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Kerri experiments with solo bondage and it goes wrong in the ways she cannot imagine.
I've been wanting to tell my story for a while. I didn't know how to do it because most definitely I didn't want to voice it out. In today's world, that would follow me for long time and that I don't want. So I decided to type it out. Here it goes.

I am Kerri and 22 years old. I live in Europe and study engineering. Electrical engineering to be more precise. Yes, I know that it's not really girly field but that is where I found myself after various life events which I do not bother to go through. I enjoy team sports and that is why I've stayed fit for my whole life. I'm 172 cm tall and weight 55 kgs. I got long brown hair and green eyes. I've been said that I'm easy on eye, with my C-cup breasts and tight ass, and I at least try to agree. I'm somewhat insecure about my looks but since this is my story, let's go with me being pretty.

I live alone in student apartment. I was one of the lucky or unlucky few who was able to get their own place. It is nice to have your own peace. I do enjoy watching television at late, walking around semi-naked and just basically make the apartment look like I want to. But then again, it is somewhat lonely living alone. That is why I have Buddy, my mastiff. He has accompanied me from my parents’ home to here. Originally my parents pushed him to me even when I was little against it. But I've grown to enjoy his company.

Buddy is quite big dog, around 80 kgs. He is not aggressive, not really anyway. But he is protective. So if someone starts messing around, he can become little scary. My father taught me how to train him. He used to find large piece of wood and wrestle Buddy for it by holding it from both ends and letting Buddy pull and fight for it. Eventually always my father gave up and let Buddy win. However, I always lost and it was not by giving up. As said, he is a big dog.

My father did not allow neutering Buddy because he did not believe "mutilating living-beings". I do understand his point of view but Buddy humping everything grew old very quickly. It tried to hump my leg but after couple of smacks to head, Buddy learned not to. Still, every now and then it tries it but, nowadays, only pillows and other soft items should really worry about his affection.

I've had my share of sexual encounters with boys. Sex is fun and I do enjoy experimenting but I keep holding myself back because I don't dare to ask for everything what is in my mind. I also had, one, few weeks long fling with a girl and she opened my eyes for all kind of fun toys. After that I quite regularly took care of myself using said devices, but I haven't unpacked my kinkier box full of straps and ropes. As I said, I am little bit insecure and I have problems to make the first move, not to mention to ask someone to tie me down and take me when I am helpless. But it doesn't mean that I haven't had fantasies about it. And that's what internet is for. I found tons of sites of wilder and wilder stuff. I have lost count how many times I masturbated by reading erotica online. Those stories also gave me an idea what to try on myself.

I found this site where they instructed how to tie and cuff yourself properly. That just blew my mind. I could experience the sense of being helpless without risk of being judged by anyone. And I could do everything at the safe environment of my home. I read everything I could fine regarding the topic and noticed that I could probably do most of the steps by myself without needing to order anything online.

First step was to figure out way to unlock myself from cuffs after I was done. I sure as hell wasn't going to ask someone, that would have ruined the whole point. Being student of engineering, I decided to wire timer to release the key for the cuffs after certain period of time. School could provide necessary equipment for that. Second set of items I already had packed to the naughty box. Straps and cuffs to tie me up nicely. Thirdly I have to figure out how to provide stimulus to make this new experience as pleasurable as possible. It has to be something electronical because after all, I should be nice and sexy tied down package when things goes in motion. I thought my vibrator might be too effective and at the same time I couldn't figure out way how to make sure that it doesn't fall off if I accidentally or purposely move. So I came to conclusion that at least at the first time, I could use this tiny clit massager. It can be fixed with some skin tape and I can adjust the power of it before I start.

Then I just have to figure out one final thing and that is a biggie. What position I want to lock myself and how? I want to keep this simple so I don't need to get more stuff but same time I really really want to have fun. I also want it to be comfortable but not so that I wouldn't feel little bit of stress. One might think that I am overthinking this but I dread an idea that after the key is released, I am not able to use it to release the locks by being too tied up.

After careful consideration, I decided to use the pull up bar which was already fixed to my home before I moved in. I tie my feet to ends of the bar. Normally the bar is fixed to side of the entrance by using spaces at the ends. But now I can use those same spaces to cuff my feet on them. Next I took feet support from the living room which was just the right size so I can semi-comfortable lay my body on. And I can tie my hands using combinations of chain and handcuffs to the same pull up bar but on the middle area of the bar between my legs. The feet support prevents me to get too close to feet so I could release myself, however it gives me enough room to move my hands to get and use the key. And to finalize the setup, a mouth gag. Well, it wasn't really a mouth gag but a thingy to keep my mouth open. When I ordered it, it was supposed to be a gag. But since that basically keeps me from calling help or shouting, it will do the trick just fine.

Naturally, I checked and double checked that I can open the locks in the order that I have to. That's not something I want to get wrong. I checked that timer and device to release the key works. I checked that clit massager works and cannot be removed during my perfect plan. For the first trial run, I decided to adjust it relatively low, just in case. For backup plan number #1, I decided to hide 2nd key to other side of the apartment behind several obstacles. If I needed that, I would need to work for it. And for the 2nd backup plan, I called my friend to visit me for a coffee and tea for next day. I asked her to use her own key since "door bell is acting out". It would kill me if she ever found what I was doing but then again this might literally kill me if everything else fails.

It was Saturday and I had the whole evening for myself. I had taken Buddy out and fed him. Now he watched lazily while I was setting all the items in place. I had a glass of wine to excite me further, if that was even possible at this point. I was, lack of better word, horny as hell. Setting everything in order was enough foreplay for me.

I had some trouble thinking what to do with Buddy. I remember few times when he surprised me when I was pleasuring myself. I either had my eyes shut or fixed on erotica, so he was able to get in close unnoticed and give long and wet lick to my inner thigh, almost hitting the jackpot. Thanks but no thanks Buddy, I don't bend that way. That is why nowadays I keep the door shut. I don't want Buddy to surprise me while I am tied down, but this time I'd need to go through the door if I had to get my backup key. So I closed the door but I did not lock it. I am sure that I can open it with my feet even if the bar and feed support are hindering my movement.

Anyway, few minutes later everything was ready. I was on my knees on the floor, with light knee pads protecting me. Clit massager was already sending small waves of pleasure and gag kept my mouth wide open. Timer was set to 30 minutes and counting. I admit to hesitate for few seconds but then I went for it and I saw how the final handcuff was now fixed around my right wrist. I couldn't help myself and struggle a little bit but the only thing I managed to do was to fix handcuffs on my hands little harder. There I was, naked, hot, wet, helpless package who could only wait to be pleasured by the massager.

After initial adrenaline rush of being tied down, I started to relax. Clit massager was working its magic and I felt my cunt getting wetter. Couple of times I tried to use my fingers, only to notice that "yeah I'm tied down". I wanted to apply more stimulus but same time I was enjoying the feeling that I couldn't. I started to imagine how someone would just take advantage of my helpless state. The idea of someone ravishing me, having their way with me repeatedly, was driving me mad.

I noticed myself starting to sweat and then moan slowly. It was obvious that I was bitch in heat and slowly but surely reaching to my first orgasm of the day. I noticed some drool dripping through the gag. Thought cross my mind that next time I absolutely need to video tape this. Image of me being slobbering mess and cumming in front of video camera was too much for me. I felt the first orgasm exploding from my cunt. I screamed against the gag and shoke against restraints. It felt fantastic and since the massager was merciless, the first orgasm kept taking its time. What felt like hours, in reality took less than a minute. And that hit me hard when I saw the clock, I remember thinking "Wow... 23 more minutes."

My moans and smell of being in heat did not escape Buddy. The heightened sense of smell told Buddy that there was female in heat close by and he tried to figure out where. He had smelled something similar before but every time that results him getting smack to head, it however does not mean that he should not try to satisfy his needs. Also, same time he had some concern that he hears his mistress being in distress. Both are, luckily for him, happening somewhere behind the door, so he does not need choose between those two base needs. Buddy tried scratching the door and whining behind it, but those did not change anything. I however was totally clueless of what was happening in close proximity but not for too long. After Buddy had try to push the door couple times with front paws, he accidentally (or purposely, he is a smart dog) hit the door handle and it flew wide open.

I tried to scream of surprise which Buddy crashing to the room gave me. After recovering from the shock, it did not take me long to figure out that I might be in for a trouble. Buddy was of course happy to see me, clearly I was unharmed and in relatively healthy condition. And after that need was taken care of, he was free to explore other matters.

Intoxicating smell of female was filling Buddy's nostrils and was clearly having an effect on him. It took him few seconds to understand that the smell came from the mistress. Previously Buddy had gotten punishment when trying to go further but that was the last thing in his mind. He only cares what happens right now.

I was shouting to Buddy to go away but only random noise came out from my gagged mouth. I would have had issues to order him vocally even without gag, but with the current setting this was impossible. Buddy was walking around the room (around me), but it was difficult to track where he was since it took a lot of effort from my part to even turn around. Not to mention that I was already pretty occupied by clit massager and previous orgasm. I had troubling idea that I knew what Buddy was thinking and it did not take long when I felt him smelling me from behind.

There I was my ass in air and my dog sniffing my rear side. I could have died in shame. But my ordeal was just beginning, there was still better part of 20 minutes left until I could release myself from the cuffs. Buddy had found its mark and gave me a lick which sent shivers through my body. The lick reached all the way from my massaged clit to my unprotected asshole. "Is this really happening?" I asked myself. I tried to shake him off but restraints were merciless. Buddy took the wiggling of my ass as permission to continue. And then he started tongue tornado which I've never seen before. He licked every little drop which my pussy could produce. He had tasted something he loved, and he was not giving up.

"How could I not see of this happening?". I thought that I had thought of everything what might happen. Buddy tongue fucking me on my bedroom floor was not one them. I hated every second of it but my body was betraying me. I had already been aroused beyond comprehension before Buddy but now his constant licking had made me moan on whole different level. I did not even care about drooling on floor anymore, my shame and arousal took priority in me.

Powerful orgasm swept me away. No one had orally pleased me like that before and my body gave in. I was cumming hard, and that pleased Buddy who was able get even more my nectar. Now that he was able to pinpoint where to lick, he changed the way he was licking me. He started to go deeper to my pussy with his tongue while his nose was hitting my asshole. I couldn't deny him this at the state I was in. On this ride, I was the passenger, not the driver.

Velvet tongue was drilling me hard and was now applying some pressure to my G-spot as well. It might not sound much but combining this to clit massager, which was still very much in play, because of my very thorough fixing and checking, was sending me almost immediately to the 3rd climax. My body convulsed under the rocking which took place. I've never cummed this hard, it almost hurt. The whole setting was so bizarre, I am tied down and being pleasured and tortured by device of my own choosing, my sworn protector and mine perverted mind which made this all possible.

Little did I know, but Buddy was done playing around. By the animal instinct he was now absolutely sure that female in front of him was ready to be mated. He was going to do what he was meant to do, spread his seed and impregnate this bitch. He had tested (and tasted) with his tongue that my pussy lips are swollen and ready to receive his tool. The tool, which for some while had been unsheathed and ready for the serve its purpose. Since Buddy was behind me, I had no way to witness any of this. I only felt his velvety tongue darting inside me, his nose pushing against my rear entrance and clit massager torturing my aroused clit.

Now was the time, Buddy decided. He mounted me from behind and started humping. Adrenaline spike of what was happening woke me up from last orgasm. If I had not expected Buddy tongue fucking me, him mounting me is something that I couldn't even comprehend before he was already on top of me. My train of thought had never worked with this speed. I had seen Buddy's cock when he had humped pillows and that thing would not fit me. It was no less than 15cm long and girth reminding me of my wrist. Not to mention that I will not degrade myself to that level. I thought anything what can save me and analyzed every situation in my head in fraction of second.

I clamped down my nether region as hard I could. I knew him humping me would cause me some pain if he wasn't allowed to penetrate me easily, but him penetrating me would be catastrophe. This was just my first reaction what to do. It alone will not save me. I was way too wet and aroused for to fight him 15 minutes. But that was irrelevant in my head, since that would mean that Buddy would be able to success in what he was doing. Next step was holding long enough for Buddy to readjust himself. There was no way that I could drop him from my back, he weighted way too much and my current state did not do much to help.

The feet support was too short for me to see under it what was happening but I could feel it. Buddy started to piston like movement on top of me and I could feel his cock sawing in top of my clitoris. I hoped that he would knock of the clit massager so I could put my full focus on escaping the situation but no such luck. He keeps hitting dangerously close of my swollen pussy lips and my virgin asshole. My body reacted to further stimulus as it had been before but this time my mind was clear what to do and I would not let my body betray me again. I felt his front paws scratching me but because of adrenaline spike I did not feel any pain if there even was any.

It was long 30 seconds but eventually Buddy decided to readjust himself and unmounted me. That is when I put 2nd phase of my plan in motion. I used all the strength that I could muster, and before he was able to mount me again, I changed my position by almost 90 degrees. And after that I pushed my body as hard I could to move slide ass first on side of my bed. I could have probably thought (and do) this when Buddy entered the room at the first time but as I soon noticed, it would have not or did not prevent Buddy from licking me. But this was the best I could do on my knees while being tied down.

Buddy was frustrated, his prize was taken from him. He still had access to satisfy his curiosity with tongue but not being able to satisfy his animal urges was beyond his reach. He could have pushed his mistress hard and maybe move her for better position but hurting the mistress was still something which was unacceptable. He jumped on the bed and gave few more tentative licks which send shivers through his mistress body. But after only a moment he withdraw and whined loudly next to bed.

I was relatively satisfied that I managed to avoid another low point of this situation. I estimated that there was still around 7-8 minutes left since I could get the key, so only thing I could do was reflect what the hell just happened. I saw that there was two small puddles had been created on the floor. First one was probably whatever drool what has dribbled through the gag. Second one most likely combination of canine saliva and lubrication what my pussy has produced. There was also something else which resemblance of cum. My educated guess was that it was Buddy's precum.

I saw Buddy moving to my direction again. He had seen the puddles and started to lick them from the floor. At the same time I saw his cock hanging from below, it was now way bigger than I remembered. The cock I was now seeing was at least 20cm long. He was a beast in the every meaning of the word and I was only able to avoid becoming his bitch by fast thinking. It was scary.

Since things had calmed down, my body was once again taking over the command. Clit massager had been pleasing me all this time and even if I had forgotten it, it had not forgotten me. I found myself moaning slowly again. I felt that my pussy was still moist and in fact creating new puddle to my current location. I wanted to stay laser focused but it was becoming increasingly difficult.

Mine newly found arousal did not escape Buddy. He had finished the first two puddles and now came to have a taste of the new ones. He came so close next to my face that I now had full view of the dog cock which almost had me. The huge hunk of meat was twisting and still producing precum right in front of me. He made quick work of the new puddle and he seemed to look confused.

Little did I know that he was thinking what went wrong before. Female was definitely in heat but mounting did not work. Maybe he had the direction all wrong...

Without any warning, Buddy mounted me from front. His paws found support from the feet support and his dog cock entered to my mouth through the gag with nearly no resistance what so ever. I had no time to react or even think what was happening. The gag was designed to keep my mouth open but it also expanded if necessary and now I too understood why. My warm and drooling mouth welcomed the invading member with open doors.

Once Buddy had found his mark, the mating could now begin his mind. Since my mouth gave almost zero resistance, the cock easily found its way to my throat. He started to piston in and out from my mouth with brutal speed. I tasted myself from the cock only briefly before the taste of Buddy's precum replaced it. I was disgusted by both tastes but I simply couldn't do anything about it. The precum kept coming and coming and pistoning cock kept pushing it further down my throat. To be fair, I wouldn't even call it swallowing.

The perverted act hurt my jaw and my throat. I knew that I could do very little for my jaw than just endure but I had to start relaxing my throat and ease my breathing. I was no expert for deep throating but I was learning on the job, so to speak. To do so I had to lean forward to give Buddy's cock as easy access as possible. It was little bit hard due him thrusting his cock with force against my face. Not to mention the gag reflex which I luckily got hang on quite quickly.

The sight was even more bizarre now than before, my own dog was now pistoning in and out from my mouth while I could do nothing else than stare his cock in shock. Tears of shame was rolling from cheeks. This felt wrong on so many levels. But that did not seem to bother Buddy who was time of his life. The mouth of young, soon-to-be-engineer felt much better than dry humping the sofa pillows. If I had gotten video material of this scenario, I would have seen how the shape of Buddy's cock going in and out from my throat in amazing speed.

While I was being violated, I could hear the ring which told me that 30 minutes were now up and I could get out from the cuffs. I was able to forget my current situation for a millisecond but I soon understood the reality. I could not move anywhere nor should I even fantasy about freeing myself. I had throat full of cock ravaging my mouth and that was not going to change for now.

Buddy could smell my moist pussy dripping from other side of my body and it kept Buddy is state of frenzy. Massager could not care less about that 30 minutes were up or the Buddy was ramming cock down on my throat. For me it might've been major inconvenience but Buddy loved it. So much in fact that he started to swell from the base of his cock. "The dog bastard tries to cum in my mouth", I was thinking. Little by little, the knot started to grow and Buddy did everything there was to fix it in my mouth. Knot was going in and out from my mouth until Buddy's movement came to a halt. The knot expanded in my mouth so that in several seconds it was fixed behind my teeth, while his cock was pulsating pre-cum to my throat. Buddy pulled lightly to confirm that knot was secure. It hurt my jaw but at least the rampage had ended.

Torrents of cum was unleashed from Buddy's cock down to my throat. My eyes was shot wide open from the shock and I would have screamed if that was an option. I realized that there was a chance that I could drown on the amount of cum what Buddy was shooting out, so I did my everything to recover from the shock and relax. I started to swallow as much as I could, but I wasn't sure if it did anything at all. The cock was embedded quite deep to my throat and swallowing might not help at all. Only thing I was sure of, that I was getting my weekly protein intake.

After rough 10 minutes, I felt him still coming. Not nearly as hard as before but enough to know that he wasn't done. He tried to pull out couple of times, but we were still well fixed to each other. I started to sob how badly my naughty little solo session had turned out to be. Granted, I was able to bring me cum multiple times during last 45 minutes but violation and humiliation I had to endure for that was devastating. My knees hurt from sliding on floor, my pussy had been tested nonstop whole time, my tummy must've been expanded by amount of cum Buddy had shot to mouth and my throat had been violated by this stupid beast.

While pondering the low point of my life, the knot had shrank enough for Buddy to pull out his cum-glistening cock from my mouth. Sudden free space was immediately, but briefly, filled by final cumshots from Buddy's cock. For a moment, he was still able to spread his seed to my mouth and across my face. I coughed heavily when I finally found out that I can breathe through mouth again. I tasted his salty cum in my mouth and I was sure that I could never remove the disgusting taste from my mouth. Final cumshots also covered my face with cum, like he wanted to mark me as his bitch.

I did not find strength in me to move to the key just yet. Nor am I even sure if I even remembered it right after the incident. As I said, my knees were quite hurt. And also my pussy had become so sensitive that even moving felt as long shot. I think I might have even passed out for few minutes. I remember being brought back to reality by Buddy whining and licking his own cum from my face. From the stank of his tongue, I was quite sure that he had licked his cock clean while I was out of it. I was exhausted but alert enough to realize that I can finally end this ordeal. And most importantly, I wanted to get as far from Buddy as possible.

I started to move and as I expected, it was not easy. I decided to take it slow, it's not like I had to be anywhere for a while. Small puddle of my own heat had formed next to my bed. I think I came few times when I was backed to side of bed, but since I was other way occupied, I did not pay too much attention to it. Nor I did bother to pay too much attention for it now. Buddy however bolted to lick whatever I had left there almost immediately that I had started to move. "Freaking horndog" I remember thinking.

Every little movement sent shivers down my spine. My loins were still wet as ever and addition for that, I was very sensitive. Without Buddy, my experiment would have been success but that was the furthest thing from my mind. I wanted to get rid of the electronics that was still torturing my pussy. It would be difficult to describe the feeling at my nether area as "pleasurable" after almost an hour of stimulus. But it does keep me in aroused before I am able to uncuff myself.

Buddy enjoyed the aroma in air while he was licking my heat from the floor. The full strength of my heat was shot across the room when I started to move and someone like Buddy, with powerful sense of smell, found the current situation quite enjoyable. Since I had been dripping to my calves for a while now, it did not take long for Buddy to figure out source. Especially since he did remember encountering this same situation just a little while ago. His massive slong had not sheathed completely and it became harden when he became aroused again. After all, he was still young dog and very proud of his stamina. He wanted to have second (well third) time with this bitch and this time he would shove his stick where it belongs, deep into puppy making hole.

I was too preoccupied to reach the key to see what Buddy was doing. I could almost reach it but I was forced to move little closer. And then I found out what Buddy had in mind. He mounted me from behind, now for the second time. I could feel his unsheathed cock poking under me. I reacted exactly like I did last time, I clamped down as hard as I could. Frantic "no no no no" hammered my mind. "This could not happen, please don't let this happen." I was trying to reach the key but it was difficult in my exhausted stage and 80 kgs resting on top of my small frame. While I was reaching forward, Buddy found his mark. I was hot, wet and tired, so I could was not able to resist the horny dog. He pushed passed the swollen pussy lips with his gigantic cock of his. Within moments he had gone past my cervix and was now hitting entrance of my womb. Foreplay was not something that Buddy knew about, but in all fairness, it was not something he needed. It's like everything what had happened during last hour, was just prelude for this.

I started to scream against the gag from the shock. My cunt was being invaded something bigger than ever before. Never in my wildest imagination, I could have believed something so big being able to enter me. At least 20cm of rock hard cock was ravishing my body. Not only that I was being fucked deeper than ever before, I was being fucked wider than ever before. My pussy was being expanded to the limit by Buddy. Once again tears of shame was rolling down from my eyes. Those got mixed to my pool of drool which started to appear on floor again. I had not noticed my own saliva after new Buddy's newest invasion before and that brought the taste of his cum to my mouth.

Screaming had been reduced to random grunts every time I was being filled by Buddy. And it did not take long until I found out that I had been moaning like a bitch which I now am. Now that my wetness had ensured full penetration, my body had started to betray me once more. I've had one or two minor orgasms after Buddy started fucking me but I felt that big one was coming. The peak of my humiliation was going to wash over me and I was certain that I could not see myself ever being same again. I will be thoroughly fucked and forced to orgasm by a beast and there was nothing I could do to prevent that.

I could feel my very self being torn apart. The first wave of the multiple orgasms that I was about to receive, hit me like tidal wave. My whole body started to convulsing and I felt like that I couldn't breathe. My eyes rolled back to my hear and I was squirting against the cock. I couldn't control my own voice anymore when wave after wave hit me. There seemed to be no end on my cumming. My ultra sensitive pussy was being hammered to next dimension by beast which currently felt only lust. And this beast could fuck, he had already nut'ed once today so he was going to enjoy this bitch to maximum. I could feel him drooling on top of me, his saliva mixing with my sweat and then rolling down my back.

If someone would just enter the room, it would smell like monkey house. The mixture of K9 saliva, Buddy's cum and my heat was filling the room to the limit. Slapping sound of Buddy balls hitting me, my moaning and Buddy's panting added another sense to the mix.

Not even growing knot was able to bring me back to reality. I was so wet that I could not even notice it at the first. I was crying in aftermath of the previous tidal wave and hoping that cumming would end. But after the knot started to enter and exit my pussy with same high speed, I noticed the pressure building to next level. The expanded knot took breath out from me. If I felt being filled up before, now I felt like I was going tear up. Luckily I was lubricated like ever before by my own heat and precum which Buddy kept pushing out. And shortly after, I felt brief wave of pain hit me, Buddy had been able to penetrate my womb with his cock. "How big is this bastard...".

Buddy continued screwing me, even after knot had be lodged to my cunt. He was able to move only short distance, but that just made him to pick up the pace. I was in post-orgasmic state when I felt his cock expanding even further. I knew he was about to satisfy himself and release his seed deep inside of me. Panting and drooling above me escalated until I felt the spunk hitting my womb walls. I climaxed once again. My whole trembled under the heavy dog and I hated myself for it. My betrayed body just does whatever it wants and I cannot do anything. I've long lost the count how many times this mutt has forced my body over the edge.

Even after 5 minutes, Buddy still kept cumming and thrusting. I am not sure if his cock shrank a little him to exit my womb but I was sure that he was now filling my cervix. Some of the cum started to leak beside the knotted cock and started to drip and roll down my legs. I had second to the last orgasm when Buddy finally were able to dislodge himself from me. He pulled with some force and that made my cunt lips to expand once more. Cum kept gushing out from my abused pussy. And loving the taste of the pussy and cum, Buddy decided to give several good licks and forced me to cum one final time.

In orgasmic bliss, I still maintained my train of thought. Forcing mine exhausted and abused body, I pushed myself to the key and started uncuffing myself as fast as possible. By staying in the helpless position, might give Buddy some ideas that I could not survive from. I could not stand right away so I decided to turn around and sit on floor. I ripped of the massager and it felt like freedom. My pussy kept pushing out dog cum, there was just too much of it. I ignored the puddle of cum for now and found out the rapist licking his cock at the corner. I saw the cock and shrunken knot, it still looked unrealistic big. "Did he just fuck me with that baseball bat?"

I waited until I was able to stand up, I did not want to try crawl to shower with my current state. And I did not want to give Buddy any ideas. I supported myself with walls when I forced myself to the bathroom. I locked the door and sat down to bathtub when my exhausted legs finally gave up. I managed to put shower on and that's it. I started to sob again, or maybe it was laughing. I have been fucked like that before and that took toll on my body at physical and mental level. Not only my guardian had betrayed me in lust but my own body betrayed me as well. I had cummed like never before and if goal of my experiment was to feel helpless while being forced to cum... well that was achieved. More than few times to be reasonably vague.

I cleaned myself up, as well as I could. The water from shower was torture to my super sensitive pussy but there was no avoiding it. When I exited the bathroom, I was greeted by Buddy. Since I didn't have tools to process everything right now, I decided to just give him water and food. Then I proceeded to lock him to my bedroom. He can stay there over the night. I will need to clean it up later. I laid down to sofa with blanket. I was exhausted. Small amounts of cum were still coming out from my cunt. "Fucking Buddy...". I tried to not pay attention for that, it and bed room could be taken care of after short sleep. It's not like I have anything important to do at the morning.

I woke my naked body covered in blanket, puddle of dry doggy cum on my pussy lips and sofa, and my friend shouting at door "Hey Kerri, it's me!".


2021-09-20 12:41:08
Fantastic story, I hope there is more to cum.


2020-04-02 06:13:18
Oh my god so hot thanks you for suck a beautiful story I love the ones where she can’t help what is going to happen to her! I’m even writing a story that evolves a woman stuck in a doggie door I hope I can finish it soon! Please keep up the good work I enjoyed this a lot!


2020-04-02 06:13:02
Oh my god so hot thanks you for suck a beautiful story I love the ones where she can’t help what is going to happen to her! I’m even writing a story that evolves a woman stuck in a doggie door I hope I can finish it soon! Please keep up the good work I enjoyed this a lot!

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