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Jim now owns a home and his girls ask for a puppy. He gets more than that for them
Chapter 3

A New Family Member

Jim sat on his new front porch. 4 months had passed since his trip to Japan. A month after that he decided to move out of the Apartments and buy a house. He was now in an area he loved, the country. 7 miles from the city and his closest neighbor was a mile away. It was perfect for him and his girls. The girls loved it too. He sat and listened to traffic off in the distance. It was 1 or so to the highway. He had a quarter-mile to the road from his house. The house sat on thirty acres, a nice size pool in the back.

Keiko stepped outside. “My master, is all ok?” She quizzed.

Jim turned to look at her from the steps he was sitting on. “Yes, hun all is well. Just enjoying sitting out here looking at the view. I could use a glass of ice tea though.”

“Yes, my master.” Keiko turned and hurried back I side.

Jim watched as she ran back inside, her naked skin glowed in the light. Jim also noticed about himself he had toned up. Between the good food, he was getting a lot of exercises, and not just sex. With the new house, he bought weight equipment.

He wanted to be healthy for his girls.

Keiko returned with his ice tea. “Master, can I ask a question?”

Jim turned back and with his typical sarcasm. “well you just did" and smiled to show he was not being mean.

Keiko giggled “ Yes master I did. Um, Mamiko and I were wondering if we could get a dog, we thought being out here it would be nice to have one.”

Jim thought for a moment. It would be nice to have one, he always had one when he was growing up. “I think you are right, we will find one.”

Keiko squealed and ran inside.

A few days later Jim went into town, he had found an add on Craigslist for a german shepherd. He pulled up in front of the house got out and knocked on the door. A lady somewhere in her 50s answered. “I’m here about the dog.”

“Oh yes, now sir I mentioned that this dog is specially trained. He will obey any command, and for any reason, you have any issues, you can always bring him back.” She leads him to the rear of the house and into the back yard.

In back, Jim saw 15 kennels and a large run, 3 of the pups were out running and playing.

“Sir I want to remind you these dogs are not exactly family dogs, these dogs were bred for a specific service.” She whistled and the 3 in the run stopped and sat down facing her.

“Ma'am you said they were breeding dogs. But you didn’t go into detail, so what do you mean by breeding dogs?” Jim quizzed as he stood looking at the three in the run.

“If you have any females in the house these dogs will breed with them. Human or animal.”

“Um wait, you trained these dogs to fuck humans?” Jim was a little setback.

“Yes, sir I did. They will fuck on command. But if they haven't gotten a nut in a while they will seek it on their own. If you would like I could give you a demonstration.” She walked over to the gate to prepare to open it.

Jim thought for a moment. Did he really want a dog in the house that would fuck his girls? Would his girls even be open to that? Did he want to even see it happen? Part of him said yes and part said no.

After several minutes of self debate, perversion and curiosity won out. “Yes, ma'am I would like a demonstration.” He surprised himself with how he answered that. Fuck he was perverted.

The lady pulled out a small radio. “Yuka, I need you out back.”

A few seconds later an Asian girl came outside. Jim noticed she was a little older than his girls, slightly taller, and smaller tits.

But she had that same soft silky skin and a shaved pussy. She took notice of Jim then spoke. “Yes, mistress am I doing a demonstration?”

“Yes, Yuka you are. Get Scooby out.” She pointed to the one to the far right.

Yuka opened the gate and called Scooby. The pup got up and came through the open gate, wagging his tail. Yuka proceeded to the middle of the yard and got on all fours. “Scooby lick.”

Scooby walked up behind Yuka and stuck his snout into her pussy and began to lick, Yuka let out a soft moan, she let the dog lick for several minutes.

“I have a question. Did you acquire Yuka from Japan?” Jim asked.

“As a matter of fact, I did. I have 4 of his girls, I chose them before they turned the age of consent so they could be taught specifically for breeding. Yuka is my oldest girl, she is 32 and lead trainer.”

Yuka moaned loudly as her first orgasm hit. “Scooby fuck" With that Scooby mounted Yuka's back and started humping. With an even louder moan, Jim realized Scooby hat hit his mark very quickly. He started pounding her with lightning speed. Yuka's moan turned to “Fuck me fuck me oh fuck his knot is inside me, oh fuck oh fuck.” Jim felt himself get instantly hard.

Scooby’s humping slowed to a stop. “Oh fuck.” Yuka groaned loudly as another orgasm hit. “He’s coming. Oh god, I’m coming again, oh fuck oh fuck.” Yuka screamed as another hit her.

“So by the looks of it you like what you see.” The dog owner pointed at his crotch where his hard I. Was straining against his jeans.

“Very much so ma'am, I think my girls will enjoy it just as much.” Jim smiled.

“I take it by your question earlier you have 2 Asian girls at home?” The dog owner walked over to a small outdoor cabinet and took out a glass.

“Yes ma'am I do, I got them from Mr. Yang, Keiko, and Mamiko.” Jim pronounced proudly.

Yuka was moaning loudly, as Scooby tried pulling out.

“Ah Mr. Yang, he is a sweet old man. His girls are top of the line.” The owner gave Yuka the glass. “So do we have a deal?”

“ Yes, ma'am we do. And I think I would like Scooby.” Jim watched as Scooby’s knot came out with an audible plop. He watched as Yuka lifted up and put the glass under her and Scooby’s cum came out in a rush. When it finally came out in a dribble Yuka took a finger and swiped the remaining cum from her pussy, then stuck the finger in her mouth. She then took the glass to her lips tilted it up and let the cum flow into her mouth. She turned to Jim showing him the contents, then swallowed. Jim’s hard-on was raging now.

“Yuka takes care of the gentleman’s big problem, will you. I’m going to get Scooby's food.” She wandered off to another shed at the other end of the yard.

Yuka crawled over to Jim, reached up and undid his pants releasing his hard cock. She grabbed it softly and started stroking. Jim was beside himself by her touch and knew he wouldn’t last very long. He closed his eyes and enjoyed the sensation. Just about the time, he was about to cum he felt the wetness of Yuka's mouth. He exploded on her first downstroke. He opened his eyes just in time to see Yuka close hers and moan with pleasure on his cock.

Yuka released his cock. Very tasty cum sir. Your girls feed you very well. Please say high to Keiko for me.” Yuka stood after pulling Jim's pants and zipping him back up and happily sauntered back into the house.

“She is a very talented lady, don’t you think.” The owner said as she walked back up with a container of food and a leash.

“Yes, ma'am she is very talented.” He reached for his wallet. “How much do I owe you?”

The owner took out a receipt book from her pocket. 1700 is how much I get for each pup, but since Scooby is much older I will knock off 500.”

Jim counted out the money and handed it to her. He picked up the leash and called Scooby. Scooby got up and trotted to him and immediately sat down. Jim bent down and connected the leash. As he stood up the owner handed him a receipt.

“As I said you need to let him breed on a regular basis or he will get out of control. If you have any issues, then call me, or if you can't keep him, feel free to bring him back. And I will return you your money.” She picked up the small bucket. “This food is. A special blend to help control the taste of the dog's semen. Recipe us on the side.

Jim took the food and thanked the owner and took his new pup to the car.

On his way home he called the girls and told them had a “special" dog he had gotten. He told them to be ready.

Ten minutes later Jim pulled up to the house. Getting out he took Scooby's leash off. “I think you can go without this thing on.”

Jim got out and Scooby followed his lead. Scooby was a fair-sized German Shepard, his head came up to Jim’s waste.

Jim opened the front door and there near the entryway knelt Keiko and Mamiko hands resting on thighs hands open and palms up. “Hello girls, meet Scooby our new family member.”

Both girls looked up at the same time and squealed with joy when they saw the large dog. Scooby got excited as well and ran to them. They hugged and petted him while he licked their faces. “Thank you, Master, thank you.” They said in unison.

“So I have a question, for you Keiko. Do you know a Yuka?”

Keiko's head snapped up to look at Jim. “She was one of my early friends when I first moved into the house. She left several months after I arrived. She was doing special training.” Kamiko blushed when she said it.

“What was her training?” Jim quizzed.

Kamiko blushed brighter as Scooby licked her face. “Sir she was training to um uh training with dogs. I got to watch a couple of times but never did anything. How do you know Yuka?”

Jim smiled I met her at the place I got Scooby. She is a breeding trainer.” Jim whistled for Scooby.

Scooby broke free and sat next to Jim, looking up at him waiting for his next command. “How do you feel about doing it?”

In unison “We are at your command Master, we will do whatever pleases you.”

“Kamiko turn and get on all fours.” Jim patted Scooby on his head. Once Kamiko was in position. “Mamiko crawl up under your sister your face under her pussy.” Mamiko complied and crawled under Kamiko.

Once the girls were in position he gave Scooby the command of lick. Scooby got up and shoved his snout against Kamiko’s pussy and began to lick. Kamiko flinched at first, then began to moan. Jim walked around and knelt down facing Kamiko. “How does it feel?”

Between moans of pleasure, “it feels oh so wonderful. His tongue is rough, feels so good.” Kamiko closed her eyes enjoying the sensations on her clit.

Jim spun his recliner around and sat down to watch the fun. He allowed Scooby several minutes of licking, which had Kamiko squirming. When she finally came her back arched upward, putting her pussy just above Mamiko’s face. Kamiko let loose a flow of juices, it splashed on Mamiko’s face. To Mamiko’s credit, she tried to catch as much as she could.

When Kamiko returned to normal position, Jim caught her by surprise. “Scooby fuck.”

Scooby jumped on Kamiko’s back and started humping. Kamiko’s scream of surprise told him Scooby hit his mark. Once he had himself positioned, his thrusts became harder and faster. Kamiko’s moans became louder. “Kamiko how does it feel?”

“Oh my god Master it feels so wonderful, Oh god he’s pounding me so hard. I’m going to cum.” She screamed out as another orgasm hit, her fluids squirted all over with Scooby’s cock in the way. Mamiko wore even more of it on her face and in her hair.

Jim pulled out his cock and started stroking it while he watched.

Another loud scream from Kamiko told him all he needed to know and that Scooby’s knot was inside her. Mamiko confirmed it. “Oh my god master the dog's cock had a big knot and he just shoved inside her.”

Kamiko tried to speak but her orgasms were back to back now, Mike figured his knot was pushing against her g-spot. Kamiko was coming but no more fluids were coming out because of the knot. What did come out dribbled, which Mamiko quickly caught it with her mouth.

“Master he’s so deep and he is cumming, I can feel it, it’s so hot inside me. I feel so full.” Kamiko began to moan as another orgasm slammed her body.

After several minutes, Scooby’s knot popped out of Kamiko with a loud pop. Mamiko raised her head and opened her mouth wide to catch the fluids that came out. When they did flow she struggled to swallow every drop.

Jim got up and led Scooby around. Kneeling he reached under Scoobt and grabbed the base of his cock behind the knot and directed it to Kamiko’s face. She needed no prodding and opened her mouth and wrapping it around his cock. She sucked it all the way to the knot.

Mamiko was busy attacking Kamiko’s clit and catching the dwindling drops of mixed juices flowing out. Her onslaught of

Kamiko’s clit caused another orgasm. Mamiko was ready for this one and opened her mouth wide and swallowed every drop.

Kamiko removed the cock from her mouth. “Master I need to pee.”

“Well then pee, you have a usable toilet under you.” Jim smiled.

Kamiko relaxed her bladder as she went back to sucking on Scooby’s cock. She moaned every time his cock flexed and shot cum into her mouth.

Mamiko heard the conversation between the two and opened her mouth again and waited for the golden flow. She had never told anyone but she loved piss more than anything else and would cum at the first taste of it hitting her tongue.

Jim let go of Scooby’s cock and got up and walked up behind Kamiko. Getting on his knees he positioned himself behind her. He saw Mamiko’s hand grab the base and guide it to Kamiko’s pussy. “Nope, not there sweetheart, the other hole.” Mamiko positioned it to Kamiko’s puckered little asshole. Jim pushed forward slowly.

Kamiko feeling her Masters cock relaxed her body and pushed back against him. As his cockhead entered her ass she moaned around Scooby’s cock.

Jim eased in and out slowly, as he felt her loosen up more he grabbed her hips and quickened his pace.

Now with a dogs cock in her mouth, a tongue on her clit and her Master's cock buried in her ass, her mind went into pleasure overload. As another massive orgasm hit, Scooby began to shoot a load of cum into her mouth. She was in so much ecstasy she fought her muscles just to stay up.

Jim was so turned on that it only took him a few good thrusts. Just before he came he pulled out and shot his load all over Mamiko’s face.

Jim sat backward, as Kamiko let Scooby’s cock from her mouth and she fell to her side. Her body was shaking from little micro orgasms. Mamiko took a hand and swiped cum from her face and stuck her fingers in her mouth to suck it off, the repeated the prosses till she was sure she had the majority of it in her stomach.

After several minutes Jim spoke up. “Ok girls Scooby needs to keep bred often, but we are going to teach him to notify when he wants to breed with you. When he learns how to signal, whoever gets the signal will assume the position, the other will be prepared to help clean the other after he is done. If any of you see his cock protruding while he is laying around you will service him with your mouth. Am I understood?”

Both girls nodded and said yes.
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