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This is one of my true sex stories, as in this shit actually happened.

If you don't believe it that's fine, I mean I get it, it's pretty fucking unbelievable.

When I was living it I almost couldn't believe it.

Even looking back now I'm a little incredulous, despite the fact that I was there.
I'm gonna tell you a story that happened in 1992 when I was 24 I had this 19 year old girlfriend who went to Belmont University here in Nashville.

Besides being charming, intelligent, and devastatingly beautiful, she was built like a brick shit house.

She had one of those classic hourglass figures.

Big birthing hips, big, beautiful titties, a relatively slender waist in between, and a big, juicy ass.

She's the only girl that I ever dated who's butt I sometimes had the irresistible urge to pinch.

It was just so perfect.

So one summer we went to visit my mother in Pensacola, and we had sex one night in an open lifeguard tower on the beach.

Won't go into too much detail about that but suffice it to say that a good time was had by all.

However that wasn't the only time we had sex in a public place.

We went to the bluffs while we were there, and they have this series of long wooden walkways all over that place.

I bent her over the wooden railing of one of the walkways, and was giving it to her good when we heard some people and had to stop.

When we got to the car and began driving off she suddenly said, "I think they saw us."

"Why do you say that?" I inquired, thinking that maybe she was just being paranoid.

She shot me a furtive glance, biting the edge of her bottom lip before explaining, "I kind of saw them, or, I mean I saw one of them, quickly turning around and walking away."

My jaw dropped, and I was more amused than angry when I exclaimed, "Why didn't you tell me?"

"Well I was a little distracted." she replied, stealing a moment away from the road to throw me a wry smile.

"Oh, right." I said sheepishly, my cheeks flushing a little.

"Besides," she went on. "As soon as they'd backed up far enough they started deliberately making noise and well, you knew what was up by then."

I could go on and on about all the crazy shit we did on that trip, much less throughout the course of our relationship, but today I want to tell you what happened on our way home.

We were driving up Interstate 65 which is a straight shot all the way to Nashville, or rather she was driving and I was lounging in the passenger seat.

She was wearing this black velvet dress that hugged her body in all the right places and hung about midthigh when she was standing, but sitting in the car it rode up a bit higher.

She was looking sexy as fuck, no surprise there, and I was feeling a little bored so as I looked at her bare thighs I came up with a way to entertain myself.

I placed my hand on her leg just below the hem of her dress.

I say "hem" but as I recall it wasn't hemmed at all.

It was as if she'd just cut the bottom off a longer dress.

She shot me a quick glance, giving me a little sideways smile.

I knew that smile well at this point and as I slid my hand up the inside of her thigh, slipping it under her dress, she opened her legs a bit further, biting her bottom lip.

I warmed up by gently rubbing her clit through her panties.

Before long she was wiggling, and gently rolling her hips, rubbing herself against my hand.

Once she began whimpering, like she did when she was really turned on, I slipped my hand into her panties.

Since she was already warmed up I skipped the preliminaries and went straight to it, plunging a finger into her slick pussy.

I had to give it to her, she didn't take long to get hot and wet.

Every time I ever got into those panties she was moist and ready to go.

Today was no exception.

After fingering her for a minute I slid my fingers up to play with her stiff yum button.

I kept switching it up like that and she responded by occasionally quivering, or bucking her hips.

She was clearly having an increasingly difficult time concentrating on the road, and that's when I did something that made her squeal and pop up out of her seat.

The car swerved but she quickly got it under control once her ass was back in her seat.

Then she grabbed my wrist, yanking my hand out of her panties and I thought the party was over, but that's when she turned to me and said, "We need to pull over, like right now."

Needless to say we pulled off at the next exit, she was driving after all.

Not that I would have argued under pretty much any circumstances.

If I had been driving, not even thinking about sex, and out of the blue she'd said, "We need to pull over and fuck."

I would have hit the next exit without hesitation.

So I guess what I'm saying was that I was just as down to fuck as she was at any given moment.

As soon as we came off the ramp I couldn't believe our luck, and in fact sometimes it still blows my mind when I think about it.

There was nothing off that exit except a burnt out building that had clearly once been a gas station.

As we pulled into the lot next to the building I took a good look around and sure enough, other than high grass, there was nothing off this exit ramp.

As soon as she came to a stop we got out and quickly headed towards the building.

I was 24 at the time so I already had an erection before I'd even touched her leg, but if I hadn't had, seeing the way her sweet ass jiggled in that dress as she scurried across the lot would have brought me to attention for sure.

We enter a dark, debris strewn hallway and she immediately faced the wall, pulling up her skirt and dropping her panties.

As I pulled out my cock she place her hands flat on the wall, arching her back and presenting to me.

The only thing that looked better than her ass in that dress was her bare ass.

I grasped her hips firmly as I bent my knees, getting into the right position to penetrate her sweet pussy.

She wiggled her butt as I grasped my shaft, guiding it to he creamy slit.

She was so wet and ready that the head of my cock easily slid through her velvety petals and straight to the honey hole.

I'm no sure how much you know about the weather down here but in the summertime sudden thunderstorms are common.

It'll be all sunny when suddenly a thunderhead forms, and it pours for 5 to 20 minutes, with lightning and thunder, and then, just as quickly, it's over and the sun is out again.

Now just in case you haven't already figured it out, the reason I bring this up is that right as I entered her, BOOM! Thunderstorm!

So it's pouring out there, and by the way, this building had a roof, but no doors whatsoever.

So when I say "out there" I mean like, two feet from us.

So there we are, on our feet, fucking in this burnt out building while a storm rages around us, and let me tell you it was fucking awesome!

After a few minutes the rain seemed to have slowed, but we hadn't.

My hips were slapping her fine ass as I tried burying as much of my manhood into her as I could with every thrust.

She was clearly of the same mind, rolling her hips back to meet me every time I drove in.

Hell, if anything she was pumping harder than I was, which is a real turn on.

It was still raining, but not nearly as hard, and I heard a roll of thunder further away, meaning the main storm had moved off.

I couldn't hold it in anymore so I let her know, "I'm gonna cum!"

"Cum inside me!" she demanded, which really drove me over the edge.

She was on the pill so cumming inside her was never really an issue, but she didn't always want it there, which is why I always tried to tell her when I was cumming.

Realistically our options were limited, but still, it's always hot when a woman asks you to cum inside her.

At least I think it is.

I had been holding her by the hips and fucking her, but now I leaned in, wrapping one arm around her waist, and with the other hand I fondled her ample breasts.

I put my head over her shoulder, she turned her head to the side, and as we tongue kissed I began pumping my sperm deep into her wet and willing cunt.

I slowed my stroke, thrusting in with each ejaculation.

She broke from our kiss, facing forward and bearing down.

I could hear her grunting and I could feel her rhythmically squeezing my cock, milking out every drop.

As I finished my orgasm I pushed in as deep as I could get and did the swirl.

Y'all know what I'm talking about, right?

The swirl?

When you're in deep, and you roll your hips in a circle, kinda stirring up the pussy?

If you do it at the right times you'll a squeal, a yelp, or, as in this case, a satisfied sigh as she slowly rolled her hips, fucking herself with my cock.

As she push back she relaxed her muscles, welcoming me in, but when pulled forward she squeezed me tight, practically sucking at my shaft.

My body quivered and a let out an involuntary moan, more of a shivering sigh really, as she drew a little orgasm aftershock out of me.

I squeezed her body a little tighter in my arms, and then brought my hand up, gently touching her cheek.

She instantly took my cue and turned her head, kissing me again.

As we tongued each other, deeply, and passionately, I suddenly got a wicked idea.

I broke for our kiss, pulling out, which caused her to bark out a high pitched little yelp.

Then I released her, reaching down and grabbing her panties, quietly pulling them up.

"Wait..." she began to protest.

But I once again embraced her from behind, my hand snaking down, and under her skirt.

Then as I patted the crotch of her panties, clearly already filling with my gooey man milk, I whispered in her her, "I want you to ride around with my cum in your panties for a while baby."

"You're twisted." she giggled.

"Oh you love it." I asserted with a crooked smile.

Her response was to wiggle free from grasp, rather deftly I might add, before grasping my head in both hands, pulling me down, and plunging her tongue into my mouth.

Although it caught me a bit by surprise, it was a pleasant surprise.

She kissed me hot and deep until she'd decided she was done, when she finished with a wet smack.

Then she released my head, grasping me by the hand, and saying simply, "Let's go."

We trotted back to the car despite the fact that it was only lightly sprinkling at that point.

It was then that I realized my rapidly deflating cock was still hanging out.

Fortunately there wasn't anyone else around so it was no big deal.

We got in the car, she started it up, but before we pulled out I tapped her arm, pointing at my flaccid penis and saying, "You tuckered the little fella out."

"Awww," she said, leaning over and kissing it lightly on the head, gently petting it with her hand as she looked up and said, "He's such a good boy."

I couldn't help bursting into laughter, and as she straightened up, flashing me a satisfied smile, she was clearly pleased with herself.

She pulled the car back onto the Interstate and we drove in silence for a while.

Then she suddenly tapped my arm.

When I looked over at her she pointed at my crotch and said, "Could you put that thing away, it's a little distracting."

"Oh shit, sorry." I said, stuffing my dick back in my pants, and zipping up, my cheeks flushing with embarrassment.

Now if you're thinking 'Damn, this girl was a hot fuck!' I'd have to agree, but do keep in mind that this was just a quickie on the side of the road.

Imagine what this girl could do to you in the bedroom.

Of course I don't have to imagine so you can trust me when I say that this story only hints at this chick's skills.

Anyway, Drthat's my story, and although that was a truly hot fuck, it wasn't the hottest fuck I've ever had.

What was the hottest fuck I've ever had?

Leave a comment letting me know that you're interested and I'll tell y'all about it sometime.


2019-07-26 23:14:33
yes tell us

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