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Girls take a fancy to young oriental wife and lead her astray
Anyone reading this probably knows that my neighbour Jack has a beautiful young half-Chinese wife called Doris. She is barely five feet tall, and very slim with slender well shaped legs and pert little high set tits. With the help of Jack's friend Joe, who used to be a stage magician, Doris can be put into a state where afterwards, she will not be able to remember anything that has taken place. Jack makes full use of this, as he likes nothing better than to see his lovely little wife used by others, and I am so very lucky by having been given the task of writing it all down.

On this occasion we were visiting friends of Jack, who were supposed to be having a small party to celebrate something or another. Joe had done his work with Doris and she would behave and react as if perfectly normal, except that afterwards, she would remember nothing about being at a party or anything that happened there.

I was keeping a close watch on her. She looked good, in a black knee length halter neck dress. It was a tight fit over her tits, and with Doris being so slim, it combined with her high heels to give her a very elegant and sexy appearance. I knew Jack would have made sure that anything else she had on would be equally sexy.

She was standing close to me and looking slightly lost, nervously sipping from her glass, while most of the guests were chatting and laughing with each other. I watched one of them, Vera, an older woman and a rather large blonde, constantly glancing at Doris and eventually making her way over to stand in front of the little oriental girl. "You look lonely, Doris," she said, staring right at her. Doris managed a half smile and then Vera came straight out with, "I fancy a fuck. Do you fuck women, Doris?"

Taken aback by the blunt language, Doris gaped at her with a startled expression on her face, shaking her head. "What? No, I mean, I haven't... I mean, I don't..."

"Much better than having a man fuck you," Vera interrupted her. "Once I start on you, I would have you cumming in no time. Come with me and I'll show you what I mean."

Doris continued shaking her head, but despite her protests Vera simply took a firm hold of her arm and led her out of the room. Through the doorway I watched her suddenly turn and pin the diminutive figure of Doris against the wall and kiss her passionately on the mouth. To my surprise another blonde, Kate, appeared at my side and smiled when she saw the pair in the hall. "Oh, yes, this should be good," she hissed in my ear. "I fancied that sexy asian bitch as soon as I saw her. They tell me she gets very horny and she's a good fuck. Me and my friend are going to have her. You want to watch us? You can if you like, but no touching unless we say so."

It seemed obvious that Jack and the two older women had planned this in advance for Doris, and knowing Joe had made sure she would remember nothing afterwards, I was very happy to follow. Doris, showing some resistance, was firmly gripped by Vera and taken into another room, followed by Kate and me. Once again the blonde older woman pushed Doris against the wall and pressed their bodies together while holding her head and kissing her fiercely. Suddenly Doris caught sight of Kate. Gasping for breath, she managed to twist her face away from Vera and cry out, "Stop it, what are you doing! What's going on! Who's that! Why is she here?"

"Shush Doris," Vera snapped. "She's my friend. We're going to give you a good time, aren't we, Kate."

"Of course," Kate said with a sneer. Doris was cringing away from them but they had her cornered and trapped. Kate went on, "Sexy little thing, isn't she. Did you see the men eyeing her up, all wanting to screw her." She put a hand on Doris's shoulder to keep her pinned against the wall, and coolly clamped her other hand over Doris's breast. "Oh, nice firm little tits," she added. "No bra either! And I can feel a stiff little nipple. I do believe our little bitch is getting excited."

Vera chuckled. "Keep her there, Kate." She looked Doris up and down, smiling as she saw how distressed she was. There was a frightened look on Doris's pretty face, her mouth slightly open and her eyes wide. "And make sure she can't move," she added. She put both hands on Doris's hips, and slid them down her thighs. "Our sweet little friend is dressed for it," she smiled. "I can feel suspenders. Must have expected to be giving some man a treat tonight."

In a trembling voice, Doris came out with, "Please... what are you saying... that's not true... can I go now, I want to go back to the others."

"You're going nowhere, bitch," Kate snarled. "Until we're finished with you."

Doris stared at her in disbelief. "What do you mean... finished with me?" she gasped. "What do you think you're doing!" She tried to escape Kate's grip but she was no match for the bigger woman. Slammed hard up against the wall, she could do nothing to stop Vera sliding her dress up. In a few seconds it was hoisted all the way up to her waist to reveal dark stockings to about mid thigh, and black suspender straps, a stretch of creamy bare flesh above the stocking tops, and a tiny black thong that barely covered her pussy.

"Oh yes," Vera grunted. "Very nice, very sexy." She slid her hand between Doris's bare thighs and stroked upwards until she reached the thong, pausing for a moment with the edge of her hand touching it. She looked down at Doris's distraught face and smiled. "Turn her round," she snapped.

Quick as a flash, Kate easily spun Doris to face the wall and held her there. Vera lifted the back of the dress and tucked it into the newly exposed suspender belt. The thong was so small it was invisible between Doris's cheeks, and with her hands now free, Vera pushed Doris against the wall and dug her fingers into her bare buttocks. "Oh what a firm little arse you've got, Doris," Vera exclaimed. "But we don't need any knickers on, do we."

Doris squirmed and cried out but she was totally helpless and at the mercy of the two bigger women. Vera hooked her fingers into the thong and pulled it downwards. Doris let out a plaintiff cry of "No! Please! No don't!" but Vera ignored her and went on tugging the flimsy thong down over her stocking tops. Letting it fall to the floor, Vera turned her attention to the halter neck. There was a hiss of velcro being torn apart and the top of the dress was held in place only because they had Doris pressed against the wall.

"Now let's see those little tits," Vera snarled. The women pulled Doris round and instantly slammed her back against the wall. The loosened dress fell to her waist, exposing her twin mounds, small but firm, in perfect proportion to Doris's slender body, and adorned with nipples that were already bigger and stiffer than normal. Kate immediately bent her head and seized one of them in her mouth, while Vera rolled up the lower front part of the dress to be wedged into the suspender belt like the rest of it.

Doris went rigid with fright. The two women now had her as good as naked with her tits and pussy bared, and even in her high heels she was barely as tall as their shoulders. Her slender body looked tiny beside them. They took hold of her arms and dragged her, struggling, and literally threw her on the bed in the corner of the room. "Don't fight it, Doris," said Vera. "So we're going to fuck you, enjoy it."

"Nah," said Kate scornfully. "She can fight if she wants. I like fucking girls like her that pretend they don't want it."

"I don't think Doris will fight very hard," Vera remarked casually. "She knows we're fucking her whether she likes it or not. She's got no chance. Besides, didn't Jack say she gets very horny and likes a good hard shagging."

Doris lay spreadeagled on the bed as she had been thrown, her hands trying to cover her pussy, her pretty oriental face a picture of anguish. The way the women were talking, she knew they were going to rape her, and that she was vulnerable and defenceless against them. But it was as if despite her panic, the prospect was making her aroused. She was breathing hard, her chest rising and falling, and her nipples now were definitely more elongated, standing out stiffly from her tits.

Both women kept staring at her while they undressed. They knew that Doris could not escape past them, if she had tried they could easily have thrown her back. When they were ready, Vera went to a drawer and took out two strapon harnesses. The dildos were almost a matching pair, both shaped like huge thick cocks, one red, the other black. Both were ribbed, long and menacing.

Doris gaped at them in amazement and quite a lot of fear. She couldn't take her eyes off them, shaking her head as if she couldn't believe they were going to be used to rape her. The women exchanged a knowing smile as the harnesses were strapped on. And then they both advanced towards the bed.

Doris cowered away from them. Vera spoke soothingly. "Now Doris, nothing to be afraid of, I'm sure you've had a few big cocks in your time." She leaned forward and gripped Doris's ankles and pulled her to the edge of the bed. Kate climbed up behind Doris and grabbed hold of her wrists.

"This is part of our fun, Doris," Vera continued calmly. "Just lie back and enjoy. She's holding your hands because we want to look at those lovely little tits while we're fucking you. You like fucking, don't you, Doris. A cute little girl like you, I bet you've lost count of the cocks that have shagged you. Now it's our turn. Kate, hold her arms above her head."

As Kate obliged, Vera spread Doris's legs apart and smiled as she felt Doris shaking with fear. The slender little figure still had the dress crumpled and squeezed into a narrow band above her waist, naked above it and naked below it apart from the stockings and long black suspender straps. Vera let her hands drift upwards from the ankles, stroking slowly along each nylon stocking to the thighs, then onto the bare skin above the stocking tops, letting her fingertips meet on the little patch of hair above Doris's slit, her thumbs pressing down on it.

"Oh, Doris," she murmured. "You look so small and helpless lying there in your sexy stockings and your legs open and showing me your tiny little cunt. God, yes, Doris, your tight little cunt, look at it, just begging to be fucked!"

She bent her head and flicked her tongue across Doris's pussy lips. Doris shuddered and gasped out. Vera's fingers pulled the lips apart and her tongue sank into the exposed flesh. Doris squirmed and twisted her hips, but struggling was useless with her hands and thighs being held by the women. She whimpered and let out a long, despairing moan as the invading tongue finally penetrated her cunt.

Vera lapped vigorously for some time, tongue fucking Doris until she felt the girl's hips begin to shake. She lifted her head and looked at Doris. "You were getting close to it there, weren't you," she smiled. "And this sweet little cunt is so wet now. Is it ready for my cock?"

Doris was panting, her eyes half shut. She shook her head. "Please," she gasped. "Please don't... it's too big, you can't..."

Vera ignored her pleas and pulled Doris to the edge of the bed, keeping her thighs spread wide apart. She guided her huge red dildo towards Doris's exposed cunt. As the tip touched her pussy lips, Doris gave a cry and her hips shuddered. Vera eased herself forward slowly and the dildo began to penetrate. "Oh my," she said. "You are so small, Doris! Your cunt really is so tight! You're going to love this! You'll feel every inch inside you!"

Doris gasped, "Oh, no!" and began moaning as the massive dildo forced her cunt lips apart and began to disappear into her cunt. Slowly, inch by inch, Vera eased it in, pausing frequently, staring at Doris's distraught face to see what effect it was having. By the time she had managed to get about half the dildo into Doris's tight cunt, the girl's face showed nothing but fear and horror.

Kate stretched Doris's arms over her head and knelt across them to keep Doris unable to move. Now with both her hands free, she leaned over Doris and took hold of her tits, flicking and rolling and pinching and pulling at both stiff nipples. Doris squealed and turned her head to look pleadingly at Kate, just as Vera decided to ram the rest of the dildo all the way into her cunt.

Doris screamed out and arched her back as the last few inches of the huge dildo ripped into her, but she was trapped with her arms over her head and her thighs being held wide apart. Vera drew back a little and pushed again, keeping the dildo deep in Doris's cunt. Doris screamed again, her mouth wide open, and Kate quickly thrust her black dildo between the open lips. "Take it in your mouth, bitch," she snapped. "Let me see you sucking it!"

Doris looked aghast, but the dildo was already stretching her mouth wide open and she had no option but to close her lips round the shaft. The dildo in her cunt was being worked in and out slowly and deeply, and the friction was taking effect. Her hips were beginning to twitch and jerk and Vera grinned with delight. "Let it come, Doris!" she called out.

Kate joined in, her harsh voice urging Doris to cum. "Yes, Doris, you fucking little bitch, cum for us! And keep on sucking my cock! Make it good and wet cos I'm going to fuck you too! Oh yes, I'm going to give your cunt a real good fucking!"

Doris was moaning non-stop, her pretty face screwed up and looking desperate, her eyes wide and staring. Her back lifted off the bed as she began excitedly thrusting her hips on the dildo deep in her cunt. She was effectively fucking it, the red shaft flashing in and out of her cunt in bright contrast to the black stockings and suspenders and her pale naked skin. Her anguished cries were muffled by the huge dildo jammed in her mouth, but her body was in spasm, heaving and twisting, her hips jerking frantically as she reached her orgasm.

After she had climaxed, she sprawled out on the bed, gasping and panting. Her nipples were still standing out rock hard. Vera climbed onto the bed beside her and gently smoothed her hair. "Well, Doris," she said softly. "Do you always cum as hard as that when some man is shagging you?"

Doris was still getting her breath back and could only slowly shake her head. Vera smiled and let her hand fall on one of Doris's breasts, gently massaging the stiff nipple. "I can see you're still feeling horny, aren't you," she went on. She placed her hand on Doris's thigh, on bare flesh above the stocking top. "Open your legs, Doris."

Doris looked at her in surprise. "What?" she whispered.

"We're not finished with you yet, open your legs."

With some reluctance, Doris moved her legs apart and stared up at Vera with consternation on her face. "What... what are you going to do?" she stammered.

Her answer was to feel Vera's hand moving between her legs and a finger rubbing her swollen pussy lips. Immediately, Doris gasped and started breathing fast. She felt a finger pushing into her cunt and gave a little cry. The fucking she had just endured had left her cunt wet and stretched. It was easy for Vera to work another finger in and begin finger fucking her.

"Oh, your cunt is so wet, Doris," Vera said in a whisper. "It's ready for some more, isn't it."

All this time, Kate had been standing by impatiently, watching her friend. "For fuck's sake," she exclaimed. "She's just a fucking little whore, Vera. Of course she wants more. It's my turn now, roll the bitch over, I want to see her arse when I'm fucking her."

Doris found herself suddenly manhandled onto her tummy and dragged again to the edge of the bed, with her feet on the floor and her legs apart, her perfectly rounded little arse high in the air and her inviting cunt open and exposed. It happened so quickly she was taken totally by surprise. She gasped out, "What are you doing!" but Kate was already guiding her strapon towards its target between the outstretched thighs. Doris desperately tried to reach back and cried out "Please don't! I can't take any more! Please no!"

Kate laughed. "Oh I love it when you beg, bitch! Beg me some more." She rubbed the dildo up and down on Doris's cunt lips. Doris's face showed her distress. "Please," she pleaded. "Please don't it. Please!"

"Fucking bitch whore," Kate said harshly. "You're just a fucking slut and you're getting raped. I want your cunt and I'm taking it!"

The knob slid straight in through the unprotected cunt lips and Kate brutally rammed it home. She was not gentle. She really was raping Doris. She viciously slammed the huge dildo in and out its entire length, jolting the slender little body so hard Doris was clutching at the bed cover and screaming. She took hold of Doris by her hips and pulled her back onto the dildo in time with every forward thrust she was making. It looked like the big strong woman was fucking a slender little naked doll rigged out in stockings and suspenders. The big strong woman was spitting out words with every thrust. "Take... my... cock... you... fucking... tart... you... little... asian... bitch... you... little... whore..."

The force of the fucking knocked Doris almost breathless and stopped her screaming, but she cried out every time the massive dildo slammed into her cunt. Her tits were being dragged to and fro on the bedcover causing her erect nipples to be twisted and pulled with every jolt. And almost beyond belief, she was starting to cum off again. The pounding in her cunt and the action on her nipples had her aroused enough to begin jerking her hips on her own. She was out of control, crying, moaning, twisting and turning and arching her slim little body, trying to screw herself backwards onto Kate's dildo. Kate stopped moving and laughed as she watched Doris wildly and helplessly fucking herself on the dildo as another orgasm swept over her.

When it was over, the women spreadeagled Doris on the bed with Kate licking and sucking her nipples, and Vera once again dipping her head between Doris's legs and licking and sucking at the freshly fucked cunt. They had taken off their strapons, but obviously they still liked having the unresisting oriental girl's naked body available for their enjoyment. Doris was spent, breathing fast and hard, eyes closed and looking totally exhausted, moaning occasionally when she felt Vera's fingers entering her cunt or Kate's lips pulling too hard on a nipple.

After a few minutes, Kate nudged Vera aside and caught one of Doris's legs between her own thighs. She pulled their bodies together until their cunts were touching, and began to grind herself against Doris. Doris opened her eyes and groaned, looking down at the intertwined thighs and the older woman's cunt rubbing against her own. She put a hand weakly on Kate's shoulder as if to resist, only to find it quickly grasped by Vera. "Feel my pussy, Doris," Vera said hoarsely. "You've made me wet, fucking your beautiful little body has made my pussy wet for you. Feel me, finger me, finger fuck me, Doris!"

She doubled back two of Doris's fingers and pushed the other two into her cunt. Doris looked totally bewildered by what they were doing to her now, her cunt being ravaged by one woman remorselessly grinding her own cunt hard against Doris's, while her fingers were being unwillingly forced in and out of the other woman's cunt. To make it worse, Vera was taking the opportunity to fondle her tits and bite and suck at her nipples, and Kate had her fingers between their bodies, furiously rubbing Doris's clit as she crushed their cunts together.

The non-stop sexual stimulation was getting too much for Doris. Her head rolled from side to side, her cries got shriller and louder, she was pushing her cunt against Kate's just as much as Kate was doing. The three of them were all making eager noises, grunts, moans, groans, but the older women orgasmed first with shrieks and cries of excitement. Doris was still building up to a climax. Still finger fucking Vera, she thrust two fingers into her own cunt and pistoned them desperately in and out. Her tiny body rolled from one side to the other. Her eyes were tight shut and her mouth wide open. Her stocking clad legs splayed incredibly wide apart. As she reached yet another orgasm her hips lifted off the bed. She gave a long loud shriek and clamped her thighs tight together round the fingers still in her cunt, holding them there until her body subsided.

The orgasm left her lying flat out on the bed, gasping and panting, totally exhausted. Her hands were clutching her tits, her palms rubbing slowly across her nipples. Her legs were carelessly sprawled wide apart with stockings and suspenders still intact. Vera found Doris's discarded thong, lifted the girl's foot and slipped it round her ankle. She grinned down at the small slim naked figure then turned to Kate. "Well, didn't I tell you Doris would be a good fuck? You can always tell the horny ones, the ones that want it."

Kate laughed. "She's just a fucking little whore. How many times did she cum?"

"She's not a whore, Kate, just a sexy little asian girl that likes a good ride. Did you see the way she fucked those dildos! Horny little cunt, isn't she."

"All right then, she's a horny little cunt and a good fuck... we should do her again sometime."

Doris was still lying there naked, eyes closed, uncaring, not even aware that the two women had finished dressing and left her. I intended to go and find her husband to tell him that his sexy young wife had just been fucked senseless by two older lesbians. But Jack was already there, standing behind me, grinning like a Cheshire cat. I had been so intent watching Doris getting fucked I hadn't realised he was there too, and had seen it all.

"Now that was good," he said softly, with a big smile. He began to undress. "I'll give her a few minutes then I'm going to fuck her. Then we'll take her home."
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