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Carter confronts his father about his bisexuality. They reach an agreement. Carter won't reveal his father's secret if he accepts Carter fucking June, Carter's mother and Tom's wife
Chapter 22

Halvatia Curry hummed softly as she cleaned the collard greens for dinner. The murmur of laughter caused her to look up and out the kitchen window. There in the gazebo sat the Crafton's, Carter and Caitlin along with their mother. June was nearly 27 weeks along and developing that round shape that all pregnant women have. She looked radiant. Obviously enjoying her pregnancy despite its incestuous beginnings.

They were laughing at Baby Gabrielle who was chasing Christian, Halvatia's brother, around the yard. Christian fell to the ground, pretending to be in great distress, as the baby climbed on his back and began to pummel him.

"Gabby baby, you can't beat Uncle Christian up like that!” Caitlin laughed.

“He won't play horsey!" Gabrielle complained, wrapping her tiny arms around Christian's massive neck.

"It's okay, Miss Caitlin, she be a pure joy!"

Halvatia lost sight of Christian and his rider as they disappear around the corner of the house. Her eyes trailed back to the gazebo just in time to see Carter absentmindedly stroked his mother's belly. She gave him a beatific smile and covered his hand with hers.

Halvatia clucked to herself as she thought about the strictures that society placed on relationships. There be three people who were deeply in love with each other and the sex they had only made it better. The fact that they were mother, sister and brother should not interfere with the love they felt for each other.

The clatter of the elevator drew her attention. The Prendergast’s, Anne's parent arrived earlier that day. This was their first visit. Anne asked them to come to meet Carter and his family.

That Wanda Prendergast smoldered deep inside, Halvatia thought. There was a fire in her. If it were released, it would consume her. Her husband was the typical White husband, more concerned about his career and sports than his wife.

This be a dangerous place for a woman like her…a woman with suppressed needs. She shared her misgivings with Carter. He told her not to worry. She accepted that. He was the Obatala, the fount all wisdom.

Carter had come in earlier that day, bent her over the kitchen counter, and fucked her ass. His cum was running down her thighs. Halvatia was addicted to their impromptu fucking sessions. She shivered as she watched him out the window. She had her share of men. Carter made sex exciting. He might take her anywhere.

He was an obeah satyr. His sexual prowess grew as he took her knowledge of herbs and potions and expanded on it. She smiled. Wanda Prendergast had no idea what she was getting into!

* * *

Shortly after arriving earlier, Ed and Wanda Prendergast chatted as they unpacked their suitcases. They were impressed by the casual opulence of the rehabbed Victorian mansion.

"This people definitely live well!” Ed offered.

"Yes, but June said the house was in a terrible state when they bought it. Several coats of paint covered the oak floors, railings, and woodwork. She said it was arduous work making it livable!"

"Yes, I'll bet it took a lot of money!"

Wanda shook her head. Her husband was an inveterate social climber. He saw these friendly people as a possible rung on that ladder. She unbuttoned her lavender silk blouse, placed it on a hanger, and hung it in the walk-in closet. She unzipped and stepped out of her skirt and hung it up. She inspected herself in the large dressing mirror in the closet.

Her sensible white cotton panties hugged her full hips. She frowned as her eyes traveled over her belly pooch to her ample bosom.

I could lose twenty pounds and never miss it. My bra size has increased to 36C from the 34B I wore when Anne was born.

She turned and looked down over her shoulder at her rump. And my ass is bigger than my breasts! I am starting to look like a pear.

She pulled a dressing gown from her suitcase and donned it as she walked back into the spacious bedroom. Ed was stripped down to his wife-beater tee shirt and striped boxers. His belly protruded and drooped over the waistband, partially hiding it. His chest formed small breasts dents in his shirt. Ed packed 230 pounds on his 5' 10" hirsute frame.

I guess we both could lose some weight.

Wanda noticed the small bulge in her husband’s boxers and smiled. I guess I should get that out of the way.

Wanda walked over and set on the edge of the queen-size bed. She beckoned her husband to come closer. She extracted his semi-hard cock from his shorts and gave it a long, languorous lick.

He grunted as she took him in her mouth. With her other hand, she pushed aside the gusset of her panties and let her finger slip into the moist crevice of her sex. She slowly moved her head back and forth on his cock, trying to prolong it as she finger fucked her hole.

She frigged her pussy faster as she felt her husband's cock swell. She knew she had to hurry if she wanted to cum. Ed was a one and done kind of guy. He was close to cumming. Then, as her arousal grew, and she thought she might get off this time, he shot two quick squirts in her mouth. She sighed, swished his cum around in her mouth and swallowed.

"Mmmm, that was great, baby!"

Wanda smiled at her husband. When she stood and tried to kiss him, he turned his head. "Brush your teeth first, Wanda!" She nodded and walked into the bathroom. "We had better hurry and dress, dear. The Crafton's are serving lunch in the gazebo."

* * *

The Prendergast's walked quickly across the large foyer and into the dining area. To the right, they saw the housekeeper standing at the kitchen sink. Through the glass-enclosed solarium, they could see the Crafton's sitting in the gazebo laughing.

"Good morning, Halvatia,” Ed Prendergast said expansively. He prided himself on his liberal views. He intended to treat Halvatia just as you would any other servant.

"Good mawning, Mistuh and Missus Prendergast! The family be outside in the garden. I'll be serving lunch out there shortly."

"Good morning Miss Curry,” Wanda said. Despite the fact, she had met her only a few hours ago, she felt comfortable with this large Black woman.

Wanda and Ed opened the screen door and stepped into the warmth of the early May Day. The garden was a riot of color from the flowers and flowering bushes that circle the expansive yard. The aroma hung like a floral scent over the grassy yard. In front of them, under a vine-covered gazebo, sat the Craftons. The innocence of the scene struck Wanda. There sat a pregnant mother with her son and daughter on either side. Her second impression was of subtle sexuality that seemed to pervade the scene.

There was an intimacy. An intimacy that seemed to be more than a familial affection. And there was something about Carter. He exuded sexuality and power. Her pussy tingled. Wanda shook her head at her foolishness and waved as she walked toward the gazebo.

"Good morning! Good morning! How are you all this morning?"

"Just fine Mr. and Mrs. Prendergast! Come join us."

Carter patted the empty bench next to him. Ed and his wife made their way across the expansive yard. As they entered the gazebo, June rose clumsily to greet them. She extended her arms to hug first Ed then Wanda. Carter shook Ed's hand, and warmly embraced Wanda. The tingle in Wanda’s pussy suffused her body.

"June, you look just amazing! Ann told us you were pregnant. You just look fantastic! You and Tom are just so lucky."

"Why, why…uhh… Thank you so much, Wanda," June said nervously.

The deep rumble of Christian's laughter followed by Gabrielle’s high pitch giggling preceded them as they turned the corner of the house. Gabrielle had a firm grip around Christian's neck. He feigned a gallop, pretending to be a horse. She smacked his big shoulders, urging him on. They turned the corner and pulled up short at the sight of the guests in the yard.

The tingle in Wanda’s cunt became a tremor as she beheld this man mountain. He was sweating profusely. It streamed off his brow, ran down his cheeks, and dripped from his chin. His broad chest and heavily muscled arms glistened with perspiration. He was shirtless, wearing bib overalls. They were faded almost white from prolonged use. Flip-flops encased his massive gnarled feet.

What is it about the men in this family, she thought. They seem to exude sexuality!

Christian lifted a squealing Gabrielle from his shoulders and gently set her on her feet. Before he could acknowledge the assemblage, Halvatia yelled through the kitchen window.

"Christian! Get your sorry ass in here and shower so you can help me serve lunch."

Christian nodded and plotted passively past the gazebo. He headed into the kitchen to shower in his sister's room. A soft breeze carried the musk of his exertions. Some wrinkled their noses; Wanda felt a dampness between her legs.

Halvatia watched the interplay of the assemblage. Carter was a good host, making Anne's parents welcome and comfortable. The boy had come into his own. His inner strength had manifested itself. His knowledge of obeah surpassed hers. He thoroughly understood how a knowledgeable person could use Nature and her creations.

She shook a little of her unique herb blend into the gumbo. The secret ingredient added that distinctive flavor to her gumbo. It also added a little spice to people’s lives too. The summer will be interesting, she thought with a smile

Chapter 23

Dusk was falling when Tom Crafton punched the security code into the lock and pushed the door open. He stepped into the familiarity of his foyer. This house more refuge than home. As Carter took more interest in the business, he found himself retreating increasingly to Allen and Johnnie's arms. He felt irrelevant in his own house.

A quick smile played across his lips. The aftertaste of Allen's cum was still in his mouth. He shifted his legs slightly as the pleasant ache in his anus reminded him of his gay lover ravaging his ass. He called him his married bitch. He loved that. He loved the way Allen used him. In some ways, Carter was treating him the same way.

A sour frown played across his lips. He glanced upstairs. I share this house, and my wife with her lover, my son. He had finally got the nerve to confront Carter about June. It had not gone well.

Carter admitted their affair. Outrage exploded from Tom in a stream of vitriolic curses. Carter had sat quietly through the outburst while Tom stomped about issuing threats and recriminations.

Then Carter related the scene he witnessed in the dressing room of the costume shop last October. He described watching his father on his knees, sucking cock. He went into detail about watching Tom Crafton greedily gulp down Allen's cum.

Tom recalled his terror at being found out. Visions of public disclosure and humiliation flashed through his fevered mind. Then Carter calmly pointed out that this family, like most families, had secrets. Those secrets needed to be kept.

Tom remembered mechanically nodding agreement. A deal was cut. No blackmail, just a gentleman's agreement. He would accept his son fucking his wife, and the fact that the baby she was carrying was Carter’s. In return, Tom’s bisexuality secret was safe.

Carter and Allen both dominated him. Allen made him wear lace panties to work. Allen and Johnnie expected him to suck their cocks anytime and anywhere they wanted.

Carter fucked his wife anywhere, anytime he wanted. The only difference was Carter was not fucking him, and Allen was. A tremor shook his body. Would that be the ultimate humiliation or the final submission? To have his son fuck him! To feel his massive tool penetrate his anus!.

An all-consuming warmth pervaded Tom’s body. He flashed back to a few weeks ago. Instead of taking the noisy elevator to their second-floor apartment, he had decided to take the stairs. When Tom reached he and June’s apartment, She was not there.

However, he heard voices above him. For some reason, stealth seemed to be the order of the day. He stole silently up the stairs. When he reached the landing, he laid his head against the solid oak door.

He heard soft moans and quiet voices. Slowly, carefully, he turned the knob on the door. Using stealth that he never knew he possessed, he eased the door open a crack until just one eye could see into Carter’s apartment.

June Crafton lay naked on the floor. The slight pooch of her pregnant belly shook as she plunged the vibrator into her pussy. A frothy white cream covered her nether region and the sex toy.

Carter lay between her legs. He was naked. His face was barely a foot from his mother’s throbbing wet pussy. He stroked his cock as he complimented her on how she looked as she masturbated for him.

"Mmmm, mom you should see how your pussy lips swell."

"Tell me how they look, baby."

"Mom, they swell and blossom like the petals of the Morning's Glories in our yard. As you get wet, your juices are like the dew on those flowers.”

June tittered like a schoolgirl. "Is my pussy getting bigger?"

Tom watched entranced as his son nodded his head. The intimacy of the scene was revelatory. He never talked to his wife in this way. His eyes flicked from his wife’s pussy to his son’s cock. His mouth went dry.

"Mom, your pussy lips have always been puffy and open as though you want to fuck. It's always been a light tan but now it's a deep dark, almost bluish-black."

"Oh, Carter, I am always horny! There are times after we make love that I have to use my vibrator."

"Mmmm, you are my slut mommy!"

Tidal waves of emotions washed over Tom’s body. He was outraged at the intimacy of his son and his wife. He felt betrayed that his wife would share herself with another man. Finally, he felt humiliation that another man, his son, could be this intimate with his wife. The tightness in his pants grew as his eyes flicked from June masturbating to Carter stroking his dick. His tongue snaked across his lips when copious quantities of Carter’s precum spouted from his slit.

Tom watched as June reached her orgasm. He saw her hips began to pump rhythmically up and down. A thin sheen of sweat glistened on her body. Guttural moans issued from her mouth. The entire time Carter lay mere inches from June's pussy as her juices flowed. First through her swollen labia and then in rills down the crack of her ass. Tom backed away from the door, overcome with humiliation and lust at the scene he had just witnessed. He heard Carter say:

"Mom and I love your pregnant aroma. It is so rich, so earthy and tantalizing!"

Tom hurried down the stairs. He ran into his bedroom and closed and locked the door. He stripped, carelessly throwing his suit on the floor. Tom lay in his bed, stroking his painfully hard cock. He was so aroused he didn’t last long. He came hard, groaning, and gasping. The images in his mind were of his son’s cock!

The smell of Halvatia's cooking snapped Tom Crafton back to reality. Since that day and the conversation with Carter, he accepted his diminished role.

As he walked into the large kitchen, his stomach growled in anticipation. The delicious aromas of Miss Curry's cooking assaulted his nostrils. He shook his head. It seemed that woman was always cooking! His waistline was proof of it!

"Good Evening, Mistuh Crafton! I got some ice tea on the serving table. And I totted it up wid some black rum my cousin makes!"

"Thank you, Miss Curry; I could use a pick me up!" How many cousins does that woman have? Smoked hams, sausages, and now rum from her vast family filled their larder.

"Is my wife home?"

"No Suh! She took the Prendergasts for a walking tour of the neighborhood. Mistuh Carter and Miss Anne be out too. Miss Caitlin is home though!"

Tom took a long sip of the spiked ice tea. It simultaneously cooled and warmed him. Caitlin had left a message at his office saying she needed to talk to him.

He frowned. Johnny told him that he wanted out of their arrangement. It was probably just as well. Having him this close only encourage them to take risks. It would be better if he moved out. At least the marriage kept his granddaughter from being born out of wedlock.

"Miss Curry, I'm going to run back to the coach house to see Caitlin." He refilled his glass and started toward the sunroom.

"Suh, you should put on a jacket! It's a bit chilly this evening!"

"I'll be fine!" Tom opened the door and made the short walk to the coach house.

Halvatia smiled as she watched Tom stride across the concrete apron and enter the lower level of the coach house. Her instinct for people told her what was about to happen. Missus Caitlin was going to tell her daddy that she was divorcing Johnnie. Halvatia saw that coming for a long time.

Caitlin, Carter, and Anne would probably end up living together in the coach house. Those three had something different and unique going on.

Then there was Missus Crafton. She was happy as she could be. Getting two cocks regularly would make any woman happy! Seems she liked the idea of having Mistuh Carter's baby. Halvatia shook her head ruefully. That boy is a baby factory! If he ain't careful, he'll have all the women in the house pregnant.

Her daughter Cyrene was pregnant by Carter also. That part of Halvatia’s plan worked out. There had to be lots of babies carrying his genes, propagating his power!

Halvatia poured herself a glass of the spiked ice tea. She used the same mushrooms in it that she used in the Halloween punch. It would warm them and make them relax. She walked through the kitchen into her small apartment. She stripped off her house dress and lay on her bed. She took a big gulp of the potent tea and sat the glass on the nightstand.

She groaned as her finger slid between her cleft. She slowly finger fucked herself. She did this often lately. The downside of her plan was Carter did not fuck her as often. She jammed two fingers to the second knuckle in her aching hole. She missed his cock!

Her large hips pumped as she fringed her dripping hole. Her mouth was open. Saliva ran from the corners of her mouth.

“Oh Fuck! Fuck!” She came quickly and hard with an image of her chieftain Carter in her mind.

Chapter 24

Caitlin lay nude and alone in her marriage bed. She and Johnny had been married for more than two years. After the first rush of marriage and the subsequent birth of her daughter, he was home less and less. She sighed as she played with her nipples. What could she expect from a marriage built on a lie? Her daughter Gabrielle was Carter's baby. Moreover, Carter was the only man she really loved. It was time to stop living a lie.

Sex with Johnnie Hampton had become perfunctory and formulaic. It was not quite wham, bam, thank you, ma'am. However, it was so close that she expected him to pay her. He was just getting off, doing his duty, not making love to her. Carter and Anne made love to her.

Caitlin groaned as she pulled hard on her nipple. She recalled the many sessions she, Anne and Carter, had together. She squirmed as she remembered them each suckling on her nipples while they alternated finger fucking her. Her full hips pumped lazily up and down.

Caitlin stretched her legs out and spread them while raising her hands over her head and spreading her arms. Her pussy twitched as she recalled them tying her to the bed and mercilessly teasing her. They nibbled on her nipples and spanked her pussy with the riding crop. She loved the feeling of helplessness. She opened her mouth and moved her tongue in a licking motion, remembering Anne's pussy tantalizingly just above her face, dripping her juices on her face. So near yet so far! What her brother and his girlfriend did to her was exquisite torture.

Carter had told her Johnnie was bisexual and that he and daddy were lovers. That did not really bother her. She was bisexual and had been for as long as she could remember.

Caitlin let her finger slip between the folds of her vagina. Her tongue licked the air again as she imagined she could see Anne's pussy above her. Anne’s labia were like flower petals. They were pink and folded back. When she was aroused, they swelled and blossomed like a fragrant flower.

No, she had no problem with bisexuality, but she did have a problem with halfhearted sex. She would talk to Anne and Carter about it. Perhaps the three of them could live together in a group marriage.

She needed to talk to her father also. He arranged this marriage. He needed to know it was over.

* * *

Later, Caitlin slowly closed the door of the nursery. Gabby was sleeping peacefully. Caitlin sipped her ice tea as she walked across the hall to the stairwell.

Back in the day, the upper floor of the coach house was the livery servant’s quarters. The large first floor was where the horse-drawn coaches were stored and maintained. Adjacent to it was the stable where the horses were kept. June Crafton remodeled the upper floor into a two-story apartment with two large bedrooms and a sitting room. The lower level was a great room with an open kitchen and oversized bath. A narrow spiral iron staircase connected the two stories.

Caitlin wore only a large tee shirt. It barely covered her pussy. She walked down the narrow metal, spiral staircase. Partway down, it faced the airlock door. June had frugally installed an inner double pane glass door. Combined with the oak outer door, it formed a small vestibule that made the coach house more energy efficient.

Tom Crafton stood in this vestibule, preparing to ring the bell when he looked up. He saw his daughter descending the stairs. He also saw her shaved pussy with its prominent labia. From his vantage point, it seemed to glisten as if moist. With a herculean effort, he pulled his eyes away, only to have them recoil back. When Caitlin raised her hand to wave, the shirt rose even higher. Tom swallowed hard and adjusted his cock to a more comfortable position.

Caitlin saw where her father’s eyes were fixed. She glanced down and realized she was flashing her pussy at him. She made a halfhearted attempt to pull the shirt down. However, one hand held her glass of ice tea, she was not successful. She shrugged and continued down the stairs. She opened the inner door and affectionately threw her arms around her father's neck.

Tom embraced his daughter. He tried to keep his hard cock from rubbing her belly. He felt her warmth through the thin tee shirt. Her breasts pressed into his lower chest. Horrified by his arousal, he placed his hands on her waist and pushed her away.

"You know, you should put on a robe or something before answering the door!"

"Oh, daddy! I’m sorry. I was on my way down when I saw you at the door. Besides, this is what I always wear around the house!"

"Uh...ok! What did you want to see me about?"

"What kind of grandfather are you?” Caitlin laughed, “You haven't seen your granddaughter in a few days, and you didn't even ask to see her!"

"Caitlin, I am so sorry! I just have a lot on my mind lately! Where is she?"

"Down for the night! Come on up, and we'll peep in on her!"

Caitlin grasped her father’s free hand and led him up the stairs. She was slyly conscious that her bare ass would be at face level on the walk up the stairs. She could not wait to tell Carter and Anne she flashed her daddy.

Tom ogled his daughter's succulent ass as he mounted the stairs. It was barely 6 inches from his face as Caitlin led him up the steep stairs. Her pussy was wet! He sniffed. He thought he could just make out her aroma. As he leaned forward, inhaling deeply, Caitlin intentionally missed a step. She fell back awkwardly, pushing her ass into his face!

Caitlin grinned wickedly as she feigned falling. She pretended to struggle, trying to stand up. In fact, she rubbed her pussy on his face. Her father’s hands reflexively grabbed her ass. She wiggled her ass a little more, rubbing his face in her juices.

Tom Crafton was horrified. His face was pressed into his daughter's pussy. In her effort to regain her feet, she rubbed it across his face. Frantically he grabbed her behind and tried to push her away. He licked his lips, tasting her musky sweetness. She stumbled back again! His tongue touched her pussy. Her nectar was incredibly thick and sweet. The aroma and the spiked tea caused his head to spin. He tightened his grip on her ass and lustfully licked her aromatic orifice.

Caitlin leaned forward to give her father better access. She balanced herself by placing her hands on the stairs above. She groaned as his tongue probed her depths. She pushed back and wiggled again, coating his face in her flowing juices.

She was in control until he kissed her anus. She lost it when he forced his tongue, passed her outer ring anal ring. For several minutes, Caitlin’s father tongue fucked her ass. They were both lost in the salacious illicitness of their incestuous act.

Tom was never into oral sex. However, Allen and Johnnie made him lick their assholes. Tom’s cock grew rigid as it probed the depths of his daughter’s anus. It was a muskily fragrant fruit. He gripped her warm moist ass tightly. His head moved in small circles as he reamed her starfish. Then she came! Her pussy oozed her thick juices all over his chin and dress shirt.

He came with her, his seed pumping wetly into his underwear. As reason replaced lust in his mind, he recoiled back. He was horrified at what he just did. He licked and ate his daughter's ass to orgasm.

He watched bug-eyed as she turned, smiling, and sat on the stairs just above him. Her dripping wet pussy was at eye level. Like a snake reacting to the flute of the charmer, he wove slightly. He leaned back against the railing to support himself. The room swam in front of him. How much of that damn spiked ice tea have I drunk?

He was dimly aware that Caitlin's smiling face was getting lower as she moved down the stairs. He weakly tried to stop her when she unzipped his pants. He tried to grab her hand when she reached in his jockeys.

He watched as she pulled her cum covered hand from his shorts. Her fingers shone with the wetness of his jizz. She held her hand up between them. She twisted it back and forth, inspecting her prize. Then she licked her fingers, her tongue flicking out like a cat lapping a saucer of milk.

It was the most erotic thing he ever saw. His daughter was licking his cum from her hands. Tom’s cock grew rigid again. He obediently opened his mouth when she pressed her fingers against it. He sucked his juices from her finger.

Except for Tom’s heavy breathing and Caitlin’s soft cooing, they had not made a sound. Caitlin pulled his cock out. He made a feeble attempt to push her head away, to prevent this incest from going any further. He could only moan as she inhaled his cock and began to bob back and forth.

“Caitlin no! Please don’t…! Aww fuck! FUUUUCCCKKK!”

Tom gripped her head, pumping his cock in and out of his daughter’s mouth. She was an incredible cocksucker. The way her tongue caressed his cock rivaled anything Allen or Johnnie ever did. And that aroma! That incredible aroused female aroma! Lust quickly overcame guilt.

Caitlin felt the large vein under her father's cock swell as his orgasm again approached. He was too excited to last long but there would be other times. She knew that! The first spurt filled her mouth. She swallowed, waiting for the next. Two more times her father squirted his seed into her mouth before he released her head and grabbed the railing.

"Oh my god! Oh my god! Caitlin, I'm so sorry! I don't know what happened!"

Caitlin exaggerated wiping his cum from her mouth. She smiled innocently up at her father. She decided to intentionally misinterpret what he said.

"Don't worry daddy! You'll last longer next time!"

"No, no, no! That's not what I meant!" Tom began backing down the stairs. "I'd better go!"

"By the way, daddy. The reason I asked you by was to tell you I'm divorcing Johnny."

Tom Crafton was fumbling with his zipper, trying to close his pants. He looked up at his smiling daughter. He pussy gleamed. Dew-like drops covered her swollen labia. His spent cock twitched in his pants.

He hesitated. He imagined his cock buried in his daughter’s pussy. He fantasized about the lust he would see on her face as they fucked. He took a tentative step toward the stairs.

Abruptly he turned and pushed open the door. He nodded his head, acknowledging what Caitlin told him. He beat a hasty retreat.


2021-04-23 14:38:30
I love the storyline. I hope that you will continue with the "Crafton's .

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