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Kerillian and her team are tracking down some monsters to their lair.

She has decided to scout ahead...
“You lumberfoots can wait here while I scout ahead. If we can’t find the Skaven breeding pits, then they may well overrun the last vestiges of your dying Empire.”

Kerillian could barely hear Inquisitor Saltzpyre’s reply as she stalked out of their temporary camp and into the woods surrounding the cave that the Skaven had claimed as their lair.

“Very well Elf. But watch your tongue or by Sigmar’s blessed name I will cut it from your head.”

She shook her head, whispering a short prayer to Kurnous to bless her hunt before drawing her bow from where she had strapped it across her back, swiftly leveraging the bowstring into place and drawing an arrow to hold at the ready.

As she moved further from the humans that made up the rest of her group, Kerillian slowed her breathing and the beat of her heart, letting the natural ebb and flow of the forest around her become the beat by which she regulated herself. As the wind blew through the trees, she followed it, letting the sound of leaves rustling cover her soft footsteps, the creaking of a branch drowned the sound of her leaping forward. Far behind her now, she could still hear the humans talk amongst themselves, Kruber’s low rumble of a voice, followed by a comment from the fiery Sienna and a swift rebuke in the Inquisitor’s nasal tone.

Kerillian let herself dwell for a moment, musing to herself about how they had managed to deal such damage to the Skaven invasion with these humans who wouldn’t be able to outstalk a newborn elf of her kind. A shame she didn’t have a squad of her own kind, she was sure that with a group of competent Wayfarers, their targets would fall a lot faster, and with less time coddling the foolish humans.

A stench on the wind alerted her to their presence. Skaven. The ratmen were close, their grunts and squeals carrying through the forest to reach her. She wrinkled her nose, knowing from experience that the smell was a hard one to shake, sweat mixed with the sickly sweet hint of their corruption by the raw warpstone and their Horned God. Moving swiftly, she sprung into action, barely letting her feet touch the ground before leaping forwards, using the tree trunks to push herself towards the enemy.

As Kerillian drew close, she chose a tree, using her momentum to spring up the trunk, catching one hand on a branch and dragging herself up to stand, hidden from the group of ratmen by the bulk of the tree trunk. Carefully she eased herself around, nocking her arrow as the Skaven came into view. A group of three clothed in ill fitting rags and wielding crudely sharpened sticks, while a fourth followed behind. The final Skaven slightly taller and with more bulk, wearing armour of crude metals that were kept in place with thick lashings of leather. The creature wielded a crude hunk of metal, more akin to a pile of scrap than an actual sword.

With a voice soft enough that Kerillian doubted the rats would have heard her were they standing beside her, she whispered an apology to her weapon. Kerillian had made the bow herself, slaving over the process for a full year, dedicating hours each day to the working of the wood, infusing it with power drawn from the forest around her home. It was a work of art, and the slaying of such creatures was below it, but as much as she had made sacrifices to work with the humans, her bow would have to do the same.

The first arrow punched through the crude armour at the largest Skaven’s throat, burying itself deep enough that Kerillian was near certain that the tip would be sticking out the other side, the second arrow followed before the creature could gasp out its dying breath. Two of the other Skaven died before they realised what was happening, with the final one only managing a few steps of fleeing before her final arrow pinned it to the ground. Several more squads fell to her as she moved closer to their camp, each group as pitiful as the first.

Moving through a dessicated field, Kerrilian paused, hearing the steady marching of a blackrat patrol, the Skaven’s elite troops could pose an issue even for her when they gathered in numbers like this. She spun, preparing to loop back and wait for the patrol to pass, immediately spotting a Skaven hauling a large, warpstone-fed gun that had walked into the edge of the field. Swearing beneath her breath, she threw herself to the ground as the Skaven’s warpstone powered weapon began to spit metal across the field, the bullets carving out furrows into the ground around her.

The terrible screech of the gunner’s weapon would draw the patrol, she knew this as surely as she knew that she could not outrun the gun’s deadly ammunition. Sizing up her options she nocked an arrow, drawing it back as she stood. The arrow flew from her bow as she felt the deep bite of the metal in her arm and leg.

Kerillian collapsed onto the ground, feeling the warp cursed metal leach the strength from her muscles. Her bow fell from her senseless fingers, leaving her with the slight consolation of hearing the gunner’s weapon tear itself to pieces, her arrow having damaged a critical piece of the exposed machinery, followed by the screech of the Skaven itself as it was shredded by the small explosion from the machine it was strapped to.

Kerillian lay in the dirt of the field as the imposing Stormvermin surrounded her. Their weapons and armour gleaming in sharp contrast to the weaker rats she had already slaughtered. Even in stature they showed their superiority, standing taller than the elves she knew from her homeland, while having rippling muscles thicker than even those of the most hardened soldier she’d seen in the lands of the humans. Vowing to herself to not go out without a fight, Kerillian brought herself to sitting, drawing a shortsword from her belt and holding it in her left hand as her right dangled uselessly at her side.

The Skaven seemed content to let her sit in the dirt. Speaking amongst themselves in their harsh tongue, until the smallest of them let out a huff, turned and jogged further towards the area she had been making her way towards. The Blackrats held their ground around her, well out of reach of her shortsword. Kerillian settled in, waiting for one to make a move and ready to capitalise on it.

“Come on you vermin. Make your move, let me show you why you should never underestimate an elven wayfarer.”

The largest of the Blackrats took half a step forwards.

“Elf-thing maybe rethink her position yes-yes?”

At the beast’s question she felt a prick in her skin from behind, dragging across her skin as she turned, parrying one of the rat’s glaives away. The blade had been turned backwards and had run across her armour, leaving her with only a slight scratch from the point, but leaving a long tear through the side of her garments. Grimacing at the loss, Kerillian froze as she felt another two glaive points touch her. Instead of moving, this time she glowered at the leader, as it wore what could only be described as a look of hunger.


Her statement was interrupted by a wince, as one of the glaives dragged across her skin, tearing more of her clothing.


Another tear and the back of her shirt was torn open completely, leaving her back bare to the cool wind.


From in front this time. She batted away one glaive, but another caught the chest of her garment, and with no backing to stop it, it was ripped free, leaving Kerillian in only a loose binding around her chest and her cloth trousers.

“Plan? I can endure far more than embarrassment, vermin.”

“We look at elf-thing. She strong. Fast. Better use than death yes-yes? Elf-thing ours now-now.”

Kerillian was confined to sitting in the middle of their circle, staring such hate at the Blackrat leader that she half-hoped it would drop dead right there from the intensity. As she sat, stoically trying to ignore the hungry looks that were being constantly levelled her way, she started to hear the unmistakable hiss of gas from one of the Skaven’s cursed globadiers. The smell of mingling gases reached her as she saw the creature, slowly ambling towards them and being led by the smaller Stormvermin from earlier. At the advance of the globadier, the Blackrats surrounding her backed away, leaving her alone in a wide circle as a glass container hit the ground next to her, shattering instantly.

As the gas filled her senses choking out her ability to see or smell, her last thoughts before unconsciousness were cursing her human comrades, willing them to rush quickly to her aid.


Kerillian roused, her mind slowly returning from the haze of the drugs, she opened her eyes, seeing the crude stonework of the humankind sewers above her. Raising and turning her head she could see that the Ratmen had removed the remainder of her clothing, leaving only a silken garment covering her groin. As part of bringing her to their lair, they had manacled her to a metal table, both the manacles and the table some clear leftover of another groups occupation of the area.

“Elf-thing awake now yes-yes?”

Kerillian strained, desperate to find the source of the voice emanating from behind her.

“I see-see you are! Good-good. This work better when man-things are awake.”

One of the Skaven’s gas specialists stalked around the side of the table, it held a large syringe in one hand, the fluid within bubbling and giving off a sickly green glow.

“This will make elf-thing useful to Skaven, yes-yes.”

Kerillian jerked back, desperately trying to dodge the tip of the syringe as the Skaven brought it closer to her arm. In response the ratman moved the syringe, aiming it instead at her thigh. Kerillian breathed out a curse as she felt the metal sink into the meat of her leg.

Fire burned through her body as the liquid ran its course. She felt her body writhe, skin straining at the metal of the locking cuffs on her. When she escaped she was going to kill all of -

She was going to -

To -

“Works fast, yes-yes? I make twice-twice the strength! Just for elf-thing.”

Kerillian’s body burned and ached. Her thoughts were a blur, she grasped blindly for details of her mission, blank. She turned her thoughts to her companions, desperate to find solace in them, instead she obsessed over the curves of their bodies. How Kruber, post mission, would clean himself in the river. Those glimpses she’d seen of Sienna when her magic had gone awry and burned away patches of her clothes, even the Inquisitor, sweat dripping down his toned body as he flagellated himself. Or the dwarf, as although he was small in stature, she’d bet her prized bow that his cock would be thick enough to fill her cunt and leave her begging for more.

She let out a moan as her thoughts rushed ever on, trying to imagine the feeling of her allies covering her face in their hot, salty cum. Her muscles seized up as she felt a claw trace its way around one of her nipples.

"So-so easy. To reduce an elf-thing to-to this."

Her reaction was immediate and subconscious, as she drew in a shaky breath and arched her back, desire filling her mind completely.

She could only look up at her captor, face flushed as he dragged sharp claws around and around her steadily hardening nipple. She felt her tongue loll out of her mouth, desperate and aching for the creature to touch her further.

"We-we will use elf-thing up soon-soon. But, if you cannot wait."

With the words, the creature moved aside the folds of its clothes, revealing its slowly hardening cock. Neither the size nor shape impressed Kerillian, but nonetheless she felt drawn to it, a deep rooted desire to have it inside of her filled her being.

The creature moved behind her again, one hand continuing to run claws against her skin. It climbed onto the table above her, lowering its beast-cock to her face. Desperately Kerillian pushed herself up, licking up the underside of its hard cock and tasting the salty precum that had started to drip on her chin. She opened her mouth wide for the creature as it pushed its cock into her mouth, the salty taste of its precum coating the back of her tongue. Kerillian was reduced to watching the base of the creature’s member as it began to face fuck her, saliva and precum beginning to drool out the sides of her mouth and cover her chin.

The act of being used, the wrongness of the situation, the lust that she felt for the creature sent rippling sensations through her body. Feeling her saliva bubble out of her mouth and trail down the sides of her cheeks only took Kerillian closer to an orgasm as the Skaven grunted and thrust itself into her welcoming mouth. She felt hot breath against her inner thigh and realised the beast had moved to all fours, such that its snout rested above her aching groin.

"I can-can smell - ngh - the elf-things lust. So-so easy to break."

Kerillian felt the rough tongue of the beast snake out against the side of her thigh, pushing its way between her silken undergarment and her flesh. She moaned and pushed her groin up at the beast as it continued to plunge its cock into her mouth. The tongue slowly, softly, moved over the outer regions of her cunt, teasing her, before licking at the soaked patch of her garments and withdrawing.

"Elf-thing tastes-tastes far nicer than human-flesh. The others will be pleased."

The Skaven moved its head back away from her groin, increasing the speed of its thrusts before grunting and slamming its cock deep into her throat. Kerillian felt it twitch again and again as the creature shot its thick load deep inside her, withdrawing after the third twitch to shoot a final stream of hot cum down onto her chest and stomach.

The Skaven wasted no time in hiding its member back away inside the folds of cloth, before hopping off the table and moving around to her groin. It grabbed roughly at her undergarments, tearing them off of her and breathing in their scent deeply before storing them in one of its various carrying bags.

Kerillian gathered her wits about her to realise that the creature was leaving. She vaguely remembered having an impression of disgust at its kind in the past, that disgust had been replaced with an all consuming lust. All that she desired was to be used and to pleasure their kind.

"P-Please. More."

“Kehehe. Elf-thing will have her fun soon-soon.”

With the Skaven having left Kerillian alone she began to writhe and squirm, desperate to bring her manacled hands down to rub at herself, the teasing of the creature having left her near insensate in the need for pleasure. The creatures had manacled her tightly enough to the table that her hands could only wrap around the tops of her thighs, fingers moving through her pubic hairs to just miss her aching cunt. Pushing and controting herself she managed to just brush her fingers against her engorged clit for a single moment. At the touch Kerillian felt a shudder move through her body, pushing her deeper into her desperation without relief.

As another moan escaped Kerillian’s lips, she heard the scratching of claws against stone, announcing the imminent arrival of another guest in her chamber. Straining herself to try to catch sight of the creatures, Kerillian could start to hear voices in the sounds coming towards her.


“New slave-thing.”

“Slave-flesh fun-fun.”

The voices overlapped, crashing into one another, confounding Kerillian’s ability to discern just how many there were, or to pick out any individual voice amongst the crowd. The group charged into her chamber, the small horde of ten Skaven poured into the room, crowding around Kerillian’s manacled form and wasting no time in crawling up around her. They quickly divested themselves of any scant clothing they wore, their members hardening as they drank in the sight of the cum covered Elf that they had been given freedom to use.

“Oh gods yes. Use me please.” Kerillian was half shocked at the hoarse quality of her voice as she pleaded for the creatures to fuck her. She swiftly lost her shock, the moment of dissonance fading into white noise in her mind and decided to prove her willingness, she moved her neck back, stretching out her tongue to take the first drop of pre-cum beading from one of the Skaven’s cocks. Taking her desperation as invitation the horde moved forwards. Kerillian found herself with a cock in each hand as the Skaven above her plunged its member into her mouth, she felt two sets of clawed hands grab at her breasts, roughly squeezing and scratching at her tits and nipples, while the offending pair of Skaven rubbed vigorously at their own cocks.

She felt another of the group moving up between her legs, its claws tracing lines up the inside of her thighs until it reached her aching and dripping cunt. Seemingly satisfied with playing with Kerillian the creature moved itself forward and positioned its cock at the very edge of her cunt. Kerillian let out a moan, pushing her hips down in an attempt to force the cock inside of her. The Skaven only split its face in what she interpreted as a smile for their kind, holding its cock steady at her entrance while beginning to stroke itself.

Kerillian struggled, pushing herself down and feeling the Skaven’s member slide past the lips of her aching cunt, the sensation tearing through her body causing her to shudder uncontrollably, spasming of her cunt around the Skaven’s cock overwhelming her sense and driving her close to orgasm. Her spasming massaged the tip of the Skaven’s cock, causing the creature to pull back in surprise as it stroked itself, hot cum exploding forth to cover Kerillian’s pubic hair and stomach. As she heard the creature backing off and covering itself as it fled the room, Kerillian felt the creature’s cum trail down the lips of her cunt, writing a glistening tale of the Skaven’s lust upon her body.

The remaining Skaven soon proved their worth, first filling Kerillian’s mouth with their hot, salty cum, then the remaining covering the the tits they had been roughly groping and the rest exploding over her stomach.They fled as quickly as they had come, leaving Kerillian alone again, chained tightly to the hard metal table, thoroughly covered in cum, completely unsatisfied and aching for more. Kerillian was not left desperate and alone for long, startled out of her introspective lustful reverie by the bricks above her shaking, the low thump of a creature of tremendous size moving through the lair following soon after.

Kerillian stretched her head to watch as four enormous fingers curled around the side of the entrance to her prison, each easily the width of her arm and topped with sharp claws. The creature that dragged itself through through the door stood at least twice her height, even hunched over as it was. Kerillian studied the creature, her eyes following the length of its snout as it sniffed at the air, past its prodigious chest, rippling with unnatural muscle mass, down to its groin. The creature’s member pulsed as it stood, rippling and straining through what must have been a mutation caused by the Skaven’s cursed poison.

Kerillian was caught between terror and an insatiable lust as the mutant-thing looked down at her, her breath catching in her throat as fire spread throughout her body, centered on her desperate, sopping cunt. The Skaven beast growled low as it entered the room proper, almost dragging itself forward on its hulking arms, while its underdeveloped legs did little to assist in movement. Kerillian caught the beasts eye as it began maneuvering itself onto the table above her, it was an eye devoid of any higher thought, instead devoted entirely to lust. Kerillian softly whispered to herself as the beast began to position its cock in front of her soaking, cum covered hole. “Oh gods let it fit. Oh let it fit, I need to feel this. Gods let it fuck me, let it fuck-”

Kerillian’s string of consciousness was interrupted as the beast thrust forward, the tip of its cock barely entering her. Kerillian let out a low moan as the beast growled. Throwing its head from side to side, the beast reached out, grabbing the chains that bound Kerillian’s arms and tearing up and away from where they had been bolted to the ground. Her hands free, it did the same for the chains securing her legs before looking back down at Kerillian and laying one of its hands across her chest. Despite the extra weight across her chest limiting her breathing, Kerillian wasted no time bringing her legs up and spreading them wide. She reached down, using both hands to stretch her cunt open for the beasts cock.

Satisfied, the beast positioned itself again and thrust forward. This time Kerillian felt the head of the beasts cock enter her, stretching her cunt open in a sensation both painful and pleasurable. With the creature now firmly inside of her, Kerillian moved her hands, one dropping to her ass to draw soft circles around her as of yet unused hole, while the other rose to rub at her cum covered clit. She felt her orgasm start to build as the creature pulled back, like a dark and storming sea behind a thin glass pane that only needed a slight disturbance to break through her body. That disturbance was provided as the beast thrust its member forward again, her body convulsing around the thick cock that had pushed forward into her. As her cunt spasmed and pulsated around the beasts cock, she felt it erupt in turn, shooting a thick stream of cum into her. Almost reflexively the creature pulled its cock out, further hot, thick loads of cum surging forwards to cover her in streams of the fluid, each stream following the curves of her body back to their point of creation and thickly covering her stomach and pubic hairs.

After Kerillian’s body finished shaking and she dragged her mind back to some semblance of consciousness, she took a moment to worry if the creature’s early orgasm spelled the end for her pleasure. Her thoughts spiralling for but a moment before she felt that familiar and welcome pressure against her cunt. Smiling and moaning, Kerillian pushed herself back onto the beasts cock as it pushed forwards. Through some combination of raw, animal lust, and the drug that the Skaven had given her, Kerillian found her mind slipping from her as the creature’s cock pumped into her.

She was truly conscious only for moments from that point forward, flashes of sensations. Being filled with the cock of the beast while smaller Skaven surrounded her, desperately grasping to pleasure as many of the creatures as possible. Feeling hot threads of cum cover her face and body as the Beast came in her cunt and a smaller Skaven pushes its cock into her ass. Her cunt being pleasurably full of a beasts cock while another had its member above her face, Kerillian licking and sucking at the base of the cock and massaging its testicles while milking almost endless streams of cum onto her chest. The moments in between, being moved around the lair while being groped and fondled roughly by the creatures, stopping in dark corridors to let her Skaven escorts ravage her and cover her with their cum.

Hearing the yells of voices decidedly not Skaven.

“Back pitiful things. Sigmar guides my blade and you think you can stop me!”

“I think I see her sir.”

“By Sigmar yes! Elf! Stand up and fight these foul beasts!”

“By Grungi’s beard. We spend all these weeks tracking her and this is what we get?”

Shaken from her thoughts by the lack of stimulation Kerillian looked around. She kneeled in a dark corner of some long forgotten tunnel, naked and for the first time that she could remember, not surrounded by her captors. In front of her, two tall men stood, behind them a shorter, beardier man and a slightly smoking woman with fiery hair. Blinking in surprise at the scene Kerillian crawled forwards, grasping at the thigh of the more muscled human and licking up the groin of his cloth pants. She managed a small voice as they seemed too stunned to respond to her

“Use. Me.”

“Bloody hell. Well what do you say Victor. Could we take her back to camp?”

“I should put her out of her misery in Sigmar’s name.”

The gaunt looking tall man glanced around for a moment before looking back down at her with a glint in his eyes that she’d come to love from her time with the Skaven.

“But. Morale has been low. Very well Kruber. Bring her along.”

Kerillian felt a hand roughly seize her hair and start to drag her as darkness once again reigned through her mind. Again, the flashes came back to her, chained by the neck to a post in the ground while Kruber held the back of her head and pushed his member deep into her throat, his cock twitching as cum flooded her throat. Feeling Sienna grind her hot cunt into Kerillians mouth, as what could only be the thick cock of the Dwarf pounded her ass and Kerillian rubbed at her clit. Feeling the whip of Saltzpyre across her chest as he fucked her, pulling out at the last moments to cum into her waiting mouth.

Kerillian could no longer remember a shadow of a shadow of what she had been before, but her days were filled with being filled with cum by those who she once called friends. She knew only happiness as she would desperately lick at Sienna’s cunt, or be filled with cum by those men she knew as travelling companions. Her existence, in her mind, was one of pure perfection.
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