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Tegan steps boldly into the great unknown as she arrives to her first paid gig
Tegan arrived at the address she’d been given and reviewed the message history with Simon.

> what movie you seeing Friday?

Commando <

> Classic, gung ho. Well I’m going to a party if you can join after. BCP.

After that he’d texted the address and the time. Black choker, pink ribbon. That meant oral service for both men and women. She almost texted back to see if the pink ribbon was strictly necessary but decided against it. It wouldn’t be her first time, even though ever since her brief affair with Bethany she had never felt attraction to women. The main disappointment for her was that he hadn’t given her the full-service assignment, she wondered if it was a matter of easing her in or if he reserved those for the more desirable women, who presumably commanded higher earnings. Well, maybe it was all for the best. Apparently the rest would be explained on arrival.

The house was large by her standards, double story and sprawling centred in well-kept grounds on a sizeable block of land in an older more affluent part of the city than where she lived. Not exactly a mansion, but certainly impressive. She drive up the drive and parked her little Mazda hatchback around the side of the building as she’d been directed, among the other cars hidden from view, leaving the main approach clear for the real guests who would presumably be arriving in much nicer cars. As she alighted she was approached by a sharp-faced woman with an iPad, wearing an elaborate dress in a black and green shimmery material. Her hair was pulled back into a tight bun which gave her a threatening aerodynamic look.

“Name?” She enquired curtly, her voice much kinder and less severe than Tegan expected.


“Follow me.” The woman said, tapping the tablet and returning into the house via the side entrance, which led into a small chamber that had been outfitted as a kind of dressing room. There were a couple of other women here in the process of undressing and Tegan’s immediate instinct was to avoid looking at them in case they thought she was staring. The woman pointed to a narrow cubby with a few bare hangers on the rack.

“Disrobe and leave your things here. They will be looked after.”

Tegan kicked off her shoes first and placed them in the cubby then set her purse on top of them. She unzipped and shimmied out of her dress, hanging it up, then slipped out of her underwear and folded them, tucking them into her purse. Now naked and at a loss of what to do next she took a glance around the room. There were three other women at present, all also nude. A straight-haired brunette was sitting on a stool with one leg crossed over the other, looking at her phone. A strawberry blonde with wavy hair was standing with an Asian woman with black shoulder length hair chatting casually about a mutual friend – it seemed that they knew each other outside of this work. All of them were substantially bustier than Tegan, making her feel out of place. Only the Asian woman had any pubic hair, which she seemed to have groomed into a tidy but thick triangle. The sharp-faced woman returned with a fifth woman, another blonde with pink streaks in her hair. She seemed young to Tegan, and she wondered if she was still in her teens. The blonde quickly disrobed after being pointed at her cubby and Tegan noticed she was the next smallest in terms of bust size, her extremely perky B-cups crowned with puffy upturned nipples. As her panties came off Tegan noticed her pubic hair was groomed into a landing strip with pink tones dyed in, as she had apparently made some effort to have the carpet match the drapes, so to speak. Once they were all undressed they lined up as the sharp-faced woman spoke.

“Good evening ladies. My name Karen for those of you I haven’t met before. We have a mix of returning veterans and newcomers this evening so a reminder of the house rules. One, all activity within the house is maintained under strict non-disclosure. Any outside discussion may result in you being censured and blacklisted from future events. Two, beyond this room you do not refer to each other by name or otherwise identify yourselves. If you are approached by any of the guests for private engagements, refer the matter to me and I will make the arrangements with Simon’s involvement. Three…”

Tegan zoned out and passively listened. The rest of the rules were basic housekeeping, the party safeword in case things went awry, and the like.

“…and finally, try to have fun with it. We want to see you relaxed and happy. If at any time you feel uncomfortable or unwell, please excuse yourself and come speak to me” Karen finished. “Now to the assignments.”

Karen picked up a serving tray that had several chokers and masks on it and set it on a high table in the middle of the room.

“Madison and Kuniko, you will be our feature this evening.” The two women who were speaking earlier stepped forward and Karen fitted them with elaborate looking chokers of a silvery material, inlaid with what Tegan assumed were fake pearls. They were given masks inlaid with a silver design and pearls to match the chokers – they were half masks that covered them from the nose up but left their mouths uncovered. “You’ll be performing with Stan. Standard FFM performance, more focus on the FF.”

Madison and Kuniko glanced sideways at each other with nervous, almost shy smiles as they stepped back. Tegan was comforted that even the ‘veterans’ appeared to be slightly anxious ahead of the performance.

“Tracey.” The brunette stepped forward. Tegan noticed, now that she was standing, that she had a large floral tattoo piece running down her hip and the side of her thigh. Karen picked up a red choker and fitted it around Tracey’s neck, and Tracey took the plain white mask adorned with red feathers that stood up from a gem set into the brow. As everyone in the room meant what the red full-serivce choker meant Karen did not elaborate. Tracey would be available to have sex with the guests on request. Tracey stepped back.

“Jennifer and Tegan.” Tegan stepped forward with the young blonde and they both were given black chokers. Tegan noticed Jennifer’s also had the pink ribbon added, indicating they’d both be available to women and men. Jennifer took the more elaborate of the two remaining masks, which was etched with lines to look like a Mexican sugar skull, inlaid with gold paint. The remaining mask Tegan took. It had a sprawling black gothic design that seemed to bleed down from the top down over the left eye.

The distribution completed Karen picked up her tablet again as the door to the outside open and a man swaggered in. All eyes turned to him in surprise at the intrusion and Tegan felt slightly vulnerable at this latecomer strolling in off the street while she stood naked in a strange house, but there was no apparent concern.

“Stan. How nice of you to join us.”

“Thanks.” He dropped his bag and saluted, openly scanning the ladies in the room with a grin, openly ogling each of them in turn as he began to pull off his shirt and slip out of his jeans. Jennifer tried pointedly to ignore him and half turned away with her hands folded in front of her crotch, apparently irritated that he was in this space. Tegan was not concerned, she figured a whole bunch of people were going to see her nude shortly. The other ladies seemed similarly not to care and Tegan wondered if they’d worked with Stan before. As he undressed Tegan couldn’t help but be impressed. He wasn’t the biggest guy she’d ever seen but his muscles were extraordinarily well defined. He reminded her somewhat of Brad Pitt in Fight Club, which had been a guilty pleasure movie for her in high school. His pants came off to reveal an impressive cock, not quite to the degree of Trevor but somewhere above Sam. He cleared his throat and she snapped out of her daze, realising she’d been staring.

Karen returned her attention to her tablet.

“We are expecting a dozen guests. Five couples and two single men. We assume as usual that the single men will most likely want the attention of our red choker, while the couples will likely to take an interest in the black chokers. Of course, ultimately that decision lies with the guests.” She finished typing something on her tablet. “The guests should begin arriving in the next twenty minutes. Please use that time for any last minute bathroom visits and any other hygiene needs.”

Tegan didn’t need to go to the bathroom and had freshly showered before driving over so she didn’t feel the need to attend to anything and took a seat to settle her mind with some music from her phone. As she was untangling her supposedly anti-tangle headphones, Stan’s lower half moseyed into her field of view, his half-erect cock bobbing indecently in her general direction. She glanced up at him, trying to ignore it.

“Can I help you?”

“Stan.” He offered her hand.

“Tegan.” She said curtly. She assumed Stan was hitting on her and it seemed improper for him to be doing so while they were all naked and, not to put a fine point on it, about to become sex workers.

“First time?”

“Yes.” Tegan signed giving up the fight with her headphones and allowing herself to be distracted.

“Thought so.” Stan said, taking the fact Tegan was no longer trying to use her phone as an invitation to sit by her. “Saw you checking me out earlier.”

“So?” Tegan said defensively. “It’s not like you weren’t ogling all of us when you walked in.”

“Just an observation.” He said. “I see you have the black choker.”

“Another astute observation.” Tegan replied sardonically. He was obviously being suggestive, she knew there was no question he was thinking about her performing fellatio, most likely on him. “Are you going somewhere with this?”


“No.” Tegan pointedly turned away from him and resumed disentangling her headphones.

“Aw, how come?”

“Because I don’t want to. Besides, shouldn’t you be saving that for the show.”

“Honey, I can go all night. Don’t you worry about me.”

“Oh, I won’t.” She finally got her earbuds in her ear and pointedly hit the play button on her phone as pop music drowned out Stan’s retort. Defeated he walked away and started to veer towards Jennifer who shot him down with a savage glare, before heading over to Madison and Kuniko, presumably to break the ice before the show.

What a shame Tegan thought. Stan had the body and looks but his personality was a huge turnoff. She felt bad for Madison and Kuniko and wondered if Stan’s professional side would make it tolerable to work with him.


The doors opened into a large dining hall. Classical music was playing and the room was lit with soft lighting. There was a large but low dining table in the centre of the room adorned with blankets and cushions, and she assumed this was where the main performance would take place. Masks on, the main performers entered the room first, Stan with Madison on his left arm and Kuniko on his right. Behind them Jennifer and Tegan flanked Tracey before they each broke off to disperse themselves through the room. The guests were all wearing hooded cloaks with masks, and from what she could see, were all nude underneath them. She supposed the cloaks made it easier to distinguish guests versus workers. The dozen guests were standing in small clumps, apparently having been making polite conversation over glasses of sparkling wine, but they all turned to watch the performers enter, watching impassively behind their masks. Tegan noticed the men all wore full masks while the women wore half masks, presumably because they were more likely to have need of their mouths in this setting. It was hard to tell but in most cases the men seemed significantly older than their female companions and she assumed that the companions mostly fell on the ‘mistress’ side of the table. The two single men were standing on the far side of the room and Tracey made a beeline to set herself up nearby, assuming as per Karen’s housekeeping speech that they would be her most likely candidates. Jennifer headed towards the group of two couples standing together, while Tegan broke off towards the other three couples.

Stan led his partners to the table/stage and helped them up with the assistance of a footstool, and they then turned to help him up together, making it look at graceful as possible. Watching from across the room Tegan assumed that the guests were all either familiar with, or had been briefed on the proceedings, as there was no further ado. Madison and Kuniko slowly sank onto the cushions together and began kissing and touching, taking their time as Stan sat nearby, just watching. One of the couples near Tegan drew closer to the table for a better view as Kuniko kissed her way down Madison’s chest and delved between her legs, Madison arching her back and moaning softly as Kuniko went to work, using her tongue to explore between the blonde’s lower lips. Stan reached out and started gently caressing Madison’s breasts, lazily dragging his fingers across her skin and playing with her nipples.

As more of the couples drew closer one of the masked men near Jennifer drew his partner closer and slipped his hand inside her cloak, beginning to discreetly masturbate her. The woman beckoned Jennifer closer with a small wave and began to touch her small breasts as she approached. Jennifer moved hesitantly, keeping her arms by her sides seemingly wondering if she should be reciprocating in some way. Abruptly the woman pulled Jennifer into a kiss and slid her hand between her thighs. From Jennifer’s footing it seemed clear to Tegan that she had at least one finger inside her, and she gently rested her hands on the woman’s face as they kissed.

Distracted by the main performance and watching Jennifer from across the room Tegan had not noticed one of the couples approach her from behind and she felt a semi-hard cock pressing against her ass as the man groped her small chest. Why she did not personally have any objection, she reminded herself she wore a black choker and hoped the man would not try to take things too far, lest there be some discord with Tracey who so far seemed to be getting no attention from the two single men just yet. She slid a hand between their bodies and gently took the man in her hand, slowly stroking him as he pinched her nipples. She sensed a movement in front of her and glanced down to find the man’s partner kneeling in front of her an instant before she ran her hands up the insides of Tegan’s thighs, coaxing her feet apart before sliding a finger inside her and bringing her mouth to Tegan’s slit, her soft tongue parting and exploring her folds.

Tegan wasn’t displeased by this turn of events, but surprised – she hardly thought that she would be the one receiving oral when she agreed to wear this choker, and she let out a gentle moan, feeling the cock in her hand stiffen in response. She wondered if it would be a breach of decorum for her to orgasm if that was the stranger’s intention. Presumably not.

Meanwhile on the stage Stan had gotten on his knees by Madison’s head and she had obligingly taken him in her mouth, slowly working him at a leisurely pace as Kuniko continued to eat her pussy, her ass high in the air to display herself to the spectators. Tegan noticed that Tracey had been summoned by one of the couples near to her and they had retreated to the couch where the woman was touching herself while watching her partner receive a blowjob. Tegan couldn’t recall if Tracey had a pink ribbon on her collar but was reasonably confident she didn’t, so it seemed that the woman was content just to watch, for now. On the other side of the room Jennifer had been lowered to her knees and was servicing the woman she’d been kissing in a near mirror image of Tegan’s own predicament, until the man bent the woman forward and entered her from behind as Jennifer continued to lick her clit.

A second finger being inserted into her brought her attention back to her own situation. The man she was stroking behind her stepped away and his hands on her shoulders compelled her to drop to her knees, bringing her face to face with the woman who had been licking her. The woman kissed her momentarily then the man’s cock was inserted into the middle of the kiss. Taking the hint, Tegan began to lick and suck her way up and down the shaft, her lips occasionally meeting with the stranger woman’s as they both serviced him together. The woman continued to explore Tegan with her fingers, gently rubbing her clit. Locking eyes with her through their masks, Tegan felt the urge return the favour and cupped the other woman’s sex with her hand, a finger delving into her to find her wet hole, gathering moisture on her finger before using it to stroke her clit as well. They continued to touch and explore, the woman caressing Tegan’s breast and nipple – Tegan mirrored her, grasping her much fuller breast in her small hand.

Somewhere behind her she could hear the gentle wet slapping sound of Tracey being fucked, presumably the foreplay was done with for now. Tracey let out soft breathy moans with each thrust. The man between Tegan and the other woman began to move his hips as he slid between their hot mouths, then he took his partner by the head and entered her mouth fully. Tegan watched from up close as his cock pumped a load down her throat, taking the opportunity to frig her clit with more attention now that she wasn’t otherwise occupied. Past her shoulder she saw that the man with Jennifer had filled his partner’s cunt and left Jennifer to clean up the mess with her mouth as he went to refresh his drink. The other couple near Jennifer had engaged in their own business, with the woman fellating the man while he continued to watch the central performance. Kuniko was now taking Sam in her mouth while riding Madison’s face, Madison’s legs spread to lewdly display her wet pussy to the room. Tegan wondered if Kuniko had finished her, or if they had just changed positions for the purpose of the performance.

Back in her own world the other girl had swallowed her partner’s load and reluctantly been led away from Tegan’s delicate fingers. Before she could rise to her feet the man from the last couple approached and had her turn around to face him while he continued to watch the performance. As she turned she saw the man fucking Tracey thrust deep into her and let out a grunt as he came inside her. His female partner arched her own back in orgasm as she strummed her clit, letting out a bitten off cry of pleasure as she matched her orgasm with her man’s. Released from service Tracey briefly left the room, presumably to clean herself up before someone else wanted round two.

Tegan now had a cock in her mouth and used her hand to aid her efforts as she blew him. Out of the corner of her eye she could see his hand at work on his partner while they kissed, one hand fingering her hairy bush while the other rested atop Tegan’s head. It wasn’t long before Tegan eventually brought him to orgasm, but instead of finishing in her mouth as expected he pulled out and jerked his cock at Tegan’s chest, shooting his load onto her pale skin. Immediately the woman was on her knees next to Tegan and even as the man presented his cock to Tegan’s lips so she could clean his tip with her tongue, the woman went to work licking his spunk off her chest, giving her nipples some attention along the way. Glancing around the room to get her bearings she noticed Tracey had returned and was already being fucked by another man, though he had had her lie on the edge of the main stage, taking a front row view of the central performance and becoming part of it. Kuniko was now sitting on Stan’s face while Madison rode his cock, the two women facing each other and kissing. It seemed that Jennifer was the designated pussy cleaner, as she was now going down on the woman who’d been fucked by her partner from the outset while the man stood nearby jerking himself off, though this woman was balanced on a footstool while Jennifer was on hands and knees, her cute little ass turned towards the centre of the room. The two single men had not moved at all, all as far as she could tell, though one of them was casually stroking himself.

As the woman licking the semen off her chest finished up and lefty another man approached Tegan and presented his cock. It was sticky with a mixture of cum and pussy juice. In all the movement around the room she had no idea if this was the man who had fucked Tracey before, or the man who had fucked his own partner that Jennifer was attending to. Perhaps by design, the cloaks made it rather hard to keep track of who was who. In any case she took him in her mouth and began sucking him clean as his cock eventually began to rise to attention once more. Once he was hard though he didn’t stay with her long. She watched him pull away and walk over to where Tracey was perched on the edge of the table. Her second partner had had the courtesy to pull out and shoot his load up her stomach and chest, a thick gooey rope that splattered the underside of one of her large tits. The man whom Tegan had been servicing stepped in to take his place between her legs, grunting as he thrust into her slippery hole. Over on the couch where Tracey had been fucked before one of the women was riding one of the men. She had no idea of this was one of the couples or if a swap had taken place. At this point she supposed it hardly mattered. She turned her attention to the main stage where Kuniko was being fucked from behind by Stan while going down on Madison. Tracey’s moans escalated in pitch and she arched her back in orgasm as the man fucking her pounded for all he was worth, muffled grunts issuing from behind his mask as he thrust into her before pulling out and blasting her shaved cunt at point blank range, his spunk coating her liberally, then he beckoned to Tegan who was apparently now on clean up duty while Jennifer was still occupied elsewhere.

As she approached she double-checked Tracey’s choker and confirmed the absence of a pink ribbon. Under the guise of stroking her hear she leaned in close to a breathless, panting Tracey and whispered in her ear.

“He wants me to uh, clean you, is that ok?”

“I don’t do girls, girls can do me.” Tracey whispered back quickly, trying not to break the flow. Tegan nodded, caressing Tracey’s cheek under the rim of the mask and kissed her way down Tracey’s body, occasionally swiping her tongue across her soft belly to collect some of the cum the other guy had left behind, until she reached the sticky mess of her crotch. She began by licking Tracey’s slit, tasting her pussy directly for the first time. Her taste was not unpleasant and even if she hadn’t previously had relations with a woman, she was more than accustomed to her own taste from the numerous times she had taken a man in her mouth after he had been inside her. She parted Tracey with her fingers as she let her tongue delve deeper, lightly lapping directly at the opening to her vagina before collecting the rest of the mess from her outer labia, swallowing it down. Even though this was only the second woman she had ever ministered to orally, it was somehow less intimidating knowing that it was all for show and she was not responsible for bringing Tracey to orgasm as she would be in an intimate scenario. Once the job was complete she daintily dabbed at her lips with her fingers when someone took her by the hand and guided her to her feet. She was being escorted by one of the single men who had otherwise not taken part in proceedings to where his companion was standing nearby, being serviced by Jennifer who it seemed finally had cock in her mouth instead of pussy.

The man had her kneel alongside Jennifer and presented his cock to her lips which Tegan obligingly took into her mouth. As per her usual practiced process she used her mouth mainly to take his shaft to the back of her throat, using her hand for the rest. Each time she drew off she followed the circle of her lips with her hand using her own saliva as a lubricant to smoothly work him, as he gently rested his hand on the back of her head to guide her efforts. Out of the corner of her eye she could see Jennifer taking a similar approach. Between having performed oral on several people already as well as having some of the women pleasure her as well, it was becoming increasingly hard to resist the urge to touch herself. Inwardly she wished one of the men would just take her by the hips and plough her roughly in front of the crowd, but she knew that that would be a breach of protocol. It seemed that most of the men were using Tegan or their own partners as a warm up act before moving on to vent their pent up sexual energy into Tracey’s cunt.

Behind her she heard Madison’s moans increase in pitch until she reached orgasm – or at least convincingly pretended to – through Kuniko’s oral efforts, shortly followed by escalating high pitched gasps from Kuniko as her mouth was no longer occupied and Stan presumably continued to pound her from behind. Tegan was impressed, Stan hadn’t been bullshitting about his stamina if he’d been continuously fucking one girl or the other this whole time. As Kuniko let out one final groan of pleasure that indicated her climax had arrived she felt the cock in her mouth twitch and refocused her efforts, using her other hand to gently massage the man’s balls and stroke his thigh as she worked his shaft with her hand and mouth. Next to her Jennifer was vigorously stroking the cock in her mouth, mostly only keeping the head in her mouth, and Tegan followed suit. She assumed that the men intended to finish together and had every intention of helping make that happen.

Almost on cue the men in unison seemed to go slightly weak at the knees and Tegan felt the telltale muscle clenching that signalled that her man was getting close to completion and suspected Jennifer was the same. Jennifer’s client was the first to peak, letting out a long guttural grunt as he took placed his hand on Jennifer’s face to hold her steady as he unloaded into her warm mouth, his hips bucking slightly with each spasm which signalled a load being deposited against her tonsils. Triggered by his friend’s climax the cock in Tegan’s mouth also began to squirt, though her client was much less vocal about it. His hot seed flowed into her mouth in a steady rush rather than the short pulses she was accustomed to, but there was no mistaking the flood of viscous material that filled her mouth.

Once they were both finished they slowly eased their cocks out of the girls mouths then, before Tegan thought to swallow, they each turned their respective girls’ heads to face each other so that Jennifer were looking at each other both clearly holding a full mouth of semen. Without a word being spoken it was obvious to them what they were supposed to do. They leaned in towards each other, bracing their hands on each others’ shoulders for balance as they brought their lips together and started kissing. With each of them carrying a full load there was immediate leakage and Tegan could feel the mix of jizz and saliva running down their chins as they kissed, their tongues exploring each others mouths as they swapped the goo back and forth. Tegan felt Jennifer’s hand wander down her chest to touch her breast lightly and Tegan returned the favour, keenly fascinated by Jennifer’s puffy nipples and wanting to touch the soft skin for herself. She gently rubbed her thumb over the silky flesh and Jennifer moaned gently against Tegan’s mouth.

They continued to kiss back and forth for a while until their mouths were empty, either from incidentally swallowing or because it had all eventually leaked out. As they slowly broke apart, a few clinging threads of mixed spunk and saliva clinging to their lips they looked up, having apparently drawn a small audience. Tegan blushed slightly and looked away, movement on the central stage catching her attention..

Up on the stage it appeared that Stan was standing over Kuniko and Madison, furiously pounding off in front of their upturned faces, their mouths open and tongues extended, holding up their tits with their hands as they expectantly waited for him to cum. When he did it was impressive, long jets of semen splattered against Kuniko’s face and then Madison’s tits. He stepped closer and shook off the last couple of drops into Madison’s mouth and she sucked his tip clean as Kuniko put her messy face into Madison’s cleavage to lick up the mess he’d left there.

As the show finished and it appeared the crowd had adequately sated their desires the lights dimmed slightly, sending a signal. Maybe the whole show had been on a timer – it occurred to Tegan she had no idea how much time had passed, having been so lost in each moment. There was a soft murmur as the various couples began to depart the room at the far end, though she caught a few lingering glances at Jennifer and herself and she realised they were still touching each others’ chests, having been so distracted by the end of the performance. Bashfully Tegan lowered her hands and Jennifer did the same. They slowly rose to their feet, stretching their legs from having been kneeling. There was a sense of awkwardness as they stood around. Tracey slid down off the edge of the stage, Tegan catching a glimpse of another deposit someone had left on her mound after Tegan had cleaned her up, so she’d had to entertain at least one more guest. As soon as the far doors closed behind the last of the guests the women up on the stage broke position and Madison hopped down first before turning to assist Kuniko down. Stan hopped down behind them, his stiff cock still bobbing as he walked, his impressive load apparently not indicative that his needs were quelled. Tegan, having been increasingly horny over the course of the evening, was seriously considering letting him have her right there on the spot despite shooting him down earlier. Would that be unprofessional?

At that moment the near doors to the dressing room opened and Karen walked out with her tablet in hand. A waitress Tegan hadn’t seen before, but who she assumed had served the guests drinks before the show, carried the tray.

“Excellent work everyone, exit feedback from the guests was very positive.” She gestured to the waitress. “Please return your masks and chokers for cleaning.”

Karen scanned her tablet as people took off their masks and chokers, dumping them on the tray. It felt like an unceremonious end to the night and strange to be standing around naked, particularly as most of the women had semen clinging to one part of their body or another.

“When do we get paid?” Jennifer asked, wiping her chin and then wiping her hand off on her thigh.

“I’m tabulating bonuses based on service and client feedback, you should receive an email in the next half hour, the payment run will be processed immediately. It may take a couple of business days to reach your account. I will be on site in the office for the next hour or two if you want to speak with me directly after your shower” She flipped the cover on her tablet closed and tucked it under her arm. “

The line of people filtered through to the dressing room and made a beeline for the bathroom facilities. The bathrooms were subdivided by gender and the women veered off towards the left while Stan headed off to the right. Tegan couldn’t help but be amused by the fact that they were going to shower separately after what they just did but she supposed it made some sense After a moment’s hesitation, Tegan followed Stan.

As Tegan followed Stan into the men’s bathroom she glanced around. This was a nearly normal domestic bathroom except for the large shower and a bench against the wall, she assumed that the women were using a larger communal facility and wondered if they were purpose built or if this used to be a gym or barracks of some kind. She stood uncertainly just inside the doorway for a long moment until Stan noticed her, slightly startled, but recovered quickly.

“Well hello there.”

“Uh, hi.” Tegan said.

“Something I can help you with?” Stan said with a knowing, arrogant smile. In fairness, it was obvious why she was there.

“Let’s cut to the chase.” Tegan said bluntly, trying to offset his smugness. “I’m crazy horny after all that, you still have a hard on, how about it?”

“Now you’re talking my language.” Stan said appreciatively. “How you want to do this?”

Tegan glanced around then stood against the wall and bent over with her legs apart, presenting herself.

“Make it quick.”

“You got it.” Stan said, stepping up behind her. Stan wasn’t overly tall but he still had to bend his legs to guide himself under Tegan’s petite frame. She moaned as he pushed the tip into her, then took her by the waist and pulled her back into him, filling her hungry cunt with one swift motion. After a few test thrusts Stan took Tegan at her word and started to speed up, steadily building his rhythm until he was jackhammering her slick hole, grunting with a combination of pleasure and exertion. Tegan simply braced against the wall, her own pleasure escaping her in strained ‘ah-ah-ah’ panting that she tried to stifle. Even though it was probably going to be obvious, she didn’t exactly want the other girls to hear her in here. She had a feeling there would be something shameful about letting Stan fuck her after their performance, the idea of doing sex work getting her so turned on that she couldn’t even wait until she got home.

Thankfully, it didn’t take long. Stan’s brute force approach to her body did the trick and she was soon shuddering under his relentless fucking as she came, letting out a hoarse sigh of relief as the growing knot of sexual need inside her unwound and spread to the tips of her fingers and toes. She continued to ride that wave as Stan was not done as easily, though not for lack of effort. It took another minute or so before he finally let out one final groan and buried his cock deep up inside, his boiling hot cum blasting her cervix and filling her up. She could feel it running down her thigh even before he pulled out of her and she stood up to face him, somewhat off balance. He caught her by the arm to steady her and make sure she was steady before releasing her. He gave her another appreciative grin.


“You too” Tegan said, composing herself. “I should go.” She pointed awkwardly at the door and Stan just nodded. Professional courtesy. No need to make it weird.
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