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After the first night where Will fooled around with his dog Baxter, he asks his friend Matt, who's known for have less common tastes in sex, where he can find places with more uncommon porn to rent tapes from. After finding the ideal man-on-dog porn tape, he brings it home to study what does he have to do if he wants to be mounted by his own dog.
I held a half empty can of soda in my thighs as I gave a last whiff on my cigarette. It was my second as I sat in the hall in front of the VHS rental shot. I had promised Matt we’d come together Friday after work but I wouldn’t risk him knowing my true intentions.

Taking the name of the place out of him was hard enough, Matt knew how to be inconvenient sometimes. After some sweet talking he slipped it, Video Gallery. Finding the address on the White Pages was easy enough, and the place was as inconspicuous as the name implied: just a boring white on black logo on the facade with a single obscure movie poster on the front door.

Matt might’ve fooled me in the end but who knows, I had to try.

Once I finished my third cig and didn’t see anyone close by, I walked towards the place. I looked to the sides once more as I grabbed the doorknob to make sure no one would see me - yes, silly, I know - breathed in, and opened the door.

There were only a few shelves full of tapes perhaps one or two years old at the earliest. As soon as I entered the counterman nodded to me and continued reading whatever he was reading behind the counter. He wore some obscure indie band shirt, some punk band, I figured, had dyed bright green and spiky hair and more than a handful of piercings. I thought I wasn’t one to judge, but he looked misplaced.

I gave the place a 360 and couldn’t find anything remotely closer to what Matt had suggested. They didn’t even have adult movies or an adult aisle, so to not look like an idiot I grabbed whatever movie that was in front of me and walked towards the counter.

“You’ll only take this one?” He asked.

“Yes, thank you.” He grabbed the tape and pulled a book and a pen, and then I figured out: the counter was sitting on one of these small stools you’d find in a bar, with little space to spread his legs or do much body movement. “The place looks bigger on the outside.”

“Yes,” he answered, looking down at the registries in his book. “Twice as large as this area, actually. We have another room for *********** tapes, right over there,” he added, pointing to the door behind him with his thumb.

I opened my eye lids wide. “And what’s in there?”

He stopped flipping pages at his book and faced me. “Were you referred by someone?”

“Mattison Curry,” I answered right away. “He told me about this place.” I felt bad for name dropping him after the fact, but it was better than having him in my tow, truth be told.

He nodded. “Right. Matt’s a regular.”

“Is that it, then?”

He shrugged. “Were you expecting something else? We just don’t allow people we don’t know to get in, it often gives us a bad rap, so as long as you’re referred by someone we know, we’re fine. Did Matt explain the rules to you?”

I nodded. “Wouldn’t mind a refresher, though.”

He opened a cabinet and grabbed a blank cover, then raised the flap door, ushered me in and handed the cover to me. “You can choose anything, then you take the tape out of its cover and put it here. Put the original cover back in its place. Then you pay, leave and bring it back in up to a week. We won’t know what you’re renting.”

“And the price?”

“15 bucks.”

Ouch. I grabbed the tape and nodded to him. “Got it. Can I have more covers, please?”

The counterman shook his head. “You can’t, we don’t allow newcomers to rent more than one *********** tape at a time.”

Damn it. I’m sure I’d have found a way to get more if I had Matt here. Doesn’t really matter now. “Okay,” I pouted, “fine.”

Once I opened the door and entered the room, the counterman closed it from behind me. All the walls had shelves, and each had a certain theme. Plenty of bondage material, lots of graphic sexual torture and a curious shelf dedicated to tapes with obscene religious imagery. At the wall behind me and beside the door, there were two shelves dedicated to bestiality porn, and that was varied in itself. There were a fair number of Asian porn with octopuses, horses and mares, pigs, bulls and, of course, dog porn. Luckily for me there were as much dog on woman as there were dog on man tapes. “Bless you, Matt,” I thought to myself.

I only had one tape, so I took the time to review each back cover to find the best one for me. A perfect option would involve a dog of roughly Baxter’s size, and I found just the one. The dog was actually bigger, and it had a monstrous cock to accompany too, but the video had everything: the man sucking the dog’s cock and then getting fucked in various positions. One of the images on the back even had the man fucking the dog’s ass while another man fucked him. Perhaps that was too wild for me to do, but I was curious to see it anyway.

I grabbed the cover in my hands and felt my cock stretching the fabric of my pants. I’ve been half hard ever since I left work to come here, but now that I have what I want in my hands the adrenaline and horniness was almost enough for me to unzip my fly and cum right there, staring at the pictures in the back of the cover.

I had no time to lose, though, if I wanted to watch it right away, because my girlfriend Ann would certainly crash at my place after she was finished with work. So I put the tape under my armpit, clumsily rearranged my dick in my pants, then finally took the tape out of its original cover and put in the empty one I carried, just as the counterman instructed, then left the room.

“You name, please?” The counterman asked me as he reached for a pen.

I stuttered for a quick second and then answered, “Brent Talcott.” In hindsight, I have no idea why I chose the name of a real person, and someone I knew at that, but it didn’t matter then, I haven’t seen Brent - Ann’s ex, and a lifelong friend of mine - in years.

“Okay, Brent,” he answered. As he hovered the tip of the pen on top of the record book, he looked back at me and added, “Just so you know, we’re going to call Matt after you leave and ask him about you. If you’re lying to us, you will be banned from renting other tapes.”

I swallowed cold and stuttered “Will! Sorry, it’s William Hendershot, then.”

He smiled back at me. “That was a joke. Matt fell for that too when he first came here, you and him are the few who are using your real names, as far as I’m aware. You can call me Dominic, by the way.”

That bastard.

Dominic then wrote “William Hendershot” in the book with the current date, followed by a comma and “Mattison Curry” next. “All done. That’ll be fifteen then, Will.”

I paid him in cash, grabbed the tape and waved goodbye. “You must return it in up to one week. See you next time, Will,” Dominic said, waving back.

“Until next time,” I answered, and hasted towards home.


I calculated I had about three hours to myself before Ann would appear. It had to be plenty of time to watch a bit how it’s done and perhaps play a little with Baxter. As soon as I entered home, I kicked my boots to the side, tossed my shirt on the sofa arm and put the tape in the player right away.

As I sat down with the remote in my hand, I saw Baxter laying in his usual spot with his favorite blanket, chewing at one of his toys. With my cock already throbbing in my hand, I whistled at him and called him to sit by me, but he decided his toy was a better use of his time. “Damn you,” I thought, “Whatever. I’ll seduce you later, then.”

My pants were still by my waist, so I pulled them down to my ankles along with my boxers, then spread my legs to have unimpeded access to my balls and lower areas. I clicked on the Play button, tossed the remote to the side relaxed my back and played with the precum oozing out of my cock, spreading all over my shaft as the video got past the opening credits.

The first video started with a Caucasian man being filmed entering a bedroom wearing only some loose, ragged sweatpants, and crawling the bed where a playful Great Dane happily waited for him. Despite the unkempt appearance, the man was oddly attractive. His body was in a sense like my own, covered in hair and with well defined muscles without looking like a freaky gym rat. His skin was much paler than mine, of course, but he had well tanned arms contrasting with his white belly.

As he got around the dog, it joyfully welcomed him by sniffing him and licking him all over, including his face. I couldn’t help but notice the man didn’t shy away from the dog licking his mouth. He appeared to enjoy it, in fact, without actually fully engaging in it. The dog was beautiful. It appeared to be well fed and well treated, looked quite heavy and even his knotted dick was a sight to behold. Baxter still looked good in comparison, of course, but lacks that “wow” factor, so to speak.

According to the spoiler in the back of the cover, this man was supposed to be fucked by the dog, and I was so anxious to see it that I almost grabbed the remote to forward the video a fair bit, but these thoughts were interrupted when the man got up in the bed and took his pants off in a single swing, letting his cock spring up and hit his belly loudly. A beautiful, thick, hooded cock. The sound of it made the dog immediately switch focus. He started licking his hairy, big and dangling balls while the man jerked off.

Before the dog had the chance to move up and lick the cock a little - which, by the way, made me wonder if dogs giving proper oral to humans was actually a thing - he sat down, laid on his back and raised his legs to expose his puckered asshole.

And as he did, so did I. I raised one leg, wet my index finger with my saliva and started playing with my asshole as the dog started whiffing and licking the man’s asshole. We’ve done it before, me and Baxter, and my mind was burning on repeating what was on the TV with my own dog. “Hey, bud, com’ere, huh?” I tried to call him again, but to no avail. Perhaps if I got up and stuck my finger close to his nose he’d be more willing to participate, but I also didn’t want to take any attention away from the screen, so whatever. “We’ll have our time later, then, bud,” I said in between moans with my eyes glued to the unfolding scene.

The movie wasn’t trying to rush anything, so it lingered on that specific foreplay for a little longer, then the man changed positions and got himself under the dog with his legs still spread, then started jerking the dog’s sheath. His cock was timid to get out, despite the dog getting a hell of a kick by lubing the man’s asshole. It was just a tip, at first, but when it came out, oh my it was worth it. Without seeing the knot, it was perhaps at least as big as the man’s own cock, though perhaps not as girthier.

To tell the truth, at that point I had already forgotten about Baxter and was fully committed to enjoying myself and to cum hard watching the tape. The man on the video was making rounds on the dog’s cock with his tongue, and when they moved apart and the man finally laid on all fours with his asshole wide open for the dog to mount him, I hear horns, and a voice.

“Will, you lying fucker!” Said the man in the car, waiting outside.

It was Matt. Fucking damn it all, Matt paid me a visit, and at that moment of all times.

“Wait up!” I yelled back at him from the window, shirtless. He still wore the same clothes from work. Pretending I wasn’t home wouldn’t work, I was certain he could see my living room being illuminated by the TV from outside. My pants on the ground were all tangled, so I lost my patience to wear them again as Matt continued hitting his car’s horn. Instead, I held them by my waist, along with my shirt, then took the tape and the blank cover and went to my bedroom.

Clothes were tossed aside the bed, but the tape was hidden on top of my wardrobe, below the suitcase where I keep most of my old junk. Still naked, sweaty and with my dick still at half mast, I grabbed an old gym shorts I had, wore that and went down to greet my nosy friend.

“Why didn’t you wait for me, man?” He asked as he left his car and walked towards me. “I could’ve shown you my favorites!”

“Huh, it wasn’t intentional. I was just walking nearby and decided to give it a go.”

Matt greeted me with a handshake and, as he usually does, pulled me closer for a hug. My sweaty, almost naked body against his soft body under his work clothes. After we parted ways he looked at my body from neck to feet, then asked, “and what did you choose?”

“Tsc,” I muttered. “Let’s get inside. I’ll fill you in.”

After I closed the door Matt went straight to the fridge to grab some beer. On his way back to the sofa he was greeted by a very effusive Baxter. “Oh, what’s up, good boy!” He said to him, petting his head and scratching under his neck.

If only he knew what I was up to with Baxter, literally minutes ago.

“So, what was it? You didn’t tell,” Matt insisted after sitting down and opening his can of beer, with another one - my own, I supposed - being held by his thighs. He rested his hand in the free spot by his side and pressed against it a bit. “This sofa is kinda damp, you know that?”

That was the spot I was sitting on, naked, jerking off to the TV. “Beats me. I left the window open before work, perhaps it was that.”

“Huh,” he said after wiping his slightly wet fingers in his pants. “Anyway, so?”

I reached for the beer on his thighs. He let go of his grip as soon as I touched the can, making it fall between his legs and forcing me to dig my hand to grab it. “So what?”

“The movie, asshole. How about we watch it together?”

Sigh. “I don’t know, man. Ann’s going to come home later tonight.”

“So what? We just watch the clock. It’s not like we never done it before, and Annemarie probably knows it already. It’s fine, we’re pals.”

I shrugged. “Whatever, man. It’s… embarrassing.”

He laughed. “Matt, I know what people can rent at that place, I don’t think anything will surprise me. Come on, say it already!”

Matt was right, to some degree. We grew up together and we eventually got comfortable enough with each other to jerk off together, side by side, to some porn magazines either one of us would steal every once in a while. And he was right that Ann - whom he stubbornly still calls by her actual name, which she hates - already knew about that habit of us, keen as she is.

We have never touched each other, though. Just wanted to clear that up. And I still wasn’t sure if showing some doggy porn to him would be of any benefit to me.

“Fine… wait here, then.” I entered my bedroom and closed the door behind me, then walked towards my secret spot. The tape I was just watching moments ago was the first one I grabbed. After contemplating my chances for a few seconds, I decided for something less risky and grabbed the second tape underneath.

After I went back to the living room Matt stared wide-eyed at me, smiling and moving his fingers, the same ones that touched the wet spot in the sofa. “That surprised me, I was expecting the tape to be already inside the player.”

I moved on without answering and popped the tape in. This one had a proper cover, but I left it in my bedroom. “Are you sure? I went alone because-”

“Will, just get over it and play the damn thing,” Matt said as he unzipped his pants and pulled his limp cock out. I was always amazed at how much of a “shower” he was, considering his 5’4’’ height.

I sighed. In all honesty, I wasn’t sure how Matt would react. He’d be the first one to know of that particular taste of mine. Considering out intimacy and our years knowing each other I knew he wouldn’t behave any differently after today, but I was never quite sure where he fell on the whole spectrum thing.

So I sat beside him with the remote in my hand, then grabbed my shorts by the waistline and pulled them down to show my still half-hard cock. “Damn, you’re already THAT excited?” Matt said.

Not for this, Matt. This is for Baxter’s cock, who’s licking his own parts right beside you, completely oblivious of what’s happening under his damn nose.

Anyway, so I hit the play button and let the video play out. I didn’t dare to look at Matt’s face, I only focused on my own cock and my thoughts of the previous video, with that dog getting ready to mount that man.

Shortly after, Matt reached to grab the remote that fell off my thigh to increase the volume. In the TV there were two hairy men inside of a truck cabin going at each other. They were still in the preliminaries but I could see Matt’s cock hardening steadily.

“Oh, so you like men too,” he said nonchalantly.

The calmness of it all made my cock twitch and harden itself to 100% almost immediately.

“It’s fine, Will. I’m into men too. You have good taste, by the way,” he continued. Never mind that the men in the video had bodies all to similar to Matt’s: hairy, white skin, slightly chubby, round and firm bellies with bubble butts. I felt my face burn, so I just nodded back to him in response.

“Is that all?”

You mean besides the dirtier, more pig-like varieties of gay porn that I enjoy, and the obvious doggy porn that’s sitting above my wardobe? “Yeah, it is.”

When I finally looked at Matt’s face, he was gently stroking his cock while his eyes were lasciviously fixated at my lower body. He didn’t seem to notice me staring at his face, so I slowly spread my legs apart and pressed my cock against my belly to better show my hairy balls, and I saw him bite his lower lip. As I looked down at him, he slowly unbuttoned his pants, opened them wide and took his cock out of his black briefs.

It was as if we were taunting each other. “So to be honest, I never sucked a cock in my life,” I said to him.

Matt broke out of his trance and stared back at me. “Really? How come? It’s really good. Tastes great, too,” he answered, coming closer to me. We looked at each other in the eyes and he grabbed my hand, then put it on top of his thigh. “How long until Ann comes here?”

I slid my hand between his thighs and then up, touching his balls with the back of my hand. Then I moved up again and gently grabbed his cock in my hand. “I think we have plenty of time.”

He then moved his arm over me and grabbed me by the neck. “Don’t you think it’s crazy that we grew up jerking off beside each other but never once tried to do this?” He asked, pushing my head down and closer to his body.

I didn’t answer, I just held his cock upright by the base and licked the pink, swollen head. It tasted amazing, but well within what I expected. A bit salty, a bit funky, like all dicks after a day without shower. Then I swallowed the head hole, deeper into my throat.

Matt started massaging my back with one hand and petting my head with the other as I sucked his cock. It was fun to pull his hood back up and then dig into it with the tip of my tongue, and he shivered and moaned softly whenever I did that.

Concentrated as I was, the sound of some heavy breathing right beside my head took me out of the moment. It was Baxter, with his tongue out, breathing heavily and looking curiously at what the heck two humans were doing to each other. He wasn’t engaging, though, and after looking up with the back of my eye, it seemed that Matt hasn’t noticed him yet either, so I decided to let it go and taunt him for a bit.

I took Matt’s cock out of my mouth and showed Baxter the string of spit and precum connecting my tongue. Like all dogs, curious as they are, Baxter came closer to sniff, his muzzle right at Matt’s knee.

Then I grabbed his balls and played with them, massing them with my fingers as I swallowed Matt’s cock once again. Baxter grew ever more curious, and moved closer, sniffing Matt’s balls from about four to five fingers of distance. They smelled incredible to me, I could only imagine how many times better they’d smell for Baxter.

As Baxter moved closer, he stepped on Matt’s shoe, who twitched in shock. He then tapped my head a few times and said, “Will, your dog’s here.”

“Oh, indeed,” I answered. “Sorry, I didn’t notice him.” I licked the tip of his cock two more times, and then added, “should I lock him in the bedroom?”

“It’s your call,” he said. “As long as he doesn’t make a fuss. I don’t care either way.”

“And what does”a fuss" mean, here?"

“Will,” Matt said sternly, grabbing my head and pushing it towards his cock. “Focus on what’s important,” he added, sliding one hand down to my butt cheeks. He caressed them softly, slowly sliding his fingers in butt crack to find their way to my asshole.

“Fair enough.” I wasn’t sure how he would take Baxter’s advances, so I chose to play conservatively, and shoved the dog away from us. Baxter, instead, caught the scent in my fingers and palm and sniffed and licked all of my hand while I went down on Matt. Matt, on the other hand, was getting increasingly frisky in my asshole, circling it with his fingers and pressing the tip of his index finger against it. I moaned when I saw Matt bringing that same finger to his mouth and sucking it.

Meanwhile, Baxter was getting ready to mount my hand. Things were getting harder to juggle.

“Damn, Will, you need to find a bitch for your poor dog,” Matt said, laughing.

“Yeah,” I said. I was onto it already.

Unfortunately that was not the time, so I had to take my hand away as soon as Baxter started thrusting his hip. The dog wouldn’t give up as easily, so Matt grabbed my shorts and pulled them off further. “Take these off.”

As I clumsily took my shorts off while still sitting on the sofa, Baxter tried to mount me again. Swiftly, Matt grabbed them off the ground, held them closer to Baxter’s nose and then wore them on one of his plush toys, right in front of the sofa.

“That was… smart,” I said. Can’t deny, that was one good way to let a dog on heat get his rocks off while we do our thing.

“Right? Say goodbye to your shorts, though.” Still, he could’ve left that on the bedroom, or behind the counter in the kitchen. Anywhere, really, but he let Baxter fuck his toy right in front of us. “Now sit, I want to suck your cock, now.”

When compared side by side, both our cocks have around the same length. Mine has more girth to it, though, it doesn’t have a hood and has much darker skin, just as the rest of my body. It’s still as hairy, though. Seeing Matt get himself naked and kneel between my legs while Baxter fucked a toy wearing my shorts in front of me was an one in a lifetime experience.

After Matt grabbed my cock and filled his mouth with it, I had to admit he was way better at sucking dick than myself. I took things slowly and savored each moment, but he took my dick as his own and shoved it down to his throat all while he massaged my perineum with his thumbs. Seeing his bearded cheeks puff up as he sucked my dick made me squirm with pleasure.

“I have to tell you, I’ve always kind of wanted to suck this cock,” he said while gently licking around the head of my cock. “It lives up to the expectation.” My dick was, like his, still unwashed. Yet, he took it all in stride and cleaned it with gusto.

As he kept on, I raised one leg above his shoulder and gave him better access to my asshole, which he promptly started playing with his thumb. “Please fuck me, Matt. Fuck me good,” I begged.

“Hmm? I was expecting YOU to pound me. You never had a cock in your ass, right?”

“No. I want to try it.” Also, I needed some way to warm up to taking Baxter’s cock, be it one way or another.

“Fair enough. Do you have lube?”

“Ahh, I should. Hold on.” Matt got up on his feet and gave me a hand to lift me from the sofa. He pulled me for a kiss as I got up. I went to the bathroom and left Matt alone with Baxter in the living room. I didn’t have to use lube with Ann, ever, so I only had for my own solo sessions.

When I got back, Matt was waiting for me sitting on the couch, stroking his cock. It was only a glimpse, but I felt like Matt was attentively watching Baxter’s show right before I entered the room. “Nice, gimme gimme,” he said. As I tossed it at him, he put it aside and continued, “come and sit on my face, I want to taste it first.”

I climbed the sofa, turned my back to him and leaned against the wall, then slowly descended until his tongue was able to dig through my butt cheeks and reach my asshole. If I looked down I’d see Matt’s round belly and his delicious cock being stroked, and if I looked ahead I’d be greeted by Baxter panting and thrusting viciously at his plush toy, driven by my own scent. To be frank, it was a bit hard to control myself not to cum right there, all the while Matt made laps around my asshole and forced the tip of his tongue in.

Goddamn that was good.

After a while Matt tapped me a few times in the thigh and I got off his face. He was grinning. He grabbed the lube, slathered it all over his cock and then say, “sit.”

Without changing positions, I lowered myself so my butt was right above his cock and let him grab me by the hips to guide me down. “You don’t want to face me?”

“I think this position will make it easier for me,” I answered. In all honesty, sitting with my back to Matt would give me unrestricted view to Baxter. It was hard to see his cock while he continuously fucked his toy, but I was hopeful he’d bust his nut eventually and I’d get to see it once more.

Matt didn’t answer. He just pushed me down slowly while holding his cock tight. I moaned slowly as he steadily lowered my hip. Before long, my butt was touching his crotch and he had his cock all inside me. “How does it feel?”

“It burns a bit, but I’m alright. It feels amazing, though!” I answered back. He let me sit on him, immobile, so that I’d get used to his dick, but I took the chance to watch and jerk off to Baxter finally cumming on my shorts and then cleaning himself up. Once more, I was flabbergasted by the dog’s cock and knot, and my mouth salivated to taste it and his cum. When he was done cleaning his own member, Baxter happily trotted to the bedroom.

“So he’s already done, heh?” Matt pointed as he saw the dog walk past him with his cock dangling left and right. “Dogs often finish fast, they’re not like us. Are you ready?”

Ready to cum with a cock in my ass while thinking on being fucked by my own dog? “Hell yes!”

Matt then moved his hands below my butt and pressed against them so that I’d get up a little. Feeling his cock slide out of my butt, its skin grazing against my hairy butt cheeks, felt absolutely amazing. Then he held me in place and started rocking his hip up and down, ever so slowly. “You’re still so tight!”

I couldn’t answer with words anymore. Matt started caressing my belly and my hard nipples while he fucked me from below, and I could only moan and squirm on top of his cock. My mind was in two places: I was intensely aroused by his body, his cock, his smell, but also about seeing Baxter and his cock once more, and by the idea of being fucked by him in a near future. Contrary to the other day, I was masturbating myself really hard, trying to take it all in anticipation for one of the best orgasms I have ever had up until then.

Matt tried to increase the speed once, but after he heard my squirms and moans of pain, he slowed down again. I heard him breathing heavily below me, so I lowered myself down again and leaned my back against his chest, his cock buried deep within me, and let him wrap his arms around my body and pinch my nipples. Our moans got even louder as he continued to rock his cock against my asshole and I pressed my butt against his crotch.

“I’m ready when you are, Will,” he whispered to me. That and the hot air coming from his mouth and hitting my ear was enough for me to clench my butt and hold his arms tight. “NOW!” I screamed.

He held my arms against my chest and continued fucking me as I came in my own belly while he filled my asshole with his own cum. When he was finished, he let go of my arms and then moved his hand down to press my cock against my belly. My cum got all tangled in my hairy belly, and lots of it also covered his fingers. When I thought I was done, he grabbed my cock firmly and stroked it vigorously, making me moan loudly until my cock sat limp in his hand.

We let ourselves catch our breath, me still sitting on top of him with his surprisingly still hard cock inside of me. I took some time to contemplate myself. My body stank of sweat and cum, my legs were trembling, and my asshole was slightly numb. When I finally mustered enough strength to get up, Matt’s cock plopped out quite easily and I started leaking his cum over his legs and floor.

“Hey, easy,” he said, cupping his hand behind my ass to catch the runaway cum. “We need to take care of this mess now. Let’s have a bath, shall we?”

I cupped my own asshole, grabbed a bit of his cum between my fingers and licked it. “Yes, let’s go.”


By the time we had finished to tidy up my house, there was still around 40 minutes or so for Ann to arrive. If we let the place stay like it was, it’d be the end of my relationship with her.

The sofa was wet of sweat and cum, so we washed it with a wet towel, wiped the excess moisture and then covered it with a sofa cover, which I luckily had at home but never bothered to use. I put my own used clothes deep in my wardrobe, including the shorts Baxter used to fuck his toy, which I was planning on retrieving later. The tape I just took out of the player and hid it in its usual spot. Matt helped me with all of this. When all was about done, we sat ourselves in the sofa, me wearing fresh clothes while he wore his work clothes again, drinking some more beer with the TV on for some background noise.

We didn’t chat much, to be honest. In the bath Matt ate his own cum that was flowing out of my asshole, we sucked each other once more, then got dressed and started talking shit as usual. It was was if nothing had happened.

Before long, we saw Ann enter by the front door. “Oh, great timing, Matt! I need the help of both of you. Come with me downstairs, I need you two to help me carry some bags.”

“What are these bags for, hun?”

“Long story, I’ll explain as we walk down the stairs. So?”

I got up and left my beer on the kitchen counter to follow Ann, and Matt was right beside me. After we crossed the front door, Matt said “you know what? You wait for me down there, I need to take a piss real quick.”

“Right now, really?” Ann quipped. “You can do that after we take the bags!”

“It’ll be real quick, I promise, go ahead and I’ll be down in a minute,” he said already making his way to the bathroom, so we walked down.


Matt left right after we got up with the haul. We were really lucky Ann didn’t suspect of anything. After we had dinner, she had a shower and we went to sleep, I surreptitiously crawled out of the bed and slowly opened my wardrobe to find that shorts Baxter had used to cum on.

Oddly enough, I wasn’t finding it. I double checked, I had stashed it together with my other clothes. They were all there, but the shorts wasn’t. It was nowhere to be found, actually. But how could it be? If Ann had found the used clothes, surely she’d have moved all of them, and only me and Matt knew what the shorts were used for.

So I decided to check the spot where I keep my porn tapes. The gay movie was there, so were a few others that were further in the distance. But the beast porn I had rented earlier wasn’t there either.

Oh. Matt, you sneaky bastard.


2019-08-13 15:16:58
Yes! More of this! I love gay knotting holy shit it's so fucking hot!

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