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A full-length tale of a rich family that find themselves stranded on a deserted island. As the days on the island pass and survival takes its toll, they find themselves doing unimaginable things.
When Morals Blur

An Original Story by Starrynight

Chapter 1

Life was good, or so Liam thought as he relaxed on his father's new 50-foot yacht. It was a warm sunny day and Liam had a cold beer in his hand while he let the warm sun caress him with his eyes closed. His father, Henry, was at the helm, while his two older sisters, Beatrice and Amelia, sat at the stern chatting, each with an umbrella toped cocktail in her hand. Their mother had decided to skip today's sailing, after joining her husband the previous day, and to stay at the exclusive resort they were staying at.

Liam took a sip from the cold bottle in his hand and let out a content sigh. He ran a hand over his smooth exposed chest and took another sip as footsteps came his way.

"So, what do think?" Henry asked his son with a big smile on his face as he took a seat next to him, a glass of bourbon on the rocks in his hand.

"This is pretty great dad" Liam answered and sat up. He lifted his sunglasses and surveyed the vast blue ocean surrounding them before settling his gaze on his old man. "You finally did it!" he told his father with a big smile.

Henry's dream for the past few years, was to get a skipper's license and buy a yacht. Unlike most people, the problem for Henry wasn't the money, he had plenty of that, but he lacked the time for it. He started skipper's lessons several times, but constantly had to cut them short because of a business emergency of some sort. He ended up dragging the lessons over four years, but in the end he did it.

Henry was ecstatic when he finally received his skipper's license. The following week, he flew out to the Philippines and bought a brand new 50-foot yacht that cost him a hefty sum. Henry had never been happier than when he first walked onto his new vessel and looked at her name emblazoned on the starboard side in bold black letters – Ararat.

Henry promised his family, that on the first chance he has, he will fly them all for a luxurious oceanside vacation and a much-awaited cruise on the Ararat. The chance presented itself a few months later during the summer, when Henry took a month-long vacation. He invited his children who did not hesitate to join a 5-star vacation paid for by daddy.

Liam, who was just finishing up his second year of business school, was on summer break, and had no problem immediately accepting his father's invitation. Beatrice, the oldest, was working in her father's company as PR manager and was being groomed by her father to take over his empire. When she told her father with a mocking smile that she wasn't sure her boss would let her off, he started laughing loudly.

Amelia, the younger of the two sisters, had a harder time getting time off. She just finished her first year working for a big music producing company. The invitation was much too tempting, and she had to ask her boss. He didn't seem very pleased with the idea but said he will check. The following day, to her surprise, he told her she could take a full month off. Only after a few weeks, she learned it was her father's doing.

"What about lunch? I'm getting hungry" Amelia called out as she and her sister stopped their chattering and headed to join their younger brother and father.

"I could go for lunch" Liam added and pulled his sunglasses back on. He was wearing leather moccasins, white chino shorts and a thin brown belt. He put down his beer and put on his long-sleeved button-down white shirt, leaving it unbuttoned. With his tall frame, thick mane of golden-brown hair and tan skin, he looked like the poster boy for a yachting club.

"Me too" said Beatrice as she walked out to the deck along with Amelia. She was wearing a pair of tight khaki shorts, reaching down mid -high and showing off a pair of long legs, a loose stripped top that hid a pair firm round breasts, and a pair of brown sandals. Her long dark brown hair was tied up into an elegant bun, and her face was covered by just a hint of makeup.

"Good, daddy?" Amelia asked looking at her father. She was wearing a yellow sundress that reached down to her knees and had a cleavage that displayed a pair of prominent round perky breasts. She wore a pair of white sandals, had no makeup on and wore an expensive floppy hat, her shoulder length light brown hair falling in waves beneath it.

"Yes, I guess I could eat" Henry said to his hungry children and got up. He was wearing a pair of expensive black loafers, navy blue shorts and a long sleeved light blue shirt with the sleeves rolled up. His grey streaked hair was cut short and topped with a white captain's hat.

"Dad, would you please take off that ridiculous hat?" his oldest daughter asked him as they all entered the cabin, but he just laughed and refused.

They entered the cabin and Henry grabbed the 2 gourmet lunch baskets they brought from the resort. His children sat around the dark mahogany table and as their father placed both baskets on the table, they started taking things out.

Their hungry eyes lit up with delight as the table started filling with an assortment of delicacies: Freshly baked bread, artisanal cheeses, smoked meats, fresh vegetables, sliced tropical fruit, and to wash it all down, a cold bottle of Krug. Amelia quickly rose to get the champagne flutes as her brother popped the cork and they poured the expensive champagne. They toasted their father's new boat and dug in.

"So, what do you say about spending the night out here?" Henry asked his children as they sat there stuffed, drinking the last of the Krug.

"I'm in" Amelia said and finished what remained in her glass in a single swig.

"Me too" said Liam with a satisfied grin on his face.

"Did you get things for dinner and for tomorrow?" Beatrice asked her father.

"Yes. I didn't know if we would decide to spend the night, but I brought things in case we would" Henry told his children. He had asked his children if they wanted to spend the night out at sea and sail back tomorrow, but they couldn't reach a decision, so they agreed to decide once they were out on the water.

"Then I guess I'm in too" Beatrice said. She wasn't sure about spending the night before they set sail, but she was really enjoying herself.

"Great, then it's settled" Henry said and got up. The rest of the day went along much of the same, drinks, chatting, sunbathing, napping, reading, more drinks and an occasional snack.

As the sun started to set, painting the horizon with magnificent shades of crimson, Henry checked where they were and dropped anchor. Beatrice was napping on the deck, soaking the last few rays of sun, while Liam and Amelia were at the stern chatting, catching up on work and studies.

"Hey," Henry said as he walked up to his son and daughter "what do say about dinner?" he asked them, interrupting their conversation.

"Dinner sounds good" Amelia said to her brother's nods of agreement.

"Good, I'll start getting it ready" he said and disappeared inside the cabin.

Dinner was excellent. Grilled fresh blue cod served with a lemon garlic butter sauce, grilled asparagus, fresh oysters, and a bottle of exquisite Australian chardonnay. Henry woke up early that day and bought all this at the local market before they set sail.

As they finished eating, the last lights of dusk faded, leaving them in the vast darkness of the sea. After dinner, they all went out to the deck, each with a drink in hand and looked up at the star crested skies. They gazed with awe at the endless blanket above them, the milky way visible with all its belittling glory. They chatted on the Ararat's deck, the warm ocean breeze caressing their sun speckled skins until slowly drowsiness took hold of them.


It was the middle of the night when Liam was awakened by a drop of water on his sleeping face. He was sleeping on the deck, laying on the thick cushions and covered with a light blanket when he opened his eyes and was hit by another drop of water. He tried to ignore it and go back to sleep when a barrage of drops hit him, and he sat up angry. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes as he realized it was starting to rain and quickly stepped over to the cabin. Liam tiptoed inside, careful not to wake his father and sisters, and took a place on an empty sofa. He heard a distant rumbling of thunder, just before he fell asleep again.

"Liam wake up!" Henry said while shaking his son. The boat was rocking ominously as he opened his eyes and looked up at his father.

"What is it?" he asked as he looked around the room. His two sisters were standing next to their father with a freighted expression on their faces as a loud thunder tore through the air.

"It's a storm, it looks bad" Henry said while trying to keep a confident expression on his face "Now get up, quickly" he added. All three children followed their father to the control room where he started looking at the screens with a grim expression. They looked through the large windows, a heavy rain beating on them, before a flash of lightening lit the sky, giving them a glimpse of the rough waves around them.

"Dad, what's going on?" Amelia asked their father as he looked worried at the screen before him.

"It's just a little storm, it should pass soon" he told his children trying not to alarm them. "But just in case…" he added and walked over to the emergency cupboard. He took out four life vests and gave them to his children as they looked at him with horror. "Just a precaution" he said as he showed them how to put it on and put one on himself.

They stood there frightened, looking through the windows as the storm grew more vicious outside. The rain grew heavier, the winds stronger and the waves higher. They stood as the boat rocked intensely, until it suddenly lunged forward.

"Everybody outside!" Henry yelled at his terrified kids.

"What's wrong?" Liam asked his father in alarm.

"We lost the anchor, quick outside" he called again and dragged them outside. They were instantly hit with the heavy rain and strong winds as the Ararat shook all around them. They held onto the railings and looked with fear as the surrounding waves threatened to turn their vessel into driftwood. They walked over to the stern where they sat down in the pouring rain.

After a few miserable minutes, the rain started to ease up and the family let out a sigh of relief. They looked at each other with hopeful expressions, but it was premature. A few seconds later, their eyes filled with terror as a huge wave headed their way. It hit the boat with force, and as effortlessly as a toddler submerging a rubber duck in the bath, it sunk Henry's beloved boat to the depth of the pacific.

If Henry was a better skipper, it might have been different. He was too preoccupied with work and cared much more about getting the license than learning all the necessary skills to be skipper. If he had paid more attention to his meteorology, he might have checked the radar a few more times since they left the harbor. If he had, he would have seen that the powerful storm that was far away and was heading in the opposite direction, had shifted direction and grown stronger, but he didn't. He was more focused on impressing his rich friends and his family than learning how to be a real skipper.

Chapter 2

Every part of Henry's body felt stiff and cold as he opened his eyes. The last few hours were a cold dark blur and he wasn't sure he was really feeling something firm beneath his body or if his mind was playing tricks on him. He could feel waves around him, just like he felt all night, but this was different, he was not floating in the water anymore.

Henry rolled over to his back and looked up at a dark moonless sky as his eyes closed again. The next time he opened them he looked up at a clear sky. His mind wandered as he lay there, until everything came rushing back and dread filled him. He rolled over again and tried to pull himself upright.

It took some effort, but Henry managed to get to his feet. Only then did he notice that he was standing on a beach, a dense tropical forest in front of him. "Kids!" he tried to yell, but all that came out was a croak as he recalled what had happened last night.


Amelia started coughing as she regained consciousness. Her body was shivering but she noticed she was not floating out at sea anymore. Land! She realized as she opened her eyes and looked at the wet sand beneath her hands. She never thought she would be this happy to feel sand under her. She tried to calm down and took a few deep breaths. She was still wearing the yellow life vest and she started to take it off when she heard a ruffling in the sand next to her.

Bea! Amelia realized as she looked at her older sister. She managed to remove her life vest and crawled over to her sister. "Bea!" she called out to her as she started shaking her. "Bea!" she called again in a scared voice and saw her sister's eyes open. Amelia helped her sister up, pulled off her life vest and embraced her sister powerfully.

"What's going on? Where are we?" Beatrice asked her younger sister with a sleepy voice. It was dawn, they were both soaking wet and sitting on wet sand.

"I don't know" Amelia told her sister as they helped each other up. They picked up their life vests and dragged themselves onto the dry sand where they sat down. They were both still in shock as they surveyed their new surroundings.

"Do you hear something?" Beatrice asked her sister after they sat in silence for few minutes.

"I don't think so" Amelia said as she strained her ears. They both sat in silence, listening, until they both heard it. It was a distant incoherent shout. "Is that, Liam?" Amelia asked her sister and they both jumped to their feet. They looked to where the sound came from started running towards it.

"Bea! Amelia!" they heard more clearly as they ran on the cool sand. "Liam!" they started to yell back as they ran towards him. A few seconds later they could see his figure running towards them until they met.

Liam hugged his sisters as they jumped on him and hugged him. They were all so relieved to find each other and still panting from the run. After breaking their reunion, Beatrice and Amelia gave their brother a fearful look. "Don’t worry," Liam told his sisters as he understood the look on their faces, "dad is fine" he announced.

"What, how do you know?" They asked him immediately.

"He pulled me out of the water about an hour ago" Liam said to his sisters' relief. "We split up to look for you. He went to the opposite side" Liam explained and all three of them continued in the direction he came from.

"Dad! Dad!" they yelled as they briskly walked along the beach.

"Girls?" they suddenly heard their father yell from afar and started shouting louder. A minute later, all four of them were hugging, thankful they were all alive and unharmed.

They walked back to where Henry and Liam left their life vests and tried to put together last night's events. They remembered the yacht going doing and all four of them holding each other in the water. They remembered floating together for some time but that's where things got blurry and no one remembered where they got separated and how. They got to the life vests and sank down onto the sand. It was warm, the sun was coming up, the skies were clear and there was no hint of the storm from last night.

"Where are we?" Beatrice asked, looking around and then at her father.

"I'm not sure" Henry admitted. "I noticed a cluster of islands on the map not very far when the storm hit us, this might be it" he said with uncertainty.

"Islands?" Liam said in a hopeful tone "There might be a resort nearby?"

"There could be, but I wouldn't count on it" Henry told his son. "I think most of the islands in these parts are uninhabited" he said and noticed his children's expression turn grim at the mention of the last word.

"So, what now?" Beatrice asked in a pitiful tone and looked to her father.

"Now we wait for rescue" Henry said and seemed confident about it. "In the meanwhile, we should look around for water and maybe see if there are fruit trees" Henry said. "Girls, where are your life jackets?" he asked realizing they were without them.

"We left them where we washed ashore" Amelia told her father.

"Go get them" Henry told his daughters. "Their bright color could help spot us" he explained. "Meanwhile your brother and I will have a look around" he said and all four of them got up.

They were all wearing the same clothes from the boat. Elegant expensive clothes, clothes for yachting and cocktails, not clothes for running around on islands in. But they couldn't complain, they were all still alive and healthy.

The sisters returned over half an hour later with their life vests and sat down on the warm sand, waiting for their father and brother to return. It was getting hot, the tropical sun shining down on them mercilessly and they felt the dryness in their throats growing. After half an hour of waiting, they heard noises in the bushes behind them and turned around to see their father and brother walking back. They had a satisfied look on their face and each was holding a coconut in his hand.

"Wow, are those coconuts?" Amelia asked as her father and brother neared.

"Did you find anything else interesting?" Beatrice asked, "Some water maybe?"

"We sure did" Henry said with a smile to his girls "there is a small waterfall with a pool of fresh water not far" he told his daughters and they quickly jumped to their feet.

"Where?" they said in unison.

"Come on, I'll show you" Henry said to his daughters, "Liam will stay here and keep a look out for rescue".

Henry guided his daughter's through the dense tropical forest to the waterfall he and his son found. When they got there, his daughters immediately crouched down and started drinking from the clear waters of the pool. When they returned to their brother, he had a victorious expression on his face. He had managed to open both coconuts, crashing them open with large rocks. He handed out bright white coconut nubs to his sisters and father who ate them hungrily.

For the rest of the day, they just sat on the beach and waited for rescue to arrive. Henry was so sure they would be found in no time that he looked very depressed when it turned dark and they were still sitting on the beach waiting.

"Why didn't they find us yet?" Amelia asked on the verge of tears. Her father said they would be here in no time, but it was getting dark and there was no sign of civilization.

"Maybe the storm is delaying them" Henry said skeptical "Could be another day or two" he mumbled. "How about we get some sleep" he said, trying to change the subject.

It was a clear starry night and all four of them lay next to each other on the cool sand and tried to sleep. The air was warm, and a heavily scented sea breeze was blowing. They could feel their weariness growing, their eyes slowly closing when suddenly, a nearby bang of thunder was heard. Within a few minutes, a heavy dark blanket covered the clear sky and rain started pouring.

"Quick, let's get under the trees" Liam yelled as the heavy drops started falling on them. The thick canopy of the trees helped but was not enough. Within a few minutes they were all soaking wet. They looked around for a better shelter, but it was pitch black. All they could do was huddle up together and try to get some sleep.

The rain stopped only an hour before dawn. The entire family was asleep by then, cold, wet, shivering, but asleep. They cuddled into each other for warmth without thinking about it and managed to get a few miserable hours of sleep.

The following morning, Amelia was the first one to wake up. The sun was already out and there was not a cloud in the sky. The only evidence of the night's downpour was their wet surroundings and their very wet and cold bodies. She tried to get up without waking the others, but she was in the middle and ended up waking everyone before she managed to get to her feet shivering.

They slowly rose to their feet, each with a disgruntled look on his face, and stretched their aching limbs. They were shivering from their wet clothes, and quickly made their way to the beach, their wet clothes clinging to their bodies.

The sun has never felt so good as it did the second they stepped from bellow the thick canopy of the trees. They stepped out of their shoes and placed a foot in the warm sand with the sun shining down on their soaked figures, kissing their wrinkly skin with its soft warm rays and resurrecting their spirits. They stood in the tropical sunlight, soaking in the warmth until the chill was gone from their bodies. Only then did they think about doing anything else.

They started the day by walking to the waterfall for a drink, then went back to the beach and thought about what to do next. Neither one of them said a word about rescue and they decided to spend the day making their stay more comfortable, no matter how short they were hoping it would be. They decided that Liam and Amelia would go exploring and try to find something to eat. While Henry and Beatrice would get started on trying to build some sort of shelter.

"So, dad, any idea how to get started?" Bea asked her father after her brother and sister disappeared into the woods.

"I have a general concept in mind" Henry told his daughter, hoping it would yield fruit. "Let's start gathering long thick branches and big leaves" he told his daughter. They walked into the forest and wandered for a few minutes until he found a good stick and showed her. "Like this one" he said as he picked it up.

"Got it" Beatrice said with a nod and started scouring the ground for similar sticks. Half an hour later, there was a sizable heap of sticks on the beach and a stack of large green leaves.

"What now?" Beatrice asked her father as he studied the pile of wood.

"Here is what I thought," he told his daughter as he looked around the sandy beach "we can dig a little in the sand and place two straight sticks here" he said while drawing on the sand. "Then another one on top of them, we can try and tie them together with the leaves. Then place the rest of the branches on top and cover them with leaves and sand."

"Let's try it" Beatrice said as she and her father got to work. They found two thick sticks and buried their hilts in the sand, then took another stick and tied it to the top with leaves, placing all the other branches so that one site was resting on the sand and the other leaning against it.

By the time they started to cover the top, Liam and Amelia had returned with three coconuts in hand and a grim expression. They had managed to climb the cliffs near the waterfall and discovered how small the island they were on was. From there, they saw a few more islands west of them and a thick gray mass of rain clouds heading their way. They all helped to finish cover the shelter with sand and leaves and looked at it pleased. It was no cabana in the Seychelles, but they hoped it would do. They opened the coconuts as the skies above them turned an ugly gray and cramped together under the shelter as it started to trickle.

It was already late in the afternoon as they ate the coconuts in a depressing silence under the shelter. Henry was satisfied with his shelter so far and allowed himself to lay down on his back as it started to rain. The sky gradually got dark and one after the other, they fell asleep.

In the beginning, the shelter protected them nicely. It kept them dry as the rain turned heavier and the beach around them started flowing with rainwater. They were already fast asleep when nature got the better of them. Water started dripping from cracks in the roof and water started flowing in from the sides. They woke up with a cold scream and again cuddled into one another as they tried to sleep through another wet miserable night.

The following morning, just like the one before, the sun was shining, and the sky was clear when they woke up. They crawled out from under the dripping shelter and took comfort in the warm sun.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Amelia asked her father as he removed his wet shirt and started to unbuckle his belt.

"I'm sorry, I just can't stand wearing these wet clothes any longer" he said as he removed his pants, remaining in just his gray briefs.

Amelia and Beatrice looked at their father surprised. He was not the kind of man who would walk around the house in his underwear, and even when he went for a swim in the backyard pool, he would wear a robe as he entered the house. He had a smooth bronze tan chest, muscular arms and tan legs. They could see the outline of his package under the briefs and it hinted that it was impressive.

"That's better" he said as he hung his wet clothes on a low branch for them to dry.

"You got that right dad" Liam said, and his sisters turned around to find him wearing only a pair of tight black boxers, the outline of his penis also quite notable, though his lack of clothes not so surprising comparing to their father's.

"You too?" Beatrice asked her little brother.

"Yeah. Dad's right, this feels so much better" Liam said and stretched after placing his shirt and pants to dry.

Amelia and Beatrice looked at each other as they considered following their brother and father. They were a little embarrassed by the thought of wearing only their bra and panties in front of their father and brother, but the feeling of the wet fabric sticking to their skin was horrible.

"Girls, I hope you’re not staying with wet clothes on, on our account" Henry said to his daughters reading their thoughts. "It's just us here and we're all family. There's nothing to be shy about" Henry added.

"I guess you're right dad" Amelia said after exchanging looks with her older sister. She grabbed the hem of her wet sundress and lifted it over her head. She was wearing a conservative yellow 32C bra, tightly cupping her lovely tits. Her tummy was flat and tan, her slightly curvy hips leading down to orange panties and a pair of tone legs. Only when she turned around to hang her dress did all three of them notice she was wearing a thong, her almost bare round plump tushy catching them by surprise. "Oh god, that does feel so much better" Amelia stated after hanging her dress to dry and looked directly at her sister as she said it. She knew Beatrice was shy about her body, even if it was just their brother and father here.

"Yeah, all right" Beatrice said nervously. She slowly pulled her shirt off, revealing a peach colored 34C bra that hugged her round breasts. They were slightly larger than her sister's, and she blushed slightly as her father, brother and sister watched her casually. She handed Amelia her wet shirt and started removing her shorts, unbuttoning and unzipping them as she started pulling them down.

"Em, Bea" Emalia whispered to her sister and made a throat clearing sound as she gestured towards her sister's crotch. Beatrice looked down unsure and noticed that her white panties were wet and turned completely sheer, her pubic hair clearly visible beneath. Beatrice turned bright red and quickly pulled her shorts back up as she looked up to see if her father or brother noticed.

"I think I'll keep my shorts on for now" Beatrice said embarrassed after she noticed an apologetic look on her brother and father's faces.

After shedding most of their clothes, they all walked to the waterfall to get a drink and wash their faces, afterwards starting their day. Amelia and Beatrice volunteered to look for more coconuts, while Liam and Henry set to mending and improving their shelter.

As soon as Henry and Liam started working on the shelter, it fell apart in their hands, turning into a pile of sticks, leaves and sand. They looked at each other frustrated and started from scratch. They decided to move it under a nearby tree on the beach and started working. They used thicker longer sticks to hold it up and made it wider. They made sure everything was tight before applying more sticks to form a roof. They added extra layers of sand and leaves, tightening the beams after, and even dug a small moat around it to stir the rainwater away. Two hours later, Amelia and Beatrice returned. They were carrying two coconuts and something else they found.

"Are those, grapes?" Liam asked his sisters as he and his father joined them in the shade and looked at the cluster they were holding.

"They looked like grapes" Amelia said as she plucked one and studied it.

"Yes, those are seaside grapes" Henry said enthusiastically and watched as his daughter popped one in her mouth.

"We weren't sure if they were all right to eat or not, so we only brought this, but we found a lot more" Beatrice told her father and brother and looked at her sister's face as she tasted it.

"They are a little sour, but good" Amelia told her family and watched as they all grabbed some and started eating. After 2 days of eating only a few mouthfuls of coconut, the sour grapes tasted great. After eating the coconuts too, Liam and Beatrice went to pick some more grapes, while their father and sister finished up the shelter then went swimming in the ocean a little and relaxed on the beach.

"Dad, is there a reason the life vest Liam was wearing is red and all the others are yellow?" Amelia asked her father later that day as they all relaxed on the beach eating grapes. Henry looked at the pile of vests for a few seconds, then surprised everyone when he jumped to his feet and ran towards it.

All three looked at their father like he was mad and quickly followed him as he grabbed the red vest and started studying it.

"Dad, what is it?" Liam asked.

"Yes! Here it is!" their father called out in joy and pushed his hand into a strange pocket in the vest. "I can't believe I forget about this, but this is a captain's vest" he explained as he rummaged around in it.

"What does that mean?" Amelia asked intrigued.

"This is what it means!" Henry said triumphantly and pulled his hand out. He was holding two red plastic sticks.

"What are those?" Beatrice asked her father.

"Flares!" Henry declared.

"Dad," Amelia started saying with a disappointed look "what good are those if we didn't see any boats or planes around?"

"We could use them for…" Henry started saying.

"…lighting a fire" Liam jumped in, excited. His sisters' disappointed expressions brightened as they realized what it meant. "Maybe we can even catch some fish and roast them?" Liam suggested as his mind started racing with possibilities.

Excitement took hold of them for the first time since they found themselves on the island. They raced into the forest and started looking for firewood, but everything was still completely wet. Their father told them to still bring the wood they found, and they spread it on the beach to dry.

That night, not a single drop of rain fell as the family slept heavily inside their shelter. They woke up late the following day, dry, well rested and full of optimism. They gathered some more wood and leaves and set them to dry. They spend the entire day swimming in the ocean, picking grapes and waiting for the wood to dry, touching it every hour until their father declared it was dry enough.

It was just before sunset when they finished building the pyre and stood around it with their fingers crossed. They placed a large amount of dried leaves with twigs on them and placed various sized dried wood around. Their father pulled out the flare, shook it, twisted the top off, and stroked it.

Blazing red sparks immediately started shooting out of it, and Henry quickly pushed it against the center of the unlit bonfire. Within seconds the leaves caught aflame, and shortly after the wood as well. A thick white smoke started rising as they cheered in victory to the roaring fire in front of them. They hugged each other and looked euphoric into the flames. None of them thought they would ever be this happy over getting a fire started.

Things took a turn for the better on the island after that. The following day Henry caught his first fish which he grilled and they all ate hungrily. It stayed dry for most of the next several days and even when it did rain, it wasn't very heavy. They built a small shelter for the fire on the edge of their own, and somehow managed to keep it burning. They were still praying for rescue every day, but life on the island became much more tolerable.

Their days turned into a certain routine. They would wake up and wash up at the waterfall. After, they would have breakfast of grapes and maybe a coconut if they found one. Later, they would fix the shelter if needed, feed the fire and go swimming in the ocean. Henry would go fishing with a crude spear he fashioned, and usually managed to catch at least one fish. They would go and wash the salty water off them in the waterfall, and before it got dark, they would have a dinner of grilled fish or crabs if they were lucky.

Chapter 3

It was two weeks after they found themselves on the island. Liam was napping on the beach while his sisters talked next to him. Henry grabbed his trusty harpoon and headed for the water. He was wearing his underwear just like the rest of them and jumped into the ocean.

Amelia and Beatrice kept talking, saying how much they missed their boyfriends, or this food, or this shirt or that drink, as their father disappeared from their view, trying his luck at catching dinner. Half an hour later, they saw him emerge from the ocean with a large fish skewered on his stick. They cheered him from where they sat, not noticing their brother was napping, and went back to talking as their father neared.

"Oh my god dad, what happened?" Amelia called out as she and her sister looked at their father then turned their gaze sideways.

"Sorry girls" Henry said slightly embarrassed. "I dove after a fish and got caught in a sharp rock or something" he told his daughters. Liam sat up to see what all the fuss was about and noticed it too. Their father's briefs, worn out by the water and sun, were completely torn, exposing his limp seven-inch penis to his children.

Henry wedged his fishing spear in the sand and slipped his fingers under the waist band, removing what was left of his underwear and standing nude in front of his children. He was completely smooth down there, not a single pube in sight as his flaccid, yet visibly large penis flapped in the gentle sea breeze.

"Dad, aren't you going to put your pants on?" Beatrice asked her father, embarrassed by the entire situation and still looking away. It was her first time seeing her father's manhood and despite it being very aesthetically pleasing, it was not something she wanted to see.

"I know this a little embarrassing, but it's just us here, and I'd rather not." Henry said, and his girls turned awkwardly to look at him, "They are wet and take forever to dry, I prefer to stay like this if that's alright with you?" he asked. If they were back in civilization he would never dare do this, but they weren't, and after spending two weeks together in just their underwear it didn't seem like such a big deal to him and they all reluctantly nodded in approval.

For the rest of the day, the girls had a hard time getting used to their father being naked. They sat on the beach, went grape picking, took care of the fire and got dinner ready, yet every time they looked at their dad they would be caught off guard and flush. Their gazes were involuntarily drawn to their father's one-eyed snake, and it seemed to be looking back at them slyly.


Two days later, Henry woke up in the shelter to a crisp bright morning. He could feel the gentle morning breeze on his naked body and rolled over in the sand. He was surprised to see only his son sleeping soundly next to him. Henry kept laying down, staring at the ocean until his son started to stir next to him.

"Good morning" Henry said to Liam after he opened his eyes.

"Morning dad" he said sleepily "Where are Bea and Amelia?" he asked his father. They did not usually wake up before them.

"Not sure" his father said unconcerned and got to his feet, "probably just went to wash up" he added and stretched as Liam started rising also. A few minutes later, they heard a ruffling in the bushes as the girls made their way back.

"Where did you two run off to?" Liam asked as he saw his sisters walking towards them.

"Just went to freshen up" Amelia said with a slight edge in her voice. Liam could see Beatrice was holding something in her hand and figured it was a coconut. Only when they stepped out to the beach he realized it wasn't.

"What happened to…" Liam started asking but stopped dead in his tracks when he saw Amelia shaking her head and giving him a stern look.

Beatrice was standing in front of them in just her bra. Her shorts, wet and covered in dirt, were rolled into a ball in her hand, and her lower body was completely bare. A dark patch of pubic hair, still looking somewhat trimmed, adorned her exposed vulva. Beatrice gave her father and brother an embarrassed look and turned around to place her dirty shorts to dry, giving her father and brother a look at her gorgeous sculpted ass. "No point in wearing this now" Beatrice added as she removed her bra and placed it next to her shorts before turning around.

There was a long awkward pause as Henry and Liam looked at their thirty-year-old daughter/sister standing in front of them completely naked. She was tall and had a gorgeous pair of round breasts and medium sized pink areolas, her small nipples hard from the gentle breeze on them. Her stomach was tight and flat, her waist narrow, and her entire body very tan, visible tan lines outlining the place where her bra and shorts were. She had long tone legs that ended in tight looking labia. Besides the growing bush, her body was completely smooth.

"Welcome to the club" Henry told his daughter in the hopes of lessening her embarrassment and gave her a smile. "Doesn't that feel nice?" he asked his oldest daughter who gave him a shy nod. She looked down at his manhood and suddenly remembered that her father was naked too. The feeling made her feel a little less shy about her current state but also a little weird. Not only had she never seen her father naked until two days ago and he had never seen her, but to be naked next to each other was even more strange.

"If we're all done starring at Bea's hot body, she and I will go get some grapes for breakfast" Amelia said jokingly as her sister flushed again. "I told you, you don't have anything to be embarrassed about, it's just dad and Liam" Amelia told her sister as they started walking away.

"Son, are you coming to the waterfall?" Henry asked Liam after the girls were out of sight.

"Go ahead dad, I'll be right there" Liam said and his father shrugged as he started to walk away.

As soon as both his father and sisters were out of sight, Liam pulled his boxers down and wrapped his hand around his cock. After two weeks on the island, the image of his older sister nudity was hard for his body to ignore. He did his best not to get a hardon in front of his sisters and succeeded, but now that he was alone, he was immediately hard. He did not like the notion that it was seeing his sister that made him hard, but after two weeks without any kind of sexual release, he wasn't surprised it happened. He tightened his grip around his eight-inch erection and started stroking, thinking about the girl he slept with at the resort the night before they set out on the Ararat.

Liam quickened his strokes as he thought of her and the nasty things they did, and within a few seconds he felt a huge built up. Liam then let out a loud grunt and squirted a massive load all over the dry sand, his body slightly shivering from the powerful and long overdue release.

He quickly pulled his boxers back up, looked around to make sure no one saw him, then quickly followed his father to the waterfall.

Later that day, after they finished their usual chores of mending the shelter and keeping the fire lit, they all sat down to relax on the warm sand. Liam was napping, Henry was trying to sharpen his fishing spear, Beatrice was sunbathing, intent on using her situation to get rid of any tan lines, and Amelia decided to go for a swim in the ocean.

As Amelia headed to the water, Henry could not help looking up and checking out his daughter's juicy tan ass. It looked good, swaying gently in her thong as she walked on the hot sand. Henry could feel a stir in his groin as he looked at his daughter and immediately went back to his spear. The last thing he needed was to get an erection in front of his children.

Half an hour later, after a good swim, Amelia emerged from the water. Liam was awake by then and looked out at the ocean when he noticed his sister walking back onto the beach. He looked at her as she came towards them and noticed something about her looked different. Only when she was in clear view did he realize what it was. Her thong was gone.

"What happened to your…?" Liam asked, and his father and older sister immediately looked up at her. She stood there towering over them, her twenty-six-year-old vagina on display.

"Not sure," Amelia said as her body dripped with water "I think one of the sides tore and fell off" she said and didn't seem to be too embarrassed by it. With her lower body bare, Amelia saw no point in covering the upper part, and with her family looking at her, she unhooked her bra and took it off. She folded it and bent down to place it on the sand, giving her father's cock a quick glance before rising back.

Amelia kept standing in front of them, waiting for the sun and breeze to dry her perfect body as she flaunted it to her father, brother and sister, neither one of them able to look away. Her hair was wet, droplets of water falling from it to her shoulders and down her naked body. She had beautiful round tits, just a little smaller than her sister's, with bright red coin sized areolas and tiny nipples. She had a flat stomach, smooth legs, and slightly curvy hips. Her pubic mound was covered with thin light stubble that grew over the last two weeks over the usually cleanly shaved skin and continued down to a cute little slit.

Beatrice wasn't buying her story. She thought her sister removed her underwear on purpose, to make her feel more comfortable and she really appreciated it. "At least now you can get rid of those tan lines" Beatrice told her sister who smiled back at her in agreement.

"I am going to catch some dinner" Henry announced and rose to his feet. His penis was semi erect and visibly large. He gave his younger daughter another look and quickly headed for the water as his cock hardened.

By the time Henry reached the water his cock was fully erect. He entered the water until it covered him to his chest, then he started wading. He made his way behind a large boulder that was right on the water and walked out, hidden from his children's view. He threw his spear down and wrapped his left hand around his swollen member as he let out a sigh. No matter how good of a father Henry was, and how much he loved and cared for his daughters, after over two weeks without his wife and his only female contact being his daughters, his body began to betray him. Seeing both of their young naked bodies was affecting him in ways he never thought they would. Henry closed his eyes, picturing his wife as he tightened his grip around his shaft and ran his hand along it, letting out a deep groan. He used his right hand to play with his nipples as he began to stroke his long hard shaft. After a few minutes of masturbating, Henry erupted in a powerful orgasm, squirting his sperm into the gentle waves as their sound covered his grunts of pleasure. As the last ripple of pleasure faded from his body, Henry took a deep breath. He looked down at his deflated prick, picked up his spear and jumped into the cool ocean water.


"So, that just leaves you?" Amelia told her brother after their father was gone fishing. She finally dried off and took a seat between him and her sister.

"Huh?" Liam asked as he rose to his feet and stretched.

"You're the only one with clothes on" Amelia explained as she perched herself up on her elbows and looked up at her brother, her nude body proudly displayed. "You can join us if you want" she added nonchalantly.

"No thanks, I'm fine" Liam said and stole a look at the two lovely pairs of boobs in front of him.

"Okay, suit yourself" Amelia said and shrugged. She turned to her sister and whispered something in her ear. They both looked up at their little brother, eyed his package, giggled, then Amelia laid back down and closed her eyes.

"What's so funny?" Liam asked annoyed and blushed. After years of experience, his sisters knew exactly how to tease him. "Fine, I'll take my clothes off too" Liam said as he fell into his sisters' trap.

"You don't have to if you're shy" Amelia added innocently as Liam paused, and put the final nail in his coffin. He gave her a stern look and placed both hands inside the waistband of his boxers. He then took a deep breath and pulled them down, exposing his impressive semi-erect cock.

"Happy?" Liam asked his sisters angrily as they tried to hide their surprise. Beside a mild sense of curiosity, they didn't really care about seeing their brother naked. They just enjoyed teasing him and wanted to see if they could get him to take his boxers off, they had no idea their little brother was hiding such a big package.

Amelia and Beatrice both sat up as they looked up at their brother naked. His thick golden-brown hair was messy, and his usually shaved face was covered with a thin brown beard that grew over the last several days. He had strong and smooth upper body, thick biceps, strong pecks and hard abs that led down to a massive circumcised eight-inch penis. It was very visibly large even when not erect and had a thick mass of dark pubic hair around the base.

After Liam finished stepping out of his boxers, he walked away towards the shelter. "I'm going to get some more wood" Liam declared and walked away, afraid that he might get an erection if he spent any more time next to his naked sisters.

Henry returned almost an hour later with two large fish. He sat down next to his daughters and started to clean the fish. He still couldn't get used to seeing them like this but managed not to stare. A few minutes later, Liam walked back with a stack of wood in his hands. He placed them down at the shelter and joined them.

"I see you decided to join us" Henry said to his son as he noted he was also naked. His eyes briefly ran along his son's cock and he was surprised to see that it looked to be even bigger than his own. Henry went back to preparing the fish as he mused their current situation. Never in his life did he think he will sit around with his kids while they were all nude.

The rest of the day passed awkwardly. They could not get used to seeing each other naked, and they all found themselves staring or getting stared at, at one point or another. There were many embarrassed apologizes going around as they accidently ran into exposed body parts until it turned dark and they all went to sleep.

Things got even more awkward when they all entered the shelter and tried to get comfortable. The shelter wasn't very big, and as they shuffled around, there was plenty of skin touching. Liam, after accidently rubbing against Bea's breast, started getting hard. He was thankful that no one could see his erection in the dark as he turned on his side, looking out at the dark beach.

Next to them, Henry quickly dozed off. Amelia was still awake, and as her father shifted in his sleep, she felt his flaccid dick touch her thigh. She quickly pulled away and turned on her side. There was no one to her right, and after she heard her brother and sister's breathing turn shallow, she slid a hand up her thigh until she found her pussy. With the rest of the family sleeping naked next to her, and after seeing them naked throughout the day, Amelia couldn’t help herself. She gently slid a finger inside her wet vagina and commenced pleasuring herself, fingering her pussy and giving it the attention, it begged for. She didn't dare get herself off, afraid they will hear her. She played with herself a little, then closed her eyes and went to sleep.

The following morning, Liam woke up with a huge erection. He quickly looked around at his naked family and was relieved to find them still asleep. He tried to be as quiet as possible as he rose to his feet, keeping his back to his family, and wandered into the forest. He walked until they were out of ear shot and began to wank himself. He briskly jerked his cock, the recent images of his sisters were so fresh in his mind that he didn't need to think about it, he just kept masturbating until he came hard. Afterwards, he continued to the waterfall to wash up, then returned to camp where his father and sisters were already up.

The rest of the day went on much like every other day: grapes for breakfast, keeping the fire going, mending the shelter and relaxing on the beach. Without the uncomfortable sensation of wet clothes to worry about, they all went swimming in the ocean, enjoying the cool ocean water as they skinny dipped carelessly. Later that day, with Henry out fishing, Beatrice taking a nap, and Liam doing pushups, Amelia decided she wanted to go bathe in the waterfall.

"I'm going to the waterfall to wash the salt off me, want to join?" Amelia asked her brother as she rose to her feet.

"Sure" he said breathless while in the middle of a workout and kept going "just let me finish this set" he added. She waited for him to finish, then they headed together to the waterfall. Rescue had become a taboo word for the family, and on their way there, they discussed ideas for improving their camp.

When they arrived at the waterfall and the small pool at the bottom of it, Amelia immediately entered and walked to the waterfall. She got under it and closed her eyes, taking a shower in its clear waters, then turned around and moved aside so her brother could have a turn. Amelia walked over to a large flat rock and took a seat on it, watching her handsome brother under the water. As Liam stepped out from under the waterfall, Amelia was already resting comfortably on the rock, leaning back perched on her elbows with her legs spread open and her feet dangling in the water.

Liam stepped away from under the waterfall feeling refreshed. He ran a hand through his wet hair and rubbed the water away from his eyes before opening them. When he did, he was met by the erotic sight of his sister spreading her legs towards him, giving him an unobstructed view of her bright pink vagina.

It took a few seconds of Liam staring at her for Amelia to realize she was flashing her pussy to her younger brother. She quickly pressed her legs together but was still very much naked.

She looked at Liam, her gaze drawn to his dick hanging between her legs. He kept looking at her as she sat up, her body glistening with water, and without any ability to resist, he started getting hard.

Amelia could barely breath as her little brother's cock hardened in front of her very eyes. Within seconds it was completely hard, and Amelia's eyes nearly popped out of her head. As large as her brother's cock seamed when it was soft, now that it was hard there was no way to hide how big it was. At almost eight inches long, it was one of the biggest ones she had ever seen, and she couldn't take her eyes off it.

While Amelia gazed at her brother's erect cock, on instinct, she spread her legs and moved a hand down to her pussy. Liam, hypnotized by the sight, wrapped his hand around his shaft. Amelia knew it was her brother and knew she shouldn't be doing what she was, but she couldn't help herself. She licked her fingertips, and while looking at her brother's boner, she brought it down to her vagina and started rubbing it slowly, letting out a quiet moan as she did.

Liam looked over at his sister and could not believe his eyes. His sister, naked, with her lovely boobs exposed and her legs spread, was touching herself in front of him. Her fingers were caressing her pink snatch as she was apparently looking at his very hard member. Liam looked down as well and noticed that without meaning to, he grabbed his dick. He raised his gaze to his sister, then down to his cock, and though he tried as hard as he could to resist it, he started stroking his throbbing member.

They could not look away as each one pleasured himself to the other's eyes. Amelia was rubbing her vulva and looking at her brother while he was stroking his hand along the full length of his shaft. It was perverse and disgusting, brother and sister masturbating in front of each other, but they just could not stop.

Liam tugged on his cock, stroking it slowly as he watched his sister teasing her pussy with her fingers. His mind kept telling his body to stop, but his body failed to comply. He watched Amelia as she continued to play with herself, rubbing her fingers all over her already tan vulva as she moaned gently. He watched her mesmerized, as she touched herself for a little while, then brought her hand to her mouth and licked it. When she brought it back down, she pushed her middle finger into her tight looking slit and began fingering herself.

If the show up until now wasn't hot enough, seeing Amelia fingering herself was the final straw. Liam lost control completely and stroked himself faster and faster, going at full speed, until he felt the familiar sensation of an orgasm coming on. He gave his cock a few more quick tugs, then started groaning as he began to ejaculate. He switched to quick shallow strokes as the orgasm took hold of him, sending waves of warm pleasure across his body as load after load of hot sticky cum shot out of his cock and onto the cool clear water surrounding him.

Amelia watched her brother cumming as she masturbated, and it only encouraged her to go faster. She pumped her finger in and out of her wet cunt as her brother shot the last few spurts of spunk and let go of his cock. She looked at it as it started to recede, then felt her own climax coming on.

"Oohhhh" Amelia moaned and closed her eyes as she feverishly rubbed her clit. She opened her eyes to look at her brother and saw him staring at her, then closed them again as a wave of pleasure tore through her. She ignored the fact that her brother was watching her, and just kept on touching her pussy as her entire body shuddered with sexual pleasure.

Liam stepped out of the water and looked at his sister as she laid back on the rock breathing heavily. He instinctively reached down for his boxers only to remember her didn’t have any. He looked at his sister as she rested on the rock for a few more seconds, then sat up and walked out of the water.

With the built-up sexual desire out of their system, Liam and Amelia looked at each other nervously, the realization of what they did in front of one another only now hitting them. They didn't know what to say as they awkwardly looked at each other, not even able to hide their nudity.

"I think we should head back" Amelia managed to say after they stood there nervously for a minute looking at each other.

"Yeah" Liam said back, and they walked back in silence to the camp.

For the rest of the day, Liam and Amelia barely spoke to one another. They were so embarrassed by what they did, they could not look at each other without turning red.

After dinner, as it began to get dark, they all took their place under the shelter. It was a warm night, a gently breeze ruffling the leaves around them as they fell asleep to the soothing sounds of the ocean waves and the fire crackling next to them.

It was after midnight when the wind began to howl, and the weather took a turn for the worse. They did not have serious rain for over a week, yet in a matter of minutes the temperature dropped, and close by rumbling of thunder woke them up.

Henry threw more wood into the fire and surveyed the shelter as it started to rain. He was happy with the way it held firmly as rain started pouring down.

His children woke up as well and started shivering from the sudden chill. Henry and Liam were on both side of the shelter with the girls between them, Amelia next to her father and Bea next to her brother. It wasn't their first cold night on the island, and like every previous cold night, they huddled together for warmth. The girls pulled their shivering bodies together, pressing their round breasts and pubic mounds as each tried to soak up the other's warmth. On both sides of them, their brother and father wrapped their arms around them and pressed into them from behind, spooning them for warmth as their semi erect cocks pushed against the girls' tight tushies.

They said nothing, only closed their eyes and tried to get some sleep as the storm raged around them. While they lay there in a naked heap and tried to get some sleep, Henry could not stop thinking about the fact that his penis was pressed against his youngest daughter's smooth ass. He tried to push the thought from his mind but couldn't until he finally managed to fall asleep.

On the other side of the shelter, Liam just managed to get somewhat comfortable when Beatrice started moving around. She started squirming in place, trying to get comfortable, but as she did so, her ass ground into her brother's dick. She didn't even realize what she was doing until she felt his cock starting to harden. She stopped moving immediately but it was too late, and within a few seconds, to Liam's embarrassment, his cock was fully erect and pressed against his sister's ass and lower back. He tried not to think about it, tightened his grip around her warm waist and tried to go back to sleep.

The following morning, Henry woke up to a gray and chilly day with an erection. His kids were still sleeping, and they were all in the same position, his body pressed tightly against his daughter's warm body. He could feel something warm and soft around his cock, and it took him a few seconds to figure out that his erect penis was resting snugly between Amelia's thighs, the shaft nestled against her warm cunt. As soon as Henry realized where his penis was, he quickly pulled his waist away. He kept his hands around her shoulder and took a few deep breaths until his cock subsided, only then did he let go of her and get to his feet. Henry placed a few branches into the ambers that remained of the fire and blew on it gently until they caught, and a warm fire started burning. He sat in front of the fire, throwing a few more sticks in and warmed up his cold body as one by one his children woke up cold and joined him around the fire.

It rained all through the morning and the four of them stayed inside the shelter, eating the grapes they had with them as they looked around at the miserable weather. They were all in a gloomy mood and stayed mostly quiet as they waited for the rain to stop. It wasn’t until the afternoon that the skies cleared up and a bright sun began to shine, warming their cold bodies and raising their spirits as they moved to the beach.

A warm tropical sun was shining, removing any sign of the bleak morning with it. Henry was working on sharpening another fishing spear, Amelia decided to go for a swim in the ocean, Beatrice was laying on her stomach to soak up the sun and Liam was working out. After a few minutes, Beatrice turned over to her back and watched her brother as he finished the last set of pullups. He crawled over next to her, his body glistening with sweat and laid down on his back breathing heavily.

Watching her brother workout, gave Beatrice an idea. She rose to her feet and faced away from her brother and father. She looked at the ocean, her firm butt and bare back to her father and brother and started doing all sort of stretches.

"What are you doing?" Liam asked his sister as she started stretching her smooth lithe body, stretching her hands over her head, and raising her legs in all kinds of poses.

"I'm doing yoga" Bea answered and closed her eyes, listening to the calming sound of the waves.

Henry kept sharpening his spear but kept glancing up at his daughter stretch, just like his son was doing next to him. She did all sort of stretches, some included sticking her lovely ass out and some had her spreading her legs wide and leaning forward, giving her father and brother a rear view of her pussy. After a few minutes of stealing glances at his daughter doing naked yoga, Henry felt his prick begin to swell. He gave his daughter a final look then rose to his feet. "I'm going to catch some fish" Henry announced as his erection grew. He made sure to face away from his kids as he picked up his fishing spear and headed to the water.

Henry was half way to the water when his erection was at full force, standing tall at over seven inches. He let out a sigh of relief, but just then, a figure emerged from the water and started heading his way. He was only fifty feet away as his daughter stepped onto the sand and started walking towards him. There was little chance she missed her father's hard penis flapping in front of him, and all Henry could do was to keep walking towards her.

As Amelia and her father neared, Henry felt extremely embarrassed by his youngest daughter looking straight at his big hard cock. "Hey dad" she said with a smile and raised her gaze to meet his as they passed each other. He gave her a shy smile in return, and as Amelia examined her father's hard package, she couldn't help being impressed by how well-endowed he was. It immediately got her thinking about her brother's package and what she watched him do with it the previous day.

With his dad gone, Liam felt more comfortable staring at his sister doing yoga. She was still with her back to him and he admired her perfect ass as she slowly crouched down on her knees and continued doing more poses. She moved around on the ground, getting on her hands and knees and giving him another great look at her ass, before turning sideways while still on all fours. Liam could feel himself getting excited as he received a side view of his sister, her flawless round breasts swaying as she stretched. After that, Beatrice rose to her feet and continued her yoga, only this time, she was facing Liam.

Liam looked at his sister as she raised her hands over her head and stretched her entire body upwards. She was with her eyes closed and Liam could not look away from her body. He studied her golden tan skin, her round breasts, her long tone legs and her pubic mound, noting how her bush was getting more and more wild. He kept watching her as she spread her legs apart and did splits, revealing her vulva and vagina to him. Before Liam even realized it, he was completely hard.

Beatrice opened her eyes in between poses and was surprised to see her brother with a huge boner. It was her first time seeing him hard, and she blushed as she looked at his big hard cock. Beatrice noticed her brother looking embarrassed as he caught her looking at his manhood. Before things got even more awkward, Bea turned around and continued to the next exercise with her back to her brother.

As Beatrice continued stretching her flexible body, she couldn't stop thinking about how big here brother's cock is. It flattered her that her brother got hard from looking at her body, and although it wasn't intentional, feeling Liam's hard cock pressing against her at night, made her curious to see how big it was hard, and it was definitely big. Bea continued and saw her sister walking towards them. She stopped once she joined them.

"Cool, I didn't know you do yoga" Amelia told her sister.

"Yes, I started a few months ago and I really enjoy it" Bea told her sister.

"Maybe you could teach me a little, later?" Amelia said, and her sister happily agreed. Beatrice sat down next to her brother, and realized he was still hard. Only then did Amelia notice her brother had an erection.

Liam turned a bright red as he noticed his sisters looking at hardon. "I'm going to check on the fire" he mumbled nervously as he got to his feet and walked away. He threw some more wood into the flames before disappearing into the bush for some much-needed masturbation.

Chapter 4

After three weeks stranded on the island they were beginning to lose hope. They never imagined they would be here this long, and their old life seemed so long ago. They had managed to set up a nice camp in their time there, and always tried to improve it. Their shelter was now sturdy and waterproof, managing to hold even during the harshest storms. They dug deep trenched in the sand to stir the water away when it rained, managed to stock up a nice pile of coconuts and grapes, and even tried and failed at smoking fish. They built a well sheltered fire pit, that by some miracle managed to keep the fire going all this time without going out. At times they would wake up to a few last ambers, yet somehow managed to get it going again. They had a large pile of dry wood and leaves that they always kept stocked, and they even managed to build a crude water basin from leaves, sticks and sand, that would catch rain water.

They slowly got used to seeing each other naked, and while they still secretly found it arousing from time to time, it was not as weird as it was in the beginning and they felt less awkward if they accidently touched, or Liam or Henry would get an erection. They started to think of the things they missed back home, and even secretly thought what would happen if they ended up spending the rest of their lives on the island.

As they all woke up to their twenty sixth day on the island, Liam rose to his feet and walked over to a tree. He picked up a sharp stone and marked another line in the trunk, symbolling yet another day there. It was a warm sunny day and one after the other, the family climbed out of the shelter and into the warm morning sun. They took a drink of water from the basin and washed their faces with the little water they had left in it.

"I think I'll go to the waterfall for a bit" Liam told his family as he stepped into his ruined shoes.

"Me too" added Beatrice, "I could use a little washing up" she added.

"I'll go get some more grapes" Henry said and headed in the direction where they grew, as his son and daughter headed to the waterfall.

"Do you think we'll ever get rescued?" Beatrice asked her little brother on their way to the waterfall.

"Sure we will" Liam said, eternally optimistic.

"Really, when?" Bea asked skeptical.

"I don't know, but I'm sure we will" Liam exclaimed.

"How can you be so sure?" she asked, annoyed by his optimism.

"Well, you know mom. You think she will stop until she finds us?" Liam asked with a stupid smile on his face.

"Yeah maybe" Beatrice said feeling a little more cheered up but still skeptical. "I really miss her" Beatrice added with a forlorn tone.

"Me too" Liam added as he wrapped an arm around his big sister's shoulder, "what do you miss the most from home?" he asked, opening a pandora's box.

For the next five minutes, until they reached the waterfall, they kept listing all the things they missed: their friends, a soft bed, a hot shower, chicken wings, wine, pancakes, a hair brush, beer, fries, manicures…

"Sex" Liam added to the list as they arrived at the waterfall.

"Oh god yes!" Beatrice said in a frustrated tone, agreeing with her brother. She thought about her boyfriend and the last time she had sex before flying out. She stole a glance at her brother's limp penis shortly after thinking about sex with her boyfriend and quickly moved her gaze away embarrassed.

"When was the last time you, you know…had sex?" Liam asked his sister as they both stepped into the shallow pool at the bottom of the waterfall.

"I'm not telling you" Beatrice snapped back shyly as she looked at her brother. She walked over to the waterfall, stepped under its cascading waters, then stepped back out, her hair wet and her entire body dripping with water. "All I'll say that it's been over four weeks" she said with a shy smile.

Liam let a chuckle and looked at his sister as he also stepped under the waterfall for a few seconds and stepped back out. "Well, it's been twenty-seven days for me" Liam decided to share with his sister as he ran a hand through his wet hair.

"Twenty-seven days?" Beatrice asked surprised as they made their way out of the pool. "That means you had sex the day before we set out?"

"Yeah, I hooked up with a girl at the resort the night before" Liam explained slightly embarrassed and suddenly felt aroused by all the talk of sex.

"You little slut" Bea said to her brother teasingly and gave him a smile. "For me it has been thirty-three or thirty-four days" Bea said, deciding to tell her brother after all. She walked over to a large nearby rock and sat down.

"Jason?" Liam asked and walked over to his sister, facing her standing while she was sitting down.

"Yes, of course it was with Jason" Beatrice said giving her brother a stern look. Who else would she have sex if not with her boyfriend. "I really miss him too" she added and lowered her face into her palms as a few tears formed in the corner of her eyes.

As Bea teared up, she raised her head back up and got to her feet. She looked her little brother in the eyes from only inches away, then wrapped her arms around him and pulled him into a tight embrace, pressing her firm boobs into his muscular chest. Liam returned her embrace, hugging her tightly for a few minutes, when suddenly Bea felt something.

Liam felt extremely awkward as he got an erection in the middle of getting hugged by his older sister who appeared to be in a very vulnerable state. He tried to make it go down while not breaking the hug, but what ended up happening was his hard cock sliding into the gap between his sister's thighs, the shaft gently pressing against her labia from bellow.

Beatrice pulled away from the embrace when she felt her brother's manhood touching her intimate region. Liam froze in embarrassment as his sister looked at him with shock, then down at his penis, still lodged between her thighs. Liam held his breath and turned red as his sister looked down at his shaft. He could not make himself move and watched his sister as she looked down at his cock.

Beatrice looked mesmerized at her brother's cock for a few seconds, then held her hand out and grasped it. Her brother let out a gasp as she tightened her grip on his shaft and started pulling it away from her pussy. A soft tingling sensation swept over Bea as she gently pulled her brother's penis away, sliding the tip along her slit and away. The feeling of a cock caressing her pussy sent a shiver through her body and without meaning to, she let out a soft moan. She kept holding her brother's dick as her pussy started getting wet. The tip of his cock was barely touching the top of her slit, and with the brief delicious pleasure she just felt, she found herself pulling her brother's cock back towards her and rubbing the head gently along her lips.

Liam was in complete and utter shock as he looked down. His big sister was grabbing his cock and rubbing it along her pussy with her eyes closed. She was moaning quietly, and Liam had no idea what to say or do. He just surrendered his cock to his sister's desire and kept quiet despite the perverse pleasure he was experiencing.

Beatrice's lust was growing, and her pussy was getting wetter and wetter as she used her brother's dick to pleasure herself. All the frustration of being stuck on the island, waiting for rescue and missing the outside world had taken a toll on her and without meaning to or thinking about it, she was using her brother to relief the stress. She kept rubbing his prick onto her vulva for some time, enjoying the sensation, but after a few times, her body was telling her it wasn't enough. She kept rubbing her brother's cock onto her dripping womanhood, when suddenly, without any warning, she pressed the stiff shaft to her opening, and slowly eased her brother into her sacred hole.

Liam raised his gaze up to his sister's and looked at her wide eyed as she too opened her eyes. She looked at her brother in shock, realizing what she had done, but she couldn't take it back as the long shaft was already making its way deep inside her crevice.

They both let out a deep, disturbing moan, as Liam instinctively pushed his large penis deep inside his sister's tight vagina. Neither of them could believe what was happening, but the pleasure they were feeling was much too great for them to stop. Liam, his mind in a state euphoric pleasure, found himself pulling his cock out of his sister's hot cunt and shoving it back in to her as she let out a high-pitched moan.

Liam groaned as he shoved his prick into his sister a few more times then stopped. He pulled out of her briefly, only to make her sit down on the large rock behind her. Once she did, she spread her legs for him, and he quickly dove back in, inserting his pulsing member into his sister's heavenly snatch as they both moaned aloud.

Bea leaned back on the cool stone and closed her eyes in pleasure, treasuring the sensation she wasn't she sure she would ever feel again of a cock inside her. She opened her eyes and looked up at her handsome brother as he thrust the entire length of his big dick into her, stretching her pussy to her moans.

Liam looked down at his moaning big sister as he pumped her warm soft snatch. He looked up at her hot body, examining her pretty face as she moaned, her gorgeous tits as they bounced and her tight pussy as it hungrily swallowed his cock with every thrust. He brought his hand over to her smooth thighs and caressed them as he spread her legs even further apart.

Liam was making love to his big sister to their mutual delight. He entered a steady rhythm that he could maintain for a while as he continued plunging his big hard cock into her. After a few minutes of going, Bea's moans seemed to weaken. Liam then removed his right hand from her thigh, slid it along her bush until he reached clitoral hood, then started rubbing her engorged clit as he quickened his thrusts into her pussy.

Bea's moans became louder as her brother started rubbing her clit with his thumb while fucking her harder. Her pleasure heightened as her brother pound her pussy with his big hard dick. She closed her eyes and started moaning louder as her climax approached.

Liam kept plowing his sister's amazing pussy until he felt he was seconds away from cumming. Her entire body was beaded with sweat and her calls of sexual ecstasy were driving him mad. He gave her pussy another few seconds of intensive pounding, then pulled his cock out. He switched hands, rubbing Bea clit with his left one while he used his right one to stroke his cock quickly.

Bea looked at her brother as he pulled his cock out of her and started jacking off. He kept rubbing her clit with his left hand until he stopped. Bea immediately took over and began rubbing her clit like a mad woman, just as Liam began grunting.

Liam's entire body was hit by a wave of raw sexual pleasure as he reached an orgasm. He started letting out guttural groans as he came, shooting his sperm onto his sister naked body. The first load splattered across her stomach, hitting the bottom of her boobs and the second one reached a little above her naval. Liam kept on stroking his cock to his groans and squirted another four or five loads onto his sister's beautiful bush.

As her brother came all over her, Beatrice continued to rub her clit until she too climaxed. She let out deep moans and closed her eyes as an electrifying sensation took over her body. She felt her breath being swept away and opened her eyes to her brother stroking his cock, milking every last drop of cum onto her bush as her orgasm faded away.


Henry returned to the camp with several large clusters of grapes to find only Amelia there. "Where are your brother and sister?" he asked her.

"They're not back yet" she told her father and helped him put the grapes down without dropping any.

"Really? That's strange" Henry said surprised. The waterfall was much closer than the grapes and they were supposed to be back before him. "I'll go check on them" he told his daughter in a calm voice even though he was slightly alarmed that they weren't back yet. Henry hastily made his way to the waterfall, looking around for a sign of his children and hoping they were all right. When he neared the waterfall, he started hearing human sounds but wasn't sure what they were. Only when he was closer he realized he was hearing female moans.

Henry quietly made his way to the waterfall, still not completely sure what it was he was hearing. He moved closer until he spotted two naked figures, one laying on a rock and one standing over it. He let out a sigh of relief at the sight of his children safe, then his eyes went wide as his daughter let out a cock hardening moan and he realized what they were doing.

With the thick bushes as cover, Henry had to be sure his eyes were not deceiving him, and he crouched down and moved closer. His children's moans became louder as he quietly made his way closer. He managed to take cover behind a large boulder fifty feet away and had a clear view of his kids and exactly what they were doing.

Henry peeked from his hideout and could not believe his eyes. Beatrice, his oldest daughter, was leaning back on a high stone with her legs spread wide. Above her, standing on his feet, was his son. Liam's very large penis was completely hard, and he was thrusting it in between his sister's spread legs, fucking her. Both Liam and Beatrice seemed to be enjoying themselves as they kept letting out sexual sounds of pleasure.

Henry watched his kids having sex and could not look away from the perverse incestuous act. He watched his daughter as she moaned, her face euphoric, her beautiful round tits bouncing and her tight, hair crowned pussy stretching as it happily accepted her brother's big shaft. It was one of the most disgusting and simultaneously one of the hottest things Henry had ever seen.

Henry didn't know what to do as he kept spying on his kids having sex. He didn't know if he should walk up to them, stop them or talk to them, so he just stayed there peeping. He watched as his son began rubbing his sister's clit and started pumping her pussy harder to her growing moans. Henry knew he shouldn't be doing this, but he just couldn't stop. He slid a hand down to his penis and found it rock hard as he closed his palm around it and began to masturbate to the sight of his children fucking.

Henry kept watching with self-loathing as Liam pound his cock into his big sister. He listened to her loud erotic moans while jerking himself and watched with fascination as his son pulled his cock out of his daughter and started jerking it while Bea took over the rubbing of her clit. Henry saw his son started to ejaculate onto his sister, covering her stomach and bush with his sperm just as Bea brought herself to her own climax.

He looked at the sight of his daughter's cream covered bush, her face glowing with orgasmic pleasure, and felt his own cock explode. He stifled any noise that might come out of his mouth and looked at his kids as he began to cum. Henry shot an obscene amount of sperm onto the moist ground as a powerful orgasm tore through his mature body. He was appalled with himself for masturbating to his children having sex, but the pleasure was too great from him to care about that now. Only when Henry's orgasm subsided he felt alarmed. He realized how close he was to his kids, and how they could see him in any second if they start heading back to the beach. He peeked back at them to see them looking silently at each other, Liam's cock now soft and Bea still sitting down. Henry gave them a final look, then as quietly and quickly as he could, he made his way back to the camp.


Liam and Beatrice looked at each other breathless as the comprehension of their depraved sexual act started to sink in. Liam let go of his cock as it at went limp and looked down at his cum covered sister as she looked at him wide eyed. They stayed like that for over a minute, looking at each other in disbelief, neither of them knowing what to say to the other. After a long and awkward silence, Bea climbed to her feet, her brother taking a few steps back as she did.

"Let's get back before dad or Melia come to see why we're taking so long" Beatrice said to her brother as she lowered her gaze to the ground, she had a hard time looking at him and started heading back.

"Um, Bea" Liam said nervously and waited for his sister to turn around "you might want to…cleanup" he said gesturing towards her stomach.

"Oh shit" Beatrice said as she remembered she was covered in her brother's cum. She looked down at her stomach and saw her brother's cum dripping down to her bush, which was already covered by numerous globs of his sperm. She quickly stepped under the waterfall and washed all the sticky matter off her body before she and her brother walked back to the camp in dead silence.

"Where are they?" Amelia asked her father as he returned alone to camp. He seemed somewhat flustered, but she thought nothing of it.

"I'm not sure" Henry stuttered as he quickly thought of what to say "I didn't find them" he decided to tell her, thinking it was the safest bet. He quickly walked over to the fire and started tending to it, throwing more wood in and shifting the burning ones. A few minutes later, they heard Liam and Bea's footsteps approaching.

"There you are" Amelia said in a scolding tone as her brother and sister appeared. "Where did you disappear to?" she asked them.

"We, um…" Liam started.

"…Decided to look for coconuts" Bea jumped in decisively. "We saw a few in one of the trees and tried getting them down but they were too high" she continued sounding convincing. Both her brother and father were impressed with her quick thinking.

"That's okay, don't worry about it," Amelia told her sister, buying her credible story "we still have enough coconuts here" she said gesturing to the stock inside the shelter.

For the rest of the day, things were incredibly awkward. Liam and Beatrice could barely talk to each other, and every time they found themselves looking at the other's exposed crotch, even by accident, they immediately looked away. Amelia didn't notice it, but their father did.

Henry also felt uncomfortable as he looked at his son and eldest daughter. He tried to act casual and his kids didn't notice anything out of the ordinary with his behavior, but he kept looking at Liam and Bea, not able to push the image of their bodies pressed together out of his mind.

As darkness fell on the island and all four of them retired to the shelter for some rest, Henry noticed that Bea was waiting for everyone to take a place in the shelter. Only after they were all laying down did she join them, laying down as far away from her brother as possible.

Henry lay between his girls and his mind raced with what he witnessed the passing day. He still wasn't sure if he should talk to Bea or Liam about what he saw them doing, but by how they acted the rest of the day, he figured it was their first time doing it, and hoped it was also the last.

The following day, they woke up to a warm sunny day. As the family washed up, ate breakfast and went through their usual morning routine, things were still awkward between Liam and Beatrice. A full night's sleep did not help them cope with the fact that they had sex, and they kept on blushing and looking away every time they ran into each other.

With the sun high in the sky, Beatrice was giving her younger sister another yoga lesson. Their father was sitting in the shade a few feet away, trying to build a primitive fishing trap, and Liam announced he was going to explore the island and look for some fruit trees they might have missed. In truth, he just didn't want to be near his sister, especially while she was doing yoga.

Amelia and Beatrice kept going, switching between several different poses, until Bea decided to go for a swim in the ocean and left her sister to keep practicing.

"How is this?" Amelia asked her sister twenty minutes later when she came out of the water. She showed her a pose she was practicing, and her sister did not seem impressed.

"Better" Bea told her younger sister, "but still not enough" she added. "Here," she said and grabbed her sister's leg, pulling it further up "you need try and stretch it even more" she said while she helped her bring her leg higher. "Keep practicing and you'll get it" she added and gave her sister a playful smack on the bum which made her jump up and giggle. "I'm gonna go wash up in the waterfall" she said and vanished behind the trees, leaving her sister to keep practicing.

Amelia kept practicing, switching between poses and trying to do what her sister taught her. She kept trying to do it correctly but didn’t quite manage to get it right.

"Hey dad" Amelia called out to her father as she kept trying a specific pose, but every time lost her balance.

"Yeah sweetie?" her father said back, looking up from his project.

"Can you come help me for a sec?" she asked.

"Yeah, I guess" he said and dragged himself up, walking over to his daughter. "What do you need help with?" he asked as he stood next to his daughter.

"There are a few yoga poses I'm trying to do and just can't get them right" Amelia told her father as she stood in one of the easier poses.

"I'm not sure what I can do to help" Henry said back and watched his daughter as she stretched her hands above her head.

"I just need someone for support and to help stretch me in some of the poses" Amelia told her father as she brought her hands down.

"Alright," Henry said with a cautious tone "just tell me what to do" he added. He wasn't sure how appropriate it was, but it seemed harmless.

"Great" Amelia said as she gave her father a big smile, "just stand behind me and watch, I'll tell you when I need your help" Amelia told her father and he walked behind her. For her first exercise with her father's help, Amelia decided to start with a simpler pose she was having trouble with. She stood up straight, raised her leg up to the side of her while trying to keep it straight and then tried to grab her toes. She tried it a few times on her own, but each time lost her balance and fell.

Henry stood behind his daughter as she practiced. His gaze was drawn to her luscious tan ass, but each time he made himself quickly look away, trying to concentrate on her exercise.

"Dad, I need you to hold me for support" Amelia told her father frustrated.

Okay, what do you mean by hold you?" Henry asked as he once again looked away from his daughter's fine rump.

"Just grab my waist" she told her father and waited until she felt his strong palms on her skin.

"Like this?" Henry asked his daughter as he held her from behind.

"Exactly" Amelia said and continued trying. With her father holding her, she easily lifted her leg up again and managed to grab her toes. She wobbled a little, but after regaining her balance she tried to straighten her leg completely. "Dad, I need you to help me straighten my leg" Amelia said after a few tries of her own.

Henry gave his daughter a few more seconds to make sure she was balanced, then moved to her leg. He placed a hand under her calf, another hand on her soft thigh, and slowly applied pressure until her leg was straight. He kept his hand on her for a few more seconds, and only then let go, leaving her standing in the pose perfectly.

Amelia stayed in that pose for another minute before bringing her leg down and clapping her hands with delight. "That was great" she said cheerfully and shook her hands and legs a bit for release. "Okay, next one" she said while facing her father and straightened her stance. She then bowed down and reached for her toes, folding her body in half. "Dad, now I want you to get behind me and push back, pressing me against my legs from above" Amelia told her father.

"Are you sure honey?" Henry asked his daughter as her butt hovered next to him. He thought he understood what his daughter was asking but it would put them in an awkward position.

"Yeah dad, don't worry about it" Amelia said, eager to complete another exercise.

Henry took his place behind his daughter and looked down at her. He pressed his legs to the back of hers, and placed his hands on her bare back, gently pressing down.

"Dad, that's too far up" Amelia told her father as he started "put your hands just below my neck" Amelia said as she struggled to maintain the position.

"Yeah, okay" Henry told his daughter and pushed his hands lower. There was no way to do so without also bending his back, and as he did so, he had to tighten his body against his daughter, resulting in him pressing his limp cock into her ass.

"Yeah dad, that's great" Amelia managed to say as her father pushed her into position. Amelia was so concentrated on the stretch, she barely felt her father's cock touching her. They stayed like that for almost a minute before Henry let go and they both came up for air. They were both red from the exercise and panting.

"That was really good" Amelia said happily "next one…."

"No more," her father interrupted her "that was enough for me" he said panting from the strain. He also felt he was getting quite aroused in the last one and wanted to stop it there.

"Just one more then" Amelia told her father and gave him a pleading look. "Please?" she added, putting on her cutest smile and her father could not refuse and agreed to one more. "This last one requires a lot of flexibility and I'm not quite there, so I need your help stretching me" Amelia told her father and took a seat on the warm sand. She folded her knees in and hugged them as her father looked down at her. She suddenly realized how embarrassing this pose was going to be, but after her father barely agreed to one more, she didn't want to push his help and decided to go ahead with it. "Dad, just get down on your knees in front of me" Amelia told her father and watched as he did.

Henry looked at his daughter as she sat on the sand with her legs folded in, her beautiful boobs hidden behind them. Amelia gave him a shy look as he shifted on his knees in front of her. She waited for him to stay still before grabbing her ankles with both hands. She gave her father another shy look, blushing slightly, and started spreading her legs.

Henry looked amazed as his daughter started spreading her legs slowly, her breasts and vulva visible again as she kept spreading her legs wider apart. Henry suddenly understood which pose this was, as he had seen her practice it with her sister earlier that day. He also recalled how her sister helped her with this particular exercise and suddenly found himself thinking back to Liam and Beatrice, and what they were doing yesterday.

"Dad, can you help stretch me now?" Amelia asked as she rolled onto her back. She held her ankles tightly and opened her legs as far as she could. She was slightly embarrassed by the fact that she was flashing her bare pussy to her dad.

Henry was lost for words as his youngest daughter asked for his help while in this deeply exposing position. He glanced at her pretty face, followed by her firm tits, and down to her enticing vagina. Her current position slightly parted her labia and revealed her perfect pink pussy. He could feel his cock starting to twitch, and before his daughter noticed it, he placed his hands on her knees and began pushing them further apart.

"Slower daddy" Amelia said with groan, feeling her muscles stretching beyond their comfort zone as her dad slowly applied pressure. "Stop for sec!" she told her dad, grimacing as her thighs began to burn. As Amelia held the stretch, her gaze wandered down to her father's semi erect penis. It seemed to be getting a little hard, but Amelia didn't dwell on it and asked her father to keep going.

Henry slid his hands down to his daughter's delicate thighs as she asked him to keep stretching her legs. It was getting uncomfortable to keep pushing and Henry had to readjust his stance as he continued. He straightened up, towering over her, and moved his hands just above her knees, trying to stretch her into splits. As Henry did so, there was no way for him to prevent it, and his hardening cock ended up touching his daughter's pussy.

Amelia felt something touching her exposed intimate zone as her father stretched her legs to the edge of her ability. She raised her head and was surprised to see her father's almost fully erect cock resting on her vulva. As strange as it was to have her own father's penis touching her down there, after over a month without sex, it was enough to get her wet. She kept looking at her father's erection, admiring the size of his manhood as he kept stretching her legs.

Only after a few seconds, Henry realized his daughter was no longer paying attention to the exercise. He was about to scold when he followed her gave down. Only then did he notice that not only was his cock hard, but it was laying flat across her pussy. Henry immediately let go of his daughter's legs and stayed still as they found themselves in this clearly inappropriate position for a father and daughter to be in.

Amelia recovered from the stretch and placed her feet flat on the sand with her knees folded. Her father was still on his knees between her legs, and with his hard cock now touching her naval, he slowly started moving backwards.

Henry slowly moved back, sliding the tip of his hard dick along his daughter's pubic mound as he tried pulling it away. As much as it sickened him, Henry could not deny how good brushing his cock along his daughter's vulva felt. When the tip of Henry's cock reached Amelia's slit, a shiver ran down his spine. All he needed to do was move back another quarter inch and get up for this twisted workout to be over, but he didn't. When the tip of his erect cock touched the lips of his daughter's vagina, she let out a cute little moan and Henry lost control. He could feel her cunt teasing his cock, begging for it, and before he could realize what he was doing, he found himself pressing the head of his cock to her opening. He could feel his daughter was wet, she wanted this, and without thinking about it, he found himself pushing his shaft inside, penetrating his daughter's warm tight snatch.

A whimpering moan left Amelia's lips as her father breached her intimate hole. The first thing she felt was complete shock, shortly followed by incredible pleasure. She could not believe this was happening, and as she looked down she saw her father's cock violating her.

With his dick buried deep inside his youngest daughter, Henry regained just a bit of his wits back. He looked up at his daughter's face, and after seeing no shred of resistance on it, he slid his hands down her smooth thighs, and started thrusting, pushing his cock in and out of her perfect twat.

Amelia let out a deep moan as her father began fucking her. She closed her eyes and relaxed as she offered her prized jewel to her father. Electrifying pleasure took hold of her as he began rhythmically shoving his cock into her. She could feel a wave of warmth hugging her with each thrust of her father's hips, his hard shaft sliding along her pussy, stretching and rubbing it in endless delight.

"Oh my god dad!" Amelia moaned at the intense sexual pleasure. She moved her hands to her sides and propped herself up on her elbows, lifting her torso. She looked over at her father, his gaze focused on her pussy as he kept hammering it with his big hard cock, defiling his daughter as their bodies united with unworldly pleasure.

Amelia and Henry lost themselves in the incestuous act as they ascended into a new world of pleasure. Amelia stayed on her back on the warm sand, eagerly accepting her father's manhood inside her with each thrust as he so willingly entered her. They moaned genuinely as their depraved act continued, Amelia's womanhood stretched by her father's rod while constricting around it.

They kept it up for a few minutes, moaning and groaning on the warm sand as their naked bodies merged in the unholiest of ways. Suddenly, they heard movement coming from the bushes.

The sound shook Henry and Amelia from the sexual trance they were in and they both stopped to listen. Henry's penis was still inside his daughter when the ruffling sound became distinctive footsteps, and a few seconds later, Beatrice's figure emerged from between the trees near the shelter, only thirty feet from them.

Alarm took hold of them both the second they spotted Beatrice. Henry pulled his throbbing member as fast as he could out of his daughter's pussy. He rolled over to the side, laid down on his stomach with his erection pressed into the warm sand and closed his eyes, pretending to be asleep. Next to him, Amelia grabbed her legs and tried to stretch them as wide as she could, doing the pose her father was helping her with before things went crazy.

"Hey, not bad" Bea said to her sister as she walked over "You've almost got it" she added and got down on her knees between her sister's legs. She grabbed her thighs and gently stretched a little more, not knowing that a few minutes ago her father was in the same place.

After a few minutes, with Bea laying on her stomach sunbathing, Henry felt it was safe to get up. His cock was still hard and throbbing as he got up without facing his daughters. He walked to the ocean and hid from view behind a large boulder. Once there, he eagerly closed his hand around his hard penis and began stroking his pulsing erection. He was sickened by what Amelia and he just did but couldn't stop thinking about it while he masturbated wildly. It didn't take long for him to cum, and he let out a deep groan of pleasure as he shot a huge load onto the wet sand at his feet.

As opposed to Liam and Beatrice's awkwardness after doing what they did, Henry and Amelia acted like nothing happened. They kept talking and looking at each other the same, and the night after it happened, they had no problem sleeping next to each other in the shelter.

Although she acted like nothing happened between her and her dad, something did happen to Amelia. After being reminded what a big hard cock inside her felt, she started getting horny much more often. She would see her brother working out, her father walking around or simply think of what they did, and she would get aroused. She would then walk off alone and masturbate until she would get the release her body craved for.

Chapter 5

Three days after Amelia and her father did the unthinkable, she was laying on the sand next to Liam who was napping. Her father and sister went to get a drink and some more grapes and she just sat there soaking up the sun. The awkwardness between Liam and Bea was slowly getting better, and he was enjoying an afternoon nap as the tropical sun kissed his body.

Amelia was laying on her back next to her brother and looking up at the cloudless sky as her mind wandered. Liam was laying on his side and facing away from her as he slept. They kept laying there lazily for a few minutes when Liam, still sleeping, rolled over to his back.

Amelia's gaze shifted to her brother's cock, now in plain view and she looked at it admiringly. Even when soft it was an impressing cock, and she felt herself getting aroused while looking at it rest flat on Liam's lower stomach. Amelia thought back to her father's penis inside her while she kept looking at her brother's, and without thinking about what she was doing, she held her hand out and gently grasped her brother's manhood. Realizing what she did, she quickly looked up at her brother's face to make sure he was still sleeping. She tightened her grip around it, enjoying the feel of her brother's meat in her hand, then started to carefully stroke him, wanting to see its full length.

Amelia could feel Liam's cock getting hard in her hand as she jerked his shaft. She was getting wetter as her brother was getting harder, and within a few minutes she was holding his hard eight-inch snake and looking at it with awe. It was bigger than her dad's by almost an inch and she remembered how deep his penis felt inside her. She could only imagine how deep her brother's cock would. Amelia snuck a hand down to her pussy and started playing with it while she continued stroking her brother's full length. She gave her clit a few rubs, then slipped a finger inside her wet twat and let out a small moan while continuing to stroke her brother's erection to her enjoyment.

Liam felt a very nice sensation as he woke up from his nap. He was still sleepy at first and didn't know what it was, just that it felt good. He relaxed as the delightful feeling washed over him. He was not asleep anymore but not quite awake. When he opened his eyes, he finally understood what the feeling was. His sister was jerking his hard cock while apparently pleasuring herself too. She was so concentrated on his cock she didn't even notice he woke up. Liam stayed quiet and let his sister continue, enjoying her soft hand stroking all along shaft and clenched his teeth as the pleasure grew. Without noticing it, Amelia started going a little faster and it felt incredible. Liam listened to the gentle moans escaping his sister's lips and felt his release approaching.

While it wasn't her initial intention, after jerking her brother off for several minutes, she wanted to make him cum. She was a little worried that he might wake up, but the desire to watch him ejaculate was stronger. She could feel his shaft pulsing in her hand and she knew it wouldn't be long before he would squirt. She stopped for a second to spit into her hand, then returned it to his dick, focusing on stimulating the head with her slippery hand. Amelia stopped touching herself and concentrated on making her brother cum. His body was still motionless and relaxed, and she was sure he was asleep as she stroked him a little faster. She kept jerking him for another minute until he finally came.

Liam fought to keep quiet as the first wave of pleasure hit him and he started ejaculating. He watched his cock as it started squirting his sperm onto his lower stomach, his sister's soft hand urging it on and bringing more waves of pleasure to his body. Liam managed to keep quiet as Amelia jerked his cock throughout his orgasm, but as the last waves rushed through his body, the pleasure was too great, and Liam involuntarily let out a deep grunt.

Amelia quickly turned her head as she heard her brother let out a grunt and turned red when she noticed he was awake. Her hand was still around her brother's penis and he was looking straight at her with an incomprehensible expression on his face. "Sorry" Amelia mumbled blushing. She let go of her brother's penis and quickly stood up, walking away towards the ocean.

Amelia barely talked to Liam for the rest of the day. She was too embarrassed by what she did and didn't know what to say to him. After it got dark, when they went to sleep in the shelter, to Amelia's surprise, Liam took the place next to her. On the other side of him was Bea, and their father was next to her on the opposite side of the shelter.

A short while after Amelia fell asleep she awoke to the sensation of her brother's hand caressing her waist. He was spooning her, her head resting on his left arm, and he was running his hand along her side. A pleasurable shiver ran along her spine as he traced his hand along her soft skin. He traced it up along her side, then slid his hand over her and reached for her breasts, grabbing one.

Amelia kept quiet as her brother gently fondled her tit, clearly knowing what he was doing. He played with her tits for a few minutes, squeezing them and playing with her hardening nipples, getting Amelia extremely turned on. After he was done playing with her boobs, Liam guided his hand down along Amelia's body. He slid it along her stomach, over her short bush and onto her warm pussy. She was breathing heavily as her brother placed his warm hand on her intimate region. Her heart was pounding in her chest and she surrendered her womanhood to her brother's hand. He started by brushing his thumb along her slit, getting her wetter and wetter, then used the tip of his middle and index fingers to brush along her inner labia, causing her to let out a moan.

Liam stopped touching her pussy and slowly pulled his arm from under her. Amelia was sure she blew it and he was about to stop. She was so aroused she wanted him to keep going. Instead of stopping, Liam pulled his left arm back until her head was resting on his wrist, then, to Amelia's surprise, he covered her mouth with his palm.

"This is just so you don't wake anyone up" Liam whispered in her ear as he continued rubbing her pussy "I wanted to repay you for earlier" he added and gently pressed his thumb onto her engorged clit, making her moan into her palm. Liam teased her clit with the tip of his thumb a little, then slid his hand lower and slithered his middle finger into his sister's wet snatch.

Amelia closed her eyes and enjoyed the sensation as her brother began fingering her. He started with just his middle finger, shoving it in and out of her wet cunt. She could feel her brother's cock was now completely hard, pressed against her ass and it turned her on even more. She tried to keep quiet as her younger brother added another finger into her gushing hole. He began pumping her pussy with his middle and index fingers, bringing her new levels of pleasure as he repeatedly pushed his fingers as deep inside her muff as he could. Amelia whimpered into his hand as he did this, and once he started rubbing her clit with his thumb while keeping his fingers buried inside of her, she exploded.

Amelia clenched her teeth as hard as she could and closed her eyes as the orgasm started. She could feel her brother pressing tighter into her body as it began to tremble with pleasure. She brought a hand down between her legs and placed it over her brother's hand to stop him from stimulating her clit while her thighs shuddered with sexual ecstasy. She froze as the euphoric waves slowly faded and she was left hot and sweaty in her brother's arms. Once her orgasm completely faded, she moved his hand from her mouth and let him pull it back.

The following morning Liam woke up first, and as the rest of his family started opening their eyes around him, he raced to the ocean for a quick swim. His cock was so hard it was throbbing, and his hands were covered in the smell of his sister's sexual juices. He quickly took care of both things and returned just as his father and sisters were getting on their feet.

"Little early for swim no?" Bea asked in a sleepy voice and looked at her wet brother as he joined them, his cock not completely soft yet.

"What are you talking about?" Liam said as he ran both hands through his wet mane "that was so refreshing. You should try it" he added.

"No thanks, too early for me" Bea said ending the discussion and they all made their usual morning trip to the waterfall.

When they came back, they added more wood to the fire and had a humble breakfast of grapes and a coconut. After breakfast, they all worked on fixing up the shelter. It had not rained for a few days so there was no real damage, but they didn't want to test it during a storm and took an hour to tighten the beams, add a fresh layer to the roof and deepen the water trenches they had around it. Afterwards, they went for a swim in the ocean and relaxed on the golden beach.

Later that day, Amelia walked out of the ocean after another swim and joined her family. Beatrice was doing some mild yoga, Liam was in the middle of doing sit ups, and Henry was yet again trying to make a bunch of sticks, stones and leaves into a fishing trap.

"I think we're running low on grapes," Amelia said when she reached them "I'm going to go get some." she announced "Liam, you want to join me?" she asked nonchalantly.

Liam paused from his exercise and looked up at his sister. "Sure, just let me finish here" he said and continued until he finished his set. He got to his feet and joined his sister as they started walking to the northern part of the island where the grapes grew.

"You wanna tell me what last night was about?" Amelia asked her brother with an angry tone as soon as she was sure her father and sister could not hear them.

"Hey, you started it" Liam said casually and shrugged.

"Started it?" Amelia asked back.

"Yeah, or did you forget about how you woke me up from my afternoon nap?" Liam said in a childish tone.

"But dad and Bea were right next to us. They could've heard" Amelia continued, her voice calmer.

"I made sure they were asleep, and I helped make sure you stayed quiet. But you're the one who started this, so maybe I should ask you, what was yesterday on the beach about?" Liam retorted with an obnoxious smile.

"Shut up" Amelia said and let out a little laugh at how her brother turned the tables on her.

"No, seriously," Liam continued "I take a nap on the beach and wake up to my sister jerking me off, what the fuck?"

"Yeah, sorry about that" Amelia said and blushed.

"Care to explain?" Liam pushed.

"I don't know," Amelia started saying nervously "we've been here for almost a month and I guess I lost it a little. You turned around in your sleep, and when I saw your…cock, it got me a little…excited. Before I knew it, I was jerking you off. I'm sorry."

"I get it" Liam said empathically, "and it's not like I didn't enjoy it" he added.

"Really, you enjoyed it?" Amelia said, almost sounding disgusted.

"What I meant to say was," Liam started saying nervously "that it felt good. If that wasn't obvious from the, um, ending. Also, you didn't look like you were having such a bad time yourself last night" Liam said back. With all this talk he was beginning to get a hard on.

"Yeah, I guess you're right" Amelia said in a defeated tone. "I have to admit you were surprisingly good at it. Where did you learn to…please a girl like that?" Amelia asked her brother shyly.

"That was nothing," Liam said in a confident tone "you should see what I can do with my tongue" he added arrogantly.

"Oh my god, you are so gross" Amelia said but couldn't help laughing at her brother's words. Despite what she said, the thought of her brother's tongue between her legs popped into her mind, and she couldn't deny that it was getting her aroused, especially when she saw he was getting hard next to her.

By the time they arrived at the first vine, Liam was completely hard, his erect member leading the way. Amelia kept stealing glances at it, still amazed by how big her brother's penis was. Liam and Amelia started carefully picking ripe clusters of grapes and placing them on a large tropical leaf they picked up on the way.

"Sorry" Liam said embarrassed after turning around without paying attention and poking his sister's stomach with his hard penis.

"Maybe you want to take care of that?" Amelia said, gesturing towards his erection.

"Maybe. You wanna give me a hand?" Liam said mostly joking.

"Seriously?" Amelia asked, not sure if her brother was joking or not. In return Liam just looked at her and shrugged. "Okay fine" Amelia said after a pause.

"Really?" Liam said surprised. He didn't really mean it, but he was too horny to turn down a handjob, even if it was from his sister.

"Yes," Amelia said "I guess I owe you a proper one after what I did yesterday. Now lay down." Amelia ordered her brother and watched as he laid down on the ground. "Not so close to the grapes" she told her brother, and after he moved a few feet to the side, she sat down next to him.

Amelia looked at her brother's face, then turned to his cock and grabbed it, making him moan. She ran her hand along his cock a few times, stroking his entire length, then released her hold. She spit into her hand, then wrapped it around his shaft again and continued stroking it.

"Oh wow" Liam said and started breathing heavily as his sister slid her hand up and down his penis. She started out slow, gliding her hand from the base all the way up. She would twist her hand around the head each time, making her brother moan, before sliding it back down. After a couple strokes, Amelia brought her other hand to his balls and started playing with them while she began stroking him faster.

"You have a really nice cock" Amelia told her brother as she jerked him off, "I never knew it was so big" she added as Liam let out shallow breaths.

"Thanks" Liam mumbled and let out a little moan as Amelia started going even faster, jerking his erect manhood quickly while mostly focusing on the head. He looked at his undeniably hot naked sister, her lovely breasts jiggling as she jerked him off with growing pleasure. her nimble hand tightened its grip around his shaft and Liam looked up from her vulva, sensing his orgasm approaching. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum" Liam announced as his body tensed. A few seconds later Liam exploded in his sister's hands with a loud groan.

Amelia tilted her brother's cock forward and stroked him while he began to ejaculate, making him moan and groan. He closed his eyes in pleasure as he squirted his sperm on the ground between his legs. Amelia continued to stroke him through his orgasm, milking every bit of cum and watching it shoot and drip from her brother's cock until there was nothing left, and she let go of his penis.

"That felt so good" Liam said as his drained cock began going limp. He could see his sister was flustered and hoped she might ask him to return the favor, but she didn't, she just rose to her feet and looked at his receding manhood.

"I'm glad, just don't get used to it" Amelia told her younger brother. She was really aroused but tried not show it. She had already gone too far with her brother, and she didn't even want to think about what happened with her father. "Now get up," she told Liam who was sitting on the ground "we need more grapes".

Beatrice continued doing yoga for a few more minutes after her brother and sister left to get grapes, then decided to stop and take a seat next to her father. "How's it coming along?" she asked her father as she looked at his current attempt.

"Not very well as you can see" Henry said as he tried to tie a few sticks with a long leaf.

"You want to take a break and come with me to the waterfall?" Bea asked her father who looked very much in need of a break.

"Yes, alright" Henry said and gently put his project aside. They rose to their feet and after placing some wood in the fire, headed towards the waterfall. On their way there they made light conversation, talking about nothing in specific until they arrived. Once there, they both walked into the cool water and crouched down for a drink. Henry stayed in the shallow water and watched as Bea plunged herself under the cascading waterfall, washing her naked body. His mind wandered with thoughts of home as he watched his beautiful daughter bathing in the waterfall. He watched as the clear waters showered her, gliding down her wet dark hair as she brushed her hands through it, flowing over her firm round breasts and flat stomach, over her dark bush and down her long tan legs.

"Oh wow, that was refreshing" Bea said as she stepped out from under the waterfall and walked towards her father, wiping the water away from her eyes. After rubbing the last of the water away from her eyes, Bea opened them and immediately noticed that her father's penis was hard.

Henry blushed a little as he noticed his oldest daughter looking at his erection. It was not the first time she saw him hard since arriving on the island, but every time it happened he felt embarrassed, knowing he should not get an erection from seeing his daughters naked.

"Did I tell you how much you look like your mother when she was young?" Henry said truthfully, trying to offer an excuse as to why he was getting hard from looking at her.

"Really?" Beatrice said, raising her gaze to meet her father's eyes "because I feel I'm getting old" she said slightly depressed.

"Old?" Henry said not believing his ears "you've got many more years until you can call yourself old." Henry added while looking at her gorgeous body. "Look at you, look at these…" Henry continued and grabbed his daughter's left boob, briefly squeezing her firm round orb.

"Dad?" Beatrice called out shocked and took a step away from her father, covering her breasts with her hands. "I can't believe you just did that" Beatrice said to her father and looked at him amused. She was definitely surprised by what he did, but she was not angry.

"Sorry," Henry said to his daughter "I just wanted to show you that you have a hot young body. Stop all this nonsense about getting old" Henry said and gave his daughter a smile. After being naked together for so long and sleeping next to each other nude every night, Henry really did not think grabbing his oldest daughter's breast was a big deal, especially after what he did with his younger daughter.

"You really think I have a hot young body?" Beatrice said and lowered her hands, taking a step forward towards her father.

"Of course sweetheart" Henry said as he looked up and down her body. When he looked back up at her face there was a skeptical expression on it. "You don't believe me, fine, you want me to show you?" Henry asked and looked at his daughter who nodded cautiously. "Let's start with these" Henry said as he once again grabbed his daughter's breasts and gently squeezed them, this time she did not shy away. "They're so round and firm, they definitely don't feel like an old woman's breasts" Henry said as he fondled his daughter's tits.

Beatrice twitched with mild awkwardness as her father squeezed her boobs. She was feeling a little better about herself and without wanting to admit it, her father caressing her breasts felt nice.

Henry looked at his daughter who still didn't seem convinced. "Shall I continue?" he asked and Bea nodded once more. He moved behind her and put his hands on her shoulders, looking down at her backside. "How about this?" Henry said and slid a hand down his daughter's smooth back. He placed it over her bare tushy and squeezed it tightly. "I've never seen a grandma with an ass like this" Henry said and savored his daughter's laugh as he said it. He let go of his daughter's firm behind and moved back around to face her. "Do you believe me now?" he asked with a cheerful smile.

"No" Bea said with a smile and let out a cute little laugh. She could see her father's cock was still hard, and she was secretly enjoying him feeling her up.

"No?" Henry asked with a naughty grin. He placed the knuckle of his index finger at the top of her thigh and traced his finger down her smooth thigh until he reached her knee. Henry then placed the fingertips of his right hand on his daughter's knee and slowly ran them up her thigh all the way to her groin, caressing her beautiful leg. Henry placed his palm on her upper thigh and pulled it down her leg. "How about your legs?" Henry said crouched down in the water "they are so sexy" Henry said flatteringly as he ran his hand once more along her smooth thigh. His was leveled with her vulva at that point and could not resist looking at it. He gave it a quick glance then let go of her legs and stood back up on his feet, facing his daughter and looking her in the eyes.

Henry and Beatrice looked each other in the eyes while breathing heavily. They stood in silence in the cool pool of the waterfall, the water reaching up to their ankles. Beatrice's body was burning after her father touched her all over, her nipples hard like two small pebbles, and Henry's cock remained rock hard, lightly twitching with the tip only an inch or two away from his daughter's dripping pussy.

"What other parts of me are sexy, dad?" Beatrice asked, barely louder than a whisper, and looked at her father's face as her breathing trembled.

Henry placed his right hand on his daughter's waist and looked at her face as his body burned with desire. He kept watching her face as he slowly slid his palm along her lower stomach. He placed it over her dark bush and upon seeing no signs of resistance on his daughter's face, he slowly traced his thumb down until it met the soft skin of her clitoral hood.

Beatrice let out a little moan as her father began to rub her clit with his thumb. She knew she should stop him, knew this was wrong, but her body just didn't listen. Her father looked straight at her face, an incoherent expression on it, and moved his finger down, tracing his thumb up and down her slit.

Henry kept watching his daughter as he touched her most intimate spot. She didn't resist, didn't pull away, just stood there, breathing heavily, and let her father molest her. Henry kept touching his daughter in her special place, with his cock rock hard and his body aching with sexual desire. He knew how wrong this was, but also remembered all too well, that this was a line they had both crossed before. As he kept touching his daughter in this inappropriate way, his body was drawn to hers, and without knowing if it was his doing or his daughter's, Henry found the tip of his cock touching Bea's vulva.

Beatrice's eyes went wide at the sudden sensation and she looked down to see her father's impressive manhood touching her vagina. She looked back up, and into her father's eye. They both had a mixture of lust and reluctance in their eyes as their privates touched, but after a short pause, their lust took over. Bea shifted her stand, her body on fire, and aligned her entrance with her father's manhood. She kept her eyes locked onto her father's and watched his expression as his body moved on its own. With her father's eyes looking straight into hers, Beatrice gave her father a small nod. He nodded back to her understanding, then penetrated her, violating her forbidden hole with his long hard shaft.

A moan escaped their lips as Henry slowly breached his daughter's womanhood. He bit his lip as her tight tunnel hugged his cock and listened to her whimper as he stretched her young pussy and filled it with his big dick. They paused and looked at each other as father buried his shaft deep within daughter's folds, then looked down as Henry unsheathed his tool from his daughter's tight vagina. With their bodies burning in incestuous passion, Henry and Beatrice began their taboo dance. Henry slowly pushed his cock deep into his daughter's warm haven and immediately pulled it back out, making them moan with pleasure as their bodies trembled. He grabbed his daughter's hips and tilted her back a little as he began plunging his cock into her pussy with hunger.

Henry pushed his cock in and out of his daughter's wet snatch a few times, then pulled out and looked at her. They were both standing up facing each other and it was not a comfortable position to have sex in. Henry thought about turning his daughter around and taking her from behind, but he wanted to see her, wanted to look at her face as he entered her, defiling her beautiful pink flower.

Beatrice was the first to act as her body ached with lust. She grabbed her father's hand and pulled him over to a large flat rock in the water next to where they were standing. She laid back on it, the smooth surface cool against her back and spread her legs wide. She gave her father a pleading look, looking down at his erect member. It was already slippery with her juices, and she let out a loud moan as her father pushed his dick all the way into her slick cunt.

Henry rested his hands on his daughter's hips, placing his thumbs on her smooth upper thighs, and looked down into her eyes while driving his shaft into her pussy. He let out a deep moan, overwhelmed by the pleasure of his daughter's tight muff, and slid his right hand to her pubic mound, using his thumb to gently rub her clit as he made love to her. Henry looked down at her pink pussy, watching the way it hugged his shaft each time he pulled it out, and how it accepted it willingly with each thrust of his hips. He looked back up at his daughter's face and studied her expression as she continuously let out soft moans.

As her father continued to plow her twat, Beatrice's couldn't help but think of her brother. She had sex with him a few days ago only a few steps from where her father was fucking her now. She couldn't believe what their time on the island brought her to doing. She gazed up at her father, her entire body alive with pleasure, and continued to let out sexual sounds, returning each her father's thrusts into her with a sincere moan or groan.

Henry slid both hands up his daughter's lithe body and placed them on her delectable tits. He began caressing them, squeezing her beautiful lumps and pinching her hard nipples to her growing moans as he kept plunging his rigid manhood into her. After playing with his girl's boobs for a while, Henry let go and slid his hands back down. He put his hands under her knees and proceeded to fold her legs up. He then moved his right hand back to her swollen clit and quickened his thrusts inside her constricting snatch.

"Oh my god dad" Beatrice moaned as her father plowed her pussy with growing force. His finger was gently rubbing circles around her clit and she groaned in sexual delight as the pleasure heightened. She laid there motionless, seemingly helpless against the extreme pleasure her father was inflicting upon her and let out high pitched moans as her father relentlessly pound his cock into her. "Oh my god Yes!" she screamed out in pleasure and hugged her knees, pulling them into her as her father continued breeding her with obscene perversion until she reached her climax.

"Yes, yes, YES!" Beatrice screamed in ecstasy as she came. She closed her eyes and pressed her back against the cold stone as her body flared with sexual pleasure. Her father started quickly rubbing her clit with his fingertips and kept plunging his cock into her pussy as it started convulsing. "…god" Beatrice whimpered between heavy breaths and curled her toes as the euphoric sensations of the orgasm surged through her body. She groaned as the waves of sexual bliss shot from her core to every nerve in her body, and was left laying there panting when it faded, her father's cock still inside her.

Henry pulled his hard cock out of his daughter's drenched pussy and took a step back. He closed his hand around it and started stroking it while looking at her. His shaft was coated with her fluids and his hand easily slid up and down it. He looked shamelessly at her freshly fucked pussy and her beautiful naked body as it recovered from the orgasm. "Oh fuck" Henry moaned as he began stroking himself faster. He kept his gaze locked onto his daughter and masturbated to the sight of her for a minute until he exploded.

Henry let out a loud groan as he came after fucking his daughter. He stroked his dick as his body shivered with pleasure and continued groaning as he began to ejaculate, squirting strings of cum into the clear water he was standing in. His daughter watched him amazed and slid a hand between her legs, gently caressing her clit as she watched the sight no daughter should ever see of her own father ejaculating. Henry kept jerking his cock to the erotic image of his daughter touching herself and let go of his penis only when it started going limp.

Henry and Beatrice looked at each other in silence. They studied one another shocked for a few seconds, breathing heavily, until Beatrice slowly rose to her feet.

"Are you alright?" Henry asked his daughter as she looked at him. Never in his life did Henry think he would find himself having sex with one of his daughter's, not to mention both.

"Yeah, I'm fine dad" Beatrice said and walked under the waterfall. She washed herself again, as though she was trying to wash away the dirty and perverse act her father and she just committed. After standing for a full minute under the waterfall, she stepped away.

"Can we talk about what just happened?" Henry asked, afraid things between them will be like they were between her and her brother after he saw them.

"Dad," Beatrice started saying and looked like she was about to cry, "we've been on this fucking island for a month with no sign of rescue. We were both in need of some…human contact, so let's just leave it at that." Bea said with a depressed look in her eyes.

"Okay" Henry said, then wrapped his arms around his daughter and pulled her into him, hugging her tightly as she broke down crying in his arms.

It was a cry of release and desperation and a cry of relief and shock. She cried because what she and her father just did and worried she would never do that with a man ever again. Her father held her in his arms as she sobbed wildly and gave her a warm smile when she finally stopped and pulled away from him.

"Dad, do you think we will ever get rescued?" Beatrice asked her father as they walked back to camp.

"Yes honey, I really think we will" Henry said honestly.

"When?" Bea asked.

"I don't know" Henry said truthfully. "Could be a week, could be a month, could be a year. But I do think they will find us" he said and put his arm around his girl.

When they arrived back at camp, Amelia and Liam were already there and had a mischievous smile on their faces.

"What is it?" Henry asked them after noticing they looked excited.

"I think we found something" Liam said with a smile and leaned down. He grabbed from the stack of grapes a green apple sized fruit with a prickly peal. "I think it's breadfruit" Liam said and handed his father to examine.

"You're right" Henry said after looking at the fruit and was filled with excitement. After a month of only eating coconuts, grapes and fish, this was big news. Henry pealed it and looked at the soft interior. He smelled it, then brought it to his mouth and took a small bite. "It's good" Henry said and took a larger bite before passing it around.

"We found a whole tree full" Amelia said after devouring two small bites of it. It tasted a little like a potato only slightly sweet, and it was one of the most delicious things she had ever tasted.

Liam and Amelia guided their father and sister to where the tree was, and after picking a nice amount, they returned to the camp where they hungrily ate it around the fire.

Beatrice and Henry seemed to completely ignore what they did earlier that day, and when they all took their place under the shelter to sleep, they laid down next to each other like nothing happened.

The following day they all woke up with high spirits due to the new item on their menu. They spend the day as usual, swimming in the ocean, sunbathing, doing yoga, and fishing. They had an especially nice supper that day of two large fish Henry caught and some breadfruit they roasted a little over the fire. When they finished eating, their bellies were fuller than they could remember them being since they arrived on the island. Shortly after eating, they gradually took their place in the shelter.

Liam was laying in the shelter awake when a cool evening sea breeze started blowing. He was laying next to Amelia, with Bea on the other side of her, and their father next to Bea. It was getting a little chilly and Liam moved closer to Amelia who was laying on her side with her back to him. As he touched his sister's back, Liam could instantly feel her warmth. He wasn't sure if she was asleep, but still being cold, he rolled over to his side and brought his hand over her. He rested his palm on her stomach and pressed his body into hers, spooning her for warmth. Amelia stirred as he pressed his body into hers and turned her head around to look at him.

"Sorry" Liam whispered as quietly as he could "I'm cold" he said and watched as she turned back around. "Good night" he whispered into her ear and closed his eyes. With his eyes closed and his body pressed against his sister's warm skin, Liam's mind started to wander. His pelvis was pressed against his sister's ass and Liam started thinking about the handjob she had given him the previous day. It automatically got him thinking back to a few nights ago when he masturbated her, and naturally, to what happened between him and Beatrice the previous week.

Amelia could feel her brother starting to get hard and started squirming around when his erection poked her in the back. Liam noticed and got embarrassed. He tried to shift his erect penis as it pressed between his stomach and her lower back, but no position was comfortable enough and Amelia continued shifting uncomfortably.

Liam kept moving around trying to find a suitable position. He moved his body down along his sister's, his erect cock sliding between her cheeks, then slipping between her thighs. Liam could suddenly comfortably press his body into Amelia's, his cock sticking out from between her legs and her warm thighs hugging it from both sides. He eased into this new position and marveled at the warmth radiating from her pussy as Amelia shifted slightly to adjust and made his shaft press into her labia.

They laid still for a few seconds, trying to get used to this sexually tense position. Amelia was getting really turned on by the fact she had a big hard cock nestled between her legs, and without able to resist, she started gently rocking her hips, rubbing her pussy along her brother's rod.

Liam bit his lips at the pleasure of his sister grinding her pussy onto his cock. He closed his eyes at the warm friction of her vulva caressing his shaft, then snapped back to reality and placed his hand on her hip to stop her. With Bea and his father only inches away, they could not do this. He knew that if they kept going he wouldn't be able to help himself.

Amelia knew her brother was right when he stopped her. She got so hot when she felt his dick between her legs, that she started grinding into him almost instinctively. Once she started, it felt so good she lost herself in it. Her pussy was wet and tingling with desire, and the fact that her brother's manhood was still lodged between her legs was making things worse. Amelia slid a hand in between her legs and felt her brother's dick sticking out. It felt weird to have a penis like that, not to mention that it was her brother's, but it didn't stop her pussy from wanting it. She grabbed his cock in her hand and could feel his body tense up against her. She squeezed the head tightly, feeling how hard it was, then moved around a little until she managed to press the head of her brother's dick against the top of her gushing cunt.

She felt her brother's heavy breathing as he stayed still behind her, and she slowly began rubbing his cock along her slit. Amelia was so turned on, she ignored her brother as he placed his hand on her side and signaled her to stop. She knew this was wrong, just as she knew it was wrong when she jerked him off, when they masturbated in front of each other, or when she let her father enter her. She knew it was wrong, but she didn't care. She just wanted the satisfaction that only a man could give her, and it just so happened that her brother and father were the only men around.

Amelia could feel the hesitation but also the excitement in her brother's body. She rubbed his cock against her soaking twat a few times, making sure to keep quiet, then, without warning, she sank her brother's rock-hard cock into her burning womanhood.

It took every bit of self-control Liam had to keep quiet as his sister pushed his cock inside her snatch. She parted her labia with the head of his cock and Liam was overwhelmed by how wet her pussy was. With the tip of his shaft already inside his sister's cunt, Liam could not resist. He placed a firm hand on her waist and slowly penetrated her, pushing his cock inside her pussy as it constricted around his shaft, the intense pleasure making it hard for him to stay quiet.

Amelia brought a hand to her mouth to keep quiet and closed her eyes as Liam breached her. He pushed his cock deep inside her, and she moaned into her hand at the heavenly feeling of a dick filling her pussy. Amelia brought her free hand down to her pussy and began slowly rubbing it as her brother started pulling his cock out of her. He pulled his cock out as far as their position allowed, then, without needing her to ask, he began to gently thrust his dick in and out of her.

The chill was gone from Liam's body as he began to pummel his sister's box. His entire body was on fire as he shoved himself into her snug muff, the thought that he was defiling yet another of his sisters not disturbing him as much as it should. Liam gritted his teeth, also making sure to keep quiet, and brought a hand to his sister's breasts. Her nipples were rock hard, and Liam grabbed them without a second thought. He began to fondle her arousing lumps, playing with them and pinching her nipples as he continued to violate her warm pussy.

Amelia's arousal was growing even mores as her brother started caressing her tits while fucking her. His cock was going so deep that she had to tighten her palm over her mouth to keep from moaning. She slowly slid her hand through her patch of pubic hair, and over to her clit. Her brother's shaft rubbed along her hand as he continued to penetrate her, and Amelia began gently rubbing her clit, surrendering her body to the incestuous pleasure.

Brother and sister continued to fuck in the still silence of the shelter. Their pleasure was unworldly, and their bodies burned with heat as they continued to indulge in the taboo act of sibling love making. Their hearts were pounding like African drums, the steamy pleasure of their union with the excitement of their sister and father next to them, making it even better. Liam slowed down a little, pushing his long schlong into his sister's twat with slow strokes, delaying their impending crescendo by a few more seconds.

Liam fucked his sister until he felt he was on the verge of exploding. There was nothing he wanted more at that point then to continue plowing her divine pussy until he came inside her, but he knew what the consequences of that might be. He pulled his pulsing member out of her and rolled around, grabbing his throbbing shaft as he faced outside. He moved a little until he was at the edge of the shelter and began to stroke his cock, the feeling of his sister's amazing pussy still fresh in his mind as he looked out at the moon-soaked beach.

Amelia was so frustrated when her brother pulled his magnificent dick out of her at the final second. She was so close to finishing and suddenly felt empty without her brother's meat inside her. She rolled around to face her brother, not daring to move her hand away from her pussy and slipped a finger into her wet hole while she continued rubbing her engorged clit. She looked at her brother's figure in the dark, noting the rocking motion he made as he jerked off, and was careful not to caress her female folds too harshly. She watched her brother's body as it began to shudder, a stifled moan barely audible as he came, squirting his seed onto the dry sand.

With her brother shivering with orgasmic spasms next to her, Amelia finally felt her own orgasm being released. Her stomach and waist quivered at the pleasure, and although it was not the mind-blowing orgasm she would have liked, it was enough to quench her body's sexual thirst. She waited for her body to fully relax, then closed the small gap between her brother and her. She wrapped an arm around his sweaty figure, startling him, then pressed her glistening vulva into his firm bum and closed her eyes.

They woke up the following morning to an ominous gray sky. Bea woke up first with her father and brother shortly after her.

"The fire" Henry called out alarmed and quickly crawled over to the pile of ambers in the fire pit. He placed his hand over it, relieved it was still hot, and grabbed a few leaves and twigs from the pile nearby. Henry placed the kindling onto the ambers and began blowing on them gently.

Amelia was the last to wake up and lazily opened her eyes to look at her father as he worked on rekindling the fire. Bea and Liam were already up on their feet outside the shelter and watching their father as he got a small fire started.

"We're going to go get some fruit" Bea said, relieved their father managed to relight the fire and grabbed Liam by the hand.

"Okay" Amelia said with a yawn, stretched her hands to the sides and moved closer to her father. She kept laying on her back under the shelter and watched her father as he worked on getting the fire burning. He put some more kindling in and blew on them, making sure they caught before putting in larger sticks. Amelia found herself looking at her father's own stick. She woke up horny from last night's events and looked at her father's limp cock as it dangled while he rebuilt the fire. With her father still focused on the fire, Amelia stretched her leg and placed her toes on her father's penis.

"Amelia, what are you doing?" her father asked her slightly embarrassed.

"Nothing" she said innocently and gave her father a small grin. He looked at her, shaking his head, then placed some large wood into the nicely burning fire. Amelia stretched her other leg towards her father's cock and used it to play with the tip. He turned to look at her, his cock hardening to the intimate touch of her feet, then she clasped her dad's shaft between her feet and used them to stroke it.

Henry stared at his daughter speechless. He looked at her gorgeous naked body then at his cock, watching it go from semi erect to hard as his daughter gave him a footjob. Henry couldn't help letting out a moan and watched a devious smile form on her face. Amelia's ex-boyfriend used to love it when she did that, and it would always get him hard for her.

Amelia continued teasing her father's cock with her feet for another minute, making sure it was nice and hard, then stopped. She pulled her feet away from her father and noticed the disappointed look in his eyes as his hard cock begged for her to continue. She folded her legs, placing her feet flat on the ground and slightly spread her legs. She watched her father as his gaze was automatically drawn to her exposed vagina. When he looked up at her, Amelia gave her father a "busted" look and Henry turned red.

"Dad," Amelia started saying after she had her father right where she wanted him "we never got a chance to continue what we started after you helped me with my yoga" Amelia told her father with a sinister look.

"Oh, and do you want to?" Henry asked, trying to conceal his excitement. After having sex with both his daughter's, he stopped telling himself it was wrong, even though he knew it was. He decided to just give in to it, the consequences be damned.

"Only if you do too" Amelia said and moved her hand between her legs. She gently caressed her slit while looking her father in the eyes.

"Now? Here?" Henry asked excited and his daughter nodded seductively. The fire was already burning nicely, and they knew they had a good half an hour before Beatrice and Liam returned. Henry looked at his daughter's hot body lustfully and crawled under the shelter and towards her.

Amelia spread her legs wide and gave her father a kinky smile as she showed him her pink interior. He moved towards her on all four then got on his knees between her legs, the top of his head brushing the shelter's ceiling. Henry grabbed his daughter's thighs and pulled her towards him, the lust visible in her eyes as she looked at her father's seven-inch snake resting on her bush. Henry moved back a little, taking in the familiar image of his naked daughter, before grasping his cock and guiding it to her young cunt.

Amelia let out a gasp as her father pressed his manhood against her vulva and began rubbing it along her slit. She was already thoroughly wet down there and could feel the juices almost flowing out while her father stimulated her with his shaft. He gave her a few pleasurable touches, then guided his penis towards her entrance. Amelia's pussy was glistening as her father pressed the head of his dick into it. He looked at her face, watching her give him a reassuring nod, then moved his gaze back to their intimate parts. He pushed himself into her with a groan, sliding his hard cock into his daughter's slippery snatch, then looked up to see the pleasure on her face.

A light rain started falling as Henry made love to his youngest daughter. He held her legs up by her smooth thighs and looked into her eyes as he thrust himself into her pussy. Henry was going slow, taking his time to enjoy the exquisite sensation of his cock sliding in and out of his daughter's wet cunt.

"Oh my god dad" Amelia moaned, part due to the pleasure and part due to the surreal situation. The rain got heavier around them, a distinct tapping that turned into loud pattering on the shelter's roof, but Amelia and Henry barely noticed. They were too focused on their own actions, their moaning, groaning and the slapping of bodies as father and daughter continued their forbidden waltz.

Henry watched his daughter's mesmerizing breasts bounce around as he thrust himself into her. He moved his right hand and began caressing her beautiful tits, making her moan as he playfully pinched her hard-pink nipples.

"Yes daddy, yes, fuck me harder" Amelia begged her father who happily obliged. He grabbed her waist tightly and shifted in place before starting to fuck his daughter faster, mercilessly pounding his stiff prick into her depths and making her shriek in sexual delight while a heavy rain fell around them.

"What the hell?" a surprised yell shot through the air and caught Henry and Amelia by surprise. They paused, looked over, and while in the middle of their hot incestuous act, they saw Beatrice and Liam standing next to the shelter. Bea and Liam were completely drenched and looking at their father and sister with disgust.

Henry quickly pulled his throbbing member out of his daughter. They both tried to cover themselves with their hands while Liam and Bea crawled into the shelter to get away from the pouring rain. "Dad, I can believe you're having sex with Amelia too" Beatrice said, shocked by the revelation she stumbled onto.

"Wait, what do you mean by 'too'?" Liam asked his sister shocked and Beatrice turned red and began mumbling. "Did you and dad also…?" Liam asked, the thought of his father fucking his sisters disturbing him even more because he had sex with them too.

"Yes," Beatrice admitted and turned red "but it was only after you and I did".

"Oh my god!" Amelia burst in after catching her breath "you two also had sex!" she said looking slightly disgusted at her brother and sister.

"Yeah, why do you care?" Bea said in bitchy voice towards her sister. She shifted her gaze until she met her sister's. "Oh god," she said with an appalled expression on her face "don't tell me you two also…" she said and they both nodded, taking the last cat out of the dirty bag. They all looked at each other shocked and disgusted.

"Okay, why don't we all cool down" Henry said in a soothing voice as things heated up. His erection was throbbing so hard he had to do something about it. "I'll be right back" he said and quickly made his way out to the rain. He stepped behind a nearby tree, the heavy rain hitting him, and commenced stroking his pulsing member until he came with a body shaking orgasm. He stroked his cock until it was drained completely then made his way back to the shelter.

Henry crawled back under the shelter while his kids huddled near the fire. They sat there in silence and looked at each other suspiciously. He moved closer to the fire, its warmth giving him comfort, then faced his children. "Okay, now that it's out there, let's talk about it." Henry said.

There was an awkward silence as they looked at each other embarrassed. Neither of them knew what to say and they just kept quiet, trying not to look at each other as the rain kept falling and a distant thunder rumbled.

"Fine, I'll start" Henry started nervously. "Girls, I'm not sure exactly how it happened, but I've had sex with both of you" he said.

"Oh god dad" Beatrice said, disgusted with her father's words even though she knew they were true.

"Beatrice, let me finish" Henry said as he gave his oldest daughter a look. "I know it's wrong and some would say disgusting" Henry said and moved his gaze between his daughters. "Not that I mean to say you're disgusting, you're both very beautiful and sexy women, and sex with you was…"

"Dad, please stop" Amelia told her dad as he began rambling nervously and making them all uncomfortable.

"What I meant to say was…" Henry continued while blushing "that it happened. We've been here for almost a month. We're frustrated, we're naked and we're all adults with needs. You're my little girls, my angels. I would never think of doing those things with you, but we did. I just don't want you to feel ashamed, at least not ashamed of one another because of it" Henry said nervously, he wasn't sure he got to them.

"I guess you are right dad" Amelia started saying and looked at him. "It's this place, this situation, the fact that we're all naked together all the time. We never talk about it, but what if we never get rescued?" Amelia said as tears formed in her eyes. "Are we just going to spend the rest of our lives here? Eating fish and coconuts…sleeping in this shelter…running around naked and screwing each other in the bushes?"

"We're not going to spend the rest of our lives here" Liam said assumingly and placed a hand on Amelia's shoulder.

"How the hell do you know?" Beatrice snapped at her brother angrily. "Stop being so fucking optimistic and look around." she yelled at him "We're in the middle of nowhere and we haven't seen a single sign of civilization in all the time we've been here. Wake up already!"

"Hey" Henry said gently and put a hand around his daughter. "You might be right, but I prefer to believe we will be found. It has only been a month." Henry said and looked each of his kids in the eyes. "Look at the weather now, think of the weather we've had. Any storm like that could delay the search by at least of few days. Your mother has all our resources to find us, do you really think she won't?" Henry said and noticed a light optimistic gleam in his daughters' eyes. "In the meantime, we're stuck here, and we need to make the best of it." Henry finished. He left much unsaid, but it was clear to all four of them what 'making the most of it meant'. His children nodded in approval.

For the rest of the day the rain continued to pour down around them. Thunder rumbled, and lighting flashed as all four sat in the shelter looking at the rain. They sat at the edge of the shelter, near the fire, ate the little fruit they had left and stayed close for warmth. They were mostly quiet, taking in what they discovered and the talk they had.

Chapter 6

That night was the coldest night on the island yet. They put as much wood as they dared into the fire and pressed tightly into each other as they drifted off into a heavy slumber. The rain continued falling until the middle of the night, and when it finally stopped they were all fast asleep. They woke up the following day to a crisp morning with clear blue skies. Henry and Beatrice woke up first and looked at each other sleepily. A few minutes later Amelia woke up and they stepped out of the shelter, the warm morning sun feeling incredible on their cold bodies.

Liam woke up a few minutes later with morning wood. He waited for it to recede, but when after a few minutes it stayed hard, he crawled out from under the shelter. Beatrice and Amelia's gazes automatically moved to their brother's erection as he exited the shelter, his eight-inch penis poking up proudly. He stretched his muscular frame and let out a sleepy yawn as he felt his sister's eyes on his prick.

"Liam, you want to join me for a walk on the beach?" Amelia asked her brother as she eyed his impressive member.

"Eh, sure" Liam answered, not sure what his sister was up to. "Where to?" He asked, following her as she began walking away.

"Just until we're out of sight," Amelia said bluntly "then we can have some fun" she added and grabbed her brother's cock, giving it a little squeeze. She didn't bother talking quietly and both her father and sister clearly heard her.

"Can you believe her?" Beatrice said to her father, looking at her sister incredulous as she walked away "She's not even trying to be discrete about what they are about to do."

"Yeah well, I guess there is not much point in hiding it now" Henry told Bea as he too mused about his youngest daughter's shamelessness. He watched Amelia and Liam as they walked away, his daughter's luscious bottom swaying from side to side, and felt his penis getting hard at the thought of what they were about to do. When he turned to look at his other daughter, he caught her looking at his hardening shaft.

Beatrice could feel the wetness growing between her legs as she looked mesmerized at her father's growing erection. She couldn't help thinking about her brother and sister on their way to have sex and it only made her wetter.

"We can have some fun too if you want" Henry told his daughter cautiously, after noticing her gaze linger on his manhood.

"Seriously?" she asked her father and looked up at him, not sure if he was kidding or not.

"Why not?" her father answered with a shrug, "it wouldn't be our first time" Henry reminded her, and Beatrice blushed as her gaze went back to her father's cock. She took a step closer to him, then reached out and grabbed his almost hard shaft with her hand.

"Fine, but I'm on top" Beatrice said and felt her father's cock hardening completely as she began to stroke it. "Lay down" Bea told her father after giving his hard cock a few tugs. She let go of him, and they looked at each other before Henry sat down on the sand and laid back.

Henry looked up at his oldest daughter as he laid down on the sand waiting for her. His cock was in high solute and Bea leaned down and got on her knees next to him. He couldn't believe that just like that they were about to have sex again.

Bea gave her father's shaft another stroke then climbed on top of him. She lowered herself while facing her father, grabbed his penis and pressed it flat onto his stomach. She sat down on it, pressing her pussy on top and began moving back and forward while looking at her father's handsome face.

Henry moaned in pleasure as his daughter began to grind her pussy onto his hard cock with a devious grin. He watched her enticing vulva as she rubbed it along his dick, then moved his gaze up. He ran his eyes along her wild patch of pubic hair, her flat stomach, gorgeous breasts and elegant neck. He watched her full red lips as they opened slightly to moan, then up at her green eyes just as she opened them to look at him.

They gave each other a guilty smile, before Henry grabbed Bea's marvelous ass with both hands and squeezed it. Bea let out a surprised moan, twitching slightly, then widened her smile and began grinding her wet snatch even harder onto her father's cock, making him groan with delight.

Bea's arousal was growing as she continued teasing her father. She was so turned on, her pussy was dripping, lubricating her father's dick as her pussy slid along it with ease. She kept grinding her cunt to their growing moans until she couldn't take anymore. With her father's hands caressing her ass, Beatrice slowly raised her waist. She grabbed her father's dick, holding it up, and lowered herself until the tip was tickling the entrance to her vagina. She looked her father in the eyes, the sexual anticipation visible on them, then impaled her twat on her father's stake with a long moan.

Henry closed his eyes and moaned as his daughter began riding his cock. He never would have thought his little angel's slick muff would feel so good wrapped around his cock. He opened his eyes to the image of her round tits bouncing up and down, then watched as his prick disappeared repeatedly into her fuck hole.

Beatrice kept slowly riding her father's cock and moaning. She loved the way his impressive member was stretching her intimate hole and leaned back, placing her hands on her father's legs for support. With her father balls deep inside her cunt, Bea stopped. She took a few deep breaths while looking into her father's eyes, then started riding him faster.

"Oh yes baby!" Henry moaned as his daughter began hammering her pussy onto his cock. He looked at her hot body taking his cock in so willingly, then moved his hands to her waist and grabbed it tightly. He let her continue for a few more seconds, then stared helping her.

"Oh my god dad!" Bea groaned with sexual bliss as her father took over. He was holding her by the waist and pushing her down onto him hard, slamming her tight twat and impaling it repeatedly on his hard cock while they called out in pleasure.

Henry shoved his daughter's cunt onto his dick for another minute or two until a familiar feeling creeping along his body. "Oh fuck, get off, I'm gonna cum" Henry called out alarmed and let go of his daughter. Beatrice quickly pulled off her father's cock and got on her knees between his legs. She grabbed his cock tightly and started jerking him off.

"Oh fuck" Henry moaned as within seconds he started to cum in his daughter's hand. He looked up at her, his body shivering with pleasure and moaned like crazy as load after loud of spunk shot out of his cock and onto his stomach. Beatrice continued to masturbate him, running her hand along his slick cock while it squirted, making him shudder with pleasure until he was completely drained.


Liam followed his older sister along the warm beach until they were far enough from camp. He couldn't believe how nonchalantly Amelia was treating this. They found a nice spot under a tree, and made their way towards it, his cock not receding even a little on their way.

Amelia turned towards her brother and grabbed his hand. She gave him a smile and pulled him over to the shade. "Oh god, I'm so horny right now" she told her brother with a wicked smile and let go of his hand.

"Eh, yeah, me too" Liam answered somewhat hesitantly.

"Yeah, I can see that" Amelia said, eyeing her brother's hard penis. She grabbed it, gave it a little squeeze, then sat down on the warm sand with her brother quickly following. Amelia looked at him, then spread her legs apart. She licked her fingertips and moved them down between her legs, rubbing her vulva and moaning quietly.

Liam's cock was throbbing as he watched his sister touching herself. He looked at her intimate folds as she caressed them, moving her finger from her bush, over her clit and along her slit before moving back up. He closed his left hand around his eight-inch cock and slowly stroked it while watching his older sister.

Amelia let out a small moan as she pleasured her dripping cunt. She looked at her brother's cock as he jerked it, then slowly moved her hand away and leaned back, perching herself on her elbows. She held herself up as she looked at her brother playing with himself to the sight of her. She gave him a naughty smile, then spread her legs wider, exposing her perfect pink pussy to him.

"Come on little brother, I'm nice and wet for you" Amelia said in a playful tone that almost caused Liam to blow his load. He couldn't believe she was talking to him like that, and it only made him harder as he looked at her pink flower hungrily.

Amelia gave her little brother an enticing smile and watched him as he pounced her. He moved over, climbing on top of her, and propped himself up on his hands as he aligned his naked body over hers. He kept quiet as his penis brushed along her stomach, his face flushed as he gave her a nervous look. He looked down at her perky breasts, her nipples rock hard, then moved his gaze down her body and looked at her pussy as he tried to align his cock with it.

Amelia gasped as her brother's dick touched her vulva. He tried pushing it inside her but slipped and ended up brushing it along her slit. Amelia quickly grabbed her brother's stiff rod and guided it to her coveted entrance. She inserted the tip into her as she held her breath, then let go and let out a loud moan as Liam pushed his entire length into her pussy.

A deep moan escaped their lips as Liam slithered his snake into his sister's cavern. She was nice and wet just like she promised, and Liam soaked up the feeling as he slid into her. He stretched her snug cunt as he pushed his shaft in, and once he was all the way inside of her, he focused his gaze on her eyes.

"Oh, your cock feels so good" Amelia said with a grunt, looking up at her brother, then let out a moan as Liam pulled his dick out to the tip. "Oh god" Amelia moaned as he thrust his full length into her. She wrapped her legs around his waist and started groaning as he began to fuck her slick twat.

They moaned and groaned as they fucked on the warm sand. Now that everything was out in the open and there was no issue of getting caught, they went at it passionately. The disgusting thought that they were brother and sister still went through their heads, but they pushed it back, making way to sexual attraction they developed towards each other on the island.

"Yes! fuck me hard!" Amelia ordered her brother after a minute or two of getting used to each other's bodies. She squealed with delight as he complied, shoving his cock harder into her pussy while moaning in pleasure. "Oh yes little brother!" Amelia continued in between moans "Do you like fucking your big sister's pussy?"

"Yes!" Liam answered as he kept going. He was freakishly turned on by his sister's dirty talk. "I never thought my sister would have such a hot little pussy" Liam surprised himself by saying as he continued to pound his dick into it with incestuous delight.

"Oh yeah!" Amelia squealed in a high tone as her brother strengthened his thrusts into her "And I never knew my little brother had such a big cock" she said, and a smile formed on his face. "Keep going, fuck your big sister's hot little pussy with that big cock of yours" she said and started wailing as Liam hammered her pussy as hard as he could for a few seconds then slowed back down before he lost control. "Oh fuck!" Amelia called out and a second later he could feel her pussy beginning to convulse.

Liam pulled his hard cock out of his sister and began rubbing her pussy as she came. Her thighs shivered, and her eyes closed as a series of uncontrollable moans and groans left her mouth. Her body briefly twitched before she opened her eyes and looked up at her brother while breathing heavily.

"Oh fuck" was all Amelia said after opening her eyes and looking at her brother. She eyed his hard cock briefly then rolled to her stomach before getting on her hands and knees, her ass towards her brother. "Come on" Amelia said, wiggling her firm bottom provocatively "I'm not done with you" she added and let out a surprised squeal when Liam grabbed her ass.

Liam squeezed his sister's juicy butt before moving closer. He grabbed his cock, guiding it to her opening and inserted the tip in. He then moved his hands to grab her waist and proceeded to push his shaft deep into her twat.

"Oh, fuck yes!" Amelia moaned as her brother shoved his cock into her from behind. "God, I can't believe how deep your cock feels" she groaned as her brother's pelvis pressed against her ass. "Oh yes!" she called you as her brother began to thrust in and out of her. "Fuck me harder little brother" Amelia continued "push your big cock into your sister's pussy and make her cum" she said, the words getting Liam even more aroused.

Liam and Amelia moaned and groaned as he fucked her from behind. She liked being fucked hard and Liam was not complaining. He kept on thrusting his entire shaft hard and fast into her heavenly snatch, a distinct slapping sound echoing off their merging bodies each time they collided.

"I'm getting close" Liam announced after a few minutes of intensely fucking his sister from behind.

"Don't stop, I'm almost there" Amelia begged her brother and let out another moan. Liam tried to prolong his climax as best he could, but after a few more seconds he couldn't hold it anymore.

"I'm gonna cum" Liam yelled and quickly pulled out of his sister. He grabbed his cock and began stroking it just as he exploded with a powerful orgasm. "Oh god" he groaned as he started to cum. He aimed his cock and grunted like a wild animal as he ejaculated onto his sister's ass, shooting load after load onto her firm tushy and lower back, his body shaking with the pleasure of fucking his sister.

Amelia rubbed her engorged clit as her brother plastered her ass with his cum. She would have much rather had cum on his dick, but she had to settle on finishing the job herself as she rubbed her clit feverishly. She could hear Liam's grunts behind her and kept fingering her twat as she managed to bring herself to another orgasm. She groaned as the pleasure rushed through her, shaking her body, and fell onto her stomach when it was over.


Liam and Amelia returned to camp and could see from a distance their father and sister resting on the sand next to each other. Henry and Bea did not notice them until they were right next to them. Beatrice was resting her head on her father's chest, and he had his hand on her upper thigh, caressing it tenderly in a very unfatherly way. When they finally noticed Liam and Amelia were back, they quickly jumped up slightly embarrassed, it was very clear what they finished doing.

As the tropical sun climbed higher, the family started their daily routines. They mended the shelter, gathered wood, brought more grapes and breadfruit and got some exercise done. They all enjoyed the taboo activity they took part in earlier that day, and as the day continued, they were all growing more and more aroused, each looking at the other two potential partners' bare bodies.

Liam was the fist one to succumb to his desires as he watched his two older sisters sunbathing in the warm afternoon sun. They were laying on their backs, their beautiful breasts, flat stomach and hair covered vulvas already nicely bronzed when Beatrice rolled over to her stomach. Liam was laying down next to her and could not ignore her amazing ass as it soaked up the sun.

Beatrice's eyes were closed as the sun kissed her back. She was facing her brother, and when she opened her eyes, she immediately noticed his hardening cock. She instantly felt the wetness growing between her legs and looked up at her brother's face. He was looking at her firm bottom for a few seconds, then moved his gaze to her face and their eyes locked.

"You want to go…you know…?" Liam whispered to his oldest sister. She looked into his eyes sheepishly before nodding. She eyed his now erect cock, and slowly sat up.

"This is weird" Beatrice said to Liam after they put some distance between their sister and father and themselves.

"Which part of it?" Liam asked.

"All of it," Bea said "us right now, all of us, the sex"

"Yeah, I guess" Liam said.

"Doesn't it feel strange to you, having sex with me or Amelia?" she asked her younger brother.

"We don't have to if you don't want" Liam said to his sister sweetly. "I know when we ended up doing it near the waterfall that first time, it freaked you out."

"Yeah I guess it did" Beatrice admitted "I felt disgusted with myself for letting it happen, but what freaked me out most of all was how good it felt." She said and looked into her brother's eyes. "And I do want to do this, it's just that it's still weird for me" Beatrice assured her relieved brother.

"It does feel a little…wrong," Liam confided in his sister "but not enough not to do it. I guess I never really noticed how hot my sisters are" he said with an innocent smile and Bea blushed. They kept walking until they were far enough, then Liam grabbed his sister and pulled her down to her knees onto the sand alongside him.

Beatrice let out a nervous giggle as she moved her body closer to her brother's. She grabbed his cock in her right hand and he gasped as she squeezed it. "Oh god, that thing is huge" Beatrice said as she marveled her brother's cock from up close and began to slowly stroke it to his moans. She stroked him until his cock was fully erect, then let go and looked her brother in the eyes.

Liam looked back at his older sister and placed his hands on her smooth waist. She flinched briefly as he touched her but stayed still as Liam began sliding his hands up her gorgeous body, feeling her tan skin under his fingers as he slyly moved his hands towards her chest.

"Sis, your tits are perfect" Liam said as he placed his hands over her breasts. He gently squeezed her beautiful boobs and Bea let out a sensual moan and closed her eyes. Liam caressed his sister's firm round breasts tenderly, marveling their perfect proportions and watching her nipples harden as she cooed seductively. He gave her arousing lumps a few more squeezes, then leaned in and took a hard nipple into his mouth.

"Oh god" Bea said after letting out a surprised little moan. She looked at her brother as he sucked on her hard nipple, then released it from his mouth and looked up at her with a devious grin. She looked back at him, and without a word grabbed his head and pulled him in. She guided him back to her nipple and he gladly took it back into his mouth. "Oh, that feels so good" Beatrice moaned as her brother licked and sucked her tits. He was thoroughly enjoying himself, rotating between each of her breasts and sucking on her nipples to her arousing moans.

Bea's pussy was drenched by that point. Her brother kept devouring her boobs, and after a few minutes she couldn't take it anymore. "Fuck me" Bea whispered to her brother who slowly released her left nipple and looked up at her. "I want you inside me" she said again louder, almost pleading. She looked down at her little brother's big cock and leaned back, laying on the sand. She held herself up on her elbows while folding her knees and pressing her legs together, hiding her pussy from her brother who quickly followed, his erect cock poking ahead as he took to his knees in front of her.

Liam looked up at his sister and placed his hands on her knees. She gave him a devilish grin and started spreading her legs. He kept his hands on her knees, helping her spread them wide, and bit his lower lip as his sister's vulva was visible once more. She kept spreading her legs, unfolding them and giving her brother unobstructed access to her soaked womanhood.

Liam gazed lustfully at his sister with her legs spread wide. His cock was rock hard, and he moved closer on his knees until his erect cock hovered over her pussy. He moved his right hand, placing it on his sister's bush, and made her shudder while slowly sliding it down. He used his thumb to brush her clit and slit, making her moan. He then licked his thumb, tasting his sister's juices on it, before moving it back and running it slowly up and down her pussy.

Bea let out cute high-pitched little moans as her brother played with her intimate region. He ran his finger along her lips a few times, then stopped and grabbed his stiff dick. She looked at the impressive member as her brother pressed the tip to her clit and she let out a loud moan, a wave of pleasure running through her. Her brother then pulled back a little, his cock sliding along her slit as he guided it to her entrance. When he found it, he pushed, slipping in just the tip, and looked up at his sister.

"Yes, stick it in" Bea begged her brother as her body burned with lust. She watched her brother as he moved his hands to her waist and let out a toe-curling groan as she witnessed her brother penetrate her wet snatch with the full length of his manhood.

Liam let out a loud moan as he pushed himself all the way inside his sister's snatch. His cock was buried to the hilt inside her forbidden hole and he breathed deeply as it hugged his cock while it stretched to accommodate it. He looked up at his sister's glazed eyes, focused on the invader that was inside her, then tightened his hold on her waist and began slowly thrusting his hips.

"Oh my god" Bea called out, part pleasure and part disbelief that it was her little brother who was fucking her. She watched his big hard cock as he breached her, feeling its full length as it slid in and out of her cunt in delight. Her brother started slow, gently moving his penis in and out of her vagina, but as her moans grew, so did her brother's thrusts, quickening the pace he was defiling her pussy in as he too moaned in sexual pleasure.

"Your pussy is so wet" Liam said extremely turned on and started pounding his sister's twat even harder. She was so wet his cock was easily sliding in and out of her warm haven with incredible pleasure.

"Keep going…I'm almost there" Bea said pleading and moaned as her little brother continued to pump her pussy with his big cock. He was sliding it in and out of her forbidden hole with powerful thrusts and the pleasure was getting more and more intense. "Oh fuck, I'm gonna cum…" Beatrice croaked and closed her eyes. She threw her head back, falling on her back onto the sand and let out a loud groan as the first wave of an orgasm shot through her body. "Oh my god!" she yelled out and arched her back, lifting her waist with her brother's cock still thrusting into her, off the sand. Her pussy began to spasm along with a gentle rocking of her sweat covered body as her orgasm, with the help of her brother inside her, only strengthened.

Liam continued to fuck his big sister as she climaxed under him. He eased his thrusts inside her to last longer, and as the last waves of her orgasm faded, he stopped altogether. He waited for her to relax and settle back into the sand, and once she did he resumed hammering her pussy, making her squeal hoarsely.

"Oh fuck!" Liam moaned and closed his eyes as his pleasure was climbing to its peak. He gave his sister's delicious snatch a few more plunges then pulled out and started feverishly stroking his shaft. "Oh yes" Liam moaned as his orgasm hit him, making him squirt his first load onto his sister's stomach as his body burned. He moaned at the unbearable pleasure, each wave making him squirt another load of incestuous sperm onto his sister's bush until his was completely drained, looking down at her as she looked back at him panting.


Back on the beach Henry was just waking up from his nap. He rubbed the sleep from his eyes and yawned.

"Where are your brother and sister?" Henry asked Amelia.

"Fucking somewhere" she said plainly, and Henry couldn’t help but snicker and shake his head. He slowly rose to his feet and noticed his daughter looking at him slyly. "Dad," she started saying seductively. The thought of her brother and sister having sex was getting her hot and she needed to get some herself. "How about we finally finish what we started, without interruptions?" Amelia asked her father.

"I would like that, but not right now" Henry told his daughter and she looked at him disappointed. "I want to catch some fish for dinner" he said as he walked over to get his fishing stick. "But maybe later if you're up for it" Henry said to his daughter as he stood by her on his way to the water.

"Yeah, okay" Amelia said back with a naughty smile. She spread her legs and started rubbing her already wet pussy as her father watched. "Just getting myself warmed up" she said and let out a little moan as her father looked at her amazed. He turned around and headed for the ocean, thinking about fucking his daughter as his dick swelled in the open air.


For the next couple days things turned naughtier and naughtier. They would wake up in the morning, and after eating their usual small breakfast would elope in couples to have sex. After each of them had a good fucking, they would return to their regular activities of getting wood, getting fruit, making sure the shelter stayed solid and anything else they needed to do. They would later go swimming, fishing, tanning, exercising or just lay around lazily. Eventually, someone would get aroused again to the point where they would tempt one of the members of the opposite sex to join. The couple that was left would often have sex also. At the end of each day they would enter the shelter exhausted and satisfied, not caring about decency as they closed their eyes and fell into a heavy slumber.

At first, they were still mostly cautious about sneaking off. They would walk away nervously together for a forbidden session of incestuous lovemaking, making sure to put sufficient distance between them while they committed the depraved act. But as the days passed, there was less and less shame between them. They would brazenly walk off, intimately touching each other at times, and put less and less distance between them, eventually just staying out of sight while having sex, not caring if they were heard moaning and groaning while making love.

Chapter 7

It was the end of their fortieth day on island and all four went to bed exhausted. They had just finished eating a meal of crab and breadfruit, and a warm gentle breeze was blowing as they laid down and sighed contently. They breathed in the clean ocean air as one by one, they closed their eyes and drifted off to sleep.

While the family slept soundly, the temperature around them started dropping. A chilly northern wind started blowing, and at around midnight a soft rain began falling. As the night went on, the rain grew stronger, waking each family member in turn from his sleep and making them huddle in closer together. By the time the first lights of dawn peeked over the horizon, a storm was upon them.

Shortly after the crack of dawn, the family sleepily opened their eyes to the sound of a loud thunder and heavy rain drumming on their shelter. The beach was already flowing with water and the trenches around the shelter filled, keeping them dry. Liam sat up wide eyed as another loud thunder was heard nearby and looked ahead in alarm.

"The fire" he called out, making his father jump up in alarm next to him. They both crawled over to the fire pit at the edge of the shelter and looked inside as Bea and Amelia sat up. A few smoldering coals were left burning in the small fire pit, stains of water surrounding them. Henry quickly grabbed a handful of leaves and brought them over to the fire.

"Shit, this is wet" Henry called out in anger and threw them away. He reached for the pile of leaves to grab some more, but instantly realized they were all wet. He reached for the dried twigs and cursed loudly. "They're also wet" he said, shifting through them until he found some that were less so and placed them on the ambers. He started blowing on them softly and a thin white smoking started rising. Hopeful, Henry started blowing a little harder, praying the twigs would catch. After a few minutes, the ambers went out completely and he moved back with a grim expression, the heavy rain showing no sign of letting down around them.

"Fuck!" Liam yelled out in anger and frustration as he realized they had lost their fire. He hit the sand at his feet with a fist and sat down flushed.

"But don't we have another flare?" Amelia asked her father nervously.

"We do," Henry said with a hoarse voice and cleared it "but I was hoping to save it if we needed to signal to rescue" Henry said.

"Oh" Amelia said and turned quiet.

"Anyway, there is no way of lighting a fire now" Henry said as he shifted through the pile of wood "all the wood is too wet. We're going to have to wait for it to dry." Henry added morosely and laid back down with frustration. With nothing more they could do, they closed their eyes, pressed closer together and tried to go back to sleep.

A few hours later, Liam woke up with an erection. He was sleeping with his sisters on both sides of him, and after laying on the sand for a few minutes with his eyes open, he sat up. It was still raining heavily, the beach around the shelter overflowing with water, yet the shelter remained dry. His father, who was on the opposite said of Beatrice, was already awake and sharpening his fishing spear in frustration, clear he was not going fishing anytime soon. His father eyed him with a nod and went back to his stick. Liam, with nothing better to do, laid back down, staring blankly up at the shelter ceiling with his cock pointing up.

A few minutes later, he felt Amelia stir next to him as she slowly woke up. She opened her eyes and rolled over to her side facing Liam.

"Morning" Amelia said in a sleepy voice and instantly noticed her brother's stiff cock.

"Morning" Liam answered back gloomily and turned on his side to his sister. They looked at each other, their faces only an inch away and said nothing. Amelia moved her gaze down, looking at her brother's cock and closed her hand around it. She too was very horny, her body accustomed to having sex in the morning. She moved her gaze back to her brother's face and watched it as she began tugging on his hard dick gently.

"You want to get out of here?" Liam asked his sister quietly. He was very eager for their taboo morning ritual.

"But it's raining pretty bad" she said as she continued to stroke his cock with her left hand.

"It's just a little rain" Liam said, his body begging for hers. Amelia let go of his cock and moved her hand away. She rolled over to her back, stretching her hand until her palm was out of the shelter and the cold heavy rain fell on it. She cringed from the cold wetness and quickly pulled it back in, closing it once again around her brother's warm shaft and making him flinch from the cold.

"No way" Amelia whispered as she resumed jerking her brother's cock just as a loud thunder was heard.

"But I'm so horny" Liam whispered back as he moved his right hand to between his sister's legs. He placed the base of his palm on her hair covered pubic mound and gently slipped his middle finger into his sister's pussy as she stifled a moan. "And it feels like you are too" he added as he began to slowly finger his sister's wet cunt.

"Yeah, but there is no way I'm getting out of here in this rain" she whispered back. The rain could be heard falling loudly all around them, and Liam and Amelia's whispers were easily drowned out. Next to them, the loud thunder woke Beatrice up. She stayed still for a minute or two, breathing the cool air, then slowly sat up, rubbing the sleep from her eyes.

"What are you two doing?" Beatrice asked loudly, making their father look up from what he was doing at his children.

"Nothing" Liam and Amelia said in unison, pulling their hands away from each other and sitting up embarrassed. Both Bea and their father could clearly see Liam's throbbing erection as he gave Amelia a 'we're busted' look. Henry eyed his kids for another few seconds silently then went back to his spear.

"Sorry" Liam said to Bea, noticing her looking at his erect cock. He gave Amelia another look then let out a disgruntled sigh and laid back down, his cock still throbbing. A few minutes later Henry suggested they eat the grapes they had in the shelter for breakfast, and after eating and getting a drink from the basin near the shelter, they went back to doing nothing, laying down in the shelter with the rain falling all around them.

"I am so bored" Liam said after an hour of doing nothing. His cock was limp by now and he sat up and looked around at their wet surroundings.

"Then let's do something" Bea said, also sitting up next to her brother.

"Like what?" Liam said willingly.

"We could play a game or something" Beatrice suggested while sneaking a look at her brother's soft cock.

"I'm in" Amelia said, also sitting up.

"Me too" Liam added excited. "Dad?" he asked.

"Sure" Henry said and put down the wet branch he was using to deepen the ditch that was keeping the water from flowing in.

"What do you want to play?" Liam asked the rest.

"Twenty-one questions?" Beatrice suggested.

"Lame" Liam called out.

"How about I spy?" Henry offered, saying the first game that came to mind.

"No offence dad, but we're not five" Beatrice said mockingly.

"I have an idea" Amelia said "but I'm not sure how you would feel about it." She added, immediately getting everyone intrigued.

"What is it?" Beatrice asked her sister.

"Never mind, maybe it's not such a good idea" Amelia said.

"Come on…" Liam urged her curiously "now you have to tell us" he said and looked at his older sister. She gave him a pondering look them leaned in and whispered something in his ear. "Seriously?" he asked her as his eyes went wide.

"I don't know, maybe" Amelia answered with a shrug.

"Okay, now I'm interested too, what is it?" Henry asked looking at his daughter.

"Go ahead, tell them" Liam urged his sister.

"It's just an idea," Amelia started saying nervously "but we can have a handjob competition" she said blushing.

"A what?" Henry asked and stared at his daughter with surprise.

"A handjob competition" Amelia said shyly. "It's a competition between couples where the girl's goal is to make the guy she's giving a handjob to, cum, while the guy tries to last as long as he can. The girl who makes her partner cum first, and the guy who lasts the longest win" she explained as all three of them looked at her. "We used to play it in college" she said apologetically, hoping they wouldn't ask what the winner's prize was.

"I'm in" Liam answered quickly after his sister finished explaining. He was so horny he didn't even give it a second thought. "And it looks like dad is in too" he said with a chuckle as he looked at his father, noticing he was getting hard.

"Yes, alright" Henry said blushing. His daughter's suggestion was certainly getting his blood rushing down to between his legs.

"Bea?" Amelia asked, all three looking at the older sister.

"Fine, but I get Liam." she said blushing "There is no way he can outlast dad" she said.

"Hey" Liam objected even though he knew she was probably right. His cock was almost fully erect once more.

"No fair!" Amelia said with a smile "We'll draw to see who gets Liam" she said. She picked up a small stone that was on the sand next to her and showed it to Bea. She placed both hands behind her back then put them in front with her fists closed. "If you choose the hand with the rock you get Liam, if not, I do" she said, and her sister nodded. Bea tapped her sister's left hand and Amelia frowned before opening it and showing her the stone.

"Yes!" Bea said happily and looked at her brother's young hard cock. "Okay, get comfortable" Bea said, and Liam and Henry laid on their backs. Beatrice took her place on her knees next to Liam while Amelia sat on her father's legs.

"Few rules before we start" Amelia started saying as she looked down at her father's semi erect cock. "Dad and Liam, you don't have to look at us, but you can't close your eyes." She said, moving her gaze between her father and brother "And Bea, you can only use your hands" Amelia added, and her sister nodded. After over a month without a proper shower, neither woman found sucking the men's cocks very appealing, just like the guys didn't find eating the ladies' pussies as appealing as they would normally have. "Liam, you want to count us down?" Amelia asked.

"Three…two…one…go" Liam said eagerly and couldn’t look away from his sisters as they started working on their cocks.

Amelia spit on her hand and moved it down to her father's semi erect penis. She closed it around the shaft and started stroking. Her father was looking at his young daughter, her hand closed around his penis and her beautiful breasts wiggling in rhythm with her strokes. He quickly hardened in her hand until in no time she was stroking his full length with a grin on her face.

Next to them, Beatrice closed her hand around her brother's almost completely hard cock. She jerked him a few times until he was completely hard, then spit into her hand just like her sister did and resumed masturbating her brother. He let out a moan and looked at her as she jerked him, watching her hand expertly moving up and down his shaft and her boobs bobbing beautifully. Her pink nipples were very visibly hard, and Liam looked at them hypnotized for a few seconds. He let out another moan as his sister started stroking him faster, and quickly looked away, staring at the ceiling to keep himself from cumming.

Father and son could not help their moans as their gorgeous daughter and sister jerked their manhoods. The girls started going faster, sliding their hands along the long shafts, making them moan louder. Henry started taking deep breaths to keep himself in check, while Liam started thinking about things that turned him off.

Amelia was getting incredibly wet as she gave her father the handjob. She looked at him and his hard cock, and saw her sister doing the same to their brother next to her. She stopped jerking her father's dick for a brief second, coating her hand with more saliva before quickly returning it to her father's rod.

Beatrice was also getting extremely aroused as she stroked her brother's throbbing erection in her hand. Her eyes drew to the perversely erotic sight of her sister jerking their father off next to her, before she looked back to her brother and the task at hand. Both males managed to hold on nicely, their occasional moan giving away the pleasure they were feeling, but Beatrice, who was always competitive, was intent on winning. She moved her head over her brother's cock and opened her mouth, letting saliva flow out of it and onto the head of her brother's cock while still stroking him. She thoroughly coated his shaft with it, her hand now sliding even quicker along her brother's cock and she stroked him as fast as she could.

"Ugh, fuck" Liam moaned as his sister jerked his cock at full speed. He clenched his teeth, trying to hold it in, but the pleasure was too great. He closed his eyes for a second and let out a loud moan as he began ejaculating, the first load shooting up into the air and landing on his stomach.

"Ha, I win!" Beatrice declared triumphantly as she continued stroking her brother's ejaculating penis. He moaned loudly and looked at her as she jerked him, making him squirt his sperm onto his stomach while his body trembled with pleasure.

Despite the expected defeat, Amelia continued stroking her father quickly. His moans grew louder, and his gaze moved between the daughter that was jerking him to the one jerking his ejaculating son. Now that his son 'lost', there was no point in resisting any more and he let loose, a loud groan escaping his lips as he began to ejaculate in his daughter's soft slippery hand.

Amelia and Beatrice stroked their orgasming partners gladly. They masturbated them as they shot their loads, Bea making Liam squirt onto his stomach while Amelia pointed her father's cock to the side, making him squirt most of his load onto the sand next to them. They kept going until they drained their cocks, then let go. They gave their father and brother a look, looked at each other, then started giggling hysterically.

"I can't believe we just did that" Beatrice said after their giggling finally died out. Both she and her sister were extremely turned on, and they looked at the two limp cocks in front of them with lust. Liam used his hand to wipe the cum from his stomach, then wiped it on the wet sand outside the shelter.

"I think it's time for us to have some fun too, don't you think sis?" Amelia asked looking at Bea.

"Yeah," Bea said excited "what do you have in mind?" she asked, her arousal getting the better of her.

"How about a fingering competition? Same rules. Same partners" Amelia said excited. "First one to get one to get us off wins, and the first one of us to get off loses." Amelia said to her sister as a large naughty smile spread across her face.

"You're on" Beatrice said and before the guys even had a say on the matter, both girls were in place with their legs spread. They were both thoroughly wet, and they looked at their father and brother as they took their places next to them. Liam and Henry looked at the two naked girls, laying on their backs with their legs spread and waiting for them to touch and play with their vulvas. The girls were too horny for a countdown and just told them to start, each letting out a moan as a probing hand began to explore her pussy.

Henry looked down at his youngest daughter as he placed his hand on her sexy bush. He placed his thumb on her clit and started rubbing it gently. He looked up at her eyes as they looked up at him, then at her beautiful breasts. Henry then returned his gaze back to her cunt and started brushing his thumb along her slit.

Liam looked down at his big sister and was already getting aroused again. He placed a hand on her thigh and spread her legs wider. He slid both hands up her thighs and placed his thumb on her clit, rubbing circles around it. His sister moaned as he caressed her engorged nib and looked at him as he slid his thumb down her slit and slipped it into her sopping hole. "Oh fuck" Beatrice called out in ecstasy as he brother shoved his thumb up her twat. She was so turned on, she didn't even care about the stupid contest, she just wanted to cum.

"Oh god dad!" Amelia squealed in delight, making both her brother and sister look over. Her father had just inserted his index finger into her wet snatch and started fingering her. He used his free hand to spread her labia apart, exposing her ping vagina even more, and crouched down in front of his daughter's pussy to slip a second finger inside her.

Liam heard Amelia moaning next to him and knew he had to up his game. He pulled his thumb out of his sister's pussy and licked it as she looked at him. He moved it back to her clit, watching her moan as he began to rub it gently, then moved his free hand between her legs and slid two fingers inside of her pussy, making her let out a whimpering moan.

Both sisters were crying out in pleasure by now, moaning and groaning while their father fingered Amelia's spread pussy, and their brother fingered Beatrice while rubbing her clit. Meanwhile, Liam and Henry were getting hotter and hotter as they fingered the girls. Their cocks were already getting hard again, the female moans only encouraging their erections, and they quickened the pace in which they were fingering the two wet pussies.

"Oh yes!" Beatrice moaned as her brother kept shoving his fingers in and out of her muff. She felt her pleasure heighten, but still thought it would take some time, when suddenly, her brother did something that surprised her. While still rubbing her clit, he pulled his fingers out of her. When he pushed them back in, his fingers were crossed, the finger tips further apart as his slid them inside her. He kept fingering her like this, until within a few seconds she exploded.

Beatrice squealed with sexual pleasure as her brother's fingers brought her over the edge. She closed her eyes and felt her entire body shudder as the pleasure took hold of her. Her toes curled, and she let out a load groan when suddenly, to her frustration, her brother stopped touching her all together. She opened her eyes in disappointment, her orgasmic pleasure quickly fading without her brother to help it on, then saw her brother was above her. His cock was rock hard once more, and without saying a word, he brought it to her pussy.

Liam was so turned on by his big sister cumming he just couldn't help himself. He didn't care about the fact that his father and sister were next to them, he just had to fuck Beatrice. He looked at her face as she saw him taking his place between her legs and inserting the tip of his cock into her. He pushed himself in, slowly burying his erect dick inside her wet hole and looked up at her face. He watched it contort in pleasure as he penetrated her sopping pussy and began fucking it to her continued moans.

Henry stopped fingering his daughter and turned to look. His cock was also back to being hard and he and Amelia looked in shock as Liam and Beatrice started having sex next to them. They watched dumbstruck as the two, brother and sister, made love to one another, the sight perversely sickening and yet oh so hot. They kept watching, not able to look away, as Liam, their son/brother breached his sister, plunging his big hard cock into her tight pussy as the two moaned from their incestuous trance.

"Daddy," Amelia said in a sweet innocent voice, making her father look away from the mesmerizing act and back at her "fuck me" she said almost begging and looked over at her father's hard dick. Amelia had not cum yet and was so horny, she would have let her father and brother fuck her pussy at the same time if they asked. She saw the way her father looked at her, not entirely comfortable with making love to her next his to his other kids, especially not while they were having sex, but he was so hard, and they wanted each other so bad, he couldn't deny her.

With his son and oldest daughter having hot incestuous sex next to them, Henry indulged his daughter. He spread her legs and moved between them with his cock leading the way. He looked at her young enticing pussy as he aligned his cock with it, then got on top of her and pushed himself in.

"Yes dad!" Amelia moaned in delight as her father penetrated her. He let out a deep groan as he pushed his hard cock into his little girl's snatch, marveling her familiar wet tightness, then looked down at her face as he began moving in and out of her forbidden hole.

With their naked body intertwined, and Liam's cock deep inside his sister, they froze. They looked at each other then turned their heads to the side to look at their father and sister. They watched silently as following their lead, their father and sister shamelessly started having sex beside them. They watched as Henry, paying them no heed, fucked their sister. He was pounding his cock with powerful thrusts, making his daughter squeal with delight as her pink pussy accepted his big hard cock so willingly.

The image was so disgustingly hot, Liam quickly found himself back to rocking his hips and driving his cock in and out of his sister, unable to look away. Liam continued pounding Beatrice's pussy, moaning and groaning but still looking mesmerized at his father and sister fucking next to them, the sight only making him go faster and harder.

"Oh yes!" Beatrice screamed in pleasure as her brother continued to plow her cunt with quick powerful thrusts. Her scream made her brother's gaze move back to her. "Keep going, yeah, just like that" Bea called out to her brother in between moans. His eyes were locked on hers, his hips still rhythmically moving in and out of her, and within seconds another orgasm took hold of her.

It was now Henry and Amelia turn to look at Beatrice as she climaxed. She let out a whimpering moan as her orgasm took hold of her, and she began trembling with pure sexual pleasure. She closed her eyes, her thighs shaking and her toes curling and flapping, as a wave of excruciating pleasure shook her core. Her brother was pounding his shaft into her and he continued even after it started to convulse. Beatrice shrieked as another wave tore through her body, and she quickly noticed her brother pulling his dick out of her.

"Oh fuck sis!" Liam called out in pleasure. He closed his right hand around his cock and started stroking it while moving his left hand to his climaxing sister's vulva and rubbing her clit with the orgasm still rushing through her. Liam closed his eyes and let out a series of deep groans, squirting his spunk all over his sister's stomach while orgasmic trembles still ran through her.

"Dad, I'm cumming" Amelia all of a sudden called out and closed her eyes as she began moaning uncontrollably. Watching her brother cum onto her sister was the final straw and she too was hit hard by her climax. "Oh my god" she called out almost crying and her thighs began shaking as her father continued to mount her. Her body squirmed on the sand, waves of sexual pleasure burning through it while her father continued relentlessly fucking her pussy. Just when Amelia thought her orgasm was over, her father strengthened his thrusts into her, sending her body to another orgasmic fit of convulsions that made her writhe on the sand until she almost blacked out. Only then did her father pull out of her drenched pussy and stroke himself to a powerful crescendo, squirting his sperm onto his daughter's smooth stomach while all his kids watched him.

On a gray rainy day, after almost 7 weeks on the island, the family had officially lost the last shreds of decency they had left, giving up the last of bits of socially accepted behavior. Not only had they committed incest, a perverse and taboo act, but they had done so together. Not only did the father taste each of his daughters' forbidden fruit and brother tasted each of his sisters', but they had actually done so next to one another. Father watched as his son and daughter made love to one another, and brother and sister watched as their father and sister made love, each reaching a powerful climax while the others watched shamelessly.

It was still raining heavily when the family finished their long depraved sexual session. They were all so hot and sweaty they did not feel the cold air. Liam and Henry laid down exhausted next to their lovers, all of them breathing heavily, as one by one they quickly drifted off to sleep.

Chapter 8

During the night the rain finally eased, and slightly before dawn, it stopped altogether. The clouds moved west, taking the cold breeze with them, and by the time Henry opened his eyes the following morning, the sky was bright blue, and the sun was out.

As Henry opened his eyes, despite the open air, a strong smell of sex filled his nostrils. He looked at his kids sleeping soundly next to him, then crawled out of the shelter and got to his feet. He smiled as the warm tropical sun kissed his face, then took a seat on the golden sand, and pondered over the events of the previous day.

Liam was the next one to get up. He was sleeping between his sisters and looked outside at the blue skies for a few minutes before starting to get up. He managed to get up without waking his sisters, or so he thought, then joined his father outside, letting the warm sun caress his skin.

A few minutes later, Liam and Henry heard stirring from inside the shelter. It was quickly followed by Amelia and Beatrice crawling out towards them.

"Morning" Beatrice said with a yawn and stretched, her sister rubbing her eyes sleepily next to her.

"Morning" Henry said cheerfully and eyed his daughters. "I think we should all go wash up" he said to his daughters who looked at each other. They both had dried cum plastering their stomach and bush from the previous day and they nodded shyly. On the way to the waterfall, they discussed what they needed to do that day, primarily getting the wood dry and relighting the fire.

After reaching the water and washing the stench of sex off them, the started heading back. They decided that Beatrice and Amelia would go get more fruit while Henry and Liam gathered some more wood and spread it on the beach to dry. When the girls returned with breakfast, they all sat down on the warm sand and ate hungrily, even opening the last coconut they gathered.

After breakfast, they were laying on the beach lazily. They still had things to do but they came to an agreement to take a break and do them later. After half an hour of soaking in the warm sun, Liam was getting horny.

"Hey, you wanna fuck?" Liam whispered into Amelia's ear. She was laying down next to him on her stomach and opened her eyes to look at him.

"Sure" Amelia said and slowly sat up. Liam, who was laying on his back, started sitting up as well when his sister stopped him. She placed a hand on his chest, then climbed on top of him and sat on his lap. She grabbed his cock, which was only an inch away from her pussy, and started to stroke it.

"You want to do it here?" Liam asked his sister as his cock hardened in her hand.

"Why not" Amelia said with a shrug and smiled towards her sister and father who were looking at the proceedings with interest. She gave her brother's massive cock a few more strokes, getting it completely hard, then pressed it onto his stomach. She moved her pussy to it, sitting on top, and started gyrating her hips.

"Oh fuck, that feels good" Liam moaned as his sister started grinding her pussy onto his cock. She stretched her hands back, placing them on her brother's thighs and moaned sensually as she continued grinding her moistening cunt onto his prick.

Henry and Beatrice looked at the two with growing arousal. They watched as Amelia climbed onto her brother and was rubbing her pussy onto his shaft. The sight was so hot, and it looked so good, both Henry and Bea started touching themselves as they looked.

"Dad, you wanna do it too?" Beatrice asked her father, noticing he too was touching himself and was already hard.

"God yes" Henry answered, not able to contain his arousal or excitement regarding his daughter's offer. He looked at her as she climbed on top of him, pressed his hard cock flat against his stomach, then sat down on it and started to grind her pussy.

"Oh my god" Beatrice moaned with pleasure as she started grinding her pussy on her father's hard dick. She closed her eyes and moaned, letting the feeling of her pussy rubbing along her father's penis wash over her. She was getting wetter by the second and her juices lubricated her father's shaft, making it feel even better.

Amelia and Liam watched with devilish grins as their father and sister, encouraged by their act, also began grinding. Liam looked at Amelia, her beautiful breasts, hard nipples and pink pussy sliding along his cock, then at his other sister, her sexy body and the way she moaned as she grinded her vagina along their father's shaft. He looked back at Amelia and nodded when she looked back at him. Amelia slid off her brother's cock, letting him grab it as it sprung up, then slid back over slowly and let het brother stick his dick into her pussy to their mutual pleasure.

"Ugh yeah!" Amelia moaned as she started riding her brother's big hard cock. She bit her lower lip as her brother pressed his hands to her hips and looked at him as she smashed her pussy down on his cock, a smirk forming on her lips as her brother grunted and looked up at her.

Liam signaled his sister to lean down while still taking his cock. She gave him a condescending smile and shook her head, letting out a little moan and continuing to move her body up and down his erect cock. Liam slid his hands up her naked body until he reached her tits. He squeezed them to her erotic moans, then closed his thumb and index finger around her erect nipple and squeezed hard.

"Aahhh, okay" Amelia cried out in a mixture of pleasure and pain. She waited for her brother to move his hand away then leaned down as she continued to fuck him.

"I love fucking your tight little pussy" Liam whispered into his sister's ear, making her even hotter. She looked at his face, smiling, and Liam seized the opportunity to grab his sister's breasts. Amelia moaned as her brother grabbed her boob, and leaned even lower, still riding his cock as he guided one of her hard nipples to her mouth and started sucking on it greedily.

Beatrice, her pussy thoroughly wet and ready from grinding it onto her father's manhood, was just raising her hips over her father's erect member when a distant rumbling was heard. She grabbed his penis and guided it to her vagina, slipping it in and moaning as the rumbling sound strengthened.

"What's that sound?" Henry asked shortly before his daughter lowered herself onto his hard stake and he let out a loud moan. Beatrice closed her eyes as her cunt engulfed her father's manhood. A few seconds later, with her dad's cock deep inside her, Bea opened her eyes and looked up. She started riding her dad's dick while looking around the sky, expecting to see distant rain clouds as the source of the sound.

Henry stopped caring where the sound came from as he lost himself inside his oldest daughter's tight snatch. He moaned as he watched her ride him, her beautiful breasts mesmerizing and her hair adorned vulva swallowing up his manhood. He let out another load groan but could not ignore the fact that the rumbling sound was getting louder, even though there was not a cloud in the sky.

Beatrice, Amelia and Liam also noticed the growing sound. The girls slowed down, raising their faces up in search of the sound's origin while still mounting their father and brother.

"What is that?" Henry asked, pointing up to a black shape in the blue sky. All four of them froze, the men's dicks still inside the women, and looked over at the source of the sound.

"Oh my god, I think it's a helicopter!" Beatrice called out in disbelief.

"It is!" Henry said, realizing finally what the sound was. "Quick, get the flare" he told his daughters who quickly lifted themselves off their father and brother's erect cocks and ran over to the shelter. They rummaged through the torn life vests while their father and brother got to their feet and quickly came running back, handing their father the flare carefully.

"Hey over here!" Liam started yelling and waving his hand as his father lit the flare and started waving it, red sparks flying out. Amelia and Beatrice quickly joined their brother and father, all four of them yelling hysterically and waving towards the chopper.

"I think it saw us" Henry declared as the chopper started heading their way after two minutes that seemed like an eternity. After another two minutes, when it was absolutely clear the chopper was heading their way, Henry threw down the flare and they all started yelling and screaming with joy.

The chopper landed on the golden beach less then a hundred feet away from their shelter. It blew sand all around as the propellers came to a stop. The doors opened and two men with dark clothes and sunglasses jumped out and ran over to them.

"Are you folks all right?" the pilot, who looked the older of the two, asked as he looked at the four naked people around them in shock.

"Yes, we're just fine" Henry said cheerfully.

"Then let's get you out of here" the younger one said and looked over at the two beautiful naked girls standing in front of him.

"I'm terribly sorry ladies" the pilot said and turned away, hitting the younger one and gesturing him to look away as he lost himself in Amelia and Beatrice's nude figures. It took a second for the girls to understand why the men were looking away, and when they realized they quickly covered their bodies with their hands.

The two men took off their jackets, handing them to Beatrice and Amelia who gratefully put them on. All six of them then walked over to the chopper where the men took out four dark towels and handed them. They each wrapped the towels around their lower bodies and looked around while the pilot got back in and got the engine running.

"Anything you want to take with you?" the man yelled over the noise of the propellers.

"Do you have a camera?" Henry asked him, yelling.

"A what?" the man yelled back, sure he misunderstood.

"A camera" Henry repeated while his kids looked at him confused. The man nodded and took a phone out of his pocket. "Come on" Henry said to the men and his kids. He walked over to their shelter and stood in front of it. "Come on kids" Henry said and gestured his kids to join him. When they were all around him, Henry removed the towel that was covering his waist and threw it to the side.

"Dad, what are you doing?" Beatrice asked her father shocked.

"This is for us to remember how we managed to survive here" he said giving his kids a knowing look. "Go ahead, you too" he told his children as one by one their removed their towels and jackets and threw them aside. They put their arms around each other, smiling to the camera as the man took their picture. It was a one and only photo for them to remember the way they lived and managed to survive on the island.

As the man took the picture that would for years later symbolize the miracle of the family that managed to survive, against all odds, on a deserted island in the middle of the pacific, he himself could not keep his eyes off the two hot naked girls. He took his time before he pressed the button on his phone to take the picture, ogling the women's mouthwatering round breasts, cute pink pussies and thick wild bushes. He could understand why the guys had an erection when he first saw them, even if it was their daughters and sisters. He took another picture and placed his phone back in his pocket. He gave the girls' bodies a final look as they covered up again, and as they headed to the helicopter, he thought how hard it must have been for the father and son, being around the girls' hot naked bodies all this time and not being able to do anything.

The Chopper took off from their home for the past weeks and the four looked out the window with awe. They learned that the helicopter was indeed part of a team that was hired by Henry's wife and the kids' mother to look for them. Apparently, the GPS on Henry's yacht malfunctioned before the storm hit, and the last location his signal was received from was far from where it actually went down. The men told them that for the past weeks they were widening their search radius and searching all the islands in the hope of finding them. They had lost many days of searching due to bad weather.

An hour later the chopper landed on a large ship to the east. Every crew member on board stopped what they were doing and gathered around the deck when they landed on the helipad. They looked with disbelief as Henry, Beatrice, Amelia and Liam stepped out of the chopper, wearing towels around their waists and the girls with the rescue men's jackets on.

"I can't believe it!" A loud cry came as Penelope, Henry's wife and the kids' mother, ran towards them with tears rolling down her cheeks. She threw her arms around her lost family and started sobbing loudly. Around them, a single crew member started clapping. He was quickly joined by the rest, and within a few seconds the entire crew was clapping, ecstatic that they found the family, even though most of them had already lost hope.

After a long teary reunion, the four followed Penelope down to the living quarters. They sat down in her small room and she looked at them still not fully believing it. Penelope herself was exhausted. She looked like she hadn't slept in days and for the first time since she received the news that her husband's yacht went down, she let herself relax. Penelope fell asleep as her children and husband took a shower and put on clothes for the first time in weeks. They had the onboard doctor give them a quick health check to make sure they were all fine, and he declared that beside a few minor sunburns they were okay.

That evening the entire family sat around the table in the eating area and started telling Penelope the story. They told her how the yacht went down and how they washed onto the island. They told her about what they ate, where they slept and how they survived. Naturally, they did not tell her about their incestuous activities. Someone who was not there with them would never understand, never know the psychological toll being on the island took. Only someone who experienced it might be able to understand how it pushed them to doing such a disgusting and taboo thing.


A week and a half later Liam opened the door to his parents' large mansion. His full blonde hair was freshly cut, and his face shaved clean. He was wearing navy blue pants, a long sleeved light blue shirt and walked towards the living room and the voices coming from it.

"Finally!" Amelia said when she saw her brother walking into the living room.

"Hey, sorry I'm late" Liam said shortly before his mother wrapped her arms around him and gave him a big hug.

"Drink?" his father asked as he rose to shake his son's hand with a glass of scotch in his.

"Sure dad, I'll have what you're having" he said and went around to hug and kiss his sisters while his father poured him the drink. His parents invited them to have dinner and stay over for their first weekend back. Liam thanked his father as he grabbed the drink from his hand and took a seat. He looked around at his sisters and father as they continued their conversation where they left off. A few minutes later the Chef came to tell them that dinner was ready.

They sat around the large mahogany dinner table and could not stop laughing as they reminisced about things on the island while eating the delicious dinner. Penelope could not picture the four of them sitting naked around a campfire eating fish that they claimed Henry caught. She smiled and laughed at their amusing tales as she, along with the rest went through more than one bottle of wine.

"Sorry kids, but I'm exhausted" Penelope said after dessert and rose to her feet. She was still tired from searching for them at sea for over a month, mentally more then physically, and went to sleep early every night since they got back. "See you tomorrow" she said, covering a yawn and headed over to her bedroom in the north wing.

A few minutes later, they moved over to the living room, drinks in their hands as they continued talking about things on the island. With Penelope off sleeping, they discussed some more fragile things that happened.

"What are you doing?" Amelia asked her brother in a tone you would use with a child. He removed his shoes, stood up and started unbuttoning his shirt.

"Does wearing clothes bother you too?" Liam asked as he continued to remove has shirt and started unbuckling his belt. "Since we got back I just can't get used to wearing them" he added and started pulling down his pants.

"Yes actually" Beatrice said, excited it wasn't only her. "The second I get home every day I just have to take them off" Bea said, setting down her drink and removing her shoes "Jason keeps teasing me about it" Beatrice added and stood up, unzipping her checkered skirts and pulling it down her legs.

"Where is Jason? I thought he was coming" Amelia asked her sister as she too stood up and started pulling at the hem of her blue dress.

"He had a work trip he couldn't miss" Beatrice told her sister while removing her shirt and moving to her black bra. She noticed their father also started shedding his clothes without saying a word.

"Oh, that's better" Liam said after removing his boxers and sitting back down on the couch. His limp cock was resting on his thigh and his pubic hair was trimmed around the base. He grabbed his drink and looked at his sisters.

"So much better" Beatrice said with a sigh and sat back down. Her brown hair was tied up into a high ponytail and she had a thin layer of makeup on. Her nude body was glistening from her expensive body lotions, her beautiful round breasts were displayed proudly, and her bush was back to the neatly trimmed triangle of dark hair her boyfriend loved.

Henry and Amelia also finished removing their clothes and sat back down. Henry did not get a haircut yet, his gray hair neatly combed, but his face was back to being shaved clean. His cock began to stir as the familiar sight of his daughters naked bodies filled his view, and he grabbed his drink and took another sip.

Amelia seemed to have no makeup on as she smiled and sat back down, tucking a leg under her. Her light brown hair was falling in waves down her neck and she glanced over at her father and brother's semi erect members without trying to hide it. Her round perky breasts rose and fell to her breathing, and her pubic mound was back to being shaved clean, her pink pussy deviously peaking between her labia. She was surprised to see how much weight she lost when she got back, her plump round ass now smaller and tighter.

The four went back to their conversation as they all sat there naked. There was no awkwardness or shame between as they sat there, even when Beatrice spread her legs apart a little and Liam looked, his cock instantly getting hard. It felt so normal and natural for them to be naked together. It actually felt more normal to see each other naked than dressed.

"What do you say we do it one last time?" Liam said after a few minutes of sitting there with his sisters naked. They all had quite a few drinks by then.

"Do it?" Amelia said mockingly.

"Have sex" Liam said shamelessly. "We were rudely interrupted last time" he said with a grin. His sisters chuckled, and an amused smile covered his father's face.

"I'm dying to know what the guys from the helicopter thought when they saw us. All four of us naked and you two with hardons" Amelia said laughing. "I'm okay with one last time" She added, her brother's erection getting her hot.

"Fine, but after this we never talk about this or what we did on the island ever again" Beatrice said. She was incredibly aroused by the fact that they were all naked together again. In fact, ever since they got back, she found herself constantly horny and craving sex. She would make Jason bed her several times a day, and the fact that she was prancing around their apartment naked, only made it easier.

"Dad?" Amelia asked their father who looked at them uncertainly.

"Okay, last time" Henry said, giving in to his sexual urges. "But not here, let's go to the guest wing" he told his children. "I might be able to explain to your mother why we are all naked, but there is no way I can explain if she catches us in the middle" he said and got up.

They walked along the large house naked until they reached the guest area which was more secluded. "I'll be right back" Liam said as they entered the largest bedroom and looked at each other lustfully. Liam returned a few minutes later with a box of condoms. "If we're going to do this one last time we might as well do it right" he said and placed it on the nightstand. Meanwhile, his father walked over to the bedroom door to lock it, and by the time he turned around, Amelia already had her hand on her brother's hard cock.

"Lay down on the bed" Amelia told her brother and let go of his cock. She followed him onto the bed and took his penis back in her hand. She looked her brother in the eyes as she gave his cocks a few more strokes. She then leaned down, and with her eyes still on her brother's, for the first time ever, she took the head of his dick into her mouth.

"Oh fuck" Liam moaned as his sister started sucking on his dick. She never gave him a blowjob on the island, just like he never ate her pussy, but now that they were all clean and civilized, his sister eagerly took his shaft in her mouth. She placed her palm around the base of his dick and started stroking it while she began bobbing her head up and down the pulsing member.

Henry walked over to his older daughter and placed his hands on her lovely tits, squeezing them sensually. They looked at Amelia as she hungrily sucked Liam's cock, then looked back at each other, the lust visible on their faces.

"Lay down" Henry told his daughter in a tender voice and she nodded before doing so. He looked down at her gorgeous naked body before getting down on his knees at the foot of the bed. Henry placed both hands on his daughter's knees and spread them apart, moving his hands up her thighs. He ran his right thumb along his daughter's slit, making her groan gently as a shiver ran down her spine. He then moved his face between her legs and inhaled her feminine aroma before sticking his tongue out.

"Oh my god!" Beatrice moaned as he father ran the tip of his tongue along her slit. He pressed his tongue onto her clit briefly, sending a wave of pleasure through her, then moved it back down to her slit and started licking all around. He ran his tongue along her outer lips, raising his gaze every few seconds to look up at his daughter's face, then moved in. He used his hands to spread her sexy petals apart then started licking her interior as she moaned with delight.

Liam was moaning loudly next to them as Amelia continued sucking his cock expertly. She managed to take over half into her mouth each time and kept making slurping noises as she sucked on the hard shaft. Liam watched his sister as she sucked him off, her pretty face occasionally looking his way as her soft lips wrapped around his cock in endless pleasure.

"I'm almost there!" Liam called out as the pleasure of his sister's blowjob was growing dangerously high. "I'm gonna cum" he announced, not sure if his sister would keep sucking him or pull away. "Oh fuck" Liam moaned and closed his eyes as he got his answer, a wave of pleasure surging through his body as he shot his first load into his sister's warm mouth.

Liam's body shuddered in ecstatic pleasure as he came hard inside her sister's mouth. He groaned as he looked at her hand pumping his shaft while she kept sucking his spewing cock. His sperm started leaking out of the edge of her mouth as ropes of his sticky cum filled her mouth until he finally stopped ejaculating. Amelia then let go of her brother's cock and carefully pulled her mouth off the receding dick. She looked her brother in the eyes, sperm trickling down her chin, then swallowed the content of her mouth and smiled as her brother looked at her wide eyed.

"Oh god dad" Beatrice moaned in pleasure as her father slipped a finger inside her wet pussy while continuing to lick it. Her brother had just finished cumming in their sister's mouth, and it turned her on so much, her juices were flowing freely. She let out another groan and closed her eyes as her father pushed his tongue along with his finger deep inside her cunt, exploring it to her pleasure. After a few seconds, he moved his tongue up to her clit and inserted a second finger inside her.

Beatrice let out a shaking moan as her father fingered her pussy with two fingers. He started going faster, pumping his fingers in and out of her womanhood while his tongue attacked her engorged clit. He tortured her poor little nib with pleasure, licking around it, pressing his tongue onto it, biting it playfully, and finally sucking it while still moving his fingers in and out.

"Oh fuck!" Beatrice cried out in a sexual frenzy as her climax hit her like a tidal wave. Her thighs started shaking and her pussy convulsed as intense pleasure took hold of her. Her father kept going, fingering her pink pussy and sucking on her clit as her eyes closed and her legs trembled with another wave of unbelievable pleasure. Beatrice's body continued trembling with her orgasm, making her voice crack and shake as she moaned. Her torso shivered as her father relentlessly continued orally pleasuring her until the last orgasmic waves faded and she was left sweaty and panting on the bed.

Liam and Amelia watched speechless as their older sister orgasmed uncontrollably next to them. It was so hot that Amelia quickly moved and lowered her shaved pussy onto her brother's mouth, moaning as he stuck his tongue out and tickled her pussy with it.

"Wait, let me get up" Liam told Amelia who painfully moved to the side. "Go ahead, lay down" Liam said after he moved and watched his sister as she got on her back. She spread her legs apart and perched herself on her elbows as her brother took his place between her legs and ran his tongue along her slit to her moans.

Meanwhile, Henry extracted himself from between his daughter's legs and looked over as his son took his place between his other daughter's legs. Henry's cock was rock hard, and he looked down at Bea as she recovered from her intense orgasm. She looked up at him and smiled while breathing heavily before slowly rising. She shifted on the bed next to her brother and sister, getting on all for and moving to the edge of the bed. She looked at her father and his hard dick, then reached for it and pulled him closer.

Beatrice heard her father moan as she wrapped her soft hand around his cock and took it in her mouth. He looked down at her as she briefly sucked on his prick, then pulled her mouth off and stuck her tongue out. She licked the head of his cock to his sounds of approval, moving it along the bottom side of his shaft, then took it back inside her mouth and started to bob her head up and down.

"Oh god" Henry moaned as his daughter masterfully sucked his dick. He looked down at her tan bare back and hot firm ass as he surrendered his manhood to his girl's will. He moved his gaze over to Amelia who was making much noise as her brother continued to eat her pink pussy, and her eyes locked on his as she let out another cock hardening moan.

Liam lost himself in his sister's sweet pink pussy as he gave her a much-awaited cunnilingus. He was currently using his thumb to rub her clit while hungrily flailing his tongue deep inside her cunt. His cock was already beginning to get hard again, and Liam continued lapping up his sister's tangy juices as they flowed out of her.

"Oh yeah!" Amelia screamed out in delight as her brother pulled his tongue out of her scorching twat and started nibbling on her labia. It felt amazing and he quickly moved to her clit, sucking and biting it gently. "Fuck me" Amelia said in a pleading tone when her brother took a break from eating her out and looked up at her. She was so wet and ready, all she wanted now was his big hard cock inside her.

Henry saw his son get up from between Amelia's legs and gestured Beatrice to stop sucking his dick. "Lay back down" he told his daughter as she looked at him surprised but quickly smiled as she understood what he meant. "Liam" Henry said to his son just as he was grabbing a condom from the box. His son looked up at him and grabbed another condom, giving one to his dad as he opened the one in his hand.

Beatrice laid back down on the bed next to her younger sister. They looked at each briefly, letting out a nervous giggle as they waited to be penetrated. They moved their gazes back up and looked, Amelia watching her brother as he unrolled the rubber onto his massive cock, and Beatrice watching her father as he fumbled with the wrapper before also sliding it over his dick.

Liam looked down at his sister lustfully and grabbed her hips. He pulled her to the edge of the bed and placed his cock on her vulva. Next to him, his father grabbed his covered prick and rubbed it along Beatrice's glistening slit. Liam and Henry could clearly see each what each other was doing, just like the girls could. They continued rubbing their manhoods on the hot pussies in front of them, before Liam and immediately after his father, inserted the tip of their cocks into Amelia and Beatrice and slowly penetrated them.

Beatrice took a deep breath as her father breached her with his penis, stuffing it all the way inside her vagina before started to gently thrust his hips. He was bigger than her boyfriend and thicker, and she let out a grunt as he moved his cock in and out of her slick snatch.

"Oh god Liam yes!" Amelia called out as her brother buried his cock deep inside her wet muff and immediately started thrusting in and out of her. After getting her pussy eaten out by him, just the sensation of his eight inches inside her brought her close to cumming. Liam, who for the first time didn’t have to worry about pulling out, quickly quickened the pace. "Yes little brother, fuck your big sister's tight little pussy" she screamed in delight, way past caring what her father and sister, who were making love only inches away from her, thought. She spread her legs wider, feeling her climax coming on. "Harder!" she told her brother who obliged, pounding his big dick into her and making a loud slapping sound as their body collided.

Liam tightened his grip on his sister's waist and looked down at her as he strengthened his thrusts. He was pounding her pussy to the erotic sounds of her moans and their bodies merging. He let his gaze wander towards his other sister and looked at her briefly as their father fucked her. She had her eyes closed and was moaning silently while their father rhythmically penetrated her sexy snatch.

"Oh fuck!" Amelia let out in a shaking voice as she peaked. Her brother quickly turned his gaze back to her and looked at his sister as he kept plunging his cock into her. Amelia let out a series of quick high-pitched moans then started squealing.

Liam watched in wonder and lust as he sister came on his cock. He kept breaching her and moaned as her body began to tremble. She closed her eyes the first wave hit her and let out another squealing moan with each additional one. Her thighs started trembling and when her pussy started convulsing around his cock, he pulled out. Amelia was about to try and protest when her brother leaned down and started licking her convulsing pussy.

Amelia clawed into the bedding as her brother started eating her pussy mid-orgasm. She called out in unbearable pleasure and closed her eyes once more as her body started to squirm and writhe uncontrollably. Liam continued to devour his sister's sweet pussy, lapping up all her juices and watching her squirm in pleasure until her orgasm finally ended and she couldn't move any more.

Henry paced himself as he watched his younger daughter's extreme climax while plowing his cock into his oldest daughter's gorgeous twat. The sound of her squeals and the sight of her squirming body was so hot, he had to take a deep breath to keep himself in check.

"You okay?" Liam asked Amelia as she looked up at him breathing heavily.

"Yes," Amelia said and let out a small laugh "that was amazing" she added slightly out of breath and looked at her brother's erect cock thinking it was one of the best orgasms she ever experienced.

"Can we continue?" Liam asked his sister hungrily.

"How about we switch it up?" Amelia said with a naughty grin and eyed her father. Henry looked at her, then down at Beatrice and gently pulled his cock out of her.

"What do you say?" Henry asked Beatrice "you want to have some fun with your brother now?" he asked and took a step back as she sat up.

"Sure" Beatrice said as she looked at her little brother's hard dick. She sat up and gestured her brother to sit on the bed next to her while her father moved over to his other daughter.

Henry moved next to Amelia and stood next to her. "You want daddy's cock?" he asked her, not sure why he said that, but quickly received and eager nod. Henry sat on the edge of the bed, next to her, and placed his hands on her breasts. He caressed them tenderly for a few seconds then moved his hands to her waist. He effortlessly pulled her higher up on the bed, then turned her onto her side so she faced away from him. Henry then laid down on the bed behind her and pressed his naked body against hers, like he did so many times on the island.

"Lay down" Beatrice whispered to her brother who quickly obeyed. "Scooch up" she added and looked at his hard cock as he moved his body up the bed. She looked at her little sister, who was now laying on her side facing them, then sat on her brother's legs. She grabbed his covered shaft and stroked it, then sat on top of his legs and pressed his manhood onto her pubic mound. Her brother looked up at her lustfully as she rubbed his cock on her vulva. He moaned quietly as his sister kept teasing his hard cock and watched her beautiful body as she raised her waist up a little. Beatrice looked down at her brother's eyes, his big hard shaft in her hand, then slowly impaled herself on it while letting out a deep grunt.

Henry ran his hand along his daughter's soft side and pressed his hard dick to her sexy ass. He moved his hand over to her right tit and cupped it as she cooed seductively. He squeezed her lovely lumps, drawing more moans from her mouth, then traced his hand down her body. He ran his fingers along her smooth stomach and could feel his daughter shiver as he traced his fingers along her hairless mound. When he reached her vagina, he ran his thumb along her slit. Henry then moved his hand between his daughter's legs. He placed it under her upper thigh and raised it up in the air as he guided his cock to her coveted hole.

"Oh yes daddy!" Amelia moaned hoarsely as her father slipped his snake into her pussy from behind. She was so wet down there he easily shoved his big dick all the way inside her, pausing for a few seconds before finally pulling out and starting to thrust in and out of her.

Beatrice closed her eyes and moaned as her brother's penis filled her sacred hole once more. She leaned back, placing her hands on her brother legs and started riding him. A ripple of pleasure ran through her body, and she watched her brother as she slowly slid her pussy up and down his shaft. She noticed his eyes glued to their merging bodies, looking at her hair adorned cunt as it took his big snake all the way in, and started moving faster.

"Oh my god" Beatrice moaned as she continued to impale herself onto her brother. His eyes moved up to hers, locking for a brief second before her ran them down along her body, taking in the sight of her rack bouncing around before focusing back on her pussy. Next to them, Amelia let out another moan and Bea turned to look. She noticed her younger sister also looking down at her pussy and watching them fuck while their father continued to make love to her from behind.

"Oh fuck sweetie!" Henry moaned as he started pounding his dick into his daughter's muff harder. He raised her right leg even higher into the air and shifted a little as he continued penetrating her slick twat. Henry could feel his climax nearing as he continued blissfully defiling his young daughter's forbidden hole. She was also moaning loudly now, eagerly accepting his manhood into her scorching pussy until he finally snapped.

Henry let out a loud primal grunt as he climaxed. He switched to long hard strokes and closed his eyes as he began cumming inside his daughter's hot snatch. He clenched his teeth and moaned as he felt the warm waves of the orgasm coursing through his body, his cock shooting his incestuous sperm, filling the condom inside his daughter's pussy while it hugged him snuggly. He kept pumping her and moaning as the pleasure surged through him, each thrust inside his daughter's pussy causing another wave of pleasure and another spasm of ejaculation. When he finally finished, he pulled his hard cock out of his daughter and turned over to his back while he quickly went limp.

Beatrice was nearing a second orgasm as she continued to ride her brother's hard cock. She could hear her father cumming next to them, shooting his load while inside his daughter, and it only made Beatrice hotter. She looked down at her brother and started slamming her cunt onto his dick even harder.

"Oh fuck!" Liam called out with a moan as his sister hammered her pussy down his cock powerfully. He looked up at her large round breasts, watching them jiggle as she moved, and he could sense both of them were close to cumming. "Sis, get off" Liam said to Bea who looked down at him surprised.

"What?" she asked, not understanding why.

"Get off and I'll make you cum so hard" Liam said and looked at his big sister as she slowly raised herself off his cock. "Get on your hands and knees." Liam said "don't worry, you'll love this" he promised when she gave him a skeptical look. He moved aside and waited for her to take her place before getting behind her. Liam didn't waste time and quickly pushed his cock all the way inside his sister's tight pussy.

"Oh god!" Beatrice moaned as her brother shoved his entire eight inches inside her from behind and started thrusting. She couldn't believe how deep his cock felt inside her as it stretched her vagina while sliding in and out. They were both thoroughly aroused, and Liam immediately started pounding into his big sister's cunt to their mutual moans. "Oh god Liam don't stop!" Beatrice pleaded as she felt her orgasm was moments away. "Yes, I'm almost there" she said in a squeaky voice. She closed her eyes and moaned, surrendering to the heavenly feeling of her brother's shaft gliding along her pussy, his balls slapping against her clit with each forward thrust.

Liam was fucking his big sister like a bitch in heat when she erupted. She moaned like crazy and her thighs began shaking when it hit her. Shortly after her pussy started to convulse around his cock and he too exploded.

"Oh my god!" Liam called and moaned as he started to cum. He closed his eyes while still fucking his big sister's pussy. A wave of sexual pleasure hit him with force and a second later he started ejaculating inside his sister's tender vagina.

Henry and Amelia stayed on their backs and watched in awe as brother and sister came together next to them. They looked with perverse fascination as Liam groaned while he continued shoving his cock in and out of his sister's convulsing pussy. He came with animalistic grunts, filling the condom with his sperm as his sister moaned to the waves of her orgasm. Her voice shook, and her thighs quivered as she came, and once both she and her brother finished cumming, she collapsed onto the mattress with her brother right behind.

They laid on the large bed breathing heavily as they recovered from their incestuous rendezvous. They did not feel shame or disgust with what they had just done, those feeling were gone long ago. They just felt happy. They were happy they were alive, happy they were back home, happy they were together and happy they could experience each other's bodies one last time.


The following morning, Amelia woke up and wandered sleepily to the kitchen.

"Good morning" her mother said as she looked up from the paper she was reading. Around the table were the rest of her family, eating breakfast and drinking coffee casually. "We just got a copy of last week's paper" Penelope told her daughter who looked at her confused. She handed her the paper and Amelia's eyes went wide.

'Family found after surviving for two weeks on a deserted island in the pacific'. Amelia continued reading with interest as it described what happened to them. She was a little embarrassed to see that the picture in the paper was the one the guy from the helicopter took. The paper blurred the nudity, but you could still clearly see their faces and the shelter behind them.

"Pretty cool huh?" Liam asked after his sister finished reading the article.

"Yeah" she nodded and took a seat around the table. She grabbed a plate and poured herself a cup of coffee. "So, dad…" Amelia started saying and looked at her father as he looked up from his phone at her "what's the plan for our next vacation?"

The End


2022-03-17 19:10:51
Great story


2021-04-24 20:18:40
Excellent story Starrynight, but I expected nothing less from you! Now, if you could just write a story about a teen girl and her brother, that would be really cool!!!


2020-09-08 00:38:17
Love it. Amazing detail


2020-04-03 17:26:10
Re write the Epilogue with anal and Penelope joining in, she had done without for more than a month and had found them. Really enjoyed!!!

Dudley DowrongReport 

2019-11-03 13:54:57
Can't believe I didn't comment the 1st time I read it. Their "last fling" really caps off an awesome story. A few of Ur stories I still need to read. Also I noticed the the youngest Fletcher daughter hasn't yet been prepared for college & on. Is that going to happen? I figured Dad, Zac & Jack would offer her experience & advise! After all it's "a Family tradition"..Another thing, after Zac, Molly & Presley get married, do they still practice the "tradition" of closness? Zac said his girlfriend was straight when it came to sex.
so she probably wouldn't be interested in swapping or swinging, especially with family. If she loosenedahR up, that would make for a great continuation of the series, Family tradition lives on. THANKS again fpr ring Ur awsome tallent.

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