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Part 2 introduces John to his future role and he learns what he must do. And must learn how to do it
Part 2

John found himself standing on the dirt street. Looking around he felt anxious. Even though he had read every relevant blog, watched all the top stream channels, and read the wikis it wasn't the same. It was real. Simple, real, and unbelievable. He could put the question of reality aside as amazing graphics in all of the streaming channels. He was here. The smell of the forest and the call of birds. The dry heat coming from the hard dirt. It was all real. He looked back to find the door he stepped through gone. He was just here. Other than the obvious task of getting to town there was no purpose.

He heard footsteps coming up behind him. Looking back he could see a hand cart coming towards him. Stepping to the side of the road he waited for the cart. Many blogs recorded players first contacts. They seemed tuned to the player somehow. The common thread seemed to be a single person coming down the road that turned out to be ideally suited for the player. For some it was a helpless and beautiful elf or human woman. For some it was a strong and noble barbarian man. Others who played as an elf were almost always met by a beastkin trader coming to pick them up and deliver them to their first owner.

The cart was still a few minutes away. John checked his inventory. This was always different for each player. But the overall trade value was the same. He had on simple cloth pants, hardy sandals, and a deer skin shirt. Each item was only worth a copper or two each. He had 5 copper and 2 silver in his pocket. Enough to probably buy decent shelter and food for a week he thought. Players could always convert real world currency to game currency since most every player didn't have the desire to earn it in game.

He could now see a young male elf, maybe 20 or so, pulling the cart. Inside was a rather unremarkable looking man. He had rich clothes though. The man called a halt just before reaching John. "Good morning. And who might you be?" This was the moment to choose your name. It was well known that your name, handle, screen name, whatever was made when anyone answered that question for the first time.

He drew a blank. Many used crazy names. Not thinking that they would have to actually say them out loud quite often. This wasn't a basic computer game with everyone's name floating above their name. You would have to actually say for example, "My name is Rich Big Dick, Slutty Bailey, or Slut XXX." Gets old fast if you want to interact with others in The World. But still a lot of people did it. Well mostly. "I'm John. I just arrived"

"Well met John. Would you like a ride? I'm sure my mule could pull us both the last mile or so." John looked at the elf and saw no real expression to his added hardship, only resignation and sweat. "Thank you. That would be a great help. '' He climbed in and sat next to the man. The elf began pulling them at a noticeably slower pace. John just relaxed and sat back. The man didn't seem to want to talk much right now. They both sat in silence and watched the town approach.

Soon they were stalled in the long line of people wanting to enter the city. The gate was small and the walls were tall. There were a lot of elves and humans waiting in the line. John noticed a few wolf kin in the line. There were 4 that kept a close eye on a group of a dozen or so elves. Most were young elven girls in simple underwear. Every few minutes they would have to push back a few over eager, and clearly new, players from grabbing at the elf girls. They were very tempting. Each and everyone was amazing to view. Long graceful legs, full breasts, and tight bodies on each and every one. They were clearly spoken for though. Their guards weren't allowing anyone to touch them. But they didn't stop several men, players obviously, from standing close and jerking off as they ogled the girls. Newbs he thought. If they could wait to get in there were many willing women and men.

Even still john was hard as a rock while they waited in line. After about 20 mins he could see the guards at the gate. Everyone entered The World with enough cash to get into the city. It was the one common theme. One silver to pass through the gates. But still many choose other options. That is why the line took as long as it did. The wolf kin entered quickly after paying a silver per head and fending off wandering hands from the guards.

There were only a few left ahead of them. John watched as a guard stepped to the side with a human woman. Standing a few feet of the road the guard watched as she stripped down. He watched as she untied the guard pants and pulled out his cock. She began to quickly attack him with her mouth. John watched as she tried to buy her entry. He knew most women, or those playing them at least, could get in by selling themselves. As he watched, the guard pushed her over to a stump. She bent over and happily presented her ass. John had a momentary view of a body built in the perfect abilities of a digital world. Firm and full ass cheeks framed a bare pussy. Red and swollen with need she clearly needed to be satisfied. Then his view was blocked as the guard got behind her and roughly fucked her. It was purely transactional. Either she didn't want to pay for the entry with actual currency or she, like many, got off on being used. The line slowly advanced as he watched. After a bit the guard finished with her. After spending himself in the woman he pulled her around. After sucking the guard clean she was pushed into the gatehouse naked, cum dribbling down her thighs, and holding her clothes.

It was their turn. The one guard had just regained his post as he laced up his pants. His partner smirked at him. "Best posting yet wouldn't you say?" The partner only grunted in affirmation and looked at John and his mysterious traveling associate. "What's your business in the city?", they were asked. Before John could answer the man next to him cut him off quickly. "I'm here to inquire about the status of my own investments. And I intend they stay my own". As he finished his brisk statement he flipped a gold coin to the guard. Clearly this one would rather be paid in coin than in cheap pussy as he deftly snatched it out of the air before his younger partner could notice.

NPC characters could be a toss up. Some were upstanding citizens of Nueva Industria while others only wished to take advantage of the willing bodies. They passed through the gate house and entered the city. "Thank you for the ride and entry. You can drop me off here. I wouldn't want to be an imposition" The older man looked at him and called a stop. "Why are you here?" he asked. "Well I'm not really sure. I'm just here to enjoy myself I guess", John answered. "And how long have you been here so far?" "Maybe an hour", John answered with an unsure tone. "I thought as much. I'd like to offer you employment as a teacher for my, shall we say investment."

John thought about it for a moment and asked the only logical question, "why me?". "You will know soon enough. It will not always be easy but I assure you it will be worth it in time." John didn't say anything for a moment. It was worth considering. The economy of The World was mostly supplemented by players exchanging real world currency for coin. The exchange was rough but when all most wanted to do is fuck or be fucked by anything that moves it was the only practical method for them. Eventually people may settle down and stop propping up the economy of The World.

"How would I be paid?" The man took a moment to answer, looking off into the distance. It seemed to be something he hadn't considered his response to. "You will be paid 1 gold per week as well as have full use of all those within my household to further your own goals. In return I will expect you to grow the power of my household. You will also commit 5 years to my service."

"How am I supposed to expand the power of your house?"

"That is for you to determine."

Despite the ambiguity john didn't think he had nothing to lose. It was a long contract time but he could always make another character to get around it, maybe.

An interface window appeared in his vision with an accompanying chime.

You have been offered employment to work at The Sphinx.

Responsibilities: Increase the power, influence, and or reach of The Sphinx.

Restrictions: Loss of reputation of The Sphinx due to your actions may terminate your contract.

Reward: 1 gold per week with a promise of personal advancement.

Accept, yes or no?

John thought about it for a moment and verbally accepted the contract. "Good choice. You may call me Pharoah. I have been searching for a way to regain much of the prestige my little group had earned over the last 30 years. Unfortunately those who usually made use of my products and services have been overly tempted by all of the newcomers to our city. Your kind have been bad for business."

As the man had been speaking John kept his eyes on the crowds. The gatehouse had opened into a large area where large groups could muster. Besides the guards there had to be dozens of players. Most were probably new. There were couples and groups of three engaged in some sort of sex act all over the courtyard. There were benches running along the inside of the wall. Several overly designed women sat on them, naked of course.

There were several rumours about how the city maintained itself. For example the courtyard was clean and fresh even with what had to be hundreds of people leaving every manner of bodily fluid behind. The supposed history and introduction to the city alluded to magical abilities being present in those of very high status but no player had verified that as of yet. But it made the most sense. A lot of players just put it down to a trick of programming. While in theory that made sense John didn't believe that. Everything in The World interacted physically according to the laws of physics just as you would expect.

The cart continued through the courtyard and began working through the streets into the city. The crowds quickly starting becoming more normal. The few blocks just inside the main entrance were pretty nice. Upscale inns separated by several nice storefronts and most wore typical medieval attire. More than a few were still running around in underwear. By some unwritten rule or common courtesy the father into the city you were the more normal people acted. The guards at the inner city certainly wouldn't let you in unless you looked like you belonged there.

A few mins later they were stalled at a smaller inner courtyard that was packed with merchant stalls and mostly NPCs walking around doing their daily tasks. "Normally I wouldn't recommend any form of transportation other than a very stout horse through the historic areas. To prove his point John guessed, he began to yell at any vendor in ear shot. Pharaoh made an effort to buy at least something from every near by vendor with minimum haggling. After perhaps 20 minutes they were through and their cart was weighed down with all sorts of random food, clothing, blankets, even a leather breastplate. Once through the market square they were able to continue without molestation. Soon they returned west in front if the main gatehouse to the inner city. While the area was still nice there was a clear drop of real estate value as they moved away from the main promenade. The elf, now clearly exhausted, stopped at the corner just before the west gate of the inner city.

The elf placed a small step box next to the cart and Pharoah stepped out. He was clearly reflecting on his return. John wasn't sure what to expect but it was almost anticlimactic. The facade was made of clean stone, maybe granite. It wasn't grand but it was noticeably cleaner and in better repair than its neighbors. It was a location that didn't draw undue attention. Nor did it make anyone uncomfortable to enter.

After a contemplative pause John followed his new boss into the building. They entered a comfortably appointed reception area with several well cushioned couches and chairs. On either side was a slightly larger room with a cozy cocktail lounge appeal. But the real sight was directly in front.

Standing under a double sided curved stairway were an even dozen examples of fantasy. On the left end stood two young elf women. Both demure specimens of submissive beauty. Long golden hair fell down their back. Each wore short and classy dresses. They had their hair pulled back in a simple ponytail. The stood with hands behind them, eyes down, and feet slightly apart. Next to them stood two elven men. Both dressed identical in pants and simple shirt and all in earth tones. One large human man stood in the middle of the five. He was a tall specimen of physical perfection. He only wore a rawhide vest over an extremely refined upper body and loose pants that couldn't hide the power of legs either. He had a fierce look of power but somehow didn't display any authority. John could imagine him standing calmly, punching a hole in a stone wall on command, and being at peace the next second.

The last two were surprising. One was a human girl, just coming into her prime. She was clearly shy and unsure of her role. Next to her was the biggest surprise. Next to her, seemingly making, was a cat girl.

The beast kin race was a largely unknown one. Many players had seen and posted about the wolf kin. No one had really interacted with them except in a violent manner when overstepping around their charges. They were the warrior caste for all intents and purposes. They were unplayable and while there had been rumours and NPC conversations no one had definitely seen any cats or centaurs. The cats were suppose to be high end domestic house servants for the very wealthy and connected in the inner city. The centaurs, it was guessed, were the governing body of the collective beast kin and were probably only ever seen by royalty in an official capacity.

The cat girl was the, well the cutest thing he'd ever seen. It has short tan hair of various shades across its body. It has a distinctly human physique over all. Small cat ears, a tale, and feline nose rounded out the appearance. While many had talked about the beast kin as a strong attraction for those with furry or beast interests, I only wanted to cuddle and protect the little cat girl.

Pharaoh spoke after a few mins, letting me take in the sight. "Its a small inventory but it's what you have to begin with. The Sphinx was once the most prominent and well known brothel in the World. Well at least in those parts of it that mattered. Once you travelers began arriving our entire society began to change. Customers started going elsewhere because why would they pay when you and all your perfectly sculpted kin gave it all away for free at the merest suggestion. I finally had to close when I lost all royal patronage. After a long pity party in the country I decided to not go out without a fight. You will have access to any of my resources and inventory. How you earn royal patronage again is up to you."

Quest update: Pharaoh has updated his quest completion requirement to require royal attendance once again at the Sphinx.

I read through the prompt unsurprised. I should have seen a twist like this. "When do you want to open for business?" Pharaoh told he would wait one month for me to get everything in order. Seemed fair to me even though I had no idea where to start. He continued, "I will leave you to get acquainted with them and begin the preparations. I will go check on my estate in the city and begin calling on old friends to learn where things stand.

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2019-10-10 02:38:28
I'm also enjoying the story. This is a great and creative idea!


2019-10-06 14:45:35
Good so far, even if i really do not like the bi parts. Hope you make a great story out of this (so far i would even read this with nearly no sex because i like this game setting).

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