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Woodie and his wife Bendy join the household
Bendy Woods

Jim Woods was driving as fast as he could. This was his second week as a delivery driver and he was getting used to everything and finding his way round the routes. He was reasonably happy as this job gave him a lot more money, if he worked sixty hours a week.

Woodie had been a gardener. Had his own business. Summer was fine, plenty of work and hours but winter was dire. Eventually he could not rely on Bendy any more and so had taken this job.

He had to laugh when he found out he was replacing a man who had quit because he found a better paying job. Like walking up stairs, but Woodie never expected to get to the top.

This delivery was being a bit of a nightmare. An area he didn’t know, long road, a few entrances but he never yet saw any houses. They had to be rich to live here, that’s for sure.

One thing Woodie liked was the amount of trees and hedges and countryside out here, he wondered how many houses there were.

He pulled into an entrance and this was the right address, he still could not see the house but it must be here somewhere. He looked at the clock, he needed to get a move on.

The drive took him through a lot more woodland, he tutted as he saw how overgrown it all was. He would ask if they had a gardener but he could not quite think when he would be able to do the work. Typical.

The house was impressive and he could see the sea at the end of their garden. Seriously wealthy. He pulled up, took out the package and rang the doorbell.

Woodie dropped the package. The women who had opened the door was completely naked and good looking. Woodie’s brain lost the plot.

“Your undergrowth needs cutting back.”

The woman looked puzzled and then looked down at her sparse pubic hair.

Woodie broke into fits of giggles.

“Sorry, I used to be a gardener and that was on my mind as I drove in. I didn’t mean your em….”

“Pubic hair?” The woman smiled at him, enjoying his amusement.

Woodie still didn’t quite know what to say.

“I am sorry it must be a bit odd. We are hippies of a sort, naked and free love kind of thing.

Would you like to come in and discuss my undergrowth?”

“I would love to but I am running late as it is.”

“Well come back when you are finished.”

“My wife will want an explanation if I go out again.”

“Bring her with you, we are always happy to make love to someone new.”

Woodie picked up the package, got her to sign and said he would see what he could do.


Cyn walked back through the house to the summer room where everyone spent the most time. She handed the package to Rob who looked inside and passed it to Luke.

“Here you are Luke, three buttplugs in ascending side to stretch your arse for me.”

Luke was new to all this. He enjoyed being able to have sex with all the women but Robert wanting to bugger him was a bit beyond his range. He would just avoid it as best he could.

“The man who brought it said my undergrowth was overgrown.”

Robert looked at Cyn’s pubic hair and shook his head.

She smiled. “I thought the same thing but he actually did mean the undergrowth. He is a gardener so I asked him to come back later and we can discuss it. He might bring his wife.”

Everyone got interested. It was nice being free with everyone in the house but a change of personnel always freshened everyone’s libido.


Woodie had tried to explain to Bendy, but he didn’t seem to make much sense. In the end Bendy had a shower, put on a summer dress and a pair of panties and sandals. Woodie had a shower, tee shirt, shorts and his driving shoes and off they went.

Bendy still didn’t altogether understand what he was going on about. Gardening and free love, a fantastic house and sea views. She was willing to wait and see, she had been married to Woodie long enough to go with the flow.

Woodie drove into the grounds and Bendy began to understand part of his rambling. As the house came into view and she saw what Woodie had been talking about. This was amazing.

They stopped at the front door, there were no other cars visible but two gold buggy sort of things were at the end of the house.

Woodie knocked, not sure what to expect.

They both got a shock. The door opened and a man stood there naked in a nearly erect state. Bendy’s mouth opened but no words came.

“Hello, are you the gardener? Cyn told us you might be coming. Come in, delighted to see you both.”

Woodie felt that the man was more delighted to see Bendy, but he would see.

They stepped into the house and Woodie stopped, was he supposed to take his clothes off. Was there a protocol for this?

Bendy bumped into his back and pushed him forward.

She would let him sort out what was going on.

The man led them across a large hallway, Bendy liking the look of his ass as he went on ahead.

A woman came out to meet them. She was also naked.

She smiled at Woodie.

“Pleased to see you came back for my undergrowth. Come in and I will introduce the others to you.”

They walked into a garden room, which Woodie immediately loved, full of plants.

“Right now. I am Cyn, short for Cynthia, and this used to be my aunt’s house. This is Pamela who lives next door and here is Robert who you just met and Rosalind who is Ros. Pamela is Robert and Ros’s mother. Here is Lucy. Lucy was my ex husband’s mistress and this is her twin brother Luke. Lucy and Luke have moved down here to stay with us, a sort of open ended visit.”

Woodie and Bendy stared, looking around. All these people were naked. Woodie could not imagine standing naked in the same room as his mother or his sister. Bendy was admiring the bodies, She could see Cyn, Robert, Ros, Lucy and Luke were fit. She guessed they were runners. It didn’t immediately come to her to question the nakedness.

They all looked at Woodie and Bendy.

Woode looked blank, still trying to assimilate all the combinations.

“I am Bendy Woods, my proper name is Janet but everyone calls me Bendy, because I am very flexible. This silent man my husband James Woods, who is known to everyone as Woodie.”

Cyn offered them a seat. Robert cleared his throat, ready to make a speech.

“You seem to be at a disadvantage. You are still clothed.”

Woodie looked at his wife. Were they staying and joining in? Bendy solved the problem, standing up she removed her dress and pulled down her knickers, stepping out of her sandals. Woodie copied and had to display a fairly full erection to all these strangers,

Bendy noticed and smiled, her nipples were rock solid and she was tingly. They were both assimilating quite well she thought.

Cyn confused them.

“Woodie, if you want a job here, we would be happy to take you on as our gardener, probably here and next door as well.”

Woodie was delighted. Work here, Gardening. Oh yes.

“Bendy, how about you?”

“I would be delighted but what would I do?”

“I am sure we can keep you occupied,somehow.”

Woodie didn’t want this to be mucked up, so he decided to get everything sorted.

“Sorry to ask but how much will you pay me? I need to have a decent income.”

“Simply tell me how much I owe you each week, you used to have your own business? Charge me what you used to charge and do as many hours as you want. In fact if you wish to, you could move in here, we have plenty of space.”

Woodie smiled, not ready to believe this was real. He would see how it went.

Robert had been unusually quiet.

“Bendy would you demonstrate your flexibility please?”

Bendy stood and started to slide her legs apart, and she kept going until she was flat on the floor having done a perfect rendition of the splits.

Everyone watched and came to the same conclusion. This lady would likely be fabulous in bed, or anywhere else.

Cyn felt there had been enough discussion. She walked to Woodie, brought his legs round on the seat and pushed him onto his back. She bent lower and took him in her mouth until he was hard and then lowered herself onto him. He was shorter than Robert but a bit thicker.

“Ros why don’t you see what Woodie’s tongue can do?”

Ros moved and stepped over Woodies head, lowering herself down onto his face and adjusting until she could feel his tongue at the entrance of her vagina, and she lowered herself a little more so that Woodie’s tongue was closer.

Cyn didn’t move much, she played with Woodie’s balls and that was enough for him to wriggle to the benefit of Ros and her. Lucy watched and decided she would do the testicle massaging, taking over from Cyn, who then proceeded to raise and lower herself, getting the benefit of Woodie’s girth.

Robert suggested that Bendy could repeat her splits along the length of Robert’s body.

Pamela helped Bendy and soon she was impaled on Robert’s cock. Bendy then brought her legs round so that she was almost flat lying over Robert’s legs. Luke saw an opening and massaged her anus, inserting the smallest of the butt plugs Robert had given him.

Luke then stood in front of Bendy. Bendy stretched her hand and started to stroke his cock, bringing him closer to her face, until she could take him in her mouth. Luke’s momentum gave her enough movement to slide up and down Robert’s cock.

Pamela was now the only one not involved so she moved over to massaging then sucking Cyn’s breasts and nipples. The sounds Cyn started making suggested that the abuse of her breasts was simply the thing to push her over the top. Pamela kept going, tugging and slapping Cynthia's breasts, squeezing and pinching her nipples and finally bending to bite each nipple in turn. Cyntia responded by coming hard.


2019-10-30 03:35:18
good story!

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