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I thought I'd try my hand at writing again. Tell me why you love it.
Now I'm a grown man, and I've had some wild shit happen to me, but just in terms of the universe coming together to give me pussy, nothing has topped this.

I was in the confession box having a wank. I knew it was fucked up but it was the only goddamn place I could do it in the church after hours. I was at a church retreat with my catholic high school. This is what you get with Catholics. Instead of a night partying you have to get locked in a fucking cathedral on a Friday because of Jesus or some stupid shit. So I'm having a wank in the confession box, and I hear some shuffling. A woman's talking, and she's saying "father forgive me for the sins, blah blah blah" don't care, move on, I'm trying to be a gentleman and jack it quietly but the cunt just keeps pacing around the fucking church. "Father forgive me for my sins. Father forgive me for my sins." It's fucking Alyssa Albrite. She's one of those innocent catholic types who are so pure you just know they have a secret. You know the type of a girl who smiles all coy but you can tell that she's got something going on upstairs.

So anyway she comes into the confession box, and I'm sitting there holding my fucking breath trying to fucking move an inch or she's going to freak the fuck out and I'm going to be expelled for fucking sure. But my dick is harder than multi-variable calculus and it's starting to ooze out the tip and I'm like fuuuuuuuuuuuuck I'm going to have bust this nut any second there's no stopping it! So I do the only thing I can think of in that moment, and just start coughing like a fucking mad man. I am just busting a load all over the goddamn confession box and kicking my heels because I've held this nut it for so long that it feels like the devil himself is punching his way out of my dick tip. And of course Alyssa is freaking the fuck out but I jam my cock into my waistband and run out before she starts screaming.

"What the fuck are you doing in there?" I yelled at her like it's her fucking fault.

And the sheila's staring back at me from her side of the confession box, and she's got her fucking hand down her skirt. Now I know right now you're thinking this is all fucking bullshit I made up to get upvotes on, but half you mother fuckers are going to drop a negative on my ass anyway and I'm drunk while writing this so fuck it all to shit and suck my dick, because this is 100% bonafide truth. Now Alyssa's a shiela of about 5'6" in freedom units, with c-cup tits busting against her white button down shit and tan thighs thicker than goddamn tree trunks. Not to mention a pink tight pussy like a fucking mouth ready to suck your cock dry.

"Don't tell anyone!" She yells and she's all fucking panicky you know.

And I'm like "You kinky bitch!"

And she's like "Fuck you Albert! What the fuck were you doing in there?"

"Having a wank, same as you!"

"Well then... why don't we just fuck instead?"

Now I know you're thinking this doesn't sound like realistic dialogue, but how fucking often do people talk like a Tarantino movie? Never. People actually do say corny-ass lines because we're don't walk around with fucking thesauruses in our fucking heads.

So she stares at me like she's in shock, but shit my fucking dick's popping out of my waistband, and her fingers and all in her cunt, so that expression gets all sexy real fast and she'd like "You want to fuck in the confession box?"

And I'm a redblooded man who doesn't need to be asked twice. I go up there with my cock all wobbling and I grab her by the hips and push right into her tight hot cunt. She starts grinding against me with her breath all hot and heavy, and her pussy's just fucking drooling on me she's so fucking turned on. And I'm just slowly railing into her you know? Really fucking nice and slow, making her feel everything, stretching her out. She;s got her skirt all bunched around her hips, and I open up her shirt to see her big fucking tits with the nipples all pink and hard and moist and I suck on one and she starts moaning like a fucking whore. And the sounds she's making are driving me nuts because you know, this is the innocent sheila at school, and learning about what a freak she really is is such a fucking turn on.

"Fuck me Albert." She keeps moaning, and I keep fucking just railing into her all slow and her pussy juices are coating me and her phat legs are holding me there.

And I'm like "confess."

And she starts saying all kinds of crazy shit. I'm not going to get into it because it might reveal who she is, but she has done some shit. And every dirty secret is turning me on more and I'm just pumping into her and she's holding me close against her riding the wooden seat in the confession box, and it's creaking with every thrust you know, like there's a rhythm to it. Moan, breathe, creak, and then the skin meeting skin, and her shirt ruffling, and she's breathing so fucking fast it sounds like she's crying but she's just whispering in my ear, "I'm coming," over and over again, and I can feel it cause she's just fucking tensing around me and squeezing me from the inside. She's not screaming and hollering like it's a goddamn porno, but just little tense breaths, you know, like she's exercising or something. And she relaxes against me breathing all heavy, and I pull out and bust all over her skirt.

After that, we cleaned up really quick, then I went my way to the boys quarters, and she went her way to the girls. We never really talked after that. We'd see each other in the hall and smile because we had a secret, but we never did it again. It was just a thing of the moment, you know? A short episode of life where things just came together, and then it was over, and that's how it should be.


2020-11-13 21:53:49
Horrible writing. Shit story. Do everyone a solid and stop writing.


2020-08-01 05:17:59
Shit story shit writing


2020-08-01 05:17:52
Shit story shit writing


2020-02-13 04:57:33
You are a terrible writer.

The Great TashReport 

2019-11-22 04:27:42

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