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Ethan and Heather meet on a cruise ship and follow their hearts
Not sure about all of the readers on here, but my husband and I do enjoy watching a certain channel on Saturday nights, when we are not entertaining friends, or being entertained at their houses. If you are readers of our stories, you know what I am talking about. But over the years, we have settled down a little and do enjoy these movies, even though we know how they will always end, even the Christmas one’s always end the same.

This story is a story about a widow and a widower, who meet on a cruise ship and fall deeply in love. But what they don’t show on those mushy movies, that always end in a kiss, is the sexual journey two new lovers always take, as well.


Chapter 1

“This is going to be so much fun this week. Just think of all the hot guys that might be on the ship. And where there is hot guys, hot sex is sure to follow” Gina told her best fried Heather as they sat on the plane, awaiting take off to Miami, then be taken to their Fun and Sun cruise ship that is taking in the Eastern Caribbean for 8 days and 7 nights.

“Oh My God Gina! Is that all you think about is sex?” Heather asked. “Christ. I forgot what sex is, let alone, think about it too much.”

“Oh Sweetie, it is time you start getting back into the game. You need a man in your life, even if it is for just 7 days. I know Peter was your everything, but he is gone now and I doubt highly that he would want you living the life of an old maid. You are beautiful, and I may say, extremely sexy, and any man would want you in his life and bed too.” Gina said.

“I know Gina, I know. But it is still hard for me to think of myself as being with anyone, but Peter. But, I did say I would join you on this adventure and have fun, so her I am. Just let me do this my way, please.” she said with pleading eyes.

Gina, who is 28, single and never one to be tied into a full blown relationship. She is an Italian spitfire, that stands 5’5, with a deep, dark tan, all over actually. She is trim and has enhanced her C cup breast to D cup now. Since she works out a lot, her legs are very toned as is her butt and belly. She loves to dress sexy, especially if she is going clubbing. Any of the men she dates are just friends, whom, if they treat here right, become friends with the benefits of great sex. She is highly sexual, and knows how to please a man, in many many ways. She has even had a few bisexual experiences, since her high school years.

Now Heather is 28, and a widow. She stands 5’8, has shoulder length strawberry blond hair, that turns more red in the winter months. She has natural B cup breasts, and as many men have stated, killer legs and ass, and she too keeps in shape, working out 4 times a week. She started doing that, when she was first married to Peter. Since she is more modest than her best friend, she always wears a bathing suit, of some sort, when tanning.

Heather had met Peter, in her final year of college. She and a bunch of her friends, which included Gina, went to this pub, that was near the Quantico Marine base in Virginia. When she saw Peter that night, it was love at first sight for both of them. A year after they met, they were married. Peter was a good and honest man, who was a platoon leader in the Marines. He was a career Marine, who at 29, already had 11 years in the service. He loved what he did, even though sometimes it put his life in jeopardy.

Their marriage was a strong one, and when he wasn’t deployed somewhere, he doted over Heather, every chance he got. But he did have one misstep once. He was on a short furlough to Greece and got drunk one night and woke up the next morning to a beautiful local woman. Both were naked, but he couldn’t remember a thing. When he got back home, he immediately told Heather about it and was so sorry. Yes, she was hurt, but he was gone 6 months by that time and she knew how highly sexual he was and forgave him.

Since then, any time he was deployed, then come home, no one would see them for at least a week. They never answered the phone, nor ventured out of the house they rented. They just stayed naked and had sex the whole time, except for bathroom breaks, showers and eating. Both Heather and her husband loved sex and always communicated what they liked and disliked, which was very few things.

They even had a few of threesomes with Gina over the years. That came about because Heather told Peter about she and Gina being lovers, while in college, a few times. Peter, being a man, said he would love to see that happen between the two ladies. So Heather set it up. She was sure of their deep love for one another, that it would not damage their relationship, if anything, only enhance it, and she was right.

Then, 3 1/2 years ago, Heather was home after a long day at work, and heard the doorbell. When she opened the door, there stood a Chaplin and an officer. They came in and informed her that her husband of three years had been killed in action, in Afghanistan. This was something that all spouses of military personal feared most, when they were deployed.

For months, she went through the motions of everyday life. She quit working out, which was a big thing for her and Peter to do together. Her eating habits sucked, as she lost at least 10 pounds, and she didn’t socialize with anyone. Gina though, was always with her, trying her best to lift her spirits, but even she was not succeeding too well.

But over time, Heather began to come back to her old self, in many respects, except when it came to dating. She did not think she was ready for that, nor could anyone come close to replacing Peter and the devoted love she had for him. Gina tried on many occasions, this past year, to set her up on dates, but Heather always said no. But then 5 months ago, they both were watching a Travel Channel show on cruises, and the fun they looked like they were having on it, and somehow Gina talked her into going with her. Gina wasted no time in setting up this adventure. She didn’t care if Heather got laid or not, just getting her out there again and mingling, would be a victory in itself, and if she did let down her guard and got laid, then that was a bonus. So here they are now, sitting on the plane, ready to start an adventure, and maybe, just maybe, put Heather back into the world of love, laughter, and fun.

It was just before the plane door was to be closed, when a man came through. He was a good looking man and Gina noticed him right off. She grabbed Heathers knee, to get attention. The man stood next to the girls as he placed his one bag in the overhead bin. When he looked down, he saw Heather looking at him. He just stared into her gorgeous green eyes and smiled, then said he was sorry for the interruption of their conversation. He then took a seat, two rows in front of them.

“Oh My God. He is so cute. He could lay in my bed anytime he wants too. Did you see his blue eyes?” Gina asked Heather.

Heather did notice his smoldering blue eyes, and actually felt a tingle when she looked up into his eyes and his disarming smile. But she did not say anything to Gina, since it would only entice her more to say things about him. For all they knew, he was on his way to Miami for a business trip or visiting relatives. Plus, she didn’t believe in fate striking twice in her life. She had her dream man, but now that dream was tragically taken away from her.

Gina leaned over and whispered, “If he looks good clothed, just think what he looks like naked, and a huge plus if he is hung nicely and knows how to use it.” Gina said, to which Heather just shook her head.

Chapter 2

As they debarked from the plane and headed down to the baggage area, Gina and Heather walked behind their mystery man. Gina was in heaven viewing his ass, or as she just said, “gorgeous ass” Unlike most men, she said, his ass wasn’t flat, and something you could hold on too, while your legs are wrapped around him, as he was fucking you senseless. Heather just shook her head then told her, he wasn’t a piece of meat, but did agree, he did have a nice ass. The girls then lost track of him, after getting their luggage and finding the bus that would take them to the ship.

After getting their boarding passes and room assignment, the girls headed onto the ship, and went to find their room. Once they got to their room, they went inside and were surprised by the size of it. They had been upgraded three different times, since they first booked it. They now had an Ocean Side room, that had a balcony. It also had a queen size bed, which the girls did not really mind. They had slept together many times in college, which sometimes led to some fabulous sex, sex that Heather had been denying herself since Peter’s death.

Gina, who was now ready for a walk on the upper deck, wanted some ice and left the room to find a Porter. On her way back, she spotted him, walking down the hallway, towards their room. Her breath was short when she saw how really good looking he was. “Damn. I’d give anything for a night with him” she thought. She was just about to open her door, when she saw him stop at the door next to theirs. “Oh Shit. This is fate or luck” she thought. The man smiled at her, as he then inserted the key card into the lock. Then Gina, not known for any filters said, “Well hi there neighbor. I’m Gina?” and held out her hand.

The man turned to her and smiled briefly and said, “Hello. I’m Ethan” and shook her hand.

“Nice to meet you Ethan. My Best Friend Heather and I are on a vacation. Not to be nosey, but are you alone?” Gina asked.

“Yeah. It’s a long story, but yes, I am traveling alone.” Ethan said with a somber look on his face.

“Oh Ok.. Where are you from? We are from King of Prussia.” she responded.

“Oh.. I’m over by Valley Forge. Small world I guess” he said.

“Well then neighbor, if you want to hang with us later, feel free.” Gina offered, then smiled brightly at him, as she watched him enter his room and the door closed.

Once back in their room, Gina was busting to tell Heather, who just finished changing into some light blue shorts, and a pink pull over top, that scooped down in the front, just enough to show off some of her cleavage.

“Guess who I just ran into outside?” Gina said with a smirk on her face. Heather gave up, and Gina said, “The hunk from our plane trip. You know the one with the bright blue eyes and gorgeous ass.”

“No way” Heather said, as the tingle returned. “His name is Ethan, and you know the best part? He isn’t with anyone” Gina said.

“Wait. Mr. Hunk is by himself? There’s a story to be told somewhere with that. What man comes on a cruise, especially who looks like that, alone?” Heather asked.

“I don’t know, nor do I care. But if he is single, and wants to mingle, I’m all for that. Unless.. You have eyes for him, like you did on the plane.” Gina said in a joking fashion.

“I didn’t have eyes for him. He is cute, yes, but I didn’t make any ga ga eyes for him.” Heather said.

“Calm down there sister. I was just joking. But even if I wasn’t, you and he would make a cute couple. Oh and one other thing, he lives by Valley Forge, so he is close to us. But from a first impression standpoint, he is not the type I would go out with. Granted he is cute, and he would probably rock my world in bed, he also looks like the type that wants a relationship, and you know my philosophy on that subject. No man will ever hurt me ever again. Once is enough.” Gina explained

“But Honey, this week is for you and if that guy can, and is what I think he is, then you two are destined to be together. It’s fate, I’m telling you.”Gina said a little to boldly.

“Ha… Fate. That’s just bullshit and you know it. I’ll try and keep an open mind with this.” Heather said, trying to appease her best friend.

Next door, Ethan was hanging up his clothes, which included a suit, since it is required for dinner on two occasions. He had to laugh, thinking of Gina. Gina reminded him so much of his sisters girlfriend Gail. Very outgoing, and the type that can talk to damn near anyone, something he has never really been able to do. They even dated once about a year and a half ago. That is, until Sarah and Gail figured out that they were into each other more than men.

Ethan did feel a little weird about being onboard with no one. That wasn’t the original plan, no, the original plan was something his sister Sarah set up. She and her best friend Gail, were supposed to be on this trip as well. But Gail contracted measles 3 days before they were to depart. Since Sarah never had them, and the girls live together, and share the same bed, they could not risk coming, if she too were contagious. Sarah really had to talk him into going anyways. She didn't want him to lose the money they spent for the trip. It was bad enough they were losing the money. But, one thing Sarah forgot to tell Ethan about, was the insurance she took out, in case something like this did happen. Had she told him, he would have just lost the money and stayed home.

Ethan is a good looking guy. 30 years old, 6’, 180 lbs, with blond hair and blue eyes. He likes to work out at least three times a week, and owns his own software company that specializes in home security. And like Heather, he lost the love of his life almost four years ago, to cancer. He and Tammy dated five years and were married a little more than 3 years, before the sickness to her from him, To Ethan, the sun rose and set with Tammy. She was beautiful, outgoing, and mostly the girl next door type, except in the bedroom, where she could be the complete lover, where sex was so good and she could go many times and love every second of it. She loved trying new ways and places and never said no to anything.

For Ethan now, anyone he goes out with, which is far and few between, has a standard they have to live up too. He does date on occasion, and Sarah is forever trying to set him up with one of her friends. He knows this is unfair, since no one will ever replace Tammy. He agreed to this vacation because his sister kept badgering him to go because he works so much. That part was so true. 10 to 12 hour days were the norm for Ethan now, since his wife’s passing. For him, it was an escape from the loneliness he felt in his life and in his heart.

Chapter 3

After a nap, Ethan showered and made ready for dinner. He opted for a pair of dark slacks, a light blue shirt and a dark blue sport coat. They, his sister Sarah, Gail, and Ethan opted for the late dinner, which was at 7pm nightly. So after a walk around the Lido deck, he entered the dining hall and handed the head waiter his card, to be seated. He knew that on many cruises you are placed with others for dinner, but the table he was shown too only had 4 chairs, in which 2 of them should have been occupied by Sarah and Gail. To Ethan it wasn’t a real big thing, since he travels for business and eating alone is a common occurrence.

About five minutes later, in walked Gina and Heather. Gina was wearing a mini skirt, blue in color and showed off her very tan legs, and had on a maroon top that really didn’t leave much to the imagination, showing a great deal of cleavage. Ethan even chuckled to himself, thinking how alike Gail and Gina were. Then he thought that maybe the other woman, Heather, could be like his sister and Gail, and into girls. Heather was right behind Gina, but wore a very fashionable summer dress that came to her knees. It was mostly white, but had a flower pattern all over it. To Ethan, she looked gorgeous, and more his style.

As the waiter brought them over to the table next to Ethan, he stared into Heathers lovely green eyes. “Damn she is gorgeous” he thought.

Gina and Heather noticed Ethan sitting alone, so Gina being the bold one, went up to the head waiter and asked if Ethan’s table had other guest he would be dining with. On a cruise, they try and set you up with others that have similar interests and age. When the waiter said that the other two guests that were to be at that table, were not on the cruise, they just did not fill the table. Gina asked if she and her friend could be seated with him, and the waiter agreed.

Gina then walked up to Ethan and asked, “ Hi neighbor, would you mind if Heather and I join you dinner. No sense eating alone.” she said with a big smile on her face.

“I guess it would be fine. You may want to ask the waiter first.” he said, not knowing she had already done that.

She chuckled and said, “Took the liberty to ask first. I didn’t think they’d be to uptight about it.”

She then waved for Heather to come over. Heather just rolled her eyes, but came anyway. After they seated themselves across from Ethan, Gina made the introductions for the two. Heather shook Ethan’s hand and felt a tingle as he firmly, but nicely gripped her hand and said it was a pleasure meeting her. He too, felt something when he took her hand and also looked into her eyes. “God. I love those eyes” he thought.

Throughout the meal, the three found out about each other. Gina, the most talkative, made sure there was plenty of conversation. The girls found out that Ethan had his own software company, and they each told him their occupations. Gina worked for a brokerage house in Philly, while Heather was lead web designer for a Marketing firm close to King of Prussia. Ethan thought that was cool, since he too was into computers and things related to it.

Gina, ever the nosey one had asked Ethan why he was dining alone. Ethan felt a bit embarrassed at first, then went on to tell them about his sister and her friend contracting the measles, and the doctors would not allow them to come on this trip, with the chance of infecting others, onboard. Heather was surprised that he came by himself.

“For one thing, I couldn’t see losing all the money I put down for this trip, and even though I was badgered into coming, I was looking forward to a vacation, something I haven’t done since…. Since a long time ago” he said, not wanting to say that his last vacation was with his wife, a year before she died. He thought that may have put an awkward feel to a pretty nice dinner.

Heather, who was listening, but not saying much, caught the pregnant moment between the two “since” words and wondered what that was about. She did find him charming and a complete gentleman, and she actually found herself attracted to him. Just before dessert, Gina excused herself to use the ladies room, then got up and left, leaving the two shy one’s to themselves.

“She is a talker.” Ethan made claim.

“You have no idea.” Heather said, then chuckled. “I am sorry for her just inviting herself, and me, to join you tonight. As you will find out, she has to no filters and is quite outgoing.”

“Yeah. I kind of have gotten that sense about her. Nothing wrong with that, and my sisters friend is the same way, so I am used to it. But, I have enjoyed the company very much, and if you two don’t mind, since we have struck up this friendship, maybe you two would like to have your dining seats changed to these for the rest of the cruise….. And not to be forward, but I really like dining with two very lovely ladies.”

Heather smiled, “No offense taken and thank you. I will ask motor mouth when she gets back. Maybe we can chat sometime about your company, that is if you want too. This too is my first vacation in a long time too, so I really don’t want to mix business with pleasure, but yours sounds so interesting.”

Gina arrived back then and asked if she missed anything. Heather, trying to be a smart ass said that the male strippers just got done with their show. Gina’s mouth almost fell to the ground until she realized that Heather was just kidding, which made Heather and Ethan laugh.

“I was going to say, now that is a fun cruise if they had those onboard. Good thing I brought cash with me. I would have stuffed some down their g-strings, using my teeth.” Gina said laughing. Heather looked at Ethan and rolled her eyes, then mouthed, “told you, no filters”.

Gina then asked, as the waiter took the empty dessert plates away, what Ethan’s plans were for the rest of the evening. Ethan said he was going to take a walk around the ship, and maybe stop in the casino for a bit, but turn in early tonight. It had been a long day and he was getting a bit tired. The three then took leave of the dining hall, with Ethan bringing up the rear, admiring his two new friends.

Ethan did walk around and got the lay of the ship, so he knew where he was going from that point on. He did check out the gym they had onboard and saw it opened at 5am. Maybe a little early for him he thought, but if he did rise early, he would be down here for sure at least a few mornings. He then strolled topside and saw the girls, as they sat and talked with two guys, that he knew for sure were just players. But the girls seemed entertained, and isn’t that what the cruise was for? It was almost 10:30 when he decided to head back to his room. As he stood by his door, he wondered if Heather came back too.

As he got undressed and slipped into bed, he could not get his mind off of Heather. To him, she was perfect. He did not really go for the very outgoing type, like Gina. He liked the reserved style that Heather displayed, yet she also looked like a dream. Tall, and a very nice body. Toned legs, and the best part, small breasts. He loved small breast. Tammy was a small B cup, but had the longest nipples he ever encountered. He could make her cum just by playing with them and sucking them. As he lay there thinking of her, he found his cock growing, which was unusual for him. Only Tammy could elicit erotic thoughts for him. And even though he and Gail did go out a couple of times, he never found himself having any erotic thoughts of her. He then took matters into his hands and had a nice orgasm, thanks to Heather.

Chapter 4

It was 7am now, the ship was at sea today, on its course to St. Thomas, the American Virgin Islands. Ethan was just starting to workout in the gym when he saw Heather come through the door. He smiled to himself at the sight of her. She looked fantastic to him. She had on a pair of gray leggings that hugged every curve she had to offer, and a Temple University T-shirt. Though he tried not stare but he could easily see that she was either wearing a thong, or no panties at all. He guessed a thong, but her ass looked heavenly to him. Her T-shirt was kind of snug fitting, and gave him a view of her perfect breasts, as they strained to be let free. Ethan was wearing a pair of blue runners shorts and a Temple Basketball shirt, that was sleeveless. So they might have something else in common.

For Heather, when she entered the gym, she really did not see Ethan at first, she was trying to figure out what she wanted to do first. Then she saw Ethan and her heart skipped a beat. She saw him on the Bowflex Extreme working his legs. “Oh God, what legs he has. Strong and fit and sexy.. Oh My God, look at his biceps” she thought. She couldn’t believe a man was turning her on like this. She hasn’t thought of another man since Peter died, and had not been with any man, but Peter, since her college days. She then composed herself and walked over to the other Bowflex that was next to him. His eyes were closed as he worked the machine, so he did not see her take a seat on the machine next to him.

“Hi Ethan. Nice to see you” she said, then thought about how lame that sounded.

Ethan stopped then and relaxed a second, “Good Morning to you too. I see you are an early riser as well.”

“Yeah. I didn’t sleep all that well last night. Must be the strange bed and surroundings that caused it… So I figured I would burn off some of that dessert they gave us last night” she said.

“I hear you, but it was good. I hear the midnight buffet is out of this world. If I do that, I know I’ll be down here every day trying to work that off.” Ethan said then chuckled.

“Oh God. I heard that most people gain 5 to 10 pounds when they go on a cruise. So I guess I will be joining you down here. I’m fat enough.” she said.

“Uh huh. Yeah you are a real tubby.” he said jokingly.

She smiled knowing he did not mean that. She really had no fat on her at all. If she thought about it, the only place that really needed toning was her ass, but since she really couldn’t see it, she really did not care..

“So, were you an Owl too” Heather asked, knowing only a person who went to Temple would understand that.

“Yes” he said between breaths. “Graduated 9 years ago with a BS in computer science”

“Oh Wow.. Small world. My sister graduated 11 years ago with a BS in business, and I went to college at Virginia. Did you live on campus or commute?” she asked.

“I commuted. My parents lived in Valley Forge and it was where I grew up. It was expensive enough to just go there and did not need the extra expense for room and board.” he told her, looking into her beautiful green eyes.

“That’s cool. I lived on campus. My last three years I was rooming with Gina. We’ve stayed pretty close since then, as you can see… I grew up near Williamsport, so commuting wasn’t an option for me, nor my sister. Did you partake in the Frat life?” she said.

“ No, I always went home after school and hardly socialized with campus life. I was a bookworm and my girlfriend was back home. She eventually became my wife when I graduated. Tammy passed away from cancer almost 4 years ago now.” he said solemnly.

“Oh My God Ethan. I am so sorry. That had to be tough….. I know all too well. My husband died a little over 3 years ago. Pete was in the service, a Marine platoon leader and was killed in that fucking war… Sorry for swearing.” she said, with a trace of anger in her voice.

“Oh My Heather. That had to suck…. I wish I could have met him to thank him for his service. I actually wanted to join the Navy, but my parents were dead set against that, and so was Tammy. None of them believed we should have been over there so long as it we have been.” he said, then sort of drifted off, thinking of how his parents got upset that he wanted to join the Navy.

Heather too was thinking back again, to her and Pete and that fateful day the Chaplin showed up. She almost started to cry, but held it back. She knew she needed to get out of this funk, and for some strange reason, was drawn to Ethan even more now, finding out he too, suffered a loss of the person you love most.”

Heather then went over to the Treadmills and started jogging. Ethan took the one next to her. They did not talk, but just concentrated on their running. After about 20 minutes, Heather slowed hers down to a walk. The whole time though, she thought about Ethan, and not Peter. She was attracted to him now, more than at any time since they met. Maybe it was because he showed her that he was vulnerable. Then she thought of what Gina had said about this trip. It was time she started living again and maybe find love, or at least get laid. She had not been with a man since Peter, and she did miss the feel of man next to her, or making love to her. But she could never do what Gina does, which is just fuck a guy, then basically tell him to shove off.

When they finished up, her T-shirt was soaked and her nipples were hard as rocks, poking through the fabric, a sight that did not go unnoticed by Ethan. He did his best not to be obvious and hoped she didn’t notice. But they were gorgeous to him and he could feel a tingle down below.

“So, will I see you two ladies at breakfast? I believe we eat at 9am, since we have the later dining times.” he asked her.

“I don’t know about Gina, but I would like to join you, if you don’t mind. Gina got in kind of late last night. She met up with a couple of guys from the Philly area and they went to the one club. I came back to the room and went to sleep.” she replied, and had a frown on her face.

“Yeah I saw you guys with them last night when I was out walking around. I turned in a little past 10. I was tired.” he said, but wanted to say they looked like players, hoping to score.

“Yeah. They were nice and all, but the one guy made me feel like all he was doing was undressing me the whole time, and that made me feel uneasy. Don’t get me wrong, I know it happens to us women all the time, but at least be subtle about it. Plus, he definitely is not my type. And to be honest, I really don’t know what my type is anymore.” she said

Ethan let that comment go, but he too, had no idea what his type is, but one he was sure of, was that Gina was not his type. If he had a type, she had to be romantic, and not want to go off and fuck at the drop of a hat.

Heather just got out of the shower and was toweling down by her bed. Being naked in front of Gina was no big deal, since they have been lovers, and still do on many occasions. She still relives the raw passion the three of them shared in their threesomes. She got so turned on by watching Pete and Gina fuck, and listening to Gina talk dirty to him. Then the passionate loving making she and Pete would have after Gina left.

Gina was now rolling out of bed when she saw Heather drying herself. “My God Heather, you look so fucking sexy this morning.” Gina said as walked up and embraced Heather and lightly kissed her on the lips.

“You’re just horny is all. I thought for sure you and John would have hooked up last night. You two looked real cozy together.” Heather stated.

Gina giggled, “We almost did, but Jim just hung around us the whole evening when we went to the club…... I’m sorry, I know he made you feel uncomfortable last night. I even told him off after you left.”

“Thanks, and you are right, he did. They kind of reminded me of those two jocks we hooked with from that party. You remember I’m sure, since you got lucky and got the guy with the big cock that could go all night. Mine was a dud. Came in like two minutes, then passed out, and to top it off, he was lucky if it was five inches long.” Heather said.

Gina laughed and said she remembers it well and a few other times they played together, but not bringing up Peter at all. She loved playing with Peter. He knew how to pleasure a woman and had a beautiful 7 inch cock that was so thick. She thought how he always made both the girls cum many times those nights.

Heather brought her out of her revelry when she said, “Guess who I ran into at the gym this morning?”

“The Adonis? God I bet he looks hot in shorts and no shirt. I really do wonder how big his cock is. I wonder even more if he can dance. You know my saying, if a man knows how to dance, he’ll know how to pleasure me in bed…. By the way, John is a good dancer and kisser too.” she said and giggled.

“You are so bad… Go shower and let’s get moving to breakfast. Ethan asked if we were joining him…... Remember, we have that spa appointment at 11am. I think I am going to get my hair cut too. I have had this style since forever. Time for a change.” Heather stated.

Heather hadn’t changed her style since meeting Peter all those years ago. Always shoulder length, or a tad longer. She wanted something new and easy to manage.

Chapter 5

Ethan was already seated at the table when the girls came into the dining hall. They had knocked on his door when they left their room, but got no answer. Ethan had just got a cup of coffee, when the girls sat down.

“Good Morning ladies. I hope you slept well.” Ethan said, already knowing that Heather did not, but he wasn’t sure that Heather told Gina about their meeting this morning in the gym.

“Good Morning Ethan. And yes, I slept quite well… I heard you and my BFF here share another common interest, working out… I do a few times a week, but usually later in the day. I don’t like exerting energy like that in the morning, unless.” she said, letting the “unless” hang out there, to which Heather just rolled her eyes.

Ethan just smiled, to be polite, but he fully understood what she was getting at. From her looks to the way she moved, he could tell she would be a tornado in bed, but that was it, she was in it for the sex and sex only. To him, Heather might be the complete package. Smart, funny, a little shy, but he wondered if she was passionate in bed, which is something he would want in a partner.

They ate breakfast, and as they did, they asked what each others plans were. Ethan said he was going to go skeet shooting off the fantail of the boat, then head to the pool area in the early afternoon and relax. The girls told him about their appointment at the spa, where they were going to get nails done and a massage, and a facial treatment.

As they were leaving Heather asked him to save two chairs by the pool for them, if he was ok with that. Ethan said of course he was. “I’d love the company of two pretty ladies.”

A few hours later, the girls found Ethan near one end of the pool. The place was crowded, but he did save two chaise lounges for them. He too, was in a lounge chair reading a book. He looked up when Gina said Hi to him. Luckily, he had sunglasses on, or they would have seen his eyes pop out of his head. Gina was wearing a bright orange thong style bikini. Just enough on top to cover her areolas and nipples, and triangle patch that was tasteful enough for family viewing, covering her sex.

Heather, the more tasteful one, was wearing a kelly green one piece that hugged her slender frame nicely. He definitely knew now she was small breasted, which he adores, but could easily see her nipples poking out through the thin material. But what made his eyes pop was the new hairdo that Heather was sporting. Her hair was a lot shorter now, and was layered back, framing her beautiful face. He loves a woman with short hair like that.

“Have a seat ladies.. Oh and Heather, I like your new hairdo. It looks great on you.” he said.

“Hey, what am I, chopped liver?” Gina said then laughed.

Ethan just shook his head, then said, “Hardly Gina. You are quite beautiful as well, but you didn’t get your hair done, like Heather, but I do like your choice of nail polish. It’s bold, like you” he said, pointing out the bright red polish on her toes and fingers. Then asked the ladies if they would like something cold to drink. Both said yes, but as he started to get up, Heather said she would go get them. Ethan was mesmerized by her toned butt as she walked to the bar area.

“She is gorgeous, isn’t she?” Gina said plainly. “Yes she is.” Ethan replied.

“Can I speak frankly?” she asked, and Ethan nodded yes.

“First, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your wife. To be so young and taken away like that, had to be rough. Heather too, had the love of her life tragically taken away from her as well. This is her first venture back into the world of the living, and from what I can tell, yours as well. You two are like two lost ships at sea, so to speak, who just happen to meet at sea.” she giggled then.

“But seriously. She is into you, and trust me I know. We’ve been best friends since college. But if you go slow, and you both let your guard down, you just may find a great friend, and maybe even more. She is a very romantic person. She loves those movies that always have a happy ending…. I am more cynical and do not believe in love anymore. I had my heart ripped out and pissed on by someone I loved and adored. So I never let a guy in that close. I basically just use them for a good time…. Heather though, is not like that. Just don’t lead her on is all I am saying. Not that I think you would, not like those two guys we met last night. All they wanted was in our panties, and she is not like that. Capice?” using the Italian term for understand.

“Thank you for letting me know and your condolences. Yes, it was a very rough time, especially the last year. You feel so helpless and you really are. But Tammy is now in a much better place, at least I hope so. And, to be honest, I am into Heather as well. No offense to you, but I find her the most gorgeous woman on this ship, but you are right behind her….. I guess I am like her as well. I want romance, and not a quick roll in the sack. And like her, this is my first real venture back into the world.” Ethan said.

Gina laughed then, “No offense taken. But if you are looking for a quick roll in the sack, just leave me one of your key cards and I’ll cummmmm visit” making sure she put emphasis on cum.

They both chuckle then and Heather was coming back with their drinks. “What’s so funny?” she asked. Gina thinking quick on her feet, so to speak said , nothing really, just how some of the people look around the pool. Some should not be dressed as they are is all.

Heather took the lounge next to Ethan, since Gina already took the one farthest away. Heather did not care though, since she did enjoy being with him, and wondered if his wall was still up, like hers, and could they possibly let them down, at some point on this adventure.

The three of them did talk on occasion, of what they wanted to see on the different islands they were going to visit. Heather then asked Ethan if he would like to join them on any of the excursions they found interesting. Ethan agreed, since he was by himself, plus he did enjoy spending time with them. They were both easy to talk with and he and Heather had a lot in common. The Gina giggled and said,

“Oh does that mean he will join us when we go to the nude beach on St. Maarten?” then laughed. Heather, just shook her head, as did Ethan. Although he did have thoughts of what either would like naked. Then he wondered if their state room has a queen size bed in it as well, and are they comfortable sleeping together.

Tammy and Ethan talked a many times about fantasies they had, they were always very open and honest with each other, including sex. Tammy’s was always to be with another woman, and to see Ethan fuck the woman after she and Tammy played. Tammy did have a close friend who wanted to try it, but her husband was to much of a stick in the mud to venture into that. Ethan’s was to have a foursome, and to watch his wife fuck another man. They would set up scenes on how they thought it would go, then have some of the wildest love making. And now, he wondered, if Heather and Gina were closer than they appear.

After a couple hours of laying out, Heather jumped in the pool. When she emerged a bit later, her suit clung to every curve and crevice she had. Her nipples were hard as rock and poked out at least ¾ of an inch. He suit also found the slit of her sex and outlined her camel toe, which Ethan had to look at. He thanked God he had his sunglasses on, knowing this would make Heather very uncomfortable if she knew he was staring like this. This also sent some blood down to a lower region. So he got up and decided he needed to cool off as well.

Ethan passed Heather a towel to dry off some, as he then went walked into the pool and swam a bit. After some ten minutes, he too came out of the water. Both Heather and Gina were watching him. He did not know they were staring at him and as the water rushed off his body, his suit clung to his manhood, giving them a delightful sight of what he was packing.

Gina grabbed Heathers arm and said, “Oh My God Sweetie. Look at the size of him. I bet money at least 8 or 9 inches when hard, and oh so thick… Oh Yeah. he can come with us to the nude beach.”

Heather, saw too, and for once since Peter’s death, she felt herself get excited, and felt her pussy actually get wet, and not from water. She now felt like some high school girl with a huge crush on somebody. “Could she let him in and see where this may lead?” She thought. And it wasn’t about the manhood size, but the whole package. That part of him would just be dessert to her.

After another hour of relaxing, they all decided to head back to their rooms and take a nap. Since tonight was the Captain’s cocktail party, they agreed to meet outside their rooms and head to it, together. They also made plans to go see the comedian they was putting on a show tonight.

When got to his room, his mind drifted to Heather some more and wondered if she was feeling the same as him. He could see them together as a couple. Remembering her as she got out of the pool again, just made him hard as a rock now, as he lay naked in his bed. He then slowly stroked himself, like he was making love to her.

While he did that, the girls lay on their bed too, naked. Facing one another Gina told Heather that she can feel that Ethan is so into her and that she needs to finally let go of the past and start moving forward. “And who better than that gorgeous hunk next door. I bet he is naked now, napping away, thinking of you Sweetie. His cock long and hard, wishing it was deep inside you, like my fingers are.”

Heather could only moan out in delight, as her friend knew what buttons to push on her. Before long, they were 69ing, giving each other pleasure that only another woman could do. It did excite Heather to think of him in a carnal way, as Gina sucked her pussy, and she feasted on her best friend. When she came, she came hard, thinking of Ethan making love to her and cumming deep inside her.

After they came, Gina kissed Heather then said, “God… I needed that. Last night when John and I were alone on the Fantail, we were making out and I felt his bulge. My God, I need to fuck him tonight. So if you and I split up and the “do not disturb” sign is on the door, can you go find something to do for an hour or so?” she asked.

“You are so slutty at times.” Heather said then laughed. “Oh Yeah I am. I can’t help it. I need dick, and so do you, and not the strappie we use either. You need the hard, hot type that shoots that wonderful cream inside you.”

Chapter 6

Ethan knocked on their door, signaling them he was ready. A few seconds later Gina appeared. She was dressed in a black cocktail dress and look absolutely amazing. So many men were going to have their tongues hanging out because of her. She greeted Ethan with a kiss on the cheek. Then Heather appeared. She had on a cream colored pencil skirt, with a matching blouse that made her look angelic to Ethan. She also had on cream colored pumps and her legs were to die for. Ethan, to his credit, was wearing a dark blue suit, with a white shirt and blood red tie.

“You ladies look absolutely beautiful this evening, making sure they both got the same compliment. But he was awestruck at the beauty that Heather had. Heather and Gina both thanked him and Gina said, “Well Mr. Hunk, you clean it up very nicely yourself.” Ethan just said thanks and turned a few shades red. He was not used to getting compliments from women of late. And Heather, not to be outdone by her friend, kissed his cheek and thanked him.

At the party, they mingled with other guests and chatted a little. Gina had found John there, so she cozied up with him and left Ethan and Heather to themselves. Even though they had just met the day before, they felt comfortable with each other and stayed close to one another. Probably to everyone else there, they were viewed as a couple, and both liked the idea of that. In fact, the ships photographer spotted them and took their picture, saying what an adorable couple they were.

At dinner though, it was just Heather and Ethan. This was a good time for them to really get to know one another. She was amazed by all the work he put into his company to make it a success, but asked him if he marketed his company with someone. He said no, but he should. It’s mostly small ad’s on the internet and word of mouth. Heather then offered to whip him up a web page. He said that sounded like a great idea. Both were thinking the same thing, to stay in touch after the cruise was over.

Throughout dinner, they talked, laughed, told stories, even embarrassing one’s about each other, when growing up. The talk flowed so smoothly for them, like they have known each other for years. He even told her about his sister, who was supposed to be on this trip. Heather asked then, how he felt about same sex relationships. Ethan answered truthfully that it did not bother him in the least, as long as they make each other happy, even if it was just for the sex part. Heather immediately thought of her tryst with Gina earlier, knowing it was just for the sex and relief that an orgasm could bring, but it also told her that this man was open minded.

They then enjoyed the comedy show, and found it quite entertaining. Ethan found himself looking at Heather as she laughed. She has dimples and her eyes scrunch up some when she laughs, and found that very adorable and even enhanced her beauty more. Ethan felt she was at ease with him and not stiff, like a first date might be, if this was a first date. He too felt great just being with her.

Then he thought of a promise that Tammy made him agree too, “Ethan, you are to find someone, and be happy. We were happy together and I don’t want you brooding the rest of your life because of me. Find that person and give them everything you gave me. I’ll always be in your heart, my love, I promise you that. Please promise me you will do this one last request for me?” which Ethan did agree too, even though he knew it would be hard for him.

Tammy was only the second woman he had been with. The first was a neighbor girl he had grown up with. She and Ethan had always been good friends and one night it led to sex between them, but they both admitted, afterwards, they shouldn’t have done it because they both were so different in what they wanted in a relationship. Tammy was really the only girl he loved and made love too. Tammy was not a virgin either, when they met in school. She lost her virginity in her sophomore year to the guy she was dating, but he cheated on her, so she ended it. Then met Ethan in their senior year and from that point on, they were a couple.

After the comedy show, they decided to see what the club was all about. They found a table and Ethan went and got them a drink. As he walked away, Heather just watched him, not as a hunk of meat, but a real man, who had class and from what she could tell already, was a very sincere person and not fake and knows how to treat a lady. She smiled at how he would hold a chair for her, or open a door to let her pass through first, such a gentleman she thought. She then looked at all the people dancing and thought how much fun they were having. Peter wasn’t a good dancer, but he went out and tried. She wondered if Ethan could dance, then laughed, when she thought of Gina’s remark about guys that could dance.

As Ethan approached with their drinks, she came back out of her thoughts and smiled at him. She knew then, that maybe this was fate, and she should go with it. For Ethan, seeing Heather smile made him more at ease. He really never dated anyone, but Tammy, but being with Heather, and seeing her gorgeous smile made him believe there was life after you lose the one you love.

They sat and drank a little of their drink until Ethan asked her if she would dance with him. Once on the floor, she was amazed at how well he moved to any song they played. She even giggled at one point, thinking again of Gina’s remark. “Oh sister, if you only knew how he could move”. Then a slow song came on, and Ethan took her hand. She flowed into his waiting arms, as they melted together, like so many other couples did just then.

They moved with grace, like they had been partners for years. Ethan was so glad his sister taught him how to dance, and also glad Heather knew how as well. Heather was totally shocked that he could dance so well and figured either Tammy, or his sister taught him how. Then she thought, “If I had a type of man to be with, this is the guy. Smart, funny, a true gentleman, and can dance, and a person that has respect for everyone he is in contact with.”.

When the song ended, she resisted giving him a kiss on the cheek, but she really wanted too. Then took his hand and led him back to their table. Heather giggled a bit then asked, “Who taught you how to dance?”

Ethan sort of grinned, then got a bit shy, but finally admitted that his sister taught him how. He laughed and said she taught him when he was 16, so he could actually go to school dances and not make a fool of himself. He laughed when he said he actually had to teach Tammy how to dance like that. Fast dance she could do, but not slow dance.

The couple then danced a little more, but it was getting close to midnight now, and they had agreed earlier, that if they were still up by then, they’d check out the midnight buffet. So off they went, and found where the buffet was taking place. Neither was all that hungry, so they opted for a plate of fruit that they would share, and ice tea. They both marveled at the spread the ship put out for this festive evening. No wonder, they both said, how a person could gain weight on one of these cruises.

As they ate, they talked about their childhoods and some of the dumb things they did, especially to their sisters. Ethan loved playing pranks on Sarah, as did Heather, on her sister. Ethan then asked how she ended up in Philly, knowing when her husband died, he was stationed out of Norfolk, Va.

“After Peter died, they gave me a few months to find housing off base. Gina had moved up to Philly the year before, and also my sister was there, so I guess it was because of that comfort, I migrated up there. I had to get out of there, and not because the Navy said I had too, but because of all the memories I had there, good and bad….. I stayed with my sister for a short time, but they had a growing family and felt like I was in the way. Gina said I should move in with her, until I found my own place, but that hasn’t happened yet.”

Ethan felt bad for bringing that part of her life up again. He promised himself not to ask questions that related to her married past anymore. Then he looked around the room, at all the people eating so heavy for this time of night, and laughed. Heather asked what was so funny. So he told her, which made her look and laugh too, then said,

“ I was also checking out the room and found that there is no woman as beautiful as you, here, or on this boat.” Ethan said, knowing he was taking a chance with that remark.

Heather smiled a little, then turned red and put her head down. She then thought, “Oh Peter, I do and will always love you, but I think I have met the person to carry on life with. He may not be you, but he is everything you were. Just know I love you and will always be in my heart.”

Heather then stood, which made Ethan wonder if her screwed up, until she held out her hand to him, “Let’s go walk this food off before we head to our rooms”

For the first time in ages, Heather took a man’s hand and held it as she walked. For Ethan too, it was his first time holding another woman’s hand, since his wife, and he thought it felt very good.

As they walked, they went by some of the shops that were onboard the ship and sort of window shopped, then made their way to the Fantail area of the ship, go get some fresh air. It was one of the few places you could actually get some fresh air and that was quiet. The only real sound you could hear was the water being churned by the massive propellers that move the ship.

Ethan could see lights, off in the distance. He did not know it was another ship, or an island. As they watched, Heather came very close to him so their bodies touched. Both felt a jolt of electricity shot through them. Ethan could also see the goosebumps on Heathers arms, so being the gentleman that he is, he removed his suit jacket and placed it over her shoulders and arms. Heather swooned in her mind and said to herself, “God, if this is real and he too wants more than just a fling, I am giving myself to him before this cruise ends.”

After another 10 minutes, they decided to head back to their rooms. Once they made it back to their hallway, Heather gave back his jacket and stopped to take off her pumps, which she said were finally killing her, but as they resumed walking, she reached for his hand again, which he gladly gave back, as their fingers intertwined together. When they got to their rooms, Heather saw the door handle on her door.

“Shit” she said. “What’s wrong” he asked. “I’m sort of out of a place to stay right now. Gina’s in there with flavor of the night… Oh well. Guess I’ll go up by the pool area and crash there a while”

Ethan just shook his head, and told her, “No. Just stay in my room until he leaves. I mean seriously, they can’t go all night” he said as he opened the door and held it for her to enter.

“Oh Ethan, You have no idea how long this could last. Trust me I know, I roomed with her in college and have first hand experience with it, and I room with her now. Any time I knew she was bringing home someone, I made sure I was in bed, well before they got there, put in ear plugs, and went to sleep. If you cannot tell, she is quite boisterous. “ then laughed.

Ethan got out a couple bottles of water, from the mini fridge that was in his room. Heather asked if she could use the bathroom. When she came out, Ethan offered her the bed to relax on, while he took the only chair in the room. Heather started to protest, but Ethan would not hear of it. So Heather climbed up on the bed and tucked her legs under her. She saw the Andes mints on the pillows and chuckled. Ethan asked what was funny.

“You know why they put these mints on the pillows?” she asked, to which Ethan had no clue. “It’s so a couple could eat them and then not worry about bad breath if something else was going to happen, besides sleep.” which made them both chuckle.

Then as they started to get quiet again, they could hear Gina yelling out, “Oh God Yesssssss” over and over, then a minute later they heard her say, “Yessssssss, I’m cumming”

Ethan just smiled a shy smile, like he was embarrassed for Heather, and Heather was kind of embarrassed, yet felt a yearning growing in her heart and her loins. “God, I wish Ethan and I were at a place that I could be saying the same thing”

They thought, after a good 10 minutes, that the show was finally over, until they heard the rhythmic thumping of the bed next door. Heather just laughed and said, “Told ya so” They sat for a while and talked a little more, but Ethan could see his new friend was getting quite sleepy and told her to lie down and shut her eyes, to which she did not argue. He then, when her eyes shut, took the bed spread, that was folded at the end of the bed, and gently placed it over her. He so wanted to kiss her goodnight, but refrained from doing that. If this was meant to be, then it would happen eventually.

Ethan did move the mints from the pillow and onto the nightstand, then found his running shorts, went to the bathroom and changed, then took a pillow from the bed and lay on the floor. Sleep finally overtook Ethan, even though the floor is not the best place to sleep. He’d prefer laying in his bed, with that gorgeous creature occupying it now. But maybe, just maybe, one day that would happen. His last thought was of his wife. “Tammy, I am really going to try and move on now. I think I met the person I could be almost as happy as I was with you. I love you and will always love you”

Chapter 7

Heather awoke first and noticed she was under a blanket, but still clothed, and smiled. She thought if he just wanted in her panties, he would have tried something. Then she looked down on the floor and saw Ethan laying there, then gasped. Sticking out of his shorts, was the head of his hard cock. From the outline in his shorts, Gina was right, he is quite hung, and oh so thick. “My God” she thought. Then thought back to when Peter was home and how she loved seeing his cock hard when she woke. She would always take him in her mouth and suck him awake, then slowly mount him and either ride him softly, making love, or fuck him hard. Either way, to her it was still making love.

She remembered what her mother told her on her wedding say, “Sweetie, just remember, a good marriage has a strong love, with caring hearts, and an understanding of each other, and communicate to each other but, the glue that holds it all together is the beautiful sex you both give one another. That’s the key to a great marriage.” And she was right, in Heather’s mind. Their sex was the glue that held it all together, and she knows her parents had a very healthy sex life.

Heather was still staring at it, when she saw him stir, so she backed up, so he wouldn’t know she saw that beautiful creature. Ethan’s eyes popped open and he looked around the room, trying to figure out where he was, until he remembered about Heather. His hand brushed against his swollen member, then realized he was partially sticking out, and covered it, hoping to God, she did not see that. Then sat up, so that he was facing away from her. When he did he heard,

“Good Morning Ethan. I am so sorry you slept on the floor. I didn't mean to fall asleep on you like that…. God, that floor had to suck to sleep on.” she said.

Ethan smiled then replied, “Nah. It was okay. But it was better than the alternative, which was you falling asleep in one of the those lounge chairs by the pool, and lord knows what may happen to you. I could never live with myself if something happened to you.”

“Well thank you. Chivalry is not dead yet. You are such a gentleman, and I hope this does not scare you, but I am really starting to like you in a way that I haven’t done since Pete, all those years ago.”

Ethan stood up, but facing away from her. “Hold that thought for a minute, I’ll be right back” then headed off to the bathroom to pee and hopefully have relief from this hard on. When he finished, and his cock shrunk to normal size, he was back into the room.

Heather was now seated on the edge of the bed, looking into his eyes. Ethan was a goner then. Her eyes have this magical touch on him, but then finally spoke.

“I too have those same feelings growing for you Heather. I guess it has been a long time coming for me, as I think it has been for you too. Would you like to be my date for the rest of the cruise, and then see how this all works out. I wasn’t BSing you last night, when I said you are the most beautiful person this boat, and I mean that inside and out.”

Heather smiled, got up from the bed and walked towards him, then placed her arms around his neck, leaned in and kissed him lightly on the lips.”

“Yes, I will be your date for the rest of this cruise, and I hope when it is finished, we know for sure if this is something we both want afterwards. Just be patient with me, and I will do the same with you. We both have some heavy baggage we need to clear out” she said, then kissed him again.

Then she asked, “I know this is another imposition on you, but could I shower over here? I want to sneak in the room, grab some clothes and stuff, and hopefully not see them doing it……. Oh God, scar me for life” she said then laughed. Ethan did too and told her it was fine.

Heather went next door and opened the door quietly. She gasped when she saw both Gina and John, laying on top of the covers naked, but both were sleeping, and why not, she heard them going at it until at least 3am, when she drifted off to sleep for good. She stood and stared for a couple of seconds, for this was the first time she had seen a man’s cock, not counting what she saw with Ethan earlier. Now she understood why Gina was screwing this guy. He was quite hung, and he wasn’t even hard, and it had to be at least 6 inches long.

She then went to her dresser and found the shorts she wanted for the day, a thong, which is her normal panty anymore, and a flowery halter top. Since it was made of a silky type material, it would cling to her body if it got wet. She didn’t care, she wanted to look sexy for Ethan. That thought made her smile and actually start to get her wet, in her nether region. And as quietly as she came in, she did the same going out, hoping she did not wake either of them, then used the key card Ethan gave her to re enter his room. She heard the shower going, so she sat in the chair that Ethan had used the night before. Before she sat down though, she moved the dress shirt he was wearing that evening, and for some reason, raised it to her face and sniffed it, taking in the cologne he wore last night, a cologne that she really enjoyed smelling.

A few minutes later, Ethan emerged from the bathroom, wearing only a pair of runners shorts. Heather took in his great body. She adored his pecs, and the washboard ab’s he had. She knew then, she was super attracted to him, and she now knew he was very attracted to her as well. “Oh God, Gina was right, he is an Adonis.” she thought.

She stood as Ethan smiled and said, “It’s all yours Me Lady. I hope you weren’t scarred for life in this little adventure next door.” Heather said no, luckily they were still sleeping, but did not tell them they were both naked when she went in.

Ethan, now remembering how it is, waiting on a woman, took a seat on a chair by the door leading to the balcony, and opened the book he was reading yesterday. One thing he did notice about Heather, she wasn’t the type who wore a lot of makeup, which he liked. About 20 minutes later, she emerged from the bathroom, all dressed, hair just a bit damp, but since it was short, she did not need to fuss with it much. As she slipped on her sandals, he remarked how pretty she looked, which made her smile, inside and out, but also caused butterflies in her tummy.

As they left for the dining hall, she grabbed his hand and walked side by side. To both of them, this was starting to feel natural, and they both liked it. When they ordered breakfast, and then started eating, they mapped out what they wanted to see on St. Thomas. They both said they did not want to do the guided tours and such, but just wing it. Maybe rent some bikes, and definitely wanted to do some shopping. As they made their way down the gangplank, to shore, they were stopped by the ship’s photographer.

He took one shot, then said, “Oh come on, a couple in love should show it.” So they both chuckled, then hugged each other, with Heather leaning her head on his shoulder. “Much better” the guy said.

Both were basically thinking the same thing, “Could they fall in love again. Could this be the real deal”. As they entered the city of Charlotte Amalia, they marveled at its beauty and how clean it was. After 15 or so minutes of just taking in the sights, they spotted a place that rents bikes and decided on doing that. They rode all over the place, including Bluebeards Castle, and Blackbeard's castle. They took a path that brought them to one of the many beaches, and found it so peaceful, and breathtaking. Ethan even made a comment that he could get used to living in a place like this.

Heather asked, “Oh Yeah. I could see you as a tour guide, or something.”, then chuckled.

“I could still run my company from down here, if they have wifi, or internet access. Get a house on one of these hills that overlooks a bay, and just live the easy life.” he said.

Heather laughed, but then said, “Well if you need a personal assistant, or web page designer, count me in”

Ethan chuckled, but then said, “Uh no. I have a policy of not dating someone who works for me, so the assistant is out, but if you freelance your web designing, then yeah, I could do that.”

She looked at him strangely, then asked, “You really have a policy like that?”

“Yes” he said. “A few years back, two of my best employees started dating, then it went to hell, and they started fighting at work, which I did not like. So I had to let them go. It can be a moral killer. So I made a policy that if you work for me, there is no romantic interest between subordinates, including me.”

“That’s kind of rough.” she said. “I know, and I know a couple of them are dating, but they are very discrete about it, which is what I really wanted. I’m not against love, but there is a time and place for that, and arguing, and work is not the place.” he told her.

“Oh ok… That makes sense. We have a couple of office romances where I work, but so far, things are kept close to the vest.” she said smiling.

After a couple of hours of riding, they returned to the city and stopped in this one cafe for lunch. Each order a chicken salad and tea. Ethan could tell something was wrong now. Maybe she thought he was to touch on his employees, so he finally asked her. She just thought that it was rough to fire them, until he told her why. He said he could not let them go around name calling and such, and getting others upset because of it. He even had one on one’s with them, to see if this could be kept out of the workplace, but the girl Tina, had a very explosive temper, and just seeing him, would make her go off. He told her the guy was stupid for cheating on her in the first place, so he had it all coming to him, but he couldn’t allow that to be disrupted to the others. He has over 20 people that count on him for their livelihood. She now understood the whole story and knew he wasn’t an ogre.

They then went and started looking in all the shops. In one clothing store, she found some tops she liked and asked him for his opinion. He liked what he saw, but also saw this one that looked like her and asked her to try it on, which she did. She was amazed that he could actually help in doing this.

Peter was not one to shop, let alone clothes shop. She also bought a silk nightshirt, that on the sides came up to her hips, but the front and back would cover all the essentials, yet if she finally let herself go, would give him complete access to her cherished spots. It was kelly green and Ethan was figuring out that must be her favorite color in the process. She also found some items for her sister and nieces.

At a shop that catered to swimwear, she picked him out a pair of new swim trunks, blue in color, that she thought would look good on him. She picked out a white, string bikini. This one had ties on both sides and the back would cover half of her ass, and the front was tasteful and would cover her sex with no problem, unlike some of the suits she has seen by the pool area. She had no problem wearing suits like that, but that was in private, by herself, or someone she thought was worthy of seeing her in such a garment. They next hit a jewelry shop that catered to the tourist. Claiming that all of the wares were at least half off what they would be in the states.

Ethan found some earrings for his sister, and a necklace, that had hemp rope as a chain for Gail. He then found this unique green pendant, with a gold chain that would be just a bit longer than a choker on a woman. He was getting that for Heather. He loved the oval shape and the color would go great with her eyes. Even if this did not go anywhere, at the end, she would have something to remember him by.

She too, found some items she wanted to get too. Earrings for Gina, gold with sapphires, and then a gold herringbone chain, for a man. She had the same though, that even know neither would know where this may lead, he deserved something from her for being so nice and kind. Plus she had a wicked thought run through her mind, like he on top of her, making love and watching the chain dangle beneath his neck as they made love.

It was almost 5pm by the time they made it back to the ship, which was to promptly leave by 6. They decided to just drop their packages in Ethan’s room and head up to the Lido deck and listen to the Calypso Band that was playing. They each had a long island ice tea and sat together and listened for a bit. Gina spotted them and came rushing over, with John in tow.

“Hi Guys. What did you do today?” she said, even though she spotted them holding hands while downtown in front of the shops. John and she were on one of those guided tour buses.

“Oh, we went to a bunch of places on the island, riding bikes, and then did some shopping. Wait until you see what I bought.” Heather said, then smiled looking at Ethan.

Then Gina introduced John to Ethan, since Heather had already met him. Then she grabbed Heathers hand and told her to come with her. John and Ethan just shrugged their shoulders, like “who knows” and then chuckled a bit.

Once the girls were far enough away, Gina said to Heather, “Sorry about last night. I thought, you know, one hour and it would be done and over. But…. Oh My God Heather, he is the one. I can feel it. 4 times he came last night and I lost track of how many times I did. We have so much in common, and he lives in West Chester, so it’s not like he is far away….. By the way, I did see you in the room this morning. You gotta admit, he has a great cock.” she said, while smiling. “Hell, I’ll share with you too.”

“Gina.. You are something else. Is that why you pulled me away? …. And Yes, he does have a nice one.” Heather stated. She did not want to tell Gina about what she saw with Ethan this morning. If she had, Gina would badger her for more info, which she really did not want to do, at least not yet. Gina then asked,

“I know this is a huge favor I am going to ask, but anyway you can stay with Ethan again tonight? I mean you two look pretty cozy already, and do make one cute couple. We’d stay at John’s room, but his friend may walk in on us, and from what I have seen so far, he’d probably want to join in too, and I am not into him like that.” she said, then giggled.

“Gina!!! How can I ask him that?.... What if he says no, then what?.. That poor man slept on the floor last night. He was a perfect gentleman, and has been this whole time.” Heather said.

“Do you like him, and not just like a friend, but how a woman really likes a man and wants more?” Gina asked.

“I.. I don’t know yet.. But Yes. I do like him a lot. But I can’t ask him to sleep on the floor again.” Heather said.

“Then don’t… Tell him to sleep with you.. Christ, it’s a queen size bed. There’s more than enough room for you both… Be honest.. Wouldn’t you love to feel him wrap you up in his arms and fall asleep with him?’

Heather stared out at the ocean a minute, before she finally spoke. “Yes.. I would love that…. Hell Gina, I wish I could give all of me to him, but I don’t know if I am ready for that, yet.. But I do like him a lot… Ok, I’ll ask, but if he says no, I’ll make myself scarce for a few hours, then I am sleeping in our room.”

“Oh Christ. He isn’t going to say no. I see how he looks at you….. That boy is already falling for you, and I can tell, and you are for him too. Just let it happen naturally.” Gina said, then hugged her friend.

The girls then rejoined the guys and then talked about all the sights they saw today. John and Ethan got along pretty good and Ethan could see John was super in too Gina, like it was a love match. They all decided to go get cleaned up for dinner. Gina came up to Ethan and quietly asked if it would be okay if John joined them for dinner. Ethan said it was quite alright. Gina leaned up and kissed his cheek and thanked him, then whispered, “All I ask is to be good to her. She is over the moon for you.” then smiled and walked away. Ethan smiled too, for he was hoping for that. He had made his peace with Tammy, earlier, and now hopes Heather could make her peace with Peter.

As Heather and Ethan walked back to their room, Heather was trying to figure out the best way to ask him about tonight. Just before the room, she stopped him and found the courage, “Ethan, I think you can tell I like you. A lot too. And I am not trying to lead you on, but I need another favor of you.” she stated, but had a solemn look on her face.

“Good. I like you a lot too, so what is it?” he asked.

“Could.. Oh God.. Could I stay the night with you again? Gina asked if she could have the room again tonight because John’s roommate is a jerk, and did not trust him, and she is super into John. I mean falling for him big time, which is highly unusual for Gina.”

“Under one condition” Ethan stated, and Heather got super red in the face, figuring he was going to ask for sex. “We go down to the drug store, or whatever that shop is, and buy earplugs. I really do not want to listen to them again. I think those two belong in some hall of fame for sex.” he said, then laughed, which made Heather laugh and then relaxed.

“Oh My God.. You heard them too?.... I have known her for ages, and even had to listen to that stuff many times, and she never goes that long. It usually lasts an hour, or maybe just a bit longer, but never like that. I am so sorry…. So yes, earplugs it is.” grateful he did not broach the sex subject. Although, she does want to make love to him, but only when she thinks it’s right.

Heather then entered her room to get clothes for the next day. Since they were going to St. Maarten, she wanted to go lay on the beach. Ethan wanted to do that too, but not the nude one. If he was going to see Heather nude, he wanted to be alone with her. Since she got that new sleep wear, she pulled out a green thong, to match it, and then a flowery summer dress to act as a throw, over her new bikini. She might have been out of the game for a while, but she still knew how to seduce and entice a guy she liked. Of course, her suit was nothing compared to Gina’s multitude of bikinis she brought with her, that barely covered her body. She then showered and opted for shorts and a halter top for the evening.

The two couples had an enjoyable dinner and Ethan and Heather learned that John was taking over his father’s real estate business, which was located in West Chester. John is a good man, same height as Ethan, and trim. He isn’t stuck on himself, which Gina liked. They sat on one side of the table, while Heather sat with Ethan. But, all in all, dinner went fine. Heather could actually see them getting together when the cruise ended, and so did Gina.

Ethan and Heather then took off and went to another show, this time a singer performed all the rock classics from the 70’s and 80’s. Throughout the show, they held hands. Heather asked him what his favorite band was, and without hesitation, Ethan answered Queen.

“Oh My God.. Really?.. They are my favorite too…. I mean nobody could sing like Freddy Mercury could… Although Adam Lambert isn't bad either… I’d love to see them in concert. My mom and dad have all of their albums and went to like 4 of their concerts.” she said. Thrilled that they had another common interest.

After the concert, they decided to try lady luck in the casino, since it was now open. They each decided the slots were the best thing to do, since neither was good at card games. After about an hour, they each lost the $50 they decided to play with. But, they were having fun and laughing. A couple of times, Ethan would just watch her, and all the funny faces she would make when she would come close to hitting, and even got a treat when she would lean in some and her top would bloom out and reveal her breast and part of her nipple. “God Please. Let me have a chance to suckle one.” he thought.

They then went for another walk around the ship. Ethan could care less about anything right now, but being with her. He had not felt this way about anyone, except Tammy. He hoped Tammy was looking down at him, smiling her gorgeous smile. Maybe she was standing next to Peter, up there, watching this all play out. They were on the Fantail area again, and this time Ethan took a chance and brought Heather into his arms. He looked into her green eyes, smiled, then leaned in for a kiss. Their lips lingered for a few seconds, then Heather opened her mouth and accepted his tongue.

The kiss was deep and passionate. Heather was weak kneed now, for this was the first kiss she has had since Peter, and she liked it. For her, she could stay here all night and do this, she was actually enjoying it, without guilt, that she thought she would have. Ethan too, was lost in this kiss. It was like an electrical current was washing through his body, the longer they stayed kissing. Heather squeezed him tighter into her body, as their tongues danced back and forth, and she could feel his manhood growing. If he only knew how wet she was

But soon they ended their kiss and decided to head back to the room, holding hands the whole way until they ended up at his door. They looked at Heathers door and saw the sign on the handle, and just giggled.

Chapter 8

Ethan excused himself to use the bathroom and brush his teeth. While he did that, Heather took out the green silky nightshirt and the green thong. She wasn’t sure if he’d get to see that, but just in case. When he came back into the room, Heather then took her clothes and went in there. After brushing her teeth, then changing, she looked in the mirror and marveled at how sexy the shirt did look on her. If they were already a committed couple, she knew this would not stay on her long.’ She thought also to “Just let your heart guide you. If he is as special as I think he is, there will be no pressure”

When she came back out, Ethan was again wearing the same shorts as he did the night before, and a t-shirt. When Ethan saw her, his tongue was tied. “My.. My God… Heather. You are absolutely stunning.” he somehow spit out.

“Awe… Thank you Sweetie… I saw this today and just had to have it.” she said, hoping he would enjoy seeing her in it. They then decided to go out on the balcony and stood there, holding each other closely. Heather then kissed him on the cheek and thanked him.

“For what?” he asked. “For making this trip so special. I had no thoughts of meeting anyone, nor did I think I would enjoy this as much as I do now. You are a very selfless man who is caring, and has good taste, and I know this is silly, but I am starting to fall for you.” she said, hoping like hell this did not scare him off.

“Heather. You make me feel special too. You are so beautiful, yet you don’t act like you even know how beautiful you are. I almost said Saturday, screw it, I’m not going, but I am so glad I did now, or I would have never met you…... I know we said we would be each other’s dates for the cruise, but after we are back, could I ask you out and see where this goes? I really like you a lot and find myself falling for you.”

They kissed again, and again, it was passionate. Had they been lovers already, Ethan would have picked her up and taken her to bed and make the slowest love he ever has done. When they broke the kiss, Heather said yes, to going out with him, then said she would like to go back inside and go to bed.

Heather went and turned down the bed spread then crawled in under the sheet. Ethan grabbed a pillow and was about to lay down on the floor, when Heather spoke. “Not tonight Ethan. Please come join me in this bed. I do not want you to sleep on the floor and there is plenty of room for us both." So he turned off the light, and crawled in next to her.

She was laying on her side facing him, with the only light coming from the moon that was high and bright. Ethan rolled to his side to face her, then took her hand and held it softly. She smiled when he did that. Then, they both heard a loud moan coming from next door. They both laughed when they heard it.

“Shoot. We forgot to get earplugs.” Ethan stated, and made them laugh again.

“Ethan.. Can I be honest with you?” she asked. “Of course. It’s the only way to be.” he said

“Well… What they are doing next door, is something I hope you and I get to do, and very soon…. I’m just scared is all. I haven’t done that… well, since you know. But when I do give myself to whomever it may be, I want it so we both know this is real, and not a one time, or a few time thing. I love Gina to death, but I can’t be like that. I think you can tell by our kissing, you do turn me on like no other, and I know I have turned you on…… On a guy, it is easy to tell, like on the Fantail, then again on the balcony….. By the way, that felt really good too…. So if this is truly real, which I believe it is, then just be patient with me… But when we do make love, we’ll make them look like to fumbling teenagers.” Heather said, squeezing his hand tighter now.

“Heather, my sweet lady. I am scared too. To be honest, I am not sure I am ready either. I have been with two women in my life. A girl I knew when I was 16, and then Tammy……. I’m sorry that I got excited in a certain region. It was unintentional, trust me there. You have actually made me come alive again. I love being with you, and just watching you smile and laugh. I adore your laugh and how your dimples pop out. I believe this is true, what we have going, or I would not have asked you out after this ends. I don’t want a quick roll in the sack. I want to be able to make love to you all night, and then into the next day. I believe when we are ready, we’ll both know it and it will come naturally to us.” he told her, squeezing her hand again.

“Thank you” she whispered, then kissed him on the lips. Then they heard, “Oh God.. Don’t stop, Fuckkkkkkkkkk” coming from Gina. That made them both laugh.

Heather then turned over on her other side, still chuckling. “Christ.. This is like hearing a porn flick. We just don't get to watch.” which made Ethan laugh again, but somehow could picture John and Gina fucking their brains out.

“Ethan?... Would you hold me tonight? Spoon with me?” she asked softly.

So Ethan scooted over, to lay against her, making sure his groin did not come in contact with her, since his cock was hard as a rock. He thought, “please don’t move against me or you are going to know what that little brain is thinking.”, then placed his arm over her waist and his hand rested on her belly.

She scooted back against him and felt his manhood nestle between her ass cheeks. “Oh God, I wish he was in me right now. He is even bigger than I thought.” She then took his hand in her’s, and moved it up to cover her one breast. Her nipple was as hard as stone, and begging for any touch right now. Ethan tried to move it away, but she stopped him.

“It’s ok Honey. It really is. I can feel how I make you excited, so I think you should feel how excited you make me too….. I’m sorry they are not big, like wonder slut next door.” she said.

“Sweetheart… I don’t care for big boobs. Never have. To me, yours are perfect, and it does feel very nice too.” he said as her hand started squeezing his, so it would squeeze her boob and nipple too. If she let him keep that up, she would orgasm. But her first orasm she wanted with him was when he would be deep inside her, and orgasming together. Just the thought of his hard cock plunging deep inside her was making her wetter than she has in a very long time.

“You know.. That was one thing I have noticed about you. You eyes don’t stray. There have been so many extremely pretty women walk by us. Some in killer dresses or basically next to nothing bikinis, yet you don’t even look at them.”

“I don’t have a reason too. I told you before, and I never lie, I am with the most beautiful woman there is. Plus, all of them are not in the same class as you. And you my dear, are all class.”

“I guess that makes us one classy couple, since you have been nothing but class, and a true gentleman….. But I think we need to sleep now… Nite Sweetie” she said, and sighed.

Ethan, for some reason, just leaned in and kissed her neck and told her goodnight. She let out a slight moan, and wiggled her butt on his manhood. Ethan took note of that moan, knowing it must be an erogenous zone for her.

Chapter 9

They both awoke about the same time. Ethan was still next to her, but his hand was now on her belly, and her butt was still right up against him. She probably thought he was some perv, since his cock now sported a morning wood. So he got out of bed and went to the bathroom. When he came back out, Heather was getting out of bed and the way her legs were spread, he got a shot of her green thong that was covering her sex. He looked away real quick, hoping she did not notice.

As she walked to the bathroom, he asked if she brought along any workout clothes, since he was going down to the gym. She said she did, and got them out of her bag and went into the bathroom. She smiled to herself as she raised the thong back into position, after peeing. She knew he saw her thong and it excited her. She had made up her mind that tonight was the night, if he too, wanted to make love.

When she came out, Ethan was already dressed and ready to go. Again, his mouth hit the floor looking at her. She had on a pink sports bra, and these pink and white, like tie dye, spandex shorts, that hug every inch of her. “God.. I’ll have to beat off every guy down there.” he thought. But luckily, there were only two women on the treadmills and that was it. Ethan and Heather worked out together for 45 minutes, then returned to shower. The ship had already docked by the time they were done and gone to shower. St. Maarten awaited them.

After showering, alone, they each dressed for the day at hand. Although Ethan was wearing khaki shorts, he did have his bathing suit on, underneath, since they wanted to hit the beach and maybe try out the parasailing. Heather was wearing a pale yellow sundress, but what Ethan didn’t know was that she was wearing her new white bikini under it. One thing Ethan did do the day before was shave his private area. Tammy always loved it shaved, and he did too, but stopped once she passed away. Tammy was always shaved too, which made her look very sexy, and great to eat.

On the way to breakfast, they stopped and signed up for the parasailing. They would be going at noon, giving them plenty of time to sightsee and afterwards, get back in time for the ships departure at 4pm, when it set sail for San Juan.

The day went by in a blur. They rented motor scooters to tour the island on their own, then made there way to the beach for a walk. The whole time they laughed and had a good time, with plenty of kissing and hand holding. When they got on the boat for the parasailing, there were two other couples on board. Heather got a little self conscience when she removed her dress and revealed her bikini, not only to Ethan, but the other couples as well. Luckily, the other two women were wearing bikinis too. Ethan damn near came in his shorts too, and hoped he wouldn’t pop a hard on then.

They had a blast being up in the air, pulled by the boat for over 15 minutes. When it was over, they both wanted to go again, but knew they did not have the time. Heather said, maybe in San Juan, which Ethan agreed too. He was so glad that she was adventurous, like he was. Maybe she is the one for him. Only time will tell now.

When they got back to the room, Heather said she needed some more clothes. Ethan suggested bringing over a bunch, so she wouldn’t have to worry about that anymore. She looked at him and smiled, then went next door. The sign wasn’t on the door, so she went right in. She almost shrieked real loud when she saw Gina, on top of John fucking away.

Heather just stood there, like her feet were in cement. It was erotic to see her friend fucking like this, just like when she and Peter invited Gina into their bed. Oh the fun they had together then. Eating each other after Peter would cum in them. Peter was the only man Gina allowed to go bareback with her. “God, he has a long cock” Heather thought to herself.

Gina saw her then and smiled. “Oh hey Girlfriend. We didn't think you would be back yet.”

“The ship is ready to leave here in a few minutes. It’s leaving at 4 today, and not 5 like yesterday.” she said a little harshly.

“I’m going to grab some of my things and shower and change next door.” Heather stated.

“We can stop and give you some time here” Gina said with a frown.

“No. That’s ok. It’s nothing I’ve never seen before. Oh and Hi John” Heather said. He just gave a meek wave, not knowing what the hell was going on.

After grabbing her clothes and other items, she left quickly, but did turn back at the door to see Gina’s ass coming off of him then slamming back down. “Damn.. No wonder she is enjoying him so much. Then she had to rap on the door, forgetting his key card. When he opened the door, all he had on was his swim trunks. Heather was already super horny, and now the guy she desperately wants to make love too, is almost naked too.

She came in fast and stood by the bed and pulled her dress over her head and beckoned Ethan to come to her, which he did. She threw her arms around his neck and pulled him in for the most passionate kiss they ever had. Ethan was shocked, yet now excited. He didn’t know where to place his hands on her back. The little devil voice was telling him to squeeze those beautiful cheeks she has. Then she broke the kiss and led him to the bed. She got on the bed, laid out, spreading her legs and invited him to get between her legs. He then laid on top of her, resting most of his weight on his elbows.

“Ethan, Tonight, I want to make love to you, but right now I want to make out. I want to feel that hardness touching me down there, and I so want to kiss you” as she put her arms around his neck and pulled him in for another passionate kiss.

He could feel her hips grinding into his erection and moan as they kissed. He had no idea what got into her, but he was enjoying this. It brought back memories of he and Tammy dry fucking when she was on her period. And if he sucked her nipples, she would always cum, which hearing her, would make him cum too, so this was fine with him.

Her moans got more intense as she would thrust up into his hardness. “Oh God I want him in me, but I need to wait for tonight, where we can go all night without any interruption.” she thought. Then Ethan broke from the kiss and started licking her neck, which got her even hotter. It was when he got to her one boob and started kissing the exposed flesh that did her in. “Suck it Baby. Please suck them.” as she pushed the thin material away from her boobs and exposed them to him.

He slowly licked around her one breast, not touching her areola, nor her nipple. Her nipples were exquisite, hard and long, just begging to be sucked and lightly bitten. To Ethan, these breasts were perfect, firm, yet soft. Then he switched to the other one, and that made her groan some, and push her sex up even harder into his manhood. Feeling his cock so hard she thought, “Oh God, Why isn’t it night time, where we could do this all night. Maybe if I cum now, it will hold me over until then.”

After teasing her breast enough, his tongue licked her bumpy, dark pink areola, and then her nipple. “Oh God Yesssssssssssss” she moaned out to him. Then got turned on even more when his whole mouth engulfed her breast and he slowly sucked his way to her aching nipple. When he switched to the other, her gyrations got even more intense and he wasn’t sure if he could hold out any longer without cumming in his shorts. Her breath was getting shorter, her arms around his neck started pulling him into her chest more, and then when his mouth only had the nipple now, she let loose.

“Oh Ethan, Oh Godddddddddddddd” as her body stopped moving and went rigid, as her first orgasm with him, overtook her. Ethan moved his pelvis like he was inside her and he too, let loose with his own orgasm, moaning out loud, letting her know he too, had came.

He moved back up to her face then and kissed her again, then moved his head to the side, so she could calm down. Heather had visions of Gina riding John’s cock, and so wanted to that, and much more tonight. She was also grateful that Ethan let her take control of where this went this time, and not take advantage of her, in her highly sexual state, like many men would do. Then she had a darker thought, a thought she knew she would have to address if this relationship is to move forward. But, she thought, that could be addressed at a later point, but soon. She wanted no secrets between them.

Heather then smiled, still feeling the effects of her orgasm. It was so intense and not even Gina could get her that way. “Thank You Ethan… That was amazing.”

“Heather Sweetie… That was awesome that would share that with me….. I too want to make love to you later… But if this is as far as we can go, for now, it was perfect… But I have to ask, what got into you, not that I am complaining” he asked.

She giggled, as he kissed her nose. “Honestly?.. Well when I went next door, and certain slut forgot to put the sign on the door and went I went in, there was Gina and John, with Gina riding him like some bucking bronco….. So… Oh Damn.. It got me super turned on seeing that, and it was quite erotic…. It’s not like I had never witnessed her and another guy doing it, because I have on too many occasions…. But, I had made up my mind earlier today, that I wanted to share me with you, Ethan, if you want me that way… Truthfully, I never dreamed it possible, but I am falling in love with you.” she said as a tear ran down her face.

Ethan gently wiped a tear from her face and smiled. “Look.. I wasn’t looking for love at all. I really never thought it would happen again, but it seems like you and I are in the same boat, no pun intended, with our feelings for each other. I’m falling just as hard for you.. When I looked into your eyes on that plane, I could feel something then, but these past few days, you have started to open my heart back up… But at any point, you don’t feel this should continue, then say so, and I will truthfully understand… We were both crushed by what God thought should happen to us….. I want you in my life Heather” he told her, which made her pull him into another passionate kiss. As they kissed, he grew to his full 9 inches again, to which she gyrated her sex all over it.

“Do you have any idea how hard this is for me not to rip your swim trunks off and make love to you?... But, I am so hungry too. We never did eat lunch today.” she said then laughed.

When Ethan kneeled before her, she giggled some, then pointed to his trunks, which had a big wet spot on them. Ethan sort of turned red, slightly embarrassed. “I turned you on that much too?” she asked with a slight grin on her face. She knew he came when she did, which she thought was a good sign.

He then laughed and said yes, then asked, “I wonder if they heard us too?”

“Maybe…. But doubtful, they were really into each other over there… Are you okay with what we did Ethan” she asked, as she moved off the bed and let her top hit the floor. No sense covering up now, after he sucked them enough to make her cum.

“Yes Heather. I am… It was wonderful, and like I said, if that’s all we do for now, I am quite fine with it. It’s still love making.” he answered.

“Aweeeeee. You are so sweet… Mind if I take a shower? She asked. “Be my guest” he replied.

While showering, she thought of how it would feel to have him in there with her. Soaping her body down, making sure he cleaned every crevice, then make love so more. Then she thought, maybe she should just walk out naked, get on the bed and ask him to make love to her. But then thought better of that. She knows, once they start, they’ll not leave that room until the day, or the day after. He has no idea the voracious sexual appetite that she has, that has been bottled up for the last 4 years.

They decided to eat at the grill, that was located near one of the pools. They did not want to wait for their dinner time, plus neither wanted to be with Gina and John tonight. No, tonight was all about them. Ethan was finally at peace with Tammy not there anymore, and Heather deserved his full attention now. He hoped that she too, made peace with Peter and could finally move on.

But, as the evening wore on, Heather became more quiet, and did not smile like she had been the last couple of days. Ethan wasn’t sure if he should ask what was bothering her, or not. So he let it be for now, but he would ask later, in the privacy of his room, or their room now.

Heather had many thoughts running through her head, and the biggest involved what she and Gina do. Does she tell him before or after they make love. But if she waits, and he doesn’t like that she can be like that, it would end ugly. No, the best way is to be upfront about it. She believes he is an open minded guy, so maybe he won’t care about her past life. Then if he does accept that part of her, how would he react when she tells him about the 3some they did on more than a few occasions.

After the show, they casually walked around, holding hands, but there was no lively talking or anything really. Heather then suggested they go to the room, and talk. As soon as she said that, Ethan’s heart sank to his feet. He figured she isn’t ready yet and was going to end this before it even left the port, so to speak. He was going to give her that necklace tonight, before they made love, but it looks like that is not going to happen now.

After both going to the bathroom, with Heather going last, she came out and had tears in her eyes. To say Ethan was confused, would be an understatement. Maybe it was the ghost of Peter playing in her head, or maybe she thinks she is not as good as Tammy. That was one fear he did have about tonight. In the heat of passion, he would slip up and say her name, instead of Heather’s.

“Heather?.. Please tell me what is wrong?... Was it this afternoon?.. Did I say or do something wrong?” he asked.

“Ethan.. It isn’t you… It’s all me, really it is.” she said between sobs. “But… I have secrets that when you learn of them, you may not want me like you do now. I just don’t know how to tell you, without you hating me… I mean neither of us went in to this cruise expecting to find love, but here we are, and now I will lose that again.” she said as tears rolled down her face. Ethan tried to hug her, but she backed away.

“Ethan.. Maybe we should just end this before we really hurt each other, even more than I already have caused…. Let me grab my things and I will leave.”

“Whoa… Where are you going to go Heather? We both saw the sign on your door, so you can’t go there…. Why don’t you just tell me what’s so wrong?”

“ I’ll find some place to rest, and think. Then go back to my room tomorrow. Gina will just have to find a new place for her and her boytoy.” she said.

“Oh no you won’t. You stay here and I will go…. It would kill me if you got hurt in any way, shape or form. This might be the Fun Ship, but you don’t know who is crazy, or not… Just get some sleep and when you are ready to talk, come find me.” Ethan said, and Heather just nodded.

After he left she started to bawl her eyes out. She was in love with him and more so now, than ever before. He always thinks of her first, and never himself, she thought. Then she got up and went next door and rapped hard on the door. She needed her girlfriend, more now, than ever.

Gina opened the door as she was closing the robe around her body. She took one look at Heather and knew something was really wrong. “Can you come talk to me? I need someone to talk too” Heather sobbed. Gina went back inside and told John that something was wrong with Heather and she wanted to talk. John told her to go and take care of her friend. Gina thought, “Damn, he keeps clicking off the boxes of the man I want to be with.”

Once in the room, Gina told her to calm down and tell her everything. So, Heather told her everything, including how she felt about him, and how he felt about her. When she told Gina that she saw the head of his dick the other morning, Gina asked, “Is it as big as I think it is?” Heather just chuckled, and told her she was such a slut. Then Heather told her about this afternoon, after she saw Gina and John together. “Brought back good times Huh?” But continued on, stating how he made her cum and she made him cum too.

“You know, we thought we heard moaning going on. We were sort of taking a break then… God Heather, why didn’t you just do it then.. No way could I have done that.”

“ I don’t know why. I was scared and I knew once we started, there was no way we were going to quit for anything… I just wanted it to be special tonight. He is so romantic too, and God Gina, I’m in love with him. What do I do now? I fucked this all up. What if he finds me so filthy because I have had Bi relations with you.. Oh and let’s not forget the three of us.. Christ.. I know he’ll think I am some sort of slut. And hate me.”

“Heather, will you stop…. Get some rest tonight, and then talk to him tomorrow. Just be honest with him and if he is that shallow, then he isn’t good enough for you in the first place… But I am betting money, he could care less about your past. Just don’t leave him hanging. Remember, he too lost someone he loved before, and now losing you might break his spirit totally, if he doesn’t have a clue as to why…. Who knows, he may like the idea and want me to join you two sometime when we get back.” she said then laughed.

Heather shook her head in agreement, then asked, “So what gives with John?”

“Oh God Honey.. He is the One… He clicks off every box I have in what I want from a true man. So thoughtful and kind. Good Looking, very attentive, and not just in bed…. In bed, I even have a hard time keeping up with him…. That first night together, I had a feeling, and it just keeps growing, and he feels the same too. And since that first night, no condoms have been used. He’s the first guy since asshole to get to cum in me. I forgot how much I love that feeling. We already have set up 4 dates, after this cruise.” she said, while smiling.

Heather hugged her and told her she was happy for her, and them, as a couple. Then Gima got and started to leave and told her, “you need me, you just come and get me. You are, and always will be my best friend”. Heather nodded and watched the door shut. Then stripped down, got a t-hirt out and put it on and crawled into bed. But sleep would not come easy for her. She was wondering what Ethan was doing right now. Was he mad, or just plain hurt. “Oh Peter, if you are watching over me, please help me. What do I do?” she thought.

For Ethan, sleep did not come easy too. For the second night of this trip, he was not sleeping in his bed. He couldn’t even fathom what she wanted to tell him. “What could be so bad, that she would turn tail and run now?” he thought. Maybe she would come get him soon and spill her heart out, so they could sort through this together, that is, if she really wanted to be a couple. At this point in time, he was resigned to the fact that she did not. The only good thing that may come of all of this, is the fact that he made peace with his beloved Tammy, and could now move on with life.

Chapter 10

Ethan was now eating a bowl of fruit and drinking orange juice. The pool area he spent the night at, also had the grill area that he and Heather ate the night before. They serve breakfast as well from 6am to 10am. As he was eating, Gina found him. She was up early today, seeing it was only 8am right now and the ship was in its “at sea” day, not arriving until 6pm this evening in San Juan.

“Hi” Gina said. “Mind if I sit?” she asked, without waiting for an answer.

“I’m sure you can tell, with me being here, I know about last night. Thank you for giving her the space she needed….. All I can tell you is to just listen to her, when she is ready to tell you. She is in love with you and is afraid you will think horrible things about her, so she is scared….. I can tell that you are in love with her too…. Just go look at all the pictures the ship camera guy has of you two. It speaks volumes of love you two are sharing…. I can’t tell you what it is, but just know if it was me, in her position, I’d lock that away and throw away the key and never revisit it again. But that’s me. Heather isn’t wired like that. She’s a good woman.. No strike that, she’s a great woman. So just hear her out, then make the best decision for you both.”

Ethan started to say something, but Gina put a finger to his lips. “Don’t speak… Just listen later… By the way, she back in our room.”

With that, Gina got up and left. Ethan just shook his head.

Ethan got up a little later, did a walk around the ship, hoping he would run into her, but that never came to pass. He headed back to his room, and quietly shut the door. He decided to lay down on his bed and catch a few winks. Nothing else was going on for him so sleep seemed like a good option.

He awoke around 2pm, and got up. He decided to shower, after spending the night in the open moist air, left him feeling kind of clammy. After his shower, he turned on his computer.He figured if this was going down like he thought it would, the best thing for him, and even Heather, was to get off in San Juan and catch a flight back to Ft. Lauderdale, then another one to home. What had been turning out to be a fantastic vacation, has now turned into a total disaster for him. “I knew I should have cancelled last Saturday. Had I, I wouldn’t be in this mess.” he thought.

He found one flight going to Ft. Lauderdale, and that was leaving at 7:15 the next morning. He didn’t book it yet, but if she doesn’t come talk soon, before the ship docks, then he was leaving and getting a hotel room for the night, then leave for home the next morning. He could have gone on another airline, and got in tomorrow evening in Philly, but he wanted to stop and see a cousin he hadn’t seen in years.

It was after 4:30, and still nothing from Heather. So Ethan took out his suitcase and started packing. He packed the gifts first, except for Heather’s. He took the gift bag that was for his sisters present, and placed the necklace box in it, sat down and wrote out a note.

“Gina. Please give this to Heather. When I saw it, I knew it was for her. It matches her beautiful green eyes. Thanks. Ethan”

He had a tear fall onto the paper. Tears do not come easy to Ethan. The last time he cried was when they lowered Tammy into her grave. He now thought, any love he had, was also lowered into that grave on that day.

The last thing to be put away was his suit. He placed it in his garment bag and started zipping it up, when there was a soft knock on his door. He thought it was probably the Porter, coming to check on the room and turn the bed down, like they do every afternoon, while people were out and about.

He opened the door to find Heather standing there. Her hair was matted on one side, like she had been sleeping as well, and just got up. She had on a blue pair of loose running shorts and a white t-shirt. Her eyes were red and she had bags under them, like all she has been doing all day is crying, which she probably was.

“Hi” she said “Can I come in and talk?” she asked. Ethan just opened the door and let her walk by. By the way she looked, this was the end, so he hoped she would just say and get it over with, so he could get on his way. She gasped pretty loud, when she saw his bags packed, and her heart fell to the floor.

“Are you leaving?” she asked. “Yeah. I figured you did not want to talk, so why stay and be a bad reminder to you, and to me as well. And judging from how you look right now, whatever you are going to say, is not going to end happy, at least for me. So please just tell me what had you so upset last night.” he said.

She kind of got a little indignant, but then caught herself. It was now or never, because if he left, she would never see him again.

“OK.. Here goes… The secret I have you may not like, but I am going to say it. Ethan, I have had bisexual relations with Gina. It started in college and continued up until I met you. To be totally honest, we had sex Sunday night, and when Peter was still alive, she joined us in bed on many occasions. I have never had sex with another woman, nor do I want too, but we had, and still have a strong friendship. She was there for me when Peter was killed, and really, has always been there for me. I needed you to know, so there was no secrets between us. It ripped my heart out last night when I couldn’t tell you all of this. I was so scared you would think I was some slut, or perverted freak. Then when you left the room, I thought my heart died when that door closed. I am so sorry to do this to you. I would truthfully understand if you never talked to me again.” she explained then started crying.

Ethan almost wanted to laugh, but knew better. If that’s all this was about, it was no big deal. Hell, even Tammy wanted to find a female lover. Some of her friends had done and loved it. Maybe this could be salvageable. He went to her and hugged her tightly, then tipped her head up and gently kissed her on the lips, and then had her sit on the bed.

“Oh my God Heather. Why would that change the way I feel about you. It’s the past, and should stay there. Unlike you and Peter, Tammy and I never found that unicorn, I think that’s what they call a bisexual lady who likes couples. Tammy too, wanted to experience that as well, and I was all for it. The only thing is, I did not want sex with whoever the partner was. I would be there and watch, like any normal man whom was presented such a gift. Now I didn’t say I wouldn’t have sex with Tammy while this was going on, because I surely would have. So please Heather, no more holding back. If you want what we started to move forward, never be scared to tell me anything.” he said.

She stood up and placed her arms around his waist and squeezed. “I promise. But… are you still going to leave?” she asked

“No… I want to be with you Heather. I want to start something really good between us. I want to be able to tell you anything, no matter what it is. I want to laugh with you, and cry with you, do almost anything you want to do, as long as it brings you happiness. You know what my biggest fear was last night?’ he asked

“No what?” she said

“That I would say Tammy’s name by mistake. Except for that one girl and the one time we did it, Tammy was the only woman I have had sex with. It would have been an accident and not a slight to you. Hell, I made peace with Tammy the other night, letting her know I was moving forward, which was one of her last requests of me. I even, and I know this sounds silly, I even hope she and Peter are together up there, maybe even lovers, if that exists.”

She laughed and said, “Oh God, I thought that too, about saying Peter’s name while we were making love. I’ve only been with three men in my life, so I am not that experienced either. Nowhere near what wonder slut has had. So if we both say, by accident, let’s not wig out. We both loved those two people with all of our hearts and we’ll always have a special place for them. I too, hoped that they would hook up in heaven, while we made our life down here…. Ethan.. Make love to me right now… Please make love to me”

Ethan kissed her again, but then stopped. He went to the bag that held her necklace. He opened the box and took it out, and showed her, then asked for her to turn around, and placed it around her neck. She held it out to look at it and had tears running again.

“Oh Ethan it is beautiful… But when did you get this?” she asked

“In St. Thomas, at that jewelry store… When I saw it, I knew it was you…. It goes great with your beautiful green eyes.” he told her.

“Aweeeee…. You surprise me every minute…. I love that you are so romantic…. But wait… I need to get something next door.” she said and started heading for the door.

“Wait… While you are there, let’s gather up all of your things and moved them in here.. I believe we won’t be leaving this room to often, from this point on.” he told her.

“Wonderful idea… I think you are right too… They do have room service correct?” she asked, and Ethan looked at the book on one dresser, and said yes. “Good… food is covered then” she said, then giggled

He went with her and helped her get her stuff together. Heather took something out of a small box that was in her suitcase and then went into the bathroom. It was her belly button ring that Gina got for her in college. It dangles and has little diamonds in it. It made her feel sexy when she wore it, and right now, she was feeling very sexy.

Once they were back in the room, and put the stuff away, they turned towards one another and kissed again. “Oh wait… I have something for you.” then went to the bag on the dresser and pulled out his chain, and asked him to turn around, then placed it around his neck and clasped it together. Then turned around so she could see. “Oh Yeah… Just what I thought. You are one sexy man Ethan Tolbert…….. One last thing, and I know you might think me weird, but do you have a picture of Tammy?” she asked.

Ethan did look at her like she was crazy. “Yes. In my wallet” he answered, then watched her go to her purse, then pull out her wallet, and took a picture she had of Peter, in his dress blues, out of its sleeve. Ethan pulled his wallet out and took the picture of Tammy out, and handed it to her. She took the picture and placed it so Tammy was facing Peter, and gently set it on the nightstand.

“I know.. This is weird… But this is my closure, and hopefully yours as well…. Let’s hope they are together up there, looking down at us smiling, but they are together too, and hopefully falling in love like we are.” she said, with another tear in her eye.

Once again she came to him and they wrapped each other up and started kissing. The kiss was turning very passionate, and Ethan let his hands roam down to her exquisite butt, and squeezed, which made her moan into his mouth. Her hands too found his butt cheek and returned the squeeze. Then Ethan took the hem of her t-shirt and slowly brought it over her head, exposing her naked torso. Heather did the same to Ethan, removing the polo shirt he was wearing.

When she had it off, she leaned in and kissed his chest, then his nipples. That got Ethan to moan out too. Heather smiled to herself, finding his moans to be quite erotic to her. She kept kissing down to his belly then fell to her knees, and unbuckled his belt, then the snap holding his shorts up, and let them fall to the floor. The only thing left was his silk boxers he had on. She saw the outline of his manhood, all hard, and awaiting her touch. Her hand lightly rubbed it, then hooked her fingers under the waistband and pulled them down, revealing something she has yearned for, since she first saw it the other morning.

“Oh my God Honey ...It's beautiful.” she said as her hand went around the thick base and caressed it. Then she gave the head a lick and a kiss, but then looked up at him. “I need you to know that I love oral. Both giving and receiving…. But this first time, let’s just get to the really good part….. I promise to do that later, I will make love to this with my mouth…. By the way… I love the shaved look…. So sexy” she said as she stood back up and they kissed again.

When he started down her neck, then took each nipple into his mouth, her knees got weak. She could easily cum right now, but needed to wait until he was finally in her. He then fell to his knees and noticed the belly ring. “God.. that is so sexy” he thought. As his fingers worked under her waistband and slowly pulled the shorts to the floor. He blue thong was soaked, and he could smell the intoxicating aroma of her sex, filling his nostrils. When the thong hit the floor, he leaned in and kissed her mound softly. Her hands went to his head to steady herself, and moaned out. He backed away and looked up at her smiling.

“I too, love performing oral… Both before, and after making love….. And looking at you right now, I know there is not a woman alive who is more sexy and beautiful as you are to me, Heather Graham…. I love that belly ring, and your shaved treasure you are letting me have.” he said, as he stood back up and held her close, making her smile more than she has in a very long time.

Heather then led him to the bed, where they both got on it, with her laying on her back, spreading her legs, inviting him in. Both were scared, yet so very turned on. From this point on, this would change the dynamic of their relationship. Heather wrapped an arm around his neck, looking into his dreamy eyes. Her other hand went in between them and took hold of his raging hard member and guided to her opening. She rubbed it up and down her slit, lubricating the head, although it really did not need it, with the amount of pre-cum leaking out, then put the head at the entrance of her love hole.

“Go slow Baby…. I am not comparing, but you are a little bigger than Peter, and it has been so long since a penis has been in me…. But I will adjust.” she cooed

“I will Sweetheart…. If you couldn’t tell by Tammy’s picture, you two are about the same in size, so I will go slow…. I never want to hurt you…. But be aware, I might cum really quick the first time…. Oh God.. I don’t have a condom.” he said.

“You don’t need one… I’ve been on the pill since I was 15. It regulates my period…. We’re good…. As for hurting me… I don’t think that will happen… If a baby can come down that canal, I would imagine, the baby maker will fit just right….. As for cumming, it’s okay.. I’m sure you will many times tonight… Heck.. I have orgasmed twice already… small one’s but orgasms just the same….. Enough talk, please put him in me.” she said.

Ethan slowly entered her love tunnel. It was hot, yet so soft and inviting. He could feel the walls tighten around his shaft and he inched his way deeper inside her. Their lips were locked together as this coupling started to take place. They each moaned into each other’s mouth, as he got deeper and deeper inside her. Heather broke the kiss once he was all the way in her.

“Oh My God Ethan, I’m….. I’m……. cumming….. Oh God Baby”

She pulled him hard into her face as she kissed him wildly. “Oh God, I’ve never cummed like this.” she thought. Ethan then started moving in and out of her. She was so tight, and when she came, he could feel the heat emanating from her vagina, as her fluids washed over his manhood. It was a powerful statement that words could never describe. He knew for sure then, that she is the one for him.

He lasted just a few minutes more until he felt his balls tighten, as his love seed was rushing up and ready to fill his new love with his seed. “Oh God Baby… I’m going to cum” he said softly, and pushed in deep inside her. “Oh God Baby.. Cum with me….. Oh Honey I’m cumming too” she said loudly, not caring if the whole ship knew it.

They moaned in each other’s mouth, as they both came. To both of them, it felt like it was lasting for an hour, even though it was mere seconds of bliss. They broke their kiss and breathed heavily, trying to catch whatever breath they could. Then Ethan noticed he was still hard as a rock, and not one not to let a good thing go by, gently flipped them over, so she was on top. As they did this, Heather let out a gasp and a giggle.

“Oh God Ethan… That was amazing….. We are amazing together…… And so you know, this is my favorite way…. Wow.” she stated. “What?” he asked. “You are still hard and ready.” she said and smiled.

“I know.. I am surprised too… I guess almost 5 years without it can do that to a person….. Sorry I came so soon.” he said.

“Oh stop, will you….. It was perfect… And, I bet we last a lot longer this time…. Then again, maybe not…. I could probably cum again, just by grinding on you” as she ground her pussy and clit into his groin. As she did that, Ethan could feel their combined juices flowing over his balls, as they leaked from her perfect pussy.

“Oh God Heather.. You know how to make me feel so good… But I know I can get you to orgasm again” he said. Her breathing quickened, then asked how. So he sat up and took a breast into his mouth and started sucking the whole thing, then let some of it out until he had only the nipple, and gently bit. He remembered that this drove Tammy crazy, and here now, it was driving Heather crazy too. Within minutes of doing each breast, she came again, washing his cock with her love juices. “Oh my God.. Oh my God.. Oh my God” she said, with her head moving all over, kind of like a bobble head doll.

After that, they settled down and made love for the next 15 minutes, with Heather cumming two more times, until Ethan pumped her full of his seed again. Heather rolled off of his and lay next to his sweaty body. She curled up into his arms and placed her head on his chest, looking down at his semi hard cock, amazed it hasn’t gone down all the way.

“Oh My… You are still like hard…. But I need a rest.” she said.

“So do I Lover.. So do I” he said chuckling.

“Shall we order up some room service?” she asked.

“Sounds like a wonderful idea….. I think we need some nourishment, if we are to keep this up.. No pun intended.” which made them both laugh.

She watched him as he got up and went to the phone and called for their dinner, which tonight is going to be lobster and filet mignon, and a bottle of wine. She looked at his butt and got goosebumps. “God… What a beautiful ass.” she thought.

He came back to bed, with two cold bottles of water, and slid beside her, once again. “They said about 45 minutes” he told her. “Good….. I think we can find a way to amuse ourselves.” she said with a sly grin.

They were quiet for a moment, then Heather asked, “Any regrets doing this?... Because I don’t… It feels natural…… This just feels so good.”

“Heavens no… I’ve wanted you since the first night in this room…. I hope we do this for the next 50 years together.” he said.

“Good… Then we are on the same page….. I really never thought I would find love again…. But guess what…. I have… Maybe people would say it’s too early, but that’s Bull….. When you know, you just know… And I know I love you, and more every second… I’m so sorry about last night.” she said, putting her head down.

He lightly tipped her chin up, “Look… Last night is over.. We are here together, and nothing is going to change that, at least for me… I too never dreamed of falling in love…. And to be honest, when I saw you on the plane, and looked into your eyes then, I had a feeling that there was something there.” he told her.

“ I’m never letting you go Ethan…… I’m in this for the long haul…… I love you.”

They then started talking about how they will see each other when they get back home. If Ethan could have his way, he would love for her to just move in with him. But he knew that she had some old-fashioned values, like he did, and would do it the right way, and court this wonderful woman. He was glad that she wasn’t like Gina. Not that Gina was a bad person, no, but not as demonstrative like Gina is. He did admit that the thought of those two having sex did turn him on, but he could never fuck Gina, like Peter did.

As they ate, they would feed each other little bites of meat or lobster. By the time they finished, the wine bottle was empty, and all the food was gone, with both of them feeling full.

Ethan then took the cart, with the empty dishes, opened the door and stuck his head out to see if the coast was clear, saw that it was, and pushed the cart out and parked it against the far wall, naked the whole time.

This made Heather laugh, and it also excited her to. She loved being adventurous, remembering the times she and Peter would make love damn near anywhere. " God it would be great if Ethan was that way too." she thought. She then got back on the bed and Ethan joined her. She was sitting Indian style, so he did too.

" Can we talk a bit Honey?" to which Ethan said sure, hoping all was still good.

" I think you can tell I love what we're doing tonight. That was beautiful the love making we shared together. You are so caring of my needs and desires. It's only going to get better too. But if there is something I may do that you don't like, please tell me. We need to be open and honest in bed, and in life too…… So, and I don't know your past with Tammy, but if there were things she did that brought you pleasure, please tell me and I will try it too." she told him.

"Fair enough, as long as you let me know the same, when it comes to Peter. I'm not afraid of opening up to you. Our pasts have made us what we are today, so being open and honest is how we were too. I guess you have to understand, that Tammy and I were basically first and only loves for each other. Sex was always great for us and we always shared what we liked or didn’t like. One thing she didn’t care for was anal. We tried it a couple of times, but it never did anything for her, except cause pain, so we scratched that idea. She was adventurous though.” he told her, then continued.

“ By looking at her, you would never know she had a very high sex drive, or the naughty streak that ran through her veins. By that I mean, she liked doing it in public places. We did it in a movie theater a few times, and one time, on a walk in a park, she was wearing a dress similar to what you wore the other day, had me sit on this one bench, looked around, then unzipped me, pulled it out and sat down on me, facing away, so it looked like she was just sitting in my lap. Not a soul knew I was in her and she was enjoying it, except I did have to cover her mouth once when she came.” he told her.

Heather giggled and said, “Oh wow, I like her. Tell me more…. I won’t lie, this is exciting to hear.”

Ethan reached down with a finger and felt her pussy lips, and saw how wet she was again. “I’d say you are….. We talked of fantasies, which led us to wanting at least a woman to join us in bed, if not a couple. But the woman had to be bi…. And when we talked about fantasies, it led to some pretty wild sex, although in our minds, that was still love making, but it was also fun. We were quite active sexually. Four to five times a week, and weekends were just for us….. We both worked hard during the week and most love making was in the morning, except weekends, and to be totally honest, we were naked the whole time and making love most of it, unless we had to go somewhere, like a family or friend function. Up until the last year, we acted like newlyweds all the time….. We tried our hardest to make sure we never grew tired of being together….. What about you and Peter?” he asked her.

“Honestly??? I think you guys and Peter and I would have been great friends, and probably with benefits too, had we known each other….. We were like you guys too… We talked through anything, nothing was out of bounds to us, in life or sex…. He was a tender lover too… My needs, wants, and desires always came first for him…. I remember a couple of times when he was coming home from a deployment, and I picked him up… We’d be down this one road and I told him to pull over and F,, I mean screw me.” she said but got red faced.

“Stop….. Look Heather, it is just you and I…. I know you don’t swear much, but in bed, you can say those words…. I try to always use decorum outside of the house and when I am definitely in mixed company, but in bed, about the only thing I will never say is the C word.” he told her and smiled at her to reassure her.

“I know.. I just didn’t want you to think I was some low class hussy… You know, I love Gina to death, but her mouth sometimes, well, is out of this world….. So ok, I told him to pull over and fuck me, and fuck me he did…. Any time he came home like that, I took the next week off and we never left the house…. I made sure we had enough food, water, beer and anything else I could think of…. We were naked the whole time too and just made love and fucked like a couple of randy teenagers…… I guess I am like Tammy, and love sex…. I’ll do you everyday, if you want too…… That means even on those certain five days a month.. That’s why they make showers.” she said and laughed.

“Good to know…. I’ll never say no either…. As long as I can get it up, it’s all yours…… So, I am curious. How did the 3some come about?” he asked, and Heather took a big breath and let it out.

“You have to promise me, you won’t think of me as some slut, please?” she said with a frown on her face.

“Babe. Please stop that…. Did you think I thought of Tammy as a slut because she wanted to try it?” he asked her, and she shook her head no. “Good…. We trusted and loved each other enough, and we loved fulfilling fantasies….. And you know, we’ll get to that stage one day too…. I’ll do anything you ask, especially in bed, if it brings you pleasure, that includes spending time with Gina.” he told her, which made her smile.

“Well, when Peter and I got serious, Gina and I ended what we did. We made a pact that if one of us found that one we wanted life with, our fun would stop… Then a short time later, she found Tony….. They eventually moved up to Philly, but that was after the three of us got together… See, I was upfront with Peter about it, and he was cool with it…… He even said her and I could play when he was deployed, but we didn’t. I did not think it was fair to him… He got along great with Gina too, and one night in bed, he asked if I really liked being with her, and I didn’t lie, and told him yes… He said we should invite her in our bed for a 3some…. I knew Gina would say yes in a heartbeat to that…. But I let it go for some time, and he never asked again about…. He was home on leave for like a month and his birthday was coming, so I asked Gina if she would do it…. Of course she said yes…. Oh God… I can’t believe I am telling you this” she said.

“ So he was out with the guys this one Saturday, a day before his birthday…. He called and said he would be home in an hour… So I called Gina and told her to get over here so we can surprise him….. When he came into the house he called out for me, and I told him to come into the bedroom…. When he got there, he got an eyeful… Gina was against the headboard and I was between her legs eating her…… Peter didn’t need an invitation, and got naked and the next thing I knew he was inside me…. Trust me, I was cumming the whole time, as was Gina… Then we switched, and Peter sat next to us and watch….. Then I told him happy birthday and told him to fuck her…. He was very hesitant at first, but he gave into his urge…. He always found Gina attractive and she knew and flirted with him all the time…. So they fucked while she ate me… Then she rode him after a break…. Then she watched us make love….. She even spent the night in our bed and he got more the next morning…… It was a fantasy we both wanted to happen and it did, and we loved it….. We had those about 8 times….. One thing he always hoped for, was that Gina found a man of her own and the four of play….. He always wanted to see me with another guy… I kind of did too, but it had to be same room or same bed” she stopped and looked at his engorged member.

“ Oh God Honey.. You are turned on….. How big are you?” she said and she was also turned on now….

Ethan pulled her to him and kissed her passionately. As they kissed, her hand went to his cock and started stroking it. “MMMMMMM, God Ethan… I love this cock…. Do you like me saying cock Baby?” she asked seductively.

His hand went to her pussy and inserted a finger inside her, which made her gasp…. “Yes Baby….. I love hearing you say cock…. You like my finger in your hot pussy?... and it’s 9 inches, and all yours, for now on.” he said, just as seductively as she had.

“Oh Honey…. I love your finger in my hot pussy… It’s all yours now too….. Baby…. I’m going to be naughty now…. Fuck me with your big cock.” she said as she pushed him to his back.

Just as she was moving up to straddle him, there was a loud knock at the door. She paused, hoping whoever it was, would just go away. Then another knock, but this time she heard Gina say her name loudly. “Damn it” she said and got off the bed, but also throwing the sheet over Ethan’s legs, hiding his hard cock.

She barely opened the door to see Gina standing there, in just a robe. Gina pushed past her, then noticed Ethan in bed, covered up, turned back to see Heather naked.

“Sorry Sweetie.. But you never answered any text and when I saw your stuff gone, I panicked, thinking you left the ship for home…. Apparently though, you two have made peace and are finally enjoying life.”

Heather giggled, and quite comfortable being naked in front of her, which Ethan took notice of.. His mind could see these two lovely ladies enjoying sex together, and maybe one day, they could invite Gina into their bed. He was also very pleased to hear heather tell him she likes to be naughty. Tammy could be the same too, and loved telling him dirty fantasies, then fuck wildly the whole night.

“I’m sorry Gina… I was in a rush to get my stuffed moved into here. I’m going to spend the rest of the cruise with Ethan… That way, you can have John move in with you, with no worries of me barging in.” she told her.

Gina hugged her tightly, then kissed her on the lips. “It’s all good now...Looks like we both found the men of our dreams sister.”

She walked over to Ethan and leaned down and kissed him on the cheek. “You take very good care of her mister…. If you don’t I will hunt you down and cut your balls off.” she said with a very stern look on her face, but then softened to a warm smile.

“No worries Gina….. I plan on taking care of her for a very long time.” he said and winked at her.

Gina, being the playful smartass she is, quickly grabbed the sheet and pulled it away from him. Her eyes were glued to his hard cock now and licked her lips.

“Holy hell Heather… Very Im-fucking-pressive Ethan.” which made Ethan just chuckle. He really didn’t care that she saw him like that. Heather was laughing, yet admonished her friend for doing that.

Gina turned to her and said, “Hey.. it’s only fair…. You saw my boyfriends… So now I got to see yours….. And you know, if things don’t work out with me and John, I’m more than willing to share.” she then turned and walked to the door.

She giggled and said, “Let’s see which room can get the loudest tonight” as she left the room.

Heather came back to bed, and straddled him. She placed his dick at the entrance of her love hole and sank slowly down. “Oh Fuckkkkkkkkk.” she cooed.

One seated, she said, “I’m sorry about that… I told you she has no filters…. But she right.”

“How so” he asked, kissing her lips. “Very Im-fucking-pressive” she said, as she ground her pussy over his shaved groin.

“Heather, Darling?” “Yes Sweetheart?” His hands were on her scrumptious ass now, “Do you want kids one day?”

“Oh God yes…. Many or as many as you want.” she said

“Good, so do I…. Your going to make one sexy Soccer Mom one day.” he told her.

Her arms went around his neck and started rising up, then falling back down. “Oh God Baby…. I so want to fuck you hard now, but I still need to get used to this beautiful manhood of yours…. Now.. no more talk, and let your future Sexy Soccer Mom make you feel good.”

For the next hour and a half, they made love in various positions. Heather was a little more naughtier than at first, talking dirty to him, which turned him on. He did the same to her, and she loved hearing it. Both of them forgot about the deceased spouses and concentrated on giving each other pleasure. Pleasure they had not experienced in a very long time.

When they did orgasm, they were a bit louder than at first, and knew Gina and John could hear them. Gina made sure they knew she was cumming too. The whole ship probably knew she was cumming as well. When they were finally spent, they fell asleep in each other’s arms. A sleep they both desperately needed, since neither really slept the night before.

Chapter 11

Ethan awoke around 5am to pee, which he quietly did. Then just stood and stared at Heather, who was asleep, laying on her back now. He could not believe how beautiful she was, but also could not believe how fast they fell in love with each other. “Maybe there is something to falling in love at first sight.” he thought. It did not concern him, for he knew that she was in love with him, because of him, and not what he was worth. He had yet to tell her that he was worth millions. Money does change people and how they think. He then decided to crawl back in bed with this gorgeous person, and grab another hour or two of sleep.

About 2 hours later, Ethan was awakened by a very warm sensation down by his groin area. He opened his eyes to see Heather, with her hand wrapped around the base of his fully charged cock, and her mouth wrapped around the head of it, giving him a wonderful blow job.

He smiled then moaned and said, “Oh God Baby….. Good morning to you too….. Ohhhhhhhh”

He mouth popped off of him and smiled back at him, “I hope this helps make it a good morning Lover….. I love doing this” she said as she went back to work on him.

He watched in amazement, at her oral skills. For a woman who hasn’t had sex this long, she sure could give great head, he thought. She had about ¾’s of him in her mouth, which really got him going, only because Tammy was lucky she could get half in her mouth. Then he scolded himself for thinking of Tam’s. If they were moving forward, what was in the past, needed to stay there for good.

It didn’t take too much longer for him to feel that certain pressure build deep in his balls, which Heather was also massaging as she sucked him. “Oh God Heather… I’m going to cum real soon.” he told her. She then tightened her grip on the shaft and her mouth went to just have the head in it, and stroked him faster. All she thought of now, was finally tasting his seed, something she has always enjoyed. His pre-cum was sweet tasting to her, so his cum should be the same.

Although he did not bellow out that he was cumming, he did warn her one last time before his cock erupted in her waiting mouth. Four hard pulses shot ropes of cum into her mouth, which she greedily accepted and drank down. When she finally released him from her hand and mouth, she had a little on the one corner of her mouth. She smiled and said, “MMMMMMMMM… so good…. I love protein shakes in the morning.” then giggled.

He gently grabbed her arm and pulled her up to him and kissed her passionately, tasting what he just gave her. ”Oh my God” Heather thought. “Never did that before….. Godddddddddd, this is great” she kept thinking.

Then Ethan had her lay on her back and slowly started kissing down her body. He has wanted to taste her treasure for so long now, but all they wanted last night was to be coupled together. When his tongue finally entered her slit, she groaned out, “Aweeeeeeeeeeeeee God!”

Ethan purposely stayed away from her clitoris, but was amazed at its size. It was much bigger than Tammy’s, and it was like it was begging to be sucked and licked. But he knew if he went there, she would cum instantly, and he wanted this to last for her. So he concentrated on her slit, drinking in any of her juice she was expelling at this point, which was quite a bit.

Then he got bold and let his tongue lick lower, around her taint. She moaned out even louder now. But when his tongue found her other hole, she let out a low gutteral sound then said, “Oh God Yesssssssssss Baby….. Lick me there.” So he did and boy was he rewarded with her first orgasm. He tongue could taste the juice flowing from her pussy, as he tried to tongue fuck her ass. Her whole body was squirming all around, with her hands directly on his head, pushing it into her spread legs. He was still eating her there when he inserted a finger inside her pussy, felt around, then found that perfect spot, he knew, would bring her even greater pleasure.

He too, was getting more excited now. His cock was back to full staff, but he needed her to cum one more time, before he would enter this pleasure chest of love. He started licking back up until his tongue finally touched her clit. To Heather, it felt like electricity shot through her every fiber, calling out, “Yessssssssss. Right there Baby….. Don’t stop… Please make me cum”

His mouth now began sucking her clit. It was quite engorged now, and felt like the size of a brazil nut in his mouth. “No wonder” he thought, “why Gina loves sucking her pussy.”

About a minute later, her ass came off the bed and her legs closed around his head, as her own head was shaking back and forth, when her orgasm overtook her. “Oh God yes… Oh God… So good”, as her juices shot out of her and into his waiting mouth and tongue.

As he drank her in, her body was convulsing. She was moaning loudly now, not caring if anyone could hear her. In her mind, this was the best orgasm she ever had, even from Peter or Gina, and Gina brought her many powerful orgasms. She finally relaxed her legs and her ass fell to the bed. She was spent, but felt great at the same time.

When he crawled up and on top of her, making sure to keep his weight off of her, he leaned down and kissed her. Her tongue shot right into her mouth, and as they kissed, she wiggled her torso enough to let him enter her.

“MMMMMMMMM Good Morning Darling….. Now this is the way to wake up….. I could do this every morning with you Ethan….. Though, I am not sure I can cum again right now, but stay in me for a bit.”

“Oh God Heather.. I do love being inside you, making us one.” he told her.

“So this isn’t a dream then, right?” she asked.

“No Baby… It’s not….. At least not for me…. But if it really is, then I don’t want to be awakened, at least, for another 50 or 60 years.” he told her.

“Ohhhhhhhh… I really do like the sound of that.” she cooed in his ear.

“Let’s say we get a shower, and then head into to town, after eating up on the Lido deck….. I need to pick up a couple of gifts yet.” he told her.

After their shower, which there was little fooling around, except for when they washed each other, he watched her dress. He saw her put on a black thong, and started getting hard. He loved when Tammy wore thongs because to him, it made her even sexier, and now with heather, he felt the same. She did notice him watching and smiled seductively. She asked him if he liked what he was seeing, to which he said yes, very much so.

After a quick bite to eat, they headed into town, and walked to Old San Juan. As they walked around, they held hands and talked about other things in their lives. She told him about the apartment that Gina and her shared, and the 2008 honda civic she drives. He told her about his house, which intrigued her some. She loved old places and the history that went with it.

His farm house was 150 years old. It was built by his great great great granddad, and stayed in the family the whole time. When his grandmother passed a few years back, it left to his dad, and his brother and two sisters. None of them wanted it, and Ethan did not want to lose it to someone who would either tear it down, or junk it up, so he bought it at their asking price. It came with 10 acres and a barn.

Ethan was starting to remodel it two years ago. There were many cracks in the walls, especially in the living room and dining room. So when he started ripping it down, he found that the plaster covered actual logs, which the original house was built from. They were a good 10 inches thick, and many were 15 to 18 inches high. So he took down all the plaster and lathe and left the logs showing. It was like that up in two bedrooms too, and that’s what he is doing now. The back part of the house was an addition that his great grandfather put on, back in the thirties, so the kitchen could be bigger. It’s now very modern, and he has found old barnwood to cover the walls with, which gives it a very rustic look.

Heather was amazed at what he was doing and told him she can’t wait to see it one day. He even showed her a couple of pictures of it, that were on his phone. Then she saw a picture of his black 1967 GTO, and swooned when she saw it. “Oh My God…. a 67 GOAT?.... 400 cubic inch engine, right?” she asked

“How the hell do you know that?” he asked while chuckling, amazed she’d even know that.

“My dad restored a 68 about 12 years ago, and I helped him. We loved working on cars together……… We’d rush out after dinner and work on it, then all day on Saturdays. My mom thought we were nuts, but you know, it brought my dad and I closer together, and I wouldn’t trade that for the world.

“Well then, maybe you could help me with this” he said, as he showed her the 1956 Thunderbird that was sitting on blocks in the barn. It needed a lot of work, but the engine still works, but the chrome and body need a lot of care to bring it back to life, he told her.

“Oh My God.. Yes.. I’d love to help you with that, or anything you wanted to work on….. Ethan?” she softly said.

“Are we going to fast, and in a weeks time, it comes crumbling down?..... In my heart I know for sure, that you are the one, and I hope you feel the same way.” she said, and had a tear forming in the corner of her eye.

As she spoke, they were in front of a bunch of stores, so he grabbed her hand and said, “Come on.. Let’s go in here” which was a jewelry store. He asked where the diamonds were, with Heather protesting that he couldn’t afford getting her anything like that. She remembered how Peter had to save for months to buy her the 1 carat ring he got her.

The first ring he saw was a simple band, encrusted with little diamonds, and was a steal for under a grand. That would be the “promise ring” he wanted her to wear for right now. Then he asked her to pick a ring she thought would fit her taste best, as an engagement ring, that would be given to her after a suitable amount of time, as not to freak out either family. So she picked one that was a tad bigger than a carat, and was a platinum band. She had gold before, just like he did, and thought something different for them, this time around.

“Is this the one you want Heather?” he asked. With tears running down her face, she nodded yes. Then he asked the guy if he had one that had a bigger diamond. The clerk said that he did, and showed him one that was four carat. “Oh God Ethan. You can’t afford that.. I'm fine with the other one.” she said, as he took it and slipped it on her finger, which fit perfectly. He told the clerk he would take it. The clerk then took the ring back and put it in the box for safe keeping.

Ethan did put the other ring on her finger, which he wanted her to wear all the time. He was going to buy the matching wedding rings, but figured he could get them once they were home. Then he spotted a tennis bracelet. It was diamonds and jade. He figured she could wear it on her wrist, or her ankle, since she had worn a silver one around her ankle the night of the cocktail party. Heather just shook her head in amazement. “I can’t believe this is happening to me. You see it in movies all the time, but not in real life” she thought, as she looked at the promise ring and admired it. Her heart was pounding faster than any time in her life, even more than her wedding day to Peter.

Once they left the shop, they still had time for more sightseeing, but Heather grabbed his hand, pulled him into her, where she kissed him hard and passionately. When the kiss ended, he told her he loved her, and she said, “I love you more than words or deeds could express. Take me back to the boat Ethan.”

“We still have some time before we have to be back.” he told her.

“Please…. I need you …. I need to make love to you right now.” she said as she kissed him again.

Chapter 12

Ethan and Heather were sitting against the headboard, after two hours of the most passionate love making the two have ever experienced in their lives. They heard the horn, signaling that the ship was leaving in 30 minutes, so they knew scores of people would be rushing back to the ship, thankful they were part of that hord. She was admiring the promise ring on her left ring finger.

“Honey.. I still think you spent to much money today… I have very simple tastes and I am not extravagant, just so you know… Some say I am cheap, but I am just frugal is all…. We didn’t have a lot, and earned everything we got.”

“Look… That ring means I promise to love you the rest of our lives…. I do hope it is for many years to come….. I have yet to formally ask you to marry me, but that day is coming, and I will do it the right way. By that I mean, date for some time, then ask your parents…. I too am old fashion, and I think your dad would respect me better if I did that…. As for the money….. I started the business a few years before Tammy’s death… Yes, we did struggle at first, so I am frugal as well…. But now, well it has really taken off.. In fact, one big security company offered to buy us…… Right now, the company is worth 25 million, and they offered 50 million….. I’m torn as to what to do….. I countered their offer with the stipulation that none of my people are laid off, and are kept at their current salaries and benefits, which includes paid health care and bonuses…. My financial person says we should hit 50 million in a little over 2 years, at our present growth rate….. But maybe, if I had a top notch marketing person, it could happen sooner….. Care for the job my dear?”

Heather sat there, astounded at what she has just been told. She had no clue he was worth anything like that. She figured him as a startup business just getting by, but nothing like this. She had one thought then, “I hope he doesn’t think I knew this about him and he thinks I am some gold digger.”

“Earth to Heather” he said, then chuckled.

“I… I... Oh God… Ethan, I hope you know I had no idea about that side of your life….. I fell in love with the man, and not what you have….. I don’t care if we lived in a cardboard box… But wow.. This is a lot to take in.” she said.

“I know you didn’t…. Only my parents and the financial guys know my worth…. Not even my sister knows.. Though she does know I make a good buck….. So now you are the fifth person to know…… I hope that shows you that I trust you more than anything… Not that I don’t trust my sister, but she will always be taken care of…… So…. do you think you can handle being my wife at some point soon?” he asked.

She pulled him on top of her, and started kissing him, “Yes…. I think I can handle being your wife…. Now make love to me again.” she said.

As they started making out again, they felt the ship move. This would start their journey back to the states and then home. Just as Ethan was about to enter her again, there was a loud knock on the door. “I thought you put the sign on the door” Heather asked Ethan. “I did” he replied.

Then they heard Gina calling out, to open the door. “Dammit… She has terrible timing” Heather said, as she raced to get her robe, and threw a robe the ship supplied to Ethan. She opened the door to see Gina and John both standing there. As is the custom with Gina, she just invited herself into the room. She looked at Ethan, who was sitting on the edge of the bed, trying like hell to hide his hard on, then she looked at the bed and giggled.

“My God.. You two are hornier than John and I.” Gina stated. “What’s so important Sweetie?” Heather asked

“Well.. I have a huge favor to ask of you?” she said. “Christ Gina… You already have our room, what else could you want?” Heather said.

“By the looks of things here, you don’t mind a damn bit… But that’s not the favor.” she said, then got quiet for a beat. “Heather.. You are my bestest friend in the whole world…. So I was wondering if you would be my maid of honor?” Gina said, as she held up her hand to show Heather her engagement ring.

“Oh My God Gina….. When did this happen?” Heather asked.

“About an hour ago on some beach near the ship…. Oh God.. I told you he was the one… I love him so much.” she gushed.

Heather smiled and hugged her tightly. “Oh my God Yessssss.” Heather said, then looked back at Ethan, as she flashed her ring to him. He gave a nodding approval to her to tell Gina.

“Under one condition.” she said. “Anything Sweetie.” Gina stated.

Heather held out her own hand and said, “Only if you are my maid, or matron of honor as well;”

Gina squealed in delight and said yes to her request. Then they stood there and hugged, and hugged more, then let their lips meet in a passionate kiss. Both guys stared in wonderment. Ethan and John both knew these two had been lovers a long time, and found what they were sharing to be quite erotic and turn on.

Gina broke the kiss then, as she looked over Heather’s shoulder and noticed Ethan’s hard cock, tenting the robe. Heather looked at John and saw his cock was tenting his shorts. Heather thought, “God I wonder, if, some day?”

Gina finally said, “Looks like you two enjoyed that, judging by the bulges that are going on now… Just think if we were all naked… MMMMMM” then laughed

Then Gina looked at John and said, “ As Meg Ryan said in that one movie, Hey Stud.. Take me to bed, or lose me forever”

As they walked out the door, Gina asked if they wanted to meet for dinner later. Which Ethan said sure. Once they were gone, Heather ripped her robe off and did the same to Ethan’s. “Ok Stud…. Now take me to bed, but you won’t lose me forever… I got to ask… Did that bother you at all, the way we just kissed?” she asked.

He pulled her onto the bed, and on to her back. Lifted her legs and placed them over his shoulders, and lined his cock up with her soaking wet slit, and plunged in. “What do you think Baby.”

“Ohhhhh Baby” she squealed. “Fuck me Baby… Fuck my tight little pussy all you want.” she said loudly.

Later that evening they were laying in bed cuddling after another torrid round of love making, when Ethan asked, " Do you think we're having too much sex?"

" Let me ask you this my love ... Will you always be there for me, as I will for you?..... Will you care for all my needs, like I will for you?..... And, and this is important…. Always have open and honest communication, no matter what the subject is, or problem we face?... and lastly… Love each other unconditionally,” she asked.

Ethan chuckled, “Lots of questions…. But Yes to everything…. Of Course…. I don’t take marriage lightly Heather…. I’ve always believed in talking things through, without drama, or yelling, until we come to some conclusion on what is best for both of us, or as a family….. One thing too, what's mine is yours, and I trust that you will always have our best interests at heart in anything you do… To be honest, if I had my way, we’d go see the Captain and have him marry us right now…. But I know one family for sure would not like that, and I doubt highly, yours would be too thrilled either.” he told.

“Oh God… You are so right there…. But I don’t think we’d have to wait long, though. Now to answer your question…. All those things I asked, are the very core of a good marriage, and relationship….. But one thing that holds it all together, and this is sage wisdom from my own mother…. Sex is the glue that keeps a marriage together and alive…. Losing interest in sex means you have lost interest in all other facets of the relationship….. She said to always keep it fresh and alive.. Try new ways or places, and never be afraid to show public displays of affection.. Let people know you love one another, tastefully, that is…. So No… I do not think we are having too much sex….. I honestly crave it from you, more than I ever have in the past…. Does that answer your question?” she asked smiling brightly at him.

“Good… I don’t think I could ever tire of making love to you, no matter how wild we get, or places we may do it…. Is there any fantasy you want to live out?” he asked.

“I probably have many, and those can be for another time, when we are home and can explore at little easier…. But one I have is tomorrow night.. Make love to me on the balcony.” she said

“Good with me… Something to look forward too… But I do like being spontaneous with you.” he said, before they both drifted off to sleep.

Their last full day was at sea, sailing along back to Florida. Ethan and Heather got up and went to work out, then came back and showered, making love in the shower for the first time. Then went on to breakfast. John and Gina were no shows for breakfast and Heather could only assume that they wanted to spend the morning in bed.

Gina and John caught up with them at the pool. This time though, Heather wore her new white bikini, which got many looks from the guys, and even some women. They laid out for a bit, and the ladies talked and talked about weddings, and things like that. John and Ethan just let them be and talked about things guys like. LIke sports and outdoors stuff. They both found they had many of the same interests, which was good, if they were going to be spending time together, in life.

While just the two guys were in the pool, Ethan asked John if he could help him buy a house on St. Maarten. John said it would not be a problem, but asked why, and how much are you willing to spend.

“Spend?.. I guess anything under a million would do fine…. Nothing real big or fancy… 3 bedroom and at least 3 bath…. Would be great if it was on the beach and had access to boating, and a pool would be nice too….. I need it for a tax write off, and when it is not in use, might as well rent it out, but to families only. They’ll take care of it better… Well, that is, except for you and Gina… You guys can use it anytime you want too, and bring whoever you want….. But for now, keep this between us… I want to surprise her with it.” Ethan explained.

“Wow Ethan… That is so kind of you…. I’ll get working on it when we get back….. You know they have rental agencies that take care of the house while you aren’t using it… So that is no big deal…. I would think for around a mill, I could find you a very nice place… But I will keep it well below if I can.” John replied.

John then asked, “So what do you think about what those two have done in the past?”

“I’m actually okay with it, especially since Heather had no other outlet for sex… She did say that if either one of them met someone, it would end, which I think is a crying shame… But I won’t press that issue.” Ethan said

“ Me either.. But.. I’d love to see it once.. Of course, any guy would.” then laughed, and so did Ethan.

Later that night, just Ethan and Heather hung out together. They listened to a band that was playing by the pool deck, then went walking. Heather then asked if he was ready to head to the room. She was quite horny now, thinking about making love on the balcony. Ethan was more than ready too and told her to lead on. Once in the room, both shed their clothing quickly, and made their way to the balcony, relieved that no one was out there.

They had just finished orgasming, with Heather sitting on top of Ethan, when Gina and John came out, with the same idea. All four laughed when John and Gina noticed them, and they knew exactly what had taken place, with Gina making the comment that she and John should have come out sooner and watched.

The next day, after filing through customs, and then getting an Uber car to drive them to the airport, John and Ethan surprised the girls one more time by upgrading their seats to first class. It really didn’t matter, because all four of them were asleep half an hour into the flight home. Since both John and Ethan drove their cars to the airport, they each took their respective partners home, even though it was the same apartment. Gina being Gina, called off work for the next day, gathered some clothes, and headed off to John’s house for the night. Ethan then decided to stay with Heather, after she asked him too. She had work, and Ethan could show up whenever he wanted too.

Chapter 13

One year later, and a lot has happened to the four of them.

Back when they first got back, Ethan made the trek to Heather’s every night, then on the weekend, Heather came and stayed with Ethan, at his house. Three weeks after arriving back home, Heather took a big step and took Ethan up to her parents for the weekend, so they could meet the man she fell in love with.

Ethan found her parents very charming and a lot like his parents, which was a big relief to him. He also noticed that heather definitely took after her mother, who he thought was gorgeous, for a late 40’s woman. Her dad was also a very good looking guy, and Heather’s sister, was also the spitting image of her mother.

Of course the two ladies had to grill Ethan in everything about his life and how they met. He answered truthfully all questions thrown his way, until he was saved by Heather’s dad, who told the girls that he was stealing Ethan for a bit. So he took him out to his garage, that set separate from the house. This was his man cave, so to speak, and his escape from the women. He showed Ethan the car he was restoring, which was a ‘66 Buick Riviera. Etha loved old cars and her knew this from his conversation with her the last couple of weeks. But wasn’t why he took him out there.

“Sorry about that. But those women would have kept you up all night, had I not pulled you out of there.” her dad said.

“It was okay…. I really did not mind.” Ethan said.

“Well, I did mind.” he said with a laugh. “Honestly.. I wanted to chat with you….. I know my girls better than any man right now… But I can also tell my Heather is head over heels in love with you, and I am glad of that……. And, by the way you look at her, you are as well, and that too, I am glad of…. For a long time now, we never thought she would meet anyone…. But I ask two things of you.” he said, and paused for a bit.

“Be good to her and treat her right…. She can be a little headstrong at times, but she does have a good head on her shoulders, but if you two talk things through, you will find it always works out for the best…. And number two, and this is huge with me…. Never ever cheat on her….. If she is anything close to being like her mother, then you will never have a reason to cheat…. Trust me there on that point…… One thing my wife and I have always done from the first day of our relationship, and that is to make time for each other…. Even when the kids were small, we still made time for date night, at least once a week, but usually twice a week….. That means, find a babysitter, go out and do things you both like doing together, even if it is going for long walks…… You keep her happy, and she’ll keep you very happy, if you know what I mean.” she said and chuckled a bit.

Ethan chuckled then said, “Yeah.. Heather told me about the talk her mom gave her before she got married, about all the loving and caring in the world will help make the marriage strong, but sex is the glue that keeps it all together.”

Frank laughed. “I’m surprised she told you that already…. But it is true…. We got married a year after Connie graduated from high school, and she turns 50 in another month, so 31 years of marriage should tell you something….. She’s my best friend in this whole world… If you and Heather can become best friends, I don’t see a problem in your life…. Hell, look at me.. I have you two married off already….. But if you do cheat on her, there is not a hole deep enough for you to hide in that I won’t find you.” he said, but smiled at Ethan.

“Good to know.. But I have never cheated before and have no thoughts of that ever happening sir….. But I do know one day soon, I am going to come ask you for permission to marry her. I already know she is the one for me.” Ethan boldly told him.

“Well… When that day comes, and you ask, and things are still the same, or better for my little girl, then Connie and I will welcome you with open arms, into this family, Son” Frank told him. “Now how about you help me get the timing of this engine better. I have had a bitch of a time getting it right.” he asked him.

Heather got to meet Ethan’s parents, and sister, a week later, at a family cookout his parents threw. Of course she fit right in and her mom just loves Heather. She knew right off that Heather was the one for Ethan, and so did his dad. He was glad that Ethan is putting his past to bed and made peace with Tammy, finally.

A month later, Ethan asked Heather to come work for him, after the impressive job she did on the web sight she created for his company. Sales quadrupled since the site went live. She gladly accepted, under one condition. That he relax the no dating clause he implemented a few years back, which he gladly said yes too. A week after she started, he asked her to move in with him, and even got her parents blessing on that. When they drove down a few weeks later, Ethan cornered his future in-laws in the kitchen, while Ethan’s parents and his sister were down in the living room. He asked their permission to marry Heather, which they resoundly gave their blessing too. Ethan then proposed in front of both families, and finally gave the ring she picked out, on the cruise. Everyone was very happy for them.

Gina also moved in with John, at the same time that Heather moved out. Their lease was up anyways, but Gina was usually staying at John’s as it was. Gina also quit her job and started working for John, at his real estate business. The four of them see each other weekly, or at least they try too.

When March rolled around, John and Gina took their vows in front of 300 people, with over half of them being Gina’s family, or just a normal Italian wedding. Heather was the maid of honor and Ethan stood as best man for John. The couple then took off for Italy for a two week honeymoon, which Heather and Ethan knew would be filled with plenty of screaming orgasms for Gina. Heather and Ethan heard them on a few occasions when they would stay at Ethan’s for the night.

By the first of June, Ethan finally closed on a house in St. Maarten. A nice 2400 square foot, 3 bedroom, that had a pool and large deck, overlooking a Bay. It did have a private dock, with a 40 foot boat that was also included with the house, but no real beachfront to it. He is to take possession in the middle of July. He was hoping for the end of June, when their own wedding would take place. The date was one year exactly after getting the rings in San Juan. Ethan was ok with the date and figured he could find a reason to stall the honeymoon.

The wedding went off without a hitch. It was performed at a Bed and Breakfast, near Heather’s parents place. Ethan and Heather stayed at a winery in Upstate New York for a few days, right after the wedding, but Ethan promised her a much better honeymoon in a few weeks. This was going to be a surprise to her. John was Ethan’s best man and Gina, of course was the matron of honor for Heather. John and Gina were also accompanying the newlyweds down to the island for a 10 day honeymoon for both couples. Another surprise for Heather, as well.

Heather was first surprised when they arrived at the airport, and got her ticket. When she saw where they were going, she smiled and asked, “Does this mean we’ll try that nude beach?”

“We could, but I know a place a little better for it, that I think you will love.” is all he said, which drove Heather crazy.

Then she saw Gina and John sitting in the waiting area. “Oh My God, they are going too?... this will be fun…. You do know she’ll bug us to go to that nude beach for sure.” she stated.

“I bet she doesn’t… Not after you see the place I am taking you…. And, you can be as naked as you want there….. And since I know it’s been a long time for you two have played, feel free… I’d love to see that.” he said with a sly grin.

After they arrived and stopped by the rental agency that was going to handle the house when they weren’t using it, they arrived at the house. Heather figured Ethan rented it for the 10 days, but then was shocked when she saw the deed laying on the table, with her’s and Ethan’s name on it.

“Oh My God Ethan… This is ours.. This isn’t some prank?” she asked.

“It’s all ours Babe…. We will be renting out for about 40 weeks a year, but it is ours… I need a tax writeoff and this was perfect….. Any of the family can use it, if they so desire, including these two lovely people.

“So this is the place you said we could be naked huh?” Heather asked.

“Anytime you want too…. It’s not like the four of us haven’t seen each other naked before.” he said. And that was true. There were a few times when they got together at Ethan’s, and went swimming, that it turned into skinny dipping. They even fucked in front of each other. Both Heather and Ethan loved being watched, they found out, which only heightened their already unbelievable sex.

After viewing the house then putting away their clothes and such, the girl’s wanted to lay out by the pool. Sure enough, they both came down to the pool, naked, with cold drinks in their hands. Ethan and John were standing in the family room, which had an 8 foot high windows and patio doors, that overlooked the pool and Bay area. The was the Bat was set up, someone would have to actually boat into the cove to see any person that might be at the house, so it was pretty secluded.

The girl’s were laying there for about 30 minutes when they started kissing and fondling one another. Before long, they were in a 69 position, with Heather on top. John noticed them, looking out the window and called Ethan over. They stood and watched them for a good 10 minutes. Ethan dropped his shorts first, revealing his hard cock. John did the same then as well.

John chuckled, “I think Buddy.. We are in for a long 10 days of sex, sex, and more sex from these two nympho’s”

“I believe you are so right….. And you know… I have always wanted to see this, between these two gorgeous women…. But now, and I don’t know how you feel about it… But I’d also like to see you and Heather fuck” Ethan told him.

“Hey.. To be honest, Gina has wanted to see that too, but only if you are filling her up as well, which I am cool with… But as always, we let the girls drive that bus…. Maybe we should go on down there right now and at least fuck our wives before dinner.” John said.

They quietly made their way to where the girls were playing. Then Ethan got behind Heather and slipped his cock in her drenched pussy. She lifted her head, and looked back at Ethan and smiled. “Bout time Stud…. Now fuck your wife.” she told him

Gina, not missing an opportunity, sucked on Ethan’s balls for a second, then crawled from under Heather, got on her hands and knees, and told John to get down there and fuck his wife. Since they were facing each other, the two women started kissing while their men tended to their over excited pussies.

“Heather yelled out, “Oh Yeah.. This is going to be a fun 10 days!!!”
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