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Emily willingly becomes a sex slave for 3 guys
Emily’s First Solo Holiday

by Vanessa Evans

Before you read this part I strongly suggest that you read the previous part. It will give you the background that will make this part a lot more enjoyable.

Part 03

DAY 05


I was actually woken by an unknown cock going in and out of my vagina. I sighed and then moaned as his speed increased until I had my first orgasm of the day. When he’d cum and started to go soft he rolled over and I turned to see who it was.

“That was nice Harry, it set me up for the day.”

The night’s sleep had worked wonders with me, both energy and pussy which was no longer sore.

“You guys don’t have breakfast here do you?” I asked.

“No, we didn’t expect to be up in time.”

“I’ve always been a bit of a morning person myself. I’m going to have a shower then go and get something to eat. You can stay and watch me shower if you want.”

By that time I was on my feet and looking down at Harry, and he was looking up at my pussy.

We ended up in the shower having another fuck before I kicked him out and got ready to go and have breakfast; not that getting ready took me long there, the longest part is the shaving followed by the brushing of my hair.

I wrapped a half sarong round my waist, slid into my flip flops and went to the restaurant. It was later than my previous visits and the place was about half full. I was feeling quite happy so as I sat down I slid the sarong so that the knot was on my stomach. When I got up to go to for the food my pussy, as well as my uncovered tits were on display for anyone to see, but me acting like I was dressed like a nun meant that hardly anyone really looked at me and I only managed to get one smile from one man.

As I ate I decided that I was going to have a lazy day by the pool. I just knew that if I tried to make that day better than the previous day there was an almost zero chance of succeeding so why even try. Besides, one time that I’d looked down to the pool I was sure that I’d seen a naked woman so it was a good time to improve my all over tan.

As soon as I was out of the restaurant I took the sarong off and walked back to my room with it in my hand. I felt good and happy as I looked down to the pool. About half the sun loungers were still free so I didn’t have to rush. Having said that, I did want to work on my tan so I threw a few things into my bag, put the sarong back on and headed down.

I managed to get a lounger about half way along the side of the pool and as soon as my sarong came off and I got my bottle of sunblock out there were a couple of guys beside me offering to help me spread the sunblock all over me.

Well, there was no way that I was going to reject an offer like that so I lay on my stomach and introduced myself. Tom and Andy were good, but not in the same league as Manuel. What’s more, they didn’t have the nerve to touch my pussy and I didn’t invite them, not like my tits which they did put the block on, after asking that is, but neither of them played with my nipples.

I had my quiet day, although quite a few guys came and tried to hit on me. A waiter kept walking around and I ordered a drink a couple of times, him apparently not caring that I was naked, well it was an adults only hotel.

Neither of my sets of neighbours were in their rooms when I got back there and I got showered, put just a dress on and went for a quiet meal and then a stroll before having an early night. I still hadn’t caught up on my sleep.

DAY 06


None of the guys came to wake me up even though my door key was on the table on the balcony, I guessed that they’d got lucky else where so I showered then went for breakfast.

On my first day in Ibiza I’d noticed that a lot of the girls were wearing either one-piece swimsuits or bikinis that were of the thong variety and very high-cut at the sides so that they were walking around with their butt cheeks on display all the time. That wasn’t the interesting bit because I too had my butt cheeks on display all the time.

What was the interesting bit, was the cover-ups that they were wearing. A large percentage of the girls were wearing mini-dresses made of net or lace, and the holes in the net or lace were big enough to not really cover anything. Nothing was hidden.

I decided to have a day going round the shops to see what I could find. Now I like my see-through dresses and they’ll be great for England, but these net dresses were going to the next level, and I wanted in.

As I went around the shops I was a little disappointed to find that some of the dresses were made of stiff, plastic net and would not be comfortable at all. I’m happy to say that I did find some that were comfortable to wear and still have big holes in them.

I spent over 300 euros getting some and looked forward to going out in them.

When I got back to my hotel I was a little surprised to find Luke, Harry and Will sat on their balcony talking and drinking beers.

“Hi Emily,” Luke said, “get yourself naked and come and have a cold beer, we’ve got a proposition for you.”

As I did that Will lifted one of the chairs from my balcony over to theirs.

“So guys,” I said after I’d taken a swig of cold beer, “what’s up?”

“We’ve hired a Jeep for 4 days and it has 4 seats so we were wondering if you’d like to fill the fourth seat?” Luke said.

“What sort of Jeep?” I asked, “Not one of those dinky suzuki ones, or worse, one of those stupid, noisy citroen ones?”

“No, a proper Jeep.”

“A Wrangler?”


“Does it have a roof and doors?”

“It didn’t when we looked at it this morning.”

“Good, I’m interested.” I replied. “Tell me more. How much do you want for my share?”

“Nothing,” Luke continued, “we were rather hoping that you might volunteer to, to be err …….. “

“What Luke’s trying to say Emily,” Will interrupted, “is that we’d like you to be our sex slave for the 4 days.”

“WHAT!” I exclaimed, “you’ve got to be joking.”

“Yes Emily,” Luke replied, “what Will means is that we’d like to be able to tell you what to wear all the time and that we’d like to fuck you quite a lot while we’re out and about.”

“Well that doesn’t sound too bad, a sort of continues gang-bang, that sounds like fun, but before I agree to it there are a few questions and conditions.”

“Okay, fire away, and why all the questions about the Jeep?”

“I happen to like Jeeps and want to get one some day. Right, I hope that you aren’t planning on me wearing much, you know that I like showing lots of skin.”

“Hell no,” Harry replied, “as little as we think that you can get away with.”

“Good answer, now drink and drugs, I want your word that you will be sober all the time, I’m not getting into a car if I think that the driver is under the influence of something.”

“Only the sight of your body Em.” Luke replied.

“Another good answer. I doubt that I’ve got enough condoms left for a 4 day continuous gang-bang and I’m guessing that you guys haven’t got many. When did you guys last get checked for any unpleasant diseases?”

“Relax Em, we all got checked just before we came here and we’ve been using condoms on the nights that we got lucky, and when we’ve woken you up.”

“And I’m good as well.” I replied, “so, what I was thinking was that we could go bare-back until one of us fucks an unknown person without a condom. Then we would have to go back to condoms and I don’t think that any of us want that. What do you think?”

Unsurprisingly, all 3 guys agreed but I did add that if any one of us caught anything then all 4 of us would catch it.

“Good, now if one of you is going to be fucking me every 5 minutes then someone is going to have to remember to take a towel for the Jeep seat each day, your cum will be leaking out of me all the time.”

All 3 guys volunteered to take a towel.

“And how are you going to decide which one of you is going to fuck me, when and where?”

“We haven’t sorted that out yet, we weren’t sure that you’d go along with it.” Harry said.

“Okay, I’’m sure that you’ll sort something out. One more condition guys, each time that we stop somewhere one of you is going to have to rub some sunblock on me. If any part of me is going to go red then it mustn’t be because of sunburn.”

“I’ll do it.” both Harry and Will said.

“We’ll sort out a rota.” Luke said.

“And I’m guessing that you won’t be able to keep me naked all of the time so I’m going to have to take some clothes with me.”

“A couple of those G-strings will do.” Harry said, “the ones with no material.”

“I think that I’ll probably need more than that, especially if you take me somewhere away from the beaches. Does the lock box in the Jeep work?”

“It did this morning.”

“Okay, I’ll put a few things in a bag and then you can choose what I’ll wear whenever clothes are needed. So which 4 days is it?”

“Starts 9 o’clock tomorrow morning.” Luke said.

“Good, plenty of time for me to get some breakfast and get ready. Where do we pick up this Jeep?”

“About half a mile down the road.”

“A bit of exercise as well.”

“Shall we all go out for a pre-adventure meal and drink?” Will asked.

“Sorry guy’s, I can’t make it tonight, there somewhere that I have to be. One of the reception guys told me about a place where girls get invited to be some business men’s desert.”

“That sounds interesting – if you’re a girl or a local business man.” Luke said.

“There’s times when I wish that I was a girl.” Harry said, “it’s easier for girls to have fun than it is for us guys.”

“Yeah, it is,” I replied, “but the next 4 days sounds like fun for all of us.”

“It will be.” Luke said.

We finished a couple of beers, talking about what the guys had been up to, then I left to get ready for the unknown.

I’d already seen the club as I’d been walking around and it looked like your average San Antonio night club from the outside, nothing spectacular, a bit seedy perhaps, but I was on holiday to have some fun and I couldn’t imagine that it was a front for kidnapping girls to sell as sex slaves so I’d decided to go.

I decided to wear a skater type skirt and top with nothing underneath, the skirt just being long enough to cover my butt and tingling pussy

I arrived at the club just before 8 o’clock to find that the door was open so I walked right in. It was quite dark compared to the bright lights outside but my eyes soon adjusted and I saw a bit of a dingy room. I started to have thoughts that I had made a mistake going there but a man came over to me and told me that they didn’t open until 10 o’clock.

I handed him Pedro’s card and told him that I was there for the ‘special’.

He smiled as his eyes went up and down my body.

“Right,” he said, “come with me.”

I followed him to what I assumed was a ‘private’ room in one corner of the main room. Inside was another girl about my age or maybe a bit younger. She too was wearing a skimpy top and micro skirt.

The man left and I turned to the girl and said,

“You here for the ‘special’?”

“Yeah, I’m Daisy. Do you know anything about this ‘special’?”

“Emily, only that it’s supposed to be all about pussy eating.”

“Yeah, that’s what I was told. I’ve come prepared for that.” Daisy said as she pulled the front of her skirt up to reveal her uncovered slit.

“Me too.” I said, lifting the front of my skirt.

Just then the door opened and a third girl was shown in.

After introductions and a flash of her (Donna) uncovered slit, the man came back and told us to follow him. He led us outside to a people carrier and told us to get in, which we did.

The journey took about 30 minutes during which us 3 girls joked about us getting taken to slave traders or to some sort of torture chamber. We were joking, but I suspect that the other 2 were a bit like me and wondering if it were true. The thought of lots of men eating my pussy was stronger than the fears.

We arrived at a nightclub (big signs) out in the hills but the vehicle didn’t stop in the big car park, instead it went round the back to where there were quite a few cars parked. The driver told us to get out then he led us into a large room, a sort of small barn, where we saw 2 huge, round, wooden, solid looking tables with about a dozen, middle-aged to elderly men sat around each table. They were all smartly dressed in expensive looking shirts and were eating, drinking and talking in Spanish.

I laughed to myself and wondered if this was Ibiza’s answer to the English Round Table of business men.

One of the men got up, came over to us and said,

“Good evening ladies, thank you for coming. Your job this evening is to dance on the tables until the meal is finished and everything is cleared away. Then you will go round each gentleman and offer your pussy for them to eat. Once they are satisfied you will go to the next gentleman and make the same offer. You will not stop the gentlemen from pleasuring you if you orgasm, those orgasms will be incidental to you letting them do what they wish to you. Any questions?”

“Yes,” I said, “there’s 3 of us and 2 tables.”

“Until the meal is finished 1 of you will be on each table, every 10 minutes 1 of you will be replaced by the third girl.”

“Okay,” I replied, “do we stay like this or do we get naked?”

“Loose the tops and knickers – if you are wearing any, but keep the skirts and heels we all like seeing bare pussy up a short skirt. The skirts come off at the end of the meal.”

“How much are we getting paid?” Donna asked.

“Two thousand euros.”

“Each?” Donna asked.

“Each.” the man replied.

I looked at Donna and Daisy and all our hands went to take out tops off.

“On the tables 2 of you,” the man said as he turned and went and turned some music on, just loud enough for us girls to work with.

Donna and I each went to a table where 1 of the men stood to let us climb up. I smiled at the man as I stepped up onto his chair, then the table. I saw his eyes go up my legs to my pussy and butt.

Donna started dancing in the middle of the table but I went nearer the man who had let me climb up and made sure that he got a great view of my goodies. After a minute or so I moved along to the next man then slowly went round the table making sure that they all saw what they were going to have for desert.

I’d just made it back to the first man when I saw Daisy motioning for me to climb down and let her up. The same man got up and let Daisy and I swap places.

I watched both Daisy and Donna to see if they were doing anything differently to me and I saw that neither of them had their legs as far apart as I had.

After a while I realised that Donna had gone round her table’s men nearly twice so I went over and waved to her to swap with me. Another man got up to let us swap and he was saying something but it was in Spanish and I hadn’t a clue what he was saying.

Thankfully, I managed to round the whole table before some waitresses came in and started clearing the tables. One of them looked up at me and smiled, she obviously knew what was going to happen next and I wondered if she was going to join us.

When the tables were clear, the original man who had spoken to us got up and announced that the feast was about to start. He said, in both Spanish and English,

“As usual, a bell will ring every 3 minutes then the girls would get up and move to the next man.”

Then to Daisy, Donna and me,

“Girls, take the skirts off then sit in front of the man nearest to you with your legs over his shoulders and let him feast on your pussy. You, (pointing to Donna who was stood on the floor), get up on a table. When the bell rings you are to get up and mover to the next man at the table in a clockwise direction. If, when you cum, the man will not stop eating you so do not pull back. I will tell you when to change table and when to stop, the intention being that all 25 men have enjoyed each of your pussies at least once.”

I’d wondered how it was going to work and the man had said the way that I thought was most productive, and most pleasurable for me, and Donna and Daisy.

Wow, what a variety of techniques and abilities, although in general, most were good and I managed to cum 4 times before the evening was over. I got to 2 men who had wet shirts and judging by the smell, either Donna or Daisy was a pee squirter. Nether man seemed at all worried or unhappy about being covered in pee and each one attacked my pussy with their mouth like I mine the last pussy that they’d ever see, one of them giving me my third orgasm.

I also squirted on one man, but it was vaginal excretions and I saw the white, creamy liquid on the man’s smiling face.

By the time I climbed down from the table for the last time my pussy was slightly sore but I didn’t care, I was happy, I’d cum 4 times and my pussy had been eaten by all of the 25 men.

All 3 of us girls stood there, naked, as the evening came to a close and the men left. The original man came of to us, thanked us and gave us an envelope containing our cash. He also told us that we could go to the, by then very loud, nightclub.

“What about keeping these safe?” Donna asked, waving her envelope.

“I’ll take you to the manager’s office and you can put them in his safe.”

“What about getting back to San Antonio?” Donna asked.

“Your driver is still here and he’ll wait for you.”

“And our clothes?”

“You’re not going to put them on?”

“I’m not, what about you Daisy and you Emily?” Donna continued.

“Well if you’re staying like that then I am as well.” I replied.

“Yeah, me too.” Daisy added.

“Bring your clothes and you can put them in your car. Anything else?”

Donna looked at both Daisy and me, we both shook our heads.

“Okay girls, lets go, bring your clothes.”

We picked up our clothes and followed the man out to the car park where we saw the car. The driver smiled when he saw us. We left our clothes then followed the man through the main car park and to the main entrance of the club where we walked straight through. On the way we got a few comments from some young men who were just arriving.

My pussy had been very wet ever since I first arrived there, but as we walked into the club I felt it start to tingle again.

The man led us through one large, dark room with lots of people, some looking at us, to a corner where a door had Private / Privado on it, and we went in.

A man in his thirties looked up from his desk and smiled when he saw the 3 naked girls. After a conversation in Spanish he gave us a pen and, in English, told us to write our names on our envelopes.

Donna started to take some euros out of her envelope but the manager stopped her and said,

“Don’t worry about drinks, naked girls always get free drinks here, just go to any of the bars like that.”

“Nice to know if Luke, Will and Harry bring me here.” I thought.

Now I’ve never been a great fan of nightclubs and this one was just a bigger version of the ones that I’d been to before; quite dark, very loud and of unknown cleanliness; but I’d never been to one naked before. If nothing else, hundreds of people were going to see me naked and that thought certainly aroused me.

Donna wanted to dance so the 3 of us did just that. Unsurprisingly, we got hit on quite a lot by young men of varying degrees of drunkenness.

It was Donna who first let a young man dance with her, and subsequently put his hands all over her. The idea of a man putting his hands all over me appealed to me but not a drunk man and just about all of the men around there were showing definite sign of alcohol usage, so instead I went to the nearest bar to get a drink.

What I hadn’t expected (probably should have) was for the men who were also queueing to get a drink, to want to get a feel of my interesting parts. At first I pushed the hands away, but when they came back to my butt I thought about me being on the London underground at the start of my holiday and getting groped, and relaxed and let the hands (more than 1 by then) wander all over my body.

I just stood there in a bit of a dream enjoying the hands. I vaguely remember both someone trying to hit on me, and the barman asking me what I wanted to drink, but I was enjoying the fingers that were sliding along my vulva and in and out of my vagina. I had never even considered someone groping me at a bar, and making me cum, because that’s what those fingers did.

I had a standing, shuddering orgasm and vaguely heard the words “she’s cumming”, but I didn’t care.

As the waves receded and my brain started to return to reality I heard myself asking the grinning barman for a ‘sex on the beach’. I’ve never had one of those before and haven’t a clue why I asked for it. Well maybe my subconscious brain was thinking about it and wondering if Luke, Harry and Will would fuck me on the beach.

Anyway, one of the hands came round to my stomach and then down to my clit. I had a second orgasm just as the barman brought me my drink.

When my brain returned to the reality of the situation, I picked up my drink and turned around and saw about half a dozen young men all looking at me. My pussy was tingling as I started to push my way through the men, their hands reaching for a final grope.

Part of me wanted to stay put but I knew that if I did I’d end up getting fucked by at least one of them and I didn’t have any condoms with me, so I kept slowly moving forwards, wanting the groping to keep going, and to stop.

When I got to the edge of where Donna and Daisy were dancing I took a deep breath and downed my drink in one go. I shook my head to clear it then looked at Donna and Daisy. Donna was dancing with a man, leaning back on him with his hands on her pubes. Judging by her face his fingers were working on her clit. Daisy was dancing(ha) with a much taller man, her arms were around his neck and her feet hanging in the air about 25 centimetres apart. She too had a look of pleasure on her face and I wondered if they were actually fucking.

A young man (not bad looking) came up to me and nodded his head to the dancers. I smiled at him and followed him into the middle of the dancers. It wasn’t long before his hands were all over me but I there was no way that I was going to let him fuck me.

Somehow I managed to survive not getting fucked by his cock but his fingers certainly gave me enough pleasure to make me cum and he held me up when my knees started to buckle.

I was both pleased and not pleased when Donna interrupted the man’s attempts to make me cum again. She told me that her and Daisy were leaving and I could stay or go with them. I chose to go and we went to the manager’s office to get our money.

He gave us 3 special passes that would get us in anytime but told us that we’d have to be naked to use them. We took them then went to find our way to where we hoped our driver and people carrier, and our clothes would still be. Thankfully, we found them, the driver being fast asleep. He quickly woke up when he realised that we were still naked.

We put our clothes on during the journey back to San Antonio where he was kind enough to drop us outside our hotels.

As I put my door key on the table on the balcony then got ready for bed, I looked at the clock and saw that I’d be lucky to get 4 hours sleep before, hopefully, one of my neighbours would creep in to wake me up in a pleasant way.

DAY 07 – The first day of my ‘enslavement’


It was Luke that I saw shortly after I felt his load of warm cum being deposited deep inside me when I woke up. I was pleased to realise that he’d started fucking me bare back.

“Morning Master.” I said, “How long is it before we need to leave to pickup the Jeep?”

“About an hour sex slave.”

“Good, I’ve got time to get ready and have some breakfast, I’m starving. When I’m getting breakfast would you 3 pick out the clothes that you want me to wear and take with me, and put that big bottle of sunblock with them please?”

“Sure, but don’t expect there to be many clothes.”

“Good, I want my naked body to be seen by thousands today.”

“We’ll do our best to make that happen slave.”

I squeezed Luke’s soft cock as I got off the bed and walked to the bathroom, feeling his cum start to seep out of me and creep down my inner thighs. It’s a feeling that John left me with a few times and I have to say that I think it’s a really sexy feeling. I wondered if I could get one of the boys to cover my face with their cum and if I’d get the same feeling walking around in public with it creeping down my face and going all hard and crusty.

I took extra special care to make sure that I was very smooth everywhere below my neck then I rinsed off, got dried and put lotion and perfume everywhere. I really wanted to smell nice for the guys.

There were a couple of G-strings and bralettes on my bed and I was pleased to see that none of them had any material between the strings. One of the G-strings was one that I had made, the string that goes from front to back splits into 2 as it goes over my clit causing the 2 bits of string to squeeze my clit and push it out. With the strings disappearing between my labia it makes my clit protrude like a little cock. I wondered if Luke realised that.

I quickly wrapped a half sarong around my waist and hurried off to get some breakfast.

“Have you got one of those that is more see-through” Will asked as I was greeted in my room by the 3 guys.

“In my case.” I said as I unfastened the half sarong and threw it on the bed then went to clean my teeth.

“Put these on Em.” Will said when I emerged from the bathroom.

There was a totally see-through half sarong and a bralette with no material. I smiled and replied,

“As much as that, I thought that you 3 wanted to show-off your sex slave.”

“Later Em,” Harry replied, “those are to get you to the Jeep, once we’re in it they will come off.”

“Good, have you remembered the towel for me to sit on, I’m assuming that all 3 of you will be filling my pussy and it will leak out.”

“Yes, and your sunblock is in the bag.”

“My phone? I need to send John some photos of what he’s missing.”

“Got it.” Luke said, then added, “I like the pigtails touch, it makes you look even younger.”

“Thank you Luke, now what are we waiting for?”

Within a minute or so, the 4 of us were going down the stairs and out onto the street, the security guard giving us a bit of a strange look. As we walked down the street I figured that maybe we did look a bit odd, 3 guys in shorts and T shirts, all towering above the 1 nearly naked tiny girl that to a lot of people was looking about 10 years younger than she actually was.

“Maybe she’s their little sister? Maybe she’s refusing to wear normal clothes? Maybe they won’t let her wear normal clothes?” Were some of the thoughts that ran through my mind as we walked.

“Walk in front of us Em.” Will said, “I want to see that cute little ass of yours.”

I ran to get in front of them then walked swaying my butt from side to side.

It didn’t take us long to get to the hire place and the Jeep was out front waiting for us. The 3 guys went inside while I climbed into the driver’s seat and looked around it. It felt good but I wasn’t envious of the guys, I was there to have fun and show off my body, not have fun driving.

The guys soon emerged along with the hire place guy, and started going round the Jeep looking for damage. I climbed into the back and sat behind the driver’s seat. I didn’t want to distract the driver.

When Harry was stood beside me he whispered,

“Take the clothes off.”

I did, much to the surprise of the hire place guy who kept looking over to me.

A couple of minutes later, Luke jumped into the driver’s seat and Will into the seat next to him. That left Harry to climb in next to me. I smiled as he looked over to me, then down to my tits and bare belly.

“Seat belts on guys.” Luke said loudly.

“Relax Harry,” I said, “I can still get my mouth to your cock.”

And I did, not 5 minutes later my head was bouncing up and down on his cock. When he’d shot his load into my mouth I sat up, turned to him and opened my mouth to show him his seed. He smiled then told me to swallow it.

After I settled back into my seat I asked Luke where we were going.

“Well Emily, we’ve decided to drive up the west coast and round the northern coast a little.” Harry replied, maybe because there was quite a bit of traffic and wind noise.

“And where are you intending to stop?”

“Anywhere that we fancy.”

Just as he was saying that Luke turned off the main road and we were soon in a car park near a little beach. There was an old man collecting the parking fee that Luke paid, the man not even looking at me.

“Everyone out.” Luke said as the Jeep came to a halt where he was going to leave it.

“So who’s going to put my sunblock on then?” I asked, the heat from the sun starting to really warm me up.

“My turn.” Will replied, “Luke fucked you to wake you, then you gave Harry a blowjob on the way here so it’s my turn.”

“Are you going to fuck me here then Will?” I asked.

“Maybe, we’ll see how it goes.”

Luke opened up the lock box and Will went into my bag and got out the sunblock. Luke and Harry then got themselves organised while Will started putting the sunblock on me. When he got to my tits he took his time and really massaged the cream into me, paying plenty attention to my nipples causing me to moan.

Just then another car pulled up beside us and the youngish couple in it stared at Will and me. After a few seconds they got out of their car and started gathering their belongings as Will’s hands descended down my front to my stomach and pubes.

I stood there, feet about shoulder width apart as his hand went between my legs. I was moaning a little as I stared at the couple as they stared at Will and me.

Will obviously had no intention of holding back because he rubbed my clit until I orgasmed right in front of everyone.

As I started to get control of myself again I was still staring at the couple who were still staring at Will and me.

“Brothers,” I said, “why do they always have to do this to me when we go to the beach. Are you done with me now Will? Can I go to the beach now?”

“Okay Emily,” Will replied, “I’ll do you again later.”

“Yeah, yeah.” I replied and started walking towards the couple and the beach.

The couple just stared at me as I started to run towards the beach with the guys following. When I looked back I saw the couple still just stood there. I guessed that they didn’t believe what they had just seen.

The beach wasn’t very big and the sand wasn’t very nice but it was a beach, and there were quite a few people there. Some of them must have seen the naked me but no one said anything, not even when Luke and the others spread some towels and I sat between them.

“So,” I asked, “do you think that that couple thought that I was your little sister?”

“Who knows, who cares?” Harry replied, “just lay back and enjoy the sun. Feels good doesn’t it?”

“So have you guys got some sort of rota that tells you which of you is going to do what to me and when?”


“Can I look at it?”


“I hope that rota includes fucking me in the sea, I always wanted to do that and this is the first chance that I’ve ever had.”

“I think that fucking you in the sea should be a gang-bang thing,” Luke said, “don’t you agree guys?”

Will, Harry and me all agreed with that and I couldn’t wait.

“I hope that you’re comfortable in the water Emily?” Harry asked.

“Yep, I was in the swim team when I was at school.”

“Good, and could you hold your head underwater for ages?”

“Yes, why?”

“Oh just an idea that I have.”

After a while we all lay flat on our backs, Harry and Will on either side of me and Luke the other side of Will. I was the only one naked and I lay with my legs open, wanting no white patches on my inner thighs.

After a while Luke sat up and came and sat between my legs.

“You are aroused aren’t you Emily?” Luke asked.

“Yes, how can I not be, I’m naked with 3 handsome men going to fuck my brains out.”

“Do you know that your hole is open?”

“It’s like that whenever my legs are open but it closes when it has something to grip on.”

Luke took that as an invite, pushing a finger inside me. My vagina responded by gripping it and trying to pull in further inside me.

“That’s quite a grip that you’ve got there Em, no wonder you feel so tight when I fuck you.”

“Thank you.”

“Have you had some sort of labia whatsit, labia, err, labiaplasty surgery Em?”

“No, my inner labia just never grew, are you complaining about my lack of lips?”

“Fuck no, your pussy is fantastic just as it is, it helps give you that little schoolgirl look.”

“I’m not sure that that is a good thing, I’m 22 not 12.”

“Well it certainly helps in situations like this, I wonder how many people here think that you are our little sister.”

“Not too many I hope, I want to be seen as a young woman, a naked young woman.”

“A randy naked, exhibitionist young woman who likes doing sex acts with people watching.”

“That’s right.”

Luke dipped 2 fingers into my hole and my muscles gripped them hard. I suddenly wanted to see if anyone was watching us and I looked all around.

“Don’t you worry about other people Emily,” Luke said, “We’ll tell you if there is anything to worry about.”

“But I like seeing peoples expressions, it’s amusing.”

“We’ll tell you when there’s anything worth looking at won’t we guys? You just do whatever we tell you straight away and let us worry about other people.”

“So if we’re in the middle of a busy street and you tell me to finger fuck myself I have to do it without thinking or looking around?”


“And you’ll handle any fallout?”

“Yes we will.”

“Cool, I can’t wait.”

A couple of minutes later I remembered something that I wanted to do.

“Can 1 of you take a photo of just me spread out here, I want to sent it to John with the caption,

‘It could have been you taking this photo. Take a close look at what you’re missing’

Luke got up and got my phone out of the bag then took the photo. My legs were spread wide, my pussy was all shiny from both the sunblock and my juices which had been leaking out ever since I woke up, possibly even before that. And my vagina was open. John had seen that numerous times before but I wanted him to see it again, even if it was just on a photo.

I took the phone off Luke and sent the photo, with the above text.

They kept me waiting for about an hour before sending me into the water to wait for them and I couldn’t help rubbing my clit as I waited for them.

Finally, they came and joined me, splashing me, ducking me and throwing me from one to another before Luke grabbed me and pushed me under the water in front of him. As I went under I felt his uncovered, hard cock against my face.

I knew what to do and opened my mouth and took his cock inside as he pushed my head down forcing his cock into my throat.

Luke seemed to know just how long I could last without air and just as I was thinking of struggling to surface he pulled my head up and out of the water. I gasped for air as I looked up at his face.

“Okay Em?” He asked.

As I nodded he pushed down on my head and I went down on his cock again. That second time I was more relaxed and tried to move my tongue around his shaft.

When he pulled me up for air that time he pushed my shoulders back and grabbed my legs. Within seconds my pussy was getting invaded by his cock. As he started moving me backwards and forwards he turned to Will and Harry and said,

“You need to try that guys, she took my whole length.”

Luke increased the speed of moving me backwards and forwards and the feeling of the water rushing passed my pussy quickly helped me to come to a climax just as I felt Luke stop moving me and filling my insides with his warm seed.

I floated on my back as Luke pushed me backwards then round to where Will was standing. He pulled my legs round him but instead of fucking me he lifted me to my feet then pushed down on my head. We did the same things as I had done with Luke and I got a second load of warm cum deposited deep inside me.

Harry did the same to me and after gasping for air about half a dozen times and cumming 3 times, I was knackered. I just lay back and floated until Luke grabbed me and lifted me over his shoulder. He carried me back to the towels and dropped me on my back, my legs falling wide apart with a little help from Luke’s feet.

“That was awesome.” I finally said after I’d got my breath back.

“So how many times have you cum so far today Em?” Harry asked.

I had to think for a minute then said,

“Five, I think.”

“I wonder if we can double or triple that?” Will said.

“Well I hope that I get some rest in between session or you guys will be carrying me back to my room.”

“I’m sure that we could manage that.” Luke said.

“Jeez guys, if you wear me out like that for 4 days I’ll have to spend a whole day in bed recovering.”

“But it will be worth it won’t it.” Will said.

“I guess so.”

“Come on Em, I thought that you liked having orgasms?” Will said.

“I do, of course I do, it’s just that 15 or so in 1 day, or 60 or more in 4 days, I don’t know what that will do to me. What would it do to you guys? Could you shoot your load 15 times in one day?”

“I wish.” Luke said. “Anyway, it’s different for girls, men’s bodies have to manufacture that cum.”

“Yeah, okay, I guess that there’s only 1 way to find out what cumming 15 or more times in 1 day will do to me. You’ve got your work cut out guys.” I replied opening my legs a bit wider.

“I take it that that was a challenge little Emily.”

“It certainly was, do you 3 think that you are up to it?”

“Get on your hands and knees Em.” Will said.

“Not here Will.” Luke said, “that’s pushing Emily’s nudity a bit too far and I’m sure that sex on the beach in broad daylight will be illegal. Tell you what, let’s have an ice cream then go and find a beach with some sane dunes or wooded area or rocky area then we can fuck her brains out.”

“That sounds nice.” I said.

“You’ll like the next bit as well Em. Here’s 20 euros, go to that little beach cafe and get us some ice creams.”

“Like this?” I replied, putting my open hand on top of my naked body.

“Of course.” Luke replied. “I’ll follow you at a distance, just in case.”

And that’s what we did. I felt all aroused as I walked through all the people to the beach cafe. Okay, there were quite a lot of topless girls there, and quite a few thong bikini bottoms, but I was totally naked and I had cum creeping down the insides of my thighs, not that it was that noticeable.

I got a few ‘looks’ for people as I walked to the bar but no one said anything. I wondered if some of the people actually thought that I was a little girl, and there were a few naked little kids on the beach.

Anyway, I got to the bar and got served by a middle-aged man who looked me up and down but didn’t say anything. As he was getting my change I looked around. There were only a handful of people there and most were just ignoring me. Those who were looking at me were men. One was actually licking his lips. I smiled at him and wondered what he was thinking.

Luke had waited outside and when I got to him he patted my butt and told me that I’d done well. We hurried back to Will and Harry before the ice creams melted.

Ice cream eaten, I told the guys that I was going into the water to clean up and couldn’t resist rubbing my clit a bit after I’d rubbed the insides of my thighs to get rid of the dried cum on them. I also slid a couple of fingers inside me to try to get some water inside to rinse me out. Well that was the excuse that I’d use if anyone said anything.

Back at the towels, the guys were already packing up and the 4 of us walked back to the Jeep with the naked me leading the way. I got a couple of funny looks from people arriving but, as usual, I just ignored them.

The part of the car park that the Jeep was parked was quite full, and therefore quite quiet and Harry was the first to say that he was going to fuck me in front of the Jeep and there was virtually no chance of us being seen.

Will fucked me first with me bending over and putting my hands on the Jeep for support. Harry went second fucking me in a similar position, but Luke decided to pick me up and lower me down onto his cock. My arms were around his neck and his hands were on my butt lifting and lowering me.

Each of them kept going until they’d cum and I added 3 more orgasms to my count. I don’t think that anyone else saw or heard us.

We drove up the coast for quite a while before finding another beach. This one was much bigger and better sand and more people on it.

We parked the Jeep and it was Harry’s turn to put sunblock on me. Again, I was stood beside the Jeep as he rubbed it all over me. He too paid a lot more attention to my nipples and pussy than he needed to and he too made me cum. That was 10 I said to myself when I got my senses back.

As we walked to the beach I thought that there was every chance that I’d reach the 15.

As well as the better sand and bigger beach, I could see a few naked people.

“So guys, there’s nothing stopping you from getting naked here.” I said.

The guys wanted to spread out in a relatively quiet part of the beach and I had visions of them fucking me on the beach as we walked along. We finally stopped near what looked like some sand dunes and I again wondered if they would fuck me in the dunes.

Once the towels were down I was pleased to see Luke drop his shorts leaving him as naked as I was. Both Harry and Will followed and as the lay down I had the mischievous thought of trying to get the guys to get boners while on the beach. I decided to leave it for a while to let them get as comfortable being naked as I was.

The 4 of us lay on our backs talking and soaking up the beautiful sun. I was in the middle of them and when Will said,

“Rub your pussy for us Em.”

“If I do you might get hard Will.”

“I’ll take that chance, I just want you to provide a bit of entertainment for the guys walking along the water’s edge.”

I got up on my elbows and saw that Will was right, there were people walking passed us, both ways. I did as I was told.

It was Will that turned over onto his stomach first and I said quite loudly,

“What’s the matter Will, are you getting a boner?”

“Do you want your butt spanking Emily?”

“You wouldn’t dare.”

“Are you sure about that Emily, naughty little girls often get their bare bottom spanked you know.”

“Not in England, it’s against the law.”

“But we’re not in England.”

I went quiet, I hadn’t had my bare bottom spanked for about 9 or 10 years since I threw a tantrum about daddy telling me to put on a longer skirt and after I refused he made me drop my knickers and he spanked me over his lap. It hurt but I remember getting a nice feeling in my pussy as he did it and I was wondering if that would happen again if 1 of these 3 spanked me; but I never imagined that they’d do that to me on a public beach with lots of people around.

“Spain might have similar laws.”

“Have you checked that? Besides, do you see any coppers anywhere?”

“I wonder if we could spank her while we’re fucking her?” Harry said.

“I thing that we should experiment with that guys,” Luke said, “but not here, it’s a bit too public. I’m sure that we’ll find a quiet bit of beach sometime in the next day or so.”

“Yeah, you’re right Luke,” Will replied. “probably a bit too public, but if you push us too far Emily I won’t care where we are, your butt will get red.”

“Yes Master.” I joked.

But I wasn’t done, I was getting bored just laying there with the occasional man looking up my legs to my naked pussy, even that was keeping me wet and a bit tingly, but I wanted more. I decided to get to my feet and look around, but before I did I looked down at Luke and Harry. Both were still on their backs with their limp cocks resting to the right of their balls. I compared their cocks, Harry’s was slightly longer, thinner and not circumcised. Luke’s was circumcised, a bit shorter but a bit fatter. From what I remembered Luke’s got bigger than Harry’s when it got hard.

After my appraisal of their cocks I told them that I was going for a walk. All I got from Harry was a little grunt, from Will nothing, and from Luke a quiet, “okay”.

I set off down the beach with my feet splashing in the water. I felt so free, so happy. I didn’t have a care in the world. Well that part isn’t quite true, I cared about people looking at me and seeing every little bit of me. My pussy tingled and my nipples ached every time I saw a man looking at me. I’d got my sunglasses on so I was able to watch them watching me without them knowing.

It must have been well over a hundred metres to the end of the beach and I walked the whole way. It was only when I turned and started to walk back that I considered the possibility that that end of the beach was for people who, stupidly, kept their swimsuits on. Okay I could see a few topless women but no naked people, apart from little kids.

“Fuck it.” I thought, “I don’t care, I’m happy.”

I smiled to myself and slowly kept walking. I got to the part where we’d come on to the beach, where the car park was, and I was feeling brave so I turned and walked up to the track to the car park. As I walked along the track there were some people just arriving and they were staring at me.

My pussy tingled some more as I smiled at them and said,

“Buenas tardes.” as we got close.

When I first saw them I heard 1 of the women say,

“Look at that little girl, maybe we’ve come to the wrong beach.”

So I knew that they were English and I don’t know why I greeted them in Spanish but I did. I also stopped thinking about it because behind them were a group of 4 young men, also English.

“Nice tits.” One of them said.

“Nice pussy.” Another said.

“You’re going the wrong way little girl, come and play with us.” The third said.

The fourth waited until they had passed me then said,

“Cute little butt.”

Part of me wanted to turn and go with them and see how far they’d go with me, but I was there with the guys and I just knew that it wouldn’t be long before they’d all fuck me again. My pussy tingled as I wondered if they’d fuck 2 or even all 3 of my holes all at the same time.

“I’ve just got to get them to do that to me.” I though as I felt my juices ooze out of me.

Anyway, I got to the car park and looked around. It was a dusty car park with hardly anyone there so I turned and walked back to the beach and headed back to the guys.

They were all in the same position as when I’d left them so I went and stood literally over Luke’s head. When he opened his eyes and looked up he got an eyeful of my wet pussy.

When he did I watched his cock twitch then start getting hard.

“Is that for me Luke?” I asked.

Luke got to his feet, grabbed me and carried me into the water. Guess what he did to me when we got about waist deep.

Needless to say that Harry and Will wanted their turn and I’d added 2 more orgasms to my count for the day. Two because I came when Luke fucked me but Will was next and I hadn’t cum by the time that he did. He pulled out of me without making me cum. But Harry did.

We messed about in the water for a while with the 3 guys picking me up and throwing me towards one of the others, It was a bit like I was a beach ball that they were throwing to each other. The only problem that it was tiring for me so after a while I swam away from them.

I watched as the guys got out of the water and went and put their shorts on. I guessed that we were leaving so I swam ashore.

“Come on Emily.” Will said, “time to leave.”

We walked back to the Jeep and got in. Luke was still driving and he took us further north to an area that had lots of hotels and quite a few people walking about.

It was only when Luke asked if anyone was hungry that I remembered that I was still naked and I wondered what it would be like to live in Ibiza permanently and to become permanently nude. That idea appealed to me but I didn’t have the money to even realistically consider it.

Luke stopped the Jeep near a little cafe and the 3 guys jumped out.

“Come on Emily.” Harry said.

“But I’m naked, do you think that the people here could cope with a naked young woman?” I asked.

Luke looked around then replied,

“This place certainly isn’t San Antonio, maybe you’re right Emily. Hang on a minute.”

Luke went to the lock box and got out something for me to wear, a G-string and a bralette that has material, but is very see-through. I got out and put them on, not caring if anyone saw me.

“Well at least no one can accuse me of not wearing anything.” I said as I pulled up the G-string so that the string disappeared between my lips.

Harry patted my pussy and said just one word - “Nice.”

We went into the cafe and had a nice meal with Harry and Will drinking beer, and Luke and me drinking cola. We were all thirsty and had 3 rounds of drinks before we left.

The waiting staff didn’t seem at all bothered about my attire, even when I leaned back in the chair so that my slit was visible when they brought us some more drinks.

Back at the Jeep I automatically took the bra and G-string off, and gave them to Luke, before getting in. As Luke was putting them in the lock box I reminded all the guys that there was a more revealing G-string in my bag.

“Oh yes,” Luke said, “next time Emily, next time.”

We went south, then east and after a while we found another beach. On the way, Harry was in the back alongside me and he told me to put my feet up on the 2 seats in front and to play with my pussy but not to make myself cum.

Probably because of the amount of sex and orgasms that I’d had that day, it wasn’t long before I was ready to cum.

“Please can I cum?” I asked.

I was a bit surprised when all 3 said “No” almost as one, but I’d promised to do as they told me and I fought to hold the orgasm.

I’d never really tried to stop an orgasm arriving and it was hard. I was clenching my pussy muscles and pressing down hard on my pussy with my hand.

“Please?” I pleaded.

The 3 guys were almost laughing at me and Will said,

“Maybe we should have a day with Emily orgasm free?”

“That could be fun, what do you think Emily?” Will asked.

“Noooooooo, please let me cum?”

“No Emily, you hold it until we tell you to cum, and keep rubbing.”

“Noooooooo.” I said again, but kept rubbing – slowly.

I was in a bit of a state by the time that Luke parked the Jeep at the entrance to a rocky little beach.

“Get out Emily,” Will said, I’m going to put some more sunblock on you.”

“Please can I cum now?”

“No, not yet.”

I got out and thankfully, Will didn’t say anything when I stopped rubbing my pussy. However, he did rub sunblock all over me, and I mean ALL over me. When he rubbed it on my tits he pulled and tweaked my nipples and I nearly orgasmed. Just when I thought that he was going to rub some on my pussy he said,

“Don’t you dare cum Emily.”

Then he did rub the sunblock on my pussy, and he finger fucked me a couple of times. How I didn’t cum right there and the I will never know but I didn’t. I was clenching my pussy muscles so hard that he really had to push go get his fingers in me.

“Wow,” Will said, “fucking makes you tighter Emily.”

I didn’t tell him what the real cause was.

Anyway, they led me down onto the beach, well stones. I didn’t really fancy laying on that beach and I was grateful that they led me along the rocks to a nice, sandy, little cove. There was only one couple there, a young man and a girl who was topless. They looked at us as we arrived and Harry and Luke spread our towels only a couple of metres from them. The cove was that small that we couldn’t get any further away from them.

Will told me to stand in front of the 3 of them and they lay down looking up at me.

“Spread your legs Emily,” Will said.

I did, quite wide.

“You can cum now Emily.” Will continued.

I didn’t even look over to see if the other couple were watching as my right hand went to my pussy and touched my clit. That was all it took and my 13th orgasm of the day exploded out of me. It was so intense that I had trouble staying on my feet and my vagina produced some white, creamy liquid and shot it out of me, just missing the towel in front of me.

When I got my wits about me again, I was still on my feet and feeling very satisfied. I looked at the guys, then the other couple and saw that they were staring at me. I didn’t care.

“Can 1 of you fuck me please, I need to feel a cock inside me.”

Luke got to his feet and dropped his shorts. His cock sprang out and wobbled about as he got back on his back.

“Can I just sit on it please?”

“Yes slut.”

I knelt either side of him and lowered myself onto him. As I bottomed out I sighed and said,

“Thank you, I need this.”

As I just sat there the guys started talking to each other. I wasn’t concentrating on what they were saying but I think it was about what we were going to do that night. I was actually concentrating on 2 things, firstly feeling good, and secondly on the other couple who were doing almost the same as Luke and I were. The difference being that the girl was going up and down and grinding her butt into the guys thighs.

I wasn’t moving but I felt Luke’s cock twitch, then the wonderful feeling of a man cumming inside me. I stayed still, just enjoying everything.

After while I heard Harry say,

“My turn Emily, get off Luke and get on this.”

I looked down at Harry’s body and saw that he’d got naked and his cock was pointing towards the blue sky. Will was naked too and he was slowly wanking. I smiled to myself at the knowledge of what my body was doing to them.

“Sure.” I said, then squeezed my pussy muscles to grip Luke’s cock before releasing him and standing up. I lifted 1 leg over him then went down on my knees and lowered myself onto his cock.

Harry too was happy for me to just sit there and he too didn’t take long to twitch then cum in side me.

“Thank you Harry.” I said as I squeezed my pussy muscles then stood up.

I didn’t wait for Will to tell me that it was his turn, I just stepped over him and lowered myself onto him. Will wasn’t content for me to just sit there and he started raising and lowering his hips. I just sat there waiting for him to cum. And he did, then he said,

“You could have helped.”

“You didn’t need my help, you came all on your own.”

Will didn’t reply, and when he started to go soft I rose up and walked into the sea.

They didn’t follow me and I put 2 finger in my vagina and tried to hold it open so that their cum would escape from me. I have no idea how much did or didn’t escape, and when the guys didn’t join me I walked out of the water and collapsed on the towel space next to Luke.

I was happy and very relaxed and before I knew it I was fast asleep.

When I woke up Luke had rolled me onto my side with my back to him and his cock was pounding in and out of my vagina. I must have been having a sexy dream because I quickly had my 14th orgasm of the day, then went back to sleep.

“Come on sleepy head, wake up.” Was the first words that I heard, then “It’s spreadie and photo time.”


“Wake up Emily.”

The next thing that I knew was that someone was lifting me up then carrying me. I was very awake a split second after my body was deposited in the sea.

“You awake now girl?” Harry asked.

“Sure, what was that about photos?”

“We thought that it was about time we took some photos and sent 2 of them to your ex.”

“Good idea.” I replied.

Luke had already got all the guy’s phone, and mine out, and was waiting for Harry and me to get back. After about 20 photos had been taken, some with 2 of the guys holding me up by my tits and pussy, they started on the spreadies. It was then that the other couple on the beach came over to us, they were as naked as we were.

“Would you like one of us to take some photos of all of you?” the girl asked.

Luke replied,

“That’s great, thank you, then maybe one of us could take some of you 2 together.”

“Oh yes, I hadn’t thought of that.” The girl replied.

We started with the tame ones, even though we were all totally naked. Then Luke asked the girl,

“Would you mind taking some of all 3 of us guys holding Emily in a spreadie?”

“A spreadie, what’s that?”

“With her legs open.”

“Of yes, yes, of course.”

The guys immediately lifted me up and spread my legs and the girl took 2 or 3 shots on each of our 4 phones. Just when I thought it was all over the girl said,

“Hang on, 1 more phone.”

I wasn’t sure but I think that she was taking some photos of us with her phone, but I didn’t care.

“There you go, something to bring back memories for you.”

Luke took our phones off her and she started to turn to go back to her man when Luke continued,

“How about some of you and your friend?”

“Err yes, thank you, Ben, get over here.”

Ben got up and I saw that he had a boner. He seemed a little embarrassed as he tried to hide it as he walked over.

“Nice.” I said.

After that we all tried to ignore the boner as Luke directed the couple to stand next to each other while he took some photos on the girl’s phone. Then Luke said,

“How about a spreadie with your friend and me holding you?”

The girl grinned and replied,

“Yes please.”

Will was the first to get to the girl and he and the guy lifted the girl up and spread her legs. Everyone got to see all of her bald, wet pussy with her big clit clearly sticking out from behind its hood. Will and Harry started getting hard.

“Do you mind if we take some using our phones?” Luke asked.

The guy opened his mouth and he looked like he was going to say ‘no’, but the girl got in first,

“Sure, why not, and maybe you could take some with both us girls spread wide?”

What followed was a sort of photographer’s orgy of taking soft porn photographs, the images of 4 hard cocks and 2 very wet pussies got recorded on all 6 phones and from lots of angles.

When the clicking finally stopped we split into the 2 groups, us girls having 4 hard-ons to relieve. I gave Luke a blowjob while relieving Harry and Will with my hands.

I saw that the other girl was on her back with her legs over by her shoulders with the man pounding into her pussy.

Will came first, then Harry then Luke who shot his load down my throat.

I had some male cum to wash off my arms and back so I went for a swim. Luke joined me and helped me rub it off whilst he asked me if I was okay.

“Yeah, sure, I’ve never had so much fun, why?”

“Well I guess that you must look like a bit of a slut to anyone who sees us.”

“Hmm, I guess that I do, but fuck it, I don’t know anyone here and I’ve never had so much fun so bring it on.”

“So all this fucking and making you cum isn’t too much for you?”

“Fuck no, I might be a tiny girl but I’m full of energy and enthusiasm.”

Luke pulled me to him and gave me a long passionate kiss which I responded to.

“What was that for?” I asked.

“Because I think that you are a truly amazing young woman.”

“Thank you Luke, you’re not so bad yourself.”

When we got back to the towels I saw that Will had hold of my phone.

“Who are Oliver and Jack Emily?” Will asked.

“They’re my apartmentmates, why?”

“Oops, I’ve just sent a couple of very telling photos to them.”

“Oh shit, Now I really do have a lot of explaining to do when I get back home. Did you send them to my ex as well?”

“Yep, and I added the text,

‘you must be a complete dickhead, Emily is amazing’

I smiled in agreement and the thought crossed my mind that even if he hadn’t gone all crazy on me I wouldn’t be enjoying myself as much with him as I was right then. I decided to worry about Oliver and Jack on the way home.

Shortly after that I realised that the sun was starting to go down, the guys noticed as well so we packed up and made our way back to the Jeep, We were closely followed by the other couple and we waved to them as we drove away.

It was dark by the time that we got to the main road over the island to San Antonio. Dark but still incredibly warm.

Luke pulled the Jeep into the car hire place, telling us that he’d arranged to leave it there each night and when we got our things out of the lock box Luke gave me the dress that the guys had packed for me the G-string and bra that I’d worn that morning to put on.

As we walked along the corridor to our rooms Harry said,

“Ready to go out in 30 minutes guys.”

Luke replied,

“In that case I’m showering in Emily’s room, it will save time.”

I was in the shower when Luke stepped in and we had a quickie as we soaped each other. I say a quickie but Luke easily managed to make me have my 15th orgasm of the day. I then dropped to my knees and sucked him until he covered my face in his cum.

I looked up at him, used my tongues and fingers to get as much of it into my mouth with me still looking up at him. Then I smiled, opened my mouth to show him, swallowed then opened my mouth again. He lifted me to my feet then gave me another passionate kiss.

I was starting to think that he liked me.

“What are you 2 up to in there?” I heard Harry say from my room.

“Just having a long fuck.” Luke replied even though he was towelling himself dry. As he walked out I heard him continues, “Have you ever timed a girl in the bathroom mate, they take forever.”

I quickly ran my razor over my pubes, rinsed then got out and dried myself. As I brushed my hair I shouted,

“Do you want me in pigtails again guys?”

“No,” Harry shouted back.

One minute later I was walking out of the bathroom and asking the now 3 of them what they wanted me to wear.

Will picked up 1 of my new, net dresses that covers as much as a mini dress but hides absolutely nothing.

“Good choice.” I said as I slipped it over my head and pulled it down.

“Right, let’s go to where ever it is that you are taking me.” I said, slipping my feet into a pair of heels.

I felt totally naked (probably looked it from close-up), and nice, as I walked out of the hotel and along the street to where all the nightlife is, with 3 much taller young men around me.

I was pleasantly surprised when they led me to Chinese restaurant instead of 1 of the cafes. We had a fantastic meal with none of them touching me or telling me to masturbate or some other sexual act. What they did do was to thank me for an awesome day and promised to try to repeat it again the next day.

On the way back to the hotel they reminded me that they had the Jeep for 4 days and 3 nights and they reminded me that I had promised to do whatever they wanted for the whole time. Then Harry told me that Will would be spending the night in my bed.

I guessed the rest then replied,

“So your going to better that tripling of the 5 orgasms that I’d had when we talked about it this morning Will?”

“I certainly am, I hope that you’ve got plenty of energy Emily.” Will said.

“Bring it on buster.”

We did better the 15, by 1, before Will fell asleep on me. I guessed that he was as tired as I was.
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