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I was just a normal guy that enjoyed normal things sexually but I seem to have found that I like watching people. This is my story.
Voyeur for the first time

I had come back home from a semester of college to stay with my mom. It had been a tough time academically, but I made it through. I had not had much time for myself because of the class loads that I had, and that made it a hard year sexually as well. To be frank, I had not had sex since before the semester started. I felt myself starting to stare at women now not even meaning too. Just daydreaming about sex all day.

It was nice to see my mom again. Her and I have a great relationship. I was never too much trouble, so she was able to be a friend to me pretty soon after I left the house. I think that this was a blessing to her because she was able to loosen up and do all the things that she had been holding off on when I was living in the house, like go out with her friends and have people over. She was always put together and stereotypical mother material, and now she was dressing up and telling me about being out with her friends. I had never seen my mother drink at all and these days she is drinking wine with her girlfriends at the house every weekend.

Trish and Veronica came walking in the front door like they owned the place and screamed, “Stacy!” They were both laughing and carrying glasses of wine.

Trish was skinny and tall, with a sex in the city feel to her. She was always talking with her hands and it appeared that she was on Broadway. She had small but perky breasts and would always wear things that showed off her shoulders. She would always wear flats, probably because she was taller than Veronica and my mom even when they wore heels.

Veronica was maybe 5 feet tall, but always wore platform heels. She was a little on the heavier side but that wouldn’t matter if you were looking at her. She had a very soft hourglass body with very large supple breasts that were always pushed up. The heels she always wore made her legs look amazing, and she accentuated that even more by wearing high skirts. She was shyer than Trish or my mom. Veronica would always be sitting listening and laughing and using her eyes to seduce the world. She wore just enough eye makeup that you couldn’t help but think of sex as soon as you saw her.

I heard my mother coming down the stairs and we all turned. Her heels were clinking as she was presenting herself to us from bottom to top because of the way the staircase emptied into the large living room. Gold platform heels that shined just enough that you had to look at them. Her small ankles and formed calves led you right up to her tight toned thighs that were hugged tightly by a black dress skirt that had a very low-cut V, showing off her breasts. They were big C’s probably, and had a shiny gold necklace sitting in their cleavage.

“Girls!” she screamed as she danced across the living room and they all hugged each other and bounced around. Watching these gorgeous women bouncing around the living room made me consider walking to the other side of the bar in the kitchen and leaning against it, which I did. I casually leaned against the counter and tried not to make it to obvious what my body was doing without my permission.

“What is this handsome man going to do tonight?” Veronica said as she looked at me, with her dark eyes and dark red lips, really not helping my situation.

“He is going to watch the house for me.” My mother said.

“Maybe we should take him with us.” Trish said, as she flailed her arms around.

“I am sure he doesn’t want to be hanging out with his mother and her friends when he’s home from college.” My mother said as she started pushing them towards the door. “Come on girls.”

When the door opened, I could see a black town car outside at the curb. I was wondering how Veronica and Trish were drinking when they walked in and that explained it.

“Have a good night sweetheart.” My mother said as she was getting into the town car.

“Oh yes. Have a good night sweetheart.” Trish teased as she pointed back at me with one hand and her glass of wine raised above her head in the other.

“Yes sweetheart, have a very good night.” Veronica seduced me with her words as she locked eye contact and slid into the town car.

I was standing as natural as possible at the door, knowing that there was a bit of a situation in my pants that I was not sure how noticeable it was. I just waved and smiled, anxious to close the door.

The car pulled off and the door closed, and the challenge had begun for what I was actually going to do for the night. I walked around my mother’s new house. It did not take me long to see most of the house. Nothing crazy but also nothing to laugh at. It was a respectable 3-bedroom 2 bath house with a very large living room that emptied into the kitchen. The stairs and the upstairs hallway were all open to the back wall. The entire back wall was an open set of windows making the living room seem much larger than it was. In the back yard was a patio that looked into the house. It would have been too open if it were not for the privacy fence all around the half acre closing it off. But with the lights on in the house from the backyard you could see everything. So, to do it properly you would need the outside lights on and none of the inside lights on or everyone would be able to see inside with no problem. I didn’t give this too much thought seeing that it did not matter to me. With the privacy fence it did not matter at all anyway.

After about 30 minutes of walking around I was already bored. I walked back into the back yard and found there was a spot that I could get underneath the fence. I was not really sure why I would want to, but I did anyway. Once I was back there, I stood up and saw the fence that I just crawled under to my back and another privacy fence right in front of me. There was maybe 2 feet in between the fences, that I assumed was there for maintenance personnel. I just started walking along it with no plan at all.

It was pretty dark, but I could see enough to know that I wasn’t going to trip on anything. After about 15 yards or so I saw a light threw the fence. I could not help but peek through. It was a family watching TV. As I suspected with the lights off outside and the living room lights on you could see right in. I did not dwell too long before I moved on. The next house was dark and then there was a light on at the house after that. I stayed and watched for a while but could only see a golden retriever walking around in the living room. I did notice that this house was set up the same as my mother’s. I guess these houses were preplanned, so I am sure that more of them were the same.

I walked for quite some time before I saw another light. I maybe had walked a hundred yards now total. I could see the end of the avenue up ahead. I looked threw a tiny crack in the fence and saw a woman alone watching TV. The television was up against the grand window making it so that she was facing directly at me. This started as weird but almost immediately turned erotic.

I had never once in my life thought that voyeurism would be something that I would like but I had never experienced it before. I right away felt powerful that I could see her and she could not see me. This made me feel uncharacteristically strong right off the bat.

It looked as if she was sitting cross-legged on the couch holding a glass of wine with both hands. She was in her mid 30’s I would have guessed and was blond. I could not tell exactly what she was wearing because of the distance. It looked like a shower robe of some kind.

Something inside me told me that I needed to get a better look. I started looking around the fence for a hole like the one that I found in my mother’s fence. I could not find one, but when I went around the corner, I saw there was an electrical box right by the fence. I was able to stand on it and without too much effort hop over the fence.

I was now inside this stranger’s fence with mixed emotions. I was so scared of being caught but to curious to turn back. I also was noticing that I was getting aroused. I know that this seems weird to point out but at this point in my life I had never thought of watching someone as erotic. Oh, how times change.

I snuck along the house so that I could barely peek in and I could see her. I was now watching her from her left side. I felt if I peeked any further that the light from the tv would have shown on my face. I stayed right there on the edge of the widow for quite some time.

She was watching a movie that it seemed that she knew by heart. She would mouth the words and I could hear muffled voices that seem to match up with her lips. After a long rant of lip syncing, she would take a sip from her glass.

She was wearing a gown that was tied around her waist. And she was sitting crossed legged or Indian style as we called it back then. After watching her for a while longer I stopped watching her mouth move with the words and started focusing on her lips and how soft they were. On her legs and how tan they were. Her toenails, her blond hair, her breasts, and every part of her body. After I had seen everything that I could see from this angle I realized that I needed to readjust so that I could see more.

I know that I could not walk right out of the light from inside would give me away. I went back into the shadow and started walking along the fence all the way back to the back of the yard. I then got to the center so that I could not see her anymore. The TV was in between me and her now, so I felt comfortable walking strait in. There was an obvious area around the house where the light was making a glow on the ground, so I walked to the edge and stopped. I then leaned out to the left so that I could see her from her right now. I was maybe 25 to 30 feet from the window and 30 to 40 feet away from this beautiful woman.

As I watched from this angle, I noticed something right off the bat. When the television screen got light, I could now see something up her gown. Her legs were crossed in just the right way that I could see over her ankles and kept getting glimpses of her panties. I leaned in and grabbed at myself as I stared hard. My cock was painfully pressing against the inside of my jeans.

I scratched my fingernails on the denim so that it was vibrating the underside of my cock as I stared at her. The power that I felt as I watched her live her life safely and carefree made me feel more powerful than I had ever felt in my life. I started to think sexual thoughts that I had never had before with myself in a more dominant position than I had been willing to try. Being powerful was always something that I wanted but never had the physical stature to pull it off confidently, but at this moment I was almost confident enough to walk into this woman’s house and fuck her on her couch right now.

She readjusted on the couch and the real me came crashing back as I cowered back into the shadow so as not to be seen. I hated this feeling of being scared and wanted to do away with it. I had been told by my friends in college that if I wanted something I just needed to do it, and although watching a stranger in her house as I was trespassing on her property was probably not what they meant, you take advice wherever you can get it.

I stepped back out to the left once again viewing her from the right but more strait on angle. After I was confident that she could not see me I took a very deep breath and stood up slowly. She was staring at the TV but the angle was so close to strait that it seemed as though she was staring at me. She took a drink of her wine as she kept watching the TV and mouthing the words.

After a few moments I decided to push my luck and get closer. First, I looked back at the fence that I had come in over and saw that if things went awry I was going to be able to jump it. After now knowing that I had an escape route I took a large step forward.

Although I was only about 3 feet closer to her It seemed as though I had run forward. There was no response on her end, so I felt comfortable that she was not going to see if I took another step.

So, I took another step, and waited, and then took another. And ever so slowly I continued this motion until I was standing against her window directly behind her television. Because of the glow from the TV constricting her pupils and the light on the back wall glaring against the window (from the inside view) I was invisible.

I now stood about 6 feet away from this beautiful woman staring directly up her gown as she stared at me and laughed and smiled as she drank her wine. It did not take long before there was no longer space in my pants for me. I unzipped my fly and pulled my member out. I was throbbing and already tender because of how my jeans had my cock bent. I am not sure that I had ever been quite that hard in my entire life.

I started pulling on my cock with a grip that was unbelievably tight. I could have squeezed as hard as I wanted, and nothing could have hurt me that night. I stared directly into this woman’s eyes as she smiled at me while I jerked my dick. Each time that she took a drink of wine I imagined her lips being not on that glass but on my cock. For quite some time I stood erect in everyway and stroked my cock for her as she stared at me pleased with what she saw. Smiling and drinking her wine as though she could not get enough.

After some time had passed, I felt that feeling that made you know that there was no coming back. I closed my eyes, flexed my butt, and held it as long as I could before letting go. Pulse after pulse as I stood on my tip toes came blasted from me. I started to sway back and forth as my eyes were shut tight. I was lost in that beautiful moment where you close your eyes and drift off after you cum.


My head hit the window as I swayed forward and back having the most intense orgasm of my whole life. Hearing the noise and feeling the sudden impact against my forehead brought me suddenly and abruptly back to reality.

I saw that she had heard it also and placed her glass of wine on the coffee table. I fidgeted with my cock and zipper in a panic as cum was still dripping from me. I pushed my cock back into my pants as I ran straight back into the depths of her yard. I tried to stay in line with the television hoping that she was still in the same place. Once I got to the fence, I took a hard left and ran to the corner. I pivoted left again running back towards the house and more importantly to the place in the fence that I could jump over. Once I got there, I scaled the fence like a ninja warrior about to hit the buzzer. I landed on the other side and turned right so that I was running back towards the original spot that I had seen her from the opposite side of the fence. Once I got there, I took a deep breath, and possibly the first breath that I had taken since the beginning of my orgasm.

After I got my eye lined up with the hole in the fence, I finally saw her. She was still on the other side of the television and looking out. She was looking back and forth in a way that she could not see anything and with the lack of commitment to the window it did not seem like she was going to be willing the actually check it out either. She never sat back down on the couch. She finished watching the movie while standing in front of the couch and occasionally looking out, but I knew that she couldn’t see anything.

Finally, she started to wrap up her night. I am not sure why I watched her for the remainder of the movie. It was just the anticipation of what I could miss that made me stay. I watched her turn the television off and put her glass in the kitchen. Then she went into another room and I thought that she was going to sleep. I started to walk away but before I got to the edge of her fence, I heard her door open.

I sprinted back being careful not to make any noise. Once I got to the hole, I lined my eye up and I saw her standing in the doorway to the backyard looking out. I heard something and when I finally was able to find where the noise was coming from, I noticed that it was a dog. She had one of those little toy dogs that ladies like to put in their purses. It ran around for a while doing its business and then started sniffing around. There was no rhyme or rhythm really until the dog walked to the center of the large back window.

The dog was standing against the window right behind the television for a while. It almost looked like it was dancing around.

“Come on.” The lady said as she was whistling quietly.

I was scared that the dog could smell me and was going to in some way tell its owner that she had an intruder.

“What are you doing.” I heard her say as she started to walk to the dog. “Why are you licking the window.” She said as I realized immediately what the dog was doing.

The dog was cleaning my DNA off the crime scene. I feel sorry and appreciative for the dog at the same time.

She grabbed the dog by the collar and pulled it inside. The door closed behind them and she walked back to the room that the dog had come from. There must have been some hall night lights because there was still a bit of a glow from the house. Just a few seconds went by and I was sure that she was going to sleep, and I was very tired myself.

As I walked back to my mother’s house, I looked through every fence that I could. There were some people still awake but most houses were pitch black. None of the people still awake interested me and with the lack of, we’ll say energy, in my system I did not want to be awake anymore.

Making it back to the house I saw that I was the first one back. I did right then realize that it would have been hard to explain where I had been seeing that my mother’s whole back yard was visible. I noted this for the future.

I went into the house locked the doors and turned off enough lights that would signify that I was asleep and went to my room. As I lay there, I dreamed of what other houses on my mom’s road were going to bring me adventures in the future.

I can’t wait to find out!
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