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Life goes on
This chapter is predominantly non-sexual character development. If you’re enjoying following the story I hope this is a meaningful contribution to the saga. The next chapter will be sex-focused.


Note: I had to edit this because for some reason when it published a bunch of random words and errors were inserted into the text - unsure why. Hopefully it’s fixed.


The next week went by fairly sedately compared to her other recent activity, and after that Tegan had her scheduled week off to allow for her monthly visitor. As far as Tegan could tell Brandon and Yeong were progressing nicely and in the brief moments she saw them seemed happy together, in a nearly sickeningly sweet way. Yeong occasionally spent the night in Brandon’s room but to her best guess they weren’t yet sleeping together. Brandon had intimated to Tegan that although things had started off confusingly intense they had eased that back and felt no pressure to be overly physical. She was surprised at Brandon’s patience and willingness to scale back his sexual activity but attributed it to the extent of his affection for Yeong. So far they had not raised the issue of Brandon continuing to share in Tegan’s expenses, though she believed Brandon was mostly funded by his parents as long as he continued to study and he was not hurting for cash.

Angus and Sam on the other hand continued to get their money’s worth, but the activity was becoming sporadic. Now that there was one fewer housemate having sex with her and they occasionally had Yeong around, the spontaneous semi-public encounters had practically stopped and longer multi-partner sessions had ceased entirely. Some days there would be hours-long sessions of intense energy, and sometimes there were whole days when she was just left alone. It left Tegan in a weird malaise and while she was somewhat relieved that they had not kept up the boundary-pushing pace of the first few weeks, she did feel an element of frustration from how vanilla and stagnant things had become. Maybe it was time to end the experiment and go back to normal – though she had a feeling that not only would that mean returning to normal employment, but also finding a new place to live. She wasn’t sure she could continue to live with three guys she’d previously been having sex with when she was no longer having sex with them.

That thought could sit and stew a little longer – though she mentally fortified herself for the possibility one of the guys would approach her about it later. For now, she needed to find a way to liven things up again. Brandon was out with Yeong So she waited until after dinner and when Angus and Sam both retreated to their rooms she got in her car for the first time in months, praying it would still turn over, and went for a drive.


Tegan ascended the stairs to the sex shop Angus had brought her to several weeks earlier, having tracked down it’s exact location online. She was primarily here for research purposes but felt somewhat uneasy being here alone. She hoped Simon, the familiar face she was here to speak with, was around, otherwise she would likely just be beating a hasty retreat. She slipped through the beaded curtain at the top of the staircase and into the well lit dildoplex.

“Hey there, little lady!” Called a voice to her left, Simon was sitting behind the counter with another battered looking paperback when he pushed a receipt into as a bookmark before setting it under the counter out of sight. Tegan wondered if he remembered her name. Actually, she struggled to remember if she had even offered it last time she was here.

“Tegan.” She offered as she approached.

“Tegan, of course.” Simon said cheerfully in slightly too loud a voice. She glanced around and was relieved that they appeared to be alone. “What can I do for you this evening?”

“Well um…” she wasn’t sure how to actually start this conversation. “I had some questions, if that’s alright.”

“About what? Everything ok?” he furrowed his brow.

“Oh, everything is fine. But when I was here last Angus mentioned you organised um… other events.”

Simon scanned the room to verify they were alone for himself.

“Did he? What about it, love?” He queried defensively.

“What if someone were interested? In participating, I mean.”

“To what extent would you mean?”

“That would depend on the uh… event I suppose.”

“Why don’t we go somewhere a bit more private to talk?”

“We’re alone.”

“Yeah, more private than that.”

“Oh. Ok.”

Simon slipped out from behind the counter and closed over the wooden door on the inside of the beaded cur which had a ‘Back in 15’ sign sellotaped to it, latching the door.

“Bit optimistic of me to be open this early to be honest.” Simon said with a smile. “Let’s step into my office.”

Simon led her towards the “No Admittance” door and she welt a wave of anxiety wash over her momentarily. The last time she was here Angus had led her into a small booth on the left, but Simon led here into a less obvious unmarked door on the right, painted the same black as the rest of the hallway. Within was, sure enough, an office, enough space for a desk and couch as well as a filing cabinet and two wall mounted LCD monitors that displayed the feed from at least eight CCTV cameras both inside and outside the shop. Simon sat on the corner of the desk as the door closed behind them and made an apologetic open palm gesture.

“I’m right sorry to have to do this, but I have to ask you to undress.”

It took Tegan a moment to register what he’d said.


“I need you to undress. You don’t have to of course, the door is right there.” Simon gestured behind her. “Those are the two options.”

“Oh.” Tegan said. She wasn’t sure what to make of Simon’s directive. Was this some kind of screening, or for security purposes? She wondered if she had stumbled into something illegal. Well given the regulations around prostitution, it occured to her that it was almost definitely illegal. She should have seen this coming. For a long moment she considered her options and Simon, to his credit, did not try to rush her. Eventually with a resigned nod she set her purse on his desk and unzipped her dress. It was a similar style as the one she’d worn last time, funnily enough. She unlooped the straps knotted behind her neck over her head and let the dress slide off her, stepping out of it and draping it across the desk over her purse. She was now wearing only sandals and panties, which left little to the imagination. She folded her hands protectively in front of her crotch, which was still covered, feeling no embarassment about her chest, which wasn’t. She looked at Simon expectantly, a nervous shiver running through her as Simon gave her an appraising look as he picked up dress and gave it a cursory pat down presumably for recording devices. For a moment he seemed to be considering whether to have her remove her underwear as well but ultimately did not ask her to.

“I apologise, Tegan. It’s not you, it’s me. I’m a very paranoid man, and I stake my budding reputation on discretion.. I need to do my due diligence when it comes to protecting myself and my clients.”

“Can I put my dress back on?”

“Not just yet.” He reached into his desk drawer and pulled out a portable ashtray and cigarette packet, offering her one, which she declined with a shake of her head. Simon lit one for himself then leaned over and pressed a button on the wall which activated some exhaust fans.

“As Angus intimated to you, I do run some events. I’m trying to grow a market for slightly prestigious or interesting adult entertainment for the discerning and ideally well-off perverts of this city.” He took a deep drag and blew smoke in the direction of the exhaust vent in the ceiling.

“What kind of events?”

“Glad you ask. Peep shows is the start of it, in the booths.” He gestured at the wall behind her, indicating the booths. “I have some girls, sometimes with guys, put on a show and charge admittance. Maybe let people cast votes for what they like to see. Get a lot of couples for that. Then there’s a direct service, with which you are familiar.”

Tegan nodded her acknowledgement – the glory holes.

“They gradually escalate from there. Sometimes a few lads want to party with some nice girls, or one girl. I can hook them up. Then you get up into eyes wide shut kind of territory.”

“Like the movie?”

“I wish. That’s proper millionaire shit. But that’s the dream. For now my clientele is upper-middle class twats with a little bit too much money who want the high life experience. I arrange a little entertainment in the form of a live show, a lot of the gents bring a mistress or missus.”

“Live show?” Tegan queried as Simon took another drag.

“Maybe a couple or a group, the guests typically just watch from the sidelines and do their own thing, maybe some partner swapping depending on the attendees. But there’s seldom a girl for every guy. That’s what the sideline workers are for.”

“And what would that entail?” She realised that this discussion had started to make her horny, and her exposed nipples had gotten hard. She assumed Simon had noticed.

“Maybe helping out one of the lonely guys, or being a unicorn for one of the couples.”

Tegan knew the term unicorn – a young, attractive bisexual girl who plays with an older couple. Simon’s explanation painted a picture in their mind. People standing around watching people fuck, getting frisky, and then fucking each other. Simon finished his cigarette while she mulled it over and extinguished it in the ashtray, closing the lid before putting it and the cigarette packet back in his desk drawer.

“So where would I fit into all this?” She asked.

“You tell me, love. Any of the above sound interesting to you?”

“These private parties. I… I think I’d like to participate. Is it discreet?”

“Oh yeah, non-disclosures, masquerade masks, the whole nine. And everyone is clean, admission is subject to a clear blood screen, that includes you. Angus vouched for you in the glory hole but moving forward I’ll need clean tests.” Simon picked up a clipboard hanging from a nail in the wall and flipped over a couple of pages. “Now if I’m being totally honest, you might be a bit plain jane for the centrepiece role.”


“I don’t mean that in a harsh way love, I like your face and you’ve got a cute little bod. But the real attention getters are a bit better endowed, you follow?”

“I suppose.”

“Girls who aren’t in that category tend to do more of the direct service kind of work. You need to be a bit freaky.” Simon picked up a pen and tapped the clipboard thoughtfully. “So how would you feel about being available for the singles or couples to play with?”

“I think that would be my preference.” Tegan said, her voice soft. This had all suddenly gone from being abstract to rather specific and she felt like she was being interviewed. Simon wrote a note.

“Let’s see… I know you swallow.” He flashed her a wry smile, confirming her assumption that he’d been one of her glory hole patrons. “You do girls?”

“Not usually. But I don’t mind.” Tegan said.

“Would you do full sex?”




“Foursomes, moresomes?” Simon pressed.

“I suppose.” Tegan shrugged.


“I have…”

“You enjoy it?”


“So we’ll put that as a maybe then. Alright.” Simon put the clipboard and pen down. “Now I need you to lose the knickers.”

“You want me to…” she looked down and pointed at under panties.

“I need to see all of you before we go any further. This is basically a screening.”

“And then what?”

“You asking if I plan to try and fuck you?”

“Yes.” Tegan said promptly, maybe a little breathlessly.

“That’s not part of the interview.” Simon flashed a toothy grin. “For now I just need to look. Is that ok? I need you to remove your panties then turn around and bend over. You can use your own hands to spread yourself if you’d rather I not touch you.”

Tegan just nodded and complied, sliding her panties down her thighs and letting them fall to her ankles. She turned and bent over the couch with her feet shoulder width apart she reached back and gripped her thighs, spreading her ass and exposing herself to Simon. She heard movement behind herself as he crouched down to give her a once over.

“Ok, that’s fine.”

She stood back up and turned around, crouching to pull her panties back up.

“Nice and tidy, no scarring or signs of disease. A bit of bush too. Have to say, I’m not a fan of the totally bald look. All the ladies do it and wind up looking the same. No bloody uniqueness.”

“Thank you.” Tegan said contritely, unsure how else to respond.

“So in terms of compensation…” Simon began. Tegan hadn’t even thought that far ahead, she was looking for experiences. She wasn’t going to turn down the money if it was offered but it wasn’t her driver. In broad terms the ‘feature’ performers were paid the most – in the vicinity of a thousand or two - while the sideline workers received a fraction of that to be present, with bonuses for each service performed on the guests. Tegan just nodded.

“Now the point of the parties is that the swingers play out in the open, if they want private time with you that’s between you and them. I neither endorse nor discourage it, but I have some suggested rates for consistency purposes.

“Is that common?”

“Very rare during the parties, but they may approach you for another meetup later. I’d expect a modest finder’s fee for any such arrangements, especially if you expect me to keep finding more work for you. Fair?”

Tegan nodded. She didn’t really expect she would make any such arrangements but respected Simon’s rules.

“Now how does all that sound, so far?”

“When can I start?”

“Keen.” Simon grinned, flipping a few sheets on his clipboard and scanning a page. “I have one of the classy events in a week and a half, if I squeeze you in I can shorten the wait list. And that’ll give you time to get your bloods done.”

“What will I be doing?”

“Sidelining. It’ll depend who else is working, sometimes I need full service, sometimes just oral. The full service – which is the better pay – typically goes to the girls with tenure, but I’ll text you closer to the date to confirm. Oh, there’s a code system for texts, by the way.”


“If I text you asking what movie you’re seeing on a certain date, and you reply with any movie that has the word ‘river’ in it and it means you aren’t available. Anything else, literally anything, and it means you’re good to go. Once you confirm I text you a suggested role. Lead and support I’m sure you understand.”


“Then we get more specific. At the parties you were a choker deisgnating what services you perform. A black choker is oral, a pink ribbon around it means you do girls too. That would be BCP. Follow?”

Tegan nodded.

“Pink choker means you play with girls only. Red choker means full service. Green includes anal. A white choker is for watching only.”


“Some punters might just want you to watch them, or have you do a solo performance. They don’t touch you, you aren’t expected to touch them. It’s rare I have a need for a white choker girl who won’t do anything else but it’s not unheard of. Oh by the way, no matter what role you’re playing you have to be ok with spunk. Even if you’re just a watcher and the guy is pleasing himself, he needs somewhere to finish, and that means on you, if not in.”

“What about the pink choker girls?”

“Even then.” Simon affirmed. “Is that all clear?”


“Ok then. Get your bloods done and drop them by ASAP. I’ll text you after that.”


Tegan left the store and drove home after the interview, somewhat surprised that Simon didn’t make any attempt to have sex with her. She supposed he must see more attractive women almost daily, or if he was just playing it safe. It wasn’t until she was back on the road that it really sunk in what she had just committed to doing. Of course she could just not get tested, or tell Simon she’d changed her mind, but she doubted that she’d have another chance. If she closed the door now it might never open again.

When she returned home Angus was seated on the couch watching TV. He glanced up as she walked in.

“There yeh are.” He said by way of friendly greeting.

“Here I am.” Tegan responded uncertainly. She didn’t really feel like having to explain - or even lie about - where she’d been.

“Would yeh mind?” Angus casually pulled down the elastic waistband of his pyjama pants and flopped his dick out. “Ah could use a little stress relief.”

“Not at all.” She smiled sweetly and got down on her knees between his feet. “Is Brandon home?”

“Nah, he’s still out wit’ his girl.” Angus said.

“Oh.” Tegan was conscious of the possibility Brandon could return while she was ministering to Angus and if Yeong with with him she could catch them in a compromising position. Since she was ostensibly in a relationship with Sam, it would lead to awkward discussions. She assumed Angus was aware of this.

“Somethin’ wrong lass?”

“Oh… no.” she smiled. “Did you want me to strip?”

“Nah, not necessary. Just a nice relaxing BJ if tha’s alright.”

“Your wish is my commend.” She leans across his lap and took his cock between her lips, using her hand to massage his balls and the base of his shaft to get him to full hardness as she worked the tip with her mouth. He seemed to be in no hurry to finish and she was happy to work at a leisurely pace, feeling some of the awkwardness of the last couple of weeks ebb away as she carried out her duties. Angus sank back into the couch with a satisfied sigh, either watching TV or watching Tegan work, she wasn’t making regular eye contact so she wasn’t sure where his attention was at any given moment. She occasionally took him deep, his fat shaft reaching the back of her throat, and held him there for awhile before resuming a gentle bobbing motion. Occasionally she felt him tense and his shaft flexed in her mouth but she gently eased off until the twitching stopped, happy to make this last until Angus indicated otherwise.

Tegan’s mind wandered as she blew him, thinking about how technically he still owed her a favour and wondered what she should extract from him. Ultimately she had had some petty revenge at the glory hole by making him watch as she mounted a stranger’s cock but the deal ran beyond that, and she wondered what she could extract from him in exchange. She was struggling to think of ways to sexually dominate or humiliate him that would not affect their lives outside the house.

As her jaw started to tire she decided to move things along and began focusing more of her attention and suction on the head of Angus’ dick, hoping to coax him towards finishing. He raised no objection, apparently happy to go with whatever Tegan had planned and she could feel him flexing in response to her more focused efforts, his balls tensing under her soft palm. Abruptly, Angus placed his hand on the back of her head and forced her head down. She let out a gagged grunt of momentary protest in surprise, but he held her in place and tried to relax as he urged his hips forward, trying to fuck her throat. She was reminded of her last meeting with Trevor, though with Angus comparitively lacking in length and girth he did not meet the same resistance that Trevor had. Then as she felt the first burst of semen shoot down her throat she heard the front door opening and let out a muffled protest as Angus groaned with satisfaction, another healthy pulse of spunk tickling her tonsils and draining away down into her belly.

Tegan pushed against Angus in a panic and he obligingly released her head causing her to tumble back onto the floor as she overbalanced, sitting askew as she looked up to the door in horror to find Brandon and Yeong inside the doorway with looks of shock and confusion across their respective faces. Brandon looked to Yeong apologetically and she looked up at him searchingly. Tegan ran the back of her hand across her chin to find it glazed with what she assumed was saliva and semen. She had no way of knowing exactly how much that they had seen as they walked in but there was no way that it wasn’t obvious what was happening.

Angus meanwhile had pulled his pants back up and offered Brandon and Yeong a cheerful wave.

“Evening. How was the movie?”

“Angus, what the fuck?” Brandon asked.


“You know what!” Brandon said, turning back to Yeong. “Yeong, I’m so sorry.”

Yeong whispered something to Brandon Tegan couldn’t hear. Composing herself she got up from the floor and smoothed her dress, going into the kitchen to wash her hands and face with some cold water. When she had dried herself with a paper towel and returned, Angus and Brandon appeared to be in some kind of stalemate. Tegan decided to break the silence.

“Ok, let’s talk this out.” She started. Brandon shot her a dirty glare. “This is… not ideal. Yeong, for what it’s worth, I am very sorry.”

“I don’t understand.” Yeong said quietly.

“Look, the other day when you saw me and Sam together we indicated we were, well… ‘together’. That… isn’t exactly true.” She glanced to Angus to gauge his thoughts on all this and he seemed to be content to relax on the couch with the air of a man who had just ejaculated and had no concerns in the world.

“In actuality I’m… I guess that the best word would be polyamorous.” Tegan sighed, not really wanting to dissect the whole arrangement. She didn’t want to make this any harder for Brandon than it already was. “I’m with both Sam and Angus. As equal partners.”

“So Sam knows?” Yeong ventured. Tegan nodded. “And Brandon?”

“I knew as well. I didn’t really want you to find out like this.” Brandon glared at Angus.

“Are you and her…” Yeong looked up at Brandon pleadingly.

“No.” Tegan answered, not technically lying but not strictly truthfully either.

“No…” Brandon sighed and turned to Yeong, giving her his full attention, taking her gently by the shoulders. “Yeong I promise you I am not with Tegan, and have not been the entire time we have been together.”

Yeong knew there was more to come and glanced to Tegan then back to Brandon, her eyes searching his for meaning.

“But I have been with her before.” Brandon said with a note of resignation. “She was the first and only other person I have been with. But I promise, we have not done anything since before I asked you out.”

“You were ok with the polyamory?” Yeong asked, a hint of hurt in her voice.

“I was a virgin, and I didn’t think I would ever find a girl that would like me. It… it was a compromise.”

Yeong was quiet for a long time and Tegan realised she was holding her breath. For Brandon’s sake, and the sake of the household harmony, she silently begged Yeong not to just turn and leave. She knew Brandon would never forgive her if this revelation was the reason they broke up.

“Can we talk privately?” Yeong asked Brandon, after a long silence. Tegan let her breath out slowly – the fact she was willing to talk it out probably meant that she wasn’t going to leave. Brandon nodded and led Yeong to his room. Tegan heard the door quietly click shut. She immediately turned to Angus, her voice a vicious whisper.

“What the FUCK, Angus?”

“What? Ah thought it would be a laugh.”

“You know full well Brandon wanted to be discreet around Yeong and you knew they were coming through the door.”

“He’ll get over it.”

“If they break up over this… you know he’ll never forgive either of us. It’ll tear this household apart. I can’t live here under those conditions, which means no more ‘arrangement’.”

“Ah, yeh’re overreactin’.”

“We’ll see.”


In Brandon’s room there was a long silence. Yeong sat down on the end of Brandon’s bed and Brandon sat as far from her as the length of the bed would allow, afraid to upset her by being too close while she composed her thoughts. Eventually she spoke.

“How long was this going on?”

“A few weeks. A month maybe. All of it before I asked you out, I promise.”

“How did it start?”

“Tegan just offered. We were all single and she was willing.”

“Were you in love with her?”

“No. I like her as a friend. But we didn’t have those feelings. I mainly agreed because I didn’t think I would ever get a girlfriend.”

“And you had sex with her?”

“Yes. But also we talked a lot.”


“We discussed relationships. She helped me learn to talk to girls, be more confident. Gave advice on how to…”

“How to what?”

“Please a woman.” Brandon said apologetically.

Yeong remained silent for a long time.

“Can I speak with Tegan please?”


Tegan heard the door open and Brandon call her name. She went to investigate and entered Brandon’s room when invited. A sullen looking Yeong was seated on the bed. Brandon followed her in and Yeong glanced at him.

“Alone, please.” Yeong said. Brandon hesitated then left the room, closing the door behind him. Yeong waited until she saw his shadow disappear from under the door, suggesting he was not lingering too closely.

“I’m very sorry about this.” Tegan began.

“I’m not angry with you.” Yeong said, slightly sadly.

“I can understand why you would be.”

“I’m not. I like Brandon very much, and if he says your relationship was before we began dating then I trust him. I have no need to be concerned, do I?”

“No.” Tegan shook her head. “I would never interfere with your relationship, I want my friend to be happy and he likes you. A lot.” Tegan assured her.

“I knew that he had been with another girl before. And I do not think of myself as a jealous person. But this is very…”

“Confronting?” Tegan offered.


“I’m sorry you had to see that. Angus is… very inconsiderate at times.”

There was another pause.

“I would never knowingly do anything to compromise your relationship.” Tegan repeated.

“I believe you. But I am still worried.” Tegan waited until she was ready to speak again. “Has Brandon talked about me, with you?”

“A little.”

“What did he tell you, exactly?”

“That your last boyfriend was not good to you, and he wanted to show you he’s different.” Tegan said simply. “He wanted to take things slowly so you wouldn’t think he’s only interested in sex.”

“But he was interested in sex with you?”

“That’s different. I wasn’t offering him anything emotionally, apart from friendship.”

“He will not make love to me.” Yeong said, with a bluntness that caught Tegan off guard.

“Oh. Um. I….”

“He has not been with you instead, I believe that. And there is no one else? So why doesn’t he want to do it with me?” Yeong looked to Tegan, the same sandess in her eyes she had seen the time they’d spoken in the bathroom.

“Yeong. Oh my god, is that…” Tegan took her by the hand and squeezed it. “That’s not it at all. He wants to.”

“Then why? Am I not good enough?”

“He just wants to wait until he’s sure you’re ready and not just doing it to make him happy.”

“I want to. I try to make him interested but… he always seems to find an excuse. The first time we came to his room he…” Yeong stopped mid sentence, her face going red. “He pleased me a lot.”

Tegan looked away, unable to handle the second hand embarassment radiating off Yeong.

“But since then he barely even touches me.”

“You’re his first real girlfriend, and that means a lot to him, he’s scared of compromising what you have.”

“How do I tell him I want to take the next step?”

“Directly. Very, very directly.”

“Will you help?”

“You don’t think it would be awkward?”

“It is already very awkward.” Yeong said firmly.

“Good point.” Tegan conceded.


Brandon’s door clicked open.

“B, Yeong wants to speak with you now.” Tegan called. Shooting one last glare at Angus Brandon returned to his room, the last ten minutes being a furious silence as Angus sat nonchalantly watching TV. Tegan closed the door behind him and gestured for him to sit next to Yeong. He did, somewhat confusedly as he seemed to expect their conversation would be private.

“Yeong has something she wants to say.” Tegan said, not really explaining anything. Brandon turned to Yeong, expecting the worst.

“I want to have sex.” Yeong blurted.

“What, now?” Brandon said, startled by her forthrightfulness.

“She means generally.” Tegan interjected. “She’s ready when you are.”

“I’m sorry, you know this because?”

“Because she told me.”


“Brandon.” Yeong interrupted, drawing his attention back to her. “Tegan says you are worried about going too fast in case I am not ready. But this is what I want. You want it too, don’t you?”

“Yes. Of course.”

“You say ‘of course’ but you don’t make me feel like that.”

“I’m sorry.” Brandon sighed. “I didn’t want you to think I only wanted to be with you for sex. I was happy to wait.”

“Waiting is over.” Yeong kissed him. Tegan looked around the room, weirdly uncomfortable with this display of genuine affection.

“I think that’s my cue to leave.” She slipped out the door and closed it behind her.
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