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getting WEAPONS
Greek Gods


Zeus - King of the Greek gods

Hera - Queen of the Greek gods, sister, and wife of Zeus

Hades - god of the underworld, brother of Zeus

Poseidon - god of the sea, brother of Zeus

Demeter - goddess of harvest and fertility of the earth, sister of Zeus

Aphrodite - Daughter of Zeus and Dione, Goddess of love, beauty, and sexuality

Artemis - Daughter of Zeus and Leto, goddess of the hunt, the moon, and chastity

Athena - Daughter of Zeus and Metis, goddess of wisdom, courage, inspiration, civilization, law, and justice, strategic warfare, mathematics, strength, strategy, the arts, crafts, and skill.

Ares - Son of Zeus and Hera, the god of war

Apollo - Son of Zeus and Leto - god of the sun and light, music and poetry, healing, and plagues, prophecy and knowledge, order and beauty, archery and agriculture.

Dionysus - Son of Zeus and Semele - God of the vine, grape harvest, wine-making, wine, fertility, ritual madness, religious ecstasy, theatre

Hephaestus - Son of Zeus and Hera - god of fire, metalworking, stone masonry, forges and the art of sculpture.

Hermes - Son of Zeus and Maia - Messenger of the gods, god of trade, thieves, travelers, sports, athletes, border crossings, the guide to the Underworld

Eris - Daughter of Zeus and Hera, sister of Ares - minor goddess of discord and strife

Deimos - son of Ares, twin of Phobos - god of dread

Phobos - son of Ares, twin of Deimos - god of fear


Ephus - the godling man with unusual power.

Dr. Quinn Markov - human wife of Ephus


Egyptian Goddesses and wives to Ephus


Bast - Goddess of cats, protection, joy, dance, music, family, and love

Sekhmet - Goddess of fire, war, and dance

Hathor - Goddess of the sky, dance, love, beauty, joy, motherhood, foreign lands, mining, music, and fertility.

Serket - Goddess of scorpions, medicine, magic, and healing venomous stings and bites

Maat - Goddess of Truth and Justice

Tefnut - Goddess of Rain, Air, Moisture, Weather, Dew, Fertility, and Water


Brothers of Bast and Sekhmet


Thoth - God of knowledge

Sobek - God of the Nile, the Army, military, fertility and of crocodiles

Anhur - God of war and the sky bearer - Full brother of Bast and Sekhmet

Horus - Ancient God of the sky and kingship

Min - God of fertility

Khonshu - God of the Moon

Apophis - God of Chaos and darkness

Shu - God of the wind and air


Quinn could only look at her husband Ephus as if he were crazy. "Have you lost your damn mind!" She shouted, even causing Anhur to back away slightly.

Ephus sighed, started to explain then was quiet a few moments longer. "I realize that you are scared, Quinn. I am nothing like I was when I first met you." Looking at his young appearing wife, he stated. "As well you aren't either, you young thing."

Quinn blushed a moment then started to smile. Just as suddenly, the smile was gone from her face.

"Damn it Ephus! Don't you dare think that you can charm your way out of this." Here, she was shaking a finger in his face. A finger that he softly grabbed, slowly sucking it into his mouth. Snatching her finger and hand back, she slightly growled. "Stop that!"

A little defeated, Ephus nodded his head, "I know that you are worried, dear. I am too with the specter of war looming over us all." Here he glanced back to an also nodding Anhur. "The thing is, they actually asked for help. Since I helped the Egyptian Realm, I can't refuse to help the others."

As she released a huge sigh, Quinn slowly nodded. "Ephus, I know all this, I have since it has all started. Damn it! I know, I understand, that still doesn't mean that I have to be friggin happy about it!"

Ephus could only stand there as her tirade played out. He had to completely agree with her and like her, he wasn't all that happy either.

Ephus, shook his head as he thought of the damn near idiots that, the Greek gods appeared to be. He swore that if they didn't listen to him this time, he wasn't sure just what he'd do. A slight growl, issued from him as he thought, ‘it damn sure wouldn't be pretty, that was for sure.’

The thing was, now that Ares had, had his ass handed to him twice by Ephus, he was probably mad as hell. A small smirk played across Ephus's lips, no, Ares was by far more than mad or pissed.

Quinn had gotten quiet, she quickly had learned when Ephus had that faraway look, he was lost in thought. Suddenly turning back toward her, he nodded.

"Sorry hon, was just thinking that now that I have hurt Ares twice, HE isn't going to give up. So looks like I am in the thick of it again. Yes, I know, I will be as careful as I can. Why do you think I have had Anhur teaching me every moment I had? Ares loves weapons." Ephus told Quinn.

"Yes, brother has learned far faster than anyone I have ever seen." A moment later, Anhur reached into the thin air withdrawing a sleek, green-colored metal, double-edged sword. "I would be proud if you took this special weapon. It was made many of your centuries ago. I call it, the Eternal Nile Serpent, It will protect you even if your superb skills fail you."

Ephus started to reach for the sword, then drew his hand back. What he had felt, was almost like a heavy hand slap across it and his arm.

"So, it doesn't seem to like me," Ephus stated, causing Anhur's eyes to open wider.

"My apologies brother, it does have a temper." Turning away, Anhur walked to the other side of the room talking soothingly to the sword. It was almost half an hour later when Anhur came back a slight look of anger on his face. "It does not believe that you are who you are. It says that you have no power, might I suggest that you take it, prove it wrong."

Ephus narrowed his eyes as he stared at the sword. Powering up halfway, he again reached for the sword only to have his hand slapped back. At least this time, it didn't hurt nearly as bad.

Ephus hadn't noticed, that Anhur was no longer holding the sword, it floating still in the air. Growling Ephus powered up as high as he could, reaching out to grasp the handle of the sword.

A shrill wailing filled the air, almost causing Ephus to release the handle. Looking at the sword, he had to do a double-take. Before him stood a tall, long dark-haired woman of what appeared to be Egyptian lineage.

As he shook his head, Ephus saw that he had his hand around the wrist of the woman.

She snarled then lashed out at him. "Let me go you vile piece of filth. I will not yield to you nor any other!"

"Yield?" Ephus stated shocked. "Why would I want you to yield to me? Are you not the living aspect of the sword?"

"Bah! You really are an idiot and a fool; I am not an aspect as you call it. I AM the sword. Though you have the power godling, I cannot accept you."

For some strange reason, Ephus thought better than to release the sword, as he thought a moment longer.

"I see, I do not wish to make you do something, that you may be afraid of. You are correct, I should draw upon a better sword that has no fear.

Perhap..." Ephus started.

"A BETTER SWORD!" The female roared. "I should gut you now before you further insult us."

"I don't see how, as afraid as you are. No, you're right, I should get another sword that, isn't afraid to be my partner, for the battle, I feel that is coming." Ephus said.

A small smile crossed Ephus’ lips as he saw that the female's face, was starting to grow redder. Tsking, Ephus released his grip on the handle, not surprised when it wouldn't leave his hand.

"You bastard! You dare to insult us, then attempt to cast us away like a used piece of fruit. No godling, you will not be rid of us that easily." The female shouted then disappeared, the sword flowing from Ephus's hand, into an intricate scabbard that appeared on Ephus belt.

Ephus blew out the breath he'd been partly holding. Looking over to Anhur, he could see the male had a wide smile on his face.

"That was truly wonderful, brother, you are now the master of..." Anhur started.

"NO!" Ephus almost shouted. "She is my partner, that is all, I will not abuse her like that."

Anhur had a strange look on his face as he backed from Ephus. "It will be as you say, brother."

Ephus looked at both Quinn and Anhur, kissed Quinn, then vanished.

A few moments later, Ephus appeared in front of the building he been to before. Taking a deep breath, Ephus pointed at the building, ok, here we go again.

Ares had been swinging the black sword, laughing with glee at the shrieking that it was making. Both Deimos and Phobos had appeared moments ago, both their mouths hanging open.

That was 'til a minute later, all three of the males turned toward what was an obvious huge power.

"What was that?" Ares asked stopping in mid-swing.

"I believe it was the godling powering up," Phobos stated, still feeling weak after the last encounter he had with Ephus.

"Ha! I do not believe, that he has that much power. Though it won't really matter after I take all his power. This sword will give me all the advantage that I need." Ares laughed as he swung the sword again.

Deimos was also reaching out, a shocked look on his face. "Really father, I can also feel his power, it is far beyond what I felt earlier. I don't see how a sword can hope to defeat the godling."

"Ah! Then you have never heard of the Caspian God Killer." Ares sneered as he continued to practice with the sword.

Both Ares’ son's gasped at the mention of the sword. "Yes father, we have. Please be careful, it is rumored to sometimes take the life of its wielder." Deimos said.

"Of that, I am not afraid. With the added power, I am far stronger than I was. Nothing, I do mean nothing, is going to stop me this time. Especially some weak half-human godling. No, after I use this on him, I can kill him as slowly as I want." Ares stated as an evil laugh issued from his lips.

Both Phobos and Deimos could only stare at each other. They remembered a story about the sword, driving its user mad. Looking at their father, they were hoping that he didn't suffer the same fate.

Ephus was about to step up the stairs in the front of the building when he felt four powers heading his way.

Shit he thought, this time he'd hoped they would ignore him. A moment later, there were four whooshes. Then behind him, he saw Aphrodite, Athena, Artemis then Hera appear.

Ephus looked closer, seeing that Artemis had what appeared to be a very angry expression on her face.

Shit he thought, I have been so busy I haven't had a chance to be with her. Damn it! I made her a promise also.

"We are here to let you know that we support you Ephus. Zeus is in for a big surprise if, he thinks that all of us are going to just step back and do nothing." Hera stated, speaking for the four of them.

Ephus nodded then called Artemis over. There, he tried to explain all that was going on. Though it didn't completely placate her, it did lessen her anger greatly.

"So what do you have planned. It is obvious that you still haven't talked to Zeus yet." Hera stated.

"No, not as of yet, I am hoping that all the advice I have received of late, helps out with this. It's not that I don't want to help, I do. I can't really do much more without Zeus being on board. Then again, after the last time with his reactions? I don't hold out much hope." Ephus told the four female goddesses shaking his head.

"You're quite right." Came a loud voice behind the five of them. "I am afraid that we, as the humans say, got off on the wrong foot."

Ephus turned to see not only Zeus but the other four males. A rather pissed off Hermes, A slightly afraid Apollo and Dionysus. Then the tall, proud smiling Hephaestus.

As he thumped his chest with his fist, Hephaestus, stepped forward slightly bowing to Ephus. "Godling Ephus, it was an honor to trade blows with you. I have not had such a rousing round in a very long time." Again, Hephaestus bowed. "I would also be honored to call you friend."

Shocked a moment, Ephus slightly bowed to Hephaestus. "It was an honor to meet you, it is obvious that you care greatly for your family. Therefore, I cannot fault you for your actions. I would also like to call you friend."

All four of the females with Ephus, plus Hephaestus's brothers, all had their mouths hanging open. They were in complete shock at the exchange they had just witnessed.

Zeus, of course, was nodding it was as he had expected. Ephus had shown no malice towards him or the realm. That’s when he noticed that, Ephus's face slowly slid to a more angry look.

As he turned toward Hermes, Ephus started his tirade. "YOU, I am still deciding whether to help or not. The useless piece of space, the godling you said that you would end, once I increased you." Here Ephus raised his hand drawing Hermes to him 'til, the male was almost nose to nose with Ephus. Through clenched teeth, Ephus stated, "You're lucky I even consider talking to you!"

Then Ephus turned his anger upon Apollo and Dionysus. "You two! I can understand the actions of your two brothers. I might not agree with them, though I understand them. You two, I might never help! You offered no help for either of them, not a word nor action. I know the realm needs all of you, though, at the moment I have to truly ask, why would it?"

Zeus and Hephaestus, were both trying to hide the wide smiles on their faces. Ephus could see that all of the females, were doing their best not to burst out laughing. Though Hera's shock seemed far more genuine than the rest.

"The jury is still out on whether I should power either of you very much at all. As with Hermes, you are even luckier that I speak to you, let alone acknowledge your existence." Ephus continued his tirade. Waving his hand Ephus made several comfortable chairs, a large table laden with food and a covering over the top.

Hera and the other females sighed at the scene, taking a seat. Ephus watched as Zeus took a seat then shook his head now at the brothers.

Just before he sat in one of the last two chairs, Ephus put his hand to his head for a moment. Turning, he waited a bit longer as Eris appeared. Seating her he turned toward the four males, watching them vanish. Nodding as he felt around, he then sat.

Taking a breath, Ephus, hoped this went better than the last time he talked to Zeus. "I am hoping that I can get all five of you in agreement on this. As of now Zeus, you are the only one that is resisting me. One would think after all I did for the Egyptian realm that you would be more than happy to have my help."

"Yes I know, you have to understand Ephus. Hera and I have held this realm for a very long time. There have been more than a few attempts to wrest it from us or me."

Here Zeus turned toward his sister, Hera. "Yes, I have since decided to forgive almost all your transgressions. I have found that the longer I harbored these resentments, the longer it took to do anything. Besides," here she looked at Ephus, "I have found that your habit of dallying with the humans, has much merit."

Ephus sat there, starting to slowly drum his fingers. If they started in with a war of words, he just might say the hell with it and leave.

Both Hera and Zeus suddenly stopped, turning to look at Ephus. All the others were already watching him, seeing the tension that was starting to appear on his face.

Zeus and Hera nodded to each other, "Pardon Ephus, old habits, there are some things that are still painful. So now that we are here, please outlay what it is you propose." Zeus said.

A small smile appeared on the four daughter's faces. This was the quickest they ever remembered the two stopping an argument. Also, a rare thing, as they more often than not didn't stop, just let it stew.

Ephus nodded as a small smile appeared on his lips. "I wish to empower all of you. As you know, I have already brought all five of you to half power." He said to all the females. "I have also done the same for your brothers and sister."

Both Zeus and Hera could only stare at Ephus. "When? I have felt nothing from them or their areas of concern." Hera said with a happy smile.

"It was before I came here. I am afraid though, that I almost exhausted what power I had." Here Ephus looked at Aphrodite. Taking her hand, he kissed it, "thank you, they were certainly a lift for me, though I may need a few more. I am recovering far faster now."

Ephus could almost swear that Aphrodite, was blushing, hmmm looked very nice on her also.

"It was a definite pleasure to help you Ephus. I owe you a great debt that, I don't think I can ever repay. Besides restoring much that was wrong here by powering father, you saved me when I was falling from the rift. Though I am sure that it was you that guided me out." Aphrodite stated then turned her face and head downward.

Ephus again did a double take when he thought, that again, it looked like Aphrodite, was blushing.

"I felt that someone was in trouble, it might be an antiquated human thing, I felt I had to help," Ephus said, causing all at the table to nod. "So to continue, I have powered all to half except for Aphrodite and Zeus. Zeus, I brought to three fourths his power, Aphrodite to a little more than half."

Hera was nodding as she spoke, "I noticed that you didn't feel as strong as before. It seems though, the short time you have been sitting here, your power has already doubled. Far beyond all of us, even, I dare say with Zeus and still growing."

Ephus nodded, then was silent, a moment before he decided to say what he had to. "I hope that all you know that I can take all away that I empowered. I still think greatly like a human, I don't take betrayal well."

"If you are thinking like a human, you wouldn't decide to take our power away to say, let the Egyptian realm take over?" A more worried Zeus asked.

"No, I understand the rules that all the realms live by. I am not here to take over, or to destroy what is here. I don't want any of the realms, or to live here all the time, like all the gods try to. I am only here to help; I had a good many of the gods help me when I felt I was at the end of my life. I am here to repay that, no more." Ephus stated, drawing several startled gasps from all there.

"You were close to passing to the ultimate realm?" Aphrodite asked a look of horror on her face.

Ephus turned to look at Aphrodite, then noticed that the other four females, also had a look of horror on their faces.

"I am afraid I was, I used to have a visitor every year. It was for the last, six or seven years before I came into my power." Here Ephus, removed his shirt to reveal, the many marks of the Egyptian gods on him. "I have been marked and claimed you might say. So you might also say, THEY wouldn't take well to me being betrayed either."

All the females could only stare at the marks, that started on the far right side of his chest. The marks of Maat, Tefnut near the right-center, near the left-center the mark of Serket. On the far left was the mark of Hathor, on his left inner thigh was the mark of Bast. Then they noticed the mark of Sekhmet on his stomach. Though the one that got the most notice was the mark of ISIS on his neck.

All the females were staring with their mouths open. "By all the realms," Hera whispered. "The mark of seven goddesses, it's no wonder you are as strong as you are."

All four of them were reaching out to touch the marks gingerly. They all quickly snatched their hands back as if they were shocked.

Hera rubbed her hand, then nodded, "They are very protective," here she looked at his crotch seeing the slight bulge. "I can definitely see why."

Ephus nodded as he touched Hera's hand, making her snap her head up. All there could only stare as Hera's skin started to briefly glow. A moment later it returned to normal.

Hera could only look at her hand a few moments, then felt her power increasing inside her. "I thought that if you were almost as high as Zeus, you could help more with what I feel is coming."

"What is coming?" Hera asked with all of them staring at Ephus.

"Yes, as I explained to your brothers and sister. I feel that now I have hurt and stopped Ares twice, I am sure that he has changed his plans to come after me. With you and Zeus as high as you are, you stand a better chance against him." Ephus explained.

Zeus and Hera both seemed to be in deep thought a few moments. Finally, they both looked up at Ephus. "It will most certainly aid in keeping him at bay." It was at that moment that, Zeus noticed the scabbard on Ephus’ belt. Then he gasped when he recognized it. "By all the realms!" He stated in an almost whisper, as he pointed to the sword in the scabbard. "How did you gain the sister sword to the Caspian God Killer?"

Ephus’ head snapped up to stare at Zeus. "This was a gift from Anhur, he felt that I might need it if I met Ares. Ares it seems has a propensity for weapons, for him the deadlier the better."

Zeus was nodding as was Hera, they might not have seen Ares in hundreds of years, they still knew him.

"No matter how you gained it, you might have just saved yours and our existence," Zeus stated.

"I don't know how you can say that father." A familiar voice stated behind all of them.

Ephus smirked then turned, not surprised to see Ares with a black colored metal, sword.

"So finally tired of hiding like an insect Ares? I would have thought better of the dunce of war." Ephus stated a small smile coming to his lips, good he thought Ares is mad as hell.


2019-09-21 22:41:02
Love the series. Please keep it going

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