Fantasy, Anal, Bi-sexual, Blowjob, Consensual Sex, Erotica, First Time, Group Sex, Hardcore, Interracial, Males / Females, Masturbation, Oral Sex, Toys, Wife, Written by women
I got a divorce a few years ago and I am reinventing myself.
I had come a long way since my vanilla marriage that ended over a year ago now. I found a group of military men that had been meeting all my needs for a while. I had sex with all of them at once a while ago and it was one of the more amazing experiences of my life. For sure the most amazing sexual experience I had ever had, up until then.
One day my girlfriend asked me if I would come to lunch with her so she could talk. It sounded like something, but I couldn’t tell if it was good or bad news. We ended up going to a sandwich place that had a balcony. It was nice and relaxing.
“Hey Trish.” I said as I stood up and hugged her.
“Hey Sara.” She said hugging me tightly.
We exchanged pleasantries for a while and ordered our food. After not to long the waiter came back over and Trish ordered a margarita.
“Is it bad news?” I asked her
She looked at me surprised and said, “Oh, um…… no.” She looked into my eyes for a second and then looked down at the table.
“Is everything ok?” I asked as I laid my hand on top of hers.
She bit the inside corner of her cheek and just stared at our hands touching each other. I wasn’t sure what to think about this at all. I feared that she was lying to me and something was wrong.
“You know how you told me about you and, um….. those guys?” she said looking at me and looking away very quickly.
“The military guys?” I said smiling a bit.
“Sure, why.” I said not knowing where she was going with this.
“Well……” She paused as the waiter brought her margarita and walked away. She grabbed the glass and drank half of it all at once. “I told Tom. I’m so sorry Sara. I didn’t mean too but I was drinking and trying to dirty talk with him and it just came out.” She was rambling so fast it was like she was in a race with herself to finish her own sentences.
“Well, what did he say?” I asked her very curious. I did not care that he knew at all which was a weird feeling, but the intense need to know how he felt about it was amazing. There was a part of me that wanted him to be turned on by it, so I was on the edge of my seat for her reply.
She looked up at me with the saddest and most confused eyes I had ever seen. “You’re not mad?” she asked bringing her other hand on top of mine.
“No Trish, I’m not mad. But I do want to know what he said.” I told her smiling and cocking my head to the side as you do when you are telling a child they are doing something cute or sweet.
“Well, he said it was hot. Um, his words exactly were, that’s fucking hot. And……” She trailed off picking up her glass and downing the rest of it. As she drank, I had a small party with my subconscious about being called hot. “He said, That’s fucking hot. Do you want to do that?” She said once again racing threw her sentences.
I was a bit surprised but now I understood why she was so anxious. “Wow! So, what did you say?”
“I said yes, but with another couple.” She said looking at me.
“Look at you Trish. Good for you.” I told her very excited that she was getting to try something new. The only fun that I think she had was going over to her friend Stacy’s house from time to time for drinks. That is only so exciting, and Stacy has a son that comes over after college sometimes that is just, weird.
“Thanks Sara.” She said as she was holding my hands tightly. It looked like a huge weight was lifted off her shoulders. She was once again the flowy Broadway-esq Trish that I remember. That could be because she was not holding anything back, or because her margarita had been made correctly and she had devoured it already.
“So, what now?” I asked very interested to see what the next step was.
“Well he told me to find a couple and he was down.” She said very quickly as she raised her shoulders and eyebrows.
“Where do you go to find a couple for something like that?” I asked laughing, as I waved to the waiter.
When the waiter showed up Trish looked at me and said, “Will you have a margarita with me?”
I smiled, looked at the handsome waiter and said, “Looks like 2 margaritas please.” He just nodded his head and walked away.
“Well Sara, that is the other reason that I asked you to come out with me.” She gave me a very cute little sheepish grin as she popped her shoulders up and down. She looked so uncomfortable and so sweet at the same time.
“Oh goodness. Should I wait for my margarita before you tell me the rest.” I said pretending to be scared.
“Sure, and you are not going to have to wait long.” She reached her arm out and the waiter handed her drink. I was not sure how the drinks were coming out so fast, but I was grateful there would be no suspense.
“So, what is it Trish?” I said as soon as the waiter went away.
She took a big swallow of her drink and looked me directly in the eyes and said, “Will you do it with us?”
“Me?” I was surprised right away but most of all I think that I was flattered. She could have picked anyone and any couple but out of everyone in the world she wanted me.
I had not been with a woman before, but the last few chapters of my life made me realize that just because you haven’t done something does not mean that you will not like it, so I was open to the idea.
“But you need a couple.” I said.
“So yeah. Um. I was wondering if you could get one of your military boys and you two pretend to be a couple?” She said as a question.
“Trish, I am 15 years older than them. You don’t think that’s gonna be weird, us saying were a couple?” I asked in amazement.
“Uhg. I don’t know Sara, but you are the only person that I trust with this.” She said almost whining.
“I guess I could gussy it up and try to look younger, and maybe put Mike in a suit or something.” I said sounding more inconvenienced than I meant too.
“Mike?! Which one is that?” She asked on the edge of her seat.
Trish was one of the girls that made me prove to her that I had done a 4 way, so she had a bit of a background on my military men.
“He is the one that did all the talking and hit on me first in the bar.” I said
“Is that the one with the big thingy?” She asked way more excited than I had ever seen her.
“No that’s Rob. He got PCS’ed.” I said.
“PC what?” She looked at me as if I had said something horrible.
“Oh sorry, um, that just means that he went to another military post for a while.” I explained.
“UGH, ok fine. Mike it is.” She said giving away that she really wanted me to bring Rob.
Over a few more drinks we made plans and ironed out the ins and outs of it all. (Pun intended.) We were going to meet up at their house for dinner and some drinks next weekend. I told her that we would bring our drinks since they were going to make us the dinner. I already knew that Mike drank 7 and 7, as did I, so that was already taken care of.
I called Mike that night and didn’t have to do much asking, seeing as when I call, he is always willing. I did have to do a surprising amount of comforting him that Tom was not going to make a move on him. Younger men are always scared of what they don’t know. I for sure did not tell Mike that I would have loved to watch him, and another guy go at it. I have always wanted to see it, but Mike would run for the hills I think, if I told him that.
The week had taken forever, but it was finally over. Trish had texted me hundreds of times making sure that we were still good and explaining more and more about what she wanted. It was always after 7 or 8 pm so I figured that she had been drunk every night just so she was comfortable enough to talk about it. I was getting more and more comfortable talking about sex and all types of things now a days and didn’t need alcohol anymore. It was freeing and I loved who I was now.
Mike showed up in his Chevy Z-71 4 door. It was silver and had no doubt been cleaned inside and out for me. I wish he was older because I would have considered dating him. He was dashing in his suit, (that I asked him to wear.) He was always clean shaven with a tight haircut seeing his profession. That is a plus when it comes to being with military men. You always know they will be clean cut.
He couldn’t help but try to come up with a game plan as we drove to Trish and Tom’s house.
“So, what’s the deal? How are we going to do this?” He said as if he was getting a mission plan.
“I don’t know. Other than my ex-husband you and your friends are my only other sexual experiences, so this is new to me too.” I said as nice as I could say it.
“Maybe we eat dinner and flirt a little. And. Yeah, that’s it. We will flirt a little and maybe I can touch her leg or something under the table. Can you do that sort of thing with the other guy?” He said truly sounded like he was coming up with a battle plan that would be executed.
“Mike, we don’t have to seduce them. They must seduce us. Remember, they are the ones that want this, so let them run the show.” I said a little more matter of fact.
You could tell that he had never been in this situation before because his face started to go through a variety of contortions. He had always been the chaser not the chased.
“They want this for their marriage, so all we have to do is be there and act normal and eventually they will make a move on us.” I said to him making it sound like I was a genius at this. I didn’t see the need to tell him the reason I was saying this was because that is what Trish told me she wanted. Just let him think I have all the answers.
“Ok yeah, yeah. I gotcha Sara. Nice. So, we just be a couple and then they will come to us.” He said as if him repeating what I said would make it more valid, or sound like his own plan. Young guys are hilarious, but they are panning out to be useful.
We didn’t talk for the rest of the way to their house. I was very excited so sitting in my thoughts was quite nice. As we got there, Mike told me to stay in the truck and he would come around. I let him, of course.
I gave him seductive eyes as I said, “thank you sir.”
He laughed and said, “Sir. Ha. That’s rich.”
As we walked up to the front door, I caught a glimpse of myself and was quite pleased. I had my hair up in a formal bun to make sure to show off my neck. I had a dark red spaghetti strap dress that was low cut in the front so that you could see my cleavage. I was showing as much of the girls as I could. And the back was open all the way down to my lower back. I could feel Mikes warm hand on my back as we walked up the steps. Once we got to the top of the steps, I saw my legs covered in my black sheer thigh highs and my red and back pumps. I think I was advertising myself very well for the activity I was here for.
Trish and Tom opened the door standing side by side. He was tall with broad shoulders and was wearing a sport coat and jeans with some brown leather shoes. His skin was dark, and his hair was black. If there was a perfect example of ‘Tall Dark and Handsome’ he stood before me now. Trish was wearing a dark green strapless evening gown that had a slit up to her upper thigh allowing us both to see her bare leg with black peep toe pumps that pushed her up to at least 6 feet tall or taller. For Trish to wear a heel of any kind was a big deal, because she was self-conscious about being taller than all her friends. I guess this just shows us that she means business. She was taller but she was gorgeous and seeing that Tom was still at least 3 or 4 inches taller than her they made for a very sexy and might I say a little bit intimidating couple.
Introductions went around and before long Tom took Mike for a whiskey and left Trish and I together in the living room.
“Oh my god I can’t believe we are doing this!” Trish whisper yelled to me. “Mike is fucking hot Sara!” she said as she turned and looked toward the kitchen.
Well Tom is pretty fucking hot too you know.” I said as now both of us were ogling the man meat in the kitchen.
They were, well, bro-ing out is the best way to put it. Low laughter and exchanging stories looking like they were buds already. A lot of shoulder patting and fist bumping. I only imagine that they were bragging about what we were going to do tonight as Mike lied and told Tom that we were dating. Lie away Mike, it will all be worth it soon.
There were no conversations worth mentioning through the evening or at dinner. We had Chicken parmesan over pasta with seasoned bread and a salad. It was very nice and taste amazing. I was impressed to hear that Tom cooked it all.
“Just leave the dishes and come in the kitchen. We have a dessert wine that we are excited about.” He said as he stood up and got behind Trish’s chair to help her up.
Mike followed suit and helped me with my chair, and we all walked to the kitchen. The kitchen was large with an island in the middle. We all gathered on the same side of the island and Tom got out the skinny dessert wine glasses and a small cheesecake. Everyone got a piece and a glass and Tom said, “Shall we.” As he raised his fork with some cheesecake on it.
All at the same time we took a bike of cheesecake and chased it down with a sweet dark dessert wine. It was pared perfectly together. I was given just the right amount of time to eat my piece and was sipping on my wine when I felt hands wrap around my waist and a kiss on my neck.
“MMmmmm” I let out not even meaning too.
I leaned my head into his as he kissed me and his hands explored my stomach. I opened my eyes to see what Trish and Tom were doing and to my surprise Trish had her tongue down Mikes throat and Mike had two tight handfuls of Trish’s ass pulling her into him.
I pushed my hips back into Tom as I wrapped my arms around and grabbed his pockets and pulled him into me. I was met with a strong, thick, surprise. Either Tom saw fit to bring a Maglite in his pocket or he was the most well-endowed man I had ever felt. His cock seemed to stretch on forever. I just moved my hips up and down his length.
His hands were very large and strong. I had my eyes closed and my head back on his chest as his hands explored my body on top and underneath my clothes. He let his teeth touch my skin as he was kissing my neck and shoulder. I could feel his breath on my skin and wanted it everywhere.
I opened my eyes to turn around and embrace this strong man and I saw that Trish and Mike were still in a lip lock, but Mike’s pants had fallen to the ground and Trish was stroking his length. Mike’s hand and forearm was inside the convenient slit in her dress and was working vigorously.
As I turned, I was surprised at how tall he was when we stood this close. He was at least a foot taller than me. Both his hands went deep into my hair and without hesitation he leaned down and pressed his full lips into mine as our saliva traded places on our tongues. I ran my hands under his shirt and felt his back, that seemed a mile long. I felt his muscles and they were moving under my hand as I explored. He was so strong. I could barely reach his shoulders as I continued my soft assault on his skin.
It would take me hours to explore every inch on this man, but we didn’t have time for that. There was one place I needed to feel right away. I moved my hands down his back and around to his front. You could feel his abs and his, um, (well I have always called them the) damn sexy muscles. You know the ones that come around their sides and pretty much point at their cock. I breathed up at him as my hands ran down his body and my fingers touched his belt line.
“Oooooh.” I whimpered, as I was lifted onto the kitchen island. He lifted me like I was a 10-pound weight. My anticipation of holding that cock was going to continue to build because I was being placed where he wanted me.
His giant hand pushed against my chest laying me down on my back. He hiked up my dress, no doubt now staring directly at my sex. My own little secret to everyone was that I didn’t wear panties. I always feel so dirty in all the right ways when I go commando. He ran his hands along my legs. I am not sure why touching my legs with stockings on is more arousing but it sure is. It seems to tickle in all the right ways, and I couldn’t get enough of it.
As he made sure to touch every part of my lower body, I opened my eyes and looked to the side to find Mike leaning against the counter and Trish’s arms wrapped around his midsection. You could hear that she was giving him quite the wet blowjob, and it seemed Mike was enjoying it because he had a tight hold on the counter and his head was to the ceiling.
I reached over and grabbed Trish’s arm and I felt her husband suck on my pussy all at once. His assault was strong and precise. His tongue went inside me, and his mouth enveloped my entire pussy as it was pulled into his mouth. I had never had that done before and fuck was it an exciting feeling. I breathed deep and loud enough for him to hear. His tongue explored me deeper than any tongue had gone before. The tongue was a pretty powerful instrument when used correctly. His was long when it needed to be and flat and firm when it was supposed to.
I felt Trish grasp my forearm so that we were arm in arm now as we explored or were explored by our men. Tom released his suction on my pussy, and everything tingled for a second and blood was relocated. I felt both his hands on either side of me and spread me wide open and his lips landed directly on my clit. His accuracy was, to say the least, impressive. It was like I was guiding him myself. He sucked on her softly as he pressed his rough tongue around in circles.
“MMMMMMfffffffff” I let out as he was just holding me in a state of extasy. His hands still on my hips half holding me open, and half holding me down.
Occasionally he would flick his tongue up and down for a few strokes causing my hips to buck around. He laughed threw his nose and said, “Yeah that’s it.” In that low and husky voice of his. I wish I had a recording of his voice saying sexy things, that I could listen to in bed. I wouldn’t get much sleep, but it would assist in other ways.
I felt the thin straps on my dress being pulled around my shoulders and down. I opened my eyes to see Trish looking down at me. She was standing and bent over the island with most of her dress up on her back and shoulders. She looked like a lion with a green mane. It was a weird thought, but I just went with it seeing how wonderful I felt.
Her body was being bucked forward at a slow pace. Her head would move just after her shoulders because of the relaxed way she was standing. All the while her mane was dancing above her head. She was stunning as she stood there powerful and vulnerable at the same time. Her eyes closed now as she enjoyed another man’s cock for the first time in her marriage. I reached up and put my hands on her face as I watched her get slowly fucked.
She opened her eyes a bit surprised and then smiled down at me. I had never kissed a woman, up to that point, but I was pretty sure that if you had a feeling as deep and passionate as what I was feeling right then, you don’t argue with it. I pulled her face down to me and our lips touched. He skin was so soft, and her lips were like silk. Our lips and tongue started dancing together like we had rehearsed it. Our minds were in sync and our mouths were playing like they had known each other for years.
I felt her hands on my breast. She was cool and soft. This was exotic in its own right because most men were rough and warm, so I had gotten used to one feeling which made this very exciting. With Tom on my pussy like a man on a mission and Trish touching me so soft, I did not know how this was not a more sought-after experience. This was the first time I had been with men and women and it would not be the last.
I was lost in it all when I felt Trish start to squeeze my breasts and drop her body weight down on me. I felt her body shaking and moving back and forth, and that was when I remembered that Mike was still there fucking her from behind. I guess he was doing everything right because this beautiful woman was orgasming as she lay on me. I could feel her convulsions and tensing her body responding to Mike.
Ohhhh Shit.” My wavering voice said without my prompting.
I am not sure if I could build my orgasm through Trish’s or if Tom had waited until now to have the perfect pressure on everything that he was in charge of but here it came in a wave that was not going to stop. That pressure I felt in my pussy that pushed out through my stomach and made my chest warm. My whole body was tight and shaking.
“So Hot.” I heard a whisper in my ear.
I didn’t know I had done it but somewhere in my orgasm I had reached up and pulled Trish down onto me again and was holding her as I came. She pressed her lips into mine once again as I continued to tingle all over.
Trish had gotten off me somehow and I didn’t even realize it. I only knew because I felt a large hand behind my neck and when I opened my eyes, I was staring at Tom over me. He pulled me up to a seated position right on the edge of the counter. My dress was lifted off of me, and I wrapped my arms around his strong neck. There was no fat on this man. He was toned on every inch of his body. Just a dark statue of a man that was chiseled to mimic Greek gods.
Our lips and tongue started to slide and play as our hands explored each other’s bodies. He was able to touch so much of me with only one of his hands which made me feel completely wrapped up when I felt both his hands and arms on me at once.
I wasted no time with my hands exploring what I had been denied earlier. I moved both my hands down his chest and over his damn sexy muscles and there it was. The Maglite that I had felt from earlier. It was thick and strong. It was fucking big! I grabbed his girth, one hand and then the other, and I felt as though I wasn’t even halfway up his shaft.
“Oh wow.” I breathed into his mouth.
“It’s all for you.” He said to me as he placed one hand on my ass and effortlessly pulled my body to the edge of the counter. As he did, I felt his member slide up my stomach and was pretty sure that I felt it touch my breasts.
“You might be too big.” I said to him opening my eyes. He stared down at me as his brown eyes seemed like they were looking into my soul.
“Then why don’t you run the show.” He said as he pulled me off the counter and against his body. We rotated around and with me in his arms, he walked across the room and sat down on the couch, with me straddling him.
As we came to a rest, I noticed that Mike was leaned back on the same couch and Trish was between his legs, with her head bobbing and her arms on his chest. You could hear their intimate embrace only by the slurping and sucking noises coming from Trish’s mouth. That mouth that had been on mine only a minute ago.
I had no time to reminisce, seeing that I had this impressive man between my legs and his even more impressive cock now bouncing underneath me. I started moving my hips forward and back not finding the end of this man, but lubricating every inch that I encountered. I looked down and his beautiful dark cock was glistening and laying on his stomach.
I placed a hand on his cock and pointed it up as I raised my hips. I realized that I was not going to be able to get this man inside me while I was crouching. When I was on my knees his cock almost came to my belly button, so I placed a foot on either side of him. With one hand on his cock, and another on his chest I lowered myself down until his helmet was pressing against my pussy lips. I started lowering myself, but it was just pressing his cock harder at my opening without going in. He was huge and I feared that I was not going to be able to take him.
I placed both my hands on his chest and looked him in the eyes and said, “Jesus Tom.”
In that amazing low voice, he just said, “Take your time baby.”
As more and more pressure was applied, I slowly felt myself start to give way. His tip was soft and wide, but I was pressing hard enough now that I could feel his rock-hard cock threw it. And then all at once the pressure I was applying down betrayed me.
His cock penetrated my opening and at least half of him thrusted into me.
“Ooooooohhhhhhhh!!!!” I cried out in more of a whimper than anything else.
“Damn baby. That’s tight.” He said as he placed his hands under my ass.
He started lifting me up and down which was good because at this point my legs were weak and I was scared to fall and take the rest of him. Slowly up and down I firmly held this man with my pussy. I had never felt this tight. I feared that if I took too much too fast, he could tear me in half.
My fears started to subside after a few seconds and pain changed to pleasure, as the muscles in my legs started to come back. I opened my eyes for the first time since I had been impaled and saw that Tom has staring at me with those dark sexy eyes. The look was one that you would imagine seeing on a king’s face as he watched his troops invade and he felt certain victory.
I derived some confidence from his intense stare, and I was now giving it back to him equally as intense. I started to take charge of my motions and was bouncing my ass up and down on his cock. The friction was intense inside of me. With every few pumps I would take an additional inch until I finally felt his pubic hair tickle me.
I slowed and raised to the very top feeling the head of his cock actually prevent me from pulling off of him. I leaned in so our faces were only inches apart and I slowly lowered myself down his entire cock for the first time.
As I reached the base, I felt a pressure inside me that was new. It felt like it was inside my stomach. His cock was pressing against my cervix.
I placed my lips on his and just breathed into his mouth as I started to grind my hips forward and back. I intended to kiss him but when I felt his length push against things that had never been touched and his skin on my clit there was a new plan. Everything inside my body started to build and heat up. My hips started to flick forward and back manipulating my clit on his pubic hair and his impressive member was snugly inside my pussy.
I grabbed his face with both my hands and locked my lips with his. His tongue played inside my mouth as I used his lower body for my own pleasure. He was still kissing me as I was whining and moaning into his mouth. I was shaking all over and the heat in my loins had turned to tingles that were stretching all over my body from my toes to my hair. I continued to shake and convulse on him for what seemed like minutes.
After the orgasm had subsided, I felt spent and limp and did not know if I had the energy for anything else. This was not going to be a problem because Tom was strong and motivated. He just stood up with me still wrapped around his cock. I placed my arms around his neck but really didn’t need too because he was holding me so effortlessly.
He walked to a bedroom and lay me down on my back. I realized only then that Trish and Mike had moved to the bedroom earlier without me knowing. They were laying on their sides fucking now beside me.
Tom stood tall and slowly thrusted in and out of me, holding my ankles high in the air. I could feel Trish’s soft hands touching my stomach and breasts. I allowed my hands to explore her body. Her skin was so soft, like velvet to the touch. I reached over with my other hand and cupped her breasts. They were small and firm, and her nipples felt like little beans pressing into my palms.
“Hnnnnnn” she let out as I rolled one of her nipples in my fingers.
I leaned over and kissed her breasts around her nipples. She grabbed my head and placed my mouth right on her nipple. I just started playing with my tongue and teeth all around it as I heard her breathing increase. She then grabbed my hand and place it on her pussy. I just embraced it all no matter how weird or different it felt and just started rubbing her clit fast with my fingertips.
Her body started to shake, and she was moaning loudly. I felt her hands wrap around my wrist tight and she started moving me, using my hand to masturbate herself to climax. I kept my fingers rigid and let her use me.
“Oooooh God!” I moaned as I felt Tom’s entire length go into me and his weight onto my body. I watched him lean over and deeply kiss his wife as she was in the throws of orgasm.
“Aaaahhhhhh.” She let out into his mouth.
He started thrusting his hips into me pressing the most amazing pressure into my stomach. My clit was pinned between us. I was completely full and watching this beautiful couple in the throws of love on, around, and in me. This has set a new bar to erotic. I was being fucked, by a man that was paying attention to another woman, that was being fucked, by another man. My life had taken so many unexpected turns, but however I ended up here I thanked God that it had happened.
“Your so fucking hot.” I heard that husky voice say. I didn’t dare open my eyes and see who he was talking too. It could have been me or Trish, I didn’t care.
As I felt this giant man’s impressive cock try to start a fire inside my body with the friction he was creating, I felt something new. There was soft skin all around me and all at once. I realized, only when I felt Tom vanish and Trish’s entire face buried into my pussy, that Trish had climbed on top of me.
The mixture of uncomfortable and aroused was a weird combination. Everything in your mind tells you no, and everything in your body tells you yes. I’m pretty sure R. Kelly taught me this.
I matched Trish’s motions one for one. If she sucked on my lips, I sucked on hers. If she pressed her tongue on my clit, I pressed mine on hers. When she fucked me with her tongue, I did the same. She tasted sweet. I don't know how to describe it, but it was nice.
After a few minutes of oral exploration, I felt something on my face. I opened my eyes to see the head of a cock. Mike’s hand was wrapped at the base and he was guiding it to me. I opened my mouth and his cock slid on my tongue as I closed my lips around him. His member felt full and tight as it slid on my tongue and I sucked as hard as I could.
All of a sudden, I felt Trish's warm amazing mouth leave my pussy, but it was quickly replaced my Tom's enormous member. He was no longer going easy on me. He without hesitation slid himself into me to the hilt.
"Ooooooohhhhh God!" I slurred onto Mikes cock feeling myself be filled.
I had Mikes cock sliding in and out of my mouth and Tom's giant member pumping into me deep. Right as I was thinking there was nothing better than that feeling, I felt Trish's arms wrap around me and start playing with my ass. The pressure was so unexpected but so wonderful. She was pushing in on my tight little hole and my ass was resisting. Then I felt a warm wet finger enter me. Without warning or needing permission my body started to convulse.
"Mmmmmmm." I whimpered around Mikes cock as everything in my body tightened.
My hips were bucking making me fuck Trish's finger, and at that moment Tom and Mike buried themselves into me. I was completely full and being held in place by Trish's soft body. I continued to have wave after wave of orgasm wash over me as I was struggling to keep all this cock inside me. The pressure on my belly was intense and my throat was going to start trying to kick Mike out before long.
After my body stopped shaking and the orgasm subsided, I felt empty. It was alarming because it was all at once. I wanted to cry out, to have these two men come back into me but I was without any words. I was spent and felt like I was on the most sought-after drug in the world. If there was a drug that could make you feel like this, I would buy all of it.
As I lay there with my eyes closed, I felt Trish's body move off of mine and the bed started to shake as everyone readjusted. Tom had lay back on the bed with his head up near the pillows. Mike was off the bed with his hand on his cock looking towards the bathroom. Trish must have gone in there because I did not see her anywhere as I lay on my back not wanting to move a muscle.
When she came out, she was holding something blue in her hands. It was large and didn't really make since the way it was shaped. It was obviously a dildo on the long portion but then it took a ninety degree angle and had a piece that was about the shape and size of a light bulb. It seemed to be lubed liberally on the long portion and Trish was stroking it and looking at me. She lay down beside me and I felt her press the toy into my pussy.
"Aaaahhhhh." I murmured into her ear.
I felt the bulb go into me very snug. Because of the neck of the toy being much thinner than the light bulb sized piece my pussy closed up around it. I looked down and although I shouldn't have been, I was quite surprised to see that I had a big blue cock sticking out from between my legs. It seemed Gigantic coming out of me, but honestly it was about the same size as Tom’s.
Trish climbed on top of me and I felt pressure inside my pussy as I realized what she was doing. She had actually slid the blue cock inside herself. I felt every motion that she was making inside of my pussy. Our lips locked in a passionate dance for a few seconds.
She pulled away and she placed her head beside mine and said, "Will you fuck me?" Her voice was small but passionate. She actually sounded like she was asking me and needed me to answer.
"mm nn" I agreed as I wrapped my arms around here and shook my head yes. I started to thrust my hips up and down into her.
"I want you to fuck my ass Sara." She said in a much stronger voice this time. Her eyes met mine as she leaned back and lifted off my blue cock. I watched Trish crawl onto the bed up towards her husband. Once she was on top of him, I saw her hand come between her legs and grip Tom's Giant cock at the base and line it up with her pussy.
I heard her moan as I watched his impressive length disappear inside of her. She canted her body to the side and reached towards Mike. Mike wasted no time getting a knee up on the bed and she pulled Mike to her mouth by his cock alone.
I got onto my knees on the bed as this blue cock bounced around between my legs. It was wagging back and forth as I walked on my knees towards these three people. As I got behind Trish I reached down and grabbed my cock and couldn't help stroking it a few times in just pure curiosity. It weirdly felt nice in my hands. You could feel all the artificial veins and bumps on its length. There has always been that weird unspoken curiosity of what it would be like to have my own.
After I got over the childish excitement of having my own dick, I placed both my hands on Trish's ass and spread her wide. Her rhythm slowed on Tom's cock. I raised my hips up high which aligned my cock right at her ass. I placed the slippery head on her tight little star and pressed my hips forward.
I could feel the pressure in my pussy as I was pushing in. It was a new sensation, but it was nice. I wanted to focus on it, but I could not take my eyes off of the blue cock pushing on Trish's ass. I watched as her little ass hole spread open and accepted it. I had never seen this angle before, and it was fucking hot. I pushed my hips in feeling the pressure inside my pussy.
"Oooooooh Fuuuuuuck!" Trish cried out. She was jerking Mike with her hand as her whole body was laying on Tom.
I stayed still for a while letting her ass get used to the new occupant. After a few seconds she started to push back on my blue member. I watched a once limp Trish come to life and take charge of this whole situation. She was snapping her hips forward and back vigorously. I watched her wrap her left arm around Mikes waist and start to suck his cock like it contained the antidote. She was like an animal trying to please herself and everyone around her.
I had never seen this in Trish before, but I fucking liked it. I was getting excited watching her take what she wanted. I was gaining motivation just being in the room with her. I felt somehow impowered and grabbed her hips. I started to thrust forward watching my blue cock disappear inside her. She slowed her rhythm letting me take charge of her ass. I pulled out far enough so that I could see the head start to come out, and then I reversed my motion pushing back in. I continued these long strokes making sure to press every inch into her.
I was unsure at first if I was going to be able to fuck like a man, but as I got into a pattern, I realized it was not hard at all. I felt powerful and went from not knowing if I could do it, to knowing that I liked it and wanted to fuck her harder.
I picked up my rhythm and started to hear my skin slap against hers. I was pulling her back into me and throwing my hips forward slamming into Trish.
"Oh fuck!" I heard Mike say. I looked up and saw that he was looking directly at me. We locked eyes as Mike was building up his orgasm. Our eye contact could have been described as intense and maybe out of place but something about it just felt right. I felt like he was cuming because of something I was doing. I looked directly into his eyes as I started to throw myself into Trish harder than ever.
Trish pulled him into her mouth. As he stroked the shaft of his cock, Trish sucked on his tip. It only took him a few second before he started to have quivers all over his body and his knees seemed to buck underneath him. He pulled out and just sat down on the floor. It was like Trish drained the life from him and he collapsed.
I had not let up on Trish at all, and she spun around and looked at me. For what seemed like the third or fourth time this evening she looked like an animal. Like a hot, sex craving animal. We shared some of the fiercest eye contact as Mike dripped from her mouth and off her chin.
I watched Tom's large arms wrap around Trish as I heard him breathing deep. "God Damn Girl!" he said loudly.
I looked up from Trish's ass and saw that Tom and Trish were both looking at me. Trish's mouth was wide open, and her eyes were starting to roll around in their sockets. As Trish began to cum, I realized that Tom had been talking to me. I made Tom cum from inside Trish, and now I was making Trish cum. Something inside of me was growing. Possibly confidence, possibly sexuality, but most definitely another orgasm.
The rubber on the shaft of this blue cock were rubbing against my clit, and the bulb was slamming around inside me. I felt pressure build and tingling explode from inside of me out to the furthest reaches of my body and I listened to Trish's orgasm soundtrack as I continued to cum.
Somewhere in the throws of my body convulsing yet again I had come out of Trish and now was laying on her back. I felt hands rubbing my body and I assumed they were Tom's but didn't open my eyes to see. The room was thick with the smell of passion and the sound or breathing.
I don't know how long we lay there but one by one we slid off each other and onto the bed.
After what seemed like a half hour I heard "I need a shower." Trish said. I just watched her get up and walk to the master bathroom doorway. "Anyone want to join me?" She said looking at all of us. I am pretty sure she didn't care who went in there with her just as long as someone did.
Tom stood up and said, "Yes please." While smiling at her. He lightly slapped her on the ass as he walked in.
My head was hanging off the bed so that I could see Mike. Upside down Mike but it was still Mike. "That was amazing." Mike said with very high eyebrows.
"Yes...... It was." I breathed at him.
After they got done in the shower Mike and I took their place. We washed each other without too many words, which was nice. A talkative Mike would have ruined a bit of the afterglow of this amazing event.
We both got dressed and went out into the living room. Tom was in his boxers and Trish was in yoga pants and a tank top. I stood there in my dress and was very jealous of their attire.
We exchanged pleasantries as we moved towards the door. The men shook hands as Trish, and I hugged. "See you tomorrow." Trish said to me with an excited look on her face.
Once we were in the truck and on the road Mike spoke. I guess his energy had come back. "So, you were pretty impressive with that thing."
I laughed through a smile and just said, "Thanks, I guess." I tried to say it with a bit of a question in my voice because I was still not sure how proud of myself, I should be. Although everything inside me was on top of the world about it.
"Maybe we can try something I have been curious about some day." He said just staring at the road.
"Well everything we have done together so far has been pretty awesome." I said touching his arm as I said it. "I am just going to say yes to whatever it is now." I laughed.
"Ok good." He said giving me a little quirky smile.
That was all we really said the rest of the way. He walked me to my door and gave me a hug before I closed it and he walked to his truck. I made sure that he drove off ok before walking into my bedroom and lifting my dress above my head and collapsing on the bed all in one fluid motion.