team from wherever it was…Montana or North Dakota. The people who wanted to move here are nowhere but maybe their houses haven’t sold so Fernandez’s wife will handle the buy and sell of their houses like I had expected Kim and Kay’s uncle to do. Instead, he quit leaving me short handed and Jennifer and Diane were overloaded.

“Tell me, Heidi, where would my attorney’s fax the contracts to you?” I ask her.

She looks in her phone and gives me a place to send the contracts. Patrick is all smiles now.

“Heidi, please don’t leave the FBI on bad terms. You’ve worked quite a while for them, and you have lots of friends who work there. Sit down with your supervisor and explain to him or her that you’ve been recruited by Jaxson, Inc.” I tell her.

“Heidi, how do you think your supervisor will take you leaving?” I ask.

“He never seems to care when agents leave for the private sector to make more money. He just keeps sending requests to Washington to get more agents as if the agency had a tree out back to pull a couple of agents off of,” she says giggling a bit.

Patrick suggests to Heidi that they go ahead and leave. I give Heidi my business card and put my personal cell phone number on the back of the card. I ask Jill and Dakota if we are also ready to head home. They are all ready, so we get up and head towards the door. Missy intercepts me and asks when it is OK for her to come to play at the house.

“Darling, whenever you want to come over is fine with me. However, we now have two gates so when you get to the outer gate, press the call button and announce yourself,” I tell her.

As the five of us were walking towards our vehicles, a homeless person approached us asking for money. Since I don’t give money to people, I offered to buy the guy a burger and fries from inside the restaurant. He accepted the meal. I took him inside and we stopped at the hostess stand. She looked like she wanted to kick the guy out of the restaurant.

“Ma’am I want him to get a meal to go so he can eat it at his leisure,” I tell her.

The man asks me if ordering a burger and fries was OK.

“Dude, if you want a burger and fries then that will be what you order. Now, these people are getting ready to close so they will give you your meal in a to-go container. Do you want some iced tea to go with the meal?”

“If that wouldn’t be too much to ask,” he says to me.

It always bothered me how some people end up on the streets. They don’t have a drug habit, they’re not alcoholics but somehow life has just given them a sucker punch.

I sat on the benches by the front door waiting for the guy’s meal. When it was brought out to him his face lit up. He told me thank you profusely. I told him that there are several shelters that I can drive him to if he needs a clean bed for the night. He accepted the offer. I see my SS guys getting a bit nervous about me adding a homeless guy to our car.

Fred knew just where to take the homeless guy and he did so in record time. The guy thanked us for taking the time to help him just a little bit. As we were driving back home, it made me think about how much it would really cost to either purchase or construct a place for homeless people to get a shower and a clean bed for a night and maybe even a simple but comforting meal. One of the things that I don’t believe homeless people need is someone telling them that they need to ask God for forgiveness. I say, let them just get a nice hot shower and a decent meal and at least for one night, their life is a bit better.

What I don’t understand is how so many children end up on the streets. Most are with their custodial parent, but a few are on their own and those are the more difficult ones to reach, but they too need a simple meal and a place to shower and get a good night’s sleep.

As we approached the outer gate, I came to a decision that Jaxson, Inc will be a major contributor to a homeless shelter and food service. And yet, I still haven’t unveiled my own personal project.



2019-07-26 03:37:52
great story!


2019-07-15 19:56:19
Confusing little paragraph with Michael . Seemed out of place .


2019-07-04 15:34:11
Keep the chapters coming! So happy I logged in today and found a new chapter!!


2019-07-04 03:16:59
Another great episode in the series. I look forward to WHAT the "Gang" will be doing or better WHO the "Gang" will be doing. When start each story I wonder who will be added and become a member of the Chateau Tribe.
Keep the stories coming. It makes my day when I see you have new contribution.

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