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Based on a true story about an opportunistic man with a lust for beautiful ladies.

I crunch into second and the truck rumbles along Mandela Avenue as I try and find number 42. My phone’s sat nav seems to have given up in the heat. This stinking Chigwell housing estate, a human sewer in the heart of Essex, is a labyrinth of tiny high-density housing, each bungalow barely more than a static caravan.

It is difficult to see house numbers past the skips and broken washing machines and deflated paddling pools abandoned in the overgrown front gardens. The blinding sun doesn’t help and I can feel sweat under my balls and asshole.

Finally I spot the car I have come to repossess and pull up behind it. I know it’s registered to Dwayne Hyde who bought it with a big bank loan. My research on Facebook confirmed that he recently walked out on his wife Yvonne, and that she’s having a tough time. She was probably pissed when posting all the unguarded confessions about her depression and how her daughter was in pieces. A broken woman in her forties with no money and no hope. I light a cigarette, pull some official looking papers from the glove box and attach them to my clipboard. The beers I downed at lunch make me feel immensely powerful, but I always get anxious before breaking bad news and I take deep, calming breaths.

After ringing the doorbell I scan the rat run street. It’s deserted and I start banging the door with my fist. When I hear the locks clicking I brace myself, and as the door opens I put my foot over the threshold in case she tries to slam it in my face.

Making eye contact, I say ‘Mrs Hyde?’ in a serious tone of voice.

Mrs Hyde has a fag dangling from her mouth. She is wearing a pink vest and leggings that are so tight I can see her knickers. Her long dirty blonde hair is pulled back in the ‘Glasgow facelift’ style and she has a tattoo of a mermaid on her forearm.

‘Who the fuck’s asking?’

‘My name is Washington. From Carlton Debt Enforcers. I’m here about the Nissan LEAF.’

‘Yeah, that’s my car so you can fuck right off you robbing bastard.’

She seems close to the edge, her words slurred.

‘I don’t want no trouble Mrs Hyde. But I’m here to take the car. I have a Court Order that empowers me to repossess it unless you can pay the arrears, which are over eighteen hundred pounds.’ As I say this I point at my clipboard.

Mrs Hyde doesn’t ask to check my credentials. They never do.

‘But my husband, my ex husband, takes care of that. This is harassment, I don’t owe you bastards a penny!’

‘I know this isn’t easy, but I need the keys. I’m totally serious, this is happening.’ I say this as gently as I can because Yvonne’s breathing has changed, like she’s about to break down in tears. ‘Look why don’t you let me in and we can talk about this?’

She leads me into a kitchenette which is open plan into a tiny living area where a young woman is lying on a sofa in the shadow of a 60 inch TV. She’s wearing headphones and a thin beach kaftan over a little bikini.

‘I see this has come as a shock. You know I’m just doing my job.’

‘Look Washington, I didn’t mean to be a bitch just now but Dwayne, my ex, promised he’d keep up the payments.’

I tower over Yvonne in the cramped space and sit down on a stool so I don’t intimidate her too much. ‘I know, life can be pretty tough sometimes,’ I say, managing a smile to develop rapport.

Yvonne sighs and offers me a drink which is very kind in the circumstances. I expect that she might stretch to a cup of tea, but she says she wants something stronger and I’m too selfish to object. When she bends over to rummage in the freezer the top of her thong is visible and I realise she isn’t wearing a bra as her breasts push against her vest. After topping up her glass she pours me a cold vodka and sits across from me at the breakfast bar.

‘Cheers!’ I say, genuinely grateful for the hospitality. ‘And I am sorry that I’ve got to take your car. I know that this housing estate is pretty isolated.’

Yvonne puts a hand over her eyes and nods slowly as she starts explaining how she recently lost her job at the supermarket. For some reason she also offloads about how Dwayne recently moved in with her sister and as she speaks, choking back tears, all I can do is stare at her pale cleavage. I’m wondering if her pussy is shaved, hoping it isn’t, and somehow manage to ask how her daughter is taking the breakup.

‘That’s the real fucking problem,’ says Yvonne, emptying her glass. ‘My Pauline’s in a real bad way. She just mopes around indoors all day. Got no friends. It breaks my heart to see her so unhappy.’

I look at the girl on the sofa. She seems to be in a trance and I doubt she’s even noticed me.

‘She’s a beautiful girl, I bet she’s popular with the boys.’

‘It’s not like that. Not at her college.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She goes to a special college. You know, for people who are a bit different.’

‘What, like gifted kids or something?’

‘No, a college for kids with special needs. You see my Pauline was born blind and the doctors say she her brain is a bit slow. She’ll be nineteen next birthday but they won’t even let her graduate until she passes her exams.’

‘Shit I’m sorry to hear that,’ I say, offering Yvonne a cigarette. ‘But what’s a slow brain meant to mean?’

Yvonne looks across at her little angel. ‘You know, she’s what they call retarded. I don’t know the full medical terms but she can be a moody little cow and she behaves like a crazy bitch half the time, swearing and doing stupid embarrassing shit.’

‘I’m sure the doctors will be able to fix her brain one day.’

‘I doubt it. You want to see how the boys on the estate talk to her, saying she’s a cabbage and yanking her knickers down because they know she’ll let them.’

I exhale sympathetically and hold Yvonne’s hand. ‘That’s probably just because they like her. Deep down.’

‘All I know is that I’ve got a disabled daughter and without a car our lives are fucked. Her college is miles away and I can’t get her there without a car.’

I squeeze Yvonne’s hand and say, ‘I’m so sorry sweetheart. Come on, it’ll probably be okay.’

As expected, my kind words act like a trigger and she starts crying. Blood floods my cock. It’s at a strange angle in my shorts so I stand up and move behind her so I can massage her shoulders. She seems okay with the physical intimacy and I make encouraging comments about clouds and silver linings. She bows her head as my fingers caress the nape of her neck, then move down her spine. Her daughter is lying on her back and the kaftan barely covers her body. Her hairless legs are long and lightly tanned and I can’t help wondering if she’s still a virgin.

Yvonne has stopped crying and asks me to continue the massage.

‘I might have an idea,’ I say, lifting her hands onto her head so I can massage her armpits. ‘Something that might buy you some time. Maybe I can help you guys.’

‘Oh Washington I beg you to help us. Please, you can’t take our Nissan LEAF it’s all we’ve got.’

I am fully erect, looming over Yvonne, staring down her vest at the shape of her nipples. ‘I can’t promise, but if I can make this shit disappear for a couple of weeks you might be able to straighten things out with your Dwayne, get that bastard to pay up. He might hate you, but surely he’ll take pity on his disabled blind daughter.’

‘You really think you can do that? I don’t want you getting into no trouble.’

My hands slide lower, now massaging her exposed cleavage. Her body feels soft and warm under my fingers. ‘It’s possible, but I’m risking my job. I have a wife and kids and my own pressures.’ This is a lie, but usually very effective.

‘You’re a decent man Washington. I know we ain’t nothing to you, but you can see I’m desperate. I’ll do anything to get a bit of extra time.’

Like so many times before I know that I can now say or do anything to this poor creature.

‘Okay, I’ve got an idea. I really want to help, but I’m just a simple man with primitive urges that sometimes make me tense. If you can satisfy my needs then I will do my best to delay repossessing you car. What do you think?’

‘Name your price.’

I don’t reply at first. Instead I ease my fingers under her vest, pressing gently against her fleshy boobs. Her nipples are thick like a child’s thumb. I circle them before cupping each tit in my big hands. Her chest rises and falls and I feel her heartbeat quicken.

Speaking in a low voice I say, ‘Why don’t you go change out of those clothes into a pretty bra and panties. And maybe you can freshen up with some deodorant, and brush your teeth. Then I want you to follow my instructions without challenge. Can you do that?’

‘But what about my daughter if we’re carrying on?’

‘It’ll be okay. We can be real discrete.’ I notice that Pauline has inadvertently spread her legs so I can see her white bikini knickers. ‘And even if she does notice something I promise I’ll look after her. She’ll be totally fine.’

I sense that the tip of my cock is wet and stop the massage so I can pour us another vodka. Yvonne stands to face me, her cheeks flushed as she glances at the lump in my shorts. ‘Look, why don’t you wait in the garden while I get changed. I’ll tell Pauline that I’ve got a guest so she won’t shit herself if she hears your voice.’

We step outside into a small fenced garden that is not overlooked. There’s some garden furniture and a barbecue in a lawned area, and I sit down on a metal chair. Yvonne leaves me with the vodka and goes back in to have a word with Pauline and get ready for me. I light another cigarette and lower my shorts so they are round my ankles. My cock looks like a weapon fashioned from graphite, veins thick and proud, foreskin drawn back revealing a glistening head. The vodka is making me feel warm and uninhibited and I play with the underside of the tip like it’s a gigantic clitoris. Expecting that Yvonne will be tarting herself up for a while I load some porn onto my phone and smile as I watch some randy boy anally raping his auntie while her husband wanks in a corner.

Moments like this make my life tolerable. I am careful not to over stimulate my erection but can’t help spitting on my palm and stroking the shaft.

And then I start to panic when I hear a female voice behind me.

‘Alright mister. You here to sought my mummy out?’

Instinctively I reach for my shorts, trying to pull them up, before realising that there is no need. Pauline has her hands outstretched, feeling her way towards me. I feel an overwhelming sense of pity for the blind girl inching forward.

‘Oh hi,’ I say, trying to guess what excuse Yvonne has given for my presence. ‘Yes I’m here to see your mummy. I’m her…physiotherapist? For her bad back?’

‘I hope you can take away her pain,’ says Pauline, sitting opposite me. ‘Anyway, what’s that smell?’

‘Oh it’s just a cheeky fag. Do you want one?’

‘Nah, I’ve got some of my mum’s,’ she says, lighting one. ‘I wouldn’t mind something to drink though.’

I lift my vodka to her lips and she takes a big sip. My penis feels even harder and I spread my legs and slowly stroke it. ‘I’m Washington. I don’t like to brag but I’m probably the best chiropractor in Essex. I’ve sorted out most of the girls on our national volley ball team. It’s a great privilege to help top athletes with their injuries.’

Pauline doesn’t seem to hear me and just stands up saying it’s time for her to sunbathe. She moves slowly, arms outstretched and I follow her to one of the sun loungers where she slips off the kaftan and lies on her front.

‘Will you be my daddy? And look after me?’

I’m naked from the waist down, and my erect cock bounces as I follow this weird little girl. ‘Sure, I can be your daddy. Shall I help put some sunscreen on, the sun’s so hot today.’

I kneel by her side and grab the bottle of Piz Buin that’s on the grass. She tells me to get on with it and I gently rub cream down her back. She’s sweating hard and my hands glide easily across her skin.

‘Why don’t you do some physio on me? I’ve got lots of stress all over entire body.’

‘I think I know just what you need.’ I climb on the lounger and straddle her legs letting my balls rest against her bum so I can use longer strokes.

‘Can you unfasten my bikini? I don’t want no horrible fucking tan lines.’

‘That’s a good idea, tan lines are totally ugly.’

She lifts herself on her elbows so I can easily remove her top and her naked breasts hang down. I’m seriously impressed how mature she is about letting a stranger see them. Her brown nipples are erect and her tits sway with the force of the massage.

‘Is my body okay daddy? Will the cute boys really want to fuck me?’

‘I don’t think you need to worry. Boys like girls with big squidgy bums like yours.’

‘Really? Please mister, can you cream up my bum and let me know what you really think about it.’

‘There’s nothing worse than having burned bum cheeks!’

Pauline giggles and spreads her legs as I touch her ass, squeezing her young flesh, applying cream in a circular motion so I can discretely spread her cheeks. Her bikini slides up her crack like a thong and I can see the dark skin of her anus.

The feeling of sweat and cream is making me wild, with a sudden desire to lick her asshole. By now she is moaning softly and I lower my hips so my cock rests between her buttocks and I push down so I can rock against her.

‘I don’t mind if you want to take off my knickers,’ whispers Pauline. ‘And I might like it if you touch me between my legs, that’s where most of my stress seems to be.’

I look down and the slime from my cock has stained her bikini thong. Needing no further encouragement I kiss her buttocks and the inside of her thighs, and spread her bum cheeks so I can play my tongue against her gusset. Her moans become louder as I lift her hips so she is on all fours and I pull her knickers down. I grip her waist and reach round, massaging her tummy. It is lean and I can feel her abs tense and then I reach forward so I can cup her boobs, her nipples sharp against my palms. Her cunt is inches from my mouth. It is unshaven and her blonde pubes are wet with sweat. My lips close on her anus, tongue pushing against her chocolate hole. She grinds her crotch into my face, moaning and panting, and I can smell the strong sex stink from her fat pink cunt.

I am about to finger her anus when she suddenly goes rigid.

‘Me need poo poo!’ she cries.

‘What the fuck are you on about!’

‘I need to poo poo. Fuck I’m desperate!’

Pauline makes a growling noise. Her anus dilates slightly, and then she emits a deep and sustained fart. My face is so close to her bumhole that I feel the hot gas against my face. I greedily inhale. The smell is a luxurious combination of syrup, cigar smoke, fish and rotting eggs. It is so astonishingly sexual that I immediately try to push my cock into her cunt but I stop myself when I see her anus expand and contract, piss spurting out.

I start to panic, wondering what Yvonne will think if she sees what’s happening, but I’m powerless as Pauline groans and strains and pushes out a length of glistening shit. It plops into the pool of piss on the sun lounger and then the mental bastard farts again before another creamy string of shit emerges from her body, hanging from her ass before her anus contracts, snipping it off.

I think I hear her say, ‘Please don’t tell my mummy,’ when she reaches back and puts a finger into her asshole. Then she groans again, pulls out her finger and thick, coffee coloured liquid floods out. The extreme smell of eggy gas is too much even for me and I vomit on her feet.

Seconds later Pauline is laughing hysterically and rolls off the lounger.

Hoping she’s fully evacuated her bowels, and wondering how fucking bad her diet must be, I spot a hosepipe. I turn the tap and aim the jet at the lounger blasting the shit and puke. Pauline seems oblivious, saying I’m a bad man for making her sad.

The dumb bitch is seriously winding me up and I aim the pipe at her face, then between her open legs targeting her twat. Unfortunately most of her shit has landed on her tummy and in her hair. Her legs are in the air, cunt lips spread. She’s emitting a high pitched scream like she’s having an orgasm. And then I hear another female voice behind me.

I spin round, and see Yvonne holding a can of Kronenbourg and a fag, yelling ‘What the fuck!’

And wow, she looks incredible wearing a cheetah print bra, pink dot mesh panties, a sheer kimono and six inch ‘bunny tail’ stilettos. Her hair is still damp, but she’s made the effort to put it in a bun, sodden tresses dangling down.

And then I realise her daughter is naked and coated in liquid excrement, wanking and wailing like a shrew and I have lost control of my wilting penis and powerful hose.


I walk back into the living room and pull the headphones off my daughter’s head.

‘Fuck off mum I was listening to that!’

Since Dwayne left I’ve put up with many insults from the mongrel child he left me to rear, but this is too serious. ‘You listen to me Pauline, we have a massive fucking problem. Your dad has fucked us over and stopped paying the bloody car instalments. And they’ve sent someone round to take our Nissan LEAF.’

‘No fucking way, daddy would never do that!’

‘It’s true, you’ve got to believe me. If they take our car we’re totally fucked. You won’t get no education and will end up homeless and on the game for sure.’

‘Daddy would never do that to me! I know he’s fucking your sister now, but that’s your problem. He’d never do nothing to hurt me, like letting some cunt take the LEAF.’

I kneel on the floor and hold Pauline’s hand. ‘I love you so much darling, but you need to realise that daddy is not a perfect man. He’s fucked your nana, both my sisters and he’s a hopeless heroin addict. Even the doctors said you was born hooked on skag which is why you got the brain slowness and maybe also the blindness?’

‘Fucking hell Yvonne, I cant believe how selfish you are laying this on me! I’ve got a severe headache and my stomach’s in agony. It must be that curry you made me eat last night, it’s fucking poisoned me.’

This is the last straw and I grab Pauline by the hair and pull it back. ‘Do not fuck with me. I have given up everything to look after you. I even turned down that job as a PA to that posh accountant in Billericay. Don’t that mean nothing?’

‘Fucking hell mum, don’t lay that guilt trip on me again.’

I put my hand round Pauline’s throat and squeeze as hard as I can. ‘Hear this you stupid little bastard, we cannot lose the car. It’s our lifeline and I need you to help me.’

Pauline flaps at my arms, gasping, her legs thrashing and I lower my mouth to her ear.

‘There’s still a way that we can keep the car. A nice man called Washington has come to see us and he’s in the back garden. And all you need to do while I get presentable is go and make him feel welcome.’

‘Piss off, I’m fucking sick, I’ve got food poisoning or ain’t you listening. My stomach cramps are so bad I don’t think I can even walk.’

I am really close to pulling her pants down and spanking her. ‘I just need you to get in the garden and be nice to him.’

‘Right, and that’s everything.’

‘Yes. Unless he asks for some extras.’

‘Like what?’

‘You know, in case he wants to touch you. Nothing major, just your titties or ass. If he needs comforting you have to obey him. In fact you should offer yourself to him.’

‘So you think he might like me?’

‘It’s possible dear. And don’t worry because after I’ve had a quick shit and a shower, and shaved my legs, and done my hair and put on some perfume and makeup and nice knickers I’ll take over. Unless you’re enjoying it too much that is. Have we got a deal babe?’

After aiming Pauline in the direction of the back yard I go to the kitchen, open a beer and down it. I know I stink because I haven’t had a shower since Tuesday, and light a fag as I wander to the bathroom.

Pauline is right, last night’s microwave curry was two weeks after its sell by date and I sit on the toilet. Washington might want to fuck my ass and I need to be fresh. I scroll through Instagram pictures of beach holidays as I empty myself. My shit comes out in pellets that splash in the water. I wipe my ass and notice that my pussy needs shaving.

Before jumping in the shower I strip naked and smooth hair removal cream around my crotch, not forgetting the stragglers round my bumhole. Whilst the cream works its magic I wander into the bedroom and do a cheeky line of coke, just to take the edge off. The sun is so bright that I draw the curtains to create a more intimate vibe, and to keep some of the heat out.

There won’t be any hot water and I tense myself as I unfasten the shower head and turn the taps. My nipples are like bullets and I gasp as the freezing water plays against my skin. I wash off the cream and stubble until my pussy is smooth and clean. It reminds my of Pauline’s vagina when she was a little girl. When she was innocent and maybe even happy.

I haven’t done any washing for ages. Most of my knickers are coated with vaginal discharge or skid marks, but I find the lingerie that an old boss bought me and that I had to keep secret from Dwayne.

Standing in front of the mirror I suck in my tummy and examine my body. My labia is swollen and my breasts hang down almost to my navel. The coke is kicking in and my body tingles with the anticipation of a well hung, slightly overweight black man fucking me like a sex toy.

I can’t be bothered drying my hair and manage to arrange it in a bun before pulling on the pretty pink thong and underwired bra. I still have the lipstick that I bought at Christmas and apply it even though my hands are shaking, and then I spray my neck with the knock-off Agent Provocateur I got from the market. I also spray perfume on my pussy, asshole and armpits.

Ready to be ridden like Seabiscuit I stride confidently into the garden.

I have seen many wild things in my life, but the scene that greats me is a knew level of amazing. My naked daughter, rolling around on the grass, soaking wet and covered in what looks like actual fucking shit, and Washington with his pants off trying to cover his willy.

I scream ‘What the fuck!’ sounding shocked and angry, but the truth is that I’m seriously turned on.

Washington lifts his hands, trying to convince me it’s not what it seems. The cocaine and beer and vodka and nicotine courses through my veins, my loins ripe for sex. I have an awesome idea and run into the kitchen and grab my phone.

‘What kind of a man are you taking advantage of my little girl, and shitting on her! You’re no better than the boys on the estate!’ I say, filming this beautiful naked man, his soft penis dangling against his balls.

‘I don’t think that’s necessary.’

‘Oh I do. It’s called turning the fucking tables you rotten pervert.’

I’m starting to enjoy myself and move towards him, shaking the can of beer and then open it in his face. The beer sprays out, like something from a low budget Grand Prix, and he tries to grab my hands but I’m too quick and aim the froth at his eyes and then pour the dregs over his penis.

‘Stop behaving like a fucking psycho,’ says Washington, rubbing his eyes.

Pauline has crawled onto the sun lounger, in the foetus position with her back to us. There is shit streaked across her buttocks. She’s a good girl, helping warm Washington up and I decide that he will have to give her some pleasure as a reward.

Unable to control myself I take Washington’s penis in my hand and squeeze the soft meat. Most of the black men I’ve fucked had smallish cocks, but Washington’s has real promise. It is already responding and I laugh saying it’s fucking tiny, even smaller than my Dwayne’s, wanting to humiliate him.

‘You’re all fucking crazy,’ says Washington, still wiping beer from his face.

‘No, you’re the crazy one, molesting a little disabled girl,’ I say in a teasing voice.

His cock is engorged and I wank it angrily. It is close to fully erect and I realise it is almost the size of my forearm.

Standing on tip toe I kiss his neck and whisper in his ear. ‘Don’t worry, I’m still going to let you fuck me. And Pauline, if that’s what you want, but the terms have changed. Now you’re going to make the debt go away.’

‘That’s not going to happen, not on my wages.’

I sigh as I grab his balls in my fist and squeeze. ‘You are going to pay all the arrears. If you don’t I will upload my film of you and my daughter on the internet. Then I’ll send a copy to your boss and to the fucking Police saying you raped my girl. So, what’s it to be?’

‘Alright for fuck’s sake, but just stop crushing my bollocks!’

‘That’s a very wise decision. So, now we understand each other why don’t you touch my tits. I know you want to.’

Washington smiles and my pulse quickens as he puts his hands in my bra and squeezes my boobs. His beautiful eyes stare into mine as he leans closer and kisses my forehead and then his tongue is in my mouth, and I feel his sexual power. There is no point trying to resist as primal desire takes command. I taste his saliva, our lips wet, as he pushes his tongue deeper. His cock is hard against my tummy and I reach down to feel his buttocks. He tenses his ass as I push my nails into his skin and then relaxes as I part with the flesh and ease my fingers between his cleft, finding his anus. I can feel every ridge of this most intimate hole as I circle it, and then insert my index finger to the first knuckle.

He groans and stops kissing me, his eyes closed.

‘You like that?’ I whisper. Washington nods, pushing himself against my finger so it lunges deeper. ‘It’s okay baby, you ass fuck my hand you naughty boy.’

My pussy is throbbing. I want him to treat me like a whore, like his personal slave. I need him to abuse my cunt and my mouth and my ass. I want to watch him licking Pauline’s precious cunt and to cum down her throat so she can feel special for once.

I pull out my finger and sniff it seductively before putting it in my mouth and sucking it. ‘I’d like you to undress me now please. I want you to see my naked body.’

Washington smiles before kissing me tenderly, as he removes my kimono and unfastens my bra. The hot sunshine feels wonderful on my bare breasts and I cup them and play with my nipples, giggling when Washington gets to his knees and pulls my knickers down. I feel no shame or embarrassment being naked with this strong man, his presence makes me feel safe and gives me a long forgotten sense of hope.

When he kisses my tummy, nibbling and sucking, I put my hands on his head, his black hair like cotton wool, and push down. Washington obeys and I realise that I’m panting as I push my loins against his mouth.

‘That’s right baby, lick me there!’ His tongue is flicking my clitoris, his huge hands on my thighs, and I widen my stance so he can easily suckle my labia. I throw my head back, grinding against his face not wanting these feelings to end. My clit is swollen and he circles it with his tongue, stubble creating a delightful burn against my groin.

‘I want your cock in me now,’ I purr, ‘but I think I’ll need some lube, you’ve got such a massive cock.’

‘It’ll be fine honey, I’ve done this many times. I just need you to lie on your back.’

‘Okay babe, I’m all yours. Do whatever you want to me.’

The grass is prickly as I lie back and spread my legs. Washington spits on my cunt and rubs it and I say I might need something more than spit.

‘Trust me, I’ve got plenty of lube in the tank.’

And before I know it I feel hot liquid splashing on my body. I look down and realise he’s pissing on me. The yellow spray jets out with intense force, and before I can object he aims directly at my vagina.

‘Wow, you’re full of surprises!’

Washington grins and gently presses the tip of his magnificent spurting cock against my cunt lips before pushing it in. I can’t stop myself crying out in disbelief as I feel his piss filling my canal. Letting a big black man empty his bladder in my vagina is more arousing than any previous sexual experience I can remember.

‘Ooohhhh Washington, push harder and fill my cunt!’

‘Shut up Yvonne, I’m pissing as hard as I can!’

‘Use me like a toilet you fucking dog!’

I am losing control. Washington pushes another inch of cock into me. I start jilling my clit and sense an orgasm is close. ‘Piss in me baby, I want it all!’

Washington grabs my tits and kisses my mouth as he eases his cock deeper. I am masturbating furiously not wanting him to stop as my cunt tightens around his cock.

‘Shit baby, you’re gonna make me cum sooooo fucking hard.’ My eyes are closed and my legs tense, spasms in my tummy, my nipples like torpedoes. ‘Put it all in baby, fuck me properly!’

Washington bangs me like a wild animal, every inch inside, and I feel like I might burst. My cunt is drenched with piss and juice and I start to cum, screaming as I pull him closer so I can wrap my legs around his waist.

He violently pumps his cock into me at the peak of my orgasm and when he withdraws and I feel his sweet piss flooding out.

‘That’s was amazing,’ I say, lazily touching my tits.

But Washington isn’t finished.

I feel the pressure of his lips as he greedily drinks from my pussy, getting a mouthful of fluid and then spits it on me before going down for more. This time he spits the warm cocktail on my face and I instinctively open my mouth and swallow.

‘Are you okay mum?’

I put my hands behind my head and notice that Pauline has crawled closer. I feel sad as I gaze at her pretty face and her naked body. She is incredibly beautiful but I know that her disabilities mean she will face a life of suffering.

My breathing is heavy, still effected by my orgasm, but I reassure her that mummy’s fine and that everything’s going to be totally great.

Washington watches her as she crawls towards us, bum in the air, fulsome breasts wobbling.

‘Could you do something very special Washington ?’

‘Like what?’

‘Like make my little girl happy?’

‘Really? You’re okay with that?’

I sit up and take his hand. ‘Please, you can see the situation. Maybe you could fuck her? It would mean a lot.’

Washington puffs out his cheeks and nods. ‘Okay Yvonne, I know this is important.’

I reach out and touch Pauline’s face. ‘Are you wet baby? Feel between your legs.’

‘Yes mummy, I don’t know what’s happening to me but my pussy feels soooo sensitive.’

‘Good girl. Now don’t worry, mummy’s here to make everything okay and Washington’s going to do something to you that will feel amazing.’

Washington winks at me, his penis fat with cum. ‘What say we finish what we started Pauline?’

‘Okay daddy. Do you want to put it in my mouth first?’

I tell Washington that’s okay and he blows me a kiss before inching towards my daughter and pulling her mouth onto his cock.

As she gags on the mighty chopper I move behind him and gently finger his anus, realising that I could easily fall in love with this amazing man. He’s really kind, with a good job and maybe he might even learn to love us.

I see that Pauline is enjoying giving him a sloppy blow job. As far as I know she’s only been with a few boys, and nobody with girth like Washington. I need to prepare her and caress her bum and vagina saying ‘that’s a good girl, suck uncle Washington’s fat cock while mummy gets you ready.’

Washington makes noises like he might be close. I have my thumb in Pauline’s vagina and am confident that she can do this. I tell Washington that it’s time and suggest he does her from behind.

‘That’s cool for me, but I need you close in case she freaks out.’

‘Pauline, it’s time to get on your knees so Washington can fuck you properly. Don’t worry, I won’t let anything bad happen. ‘

‘Okay mummy, but I don’t want him to cum in me. I ain’t on the pill and that.’

Before Pauline gets the words out Washington has already inserted his cock. She gasps and I fondle her breasts to keep her calm as he forces his entire length inside her.

‘Is he fucking me mummy? Like I’m a real grown up girl.’

I choke back a tear, realising that Washington’s cock is bringing such joy to my baby. ‘You’re all grown up now. Such a big girl.’

‘She’s tight as fuck,’ says Washington, ‘I don’t know how long I can last.’

‘Just fuck her good and proper and make sure you cum on her face. She ain’t on no contraceptive like she said.’

Washington’s hands are round her waist so he can penetrate her deeper and I can tell from Pauline’s moans that she is close to an orgasm. I lower my face to hers and kiss her mouth, my hands still on her breasts, her nose scrunched up.

‘Shit I’m really fucking close. I can put it up her asshole if you want.’

‘No! Just cum in her mouth like I fucking said!’

Washington withdraws, flips Pauline on her back and looms over her mouth, wanking like a madman.

Realising the importance of Pauline having an orgasm I crawl between her legs so I can finger her g-spot. Her cunt is hot and moist, and easily yields when I squeeze four fingers inside. I have a great view of Washington and wank my own cunt which makes me shudder.

‘Go on babe, don’t be selfish you gotta let my girl have it.’

I feel my daughter’s twat tighten on my fist and she moans as her orgasm grows.

‘Now Washington! Cum all over her fucking mouth!’

He reaches back and puts a finger up his asshole.

‘Do it you filthy monster!’

And then he cries out and cum erupts from the tip of his cock. It splatters Pauline’s head and then he rams it in her mouth as his balls empty down her throat. I can’t stop now and my own orgasm brings fierce pleasure as my Pauline gargles and chokes joyously.


It’s time to get out of this shitty place as fast as possible.

I suddenly feel ashamed and revolted as I watch Pauline wiping my spunk out of her eyes. I can’t even bare to look at her mother.

Managing a smile I ask if anyone wants a glass of water and grab my clothes. I look over my shoulder as Yvonne asks me to be quick. When she turns to cradle her daughter I spot her phone on the metal chair and sneakily pick it up.

Once inside I try to delete the incriminating video, but the phone’s locked. With some regret I realise that I’ll have to take it with me and know this will be a crushing blow.

The keys to the LEAF are on a table in the hall and I take them before escaping. I throw my clipboard on the passenger seat and drive my truck into position. After lowering the tailgate I drive the LEAF onto the payload and secure it.

I am about to drive off when my phone rings. It’s Chris, who asks if I can get to Dover by six. They’ve got a buyer for the car in Germany and someone will meet me to get it on the ferry. I say I think I can make it, traffic permitting, and floor the accelerator.

I crunch into second and the truck rumbles along Mandela Avenue as I try and find number 42. My phone’s sat nav seems to have given up in the heat. This stinking Chigwell housing estate, a human sewer in the heart of Essex, is a labyrinth of tiny high-density housing, each bungalow barely more than a static caravan.

It is difficult to see house numbers past the skips and broken washing machines and deflated paddling pools abandoned in the overgrown front gardens. The blinding sun doesn’t help and I can feel sweat under my balls and asshole.

Finally I spot the car I have come to repossess and pull up behind it. I know it’s registered to Dwayne Hyde who bought it with a big bank loan. My research on Facebook confirmed that he recently walked out on his wife Yvonne, and that she’s having a tough time. She was probably pissed when posting all the unguarded confessions about her depression and how her daughter was in pieces. A broken woman in her forties with no money and no hope. I light a cigarette, pull some official looking papers from the glove box and attach them to my clipboard. The beers I downed at lunch make me feel immensely powerful, but I always get anxious before breaking bad news and I take deep, calming breaths.

After ringing the doorbell I scan the rat run street. It’s deserted and I start banging the door with my fist. When I hear the locks clicking I brace myself, and as the door opens I put my foot over the threshold in case she tries to slam it in my face.

Making eye contact, I say ‘Mrs Hyde?’ in a serious tone of voice.

Mrs Hyde has a fag dangling from her mouth. She is wearing a pink vest and leggings that are so tight I can see her knickers. Her long dirty blonde hair is pulled back in the ‘Glasgow facelift’ style and she has a tattoo of a mermaid on her forearm.

‘Who the fuck’s asking?’

‘My name is Washington. From Carlton Debt Enforcers. I’m here about the Nissan LEAF.’

‘Yeah, that’s my car so you can fuck right off you robbing bastard.’

She seems close to the edge, her words slurred.

‘I don’t want no trouble Mrs Hyde. But I’m here to take the car. I have a Court Order that empowers me to repossess it unless you can pay the arrears, which are over eighteen hundred pounds.’ As I say this I point at my clipboard. Mrs Hyde doesn’t ask to check my credentials. They never do.

‘But my husband, my ex husband, takes care of that. This is harassment, I don’t owe you bastards a penny!’

‘I know this isn’t easy, but I need the keys. I’m totally serious, this is happening.’ I say this as gently as I can because Yvonne’s breathing has changed, like she’s about to break down in tears. ‘Look why don’t you let me in and we can talk about this?’

She leads me into a kitchenette which is open plan into a tiny living area where a young woman is lying on a sofa in the shadow of a 60 inch TV. She’s wearing headphones and a thin beach kaftan over a little bikini.

‘I see this has come as a shock. You know I’m just doing my job.’

‘Look Washington, I didn’t mean to be a bitch just now but Dwayne, my ex, promised he’d keep up the payments.’

I tower over Yvonne in the cramped space and sit down on a stool so I don’t intimidate her too much. ‘I know, life’s not fair,’ I say, managing a smile to develop rapport.

Yvonne sighs and offers me a drink which is very kind in the circumstances. I expect that she might stretch to a cup of tea, but she says she wants something stronger and I’m too selfish to object. When she bends over to rummage in the freezer the top of her thong is visible and I realise she isn’t wearing a bra as her breasts push against her vest. After topping up her glass she pours me a cold vodka and sits across from me at the breakfast bar.

‘Cheers!’ I say, genuinely grateful for the hospitality. ‘And I am sorry that I’ve got to take your car. I know that this housing estate is pretty isolated.’

Yvonne puts a hand over her eyes and nods slowly as she starts explaining how she recently lost her job at the supermarket. For some reason she also offloads about how Dwayne recently moved in with her sister and as she speaks, choking back tears, all I can do is stare at her pale cleavage. I’m wondering if her pussy is shaved, hoping it isn’t, and somehow manage to ask how her daughter is taking the breakup.

‘That’s the real fucking problem,’ says Yvonne, emptying her glass. ‘My Pauline’s in a real bad way. She just mopes around indoors all day. Got no friends. It breaks my heart to see her so unhappy.’

I look at the girl on the sofa. She seems to be in a trance and I doubt she’s even noticed me.

‘She’s a beautiful girl, I bet she’s popular with the boys.’

‘It’s not like that. Not at her college.’

‘What do you mean?’

‘She goes to a special college. You know, for people who are a bit different.’

‘What, like gifted kids or something?’

‘No, a college for kids with special needs. You see my Pauline was born blind and the doctors say she her brain is a bit slow. She’ll be nineteen next birthday but they won’t even let her graduate until she passes her exams.’

‘Shit I’m sorry to hear that,’ I say, offering Yvonne a cigarette. ‘But what’s a slow brain meant to mean?’

Yvonne looks across at her little angel. ‘You know, she’s what they call retarded. I don’t know the full medical terms but she can be a moody little cow and she behaves like a crazy bitch half the time, swearing and doing stupid embarrassing shit.’

‘I’m sure the doctors will be able to fix her brain one day.’

‘I doubt it. You want to see how the boys on the estate talk to her, saying she’s a cabbage and yanking her knickers down because they know she’ll let them.’

I exhale sympathetically and hold Yvonne’s hand. ‘Boys can be horrible sometimes but I bet they really think she’s pretty cool.’

‘All I know is that I’ve got a disabled daughter and without a car our lives are fucked. Her college is miles away and I can’t get her there without a car.’

I squeeze her hand and say, ‘I’m so sorry sweetheart. Come on, it’ll probably be okay.’

As expected, my kind words act like a trigger and she starts crying. Blood floods my cock. It’s at a strange angle in my shorts so I stand up and move behind her so I can massage her shoulders. She seems okay with the physical intimacy and I make encouraging comments about clouds and silver linings. She bows her head as my fingers caress the nape of her neck, then move down her spine. Her daughter is lying on her back and the kaftan barely covers her body. Her hairless legs are long and lightly tanned and I can’t help wondering if she’s still a virgin.

Yvonne has stopped crying and asks me to continue the massage.

‘I might have an idea,’ I say, lifting her hands onto her head so I can massage her armpits. ‘Something that might buy you some time. Maybe I can help you guys.’

‘Oh Washington I beg you to help us. Please, you can’t take our Nissan LEAF it’s all we’ve got.’

I am fully erect, looming over Yvonne, staring down her vest at the shape of her nipples. ‘I can’t promise, but if I can make this shit disappear for a couple of weeks you might be able to straighten things out with your Dwayne, get that bastard to pay up. He might hate you, but surely he’ll take pity on his disabled blind daughter.’

‘You really think you can do that? I don’t want you getting into no trouble.’

My hands slide lower, now massaging her exposed cleavage. Her body feels soft and warm under my fingers. ‘It’s possible, but I’m risking my job. I have a wife and kids and my own pressures.’ This is a lie, but usually very effective.

‘You’re a decent man Washington. I know we ain’t nothing to you, but you can see I’m desperate. I’ll do anything to get a bit of extra time.’

Like so many times before I know that I can now say or do anything to this poor creature.

‘Okay, I’ve got an idea. I really want to help, but I’m just a simple man with primitive urges that sometimes make me tense. If you can satisfy my needs then I will do my best to delay repossessing you car. What do you think?’

‘Name your price.’

I don’t reply at first. Instead I ease my fingers under her vest, pressing gently against her fleshy boobs. Her nipples are thick like a child’s thumb. I circle them before cupping each tit in my big hands. Her chest rises and falls and I can feel her heartbeat quicken.

Speaking in a low voice I say, ‘Why don’t you go change out of those clothes into a pretty bra and panties. And maybe you can freshen up with some deodorant, and brush your teeth. Then I want you to follow my instructions without challenge. Can you do that?’

‘But what about my daughter if we’re carrying on?’

‘It’ll be okay. We can be real discrete.’ I notice that Pauline has inadvertently spread her legs so I can see her white bikini knickers. ‘And even if she does notice something I promise I’ll look after her. She’ll be totally fine.’

I sense that the tip of my cock is wet and stop the massage so I can pour us another vodka. Yvonne stands to face me, her cheeks flushed as she glances at the lump in my shorts. ‘Look, why don’t you wait in the garden while I get changed. I’ll tell Pauline that I’ve got a guest so she won’t shit herself if she hears your voice.’

We step outside into a small fenced garden that is not overlooked. There’s some garden furniture and a barbecue in a lawned area, and I sit down on a metal chair. Yvonne leaves me with the vodka and goes back in to have a word with Pauline and get ready for me. I light another cigarette and lower my shorts so they are round my ankles. My cock looks like a weapon fashioned from graphite, veins thick and proud, foreskin drawn back revealing a glistening head. The vodka is making me feel warm and uninhibited and I play with the underside of the tip like it’s a gigantic clitoris. Expecting that Yvonne will be tarting herself up for a while I load some porn onto my phone and smile as I watch some randy boy anally raping his auntie while her husband wanks in a corner.

Moments like this make my life tolerable. I am careful not to over stimulate my erection but can’t help spitting on my palm and stroking the shaft.

And then I start to panic when I hear a female voice behind me.

‘Alright mister. You here to sought my mummy out?’

Instinctively I reach for my shorts, trying to pull them up, before realising that there is no need. Pauline has her hands outstretched, feeling her way towards me. I feel an overwhelming sense of pity for the blind girl inching forward.

‘Oh hi,’ I say, trying to guess what excuse Yvonne has given for my presence. ‘Yes I’m here to see your mummy. I’m her…physiotherapist? For her bad back?’

‘I hope you can take away her pain,’ says Pauline, sitting opposite me. ‘Anyway, what’s that smell?’

‘Oh it’s just a cheeky fag. Do you want one?’

‘Nah, I’ve got some of my mum’s,’ she says, lighting one. ‘I wouldn’t mind something to drink though.’

I lift my vodka to her lips and she takes a big sip. My penis feels even harder and I spread my legs and slowly stroke it. ‘I’m Washington. I don’t like to brag but I’m probably the best chiropractor in Essex. I’ve sorted out most of the girls on our national volley ball team. It’s a great privilege to help top athletes with their injuries.’

Pauline doesn’t seem to hear me and just stands up saying it’s time for her to sunbathe. She moves slowly, arms outstretched and I follow her to one of the sun loungers where she slips off the kaftan and lies on her front.

‘Will you be my daddy? And look after me?’

I’m naked from the waist down, and my erect cock bounces as I follow this weird little girl. ‘Sure, I can be your daddy. Shall I help put some sunscreen on, the sun’s so hot today.’

I kneel by her side and grab the bottle of Piz Buin that’s on the grass. She tells me to get on with it and I gently rub cream down her back. She’s sweating hard and my hands glide easily across her skin.

‘Why don’t you do some physio on me? I’ve got lots of stress all over entire body.’

‘I think I know just what you need.’ I climb on the lounger and straddle her legs letting my balls rest against her bum so I can use longer strokes.

‘Can you unfasten my bikini? I don’t want no horrible fucking tan lines.’

‘That’s a good idea, tan lines are totally ugly.’

She lifts herself on her elbows so I can easily remove her top and her naked breasts hang down. I’m seriously impressed how mature she is about letting a stranger see them. Her brown nipples are erect and her tits sway with the force of the massage.

‘Is my body okay daddy? Will the cute boys really want to fuck me? I think my bum’s even fatter than my mummy’s.’

‘I don’t think you need to worry. Boys like girls with big squidgy bums.’

‘Really? Please mister, can you cream up my bum and let me know what you really think about it.’

‘There’s nothing worse than having burned bum cheeks!’

Pauline giggles and spreads her legs as I touch her ass, squeezing her young flesh, applying cream in a circular motion so I can discretely spread her cheeks. Her bikini slides up her crack like a thong and I can see the dark skin of her anus.

The feeling of sweat and cream is making me wild, with a sudden desire to lick her asshole. By now she is moaning softly and I lower my hips so my cock rests between her buttocks and I push down so I can rock against her.

‘I don’t mind if you want to take off my knickers,’ whispers Pauline. ‘And I might like it if you touch me between my legs like I was your little girl.’

I look down and the slime from my cock has stained her bikini thong. Needing no further encouragement I kiss her buttocks and the inside of her thighs, and spread her bum cheeks so I can play my tongue against her gusset. Her moans become louder as I lift her hips so she is on all fours and I pull her knickers down. I grip her waist and reach round, massaging her tummy. It is lean and I can feel her abs tense and then I reach forward so I can cup her boobs, her nipples sharp against my palms. Her cunt is inches from my mouth. It is unshaven and her blonde pubes are wet with sweat. My lips close on her anus, tongue pushing against her chocolate hole. She grinds her crotch into my face, moaning and panting, and I can smell the strong sex stink from her fat pink cunt.

I am about to finger her anus when she suddenly goes rigid.

‘Me need poo poo!’ she cries.

‘What the fuck are you on about!’

‘I need to poo poo. Fuck I’m desperate!’

Pauline makes a growling noise. Her anus dilates slightly, and then she emits a deep and sustained fart. My face is so close to her bumhole that I feel the hot gas against my face. I greedily inhale. The smell is a luxurious combination of syrup, cigar smoke, fish and rotting eggs. It is so astonishingly sexual that I immediately try to push my cock into her cunt but I stop myself when I see her anus expand and contract, piss spurting out.

I start to panic, wondering what Yvonne will think if she sees what’s happening, but I’m powerless as Pauline groans and strains and pushes out a length of glistening shit. It plops into the pool of piss on the sun lounger and then the mental bastard farts again before another creamy string of shit emerges from her body, hanging from her ass before her anus contracts, snipping it off.

I think I hear her say, ‘Please don’t tell my mummy,’ when she reaches back and puts a finger into her asshole. Then she groans again, pulls out her finger and thick, coffee coloured liquid floods out. The extreme smell of eggy gas is too much even for me and I vomit on her feet.

Seconds later Pauline is laughing hysterically and rolls off the lounger.

Hoping she’s fully evacuated her bowels, and wondering how fucking bad her diet must be, I spot a hosepipe. I turn the tap and aim the jet at the lounger blasting the shit and puke. Pauline seems oblivious, saying I’m a bad man for making her sad.

The dumb bitch is seriously winding me up and I aim the pipe at her face, then between her open legs targeting her twat. Unfortunately most of her shit has landed on her tummy and in her hair. Her legs are in the air, cunt lips spread. She’s emitting a high pitched scream like she’s having an orgasm. And then I hear another female voice behind me.

I spin round, and see Yvonne holding a can of Kronenbourg and a fag, yelling ‘What the fuck!’

And wow, she looks incredible wearing a cheetah print bra, pink dot mesh panties, a sheer kimono and six inch ‘bunny tail’ stilettos. Her hair is still damp, but she’s made the effort to put it in a bun, sodden tresses dangling down.

And then I realise her daughter is naked and coated in liquid excrement, wanking and wailing like a shrew and I have lost control of my wilting penis and powerful hose.


I walk back into the living room and pull the headphones off my daughter’s head.

‘Fuck off mum I was listening to that!’

Since Dwayne left I’ve put up with many insults from the mongrel child he left me to rear, but this is too serious. ‘You listen to me Pauline, we have a massive fucking problem. Your dad has fucked us over and stopped paying the bloody car instalments. And they’ve sent someone round to take our Nissan LEAF.’

‘No fucking way, daddy would never do that!’

‘It’s true, you’ve got to believe me. If they take our car we’re totally fucked. You won’t get no education and will end up homeless and on the game for sure.’

‘Daddy would never do that to me! I know he’s fucking your sister now, but that’s your problem. He’d never do nothing to hurt me, like letting some cunt take the LEAF.’

I kneel on the floor and hold Pauline’s hand. ‘I love you so much darling, but you need to realise that daddy is not a perfect man. He’s fucked your nana, both my sisters and he’s a hopeless heroin addict. Even the doctors said you was born hooked on skag which is why you got the brain slowness and maybe also the blindness?’

‘Fucking hell Yvonne, I cant believe how selfish you are laying this on me! I’ve got a severe headache and my stomach’s in agony. It must be that curry you made me eat last night, it’s fucking poisoned me.’

This is the last straw and I grab Pauline by the hair and pull it back. ‘Do not fuck with me. I have given up everything to look after you. I even turned down that job as a PA to that posh accountant in Billericay. Don’t that mean nothing?’

‘Fucking hell mum, don’t lay that guilt trip on me again.’

I put my hand round Pauline’s throat and squeeze as hard as I can. ‘Hear this you stupid little bastard, we cannot lose the car. It’s our lifeline and I need you to help me.’

Pauline flaps at my arms, gasping, her legs thrashing and I lower my mouth to her ear.

‘There’s still a way that we can keep the car. A nice man called Washington has come to see us and he’s in the back garden. And all you need to do while I get presentable is go and make him feel welcome.’

‘Piss off, I’m fucking sick, I’ve got food poisoning or ain’t you listening. My stomach cramps are so bad I don’t think I can even walk.’

I am really close to pulling her pants down and spanking her. ‘I just need you to get in the garden and be nice to him.’

‘Right, and that’s everything.’

‘Yes. Unless he asks for some extras.’

‘Like what?’

‘You know, in case he wants to touch you. Nothing major, just your titties or ass. If he needs comforting you have to obey him. In fact you should offer yourself to him.’

‘So you think he might like me?’

‘It’s possible dear. And don’t worry because after I’ve had a quick shit and a shower, and shaved my legs, and done my hair and put on some perfume and makeup and nice knickers I’ll take over. Unless you’re enjoying it too much that is. Have we got a deal babe?’

After aiming Pauline in the direction of the back yard I go to the kitchen, open a beer and down it. I know I stink because I haven’t had a shower since Tuesday, and light a fag as I wander to the bathroom.

Pauline is right, last night’s microwave curry was two weeks after its sell by date and I sit on the toilet. Washington might want to fuck my ass and I need to be fresh. I scroll through Instagram pictures of beach holidays as I empty myself. My shit comes out in pellets that splash in the water. I wipe my ass and notice that my pussy needs shaving.

Before jumping in the shower I strip naked and smooth hair removal cream around my crotch, not forgetting the stragglers round my bumhole. Whilst the cream works its magic I wander into the bedroom and do a cheeky line of coke, just to take the edge off. The sun is so bright that I draw the curtains to create a more intimate vibe, and to keep some of the heat out.

There won’t be any hot water and I tense myself as I unfasten the shower head and turn the taps. My nipples are like bullets and I gasp as the freezing water plays against my skin. I wash off the cream and stubble until my pussy is smooth and clean. It reminds my of Pauline’s vagina when she was a little girl. When she was innocent and maybe even happy.

I’ve probably only slept with five black men, and even though I know he’s blackmailing me I’m aroused by the thought of stroking Washington’s cock, making it rock hard and coating it with my spit and juices. My husband’s penis was short and stubby. He used to masturbate when he changed Pauline’s nappy, and when she got older he regularly spied on her when she was in the bath or changing her tampons saying it didn’t matter because she couldn’t see what he was doing. I don’t think he ever touched her, but that little cock of his is an offensive weapon and I pity my sister having to tolerate it.

I haven’t done any washing for ages. Most of my knickers are coated with vaginal discharge or skid marks, but I find the lingerie that an old boss bought me and that I had to keep secret from Dwayne.

Standing in front of the mirror I suck in my tummy and examine my body. My labia is swollen and my breasts hang down almost to my navel. The coke is kicking in and my body tingles with the anticipation of a well hung, slightly overweight black man fucking me like a sex toy.

I can’t be bothered drying my hair and manage to arrange it in a bun before pulling on the pretty pink thong and underwired bra. I still have the lipstick that I bought at Christmas and apply it even though my hands are shaking, and then I spray my neck with the knock-off Agent Provocateur I got from the market. I also spray perfume on my pussy, asshole and armpits.

Ready to be ridden like Seabiscuit I stride confidently into the garden.

I have seen many wild things in my life, but the scene that greats me is a knew level of amazing. My naked daughter, rolling around on the grass, soaking wet and covered in what looks like actual fucking shit, and Washington with his pants off trying to cover his willy.

I scream ‘What the fuck!’ sounding shocked and angry, but the truth is that I’m seriously turned on.

Washington lifts his hands, trying to convince me it’s not what it seems. The cocaine and beer and vodka and nicotine courses through my veins, my loins ripe for sex. I have an awesome idea and run into the kitchen and grab my phone.

‘What kind of a man are you taking advantage of my little girl, and shitting on her! You’re no better than the boys on the estate!’ I say, filming this beautiful naked man, his soft penis dangling against his balls.

‘I don’t think that’s necessary.’

‘Oh I do. It’s called turning the fucking tables you rotten pervert.’

I’m starting to enjoy myself and move towards him, shaking the can of beer and then open it in his face. The beer sprays out, like something from a low budget Grand Prix, and he tries to grab my hands but I’m too quick and aim the froth at his eyes and then pour the dregs over his penis.

‘Stop behaving like a fucking psycho,’ says Washington, rubbing his eyes.

Pauline has crawled onto the sun lounger, in the foetus position with her back to us. There is shit streaked across her buttocks. She’s a good girl, helping warm Washington up and I decide that he will have to give her some pleasure as a reward.

Unable to control myself I take Washington’s penis in my hand and squeeze the soft meat. Most of the black men I’ve fucked had smallish cocks, but Washington’s has real promise. It is already responding and I laugh saying it’s fucking tiny, even smaller than my Dwayne’s, wanting to humiliate him.

‘You’re all fucking crazy,’ says Washington, still wiping beer from his face.

‘No, you’re the crazy one, molesting a little disabled girl,’ I say in a teasing voice.

His cock is engorged and I wank it angrily. It is close to fully erect and I realise it is almost the size of my forearm.

Standing on tip toe I kiss his neck and whisper in his ear. ‘Don’t worry, I’m still going to let you fuck me. And Pauline, if that’s what you want, but the terms have changed. Now you’re going to make the debt go away.’

‘That’s not going to happen, not on my wages.’

I sigh as I grab his balls in my fist and squeeze. ‘You are going to pay all the arrears. If you don’t I will upload my film of you and my daughter on the internet. Then I’ll send a copy to your boss and to the fucking Police saying you raped my girl. So, what’s it to be?’

‘Alright for fuck’s sake, but just stop crushing my bollocks!’

‘That’s a very wise decision. So, now we understand each other why don’t you touch my tits. I know you want to.’

Washington smiles and my pulse quickens as he puts his hands in my bra and squeezes my boobs. His beautiful eyes stare into mine as he leans closer and kisses my forehead and then his tongue is in my mouth, and I feel his sexual power. There is no point trying to resist as primal desire takes command. I taste his saliva, our lips wet, as he pushes his tongue deeper. His cock is hard against my tummy and I reach down to feel his buttocks. He tenses his ass as I push my nails into his skin and then relaxes as I part with the flesh and ease my fingers between his cleft, finding his anus. I can feel every ridge of this most intimate hole as I circle it, and then insert my index finger to the first knuckle.

He groans and stops kissing me, his eyes closed.

‘You like that?’ I whisper. Washington nods, pushing himself against my finger so it lunges deeper. ‘It’s okay baby, you ass fuck my hand you naughty boy.’

My pussy is throbbing. I want him to treat me like a whore, like his personal slave. I need him to abuse my cunt and my mouth and my ass. I want to watch him licking Pauline’s precious cunt and to cum down her throat so she can feel special for once.

I pull out my finger and sniff it seductively before putting it in my mouth and sucking it. ‘I’d like you to undress me now please. I want you to see my naked body.’

Washington smiles before kissing me tenderly, as he removes my kimono and unfastens my bra. The hot sunshine feels wonderful on my bare breasts and I cup them and play with my nipples, giggling when Washington gets to his knees and pulls my knickers down. I feel no shame or embarrassment being naked with this strong man, his presence makes me feel safe and gives me a long forgotten sense of hope.

When he kisses my tummy, nibbling and sucking, I put my hands on his head, his black hair like cotton wool, and push down. Washington obeys and I realise that I’m panting as I push my loins against his mouth.

‘That’s right baby, lick me there!’ His tongue is flicking my clitoris, his huge hands on my thighs, and I widen my stance so he can easily suckle my labia. I throw my head back, grinding against his face not wanting these feelings to end. My clit is swollen and he circles it with his tongue, stubble creating a delightful burn against my groin.

‘I want your cock in me now,’ I purr, ‘but I think I’ll need some lube, you’ve got such a massive cock.’

‘It’ll be fine honey, I’ve done this many times. I just need you to lie on your back.’

‘Okay babe, I’m all yours. Do whatever you want to me.’

The grass is prickly as I lie back and spread my legs. Washington spits on my cunt and rubs it and I say I might need something more than spit.

‘Trust me, I’ve got plenty of lube in the tank.’

And before I know it I feel hot liquid splashing on my body. I look down and realise he’s pissing on me. The yellow spray jets out with intense force, and before I can object he aims directly at my vagina.

‘Wow, you’re full of surprises!’

Washington grins and gently presses the tip of his magnificent spurting cock against my cunt lips before pushing it in. I can’t stop myself crying out in disbelief as I feel his piss filling my canal. Letting a big black man empty his bladder in my vagina is more arousing than any previous sexual experience I can remember.

‘Ooohhhh Washington, push harder and fill my cunt!’

‘Shut up Yvonne, I’m pissing as hard as I can!’

‘Use me like a toilet you fucking dog!’

I am losing control. Washington pushes another inch of cock into me. I start jilling my clit and sense an orgasm is close. ‘Piss in me baby, I want it all!’

Washington grabs my tits and kisses my mouth as he eases his cock deeper. I am masturbating furiously not wanting him to stop as my cunt tightens around his cock.

‘Shit baby, you’re gonna make me cum sooooo fucking hard.’ My eyes are closed and my legs tense, spasms in my tummy, my nipples like torpedoes. ‘Put it all in baby, fuck me properly!’

Washington bangs me like a wild animal, every inch inside, and I feel like I might burst. My cunt is drenched with piss and juice and I start to cum, screaming as I pull him closer so I can wrap my legs around his waist.

He violently pumps his cock into me at the peak of my orgasm and when he withdraws and I feel his sweet piss flooding out.

‘That’s was amazing,’ I say, lazily touching my tits.

But Washington isn’t finished.

I feel the pressure of his lips as he greedily drinks from my pussy, getting a mouthful of fluid and then spits it on me before going down for more. This time he spits the warm cocktail on my face and I instinctively open my mouth and swallow.

‘Are you okay mum?’

I put my hands behind my head and notice that Pauline has crawled closer. I feel sad as I gaze at her pretty face and her naked body. She is incredibly beautiful but I know that her disabilities mean she will face a life of suffering.

My breathing is heavy, still effected by my orgasm, but I reassure her that mummy’s fine and that everything’s going to be totally great.

Washington watches her as she crawls towards us, bum in the air, fulsome breasts wobbling.

‘Could you do something very special Washington ?’

‘Like what?’

‘Like make my little girl happy?’

‘Really? You’re okay with that?’

I sit up and take his hand. ‘Please, you can see the situation. Maybe you could fuck her? It would mean a lot.’

Washington puffs out his cheeks and nods. ‘Okay Yvonne, I know this is important.’

I reach out and touch Pauline’s face. ‘Are you wet baby? Feel between your legs.’

‘Yes mummy, I don’t know what’s happening to me but my pussy feels soooo sensitive.’

‘Good girl. Now don’t worry, mummy’s here to make everything okay and Washington’s going to do something to you that will feel amazing.’

Washington winks at me, his penis fat with cum. ‘What say we finish what we started Pauline?’

‘Okay daddy. Do you want to put it in my mouth first?’

I tell Washington that’s okay and he blows me a kiss before inching towards my daughter and pulling her mouth onto his cock.

As she gags on the mighty chopper I move behind him and gently finger his anus, realising that I could easily fall in love with this amazing man. He’s really kind, with a good job and maybe he might even learn to love us.

I see that Pauline is enjoying giving him a sloppy blow job. As far as I know she’s only been with a few boys, and nobody with girth like Washington. I need to prepare her and caress her bum and vagina saying ‘that’s a good girl, suck uncle Washington’s fat cock while mummy gets you ready.’

Washington makes noises like he might be close. I have my thumb in Pauline’s vagina and am confident that she can do this. I tell Washington that it’s time and suggest he does her from behind.

‘That’s cool for me, but I need you close in case she freaks out.’

‘Pauline, it’s time to get on your knees so Washington can fuck you properly. Don’t worry, I won’t let anything bad happen. ‘

‘Okay mummy, but I don’t want him to cum in me. I ain’t on the pill and that.’

Before Pauline gets the words out Washington has already inserted his cock. She gasps and I fondle her breasts to keep her calm as he forces his entire length inside her.

‘Is he fucking me mummy? Like I’m a real grown up girl.’

I choke back a tear, realising that Washington’s cock is bringing such joy to my baby. ‘You’re all grown up now. Such a big girl.’

‘She’s tight as fuck,’ says Washington, ‘I don’t know how long I can last.’

‘Just fuck her good and proper and make sure you cum on her face. She ain’t on no contraceptive like she said.’

Washington’s hands are round her waist so he can penetrate her deeper and I can tell from Pauline’s moans that she is close to an orgasm. I lower my face to hers and kiss her mouth, my hands still on her breasts, her nose scrunched up.

‘Shit I’m really fucking close. I can put it up her asshole if you want.’

‘No! Just cum in her mouth like I fucking said!’

Washington withdraws, flips Pauline on her back and looms over her mouth, wanking like a madman.

Realising the importance of Pauline having an orgasm I crawl between her legs so I can finger her g-spot. Her cunt is hot and moist, and easily yields when I squeeze four fingers inside. I have a great view of Washington and wank my own cunt which makes me shudder.

‘Go on babe, don’t be selfish you gotta let my girl have it.’

I feel my daughter’s twat tighten on my fist and she moans as her orgasm grows.

‘Now Washington! Cum all over her fucking mouth!’

He reaches back and puts a finger up his asshole.

‘Do it you filthy monster!’

And then he cries out and cum erupts from the tip of his cock. It splatters Pauline’s head and then he rams it in her mouth as his balls empty down her throat. I can’t stop now and my own orgasm brings fierce pleasure as my Pauline gargles and chokes joyously.


It’s time to get out of this shitty place as fast as possible.

I suddenly feel ashamed and revolted as I watch Pauline wiping my spunk out of her eyes. I can’t even bare to look at her mother.

Managing a smile I ask if anyone wants a glass of water and grab my clothes. I look over my shoulder as Yvonne asks me to be quick. When she turns to cradle her daughter I spot her phone on the metal chair and sneakily pick it up.

Once inside I try to delete the incriminating video, but the phone’s locked. With some regret I realise that I’ll have to take it with me and know this will be a crushing blow.

The keys to the LEAF are on a table in the hall and I take them before escaping. I throw my clipboard on the passenger seat and drive my truck into position. After lowering the tailgate I drive the LEAF onto the payload and secure it.

I am about to drive off when my phone rings. It’s Chris, who asks if I can get to Dover by six. They’ve got a buyer for the car in Germany and someone will meet me to get it on the ferry. I say I think I can make it, traffic permitting, and floor the accelerator.
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