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In chapter four of Eggs Over Easy, Jem and Leila are sat by the pool having lunch and telling stories. Leila tells Jem about the last time she and Fallon had made out together after her 18th birthday.
As they ate, Jem and Leila talked about family. It was very clear to Jem that his not so little sister-in-law was definitely more than just vivacious and outgoing - she was up for trying just about anything and everything, which should not have surprised him given their very relaxed upbringing. Jem realised too that Leila had quite a strong exhibitionist streak. It quickly became obvious as well from the frank way that Leila was talking to him that any secrets he thought he shared with his sexy wife were pretty much common knowledge between the two Jamieson girls. Jem smiled as Leila jabbered away, her eyes flicking hungrily between his face and his cock. “Heck,” he thought “like I should be worried, I can barely keep my eyes off her adorable body and as for that tattoo…” Turning to look at Leila, Jem reached out to caress her breast and asked “So when did you and Fallon first start making out with each other?” “Years ago,” she answered him slyly.

“Well,” she added, “I know you know what your brother and sister were already doing at that age,” looking directly at him as she reached down and ran her fingers through his patch of wiry dark red pubic hair. Jem recalled only too vividly that day when he had found out about the incestuous relationship between his brother and sister, it was imprinted on his mind like it was yesterday; as was the memory of Fallon stripping off her panties and demanding he fuck her as they watched Zac and Amber by the tennis court. His cock started to stir again as he let those images play through his mind like a slideshow.

Dragging his thoughts back to reality, Jem realised Leila was telling him that Jake had been away on a field trip for several weeks. She had been so frustrated this last week that she had called Fallon to come over for some serious ‘sister time’. “Oh do tell.” Jem teased her, not really expecting her to bite. Jem knew that the girls had made out in the past as Fallon had told him about it but she’d never really given him much detail so Jem was fascinated as Leila ‘fessed up’ and started to tell him what they had gotten up to.

Leila was feeling bored and she was feeling horny. She had really missed Jake and the last couple of weeks without him had been particularly trying as she’d had both her 18th birthday and college graduation to contend with. All of a sudden the rushing around, planning and celebrating had come to an end and with nothing to distract her she had started to get more than a little antsy. Fortunately Jem had been able to give her loads of work and this had gone some way towards refocussing her mind but that particular day she had gotten stuck with her drawings and was waiting on the client to get back to her with some key missing details that she needed to complete the project.

It was a hot, airless afternoon, Leila wandered out onto the balcony of her room, pulling at the thin cotton blouse that was sticking to her damp skin. She thought for a moment about switching on the aircon but decided against that as she was the only one home; Dean was at the Station and had been out fighting numerous fires this week and her parents were off at a conference and she really didn’t feel like going around and shutting up the whole house. She stared down at the pool for a moment then decided she would go for a swim. She turned back into her room, unbuttoning her blouse slowly peeling it off her shoulders and breasts as she went. She was not wearing a bra because of the heat, cupping her breasts, Leila lifted the firm flesh from her chest enjoying the sudden coolness beneath them as the perspiration evaporated away.

Leila slowly rubbed a thumb over each of her nipples and felt them harden instantly, that reminded her that she was still horny and that she would have to take care of that sooner or later. She sighed loudly as she realised she still had another five days to wait until Jake got back home. Letting go of her breasts she pulled out the waistband of her panties and ran two fingers over the trimmed V of her pubic hair her fingers moving slowly down along the length of her smooth shaved pussy lips, pressing against them to relieve the itching sensation she suddenly felt. As she caressed her pussy, she had an idea.

Pulling her hand from her panties, she reached for her cell phone and texted Fallon asking if Jem was going to be out with his running buddies that evening, and did she want to come round for some ‘sister time’. It had been ages since they had spent any real time together alone and Leila had really enjoyed the times when they had made out together in the past. Knowing that it might take a while for Fallon to pick up her message, Leila stripped off her panties and rummaged in her drawer for a one piece swim suit. She pulled out the tiniest one that she had which was barely more than a bikini with a strip of material down the middle joining the top to the bottoms.

Leila stood in front of the mirror and pulled up the bottoms watching as the thin yellow material moulded itself to the curve of her hips, the outline of her pussy lips clearly visible when she pulled the top up. She slipped her arms through the shoulder straps and loaded her generous C cups into the skimpy top piece, the still hard nipples sticking out through the front. As she appraised herself in the mirror she liked the way that the swimsuit showed off most of her tattoo, the cherry blossom appearing to grow out of her waistband only to trail up her torso and disappear under the swell of her breast. For a moment she fingered the material where it stretched across her flat belly and the piercing in her navel. Quickly she applied some sun screen as, although she already had a deep tan, she didn’t want to burn given the sun was shining directly onto the pool.

Leila picked up her cell phone, a hat and her sunglasses and went downstairs stopping by the kitchen for some juice which she took outside with her and set on a table by one of the sun loungers. The Jamiesons were one of the wealthier families in this part of the town and whilst not ostentatious, had been able to do some really fun things, like purchase a boat which they kept moored upstate and, in the case of the yard at their home, build a full Olympic sized pool which they would often use for charity events and the like. Leila executed a perfect dive from the edge of the deep end and set about swimming a mile. Like the rest of the kids she had become a very accomplished swimmer at an early age and she cut through the cool azure water making graceful turns at each end.

Halfway through her swim, Leila climbed out of the pool and grabbed her juice, taking a long slow drink to stay hydrated in the midday heat. She re-tied her pony tail and switched on the pumps for the water feature at the shallow end which helped circulate the water by jetting it into the pool through five sculpted fountains. It had been one of her first designs that Jem and Fallon had put in for their parents last year. She watched as the water splashed up and over the edge of the pool. They had also added a little ‘cut out’ into the end of the pool which allowed people to sit in a semi-circle under the individual fountains and cool off in the heat. Suddenly Leila’s cell pinged and she grabbed it to see whether it was Fallon. There was a text which read: ‘OMG yes what took you so long? Xxx. Might be later start without me. F’. Leila smiled and jumped back into the water to finish her swim.

Leila was tingling with energy when she got out of the water, the exercise and the anticipation of seeing Fallon combined to create a feeling of wellbeing and so she stripped off the swimsuit and padded naked over to where the showers were, standing for a while under the sun warmed water as it cascaded over her skin. She opened a bottle of jasmine scented shampoo and loosened her pony tail rinsing her mane of hair before carefully shampooing the chlorine from the pool from it. As she rinsed off the soap, she was reminded of the last time the two families had all been together around the pool and Jem had offered to wash her hair because she had pulled a muscle in her arm at the gym.

She grinned to herself as she recalled him standing close behind her under the shower, in full view of everyone else as he had massaged her head and cleaned her hair making a bit of a fuss of her. She also remembered the feeling of his soft cock, its tip brushing lightly across her bottom as he moved and the way it had started to thicken and harden as he had become aroused from being so close to her. As he was finishing rinsing off the soap she had just stepped back slightly and momentarily pinned him against the wall of the shower, his erect penis sliding neatly into the crack of her bottom for a moment before she pulled away and faced him, shielding his erection from anyone who was looking. It was at that point that she had decided to ask her sister if she would let her fuck Jem. Leila slipped a finger into her pussy crack just as her phone went off again.

Sighing she switched off the water quickly and picked up the cell, the sun catching the drops of water on her brown skin and making them sparkle as she stood by the pool. She had half hoped that it was Fallon saying she was coming over right away but it was the client saying that he had e-mailed over some technical data sheets and yet another amendment to the specification. Jem would want this completed by Friday she knew and she reluctantly finished up her juice and towelled off, heading back into the house and up to her room. Looking at the discarded blouse and her panties by the bed, Leila decided that a baggy cut off tank top would be much more comfortable along with some wide legged running shorts and so, armed with more juice from the kitchen she set about her drafting work.

Leila was not only extremely technically competent she also enjoyed being creative with the designs she put together and soon she was lost in the details of the project and worked for the next couple of hours, her brow furrowed in concentration, only stopping when she realised that the client had still not provided all the details she had asked for earlier. Sighing, she stood up and stretched out in front of the full length mirror easing the stiffness in her neck before sitting down again at the laptop and sending off another round of e-mails. Finally she’d done all she could do for today and realised that it was already four thirty. She switched off her desk light and flopped down on her bed suddenly feeling not only hot and sweaty again but aware that the itching in her pussy had returned, this time more strongly.

Lifting her hips she shimmied off her shorts and closed her eyes, letting her raised knees fall open causing the already damp lips of her pussy to make a slight sucking sound as they parted in the hot still air. Her left hand went under the cut off top to rub at the sensitive nub of her breast making her nipple stand out hard in seconds. Her other hand slowly trailed down towards her pubic fuzz, scratching at that itching sensation. She hoped that rubbing herself off would relieve the itch; in her mind’s eye she could again see Jem’s cock standing upright from its bush of red hair as soapy water ran off their bodies from the shower.

She tried to imagine what it would have felt like had she just bent over there and then and had him slide his soapy hardness into her hot cunt. Her finger slipped in between her damp lips and she started to rub herself firmly. The more she rubbed, the slicker her pussy became. As she felt the tingling in her pussy growing stronger, she used a finger to scoop up some of the thick clear liquid that was now leaking from her hole and rub it along the puffy lips of her pussy. “Mmmmm,” she moaned out loud as her finger trailed wetly along her slit creating yet more thrills of pleasure in her belly.

Leila now inserted a second finger into her wet snatch, all the time pulling and twisting at her hard nipple with her other hand. “Ah…ah…ah…ahh!” she moaned as a fingernail brushed unexpectedly against the button of her clitoris. “Mmmmm…oh yes that is soooo good.” Leila’s breathing started to come quicker the more she rubbed, the sensations piling up on top of one another in her pussy and belly as she plugged away at her wet hole. She pulled the crop top up exposing both of her fulsome breasts before resuming playing with her nipple. She looked down at the ‘V’ of her pussy as she pulled her fingers from her wet hole licking at the pearlescent drops of girl juice clinging to them, it tasted fresh and sweet. She stuck her fingers back into her pussy and slid them back and forth until they were covered again in her juice, then smeared it over both of her hard nipples.

Leila was breathing heavily now, her tits glistening with sticky cum and sweat, her pussy dribbling its secretions down her butt crack as the tempo of her finger fucking increased. Leila was gasping as her breathing became more ragged. As one hand continued to pinch her nipples raising red marks where she twisted them, Leila slipped a third finger into her slick pussy jamming her thumb against the nub of her swollen hard clit. It was about all she could do to keep her butt on the bed, the sensations were driving her wild as she masturbated furiously. Suddenly overcome with the need for release after so long without Jake being around she let loose “Ahh…ahhh…ahhh…ooooh…yes” she gasped as she thumbed her clit as hard as she could wanting to bring herself off as quickly as possible now.

It was a matter of second before her first orgasm. Amplified by the period of abstinence and the anticipation of being with Fallon, her orgasm hit her and rolled around her body like a hurricane leaving her breathless and panting. “H…h…h…holy shit!” she wailed out loud as her pussy flooded and she furiously thumbed her clit. “Oh yes…fuck…fuck…fuck…ahhhhh! She moaned her orgasm peaking as she pressed as hard as she could against her throbbing clit. “Aieeeee…that was… aweeeeesome!” she panted.

“So glad you enjoyed it” came her sister’s amused voice from the door. Leila opened her eyes to see Fallon standing there, covered in a fine sheen of sweat and grime, her park ranger’s uniform covered in dirt as she looked at her little sister’s sweat coated, glowing skin, her hand down the front of her shorts rubbing slowly at her pussy. “Jeez Louise…what the hell happened to you?” Leila asked giggling “You look a mess,” “Hell girl you don’t look so great yourself” said Fallon laughing as well as she came into the room and dropped her hat on the dresser. “I guess not,” laughed Leila looking down at the red marks on her tits where she had nearly torn them off in her ecstasy, sticky marks from drying girl cum streaking the tops of her thighs as well, her soft, puffy pussy lips looking just as red and as swollen as her tits.

Fallon came and leaned over the bed and they shared a long kiss together. Breaking apart, Leila said, “We’d better get you cleaned up a bit…what happened anyway?” Fallon explained as she started peeling off her clothes. She had been working up at the start of the Gabrielino trail with one of her co-workers doing some clearance of storm debris when a stray branch had unexpectedly come crashing down and she had slipped and fallen several feet into a gully. “I’m glad I can roll a bit!” she smiled at Leila, “otherwise I would be more than just dirty and a little bruised!” Fallon swung around and, as she did so, Leila noticed a tear in the back of Fallon’s shirt just below her arm, the material stuck to her skin with what looked like dry blood. “Fallon, you are bleeding!” she gasped jumping off the bed and coming to look at her more closely.

“Here lift your arm a little,” she ordered getting Fallon in front of the mirror. “Oh my, I didn’t feel anything at all, I thought I got away with it” said Fallon peering under her raised arm. “Let’s get this shirt off you.” Leila wetted a pad in the sink and applied it to the cut to soften the dried blood. Fallon shucked the shirt off her shoulders and let Leila peel the stuck cotton carefully away from the gash. Letting the shirt fall to the floor, Leila carefully hoisted Fallon’s sports bra up and over her head, freeing her round, firm breasts at the same time. “Mmmmmm,” mumbled Fallon, “that feels very good.” “Hmmm, you have a splinter stuck in there Cookie,” replied Leila pointing at the black mark. “Come on let’s get you cleaned up and then I’ll take care of that cut.” Leaning in, Leila kissed her full on the lips, mashing her hard nipples against Fallon’s, feeling the nubs of her sister’s nipples harden against her in response as her tongue slipped into her mouth.

Quickly Fallon stripped off her boots, socks and shorts while Leila ran the shower. Fallon stepped into the shower luxuriating in the cool water, followed shortly after by Leila who proceeded to soap her up. She had brought antiseptic soap and some tweezers with her. “This will probably sting a little,” she said pouring some of the liquid onto a clean pad and using it to wipe away the remaining dried blood and dirt. Fallon winced as Leila carefully cleaned the wound. Fortunately it was not very deep and it was then a moment’s work for her to remove the splinter and cleanse the cut. The girls quickly showered off and dried and the Leila adroitly applied four steri strips to hold the cut closed before covering the whole area in a dressing. “You’ll have to not do too much stretching for a day or so but those strips should hold.”

Leila sat on the bed and smiled at her big sister. “Hang on, I just remembered that have something for you for your 18th birthday.” Fallon said disappearing off towards her room, Leila sank back against the pillows absently scratching at her pussy which had inexplicably started to itch again. Fallon returned moments later carrying a large bottle of lube and a huge, clear, double ended jelly. “Here you go,” she said “I was going to give this to you for your birthday but didn’t get time with all the rushing around.” She gave the jelly to her sister and Leila appreciatively ran her fingers up and down it, paying a lot of attention to the realistic cock head shape moulded into either end of the toy. One end was a slim veined penis, not too thick. The other end was much fatter with a large mushroom-like cockhead that made Leila’s pussy start to leak again as she ran her fingers experimentally over it. Fallon hopped up onto the bed and kissed her sister on the mouth. Fallon’s touch re-ignited the itch in Leila’s pussy and she kissed her sister back, her tongue pushing past Fallon’s unresisting lips. “Damn girl,” Fallon thought “it won’t be long before you are as good at this as Jemmy.” The two girls looked like they could almost have been twins, as they were the same height the big difference being that Leila was more rounded and had much larger firm breasts than her older sister.

Slipping her arms around her younger sister, Fallon and Leia tumbled back onto the bed, embracing and kissing, each feeling the points of the other’s nipples digging against their breasts as they held each other, each feeling the warmth of pussy heat as their legs wrapped around one another, their hands caressing and exploring. Leila was careful not to go near Fallon’s cut as they made out passionately on the bed. Leila had her tongue deep in Fallon’s mouth, Fallon’s fingers slipped between their flat bellies to rub gently at Leila’s pussy lips. “Ohhh girl” Leila cooed into her sister’s mouth as she felt two of Fallon’s fingers slide into her now sopping wet pussy. Fallon finger fucked Leila for a while, her lips still locked on her sister’s. Breaking apart Fallon reached for the bottle of gel.

“Here, try some of this stuff,” she said, squeezing a glob of the fragrant pink gel onto her finger-tips and massaging it into Leila’s nipple bud. Leila gasped at the sudden coolness followed by a gentle burning sensation in her nipple that sent little tremors throughout her body. “Shit, that’s good.” “Isn’t it?” Said Fallon. “But don’t use too much, you don’t want to set your pussy on fire. Here, let me.” She pushed Leila back down on the bed and straddled her waist, squirting some more gel onto her fingers before beginning to rhythmically massage both of Leila’s firm breasts. Her nipples were harder than she had ever remembered them being before and soon insistent were filling her body as Fallon continued massaging the gel into her breasts.

For Fallon, the feel of another woman’s breasts beneath her hands was always a massive turn on and the fact that she was doing this with Leila whom she loved deeply was a double turn on. She felt her own pussy lubricating freely as she moved in time with her hands, feeling Leila’s belly button piercing start to scrape against her clit. “Now it’s your turn,” she said to her sister, climbing off and lying down beside her. Leila straddled her sister’s hips, Fallon felt the damp wetness of her pussy lips parting as Leila settled on her tummy. Reaching for the bottle Leila squirted some gel onto her hands, blew on it then brought her palms down onto her older sister’s perky tits, her hands grasping and twisting the cherry-like nipples as she began to massage the lubricating gel into her sister’s skin. Within a few minutes Fallon was whimpering and moaning. “Oh my goodness…fuck this is good…Sweetie keep going.” as Leila kept up her steady kneading of her sister’s tit flesh. After several minutes, Fallon started to tremble “Ah…yes…mmmmmm…oh…ohhh…ohhhhh….fuck I am cooooooming!” Fallon cried suddenly squeezing her legs tightly together as she orgasmed, Leila continued massaging her breasts flicking her thumbs against the sensitive nipples as Fallon shuddered underneath her sister. Fallon gasped and moaned quietly as she came, her face red and glistening with perspiration in the afternoon heat.

“Right baby girl, now it’s your turn.” Fallon said after a while. She rolled her sister on to her back. Slipping to her knees on the floor beside the bed it was a moment’s work for Fallon to pull Leila to the edge of the bed and slip her legs over Fallon’s shoulders, the hot open gash of her pussy inches from Fallon’s mouth. Reaching up to grasp Leila’s thighs, Fallon leant forward and placed a light kiss directly on Leila’s hard clitoris which was standing up from its fold of skin. Leila watched for a while as her sister tongued her clit then moaned and sank back on the bed. Fallon started methodically licking from the bottom of Leila’s naked slit to the top. Gently, she flicked her tongue at the hard nub of Leila’s clitoris before repeating the action from the bottom. With one hand massaging slow circles over Leila’s tummy, Fallon continued licking at the juices that leaked from Leila’s aroused pussy as she became wetter from her sister’s tonguing.

Leila whimpered louder the more her sister licked at her now over heating pussy hole. Her earlier orgasm had done nothing to quell the urgency for release that had been building up since Jake had gone. Soon she was squirming and squealing as the sensations from being eaten started to completely overwhelm her. Fallon slipped her hands under Leila’s sticky buttocks and spread her cunt lips with her thumbs. Leila’s erect clit throbbed as she thrust her tongue deep into her sisters sopping gash. Grasping at the bedcovers and twisting them in her hands Leila suddenly threw back her head yelling “oh fuck…oh fuck…I…am…going…to…cooooome! Oh fuck, fuck, fuck yesssssssssss” she grabbed at her sister’s hair and instinctively pressed her mouth even harder against her boiling slit. “Oooh…nnngn…shit…shit…arghghghg!” she cried as she came for the second time that afternoon. Fallon continued lapping at the liquid from Leila’s pussy as she orgasmed, only slowing as Leila came down from her climax.

Fallon clambered back onto the bed, kissing Leila and letting her taste her own juice from her sister’s lips as she hugged her tight. “How was that then Sweetie?” she asked. “Mmmmm you don’t know how much I needed that.” Leila replied still breathing heavily as she came down from the intense sensations she had just experienced. Fallon grabbed some water from the night stand and then reached for the jelly that was lying next to her. Facing her little sister and running her fingers over the thick knob end she said “So do you want something a little more substantial now to remind you of Jake?” she asked giggling. “Jeez, like you have to ask!” said Leila lying back against the pillows again.

Fallon reached for the lube again, opened the bottle and lubed up the thicker end of the jelly with its mushroom shaped head with a generous amount of the pink gel and put it on Leila’s belly, she also squirted a dollop of gel on to her finger and started to massage it directly into Leila’s clitoris. Leila gasped at the sudden sensations of cold followed by warmth stealing through her loins which reignited her lust, as the initial heat dissipated, she could already feel the fluttering of yet another orgasm beginning deep in her tummy. “Fallon was very good at this,” she thought to herself as she looked into the loving eyes of her big sister. “Ahh…ah…sis…that feels…so, so” “Good?” “Ah…yes good, good it’s fucking awesome.” She answered breathlessly as Fallon expertly thumbed her clit.

Fallon wasted no time bringing her sister back to the boil, applying pressure to the sensitive clitoris nestling at the top of Leila’s very red and blood filled pussy lips. “Ahhh….oh…ohhhh… ahhh…shit…shit. I’m nearly there, don’t stop…yess…yesss…fuck meeeeeee…” Leila wailed as the intense pleasure from Fallon’s fingering quickly became just too much for her. “I’m coming again! I’m fucking coming again!” She moaned as yet another orgasm broke over her lithe body even more powerfully than before. Fallon reached forward and with her other hand picked up the jelly. The fingers with which she had just been rubbing Leila’s clitoris now quickly spread her sister’s engorged pussy lips apart and she very deftly slid ten inches of the jelly deep into Leila’s over heated pussy in one go.

Leila hadn’t expected the sudden intrusion into her spasming pussy to come quite so quickly and the coolness of the Jelly coated cock tipped her over into another massive orgasm as it filled her tight pussy completely. “Oh fucking hell, fuck, fuck, fuck!” she keened as she felt the girth stretch her hole impossibly wide as she came again. “Shit, yesssssssssss…oh yesssssss,” she wailed as the orgasm powered unchecked through her quivering body. While she was still coming, Fallon began to slide the jelly slowly in and out of her sister’s cunt, becoming turned on as the slick lips of her sister’s pussy clung to the ribbed shaft as she moved it backwards and forwards. Leila was so excited that it only took a few more thrusts for her to go into yet another climax, her body starting to shake as she came again. Suddenly Leila’s hand grabbed Fallon’s stopping her. “Enough…shit, Cookie…enough for a moment,” she panted at her older sister, her eyes glazed as she lay there, her whole body suffused with orgasmic pleasure.

Fallon grinned down at her sister taking in the pool of perspiration that had gathered in her pierced navel, the little drops of girl cum glistening like pearls on her stretched pussy lips and the red of the sex flush across her tits with their tight, hard nipples, her heavy eyes lidded with excitement as she tried to control her breathing. She ran her fingers around Leila’s tummy feeling the spasming of her tight muscles underneath her hand as the younger girl continued to experience the throes of her intense orgasm. “I love you Sweetie,” she said to Leila smiling again. “Mmmmm me too you,” said Leila gingerly easing the fat jelly from her now blood engorged pussy lips. “Mmmmmm, let me taste you,” said Fallon, grabbing the jelly and licking sensuously up and down the sticky shaft lapping up the drops of Leila’s juice sticking to its surface.

“My turn now, Sweetie,” said Fallon as she got up on all fours and presented her rump towards her sister, her hands roving over the taut buttocks, the finger tips playing with her parted pussy lips. Leila got to her knees and grabbed the jelly, licking at the thick round cockhead to lubricate it. Leila was not sure it needed it as she could see several snail trails of drying pussy juice on the inside of Fallon’s muscular thighs. Leaning forward, she kissed the back of her sister’s neck and said “Get ready here it comes…” spreading her buttocks with both hands, her head on a pillow, Fallon readied herself as Leila now slowly inched the jelly into the steaming depths of her pussy. Fallon gasped as the thick knob head penetrated her tight cunt; then the feeling as her pussy closed around the invading head was enough to make her see stars. Now it was Fallon’s turn to moan as her sister started to slip the ribbed monster in and out of her. “Oh yes…yes…that’s fucking awesome,” Fallon began to pant as Leila started to fuck her rhythmically with slow, even strokes. Fallon pushed herself up onto all fours so she could see Leila in the mirror behind her as she worked the toy in and out. It was not long before the persistent movement inside her had Fallon creaming in ecstasy. As the tightness of her cunt became accustomed to the length of the jelly she felt the head starting to bump against her cervix and suddenly little explosions were going off inside her as she began to cum.

“Oh yes…keep doing that…please…don’t stop,” she whimpered as a small climax started in the pit of her belly. Leila started to increase the speed of her thrusting and soon the giant cockhead was really bashing at Fallon’s sensitive cervix. “Oh my gawd…I am going to cum again…ah shit, yesssssss, fuck yess!” Fallon moaned as a full climax hit her. “Fuck yes, fuck yes…ahhh yes! Don’t you fucking stop!” she growled as Leila jammed the jelly hard against her sister’s cervix several more times until Fallon collapsed whimpering onto the pillow. It looked for a moment as if Fallon had grown a tail as she knelt there with almost half of the long toy buried deep inside her snatch.

Leila tentatively reached between her thighs feeling the slickness of her own secretions and using two fingers, spread them around her lips lubing up her cunt again. From her supine position, Fallon watched as her sister grasped the other end of the toy, and, on all fours now with her rear towards Fallon, slowly inserted the smaller end into her snatch. Leila gradually backed up on the toy until she felt her ass come up against her sister’s. “Mmmmmm,” she sighed again as she felt the length of the jelly filling her up. For Leila the smaller veined penis shape reminded her more of Jake than the fat, mushroom head had. That got her thinking about Jem’s cock again and she decided there and then that she would ask Fallon if she could fuck her husband. That was, she thought, if she survived the incredible sensations crashing like waves on a beach that were going on inside her belly. Pushing up on to her hands again Fallon began to tentatively push back at her sister so that the toy started to slide in and out of both of them. It took a couple of thrusts before they got into sync, slowly filling each other so that the toy eventually disappeared entirely.

Gradually the two girls started to speed up, their movements feeding the jelly further and further into their lubricated pussies the faster they went. In and out, in and out, now naturally moving into a synchronised fucking rhythm; their sister bond moving them as one in sexual harmony. After a while Fallon started to lose it and began to hump really hard, her finger slipping to her clit and rubbing furiously as another orgasm approached. Leila copied her big sister, for a moment the only sounds in the room being the squelch of the jelly as it was humped by two horny, wet girls, their breathing coming in ragged gasps as they rubbed and fucked themselves to their orgasms. Finally it got too much for Leila. Her orgasm was so sudden and intense that her eyelids fluttered and her eyes rolled up as she momentarily passed out. She collapsed onto her arms breathing hard as the orgasm rippled through the toy and triggered Fallon’s own, her fingers rubbing hard at her sensitive clit, her pussy juice dripping out around the thick jelly she was impaled on and running down the inside of her thighs. Fallon slowly came to a stop, perspiration dripping from her forehead and the end of her nose, her damp hair plastered to her back.

In the mirror she could just see her sister’s face, her eyes closed in blissful release, her head on her arms. Leila moaned, her eyes opened and met her sister’s, at that moment they both realised just how much they loved each other, well it was hard not to when you were sharing a double ended jelly together, both of them bathed in sweat, drying pussy juice and gel lube. Fallon very slowly and carefully prised the jelly out of her sodden pussy and even more slowly eased the other end out from her sister’s battered and swollen pussy. “Come on Sweetie,” she said helping her sister climb off the bed “Let’s get you back into the shower.”

“And that,” she said to Jem looking directly at him “was when I asked my sister if I could fuck you.” Jem’s cock, she could not fail to notice, was now very hard again, a drop of pre-cum glistening in its tip as she reached out to wrap her slim hand around its length.
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