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The conflict between the infected and uninfected comes to a head within Carter Dormitory. How many will fall to the alien parasites infesting campus?

The girl held Haley close from behind. She heaved with excitement in Haley's ear, only causing the college freshman to reach new heights of terror.

"How did I miss you before?" The girl asked in a husky voice. A voice thick with grotesque pleasure. "You're putting out energy like a goddamn nuclear reactor. All of it coming from right here."

The girl tapped the fingers of her left hand gently against Haley's forehead. With her right, she gagged Haley.

If only she struggled, Haley knew she could break out. The girl didn't feel that strong. A good jostle could probably break Haley out of the grip.

The headache was back, however, and this time it was utterly overwhelming. The pain was so intense that Haley felt like vomiting.

All the while, Haley could smell the sweet, musky odor of the girl behind as she writhed against Haley's backside.

"I want to savor this, but I can't really help myself. This little guy certainly can't help himself much more, so open wide!" The girl said.

Haley felt fingers curl around the fabric of her cotton panties. Suddenly, her underwear was torn away and she felt something hot and fleshy writhe against her buttocks.

Ice cold terror overtook Haley then. That thing rubbing against her was an abomination. It was unnatural. It was monstrous and it wanted her.

She desperately tried to scream, but it was useless against the girl's muffling palm.

Suddenly, Haley heard another voice. It did not belong to her attacker or anyone she recognized. All she knew was that it sounded female.

"I'm sorry," the voice said.

Suddenly, there were several loud snapping sounds. Haley's attacker tumbled backwards and let go of her. Haley fell forward and gasped in fresh air.

Her lungs burned and her heart raced and at the moment of release, Haley screamed louder than ever before. Her wailing cry cut across the campus, echoing out across the river.

The awful, unholy mass of flesh was gone now though, and relief was already pulsing through the disoriented freshman. She stumbled to her feet and whirled around.

Hunched over Haley's attacker was a blonde, athletic girl who was delivering several more hard strikes with what appeared to be a club or something. The brunette assailant writhed on the ground as blow after blow struck her skull and eyes.

Haley stared slackjaw at the scene. The girl on the ground was sprawled out and from this angle, Haley could see she wasn't wearing panties. Normally, Haley would have blushed and looked away immediately, but her stupor kept her eyes fixed.

From between the brunette's legs, something emerged. It was about five or six inches long and about an inch and a half thick. It glistened in the dying light and it's color was that of rotting swamps and stagnant pools. A sickly greenish black.

It slithered out of the brunette's vagina and began to make its way through the grass towards Haley. The girl only stared.

At first, the snake-like thing awkwardly dragged itself along, but after a few seconds, it picked up speed and improved its coordination.

There was no mistaking it now, the creature was making a beeline for Haley and it was moving fast.

Something inside Haley suddenly erupted, screaming at her to run away from this creature. She yelped and began to stumble backwards. Her foot caught a rock and she tumbled to the moist ground.

The terrified freshman, eyes wet with tears, scrabbles backwards, but the creature was faster. It reached her sneaker and began to coil its way up her leg.

Haley screamed again, feeling the warm, sinewy beast moving along her pale flesh. Given where it had come from, she could tell where it was going and the thought horrified her.

"Help!" Haley screamed.

The blonde girl looked up midswing and began to run over.


She completed the blow and bolted over, nearly sliding in the mud and falling on her ass in the process.

Meanwhile, Haley tried her hardest to repel the awful creature attempting to enter her. She tried grabbing it, but it was very slippery. Trying to kick it off was just as futile as it gripped her skin tight and was already too far up her leg. The only option seemed to block her vagina with all her might, and that seemed like a losing battle with how agile the creature was.

The blonde finally made it over and stared frantically at Haley.

"Do something!" Haley screamed.

The blonde raised her club and brought it down hard on Haley's leg where the creature was slithering. White hot pain erupted in Haley's thigh.

"Not that!"

"Shit, sorry," the blonde panicked. Then she brought down the club again.


Fresh tears trickled into Haley's vision.

"Well it's working!"

The creature was no longer moving up Haley's thigh. Instead, it jittered and spasmed as if stunned.

"Just get it off me," Haley demanded.

"Fine," the blonde said.

She bent over and grabbed the stunned creature and with a tight grip, yanked it off Haley's leg. For a moment, it everything seemed alright. The blonde stepped back, holding the slimy bulk with both hands. Then all hell broke loose.

In an instant, the work sprang to life. It aimed its fat head directly at the blonde's face and sprayed a jet of green slime in her eyes from an unseen orifice.

The blonde screamed and stumbled backwards, flailing wildly before hitting a tree hard. The back of her head slammed against the tree trunk and she tumbled onto the ground, groaning. The worm was already slithering up the girl's arm, having found a new target.

Haley scrabbles to her feet and stared in wide eyed horror. The scene seemed to play out in sickening slow motion as the creature worked its way down the girl's shirt.

For her part, the girl was in full on panic. She desperately tried to repel the creature, but she was blind and it was already under clothes and moving fast. Another few seconds and it would find its target.

Haley suddenly felt a surge of energy. Headache be damned, she owed this girl too much. She rushed forward and grabbed the blonde's club, which had tumbled to the ground with the fall.

Looking closely, Haley could see the lump of alien flesh working its way over the blonde's belly, getting close to the waistband of her shorts.

"This is going to hurt," Haley said. "I'm sorry."

The blonde didn't have a chance to respond as Haley immediately drove the club down on the lump with all her might.

The girl howled in pain, but the lump slowed its progress. Haley followed her first blow up with two others and immediately dove down. She pulled up the girl's t-shirt, revealing the stunned creature over her pale, toned midriff.

Haley seized the creature in her hands and without hesitation, tossed as hard as she could into the woods. Good riddance.

There was a moan from behind Haley. Turning around, she saw her attacker writing on the ground.

"We need to get out of here," Haley said.

Every bone in her body was telling her to run.

"Fuck, you hit me hard," the blonde whined.

"Yeah, to save you! You did the same damn thing, now on your feet."

"I can't see!"

Haley could see that a mess of sticky goo the color of lime jello obscured the entire top half of the girl's face. It was layered on thick.

Using her skirt, Haley wiped off most of the stuff, though the blonde was clearly still struggling. Haley helped her to her feet, grabbed the club, and pulled the girl down the hill by the hand.

In the woods near the path, the worm slammed into a tree and fell to the rain soaked earth below. For a few seconds, it twitched erratically, stunned by the blow. Then it recovered and began to slither through the grass and bushes like a snake.


The four of them stood speechless for the better part of a minute. Given the circumstances, it was nearly impossible to find any words that fit.

Then the girl that was not Erin's roommate shut the door behind her, the cold, short click of the mechanism indicating it was locked. Then the tension seemed to dissipate and things began to unwind.

"Uh, Lily?" Erin asked.

Her roommate looked drugged, staring at her with those bright, piercing green eyes. Those were new. Erin had seen Lily's glaring blue eyes enough times to know. Both girls must have been wearing colored contacts.

However, the eyes weren't the only difference. With her roommate being completely nude, Erin was shocked to see how much the girl's figure. The curvaceous body and full, gravity defying globes Lily showed off were the last thing Erin ever would have expected. How did she seem so slim under her clothes?

Erin recognized the girl as Megan Jensen, one of her hallmates. Although they had only spoken in passing, Erin knew Megan to be one of the popular sophomores, insofar as popularity was a thing in college. She didn't seem like the type of girl to barge into another person's room carrying whatever the hell it was in her hand.

Lily let out a soft whimper and grasped at her belly. She looked like she was ready to hurl.

"What's happening. Something's moving around," the girl moaned.

Megan stepped over to Lily and stroked her hand along the girl's back. In her other hand was a slimy, writhing mass of dark flesh that was alive in the most unsettling possible way. Erin's eyes kept flashing between it and her roommate, both sights utterly mesmerizing.

"Don't worry honey, you're just about to give birth!" Megan said with soft glee.


Lily looked horrified. She clutched her belly tighter.

"Just follow my lead," Megan said.

Then the girl turned her attention back to Erin and Melissa.

"Erin, what's going on?" Melissa asked nervously, backing away from Megan.

Erin look from Melissa to Megan to Lily. The surreal nature of the moment was inescapable. All of it, especially the twitching, oozing worm spiraling up Megan's arm, made Erin want to pinch herself and wake up from the bad dream.

"Both of you are about to receive a gift, does that answer your question?" Megan said.

She closed in on Melissa slightly, maintaining of vice grip on the slipper creature between her fingers. Erin watched Melissa reach into her pocket and pull out the pink bottle mace attached to her keychain, keeping it ready at her side.

At that moment, Erin realized that things were accelerating out of control. A voice inside spoke to her.

You want to be an RA right? Defuse the situation and show you've got what it takes.

Erin stepped across the room to stand next to Melissa and gently placed her hand over Melissa's. That mace needed to be a last resort.

"Guys," she said to the girls in front of them. "I really don't want anyone to get hurt. If this is some kind of prank, you know early halloween, that type of thing. If you're just messing around, please let me know."

Megan threw her head back and giggled loudly. There was something cold and hard in the way she laughed that chilled Erin. Still, she pushed on. Erin never gave up on a chance to prove herself.

"Megan, right?"

"Erin," Megan said. "Oh you are adorable."

"Okay, you don't have to be rude."

Melissa pushed Erin's arm away and started to lift the mace. Panicking, Erin grabbed her friend's hand and held it down.

"I'm not trying to be rude," Megan continued. "It's just funny to watch you. You really are a goodie two-shoes."

"What the fuck is your deal?" Melissa snapped.

Megan ignored Melissa and instead held the arm with the worm coiled around it up to her face. To Erin, it looked like the creature's movements were getting more and more erratic.

"What'll it be, sweetie? The oblivious goodie-goodie or the moodie Otaku?"

Erin could feel the tension in Melissa's arm. How long would it be until the girl snapped and did something foolish?

For her part, Erin was beginning to feel a deep, sinking feeling that this was a lot more than a joke. This girl Megan seemed psychotic. Maybe she drugged Lily?

"Okay, Megan. Lily. Guys, I'm going to need to call public safety. I'm feeling threatened and I know Melissa is to."

"Erin or Melissa," Megan said to the worm in her hands. "I guess you don't care, as long as you get a warm, wet slit to go up."

"Warm wet what?" Melissa asked.

Megan was not someone to reason with. Hell, she seemed on the verge of getting dangerous. Erin turned her attention to Lily. The girl looked half physically ill and half high as a kite. Still, she was Erin's roommate and possibly the last option to de-escalate this strange, unreal situation.

"Lily, as your roommate, I'm asking you to please have Megan leave."

"Stop talking, please," Lily whimpered. "I-oh god I need it."

From between Lily's legs, a gout of greenish fluid sprayed onto the floor. Erin gazed at the mess in growing horror.

That's when Melissa lost it. She pushed Erin back and brought her arm with the mace to bear. She aimed point blank and sprayed several pulses and Megan before the girl had a moment to respond.

Megan screamed and tumbled backward, flailing her arms to get the burning liquid away from her. In the process, the worm that had been coiled around her hand flew through the air and landed right in the middle of the room. It immediately began slithering towards Erin.

"What the fuck is that thing?" Melissa screamed, spraying the worm with her mace.

The creature was unphased and continued to make its way towards Erin. Melissa turned and readied her foot to stomp the creature dead when a body collided with her, sending her to the ground. Her shoulder connected hard with the tile floor, sending vibrations down her arm.

Erin watched in horror as her roommate, naked as the day she was born, mounted Melissa. Slime oozed from her vagina, splattering her creamy thighs. Something else was coming from the girl's crotch. Something as wriggling and alive as the creature nearly at Erin's foot.

It was at that moment that Erin lost it. Panic took hold, driving out all reason.

Erin slammed her foot down on the worm below her as hard as she could. She felt the resistance of supple flesh against her heel as well as the creatures horrible, incessant movements.

Bringing her foot down again, Erin heard a loud clap of her heel making contact followed immediately by a loud squelching noise. Erin felt the body of the creature give out. One more stomp and it would be done for.

Erin slammed her foot down and heard an enraged voice call out from across the room.

"Goddamnit, you idiot," Megan screamed.

Her green eyes streamed tears. She was already starting to get to her feet.

From below her, Erin heard the sound of Melissa struggling against Lily. Glancing over, Erin watched an unreal scene unfold in front of her.

Lily had three distinct tentacles squirming from her crotch, each one roughly a foot long. The tentacles danced across Melissa's exposed belly, leaking a fluid that almost seemed to glow even in the bright dorm lights.

Melissa was struggling to keep Erin's roommate at bay, but her eyes were getting more vacant with each second. Something was happening to her.

Erin rushed forward and gave Lily a hard push. To her surprise, Erin managed to send the girl tumbling over. Melissa moaned softly, her belly covered in glowing slime.

"Oh crap. We need to go, Melissa!" Erin cried, extending a hand to her friend.

Melissa lifted her hand and gently grasped Erin's wrist. She was panting heavily and seemed to be struggling to stay awake.

"Where do you think you're going, you prissy little bitch?" Megan said, her voice full of venomous fury.

Erin watched everything unfold in slow motion. Megan was getting to her feet, looking ready to murder someone. Lily was rolling over and eyeing both Erin and Melissa hungrily. Melissa was on her feet, but barely. She was clutching her crotch and looked red in the face.

Face it girl, you are running out of time.

Suddenly, there was a knock at the door. Warmth and strength flooded Erin. This was her chance.

If she could get past Megan and open the door, then her and Melissa were home free. Whoever was on the other side would help.

Erin took a deep breath, summoned all her courage, and charged forward. While Megan blocked her way, the girl was not in good condition. Her vision was clearly severely hampered by the mace and she looked ragged. This only pushed Erin to move even faster.

As Erin got to Megan, the half-blind girl lunged at her with both arms. Seeing this coming, Erin ducked and thrust her shoulder into Megan's chest. She felt the girl's soft breasts shake as she made contact.

For a sickening moment, Erin felt Megan push back and she feared she wouldn't get through. Then the force became too much for Megan and she tumbled backwards and to the right.

I did it!

Erin cheered herself on internally and lunged for the door without a second's hesitation. She opened it to find an attractive girl with shortcut blonde hair and glasses staring back at her in the doorway. The girl's eyes blazed with the same green flame as the other two.

All Erin had time to think in the second after opening the door was a short, sickening no.

Then the blonde in the doorway drove her fist into Erin's gut and pushed her onto her back in the dorm room. Stepping into the room, the blonde closed and locked the door, set down a backpack, and descended on Erin.

Erin tried desperately to get to her feet, but the blonde was on her before she could make any headway. The girl was strong and fast and had Erin pinned completely in only a few seconds.

"Help!" Erin screamed. "Oh God, please help!"

"Shut her up!" Megan cried to the blonde girl.

The blonde girl slammed an open palm down hard on Erin's mouth, muffling her screams.

"Grab the bag," the blonde said. "I have duct tape and rope."

A moment later, Megan was by the blonde's side and grabbing Erin's arms. Erin tried to fight with all her strength, but she was a small girl and she had two people restraining her, it was a losing game. Megan and the blonde girl secured several strips of duct tape around Erin's wrists, binding her hands. Then the blonde slipped a strip over Erin's mouth.

Erin felt hot tears in her eyes. It just was not fair. She had been brave. She had acted like a leader for a single moment and what did it get her?

Suddenly, Erin became aware of more squelching noises from behind her, as well as two distinct voices moaning. Erin angled her head back to try and see and immediately regretted this. What she saw horrified her.

Lily was on top of Melissa again and now had the girl's shorts pulled down past her buttocks. The tentacles from before, each one writhing with a mind of its own, were seemingly buried within Melissa.

Megan looked at the sight and then turned back to Erin, beaming.

"Look at them go," she said. "Your friend's even getting into it."

Erin let out a stifled scream, but the duct tape muffled it. She could see that Megan was right. She could see Melissa's hips thrusting upwards slightly with each jolt of the tentacles.

Megan giggled.

"You don't want to know what your roommate's about to do to her."

The blonde chimed in.

"It's going to be a hell of a sight."

Megan stood up and walked over to the smashed mass of worm-flesh on the ground a couple feet away. She picked up a single clump of flesh and held it up for Erin to see. A fat stream of greenish translucent slime trickled to the floor.

"Between her pepper spraying me and you smashing my dear pet, you've both been quite a pain in the ass tonight," Megan said.

The moaning behind Erin was intensifying. The sounds were almost painfully wet.

"I think you killing my pet was worse. I liked that little thing. All it wanted was to find a home," Megan continued. "You're friend has maybe a minute or two tops. Then Lily is going to cum and what happens next. Well, it's not going to be good for your little friend."

Erin struggled against her bonds, but between the duct tape and the blonde straddling her, it was a lost cause.

"However," Megan said. "I could make you a deal. I'll save your friend if you make me another pet."

This flabbergasted Erin. Make her a new pet? How the hell was she supposed to make her a new pet.

"Promise not to scream? If you do It'll be your friends life," Megan said, pulling the edge of Erin's duct tape gag.

Erin nodded. What other choice did she have?

Megan pulled away the gag and Erin gasped for breath.

"I don't understand," Erin said.

"It doesn't matter, you're running out of time! You have less than a minute. Your friend might not make it otherwise! Yes or no?"

"I don't understand. Just tell me," Erin sobbed.

"Yes or no? Save your friend or don't. Choose."

"Yes!" Erin cried. "I'll do it. Just tell me how."

"Good girl," Megan said.

She stood up and walked over to Lily and Melissa. Gripping Lily by the shoulders, Megan yanked the girl backwards, pulling her out of Melissa in the process.

"No! I need it Megan!" Lily screamed.


On the floor, Melissa arched her back and gasped, greenish-white slime leaking from her vagina.

"She's a little shook up, but she's going to pull through," Megan said cheerfully. "All thanks to you. You're such a good friend, Erin!"

Erin's heart sank. What the hell did she just agree to?

Megan bent over Lily and reached between the girl's legs, stroking her clitoris with her index finger. The reaction from Lily was immediate. The girl squeaked, bucked her hips into Megan's fingers, and began to babble in pleasure.

"Just focus on her. Isn't she pretty," Megan said, pointing to Melissa. "Keep going, you're almost there Lily!"

Erin watched in horror as Lily's stomach deformed, looking as if some unseen mass was shifting beneath her skin. Lily's movement's were getting more and more erratic and a steady flow of slime oozed from the girl's vagina.

Finally, Lily seemed to hit a climax. Arching her back well past what should have been natural, the girl screamed in a peak of body shaking pleasure.

Erin watched in horror as something emerged from between Lily's writhing tentacles. It was a dark green and bulbous, looking to be about two or three inches in diameter.

Then the thing pushed its way out further and Erin saw what it was. It was another worm nearly identical to the one she had crushed with her foot only moments before.

Megan snatched the worm along its slimy shaft and pulled it clear of Lily's vagina, causing the girl to gasp loudly. Holding it up in the air, Megan seemed satisfied with her new creature.

"Isn't he a beauty?" Megan said, turning to Erin.

Erin gazed at the nasty, oozing creature with mounting disgust. There was something deeply unnatural about it.

"There. You have your pet. Isn't that what you want?"

Megan giggled.

"Not exactly," she said. "You're still going to make me a new one."

The girl was absorbed in her new pet, turning it this side and that in the light. She wore a look of almost childish glee.

Megan idly walked over and knelt beside Erin, giving her an unpleasantly close look at the writhing creature curled between the girl's fingers like a snake. Erin stared in disbelief.

That thing had just come out her roommate. None of this could be real and yet it was unfolding right in front of her.

The closer the bizarre creature got to Erin, the more it seemed to fidget and squirm. As Megan leaned close to Erin, the creature practically vibrated.

It's excited by you, a voice said in Erin's head.

"Curious little guy. Doesn't look like much at first, but don't underestimate him."

Megan positioned her knees so that they pinned Erin's arms and then she commanded the blonde.

"Strip her."

Before Erin could react, the blonde was pulling the hem of her skirt and panties down. Erin felt cool air settle on her crotch, sending her into panic mode.

All of a sudden, it crashed into horrible clarity. The shape of the creature, the way it jittered around Erin, all this business about her "making a new one."

"No!" Erin screamed.

She kicked at the blonde and managed to get her on the cheek with one blow.

The blonde swore and slapped Erin hard across the face. Then she seized both of Erin's legs and pinned them with her own.

"Careful!" Megan shouted.

"That's kind of hard right now," the blonde snapped back.

Erin could not rip her eyes from the creature in Megan's hand. The slime ridden monster that was her destiny. There was no coherent thought for that. Words failed Erin and all she could do was whimper and cry out.

"Should I gag her?" The blonde asked Megan.

"No. I want to hear her. Now switch with me."

The blonde started to shift her weight.

Fight, Erin thought. This is your only chance.

The second Erin's right leg came free, she kicked the blonde with all her might, driving her heel hard into the girl's ribs. The girl snarled and fell backwards, freeing Erin's other leg.

Erin felt her courage pour into her heart. She was going to make it.

Swinging her legs, Erin managed to twist her body around so that her belly was on the ground.

"Fuck," Megan shouted. "What are you doing?"

The blonde charged forward and grabbed ahold of Erin's right heel. Erin kicked at her again, clipping her on the jaw. The hit must have landed hard, because the girl cried out in pain.

"Lily, get over here and help!"

Erin couldn't help but glance over. Lily was bent over Melissa's catatonic form, gently caressing the girl's breasts and kissing her here and there.

"Damnit Lily, not now!" Megan cried again.

The girl snapped out of it and began to stumble over.

Erin ripped her bound hands away from Megan and scrambled to her knees. She just needed to get to her feet. If she could get to her feet, everything else would fall into place.

Planting one foot, Erin readied herself to leap up. She felt a swell of energy and purpose, the drive for survival, and a readiness for action.

That's when Lily slammed into her.

No, Erin thought. That's just not fair.

She slammed into the ground. The back of her skull hit the tile hard enough that she saw stars and felt numb in her arms and legs.

A moment later, all three girls were on her. The blonde held her arms, Lily secured her legs, and Megan descended, a sickening grin on her face.

"No, please," Erin whimpered. "I can give you money for your pet. We won't tell anyone. Please just let us go."

Megan tittered and ran a finger down Erin's cheek.

"This is so cute. I'm glad I picked you. You're more fun than her," Megan said, pointing to Melissa.

Erin followed Megan's finger and looked to Melissa. For a moment, her heart swelled. Melissa was unbound!

Then her heart plummeted. Looking into Melissa's eyes, Erin knew it was hopeless. The girl was clearly in some kind of stupor. She looked on at the four of them through vacant eyes, idly pawing at her crotch.

"She just would not appreciate what was happening to her. She's completely out of it. That's all thanks to your roommate."

"Please," Erin begged.

Megan pulled in close and kissed Erin's cheek. The girl smelled so sweet, her body seeming to exude an odor of pure attraction. It made Erin's head swim.

"For a goodie-two-shoes, you put up one hell of a fight," Megan said. "I'm impressed. You're pretty cute too."

Then the girl unceremoniously yanked Erin's skirt down again, this time to around her knees. Caressing Erin's supple dark thigh flesh, Megan sighed deeply and seemed to prepare herself.

One more time, Erin thought. Just try one more time. You have to!

Erin jammed her hips to the side and tried to free a foot from Lily's grasp. She almost got it before her roommate grabbed hold of the inside of her calf and slammed her leg back down.

"Can you put it in already?" The blonde asked frantically. "She keeps fighting."

Put it in? Erin's eyes bulged out of their sockets on hearing this. It was obvious with her skirt pulled down and the wiggling thing in Megan's hand being shaped the way it was, but hearing it all put into words. Hearing it made real brought a new level of surreal horror to the situation.

"Fine," Megan said. "You guys are no fun."

She turned to Erin and smiled gently.

"Such a prim and proper little girl. Always following the rules and going by the book. I had you pegged the day I met you."

"She wants to be an RA," Lily chimed in.

"That follows. Well Erin, let's see how long you stay a good girl with this crawling between your legs."

Megan lifted the worm up for Erin to see. Droplets of slime oozed from it's wriggling body. That was her future, her destiny.

"No! Get it away! Get it away!" Erin screamed at the top of her lungs.

"Are you sure you don't want to gag her?" The blonde asked again.

"Not on your life."

"Melissa, help!" Erin screamed desperately craning her neck to see her friend. "Help me please God. You have to help me."

Melissa looked up at her and for a moment, the fever seemed to break. A single drop of clarity filled the girl and her eyes widened as she looked at the scene in front of her.

Then it all collapsed. Melissa, overwhelmed by whatever drug or freak substance Lily had put in her, fell back into her stupor, her fingers running over her crotch.

Erin burned with a suffocating mixture of anger, frenzy, and sorrow. Melissa was right there and all she could do was touch herself while her friend's life ended.

"Help me for God's sake. Don't just sit there! Please, oh god, please!"

Erin sobbed now, feeling her voice go hoarse.

Then Megan cupped Erin's cheek and pulled her into a forceful, wet kiss. As she pulled away, their lips connected by a slight rope of saliva, she whispered to Erin.

"Welcome to the sisterhood."

Suddenly, Erin felt something hot and wet push against her nether lips. She screamed in horror and once again tried to break free, but her hands and arms were held too tight for escape.

The thing between her legs was pushing against her, trying desperately to get in. It was so big. Too big.

"It hurts! You're ripping me apart!" Erin screamed.

Megan threw her head back and moaned gleefully.

"Goddamn you're tight. There's virgins, but this is next level."

The creature was pushing harder against Erin, it's slime coating her labia and clitoris. Where it touched, it seemed to light up her nerves. Erin felt her crotch beginning to throb as the creature continued its assault.

It's too big, Erin panicked. It's going to tear me in half.

At that moment, she felt the creature slam into her vagina, aided by Megan, who was pushing it forward. Mind bending pain exploded between Erin's legs as she felt her vagina slowly but surely stretch apart to accommodate the throbbing hot bulk of the creature. The head of the repulsive thing steadily nudged its way into Erin's tight, virgin slit.

Erin screamed. She screamed until her lungs emptied of air and then she screamed again. Her throat burned from screaming, but she did not care. The pain and trauma of what was happening between her legs was too great.

With a wrenching agony, Erin felt the entire bulbous head of the creature enter her. Something hot was trickling from her ruined crotch.

The feeling of the thing inside of her was pure agony. It was so big and it stretched her tight slit well beyond capacity.

"Yes!" Megan cheered. "I was beginning to worry."

"Pull it out!" Erin whimpered. "Pull it out of me. I can't take it."

Megan stroked Erin's face and smiled.

Now that the head was firmly lodged inside of Erin, the rest of the body was following suit. The creature moved slowly, inch-by-inch. Powerful muscles in the body of the creature allowed it wriggle its way deeper. Meanwhile, the slime lit up every surface it touched with pleasure.

The tingling warmth Erin felt from the creature's fluids only made the experience even more humiliating. Her own body was betraying her. The unwanted arousal stimulated her vaginal muscles and Erin could feel her body welcoming the invader deeper even as she desperately tried to resist it.

"I can't wait to see what you become," Megan said. "Baby sister."

So much of the unholy creature was inside of Erin already. Nearly half of its length was now planted within her and its entry was only getting easier. A stream of juices flowed from Erin's crotch, a mixture of blood, slime, and, with the ever increasing pleasure, girl cum.

"I don't want this," Erin bawled. "Get it out. Get it out!"

Megan ran fingers along Erin's pussy lips and laughed.

"Your body is saying something different."


Instead, Megan touched her index finger to Erin's clit and began to massage it. A fresh flood of unwanted stimulation shot through Erin's body and she felt the worm quicken its pace. Most of it was already in her, with only a few inches of tail still flicking from her pussy.

"Once it's all the way in," Megan said, addressing the blonde. "I want you to remove the duct tape and let her go."

"What? What if she runs?"

Megan nodded, looking down at the sobbing, whimpering girl below her.

"Oh, I'm counting on it."

"Fine," the blonde said.

The last few inches of tail flicked once, twice, and disappeared completely within Erin's vagina. The girl could sense it entering her completely and could feel it getting closer and closer to her center. She screamed and her body seized up, her vagina spasming in a strange blend of pain and pleasure.

"Cut her loose," Megan said.

The blonde stood up and grabbed her backpack. Rummaging through it, she found the ornate switchblade from Hades room and flicked it open.

Suddenly, a loud groan emanated from the back of the room. All the girls except for Erin turned to see Melissa struggling to her feet. The girl looked like shit, her hair a frizzy mess and her eyes sunken, but she was clearly awake.

"You fuggin' bitch," she said to Megan.

Then she began to stumble towards the girls on the floor with arms outstretched. Megan stared blankly at the girl, seeming unable to process what was happening.

Melissa grabbed Megan by the throat and began to choke her. Megan gagged and struggled against the girl, but found her to be a lot stronger than expected.

"Help!" she gasped.

The blonde surged forward and with her nondominant hand socked Melissa in the stomach, but the girl would not let go. She tried again with the same result.

It was Lily that finally got her. The girl pounced on Melissa, taking her out by the knees and sending her to the ground.

"You fugging bitches," Melissa drunkenly screamed. "I'm going to kill you."

Megan stroked her throat and looked back at Erin. The girl was blubbering on the ground, kicking her legs. Clearly, the creature was settling in for the long run.

"You're too late," she said. "Lindsay, cut her free."

Lindsay cut away Erin's bonds and stepped back from the girl. Erin did not react immediately. She still whimpered quietly, arching her back and kicking her legs every few seconds as the parasite within moved deeper.

Megan commanded her two underlings then.

"Hold this one down and make her watch. Something tells me we're about to be in for a show."

The blonde, Lindsay, and Lily each took an arm and lifted Melissa to her feet. The girl struggled, but with both sides secured, she wasn't going anywhere. Horrified, she gazed down at her friend.

"What did you do to her?"

"I think you saw pretty clearly," Megan said.

"Well what's going to happen to her?"

"Oh, you'll see."

Suddenly, Erin let out an ear piercing scream that put all her others to shame. In that scream was pure agony as if something was tearing her apart from the inside. The girl clutched at her belly and started to babble incessantly.

"Oh God, it's inside me. It's inside me. I feel it. Oh god it's inside of me."

She repeated variations of this over and over. Tears streamed down her face.

Within Erin, a sharp pain had erupted in her core. For a moment, the sensation burned like a hot iron, running from deep inside of her belly to her spine. Then it ceased, replaced by something new. Something alien.

She could feel it crawling up her spine, worming its way into her tissue. Something hot pumped through her, saturating everything it touched.

All the pain died in an instant. The ache of Erin's torn hymen and stretched vaginal canal, her the stinging that etched its way from her womb, all of it. It simply was there one moment and gone the next.

Erin flopped onto her belly and gasped for breath. Something was tearing through her body, molding and reforming little things here and there. It should have been pure agony, but Erin felt no pain. Just movement.

At that moment, a flood of pleasure hit Erin hard, causing her to gasp and writhe. She felt a gush of fluid blast from her vagina as the first of many orgasms rolled over her.

Then came the voices. Little whispers, erupting from deep within her mind, began to speak to her. Erin could hear words and phrases exploding like fireworks in her brain. It was all alien, stemming from something other than her own mind.

Welcome us, Erin.

Let us in.

"No!" Erin whimpered.

She grasped at her crotch in vain, trying desperately to reach in and dislodge the thing inside of her.

In! Let us in! Join us!

"Get out of my head. Get out!"

"Having a little trouble, Erin?" Megan teased.

Erin struggled to her feet only to be hit by another mind numbing orgasm. As the pleasure washed over her brain, she crumpled to her knees. Slime and juices trickled down her slim brown legs.

Let us in! You know you want us in you!

"Erin, fight it!" Melissa cheered.

Erin jolted up and stared at Melissa. She was on her feet now and staring at her in horror.

Now she could move? Well it was too damn late.

Good. Screw her. Let us in.

"I can't," Erin said, cradling her head.

You need us.

"No!" She screamed.

"Erin. This isn't you!" Melissa called. Tears were streaming down her cheeks.

"Shut up!" Erin snapped up.

She scrambled to her feet and pulled up her skirt. Her legs were soaked with her own filth, the fluid cooling her legs in the air of the dorm room.

Erin felt like an alien in her own body. It was as if her insides were all mixed up and warped, and the changes seemed to only be accelerating.

What is happening to me?

Joining. Letting us in.

"But I can't," she whispered. "It's wrong. This is wrong."

Another wave of pleasure caused Erin's legs to buckle. The voices were multiplying, swimming deeper into her mind. Her head throbbed as new, bizarre thoughts filled it.

Megan slinked begins Erin and wrapped her arms around the girl's midsection.

"It's okay, just give in. You'll feel a lot better if you do."

"No," Erin cried. "Get away from me."

Erin pulled away from Megan and cradled her head in her hands, tears flowing down her cheeks.

"It's in my head. It's in my fucking head."

"Just let it take you," Megan said.

"No! Fight it!" Melissa screamed.

"Shut up," Erin growled bitterly. "Both of you. Stay away from me."

Melissa stared horrified at Erin. Seeing her like that made Erin burn with shame.

Why did she have to look at me like that? This was her fault, after all.

Her fault. Let us in.

Erin doubled over, desperately grasping at her temples. Her whole body felt hot and tingly. The sensation was so intense that it almost hurt. The whispers scratched at her brain, begging to be let in. Waves of orgasms splashed over her, one after another.

"It's too much. I can't stop it," she sobbed. "It's coming in."

"Erin please," Melissa cried. "This isn't you."

"Shut up!"

For a moment, Erin's eyes blazed with the same green fire as the other infected girls. She trembled in front of the others, her mind fragmenting.

Then she snapped.

"Oh God," Erin cried.

Then she turned, ripped open the door and ran out of the room.

"Should we follow her?" Lindsay asked.

"Nah," Megan said. "She'll turn up soon enough."


Penny Atwood stood at the side entrance of her dorm and fumbled for her key card in her purse. The light around campus was dying out, giving rise to a cool Autumn night with just a touch of fog. Penny didn't like this one bit; it creeped her out.

Every few seconds, Penny would dart her eyes around, searching in the shadows for some kind of threat. This only made the search for her keycard harder and with her awful eyesight, it was a wasteful task. Still, the girl could not help herself. She was a scaredy cat.

Penny's fingers kicked onto the cool, sleek plastic of the card. She pulled it out and struck a pose.

"Got ya!" She cheered.

"Penny!" A harsh voice shouted from behind her.

Penny screamed, dropping her card, her bag, and her last wit. She stumbled forward and slammed into the door, where she remained for a couple seconds, whimpering.

"Jesus Christ," the voice said. "What's the matter with you?"

Penny recognized it now. Her body eased, but she still breathed heavily, her heart beating in her chest.

"Hey Eliza," she said. "What's up?"

Penny gazed longingly at the elfen redhead. She was everything Penny was not. Gorgeous, skinny, incredibly sharp, and extremely assertive. If a mirror could show opposites, that was the sensation of looking at Eliza Penbrooke.

"Your roommate. Where is she? Have you seen her? Take me to her?"

Eliza stepped in close and jabbed her pointer finger into Penny's shoulder.

"Hey! I don't know!" Penny cried. "I've been gone from campus all week!"

"Why?" Eliza asked sharply.

"Uh-Um-a family emergency! Please Eliza, you're scaring me. I don't know where Lindsay is. Why?"

Eliza glared fire at Penny for a moment and then backed off.

"I'll believe that. Here, I'm coming to your room with you."

Eliza pushed pat Penny and swiped the door open. Penny picked up her keycard and stared at it morosely for a moment.

"Hey, wait! You still haven't told me about Lindsay," Penny called after Eliza.

"Not now," Eliza said, marching down the hall.

Penny followed her in, jogging to catch up. As she moved, she was aware of every jiggle and roll. She hated running normally, but in the presence of the avatar or petite bodies, the sensation was deeply painful.

"But she's my roommate, Eliza! I deserve to know if there's something wrong with her."

Eliza ignored her. Instead, she reached Penny's door and began to slam on it as hard as she could. There was no response.

"Hey! Easy girl," Penny said.

This elicited a caustic glare from Eliza and nothing more. The pounding resumed.

From across the hall, a sleepy looking girl with overgrown black hair stepped out. Penny recognized her as Cece Ramírez.

"What's going on? Everything okay?" Cece said in a slurred, exhausted voice.

Penny eyed her hallmate with the same look of somber frustration she gave to Eliza. There had not come a moment yet where Penny had seen Cece without a pair of pajamas or sweatpants and some kind of slouchy shirt. Despite this, she was gorgeous!

Long, unkempt curls of black hair. Full cherry lips and soft skin with just a touch of mocha mixed with a generous helping of cream for color. A good figure - though this Penny was not too sure of as Cece almost exclusively wore shirts a size or two too large. The girl was too sleepy to know she was hot and still beat Penny out any day of the week.

"Things are fine," Eliza said, pounding hard on the door once more.

"She's obviously not in there Eliza!" Penny said.

All of this commotion was making her sick to her stomach.

Eliza glared at Penny and the girl felt herself wither like a rose covered in bleach. No, not a rose. Roses were pretty, no matter what. A dandelion pumped full of weed killer. Nothing remarkable and dead before anyone noticed.

"Can you keep it down a little? You know, with the banging like an ape?" Cece asked.

Eliza whirled on the girl, clearly ready to explode, but Cece was already disappearing back into her dark room.

"Fuck her," Eliza said loud enough to clearly be heard.

"Here. I'll open the door for you. I can text Lindsay too. Look, if you tell me what's wrong, I can help. I want to help." Penny said.

Eliza softened a little and nodded.

Opening the door revealed nothing of particular note. The room was as Penny had left it, for the most part. Lindsay's bed was a complete mess, but it would have been strange if it was made.

The only strange thing Penny noticed was a slight yet distinct smell in the room. After a good month living in the dorms, she learned to recognize the smell of the halls and her room. A musty, woody scent sat as a backdrop to the comings and goings of college life and it was now unmistakable.

However, the smell in Penny's room now was something different. Something sweet and heady with a wild, organic touch.

"Do you smell that?" Penny asked Eliza.


"It smells funny in here."

Eliza sniffed the air and shrugged her shoulders.

"I guess. I figured it was an air freshener."

"It's not. We don't have one. At least, we didn't before I left campus."

"Got it," Eliza said. "Mind if I check around?"

"Uh, sure. But what's up? I feel like I deserve to know what's going on with Lindsay since I kinda have to live with her."

"Fair's fair. To put it simply: your roommate put one of my friends in the hospital."

Penny's breath caught in her throat. The world seemed to spin around her and her head felt light.

"Jesus Christ! She beat someone up?"

"No. I don't know what she did. I just know she did it. Do you know Micah?"

"Um, I'm not sure. I don't really know a lot of people. She's your friend. I just have to live with Lindsay."

"Artsy guy that hangs around Lindsay sometimes. Trying to grow a beard but not really getting there?"

Penny recognized him and nodded her head.

"Well she did something to make him really, really sick. He's in the hospital with some kind of pernicious anemia. Low white blood cell counts. Weak. Pale. It really fucked him up."

Pernicious anemia was a term that rang a bell. Penny tried to search back through the disorganized filing of her brain and tried to find where she heard it before.

"Salem's Lot!" she said suddenly.

Eliza looked at her like she had horns growing out of her head.

"Pernicious anemia. Salem's Lot. It's a Stephen King book. Vampires. People bitten by vampires start exhibiting pernicious anemia before dying and, um, becoming more vampires."

"Good for you, I guess?"

Penny blushed. Sometimes she got carried away and showed her ass. She hated this.

"I can text Lindsay and try to find her," she said.

"Yeah, do that."

"I'll let you know when I find her."

Eliza flashed a bright, maniacal grin at Penny.

"Oh, I'm not going anywhere until she comes back here."

Penny deflated. After a week of funerals, tense family dinners, and dreaded board game healing nights, she desperately needed space and this little redheaded rage pixie wasn't going to give it to her.

"Fine," she said. "Absolutely fine."


There was a steadily growing pool of vomit spreading across the brick walkway by McCreedy Hall. Haley watched as the blonde girl spewed chunks of half-digested scrambled eggs and bits of fruit.

Most of the slime had been wiped off of the girl, but she still seemed to be puking from getting a faceful of it.

Finally, the girl dry heaved and managed to compose herself a little. She looked like death.

"I'm sure you have a lot of questions," she muttered. "But give me a minute."

"That's fine," Haley said.

She was cold and every muscle seemed to tremble, but despite all this, the world felt lighter. She was here, alive.

The blonde girl rose to her feet, spit into the grass, and shook out her messy hair.

"Hi, there," she said, extending a hand.

"Uh, hi," Haley said.

"You aren't turned, that's great."

The girl leaned back against the brickwork of the academic building and closed her eyes. She looked peaceful and very beautiful in that moment.

"What do you mean, turned?" Haley asked.

The blonde opened her eyes a smidge and snorted.

"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."

"I just got attacked by some freak and her pet worm, I'm feeling pretty open minded."

"I guess that's fair," the blonde said. "Do you want the politically correct version or the honest version?"

This seemed like such a strange thing to say for Haley.

"Honest, I guess?"

"So you've got those worms," the blonde said.

She held out her hand wiggled it in pantomime.

"Then you've got pussy."

She made an O with her other hand. Then she thrust her arm through the whole and feigned a scream.

"Then the girl with said pussy goes nuts, becomes a psycho-bitch, and tries to rape her best friend. That's the best I've been able to put it together so far."

Haley stood there speechless.

"I can tell you're unconvinced," the blonde said.

"Unconvinced? No. Disturbed? Yes."

"Hey! Welcome to the club!"

The blonde gave Haley an awkward high five.

"I haven't slept in the last," the girl paused and tried to count the hours on her fingers. "I haven't slept for a long fucking time."

"So what do we do?" Haley asked.

The girl stared at her blankly. For a moment, Haley worried that the girl was going to barf again. The way she swayed back and forth slightly along with her loopy demeanor made her seem drunk.

"You know, I haven't really thought that far ahead," the blonde said finally.

"We have to do something. We should go to the police!"

"Cool, what are you going to tell them?"

Haley thought about this for a moment.

"What you told me. If both of us go, it'll seem more credible. Especially with the deaths and everything else going on. Heck, it's probably related."

"Oh, I'm sure it is. I'm also sure the police will either laugh in our faces or worse."

"But we can corroborate what's going on!"

The blonde stumbled over and placed a hand on Haley's shoulder. Her breath reeked of vomited eggs.

"We're college girls coming to them with the plot of a bad SciFi channel original movie. Even if we back our statements up, what are they going to believe? The worm pussy girl invasion or that we're high as shit?"

Haley brushed the blonde's hand away and paced back and forth in the grass. She knew it was true. If they took a direct approach, it was hopeless.

"What if we just gave them a tip. Said so-and-so is involved with the deaths on campus. Nothing more. Then they could do the investigation."

The blonde girl sighed deeply and went back to leaning against the wall, her eyes closed.

"You're really set on this, aren't you," she said.

"How are you not set on this?"

The blonde shrugged and slumped to the ground. There were deep purple circles around her eyes.

"I just want to sleep."

"Can't we got to the police first?"

"And waste like three hours for nothing?"

Haley could feel her blood pressure rising. It was like trying to move a boulder with her pinky finger to convince this girl to do anything but sleep.

Remember, she saved your life.

That knocked the wind out of her sails. Haley's pale cheeks flushed red from guilt in that moment.

She crouched down next to the girl and placed her hand on the girl's shoulder. What was she supposed to do? Haley hated how bad she was at reaching out to other people. The moment just grew more and more awkward.

"Yes? Can I help you?" The blonde asked.

"You can take a catnap at my dorm, if you're comfortable with that."

The blonde stared wide-eyed at Haley for a second. Then she lunged forward and pulled her into a crushing hug.

Haley patted the girl's back, unsure of what to do or say.

"Thank you," the blonde whispered.

"Sure thing," Haley said. "And after, we'll go to the police?"

"Yeah, if you want. That's fine. Thank you so much-" the blonde trailed off. "I don't even know your name."


"You're the best, Haley." The blonde said. "I'm Jessie."


Bethany stood outside of Warren Hall, feeling ever more awkward lurking in the shadows. What would she do if Eliza came storming out of the dorm?

Eliza was plunging head first into something that she didn't understand, Bethany knew that. Was there much use in following her down that rabbit hole?

From her right along the path came a rustling sound of foliage being trampled. Bethany turned to look and saw weeds deforming and moving to the sides as something crawled onto the path some hundred feet away.

It looked a little like a snake, but fatter and shorter. It seemed to move in a similar, slithering way, but at a slower pace than the garter snakes that sometimes roamed the campus. Its body was a deep, dark green and reflected the lights from the path as if it was wet. The creature raised what looked like its head and sniffed the air before turning towards Bethany.

The creature took off towards her, slithering along the pavement.

That can't be good, Bethany mused.

She started backing up, keeping her eyes fixed on the approaching creature. It was still a good distance away, but it moved faster than Bethany initially gave it credit for.

"Why don't we chill out, Mr. Worm," Bethany mumbled to herself, quickening her pace. "Please don't eat me."

The worm was now about fifty feet away and still closing the distance. Bethany could see a light trail of emerald slime following it along the pavement.

She turned around and prepared to sprint away, but instead slammed right into a large male body. Bouncing backwards, Bethany panicked and fixed her eyes on the figure in front of her.

He was a college boy with short-cut brownish black hair and piercing blue eyes. He smirked at her, but the look didn't carry any cruelty with it.

Bethany heard a female giggle come from behind the boy.

"Watch where you're going, Beth!" Ellie Thomas said, stepping into view.

Bethany stared at the pair in disbelief and then looked back frantically, remembering the worm. It was still there and now only twenty or so feet away. It was still making its way towards her.

"It's coming over here," Bethany said, jabbing her finger in the direction of the approaching worm.

Ellie looked down the path and squealed in horror, cupping her rounded face. She scrambled backwards, behind the boy, leaving Bethany in the direct line of fire of the rapidly approaching creature.

"Gee thanks, El!" Bethany shouted, darting away from the path as the worm closed in.

The boy stepped forward squatted to get a better look at the creature. He still hadn't said a word.

"Get away from that thing, Jon!" Ellie screamed.

So this was Jon, Bethany thought. He didn't seem all that impressive to her.

Jon ignored Ellie's pleas and reached down to try and touch the worm as it crawled between his legs. His hands brushed lightly over the wet surface of the creature as it moved onward. It clearly was not interested in him.

Instead, the creature shot past Jon towards Ellie.

"Ew!" Ellie screamed. "Jon, stop it!"

Jon turned and stared blankly at the thing as it closed in on his girlfriend. There was something so hollow about the way he looked on at the scene. It gave Bethany the chills.

Ellie awkwardly stumbled backwards as the creature approached the base of her foot. Watching in what felt like slow motion, Bethany could see the uneven brick behind the girl, could tell exactly what was about to happen next.

Her heel catching in the depression in the pathway, Ellie's legs flew out from under her. The girl tumbled onto her ass. Bethany watched as her friend's mop of golden curls bounced into a hairy orb before settling in a tangled mess.

The worm slid over Ellie's left sneaker and coiled itself around her leg, oozing nasty mucus across her pale skin. Jon still just watched, the vague smirk on his face never leaving.

Okay, I'm not letting this go any further, Bethany thought.

She shot forward, Ellie's frantic squeals and gibberings breaking her out of her previous funk. Pushing Jon out of the way and diving down, Bethany seized the worm just before it slipped under the skirt of Ellie's denim dress.

The feeling of the creature in Bethany's hands was unreal. The way it squirmed against her palms indicated immense strength for such a small creature. Too much longer and it was going to slip out of her grip.

"Hey loverboy," she shouted at Jon. "Help me for god's sake!"

The boy ambled over and held out his hands.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Help!" Bethany cried, handing the creature out to him.

As Jon reached for it, the worm spasmed and fell to the ground. It hit, bounced, and then immediately regained its bearings. This time, its target was Bethany. It pounced at her right leg, coiled around her ankle, and began to work its way up her leg at a startling pace.

Bethany screamed and fell backwards onto her butt, desperately clawing at the attacking monster. Even trying desperately to grip the creature, Bethany still failed to stop the creature from worming its way up to her thigh. Her hands were slick now and stopping the creature was only getting harder.

Looking up, Bethany saw Jon staring down at her, smirking. He looked curious and otherwise unconcerned.

Bethany felt the thing slide its warm, hot body to the upper part of her inner thigh and panic truly set in. She cried and whimpered, pleading for help. Jon still just looked with vague curiosity.

"Goddamnit Jon!" Ellie cried suddenly.

She dove down on Bethany, grabbed the writhing creature in her small, delicate hands, and ripped it away. Without skipping a beat, Ellie tossed the thing hard on the ground.

"Kill it, Jon! Kill it," she cried to her boyfriend, slapping him hard on the back.

Jon stomped on the thing once, twice, and on the third time smashed its body. The creature raised its head to him and seemed to gaze into his eyes in its final moments.

Then it shot a death gout of green blood and fluid straight at Jon, covering his shirt, arms, and a little bit of his face.

"Fuck!" he cried.

Ellie ignored him. Instead, she turned her focus back to Bethany.

"Are you okay?" Ellie cried. "I'm so sorry! Beth this is all my fault!"

"You're fine, El," Bethany said, getting to her feet.

"What about me?" Jon sneered.

The boy was sloughing off goo with his fingers. His smirk was finally gone.

"That's what you get for not being helpful!" Ellie yelled.

"Whatever. I'm sorry."

"It's fine," Bethany said, eyeing him carefully.

He was just going to let it happen, she thought. He wanted to know what it was going to do.

"Look," Jon said. "I'm going to clean myself off. You're okay, um, Beth?"

"Bethany. And yes."

"Ellie, I'll meet you in Warren?"

"Whatever you want."

Jon turned without saying another word and walked off in the direction of the dormitory. Bethany and Ellie were left in the sullen aftermath, the rain coming down in a soft mist upon them.

"I'm sorry for him," Ellie said. "He can be kind of strange."

Bethany stood back up and scooped off some of the slime on her leg.

"So that's the famous boyfriend I've been hearing about," Bethany said.

"You don't like him," Ellie said.

"It doesn't matter what I think, El."

Ellie shook her head and scrunched her nose. It always amazed Bethany just how terminally cute Ellie could manage to look without trying.

"It does," she said. "It matters to me."

"Fine, do you want my honest opinion?"

Ellie nodded. Her eyes were crystal blue and very large. Bethany was well over a head taller than Ellie, giving her the peculiar sensation that she was talking to a child. That wide-eyed look, it was one that screamed vulnerability.

This is the first time she's ever had someone, Bethany reminded herself. Don't take that away from her.

"He seems fine," Bethany lied. "I'm sure he just got caught off guard. I would have been too."

Ellie's expression lightened considerably. Without warning, she pulled Bethany into a close hug.

"I'm glad you like him!"

"Well I didn't say I liked him," Bethany muttered.

"I'm just glad I have your approval now!"

"Great," Bethany said.

Ellie looked to the dormitory and back at Bethany.

"Before I go," she said. "Have you heard from Dan? I keep trying to get him to visit."

With you and Mr. Smug together, that is a very bad idea.

Bethany bit her tongue.

"He seems like he's having a blast at UVA," she said. "We'll all have to hang out during Thanksgiving break."

"Oh that'll be fun!" Ellie said. "I bet he'll be bringing back a girlfriend knowing him."

That's a losing bet, Bethany thought.

"Well, are you okay to be all alone?" Ellie asked. "I have to head in, but I can wait with you."

"I'm fine. I'm going to head home and maybe catch some shuteye."

"Got it! Well, see you later Beth!"

As Ellie ran off towards Warren hall, Bethany stopped her.



"Just be careful with him."

Ellie nodded and ran into the dorm.


Penny unpacked her clothes and folded them onto her bed while Eliza sat on Lindsay's bed and scowled at every possible thing in the room, saying nothing. The silence was suffocating.

Finally, Penny began to hum to herself faintly. She made it through about half of the first verse of Hey Jude when Eliza cut her off.

"Will you stop that?" she snapped. "I'm trying to think."

"About what?"

Eliza shushed her and went back to glaring at the ceiling.

"Whatever," Penny muttered.

If Penny was being honest with herself, even this awkward back-and-forth was a relief. After a somber week filled with a wake, a funeral, and a family breakdown, there was something strangely comforting about the presence of the angry little redhead. She was like an adorable puppy that tried to bite you if you got too close. Or you talked. Or did anything at all.

The one thing that bothered Penny was just how good looking Eliza managed to be while pissed off. She rocked a scowl with her scarlett pixie cut and her elfen features. Tantrums suddenly looked dignified.

Penny turned to face the mirror on the back of the door and scrunched her face up like she was mad for a moment. She just looked like she had to take a really big shit. Even worse, she was heavy enough to gain a double chin when she frowned. Life was full of minor practical jokes like that.

"What are you doing?" Eliza said.


"Am I bothering you?"

"Not at all! Honestly, it's nice to have company. It was a lonely week and-"

Eliza cut her off.

"Fine. Good."

Back to scowling.

Penny grabbed the stack of panties she had built on her bed, taking a moment to balefully reflect on how big and unattractive they all looked. Each pair was a bland, single pastel color and they were all granny-panty types. Never in a million years was Penny going to be allowed to wear a thong or even lingerie.

Eliza probably had a butt as tight and firm as a volleyball. Suddenly, Penny got an image of a pair of fat volleyballs sticking out from Eliza's behind, the girl glaring with that deadly serious expression all the while. Penny covered her mouth to stifle the laughter.

She stepped over to her underwear drawer and without looking opened it. That's when it came out.

All of a sudden, a flash of dark green surged out of the drawer at Penny. Something slimy and warm slapped across Penny's shoulder and immediately began to snake its way downward, towards the opening in Penny's shirt.

The girl panicked, screamed, and began to stumble across the room.

"What the fuck is the matter with you?" Eliza yelled.

Penny spun around and clawed at her shoulder, trying in vain to rip the thing off of her. It was already halfway through the opening in her shirt. She could feel hot, viscous slime beginning to coat her breasts through her bra.

"Get it off!" Penny shrieked. "Get it off! Get it off, Get it off!

Eliza shot off the bed and grabbed Penny by the arms, trying to get a good look at the thing crawling down the girl's shirt. It was a giant worm or snake or something. Whatever it was, it looked disgusting.

For a split second, Eliza watched the creature glisten in the dorm room fluorescents before sipping under Penny's light blue shirt completely.

"What are you waiting for?" Penny screamed.

"Just shut up and let me think."

"Don't tell me to shut up!"

Penny was now in hysterics, shaking and flapping her arms.

Eliza grabbed the bottom of Penny's shirt and yanked it up over the girl's head. Meanwhile, Penny screamed her head off, but the shirt muffled it a little. Across the girl's pudgy midsection was a long trail of thick green slime.

For Penny, this moment was turning into a full blown panic attack. Something terribly alive was slithering ever lower down her body, leaving a trail of thick, sweet mucus that made her head spin. On top of that, she could not move her goddamn arms.

Eliza could see the worm clearly now. It was about five or six inches long and about an inch thick, accept at what Eliza could only describe as the head, which thickened into a bulbous mound. The creature was black mottled with spots of dark green, but the underlying texture was hard to make out with the amount of slime covering its surface.

Eliza watched the creature slide down Penny's plump belly and start to pry at the waistband of the girl's skirt. At that moment, Eliza snapped out of her funk and moved.

Reaching with both hands, she seized the creature in her fingers and yanked it away from Penny just as it began to poke its head down the girl's skirt.

Penny tumbled backwards, the shirt still over her head, before slumping against her bed.

Meanwhile, Eliza stared blankly at the worm in her hands. The creature writhed violently for a few seconds before it seemed to stop. Eliza felt a strange, growing vibration and suddenly a jet of green slime shot up from the head, splattering on the ceiling.

"Shit!" She screamed, throwing the worm across the room towards the door.

It took no time for the creature to regain its bearings. It spun around and began to slither inwards, now gunning for Eliza.

"Penny, fucking help me!"

Penny had just yanked her shirt back down and was idly sloshing off green mucus here and there. She looked down at the slithering creature, finally getting a good look at her attacker. Then she screamed yet again.

"Are you always this useless?"

Eliza stepped backwards as the worm slowly cornered her. At that moment, the door flew open and Cece Ramírez stormed in, her normally sleepy eyes blazing.

"What the fuck is wrong with you two?" She cried.

Eliza desperately pointed at the approaching monstrosity. Cece's expression shifted immediately to something Eliza could not discern. Then the girl ran out of the room.

The creature slithered closer.

Cece Ramírez returned a moment later holding a big glass bowl. For some godforsaken reason, she looked elated.

Just as the worm inched its way to Eliza's feet, Cece descended on it with the overturned bowl, trapping it behind the glass. While the creature slammed hard against the glass, Cece held the bowl in place.

"I think I'll call you Sweet Wormengarde," the girl said affectionately to the captured animal.

Eliza and Penny just stared at Cece in horror and disbelief.


Penny snapped a picture of the worm as it swam through the water of the mid-sized aquarium/terrarium hybrid and sent it to Lindsay with the caption "what the fuck?"

"So what is it?" She asked Cece.

The room was filled with a cacophony of buzzing motors and trickling water from several different aquariums and terrariums, both large and small. They even covered one of the bed frames, the mattress having been removed and replaced with a sheet of plywood.

Cece shrugged her shoulders.

"Wormy is whatever she wants to be."

The girl tracked the worm in the water with her finger affectionately. It followed her finger relentlessly whenever she got near.

"So you have no clue," Eliza said.

"Yeah, pretty much."

"What do we do? My roommate's gone psycho. Why would she put this thing in my panties drawer?"

Eliza peered at the thing as it swam frantically through the water.

"I mean, it kind of fits, in a sick way. It has a rather familiar shape," she said.

Penny looked at the thing and at first didn't understand. She traced her eyes along its wiggling, tube like mass, up to the bulge of greenish-black flesh that seemed to be its head. The creature looked like an eel, but that didn't have anything to do with panties. Penny tried to imagine it crawling through narrow burrows under the sea floor. Squeezing through narrow passage ways. Pushing its head into tight openings.

It clicked.

"Ew! Stop being gross!"

"I'm not the one who stuck this monster with your panties."

"Hey!" Cece snapped. "Sweet Wormengarde is not a monster."

Eliza and Penny both gave the girl baffled looks, but back off when they saw the sheer level of anger and sincerity in the girl's face.

"Thanks for taking it, Cece," Penny said sheepishly.

"Yeah," Eliza added. "Thanks for, um, helping me."

"That's better," Cece said with a smirk.

She grabbed a label maker on her desk, one of two surfaces not covered in animal habitats, and printed out a label reading "Sweet Wormengarde - Unknown". Then she carefully slid the label across the very top right corner of the aquarium.

"How do you know it won't drown?" Penny asked.

The creature seemed to swim just fine, but it must have spent a while in the air waiting for Penny to find it. At the very least, it seemed to survive just fine in land.

"I got this habitat for a bullfrog. It's got a mix of aquatic and land environments, as you can see," Cece pointed to a dismal gray island with a pot of fake grass that took up nearly a quarter of the tank. "It's sloped so wormy can get back on land if she needs to. I stuck her on land first while you were cleaning up, but she seems to like swimming better."

"Are you sure it's safe to have this thing?" Eliza asked. "I mean, it straight up attacked Penny. In fact, I'm pretty sure it was going for your crotch!"

Eliza grinned maniacally and jabbed Penny in the ribs. Being around the little pixie bitch was getting old quick.

"Very funny," Penny said.

Cece grabbed a glass jar full of cubes of dried brown matter labeled "brine shrimp" and pulled out a handful. Through the grating on top of the aquarium, she dropped these cubes one by one. They plopped into the water and started to break apart.

At first, the creature within the aquarium did not react. It swam up and down, bouncing against the disintegrating brine shrimp. Then, perking up its bulbous head, it approached one of the more solid cubes.

The girls watched in awe and mild disgust as the head of the creature expanded, revealing a hole that they could only assume was the mouth. This hole was big enough to fit a marble when fully opened. In an instant, the worm inhaled the cube of soggy brine shrimp into its mouth and swam back down into the depths. A moment later, it popped back up and grabbed another cube.

It repeated this process until nothing was left. It never slowed down its feeding and seemed perfectly read for more. It wiggled its body and seemed to look at Cece expectantly.

"To answer your question," Cece said finally. "I have a tarantula and a scorpion as well. Safety isn't big on my list of concerns."

"Suit yourself. That thing gives me the creeps," Eliza said.

"Well it's a good thing you won't be caring for her then," Cece said.

At that moment, Penny's phone chimed with a text message. It was from Lindsay.

"I take it you didn't like your homecoming gift?" It read.

Penny furrowed her brow. Was Lindsay really trying to joke through this? The level of immaturity was astounding.

"What? What is it?" Eliza asked.

"It's our favorite person."

Penny showed Eliza the text.

"Tell her you want to meet up and talk."

"Fine," Penny said.

She texted this to Lindsay and a minute later got a response.

"I'm at Carter Hall. Room 124. Meet me there?"

"She wants to meet at Carter Hall. This sounds weird."

"Tell her you're coming," Eliza said. "Don't mention me. I want to catch her off guard."

"Fine," Penny said.

She had a sinking feeling in her gut. Something was wrong, that much was obvious. There was so little they actually knew.

"Alright," Eliza said. "Carter is a ten minute walk. Let's go. Cece, thanks for the help and good luck with your worm."

"Au Revoir," Cece said as she dumped another heaping of brine shrimp into the tank. The creature within guzzled down the particulate.

Before they left, Penny dashed back into her room and came out holding a wooden softball bat.

"What the hell are you bringing that thing for?" Eliza asked.

"Between the worms and the deaths and Lindsay being all weird, I don't feel safe."

"Come on, that's stupid. Put that thing away."

"No! You weren't the one with the monster worm crawling all over you!"

"Fine," Eliza said, sighing. "Come on. Let's head out."


Now that she could move her arms and legs, Melissa was bound. That cruel irony seemed to define her night.

Her wrists and hands were bound with duct tape and each ankle was bound to one bed post by rope. She could wiggle a little, but otherwise was rendered immobile. There was a strip of duct tape covering her mouth.

In her mind, memories flashed at irregular intervals. Visions of Erin, of her crying for help. Memory of the feeling. Melissa, feeling her pussy throb like never before, unable to get up and help. Unable to even register the situation. Just watching vacantly as her friend was defiled.

The girls were talking amongst themselves.

"I don't see why we don't grab one of the eggs that's ready to hatch and just leave it between her legs. It's not like she can fight it," the blonde one, Lindsay, said.

"Because," Megan said. "It's not fun that way."

"Well then what is fun? Turning other girls in fun."

Megan sighed and walked over to Melissa, running her hand along the girl's belly.

"What's fun is letting our newest sister turn her former friend when she's finally ready."

Melissa's blood ran cold. She could barely wrap her head around the last few hours and what she did understand terrified her. What was happening to Erin? What was that thing they put inside of her?

"Great," Lindsay said. "That could take hours. You don't even know where the little bitch went."

"I'm sure she's around here," Megan said.

"How are you sure?"

Megan shrugged.

"A hunch."

"Well what are we supposed to do?"

Lily was clutching her belly and looking on the verge of tears. Lindsay just looked pissed.

"One of you is going to have to watch her."

Melissa shifted herself slightly, trying to get a good idea of how much mobility she could manage. Her legs were secured tightly and spread in a way that made her feel vaguely ill having seen Erin's fate only minutes earlier. Her wrists were bound tightly as well, but they were not attached to the bed. That was something, at least.

"Nose ghost!" Lindsay said.

Lilly refused to look up. The girl seemed dejected. Every few minutes, she would eye Melissa with a mix of desire and sadness.

"I feel so empty," she muttered. "Why did you take it from me?"

"What is she on about?" Megan asked.

"I think she's upset that you took her baby from her," Lindsay said.

"Oh. Sorry, I guess."

Lily looked up at Megan, her eyes glistening with tears.

"Will there be another one? I want a chance to give it to someone. It was feeling so good."

"Sure," Megan said. "Just go find someone to fuck."

"So is that how it works?" Lindsay asked. "Because I'm empty right now and I haven't fucked a guy since last night."

Megan shrugged. Her patience with the other two was clearly waning.

"I don't know. Seems like it. I fucked two guys to death yesterday and pushed out that monstrosity a couple hours later. I haven't had anything since."

"So if I fuck, then I'll give birth to another one?"

"Yeah, sure. Just don't kill someone. Why don't you run along, Lily?"

Lindsay stared daggers at Megan. Melissa watched as the girl tensed, looking ready to punch Megan. Then she relented.

"I can't fuck. I can't turn anyone. You owe me if you let her go have fun."

"Oh my God, you really are going to drag your feet on this. Yes, fine. What do you want out of this?"

Melissa watched the girls carefully. The last thing she needed was them getting suspicious of her. Her heart pounded harder than it ever had. She was trapped, tied up, and apparently living in a crazy science fiction story.

After seeing Erin violated by that creature, nothing felt real anymore. It only seemed stranger to have the girls bickering like this. This never happened in the movies.

"I want you to bring me a really hot girl to turn," Lindsay said. "I'm talking ten out of ten babe. One of your cheerleader friends, maybe."

"Oh yeah, I forgot about those," Megan said. She looked pensive for a moment and then refocused. "Fine. I'll find you a really hot girl or whatever. Just watch this one right now."


At least I have a little time, Melissa thought. She looked down and saw the bump of her phone in her pocket. Her fingers were almost completely immobile, but the tips stuck out from the duct tape. If she could just get it out of her pocket, there was hope. Especially with the girls bickering.

"Alright, we're agreed then," Megan said. "I'm going to find our newest convert. You're going to watch pepperspray bitch over here. Lily, put on some clothes and find someone's bone to jump."

Melissa kept a close eye on each of the girls and dipped her hand into her pocket, pulling the phone out and letting it fall slightly to the mattress. Then she pushed it under her right buttock for later.

Megan and Lily left shortly after, leaving Lindsay alone with her. The room seemed to grow more tense as it came down to the two of them. Somehow, Melissa felt more vulnerable.

Lindsay walked over to the bed and started to run her hands along Melissa's body. Closing her eyes, Melissa tried to imagine herself far away from her own body. The girl's fingers pried more and more as the seconds stacked up.

"You both put up a good fight. A lot better than the girls last night," Lindsay said. "You really nailed Megan with that mace."

The girl cupped Melissa's breast and began to massage it through her shirt. Suddenly, she felt a growing warmth matched with tingly pleasure that vibrated through her skin like small lightning bolts. Melissa started to get wet between the legs.

Just imagine yourself anywhere else, she thought. This too shall pass. Just breathe.

Her assailant giggled and slipped her hand past the hem of her shorts. Melissa felt dexterous fingers begin to rub her pussy, sending the same hot need through her body as the hand on her breast, but magnified a hundred fold.

Melissa arched her back and squealed through the duct tape gag. Her pussy was still raw and sensitive from the assault she received from Lily and this new wave of pleasure only hit her even harder.

"Look at you go," Lindsay said. "I guess I can't turn you. Bummer. But I can drive you nuts."

The last thing Melissa saw was Lindsay's eyes fill completely with striking green light. Then her vision went blank.

When she awoke, it felt as if some time had passed. Lindsay paced about the room, looking at her phone. When she noticed Melissa, her eyes lit up.

"Oh good, I thought I'd really fucked you up."

The girl bounded over, giving Melissa a good look at her body. The girl strained the tight red shirt she wore, her large breasts seeming desperate to erupt out of the top. Megan and Lily were the same way. All these girls looked like they had nearly superhuman curves.

"I'm conflicted," Lindsay said. "On the one hand, I'm supposed to be watching you and keeping you quiet."

Lindsay cupped Melissa's cheek and picked at the duct tape gag.

"On the other hand, I'm bored as shit and you're the only other person around. So how's about this, you promise not to scream and we can talk. Deal?"

These girls sure like making deals, Melissa thought ruefully. Still, she desperately wanted to know more. She nodded her head.

Lindsay ripped the gag off, stinging Melissa's lips and making her yelp slightly.

"How ya feeling?" Lindsay asked.

"What did you do to her?"

"Alright, we're just diving right in. No pleasantries or anything. Cool."


"I think you've got a pretty good idea," Lindsay said. "Ask me another question, or I might get frisky again."

Lindsay traced her fingers around the swells of Melissa's breasts to emphasize her point.

"What are you?"

"Basic question, but fair, I guess."

Lindsay paced through the room, considering her answer. Melissa took the opportunity to slide her phone under her butt, working it to left side by sliding her hips.

"So I don't know much. I can't give you some long villain speech like in the movies," Lindsay said. "Here's what happened to me."

Melissa made sure Lindsay was not looking directly at her and reached her bound hands over to her phone on her left side. It was an uncomfortable stretch, but she managed it.

"So it was the middle of one of my English classes. I had to use the bathroom, as it happens. Well I squat down on the toilet, pull out my phone, and settle in."

Melissa could barely see the phone screen if she strained her eyes to the left. Even so, her thigh obscured the bottom quarter of it from view.

Just focus on hitting the home button.

Melissa felt along the base of her phone and found the circular indent, pressing it with her middle fingertip.

"Anyways," Lindsay continued. "All of a sudden, I'm taking in the world's most lively dildo. I fight it.

I lose. This thing decides we should spend some long-term quality time together."

"So what did it do to you?" Melissa asked, trying to keep Lindsay engaged.

"Why it popped my cherry! Just kidding, some fuck named Brad did that back in tenth grade."

Melissa took a deep breath and tried to replicate the pattern of her password on the phone. She felt her phone vibrate, indicating a wrong entry.


"So what did happen?" Melissa asked.

"I think you pretty much saw what happened when we did it to your little friend."

Melissa held back her anger.

"But once it was inside."

"Mmm, that's the fun part. Once it's inside and all connected, you get horny. Not like a little horny either. Like hornier than you've ever felt before. At least I did. Your whole body starts to heat up and ache. Then you start to change."

Melissa felt the vibration of another failed attempt. How much longer could she rely on Lindsay being distracted? She had to delay.

"What changes?"

Lindsay slipped off her leather jacket and pulled the skin-right red shirt off of her, revealing a pair of massive, perky breasts to the light. Melissa was shocked by just how curvaceous the girl was.

"When I woke up yesterday morning, I was a b-cup. I was a pudgy, unremarkable chick with only her sense of humor to help her out. Now look at me!"

Melissa failed to unlock her phone again. She was getting nervous. How many times did she have until it locked out for good? She never could remember.

"The worm did that?"

"I can't think of anything else that caused this. Besides, it was the same with the other girls. I'm guessing it's happening to your friend right now!"

It was hard to imagine Erin rocking that kind of body. In her stomach, Melissa felt a deep, sinking emptiness as she thought of the fate she had left her friend to.

"So is that it? You get a worm in your pussy and turn into a playboy model?"

"If it was, there wouldn't be two dead kids on campus."

"You killed them?" Melissa asked, slightly shocked despite all she had seen.

"Not me. The brown haired bitch who turned your friend. I just put someone in the hospital as far as I know."

"But why?"

"It's not like we can help it," Lindsay said, idly stroking her breasts. "We just take a little more out of boys when we fuck. Just like we leave a little more in girls."

"But what do you get out of it?"

"I don't know. I just know it feels really good and it lets me put more worms in pretty little things like yourself."

Lindsay sauntered over, but she seemed more focused on pleasuring herself than paying attention to Melissa.

Melissa typed in her password, taking her time on this attempt. She held her breath and waited for the vibration. It never came.

She was in.


"Are you okay?" Jon asked.

He was on top of Ellie, his knees straddling her. When he looked at her, his gaze never seemed to meet her eyes. Right now, he was eyeing her neck.

"Me? I'm fine," Ellie said.

What else was there to say?

"Good," Jon said.

He swooped down and pulled Ellie close for a wet kiss, his tongue jabbing into her mouth like a worm.

A worm. Ellie shivered, thinking about the creature on the path.

Jon was getting excited again, moving against her with his hips and searching with his hands for the boundary where Ellie would push him away. That boundary was slowly eroding.

Ellie felt long fingers caress just below her small breasts. This exact move, down to the light flicking of Jon's fingertips, had repeated in every one of their makeout sessions in the last week. The boy clearly wanted something.

Ellie thought back to the moment outside Dunwich hall. Of Lindsay, planting both her hands on Ellie's chest. It had to be a daydream, but it felt so real. Why would she imagine that? Why did it feel like a memory, not imagination?

John ran his tongue up Ellie's throat in that moment and squeezed her torso just below her breast hard. His hand just barely rested against Elie's small mound of flesh.

Two weeks prior, Ellie had never even kissed a boy. Now here she was, having every last one of her boundaries pushed to the limit. Where did it stop?

It stops when he fucks you.

It was Bethany's voice that said that. Ellie hated that even in her own head, Bethany was judging her.

She also knew the voice was true. Jon was not going to stop until he took everything from her. Every boundary. Every experience.

No, Ellie thought. Not yet.

Elli grabbed Jon's hand and pulled away from his kiss. She could feel the rosy glow on her cheeks, the involuntary excitement of her body around him. She could feel the power he had over her.

"We need to talk," she said.


"How far do you want to go?"

Jon considered this for a moment and then spoke.

"As far as you're comfortable."

So all the way.

"Jon, I don't think I want to have sex right now," Ellie said.

"That's fine. We can just makeout."

"No, I mean right now in my life. Maybe later."


Ellie felt the breath leave her. Inside the room, the only sounds that could be heard were the trickle of rain and the constant low hum of the AC unit.

"Maybe later, just not now."

"How much later?"

Jon's words were sharp and direct.

"I don't know. Maybe a few months, maybe a few years. I just know I'm not ready right now. The same goes for, like, touching each other's stuff and oral and all."

"Oh." Jon repeated.

"Are you mad?"

Jon hopped off the bed and shook his head.

"Not at all, I just misread this situation."


"Well Yeah. I figured we'd hook up and just dive right into it. I was thinking something casual."

"What? Why would you think that?"

Jon shrugged. He was smirking at her. Ellie hated that goddamn smirk.

"I guess you seemed cute and pretty into me. I don't know, guess it wasn't in the cards."

"You're breaking up with me?"

"It's nothing personal. Trust me. I just don't want to be pinned down with someone who isn't-isn't as adventurous as me."

Don't let him hurt you, Bethany's voice whispered in Ellie's mind.

Ellie could feel useless tears coming, but she refused to give in now, in front of Jon. Why was this crumbling so fast? Had she done something wrong.

"I could be that adventurous," Ellie murmured. "I could be casual. Please, give me a chance."

Jon's eyes widened for a moment. His smirk fell away and he suddenly looked taken aback and a little sad.

"No," he said. "I can see it now. I should have seen it earlier. You're the type of girl that gloms onto a boy of her dreams and settles in for the long run. The church girl type. I'm not taking that from you."

Don't let him hurt you.

Ellie clenched her fists, desperate to fight back her tears. Why did she even care? It had only been two weeks.

Because he made you feel wanted.

"You don't know me," Ellie snapped. "I'm not that girl. I don't have to be."

"But you want to be," Jon said.

"No I don't!" Ellie shouted. "I'm not some dumb little bitch that everyone treats like a baby sister. I hate that."

Jon said nothing. His expression had not changed.

"Just give me a chance," Ellie choked. "I'll do things."

"No," Jon said. Then he walked out of the room.

Ellie ran to the door, readied herself to chase after him, to give him a piece of her mind. She held the doorknob, her fingers trembling, then she stepped back.

She didn't go after him. She stayed in her room and cried until her roommate got back a long while later.

She did this because she knew he was right.


Haley was in the process of opening the door to her room when the message came in on the group chat. It was from Melissa.

"Hey guys, I'm at Carter 126. Can't explain now, but I'm feeling super uncomfortable. Can someone come by?"

Haley furrowed her brow and gazed at her phone screen.

"What's wrong, what's the matter?" Jessie asked.

"One of my friends on our group chat just asked someone to go get her. She's feeling really uncomfortable or something. Here."

Haley showed Jessie the message. At that moment, Bethany Eastwood popped out of her room and rushed over.

"You saw it too?" Bethany asked.

"Yeah! Do you know what's going on?"

Bethany suddenly noticed Jessie hovering behind Haley and cocked her head.

"I don't know. She has class in the evening, sometimes it's a while before she gets back."

"Are you heading over?" Haley asked.

"Yeah, you coming too?"


Jessie rapped Haley on the shoulder.

"Can I talk to you real quick?" She asked.

"What's up?"


Bethany gave both of them a weird look.

"Hi," she said. "This is kind of an urgent thing right now."

"I know," Jessie said, dragging Haley into the room and slamming the door.

"What's wrong with you!" Haley snapped.

"Carter 126. That's my hallway."

"So what?"

"It's ground zero for the worms. My roommate. My next door neighbors. Even the RA is turned."

"Oh God," Haley said, suddenly looking like she was going to be sick.

"Haley," Bethany called from the other side. "Sweetheart? We need to go."

"Carter 126 is the room of Emily Bloom and Megan Jensen. They're both turned. If your friend is there," Jessie trailed off.

"But she texted!"

"It's a trap! They're trying to lure you guys in to save your friend, but when you get there, she'll be stuffed full of worms and helping them out."

"Haley, I'm heading out. If you want to help, you can. If not, that's fine," Bethany said.

Jessie scowled.

"Who the hell is she?"

"She's one of my friends, be nice!"

"I am being nice. I'm trying to keep you and her from running right into this fucking thing."

"Alright," Bethany said. "I guess I'm helping her alone."

Haley bolted out the door and ran to stop her friend.

"Wait!" She cried. "Just wait a second."

Jessie followed her out, but kept her distance.

"What, Haley? We need to go."

"That's the thing," Haley said. "We can't."

"What? Why?"

Jessie groaned and shook her head.

"She's not going to believe you," She said.

"Believe what? What are you talking about?"

Haley looked down at her shoes, suddenly at a loss for words. It's not like she could just explain the last few hours. It still sounded crazy to her.

"It's hard to explain."

"Well explain quickly, we've got to go."

"You're not going to believe me," Haley said softly.

"Haley, what's up?"

"Your friend got attacked on the path," Jessie said, stepping forward. "She was attacked by my roommate, but I managed to save her. That's pretty much where the story stops being believable, but we need you to listen."

Jessie suddenly looked commanding and powerful, despite being considerably shorter than Bethany. The wooden sword in her hands helped, but it was her eyes that really hammered home the point. They were two points of blue fire.

"Okay, Fine," Bethany relented.

Jessie explained most of the story, but Haley added bits and pieces. Several times, Haley expected her friend to turn around and never look back. To call them crazy and wash her hands of everything. It would have been understandable.

Bethany never did run away. She listened intently and quietly until both girls were done talking.

"Crazy, right?" Haley asked. "You can think so."

"No," Bethany said. She gazed down at the ground pensively.

"The worm. What did you say it looked like?"

"Greenish black, about six or seven inches long, about two or three inches thick. Shaped like a dick," Jessie said.

"It's exactly the same," Bethany muttered.

"You've seen one too?" Haley asked.

Bethany nodded.

"On the path. It attacked me and a friend, but we killed it."

"Well that's something,"Jessie said. "What do you want to bet that's the same one my roommate tried to put in you, Haley?"

Haley nodded.

Bethany scratched her head and glanced at her phone once more, before looking up at both girls.

"I'm still going to help her."

"Oh you can't be fucking serious," Jessie said.

"Bethany, you can't. They'll just get you too."

"If Melissa and these other girls are infected, they need to go to the hospital. Mel's my friend and I'm not going to just leave her to suffer."

"They don't seem to be suffering much," Jessie muttered.

"Either way, she's my roommate. If she's infected like you say she is, it's not like I can avoid her."

"Fair. I learned that first hand," Jessie said.

"You can't go," Haley pleaded. "We're already going to the police. They can help."

"That's going to take too long. Besides, they probably won't buy it."

"They're going to turn you. You understand that right?" Jessie said, flustered.

"Maybe, But probably not," Bethany said. "But at least I tried to help Mel. Now I can go alone, or you guys can help. Seems better if we stick together though."

Haley looked to Jessie, eyes wide.

"No. Come on. This is such a bad idea."

"I'm going too," Haley said.

"You literally almost got turned an hour ago. Now you're serving yourself up on a silver platter."

"It's the right thing to do. I was fortunate to have you, maybe Melissa can have us."

"Jesus, you're both serious."

They nodded.

Jessie looked down at the tip of the wooden sword. It was caked in green fluid.

"Fine," she said. "Fine. But if it looks bad, which it will, we're leaving, no questions asked. Okay?"

"Sure," Bethany said.


"Ah shit," Eliza said.

"What? What is it?"

Penny gripped her softball bat tightly.

"Melissa's in trouble."

"Who is Melissa?"

"Melissa Lee? Do you know her?"

Penny shook her head. She had the bat raised over her head.

"Can you put the fucking bat down? I don't even know why you brought that thing. It's not like we're going to be fighting Lindsay."

"What if there are more worms? What if there's something worse?"

"Why would there be more worms? You know what? No, it doesn't matter. Melissa Lee is a friend who lives in my hall. She's Bethany Eastwood's roommate."

"Who is Bethany Eastwood?"

Eliza facepalmed and began walking in the direction of Carter Hall. The two girls were standing in admission field, an open patch of grass that separated upper-classman housing from the freshman and sophomore dorms. During the day, the field was liable to host the frisby golf team or morning yoga, but now it was abandoned save for the two of them.

Despite her confidence, Eliza was shaken up from the past few hours. The worm incident especially needled at her. The creature, whatever it was, had been so aggressive. And what was it trying to do? It didn't bite either of them, despite clearly having a mouth. So what was its aim in crawling all over Penny?

Something told Eliza that Sweet Wormengarde was a bigger danger than Cece Ramirez thought.

"Who are these girls?" Penny asked, pushing the subject.

"Do you know anyone on this campus?"

"What is that supposed to mean?" Penny cried. "I know plenty of people. Either way, what's up with your friend? I thought we were going after Lindsay."

"Melissa just texted our group chat saying she was feeling really uncomfortable in Carter 126. She's probably cornered by some horny geek and needs an out. She's a sweet girl."

Penny tailed behind Eliza, breathing heavily. She already felt exhausted from the past hour and Eliza kept a face pace in her trek across campus. Penny could already feel a sheen of sweat across her face, arms and legs.

"So you're just abandoning our quest this quickly?"

Eliza giggled. It was the first true laughter Penny ever heard from the girl.

"Abandoning our quest? You really are a nerd. And no, I'm not abandoning our quest," Eliza said, stretching out her arms in mock grandiosity. "I'm making a detour to help a friend because we're close by. Then we're finding that bitch."

"That's kind of mean," Penny said.

"What part?"

"Calling Lindsay a bitch," Penny said, her eyes downcast. "We don't know what's up with her."

"She put my friend in the hospital. Probably. And she left a giant leech for you in your panties drawer. Besides, you're the one with the bat."

"For the worms!" Penny cried.

"Sure. All those worms we'll totally be seeing. Right," Eliza said. "Look, I'll give her a chance to explain herself, but it better be a good explanation. As of now, she put Micah in the hospital and she fucked with you. I'm not okay with that."

Penny blushed. While Eliza could be a cruel little elf, it felt good to know she was cared about.

"Thanks," Penny said.

"Sure thing," Eliza said.

They walked off the admission field and turned up the path towards the administration building and, beyond it, Carter Hall. The rain had faded away, leaving a quiet world in its wake.

"When we get there, you can wait outside if you want," Eliza said. "It shouldn't take long."

"Uh, no." Penny said. "We should stick together."

"You keep vacillating between feeling sorry for Lindsay and being scared shitless of her. It's funny."

"I'm scared of the worms. I don't really care that much about Lindsay."

"Yeah, the worms. I'm sure there will be plenty of worms waiting for you outside of Carter Hall."

"Will you stop it?" Penny huffed.

"Whatever. Sure."

They were in the homestretch now. Carter hall, a banal three story brick box of rooms, loomed in front of them.

"This shouldn't take long," Eliza said.


Erin looked backwards and saw that she was leaving a long trail of green slime wherever she walked. With every step, fresh filth leaked from her aching vagina, down her slim thighs. Seeing this only brought fresh horror to her mind.

She had been wandering the hallways in Carter for the better part of twenty minutes, trying desperately to avoid people.

Erin knew she should leave. Find police. Find a hospital. However, every time she tried to muster the strength, something shut down the thought. There was another force acting on her, pressing on her mind with alien impulses.

This presence within her grew more powerful with each step Erin took. It seemed to warp events to its liking. Erin would walk towards an exit only to find herself stumbling down a hall on the other side of the building. As a result, Carter Hall became a labyrinth for the newly infected girl.

However, this was not the worst part of Erin's new affliction. Nor were the alien whispers that used her own voice against her. No, the worst part was the absolute, uncontrollable craving that opened up inside of Erin's core - a combination of hunger and lust.

Erin stumbled through a doorway and found herself in a long, deserted hall. A fresh batch of slime oozed from her vagina. Within the girl, something stirred. A myriad of sensations ranging from painful to strangely pleasant pulsed through Erin's nerves.

Erin was burning up. Her body tingled and ached and itched. Erin felt swollen and with every step, her body seemed to bounce and jiggle a little more.

Behind Erin, a door opened. She whirled around, eyes wide, and saw a boy with medium length, shaggy brown hair and freckles. He seemed familiar, vaguely.

"Erin?" The boy asked. "Hey, are you okay?"

His words echoed in Erin's head, seeming distant and muddled.

Erin could smell him. A musky, sweaty scent that filled her brain with need. Newly developed instincts churned inside the infected girl's mind. The strange mixture of lust and hunger, rising to a fever pitch in the presence of this boy, started to consume Erin.

She started to pant heavily and took two steps towards the boy, saying nothing.

What are you doing? Erin asked herself. This isn't right. You need to get away.

"Hey, Erin. It's me, Jeffrey. We have Spanish together. You look sick."

Erin stepped closer once more. Her body cried out for this guy, for Jeffrey. She needed something.

"Hi Jeffrey," Erin said. "Can you help me?"

"Sure, what is it?"

Erin stepped up to Jeffrey and wrapped her arms around him. He reciprocated, looking confused and hugged her.

"Can you help me?" Erin repeated. Her words were slurred and distant.

"Uh, sure. Anything you need."

Erin felt her vagina spasm and braced herself as a new orgasm rushed across her like a tidal wave. Slime jetted from between her legs, splattering the floor.

Jeffrey heard the splashing sound and pulled away from Erin. Looking down at her slime, Jeffrey wore a mixture of repulsion and deep concern.

Erin shivered. She could not let him get away. She needed him. Her body yearned for him.

Just bring him in for a kiss and you'll have him.

Erin looked Jeffrey in the eyes and closed the distance between the two of them. Jeffrey, staring in shock, did nothing. Just as their lips were about to meet, Erin's conscience took over.

No! You can't.

Erin ripped herself away from the boy and turned to run down the hall. All of a sudden, Megan Jensen burst through the doorway and began walking down the hall. Erin was trapped between Jeffrey and Megan.

I need to get away, she thought. I can't let this happen.

Erin turned and found the bathroom. It didn't matter if it was the men's room. She needed to get away. She needed somewhere to regroup. Away from Megan and more torture. Away from Jeffrey and those foreign urges.

Erin burst through the door and planted herself in one of the stalls, locking the door. She began to sob.


"Hey, what did she say to you?" Megan asked the boy.

"She asked me to help her. I don't really know her that well, we just have class together."

"She's my friend. Took a bad hit of acid and is losing it. I'll talk to her. Can you wait outside here? I might need help."

"Sure thing," he said. "I hope she's okay."

"Yeah, me too. Say, you don't happen to have a quarter, do you?"

The boy cocked his head and gave Megan a confused look.

"I have one in my room, why?"

"Could I borrow it? She has this thing about coins and I think it'll help her."

"Oh, sure thing then!"

The boy rushed into his dorm room and came out with a handful of quarters cupped in his palm.

"I don't know how many you needed, so I grabbed a whole bunch. If there's anything else I can do, let me know."

"Thank you!" Megan said, pulling the boy into a hug.

Megan made sure to hold the boy tight longer than necessary so that he would get a whiff of her scent. While she had the opportunity, she was going to plant seeds.

Then she stepped into the bathroom and saw that Erin had locked herself in the farthest stall in. Below her feet, there was a smattering of green slime. The girl was sobbing quietly to herself.

For a moment, Megan stopped. The sound of despair from the girl was heavy and that weight settled on her consciousness in an uncomfortable way.

The world seemed to spin for a second as Megan became disoriented.

What was she doing here? Why had she caused this girl so much pain and suffering?

"Erin," Megan said, and in that moment, her voice wavered.

It was the voice of the girl from before the worm. Before the deaths. It was an honest attempt at connection, weighted with guilt and worry.

The response from her worm was swift and harsh, spearing into the center of her mind. Venom seeped through her thoughts and memories, coloring everything green once more.

Megan felt a gush of cum and slime in her panties as titanic orgasm rolled over her. Her nipples hardened against the fabric of her skin-tight shirt and clit burned like a hot iron. Conscience and concern washed away, leaving the searing lust that the worms delivered.

She stepped up to the stall door and knocked softly, peeping the girl through the crack between the door and the frame.

"Erin, sweetheart," Megan said. "Why did you lock yourself in the boy's room."

Erin gasped and stopped crying. Silence blanketed the bathroom. For Megan, she could sense a subtle tension in the air.

"Leave me alone," Erin snarled.

"I could walk right out the door and it wouldn't change a thing. You're already changing."

"Just go!"

"If I leave, what changes for you? You've already been turned. It's only a matter of time."

Erin stomped her foot, sending slime droplets flying. They splattered against the aluminum walls of the stall and onto the tiling beyond. Megan bent down and scooped up one with her finger and sniffed it.

"You're already changing. Your body's been producing this stuff by the bucketload. Don't worry, it stops gushing after a while."

Erin responded with more whimpering and crying. She swung wildly from despair to rage, but Megan knew what burned underneath it all. She just needed access to the girl.

"Come on, Erin. Let me help you," Megan said. "Let me help my baby sister."

"Don't call me that, you freak!"

"Why, that's what you are. The worms make us all sisters and as far as I know, I stuck a worm inside of you less than an hour ago."

"I'm not like you."

"But you're becoming like me."

Erin pounded the back wall of the bathroom.

"I won't."

Megan sighed and reached into her pocket for one of the quarters the boy in the hallway gave her. On the door was a circle of unpainted metal with a long slot running its length. Eyeing this slot and then the quarter, Megan knew it would be a match.

That makes my life easier.

"You're being a dumbass," Megan said. "I'm coming in."

"No!" Erin cried.

Megan moved quickly, inserting the quarter into the slot and turning the mechanism. It unlocked with a click.

Erin lunged off the toilet towards the door, but she was too late. Megan yanked the door open and pounced on her.

"Get away from me!" Erin cried. "I'll scream."

"Go for it, bitch. It won't help you."

"Why are you doing this?"

Megan ignored Erin's question and instead pushed the girl against the back wall, driving her hand down the hem of the girl's skirt and panties. Her fingers were nimble and knew just where to go.

Erin screamed, but her voice was thick with pleasure. Megan knew she had the girl then.

"It never stops being this sensitive. You're fucking horny all the time."

"No! Get off!" Erin squealed, desperately trying to pull Megan's hands away.

Overwhelmed by her own lust, Megan easily overpowered the freshman and explored further. She brought her free hand up to cup the girl's right breast.

Megan moaned and started to fondle the girl eagerly.

"You're already getting bigger. I can't wait to see these little puppies grow huge!"

"Please stop," Erin whimpered through heavy, panting breaths.

The girl's knees were buckling and the slime was now coming in a steady drip from her vagina.

"Why? You clearly feel good."

"No, that's not true."

"You don't seem convinced."

Megan slipped her hand under Erin's shirt, reveling in the feeling of the smooth, tight flesh underneath. Reaching the girl's bra, Megan noted that the fabric was already tight, cutting into the expanding breast flesh.

"You've never been touched like this before. I bet you've never even had a boyfriend," Megan sneered.

"Shut up," Erin whimpered, looking away.

"I bet you haven't even had your first kiss."

"So what?"

Megan cupped Erin's cheek and pulled the girl into a wet, forced kiss. Erin pushed back at first, but slowly submitted.

Chuckling, Megan pressed on. She kissed Erin harder, savoring the taste of the girl. Sweet and musky and full of life. As she did so, she rubbed Erin's clit harder and faster. The feeling of the girl's body betraying her, giving into its alien lust, it was exhilarating.

Her body in full revolt, Erin began thrusting her hips against Megan's fingers. She was approaching an orgasm that would put all previous ones that night to shame.

Megan pushed her own body against her young ward, loving the feeling of her large breasts rubbing against Erin's own nascent pair.

All of a sudden, the bathroom door opened and the boy from the hall was calling in.

"Is everything okay? Do you need any help?"

With this, the spell broke. Erin pulled away from Megan's kiss. For a moment, she looked completely bewildered. Megan watched as panic seeped back into the girl.

"Please, help me!" she cried. "Call the police."

"She's having a hallucination," Megan said.

"She's lying, you've got to help me Jeffrey!"

"Can you help me get her to your room?" She said to the boy, stepping out to greet him.

"Uh yeah," Jeffrey said. "Whatever's best for her."

Erin pushed past Megan and rushed forward.

"Please Jeffrey, you have to believe me. I'm not hallucinating! She did something to me."

Jeffrey looked up at Megan, unsure. She could see the whole facade unraveling here. That would not do at all.

"What did she do?" Jeffrey asked.

"She put this worm thing inside of me. In my vagina. And it's doing something to my body and I-" Erin trailed off.

Jeffrey stared at her like she was growing horns out of her head.

"See," Megan said. "She's completely loopy."

"No," Erin cried. "No, she's lying. You have to believe me Jeffrey."

"Can you grab her left arm?" Megan asked.

Jeffrey nodded.

"Get away from me," Erin said. She readied herself to run, but Jeffrey caught her.

Megan swooped in on the other side and they began to drag the girl out of the bathroom. Megan fought hard, but she was a small girl and it was two against one.

They entered the dorm room and slammed the door before letting Erin go. Jeffrey blocked the doorway.

"Stop helping her!" Erin shouted.

"We can't let you hurt yourself, okay?" Jeffrey said.

"Thank you for your help, Jeffrey. Your name is Jeffrey right?" Megan said.

"Yeah, she wasn't hallucinating that."

"I'm not hallucinating anything!" Erin screamed.

She dashed at the door, but Jeffrey grabbed her.

"We'll let you go when you calm down. Okay?"

"She's lying to you! You have to believe me, please!"

"It's sad," Megan said. "Seeing her like this. She's so well put together normally."

"Fuck you!" Erin shouted.

She whirled on Megan and dashed at the girl, fist raised. Before Erin could land a blow, Jeffrey had her arm and was pulling her away.

"Erin, for god's sake. Chill out. You're safe here. We're trying to help you."

"Yeah Erin," Megan sneered.

"You've got to let me go."

"We can't," Jeffrey said, letting Erin go.

Megan stepped past Erin and stood next to Jeffrey.

"I really appreciate this. I'm Megan, by the way."

"Sure thing!"

Erin stared in disbelief at the pair. Tears were streaming down her face and her eyes were bloodshot, but Megan could also see that the girl was taking in long, deep breaths. She could smell Jeffrey just like Megan could and her body was already betraying her once more.

"So what do we do?" Jeffrey asked.

"Hmm," Megan said, stroking her chin in an exaggerated gesture. "How about you?"

Jeffrey turned to face her looking confused and caught off guard.


"You, hot stuff! Let's do you."

"I don't understand."

"Maybe this will help."

Megan rushed forward and pulled the unassuming boy in for a tight kiss. She felt him push away from her, but she held him tight. Even a little bit of time connected like this was enough to get Jeffrey off balance.

"Stop it Megan!" Erin cried.

Megan ignored the girl and forced her tongue into Jeffrey's mouth. He pushed at her shoulder, but the move was half-hearted at best. Megan's pheromones, which had already saturated the air since entering the room, worked fast.

Taking the hand on her shoulder, Megan instead forced Jeffrey to fondle her breast. The boy tried to push against the girl's full chest, but his finger's succumbed to their own lust quickly.

Finally, Megan pulled away from Jeffrey to find the boy with vacant eyes, wobbling in place. He was babbling and moaning, trying his best to form a coherent sentence.

"N-no. Muh-my girlfriend is going to be here soon, I can't," he finally managed.

"Good to know, loverboy," Megan said.

She grabbed both of the boy's hands and brought them to her chest before burying her lips in his neck.

All of a sudden, Erin used the distraction to run past the pair. Erin reached the door when Megan finally noticed her.

"If you run," Megan said. "I'll kill him."

"What?" Erin cried.

"If you run, I will fuck this guy to death. Got it?"

Erin looked to Jeffrey. He stared vacantly at Megan as if he were under a spell.

"What did you do to him?"

"Let's just say guys have a real problem keeping themselves under control around us. You'll learn this soon enough."

"Turn him back!"

"I can't."

"Please," Jeffrey moaned. "My girlfriend. I can't."

Megan kissed the boy's cheek, making sure to draw her tongue across his skin.

"Oh, but you can."

She pulled her tight shirt off, revealing her large breasts in all their glory. Then she turned to Erin.

"Watch this. It should be educational," she said before addressing Jeffrey. "Do you want to be a good boyfriend, or do you want these?"

Megan thrust her chest out.

"No! I love Drew. I won't," Jeffrey stammered. "I don't want this."

The boy had a raging hard on and his eyes were fixed on Megan's breasts.

"I don't need it," he said. "I can't."

"Come on Jeffrey, you can. I won't tell."

"I-I," Jeffrey lowered his head, tears falling down his cheek. "I need it."

He rushed forward and took Megan's tits in his hands, squeezing and fondling the flesh with abandon. He kissed and sucked her nipples and pushed his throbbing hard on against the girl's supple thigh.

"There you go, sweetheart. See Erin? They can't resist us. Not once we've swapped spit and our essence gets inside of them. It's like a virus."

"Stop it. He has a girlfriend. You're going to ruin his life!" Erin cried.

"Oh, I will do much worse if you don't come over and help."

"No! You're lying again. All you do is lie."

"Not this time," Megan said.

With one hand, she unzipped the boy's fly and started feeling his cock through his underwear.

Jeffrey grunted loudly, throwing his head back. His hands were still fixed on Megan's breasts.

"Fuck, I need this so bad. I'm sorry Drew, but I need it."

"I can't wait to meet this Drew chick," Megan said.

Erin balled her fists up, having had enough. Charging forward, she managed to knock Melissa over on her ass.

"You're not going to hurt her and you're not going to hurt him."

Erin looked to Jeffrey. The guy was a mess, his penis throbbing through his underwear, a wet spot forming on the fabric from precum. He was breathing heavily and looking from Erin to Megan and back to Erin without saying a word.

Megan watched Erin closely. She could see where the girl was focused - firmly on Jeffrey's crotch.

She scrambled to her feet and moved as fast as a snake to be behind Jeffrey. She unbuttoned his pants and slipped her hand down his underwear while kissing him on the neck.

"Get away from him," Erin bristled.

Disregarding her, Megan pulled Jeffrey's pants down so his cock was in the open air and began to stroke it. He was bigger than she had expected.

"Stop it," Erin said. Her voice was starting to falter.

"You've got a lot of fight, but instincts are instincts. I'm sure you can smell this," Megan said, rubbing her finger along Jeffrey's cockhead and scooping away a dollop of precum.

"Why am I doing this?" Jeffrey whispered.

He looked miserable, yet ecstatic. His body was in full revolt against his brain.

"You aren't doing much of anything," Megan giggled. "Other than leaving."

"Why do you hurt people?" Erin muttered bitterly.

For a second, Megan once more felt the world spin around her. A drop of guilt fell into her mind and she was at a loss for words.

Then it was gone.

"Save it. I know you want in on this. I see how you're legs are shaking. Come on."


"What is wrong with you girls?"Jeffrey cried.

Megan felt her hold on the boy weakening even as he got harder in her hand.

"Why are you fighting this so much?" Megan asked Erin.

"It's wrong."

"This isn't going anywhere," Megan snapped.

She started rubbing Jeffrey harder, feeling the college boy writhe in her arms.

"What are you doing?" Erin said.

"Speeding this up."

Suddenly, Jeffrey's entire body went rigid. Megan continued to pump the boy's cock harder and harder as jets of cum started to burst from the head. The cloudy fluid shot onto the floor and coated Megan's hands. The scent of it filled the room, making Megan's head go hazy with lust.

Erin looked on in horror and shock as her body started to betray her.

Jeffrey sank to his knees, gasping and staring in mingled shock and horror at the two girls as Megan made her way over to Erin.

"How ya feeling girly?"

"Get away from me," Erin said, backing up.

"You're doing a bad job of escaping," Megan said.

She lunged forward and grabbed Erin, slapping her cum-soaked hand over the girl's mouth and nose. Erin struggled against her, but Megan was stronger, making sure to coat the girl's face in the fluid before stepping back.

"Something about boys drives us crazy. And, of course, we drive them crazy."

Erin wiped her face and looked down at the milky fluid glistening in her fingers. The smell, potent and alluring in equal measures, wafted up to her. Just having it on her skin was like having a current of electricity running through her.

"Someone's getting distracted," Megan giggled.

"I-no, whatever you're trying to pull, it won't work," Erin said.

Still, she kept sniffing her hand every few seconds. Here eyes were fixed on Jeffrey's semi-hard cock.

"I'm not trying to pull anything. You're gonna do all the work."

"Both of you need to leave. My girlfriend will be over and I-oh god what did I do."

"We're not going anywhere," Megan said.

She pounced on Jeffrey, pinning him to the ground. Her hand was on his cock before he had a chance to recover. Their lips met and Megan worked her magic.

Erin watched, frozen in place. On one hand, she was horrified. On the other hand, she could not tear her eyes away. Her vagina burned with need as she watched Megan dominate Jeffrey. Something stirred deep within her.

She took a step forward.

"Wow, Jeffery, you're hard already!" Megan cried.

"I really shouldn't do this," Jeffrey said. "You need to leave. Fuck, why do I keep giving in?"

"Because you want it, sweetheart!"

Erin moved closer. She wanted to fight back. To stop Megan. Unfortunately, her body had other plans. It screamed with need.

"Leave him alone," Erin said faintly.

"Or what?" Megan sneered.

"I'm going to stop you."

Erin stepped up to Megan and pushed her off of Jeffrey. The girl rolled away with a giggle, giving Erin a clear view of her classmate on the ground.

His cock was at full mast, it's head still glistening with cum. Erin could smell it's intoxicating aroma. It was almost as if she could sense energy throbbing through the member.

"Help Erin," Jeffrey panted. "Help me."

"Don't just stand there, help the boy," Megan said.

Within Erin, her insides felt giddy and hot, as if they were ready to jump out of her body. Goosebumps raised on the back of her neck.

"I want to help," Erin began. "Why do I feel like this. I feel like I'm losing control."

"Oh you are. You've been huffing in his scent for several minutes now and your changes are far enough along. Your urge to drain him is only getting stronger."

Erin growled and clenched her fists.

"I hate you," she said.

"What the fuck?" Jeffrey murmured. "This is freaking me out. You both need to leave."

"Quiet, Jeffrey," Megan said. "You can hate me Erin, but you know I'm right. I see where your eyes are at."

"You don't know me."

"Sure, but I know what you are."

"Get out!" Jeffrey cried.

"Then make us idiot," Megan snapped. "You still haven't gotten to your feet. The way you were sucking on my tits tells me you want us here."

Jeffrey blushed and turned away.

"Come on Erin," Megan continued. "Make a decision. If you want, I'll let you both get away from me. I won't do anything."

Erin turned to Jeffrey on the ground and extended a trembling hand. Her eyes were fixed on his dick. The harsh light of the dorm room made the residual cum on the head glitter. It smelled incredible.

Erin felt Jeffrey close his hand around her own, felt the warmth of his skin. She could smell his sweat and cum, his essence underneath it all.

She looked into the boy's eyes, feeling shivers run up her back. The room, now filled with their mingled scents, seemed to buzz with electricity.

The hard and hungry cock throbbed beneath Erin, begging to be touched. Erin wondered idly what it felt like. It seemed to be pouring energy into the air.

"I'm sorry," Erin whispered.

She let go of Jeffrey's hand and descended on his throbbing penis with mouth open and ready. Her soft lips encircled the head and tingled when they felt the warm flesh. The texture was everything Erin could imagine and more.

In one fell swoop, Erin took the entire member into her mouth, feeling the pulsing tip bump against the back of her throat. The taste was indescribable.

"No! What are you doing? Erin, I-ohhh!" Jeffrey moaned.

Megan burst into triumphant laughter.

"All that posturing and here you are eating his dick. I love it!"

Erin ignored her and began running her lips up and down Jeffrey's shaft, cupping his balls with her right hand.

"Stop! My girlfriend will-she's coming back. She-oh shit, it's so good!" Jeffrey babbled.

Megan sidled up behind Erin, hiked up the girl's skirt, and pulled down her panties, revealing her sopping, slime drenched pussy. Sticking her fingers between Erin's nether lips, the girl began to pleasure her new ward.

Erin threw her head back and cried out from the new stimulation, her pussy gushing slime and girl-cum. Jeffrey's dick, harder than ever and pulsing with unnatural desire, was gripped tightly in her fingers.

"What's the matter Erin? Weren't you going to stop me?"

"Fuck you!" Erin whimpered, feeling her pussy gush onto Megan's skilled fingers.

"I'd love it if you did, but right now, let's focus on more important things," Megan tittered.

She brought her tongue up to Erin's pussy and began to lick and kiss.

"Fuck!" Erin cried.

The girl held Jeffrey's cock tightly in her hand and brought her tongue to the tip. This had to stop soon. It was already going way too far as it was, but she just needed another taste of him.

"Oh God, don't stop," Jeffrey moaned. "I need this."

"I thought you had a girlfriend, Jeffrey," Megan crooned.

"It doesn't matter right now! I need this."


Meanwhile, Erin sucked Jeffrey's cock harder than ever, fondling his balls while forcing her crotch against Megan's assaulting fingers and tongue.

She could feel the power thrumming through the organ, ready to explode. No matter how hard she sucked, Erin could not satisfy herself and that energy she felt stayed locked away.

Megan pulled Erin's skirt to her knees and ran her fingers along the girl's dark, supple thighs.

Then she stood up and pulled Erin back by her hair. The girl screamed and glared at her.

"What's your problem? You wanted this, now let me have it!"

"No," Megan said. "This won't do. It's time for something more."


"Come on, you know what I mean."

"No, I've already gone too far. I can't."

"What is your body telling you?"

The look on Erin's face told Megan everything. The girl cradled her head and fixed her eyes on Jeffrey's cock.

"I'm sorry Jeffrey, I shouldn't have done this to you," Erin said.

She was starting to cry again as her urges pushed her forward.

Meanwhile, Jeffery was consumed with lust, his former protestations burned away. He humped the air and begged for more pleasure.

"Come on, baby sister. It's impressive that you've resisted this far, but you're one of us now. Stop fighting and eat up."

Erin stood up and stepped out of her skirt. The cool air felt delightful on her burning cunt. Looking down, she saw Jeffrey's pleasure rod twitching in anticipation. She sank to the ground slowly, feeling the fever of lust descending with every second.

"I'm so sorry," Erin whimpered to Jeffrey. "I'm so-hungry."

She straddled the boy, carefully lowering her dripping pussy to his erect cock. The head pushed up against her lips, meeting a slight bit of resistance before entering her.

Erin felt the entire shaft slide deep within her. Something alien, stirring in her core, descended to meet the boy's prick. Suddenly, the wall between Erin and the energy she sensed in Jeffrey's cock disappeared and she could feel it flowing like hot water into her body.

"Oh God!" She screamed.

"That's the spirit, sis!" Megan shouted.

In no time, the unnatural couple were bucking against each other at a fevered pace. Erin cried and screamed and moaned. She made every sound she could think of and still could not express the utter bliss she felt.

Already Erin's bra and shirt felt painfully tight. The tingling and aching from earlier increased exponentially as the flood of energy rapidly accelerated her growth.

As this happened, Megan roamed the room, looking at the items on both Jeffrey's desk and his roommate's. Megan picked up a framed picture on Jeffrey's desk of him and who she assumed was his girlfriend - Drew.

She was a frustratingly pretty girl with a round face and full, cherry lips. Her eyes were dark in color but bright in demeanor. The girl also had a damn good figure from the looks of it.

"You didn't tell me you were dating a total babe, Jeffrey!"

Jeffrey ignored her, pouring all his focus into ramming Erin's pussy. He looked very close to busting.

"I guess you won't care when I shove a worm into her pussy then," Megan giggled.

She leaned against the door and watched the show, satisfied with her work.


"Sorry kiddo, but I can't have you dialing 911," Lindsay said, standing over Melissa with the girl's phone in her hand.

"What are you going to do?" Melissa cried, panicking.

"Well I can't turn you, but I've got a whole room of slug eggs ready to hatch and I'm bored. The girlies in this group chat will do just fine."


"This Bethany chick is something. She's a freaking giraffe. Then you've got this one, Haley Lewis. She's a little plain, but I bet she'll fill out nicely. And finally, dear Eliza. I need to save something special for my English class buddy."

"No! Not them!"


There was a knock at the door. Lindsay walked over and let in a red headed girl and a dirty looking boy with empty looking eyes.

"Long time no see," Lindsay said.

"Is she for me?" The redhead asked.

"About that. Megan is kind of saving her for something special."

"What? That's dumb."

"Tell me about it. However, I'm pretty sure we're going to have more company than we can handle soon enough."

The redhead entered the room and stared at Melissa with open curiosity. The boy trailed behind her, saying nothing. The way he looked, all wacked out and zombified, creeped Melissa out deeply.

"What's your name?" The redhead asked.

"You're like the others," Melissa said. "Fuck, how many of you are there?"

"My name is Emily," the redhead said. Her eyes glowed with green light.

"Remember, you can't turn her," Lindsay said.

Emily sighed and shook her head.

"That really sucks. When are these other girls coming?"

"I'm not sure. I stole her phone and put out a faulty call for help to a few of them. Some might not show up at all. That would be a real bummer, wouldn't it Melissa?"

"If they come, I'll just scream for them to run away!"

"Huh, I guess we'll have to put your gag back on."

Lindsay grabbed the duct tape.

"No!" Emily said. "I want to try something."

"You can't turn her, Em."

"No, something else."

Emily outstretched her fingers, her eyes blazing, and started to approach Melissa. Sheer terror, hitting like a lightning bolt, knocked the wind from Melissa's lungs.

"Do you think it'll work on her?" Lindsay asked her friend.

"Why not? It worked on him."

Emily motioned to the zoned out boy.

"No! Whatever you did to him, I don't want that. Please! I'll do whatever you want."

"Don't turn her into a zombie, Em. That's no fun."

"No," Emily said. "I have something different in mind. Something a lot more fun."

Melissa whimpered and begged as Emily closed in on her. With fingers outstretched, the redhead laid her hands across Melissa's forehead, prompting the girl to scream. Her voice was cut short in an instant as glowing green lines began to etch across her caramel skin from Emily's hands.

"Melissa Lee," Emily said.

Melissa suddenly felt a presence acting on her mind. Memories, like printed pictures, fluttered through her imagination.

Here, she was asking Elliot Jameson to homecoming dance and he was laughing in her face. Pain flashed through her mind's eye, red like a burning ember. There, she was starting the art club in high school. Optimism mingled with stress: the color of a blue sky blending with fevered orange of a summer afternoon sun.

Melissa felt as if she were being searched and dissected. The redhead, Emily, was learning Melissa by her past and the feeling was very uncomfortable.

"What are you doing to her?" Lindsay asked. Her voice was distant and distorted, as if underwater.

"Just learning her," Emily said. "I like her."

Emily pulled her hands away and suddenly Melissa was back in the present, breathing hard and sweating slightly.

"You're going to like being one of us," Emily said with a smile.

"What did you do to me?"

Emily shushed her and motioned for the boy to come over.

"Hold her arms."

The boy nodded and grabbed Melissa's bound arms, pulling them over her head. Melissa cried out as loud as she could as she felt his sweaty palms touching her.

"Okay, I'm putting the gag back on," Lindsay said, walking over.

"No!" Emily snapped. "Here."

She pointed one finger to Melissa's forehead. Green light emitted from the point and little emerald etchings crossed Melissa's skin once more.

Melissa felt her whole body relax. The sensation resembled easing into a hot bath, but at a far greater magnitude.

Emily pulled her finger away and watched Melissa carefully.

The relaxing sensation faded, replaced with the familiar panic Melissa had been feeling all night. She tried to scream again, but her voice caught in her throat.

"That should stop her for a while," Emily said.

"Damn, you're getting really good at this," Lindsay said.

"I'm making it up as I go," Emily said, shrugging her shoulders. "Now, for more fun things."

Pulling Melissa's t-shirt up, Emily admired the girl's modest breasts. She traced her fingers over the twin caramel swells before hiking the girl's bra up.

"Let's start somewhere easy."

Emily touched both her index fingers to Melissa's brown nipples, each the size of a quarter, and willed her powers into action. Green light pulsed and etched lines again weaved their way through Melissa's skin.

The reaction was immediate. Melissa felt white hot pleasure flood into her nipples and through her breasts. The girl had touched herself before, but this was something beyond any of those experiences.

"I wonder if I can change these permanently," Emily mused. "Make them much more sensitive than normal."

The light at Emily's fingertips intensified. In a matter of seconds, Melissa's nipples swelled to the size of half-dollars and puffed up considerably. The pleasure running through her flesh was unspeakable, sendings shivers down her spine and causing pussy, still sore and excited from Lily's assault, to spasm to life.

"Stop, I can't take anymore!" Melissa whimpered.

Emily disregarded her, instead cupping both of Melissa's breasts with her hands. The green light now encompassed the girl's entire chest, ratcheting up the magnitude of her unwanted pleasure even more.

"Please. It's too much."

Emily groaned.

"I can feel your nerves changing. Oh god it's amazing."

Melissa babbled incoherently as the stimulation of her breasts rapidly brought her to an intense orgasm, her pussy gushing girlcum onto her panties.

Finally, Emily let go of Melissa's breasts and stepped away. The girl's breasts looked swollen; the nipples puffy and desperate for attention.

"What did you do to me?" Melissa cried.

Emily was not touching her, but her breasts still ached and tingled, making her pussy wet.

"I made it so that these will be much more sensitive from here on out," Emily said, giving Melissa's breasts a firm jiggle.

Melissa arched her back and moaned from the girl's touch.

"This is so fucking hot," Lindsay said. "God, I don't want to leave."

"Then don't."

"Nah, I've got to come up with a convincing trap. Mind if I borrow that?"

Lindsay pointed at the boy.

"I'd rather you not," Emily said. "I don't even know if he'll answer to you. I think I broke his brain."

"What am I supposed to do then? You weren't here, but this girl and her runt friend nearly kicked our asses and we definitely had the upper hand."

"I'll help later, once I'm done helping Melissa here. Besides, you have the chloroform, right?"

"I guess, whatever."

Lindsay grabbed her backpack and stormed out of the room, leaving Melissa alone with Emily.

Melissa's breasts burned with need and the sensations seemed to only be increasing. She just wanted them touched so bad and hated herself for the desire.

"Now," Emily said, reaching to undo Melissa's shorts. "If that's what I could do to your boobs. I wonder what I can do here."

Emily placed a glowing finger on Melissa's clitoris, creating an instant explosion of pleasure that wiped all others clean. Then Melissa's vision went blank.


It was raining again, soaking her clothes even more. Her head pounded and nasty bruises covered her face.

Leah struggled up the hill towards Carter Hall, unsure of what she would do when she got there. What would the others say?

The hunger gnawed at her, manifesting not in her gut but in her heart. Her body shook and felt desperately weak.

So Jessie finally hit her back. Leah supposed it made sense, but she still felt like screaming because of it all the same.

Not only was Jessie after her, another person now knew about them. This was going to only make things worse.

All of a sudden, Leah felt someone tap her on the back.

She turned to see a tall boy with short, dark hair and a slight smirk on his face staring at her.

"Are you alright?" He asked.

Leah felt the hunger kick into overdrive as she stared at the boy. Even after her transformation, she had never felt anything like this. Was this because of her injuries?

"I'm," Leah mumbled. "I am..."

"You look hurt," the boy said, stepping forward.

"Hurt," Leah said vacantly.

Her whole body shivered. She looked up at the boy and her eyes were two solid, glowing emeralds.

The boy's smirk disappeared, replaced by horror which then faded into emptiness as Leah took hold of his mind.

Leah stepped up to the boy and began to lead him into the woods. She was so very hungry.


Lindsay sat on Megan's bed, an unhatched egg pulsing between her legs, the bottle of chloroform gripped in her hand. The more she thought about it, the more difficult this seemed.

What was worse, Emily was left to her own devices with Melissa and Lindsay didn't think she could trust her to not turn the girl.

Still, Lindsay could not fight the growing excitement in her heart at the chance of turning four girls in one go. That was going to be fun.

Then there was Penny. Pulling up the text again, Lindsay tried to factor the new information into her plans. Somehow, pudge-face had managed to keep the worm from entering her. What's more, it looked to be in some kind of aquarium and there was only one person in Lindsay's hall who had those. Fun for later, she supposed.

Regardless, Penny was on her way too. Turning her seemed like a chore compared to the other three. An easy, monotonous chore.

Lindsay stood up and grabbed the egg. She couldn't shake the feeling that Emily was up to no good. She left 126 and stepped next door to 124. Listening at the door, she could hear loud moaning and heavy breathing.

She opened the door on a bizarre sight. Hades, his pants down around his waist, was balls deep inside Melissa, whose legs were wrapped around his back. Meanwhile, Emily sat on the girl's face, pouring her slime and juices onto the girl's face.

Looking closer, Lindsay saw that far from fighting these assaults, Melissa seemed to be giving herself completely to them. Her tongue lapped at Emily's pussy while her hips thrust hard against Hades's cock.

"Jesus," Linsday said.

"I'm going to turn her," Emily said. "She's mine."

"You can't. I made a deal with Megan."

"Then you shouldn't have left me alone with her," Emily moaned.

"There's gonna be plenty of pussy to turn soon. I just need your help. Come on."


"Goddamnit Emily," Lindsay.

She stepped up to Hades and yanked him back by the shoulders, pulling him out of Melissa. The boy groaned and fell backwards.

"No! Put him back!" Melissa cried in a muffled voice.

"What did you do to her?"

"I made some changes to her. I think I reshaped her nervous system and I also put a few suggestions into her."


"Some cravings. This is one of them."

"Jesus, you turned her into a total slut!"

"It was really easy!" Emily mewled.

Melissa sat up, her perky breasts jiggling slightly. Lindsay noticed that the girl's nipples were obscenely swollen. She reached for Hades, slobber dribbling from her lips.

"Put him back. I need it. I need him!"

"No," Lindsay said. "Can you calm her down? We're about to have a situation here."

"I can do one better. I'm gonna turn her. How does that sound, Melissa?" Emily asked.

Lindsay watched as a momentary look of conflict crossed the girl's face. She scrunched up her button nose and her full, soft lips, looking very cute in the process. Then her eyes turned wet and vactan and a broad, satisfied smile crossed over her.

"Do it, I'm ready!"

"Is this more of your work?" Lindsay asked.

"Yup!" Emily said. "She's craving becoming one of us. Craving turning her friends, too."

"Em, you're terrifying. I love you, but you're fucking scary."

"Whatever. She's mine!"

Emily lunged forward, readying her pussy. Her belly was already deforming with unnatural life, ready to strip the whimpering girl on the bed of her humanity. The site was deeply arousing to Lindsay.

Still, a deal was a deal. Lindsay thought of the girls Megan knew. Buxom cheerleaders, squeezed into their Hornettes uniforms.

Besides, Megan frightened Lindsay. Whatever happened to her, the girl was a step beyond the rest of them.

Emily was about to plop her dripping pussy onto Melissa's and Lindsay knew it would be too late if she let that happen.

Lindsay pushed Emily to the side with all her strength, sending the girl sprawling on her ass.

"What the fuck?" Emily cried.

Lindsay had to admit, it was strange to see the girl so pissed.

"Put it in! Why did you push her. I need it!" Melissa cried.

"You really did a number on her," Lindsay said. She shoved a finger in Melissa's pussy and channeled her power.

The girl screamed, her pussy gushing juices before she passed out from the pleasure. With Melissa out of the way, Lindsay turned her attention to Emily.

The girl was scrambling to her feet, her eyes blazing green.

"I should fuck with your brain. What gives you the right to stop me?"

Instead of responding, Lindsay rushed forward and socked the gorgeous redhead in the stomach. Lindsay had to admit, she liked punching people.

Emily doubled over and clung to Lindsay's body for support.

"I'm sorry sweetheart, I love you. Really. But you need some sense knocked into you."

"Why are you protecting her? We make normal girls like us. That's how this works. Why are you fighting it?"

"I'm not," Lindsay said, gripping Emily closer. "Listen, if you turned this bitch, Megan would lose it. She's gone all psycho and wants to play mind games. Besides, I made a deal with her. Trust me, I want to see you shove that worm in her cunt so bad. But we have to wait."

"That's easy for you to say," Emily growled.

"Yeah, I guess you're right. Still, we've got four girls on the way. I've got dibs on one, but the other three are yours to play with. Sound good?"

For a moment, Emily said nothing. She held tightly to Lindsay's arms and seemed ready to bum rush her. Then she finally let up.

"Is it a deal?"

"It's a deal, babe. And you should know I keep my promises by now."

"Yeah," Emily chuckled. "I guess you're right."

All of a sudden, both girls heard commotion in the hallway. There were loud bangs on the neighboring door and two female voices. One was high-pitched and shrill, shouting commands to someone on the other side with imperious confidence. The other was a little lower pitch and complete devoid of the confidence the first voice displayed.

"Well this party just got it's first arrivals," Lindsay said.

"What do we do?"

"The loud one is mine. Don't touch her, got it?"

Emily nodded her head.

"You really have a thing for redheads, don't you?"

"Yeah, I guess I do," Lindsay chuckled. "The other one sounds like my roommate. I don't know why those two are together, but little Mrs. Piggy is all yours. God, if anyone needs a worm, it's her."

Lindsay grabbed the bottle of chloroform and a t-shirt on the ground and handed both to Emily.

"I don't think I need these."

"If you use your power in the hallway, you're just going to make a scene. Besides, I think my girl is going to be pretty easy to handle. Apparently, she's mad at me."

"What does that mean? What are you going to do?"

Lindsay chuckled.

"You'll see."

The stepped up to the doorway and prepared themselves. Emily shot Melissa one more desperate, hungry look. The girl was passed out on the bed, her eyes open but empty.

"What did you do to her?" Emily asked.

"Oh, I just fucked her brains out."

"Will she recover?"

"Probably. We have more important things to worry about. Besides, you're the one that fucked with her brain."

"Fair enough. What's the plan?"

"Like I said, go for my roommate. She's a fatass and not that bright, so she should be pretty easy to handle. I'll draw away my girl and handle her later. Oh, one more thing."

Lindsay rushed back to the bed and grabbed the pulsing egg. It looked very close to hatching, the bulk of the worm pushing hard against the thin, veiny membrane.

"Can't believe I almost forgot! Ready?"

Emily looked down at the bottle and the t-shirt. She looked uncertain.

"I wish I could just use my power."

"Get her into the room and you can do whatever the fuck you want to her. You can make her think she's a sperm whale for all I care."

"Alright, I'll do my best. What if they all show up? It's a small campus. Didn't you say you had four girls coming? Besides, other girls live in this hall, right?"

"I don't know girl, improvise. You're the one with the big brain," Lindsay said.

With that, she threw open the door and stepped into the hallway. There, she saw Eliza and Penny standing by the door to Carter 126. She watched Eliza turn and look to her, her expression transforming from concern to rage.

"What the hell are you doing here?" Eliza said.

"Hi Lindsay. We have, um, some questions. No pressure."

"Apparently, you've been looking for me?" Lindsay said.

"You did something to Micah. He's in the hospital and it's probably because of you. You better have a good explanation."

"I don't owe you shit, Eliza."

"Um, there's also the worm in my panties drawer," Penny said quietly.

Both Eliza and Lindsay glared at the girl, causing her to shrivel.

"Look," Eliza said. "We're going to have a long talk as soon as I get my friend out of here."

Lindsay chuckled.

"You're friend, right. Melissa's fine."

Eliza's eyes widened. The girl looked practically homicidal, her fists balled in rage.

"What did you do to her?"

Lindsay's heart beat with mingled excitement and fear. If she botched this, it was going to be like the whole ordeal with Erin and Melissa only worse. Still, Eliza was head over heels with rage and that was something she wanted to take advantage of.

"I'll tell you if you catch me!" Lindsay said.

She dashed into the hall, past Eliza and Penny. Her eyes blazed with green light.

"She's not in that room, if you're wondering," She added before dashing down the hall.

For a moment, Eliza hesitated, looking between Penny, the door to Carter 126, and Lindsay disappearing down the hall. Then she took off after Lindsay.

"Hey, Eliza, wait up!" Penny cried.

"I'll be back, just wait there!"

Lindsay stormed up the stairwell, hearing Eliza dashing down the hall in close pursuit. This was going to be fun.

Penny looked back at the open door to Carter 124 and stared into the blazing green eyes of a beautiful redheaded girl. Had she been there before?

Without warning, the redhead charged at Penny.


"Stick together. Whatever you do, do not get separated. If one of us gets attacked, we all keep her off. If we see a worm, we kill it, got it?" Jessie barked.

The trio barreled towards Carter Hall at full speed, wheezing and panting as they went.

"Got it," Bethany said.

"You're taking this really well!" Haley chimed in.

"I just want to help Melissa."

"Sure," Jessie cut in. "But if she's already turned, we're out of there."

"You can leave," Bethany said. "I'm staying."

"Haley, help me out here."

"I'm staying too," Haley said.

"I hate this so much," Jessie said. "Fine, I'm out of there if she's turned."

The girls reached the entryway to Carter Hall and froze. Here they were, faced with this nightmare. For each, it was different. For Jessie, one of her blackest memories uncoiled like a giant cobra before her. Haley, having already been at the mercy of the worms once that night, suddenly felt paralyzed with fear.

For Bethany, the terror was faceless. Besides the worm on the path, there was no frame of reference. For all she knew, Haley and her friend were pranking her, or both insane. What if this was all a big fib and Melissa was waiting with a smirk in the dorm room?

No, she thought,This is real. I can feel that it is.

Jessie spoke first.

"I'll take the front."

She raised her practice sword and looked along it's edge. The thing was beaten to hell from her fight with Leah, but it remained in one piece.

"Bethany, you're tall. You, uh, take second."

Bethany nodded.

"Haley, try not to get turned."

"Really? That's the best you can say?"

Jessie shrugged and began to reiterate the plan.

"Remember, this is a trap, so keep your guard up. Your friend might not be in the same room, the door might be locked, so on and so forth. We stay together as a group no matter what. No matter what! If she's not in the room, check the adjacent rooms. If the door's locked, well, we're kind of screwed."

"This doesn't really seem like much of a plan," Haley said.

She was shivering and looked pale. The rain, cool, fat autumn droplets, fell at a steady pace on their heads. They needed to move and soon.

"It's the best plan we've got."

"If the door is locked, can't we get an RA? They usually have a master key," Bethany suggested.

"The RA's been turned."

"Can't we find another RA?"

"Maybe, but there has to be a pretty good cause to get them to bust into a room."

"We could just have them knock on the door," Haley added.

"Maybe, but I don't want to drag anyone else into this if we don't have to. This could get really hairy and these girls aren't really thinking straight."

"Fine," Bethany said. "We'll follow your lead. Just remember, I'm not leaving Melissa."

"And I'm getting the fuck out of here if things go south. Glad we're on the same page."

Jessie threw open the door and stepped into the lobby of the dormitory and other two girls followed. All three girls collectively gasped as they saw the plastic barrier sealing the bottom-left hallway.

"Why is that there?" Haley asked.

Before either Jessie or Bethany could say anything, a voice called to them from the RA office.

"Don't ask, you're better off not knowing."

A petite girl with sharp features and vivid purple hair cut in a short pixie style stepped out of the office with her arms crossed over her chest. Her small, dark eyes glittered in the light, making Jessie think of an angry rat.

"What happened?" Bethany asked.

"Medical emergency. I shouldn't have to say this, but don't go down that way."

"What kind of medical emergency?" Jessie asked.

The girl shrugged to indicate she had no clue.

"Can we go down this hallway?" Bethany asked, pointing to the right-side hall.

"Knock yourself out."

"Remember the plan," Jessie said to Haley and Bethany, holding up her practice sword for emphasis.

"What plan?" The RA asked sharply. "Why do you have that?"

"This? Oh, um. I'm part of the sword-err-um fencing club!"

"Really? Is that so?"

"Yeah, totally!" Haley added. "She's one of their best fighters. She's, um, studied the blade."

"That's fascinating because I've never seen you at practice," The RA said, her dark, rodent-like eyes narrowing.

"Oh," Jessie said, chuckling nervously. "Did you recently join? I've had to skip out from practice the last few days."

"I'm the club treasurer."

"You've got to be fucking kidding me," Jessie said.

The RA sighed and swept back her short, purple hair.

"Okay, I really didn't want to have a problem, but now we have a problem. Why were you lying to me? What are you planning to do with that thing?"

Jessie sputtered, looking between the RA and the practice sword over and over again. She suddenly felt the weight of two days with hardly any sleep and the exhaustion made it impossible to think straight.

Bethany cut in and came to her rescue.

"Look, some creep has our friend holed up in this hallway and we're here to break her out, okay? That's why she has the sword, that's why we're here. Can you just let us go down the hall, grab our friend, and go?"

"Not with the sword, no!" the RA said, flabbergasted. "I can't just let you beat someone up!"

"The guy is a massive creep," Haley said. "Huge! We need the sword!"

"Okay, how about this, you leave the sword here. I'll walk you guys down to get your friend. Then you can grab the dang sword on the way out."

"No," Jessie said. "I'm sorry. I can't."

"Well I don't know what to do because I can't let you take it into the hallway."

"Well, uh, too bad," Jessie said.

Then she started towards the hallway double doors. However, the RA was faster, darting in front of her and blocking her way.

"Can you both stop it!" Haley cried.

"Look, Jessie, just put down the sword."

"No! It's our best defense."

"Okay," The RA said. "I'm weirded out and I'm getting mad. Please do not make me write you up."

"Please don't make me bash your skull in," Jessie said, raising the weapon.

All of a sudden, screams started emanating from down the hall along with the sound of clattering footsteps. The RA glared at Jessie.

"Don't move a muscle," she said.

Then she burst through the double doors and ran down the hallway and around the corner.

"We need to follow her," Bethany said, pushing past the double doors herself.

Jessie nodded and brought the practice sword to bare.

"Do you think it's them?" Haley asked

"One hundred percent," Jessie said.


Twenty minutes after Erin mounted Jeffrey, the girl walked in. Megan had perched herself on Jeffrey's desk to get a full view of her newest creation's final descent when the door swung open. Apparently, the girl was used to waltzing in.

The picture on Jeffrey's desk did the girl no justice. Truly, she was gorgeous. Her skin looked soft and supple with just a touch of olive. Her cheeks and lips were the color of fresh cut roses and her eyes were twin forest pools.

When the door opened, Megan jolted to her feet, expecting to have to deal with the roommate, but seeing this gorgeous treat had been more than a pleasant surprise. With each passing second, Megan watched as the girl transitioned from cheerful excitement to horrified shock and then finally deep, wounding pain. Her deep, green eyes filled with tears.

Megan moved quickly, taking advantage of the girl's shock to position herself.

"Quite a sight, isn't it?" She said.

The girl turned to face her, her big eyes narrowing. Tears ruined the girl's mascara and traced their paths down her ruddy cheeks.

"Who the hell are you?" The girl said.

Her voice was rich and sweet, like caramel. The intended venom in her words melted away in the air between the two, leaving only sorrow.

"A better question would be who the hell is she?" Megan said, pointing to Erin.

The girl turned back to her boyfriend and the women riding him without mercy. Megan could feel the girl's heart breaking.

"Look at her go. I really didn't think she had it in her, but I guess I was wrong. She's sucking away every last drop of him," Megan said. "She's putting it to good use too."

In an instant, something broke within the girl and she turned to run out of the room. In all this time, Megan realized that Jeffrey hadn't spared her one glance. The boy was probably too spaced out to notice anything beyond the bouncing amazon on top of him, but still, Megan figured it hurt to see.

She moved like a snake, grabbing the girl by the neck with her right hand and wrapping her left around the girl's waist.

"Not so fast. It hasn't finished yet."

"Let me go you bitch!" The girl screamed, jabbing her elbow into Megan's gut.

The blow was hard, but Megan was ready for it. She absorbed the force, gritting through the pain, and used all her strength to wrench the girl to the ground.

Both girls fell to the ground with Megan on top. Megan wrenched the girl onto her belly and forced her knee into the girl's back.

The feeling of dominance, of being a predator crushing a prey filled Megan with shivering joy as did the anticipation of turning another girl to the sisterhood.

"Now, Drew, watch!"

The girl cried out in pain as Megan lifted her knee and slammed it back into her back.

The couple at the center of the room rapidly approached their finale. Jeffrey looked dazed and frail, his lips a purplish blue and his eyes sunken. He babbled incoherently, words escaping him.

In contrast, there was Erin. Even Megan was taken aback by the girl's shocking and rapid transformation. Most of the sisters changed rapidly by human standards, but Erin's body seemed to be developing on overdrive. Right before Megan's eyes, the girl had blossomed beyond belief.

Erin Stephens, the scrawny, straight-edged, wannabe RA now triumphantly bounced on her prey's cock, pistoning herself with thighs that had grown thick and powerful. Her full, bubble ass jiggled in the air with each pump of her body. Meanwhile, her hands fondled breasts that had swelled from little brown bee-stings to full, chocolate melons before Megan's eyes. Erin's rack even put Megan's to shame. It was shocking to see such a full figure on a girl that only an hour before had been so petite.

Was fucking causing her to grow faster? Megan wondered. She filed this information away for later use.

"Not even an hour ago, this girl was normal, just like you."

"What's wrong with her?" Drew asked with a whimper.

Erin's eyes, normally a deep brown, blazed with feral green light. She screamed and moaned like a wild animal, her movements getting ever more manic and intense. It was clear she wasn't going to stop until she drained her conquest of every last drop of energy.

A girl after my own heart, Megan noted gleefully.

Still, with Drew in the picture, it was no fun to just let Erin drain Jeffrey dry.

"Do you still love your boyfriend?" Megan asked Drew.

"How can you ask me something like that?"

"She's going to kill him if I don't stop her, which I'm going to. If you try to run or attack us, I'll kill him myself. Do you understand, Drew?"

"How do you know my name?"

Megan dug her knee into Drew's back, relishing the girl's mewls of pain and struggle.

"Do you understand?"


"Good girl. It's your boyfriend's lucky day."

Megan stood up and moved to stand before Erin. Neither she nor Jeffrey noticed her. The intensity of the pair's sexual bond was too great.

Taking advantage of this, Megan swept in behind Erin, snaking her hands under the girl's luscious breasts. Then she pulled the girl backwards, clear off of Jeffrey's dick.

"What the fuck?" Erin hissed.

She lunged forward with a shocking amount of strength, breaking out of Megan's grip. The girl was already mounting Jeffrey again when Megan called out, her voice like a cracking whip.

"If you do anymore, you'll kill him. How does that make you feel, goody-goody?"

Erin stopped in her tracks and turned to face Megan, her eyes wide.

"This is another lie!"

"Look at him and tell me I'm lying."

Jeffrey looked pale and thin, his eyes closed and his breathing shallow. Truth be told, he hardly looked alive now.

"I did that," Erin said slowly.

"Right in front of the woman he loves," Megan responded gleefully.

Erin turned suddenly and looked into Drew's eyes. It fascinated Megan to see the feral creature the worm brought forth slam head first with the old Erin.

"No," Erin said. "That wasn't me."

"You sure seemed like you meant to just a minute ago. Are you really trying to argue that it wasn't you riding Jeffrey's stalk like a wild cat just now?"

"I didn't mean to."

"But you did," Megan said. "Why is that Erin?"

"What did you do to her?" Drew cried.

"Even after she fucked your boyfriend, you're worried about this girl. Wow, you really are a sweetheart."

"I didn't mean to, I'm sorry," Erin sobbed, staring into Drew's eyes. "I didn't!"

Megan stepped towards Erin, her arms outstretched.

"But you did it anyways. You did it because you wanted to. Your body craved him and you gave into that craving."

"Get away from me!" Erin screamed.

"Cut it out, Erin. You're one of us now. Fully. I mean look at yourself in the mirror."

Erin looked and her eyes widened.

"That's me?"

"Wow, you really weren't paying attention. Every bit of your focus must have been on draining his dick. I don't know if that's impressive or embarrassing."

Erin hefted one of her breasts before tracing her nascent curves with both hands. Her jaw hung slack in shock.

"What happened to me?"

"It's pretty obvious. You grew."

"I don't want this," Erin whispered.

"That's an obvious lie. I can see in your eyes that you love this."

Erin's response was cut short as something writhed under the skin around her belly. With a loud groan, the girl sank to her knees, green fluid splashing from her crotch.

"Oh god," Erin said with a gasp.

Megan squealed and tackled Erin to the ground, pinning her arms.

"You're already pregnant! I was going to make you turn your little friend but," Megan turned back and looked over at Drew.

The girl was huddled over her boyfriend, cradling his head in her lap. Her sobs were soft and sweet.

"This is your final descent. I want you to turn her."


Erin clutched her pussy as more juices gushed out. Whatever lived in the girl's belly, it was eager as hell to get loose.

"Look at her. She's really the sweetest thing," Megan said, shoving her index finger in Erin's pussy.


Megan ignored her ward, instead focusing on pleasuring the girl. She could feel something press against her fingers every few seconds, its flesh hot and powerful.

"Just admit that it feels good. The feeling of being filled. The knowledge that you can turn an innocent girl into a monster. That power is incredible. Enjoy it."

"But I don't want to! I don't want to be a monster," Erin cried.

"But you are!"

Megan glanced back to Drew to make sure the girl hadn't made a run for it. She and Jeffrey were talking. She was trying desperately to get the boy to his feet. He looked spaced out, but his eyes were open and his rubbery legs were starting to rise.

This needed to end fast.

"I'm not! I'm not a monster."

"Oh yeah? Let's see about that."

With a tremendous burst of effort, Megan dragged Erin to her feet and launched her in the direction of the struggling couple. Erin hit the pair like a bowling ball, sending all three sprawling in a pile on the ground.

Erin rose to her knees and froze. Below her was Drew, breathing heavily and gazing at her in fear. Megan watched with crazed anticipation as a visible shiver ran through Erin's body. The show was just beginning.

Suddenly, Erin clutched her pussy as more goo flowed out.

"No, I don't want to," she whined. "You won't make me."

Jeffrey, watching this go down while laying sprawled on his back, suddenly cried out with a feeble voice.

"Drew. Run!"

Drew looked frantically from her boyfriend to the crazed girl in front of her, her body paralyzed with horror.

"I shouldn't," Erin moaned. "I know I shouldn't."

"Why?" Megan asked. "It's only natural."

"It's wrong."

"Not for us."

"I'm a monster. Oh God, you're right. I'm a monster."

Drew, finally regaining her courage, cried out and started to scramble to her feet. Megan watched the girl and fought the urge to stop her. Either Erin did the deed or she didn't.

Just as Drew started to run towards the door, Erin growled and sprang forward. The pair collapsed to the hard ground, Erin on top and Drew on bottom.

"I'm sorry," Erin said. "I can't do this anymore."

She yanked Drew's sweatpants down and ripped her panties apart, revealing her delicate pussy to the air. Drew fought back, trying desperately to push Erin off of her, but it was useless. Through her growth spurt, Erin had gotten had clearly gotten stronger.

Giving fully into her desires, Erin grabbed Drew's breasts with both hands, kneading them through the fabric. The girl had a nice, full pair, although Erin now dwarfed her in the department.

"Don't fight it," Erin moaned. "I tried to fight it. It just hurt."

"Get off! Get off of me!" Drew cried.

Megan kneeled next to Jeffrey and giggled.

"Now you get to watch your precious girlfriend become one of us!"

"Fuck. Off," Jeffrey growled with fading breath.

"Don't worry, we'll let her finish you off."

At this point, Erin was mashing her pussy against Drew's, soaking the girl in her fluids. Drew screamed in mingled horror and forced arousal. Erin was clearly getting close.

"Oh god I need this," she cried.

All of a sudden, Erin's whole body tensed and her belly bulged. From between her legs, a fresh blast of slime shot out, followed by something fat and black. It thrust its head into the air, followed by several inches of its shaft. The body of the monster dangled between Erin's leg's like some freakish green and black penis.

Megan noticed that Erin's parasite was slightly larger than the normal ones, but otherwise the same shape. Perhaps it was all the extra juice she pulled from Jeffrey?

Erin looked down at Drew, her eyes blazing with pure hunger. For her part, Drew was once again paralyzed with fear, her eyes fixed on the monstrous appendage waiting for her.

Then in one smooth motion, Erin thrust the fat black head of the creature into Drew's sopping cunt, forcing her nether lips wide.

Drew arched her back and screamed bloody murder as the parasite entered her body. With powerful thrusts of her hips, Erin pushed the shaft of her unholy child deeper and deeper into the girl their pussies met. Erin cried out in a soul crushing orgasm as the beast passed from her to Drew.

"And so the victim becomes the victimizer. It's almost poetic," Megan crooned.

Drew convulsed and whimpered on the ground as the monster inside of her birth canal forced its way deeper into the core of her body. It wouldn't be long before the thing reached her womb.

Erin watched her conquest, her eyes blank. For all her fight, Erin had played right into Megan's hands each and every time. Megan could not wait to see how the girl evolved.

With a final yelp, Drew's body went still, indicating that the bonding process was starting.

"See, you're one of us," Megan said to Erin. "And now, so is she."

"Yeah, I guess you were right."

"Come on, let's go. Get your clothes on," Megan said. "If they still fit."

Erin pulled her t-shirt on, the garment now clinging to her massive breasts for dear life. Her skirt fit better.

Megan turned to leave and felt something grip her ankle.

"Get it out of her," Jeffrey snarled.

Megan kicked free from his grasp and gave him a slight strike to the jaw.

"Even if I wanted to, it's too late."

"No! Oh God Drew, I'm sorry," the boy cried.

"This is your fault in a way. If you hadn't played with us, none of this would have happened."

"Enough," Erin said. Her voice was hollow. "Let's get out of here."

"Sure thing, sister. Let's find your little friend."

Both girls walked out, leaving a broken young man and his rapidly transforming girlfriend alone.


Eliza knew she was getting close. She was on the second floor, running at full speed and Lindsay had just disappeared by the corner.

The bitch was cackling like a freak and that only made Eliza angrier.

Eliza rounded the corner to find her former friend staring back at her down the hall. Lindsay stood with one hand gripping the door of the hallway bathroom and one hand gripping a spherical object that seemed to pulse and throb in her fingers.

"What are you gonna do to me, Eliza? Beat me up?"

"You're going to tell me where my friend is."

"Sure thing, you just have to catch me."

Lindsay threw open the door to the bathroom and dashed in. Eliza growled and chased after her. She was getting tired of the bitch's games.

Eliza grabbed the door handle, feeling anger thrumming through her fingers like an electric current. She was going to make Lindsay pay for all her bullshit.

She opened the door and charged into the room only to feel a pair of hands grasp her by the back of the head.

"You really are a dumb bitch when you're angry," Lindsay sneered.

All of a sudden, Eliza felt a throbbing, desperate jolt of pleasure run through her entire body. The force of the sensation made her legs feel rubbery and caused the girl to stumble forward.

Before Eliza could right herself, Lindsay was upon her. The girl was strong and fast and moved with terrible purpose. She grabbed Eliza by the back of the head and pulled her into a hard kiss.

The same frenzied pleasure sensation shot into Eliza's lips and filled her whole body like hot poison. Eliza tried to push Lindsay away, but with each passing seconds her muscles grew weaker. The unnatural pleasure her body was experiencing seemed to sap her of her will.

Lindsay pulled away from the kiss and forced Eliza down on her knees before joining her on the floor.

"You're silly, you know that? Chasing after me, getting all angry, and you don't even know what I've done. Want to know a little secret? Your friend was downstairs the whole time. By chasing me, you screwed her over!"

"You bitch," Eliza snarled.

She drove her fist towards Lindsay's gut, but the girl caught the attack with ease.

"Nice try, but you're already moving slower."

Lindsay snaked a hand under Eliza's shirt and started to fondle the girl's tight, perky breasts, sending more jolts of alien pleasure through her skin. Eliza yelped and struggled, but the feelings affected her like a drug. Her pussy was already getting wet.

"God your tits are firm. Your whole body is so fucking tight. I swear to god, you're like a real-life fairy or something."

"Get the fuck off of me," Eliza cried.

With all her strength she slammed her fist into Lindsay's cheek, hitting the girl hard and sending her backwards.

Lindsay screamed in rage, her arrogant demeanor shattered.

"Okay bitch, I don't have time for this."

Lindsay lunged forward and grabbed Eliza before she had a chance to respond, digging her fingers into the girl's face. All of a sudden, Eliza felt a blast of lustful energy and then everything went white.


Jessie recognized Emily immediately. Her long, curly redhair was a dead giveaway. She was wrestling with a heavyset girl Jessie didn't recognize. Looking closer, Jessie could see that Emily held a wet cloth to the girl's mouth. The RA was charging into the fray.

"Stay away from her!" Jessie cried.

The RA ignored her and grabbed Emily by her collar and tried yanking her back. Immediately, Emily reeled on her, allowing the heavy set girl to fall to the ground.

"Okay," The RA yelled. "I'm calling public safety."

"That isn't going to work!" Jessie cried, charging forward.

Before she could get to the pair, Emily grabbed the RA by the head. Jessie watched in horror as glowing green lines erupted from Emily's fingers, etching their way through the RA's skin.

"What is she doing?" Haley cried.

"I don't know! I never saw this."

Jessie ran and brought her practice sword down hard on Emily's head, causing the girl to cry out and let go of the RA, who crumpled to the ground.

"You bitch!" Emily screamed.

"I'm so sorry, Emily."

Jessie smashed her weapon into Emily's face several more times as the girl tumbled towards her. She needed to avoid touching the girl. Whatever she was doing with her hands, it seemed like bad news.

Jumping backward, Jessie landed several more blows. Emily stumbled backwards, eyes blazing, and screeched at Jessie.

All of a sudden, there were loud footsteps and a boy in dirty clothes burst out of room 124. The boy saw Jessie and lunged, digging his shoulder into her chest. Jessie slammed into the opposite wall and slumped to the ground. In the process, she dropped her practice sword.

"Hold her down," Emily muttered.

The boy obeyed her command without a second's hesitation, grabbing Jessie's wrists and pinning her to the wall.

Before Jessie had a chance to respond, Bethany slammed into her attacker, sending him flying backwards. Haley followed close behind, gunning for Emily, but she was too slow on the draw.

Emily braced herself and absorbed Haley's blow with ease. Next, she seized Haley by the head with both hands and began to use her strange power again. Green lines burst onto Haley's skin as Emily began to mutter.

"No, get out!" Haley cried. "Get the fuck out of my head."

"You're cute. You'll be my new plaything," Emily said.

Seeing this gave Jessie the strength she needed to get back on her feet. She stood up and grabbed one of Emily's arms.

"Help!" Emily cried.

More footsteps and Jessie felt her legs go out from under in an instant. She slammed into the floor, losing her breath once again, as the mousy RA climbed on top of her. The girl had a vacant look in her eyes.

Wrong move you little runt, she thought with sudden rage.

Jessie could feel the girl trying to restrain her, but she had the size advantage by a good margin. She grabbed the RA's wrists and headbutted her, sending the girl sprawling on her back. However, before she could react, Jessie felt another body slam down on her

"What the hell?" Jessie cried.

A chubby asian girl Jessie didn't recognize pinned her down to the ground. Unlike the RA, this girl's eyes were wild and insane.

"You can't hurt her, she needs to finish with me!" The girl screamed.

"Get off of me you freaky bitch!"

The girl was strong and her frenzied state only made her more formidable.

Jessie heard Bethany cry out and saw the girl tumbling towards them from the corner of her vision. There was a trickle of blood rolling down her forehead, but otherwise she seemed unscathed.

"Melissa, I'm coming!" she cried.

"You're Melissa?" Jessie asked, struggling against the girl's grip.

"I don't know who you are, but you aren't getting in my way. She's going to finish me."

"Finish you? What the fuck are you talking about?" Jessie cried.

There was a sound of scuffling and Jessie looked up to see the RA and Bethany wrestling with each other above them. Next to them, Haley was struggling against Emily's strange ability.

"Haley, fight her!" Jessie cried.

"Get out!" Haley said. "Get out of my head."

"No. You're mine, Haley Lewis."

Jessie watched in horror as time slowed to a crawl. All her effort was unraveling. Emily had the girl in her grasp and seemed ready to finish the job Leah had started. Meanwhile, Jessie was powerless in the grip of a crazed Melissa.


"That shirt really does not fit you," Megan snickered as she and Erin strolled down the hall.

"Please don't."

"Are you really still being bashful after everything you did back there?"

"I don't want to talk about that."

"This is fascinating," Megan said. "Most of us embrace the change, but you're still fighting it."

"Please be quiet."

"Please be quiet. I don't wanna talk. Meh, you're no fun, Erin. Come on, enjoy this a little. At least enjoy those massive boobies I gave you!"

Erin shoved a finger in Megan's face, her countenance turning to rage.

"You forced this on me and turned me into some freak! I don't need you rubbing this in for me. Got it?"

"Whatever," Megan said. "Let's see what Lindsay's up to. She's more fun anyway."

"Why should I even go with you?"

"Then don't, bitch."

"You're just going to let me go?"

"Sure, you'll end up sucking some guy's life force through that magic pussy of yours sooner or later on your own. Don't wait up."

Megan disappeared through the doorway to the stairwell, leaving Erin alone with her thoughts for the first meaningful moment in hours. Her mind kept flashing back to the moments just before she shoved the unholy nightmare into the poor girl. The feeling of that thing writhing inside of her, connected to her yet completely alien. It was impossible to wrap her head around.

In that moment, all Erin had thought about was a perverse need to fuck and breed. She remembered the sensation as the head of the creature edged its way past the innocent girl's nether lips. It was as if Erin could feel the worm like it was her own body. The flesh throbbed and tingled. It felt so good.

Erin snapped out of her funk to find herself standing in an empty hall, alone with her own monstrous body. She felt deep loneliness like a wave of cold.

She ran to the door and descended the stairwell, feeling her massive breasts jiggle with every step. Everything felt foreign and uncomfortable now. She needed company so badly, even if that company was a psychopathic bitch.

[Scene 20 - Haley discovers her inner power]

Haley could feel the commands burrowing through her brain like tiny worms. Each second, they got a little closer to some hidden core of her being. Once they were in, it was game over. Haley knew it.

"Fight it Haley!" A voice cried in the distance.

The voice was muddled and hard to understand, like she was hearing it underwater. For the life of her, she could not identify the person behind the voice.

"Fight it!"

Haley felt all the strength die within her. All light within her dimmed and she sank deep under the surface of a midnight sea.

"Fight it!"

The same words but a different voice now. Waves rolled over Haley's head, threatening to slam her into the sandy bottom. They just kept coming, one after another, never giving the little girl a moment to catch her breath.

"Stay above the water Haley!" The voice cried. "Just a little longer."

Haley felt arms grasp her small body as the largest wave yet smashed into her. The pair slammed into the bottom of the water and rolled forward, then backwards, then forwards again. A hand grasped Haley's wrist and in that moment, she opened her eyes.

The eyes that looked back were an icy blue that stood out against the murkier navy of the ocean.

"Mom?" Haley said. Her voice was strange and squeaky.

"You need to fight it. Fight it Haley!" Her mother cried.

A second later, another monstrous wave crashed over the pair, dragging Haley's mother away for good.

Adrenaline shot like a bullet through Haley's system as she ascended from the bottom of her mind's ocean. She could see the worms winding their way into her. That would not do. This was her mind. Her place to be alone.

"Fight it," Haley muttered.

She could feel something press against her, desperate to suppress her resistance at all costs. That only made Haley angrier.

"Get out of my head!" She screamed.

In a moment, the darkness shattered and the world fell back into place. A girl with long, curly red hair and piercing green eyes blinked at her, seemingly flabbergasted.

In the next moment, a wooden bat crunched down on the top of the girl's head, causing her to faint and crumple onto the ground. The girl holding the bat was a pudgy, frightened looking girl with strawberry blonde curls and dark, wet eyes.

The RA collapsed to the ground, leaving a shocked Bethany on her feet.

"Kill the mothership and the drones crash too," the pudgy girl said.

"For the record," Bethany said. "You didn't kill her, did you?"

"I don't know and honestly, I don't really care right now."

"Fair enough."

The girls' back and forth was cut short by low, husky sobs.

"Guys, a little help here?" Jessie asked.

"Oh God," Bethany said. "Melissa, babe, are you okay?"

Melissa turned to face them, tears streaming down her cheeks. She was still on top of Jessie, but the fight was gone from her.

"I - I - I didn't mean too!"

"It's okay," Bethany said.

"Is it?" Jessie asked.


Bethany kneeled down and pulled Melissa into a tight hug, letting the girl cry on her shoulder.

"Wha-uh-what happened?" The RA said groggily, sitting up and rubbing her temple.

Jessie crawled to her feet and ran over to the girl.

"What do you mean what happened? You attacked us!"

"I did? Huh, I don't remember it at all."

"She was trying to mind control them," Haley said. "Something like that. She tried it on me too, but I think I fought it off."

"But you're okay?" Jessie asked.

"Yeah. Other than a killer headache, I'm fine."

"Hi, I don't mean to butt in, but can we find my friend?" the chubby girl with the bat asked.

They all turned to face the girl. The sudden pressure made her turn bright red and shrink from their attention.

"Who are you again?" Jessie asked.

"Well, I came here with my friend Eliza. Well not friend. More like a friend of a friend. Well, friend of a roommate."

Bethany cut her off.

"Eliza? Where is she?"

"She ran off after Lindsay, that's my roommate. We've been looking for her. She put a worm in my clothes and - "

"A worm? What worm?" Jessie asked.

"Ah! Too many questions!" the girl yelped.

Haley stepped forward and placed her hand on the girl's shoulder and gave her a gentle smile.

"It's okay. We'll all talk later. Right now, we need to find Eliza," she said. "Do you know where she went?"

"Down the hall that way," the girl pointed. "I think she went upstairs."

"Alright, let's roll out," Bethany said.

"Okay," The RA said, shaking her head. "Someone needs to explain what's going on. Did you guys do this?"

She pointed to the knocked out redhead and her male partner lying on the ground.

"And who are you running after? What happened?"

Jessie grabbed her practice sword and started walking down the hallway.

"There's no time to explain. Just trust us, okay?"

"I don't even know you! Besides, I'm not going anywhere. These two need medical attention. I have to call public safety."

Haley felt a brewing storm of anxiety in her gut. Somewhere in the building, Eliza was in danger and every second that passed only made the situation worse.

"Listen," Jessie said. "If you want to stay here, that's your deal. We're leaving."

"But what if public safety wants statements?"

"Tough deal. Oh and word of advice: if she starts to wake up, run."


The RA looked horrified.

"You heard her," Haley said. "Now come on guys, let's go!"

The group bounded down the hallway and into the stairwell, leaving the RA blinking in disbelief. Her head pounded and she had the unpleasant sense that she was forgetting something. She didn't notice the girl behind her start to stir.


Lindsay had one hand under Eliza's shirt, groping the girl's perfect tit and the other down Eliza's pants. With that combination, Eliza was reduced to nothing but a whimpering, slobbering mess. The egg sat between her legs, pulsing with unnatural anticipation.

"I honestly expected more of a fight. You're always such an angry little fairy most days. Still, I can't wait for this," Lindsay said.

She pulled her hand from Eliza's pussy and licked the juiced on her fingers.

"Fuck off," Eliza struggled to say.

"That's the spirit! God, I can't wait to see what this does to you, Eliza."

Lindsay stroked the egg, smearing the remains of Eliza's girl-cum on the fleshy exterior. The fluids seemed to send the creature within into overdrive.

"It won't be long now," Lindsay said. "God, I've missed you. Honestly, you're like my best friend here. Being sisters is going to be so hot."

"Bitch," Eliza muttered.

"Awww, you clearly need more. Here!"

Lindsay jammed her index finger into Eliza's pussy, causing the girl to scream.

"Oh chill out, my finger isn't nearly as big as what comes next."

Lindsay was so engrossed in molesting her former friend that she failed to hear the creak of the bathroom door opening. Nor did she hear the shocked feminine gasp that followed.

"What the hell!"

Lindsay whirled around to face a slender girl with thick glasses and long, braided brown hair. On the girl's face were equal parts fear and disgust.

"Ah shit," Lindsay said.

In the next moment, she felt a hard blow land against the back of her head, sending her tumbling forward.

"Run!" Eliza cried.

The angry redhead grabbed the nearly hatched egg and tossed it as hard as she could against the side of one of the stalls, splattering the orb against the hard metal surface.

"You bitch," Lindsay growled. "How did you have enough strength?"

"I don't. You just really pissed me off."

Eliza started to run past Lindsay, but the corrupted girl moved faster, snatching her ankle. Eliza tripped and fell onto the hard ground, her open palms stinging from the fall.

"You idiot bitch. You just hatched my egg and now it's coming for you."

"What is your problem?"

"No more talking until the worm's in you."

All of a sudden, both girls were interrupted by a loud, frightened scream. They looked up to see the girl in the doorway struggling with a fat black and green worm coiled around her tennis shoe.

The scene seemed to play out in slow motion. The worm drove itself into one leg of the girl's sweatpants and started to work its way up her leg. The girl screamed and lifted her leg, desperate to yank the creature off. Instead, she careened backwards into the bathroom door. The door opened under her weight, sending her flying onto her back in the hallway where she continued to struggle against the worm.

"Help her, you bitch!" Eliza cried.

"It's probably too late to stop it," Lindsay said. "It's a shame. I wanted it for you. Oh well."

She grabbed Eliza by the throat and sent a powerful enough jolt of pleasure energy through the girl to knock her out cold.

"I'll deal with you later," she added before walking out into the hall.

The girl writhed on the tiling, her hands struggling to slow down a fat, wet lump that was already crawling up her inner thigh.

"Help me. Please! You have to!" The girl whimpered.

Lindsay chuckled and stroked the girl's cheek.

"You're actually really cute up close," Lindsay said.

The girl shot her a horrified look. Lindsay shook her head and yanked the hem of the girl's stretchy sweatpants before grabbing the worm with her hand, gripping it tightly in her fingers.

"Don't worry, I've got you," she said.

Lindsay pulled the worm up to view, watching it flick and squirm in the hallway lamps. Then she glanced backwards towards the bathroom. Within, Eliza was laying on the tile, knocked out cold. She was a sitting duck.

"That's no fun," Lindsay muttered to herself.

"What is that thing?" The girl asked, horrified.

"I don't know," Lindsay answered. "Say, what's your name?"

The girl looked nervously to Lindsay. From this angle, she looked like a helpless little mouse under a mop of brown hair.

"Uh Susie Langley."

"Susie, that's a cute name," Lindsay said.

She brought the wriggling monster in her hand to her mouth and gave it a light kiss. Then she dropped down quickly and placed her free palm on Susie's exposed belly.

"Hey! What are you - " Susie started to say.

Her words were cut off as a jolt of pleasure energy shot through her belly, causing her to squeal like a mouse.

"Now," Lindsay said. "Let's give this big boy a new home!"

Lindsay brought the head of the creature to Susie's pussy and it did the rest. It shot forward and filled her tight slit with its bulging head.

The girl screamed, but Lindsay's lustful power kept her subdued and eased the creature's entry into her.

"You're making a scene."

Lindsay looked up to see Megan glaring at her. Standing next to her was a pretty African American girl that seemed ready to burst out of her clothing she was so stacked. Lindsay's eyes widened as she recognized the girl.

"Jesus, she changed."

Erin glared and looked away.

"She's still a little shy," Megan said. "But she's already turned her first girl."


"Don't talk to me," Erin muttered.

Lindsay smiled and flipped the girl off.

"Who is this little thing?" Megan asked.

"This is Susie and she bumbled into all my careful plans."

Lindsay turned to see the last few inches of the worm disappear within the girl's pussy. The girl arched her back and gasped as she and the creature became one flesh.

All of a sudden, they heard a multitude of footsteps in the stairwell.

"Get ready to bolt," Megan said.

"What about her?" Lindsay asked, pointing to their newest sister.

"Oh my god!" Susie screeched. "It's in me. It's fucking me!"

"Shut up!" Lindsay snapped.

"Ugh, this is on you," Megan said.

They watched as a crowd burst into the hallway.


"I guess I've got all the time in the world with the other's upstairs," Emily said.

She was back in Carter 124, straddling the RA on the bed. Hades stared at the pair with his usual empty expression.

"My own personal RA," she said. "What a catch!"

She ran her hands over the moaning girl's body, relishing the tight, petite figure of the girl. Green lines etched their way across the girl's pale skin.

"Your name is Shelby Sullivan. Cute enough. I'm learning so much about you."

The girl cried out as her pussy gushed from a powerful orgasm.

"I'm also getting better at rewriting nerves. Your tits are ridiculous sensitive now. Even the air is and the contact with your shirt is making you cum!"

Emily rubbed Shelby's pussy and giggled.

"I'm more than ready to turn you, but I think I'm going to take my time. Maybe see what else I can change. You and I, we're going to have so much fun!"

A single tear rolled down Shelby's cheek as Emily's influence grew deeper.


"Well this is a fun little Mexican standoff," Megan said.

On one side of the hallway stood her, Lindsay, and Erin. On the other was Jessie, Melissa, and a fresh pack of runts. In between them sat poor little Susie, her body wracked by transformation.

"Haley, is that Eliza?" Jessie asked.

"No," Haley said.

"Do any of you recognize her?"

Everyone in the group shook their heads.

"Don't worry," Lindsay called out. "Your Eliza is just fine. She's in the bathroom."

"You turned her, didn't you, you bitch?" Jessie cried.

"Nope! Honest truth. This one," Lindsay pointed to the writhing girl on the floor. "She got the worm meant for our dear Eliza."

"What does she mean, she got the worm," a chubby girl with a baseball bat asked.

"We'll explain later," Jessie said.

"But what's happening to that girl?"

"Come on man, we'll explain later. Just be ready to use that baseball bat of yours."

"The worms enter female hosts and transform them. We're all products of that transformation and soon, this pretty little thing will be too," Megan said.

"Oh god," the chubby girl said. "Oh god, that's what that was."

"What what was?" Haley asked.

"Guys, this really isn't the time," Bethany said.

Megan broke into laughter.

"Look at you guys squabble. I see you somehow got your friend free," she said, pointing at Melissa.

Melissa peeked out from behind Bethany and her eyes widened as she saw Erin. She barely recognized her friend now.

Erin refused to reciprocate eye contact, folding her arms over her enlarged chest.

In an instant, the bathroom door shot open and a nearly feral Eliza burst through, guns blazing.

"You bitch, you should have kept an - " she trailed off as she noticed the gathered crowd of people. "Oh shit."

"Eliza!" The chubby girl cried.

"I take it you aren't turned?" Haley asked.

"What the fuck are you talking about. Why are you here?"

Eliza looked down and saw the girl gasping and moaning on the floor.

"What did you do to her?" She said, turning to Lindsay with blazing eyes.

"If you want to know, I can demonstrate on you."

"Fuck off," Eliza cried.

"Enough," Megan said. "Listen Jessie, you leave with your group. I'll leave with mine."

"What?" Jessie said. "How am I supposed to trust you. You've lost your goddamn mind like the rest of these worm bitches."

"I guess you can't trust me, but we've got parasites that turn you all into monsters like us and you've got weapons to bash our brains out. Seems like a stalemate."

"What about her?" Jessie motioned to the girl on the floor.

"She's ours," Megan said. "Besides, there's no hope for her."

"This is fucking trick. I just know it."

"Someone please fucking tell me what's going on," Eliza shouted.

"Shut up and get over here, Tinker Bell," Jessie snapped.

"What did you call me?"

"Just listen to her," Bethany shouted. "This isn't a time to fight."

Eliza softened at Bethany's voice and stomped over to their side. Jessie turned her attention back to Megan.

"So we're just supposed to leave this chick with you?"

"Well you could take her with you, but she's one of us now. Good luck with that."

"Fine. Fuck. Whatever, we'll leave and if any of you bitches get in the way, it's the last thing you'll ever do."

"Deal," Megan said.

"Are we really just retreating," Lindsay asked.

"You're not the one who got pepper sprayed," Megan said. She turned to face the group of unturned girls. "I guess all of you know what's up to a greater or lesser degree. That's just great. Whatever. Go ahead and leave, be my guest."

The girls turned and dashed down the stairwell, disappearing into the night, leaving Megan, Erin, Lindsay and a newly turned Susie alone.

"Should be worried?" Lindsay asked.

"Who cares," Megan said. "Let's check in Red."


The rain finally died, leaving clear skies and a pale moon. Around campus, the winds of change were blowing.

Ellie Thomas stomped down a path, compulsively wiping away her tears and waiting desperately for a response from a childhood friend. This was her first breakup and she was determined to make it as miserable as possible.

All of a sudden, she heard voices in the woods near the path. The sound was not too far off. Looking in that direction, she saw a faint green glow.

The sight mesmerized Ellie, drawing her closer as if by the lure of an angler fish. Moving to get a better look, she stepped off the path and snuck closer to the green light.

In a small clearing, two people, a man and a woman, moved together in a fevered embrace. The woman appeared to be the pinnacle of feminine beauty. Massive, lush breasts seemed to defy gravity as they bounced and jiggled with the boy's thrusts. Ellie watched the girl and could not help but feel hypnotized by her beauty.

The green glow emanated from this strange, beautiful woman, filling the air around her. She seemed utterly radiant to Ellie, like a goddess.

The boy Ellie recognized immediately. It was Jon.

Ellie covered her mouth to suppress her gasp. The wretched pain from the breakup intensified to a burning agony inside of her in that moment.

So that's how little I meant? She wondered.

Still, Ellie could not look away. The scene was entirely fascinating. The way the girl gyrated on top of Jon was almost inhuman. The way she gasped and moaned was utterly luxurious.

Meanwhile, Jon was a withered mess. In direct contrast to the sheer vitality of this strange, glowing goddess, Jon was verging on becoming a corpse. His usually strong arms looked thin and his face seemed hollow.

It almost seemed like the girl was sucking the life out of him.

The couple reached what seemed like a climax, the girl crying out and filling the woods with emerald light. A moment later, Jon dropped to the muddy ground, lifeless.

Ellie stepped backwards and the air around her filled with the deafening sound of a twig snapping under her foot.

"Oh shit," Ellie cried.

Immediately, the goddess-like woman turned and looked in Ellie's direction. Her eyes glowed like a cat's in the dark.

For a moment, Ellie felt herself drift completely into those eyes. There was so much warmth and pleasure there, as if she were being hugged tightly by someone who loved her very much. The sensation was just the balm for her feelings of loneliness and heartbreak.

The woman chuckled to herself and the light slowly faded from her eyes. At the same time, Ellie felt the warm sensation die away. She was suddenly aware of the uncanny nature of what she was seeing.

Horror consumed her then and she ran off towards the path, moving as fast as she could. Little did she know that the woman was watching her and toying with a plan.

On the other side of campus, Lily Myer had just finished off her second boy for the night. He was one of the rugby team members - a fat guy with equally fat eyebrows. They were probably his most striking feature. The boy groaned slightly as he sat against the brick wall of his townhouse.

"You'll be fine, you big baby," she said, patting him on the shoulder.

Lily felt invigorated, her body flooded with the energy she stole from the rugby boy. Even better was the fact that she could feel another worm-baby writhing deep within her. This time, she would decide where to put the damn thing!

Scanning the area, Lily suddenly noticed a girl standing facing away from her a couple hundred feet away. Clearly, she hadn't noticed Lily at all.

They were out by the staff parking lot, a place bound to be deserted at this time of night on a school night. It was a perfect opportunity.

Lily approached the girl, taking care to not make too much noise. Still, the girl did not turn around.

What was she even doing out here? She hadn't moved from her position at all.

Lily figured it didn't matter. A girl was a girl was a girl and this girl was going to be hers.

When she got to within thirty feet of the girl, Lily broke out into a jog. She could barely contain her excitement.

Lily was nearly within reaching distance when the girl suddenly turned around and shoved the barrel of a pistol in her face. This stopped Lily in her tracks. Her blood ran cold as her reality turned upside for the second time in one night.

"You and I are taking a trip," the girl said with a smile.

Suddenly, they were surrounded by figures wielding an assortment of pistols and rifles. Lily was shocked. She hadn't seen a single other soul besides the girl only moments earlier. Where had these guys come from?

"Come with us," the girl said. "And don't try anything."

On the third floor of Carter Hall, Billy Hanlen opened the door to find his roommate Jeffrey on the floor, seemingly unconscious. Drew Monroe, Jeffrey's girlfriend, giggled at him from his bed. She wasn't wearing any clothes and every inch of her body beckoned to him.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2019-09-09 17:05:18
Very glad to hear it! Waiting anxiously!


2019-08-31 11:57:31
I'm with it till the very end! Thanks for the feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2019-08-30 22:47:08
Umm - you are writing more of this story, right? I f you don't I will hunt you down, ok?
Best sci-fi/horror story ever on here...keep it going!

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