The twins are at it again, fucking each other and others. How do they do it? Read on to know more.
Another day at the mall just to keep the heat at bay. Ask was shuffling his feet after the girls that talked about girl things that he had no interest in.
"I think you need a new bra," Vicky said to Embla. "I have noticed the ones you got is a tad too small."
"Hey," Embla exclaimed. "These suckers has really exploded in the last year. Hopefully, they will not grow anymore."
"They are perfect as they can be." Vicky purred. "So better take care of those puppies, right?"
"But bras are expensive." Embla moped.
"My treat, besides, I expect you to pay me back in a different way. ." She winked.
Ask sighed, more sex? He should not be the one to complain though. There was no jealous bone in his sister. In fact, she is the one to suggest he does Vicky. He looked over to Billie, wondering if he was ever going to do her too.
"Here we are." Vicky suddenly said.
"Triumph? Isn't that a bit expensive?" Billie asked. "Like mom usually buys hers at Walmart and the like."
"But they have the best bras in the world," Vicky said dragging them inside.
"I have to make a hard pass on this one." Ask said. There was something embarrassing to be a boy in a lingerie store.
"Suit yourself, we girls are going to see some sexy stuff." Vicky walked into the store, followed by Embla and Billie.
There was a bench close to the store, Ask took the opportunity to sit down and relax his feet a bit, only to be bothered when a middle-aged guy with thinning hair sat down beside him.
"You with those girls?" He asked.
"Yeah?" Ask replied.
"You are a lucky bastard then, that girl, the one in the blue dress, haba haba." He fanned his face with his hand.
"Okay?" Ask slid further away from that creepy dude.
"But I wouldn't mind the redhead, even though she seems to be a bit too young." The creepy guy winked and slid closer to Ask.
"Okay, look dude. I don't know you and you damned hell don't know me. So me being polite and all. Fuck off." Ask stood up.
"Hey man, no need to be like that. I was just making conversation with you."
"That's a conversation I don't want to hear." Ask stared at the man the hardest and meanest he could muster.
"Chill man, no need to be like that." The creepy guy held his hands up.
Ask stomped off, better to be awkward in the lingering store.
"Hello dear, how may I help you?" A very pregnant Asian lady in her early twenties and a name tag that said Michelle asked him.
"Uhm, I'm with them." He pointed over to the girls browsing through the bras.
"Boyfriend?" She asked with a smile.
"Kinda?" It was more like a question. He couldn't just tell her that his sister was also his girlfriend or something. Maybe the other girls were his girlfriends too? Why should it have to be so weird?
"I see," the smile never left her face, "hope you will get what you want."
"Yeah," he answered as he walked off.
"There is the boy of the hour," Embla said giving him more than a sisterly peck on the cheek.
"What do you think of this?" She held up a pink frilly bra.
"I don't know." What should he answer to that? He didn't know anything about bras. "It looks nice."
"Or what about this?" She held out another one, white this time.
"The one that will fit you the best?" He tried to be diplomatic. "They will both look really nice on you."
"Ha, yeah, " Embla hit him in the shoulder. "But seriously, what do you like? Push up, sports bra, bras with support or."
"Don't ask me those questions, I don't know." His face got redder and redder.
"Look at the shy boy." Vicky teased, Billie laughed and he wanted to sink down through the floor.
"It was this creepy guy out there. He started talking about you in such a way that I had to come here." He mumbled.
"Where?" Vicky demanded, anger flaring up.
"Out there," Ask pointed to the bench that was now empty.
"What did the fucker say?" Vicky growled.
"He asked if I was with you and insinuated that he wanted to do something creepy with you."
"Welcome to our world." Embla sighed. There was nothing she could do about creeps catcalling her. It happened less when she was with her brother but when she was alone... She did not feel safe all the time.
"Forget about that fucking creep," Billie said ruffling through some more bras. "We are here to enjoy ourselves and that's what we gonna do."
"Okay then." Embla could not decide on what to buy, it was all so expensive. But the bra she had now was the only one that still kinda fitted her bust.
"I'm horny," Embla grumbled after a while.
"You are always horny." Ask quipped back.
"So are you," Embla grabbed his junk and let her fingers trace the length of it.
"You need any help girls?" The clerk was suddenly behind them, making the twins jump away from each other.
"Yeah," Vicky took charge, changing the focus to her. "She really needs to get a good bra." Pointing at Embla.
"I see," Michelle said looking Embla up and down. "Let's see what we can do. Follow me." They all went into the back of the store. "I need to see your chest to determine what kind of bra would fit you and most importantly, what size you need."
"Okay," Emblas hands ruffled through the skimpy clothing as they went.
Soon, they were in a fancy backroom. There she let the dress fall down and then took off her bra, letting her breasts drop.
"My my, you got some great breasts," Michelle said. "May I?" She indicated with her hand towards them.
"Sure, why not," Embla closed her eyes and felt dry warm hands cup her breasts, lifting them and studying them. Then a finger brushed against her erect nipple making her sigh. It may have been an accident. Her eyes shot up and she looked into the dark, almost black, eyes of Michelle. She was very cute, perfect skin and shiny black hair in a bun, she could be one of those K-pop girls. Embla suddenly thought how she wished the girl in front of her was horny too.
"Are they sensitive?" The finger flicked the nipple again and Embla couldn't help but let a moan escape her mouth. A bright smile formed on the black-haired lady, "I think I got the measurement right, would you come with me?" Then she suddenly gasped and held bellow her swollen belly.
"Is everything alright?" Embla took her hand and supported her.
"Yeah, it's just that, well it's so embarrassing. I'm going crazy if nothing happens soon."
"Oh, is there something I can do?" Embla wanted to comfort her so badly.
"Only if you had a dick." Michelle laughed a dry laugh before standing up and pushing her hips forward, stretching out, adding. "My joints are so stiff, everything hurts. And now this."
"What?" Embla was confused.
"I need it to get me off of course. I suddenly felt so… hot and… well." She blushed. "It's been such a long time since I have gotten laid."
"Okay," Embla thought of her option to help this girl out. "I think I can help you." She said giddily with excitement.
"Oh?" Michelle looked at the girl. "I was just kidding." Trying to deflect the topic with half a hearty laugh.
"No, seriously, have you seen the guy that is with us? He is my brother and I think he would like to get laid."
"Twin brother to be exact." She beamed, she was very proud of him, so loving and caring and in her mind the cutest boy alive. He sure wouldn't mind helping a lady out.
"The same guy I saw you grope in the store?" There were no malicious in her voice, just curiosity.
"Uhm, yes?" Embla blushed. She forgot that. Sometimes they just weren't careful enough.
"Is he hung?" Was the unexpected question she got back.
"Guess so?" Embla scratched her neck. The air seemed to get suddenly hotter between the girls.
"Guess so? What do you mean?"
"I mean, I can take it all, but Billie is scared of it." Embla blurted out. Her thoughts went straight to her mouth.
"Oh, you do your brother?" Michelle's voice got sultry.
"Oops, did I say that out loud?" She laughed a nervous laugh as the clerk stepped closer to her.
"Why don't you call your brother over here then?"
"You sure?"
"I don't know who Billie is but a dick that makes girls afraid is something up my alley," Michelle said. There was a different touch to Emblas sensitive nipples now, a tender more erotic one. "God, I'm horny." Her hand went between her own legs, rubbing through her maternity pants.
"Ask?" Embla called her brother with a shaky voice from behind the curtains. "Can you come here for a minute?"
"What is wrong?" He asked, standing just outside.
"In here," was the simple reply.
"Okay?" He stepped into the room and saw his sister standing there in only panties. "Oops, " he covered his eyes, feigning embarrassment. "I didn't know you were indecent."
"He is a bit cute, maybe on the short side and a bit too young." Michelle was still rubbing her crotch like she had an itch that didn't go away.
"Hey, we are sixteen, and as far as I know, it is above the legal age of consent," Embla interjected.
"I know that, " Michelle smiled and grabbed his shoulder. "But if he got what you said he has then I don't care if he is old or young." Michelle stroked his chin tenderly.
"Uhm, Embla?" He looked through his fingers at his sister. She just shook her shoulders, letting Michelle do the talking.
"I guess he is clean, or what?" She purred to his sister more than him. She nodded in response. He felt like a cattle being appraised. Then a hand touched his junk through his shorts. It was definitely not his sister's hand. His instinct told him to get far from here or slap the hand away. But he stood so still he possibly could. "He is limp." The clerk pouted. "I need to see him hard before I decide."
"What's going on?" Ask hissed to the, wondering what the hell his sister had done now.
"Well, " Embla began, shuffling her feet, looking straight into his eyes. "The nice lady here."
"Michelle, " Michelle said.
"Yes, Michelle here suddenly got… horny, like really horny."
"What's that got to do with me?"
"She said she would need a proper horizontal tango. And then I said, okay, maybe I can help with that. And with I, I kinda mean you, or us."
"Oh, " his eyebrows shot up. "So you want me to..." This hands went back and forth between the highly pregnant lady and himself.
"Well, she is really cute and sexy, besides, I want to help. I mean, we can help." She got real close to her brother. Rubbing down his chest, over his obscure band shirt, downwards to his crotch.
"We can?" Ask looked back and forth, sweat forming on his brow. "Does she know..." His hands indicating between his sister and himself.
"Yes, she knows, and she doesn't mind."
"Oh," it was not just that it was revealed, it was that it was spread around so casually. "What are you doing?" Swatting her hand away.
"Hey," she pouted. "She wants to check the goods first."
"Check the goods?" He looked at her like she was an alien from outer space.
"Yeah," she bit her lower lip. "I kinda told her that you were hung like a horse."
"I am not that hung." He didn't like people excaterate his size in the private parts department.
"Yes you are," Embla swatted his shoulder. "Don't listen to him. He is just modest."
"How big are we talking?" Michelle was getting impatient.
"Lets show her. Okay?" Embla said as her hand went back to his shorts.
"I guess I have no say in this." He sighed resigned then began to unbuckle his shorts letting it fall down.
Embla knew exactly what would get him going. Crouching down and pulling his briefs down. She kissed his dick and cupped his smooth balls, letting them roll around in her palm. It started to grow as expected. There was never a time where he wasn't ready to go. As it grew she licked the length then taking him in the mouth. It was so long she could use both hands to jack him off
"What about?" He tossed his head in the direction of the two other girls. Je was kinda nervous that they should suddenly pop into this room too.
"What about them?" Embla purred, before licking the underside of his dickhead, the one place that was so amazingly sensitive.
"Are we going to…" He gritted his teeth as electricity shot up his spine.
"I thought just you, me and her?" Her job was done. It couldn't become stiffer now. It stood in all its glory.
"My my, he is big," Michelle said with a sultry smile. Her eyes were big as saucers "Long and sooo thick." She had to touch this young boy. It was so tempting just to ravish him right here and now. Her hand encircled his mast, it felt like it was such a long time she had touched anything similar to this. .
He groaned as she let go of his bobbing dick went solo. "Deal?" Embla asked with a proud smile, like she had showed of the prized stallion.
"Deal, " Michelle answered shaking her hand. She could not wait to feel this inside of her.
"My shift is done in an hour, so…" Michelle rubbed her upper arm and biting her bottom lip.
"Yeah, " Embla laughed, "We shouldn't be doing that in here."
"Yes, so… you got a place or?"
"We came here with the bus. And you don't want to meet our father. He doesn't know about us." Ask said, all hot and bothered. He was tucking the one-eyed snake back into his shorts. Having trouble getting in a comfortable position.
"Ok, I got a car and… my place is not that far away." A pink tongue darted out between her lush red lips. "As a thank you for…" she winked. "you can take two bras on the house. My treat." She patted the bulge.
"By the way, are you shaved?" Embla wagged her eyebrows as they were about to exit.
"Shaved? Like down there? Girl, I haven't seen my privates in months. What do you think?"
"Uhm, nay?" Embla said embarrassed.
"Yeah, is there a problem with that?"
"Uhm," Embla said, "because…" she pulled down her panties and showed her the smooth hairless vulva, a wet patch showing where her juices had flowed. "We are kinda both…"
"I already seen your brother. What are you? Aspiring porn actors?" Michelle cocked her eyebrow. Then smiled at their reddening faces.
"No, it's, well, we like it kinda like that," Embla said. Ask nodded along.
It was not that they were afraid of the furry beaver. It was just… they had no hair growth at all on their naughty bits, not in their armpits or wherever adults normally have hair. The teens came and then nothing, zip, nada. Their bits grew but the hair did not.
"What took you so long?" Vicky said as the twins finally emerged. This has taken way to long time.
"What do you think of her?" Embla said tossing her head towards Michelle.
"Think of her?"
"Yes, how she looks and whatnot."
"Her face is really cute, never been much into pregnant chicks though, never been with an Asian lady either."
"So, yay or nay?"
"Yay I guess." The blond shook her shoulders.
"She looks really pretty," Billie chimed in.
"Good, because we got a date with her as soon as the shift ends."
"What the hell Embla?" Vicky was becoming agitated. "What did you do?"
"She horny, I wanna help," Embla mumbled looking at her and making puppy eyes. Fluttering her eyelashes.
"Fine," Vicky said before it hit her. "You said we, like in us."
"Yup, like in." Embla mowed her hand between her brother and herself. "Ask and me."
"What are we supposed to do?" Billie pouted dejected.
"I don't know." Ask shook her shoulders. He didn't like to leave the girls but there were such a thing as too many girls at one time.
"I know, why don't you do some detective work?" Embla suggested. "Just find the creep ogling us, lure him into an allay and then, BAM! You cut his balls off and leave him there to die."
"As tempting as that would be, I don't think that is a good idea." Vickie laughed. "I think me and Billie is just going to take a bite then head home.
"Yeah sure." Ask said.
They spent the rest of the time in the store, picking out bras. Since Embla got hers for free, the other decided to splurge out a bra on each of them. They joked about Billie needing a training bra but she ended up with a comfortable padded bra in A cup that seemed to make her bust a size bigger. Vicky got a sports bra in a B cup to use when she was training.
Michelle was helping them all the way, making measurements and pointing out what would fit them best and what style they wanted. Embla got one push up bra and then one almost see-through.
The car ride led them to the suburbs, in a totally different direction than where they lived. Ask sat in the from and Embla sat in the cramped back seat of the porsche.
"This isn't exactly a child friendly car you got." She huffed, trying to find a space for her legs. Why did this car have back seats anyway?
"I got another car at home." Michelle said.
"And, excuse me for being rude, but how the heck do a store clerk afford a Porsche?" Embla put her feet up into the other backseat as there were literally now leg room for her.
"Oh, dad owns this one and… Everything I own."
"Then, why do you have to work if you come from a rich family?" Ask asked. He wished he was so rich to drive around in a car like this, soft leather and lots of power.
"Because of this." The Asian chick motioned to her round belly. "I was so stupid to get pregnant in college and the dude… I don't even know his name."
"Why didn't you just take care of it."
"Ask, that is rude." Embla smacked the back of his head.
"I was thinking about it but then, it's a life growing inside of me you know. How could I?" She rubbed her belly.
"Sorry." Ask apologize sincerely. "I didn't think."
"What would happen if you two got… WeWell you know." Michelle said looking at embla in the mirror.
"Oh, we take precautions, or rather, I take precautions, this doofus here don't care." Embla mocked her brother.
"Hey, it wasn't me that said, 'Oh let's stop poking my butt, I want to feel you totally and absolutely skin to skin in my coochie.'" He imitated his sister.
"Yeah yeah, I was just getting so very sore there."
"You did not exactly ever stop coming on to me."
"I am a horny girl, okay?" Embla huffed and crossed her arms.
"Always," Ask reached back and patted her thigh. "You know I love you so much."
"I know, and I love you too bro."
The house they stopped at was a big two stories brick house brick. A brand new Lincoln Navigator stood in the driveway.
"What does your dad work as?" Ask gaped when they went into the hall. It had tall ceiling all the way up to the second floor and a sweeping grand staircase flowed upwards.
"He is a surgeon." She tossed the keys on a vanity, releasing her hair and letting it flow down to the middle of her back.
"And where is he now?" Ask looked around expecting someone to jump forth.
"They went on holiday to France. They're gone for a whole month." Michelle walked into a huge opulent kitchen. "I was supposed to come with them, but because of this." She patted her pregnant belly. "My dad did not allow me to come with. He said I had to work instead, just so I am able to finally take some responsibility."
"Je suis un peu heureux qu'il l'ait fait." Embla said walking up to her and put her hand on the belly. "Parce que, sinon nous n'aurions pas rencontré."
"What are you saying?" Michelle was smiling. "I sounded sexy."
"She just said she was happy he let you be here or else we wouldn't have met." Ask said, sidling up to the pregnant lady.
"Yeah," she laughed. "Then I wouldn't have sex with twins at the same time either."
"About that, shouldn't we become a bit more comfortable?" Embla tugged at the brown tunic Michelle wore.
"Yeah, but maybe in my room?" The heat and wetness just increased tenfold between her legs. This was going to really fucking happening. She led them upstairs to her room and it was as grand as everything else in the house. There were a big king size bed in the middle of the room, followed by two recliners and a small coffe table then it was her vanity with all the makeup you could possibly dream of.
"I only need to wee wee." Michelle said. "My bladder is small as a thimble." Then she headed in another door.
"Wow," Ask said slack jawed. "I wish we had a house like this."
"Yeah," his sister replied, jumping onto the bed face first. "So soft. If we could only have a bed like this." She smelled the linen, they smelled so good she had to smell them again.
Ask sat down beside her and lifted up the backside of her dress, letting his hand slide down the crease between her legs. She lifted her hips and pulled her panties off, giving him access to her moist slit. She closed her eyes and enjoyed his handy work.
"You started without me?" Michelle said as she exited the ensuite. She was now completely nude, hips swaying tantalising from side to side. A black inverted triangle resided between her lush legs. Her whole being was radiating a glow of life, sexy life.
"You look…" Ask was breathless. How was Embla able ro lure so beautiful girls into their love life. "Amazing, utterly amazing."
"Sorry," Ask withdrew his hand from his twins pussy.
"No need to be sorry." Michelle said.
"You look absolutely ravishing, darling." Embla put on her snotty upper class English accent. "But Darling, really, I would like to trim away your lush garden, nobody likes hair in their food."
"Let her keep it," Ask sighed.
"Oh darling brother of mine, let's have a tasting challenge. Fur against bald, you choose."
"Embla, you know I will always choose you over anything else in the world." His hands squeezed her plum backside. "Your my sister after all. I have to live with you."
"So you don't love me anymore?" She said teasing him.
"Of course I love you. I love you so very much." He nuzzled into the crook of her neck, giving her tender pecks.
"Then say it in the most sexy language in the world."
"What?" Then he sighed, "Okay then. Ich liebe dich über alles."
"That's all I wanted to hear." She hugged him tight and gave him a big smooch on his lips.
"You are crazy." Michelle said as she sat down beside them.
"Welcome to the crazy train." Ask said and Embla replied. "Choo choo." Pumping her fist in the air.
Everything went fast from then on. Embla pinned Michelle down on the bed while Ask went to work between her thighs. Licking the hairy muff. Michelle closed her eyes and enjoyed his administration. He was really good at this, licking her clit and putting to fingers inside of her that he crooked to exactly the right place. Hot damn, she was going to cum soon if he continued this, but, he sneezed suddenly real hard. "Sorry," he sniffled. "It just got so ticklish." His fingers combed through the soft black curls.
"Ha, what did I tell you?" Embla said triumphant. "Bald beats fur every time."
"Shut up Embla." He said standing up. It was more friendly banter than anything serious. He let his shorts and briefs fall to the floor, exposing himself as he took off his t-shirt. Now he was totally nude, Michelle looked at him, he was a lean boy, a faint hint of a six pack was forming. He would be a real handsome dude when he grew up. He aimed his engorged member to her sex, letting it all sink into her wet cavern. This was even better, she moaned as he slipped out and then slowly back in. He placed one hand on her big round belly while the other held up her leg. He rocked back and forth in that infuriating good way that kept her on top but never was going to break the dam. Embla took one nipple in her mouth and sucked gently. This was so amazing she wanted to cry of joy.
Michelle needed to occupy her hands, letting the roam Embla's back down to her butt, feeling her warm skin under her fingertips. That made Embla look into her eyes and she smiled, kissed her even, right on the mouth. This was the first girl Michelle had ever kissed. It was so soft and tender as the tongue slipped into her mouth. There were no rush to get it done by the twins as they made love to her. They made sure Michelle got to enjoy it to the fullest extent. Embla's hand snuck down to her clit, playing with it expertly. She was nearly there, any minute now and the dam would break into an earth shattering orgasm, then he suddenly pulled out.
They traded places, Michelle wanted to scream at them. Don't stop now, I'm so close. But she was more of a mumbling mess than anything else. She wallowed in her sweat and juices pouring out of her. Embla took her brother's place, ducking down to the musky hot core.
"Here goes." She said before taking the plunge. She parted the labia, exposing the red innards before engulfing the clit and showed two fingers inside.
Where ask had been a master with his tongue, Embla on the other hand was a fucking Jedi. Doing things so expertly it could not be believed. The small dip she had in her arousal was soon back on top, and this time there were no return as she came harder than ever before. She groaned and convulsed, her whole body was spastic. It was like all the fireworks in the world went off in her head. If she was not able to say anything before now it was utter impossible.
"Good?" Embla purred as she crawled up Michelle's body.
"Gah, ugh." Was all she could reply with. Her legs felt like jelly, they would never be able to carry her again. All she wanted to do now was to lay there, like a zombie, until everything was back to normal.
"Well, maybe we can." Ask said stroking his massive dick.
"Of course dear brother of mine." Embla purred. "You wanna watch?" She kissed Michelles cheek.
"Uhu," she grunted and tried her best to nod.
Ask lay down and Embla took Michelle's noodly hand and wrapped it around his member. He was still slick with her juices. Warm and pulsing in her hand. Embla straddled him. "Now, just aim it in my coochie, okay?" She winked down at her and she was able to reply with a whole word now. "Yes," nodding. Her eyes went wide as Embla lowered herself onto her brothers dick, letting it slide all the way into her, resting her pelvis on top of his. She had to let go of his dick. She was now complicit in this incestuous act playing out just inches away from her face.
She was riding her own brother, no protection or anything. What should have disgusted her was instead something beautiful. How they tenderly stroked each other's faces. And the love they emitted to each other. Michelle could feel it, she wanted to hug them both and tell them how happy she was for them. For us, as she hadn't thought about this ever happening when she dragged herself out of bed this morning. It was a million to one chance.
Emblas pace quickened, wet splurgy sounds came steadfast as a beat. She could see the intensity build up in her brother's face. He was about to cum, to fill her up with brother juice. He grunted as she pressed her whole body down on him, filling her with hot little swimmers.
"I love you so much." She purred at him, feeling his dying twitch inside of her.
"I love you more." He answered back, stroking her cheek so tenderly and loving.
PS. English is not my first language. So please be kind. This is an unedited story.
Ok, I like TxEmt1's idea, but I think it would be even better if maybe you had some father-son action? Just have the son suck his dad's dick, then maybe the dad just shoves his fat cock right up his son's gay little ass? Just a suggestion.
These people have strange names. Ask is a name? That was confusing. Especially when Ask asked lol. Good story next time make every one male and have them all butt fuck each others twink assholes until they shit cum.
Enra Lake 77Report
Enra Lake 77Report
Enra Lake 77Report