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Jim travels to Japan to pick his new girl.
Chapter 1

Finding the Girl

Jim walked into his little one-bedroom apartment and flopped down on his couch. It’s been a week since his girlfriend had left him. To say he was depressed would be the understatement of the year. In the last 2 years, he had lost 4 girlfriends. Why? Why was he such a loser he thought to himself?

Finally, after contemplating his failure he got up and headed for the shower. After a long hot shower, he started drying off when his cell phone started buzzing. Glancing at it he noticed it was his buddy, Mike. He picked up the phone and read the text.

Hey bro, I’m back in town, you need to come by I got something I want to show you. Don’t fucking delay you pansy-ass.

Jim laughed and began getting dressed. “Fuck it I need to get away from this shithole.” As he grabbed his keys and sent Mike a text.

Fuck you little bitch. Headed that way.

Mike and Jim had been friends for nearly 20yrs now. Served in the military together, served in Desert Storm and a tour of Afghanistan during the first part of Enduring Freedom. They had both been each other best man in 2 failed marriages apiece. Mike had been gone on vacation for 2 weeks and had just gotten back.

Jim pulled up to Mike’s apartment complex. Getting to his door he banged in his distinctive knock. “Hey bitch open the fucking door.”

Mike opened the door and gave his friend a tight brotherly hug. “ Fuck you panzy.” As Jim stepped in Mike slapped on the back. “Boy do I have a surprise for you.”

Both men sat down and Mike started talking about his vacation. "Bro remember when we went to Japan a few years back on vacation with our second wives? Well, when were there I picked up this pamphlet I found on the street. I never gave it a thought. 3 weeks ago while cleaning up and throwing away a bunch of old stuff I found it again. So I went back to Japan. Akari come here!”

As Jim looked down the small hall a little oriental girl came down the hall. Butt ass naked. She was about 5’4 and slightly plump. She had cute little b cup tits that had a slight jiggle as she walked. Her pussy was shaved and her skin looked smooth as silk. Her English was almost perfect. “Yes my Master how may I serve you?” She stopped when she noticed Jim, a tried covering herself.

Mike looked at her as she tried covering herself. “Akari drop your hands. Let my friend see your body.”

Akari quickly dropped her hands by her side. “Yes My Master.”

Jim wide-eyed looked at his old friend. “Holy fuck dude, how did you get her back to the states, better yet how the fuck did you manage to find a girl so damn fast?”

Mike stood and walked over and stood behind her. “Bro there is a place in Japan that train girls just for the purpose of coming to America and serving white guys like us. I spent $17,000 on her, most of it pays the cost for all her papers, which are already done to come here. They have con sections in the state department to fast track the girls paperwork. I had to spend my second week there while they got all the T's crossed and I's dotted but we had our tickets and headed back. She will get her naturalization done in about a month but till then she is 100% legal. Best of all this girl will do whatever I tell her.”

Jim sat there amazed but then looked at his buddy. “Dude you know my luck with women. She would probably split within a month or to.”

“Buddy these girls are taught to swear their loyalty to whoever chooses them. No matter what.” Mike sat back down and motioned for his girl to go get them a drink. “Bro it will be the best decision you will ever make. And like I said these girls are trained from a young age to do the will of their Master. No arguments, no complaining, no excuses, nothing, it’s your word and only your word.”

Jim looked at Mike with skepticism. “ Yea sure she will do whatever you say, don’t bull shit me, man.”

“Bro you tell me the most far-out shit you can think of and I will have her do it just to prove to you.” As he finished Akari stepped back in the room with 2 beers. Mike took his and she stepped away to hand Jim his he swatted her ass. Akari didn’t budge at the smack, she handed Jim his drink, turned and bowed. “Thank you, my Master.”

Jim saw the handprint on her ass and knew that had to have stung like a motherfucker. “I need to go take a leak bro"

Mike looked at Akari. Turn and kneel and offer your mouth to my brother.”

Akari spun and dropped to her knees and opened her mouth wide.

Jim looked at his buddy. “Are you fucking serious bro?”

“Serious as serious can be bro"

Jim stood up, unzipped his pants and whipped out his dick and started pissing. Without even missing a drop Akari caught every drop and guzzled it down. Jim just watched as this little Asian girl gulped down his piss, and it was turning him on. Truth be told even though he and Mike had been raised in very strict homes he was a kinky fucker at heart. As his pissed dwindled her head moved forward till his cock was in her mouth. Jim looked at Mike.

“Cum down her throat bro, enjoy that hot little mouth.” He sat back and watched as his buddy enjoyed his girl.

Within just a few minutes Jim exploded a load of cum down Akari’s throat and swallowed every drop. Jim sat back down and started drinking his beer.

After nearly 3 hours, Jim finally walked out of Mike’s apartment and drove home. In total, he had pissed down Akari’s throat 2 more times cum down her throat one more time and watched Mike do the same to her. Before he left Mike called the company in Ja0an and set up Jim’s visit. In 2 week Jim would be in Japan picking out a girl.

Jim walked down the long gangway and entered the main building of the airport. He noticed a young gentleman standing holding a sign with his last name printed on it. He walked over, I wasn’t expecting a ride.

The young man nodded, grabbed Jim’s bag and motioned for him to follow. He opened the door of a very nice Limo, after putting the bag in the trunk he jumped in the driver's seat and hurried to the hotel.

Once they arrived Jim followed the young man into the hotel and stopped in front of the desk clerk. Before he could say anything the young man spouted of in quick Japanese and left.

The gentleman behind the counter and in near-perfect English said “Mr. Rhanson the Limo will return by 7 to take you to the House. Where you will meet Mr. Yang and have dinner. He will then bring you back and at first like be back to pick you up. Here is your room key, you are in room 236 if you need anything just ring the front desk.”

Jim took the key and headed to his room. Once in his room he flopped onto the bed and closed his eyes.

At 5:40 he heard a knock and jumped up to answer. Opening the door before him stood a short Asian girl, maybe 18 at best guess.

“Sir I am Ling, I am one of Mr. Yang’s servant girls and I am here to help you get ready for dinner.” She bowed and entered the room.

Jim looked a little confused and she picked up on it. “ Sir I am here to take care of all your needs while you stay here and until you leave to return home. My orders are to take care of you in any way possible. Mr. Yang only request is that I have no marks on me when you leave. So if you will please come with me I will get you washed.”

Jim couldn’t believe what he was hearing or seeing, ok granted Mike told him what to expect but he thought he was full of shit as usual. But nope spot on. He walked into the bathroom and took his clothes off, Ling already had the shower going.

As Jim stripped, Ling unzipped her dress and let it fall to the floor, revealing skin that like Akari’s was silky smooth. Her tits were at least a C cup, perky and cute. Unlike Akari though she had a very thick Bush covering her pussy. Before he could say anything Ling spoke up. “If you wish sir, I will shave while you are gone, that way I have no hair like the American girls.”

“Um, yeah sure thing.” Jim nodded as he stepped into the shower.

Jim returned to his hotel room at 9 and walked in and the first thing he saw was Ling kneeling in the middle of the room. Still naked but he noticed she had zero pubic hair. As he approached her she kept looking down. At first, he thought her asleep. “Ling, you awake?”

At the sound of his voice, she spoke. “Yes sir I am, I will not sleep till you do sir. How can I take care of you, sir, if I am asleep?”

“Ok well I need to take a piss and then get to bed, I’m beat from the flight here.” As he got closer and headed for the bathroom, Ling lifted her head.

“Sir if I may, you can use me as your toilet. I am here to serve all of your needs.” And with that, she opened her mouth wide.

At promptly 7 the next morning Ling had breakfast ordered and in the room as he woke. The smell of good old scrambled eggs and fried bacon and got coffee woke Jim right up.

“Mr. Yang's limo will be here in 2 hours, is there anything you would like to do before then sir?”

“Well first I want to eat this glorious smelling breakfast, then while I am drinking my coffee, I think I will take my morning piss and then a nice blowjob would do.” Jim sat up in bed, his head still a little swimmy after the nights fucking he had gotten.

Jim finished the last of his breakfast and stood up as he took his coffee in hand. His bladder was screaming for release. Before he could say a word Ling was on her knees and her mouth wrapped around his cock. As he let his bladder free, Ling drank down his piss as fast as it came out and never once spilled a drop. As she was drinking she was bobbing her head and sucking him to hardness like she did last night. She was an expert for sure at what she was doing, as the last drops of piss exited his cock her sucking quickened. Within just a few minutes his body tensed and he shot his load of cum down her throat. “Holy…Fucking…Shit that was freaking awesome. Fuck “ Jim sat right back down on the bed and drank his coffee.

Jim arrived once again at the massive house he had visited the night before. And once again was greeted by a beautiful naked Asian girl. This time he was ushered into a large room towards the back of the house. There Mr. Yang stood waiting for his arrival into the room.

Mr. Yang stretched out his hand, Jim took it and they shook hands. “I hope you had a comfortable rest, and that my girl is taking good care of your needs.”

“Oh yes sir, very much so. I wasn’t really expecting all this. But thank you very much.” Jim let go of his hand.

Mr. Yang clapped his hands. 2 sets of doors on either side opened and 25 girls entered the room, all of them naked, all of the varying height, weight, and even tit sizes. Some with short hair, some with very long hair. Jim shook his head, he couldn’t believe he was actually doing this. But here he was, standing in a room with 25 naked Asian girls. All of them very beautiful.

Mr. Yang turned and faced Jim once again. “You may begin inspecting the girls, take your time. Touch squeeze talks to and ask questions of the girls.”

“Just a quick question Mr. Yang. When do these girls start their training?”

“ They begin mostly at a very young age by their mother. They are groomed to perfection so when they arrive here to my home they are ready for the next phase. By then they are 16. They are not excepted to be chosen until they turn 19. The girls before you range from 21 to 25. They are all fixed so you have no childbirth problems to worry about.”

Jim shook his head. “ Well, sir my first choice is all the girls smaller than a c cup breast can leave.” As quickly as he asked 10 girls left the room. Each one wearing a very disappointed face.

Jim approached the rest, the first girl was the tallest of the girls left, and she was also the thickest. Very cute, Jim looked her over, turned her around, bent her over. Taking a thumb he inserted it into her pussy. Removing his thumb he had her stand up straight and face him. He took each breast in his hand. They had a nice weight to them, he guessed at least a large D cup. “what size are your breasts?”

Without hesitation. “ Sir my breast are 40 DD.”

Jim grinned, “ Very very nice, kneel here and I will return.”

The girl knelt down and looked to the floor.

One by one Jim looked at each girl, and one by one they either knelt or left the room. After he was finished 6 girls remained. All had long hair, large breasts. Jim stepped back and eyed the girls.

Mr. Yang patted his shoulder. “I was told by a gentleman once, that choosing one of my girls was like buying a car. Though minus a fool test drive.” Mr. Yang laughed.

“Yes, sir that is about accurate.” Jim stepped forward again and began talking to each girl and asking each one different questions. This took nearly 2 hours of time but when he was done, 2 girls remained. The first girl he had looked at and another one that towards the last of the original 25. These 2 were the prettiest. He really favored the 2nd girl but the 1st one was almost as alluring.

Mr. Yang spoke up. “I think we should have lunch now. You can think better on a full stomach. Come girls follow us.”

They entered the dining room and sat down. Jim had never been a fan of oriental food. But he also knew it to be bad manners to refuse any food set before him.

As they ate he and Mr. Yang talked back and forth. Mainly about the facility, the housing and the girls training. Every one of the girls came from small villages scattered across Japan. Most of the smaller villages were very poor, so Mr. Yang had worked a deal with many families. They would raise daughters to train and go and live in the US, and for that, he would provide each village with money. It was a win-win for him. He could make himself look good for giving back to each village and keep customers happy.

Jim thought over a lot of what he heard. Each time he looked at both girls, trying his best to choose. “Mr. Yang what would it cost if I chose both these girls.”

Mr. Yang laughed. “This happens quite a bit. And most of the time the men who come to me and end up going home with one. They think I will cut a deal, but I won’t. 34,000 if you want both girls.”

Jim thought for a bit. His time working on the pipeline e in ND had set him into comfort mode. He thought about how much it would set him back, or maybe he could hit the pipeline for a year. He hated fucking decisions. Fuck it he thought to himself I’ll hit the pipeline if I gotta. “Mr. Yang you have a deal.” He looked at both girls. They both smiled.

Mr. Yang snapped his finger, and a young girl ran into the room. “Sue Ming take these girls and start getting their things in order, they leave next Friday.”

Jim watched as both girls followed the younger one.

“Anything you want from the girls before I have them brought to you?”

“Yes sir, I would like them to have no public hair. I prefer it bald. Their hair I want to keep the way it is.” Jim thought for a moment then took a swig of his drink. “How young was that girl that took mine to the back?”

Mr. Yang adjusted himself. “She is 16, she just started her core training. She is a little sloppy and needs some work. But she will make a fine girl when she comes of age.”

Jim shook his head. “Mr. Yang I like Ling she has been very nice and done everything I have asked of her. She is a good girl for sure.”

“That’s good to hear. And she has taken care of all your needs?” He took a drink and smiled.

“Oh yes, she has done that sir. I look forward to returning to my room.” Jim finished the last of his drink.

After some more conversation, Jim headed back to his room. As he stepped in he found Ling kneeling and naked again. “Hello, Ling you look very beautiful. How about you get dressed and we go out and you show me around?”

Ling looked up and smiled. “ If it pleases you, sir. What would you like me to wear?” Ling stood up and opened a small suitcase. Oh and sir I washed some of your clothes for you.”

Jim walked over to the suitcase and picked up a little red skimpy dress. He held it up to her body. “ This will do nicely. And thank you.”

The following Thursday morning the day before they would be leaving Jim woke to a knock on the door. As his eyes open he caught a glimpse of Ling snuggled up to him. Jim crawled out of bed and opened the door slightly. There stood his 2 girls holding light luggage. He opened the door and ushered them in.

Keiko and Mamiko entered the room. When the girls saw Ling they dropped their bags and ran to give her a big hug. They quickly started speaking in Japanese until Ling scolded them both. “From now on you will speak only English in front of your Master, anything else is a dishonor to Him and Master Yang.” She slapped both girls across the face. Then as quickly realized her mistake and apologized to Jim.

“I take it you are ahead girl at the house?” Ling shook her head. “ Well no wrong done, you are head girl till we leave.”

Ling smiled, “ Thank you, sir, I will try not to dishonor your gift.” Ling bowed and headed to the bathroom.

Jim looked at his girls then at their baggage they had. “Is this all you have?” He said pointing at their bags.

Keiko nodded. “Yes sir, Master Yang only allows for a few personal items during our training.”

Jim spoke loud enough for Ling to hear. “Get dressed we are going shopping.”

Friday noon came quickly. Ling was allowed to see Jim and the girls off at the airport. “Mr. Jim it was a great honor serving you. I pray you were pleased with your stay here, I pray you a safe trip home and that the girls and their training bring you honor. She quickly kissed his cheek then both the girls. “ Bring honor to our house, bring honor to your Master.”

Jim took Ling by the arm after she talked to the girls. “I was very happy with my stay. I put in a strong word of pleasure to Mr. Yang. You are a wonderful host.” Then leaned in and whispered. “As well as awesome in bed.” Jim kissed her cheek then guided his girls towards their gate.


2019-08-13 19:31:53

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