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Claire's embarrassment continues
I'm being Blackmailed

by Vanessa Evans

Part 07


Tony did take me to the pub that night and he had me wear just a dress; a really short dress that was slightly see-through. His mates spent the evening looking at my tits and pussy both through the dress and under it. Some of them even groped me when I went to the bar. The skirt part of the dress was so short that they could easily grope my butt and pussy without having to reach down then up the skirt.

I orgasmed twice whilst stood at that bar waiting to be served. The barman kept looking at my tits through the top part of the dress and he had a big grin on his face when I orgasmed. I was sure that he took a long time to serve me just so that he could look at me.

I woke early the next morning feeling unhappy. I lay there reflecting on my life and the position that I’d got myself into. Why oh why did I make those stupid mistakes? I was happy with my little life before it all started. Okay it was a bit boring but it was normal and comfortable.

Now! Now my life was soo different, so uncertain, so unpredictable, so embarrassing, so dangerous, and soo humiliating. I feel like I had no choice other than to give myself to Tony. Give every aspect of my life and my body to him to control as he sees fit.

Why had I let him convince me that signing that damn contract was a good thing? Why hadn’t I asked for a 14 day cooling off period? Why had I thought that signing it was a good thing? He’d made it sound like a good deal for me and in some sort of perverted way it is a good deal. Plenty of orgasms (I hope) and lots of sexual arousal; and that huge amount of money at the end of the contract – if I’m still alive or not locked-up somewhere; but the embarrassment and humiliation, that will be hard to accept. And will he get me into trouble with the law? Okay he’s promised to protect me from that but how can he? If he orders me to be naked and masturbate in front of a huge crowd I will have to do it and just hope that I don’t get arrested.

Okay, he’s given me some amazing moments of pleasure in the past that I doubt that I could ever have had when I was on my own, but the price of that pleasure has been the loss of every bit of self-respect and lots of embarrassment and humiliation. I’m now just an object for him to do whatever he wants with and I’m sure that he will find more ways to humiliate me in front of my friends and family as well as his. I just hope that he doesn’t humiliate me in front of my parents. That would just kill them.

And what about my cousin Aria? He is already watching her in my old room at my parent’s house; he’s seen her naked and masturbating; would he try to blackmail her too? Make her do all the humiliating things that he makes me do? Even worse, would he make me make her do those horrible things? And that’s even before I think about the physical pain that he will inflict on me, or get other people to do it. Will his punishments go beyond the things that he’s already done to me? Will he permanently damage my body?

I feel like I’m just his slave, his whore, a piece of meat for him to do whatever he likes with.

My alarm rang and I jumped up off my bed. I say ‘off’ my bed not ‘out of’ my bed because Tony has banned me from being covered when I sleep. Luckily, he hadn’t tied my wrists and ankles to the corners of the bed so I had no aches and pains.

I quickly showered and shaved everywhere below my neck then ran to the kitchen to get his breakfast ready. Thankfully he usually doesn’t have a fried breakfast.

“Good morning slave,” Tony said as I ran into the room. “Took your time in the bathroom didn’t you?”

“Sorry Master, it won’t happen again.”

“Set your alarm for 10 minutes earlier to make sure that it doesn’t. Now bend over in front of me so that I can check that there are no traces of hair around your pussy.”

I did as commanded and as he inspected me he slid a finger inside my vagina.

“Why was I so wet?” I silently asked myself as he flicked my clit making me moan and want more.

But I didn’t get more; instead I had to get on with the breakfast. As I worked I wondered what was in store for me that day. It was a work day; Tony had promised that the only real change at work would be the stopping of the gang-bangs each evening. Was that true? What would he make me do? I dreaded to think.

I had to go out to his car wearing just my collar with the rectangles skirt, the little skirt that doesn’t really cover anything, and as we went outside a group of young people going to college walked by and saw me. I got a few rude comments but in general they were more amused that I was virtually naked.

At work I got on with my usual tasks as the others slowly arrived. They were used to seeing me naked at work and I have to admit that I was starting to get used to it. Once everyone was there Tony called a meeting and told the Engineers that they would be based at their homes from then on and only come to the office once a week on a Monday morning for team meetings; and that my body was now off-limits without direct permission from himself.

That caused a few disappointed groans.

Tony continues and told the Engineers that all materials required were to be phoned-in and that they would be couriered out to them overnight.

Having said that he gave all of then a sheet of paper with the URLs of all the cameras in the office and my bedroom and my old bedroom at my parent’s house that is now my cousin Aria’s bedroom. When he said that I tried to think of a way that I could get her out of my parent’s house but I couldn’t think of a way.

The delivery guys got their usual look at my body and so did Rajeev, the snack van man and his other customers at that time. I’m sure that some of them don’t work around Tony’s place and there has started to be quite a few vans parked close by around the time of Rajeev’s visit. The rude comments keep coming but I’ve heard them all before.

I got a little scared that lunchtime because a police car arrived and 2 policemen joined the queue to be served. I heard them asking people if anyone was offended by me being naked. The only replies were ones saying that they wished more girls would do the same.

“Fair enough.” One policeman said and nothing more was said about me being naked.

When we got back to Tony’s apartment that evening there was a workman waiting outside the door. He stared at me with a big grin on his face as we walked to the door and Tony acted as if it was totally normal for a young girl wearing just a minute skirt would be following him in. The workman stared even more when I took all my clothes off as Tony opened the door.

It took that workman nearly an hour to screw something to the ceiling during which time Tony had me exercise on the cycle, telling me to pedal as quick as I could. I came twice while the workman watched.

When he had gone, Tony took a look at the webbing that was now hanging from the ceiling. After moving it around he called me over, telling me to bring the kitchen stool with me.

After some experimenting and instructions from Tony I was left sitting on one part of the webbing with my legs through 2 other loops that kept my legs spread wide. Apart from my legs being spread wide displaying my open pussy to anyone in front of me, and the fact that my spread open pussy was at cock height, it was quite comfortable.

My open pussy was at the right height for Tony to just stand in front of me and fuck me, and he did. He can hold my hips and push me back and forwards fucking me as I go back and forwards.

After my latest orgasm subsided I wondered who he would get over to watch me and probably fuck me like that.

Tony then had me practice getting in and out of that ‘swing’ until I could get on and off easily on my own then it was time for me to get some food ready whilst he scanned the monitors for anything that interested him. He left the monitor showing my old bedroom on all the time and whilst we were eating Aria entered the room and stripped naked. After going for a shower with a towel wrapped around her, she came back and proceeded to pluck a few hairs from around her pussy then rub her clit to an orgasm.

“Got to replace that camera with one that zooms and has a microphone.” Tony said as a forkful of spaghetti entered his mouth. “I’ll fix something up then you’ll have to go and visit your parents Claire.”

“To help you spy on my naked cousin? I don’t think so Tony.”

“You seem to be forgetting something Claire; do I need to go and get a copy of our agreement? You know that it says that you will do everything that I say. I’ll have a replacement teddy bear ready by the weekend and you can swap it. You’d better phone your parents and get yourself invited to Sunday lunch.”

My heart dropped. It was bad enough that Tony was now ruling my life but to get me to help him spy on my cousin even more than he was doing already. I’ve seen the detail that his spy camera can get, it would mean that he’d be able to see every little bit of stubble on her pussy, and to see every little detail when she masturbates.

“And since you decided to question me you can spent the night on your front on your bed with you wrists and ankles tied to the corners, thinking about how much your butt hurts. Yes, I’m going to turn your butt red before I go to bed.”

I’m getting used to having my body abused by Tony and his friends, and I have to say that I often enjoy it; it’s just that the timings are always to suit him, not me.

Thankfully, Tony gave me 10 minutes in the bathroom before I had to go and submit to his desires. As is usually the case, my crying subsided as my butt got hotter and hotter, that heat spreading to my pussy. Tony has the ability to know when I am close to having an orgasm and he often uses that knowledge to stop and deny me the orgasm.

I had to just grind my pubes into the mattress hoping that for once those actions would give me the relief that I desired; but it never does and I always end up going to sleep a frustrated girl.

The rest of the week was very much the same embarrassment and humiliation. On the Friday evening Tony took me to the pub where we met quite a few of his mates. He had me wear just a micro dress and heels and in the crowded bar his mates all stood around me blocking the rest of the pub from seeing me.

Tony took that opportunity to tell me to take my dress off and to let his mates grope my naked body while they talked about football and politics.

At the end of the evening they managed to usher me out still surrounding me and it wasn’t until we were all in the middle of the car park that they all moved away leaving me stood there, stark naked in the middle of the car park. Okay it was night but that car park has lots of floodlights.

I ran to the car and hid behind it until Tony let me in.

He fucked me on the swing before telling me to go to bed.

I’d phoned my mother on the Saturday morning and she was only too happy to have me for Sunday lunch. With the teddy bear in my bag and wearing my longest skirt (still very short) and a semi-decent top, no bra (I no longer own a bra anyway), I set off to my parent’s house.

They were so happy to see me, and I them; but I felt really bad about the mission that Tony had sent me on. Fortunately Aria had gone home to her parents for the weekend and it was easy to swap the teddy bears. Just as I was leaving my old bedroom my phone rang. It was Tony telling me to turn the teddy bear slightly to the right then to lay on the bed and spread my legs.

I did, then Tony accused me of being sexually excited by the situation that I was in. When I denied it and asked him why he’s thought that he told me that he could see my wet and swollen pussy.

“Poor Aria, I’m so sorry.” I thought as I left the room and went back downstairs to my parents.

As we talked over coffee mum asked me how I was getting on, at work and with my new living arrangements. For a second I thought that she knew about my contract with Tony and I blushed. Then I realised that she couldn’t possibly know and that it was just an innocent, caring question.

As directed by Tony, but I also wanted to, I asked my parents if I could make Sunday lunch a monthly event. They agreed, and I didn’t tell them that Tony wanted me to change the teddy bear’s batteries once a month.

I slipped up one time and I accidentally flashed my bare butt and pussy to my father. I was bending over to pickup my mother’s cup and forgot that my father was sat behind me. I didn’t realise at the time but when I was helping him wash-up he asked me if I’d forgotten something when I got up that morning or if it was the fashion these days for young girls to go knickerless.

“I blushed and told him that knickers were going out of fashion.”

“I wish that I was a young man again.” Daddy replied.

When I got back to Tony’s apartment I remembered to strip out in the hallway then went in. I was surprised to see Zoey, one of Tony’s sisters there.

“Hello Claire Cumalot.” Zoey said, “I hear that you’ve sold yourself to my brother.

“Camelot not Cumalot.” I thought, but said nothing.

“And my brother tells me that I can spank you whenever I want, aren’t you the lucky girl?”

I said nothing.

“Pack a bag before you go to bed Claire, you’re going to London for the week.”

“What? You didn’t say anything about going to London. And why?”

“I’m telling you now. Just some dresses and shoes will do. I may get some new ones for you whilst we’re there.”

“You’re coming too.”

“Yes, I’ve got some business to take care of and you have an appointment.”

“Who with? What for?”

“All in good time girl. Now bend over the back of the sofa; I’m loaning you to Zoey for a couple of hours.”

My jaw dropped a bit as I turned to look at Zoey. She was grinning.

“Spread those legs girl.” Zoey said, “I want to see inside of that cute little, wet hole of yours.”

For the next couple of hours I had to endure Zoey abusing my butt and pussy with her hand, a cane, a huge dildo (that was painful) and her mouth. She also made me eat her pussy until she orgasmed.

I was glad when Tony got back, although she did make me cum once.

The next morning saw Tony and I catching a train to London with me still not knowing why I was going with him.

“What was I supposed to do while he was at his business meetings?” I thought as I sat there next to Tony. He’s told me to sit with my knees apart so that anyone walking down the aisle, who cared to look, would be able to see my bare pussy.

It was embarrassing looking at the men walking along the isle and seeing where there eyes were looking; but at the same time it was arousing. By the time the train stopped in London about 20 men had seem my, by then very wet, pussy.

I was very curious when Tony told the taxi driver at the train station to take us to Harley Street. I wondered if he had some sort of illness that he hadn’t told me about.

I got one hell of a shock when we gout out of the taxi outside one of the expensive doctor’s surgery and Tony told me that we were there to get some surgery done to my pussy.

“But you can’t, the contract says that there would be no permanent damage to my body.”

“There won’t be any permanent damage to your body. This isn’t going to be any damage, its going to be an enhancement, it will make you look more beautiful.”

“Just exactly what are you talking about Tony?”

“Getting rid of your inner labia.”

I was sort of stunned for a minute. I’d always thought that my ‘flaps’ were a bit big and not very pretty, but a girl gets used to something like that; learns to live with it. I tried to imagine what I would look like with no flaps.

The fresh air had dried my pussy since we got off the train but it started getting wet again.

I started to warm to the idea. After a minute or so I said,

“You’re not planning on getting any breast implants for me while we’re here are you?”

“Fuck no, I like your tits as they are. More than a handful is a waste. So you’re not going to try to argue about your flaps are you Claire? I’d hate to have to put you over my knee out here in the street.”

“Err no, I guess not. Will it hurt?”

“No, I’m sure that the surgeon will give you some sort of local anaesthetic, but I guess that you’ll be sore for a few days afterwards and you’ll probably feel more exposed, but you’ll like that part.”

“Will I?”

“Yes Claire you will; and I’ll be able to show the new you to all my friends and relatives.”

“Gee thanks; more embarrassment.”

“Come on Claire; let’s get it done.”

“So they’re expecting us?”

“Yes, I booked it just as soon as you’d signed the contract.”

“So is this trip just to get female genital mutilation performed on my pussy?”

“Consensual FGM; that’s the difference.”

“But isn’t it still illegal?”

“I guess that if the surgeon says that he can do it then it isn’t illegal. Anyway, it’s about to happen so stop complaining.”

“I’m not complaining.”

“Good; come on.”

Three hours later we were walking out and, in spite of the anaesthetic, I could feeling the breeze on my pussy even more than when I went in. It was still a bit numb but I could still feel the breeze. I could also feel a bit of pain and I expected that to get worse as the anaesthetic completely wore off. I was glad that the doctor gave me some pain killers to take.

Tony had got the surgeon to agree to him watching the procedure, and to video it, but Tony was a bit pissed when he had been told to leave my pussy alone for about a week, and as we looked for a taxi he told me that my mouth and throat were going to get a hammering.

We went to the hotel next where he checked us in and took me to the room, then he left for his business meeting. I took a couple of painkillers then found a way that I could get a good look at my new pussy in one of the big mirrors in the room.

It was then that I discovered that half of my clit hood was gone; my clit was exposed and there was nowhere for it to hide. I was annoyed to say the least, Tony had said nothing about getting half my clit hood removed as well.

I kept looking at myself in the mirror trying to decide what to do, and if I liked what I saw. I always thought that I had too much skin that wasn’t doing anything but to see most of it gone was a shock, then after a while, not a shock.

As I stared at my new pussy I slowly came round to liking what I saw. I love orgasms and with my clit being permanently exposed I figured that I’d have a lot more of them. I just hoped that Tony wouldn’t take advantage of my clit’s exposure to torture me by putting some vibrator thing in my knickers and keeping it switched on for hours. Then I remembered that Tony won’t let me wear knickers so I relaxed.

I touched my clit but it must have still been numb. Then I moved my hand away and decided that I liked what I saw, except for the cut marks and the stitches. Bot those would be gone in a few days.

The surgeon told me that I would heal in a couple of days and that the stitches would dissolve over time. But he also warned me not to have sex or masturbate until I could touch the scars without them hurting, and even then to be gentle for a couple of weeks.

I guess that what he said made sense but I’d never had an operation before so I had no real experience of recovering from surgery.

I lay back on the bed, knees apart and was asleep in seconds.

Tony woke me up when he returned. He was looking at my pussy close up and had touched my clit which I only just felt.

“It looks good Chloe.” He said when I stirred.

“It hurts.” I replied. “And you never told me that the surgeon was going to remove half of my clit hood.”

“No I didn’t because I thought that you might throw a wobbler.”

“I probably would have.”

“So now that you’ve seen the end product what do you think Claire?”

“Well, when I first saw that half my clit hood was missing I was really annoyed but I slowly came round to liking what I saw. It looks very much like it did 5 or 6 years ago, apart from my clit, that wasn’t as big then. I guess that I’ll cum more often as my clit rubs on things. I hope that you’re not going to take advantage of that Tony.”

“Of course I am; your body is mine now and I’ll do as I please with it. Have you made yourself cum yet?

“It’s still numb.”

“Okay, but I have a need; get on your knees on the floor and take care of me.”

As I was taking care of his hard-on he reminded me that he’d videoed the operation and that his mates would enjoy watching the video. I wasn’t happy about that, but what could I do? No doubt he would also get some sort of weird pleasure out of showing my healed new look to all his mates as well.

When I’d got his deposit in my stomach I decided that I was hungry. When I thought back I realised that I hadn’t eaten anything since breakfast, and that was only some toast.

“Pour me a coffee Claire.” Tony said.

“I’ll have to boil the kettle.”

“No you won’t; pour one from that jug.”

I looked around and saw a jug and some cups on the table.

“Where did that come from?” I asked.

“Room service; I phoned it through when I set off back here. Didn’t you let them in?”

“No, I didn’t hear them.”

“Possibly because I told them that we were out and to just let them selves in.”

“Oh, I guess that I was asleep” I said as I got up and walked over to the table, remembering that I was asleep with my knees wide open when Tony came in. The room service guy must have had a wonderful view.

After I gave Tony his coffee he gave me a gift bag.

“For me?” I asked.


“Thank you Tony.”

“You don’t know what it is yet; open it.”

Even when I looked at the printed label on the box I didn’t know what it was. Even when I saw the word Ohmibod I didn’t know what it was. It was only when I saw the purple ‘thing’ that I started to guess that it was a vibrator.

“Thank you Tony, but when am I going to need to use it. You fuck me whenever you want and you tie me up when you don’t want me touch myself; and I can’t find a control in the box.”

“This is not just any vibrator Claire, it’s controlled by your phone and your phone connects to the internet. I will be able control it from anywhere that has a phone signal.”

“Oh, I see, I won’t be getting any peace when you’re away on a business trip then.”

“Too right girl. Are you up to trying it now?”

“Bloody hell no. The surgeon said that I have to take it easy for a few days; and I need some more painkillers now. The pain is worse than when you whip my pussy.”

“Okay, I’m not a monster, take a couple of those pills then rest while I have a shower. Then you can get ready and I’ll take you out to a restaurant.”

“Can we go by taxi? I don’t feel up to walking very far.”

Tony showered then I did, and when I came out I saw the Ohmibod bouncing about on the table.

“Oh my gawd; is that what it’s going to do inside me? It will kill me.”

“No it won’t; there’s hundreds of thousands of these vibrating inside girls right now and they’re not dying.”

“Okay, I guess that you’re right but it sure as hell will stir things up inside me.”

“And it might even make you cum.”

“I hope so; but not right now.”

“Put your little black dress on and those 6 inch heels and let’s go; I’m getting hungry and we’ve got a big day tomorrow.”

My little black dress is little; it barely covers my butt or my 34B tits; Tony bought it for me solely for the purpose of showing my butt and pussy to anyone who cares to look; but in London that doesn’t matter; there are thousands of girls dressed like that.

We had a very pleasant meal then a drink in a bar before going back to the hotel, Tony didn’t once tell me to flash my pussy to anyone, although I did sit with my knees uncrossed and slightly apart for 2 reasons, firstly because it was more comfortable that way and secondly that is the way that Tony has told me to always sit. As we rode back to the hotel in a taxi I remembered that Tony was a real gentleman before all this blackmail stuff started. He also let me have a quiet and peaceful night.

When I woke up Tony was in the bathroom and I felt a lot better. There was only a slight twinge when I gently swung a leg out of the bed and onto the floor. When I looked at my pussy in the mirror I was happy to see that the swelling was going down and that my whole pussy wasn’t as red, but around the stitches it was purple. I guessed that the bruising was showing.

When I touched myself it still hurt but when I stood up and walked about it was a lot less painful than walking the previous day.

When Tony came out of the bathroom he told me to get on the bed and spread my legs. He had a close look at my pussy and declared that the surgeon had done a good job.

After breakfast Tony picked another ultra short dress for me to wear and then we went to get another taxi. Tony took me, and a small suitcase of some of the products that the company installs to a smallish company somewhere in south London.

We met 4 of the male directors of the company and Tony gave a presentation about what his company could do to help resolve their theft and burglary issues. Then it came to the time to demonstrate the cameras attached to his laptop.

As he was showing the men the images on the screen I heard him demonstrating different modes. All of a sudden one of the men gasped and another 2 started laughing.

I looked puzzled, wondering what Tony was showing them. Then Tony said,

“Stand up Claire and look this way.”

I did, then I saw the men smiling as they looked from the screen, up to me and back.

“Of course,” Tony said, “that camera can see through materials like Claire is wearing; no camera that I know of can see through all clothes, others will show just an outline of the body underneath.”

“Well we have a few young ladies working here but I don’t think that a camera like that would be any use to us, the workwear that they wear will be way too thick for the camera to see through. Maybe some of the customers that call in. That dress that Claire is wearing looks very thin.”

When we finally left there I asked Tony just how much the camera was showing of my body.

“It was like you were naked; we could see your slit and aerolas and nipples. They were sticking out quite nicely. Are you okay for a bit of shopping this afternoon Claire.”

“Let me take another couple of painkillers and I should be.”

“Good, I want to get you naked in some shops.”

“Changing rooms I hope.” I replied.

“Maybe, we’ll see what we can find. We’ll take this case back to the hotel then start looking.”

We found one shop that the signs on the outside said that they sold the sexiest lingerie in London. Of course Tony had to take me in and he quickly found some underwear and bikinis that have no material, just the strings.

“They’re just what you need for the swimming pools and on the beach.” Tony said.

“You’ll get me arrested for indecent exposure.”

“Let me worry about that Claire.”

After having to get naked about a dozen times in 4 different shops; and Tony exposing me to countless other shoppers that were hanging around the changing rooms, Tony finally took me back to the hotel with me carrying 3 bags containing clothes that are more suitable for the Mediterranean or Caribbean in summer than England in a typical cold, wet summer.

Tony let me have a nap before taking me out to a club that night, and he again ordered coffee from room service. Again. I didn’t realise about it until the waiter had been and gone, and, probably, had a good look at my naked body.

The other thing was that the hotel faced another hotel just across the narrow road and Tony had opened the curtains and left me on display for anyone in the other hotel who cared to look.

I managed to switch that fact out of my mind and pretended that the curtains were closed.

Tony decided that we’d get to the club using the Underground. I’d never been on the London Underground and wasn’t really prepared for what was about to come. You see my little black dress is, as previously mentioned, obscenely short, but it’s also very thin and the skirt part flares out. Very risky if it’s breezy.

No one had ever told me about the warm breeze that blows just about everywhere in underground stations and as soon as we went down the first flight of stairs the skirt part of my dress was flying up around my waist.

“Leave it.” Tony said when I first grabbed for it.

“I’ll get arrested, there’s coppers all over the place and CCTV camera. At least one person will be sat watching me all the time.”

“Let them, you’ve got a great body and I’m proud to show it to everyone.”

“That’s alright for you to say.”

“Leave it Claire.”

I wasn’t prepared for the long escalators as well. I hate to think how much the people coming up them were seeing, and, of course, Tony had to stand in front of me when we were going up and behind me when we were going down.

I also wasn’t prepared for the wind that blows along the platforms, especially when a train approaches. I hate to think how many people saw my butt and pussy but I have to admit that the wind felt nice tickling my cut down pussy and exposed clit.

And to compound my embarrassment Tony had me sit on one of the seats that backs to the side of the carriage and there was a couple of middle-aged men sat opposite. Tony has also told me to sit on the front edge of the seat and to lean back so the old men had a great view.

What’s more, one of their eyes had been following me since I stepped onto the carriage; and when I sat opposite him both his eyes were glued to my pussy.

I watched as he elbowed his mate then there were 4 eyes on my pussy.

Fortunately, or not, those 2 men only got about 5 minutes looking at my pussy before Tony bent down and told me that we were getting off. I was hoping that my embarrassing experience was over but it wasn’t; all we were doing was changing trains.

Again I had to endure the escalators and standing on a very drafty platform before having to sit opposite a group of 4 young men. That time Tony stood away from me, possibly to give the impression that I was traveling on my own.

Tony’s trick must have worked because the 4 young men started with the comments just as soon as the train moved off.

The things that those young men called me and the things that they said that they wanted to do to me was both unbelievable and understandable. There I was displaying my pussy to them and not stopping when they made it clear that they were looking at it.

The one thing that one of them said that pleased me was that he said that I had a little girl’s pussy. He actually asked me how old I was. Of course I just sat there ignoring them all and thinking that I was grateful to Tony for the surgery.

I was both happy and unhappy when Tony waved at me to tell me that we had to get off that train. As I was getting off the train I was feeling flattered that those young men liked the look of me enough to make those comments.

Then I had to endure more escalators, and there were more young people around, some of them had obviously started on the pop early.

Fortunately we didn’t have to walk far to the club which was a typical noisy club, on 2 levels, one a mezzanine complete with steel grating with a partial glass floor and a steel staircase with steel grating steps. At the bottom of the staircase was a big printed sign telling girls to take their high heels off before going up. There was also a hand written sign saying that only girls in short skirts with no knickers were allowed up there and I wondered if it was an official sign or just some hopeful perv. I looked under the stairs and could see a few men watching girls go up the stairs.

Tony saw the signs, laughed and said,

“Well you’ll be okay then.”

As I climbed the stairs I just knew that those men would be looking up at my pussy. I was annoyed that Tony had put me in that position – again; but at the same time I quite enjoyed the experience.

Tony had us stay up there for over an hour and I have no idea how many men looked up and saw my pussy whilst we were dancing, although I wasn’t the only girl up there in a short skirt, there were dozens of us. I wondered how many were knickerless.

It didn’t help that, along with the flashing coloured lights, there were a number of spotlights shining up from below. I should have been embarrassed at being exposed like that but it all seemed a bit detached and besides, there were probably lots of other girls showing as much as me.

I say ‘it didn’t help’, and in a way it didn’t, but I was getting turned on and deliberately standing and dancing with my feet well apart. When I realised that I said to myself,

“What the fuck are you doing girl; shut those bloody legs.”

I did, but they soon started drifting apart again. There’s something wrong with me. Maybe I should blame Tony for putting me in these situations? But there again, it was my stupidity that started all this.

Thankfully, Tony didn’t want to stay too late and we left before midnight. There were quite a few people out on the streets, including groups of young men wearing football club scarfs. When I told Tony that I was a bit scared and reminded him that London is now the knife capital of the world, he put his arm around me and held me close to him. That was comforting although it did mean that my dress was being pulled up revealing half my butt and my pussy and that alone got a few rude comments.

The underground wasn’t any better either, the train was crowded and I got parted from Tony as we got on. I had to hang on to one of the ceiling straps in the middle of a group of drunk football fans.

With me having to stretch up my dress rose up above my butt and my top was twisted so most of one of my breasts was exposed. It didn’t take long for the comments to start and the hands to start wandering.

OMG, I was so scared, but all that I could do was hope that they’d be getting off at the next station. They didn’t, nor the next one nor the one after that. In that time my pussy got fingered, my butt got fingered and my dress was ripped so that both my tits were exposed.

The pussy fingering was the worst, it really hurt and I hoped that my stitches hadn’t burst.

When the young men finally got off I saw Tony looking at me, naked apart for my dress around my waist. I was nearly in tears and Tony came over to me and put his arms around me.

“Are you okay Claire? That got a bit out of hand.”

“Yes, no, I don’t know; I might be bleeding.”

Tony put his hand between my legs and cupped my pussy.

“Gawd girl, you’re soaking.”

“It might be blood.” I said.

Tony brought his hand up to our faces then said,

“That’s not blood girl, you enjoyed that.”

“No I didn’t.”

“The evidence says that you are lying girl.”

I said nothing but I did blush a bit. Had I really enjoyed being groped and penetrated in both my lower holes by a gang of drunken young men? What the hell is happening to me?

As soon as Tony let go of me I quickly arranged my dress to cover my tits and butt as best I could.

Ours was the next stop and we walked back to the hotel; Tony with his arm around me, stopping me covering my right tit that had come uncovered again.

The girl receptionist gave me a dirty look when we collected the key and in the lift Tony told me to take the dress off. He threw it in the trash bin near the lift doors and I had to walk to the room in just my heels. Fortunately no one saw us. Well no one was there but Tony had to go and point out the cameras along the corridor.

Back in the room Tony told me to have a bath and relax for a while. As I lay there he climbed in and had a shower, his dirty water falling on me. I showered before I got out.

The curtains were wide open when I went into the room and anyone in the hotel over the road could have watched Tony give my pussy a close inspection. After declaring that it was fine he started rubbing my clit until I orgasmed. Then he got my new Ohmibod vibrator out its box and slowly pushed it into my vagina.

I was cringing a bit as he pushed it in and I was happy when it didn’t really hurt. When I told Tony that it didn’t hurt he told me that doctors and surgeons were always over cautious about recovery times because some people are slow healers.

I guessed that I’m not one of those.

Tony switched the vibrator on to low and he got me to suck his cock while the vibe made me more and more horny.

Unfortunately, after he’d shot his load down my throat he switched the vibrator off and a frustrated me had to go to sleep without relief.

The next morning I woke up feeling good. Tony was in the shower and the sun was shining through the un-curtained window. I went over to the window and looked down at the busy street. Then I looked to the hotel opposite.

My mouth dropped but I didn’t move when I saw 2 men on different floors looking over to me. I hate to say it but I enjoyed those men looking at the naked me.

I heard a noise from the bathroom and quickly moved away from the window. When Tony emerged he looked at me then out of the window then said,

“You’ve got an audience Claire.”

“Have I, I didn’t notice.”

“Move to the window and face them, then after a minute wave at them then go and have a shower.”

I felt unhappy about being told to expose myself but at the same time I wanted those men to see me naked again. I hoped that Tony couldn’t read my thoughts.

Breakfast wasn’t room service that morning and Tony took me down to the hotel’s restaurant. Again he had me wear only an almost obscene dress and heels. I got a few admiring (I think) glances from the business men eating their breakfasts but it really wasn’t that embarrassing.

It was back up to the room after that then Tony told me that we were going to a surveillance equipment show.

“Wow,” I thought; then, “well at least he won’t be able to get me to strip in such a public place.”

The morning rush hour was still happening when we got to the underground. Again I had to endure the wind blowing the skirt part of my dress up around my waist and one particularly embarrassing time, when my skirt rose nearly above my breasts, I wished that Tony had bought me tight fitting dresses.

I also had to endure the crowded trains again although that time Tony managed to stand next to me. I felt a lot safer but that didn’t stop one hand, from goodness know who, from going up my skirt and finding its way for a finger to go inside me. And why did I slide my feet apart to facilitate the groping. I again decided that there was something wrong with me.

Tony took me to a Security Convention; an excuse for security business’ to get together and talk about all the latest product, the products that had had sales brochures arriving at the office just about every day. The concept of the convention seemed a bit pointless to me.

When Tony opened the door to the main hall I got a bit of a surprise. Firstly the number of people there amazed me and secondly the size of the place and the number of stalls.

“So what am I doing here Tony?” I asked.

“You’re my superheroine for the day.”


“My superheroine; you’re going to dress as one of the comic books superheroines.”

“I don’t know any superheroines, I never read comic books.”

“That doesn’t matter, I’ve got a costume for you in my briefcase.”

Just then I saw a girl walking passed nearly wearing a black and white bikini with a white cape.

“That’s Phantom Girl.”

“Oh, I see, so what will I be?”

“Well I considered Dawnstar but I didn’t fancy getting the yellow body paint all over the place so I settled on Super Girl.”

“Oh, I’ve heard of Super Girl, or was in Super Woman.”

“Well you’re going to be Super Girl for the day Claire.”

From what I remembered Super Girl / Woman wore a reasonable blue outfit with a big ‘S’ on her chest. I knew that I’d look stupid but at least I wouldn’t be naked.

Tony opened his briefcase, got out a small bag and gave it to me.

“Go to the ladies rest room and change in to that.”

I didn’t feel too bad; until I opened the bag and saw what Tony had told me to put on. As I pulled the blue top on I realised that it was mesh and so thin that I could see everything through it. It wasn’t very long at all and it ended just below my breasts. As I adjusted the top so that the big ‘S’ was central I realised that the ‘S’ wasn’t big enough to cover my nipples.

Then I wrapped the blue skirt round me and realised that it wasn’t very long. In fact it was only about 7 inches long. Okay it went all the way round me – just, but it was very light and flared out so much that I thought it would form a giant polo mint if I laid it out flat. With it on I could slide my hand down the back and the material ran out when my hand was still on the middle of my butt, and at the front the material ran out at the top of my slit.

The last thing in the bag was a red cape, but it was only a short one that came down to my waist; useless for coverage.

“Fuck,” I thought, “a day of embarrassment and humiliation because there were lots of men there and some of them are bound to make some rude comments.”

As I walked out to Tony with my dress in my hand I felt like I was naked. When I got to him he said that he liked what he saw and that we had to walk around the hall so that everyone could see me.

“Oh shit,” I thought, “this is going to be soo humiliating.”

As we walked around I saw lots of girls in strange skimpy outfits that I presumed were like the ones that the comic superheroins wore / wear. One girl was naked but partially sprayed in yellow paint and he had some stupid angel’s wings on her shoulders.

“Bloody hell, I bet that she’s embarrassed.” I said.

“That’s Dawnstar,” Tony replied. “I was going to dress you like that but I couldn’t be bothered with the paint.”

That made me feel less exposed but it didn’t really help, especially when I heard some rude comments or Tony was stood talking to someone and they stared at my tits all the time.

I kept looking around and was unhappy to see lots of men looking my way.

We stopped at one stall and it was obvious that Tony knew the 2 men behind the table. After about a minute of talking Tony turned to me and said,

“Turn around Claire and bend over. Let these guys see how short the skirt is.”

I glared at him then did as I was told.

“Further Claire, spread your feet and touch your toes; and stay like that until I tell you to get up.”

I did; then I heard Tony tell the 2 men all about the surgery that I had had.

“I like the end result.” One man said.

“And I guess that she does too, she’s dripping.”

If I could have got any more embarrassed I would have. As it was the heat coming from my face felt like I was on a beach by the Mediterranean in the middle of summer. I thought about looking sideways to see if anyone was watching the spectacle but I chickened out and kept my eyes closed.

Then I felt a finger invade my vagina and I moaned.

“She really is enjoying this; you’ve got a good one there Tony; do you want to sell her?”

When I heard that my jaw dropped and I thought,

“Is this a fucking slave market as well?”

“No, I don’t think so; she’s not completely broken in yet; she still questions me occasionally.”

“You should put her over your knee and spank her.” One man said.

“I do, but there are other ways to punish her that are arguably more effective.”

“Maybe, but a good spanking looks better.”

I really wanted to stand up and say that I always do what Tony tells me but I thought that he might spank me if I did; and that, there, would be more than I could take.

The finger finally came out of my vagina and pressed on one of my scars. I let out a bit of a yelp and moved my butt forwards, putting my hands on the floor to steady me.

“Still not healed properly then.” One of the men said.

“She’s getting there; she’ll be ready for a good fucking by tomorrow.”

I shuddered and hoped that Tony would leave that for at least another day.

“Stand up Claire.” Tony said.

We left that stall and continued walking, occasionally stopping for Tony to chat with someone or look at a product that he fancied.

Around the middle of the day a man came over to Tony and said that the organisers wanted a group photo of all the girls in heroine costumes. As Tony was telling me that I was going to be part of that group he put his arms around my waist and rolled the top of my skirt a couple of times.

“What are you doing Tony?” I asked.

“Just making sure that your pussy is showing on the photos. There won’t just be the official ones, lots of people will be talking photos of their own and I want them to see you in all your glory. I just hope that they decide to take some spreadies.”

“That’s an idea.” The man stood next to Tony said, “would you mind if me and my buddies took a few selfies with Super Girl?”

As I moved to join the other heroines I heard Tony volunteering me for some selfies. I just hoped that I’d be able to hide my goodies.

The official photographer took lots of shots, group and individual. I saw Dawnstar there and she looked so confident wearing only a very thin layer of yellow paint. In a way I wished that I was as confident as she obviously was.

When it came to taking photos of just me he told me that he wanted me in the famous Super Girl pose. When I told him that I didn’t know what that was he told me to stand with my feet about shoulder width and to put my hands on my hips.

I did and he took 3 different shots, one from just above the floor looking up. It was whilst he was down there that I realised that some of the audience were trying to get the same shot, and I remembered how short the skirt was and that I didn’t have any knickers on.

I cursed myself for getting so used to being knickerless.

When I was free to leave I looked for Tony. On my way around the hall looking for him I was stopped a few times by men wanting to take selfies and spreadies with me. By that time I just didn’t care and was happy to oblige. On my way I saw Dawnstar getting selfies and spreadies taken. She looked so happy.

When I found Tony the man who had originally asked for a selfie was still with him, and he asked again.

“Of course you can mate. Claire, come on.” Tony replied.

After that man about 25 different men wanted the same. I tried to put a brave face on it and smile all the time, but inside I was not happy.

At one point I found myself wishing that I was as happy to display my naked body as Dawnstar obviously was.

After the last photo I went to Tony and he reached down and cupped my still exposed pussy. His hand rubbed on my exposed and still very tender clit, and I orgasmed right there and then.

As I calmed down Tony was holding his wet fingers up in front of my face.

“Suck them Super Girl. I know that you’re horny enough to suck anything that’s put in front of your mouth.”

“I am not.” I just managed to say before his fingers went into my mouth.

“You’ve just tasted the evidence that says that you are and that orgasm confirms it.”

I stayed silent.

“Most of the cameras that that took the photographs were expensive ones with very high resolution, they will have captured every little drop of your juices escaping from your cunt and even I saw a few drops hit the floor whilst you were stood with the other heroines.”

I felt my face start to glow; I was so humiliated.

We continued going around more stalls with Tony talking to more and more people. At one of the stalls they were inviting people to have their photograph taken, and as we got closer I saw a monitor that was displaying the images of a young woman that the camera had just taken.

The salesman explained that for each photo taken by the camera, 4 images were saved onto the computer. The first was a conventional photograph, the second a thermal image, the third was an x-ray, and the last one was of the girl looking very naked.

“That mode is so that the photographer can see if the person is carrying any concealed weapons that don’t show on the other images.” The salesman said.

“Would you like to try it sir?”

“No, but the Super Girl would.” Tony replied as he put his hand on my back and gently pushed me forwards.”

“It’s always a pleasure to photograph such a beautiful young lady.” The salesman said taking my hand and almost pulling me to the little pedestal that was being used.

The salesman told me how to stand, and of course it was with my feet well apart. As I stood there feeling a right idiot I heard the salesman say,

“This should be interesting.”

“Yes,” Tony replied, “it’s always a please to capture a beautiful young lady.”

As I stood there waiting I, at first, felt proud that Tony called me a beautiful young lady, then I started to wonder what he meany by the word ‘capture’. Did he mean capture the image or capture the girl, because he’d certainly captured me, albeit my fault.

I seemed to be stood up there for hours and I started to look around. I saw that other people were photographing me. Then I remembered my skirt.

“Oh shit.” I thought and I felt my face go all red and hot again.

When I was finally told that I could get down I went over to the computer screen and watched the salesman scroll through the stored images. On the thermal image he explained what the different colours meant. Tony laughed and said,

“Look at her crotch and tits. That doesn’t surprise me really; she‘s one hot little slut.”

I looked at the image again and saw that my pussy area and nipples were the brightest on the screen. My face went red again.

Next on the display was x-ray image and I could see all my bones and the shape of my body.

I looked VERY naked on the image that could see through clothes; and on the conventional photograph I was reminded about my nipples showing through my blue mesh top and my slit showing below my way too short skirt.

“The camera resolution is excellent as well.” The salesman said. “You can zoom in to minute detail, excellent for looking to see any labels on clothing.”

But it wasn’t my clothing that he was zooming in on. After lingering on the dimples around my aerolas he moved down to my spread pussy. Okay the shot was from the front but I could clearly see my clit pointing down.

My face got redder.

After a long pause, presumably on maximum zoom, the salesman said,

“Would you like prints of these images sir?”

“Yes please.” Tony replied.

The salesman clicked a few times then went over to a printer. As we waited for him I said,

“That was soo embarrassing.”

“Good.” Was all that Tony said.

When the salesman came back he handed Tony a few sheets of A4 and said,

“I’ve included the close-ups; I though that you might like them.”

“Thank you.” Tony replied and got one of his business cards out of a pocket. “Would you be able to email the stored images please; the email address is on the card.”

“Certainly sir.”

We wandered around some more, and I had to pose for a few more selfies / spreadies, before Tony said that we were leaving. As we got to the door I stopped and asked Tony if I could change back into my dress.

He looked at me then said,

“Unroll the top of the skirt and see how far it will come down.”

I did, and pulled as much as I could on the hem.

“That will do, let’s go.”

As I tried to keep up with Tony I smoothed a hand down the front and the back of the skirt. I decided that if I stood still and upright, and there wasn’t a breeze, I’d be decent.

I kept walking and hoped that Tony meant what he said about me not getting arrested.

Of course, Tony had to leave that place at rush hour, and yes, he had decided that we’d travel on the underground. I hit the same problems with the escalators and the wind blowing along the platforms; and the crowded trains.

It didn’t help that I was still wearing that stupid Super Girl outfit. That alone attracted quite a bit of attention but the light weight, ultra short skirt just would not stay down, was causing me a lot of embarrassment.

Tony reminding me not to hold it down didn’t help either. I have no idea how many people saw my butt and pussy.

And on the crowded train the people stood in front of me got a good look at my tits through the blue mesh top.

At least I didn’t get penetrated while I was in the crowds; but I did feel a hand on my butt under the skirts at one point.

I'm being Blackmailed

by Vanessa Evans

Part 08


We got off at a different station to previous times and when we were on the street Tony told me that there was a shop that he wanted to visit. He didn’t say what sort of shop it was but I soon found out; it was a sex toy shop.

There were a few people in there, mainly men, and they all looked at me when we walked in. I looked around and thought,

“Fuck, this is a sex shop, I bet that Tony will expect me to have sex with some of these men.”

Thankfully, he didn’t. He told me to have a look around while he talked to the man behind the counter. I browsed all the crazy things that were on display, things that I’d never seen before and things that I couldn’t understand what they were or what they were used for.

All the time a couple of the men in there were watching me. It was creepy but at the same time it was sort of nice that they wanted to look at me. I wondered it it would have been the same if my skirt had been knee length instead of not even covering my butt and pussy properly, or my top hadn’t been see-through.

Tony finally stopped talking to the man then came over to me and took me to a ***********ion of ball gags.

“Choose one Claire.”

“What? I don’t want one of those.”

“Choose one Claire.”

I chose a red one with holes in it and a leather strap.

Tony unwrapped it and put it on me the turned me to face the customers that were watching us. Then Tony rolled the top of my skirt again. Because of the light weight material and the design of it, I couldn’t feel how much of me was on display but I guessed that it was a lot.

After a minute or so Tony unfastened the ball gag and told me to unroll my skirt which I quickly did. We then left with Tony nodding to the salesman.

I was soo embarrassed and was glad when we left. As we walked away I said,

“You didn’t pay for that ball gag Tony.”

“Nope, it was a freebie.”

“Why would he give you that?”

“Because I bought something quite expensive from him.”

“All you came out with was that ball gag.”

“The other item is getting delivered.”

“Oh, what is it?”

“Wait and see.”

I was silent for a couple of minutes whilst I wondered what on earth he could have bought, and how it involved me. Then I said,

“For one minute when we went into that shop I thought that you were going to let all the men in there fuck me.”

“You would have liked that wouldn’t you Claire?”


Tony grabbed my arm to stop me walking and he put his hand on my pussy and slid a finger inside me, brushing my clit as he did so. I moaned just before he said,

“You’re lying again Claire.”

I didn’t reply but I did wonder if he was right, I mean I’d been exposed all day and had what seemed like hundreds of spreadie photos taken of me. I had every reason to be very horny.

As we walked on we came across a McDonalds and Tony said,

“I guess that this do for tonight.”

We went in and I immediately noticed the people who had turned to look at Super Girl. I felt so humiliated as I stood there whilst Tony ordered our food on one of the big screens.

Finally Tony was done and he looked for a table for us.

Tony decided that I was going to be on display in the front window and he took me to the high stools behind the narrow worktop in the window. As I climbed up onto the stool I quickly realised that I would be easy to be seen by the people passing; and there were a lot of them.

Tony told me to perch my butt on the front edge of the stool with my feet wrapped around the stool’s legs at both sides. I felt my pussy open as I got myself comfortable.

Even I could see my pussy as I looked down so the people passing by must have been able to everything.

It wasn’t long before a young McDonalds girl brought a tray with our food on it. As she put it on the worktop I saw her eyes go down to my legs. My blue Super Girl skirt was covering quite a bit, but not enough for the girl to see that my pussy was on display.

She paused for a second then looked up to my face and smiled.

“Enjoy your meal.” she said then she turned and walked sway.

As we ate Tony kept telling me to look up and at someone passing by who had spotted my exposure. He told me to smile at them if their eye rose to meet mine.

“What would they want to look at my face for if they could see my pussy.” I thought, but didn’t say.

Quite a few people did look my way but I wasn’t sure how many of them saw, or realised what they could see. It was only the ones, young and old men, who either did a double take or actually stopped and stared for a few seconds.

One teenage girl stopped dead when she realised what she was looking at and the boy who was on her arm got tugged to a stop and told to look my way.

That couple were the ones who stared the longest and I could see their mouths were moving so I guessed that they were talking about me. For some strange reason that made my pussy get wet.

When we left McDonalds Tony led me to an underground station and to the platform for the Central Line. I didn’t think that that was the line to get us back to the hotel but I didn’t say anything. There were quite a few seats free and Tony led me to one that had it’s back to the carriage wall.

At that point there was no one opposite me so I wasn’t worried when Tony told me too sit on the front edge of the seat and to lean back.

That was okay for one station but it wasn’t long before someone came and sat opposite me, a middle-aged man in a suit. He got his newspaper out and as he was arranging it so that he could read the part that he wanted, he looked over to me. Our eyes met then his eyes went down. I saw his eyes go wide open for a second when he realised what he could see.

Instead of holding his newspaper in front of him like all the others were doing, he put his on his lap and looked down to it, but I could still see his eyes and they kept rolling up so that he could see my pussy.

After about the fourth station I turned to Tony and asked where we were going.

“Just for a ride to see how many people’s day you can make.”

“Oh.” Was all that I replied.

It turned out that we stayed on that train as it went the full length of the circle line, then back. It seemed to take forever and goodness knows how many people sat opposite me at different times.

It was the groups of girls that were the worst at name calling. I got called a slut, a whore, a prostitute and many more names, some of which I had never heard before.

Name calling I can live with but it was the leg touching that I wasn’t happy about and it was a good job that Tony was sat beside me. He ignored nearly everything but when one young man dropped to his knees between my legs and went to touch my pussy that Tony stepped in. He pushed the man away and threatened to beat him to pulp.

My arousal went up and down on that journey and I was glad when we finally got off, only to find that we had another journey, albeit a short one, on another train before we got back to the hotel.

I got a few stares and amused looks when I walked in wearing that damn Super Girl outfit.

I was relieved to get back to our room.

When we did, Tony told me to take the outfit off and stand in the window while he showered. I only saw one man watching me from the hotel opposite.

After my shower Tony told me to push my new Ohmibod vibrator into my pussy to see of it hurt or did any damage. There was no damage and it only hurt a little bit.

I wasn’t ready for him using his phone to switch it on, or the effect that it would have on me, and I screamed and jumped up. Then I put my hand on my pussy; firstly to see if it had started bleeding, and secondly because the vibrator made me want to.

“That’s only on low Claire. I’ll be nice to you and not put it on full blast until you are properly healed.”

“Thank you Tony.” I replied, still keeping my hand on my pussy.

“Good,” Tony said, “you can wear that while we go to a pub for a drink. There’s one just up that road that looks okay.”

“What clothes shall I wear Tony?” I asked.

“You can go like that Claire.”

“What! You can’t be serious.”

“No I’m not serious; it would be just a little bit too risky; you can wear one of your new dresses; but you’re keeping that Ohmibod in, and I’m going to leave it switched on like it is.”

After the initial shock that the Ohmibod gave me I quickly got used to it and even liked it, but I did wonder what it would be like on full blast.

We went to the pub and had a few drinks and the vibrator made me feel good and sexy all evening. We couldn’t get a seat and had to stand all evening but it was quite an experience listening and talking to the locals; so much more friendly than the people where we live.

When I said that to Tony on the walk back to the hotel he told me that it may have been because my dress was slightly see-through.

Back in our room Tony pulled the Ohmibod out and told me that he was going to fuck me. I was still concerned that I hadn’t healed enough and when I told Tony he told me that I was going to ride him cowgirl style so that I could control the action. I was grateful for that and after a show and slightly painful start it was quite a nice fuck.

The next morning Tony told me that we were heading home, but not before we went for a swim in the hotel’s pool. When I told him that I didn’t have a costume with me he said,

“Yes you have, we bought some bikinis, remember.”

“But they don’t have any material, just the strings, I may as well be naked.”

“Not true Claire, from behind you just look like any other girl wearing a thong bikini. And besides, the pool will probably be empty at this time of the day.”

“I hope so.” I replied.

Tony put his swimming short on and I got put one of the ‘strings only’ bikinis on, and one of the hotel’s dressing gowns.

The hotel’s leisure centre surprised us both, it wasn’t very big but it had a small workout room, a small pool and a largish sauna. It had a sort of reception area with a young girl there. She gave us each towel and told us that we were the only guests there so we’d got the place to ourselves.

Tony told me to follow him in to the men’s changing room where we hung our robes and towels. I felt more exposed than I had at the Leisure Centre back home.

We looked in the workout room first and Tony got me to run on the treadmill for a while and I felt really naked running.

When he told me to ride the exercise cycle I pleaded with him not to make me, saying that my pussy wouldn’t be able to take it. He took pity on me and let me off but told me that I’d be on the exercise cycle back in his apartment as soon as I was fully healed.

Instead me had me doing some sit-ups and press ups. When I was on my back I just hoped that no one came in because on my back I looked as naked as I felt.

Then it was the swimming pool. There was a man in it and I had to quickly get in the water while he was swimming away from us. Tony was laughing and told me not to be so shy.

I must admit that when I was swimming the water rushing passed my ‘new’ pussy felt really nice. It made me a bit more confident, or maybe it was a little less caring that I was as good as naked.

I sort of forgot that there was no material in my bikini and when Tony told me to get out I did so without even thinking; much to the delight of another man that was walking in. At first I didn’t realise why he was staring at me, and when I realised I quickly turned the other way.

“Very nice.” He said as he passed me.

I blushed.

Tony took me to the sauna next and I was surprised just how big it was. There was room for about 15 people sitting on the ‘L’ shaped benches.

I was also surprised at just how hot it was. I’d heard that saunas were hot but the heat hit me as soon as I went in. Tony told me to lay along the bottom bench and to put one foot on the floor. That left my pussy wide open. But it didn’t matter because we were the only 2 people in there. Tony sat by my head and played with my exposed tits for a while.

He stopped when a youngish foreign couple came in and sat at the other side of the ‘L’ of benches. I started to sit up but Tony pressed down on the tit that he was holding so I started to lift my leg that was on the floor.

Tony squeezed my tit and whispered “No.”

The young man and the girl looked at me and started talking in some foreign language. They continued talking and staring at me for the next 5 or so minutes before I told Tony that I was too hot and that I had to get out of there.

I guess that he realised that I was getting close to passing out and he got up and put out his hand to help me sit up.

Both the girl and the man smiled at me as we walked out. Tony told me to have a shower and while I was in there he reached in and turned it to cold.

When I said that I was freezing he told me that we were going back in to the sauna for one more session.

When we went in I saw that the young couple had assumed a similar position to what Tony and I had been in, on their side of the ‘L’. The interesting part was that the girl’s bikini was in a pile on the floor. She was more naked than I was, and her pussy was as bald as mine is.

They didn’t move when we went in and we assumed the same position as we were in before.

It must have been around 10 minutes before I’d had enough again and when I told Tony he told me to get up and we left. Whilst we were in there the other couple were talking away and looking at me.

Although I was getting wet with the sweat I was getting wet for another reason; one that Tony recognised and in the shower when we got out he lifted me up and slowly lowered me onto his hard cock. It felt good and it didn’t take many times of him lifting me up then lowering me for me to cum.

I wondered if the other couple could hear my moans and if they were having sex in the sauna.

I came before Tony and he pushed me down onto my knees to finish him off with my mouth. As I did so I heard the sauna door open and guessed that it was the couple coming out. They would have seen us because there was no curtain on the shower, but I never saw them. I was too busy looking up at Tony’s face waiting to see if he’d fill my throat or cover my face with his cum.

He chose the later and I had to get the shower to wash off the part of his cum that hadn’t landed in my mouth.

Tony then told me that it was time for us to leave and we went back to the men’s changing room. The foreign young man was there, just walking out of the shower. He was naked and didn’t seem at all concerned that I was in the men’s changing room.

I started at his cock and mentally compared it to Tony’s whist I dried myself with my towel. I was just about to put my bathrobe on when Tony told me not to.

“Carry it over your arm.” He said.

I looked at him and saw that he was serious, and I followed him out of the leisure centre, positioning myself so as to hide my front from the receptionist. All she would have been able to see was the back of a girl wearing a thong bikini.

But the people in one of the corridors that we had to walk along, and in the lift, saw a lot more of me. I was embarrassed and blushing but I knew that Tony would want me to leave my towel over my arm and not do what I so wanted to do; wrap it around me.

Back in our room Tony told me that I was learning to be a good slave then told me to have another shower to get rid of the last traces of chlorine and to make myself smell nice.

When I walked out of the bathroom there was the pair of heels and the dress that he obviously wanted me wear for the journey home.

I stayed naked and looked out of the window whilst Tony was in the shower. I didn’t see anyone in the hotel opposite looking at me and I have to admit that I was a little disappointed.

When I heard the shower stop I put the dress on. It’s a light, summer dress that buttons all the way down the front and when Tony saw me he complimented me on my looks the unbuttoned the bottom buttons right up to above my slit.

“Shit,” I thought, “another embarrassing journey.”

I was right. We took the underground to the main line station. The underground station wasn’t really busy but it was just as windy and the skirt part was blowing apart and up quite a bit. I was constantly looking around hoping to see that the people around me were ignoring me but all my eyes would zoom in on was the people who were looking at me. I was really happy when the train arrived and we got on.

But Tony had me sit facing 4 young people, 2 girls and 2 young men. One of the young men watched me sit and he smiled when he saw me sit in the way I knew that Tony wanted me to sit. Then he nudged the girl that was next to him. She nudged the girl next to her then she nudged the young man on her other side.

Soon all 4 of them were staring at my exposed pussy. I felt myself get wet and I admit that by the time we got off that train I was feeling quite aroused.

Tony probably guessed but he didn’t say anything. When we got off he rushed to the escalators and then to the waiting train to take us home.

Again he had me sit in an aisle seat with my knees open. This time it was slightly worse because he undid one more button and all of my belly was on display as well.

Fortunately, not may people walked down the aisle but the conductor couldn’t take his eyes off me when he checked our tickets.

As always, I stripped naked outside the door to Tony’s apartment then followed him in. While Tony sorted the mail I had to do the housework then go to the supermarket. Tony has got me a credit card to use for the shopping but I have to show him the till receipts and he tells me that he will compare the till receipts and the credit card bills when they arrive.

Of course he lets me put some clothes on to go to the supermarket but I really have to be careful if I don’t want anyone to see my butt and pussy and I’m sure that I accidentally don’t get it right at times.

After I’d cleaned up after the evening meal Tony told me to get into the webbing swing in the living room. When I was in he came over to me holding my wrist cuffs. I didn’t realise what he was going to do until both cuffs were on. He clipped the cuffs to 2 of the rings that the workman had installed in the ceiling. As soon as he lifted one on my arms I realised that I was stuck there with no way to get out.

I thought that he was just going to fuck me, but no, what he did was get my Ohmibod and push it into my vagina. I immediately knew that he was going to experiment with the different controls that the phone app gives him.

I really wasn’t expecting what the Ohmibod would do to me and how I would react. I’d sort of got used to the effect of it being set on low but when Tony turned it up my whole body started jerking about as much as it could within the restraints of the harness and I desperately wanted to put a hand on my pussy and rub my clit but my wrists were tied to the ceiling.

And my insides; oh my gawd, I felt like someone had stick a blender inside me, and the jerking, it was similar to when I cum. Within a couple of minutes I was sure that I was going to pass out. Then I realised that an orgasm was building. My pussy was desperate for attention but I could give in none.

Shortly after that and orgasm exploded out of me as I shouted,

“YES, YES, FUCK YES, OOH FUCK, OOOOOOH.” and lots of other things that I can’t remember.

“Well that was quite a spectacle.” Tony said when I finally calmed down.

“Please don’t do that again Tony.”

“Don’t you worry about it girl, I’ll be doing that and more to you just about every day. So get used to it.”

“But I’m sure that it was doing damage to my insides.”

“No, I’ve told you, there are thousands, or hundreds of thousands of girls around the world using those things and if those vibrators had caused any damage I’m sure that the newspapers would have reported it; so get used to it girl, enjoy it. Anyway, it made you cum didn’t it?”

“Well yes but …..”

I didn’t know what else to say. At least I was comfortable in that sling thing and if I did pass out my head would just fall back onto some of the webbing where I could just sit there until I came to life again. I’d just have to live with my legs being spread wide and maybe my pussy dripping onto the floor. And it was a good orgasm.

Tony left me sitting in that sling for about an hour while he setup a camera on the wall opposite me. I assumed that he wanted to video me while the Ohmibod was driving me crazy. Then he did some work on his laptop. I have no idea what because I couldn’t see the display.

While I was sat there I was looking at all the screens on the wall and I saw Aria come into her bedroom and strip naked. She left the room for a while then came back with a towel round her.

After doing a couple of things she took the towel off and painted her toe nails. Then she inspected her pussy area and used tweezers to remove some unwanted hairs.

Tony caught a glimpse of that and zoomed the camera right in on her pussy. We could just make out each hair as she plucked it out. The attention that she was giving that area must have got her aroused because she put the tweezers down and picked up a vibrator.

In glorious colour and very high resolution I watched my cousin bring herself to what appeared to be a very satisfying orgasm. It was nice to watch and I could even see her juices leak out of her hole; but hey, she’s my cousin, I shouldn’t have to see that sort of thing; and Tony shouldn’t be seeing it either.

I just daren’t ask Tony if he was streaming the feed to somewhere on the internet.

When Aria climbed into the bed Tony got back to what he was doing and 10 minutes later he turned to me and said,

“Right, that’s all setup, now for round 2.”

“What?” I asked, but I soon got my answer, my Ohmibod burst into life again.

As I started to feel good again Tony told me that he’d created an account for me on some voyeuristic website where people pay to watch girls strip and even fuck; and that I was going to get paid for letting people watch me bring myself off.

“But anyone that I know could be watching me, it’s horrible.”

“I doubt that anyone that you know will watch you. If they do it will be because I’ve given them the link to the website.”

“OMG Tony, please don’t do that. I’ll never be able to face them again.”

“That’s the thing Claire, you will never know who has been watching you.”

“But I don’t want to be seen all over the world.”

“You don’t have any say in it Claire; in fact you’ve just got your first voyeur.”


“Yes Claire, you’ve now got 3 people from somewhere in the world watching you and if they decide to they will pay to control that vibrator that is slowly turning you on.”

“Oh gawd, no Tony, please stop it.”

“I’m not controlling it anymore Claire so just relax and go with it. I’ll decide when to shut the site down. Have a look at the monitor at the top right, that’s what those people are seeing.”

I blushed when I saw myself on the screen. It was so detailed that I could make out one of the scar lines.

“Why are you doing this Tony?” I asked.

“Because I can; and besides, you want me to.”

“No I don’t.”

“It’s a good job that it’s not your decision then Claire; relax and enjoy it. I know that I shall.”

Then Tony disappeared for a couple of minutes and when he came back he was holding my new ball gag. As he fitted it on me he said,

“We don’t want you disturbing the neighbours do we Claire?”

I couldn’t answer him and over the next hour or so the Ohmibod probably did everything that it could do to my body. In between different people from anywhere in the world torturing me I managed to get the odd look at me on the monitor. My hair was a mess and I was covered in sweat. The camera angle was such that I couldn’t see the floor below me but I was sure that there was a small puddle of my juices below me.

My Ohmibod made me cum 3 times during that time and I hoped that whoever they were got their money’s worth and I was sure that I couldn’t have lasted much longer.

It only stopped when Tony decided that he wanted to go to bed and, thankfully, he didn’t want to leave me being tortured all night. As he shutdown the website and released my wrists he said,

“You need to get some sleep Claire, it’s work tomorrow.”

I tried to pull myself up and out of the harness but I was too tired. Tony was laughing as he helped me get out and helped me in to the shower. Then he went to bed.

I had a long shower then almost crawled to my bed. I was asleep in seconds.

I was still tired, but otherwise okay when the alarm went off and I was soon back into the old work day routine.

When we arrived at work Sandra was already there and Tony took great delight in telling Sandra that my pussy had been operated on. Sandra told me to sit on my desk, lay back and spread my legs.

“Bloody hell girl,” Sandra said, “your hole is wide open, you haven’t got anything to cover it. You need to start doing some Kegels.”

She then prodded and poked me to see what my response was. She quickly made me cum, just as the postman was delivering our mail (ever since Tony stopped me wearing proper clothes, if the door isn’t locked he comes in and puts it on a table near my desk).

It was bad enough that the postman sees me virtually naked each day but to see me having an orgasm was mortifying. I dreaded seeing him the next day but he just acted as if it hadn’t happened.

When my orgasm had subsided Sandra asked me how my new pussy felt.

“Actually, it feels good. The air passing my more exposed hole makes me feel good and so does my more exposed clit touches things that it never has before. I have to be a bit careful that I don’t accidentally rub it on something and get turned on.”

Sandra laughed and said that maybe she should have the same operation.

The rest of the day went much the same as any other work day with the nearly naked me greeting delivery men, going out to the snack van and being looked at by all those workmen that now get their lunch outside our building. Rajeev has started giving me a discount, telling me that I’m good for his business.

On the way back to Tony’s apartment he told me that I did need to start doing Kegel exercises. He told me that he didn’t want my pussy to stretch so that he can’t feel anything when he fucks me.

When I told him that I didn’t know what Kegel exercises were he told me that he’d looked them up on the internet and he explained them to me. He told me that I have to do them every time that I’m sat doing nothing.

He also told me that he’d get me some balls that I (or him) can push up my hole and it is good exercise to try to keep them in for hours at a time. He told that he’d get me a ***********ion of balls.

“Not footballs I hope.” I joked.

“No, they’re too light; now bowling balls would be good.”

“Now I know that you are joking.”

“Am I?”

Nothing more was said but I did the exercises in the car and decided that I could do it and that it was a good thing to do so I decided that I would; I didn’t want to not feel his cock when he was fucking me. I wondered what my pussy would look like when I did them so I decided to get a mirror as soon as I could.

Later that evening Tony took me to the pub to see his mates. We didn’t stay long because his mates wanted a good look at my new pussy and, although Tony told them that they could get a look in the pub, they wanted to go back to Tony’s apartment for an even better look. On the way back they got a couple of cases of beer bottles and I realised that it wasn’t going to be a quick look.

As soon as Tony and I got back Tony told me to climb into the harness. As I did so I begged him not to repeat what he’d done to me the previous evening.

“It may well end up like last night.” Tony replied as he finished clipping my wrists to the rings in the ceiling.

Minutes later the door opened and 4 of his mates walked in.

Three of them came over to me and bent over to have a good look at my pussy while the fourth put the beer in the fridge. He came over and joined his mates.

“I don’t remember her clit sticking out as much.” One of them said.

“You’re right mate, I got some of her hood cut away.” Tony replied.

“Can I touch it?” Another asked.

“Sure, help yourselves.”

They did, and I was soon moaning.

“Hang on a minute guys.” Tony said and disappeared for a few seconds.

As he put my ball gag on he told his mates that he didn’t want the neighbours disturbing.

His mates then took it in turn to play with my clit until all 4 of them had made me cum.

As one of the guys got 5 bottle of beer out of the fridge Tony told them that he’s got me an amazing new vibrator, then he went and got it.

He put it on the table and used his phone to start it vibrating. We all watched it dance about and his mates came out with all sorts of comment. Then Tony picked it up and gave it to one of them.

“Put it in her will you please mate.”

Without any hesitation he quickly pushed it up my vagina.

I moaned, but they wouldn’t have heard me.

Tony then demonstrated what his phone could get the Ohmibod to do and I started jerking about. Then Tony passed his phone to each of them in turn and let them control me.

I managed to survive 2 of them but when the third mate took over he managed to take me over the edge. All 5 of them stood watching me with smiles on their faces.

The fourth mate started me on the upward journey again but he stopped before I reached my peak again.

Then Tony told them about the website and how people anywhere in the world can control my Ohmibod. He fired-up the website and they sat down waiting for someone to pay some tokens to control me. It wasn’t long.

The 5 of them watched either me or my images on the big display as I started getting tortured again. During some of the short breaks that I got I looked at the monitors. I was pleased to see that Aria wasn’t in her room and I hoped that she’d gone home for the weekend.

I, of course, was getting more and more tired and was pleased that I didn’t have to try to stand up because I was sure that my legs wouldn’t have supported me.

When the beer ran out the mates decided to leave but Tony asked them to get me down and put me in the shower. As they did, a couple of them couldn’t resist rubbing my clit a bit and one of them nearly dropped me as the rubbing triggered an after shock and my body jerked.

They left me sitting on the floor in the shower. They’d turned it on but the water was cold to start off with. When it was warm I unfastened the ball gag and relaxed.

The water was starting to cool down when Tony came in, turned it off and told me to go to bed. I slowly managed to get up, get dried and get to my bed.

Fortunately, my alarm clock only wakes me on a Monday to Friday and as it was Saturday I woke up late. Tony was already up and thankfully he hadn’t woken me. When I emerged ho told me to get our breakfast then to use the exercise cycle telling me that he wanted to see how my surgery affected my response to the saddle.

The quick answer is that it takes a lot less pedalling for me to reach a climax. Tony quickly realised that and told me to use the bike a lot more. The problem is that all that exercise wears me out and, along with the torture that my Ohmibod gives me I’ve over slept a couple of time resulting in me going to work with a red butt.

The second time that it happened we were both running late and Tony waited until we got to work to give me the spanking. He was still spanking me when Sandra arrived. She immediately started laughing then asked Tony if she could finish the job.

Tony agreed and Sandra gave me 20 more swats then started rubbing some cream that she had in her desk on my butt. She didn’t stop there and she’d only been rubbing my clit for about a minute when I orgasmed. Sandra’s response was to finger fuck me with at least 2 fingers whilst I was still cumming.

About 2 weeks after we got back from London Tony fixed a camera to the wall at the bottom of my bed. It looks down onto my bed. That night he tied my wrists and ankles to the corners of my bed then pushed my Ohmibod into my vagina. He put my ball gag on me then left me. I hoped that I was just going to have a night sleeping like that but a short while later the Ohmibod burst into life and started driving me crazy.

He checked on me about 30 minutes later. I was in agony, the Ohmibod was making my body jerk about as much as the restraints would allow and I desperately wanted to rub my clit and make myself cum.

“I’m leaving the light on Claire, try and get some sleep.”

“Sleep!” I thought, “how the hell can I sleep with that thing going crazy in my pussy; and how can I sleep with the light on.”

The random blasts from the vibe led me to believe that he’d connected the camera to the internet and that voyeurs website.

It went on for hours, presumably until the battery went flat, before I was able to get some sleep. But that was after my body gave in to the Ohmibod and I had cum 3 times.

Just before I went to sleep I realised that I was staring to like the idea of my naked body writhing about on my bed, and the resultant orgasms, and being seen all over the world; providing that none of them knew that it was me. I needed to find a way of getting Tony to blindfold me of adjust the camera angle so that my head wasn’t visible.

“That’s it,” I thought, “I’ll move the camera myself.”

The next evening when I got the chance, I adjusted the angle of the camera and hoped that my face wasn’t visible to the camera.

Tony didn’t tie me to the bed that night and he didn’t say anything. I was hopeful that I’d succeeded in my mission.

It wasn’t until the morning 3 days later when I’d been tortured again, that Tony told me to watch a video. It was a split screen video and I instantly realised that it was me tied to my bed. Imagine my horror when in one of the windows was my naked body minus my head, and the other window was full of my face.

I watched the expressions on my face as they ranged from anticipation to lust to frustration to ecstasy. That time my first orgasm wasn’t long in cumming and just as I reached my peak Tony turned the screen off.

“Tony, please, you can’t let that video go on the internet.”

“Too late Claire, it went out live last night; and you forget that I have total control over you, and that includes what the world sees.”

Both my head and my heart dropped; he was right, the contract said so. I had to find a way out of the contract, Preferably without losing any of the money. I’d need that to emigrate.

Tony also moved the camera back to its original position.

The following night when I was tied into the sling again Tony added another implement to torture me even more. He got my magic wand and used duck tape to strap it to my right leg in a position where the business end was resting on my exposed clit.

The voyeurs made me cum even quicker that night and Tony cut the hour long session after about 30 minutes. The added stimulation wore me our quicker and he took pity of me, reminding me that he has some compassion.

The following Saturday Tony’s siblings arrived for the evening. Zoey again said,

“Hi Claire Cumalot.”

I didn’t respond.

After a while of them joking about my slave status and my nudity, Tony told them that I’d had some surgery when we were in London. Of course they wanted to see and Tony told me to climb into the sling saying that it would be easier for them.

All 3 of them rubbed my exposed clit and finger fucked me before Tony got out my Ohmibod and pushed it in me.

After nearly an hour of Tony showing them how it can be controlled and letting them have a go; and me cumming twice, Tony finally switched it off and helped me get out of the sling.

I thought that my problems were over for the night but I was wrong. The subject of conversation soon got round to spankings and before long I was bent over the back of the sofa and getting spanked by all 4 of them.

I got some relief later when both Zoey and Eve stripped naked and Mick and Tony spanked both of them.

I wanted to say,

“There, see how you like it.”

But I didn’t, I just sat there and watched with a straight face.

Tony told me to sleep in his bed that night and he fucked me before he went to sleep and then woke me up in the morning by fucking me again.

I was a relatively happy girl that Sunday. It was also my monthly Sunday lunch with my parents and I had a great time catching up with them, although I again felt guilty when I changed the batteries in the teddy bear in Aria’s room.

I don’t think that I accidentally flashed my father, but he was in quite a good mood.

Three weeks after we got back from London Tony went to work without me. He told me to stay in his apartment because he was expecting a delivery. He also reminded me that I had to stay naked all day. Not that I needed reminding; I am very used to his rules and the consequences of failing to comply.

After Tony had left I tidied-up and cleaned the apartment. There’s something about doing the housework naked that I like. It didn’t take long because Tony has me cleaning things all the time.

Around late morning the doorbell rang and I opened the door. Two men stared at the naked me for a few seconds, and I stayed silent until 1 of them said that he had a delivery for Tony.

I looked at the 2 quite large boxes and asked,

“What are they?”

“No idea love, we just deliver them.”

“Okay, can you bring them inside please?”

“We don’t normally do but since you asked so nicely we will. Come on mate snap out of your dream.”

I smiled as I realised why he was staring at me. Then I opened the door fully and stepped out of the way. The 2 men carried the boxes in and I told them to put them beside the exercise cycle.

“We don’t normally take the packaging off but I think that we can make an exception for you.” One of the men said.

“Thank you.” I replied, knowing that they were only doing it so that they could look at me for longer.

For some weird reason I was enjoying being naked in front of those 2 men.

“Would you like a cup of tea gentlemen?” I asked, knowing that they would be able to see me moving around.

“Yes please.” The other man said.

They took their time and still hadn’t removed the boxes when I took their tea to them.

I watched as they lifted the contents out of the biggest box. It was a bench of some sort; padded with detachable sections at each end and it had metal rings on the metal bars that went along the sides at floor level.

“Never seen a bench like that before.” One of the men said as they stood drinking their tea and looking at both me and the bench.

“Neither have I,” I replied, “my flatmate ordered it but that’s all that I know.”

“Why was my pussy starting to tingle and get wet.” I wondered.

In between sips of their tea and ogling at me, they lifted the contents out of the smaller box. It was some sort of electric motor and another, smaller card board box.

“Shall I open this box as well.”

“May as well,” I replied, “it might give us a clue as to what it all is.”

As he opened it a big flexible dildo fell onto the floor.

“Hmm,” one of the men said, and then turning to me he continued, “you really don’t know what this is love?”

“No idea, as I said, my flatmate didn’t tell me what he was expecting.”

“Well love, this is what you call a fucking machine.”

“Oh my gawd.” I said after a quick gasp. “If I’d know I wouldn’t have asked you to get it out of the boxes, I’m so sorry.”

I think that I was actually blushing a little bit the tingling got a bit stronger and I felt a little wet rush.

“Would you like us to assemble it and you can try it out; it’s the least that you can do after embarrassing us like that.”

“I’m so sorry, honest, I didn’t know.” Then after a pause in which my pussy reminded me that it needed some attention, I continued,

“Well I guess that it IS the least that I can do.”

The rest of their tea was quickly forgotten as the men assembled it, not that it took long.

“There you are love, climb on.”

“I’ve never used one of these before, what do I do?”

One of the men told me to lay on the bench and shuffle along until the tip of the dildo touched my pussy then he asked if I was ready. When I said that I was, the other man plugged the plug into a wall socket then picked up a little black box. He slowly turned a knob and the dildo went back and forwards.

“I guess that that’s it’s maximum thrust love, you’ll have to shuffle down so that it’s inside you.”

I did then the turned the knob again. This time he left it on and the dildo started fucking me.

“That’s nice.” I said.

“It will go faster.” The man said and turned the knob.

Within a minute I realised that an orgasm was quickly building.

“Oh, oh, oh, aargh, aargh, oh, I’m cu …..”

“Wow, that didn’t take long love, you must have been really gagging for it.” One man said as I started to get my wits about me again.

“I, I guess that I was. Sorry, I didn’t mean to embarrass you.”

“You didn’t love. We’ll just collect all this cardboard and leave you to enjoy yourself.”

“I, I.”

I didn’t know what to say but I got up, off the bench and went and opened the door for the men to leave. As they walked through the door I said,

“I hope that you’re not going to be late or get into trouble gentlemen.”

“Don’t you worry about us love, you just enjoy your new toy.”

“I will.” I said as I closed the door the turned to look at the machine that had just made me cum in front of 2 strangers.

“What the hell had I just done?” I thought. “How could I do that? What was wrong with me? No sane girl would ever do such a humiliating and debasing thing. Tony’s turned me into some sort of exhibitionistic slut. Yet I had enjoyed it. It was only afterwards that I regretted doing it. Is that normal? What is normal? Am I normal? Am I a freak? “

I looked down at the dildo, just laying there, still with my juices on it, and my pussy twinged.

I decided not to tell Tony that I’d christened the machine and got a cloth and cleaned the dildo, wiped my juices off the bench and unplugged it.

As I continued with the chores that I had to do I decided that I was happy that Tony had bought that machine. Little did I know that there was more to it than I had sampled.

I was feeling sort of normal when Tony arrived back home.

“Oh good; it’s arrived. I’m glad that you unpacked it, where’s the boxes? Did you take them down to the bins? I hope you put them in the recycling bin.”

“What? Oh yes, all gone, I hope that you didn’t mind.”

“No, it saves me unpacking it. You know what it is don’t you Claire?”

“I can guess.”

“You’ll enjoy it.”

“I doubt it.”

“Oh you will Claire; after 5 minutes you’ll want to use it every day.”

“Oh, right. Do you want your tea now?”

“Yes, it’s been a busy day and people were asking after you. You seem quite popular with the neighbours; I didn’t think that so many men worked in Units nearby and even a policeman was asking after you. You haven’t been breaking the law again have you Claire?”

“Probably, but that’s your fault. You make me do those horrible things.”

“There not horrible Claire, you love doing every thing that I tell you.”

“Yes Tony,” I thought sarcastically, “I just love being naked and masturbating in front of strangers. It really makes my day”

“I’ll take your silence as your agreement; but it doesn’t matter what you think; you signed the contract. Now, I’m going for a shower then we’ll eat then I’ll setup this machine where I want it and where you will be seen.”

After I’d cleaned up after the meal Tony moved the fucking machine a little then changed the display on one of his monitors. When I saw it I realised that he’d been recording me using the exercise cycle, and cumming on it. Now the display showed the fucking machine as well, from the business end.

Then he raised one end of the bench so that it was sloping down to the dildo.

“Great,” I thought, “I can watch the dildo fucking me.”

After that he opened a bag that came with the machine that I hadn’t bothered looking in to. When he tipped everything out of it I saw a longish strap, 6 of those karabiner things, one longer strap and 3 more dildos, all different colours. All3 were bigger than the one that was already attached to the motor and 2 of them were very knobbly. They looked painful.

“Go and get your wrist and ankle cuffs Claire.”

When I got back he put them on me then told me to get on the bench. It was then that I noticed the metal rings along both sides of the base of the bench.

Tony clipped my ankles to the corners and my wrists half way along the bench. I was stuck; I’d tried to unclip those Karabiners with one hand before and never succeeded.

Next came the long strap. He lay it over my waist and strapped both ends to the base of the bench. I tried to move but I was firmly strapped down.

“Which one Claire?” Tony asked as he held up all the dildos.

The stupid me went and said the blue one which is one of the bigger ones with big lumps all over it.

“Good choice Claire; in at the deep end.”

I didn’t answer him and he screwed the chosen dildo onto the end of the metal bar then made a couple of adjustment so that the end of the dildo was just inside my hole.

Because of the size of the dildo I was dreading him switching the machine on, but thankfully when he did he set it to slow thrusts.

I swore as the big dildo entered me then retracted. The second time it didn’t hurt as much then after that my body had got used to it and Tony turned the speed up.

Just then the doorbell rang. When Tony opened the door I heard him say,

“Oh hi Mick, to what do I owe the pleasure?”

“Hey, I was just wondering if you could show Dan here some of the cameras that you’ve got around the town. He’s thinking about getting some in the shop that he’s just opened.”

“Sure, come on in.”

“Woah there.” Dan said when he saw me getting mechanically fucked, “If this is a bad time I can come back some other time.”

“Relax mate.” Mick said, “that’s Claire, Tony’s slave. Didn’t know you had a fucking machine Tony.”

“Yeah, arrived today, just trying it out. Come in and watch.”

“H there Claire.” Mick said.

“Hi.” Dan said.

I was incapable of saying anything, not that I would want to; I just wanted to run away and hide.

I had to endure Tony, his brother Mick and Dan who I’d never seen before, watch as that damn machine slowly brought me to an orgasm. The thing was, Tony wanted to see what he could do with the controls and he played with them as the 3 of them watched my reactions.

After my first orgasm Tony turned the machine down and I was slowly getting fucked. The 3 men turned to look at the wall full of monitors. Tony explained where each camera was.

When he got to the camera in my old room at my parents he started to explain where the camera has hidden and he demonstrated the zoom. While he was doing that Aria walked into the room wearing just a towel. She sat on her bed, discarded the towel and started to pluck her pussy area.

Tony took great pleasure in demonstrating the zoom again and I felt horrible for Aria.

After he’d gone round the monitors he asked Dan about his shop. It is a young women’s clothes shop and it isn’t his, he just manages it for a large chain but he wants to cut the store’s thefts to make an impression with head office.

“I’m sure that I can help you there but you have to understand that spying on young women when they are getting changed is illegal.”

“Oh I know that, I want to cameras to be concealed and easily and quickly removable; just in case I have to remove them quickly.”

“I understand, but you’ll never be able to post the videos on the internet if there’s anything that can trace them back to your shop.”

“Yes, I understand that. Most of the videos will get deleted every day or so and the err interesting ones will be transferred onto a cloud drive that only I have access to; but I could make it available to you if you wanted.”

“I store a lot of Claire’s videos on a cloud drive as well. I’ll give you the details before you leave. That christening of that machine is being transferred as we speak.”

The 3 of them turned to look at me and I thought,

“Oh fuck.”

But I didn’t have a chance to dwell on it because the machine was causing my third orgasm to build.

“Getting a bit noisy isn’t she?” Mick asked.

“I’ve got a couple of solutions to that problem. Well 3 if you are interested Dan?”

“Sure, why not?”

Tony got up and came over to me. He bent down, did something to the bench and my head fell backwards. Once I realised that the bench was no longer supporting my head I lifted it up.

“Leave it down Claire.” Tony said.

As I lowered my head back down I saw that he’d got his cock out. I knew what he was going to do and I opened my mouth.

For the next 5 minutes he fucked my throat, holding it deep in my throat for longer and longer until I thought that I was going to die.

Finally, I felt his hot seed shoot further down my throat and he withdrew, letting the last few drops land on my face.

The machine was rapidly bringing me to my fourth, or was it my fifth orgasm and just as I was about to cum Mick shoved his cock into my throat.

OMG cumming with a full throat is a challenge, one that makes me think that I am dying, but I survived and Mick started to thrust in time to the machine. Fortunately he withdrew each time and I was able to grab a quick bit of air.

He too shot most of his load down my throat and let the dregs land on my face.

“Your turn Dan.” Tony said.

“Are you sure, I mean she’s taken 2 and that things being fucking her for ages.”

“She can take it, she’s still conscious isn’t she? It no fun fucking her when she’s out cold. I’ve tried it.” Tony replied.

As Dan’s cock entered my mouth I heard Mick say,

“So you don’t fancy necrophilia then bro?”

I think that I heard Tony say not. I certainly hoped so.

My next orgasm had been building and it arrived just as Dan started squirting his load. Again, I struggled to take the punishment without suffocating; but I survived and gasped for air as Dan withdrew.

The 3 of them seemed to lose interest in me for a while and after a while they got up and turned to me.

“Nice to have met you Claire.” Dan said. “Come and visit my shop, I’ll give you a nice discount.”

Mick just laughed then him and Dan left.

Tony came over to me and said,

“Two more orgasms and I’ll let you get up.”

He turned and went and sat on the sofa and opened his laptop.

It was 3 more orgasms before he switched the power off and unclipped my wrists. He left me to unclip the rest but I just lay there, the dildo still inside me, for ages before I found the energy to get up.

“Shower before you sit on the sofa.” Tony said without lifting his eyes from his laptop.

I'm being Blackmailed

by Vanessa Evans

Part 09


Twenty minutes later I slowly walked into the lounge and dropped onto the sofa.

“I’m knackered and sore.” I said.

“You’ll get used to it. Watch that video while you relax.”

As the video was starting I asked Tony if he really was going to put cameras in the changing rooms in Dan’s store.

“Sure, I’ve got them in 2 other stores changing rooms; you should see what some girls your age get up to in those changing rooms.”

“But isn’t it illegal?”

“Probably but shop security comes first.”

“Don’t people see the cameras?”

“No, they’re hidden in the bezels round the mirrors and with the bright LED lights shining at them they haven’t a clue.”

Just then the monitor that he’s told me to look at burst into life and I immediately saw myself on the screen. The opening scene was the dildo entering me for the first time.

I have to say that watching myself get fucked, and cumming, by that machine turned me on and it wasn’t long before my right hand found its way to my pussy, gently caressing it and slowly rubbing my clit.

I orgasmed again just as Tony filled my stomach – on the screen that is.

“Well, get turned on by watching yourself. Well done Claire, you’re getting there. Go to bed, you’ve got work tomorrow.”

As I slowly got up I wondered where I was getting to, but I didn’t ask.

A couple of days later there was a box waiting for Tony outside the apartment door when we got home from work. I stripped then carried the box and my clothes inside.

When Tony opened the box I saw a variety of balls, ranging in size from balls about the diameter of a penny, up to the size of a tennis ball. All were made of shiny steel. I immediately guessed what they were for and my pussy started to tingle.

“OMG.” I thought, “Am I really going to have to push that tennis ball sized lump of steel up my hole. I hope that he’s not going to expect me to walk around with that thing in me.”

After our evening meal Tony opened the box again and got out 2 of the smallest steel balls.

“Come here Claire.”

When I got to him I automatically stood with my feet well apart. I gasped as the first cold steel ball entered me. Then again when the second one entered me.

“Keep them in there Claire. I’ll tell you when you can take them out.”

“I’ll have to put my fingers in there to get them out.”

“Maybe; you’ll have to use your muscles to keep them in and if you can’t use your muscles to squeeze them out then yes, you will have to put your fingers in and fish around for them.”

I managed to get half way to the bathroom before one of the balls clunked as it hit the floor.

“You’re not using your muscles Claire. Put it back in and get over here.”

When I got to him he pulled me over his knee and spanked me with 10 swats.

As the 10 swats landed on my butt I heard him say,

“Ten swats for every time one or both drop out. If you don’t want a very red butt you’d better get those muscles working.”

I spent the rest of the evening doing my kegel exercises and managed to keep the balls in. In bed Tony said that it was weird fucking me with them in, but he did cum a lot quicker.

My pussy ached a bit next morning but Tony still told me to keep them in while I was at work. Unfortunately, one, or both, dropped out while I was at work.

The first time was when I’d been doing something that needed a lot of brain work and I got up forgetting to squeeze to hold them in. As I turned to walk over to the photocopier I heard a clink and instantly realised what had happened. I quickly picked the ball up and eased it back in while I was stood at the photocopier. Tony was in his office and Sandra was on the phone to someone.

The second time was again when I got up from my desk. I got a surprise when I saw Sandra behind me and I lost control of myself. Two balls slipped out and clunked onto the floor right in front of Sandra. She looked down and saw them rolling away.

“You’re going to have to work harder at keeping those in if you want a tight pussy.” She said.

I blushed and picked them up. Then put them back in when I got back to my desk.

The third time was even more embarrassing. The courier had come to pick up some parcels. He’s used to seeing me just about naked so it wasn’t that. There was a bit of a query about how many parcels there were and I started moving them to count them, in front of the courier. One of the boxes was a bit heavy and as I strained to lift it out popped both balls.

“Are those what Ben Wa balls?” he asked as they rolled towards the door.

I looked at them, realised where they had come from, blushed, quietly said that they were, then went after them. To add to my embarrassment I had to bend over to pick them up with my back to him. He must have had a great view of my bare butt and pussy.

Before that third time I’d had to go out to the snack van and I was pleased with myself for keeping them in when I went outside. I don’t know what I would have done if one had slipped out in front of all those workmen.

I was glad when it was time to go home and on the way Tony asked me how my day had gone with my balls inside me. I told him about my 3 accidents and all he did was laugh at me; then tell me that I’d have to wear them to work each day until I’d gone 2 consecutive days without them sliding out. Fortunately they didn’t slide out again.

When we got to Tony’s apartment he got me to move up one size then he pulled me over his lap and started spanking me.

“Ten swats for every time one or both fall out I believe I said.”

There was one thing that Tony hadn’t told me about having 2 steel balls inside me. He hadn’t told me that when I walk around with them inside me they knock together and make me feel good. Not enough to make me cum but they certainly start me thinking about it.

A couple of days later Tony told me that he was going out on a stag do without me and that I would be staying at home on my own. I was relieved because it meant that I wasn’t going to be the entertainment at the stag do.

Anyway, after he’d left I did all the jobs that I had to do then relaxed on the sofa. I watched some of the monitors for a while but soon got bored. Then I looked at the fucking machine and the exercise cycle and thought,

“Why not.”

The curtains were wide open, as usual, and I couldn’t see anyone looking over to the apartment so I got on the bike and started pedalling. Two orgasms later I was still feeling horny so I sat on the fucking machine bench and decided to use it.

I put the headrest back in place, inclined the head end of the bench and screwed the blue dildo onto the metal rod. I started to go and get my wrist and ankle cuffs then realised that I couldn’t restrain myself completely, so I abandoned that idea, plugged the plug in and moved the control to where I could use it when I was on the bench.

Then I made myself comfortable, shuffling down until the dildo touched my pussy.

I took a deep breath and slowly turned the knob to get the machine to push the dildo inside me.

“Arrgh, ohhh, oooh, that’s nice.” I said out loud, then I settled back to enjoy myself.

It wasn’t the same as being restrained and not be able to control what was happening to me; but it was still very nice.

I slowly increased the speed of the fucking until the knob wouldn’t turn any further. By that time my first orgasm was rapidly approaching.

I kept the machine fucking me at full speed as I went through my first and second orgasm; then I slowed it down so that I could get my breath back.

As soon as I was ready I turned the speed up and repeated my exercise. After my fourth orgasm I decided that I’d had enough; too much of a good thing is not good for me; besides, I was getting tired and I hadn’t had a good nights sleep for weeks.

I cleaned up, showered and went to bed.

I was woken sometime in the middle of the night by Tony’s cock ramming in to me. He was drunk and thankfully didn’t take long to cum, roll off me and go to sleep.

I got up and went and slept on the sofa.

The next day was a Saturday and Tony was still asleep on my bed when I got back from the supermarket. When he emerged and had showered and fed he asked me if I’d enjoyed myself on the fucking machine. He then went on to tell me that he’d watched me on his phone, and so had his mates.

“Oh my gawd, I’d been caught.” I thought.

“You’re such a slut Claire.”

“No I’m not, a slut is a woman who lets any man fuck her and I don’t do that. I only fuck you and anyone who you tell me to; and I have no choice in that.”

“Yes Claire, okay, but you like to enjoy yourself, a lot.”

“I’m a normal healthy girl, of course I have needs but it’s your fault that my needs are greater than a lot of girls. If you didn’t make me dress like this and torture my pussy so much I wouldn’t have a fraction of the needs that I have.”

“All I’ve done is bring out your secret desires Claire; you’re a natural over-sexed exhibitionist at heart.”

“WHAT! No I am not.”


I sat there wondering if Tony was right; I like sex, I like cumming, and maybe, just maybe, I’m a bit of an exhibitionist. I like the looks men give me when they see me naked, it makes me feel wanted. But I’m the way I am because of Tony; he’s changed me from being a normal girl into what I am now. So it’s his fault.

Tony must have thought that he won the argument because he got up and went to the sofa and his laptop leaving me to clean up.

“Can I go in to town shopping please Tony? I need to get my pills pre***********ion filled and get a birthday card for my mother.”

He silently looked at me for a few seconds then said,

“Okay; go and get the clothes that you’re thinking of wearing and I’ll see if I approve.”

I brought out 3 dresses to show him and he picked a button down dress that is obscenely short.

“Leave the top 2 and the bottom 1 button open when you put it on Claire.

I got my things and left, not putting the dress on until I was outside his apartment. As I walked out to my car I said to myself,

“Remember not to lean or bend forwards and to hold your bag in front of your pussy Claire.”

It didn’t help when I got in my car and looked down, I could easily see all my bare pubes.

“I hope that I don’t get stopped by the police.” I thought.

As I wandered around the shops I got a few comments from young men and a few dirty looks from middle-aged women. I sort of liked the comments, it meant that they liked what they saw – me; and I just ignored the women.

When I was choosing a birthday card for my mum there was a very tall man stood next to me. In my experience, men usually just grab almost any old card but this man was really taking his time and looking inside lots of cards. Then I noticed that he was looking my way and not at the card in his hands.

I followed the line of his eyes and realised that he was looking at my chest. I looked down and saw that another button had come undone and the way that the material was hanging I guessed that he could see most of my right tit, and the nipple.

My first reaction was to fasten the button but just as my hand started to move I stopped it and I got a tingle in my pussy.

“My gawd,” I thought, “I’m enjoying this man perving on me.”

I stood there for ages before picking up a card that I’d already looked at and turned to walk to the till.

I left the shop and decided that I wanted to go up a level of the shopping centre and I walked to the escalator. I waited until there was no one waiting to get on then stepped on thinking that there should be no one behind me to look up my skirt.

Imagine my surprise when I turned around half way up and saw the man from the card shop, and he was looking up. I blame Tony for what I did next; I stood there for a few seconds letting him look at my uncovered pussy; then I turned back and faced up the escalator, spread my feet a bit and bent forwards.

I felt the material of my dress ride up and expose the bottom half of my butt. I felt my pussy tingle then I stood back up straight.

“Bloody hell Claire,” I thought, “what’s got into you?”

Then I answered my own question – Tony.

I needed to find a seat and calm down, and to try to get Tony out of my mind. I’d passed a Starbucks just before I’d gone up so I went down and in to it.

I got a coffee and found a seat. I was just starting to get myself together when a girl and a boy that I went to college with, walked passed holding hands and they saw me. They stopped and sat at my table.

After the usual greetings. I said,

“So, are you 2 an item now?”

“Yes, we got together just after the last reunion.

“So how are you keeping Claire? Are you still with that Tony guy?” Jade asked.

“Sort of.”

“Is he here with you?” Dean asked. “We saw you sitting here on your own showing lots of skin and looking like you are flashing your lady parts to that guy over there, and we wondered if Tony was watching you from some hidden corner. Neither of us could remember what Tony looked like, our eyes were distracted that night. That’s why we sat on either side of you. We didn’t want to block that guy’s view or disturb your flashing.”

“No, no. I’m on my own, and I didn’t realise that I was flashing anyone. It’s just that …. oh never mind.”

The thing was, I hadn’t even thought about how I would sit when I sat down. If I had I would have kept my knees together. I guess that Tony making me sit with my knees apart has become a habit, and an automatic reaction. And why didn’t I close them when Dean told me what I was doing.

“Talking of reunions,” Jade interrupted my thoughts, “there’s another one coming up soon and no one knew how to get in touch with you. Now that we’ve found you will you come? You can bring Tony and we’ll have a function room to ourselves so if you want to put on another show for us it will be okay.”

Oh, I don’t know, and it’s so soon after the last one. I thought that these things were supposed to be an annual event.”

“Please say that you will come Claire, everyone, including you, had such a great time last time; that’s why there’s another one so soon.

“I didn’t really enjoy it.” I replied.

“You certainly looked like you were enjoying it,” Dean said, “even the spankings and the fucking, and you did cum; how many times was it? Ten, fifteen?”

“I don’t know.”

“Tell you what Claire, give me your number, or better still Tony’s, I’ll text you the details and you can talk it over with Tony. We, everyone would really like you to be there.”

We exchanged number, and, I have no idea why I did it, but I gave Jade Tony’s number as well.

“We’ll leave you to your flashing.” Claire said.

“Keep up the good work.” Dean said and they both got up and left.

I was stunned,

“Why hadn’t I told them that there was no chance that I’d humiliate myself like that again? I thought. “Why had I given Jade my number, and even worse, Tony’s? And just as bad, why was I still sat with my knees apart?”

I had just started to convince myself that things weren’t that bad then I go and make a fool of myself all over again. What is wrong with me?

I looked over to the man and our eyes met. I blushed and turned my head, but left my knees where they were. Had that man really been smiling at me?

I just sat there finishing my coffee and trying to calm down again.

My coffee mug was quite cold when I finally got up from the table and left; none the wiser as to what I could do about my miserable life.

“Get everything that you wanted?” Tony asked me as I walked into his apartment carrying my bags and my dress.

“Yes, thank you. I err, I met 2 of my old college mates. They asked me to go to the next class reunion.”

“Fuck,” I thought, “why did I say that?”

“Oh yes, when is it?”

“Jade is going to text me.”

“Good, I’ll look forward to that; you enjoyed the last one didn’t you?”

“Not really.”

“Oh come come on Claire, how many times did you cum?

I said nothing and turned to go to my room.

“You may want to get a little nap Claire, it’s round 2 of the stag night tonight and you’re coming with me this time. We’ve got a function room booked and there will be dozens of people there.”

“Oh fuck.” I thought, “I’ll get passed around them all.”

And I felt my pussy tingle and get wet.

“Why is the lucky man having 2 stag nights?” I asked.

“Last night’s was just for his close friends, tonight is the big one for everyone who knows him.”

“So there’ll be lots of men there?”


“And I’ll be the only woman?”


“And you’ll be ordering me to strip naked?”


“And letting lots of those men fuck me?”


“Don’t you think that this is stretching the contract just a little bit too far Tony?”

“Nope. If you remember the contract says that you agree to let me use your body as I see fit. And I see fit to let other men fuck you; and that’s men, the plural, so live with it Claire. And wear your collar tonight, you’ll look good in just that collar and heels. Oh, and have another shave, I felt a little stubble when I put my hand on your pussy before you went out.”

“OMG.” I thought, “I'm going to get gang-banged by 20 or 30 or maybe more men.”

I was scared, but my pussy was unbelievably wet.

I had to wear a simple micro dress, my collar and a pair of heels when we left the apartment. I was feeling very nervous, a bit scared and a lot excited. I worried that Tony would see a big wet patch on his car seat but fortunately he didn’t look.

We arrived at this big pub out of town and immediately went up to the function room. There must have been going on for 20 guys in there when we arrived. Tony took me to the bar and got me the large stiff drink that I asked for. It was a young man tending the bar and he gave me that knowing look and it made me feel embarrassed.

“What have you brought a girl for Tony, or is she the stripper?” a man who came to the bar asked.

“Better than that mate. Could you clear a table for her at the end of the room?”

“Sure, does that mean that she will be available later?”

“Certainly does.”

“Can’t wait.”

“Bloody hell, they’ve talking about me like a whore, a piece of meat; but hell, I guess that that’s what I am tonight. At least I shouldn’t catch anything.” I thought as I looked at the box of condoms that Tony had carried in and put on the bar.

My large stiff drink had gone down in one and Tony asked me if I wanted another.

“Yes please, it sounds like I’m going to need it.”

He got me it then he took me over to a table where he introduced the bridegroom.

“You’ve got the first fuck with her mate.” Tony told him, “but first she needs to go around the room and show everyone what she’s got to offer.”

Then he turned to me as said,

“Get that dress off Claire then go and walk around the room and introduce yourself. Let them touch you and promise that there will be more later.”

I glared at Tony and, receiving no sign of him changing his mind, I downed my drink and then took my dress off. As soon as my naked body came into view some of the guys nearby cheered and commented on my assets. I turned and smiled at them.

“Okay Claire, off you go.”

I turned and went to the next table and realised that my pussy was dripping. It was so humiliating yet it was such a turn-on.

“Hi guys, I’m Claire and you can touch me if you want.”

It was a stag night and the room was full of men. I doubt that there was one normal guy in there that wouldn’t take me up on my offer.

As I went around the room saying the same thing at each table I got groped, slapped, pinched, fingered (butt and ass), nipples pulled and twisted, clit flicked and called every name that you can think of for a situation like that.

I don’t suppose that it helped that my pussy was dripping, a thing that was pointed out to me numerous times. It was a weird, and I have to say nice, feeling being the only girl there, a naked girl at that, and letting all of them grope my body.

Having said all that, I also felt that it was okay for me to be naked, it felt ‘natural’.

When I got back to Tony and the bridegroom Tony told me to go over to the empty table and lay across it so that my butt and head hung over the 2 sides. He also told me to take the box of condoms with me.

As I walked I heard Tony shouting for quiet. Then he said,

“Right guys, you’ve all met Claire and she might have told you that you could get more than a grope from her later. Well you can. For the rest of the night she will be spread out on the table over there and she will be available for you to fuck in any hole that you can find. Oh, for those of you who have a cock so small that it will go into her piss hole, don’t do it.”

After the laughter stopped he continued,

“Just 2 conditions gents, firstly you have to let the bridegroom go first, and secondly, if you’re aiming for a body hole you must wear one of the condoms that are there. We don’t want any of you disease ridden louts passing on anything to anyone else here, nor her. Bridegroom, whenever you are ready mate.”

And that’s what happened. I didn’t bother to try to count the number of cocks that entered me because I knew that I’d lose count, that’s if I even saw some of them. When Tony finally came to rescue me I was knackered, I had a sore pussy, sore nipples, a sore mouth, a sore butt hole and I had nearly passed out due to a lack of breath 4 times, I’d had at least 5 orgasms and my hair was a matted mess.

I was really pleased that Tony brought 2 drinks for me when he came over to me. One a strong one and the other a large soft drink. I managed to prop myself up on one elbow and held the glasses with my free hand.

“Jeez Claire, you look terrible.”

“Are you surprised? It was your idea not mine, I didn’t even want to come here.”

The bridegroom wasn’t far behind Tony and after staring at me for a while he said,

“How old are you Claire?”


“Your pussy looks a lot younger.”

“Thanks – I think.”

“Have you had anything done to it or has it always been like that?”

“Ask Tony, it was his idea to cut me.”

“I thought that that sort of thing was illegal.”

“Ask Tony.”

Tony was smiling and he explained what he’s had done to me.

“Well, illegal or not, I like it.”

“So do I.” I replied, then said,

“Can we go home now please?”

“You’ll have to say goodbye to everyone first Claire; and don’t forget to thank all of them.”

“Gee thanks.”

I sat up then shuffled to the edge of the table. As I was doing that I saw the box of condoms. About half of the 50 had gone and as I started to get off the table I saw the ones that had been used in a rubbish bin. I smiled as I thought about the cleaner who’d find them in the morning.

My legs wobbled a bit as I put my weight on them and the bridegroom stepped forward and put his arm around me. He’s big bloke and his arm went right around me and onto my tit. I didn’t care.

He let go of me when I was able to hold my own and then I slowly started walking round the room doing what Tony had told me. I again got all sorts of comments, this time including telling me that I looked a mess, and thanking me.

Tony handed me my dress which I put on, knowing that I’d have to send it to the cleaners when I next took it off.

I had to take my time slowly going down the stairs because my legs moving

aggravated the aches where my legs joined my torso.

Back at Tony’s apartment I walked straight in and to the bathroom before taking my dress off. When I was in the shower Tony came in and told me that I was going to get spanked for not taking my dress off before entering the apartment. At that time I just didn’t care.

After drying myself I collapsed on my bed and was asleep within seconds.

Thankfully, Tony didn’t get annoyed with me when I slept late. Maybe he did as well.

It was mid afternoon when things started to come to life. Tony’s brother Mick arrived to sort out something or other. It was the Sunday and not the Sunday when I go to my parents for lunch so I was there doing the washing up after lunch.

Mick said ‘Hi’ then told me to turn around and face him. When I did he said,

“Now that’s the look of a well fucked body. Did you enjoy yourself Claire?”

“No, not really. I’m still a bit sore.”

“I’ll bet you are, that must be some sort of record, just how many did fuck you?”

“I have no idea. I wasn’t counting.”

“She’s due a punishment for a dress code violation; do you fancy giving her it Mick?”

“Do you mind if we get what I came for sorted before I do it?”

“No, not at all. Claire, get bent over the sofa and wait.”

Waiting for 30 minutes knowing that you are going to get a good spanking is not a nice feeling. I was hoping that I might get a bit turned on but I didn’t; not even during the spanking and I ended up with a red and painful butt before Mick left and Tony told me that I could go to my room. But at least Mick didn’t fuck me – this time.

The next Saturday Tony went to the wedding of his mate. Thankfully, he didn’t take me, there was no way that I wanted to be at a wedding wearing an obscenely short dress and maybe being told to take it off.

So I was left at the apartment on my own for most of the day. I’d done all the jobs that I needed to do and was a little bored so I switched Tony’s monitors on to see if I could see anything interesting.

When I switched to the camera showing my old bedroom at my parent, there was Aria, my cousin. She was just wearing a thong and was dancing to some music that I could hear. Her little tits barely moved as she bounced about.

After a while she collapsed on the bed and her right hand went to her pussy. Before long I was watching her masturbate and then cumming.

That started me thinking about my pussy.

I switched to another camera and was shocked to see a teenage girl taking her clothes off. After my initial shock I realised that she was in a shop changing cubicle trying on some new clothes.

As I watched I wondered if it was in one of the shops that he’d mentioned when that Dan bloke was here or if he’s hacked into another stores cameras.

I wasn’t worried which it was.

I switched to another camera and there was another girl in another changing room. She was just taking a nice looking dress off that she’d put on without any underwear. When it was off she rubbed her pussy and tweaked her nipples for a few seconds before putting on another dress.

I saw why she tweaked her nipples, the material was very thin and her nipples poked out.

Not being that interested, I tried another camera, but that just showed an empty room.

I was bored and then had an idea. I decided that I was going to have a bit of fun in the sling. I knew that putting myself on display on the internet was wrong, and if it hadn’t have been for Tony corrupting me, and me feeling horny, there was no way that I would have even thought about it, but all those things had happened and I was thinking about it.

I went and got my wrist cuffs, which I put on, my Ohmibod, which I put where it belongs, my laptop, my magic wand and some duck tape.

I setup my laptop where I could see it, and the camera could see me when I climbed into the webbing sling. Then I opened the voteurs website and let people know that I was online and available.

I checked the webcam angle again then climbed into the sling taking the wand and the tape with me.

Then I taped the wand to the top of my left leg so that when I switched it on it would vibrate on my clit. I switched it on, gasped, smiled, then did a really stupid thing. I reached up and clipped my wrist cuffs to 2 of the Karabiners hanging down from the ceiling.

That was easy to do because of the way that they are designed. As I was clipping my second wrist I suddenly thought about how I could unclip them.

Because the wand was confusing my brain I wasn’t thinking clearly and I just could not work out how I could free myself.

Then my first token giver instructed my Ohmibod to start vibrating. My mind was instantly taken away from any thought of freeing myself and to my pussy that was vibrating.

It may have been the middle of the afternoon in England but I have no idea what time it was wherever in the world that the people who wanted to drive me crazy were. Well them and the magic wand that was vibrating right on my clit.

Within a couple of minutes I was cumming at the same time as my Ohmibod was trying to force my body to jerk all over the place.

I was in heaven; but after a while I thought,

“Oh my gawd, I’ve really done it to myself this time.” I thought in amongst the moaning, gasping, shouting ‘yes, yes’ and cumming. What the fuck am I going to do?”

I didn’t have an answer but my body did. I have no idea how long I had enjoyed / suffered at the hands of the 2 mechanical aids but my body suddenly decided to switch to hibernate mode and I passed out.

Over the next goodness knows how long, I drifted in and out of consciousness. When I came out the torture continued, I’d orgasm again then pass out again.

I was knackered, totally knackered and I could do nothing to improve things. Even if I could have pulled myself up and unhooked the Karabiners I wouldn’t have had the strength to get off the sling and shutdown the website.

I had a vision of the inquest in to my death with my parents there and the coroner telling everyone how I died.

Tony finally found me sometime late evening. The batteries in both my wand and my Ohmibod had finally gone flat but I was still unconscious. The next thing that I knew was me waking up on my bed, still totally naked.

Tony wasn’t too kind to me either,

“What the fuck were you thinking Claire? Those men watching don’t give a damn as to whether or not you fuck yourself to death but I do. It would be bad for business. Whenever you’re able, have a shower then go back to bed. I’ll see you in the morning and maybe I’ll repeat what you did to yourself, as a punishment this time.”

I was asleep within seconds.

I emerged in the middle of the Sunday morning and Tony immediately told me to bend over the back of the sofa. Fifteen minutes later I had lots of red lines across my butt.

“Go and get showered then decide what you’re going to wear to Sunday Lunch with your parents.”

“Oh shit, I forgot about that; sorry Tony.”

When I arrived at my parents I’d forgotten that I’d seen Aria there and I got a bit of a surprise, a nice one as I hadn’t actually seen her for a couple of years. We had a great family Sunday Lunch with lots of talking.

When Aria and I were washing up after the meal Aria asked me if I was alright.

“Yes, of course I am; maybe a little tired but that’s all. Why do you ask?”

“Well it’s just that you’ve got red marks at the top of the back of your legs. I wouldn’t have seen them if you had been wearing a longer dress and I don’t mean to pry.”

“Oh those, I’m fine, I was sitting on this weird chair that Tony has and it always leaves red marks on my legs; you should see my butt. I guess that that’s the penalty for wearing fashionable clothes these days.”

“I don’t know that I could wear a dress that short. I’d always be worrying that people could see something that they shouldn’t.”

“Who cares what people can see, the last time, or was it the time before, that I was here I accidentally bent over in front of my dad. All he said was that he wished that he was my age again.”

“Weren’t you embarrassed Claire?”

“No, it’s no big deal. He’s a man and I’m a woman; most men have seen it all before.”

“I suppose, our mothers do fill us with a whole load of modesty don’t they?”

“And always remember to put clean knickers on. My mother used to say, I wonder what she’s say if she knew that I’ve stopped wearing any.”

“I thought that you weren’t Claire, I caught a glimpse up your skirt earlier and I couldn’t see any but I didn’t want to say anything. Have you stopped wearing bras as well, it’s just that your nipples have been sticking out since you got here.”

“Yeah, it’s not just bra free weekends I’ve stopped wearing them altogether. I feel freer and these girls are learning to support themselves. I’m hoping to delay, or avoid the droop late in my life. You should try it, it’s not like you have a couple of water melons to support and the muscles in breasts that are always in a bra loose their strength and start drooping.”

“Maybe, hey, shall we give the oldies their coffee then go upstairs and talk some more, it’s great seeing you again.”

We did, I was a bit relieved that I now had an excuse to be in my old room, all I needed now was for Aria to leave me alone in there for a couple of minutes. I think that I accidentally flashed my dad again; Aria coughed when I was bending over to put my mums coffee on the little table next to her.

Aria and I took our coffees up to her room and talked.

“I think that you accidentally flashed your dad again Claire.” Aria said just as she shut the door.

“Oops; I’m still forgetting to bend my knees instead of keeping them straight, but dad’s okay, it isn’t as if he hasn’t seen it all before.”

We sat and talked about all sorts for ages. One of the things was college. I asked her about the teachers that I had, if they were still there. The usual things I guess. One thing that Aria did tell me was that there was a rumour going round about a leaver who had stripped naked at a reunion do. Apparently she had invited all her classmates to fuck her.

“Oh my gawd.” I said, “such a whore. Maybe she was drunk and trying to fulfil a fantasy; I mean we all have that fantasy don’t we?”

I think that I was blushing as I said that but Aria wasn’t looking at me.

“Yeah.” Aria replied.

We talked for ages and after a while I excused myself to go to the toilet saying that the coffee had gone straight through me. Ten minutes later Aria did the same. I had my opportunity and quickly swapped the batteries.

I felt guilty when she came back.

When I left Aria asked me to let her know when I was going for Sunday Lunch saying that she wouldn’t go home that weekend again.

Back at the apartment Tony asked me how lunch had gone, telling me that he’d heard Aria and me talking.

“You did a good job changing the batteries Claire, and fending off the questions about you being gang-banged. I just knew that you really wanted it. I’ll have to make your fantasy come true more often.”

I said nothing and went and started his tea.

The following week my kegels were with me wearing 2 table tennis sized steel balls all day. They were heavy and I did have a few accidents the first couple of days, and got the resultant spankings. Fortunately, it was only Tony and Sandra that saw me. Tony laughed but Sandra had a bit if sympathy for me, saying that there was no way that she’d put anything like that in her pussy.

The thing was, all their heavy clunking inside me as I walked about got me horny every day and on the way home each day I asked Tony to fuck me. Sometimes he did, sometimes he didn’t.

The following week I was ready for the biggest balls, 2 tennis ball sized steel balls. They’re heavy but I’m sure that they’re not solid steel, I reckon that if they were they would be way too much for my now tight pussy. Tony has praised me, telling me that it’s like fucking a 9 year old not a 19 year old. When I asked him when he’d fucked a 9 year old girl he said,

“Well it’s what I would imagine a 9 year old would be like.”

I think that is what he meant because I can never imaging him going after girls that young although in the pub one night quite a while back I heard him say,

“If they bleed they’re old enough.”

I think that it was just male bravado.

But there again I could never imaging him blackmailing me and making me do such horrible things.

I managed to keep the balls in all day for all 5 days and Tony was pleased, so was I. I like my tight pussy. When he fucks me I can squeeze his cock and it makes me feel good; like I’ve got some control over him.

He has told me that I have to keep up my kegel exercises, which I would have done anyway. He got me a candle, about 4 cm diameter 14 cm long, and he’s told me that I have to push it deep into my vagina and practice squeezing it half way out then suck it back in. That didn’t sound too difficult, until I tried it. I think that it’s difficult because it’s a candle that’s very slippery. But I’m still practising.

Another thing that he got me to do a similar thing with is a banana, and I can do that with the banana still in its skin. The problem came when he gave me a peeled banana. It was quite fresh and I managed it a couple of times, but when I tried it the third time only part of it came out. My pussy muscles had either broken it in two, or 3 or 4; or turned it into mush.

Tony put his fingers in me to try to get it out and didn’t succeed so he eased his whole fist inside me. As he was moving around inside me trying to find the banana I decided to squeeze my muscles just as he was giving up.

He couldn’t get his hand out of me, even when he lifted me right up off the sofa. I thought that it was funny but he didn’t. With me hanging there he started spanking my butt and that made me relax my muscles and I fell to the floor.

But that left me with most of a mushy banana still inside me. When I asked Tony how we were going to get it out of me he said,

“Well, if we were at my parent house I would have got the garden hose and pushed it up you and turned it on; but I don’t have a hose pipe here.

“So what can we do.”

“I’ve no idea. Maybe we should take you to the hospital?”

“I really don’t fancy that, what about the shower hose?” I asked. “Can’t you unscrew the head off and use that?

“Good idea, you do have some brains in that little head of yours. Come on, go and get in the bath.”

I did, and Tony took great delight in sticking the end of the hose up my vagina and turning the water on.

The water was cold at first and I shrieked at the shock, but the water soon warmed up and I got used to it.

It soon got painful as the litres of water squirted into me. When I told Tony that I couldn’t take anymore he turned the water off and then told me to hold it in. Even after he pulled the hose out he told me to hold it in. I was really grateful that I’d done, and still was doing my Kegels. My insides hurt but I could hold that water.

When he finally told me that I could let it out it came out like I was a fire hose.

“Bloody hell Claire, I didn’t realise that so much had gone in to you. Did you see those bits of banana?”


“Better do it again just to make sure that we got it all.”

Tony flushed me out 4 times before we stopped seeing bits of banana coming out. Each time that he pulled the hose out he told me to hold it in and each time I easily did it. In spite of the pain I was pleased that I’d been able to hold the water in.

On the Wednesday of the following week I got a text message from Jade to tell me where the college reunion was, and asking me to confirm that I would be there. I seriously considered just deleting the text and not telling Tony but on the way home I told Tony.

“Oh good, now how shall I play it? Shall I just take you in, strip you, put you on a table and tell everyone to take you whenever and however they want, or shall we turn it into some sort of game again. I’m going to have to think about it.”

“Please Tony, can I just keep my clothes on and just socialize? I had some good friends in college and I’d like to just talk to them.”

“They were good friends when they spanked and fucked you last time.”

“That was your fault, you took control and made them do those horrible things.”

“Is that how you remember it Claire?”

“Yes, you were horrible to me. You embarrassed and humiliated me.”

“And you came how many times Claire? You can’t possibly tell me that you didn’t enjoy it.”

I just sat there silently and thinking back to that night. Damn it, Tony was right, I had enjoyed it, well most of it.

When the Saturday evening came round I was nervous. It didn’t help that Tony picked up the tawse, the paddle and my handcuffs as we left the apartment. He’s also told me to wear my dog collar.

On the way there I asked Tony what he was going to force me to do.

“Nothing, you’re going to go from one table to another talking to people.”

“That didn’t sound too bad.” I thought, then said,

“So why the weapons?”

“They’re for you to carry around with you just in case anyone wants to use them on you.”

“Why would they want to do that?”

“Because you are going to ask them.”

“Just to be clear,” I said, “you want me to go from table to table, talk to the people there and ask them if the want to spank me.”

“Or fuck you. You’ll be naked and have your wrists cuffed in front of you and I forgot to mention that you’ll be carrying a box of condoms as well.”

My heart dropped; he’d built up my hopes of a semi reasonable evening then he’d pulled the rug from under me. I resigned myself to another gang-bang, but this time with all my ex college friends taking part and watching. I wanted to die.

I was still unhappy as we climbed the stairs to the function room.

“Cheer up Claire, you’ll have a great time.”

“You think?”

“I know so.”

“When I stop talking Claire is going to take her dress off then I’m going to put these handcuffs on her. She will then slowly move around the room going from one table to another. When she is at your table you may ask her any questions that you like and take as many photographs as you like; have a good chat with her, catch up on everything. You may also tell her that you are going to spank her of fuck her. She will let you do that right there and then but please use one of the condoms that she will be carrying.

When you have finished with her please send her to the next table. If you wish to buy her a drink please do so, I’m sure that she will appreciate it. Claire is not here under any duress, and she will now tell you so.”

“Oh no,” I thought, “you told me that I’d enjoy this reunion; now it’s going to be as bad as the last time.” then I said,

“I fully accept that I am here voluntarily and agree 100% to take part in whatever happens to me this evening.”

As soon as my mouth shut I slowly unfastened my dress, pushed off the straps on my shoulders and felt it fall to the floor. I was now naked apart from my shoes and my dog collar and I could feel my nipples hardening and my pussy start to tingle.

Stepping out of the dress I looked at Tony. He smiled as he gave me the paddle, the tawse and the box of condoms then said,

“Off you go Claire, enjoy yourself.”

“Yeah, right.” I sarcastically thought as I slowly started walking to the nearest table.

Sat at it were 2 girls and 1 boy that I knew, and 1 boy that I had never seen before.

“Hi Claire,” the 3 that I knew said.

“Hey.” I replied as I stood between the 2 chairs that had the boys sitting on them.

“So what’s the story girl, is that man making you do these things Claire?”

“No, I,” I started to say, then I had a brainwave that I hoped would make all those people more understanding. I continued,

“I’ve become a nudist, a naturist, call it what you like, but I’ve decided that I no longer want to wear clothes unless I really have to.”

“Wow,” Zara said, “I never would have thought that of you Claire, but whatever.

“So are you naked all the time?” Tom asked.

“No, our stupid, strange society doesn’t accept people being naked on the streets yet.”

“What about work” Annabella asked. “Didn’t I hear that you got a job at some electronics company?”

“Yes I did, it’s Tony’s company and he encourages me to be naked at work. There’s only him, another girl and me at the office so me being naked doesn’t really matter.”

“What about the other girl?”

“She keeps her clothes on.”

“So what’s this about spanking, with those things presumably?” Annabella asked.

“That was Tony’s idea to keep me inline.”

“So he spanks you?”


“Doesn’t it hurt?”

“Yes it does.”

“But does it stop you making mistakes?”

“Well I’ve never made the same mistake twice.”

“But that Tony guy said that we could spank you.”

“And fuck you.” The unknown boy said.

“Yes you can if you want, I made a big mistake signing a document for him when I shouldn’t have and this is how he punishes me.”

“I hope that he’s paying you well.”

“If I survive for the next year I’ll get a huge bonus.”

“So I can spank this cute little butt can I?” Tom said as I felt his hand slide up the back of my leg to my butt.

“Yes you can.”

“TOM!” Zara shouted. “Leave her alone; and you 2 go downstairs and get us some more drinks; and get one for Claire. I would need a few if I was doing what she’s doing.”

Tom and the unknown guy got up and left and I sat down.

“So what’s happening with you guys?” I asked.

Over the next 10 minutes we talked about their lives and what they had been up to since they left college. In a way it felt strange talking to them about that sort of thing whilst I was naked; but at the same time I wasn’t at all embarrassed. The 2 guys came back and one of them found another chair.

As I stood up to move to the second table I thought,

“This being naked in public isn’t at all bad, in fact it’s quite nice. If the rest of the evening is like this I’ll be okay.”

The second table was okay as well; Jade and Dean were there with another couple of girls that had been okay at college. After similar questions, and answers, and catching up, all whilst Dean was staring at my tits with their rock hard nipples, I moved on to the third table.

When I saw that it was 5 boys at the table I started to worry a little, and get excited a little. All 5 had been total prats at college, being rude and crude and generally unpleasant to most of the girls.

“Hi guys, how are you all?” I said as I got close and then stood between 2 of them.

Four of them said hello back but the fifth said,

“So we can use those on you and fuck you can we?”

“I believe that that was what Tony said; but you have to use one of these.” I said as I put the box of condoms and the punishment implements on the table.

“He didn’t say which holes we could use and I’m sure as fuck not using a condom in your throat. Bend over this chair bitch, I’m gonna fuck your mouth and then your cunt later.”

That was when the fucking started and I quickly had a cock in my mouth and another one in my pussy. Just after it started I heard Jade say,

“Those pigs, I never did like any of them.” then she shouted,


“Fuck off bitch.” One of the nasty guys replied.

I wondered if Dean was going to have a go at the nasty guy but he didn’t. I guessed that 5 to 1 wasn’t good odds, or maybe he didn’t want to start a fight that would inevitably end the night.

Anyway, one or two at a time, all 5 of them had their way with me, one way or another, and all 3 of my holes got well used. Unfortunately, none of them were good enough to make me cum.

After they had finished with me I lay there for a while then sat up. The 5 guys were sat there drinking as if nothing had happened. I though about asking them for a drink but I decided that they would probably just tell me to fuck off.

Then one of them stood up and got his phone out. Then he told me to lie down again and to spread my legs.

“I need evidence for my mates. A few photos should be enough to convince them.”

The others the got their phones out and something like 50 photos of me were taken, mainly of my pussy.

As soon as all the cameras were back in pockets I got up and went to the next table.

It wasn’t far, but it was long enough for me to decide that I might me okay at this table, and to realise that I was walking around the room naked, and I wasn’t at all embarrassed.

It was a couple of reasonable girls and 4 guys, one of which was Henry, he’d always been nice to me at college but he had fucked me hard at the last reunion.

The 6 of them seemed quite friendly as they asked me questions and I gave them the same spiel that I had at the first table. They didn’t say so but I got the impression that they felt a bit sorry for me, and that was reinforced when Henry said that he was going to get a drink for me, telling everyone that I looked like I needed one. Which I did.

There had been low music playing ever since we’d arrived, and just as I was about to move to another table the volume got turned up. A few people got up to dance and I had to speak loudly to be heard as I told the group that they were free to do whatever they wanted to me.

I was hoping that the presence of the girls would tame the guys but when one of the guys told me to bend over the back of one of the chairs the others smiled, one of the girls picking up the paddle.

I got paddled and tawsed for a good 10 minutes by all of them, some harder than the others. Two of the guys caressed my butt and finger fucked me after they’d spanked me.

The next table was only guys and they’d seen what the other table of all guys had done to me and they wanted their share of me as well. And they took it; but thankfully there wasn’t as many of them.

The last table just had 3 girls on it. I thought that I’d seen more when I glanced over earlier so I guessed that the others were dancing. They didn’t return when I arrived.

I gave them the same spiel and the asked me lots of questions. Some of my answers were lies as I wasn’t going to admit that I was Tony’s slave. I was quite happy when one of the girls said,

“Don’t worry me duck, we’re not going to take advantage of you.”

I breathed a sigh of relief because that was the last table. I looked around and couldn’t see Tony and when the girls got up to dance I got up with them.

Like most girls, probably, I’d danced naked in the safety of my own bedroom when I was younger but this was in public and I knew just about everyone there. I surprised myself when I quickly relaxed and danced as if I were fully clothed, although it felt a little strange having my wrists cuffed in front on me.

I had a great time, probably the best since this whole sorry situation had started, but after about 20 minutes Tony appeared and told me that we were leaving and to get his belongings.

I was half way down the stairs when I realised that I was still naked. I stopped and asked Tony for my dress. He laughed and gave it to me and I quickly put it on, fastening only enough buttons to keep me decent.

“You got off quite lightly Claire, after the last time I was expecting you to be spanked or fucked just about non-stop.” Tony said as we drove back to his apartment.

I said nothing.

“Nothing to say Claire? Okay then, to make up for the lack of action at the reunion I’m going to tie you to the 4 corners of your bed and let you entertain your fans all night.”

My heart dropped, the only way it ended last time was by the batteries going flat. On the one hand I wanted the batteries to go flat quite quickly so that I could get some sleep; but on the other hand I liked the idea and hoped that the batteries would last all night – unless I passed out.

After my wrists and ankles were securely fastened to the 4 corners, Tony went and got my Ohmibod, ball gag, wand and his laptop. This time he wanted me to see the messages coming from my voyeurs.

“Good job I charged the batteries today.” Tony said as he taped the magic wand across the top of my thigh so that it was touching my clit.

I'm being Blackmailed

by Vanessa Evans

Part 10


So, here I am trapped in a life that I both hate and love. Tony is so horrible to me yet he quite oftens puts me in situations that are so amazing that they blow my mind. He’s turned me from a shy teenage girl into a blatant exhibitionist. From a girl who who had virtually no experience of sex to a girl who longs to be tied up naked, exposed in public, fucked and made to cum in front of a webcam. I’m almost a nymphomaniac.

I have gone downhill from a respectable girl to a slut, and I can’t make up my mind which life I prefer. Not that it matters, I’m stuck with my new life for nearly a year until my contract expires. Half the time I’m counting down the days and the other half of the time I would happily extent the contract for another 50 years.

Tony is still embarrassing and humiliating me every chance that he gets, and he makes a lot of chances as well. I still have to travel to work, and work wearing virtually nothing. I still have to be naked even before I enter his apartment, where I have to live.

I sometimes get really annoyed with myself for getting in to this position, but other times, most other times, I love every seconds of it. Even the spankings that he gives me.

For one of his latest degradations of me Tony and his brother Mick sent me to 2 of Mick’s workmates (single and living on their own) who I’d never met and they didn’t know that I’m was going, dressed as French maid (minus the knickers), to do their cleaning. And Tony told me that I had to strip naked within 5 minutes of arriving and finish the job naked.

Apart from the whole humiliation, my problem was that Tony hadn’t told me to not let them fuck me so I was convinced that they would do everything that they could to fuck me. If I resisted I was sure that word would get back to Tony and he would punish me.

It was a Saturday morning when I had the first cleaning job. I had to put the French maid’s outfit on outside Tony’s apartment and then with me carrying a mop and bucket with cleaning materials in it, Tony took me to the first address that Mick had given him.

I was nervous as hell as I walked from the car to the house. Not only was I nervous, my nipples were throbbing and my pussy was tingling and dripping. I wanted to do it and I didn’t want to do it.

After I knocked on the door it opened and a twenty something, reasonable looking man looked down at me and said,

“What the fuck; who are you and what do you want?”

“I’m the cleaner that you ordered.”

“I haven’t ordered a cleaner.”

“This is 23 Church Street isn’t it?”


“Well a cleaner has been booked and paid for at this address.”

“So let me get this straight, someone has booked for you to come and clean my house, and they’ve paid for it?”

“Yes sir.”

“So you will clean my house and I won’t have another penny to pay?”

“Yes sir.”

“Then in that case come on in young lady.”

I did, and put my bucket down in the hallway. As I did so, from behind me I heard,

“Wow, do you often clean stranger’s houses in that outfit and with no knickers on?”

“Yes sir; this is a nude cleaning service. Where can I leave my dress?” I replied as I reached for the zip to my dress and opened it.”

“You’re going to clean my house naked?”

“Yes sir. How shall I address you sir?”

“I’m Graham, but I’m happy to be called sir.”

“Yes sir.”

“In that case, you can leave your dress on the sofa in the lounge. I hope that you don’t mind me watching your every move and taking some photographs, I don’t get many naked girls here.”

“I’m sorry to hear that sir. I would expect you to watch me to make sure that I do everything to your satisfaction. My name is Claire but you can address me in any way that you wish sir. Where shall I start sir.”

“I think that the kitchen would be a good place Claire.”

I smiled at him then went to the kitchen and got started. Graham followed me and was watching my every move, including every little wobble of my little tits, and he had got his camera in his hand. As I bent over to put things in the floor cabinets I wondered if Graham had seen how wet my pussy was and if he’d photographed or videoed it.

The place wasn’t that untidy or mucky and it didn’t take long.

“Where’s the bathroom sir?” I asked.

“First on the left at the top of the stairs.”

By then I was starting to relax and perhaps, dare I admit it, even enjoy myself a little. As I walked up the stairs with Graham following me, I leant forwards a little, knowing that that would make my pussy more visible.

The bathroom wasn’t as clean as the kitchen and I had to bend over quite a lot to rub the dirt away, all the time with Graham behind me, camera in hand. I was just getting close to finishing in there when Graham asked,

“Does this cleaning include cleaning me, I haven’t had a shower yet today.”

That was one question I just never saw coming and it confused me for a second.

“Err, I guess so, there’s nothing the rule book about washing clients but you are in the house so I guess that it does.”

“Okay Claire, do your stuff.”

Again I was thrown a little, I’d never thought about it before, and I’d never undressed a man that I’d only met a few minutes ago, so I turned to him then looked him in the eyes as I took off my rubber gloves then went for the hem of his T-shirt.

He had to bend down a little for me to get it over his head then I looked at his eyes again as I started undoing his jeans. As I pulled the zip down his cock sprang out. I hadn’t expected him to underwearless and I gasped a little at the surprise, not the size of his circumcised and, I guess, average size cock.

Graham stepped out of his jeans leaving us both totally naked. My nerves and disgust at Tony forcing me to be there were all gone and I just wanted that cock inside me.

I stepped back to allow Graham to get into the shower then followed him in and turned the tap on. Before he got in I watched as he propped his camera up on the worktop as he said,

“I’ve just got to record this.”

Graham stood in the shower, cock pointing to the ceiling as I soaped then rinsed everywhere apart from his cock. Whilst I was doing that he was fondling my tits and rubbing my pussy. He made me cum before I’d finished rinsing him.

“You missed a bit Claire. With your mouth.” Graham said after my orgasm subsided.

I had been leaving that part to last, and I had intended to use my mouth. I smiled as I knelt down in front of him and took his cock into my mouth. He only lasted about a minute before pulling my head back and shooting his load all over my face and I wondered how long it had been since he’d done that with a girl.

Without being told I scooped as much as I could into my mouth then looked up at him with my mouth open for him to see his seeds. As I stared up into his eyes I swallowed then opened my mouth again.

“Good girl Claire, someone has taught you well. Now dry me then get on with the cleaning.”

Graham got out of the shower and dried himself then threw a towel at me. I dried as much as I could but my hair would have to dry naturally.

It didn’t take long to finish cleaning the rest of the house and when I was finished, I put my French maid’s outfit on and turned to Graham to tell him that I was leaving.

“Not yet you aren’t Claire, come here and bend over the back of the sofa.”

I did, and spread my legs, expecting him to fuck me from behind. He did, thrusting in to me so hard that the sofa moved. I orgasmed before he did but he just kept going until he shot his load deep inside me. Then he told me that I could go.

Outside, on the street, as I phoned Tony to tell him that I was finished, I pulled the skirt down as much as it would go and my nipples popped out of the top.

“Sod it.” I thought, “with a bit of luck Tony will pick me up before anyone comes along and sees me.”

I was a bit annoyed when Tony told me that he was in a cafe about half a mile away and that I had to meet him there. Hoping that I could get there without anyone seeing me, I set off walking with Graham’s cum crawling down the insides of my thighs.

I saw a few people on the way but only a couple of teenage boys stared and said something.

“Nice ass.” One of them shouted at me.

The second nude housecleaning happened the following Saturday afternoon. Again I had to wear the French maid’s outfit without knickers. Tony drove me to the block of flats and I headed off to the first floor to find the flat.

“Hi,” I said to the young man who opened the door, “are you Pete?”

“Err no, he’s inside. Are you the stripper that he booked?”

“No, I’m the cleaner.”

“We didn’t book a cleaner, only a stripper, a stripper with happy endings, but you’re about 4 hours early.”

“I’m the cleaner.”

“We don’t need a cleaner until after the stripper. I guess that you’ll have to do both jobs then.”

What could I do? Tony had told me that I had to do everything that this Pete told me so I had to do it. After all. Tony had told me that I had to do the cleaning naked and I had to get naked somehow.

“Come in then cleaner-cum-stripper. What do we call you?”

“My name’s Claire.”

“In there.”

The man pointed to a door and when I went in there were 3 other men there, all sat drinking.

“Guys, this is Claire, she the stripper AND a cleaner. Good idea Pete, she strips, we fuck her then she cleans up the mess. Put some music on Pete so that she can get started.”

I put the bucket down and waited for the music. As I watched, presumably Pete fumbling with the music I thought,

“This could work out okay, 4 men, 1 naked girl, what could possibly go wrong? Had Tony known about this?”

Obviously I didn’t know the answer, and never would, then the music started. I started gyrating my hips and it took only seconds for the men to start shouting,

“Get ‘em off.”

But I wasn’t about to take my French maid’s dress off straight away. I danced around and teased them with flashes of my butt and pussy, and pulled the front of the dress down a bit so that my nipples popped out, then pulled it up again.

I teased them for the whole of the first track then went over to Pete and turned my back to him. I bent over to show him my bare butt and pussy then dropped to my knees and asked him to unzip the dress.

He did then I got up, holding the dress in place, and turned to dance a bit more while holding the dress up.

Then I let it slowly slide to the floor leaving me naked apart from my heels.

I continued to dance, rubbing my tits and pussy and I have to admit that I was enjoying myself. I felt so sexy, so desirable, and judging by the comments, so wanted.

I went down onto my spread knees and started finger fucking myself. The men obviously wanted me to cum and I wanted to cum for them; and I did. I was so horny that it didn’t take long.

Needless to say, the naked me cumming wasn’t enough for the men and I got up, went over to Pete, knelt in front of him and unzipped his trousers. As I sucked his cock I felt someone lift my hips so that I was on my feet, bent over giving Pete a blow-job.

I felt a cock on my butt and I spread my legs some more. The cock took advantage and buried itself inside my vagina.

That was the start of me getting fucked in all 3 of my holes, sometimes, all 3 at once, before the men had had enough of me.

I was knackered too, but I had a job to do and I just knew that Tony would punish me if I didn’t do the cleaning.

Apart from lots of empty beer cans and bottles, the flat wasn’t really untidy and it didn’t take me long to finish cleaning up.

I started to put my dress on but one of the men told me to stop and go over to him. That was the start of round 2 with all of them fucking me again. I guess that watching me do the cleaning naked had stirred up some more lust in them.

I finally escaped that flat about an hour later with my dress not fully zipped up and wondering if the stripper that they ordered would arrive and they’d get their third fuck of the day.

Again when I phoned Tony he told me to meet me in a different cafe and I again had to walk there in that skimpy dress with my tits partially showing at the top and my butt and pussy so close to showing at the bottom.

Yet again, Tony kept me waiting in the cafe and some of the other customers were staring at me. It didn’t help that I couldn’t cross my legs, forbidden by Tony, allowing some of the customers to look up my legs and see my bald pubes and the front of my slit.

Naked house cleaning isn’t the only times that Tony has told me to be used by other people. His brother, Mick, was invited to a friends wedding and got involved in organising the stag do. Four of them decided to go to Amsterdam for a long weekend and Mick asked Tony if I could go as well. Tony agreed and on the appointed day Mick came to collect me.

I’d got together a few thing in a bag and Tony had specified the clothes that I had to wear, heals, denim dungaree bib dress and a thin tank top under it. Mick had seem me in the dress before and liked what he saw, stiff denim that was quite lose at the waist when it was fastened and a bib that only just covered both nipples. As for the length, it’s like all the dresses that Tony lets me wear, just long enough to cover my butt and pussy.

Tony had had me wear it a few times before, without the tank top, and apart from the tank, I’d always felt like I was naked. When I just stand there the only part of the dress that touches my body is the shoulder straps. It didn’t help that Tony wouldn’t let me fasten the sides so they flopped down leaving my bare hips on display.

Back to Mick picking me up, when I put the top and dress on outside Tony’s apartment, Mick had looked at me and said that I ‘would do’.

Not very complementary, not that I expected anything and I forgot about that when he told me to put my bag back into the apartment because I wouldn’t need it. I was grateful that I’d put my passport and money into my clutch bag.

We met the other 3 guys at the airport and we were soon on the plane to Schiphol airport. As soon as the seatbelts light went off Mick told me to go to the toilet and I was followed by all 4 of the guys. With 3 of the guys hiding the door and pretending to queue, the fourth guy came into the toilet and joined the mile high club. When he’d cum in me he swapped places with one of his mates.

By the time the flight was half way there, all 4 of them had fucked me in that toilet. I took a big wad of tissues back to my seat to sit on to absorb all their cum as it seeped out of me.

Once we’d landed and gone through security Mick told me to go to the toilet and take the thin tank top off and then give it to him. All I was left wearing was my heels and the dungarees dress that barely covered anything and hung on me like a tent. All it would take to get me naked was pushing the shoulder straps off my shoulders and the dress would be on the floor.

And that dress was all that I had to wear for 4 days and 3 night in Amsterdam.

During the train journey for the 5 or so mile ride into central Amsterdam I had to sit in an aisle seat with my legs open. Anyone walking along the train, and there were quite a few of them, could look down and see my pussy. When I saw each person that looked at me my pussy tingled a little more.

One of the guys used google maps to get us to our hotel which was only about half a mile from the train station. The hotel was a small one where the receptionist doubled as a barmaid and waitress and it took a while for us to get checked-in.

Only 4 rooms had been booked and when I asked where I was staying the guys laughed and one said,

“In all 4 rooms.”

I took that to mean that they would be taking it in turns to use me. I didn’t think about there being 4 guys and only 3 nights. Mick took me to his room and told me to have a shower and clean myself up. I was grateful for that because I had dried cum all down the insides of my thighs.

Once cleaned up the guys met up and we went out onto the street and headed to the more popular part of town. I tried to be careful to not show my tits or butt or pussy but it was difficult as the guys kept pulling at my dress and either it would

go up or a tit would pop out.

The first stop was a cafe where the guys got beers for all of us. To go with my beer the guys got me what they called ‘special brownies’ and I must admit that they tasted nice. Once my plate was empty they asked me if I wanted another and I said that as they were good, another one would be nice.

The guys bought a box full of the brownies for me to eat later.

When we left the cafe I started to feel ‘funny’. It was a bit like I was drunk but I couldn’t be, I’d only had 1 small beer.

When I told Mick that I felt funny, all 4 of them laughed and 1 said that the marijuana was working.

“What. You guys have drugged me?” I said, then giggled.

I have to say that the rest of the weekend is a bit of a blur. The only real time that I wasn’t high was early each morning. I’d wake up in the bed of one of the guys, twice with the guy ramming his cock into my vagina. Then I’d have a shower and put the same (only) dress on before we’d all go for breakfast where the guys would tell me to eat another brownie. During the day they’d notice when I was starting to come down and offer me another brownie. They were so delicious that I just couldn’t refuse.

There are a few other things that I remember, like the strip club where they got me to take part in a live sex show. That sort of sobered me up before I got into it then the pleasure would relax me and marijuana would take over again.

I also remember taking my dress off and trying to swim in one of the fountains. The guys dragged me out and we ran off before the police arrived.

Apparently I was frequently walking around with the bib on my dress pushed to one side leaving 1 tit exposed.

Also, apparently, when we were in restaurants I would sit with my butt perched on the front of the chair with my knees open. Mick told me that the waiters liked that.

Anther thing that I vaguely remember is going to a sex museum and seeing a life-size photo of a naked girl. She was gorgeous, beautiful face, perfect figure and very pert tits. Then I looked down to her pussy and got one hell of a shock when I saw a cock and balls. I just couldn’t understand how he had got so beautiful.

Of course the guys called him / her a sad pervert – or words to that effect.

Mick didn’t give me, and I didn’t ask for, my tank top back until we were on the train to Schiphol and I dropped my dress and put the top on, on the train with people watching.

The guys renewed their mile high club membership in the same way on the flight back and I was still a little high when Mick dropped me off at Tony’s apartment.

“You look like shit.” Tony said when he saw me, “like a hooker who’s had a busy and rough night.”

“Thanks.” I said, “did you know that Mick was going to drug me all weekend?”

“It was only marijuana, it won’t have harmed you. Go to bed, I don’t want to see you until the morning, and it’s work tomorrow.”

During the drive to work Tony asked me if I remembered getting on the stage, stripping and taking part in the sex show.

“Vaguely.” I replied.

“Mick tells me that you were a natural.”

“I think that that was the drugs.”

“Well that gave me an idea and I phoned a man that I know and you’ve got an interview for a job on Saturday morning.”

When Tony said that my spirits rose. It sounded like a chance to get away from Tony and his abuse. My initial euphoria was short lived when I remembered the good times that I’d had with him, the ways that he made me discover my sexual desires and how he feed my needs.

“Could I live without the good times and the sexual pleasures that he gives me?”

Then there was the money, if he was organising this job for me how would I stand with the contract and the money? For the rest of the week, the embarrassment and humiliation that I had a work and at Tony’s apartment seemed trivial. I realised that I was happy.

Saturday morning arrived and Tony took me to see that man that he knows. My heart dropped when I saw the place that he parked outside. It was a strip club. He must be getting me a job as a stripper.

The front door wasn’t locked and Tony led me in. It was dark and dingy and I saw, and heard, a woman using a vacuum cleaner; and a man sat at a table writing something. Tony led me over to him.

Tony and Liam (I found out later) greeted each other like old friends, both ignoring me for ages. It was Liam who first said something to me,

“So you want to be a stripper? What’s your name girl?”


“Take your clothes off Claire.”


“Your clothes, take them off, I need to see you naked. I have to check that you don’t have any stupid tattoos or bulges in the wrong places. Maybe you’re some sort of trans-whatever and the punters wouldn’t like that.”

I thought for a second then started unbuttoning my top. As I did so the disappointment of what Tony had meant by ‘a job’ started to fade and the excitement of the thought of me taking me clothed off for lots of horny men, started to take over. Then there was Liam, he wasn’t that bad looking, what would he think of my body?

As my breasts saw the lights in the room my nipples throbbed.

“Good, not a bad size and the shape is good as well. Are your nipples hard all the time or do you like taking your clothes off in front of horny men?”

I didn’t answer him and a couple of seconds later my top was on the floor, closely followed by my skirt.

“Sensible girl.” Liam said, presumably referring to my lack of knickers. “Turn round slowly.”

I did, and when my back was to them Liam said,

“Spread your legs and bend over.”

I did.

“Nice pussy.”

“I had her flaps cut off.” Tony said.

“They did a good job, she looks like a little girl. That will go down well with the punters. Put your clothes back on girl; can you dance?”


“When you’re ready go over to the stage and start dancing when the music starts.”

Liam got up and went over to a little office with a big glass window. I was standing on the stage when the music started so I started dancing. Liam and Tony came over and stood in front of me, watching me.

Liam hadn’t told me to strip but I guessed that I should, so I did, I took it slow and I tried to make it look as sexy as I could. Somehow I knew that I should try to tease as I did so and I did my best, unfastening my top and holding it over my tits then letting it slip a bit then finally throwing to the side of the stage.

I did a similar thing with the skirt, holding it over my pussy and butt when I turned my back to them, before throwing it to the side.

Now naked apart from my heels I played with my nipples and beasts as I swayed about before moving down to my pussy where I rubbed it in time to the music before finger fucking myself and making myself cum.

As my orgasm got close I dropped to my spread knees and finished myself off leaning back so that they could see my pussy spasms as the orgasm hit me,

I stayed like that until the orgasm had gone and the track ended.

The next track started but Liam had gone to turn it off. When there was silence I got to my feet and stood looking at Tony who looked pleased with my performance. Liam returned and said,

“Not bad Claire. You’ve got great potential. You need to polish a few things but we can work on those. That orgasm looked real, was it?”

“Yes sir.”

“Good, I hate fakers. You’ll need to provide your own thongs, the smaller the better, but we have quite a wardrobe of suitable clothes for you to wear to strip off so you won’t need anything else apart from the thongs and some heels. You might want to bring a dildo or 2, the punters like watching a girl fuck herself with at dildo. Which nights can you work?”

Tony told Liam that I could work 2 nights a week but not a Friday because Friday is his night out with his mates and that he takes me along to entertain them.

“Okay, Thursday and Saturday it is. Two sets each night. Get here for 7 pm next Thursday so that you can have a practice run with some of the other girls giving you some tips. Ask for Ruby, she looks after the newbies.

Tony told Liam that I would be there then told me that I could get dressed. I’d forgotten that I was still naked, I guess that that’s one of the penalties of being Tony’s slave.

We left and as we drove home I asked Tony if he was really going to make me work as a stripper.

“Come on Claire,” Tony said, “you know that you’ll enjoy it. Think of all those horny men that will be lusting after your body. You’ll cream yourself every 5 minutes.”

I didn’t say anything but I couldn’t stop thinking that he was probably right.

The next few days until the Thursday dragged. Tony may have been doing the usual, not very nice, things to me but time still dragged. One exception was him tying me to my bed with my Ohmibod in and my magic wand hanging from above and resting on my clit. It was running and he’d connected my PC to the website where people can watch me and control my Ohmibod.

Those 3 hours went very fast as my tormentors took great pleasure in making me cum over and over.

Tony dropped me off outside the club at 18:45 on the Thursday and I easily found Ruby. She looked me up and down and told me that I had the body of a good stripped, not that I knew what she meant.

Anyway, she asked me if I’d brought any thongs and when I got them out she laughed and said,

“Well if you wear those with skirts that short you definitely can’t be the shy type.”

“I don’t wear anything under my skirts.” I replied. “I’ve got those for when I can’t be naked.”

“Good for you girl. Now, lets sort out some clothes for you.”

When we went into the changing room Ruby told me which locker I could use and gave me one of the club’s little robes.

“You can wear that when you go out into the club between sets. Most of the girls don’t bother with the belt and just let it hang open, it’s up to you.”

Ruby picked out 3 outfit that she thought I would look good in, including 3 bras.

“I don’t normally wear bras either.”

“I’m getting you like you more and more Claire. But you can’t be called Claire, you need a stage name, some things sexy. How about ‘Pussy Kat’.”

I laughed and said that I liked it.

“Right Pussy Kat, put an outfit on and get on the stage and do your thing. I’ll watch and give you some pointers and tell you the rules as we go, not that there are many rules.”

I did, and Ruby made a few suggestions as to how I could improve my style, and how I could get the punters giving me more tips. Basically, get my tits and pussy as near to the faces of the punters as I can and look like I’m cumming at least once during each set.

“That shouldn’t be a problem.” I said.

“Yes, Liam told me that you had a real orgasm when you were auditioning. It was real wasn’t it? A lot of the girls fake it and are very convincing.”

“No, it was real.”

“So do you think that I’m ready for the real thing Ruby?”

“Yes, you’ll relax once you get started. The big question is do you think that you are ready Pussy Kat.”

“Yes, a bit nervous, but yes, I’m ready.”

“When you’re not doing your turn you can either come and hide in the changing room or you can go out and mingle with the punters. If you do you can get some lap dances. The only rules with them is there must be no physical contact skin to skin. That rule is club wide but it isn’t really enforced, I’ve seen girls being groped and finger fucked all over the club. In fact I’ve had it done to me lots of times. It’s up to you Claire, sorry, Pussy Kat.

Outfits sorted, Ruby got ready for her first set. While she was changing she continued giving me instructions,

“I’m on first, in a few minutes, then there’s 2 more girls before you. Watch us all and learn. None of us will mind if you include bits of what we do in your act, there’s not a lot that a girl can do when she’s stripping. After all 3 of us have done our ‘thing’ you’ll have 5 minutes to get ready. When you are go and tell Mike in the little office that you are ready and he’ll announce you then start your playlist. Oh, you’d better go and give him that in a minute.”

“Shall I put on my first outfit now?” I asked.

“I wouldn’t, just the robe. Oh hi Foxy Lady and Delight, this is Claire, aka Pussy Kat. It’s her first time stripping tonight so be gentle with her.”

“Hi Pussy Kat.” Delight said. “Relax Hon, you’ll be fine.”

“Hi Pussy Kat.” Foxy Lady said. “It will be relatively quiet tonight. Ruby, have you told her about the bouncers?”

“Thanks Foxy Lady. The bouncers are here to look after the girls as well as deal with unruly punters. If you need one just shout, they’ll be watching.”

“How will I recognise the bouncers?”

“Black suits, white shirts and dicky-bows; and they’re all big guys. They’re all nice guys as well.”

Foxy Lady and Delight started getting changed and Ruby told me to put the robe on and follow her.

“Time to get the show on the road. I’ll introduce you to Mike.”

We went out and I was surprised to see about 30 or 40 punters there. I had only expected a dozen or so on a Thursday night.

After introduction I went through my playlist with Mike then went and stood near the stage to watch the other girls. Before Ruby started, a middle-aged man came and stood next to me and started talking to me. He wanted to know who I was and if I was one of the girls. When I said that it was my first night he untied my robe and looked my nude body up and down then said.

“Nice body, you’ll do great girl.”

I smiled and saw Ruby walk onto the stage.

I did learn a few things by watching the other girls do their act, and when Delight finished I went to the changing room to put on my thong and first outfit. I didn’t like the bra and had forgotten how uncomfortable bras can be.

“At least it won’t be on for long.” I thought.

The butterflies started when I opened the changing room door. When I got to Mike’s office to tell him that I was ready, he looked at me then got out a bottle of whiskey, passed it to me and said,

“Have a swig of that.”

I did, and that burning feeling as it went down my throat made me forget my nerves.

On the stage I looked out and saw that I could only really see the faces of the punters who were close to the front of the stage. All were staring at me and cheering as Mike introduced me. The music started and I started dancing. Yes, I was nervous, but as I danced and swayed about I started thinking about the times that Tony had made me take my clothes off in public. I started feel aroused.

By the end of the first track I was down to the bra and my thong. As soon as the thong was revealed the cheers started and the calls to take it off started.

The whole of the next track was taken up with me taking the bra off and teasing the punters in the way that I did it. And me bending over and showing anyone who hadn’t already noticed, the lack of material in the thong.

The third track was taking the thong off and rubbing it along my slit. As the track was ending, I bundled the thong up, got to my spread knees, and pushed the thong into my vagina. Judging by the noise and tips going into the boxes along the front of the stage, that was a popular thing to do.

“Must remember that.” I thought.

Track 4 was taken up with me getting down on my spread knees at different places along the front of the stage, pulling out and putting back in the thong, and masturbating for the guys.

I was loving it and those guys at the front must have been able to tell. My pussy was dripping.

I orgasmed just as the last track was coming to an end and my pussy convulsions and my shaking body will have let everyone know that I was having an orgasm.

My orgasm was still going on as the music stopped and all I could hear was the noise of the audience.

They were still cheering and shouting things to me when I got my senses back and I got to my feet and did a little curtsey before walking off the stage and back to the changing room. Ruby followed me in carrying the clothes that I’d worn, and the first thing that she said was to tell me to pick up my clothes on the stage as soon as I finished my turn, and to bring them back myself.

“Oh sorry, I was a little distracted and didn’t think. I’ll get it right next time.”

“So there will be a next rime Claire will there?”

“Fuck yes, that was awesome.”

“Good, because you were good, a couple of things need polishing but for a newbie you were good. Now put a thong on and your robe on and go and circulate. Oh, if you didn’t notice before, one of the bouncers collects the tips, you’ll get them at the end of the evening.”

“Thanks, I forgot about those.”

I did put a clean and dry thong and my robe on and went out. Delight saw me and came over to me.

“Not bad for a first time Pussy Kat, I liked the finish, was it real?”


“Good for you girl, and I like your thongs, I’ll have to get some of those. Now, do you want to watch me give a lap dance, I’ve seen a punter who always asks me for one so we don’t have to wait to be asked.”

Delight led me over to a middle-aged man who she greeted with a kiss on his cheek. Then she led him over to one end of the bar where a woman took the man’s money and wrote something down then delight led the man to a corner of the room to where there were 3 curtained booths. When she pulled the curtain back I saw a solitary chair in the middle and the man sat on it.

Delight then took off her robe and hung it on the pegs. Standing with her legs outside of his she started rubbing her bare tits in his face, pulling his face onto her chest with her arms. All the time gyrating her hips and going up and down a little.

This went on for a while and one of the bouncers came and looked into the booth, presumably to make sure that the man’s hands weren’t on her bare skin.

Then Delight got off him, turned around and started grinding her pussy on the front of his trousers. It was then that I saw that Delight’s thong was pushed to one side and I could see both her labia and everything between them. It was her bare pussy that rubbing on the man’s trousers.

That went on for a couple of minutes then she turned around again and went back to rubbing her tits in his face.

Shortly after that the bounce came back and told her that the time was up.

As she got up I looked at the man, his face looked disappointed, and the bulge in the front of his trousers had a wet patch. I wasn’t sure if it was from Delight’s pussy, or if he had cum in his pants.

Delight led me back to the bar where she said,

“Easiest £20 I’ve made since last night.”

“So how many of those do you get a night?”

“Tonight, probably only 2 or 3, but on a Friday or Saturday it can easily be 6 or 7. So do you think that you could do that?”


“Just hang around and wait for a punter to come over to you. If a man comes to the bar go over to him and start talking to him. Try to get him to buy you a drink. Ask him for a vodka or gin. The barman will give you water instead and charge him £20 for it. He’ll never know and £10 of the £20 will go into your tips.”

“This place really rips-off the customers doesn’t it?”

“Yes, but all places like this do, and it’s what the punters expect.”

“I’m glad that I’m not a man.”

“Me too. Life’s so biased towards us girls.”

“Talking about life being good to us girls, if you want you can wander around and go to the tables where you can ask the guys if they want some more drinks. Don’t forget to ask if you can order 1 for yourself as well. Tell the barman that it’s for you and you’ll get a water and £10 into your tips. Oh, be careful where you stand at the tables. If it’s next to a bloke who has wandering hands then expect one of those hands to slide up your thigh. If you don’t tell him to stop it, he will keep going and find your pussy. It’s up to you.”

I did pick up a note pad and pen from the bar and go over to a nearby table with half a dozen men sat at it. Stupidly, or not, I went and stood next to the loudest man there. As soon as he saw me his hand went for my thigh, rubbing the inside up and down a bit. Not moving, I asked them if I could get them another drink and the hand slid further up until it touched my pussy. I shuddered and my wet lips parted and a finger rubbed my clit.

“She likes this.” the loud man said, “take your time making up your mind what you want to drink lads.”

They did, and it was long enough for the fingers to make me cum.

I had to read the drinks order back to them to make sure that I’d got it right, then I asked if I could add a drink for me.

“Hell love, after that performance you can add half a dozen.”

“One will do thank you sir, I seem to be losing a lot of liquid tonight.”

One more time a finger went deep inside me before I backed away and went for the drinks.

“Did you just cum again?” Delight asked me as I was waiting for the drinks.

“Yes, that man knows how to use his fingers.”

“Would you mind if I took them their drinks?” Delight asked.

“Sure, share and share alike.” I replied.

I watched the same man’s hand slide up the inside of Delight’s thigh before going for a walk around. On my walk I got stopped to take another drinks order but the man either didn’t want to finger me or he didn’t have the courage to do it when I stood next to him.

At another table a man asked me if I did lap dances. When I said that I did, he stood up and I led him over to the woman at the end of the bar. I have to say that I was a little nervous as I led him to a booth where a bouncer opened a curtain for us and the man sat down.

“Slide forwards a little love.” I said, wanting to dry hump him in the best possible way.

He did and I took my robe off and climbed on. As I rubbed my pussy on his bulge I rubbed my tits on his face. I slid my nipples along his mouth which opened to lick the nipple that was passing.

After a while I climbed off him and turned around. As I sat down on his lap his bulge pressed on my pussy. I lay back and used my legs to slide up and down and gyrate on his bulge.

I think that it must have been my imagination but I got the impression that the bulge in his trousers got bigger. Half expecting his trousers to get as wet as my pussy, I climbed off him and turned around again.

I’d just got a nice rhythm going when the bouncer told me that time was up.

I think that I was as disappointed as the man was.

I did 1 more lap dance and 1 more turn on the stage that night, and I have to say that I loved every second of it. I got a taxi back to Tony’s apartment and he was still up waiting for me.

“So did you enjoy that as much as I thought that you would?” He asked.

“No, it was horrible. I had to cum in front of all those me, it was degrading. And what if someone who knows me came in and saw me? What if they tell my parents what I was doing? My mother would kill me.”

“I don’t believe you Claire, I reckon that you can’t wait for Saturday night. As for someone you know seeing you, if they told your parents they’d have to admit that they were at the club. What would your parents think about that? Right, you’re sleeping in my bed tonight and I’m going to fuck your brains out before you go to sleep, and again before you wake up. Go.”

I did, and he did, both times; although there’s nothing unusual in that these days.

What I’ve written about so far is the humiliation that Tony has inflicted in me outside of his apartment but things have been going on inside that apartment as well.

I still have to perform as a Cam Girl, always with my Ohmibod vibrator in so that the viewers can control it and make me cum. I still have to exercise at his window where people watch me. I still get abused by the other members of his family. I still have to help him video my cousin in her bedroom. And those are just the things that I can remember right now. There are lots more ways that he degrades me.

Tony still has his wall full of monitors that show what is happening where all his covert surveillance cameras are located. He has dedicated 2 of the monitors to the fitting rooms in his mates fashion store and they caught my cousin Aria getting changed and masturbating in the fitting room.

Tony took great delight in playing that back to me over and over one night. Poor Aria, I hate what he, and me, are doing to her.

I still go to my parents house for Sunday lunch one a month and whilst I’m there Tony gets me to put some new batteries in to the teddy bear. I’m just praying that he’s not going to blackmail her as well.

Parties – Tony has these just about once a fortnight and I’m the main attraction, well my body is. He keeps finding new ways to humiliate me in front of his friends. One thing that he’s done is have a pole, like a pole dancer uses, installed in front of the webbing swing.

No, he’s not trying to turn me into a pole dancer, he uses the pole to attach dildos to, at my pussy height then he, or his relatives or friends, pulls me back and when I swing forwards my pussy engulfs the dildo.

That’s not too bad when they line me up properly, but if they don’t, and I’m sure that some of them do it on purpose, the dildo hits me all around my pussy, and it hurts me. If it’s a silicone dildo it’s not too bad, but if it’s a solid one it can be quite painful.

The worst dildo is a newish one that he’s got for me, it has a metal tip and if the power is on when it hits me, or goes inside me, I often scream with the shock and pain. Of course that just amuses the ‘happy’ party goers.

Sometimes Tony doesn’t put that dildo on the pole and lets party goers just fuck me with it when I’m restrained on the webbing swing. I never know when it’s going to shock me and I usually end up screaming, although a few people have made me cum with a combination of the fucking with it and the electric shock.

Thankfully, I’m still alive to write about it.

The other thing that he does do me in that swing, is to dangle my magic wand in front of me so that the business end is just touching my clit. I’ve been left hanging in that swing cumming with people all around me. Some talking to each other and some watching me.

I think that I’m starting to enjoy that part of those evenings.

Sometimes it’s spanking parties, and my butt, and sometimes my tits and pussy, are the main target. Thankfully, I get some rest because Tony’s 2 sisters, Zoey and Eve, like being spanked as well, and it’s nice to see their bare butts turning red. When that happens I feel a little less humiliated because I’m not the only naked girl there.

Zoey is still calling me Claire Cumalot instead of my proper name, Clare Camelot.

The other thing that Tony has done to me at these parties, is blindfold me and restrain me to my bed and let anyone who wants to, come and abuse my body in any way that they want. You can imagine what they do to me, and I never know who is doing it to me.

In a way that’s sort of nice, the mystery of not knowing does turn me on a bit.

One possible nice thing that Tony told me last week was that he’s taking me to a surveillance systems convention in California next month, then on to Florida – Key West for a week or so. He says that in Key West he’s going to enter me in all the nude competitions that they have there, and have me walking the streets naked, in the carnival events that they have.

I just know that Tony will find some way of exposing my naked body in some way at that convention, and I just don’t want to know beforehand.

I’m actually looking forward to the Key West part in spite of the fact that a year ago I would have been horrified at the thought of being naked with all those people looking at me. I’m still not sure that I was happier back then, or what Tony has turned me into now.

Maybe I’ll find the time to write about it when we get back.

White WallsReport 

2019-08-04 17:42:10
I don't think people understand the amount of time and effort that goes into writing a story this long and detailed. Bravo.


2019-08-02 19:45:00
yes yes great work keep it up pt3 ????

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