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I've been a beasty boy all my life.Sometimes it got me in trouble
The humid air hit me in the face as I quietly slipped out my back door. The full moon let the stairs down the deck,perhaps having alot to do with the overwhelming urge to take this risk. Then again lust is lust and rarely needs any logic. I wondered for a second if the light helped or hindered my chances but never slowed my pace. I struck out the quarter mile or so to my destination......

I had never heard him called anything besides " that ole hellhound" by anyone at the junkyard. His doghouse was way down in the back corner of the yard,up against the corrugated fence. As luck would have it I needed a part off a car ,that was close to the reach of his chain,one hot afternoon. I had brought my toolbox and knowing it could be a long day I had tossed a bacon sandwich and bottled water in the box. This turned out to be a smart move.

As I got close to the car the hellhound lunged toward me. I stopped outside what I believed was his limit with the sandwich held oit as a peace offering. He was 2 feet past me when he turned around and sniffed. He looked at me for a second then his eyes lit up and his tail wagged as he took it from my hand.

He looked like a mix of Rottweiler and Pitbull,his shoulders almost even with my waist. He wasn't well fed but was still pure muscle. I softly said " You like bacon huh?" and his ears perked up I said "Bacon" again and he wagged his tail and wiggled like a puppy. I scratched behind his ear and he sat down as I headed over to the donor car. I was crawling around for who knows how long breaking bolts loose and fighting with the jack when I felt something poke at my butt. I turn and he's sniffing my butt and wagging that tail. He grabbed me around my waist and stated humping my hip. I said "Go lay down,Bacon" and he made a grumbling noise and did. I few more busted knuckles and I had my parts and headed up to pay. I never gave it any thought while I worked on my car until dark. As I was sitting there that evening it came creeping into my head.

........I walked down the tracks behind the junk yard towards the hole in the fence behind Bacons house. I had tried to be silent but he must have heard me because he was waiting at the opening with his nose in the air,sniffing. It had been a few years since my last K9 encounter and I wasn't ready as I unbuttoned my jeans. Before I had them to my knees his nose was buried in my ass,snuffling,pushing,nearly knocking me down. I hit my knees as he aggressively started licking me,nipping me a little with his teeth. As the thought I may have made a mistake took form his weight fell onto my back and his claws dug into my hips. Too late now. He walked his way forward on me and covered me as his sharp cock jabbed my all around my butt and back of my legs. He was the biggest dog I had ever tried this with and he slung me around where he wanted me,I was trying to reach back to help guide him into me when he found it on his own. Usually a dogs cock is thin when he gets it in but his was already thicker than an average mans cock when it poked in a couple inches and back out to quickly slide in deeper,his slobber coating the outside of my ass and his precum already lubing me inside. 3 pumps later I was gasping because he was deeper than I expected and still getting into a rythm. I have always been pretty quiet during sex,especially this kind,but I was clenching my teeth to keep from crying out.

His paws squeezed me tighter as he gained speed and strength and I hung my head,the world disolving into nothing but that pounding,the jolts in my belly and my ass seeming to be on fire with a wet heat. I was making a low barely audible moaning sound and he was growling and making noises I'd never heard anything make before.I feared he may actually be a hellhound for a split second until he fucked all rational thought out of me. This was already the best fuck of my life one minute into the whole thing. I was mixed with pure ecstacy and growing fear at the same time but it didn't matter because he wasn't stopping for anything at this point. He yanked my hips up higher and pushed my shoulders and head down with his head and hammered a little deeper,his drool running down my neck. I lost all track of time. It could have been 3 minutes or 3 hours that I was shaken like a rag doll and bored like a race motor. I rarely cum from anal sex but felt like I was on the edge for minutes before a hot hunk of meat began slapping against my ass. It felt like being punched and I realized his knot hadn't even entered me yet.He sunk it into me a little a few times,stretching me further and sending jolts of pain through me. Then he slid off my back.

I thought it was over until his tongue forced its way into me. It felt like he was fucking me with his snout as he dug deeper into my now tender ass,nipping and slurping. He bit a little too hard and I jerked away. He must have thought I was running because he was back on me in a flash,this time his front paws over my shoulders pulling me back. He hit the mark full speed and I yelped as this time his full length slammed deep against my guts. He had shrunk a little but quickly thickened back up inside me,his knot just small enough to pop in and out of me taking my breath. He pulled almost all the way out and back in until his balls slapped mine so fast I couldn't catch my breath. I think he pounded a new depth in me because suddenly my legs tingled to my toes and my butt was spasming around his steaming meat as he pushed deeper a few more pumps. His next stroke out pulled my ass along with him.Then back to that white hot spot he created in me. His knot was in and not coming out again. Instead of standing still and cumming like most other dogs he kept fucking in shorter strokes rubbing the knot back and forth in me and jerking then shoving me along with his cock.

The short powerful lunges continued until his knot swelled too big to move at all and I felt his heartbeat in one rythm while his cock throbbed to a different beat. Each squirt felt like it doubled in size between throbs. I was already soaked down my legs as he stated filling me with cum. It was much hotter than the precum. I couldn't stand anymore and I came hard enough it almost hurt my cock pumping each spurt onto the ground. His chest rumbled as his cock reacted to my tightening muscles and he throbbed even harder. His chin pulled tight into the crook of my neck and held me locked into his unrelenting breeding. I don't know how long it went on or how many times we took turns making each other spasm and pulse but when he finally slid off me I looked and his cock looked like 9 inches of water bottle with a softball at the back. And this after he pulled out. He growled as he cleaned me to his content,I stayed in a heap and let him. Then he walked up and nuzzled me,wagging his tail. It took me a long time to get to my feet and pull up my pants. He sat there with a huge doggy grin as I did. It took an hour for me to stumble home.

I leaked doggy cum all the next day.

He bred me at least once a month until winter made it too cold and when sprig came he was gone. I hope wherever he went he and his new owner made each other happy. I'd have loved to see him fuck a girl.


2023-05-21 14:14:27
Loved it, I'm envious!


2022-09-06 04:57:42
This story made me so incredibly hard and wanting!


2022-04-21 14:56:10
I love getting fucked and tied to my dog had to cum while reading the story


2021-01-18 15:46:22


2019-11-05 18:46:41
now this is something i would like to try. Just think that the dog needs to be big as i am a size queen. The idea of a softball on the end of a water bottle sized cock makes me weak in the knees.

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