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A beautiful girl betrothed to an old Prince. A hansom young prince obsessed with steam engines, a meddling father, a fat ugly sister, a gay servant. They don't write tales like this anymore.
The reluctant Princess.

“I hear Ekaterina von Clausenberg-Epstein is getting married,” King Harald said one morning at breakfast.

“Right,” his eldest son Crown Prince Boris agreed as he pored over his scientific journal.

“To Count Prizen von Wuttenberg.” Queen Anya added.

“Right,” Boris agreed.

"Ekatrina, mother's best friend's youngest daughter," King Harald prompted.

“Right,” Boris agreed.

“Do you ever say anything but right?” King Harald asked?

“Ugh,” Boris answered, “What?”

“Right?” Harald said hopelessly, “Oh damnit boy, why do you not take your nose out of your journal and talk to us?”

“It is exciting father, Mr George Stephenson has produced a dampf locomotiven which goes thirty kilometers in one hour, imagine.”

“And what use is twenty kilometers an hour when a horse can go faster,” King Harald demanded.

“But with twenty tonnes behind, imagine twenty tonnes, two big cannon and ammunition at twenty miles an hour, why with three of them we could invade Bad Wisenban and claim a ransom!” Boris replied excitedly.

“I liked it better when he just grunted,” Princess Sophia announced as yet another slice of thick buttered toast slid effortlessly down her gaping mouth to swell her already quite outrageously bloated frame.

“And when shall you be married my angel?” Queen Anya asked.

“Very soon,” the princess replied, “As soon as I can for I am so fat I find wanking very difficult without a servant to manipulate the broom handle.”

“Sophia!” the King cried, “Not at the breakast table!”

“Oh no, I took it out before I got dressed,” Sophia replied.

“Its a damn good job you’re a Princess or you might fail the virginity test and have to become a whore,” the King replied, “Though no doubt you would enjoy that?”

“What’s hoar?” Little princess Josie asked.

“A type of Frosty morning,” Boris replied swiftly.

“No its not its a fallen woman,” Josie sniggered, “And fatso would need a crane to lift her if she fell!”

“I suppose it will fall to you to exercise the droit de seigneur Harald?” Queen Anya enquired.

“Lord no, dicky ticker, no Boris will have to do it,” Harald replied, “Eh Boris?”

“Sorry father what?” he asked, “For I do believe with a few alterations one might make a baby Stephenson machine to help Sophie masturbate, do you see if the eccentric rod went.”

“I’ll eccentric rod you my lad,” the King said, “No, you have to fuch Ekaterina!” he said, “Cousin Ekaterina?”

“No, let Roger roger her,” Boris said wickedly, “I shall remain celibate like her majesty queen of England Elizabeth!”

“No you damn well won’t, they’ll have you hung as a poofter,” King Harald insisted, “No on her wedding eve you will conjoin with Ekaterina and if she is not pure you shall send her to the brothel!”

“No!” Boris insisted.

“Indeed you will,” the King insisted, “Or I shall withdraw your allowance.”

“In that case I shall go to England to learn Mr Stephenson’s secrets.” Boris announced.

“Yes, maybe he can make me a machine for fuching so I don’t need a smelly husband!” Sophia agreed.

“Or, maybe I shall buy a Stephenson machine if you do fuch Ekaterina.” the King suggested.

“Yes!” Boris agreed, “Excellent!”

“She is very beautiful,” Josie said wistfully, “I do wish I was like her.”

“You are darling,” the queen explained, “Very beautiful.”

“But my titties are tiny Mama!” Josie protested.

“But your waist is tiny,” then queen explained.

“Only because she!” she turned to Sophia, “Steals my food!”

Boris who was more interested in Stephenson engines than titties agreed, “Right,” he said and the whole incident was forgotten.

About three weeks later Boris was in bed reading his scientific journal when Aachen, his manservant knocked politely and entered the room.

“Sire,” he said.

“Fuch off Aachen, I don’t want a wank or a blow job nor do I wish to fuch your ass nor do I want you to fuch mine,” Boris replied putting the ageing pervert firmly in his place.

“A thousand pardons but I have a young lady for you,” Aachen apologised.

“What in gods name?” Boris asked.

“Hello Boris,” Ekaterina said as she stepped around the door in her sparkling white pure virginal robes, the candle light sparkling off her golden hair, “I believe you have to despoil me.”

“No,” Boris insisted.

“But sire, your father said if you don’t you don’t get a Stephenson engine,” Aachen reminded him.

“Oh very well if I must,” Boris agreed, “Leave us!”

Aachen withdrew as Boris slipped from the bed wearing only his white bed smock which barely reached his knees and a red wooly hat and bowed slightly as Ekaterina curtsied..

“Boris,” Ekaterina said awkwardly, “I know you don’t like girls, everybody knows you are as queer as a three Mark note, but if you say I was pure then I won’t tell you couldn’t get it up.”

“Queer, what do you mean queer, I am not queer, I do not sleep with men why the very thought turns my stomach,” Boris protested, “No when I was small father warned me that if I slept with whores my cock would drop off and I wouldn’t be able to pee any more, I don’t want that, I want to stay pure for when I marry.”

“Exactly,” Ekaterina agreed, “And that is why I only let my Prizen squeeze my titties and put his fingers in me, and his thumb too, sometimes.

“Really?” Boris asked.

“You won’t tell will you?” Ekaterina asked hopefully.

“No, though if you like him pawing you why not become a whore?” Boris asked.

“I want a husband and a big castle and a fast carriage,” Ekaterina insisted.

“How fast?” Boris asked.

“Why twenty thousand hectares!” Ekaterina replied.

“No not vast, fast, how fast the carriage?” Boris asked

“Just fast, faster than everyone else,” Ekaterina replied.

“I tried that,” Boris enthused, “I tried four horses, two pairs like a square four but two look up the asses of the other two, so I tried a straight transverse four, you know four wide but it was too wide, then six in three pairs then I put six in a line like a straight six but do you know.”

“Six horses!” said Ekaterina, “Gosh!”

“Oh yes and then I tried eight in a vee formation,” Boris explained.

“A vee eight, how exciting, maybe,” Ekaterina said, “You could try Ten!”

“Ten, a Vee Ten?” Boris asked bewildered.

“Or a Vee twelve or a,” Ekaterina paused.

“What?” Boris asked awkwardly for he was becoming aware he had a rapidly swelling erection.

“A Vee Fouteen!” Ekaterina said triumphantly.

“It would be unbalanced,” Boris said as his penis softened slightly.

“A vee sixteen then!” Ekaterina cried.

“My god!” Boris cried as his cock skin threatened to burst with excitement, “Why not use a Stephenson engine instead.”

“Because it runs on tracks,” Ekaterina said, “And we have no tracks.”

“So what know you of Stephenson engines?” Boris asked.

“I saw a Watt engine in Munchen,” Ekaterina admitted, “It seemed so manly and strong!”

“Do you lust after steam engines?” Boris asked.

“Indeed,” Ekaterina said, I get Prizen to hiss like steam hisses when he fingers me and I pretend it is an engine piston in me but.”

“But what?” Boris asked.

“He stinks like a horse,” she said.

“Ah,” Boris said awkwardly.

“And his fingers are all calloused and horrible.” she admitted.

“So why marry him?” Boris asked.

“Well you are queer," she said as she started to explain, “And your brother is too young and Heinz is too old and.”

“I am not queer,” Boris snapped, “Why do you think I have this tent pole in my smock? do you think it is because Aachen is behind you, no, you stand there all beauty and talk dirty to me and I get excited, is that queer?”

“Talking of engines is dirty?” Ekaterina queried, “How is engines dirty?”

“The oil and the coal,” Boris cried and he rushed across the room, his erection flapping painfully, “Look my perfume!” he said , “Specially blended!” he grabbed the bottle and handed it to Ekaterina, she sniffed at it.

“Machine oil,” she said, “I tried some and my cunt was sore for days.”

“I put it behind my ears,” Boris explained.

There was a knock on the door, “Boris, have you finished?” King Harald demanded.

“No father, Ekaterina does not love Prizen,” Boris announced.

“So what,” Harald exclaimed, “He has a big house, what more does she want?”

“A Stephenson engine father,” Boris explained.

“She can have yours when you grow up!” Harald suggested.

“We could share one?” Boris suggested.

“I suppose so,” Ekaterina agreed, “But we don’t have one!”

“We could make one?” Boris suggested.

“You have a piston,” Ekaterina suggested and she moved towards Boris and gripped his shaft gently.

“And we could put it in your mouth,” said Boris.

“Or my vagina,” said Ekaterina, “Yes for my vagina is hot and moist and all ready for your cock,” she lied hopefully, “Would you like to feel?”

“Thank you,” Boris agreed as he lifted the hem of Ekaterina’s smock, “I should like that very much.”

“Ooohhh,” Ekaterina protested, “Stop it that is my ass hole.”

“Then where is your cunt?” Boris asked, “You said it was leaking?”

“I lied you idiot,” Ekaterina admitted, “I am not turned on at all by talk of Steam engines, I just want to be somebody, you understand? If I can let Prizen paw me I thought, then why not you, but at least my Prizen kisses me and lies that I am beautiful and plays with my titties before he gropes me.”

She ripped her smock open, “See here, are my tits not glorious?” she demanded as she stood before him naked.

“You scare me,” Boris admitted, “Come to bed and let us see what the morrow brings.”

“Typical!” she snorted, “Men!” but as Boris climbed back into bed she followed desperately pulling her ruined smock back on.

“Will you sleep this side?” Boris asked.

“Who cares?” Ekaterina asked and she lay down beside Boris and began to sulk.

Boris rang the bell, Aachen appeared rather too quickly, “A blow job Sire?” he asked.

“Put the candles out would you,” he said.

“Oh,” Aachen replied, “The young lady should go home.”

“The manservant should mind his business,” Boris snapped, “Candles, now.”

The candles snuffed out one by one and Boris kissed Ekaterina gently on the cheek.

“Good night,” he said softly.

“Great,” Ekaterina replied, “Get me a candle would you I fancy a wank.”

“What?” Boris exclaimed.

“I’m sick of being a virgin Ok, I want something stiff inside me!” she insisted.

“But!” Boris whined.

“You had your chance!” Ekaterina reminded him, “Candle Now!”

“Oh if you must,” Boris agreed as the last of the candles flicked out and Aachen handed a still smoking candle to Ekaterina.

“Idiot!” she protested as as she snapped off the hot end and tossed it at Aachen.

“Will that be all sir?” he asked.

“Yes fuch off and come not back until morning!” Ekaterina suggested.

“Goodnight sir!” he called and stomped sulkily from the room.

“You’re surely not going to?” Boris asked but it was obvious from Ekaterina’s struggles that she was indeed trying to force the candle up her rather tight snatch.

“Yes!” she gasped.

“Oh very well, get on with it!” Boris insisted,

“It’s not that easy,” Ekaterina insisted.

“Oh let me,” Boris requested.

“No!” Ekaterina replied mis understanding but Boris’s knee was already tight against the waxen shaft pressing up Ekaterina’s virgin cunt, “No, No, Agggghhhhhhhhh,” she screamed and she realised the candle was deep inside her.

“Oh my god!” she squealed, “I am ruined.”

“Perhaps now I will get some sleep,” Boris suggested.

“Great,” Ekaterina replied, “Wunderbar!”

“So sleep,” Boris ordered.

Ekaterina lay beside Boris, her insides wracked with pain as she removed the candle to be replaced by pain and emptiness when she removed it and threw it across the room.

“It hurts,” she said.

“Serves you right,” Boris replied, “Try wanking with your thumb.”

“Suddenly you’re an expert, typical!” she declared.

“Let me then,” Boris replied and he reached out to touch Ekaterina’s soft downy pubes and the hot moistness of her bruised cunt.

He ran his hands over her soft inner thighs and pushed a finger into her gaping hole.

“What are you waiting for?” Ekaterina asked.

“I have three fingers inside already,” he replied.

“Oh,” Ekaterina replied.

“Just a moment I have an idea,” Boris suggested and he rolled over between Ekaterina’s now wide spread knees and pressed his straining cock gently into Ekaterina’s sopping eager hot cunt as he lowered his chest down onto her pert tits crushing her erect nipples so he could kiss her neck.

“Oh Boris that’s so nice,” Ekaterina lied as she felt Boris cock thrusting inside her like an avenging sword.

“For me also it is wonderful,” he agreed.

“Yes, it is nice,” Ekaterina agreed, but she thought a moment, “Why am I lying, it hurts, stop!”

“It is too nice. I cannot stop.I am sorry,” Boris apologised.

“Oh god, why am I so stupid?” Ekaterina asked.

“Because you are a woman with a small brain,” Boris explained.

“That must be it,” Ekaterina agreed, “You have Ten seconds and then I shall scream!”

“Oh,” Boris replied, “Then I shall finish,” he agreed as his cock felt it was about to burst.

“Aggghhhhh!” Ekaterina screamed as Boris started to cum.

“That, uggh, wasn’t ugggghh, ten.” Boris said angrily as his creamy cum flooded Ekaterina’s parts cooling and soothing.

“Oh!” she gasped, wide eyed suddenly, “Oh Boris!”

“Ekaterina?” he said as he flopped against her completely spent

“Boris?” she replied.

“Yes?” he replied.

“That was nice,” she explained.

“Yes,” he agreed.

“Will you take it out please?” she asked.

“No, I want this to last for ever,” Boris insisted.

“I need to get some sleep,” Ekaterina explained.

“I am getting hard again.” Boris replied, “A moment please.”

“You have done your duty,” Ekaterina explained, “I am no longer a virgin, in fact I am entirely ruined.”

“ I too am a virgin no longer ,” Boris replied, “I too am ruined.”

“Don’t be a complete idiot all your life,” she insisted but as his cock hardened again he started to hump her once more.

“Boris, stop,” Ekaterina ordered.

“No, I now realise I like fuching,” Boris explained, “Why did you never ask me to fuch you before?”

“Boris, you are the Prince, you are the man, it was for you to ask,” Ekaterina explained.

“But do you not like me fuching you?” Boris asked.

Ekaterina thought a moment, Boris’s cock actually felt quite nice she decided and more important he didn’t stink of horses like Count Prizen.

“Yes Boris I like you fuching me,” she agreed.

“Then you will marry me instead?” he asked.

“No probably not, for Count Prizen loves me,” she insisted.

“That is a pity,” Boris admitted, “But when I am king I shall take you as my mistress.”

“Well in that case I might just as well marry you,” Ekaterina agreed, “You’re no great shakes as a lover but at least I get to be queen one day and you don’t stink like a horse.”

“Thank you,” he said simply.

“But what about Count Prizen?” Ekaterina demanded.

“Has he a big cock?” Boris asked.

“How should I know?” Ekaterina replied.

“Sophia needs a big cock, she keeps wanking herself with a broom handle,” Boris suggested.

“All Count Prizen wants is a link to the Royal Family,” Ekaterina insisted, “I am a cousin, but I have no wealth, he has wealth, he has a big house, I can love a big house.”

“Right, but can you love me?” Boris asked,

“No,” Ekaterina admitted, “You are boring Boris, nothing but a, Oohh, boring, Agghhh,” she gasped as annoyance led Boris to fuch her rather roughly, “Oh fuch me Boris!” she cried.

“Do you like that?” he asked, “Are you sure I am not hurting you?”

“For heaven’s sake shut up and fuch me!” Ekatrina pleaded, as Boris bored into her crushing her clit with his thrusting and sending warm waves of pleasure coursing through her veins.

“Ohhh Boris!” Ekatrina cried, and quite shocked herself when she realised she was not actually faking.

“Oh Ekatrina!” he gasped and all too soon he was shooting his wad into her once more.

“I am fuched,” Boris admitted, “Competely and utterly fuched.”

“I think I am too,” Ekatrina admitted as she went in search of the candle to finish herself off.

“I think I love you,” Boris said.

“You just like fuching but yes I will marry you be because you don’t stink!” Ekatrina replied, “Where the hell is the candle.”

“Here madam,” said Aachen from the shadows where he had been lurking.

“You pervert!” Ekatrina exclaimed.

‘Crack!’ went Aachen’s jaw bone as Boris finally lost it and floored the ageing pervert with a badly aimed upper cut to the solar plexus which hit him squarely on the jaw.

“Ooh Boris!” Ekatrina exclaimed and rushed to embrace him, “You did that for me!”

“Yes,” Boris lied.

They lay together in each others arms until morning.

King Harald woke them next morning, “Well fuched I trust?” he enquired and they blushed, “Good, Aachen said you broke his jaw, and refused to let him bum you, is this true?”

“Indeed Father,” Boris agreed.

“Good,” King Harald confirmed, “I never doubted his word, so I shall have him hung at dawn, unless?”

“No, dawn would be good, and Ekatrina and I are to be wed.” Boris announced.

“Knew you would see sense,” King Harald agreed, “So that leaves the field clear for Sophia.”

“You evil conniving, nasty old,” Ekatrina protested.

“King is the word you are seeking,” Harald suggested, “Would you rather I fuched you, or that stinking oaf Count Prizen?”

“That’s a tough question,” Ekatrina exclaimed, “Boring versus stinking versus old.”

“I could have you sent to the whore house,” King Harald suggested and when he saw the look in Ekatrina’s eyes he added, “When you have delivered Boris at least two lusty sons.”

“Then we have a deal!” Ekatrina agreed happily wondering just how quickly she could have twin boys and get out and have some fun.

And so it was, Ekatrina married Boris and Count Prizen married Sophia.

And they all lived happily for at least three weeks.

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2019-09-06 15:22:17
I have read some more of your stories.....utterly brilliant and insane - thanks!

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2019-09-06 15:21:12
Stupidly wonderful story! Loved it :))

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2019-09-06 15:01:36
Stupidly wonderful story! Loved it :))

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