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Part six in the continuing story of Nick, his friends, and of course, the women he meets and interacts with. Reading the earlier chapters in order is highly recommended as it contains a lot of story development, but not entirely necessary. These stories take place before cellular phones, caller ID, and of course, the Internet. The only porn back then was between the covers of glossy magazines packaged in sealed plastic bags that you had to be old enough to buy.

Constructive criticism is always welcomed.


I walked to my bedroom and dumped my school bag on the floor next to my desk. I was excited at the prospect of seeing Sylvia Marks again; I thought her to be a very, very sexy girl.

There are women who are good looking, there are a few beautiful ones, and then there are drop-dead sexy girls. Most of the sexy women I have ever seen were pretty easy on the eyes. Even some ‘tom-boy’ types could look very sexy when they wanted to. Terri was an excellent example of the latter type. She had taken her old persona and had changed it from “kind of dumpy & frumpy” to “her clothes fit nice in all the right places”. A simple change of clothes was all it took for her to change how people looked and thought about her. I knew she was sexy after our first encounter on the first day of school.

Sylvia was the kind of girl who was sexy all the time. Her excellent taste in clothing only added to her sexiness. It is worth mentioning that her beautiful, soft white body was sexy even when most of her clothes were not currently being worn.


I headed back to the kitchen to see what was for supper. It smelled like meatloaf and baked potatoes to me. I saw my sister sitting on her bed reading from a blue notebook. She seemed quite intent on whatever had been written on the pages she was reading. I knew better than to ask her about it, she’d only tell me it was none of my business. If I persisted, she’d get up and close the door in my face. I continued until I was in the kitchen.

“Supper smells good Mom”, I said.

“It’s meatloaf… your favorite kind of food. With baked potatoes and corn too”, she answered.

The salad bowls were beside the plates, and the salad dressing bottles were on the table. Bottles on the table meant that the main course was almost ready to come out of the oven.

Half an hour later the only things left on the table were empty bowls and plates with colored smears on them from where the food had been.

Ten minutes after that, I was knocking on the door to Roy’s house; having ridden my bicycle to his house and parked it against the garage door. The bike would shorten my travel times considerably this evening.

Roy’s mom answered the door, told me Roy and Bill were downstairs watching television and that I should go down and join him there. As I walked down the stairs and into the room, I could see that Bill was already there.

“Hi Nick”, Roy and Bill both said at once.

“Hey guys, how’s it going?”, I answered.

I sat on the couch and turned to see what was on the TV, but Roy suddenly got off his chair, walked over to the TV and turned it off.

Having returned to his chair he asked, “So… Nick talk around the school is that you’ve been a busy beaver with the girls at school. What’s the scoop there buddy?”

“What have you heard exactly?” I asked. I wasn’t going to volunteer any information, although I might answer a direct question or two.

Roy stated, “We have heard that you spent the first school night with Sylvia Marks, but we already knew that. We also heard that you’ve been seen talking to Terri and then the both of you disappeared suddenly for an unknown amount of time in an unknown place. Word is this has happened more than once or twice, depending on who you are hearing it from. And of course, pretty well everyone knows you banged Heather under the bridge last night — twice.”

Bill sadly commented that Heather had never shown any interest in him. Roy submitted that none of the women in town had shown any interest in him. Bill told Roy to go fuck himself. Roy just grinned.

I thought for a bit then answered with, “I already told you guys all I’m going to tell you about my time with Sylvia; she was helping me with English. She’s great at it and I suck at it.”

“I’m not going to even try to deny what everyone in town already seems to know about Heather and me last night. I’m pretty sure Heather called all her friends and told them exactly what happened under the bridge.”

“So, what about Terri then?” Bill asked. Roy echoed his question, “Yeah, so what about Terri eh?”

I thought hard about the times I had been with Terri and her change in attitude and dress from a crude-looking tom-boy to a sexy looking minx. I also thought about her warning to me what would happen to me if I told anyone anything about her and me and the times we have spent together. I didn’t want her to be mad at me at all. I genuinely enjoyed my time with her and her easy attitude about me having sex with more women than just her.

Sex with Terri was really, really good. Fucking Heather was also great, but fucking Heather could happen at any time in the future. She didn’t give a shit about who she fucked, who fucked her, and whoever else the guys who had fucked her were currently fucking as well. A flicker of doubt about Heather and the passionate kissing we had shared didn’t seem to fit her profile of energetically fucking anything with a dick. Maybe she kissed all the guys that way… I really didn’t know.

Roy and Bill were both looking at me, waiting for my answer to their shared question. I could see that they knew I was thinking carefully about my reply to their question.

“Terri and I are just smoking on the picnic table. We sit, we smoke, we chat, and then we go to whatever classes we have next. There’s no mystery, we just go our separate ways after we finish our smokes.”

“Really? You expect us to believe that? C’mon man, we’re not stupid” said Bill.

“Yeah… that sounds fake to me” continued Roy. Everything I’ve heard says that when Terri leaves the picnic table you wait a while and then head off in the same direction as her.”

I held up my hands and said, “Guys, that’s all I have to say about Terri. If you want to know more, you should ask her.”

Bill and Roy looked at each other in stunned disbelief before turning back to me.

“Ask her? Are you NUTS? She’d probably rip my fucking balls off! Terri doesn’t like guys asking her about her business… she gets really intense”, Bill shouted as quietly as he could.

Roy looked quizzically at me, no doubt trying to figure out what was going on in my head. He clearly didn’t believe what I’d said about Terri and I hadn’t given him much new news about Sylvia either. It seemed everyone knew about Heather, but that apparently was nothing new. The girl did like to fuck, there was no denying it.

Roy finally spoke, saying, “Okay Nick. I can see that you really aren’t the kind of guy to kiss and tell. I can respect that, if I were one of the girls you’ve been with, I’d probably not want you to talk about me either.”

I looked to Bill who said, “All right. I don’t like it, but all right. I won’t nag you about it anymore.”

I felt like a real scumbag when I told them I would be leaving earlier than I previously had.

“What?! Who are you seeing tonight man?” demanded Bill.

“I’m just getting some more tutoring in English from Sylvia. That’s all, no big deal” I answered, the lie probably clear on my face and in my voice. Bill and Roy exchanged looks before turning to me again.

“Okay man, if that’s the way it’s going to be, we won’t pry any more”, said Roy.

I thought to myself that the grape-vine would surely be ablaze with whatever happened that night while I was getting ‘tutored’ by Sylvia. I already knew that Sylvia and Terri had talked to each other.

Even though Terri had started wearing more flattering clothes, the underwear was clearly chosen by Sylvia as confirmed by Terri. I supposed that Sylvia must have the same attitude about me seeing other girls than just her, also confirmed by Terri; otherwise, I wouldn’t be seeing her again that night. It was nice to know for sure though. And I still didn’t know why two women from different social groups would be sharing information and underwear.

“That is the way it’s going to be guys. And I’d appreciate you not trying to pry any more information out of me on the subject.”

“'The subject’ he says” quipped Bill. “I like to get something out of a subject: preferably a subject with blue eyes, blonde hair, and big knockers who likes to spend her spare time under the bridge.”

Roy groaned and said, “Bill… you’d fuck the crack of dawn if you could figure out how to.”

Bill only smiled in return.

Turning the TV back on, we watched some unremarkable show before I announced I had to head back home again.

“I hope you have a good time with Sylvia; I’m sure that you’ll probably learn something new tonight”, quipped Roy.

Bill’s words were less kind, “You lucky fucker! I wish I could get laid!”

I smiled at them both then mounted the stairs and left the house, getting on my bicycle and peddling home.


It was 8:40 pm when I got back to my house, parked my bike against the wall, and entered the house. I checked the kitchen clock against my wristwatch. They were both showing the same time.

“Nick, is that you?” asked my mom.

“Yes mom, it’s me” I replied.

She said nothing more as I stared at the kitchen clock and willed the minute hand to hurry up and move the final 4 minutes that remained before I could call Sylvia. I watched the red second hand as it traveled around the dial, in what seemed to be moving in slow motion before finally passing the top of the dial and pulling the minute hand along until it was pointing directly at the nine o’clock position… 8:45 pm at last!

I unfolded the paper I pulled out of my pocket and dialed the number written on it. One ring, two rings, three rings, then the pause before it would ring for the fourth time, then the sound of the phone being answered on the other end.

“Hello, this is Sylvia. Is that you Nick?” she asked quietly.

“Yes, it’s me, Sylvia. How are you?” A master of the art of telephone communication I was not. This seemed not to bother her though as she replied, “I’m fine, thank you for asking”.

She continued, “I’m babysitting again, would you like to come over for some more tutoring?”

I needed no time or thought to answer that question!

“Yes. Yes, I would like that. I would like that a lot!” I enthused.

“Okay then, you know where and how to get here. I’ll see you soon”, the line clicked, and she was gone.

I turned around to find my mother standing close enough to me to have heard the entire conversation I had just had with Sylvia.

“Another ‘tutoring’ session son?” she asked, her face showing that she, in fact, knew exactly what was going to happen and that learning English wasn’t on the schedule.

I just smiled a tiny bit and nodded my head up and down.

Mom looked at the clock and said, “Well, it’s Friday night, and no school tomorrow; you can stay out until one o’clock. But I want you in the house by then, understand?”

“Yes mom”, I exclaimed, the excitement clear in my voice. I turned and almost fell down the short flight of stairs in my rush to leave the house and get to where Sylvia was.


I walked as fast as I could, just short of jogging in my hurry to get downtown. I had decided not to ride my bike, there was nowhere to lock it up. Also; I didn’t have a bike lock, so the question was kind of moot.

I slowed down to a normal pace as I neared the door. I didn’t want to be panting and out of breath when I met Sylvia upstairs. As before, I rang the doorbell 3 times then proceeded up the stairs and turned left to face the door. Just as my hand got close to the door it opened, revealing Sylvia looking stunningly sexy as she smiled at me and took my hand in hers, pulling me gently inside and closing the door behind me. Her hands were amazingly soft, and her fingers looked like she had just come from a beauty salon.

She put her hands behind my head and gently pulled me towards her. “Hi Nick,” her soft and lusty voice said before she put her lips on mine and softly began to kiss me. I put my hands around her back, pulling her close to myself and embracing her firmly against my chest. I could feel heat where her breasts were pushed gently against my chest.

As we continued to kiss my hands roamed up and down Sylvia’s back, up as high as the back of her head and as low down to her perfect little ass. I let my hands slip under her skirt, over her lacy underwear then gently squeezed her soft, warm globes of flesh.

A soft, “Oh gawd” escaped her lips before they again pressed against mine, her tongue moving towards my lips as mine moved out of my mouth to reach hers in the middle ground where our lips were joined together. I continued to caress her, moving my hands up and down repeatedly as our kiss became hotter and more passionate. She was moaning very softly, the pitch and volume coinciding with the placement of my hands on different parts of her body. After what seemed to be an abbreviated eternity, she released my head and moved back a bit, my hands falling down to my sides as she moved.

“That was a very nice way to say ‘Hello’ Nick. I have never been kissed like that before. Your hands are really quite warm, and your touch is very pleasing… firm but not too hard.” Her voice trailed off as she concentrated on bringing her breathing back under control, drawing in a few deep breaths until she was calm again. She took me by the hand and led me into the room with the couch and the TV; which was turned off.

The lights were also off… the only illumination in the room was from two candles, one on each of the tables at either end of the couch. They were large, fat, gold-colored candles that gave off just enough light to see by, but not so much that they looked too bright. They were in fact, just right.

We sat down on the couch, facing each other, her hands gently holding mine as she gazed into my eyes. I peered back, into her eyes, past the green color and straight into the black of the pupil. We held our heads and our gaze for a long moment before she finally broke eye contact, lowering the intensity of her unabashed stare. She smiled and then looked back up at me, saying, “You are the only person who has ever met and held my gaze. Most people drop their eyes or look away to one side, but you didn’t… it was quite a different thing to see and experience.”

She let her smile widen to a mischievous grin, her eyes twinkling and reflecting the candlelight. She let my hands go and pulled herself to me, her hands behind my back, pushing gently but very firmly until she was as close to me as she could get without feeling crushed, her chest slowly rising and falling, her breasts matching the movement as they pressed against my chest.

As she squeezed me a bit, she looked up to my eyes again and said, “I had planned to try and teach you something tonight, something to do with English, something you could write down in your notebook. But I see you forgot your notebook and your bookbag, so I guess that isn’t going to happen.”

The lusty look on her face strongly suggested to me that the chance of English being learned would only be on the small but important sounds that two people in lust make. I estimated the chance of that was extremely high… I was quite sure that nearly 100% of the sounds the two of us would be making as the night progressed.

But before that could happen, I had a question for Sylvia.

“Sylvia, what have you and Terri been talking about, and where did you get the underwear that you gave her?” I asked very softly. I didn’t want her to think that I disapproved, or to feel under any pressure from me on the subject.

“Well… I have a cousin who attends high school. Her parents are pretty uptight and there was no way she would be able to buy lacy black crotchless underwear herself. Her parents are way too overbearing for her to even get a chance to buy some. So, the last time I went lingerie shopping I picked up some nice things for her and gave them to her when her family came for Sunday dinner a few weeks ago. She was thrilled to death to finally have some sexy underwear… matching bra and panties, regular and crotchless. And… there was one pair of panties that didn’t quite fit her in just the right way. Crotchless panties can be hard to get to fit just right, and so she left that pair behind. She didn’t need a pair that didn’t fit when she is so concerned about where she is going to hide the things that she did take.”

She paused to take a breath and continued, “So, the last time I was talking to Terri she told me that she wished she had some of the nice lacy things I have, so I told her about the unwanted crotchless panties. She is about the same size as my cousin in that area, so I suggested she try them on for size. I slipped them to her this morning at the bus stop. I’m assuming from your question that she had them on today, and they fit her okay.”

I smirked a bit and answered, “Oh yeah, they fit her just fine.”

Sylvia chuckled lightly as she saw the look on my face and in my eyes. They had fit just fine for all of the time I had touched them before pulling them down and off of Terri.

Sylvia looked coyly at me and asked in a soft voice, “Since we aren’t going to be working on your English skills do you think you could continue teaching me about your lady pleasing skills?”

I replied by leaning into her and kissing her fully on her lips, letting my tongue do the talking for me. She snaked her tongue gently outwards and licked my lips with it before my tongue moved out to greet hers. We had a wonderful kiss, our tongues sliding back and forth into each other’s lips and mouths. I could start to feel the heat of lust as we continued our extended oral explorations.

Sylvia was the one who finally broke contact with my lips, her tongue giving mine a quick kiss as she did so. I looked towards her eyes, noting that her face was a tad flushed. I found them and once again looked into them, holding her gaze, never blinking or turning away.

“How did you like that?” I asked in a gentle voice. “That is one of the ‘lady pleasing’ skills I have. Would you like me to show you some more of them?”

Her eyes got bigger and her pupils widened at the thought of the things I might do to her. Things that she knew for certain would give her pleasure the likes of which she had absolutely no experience with.

“Yes, I would”, she whispered in a small, husky voice.

Still holding her eyes with mine I asked her, “What else would you like me to show you tonight Sylvia?” I said her name so she would know for sure that all of my thoughts and energies were directed at her and her alone.

“Uhm…” seemed to be the only answer she could come up with. Her face was furrowed with thought as she tried to think of a more informative reply. After a brief pause, she moved her mouth close to my ear and whispered into it, “I think that anything you might like to teach me would be fine with me.”

She moved away from my ear and back to where she was. I leaned over and whispered in her ear,

“Anything?” and then slid my tongue behind her earlobe and slid it up to the top of her ear before leaning back to where I was.

“Wha… ?” was all she could manage to say. I had flustered her with my tongue licking the underside of her ear… a very sensitive and highly erogenous zone.

“Did you like that?” I asked in a voice that suggested that what I had just done was only the tip of the iceberg.

“Oh my gawd, yes I liked that!” she exclaimed. “I felt it all the way down to my toes!”

“I’m glad to hear it… I love giving pleasure to a lady. And yes; you are a lady: a hot, sexy and extremely beautiful lady.”

She smiled, then closed her eyes; apparently thinking about something. After a few seconds, she opened her eyes and looked into mine.

“I think that we should find somewhere more comfortable and better suited for you to show me your skills,” she said, watching my eyes for a reaction.

I’m not sure what my eyes looked like to her at that point, other than lusty and perhaps a tiny bit predatory — just like she had earlier looked at me.

“I think that’s a wonderful idea… lead on, you sexy beautiful woman.”

We stood, and she towed me by my hand, away from the sofa and down the short hallway to the open door on the left side of it.

Inside, two candles, twins to the ones in the front room burned on nightstands flanking a queen-sized bed. The light from the candles was subdued and helped to contribute to an intimate setting. There was an enormous white duvet blanketing the bed crowned with a number of pillows, some small and some not so small. The overall effect was stunning. I could see that some thought had gone into how this night was going to turn out for Sylvia. She had set and lit the stage for this encounter, knowing in advance how I would act and react to her and her womanly wiles. She had envisioned how she wanted things to be and then had gone about making it happen. I was truly impressed by her ability to foresee how the evening was going to get started, first in the front room, and then moving to the bedroom.

I noticed the door on the other side of the hall was open as well.

I asked quietly, “What about the children? Won’t they hear us, especially with the door opened like that?”

She answered in a throaty voice, “The children aren’t here tonight. It’s just the two of us.”

My eyes crossed in confusion. If the children weren’t here, then where were they? And where are the people who would normally be living in this apartment?

Sylvia saw my questioning look, smiled like the cat that had eaten the bird, and replied, “There are no children. This apartment belongs to my father. He keeps it vacant because he doesn’t want to rent it out to someone who might be the kind of person who parties a lot and makes a lot of noise. He certainly doesn’t need the rental income; he has more than enough money already.”

“And so you can use it for whatever purposes you like, yes?”

“Yes, for any purpose I like. Do you like how I have gotten it ready for tonight’s ‘purposes’?”

“Yes, I do. Enough so that I am willing to forgive you for not telling me right from the start that this place wasn’t rented out.”

She continued, “This apartment is more or less mine. I can entertain here, have small parties, have my friends over for a sleepover and whatever else I want to use it for. I thought it would be wise to let you think that there were children in the bedroom when you first came here. I was quite certain that no one would try anything unwanted when there were small children in the same place.”

She took a breath and continued, “I knew for certain you wouldn’t do anything I didn’t want you to, not long after you and I started working on your English skills. Your attitude towards me and your later mannerisms proved to me that you were someone I could trust, and who would stop if I asked you to.”

“I always stop when a lady asks me to,” I said with a smile as I looked at her.

“Yes, you do, and that gives me great comfort and a great deal of curiosity.”

“Curiosity?” I asked.

“Oh yes, I am very curious to learn how the rest of the evening is going to turn out.”

I must have gulped a little because she asked me, “But only if that’s okay with you Nick. I say your name so you will know that you are the only thing on my mind and that you have my complete and total attention.”

I have to admit I was feeling a bit… ‘overwhelmed’ for lack of a better word. Here I was with a stunning, sexy woman, in a bedroom that has been specially prepared by that stunning, sexy woman for the sole purpose of me giving her sexual pleasure. I really had a hard time believing my current situation… this is the kind of thing you read about in an erotic story, not the kind of thing that actually ever happens in real life. And she had said that I was the only thing on her mind. Wow! I truly felt like I was the luckiest man in the world.

I composed myself as quickly as I could under the circumstances and replied, “I can see you have put a lot of thought into this evening. I think you were almost 100% sure what direction things were going to take tonight too.”

She took two steps towards the bed, spun around once and struck a pose whereupon she asked me, “I hope you like what I’ve done and what you see.”

What I could see was every young man’s dream; a super hot babe in a now sexually charged environment posing like a model next to a waiting bed. Oh yeah, I liked what she had done and what I could see; I liked it a lot and told her so too.

“Sylvia, I love what you have done here. I am completely blown away by it, and I’m blown away by you.” I took the two short steps to close the gap between us, then wrapped my arms around her, hugging her and lifting her right off of the floor. We kissed, and I didn’t put her down again until the kiss was finished.

I scooped Sylvia up and carried her, one arm under her legs and one arm supporting her back and gently deposited her on the bed, as close to the middle of it as I could reach. I laid down beside her and looked at her face, snuggling up to her and wrapping my arms around her as I did so.

Our heads moved in perfect sync as our lips once again met and our tongues explored and quested in our mouths and on our lips. We did not close our eyes, instead, we feasted on the lust burning in each other’s eyes, drinking in all of the desires of the other person, feeling our internal temperatures rising hotter and hotter. Keeping your eyes open and looking into the eyes of the person you are kissing is an exceedingly passionate act of lust, and maybe, one day will turn into love.

I twisted a bit, sliding her so that she was on her side with one arm under her head, supporting it, while my other arm was behind her, wrapped over her side, and moving slowly up and down and around from the back of her neck down past the bottom of her skirt and finally reaching just below the backs of her knees.

As I moved my arm back up again, I turned my hand so that my fingers were poised above her skin then slowly and with a light touch trailed my fingernail back up the back of her leg towards the inside of her thigh, stopping just short of her panties, under her skirt. I picked up the trail again, moving my arm from under her skirt, letting my hand gently squeeze her perfect little ass before traversing back up to her neck again.

She gave a little yelp and then a moan when my fingernail had dragged up the inside of her thigh. I’d read about this technique before, but this was the first time I had actually tried it out. From the response I got from Sylvia, I’d say it worked quite well.

I continued to tease her and kiss her, all the while looking into her eyes. Her yelps and moans were reflected in her eyes as they grew momentarily larger before returning to their normal size. I could see the fire of her lust clearly as it soared higher and higher.

After some indeterminate amount of time, Sylvia disengaged herself from me and pushed herself upwards and leaned on her elbow.

“I need to go to the bathroom. I’ll be back in a few minutes” she said in a soft voice.

She smiled at me before getting off of the bed and then blowing out one, then the other candle. Other than a tiny bit of ambient light, the room was immediately darkened. As she exited the bedroom she bent over and flicked on a very small night light in the hall just outside the doorway to the room. The light it gave was just enough to make out some rough shadows on the walls of the room and the larger items within it.

I heard the click of the light switch in the bathroom and saw the brighter light in the hall before the door was closed and the light level returned to its previous shadowy near darkness. After a time I heard the door open again, but no extra light appeared from the open doorway. I listened hard to try and pinpoint her location but she moved like a phantom, making no noise at all.

She did not reappear in the bedroom for a few minutes, still making no sound as she glided into the bedroom like a moving shadow. As she entered the room, she moved the door until it was nearly closed, reducing the light level even further until only a tiny bit of reflected light illuminated the room. It was almost completely black, but not quite so.

She stood there, not moving until both of us had gotten used to the reduced light level in the room. I saw her outline as she moved past the bottom of the bed and then felt her gently slide onto the bed from the opposite side.

I could smell the most subtle aroma as she lay close to me. It was, of course, a strawberry fragrance. I would have expected nothing less from such a classy woman.

She leaned close to me and said in a sultry tone, “Take your clothes off Nick.”

She made it sound like an urgent request and a slight command mixed together. There was no way any man who was still breathing could ignore it.

I was soon naked and back on the bed with her. We both scooched a bit until we met in the middle of the bed.

“Hold me, cuddle me, kiss me, and make me feel good Nick… please.”

If any man had any doubts about what a woman means when she speaks, the distinct emphasis on the word ‘please’ would instantly remove them. I had no doubts at all about what she meant, and what she wanted from me. She wanted me to make gentle and passionate love to her and had said so in no uncertain terms.

As per her request, I got as close to her as possible and wrapped my arms around her, one under her neck and the other one around her upper torso. I was gentle as I pulled her carefully into my passionate embrace.

“Is this what you want?” I asked her, my voice quiet.

“Yes. Yes, this is what I want. I feel so safe in your arms because I know you would never do anything to hurt me.”

Instead of speaking I gently let the sides of my fingernails slide up and down and around her back.

She started to moan, a quiet throaty sound. I moved my head and kissed her. It was a nice kiss and soon developed into a wonderful kiss, our tongues darting and swirling around in each other’s mouths. I could feel her moaning as it increased a bit in volume and pitch.

I separated my lips from hers and asked, “Is this also what you want?”

“Yes! Yes, this is what I want! You make me feel so good!” she replied.

I leaned back into her face but moved, at the last second, from her lips to her neck, the pale skin still visible in the diminished light. I planted soft little butterfly kisses all over her neck, side, front, side, and over and over again. My arms still held her close and my fingers were now a bit more aggressive, the nails leaving gentle indentations as the traversed from top to bottom of her back.

After I had kissed her neck I moved slowly down to her chest. I really couldn’t see much but I knew the general layout of her breasts and had no trouble kissing and licking my way down between them, then continuing until I had reached the wonderful cleavage between her breasts.

I lifted my head and asked, “Is this also what you want?”

“Oh God, yes! This is definitely what I want! I want to feel you licking and kissing my breasts and my nipples. I want to feel you sucking on my nipples and caressing my breasts.”

Her tone of voice was now one of need and desire. Not wanting to disappoint I let my tongue travel to her right nipple, the one closest to my mouth, and gently enveloped with my lips. Her nipples were as hard as glass, standing up as far as they could, desperate for me to show them some loving attention.

I lowered my head, back to the nipple I had been sucking on and resumed where I had left off just a few moments ago. Because her nipples were so hard, I gently licked the one I had been sucking until it grew in size and decreased in hardness. Then I continued to suck on it as my other hand moved up to her other breast and gave it a gentle, friendly squeeze with a bit of rotation.

“Oh… that feels really good Nick,” she moaned, running her hands up and down my back. After a few minutes, I traded over to her other breast. Repeating the same pattern as I had just used, I soon had her a bit out of breath. I continued to make love to her breasts, switching back and forth between them. “Oh, Nick! That feels so good when you do that. I never knew it could be this good!”

I moved my head, back towards her lips and gave her another lust-inducing kiss. At the same time, I moved both hands so they could caress her breasts and nipples.

“Ooh yeah, I like what you’re doing!” she moaned.

As soon as she stopped speaking, I squeezed and twirled both of her nipples at the same time. Not too hard, but hard enough to get her attention.

“Holy fuck! What are you doing to me? I felt that all the way to my pussy! It was like a sudden electrical current running from my nipples to my clit. Holy shit!”

I considered her attention had been gotten, and in a very pleasing way, based on her current behavior.

“Would I be safe in assuming that you enjoyed that little squeeze?”

“Oh yeah, I definitely enjoyed that ‘little squeeze!’

“Good, I’m happy to hear that. I’m going to continue using my hands on your breasts while I use my tongue to explore a little ways further down your amazing body.”

“I like the sound of that, and I’m quite sure I’m also going to like the feel of that too.”

Moving carefully, I centered my body just under her cleavage and began kissing, licking, and sucking my way left and right, down her upper body, past her belly button until I was just where I wanted to be.

Sylvia made a very disappointed sound when I stopped moving my head, just short of the treasure chest between her legs. I could barely smell the strawberry scent as it was overpowered by the smell of a hot pussy desperate for some attention.

I let my arms slide down her body, my fingers flitting about like butterfly wings, very gentle and in constant movement. I moved my body until my head was just below her hot box. She whimpered softly as I blew my breath right at the entrance to her tunnel.

“Oh! Oh, oh, oh!” was all she could get out.

Moving slowly and carefully, I let my hands slide under her ass while my arms forced her legs up and back in the direction of her head.

Starting at her knees, I continued my sexual torture on her. Kissing, licking, sucking her everywhere except where she increasingly, desperately wanted my mouth to be. My hands continue to massage her buttocks, also moving closer and closer to her pussy, the smell of her arousal unmistakeable.

The closer my tongue got to her pussy, the slower it moved, now hitting everywhere except where she wanted as she continued to whimper as she became even more aroused, now moving her hips, trying to get me to land on the ‘target’.

I moved my hands down to her juncture, my thumbs sliding across the top of her pubic mound. Right away, I noticed she had no pubic hair anywhere down there. I took advantage of this new opportunity to slurp her mound, still not letting her feel my tongue on her increasingly soppy wet pussy.

“Nick — please! Enough teasing me! I need to feel you feel me!”

And so at last, I relented and gave her what she so desperately wanted. My tongue slid along the intersection of her pussy and legs, moving up and down and slowly towards slit I could not see, but still knew exactly where it was. My tongue stabbed all over her pussy, quickly moving from one point to another. Her ass was now bouncing on the bed, and it was taking all of the strength in my arms to keep her from moving around so vigorously.

Suddenly I stopped all movement.

“Nick? Is everything all right?” she queried.

“Yes, everything is all right,” I assured her. “I want you to lay like you are and try not to move or bounce around too much.”

“Okay, Nick.”

As soon as she finished saying my name, my tongue, flattened out like a paintbrush licked up from the bottom of her slit, parting her petals all the way to the top of her clit.”

“Oh, oh, oh… that feels so good!” she said, panting.

“I’m glad you like it. There is more to it!” I repeated my movements moving a bit faster and pushing a bit deeper until her outer and inner petals had opened and her clit was sitting proud and pink, obviously enjoying the attention it was receiving. I started to really suck on it, using my tongue to give it a real working out that Sylvia would not soon forget. Feeling a bit naughty, I lightly bit her clit. The results were amazing and instantaneous. She spasmed like she had been hit with another jolt of electricity.

“Oh! Oh! Oh!” seemed to be the only sounds she was capable of creating while I continued to tease her clit and tongue her slit. I could feel her juices dampening the sheet under our bodies as her tangy aroma arose from her.

“Sylvia, you smell and taste amazing! I had no idea that all the women all had their own scent and taste.” I suddenly removed my tongue from her pussy and began to lick and kiss her inner thighs were they joined up with her pussy.

“Nick! What are you doing? Why did you stop what you were doing? I was well on my way to cumming!”

“Yes — I know. But I want you to enjoy the ride and the inevitable crescendo at the end of it. Now, open your legs as far as they will go and then pull your legs back as far as you can and hold them there.”

Whining a bit about the abrupt lack of pussy pleasure she was had been enjoying she soon spread her legs and pulled her legs back until her feet were beside her ears.

“Like this?”

“Yes, just like that. That’s perfect.” I moved a bit, getting my face lined up with her pussy again. I had a plan, a simple plan really, but a plan nonetheless. Making sure my mouth would connect with her pubic mound, I licked and kissed it as my mouth slid down to her clit, nearly red and exceedingly sensitive. I sucked it right into my mouth and used the point of my tongue to lash at her clit, my cheeks hollowed from the continuous sucking of her.

“Oh fuck! Oh, gawd! Nick! What are you doing to me? Whatever it is, please don’t stop doing it!”

I said nothing in return, and moved my tongue down to her pussy, using my tongue as a flat broad blade — I let it move downwards while applying as much pressure as I could. Now it was time to see whether or not my simple plan was going to be a failure or a success.

Instead of stopping at the bottom of her pussy, as usual, my tongue continued moving down. I held my tongue so it was as pointy shaped as I could make it, and barely making contact with her. I didn’t know how this was going to pan out. Keeping up the movement, my tongue moved farther and farther from her treasure box and moving closer and closer to her asshole, all the while making her tremble like a bush in a breeze.

“Nick! That feels… really good!”

I kept moving my tongue all over her taint, up to the bottom of her pussy, and then down to the top of her asshole. I had my arms wrapped around her thighs, and now was the time to find out if my plan was a good one. This time, as my tongue traveled along her taint I kept moving, licking her asshole and then changing direction, back over her asshole, along her taint, and then back down again, repeating the movements I had just made.

Sylvia made a sound, very much like a very small bear growling. As I kept up giving her all the pleasure I could give, I let my hand drift back up, tracing light patterns on her skin until I was able to reach, cup and otherwise fondle her wonderful breasts. I was only able to do this for a few seconds as I still needed my hands to keep Sylvia from thrashing while my tongue continued it’s fun with her.

Now I needed to see if the most important part of my plan was a ‘good’ idea or a ‘bad’ idea. With my hands and arms holding her immobile, my tongue started just below her asshole and licked, firmly, as it crossed the hole itself, stopping to reverse direction about an inch above her winking brown hole, and then heading down to repeat the sequence.

Sylvia’s upper torso was writhing on the bed and the woman herself was starting to sound like a much larger bear. After a few more minutes of watching her flop about I returned my attention back to her asshole. My tongue now moved very lightly and targeted the center of her asshole, tongue pointed to make an immediate impression. Moving the point in random, minuscule directions, I was also moving my tongue in and out of her most sensitive hole.

Sylvia had started a low moan like nothing I had ever heard before. I kept up the tongue work, pushing ever harder against her asshole, now the only target my tongue cared about.

“Does that feel good Sylvia?”

“NO, it does not! It feels fucking amazing! I never knew it could be like that!”

She suddenly arched her back as her orgasm hit her like a nitroglycerin infused lightning bolt. It took everything I had to maintain my grip on her as she thrashed about, making it a bit more difficult to keep teasing her asshole. After a little while, I raised my head and crawled up to lay beside her. She had obviously been hot and bothered and was now cooling down as her breathing slowed down to a more normal pace. She was now laying on her side, cuddled up to me, her head resting on my shoulder. I let my free hand caressed her everywhere it could reach. It was a softer touch, a touch for bringing a woman back from the heights of her orgasmic plateau, and back to the reality of her soft bed containing a man who had just sent her on a round-trip journey to Nirvana. She was in a state of quiet bliss, holding on to me as I stroked her.

“Wow. Just wow.”

“Am I correct in assuming that you enjoyed your ride tonight Ms. Marks?”

“Oh yeah, I sure did. I am looking forward to more trips, first-class of course, on ‘Nick’s Air Service’.”

“I will hold an open seat for you then Ms. Marks so you may fly whenever you want.”

She smiled and looked beautiful as we lay there together on the bed.



“I am still a virgin and have been saving myself for when the right man shows up to make sweet, tender love to me. I believe you are that man.”

“Wow — you really think I’m the man you’ve been waiting for?”

“Yes, I do Nick. I knew it right after we started ‘studying’ together, and I was absolutely certain by the time you had to leave. I’m not on the Pill, but I will start tomorrow. I talked to my mother about it and she agreed that there was no reason for me to be on the Pill until I met someone I wanted to make love with. You are that person!”

“Wow, again. I am flattered by your words, and really don’t know what to say.”

“Say that you will wait for me, Nick. Tell me you will wait until I have been on the Pill long enough to ensure that we will have no unexpected pregnancies from our lovemaking. Tell me you won’t fuck any woman, in any hole while you wait for me. I suppose blowjobs would be okay — I can’t cut you and the other girls off completely.”

By the time she had finished speaking, I knew I was in love, and not just lust, with this woman.

“Yes, Sylvia! For you, I will wait. For you, I think I would do almost anything.”

“Thank you, Nick, that really means a lot to me. Hold me and cuddle me for a while longer before you have to leave.” Putting words into action, she held me as I held her, both of us happy to be there with each other.

After some time I left the bed and went into the bathroom. A look at my watch told me it was nearly time for me to get going if I wanted to make it home within the generous curfew my mother had allowed me, I needed to get a move on.

As I exited the bathroom I saw that the kitchen light was on. I walked to it and saw Sylvia standing there in her amazing, nude body.

“You look… Great.” I enthused. “I mean really, really great. I can’t think of any man who wouldn’t want to be seen with you! By the way, making out in the dark was a lot of fun. I know I had fun, did you have fun?”

“You know I did! I have never had so much fun before! And having the lights out made it all the better. I had a really great night and I thank you for it.”

“I aim to please a lady whenever it is possible. Speaking of…”

“Yes, I know you need to get going if you want to keep the lady of your house happy. Get your clothes on and get home again”

After I had dressed, we hugged and kissed until I left her apartment.

The walk home was filled with thoughts of what happened tonight and what Sylvia had promised me would happen in the future.

As I entered the house and then into the kitchen I could see the profile of my mother sitting in a chair.

“Hi, mom. How are you?”

“I’m fine — how is Sylvia? Was she smiling when you left her place?”

“She was mom, she certainly was.”

“Good job then son. I knew you wouldn’t do anything wrong or pressure a woman into doing something she doesn’t want to do. I am proud of you Nick, very proud. Now put your clothes in the basket and have a shower before you go to bed.”

As I eventually exited the bathroom I dropped into bed, then dropped into sleep.


2023-07-12 03:44:24
It pains me greatly to inform my fans and my detractors alike that I am no longer able to write stories… I turn 64 this year and the old brain doesn't work nearly as well as it used to.

I truly am sorry, and I apologize profusely.


2023-06-21 01:12:11
I am alive, just tired. :)


2023-06-21 01:12:03
I am alive, just tired. :)


2021-10-19 12:21:35
please continue this amazing story! And it's time to hit a mom up!


2021-10-12 19:43:58
Such an amazing series - I love it.

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