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Janet the business woman learns to relax and piss where and when she is told to
Janet was not happy, in fact she was absolutely furious.

She really needed to work on her sales pitch to the Japanese buyers she was due to meet on Monday morning, but instead she was in the back of a Lincoln Town Car, heading towards a weekend at a stress management clinic she had been ordered to attend by the company doctor.

Her laptop battery was dying as she tried to get her presentation completed as the road snaked through pine forests and up into the mountains

Janet was pleased that she had chosen to wear a smart cream jacket with blouse and flared cream trousers rather than a skirt as the road climbed higher into to cool mountain air

Her mood was no better when she arrived, no one was there to greet her. The building stood on a mountainside among young pine trees. The driver dropped her at reception and carried her luggage to the desk for her then hovered expecting a tip, “That will be all,” she snapped dismissively.

The reception area had a few chairs, the reception desk and a Coffee Machine, very austere 1980s decor and on the desk was a simple “Back in two minutes sign.”

There were sounds of people working but no one came, “Hi there, is any body home?” she demanded.

She opened her laptop. She started working again.

She had a coffee. Did some more work.

“Hey where the hell is everyone,” she shouted.

No reply.

She looked for the signs to the bathroom, but there was nothing obvious.

“Hey where is everyone, you got a bathroom around here?” she shouted.

She went to look for the bathroom but found the automatic exit doors remained firmy shut. The door marked “Staff only” also seemed to be locked and while the doors to the elevator to the upper floor open and closed with quiet hiss the elevator itself refused to move.

Janet was becoming anxious, the need to pee was starting to impinge on her ability to work. She needed to pee. She looked around once more and decided there was only one option.

She stepped into the elevator pressed the door close button and pulled her trousers and panties to her knees. She gripped the support rail firmly, squatted down and began to pee. The releif was glorious as the golden liquid slowly spread across the polished floor.

The earth moved. Janet realised the elevator was moving. desperately she tried to pull her panties up but she couldn’t stop peeing.

The elevator stopped. The doors opened and there waiting was a white coated doctor and his female assistant.

“What on earth!” he declared, “What are you doing?” he asked unnecessarily as pee still dribbled through Janet's soaking panties.

“Couldn’t find the bathroom,” Janet explained lamely.

“Really?” he enquired, “Is this a stress relief patient Miss Jones?” he asked, “Only she does seem to be severely disturbed.”

“I will have to double check doctor, my notes say stress, but there may be a mistake,” Miss Jones agreed.

“Well better safe than sorry, can we get a strait jacket and a set of restraints on her please,” he ordered, “And send for the janitor.”

Miss Jones punched the Janitor’s number into her cell phone, “Mr Selhurst, lift shaft two, level two if you please, mop and pail.”

“No,” Janet protested, as Miss Jones spoke, “Its just the de stress.”

Miss Jones stepped forward and grasped Janet‘s left wrist and slipped a tie wrap around it. Before Janet could react she had slipped another tie linked in a figure eight around Janet‘s right wrist and pulled them tight behind her back, “Just to on the safe side,” Miss Jones explained.

“Let me go!” Janet protested as Miss Jones firmly removed Janet from the elevator and made her stand in the corridor..

“You might as well,” the doctor laughed, “We will need the janitor to clean the mess up so please piss away.”

“That’s not funny,” Janet whined, “Help me pull my pants up!”

“Help her Miss Jones,” the doctor suggested, “Cut them off they are ruined anyway.”

“I will wait for the Janitor,” Miss Jones suggested, “here he comes.”

The elderly overweight dark skinned slob waddled down the corridor mop and pail in hand with a tool bag slung over his shoulder.

“What’s up doc?” he queried.

“Less of the wisecracks Mr Selhurst if you please,” Miss Jones insisted, “The patient had an accident.”

“Please, my pants, he can see everything!” Janet pleaded.

“Cut them off old chap, splash a bit of water about if you please,” the doctor ordered.

Janet stared. A long curved knife appeared from the janitor’s bag and slipped down inside the waistband of Janet’s panties. With a brief tug her panties were severed at both sides and fluttered uselessly onto her long white trousers.

“Oh no!” Janet protested but already the tip of the blade was slipping inside her trouser legs, cutting down the outside of her leg, once cut through he started on the other leg and then draged the whole sodden mess of white trousers aside leaving her in just black stockings held by her black suspender belt.

A moment later her suspenders were cut through and her stockings slid down her legs.

“Kick your shoes off dear,” Miss Jones ordered.

“No!” Janet protested.

“Now don’t be silly, you don’t want piss soaked stockings round your feet do you?” the Doctor suggested.

The janitor helped Janet kick her shoes and stockings off.

She stood naked below the waist staring in horror at the Janitor as he ogled her.

He took his mop, dunked it in the bucket and started to wash Janet’s inner thighs and hairy bush.

“Enough, lets get you dry,” Miss Jones suggested, “Down the corridor.”

“But I’m naked, someone will see!” Janet protested.

“You’re not exactly naked, that hairy bush does a good job of hiding your pussy and we haven’t seen your tits at all yet,” Miss Jones insisted.

The Janitor was busy mopping up the pool of piss in the elevator. “You finished pissing or do you want to do some more?” he enquired.

“I still need the bathroom,” Janet admitted.

“Then piss here while I’m around,” the Janitor suggested, “I don’t want to have to follow you round all day.”

“No, where is the bathroom?” Janet asked again.

“Just piss here we don’t have all day,” Miss Jones urged.

“I can’t,” Janet protested, “Not with men watching!”

“Oh very well,” the doctor agreed “Mr Selhurst, we need to give the patient some space,” and they walked away together.

“So piss, relieve that aching badder, you know you want to,” Miss Jones urged.

“I can’t,” Janet protested.

“I’ll help you darling,” Miss Jones offered and she put her left arm round Janet’s waist and gently felt for Janet’s pee hole with her right hand.

“Nooo,” Janet protested but the urge was too strong and she bent her knees slightly and a solid jet of piss erupted. The relief was overwhelming, almost orgasmic.

“Better?” Miss Jones asked, “Its nice just to let it go isn’t it darling?” she whispered.

Janet heard water running, Miss Jones smiled and Janet realised she too was relieving herself. “Well the janitor will have to clean up anyway,” she explained.

“You’re not wearing panties?” Janet enquired anxiously.

“Of course not,” Miss Jones replied, “They just get in the way.”

Miss Jones took Janet’s arm and led her down the corridor again, “Where are we going?” Janet asked.

“To get you cleaned up and dressed or course, you can’t walk around like that can you?” she replied.

Four doors further down the corridor and Miss Jones opened the door into a consulting room. Pride of place was a big padded pregnancy chair with leather restraints and foot rests which swung wide.

A leather look couch and easy chair were to one side and racks of clothing to the other. The Doctor waited, “Please sit,” he suggested indicating the easy chair.

Janet sat. The leather felt clammy, almost like rubber. “Size six?” the doctor suggested as he took a pair stylish black high heeled shoes. “Wash her feet please Miss Jones.”

“You seriously have to be joking,” Miss Jones protested but the doctor waved away her protests with a swish of his hand..

“Look untie me and I’ll do it myself," Janet offered but Miss Jones went to fetch a bowl of warm water from the unit at the side of the room. She pulled on a pair of white latex glove

“Just relax Janet, your company is paying a lot of money for your treatment,” the doctor explained, “You need to relax, de stress, let things happen and most of all enjoy it.”

Miss Jones carefully cleaned Janet’s feet carefully wiping them dry before slipping the black shoes onto her feet. She secured the straps and to Janet’s surprise locked the straps in position with tiny pad locks.

“What are you doing?” Janet demanded.

“Oh we don’t want you losing your shoes do we?” Miss Jones explained, “How does that feel?”

“Weird,” Janet admitted, “Can I get dressed please?”

“Oh no, not yet, clothes cause stress, you worry about getting them dirty or torn, or pissing your pants,” Miss Jones explained, “You don’t need that stress do you?”

Janet did not see the Doctor and Janitor return.

“Such a shame you wore that beautiful trouser suit,” Miss Jones observed, “So difficult to match, such a shame to cut it off.”

“Yes,” Janet observed.

“Shall I cut it off then,” The Janitor offered.

“Yes Mr Selhurst, but be careful” The Doctor agreed, “Keep very still dear.”

The Janitor took his razor sharp knife and started to ease it inside the collar of her jacket. The material parted as he forced it downwards through her shirt and jacket until he reached her bra straps. He eased it away and continued to cut the jacket and shirt until the two halves swung from her shoulders.

Next he gently cut up the outside of her sleeves.

Janet shook with fear as the knife point eased beside her neck as the fabric parted. One more cut and he was able to tug the ruined jacket and shirt away leaving her wearing only her bra and suspender belt.

A single cut and her suspender belt fluttered to the ground.

“Oh please no!” Janet pleaded.

“Do the honours please Miss Jones,” the Doctor requested.

Miss Jones carefully cupped Janet’s breasts and the Janitor cut the straps over her arms and then sliced through the strap near the catch leaving the weight of her breasts in Miss Jones hands.

“There that’s nicer isn’t it, take the weight off your shoulders,” the Doctor observed, “Lovely udders, we’ll soon have you lactating.”

“What?” Janet protested.

“Ah she is in for de stress Doctor,” Miss Jones reminded him.

“Oh such a shame, are you sure?” he asked.

“Yes, de stress,” Miss Jones confirmed.

“Good so you can have a rest now,” the Doctor advised.

“But I’m naked!” Janet complained.

“Don’t stress,” Miss Jones advised, “We have a lovely corset for you and a lovely yellow dress.”

Miss Jones had a ***********ion of corsets in a draw beside the chair. She tried three before she found one which she felt suited Janet and swiftly wrapped it around her.

Janet was released from the chair and made to stand as Miss Jones pulled the lacing tight on the corset.

“How does that feel?” Miss Jones asked.

“Too tight,” Janet complained.

“Don’t be silly,” Miss Jones chided.

“My boobies are all awkward,” Janet complained.

“They are lovely all pushed out like that,” The Doctor advised, “So suck -able, are you sure you don’t want lactation therapy?”

“No, Its too tight I need to pee,” Janet complained.

“I know, just hold on a bit longer,” Miss Jones advised.

“I can’t!” Janet repeated.

“Just a moment, just sit down a moment,” Miss Jones indicated a padded seat on a frame rather like a go cart which the Janitor had taken from a store cupboard.

“I seriously need to pee!” Janet repeated.

“Then sit!” Miss Jones ordered.

With Miss Jones guiding her Janet reluctantly did as she asked.

“Right spread you legs,” Miss Jones ordered and as the Janitor placed a thin bar between two uprights on the frame she ordered “Pee, try to aim over the bar.”

“I can’t not with everyone watching,” Janet whined but Miss Jones gently applied pressure to Janet's belly and stroked her pee hole gently Janet started to pee.

The yellow liquid arched gracefully up towards the bar missing it by inches.

“That is very good for a beginner,” Miss Jones declared, “Hop up and I’ll show you how its done.”

Janet stood up awkwardly as her hands were still bound behind her and she moved aside so Miss Jones could sink down.

Miss Jones raised her skirt, she wore nothing below it and with her brow and jaw set in firm concentration and with her legs splayed she convulsed. A solid jet of pee leapt from her pee hole and arched over the bar. It stopped as suddenly as it started. “That my dear is how one does it.” Miss Jones observed.

“My arms hurt,” Janet complained.

“Oh sorry, some soft cuffs please Mr Selhurst,” Miss Jones requested.

He brought soft pink leather cuffs. He fastened them round Janet’s wrists before cutting the tie wraps and then he fastened Janet's wrists to her upper thighs.

“Er I meant release me,” Janet whined.

“Oh no, no,” Miss Jones explained, “Withn your hands free you will be on the telephone or computer or reading books, no you need to relax, to chill.”

“So some clothes?” Janet asked.

The Janitor brought her a yellow latex dress. It had a head hole but no arm holes so he pulled it over Janet’s head trapping her arms even more firmly.

“Oh great!” Janet observed as she realised it only just came below her waist leaving her sex in full view.

“Yes its a lovely colour but its squashing your lovely tits,” Miss Jones exclaimed, “Mr Selhurst!”

The Janitor approached with his knife in his hand.

“Oh ho!” Janet protested.

He slipped the point through the taut latex and started to cut. he made several careful cuts and finally finished off to leave a neat circular hole through which Janet’s left breast protruded. Then when he was satisfied he did the same the other side.

“There isn’t that beautiful!” Miss Jones asked.

Janet observed herself in a mirror, “I look like a paraplegic tart,” she observed.

“Yes you do,” Miss Jones agreed, “Do you like it?”

“No!” Janet replied forcefully.

“Janet, no be honest, have you thought about work since you came here?” The Doctor asked.

“No, No I haven’t.” Janet agreed.

“So what are you thinking about?” he asked.

“You ogling me,” Janet suggested.

“Do you wonder why you have not been raped yet?” he asked.

“What?” Janet replied.

“You are defenceless against us are you not?” he asked.

“Oh god, are you going to?” she asked.

“Yes,” he said, “So don’t worry, it will happen, you signed the consent form before you came remember.”

“Oh,” Janet sighed.

“Or would you prefer a chastity belt?” he asked “You will need permission to pee but only people with a key will be able to fuck you?”

“Yes please,” Janet agreed.

The Janitor fetched a leather garment, Janet was surprised and somewhat horrified to see a dildo, a butt plug and some other strange aparatus attached to it.

“Seriously?” she asked, “You seriously think I’m wearing that?”

“Your choice, a nice dildo and butt plug or lots of fat cocks up all your holes?” Miss Jones suggested.

“Oh for gods sake!” Janet sighed. “So how exactly do you expect to shove those inside me?”

“Like this,” Miss Jones explained and she bent down to take Janet’s left nipple in her mouth.

Janet shuddered. The Janitor reached for Janet’s right breast and began to knead it. The Doctor stroked her hair.

“Oh,” Janet groaned. She was already getting damp, there was no way she could resist and within what seemed like seconds the Janitor was aiming the tip of the dildo between Janet’s pussy lips. She was helpless to resist as it slid within her.

“One down two to go, Ma’am,” the Janitor laughed as he pressed the dildo firmly inside her.

They turned Janet around and made her bend from the waist. The Janitor placed a slim tapered nozzle against Janet’s anus and pressed gently. A tube led from the nozzle to a small black box. He pressed sown on the box with his foot. Lube oozed from the nozzle. It felt cold and slippery as it forced itself up Janet’s back passage. He pushed the nozzle further into Janet’s ass and kept pumping lube inside her.

It pressed against the dildo in her vagina through the walls of her passages, she wanted to play with her clit as the sensations raced through her, but with her arms bound she was helpless.

Quite suddenly the nozzle was removed and almost immediately the much larger butt plug was pressed firmly into her freshly lubed anus in its place.

A firm push from the Janitor’s knee against it and it was firmly embedded right up to its outer flange stretching her almost beyond reason.

“One more,” Miss Jones laughed. The sat her in the birthing chair, changed the nozzle on the pump to a smaller one and eased it into Janet’s pee hole.

Janet was in total shock. She had enjoyed dildos and a butt plug as much as any other young woman but never at the same time and certainly no one had ever placed anything in her pee hole.

“Oh no,” Janet sighed. She didn’t want to cum, but she couldn’t help it. She cried out in despair as the lube coursed up her pee hole and into her.

She didn’t really notice when the nozzle was removed and a simple tube was eased inside her. A short tube passing through a small rubberised unit like a small mobile phone before continuing foe a few inches.

They stood Janet up again and Miss Jones and the Janitor secured the belts to hold the plugs and tubes in place.

“How does that feel?” Miss Jones asked.

“Very full,” Janet replied, “So what now, whipping, drowning?” she asked, “Pit full of vipers? why not just kill me now?”

“Kill you,” Miss Jones laughed, “Don’t be silly, we don’t want to hurt you, we just want you to chill, relax, not worry.”

“But first you need to drink so we can check the apparatus,” the Doctor suggested, “Bring some mineral water would you Mr Selhurst please?”

He brought a two litre bottle of water and held it for Janet to drink. She drank maybe half a pint, “That’s enough thank you.”

“Oh no, you need to drink plenty, continue please Mr Selhurst,” the Doctor ordered.

He continued to tip mineral water into Janet’s mouth. She spilled most of it but he just changed bottles and kept dripping water into Janet’s mouth so she had to swallow or drown..

“Need to pee!” Janet protested.

“Say may I pee please,” Miss Jones ordered.

“I’m going to pee!” Janet warned. But she couldn’t. “I can’t pee!” she wailed.

“Of course you can,” Miss Jones explained, “But as you keep peeing on the floor I am controlling when you pee with the catheter.”

“You bitch!” Janet cursed.

Miss Jones had a control pad like a mobile phone. She punched in an instruction. Janet tried to pee again but the dildo in her vagina started to vibrate.

“Oh,” Janet exclaimed, then the butt plug started to buzz. She hadn’t realised they were vibrators and remote control vibrators which someone else controlled.

“Forget about peeing,” Miss Jones suggested, “Just take a walk.”

Janet barely noticed Miss Jones slip a dog collar and leash around Janet’s neck. Her brain was overloaded with sensations.

Miss Jones gently eased a horse bit into Janet’s mouth, it held her tongue down temporarily silencing her but she didn’t care. All she could think of was the buzzing vibrating plugs in her ass and pussy as the vibrations went into and out of phase.

She wanted to pee and wanted to cum but there was no way to pee or rub her clit to climax.

The Janitor helped Janet to her feet. She wobbled uncertainly on her high heels as Miss Jones . She should have felt humiliated as she stood with her breasts protruding from the latex dress as they were thrust up by the corset but she didn’t care.

“I’ll take you down where you can pee,” Miss Jones promised as he guided Janet from the room and into the elevator. The Janitor followed.

It whooshed down three floors.

A group of Japanese businessmen were waiting. Janet stared. She was essentially naked and helpless yet all she wanted was to cum and to pee, not necessarily in that order.

Miss Jones apologised to them “So sorry for the delay gentlemen, but Janet is now ready with a full bladder so please enjoy your walk.”

Miss Jones handed the leash to one Japanese gentleman. He bowed. Miss Jones curtsied, and he turned to his friends and together they led Janet from the building. They walked slowly across the decorative lawns and into a wooded area. Every step was sweet torture for Janet. She saw some other girls in the gardens. Some naked from the waist down, others wore chastity belts like hers. One girl was even sweeping a path with her arms bound firmly behind her by using a broom thrust up her anus.

Janet shuddered as the dildo and butt plug drove her mad. She needed to pee so badly. Then one of the men turned the Butt plug up to full speed, Janet nearly fell. He turned the dildo to full speed. Janet screamed wordlessly psst her gap. “Nooooo” and a man pressed the button to open the pee valve.

The relief was unimaginable. Better than any orgasm Janet had ever known, but suddenly the valve snapped shut. Janet glowered angrily.

“Drink then we let you pee again.” the man ordered. Janet looked confused then she saw a small pond fed from a waterfall.

She shook her head. A Japanese man slapped her buttocks. Another threatened to slap her face so she knelt down very carefully and tried to drink.

She lost balance and tipped forward helplessly into the water, She was drowning. The cold water thrilled her erect nipples, she couldn’t breathe. The Pee valve suddenly opened. She was pissing, cumming and drowning all at the same time. Her mind exploded and everything went dark.

Miss Jones was giving Janet mouth to mouth when Janet came round. They had laid her on a bench. A Japanese gentleman had his hand in her chastity belt and was rubbing her clit. Two more smartly dressed gentlemen were sucking her teats.

Janet coughed but Miss Jones continued to breathe into her, flicking her tongue around inside Janet’s mouth. “Welcome back my darling you fainted,” she cooed.

“Ugggh,” Janet replied.

“I think that is the end of your session gentlemen,” Miss Jones explained as she stood up, “Would you care to return to the building, choose a girl for a private session perhaps?” she suggested, “Change your trousers perhaps?” she observed as she saw the tell tale dampness in the crotch area which showed they had all cum in their pants.

“Thank you,” they agreed and each bowed to Miss Jones before walking away towards the main building.

She watched them go. Miss Jones undid the bit in Janet’s mouth. “Oh my lord!” Janet exclaimed.

“How do you feel?” Miss Jones asked.

“Oh god, shattered, no more please!” Janet pleaded.

“What do you want?” Miss Jones asked.

“Sleep,” Janet explained, “I need to sleep.”

“You haven’t slept properly for weeks have you Janet?” Miss Jones challenged, “Your mind filled with worry about work?”

“No,” Janet agreed.

“Exactly two hours ago you were a smartly dressed sales executive stressed beyond reason worrying about work,” Miss Jones explained, “Now you are a filthy piss whore who needs to sleep.”

“Ok, just let me sleep,” Janet replied.

“But you haven’t even been fucked yet,” Miss Jones chided, “Would you like to lick my pussy?”

“Er no, I’m not gay,” Janet insisted.

“But two hours ago you didn’t know you enjoyed pissing did you?” Miss Jones explained, “I think you need a little drink.”

“Seriously I don’t,” Janet insisted.

“Oh well there is more than one way to fill a bladder,” Miss Jones explained.

“What do you mean?” Janet asked, but she saw the Janitor holding a hose. “Oh my lord.”

“Ha ha, I see you understand,” Miss Jones laughed.

She guided Janet towards the hose reel. The Janitor quickly attached it to the pee tube protruding from Janet’s chastity belt and turned the tap on.

Shocking cold water cascaded into Janet’s bladder shocking her immensely. Her belly visibly swelled. He removed the tube and with the valve open the liquid spilled and splashed on the ground.

“Does that feel good?|” Miss Jones asked.

“No!” Janet lied.

“Of course it did,” Miss Jones declared, “Once again if you please Mr Selhurst.”

This time Miss Jones held Janet firmly, crushed her breasts against her chest and kissed Janet on the mouth as her belly filled. Exquisite pain coursed through her mind. No buzzing dildos or plugs just the sweet pain of a swollen constricted bladder and the love of a woman holding and kissing her.

“I need to pee,” Janet pleaded.

“I need my pussy licked but you won’t lick it, so why should I let you pee?” Miss Jones observed.

“Ok, Ok I’ll do it.” Janet agreed. She sank to her knees and ducked her head under Miss Jones skirt.

Janet started to lick. Suddenly something warm splashed her chin and her breasts. Miss Jones was pissing on her. Janet didn’t care she just needed to pee. Suddenly the valve opened and she gasped in ecstasy as her own piss flowed.

Janet eased her tongue between Miss Jones pussy lips, “You can stop now,” Miss Jones suggested.

“Mmmmm,” she replied and kept licking and nibbling.

“Janet,” Miss Jones exclaimed. But Janet was enjoying the way Miss Jones was responding, she loved the way Miss Jones pussy was becoming moist, she wanted to be in control and make Miss Jones cum.

“Suck me darling, make me cum!”

To be continued.
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