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The brother and sister undercover cops have dinner at the Ellistons. They are in for one eye-opening evening.
Incestuous Harem's Passion

(An Incestuous Harem Story)

Chapter Fourteen: Teaching Incest to the Siblings

By mypenname3000

Copyright 2019

Note: Thanks to wrc264 for beta reading this!

April 10th, 2027 – Catherine Nicholson

My nerves had me trembling. Today was my first undercover assignment as a cop. I never thought it would be with my brother. But that was what made us perfect for this assignment. My hands smoothed down the skirt of the sundress. It seemed the perfect thing to wear. It was a nice Sunday afternoon.

“You can do this, Catherine,” I told myself as I stared at my reflection.

I snagged my purse and marched out of my room in the house the Sacramento Police Department had arranged for us to stay in. Right across the street from the target. I passed the surveillance equipment set up in the windows recording everything we could about the three houses across the street.

From the outside, they appeared as three different homes, but Clint owned all three of them.

I headed down the stairs where my brother awaited in a pair of blue jeans and a t-shirt. He was a fit and muscular guy, his hair buzzed into a flattop. He looked like he was in the military or a cop. I hope that wouldn't make the target suspicious.

“You ready?” he asked me.

“Yeah,” I said. “Let's do this.” I was as ready as I ever was. I had my cover story down, we were realty agents who had decided to buy the house as an investment. I hoped I didn't get pressed on the details.

At least I didn't have to fake the sibling part.

I snagged the bottle of wine we were bringing over to the dinner at the Ellistons. I still couldn't believe we were walking into our target's house already. We'd only moved in yesterday. Within an hour, Pam and Melody, Clint's wife and cousin-lover respectively, showed up to invite us for dinner. They were feeling us out and had been eager to get to know us when they learned we were siblings.

It was a short walk across the street. My stomach roiled with every step. I had to be calm. Act normal. Just going to have dinner at the neighbors. People did that stuff all the time. They weren't dangerous criminals.

Just degenerates.

Incest... How could any woman have sex with their brother?

My brother, Isaac, knocked hard on the door. “Remember to smile, Cat.”

I forced a smile that I didn't feel. The pressure in my stomach grew. Then footsteps rushed up. The door opened and Pam and Melody were there. The two were as different as could be. Pam was Japanese, her hair black silk that fell loose down to her shoulders. She had a petite build, shorter and skinnier than the blonde beside her. Melody was taller, her hazel eyes flicking over me. Scrutinizing me. Her smile grew.

“Catherine! Isaac!” Melody said and threw her arms around me to give me a hug, pressing the wine bottle between us. “So glad you could make it.”

She broke the hug and then Pam embraced me, full of warmth. After she broke it, she smiled and took the wine bottle from me. “We're all so excited to have you. It's nice to have some new blood in the neighborhood.”

“Yeah, we're a little excited, too,” my brother said.

I nodded. “We didn't expect to have such friendly neighbors. It's different.”

“Well, Clint likes to get to know our neighbors. Make sure things get along great on this block.” Pam said and then smiled as Clint Elliston strolled up.

He didn't look the same as he did on TV. This wasn't Clint looking smart in a suit. He wore jeans and a t-shirt, looking so normal. Not the monster who was advocating bigamy so he could marry his first cousin, who might be his half-sister, too. The man who thought incest should be legalized. That brothers and sisters should have sex with each other.

“Hi. I'm Clint.” He thrust his hand out at my brother.

“Isaac.” They shook, firm grips as they sized each other up. My brother stood tall, trying to be imposing.

Clint didn't seem bothered by it. Far, far too confident. We were in his power. He turned his gaze to me, a suave smile on his lips. His eyes flicked up and down me, appreciating my body. I stood tall and fit, my toned legs showed off by the dress.

“And aren't you just a beauty,” he said. “It's a pleasure to meet you, Catherine.” He took the wine bottle and glanced at the label, nodding in approval. “Come in, come in.”

And just like that, we were inside, passing into the living room where more women awaited. I knew them all from the briefing. The women of Clint's family. The ones he was all suspected of fucking. True incest with most of them.

“These are my sisters,” he said, motioning to the two of the younger among the waiting women. One was petite with glasses, wearing a pink dress. She looked young, like she was still in college, but I knew she was around my age, mid-twenties. “Alicia and Zoey.”

Zoey looked her age. She had a boldness about her, emphasized by her halter top showing off her large tits. “And my girlfriend, Stefani.”

“Soon to be wife,” said Stefani. “She finally got around to popping the question.”

“Congratulations,” I lied to the redhead. I had to fake this. Be normal. I couldn't act like I knew them.

“And my mom, Cheryl,” Clint said, motioning to the older woman with bleached blonde hair, “her sister, My Aunt Vicky, and my mother-in-law, Asuka Hiragawa.” The aunt had black hair and looked similar to her sister. And to her daughter, Melody. Asuka had darker skin than her daughter, Pam, but their resemblance was obvious. I wondered if they did things together. Incest things.

“And, lastly, my cousin. Lee.” Clint motioned to his other suspected half-sister. He had a child with her, too. She dressed in skinny jeans and a boob tube that clung to her round breasts.

“If you need <em>anything</em> just let me know,” Lee said. “I just want to make your night as amazing as possible.”

“Thanks,” I said, my nerves making me feel awkward. I supposed that was normal.

“We pawned off the kids on our neighbor so we won't have them running underfoot,” Clint said. He motioned for Isaac and the pair wandered off.

“Kids?” I asked.

“Yes,” Melody said. “They're getting so old. Clint has quite a few.”

“We're polygamous,” said Pam, taking my other arm and leading me into the living room. “So Clint's had more than his fair share of lovers. Plus, his sisters and our mothers have all had their own children. You know, liaisons that have just resulted in little miracles.”

Liaisons with Clint? Would they admit it? I had to be careful now. I couldn't entrap them into incest, but I had to be ready together anything so we could use it against them.


Isaac Nicholson

We stopped off in the kitchen where dinner was cooking. Clint set the wine bottle on the counter and then we headed outside onto the back porch. The three yards were connected. Children's toys abounded, from several play castles and a sandbox to dolls and balls and Tonka trucks. There was also a picnic table and several swing sets.

“So, you and your sister living together, huh?” Clint asked. The evening sun was warm on us. It was a pleasant feeling.

“Yeah,” I said. “We're reality agents. Seemed like a good investment. Good neighborhood.” I studied him, wondering where this was going.

“I get it,” he said. “There are advantages to living with family.” A smile spread across his lips. “She's cute. Your sister. I don't blame you at all for wanting to spend time with her.”

“What are you saying?” I asked, the tension squeezing around my heart. “I mean, I've seen you on TV, Clint. Right, that's you? The incest guy?”

“That's me.” He rolled his shoulders. “So you've heard me speak? Know what I'm about?”


“So I am the last person to judge you for moving in with your sister. Though, I'm a little surprised you're telling everyone that you're related. You could easily just let people think you're married. Less questions that way.”

“We're not like that.”

“I didn't say you were.” He glanced at me. “You're wondering, aren't you?”

“Wondering what?”

“Do I fuck my sisters.”

I whistled. “You're just upfront, aren't you. You always say no on TV, right?”

“I'm not about to admit to a felony.” He smiled at me. “You don't move in with your sister if you haven't thought about it even if you haven't done anything with her.”

Jesus, he was just going straight for it. “Naw, I've never thought about her like that. And I date. I have my share of women. Cat and I are just moving in together for the investment. You know, a partnership.”

“Right, right,” he said, a knowing smile on his lips.

“I'm serious. I don't think of my sister in that way.”

“You did, once, didn't you?” He gave me a knowing look. “When you were younger. A teenager. You noticed her growing up. Blossoming into a woman. How could you not with a cutie like that living under your roof with you.”

My cheeks warmed as memories rippled and roiled. Thoughts I hadn't had in a decade or longer, things I had suppressed from my youth, stirred through me. I was shocked by just how much I remembered. Catching her changing, that brief glimpse of her breasts. How she would wear sexier clothing as she matured. The way she changed from an awkward adolescence that I'd ignored into a sexy, young woman.

I'd forgotten all about those moments. How I used to think about things with my sister. Jerk off to her. I couldn't believe it. Now they were in my mind. Underneath my skin. I swallowed, my heart pumping wild blood through my veins.

“Yeah, you did.” Clint smiled. “It's natural. Every brother has that moment when he realizes his sisters are sexual beings. That they're not just those annoying girls he grew up with, but they're hotties. Hotties who get your dick hard.”

“We don't have to be talking about this,” I said, embarrassed. I should be getting him to talk about this, but...

I really had lusted for my sister when I was younger.

“You can have her,” Clint said, his voice a low promise. Seductive like a salesman promising you the world. “Sisters are the easiest. Especially little sisters. They want their brother. She wants you. It's in her. Just like you want her. Just like you thought about her growing up, she also thought about you. How could she not with a young man in her life exciting her body? As she's awakening to her body's new-found desires, she has a hot guy just in the bedroom beside hers.”

I swallowed.

“Isn't that right, Zoey,” Clint said. “Sisters want their brothers.”


Catherine Nicholson

I sat down on the couch between Pam and Melody. Cheryl and Vicky headed to the kitchen to work on dinner while Asuka, Alicia, and Lee settled down on other furniture in the living room. They were all focusing on me.

I swallowed, my cheeks warm from the scrutiny. I was being studied by the targets of the investigation. It should be the other way around. My mind reeled. They had talked about children. With Clint. What must that be like to have your brother's child? Weren't they afraid of birth defects? Recessive genes causing issues?

I had so many questions.

“I find it fascinating that you moved in with your brother,” said Asuka. The older woman had her legs crossed as she sat beside Alicia on the love seat facing us.

“I'd move in with mine,” Alicia said, smiling at me. “Just me and my big brother. It would be so exciting.”

“Yeah, she'd love it,” said Lee, a big grin on her lips. She sat cross-legged on the recliner. She squirmed like she couldn't sit still. “She always clung to Clint growing up. His little princess.”

“I still am his little princess,” Alicia said. “You get it, right, Catherine. Isaac's a handsome man. It must have been exciting growing up with him.”

“Well,” I said, swallowing. “I mean, I guess.”

“I do find it fascinating that you moved in with your brother,” Pam said. She put a hand on my knee. “I'm a psychologist. A counselor who specializes in family dynamics. I help women and those they're related to understand each other. Come together and get closer.”

“Oh, well, my brother and I get along fine,” I said, squirming between the two women.

“I'm sure you do,” Melody said, smiling at me. “I mean, you two bought a house together.”

“Moved in together,” added Pam. “You don't do that unless there's something there.”

“What?” I shook my head. “Of course there's not. We're just siblings.”

“Mmm, you sure?” Melody asked. “You grew up with him. You spent all that adolescent time with him as you matured. As you came into your sexuality. I mean, I fell in love with Clint. We're first cousins and grew up living next door to each other. He's practically my brother. I knew him so well. My first fantasies were of him.”

Alicia nodded in agreement.

“It's really, really not like that,” I said, squirming. They were coming broaching the subject of incest already. I wasn't ready for this sort of talk about my <em>brother</em>. We might be undercover cops, but we truly were related. We had grown up together. “It's just an investment. The house. That's it. I mean...”

“What?” Pam asked, leaning into me.

I had to be careful here. Let them bring certain things up. My heart pounded. “Nothing.”

“You want your brother,” Alicia said, a big grin on her girlish face. “That's it, isn't it?”

“No,” I protested.

“Yeah, you do. He's your big brother, right?” Alicia sighed, this dream look flitting across her face. “That's so sexy.”

I swallowed; she was so open. “Have you... No, no, I'm sorry. I shouldn't ask that.”

“Ask what? If Clint and I are lovers?” Alicia shuddered. “He took my virginity. He's my big brother.” She gave a wicked grin. “Sometimes, he's my daddy and I'm his little princess.”

I couldn't believe how open she was, just talking about incest with me. My heart sped up faster. And no one else reacted like this was shocking. They all knew. Every woman in this room besides myself was having sex with Clint, but only Alicia was provably incest. Her birth certificate clearly showed that she and Clint were brother and sister. First cousins, like Melody and Lee, weren't incest in California, but siblings were.

“I can help you and your brother accept your feelings for each other,” Pam said, her hand stroking my knee. “I sensed the attraction when we met yesterday. It's subtle. I doubt you're both truly aware of what is pulling you together.”

“It's why you wanted to buy a house and live with each other,” Melody added.

“Smart investment,” I muttered.

“How many times did you masturbate to Isaac when you were younger?” Pam asked, her eyes penetrating.

I swallowed as a rush of memories flooded through me. “A... few times.”


Zoey Elliston

I strode out onto the back porch, following the *********** Pam had come up with. I smiled at Isaac. He had this wild look in his eyes. He couldn't believe this conversation with Clint was happening. That my brother could even be bringing up these things to him.

Not so quickly. Isaac knew who Clint was. Knew what he advocated for. And here Isaac was, living with his sister, walking that line, aching to toe over into those incestuous depths himself. He just needed a push.

I loved giving pushes. I did it all the time at the massage parlor I owned with Stefani and the Campo sisters.

“That's right,” I told him. “Sisters think of their brothers <em>all</em> the time. Mmm, and we're just waiting for our brother to be strong. To show us that he's a man. Unless she's gay, she craves it deep inside of her. Every woman has that in her. That desire to submit. To surrender. How can we not when every time we make love to a man, we have to spread our legs and let him mount us? Take us. Slide into us. Sex for a woman is bound in surrender.

“Just like sex for a man is bound in domination.”

Clint seized a fistful of my hair. I shuddered as he marched me out to a picnic table, holding tight. He bent me over, thrusting my ass out at Isaac. I shuddered at the feel of the wood beneath me through my halter top. I wiggled my hips, my pussy on fire.

“He had to punish me when he found out I was hiding being a stripper,” I moaned.

“Jesus,” Isaac said. Shock throbbed in his voice. “You're just... Jesus.” And awe. A touch of respect. He wanted to do this to his sister. At some level, he wanted to bend her over and ram into her hard.

“Just do this to your sister,” I moaned as Clint reached around and unsnapped my jeans. He ripped them down my ass. “Bend her over the armrest of the couch. Your kitchen table. Hell, bend her over her own bed and show her that you're a man.”

Clint ripped down my panties next, exposing me utterly to Isaac.

“Show her that you're strong and that you love her,” I moaned as Clint's hands gripped my naked ass.

He pressed his face into my shaved twat. Before this near-stranger, he ate me out. He showed him how a brother had to treat his sister. My pussy clenched as his tongue fluttered up and down my folds. I could feel his eyes on us. And Stefani. My lover watched from the house, no doubt rubbing herself.

“Show her that you want to give her pleasure!” I groaned. “The way to any sister's heart is through eating her pussy like a man! Make her cum so hard she drowns you in pussy juices. Oh, my god, just like Clint's doing to me.”

He was. He stirred my pussy up. The incestuous rush of his tongue fluttering up and down my folds sent a wild surge through me. This heat swelled in my cunt, stirred up by his strokes. His fingers dug into my ass while his whiskered cheeks rubbed into my hot flesh.

He thrust his tongue into my pussy's depths. I groaned, my back arching. My nipples throbbed through my halter top. They drank in the texture of the wood beneath me. It was so incredible. My entire body shook. My cunt clenched. I groaned, shuddering from the wonderful delight rippling through my body as Clint feasted on me.

He licked me.

Lapped at me.

Loved me.

The pleasure surged through me. I groaned as he dug his tongue into my cunt. He thrust it in deep. He swirled it around. It was incredible. I groaned, my heart pounding in my chest. Blood rushed hot through my veins.

“You're just... Jesus,” Isaac groaned. “That's your sister.”

“I am his sister!” I moaned, staring at the shocked man watching. “And this is how my brother took control of me. He made me feel like a woman. He made me cum like no other. Not even my Stefani makes me cum like my brother!”

I loved the attention. I wasn't as much an exhibitionist as Melody, who'd happily go around naked and masturbating, but Isaac's watching awe built and built my orgasm. My brother devoured me. He licked me out with such hunger.

Such feverish licking and lapping.

His tongue plundered through me. He thrust it into my cunt. He swirled it around in my depths. My body shuddered. My pussy clung to his tongue. He stroked around in fast circles. He attacked. He gave me such delight.

He pleased me. My juices flowed. I gasped as his tongue brushed my pierced clit. He fluttered against that naughty ring through it as he licked up my tart delight. He battered it, flicking it up and down. It felt incredible.

“Oh, my god, I'm going to cum so hard on my brother's mouth, Isaac,” I moaned. “Just detonate. This is what you have to do to that cutie. Your sister! Make her cum. You eat out her pussy, and even if she marries someone else, she'll be sneaking off to have some incestuous delights with her big brother.”

“Jesus fucking Christ,” Isaac muttered.

“I know,” Clint growled between sucks. He nipped my pierced clit. “It's a treat having your sisters to play with. You're going to want it.”

“Yes!” I gasped. “Oh, my god, watch my brother make me cum!”

I was getting so close. I squirmed on the picnic table. My hips wiggled from side to side as my brother sucked and nibbled on my clit. He fluttered my piercing around with his tongue. The gold, threaded through my bud, stimulated my nerves from the inside.

My cunt clenched. My body bucked. I gasped and moaned. I couldn't take much more of this. His fingers gripped my ass. He massaged them as his sucking on my clit detonated little sparks inside of me. Little fireworks.

A tease of the main show.

“Oh, yes, yes, Clint!” I howled.

And came.

My pussy convulsed with wild spasms. The pleasure raced through my body. Waves of passion surged through my flesh and set alight every nerve I had. I gasped and moaned. I cried out my ecstatic rapture as my pussy juices gushed out.

“Oh, fuck, yes, Clint!” I moaned. “Are you watching, Isaac? This is what you have to do to your little sister. Eat out her cunt! She'll love you for it!”

“God, yes!” Clint moaned. He licked up from my clit and lapped up the juices gushing out. “Make your little sister cum, and you'll have her love forever. Incest is amazing.”

“The fucking best!” I howled, bucking through my pleasure.

The incestuous rapture surged through me. It spilled over me. Drowned me. It was the best delight to experience. I loved every moment of bucking and writhing and spasming on the table. The juices gushed out of me. A wild surge of my cunt cream that rushed out of me and had me reaching the pinnacle of heaven.

“And the best part of eating your sister to a screaming orgasm,” Clint said as he rose. His jeans rustled. Zipper rasped. “It's fucking her hard after she's done cumming. Just slamming your cock into her and firing your cum into her cunt.”

“Where it belongs!” I moaned. “Your jizz belongs in your little sister's pussy, Isaac!”

“This can't be really happening,” Isaac muttered. “I mean, you're just doing it.”

“I am,” Clint said. He pressed his cock right against my pussy. “The world says this is wrong. Illegal. That it's taboo. A sin. A crime against nature. But it's not. Incest with someone who consents, someone who loves you, is a beautiful thing.”

“We came from the same womb. Have the same father!” I shuddered. “We're so much alike, which is why we're made for each other. So are you and Catherine. Fuck her like this. Make her into your woman. Your slut. Your wife. It doesn't matter. Just claim her!”

Clint rammed his cock into my quivering depths, filling me up with his big cock.

“Love her!” I howled, savoring my brother's big dick in me. His balls smacked into my pierced clit. The impact sent a jolt of pleasure through me.

I squeezed around on him as he drew back. My pussy clung to him. His cock felt so amazing in me. That wonderful shaft filled me to the hilt. It was incredible to have Isaac watch us, to realize what he could be having with his sister.

This intimate connection. This union of their flesh.

My cunt clenched around on my brother's cock. I rotated my hips, stirring around his dick in my pussy. He pumped away at me. He plowed into me hard and fast. He buried deep into my cunt. His balls smacked into me. He thrust with fast strokes. Hard strokes.

My cunt squeezed around him. The pleasure was exquisite. He rammed his cock to the hilt in me. He plundered my cunt. I groaned, the silky delight surging me towards my orgasm. I would cum so hard on this cock.

Isaac would witness it.

“Mmm, that's it,” I groaned. “That's how you fuck your sister, Isaac. Do you see how my brother fucks me? He's not holding back. He's pounding my cunt! He's making me feel amazing.”

“Shit, I'm making <em>her</em> feel amazing?” Clint's hands stroked up my back, caressing me through my halter top. “I have her pussy wrapped around my cock. She's squeezing me. She's massaging me. Her incestuous depths are hungry for my seed.”

“You can breed your little sister. She'll love having your baby in her! I know I did! Once I got over being a stubborn idiot.”

“Holy shit,” Isaac groaned.

“Nothing like breeding your sister!” panted Clint, pumping away hard and fast at my snatch with that amazing cock of his. He buried to the hilt in me again and again. His balls smacked my pierced clit.

The pleasure surged through me. A wild bliss that would consume me. It would be incredible. I wanted it so badly. I squeezed around him, increasing the friction. I reveled in his hard strokes. The powerful way his cock plowed into me.



He pumped away hard at me. He plowed into me with power. With such wonderful delight. My hips wiggled from side to side. I savored how my cunt stirred around his thrusting cock. He filled me up. So big. So thick.

My orgasm swelled faster and faster. I hurtled towards it, ready to cum again. To milk my brother's seed into my pussy. I squeezed down around him. The increased friction made him gasp. Thrust forward harder. He pounded me.

“Yes, yes, yes, watch me cum on my brother's cock, Isaac!” I howled.

“This could be you!” Clint added, hammering me. “If you had the balls to claim your sister. She's ripe and ready.”

“Pluck her!” I howled and came.

My pussy convulsed around his thrusting cock. My cunt writhed. Spasmed. Celebrated his dick plundering into me. It was incredible. A pure delight to experience. I groaned as the waves of ecstasy washed through my body.

“Make your sister cum this fucking hard!” I howled, my cunt sucking at my brother's cock.

“Yes!” Clint pumped away hard and fast. “You'll love it. You want to do this to her. Trust me. This is where the pleasure is found. She's incredible. Amazing. Your cock is going to melt so fast. You'll be spurting into her depths. Giving her your seed. Fuck!”

Clint rammed into my convulsing depths and erupted.

His hot cum fired into me. That wonderful seed pumped into my twat. Spurt after spurt of incestuous passion poured into me. My pussy convulsed harder. Wilder. My cunt sucked at him. I savored every blast.

“Fuck your little sister!” I groaned.

“Breed her!” Clint grunted.

“Oh, fuck, yes! Do that!”

“Jesus,” groaned Isaac.

“I know!” Clint panted as he pumped more and more of his incestuous seed into my pussy.

My pussy milked him dry. I loved every wonderful moment of it. The pleasure surged to the pinnacle in me. I hit that amazing peak. I hovered there as my brother leaned over me, panting. I joined him as my pleasure died down to incestuous bliss.

“Isaac, she'll love you forever,” Clint moaned. “Trust me. Tame your little sister's pussy. It's why you moved in with her. You just need the courage to act. It'll be easier now that you know it's more than possible.”

“Mmm, yes,” I moaned, luxuriating in the afterglow of my incestuous orgasm.


Catherine Nicholson

The women talked to me about incest. They whispered how much I would love it if I was just open to it.

“Nothing like when he bends you over and fucks you from behind,” Lee said. “Just pounds you. Having a brother do that is amazing.”

“You're his cousin,” I said, my cheeks burning. My pussy on fire.

“Right, right,” I said. “I'm his <em>cousin</em>. That's it.” She winked at me.

“Mmm, we're just his cousins,” Melody said with a throaty purr. “The first time he ate me out had been incredible. I came so hard. I didn't care what anyone thought.”

“You and your brother will be alone in that house, Catherine,” Pam added, stroking me. “No one will know what happens in there. It'll just be the two of you getting naughty.”

“Oh, my god,” I said, so thirsty. “We should have opened that wine bottle.”

“Mmm, you don't need the courage to do this,” Pam said. “You just have to remember that not everyone in society will judge you for doing what comes naturally to a woman: loving her brother.”

“I mean... I wish it were that simple,” I said, confusion whipping through me. They were so blunt about this. The plan was for the Elliston's to try to seduce my brother and me into incest. They weren't supposed to remind me that I had masturbated to my brother as a teenager.

More than a few times.

“We'll be here to support you,” Pam said. “If you ever need anything, okay, Catherine?”

She squeezed my thigh.

“Okay, now that that's out of the way,” said Melody, “want to look at baby pictures?”

I smiled. “I would love to.”

She reached over and pulled out her iPad. She turned it on and swiped the screen. There was a picture of Melody and Pam holding their daughters together, both wrapped in swaddling cloth. They were clearly in the hospital. Both women looked tired and happy at the same time.

“Little Christie and Hikaru,” Melody said. “They're so adorable. Born only a few hours apart. They're almost ten. They grow up so fast.”

She swiped the screen to show the two babies sleeping by each other. They were sisters, both Clint's. She kept swiping through them, and all I could think about was that Melody and Clint <em>were</em> brother and sister. They all but confirmed that she and Lee were not his cousins. Which meant Clint's father had been having a relationship with his wife and her sister.

No wonder Vicky and her daughters had lived next door.

After smiling at the pictures of Hikaru and Christie as they grew up, from shots of them in the bath to them riding their first bikes with and without training wheels, Alicia bounded up with pictures of her twins. Aaron and Cassandra were Clint's children. With his sister. No doubts about it. The father on the birth certificate, the Canadian the two detectives working the case for the last six months couldn't find, didn't exist.

Lee showed off her Amber and Asuka her Reina. They were all beautiful children. Reina, now seven, looked like Pam in miniature. Japanese just like her, but with paler skin and the same shape to her face.

“Dinner,” announced Cheryl. Then she smiled. “Oh, baby pictures. You have to see my Clinton. He's such a proper, young man. Just like his father.”

She had two sons named Clinton, and I was fairly certain why.

“I'd love to,” I said.

My brother had a wild look as he came in from outside with Clint and Zoey. The trio looked flushed liked they'd been running around. I found myself seated across from him at the dinner table. I kept glancing at Isaac. He was such a handsome man.

Tall. That flattop gave him a soldierly look. In a police uniform, he was dashing. A few of my friends had asked me to set them up on dates with him, wanting to be romanced by my hunky brother. Tall and strong. A protector.

This was just an act. We weren't supposed to do anything together. Just get the Ellistons to incriminate themselves trying to show us incest was okay. That was it. I took a huge gulp of my wine, fighting off these feelings.

That was a mistake.

Dinner was a delicious roast, cooked to perfection by Clint's mom and aunt. He praised both women and they practically gushed over him. They were attentive, too, making sure he got the best portions and almost fawning over him. Not that he acted like he was spoiled, but he enjoyed it.

I was the only woman sitting at the crowded dinner table he wasn't fucking. And they all were fine with it, even his wife and mother-in-law. Asuka hadn't been shy about admitting that Reina was Clint's son with her.

The man must be insatiable to please so many women. To keep them all happy and smiling and chatting with each other.

My brother kept glancing at Zoey than at me. His cheeks red. He didn't speak much as he dug into the food. The conversation was full of the family sharing their inside jokes, laughing about things they all knew together while Pam kept trying to draw out more information about us.

“Are your parents still alive?” was one of her questions.

“Yeah,” I said. “They're divorced.”

My brother nodded.

“Oh, your poor mother.” Pam glanced at my brother. “Do you visit her?”

“Uh, not that often.”

“You should. A mother appreciates having her son in her life. Isn't that right... Mom?”

She hesitated for a second like she wanted to address her mother-in-law, Cheryl, as something else.

Clint's mother, her hair bleached blonde, nodded her head. “I'm so glad I have Clint in my life. It's made things so bearable since my husband passed away.”

“He was a good man,” Vicky said, her eyes falling down.

“You should see her,” Cheryl said, putting her hand on my brother's. “Cheer her up. I'm sure there are all sorts of things you can do for her.”

“And you, too,” Melody said to me. “Daughters can do things for their mothers, too.” She winked a hazel eye at me.

My cheeks burned. I knew Melody and Pam were lovers, they talked about it in interviews, but then I realized all the women at this table had had sex with each other, too. They crossed familial bonds. No wonder Clint kept his women satiated, they helped out.

And they wanted my brother and me to help out our mother.

“She doesn't live close by,” I said, swallowing.

“And your father?” Pam asked. “I mean, I know you have a close relationship with your brother, but sometimes that father/daughter bond is a special one, too.”

My eyes bulged. “He, uh, moved out when we were young. Our mother raised us.”

“Never too late to reconnect,” she said. “If that's something you and your brother want.”

My cheeks burned. She was talking about after I started having sex with my brother. And that wasn't going to happen.

My eyes flicked to him. He was a handsome man. That chiseled jaw and...

I clamped down those thoughts. They couldn't be allowed to blossom. I was his sister. It was illegal. We were police officers. It was our job to prevent crimes, not commit them ourselves. We only had to play at it.

Over the next few weeks, I would open up and start to ask for advice on how to seduce my brother. I couldn't appear too eager. That was Martínez's suggestion. The Hispanic DA, one of the two prosecutors on the case, didn't want us to blow it by being aggressive. Of course, I don't think she knew how aggressive the Elliston's would be in seducing us into incest.

“Your sister is really cute,” said Alicia. “Lucky you.”

My brother glanced at her. She sat on the other side of him. “What?”

“You know, having a little sister to protect. It's why you're a soldier.” She smiled. “The haircut. Are you a reservist?”

“Yeah,” he said. A true statement. “I did two tours in Iraq before getting out. 10th Mountain. I returned to California when I got out.”

“I'm sure I know why,” Alicia said, a big smile on her face as she looked at me. “Take good care of her. Make her feel like she's the most important thing in the world to you. She'll love you for it.”

“My little sister has strong opinions,” Clint said, smiling at her. “Probably my fault. She's my little princess. I spoil her mercilessly.”

Alicia beamed. “I'm glad I had twins. My daughter will always have her big brother with her. They came into this world together.”

She was hoping her children became lovers? This family was messed up.

And yet my pussy was so hot. It itched between my thighs. I kept eating the roast, trying to concentrate on anything but why I was dripping wet. I couldn't really be attracted to my brother. Yeah, I was when I was going through puberty. Wasn't that normal? You grew out of it. You moved onto liking people who weren't in your immediate family.

Dessert was a peach cobbler pie with vanilla ice cream. It was delicious.

I offered to help with the dishes, but Cheryl, Asuka, and Vicky said they had it. “It's our job,” said Cheryl. “We have to do our part in the family.”

Lee nodded, squirming in her seat. She hadn't sat still the entire time. It was like she had ants in her pants. She was older than me, and yet squirmed like a little girl. At one point Clint pulled out his keys, playing with his car remote. Lee really started squirming after that.

“Have somewhere you need to be?” I asked her.

“No.” She smiled. “Just antsy. You know, I really, really want to have an orgasm, but has Clint given me permission?”


“He hasn't.” Lee smiled at me. “So, you know, just got that urge that really, really needs to be unleashed in me.”

“Oh, well, I'm sure he'll let you, uh, eventually.”

“I'm sure,” Clint said and then he played with his remote again.

“Oh, my god,” Lee gasped and bolted to her feet. “That's... Please, Clint.”

“When our guests leave.”

Isaac was staring at her. Then he glanced at his watch. “Well, uh, maybe my sister and I should be going.”

“Oh, so soon?” asked Melody. “I was thinking we could watch a movie. Something inspiring.”

“No, no, we have that open house early in the morning, right, sis?” Isaac asked me.

“Right,” I said, catching on. He must want to get out of here bad, probably disgusted by being around these perverts. I was aroused.

“Let me go get you something,” Pam said as she stood up.

“Isaac, it was a pleasure to meet you,” Clint said.

“Oh, yes, definitely,” Zoey purred, the busty woman stretching. My brother glanced at her and then looked away.

“Er, I'm sure it was. Thanks for having us. You certainly gave me a lot to think about.”

“Don't think, just do it,” purred Zoey.

My brother came up beside me. As we headed to the living room, I hissed, “What was that?”

“Clint and Zoey had sex. In front of me.”

My jaw dropped. “I wish we had some hidden cameras on.”

“Too risky,” he said. “We can't...”

He trailed off as Pam came up to us. She held a slender jewel case, the type of homemade CDs or DVDs came in. She pulled me to the side and pressed it into my hand. It said, “Sibling Therapy 1” written in black marker.

“This is what you two should watch when you're alone,” Pam said.

“What is on this?” I asked.

“Clint having sex with his sisters. Both Alicia and Zoey. It can show you the delights of brother/sister incest. Something, I think, you'll appreciate.”

I swallowed. This couldn't be happening. My sweaty fingers clutched to the jewel case. My body shook. My heart raced a mile a minute as I stared at the disc. My reflection shone in the silvery surface of the CD.

“Thanks for coming over,” Zoey said to my brother. “You made this a fun evening.”

“Yes, he did,” Clint said.

“It was so wonderful to meet you!” Alicia said right before she hugged me. I gasped at how friendly it was. “Be a good little sister to him. Don't let him get out of doing something fun and naughty with you.”

“I'll, uh, try,” I said, glancing at my brother.

He looked away.

All the other women hugged me. Zoey gave me some earthy advice, “Prance around in your underwear. Taunt him and drive him wild until he eats you out to a screaming orgasm. Trust me, it'll be amazing.”

Stefani's advice was even more direct. “Morning blowjobs are something every brother will treasure. Trust me, Clint loves them.”

I felt so disoriented when my brother and I stepped out on the porch. I felt eyes on us from the windows. I didn't look back, but I did take my brother's hand, my pussy on fire. My brother squeezed it, his cheeks red.

“Jesus fucking Christ,” he muttered. “They were unreal.”

“You have no idea,” I said. “He really fucked his sister in front of you?”

“Yes. Ate her out and then pounded her from behind. The entire time he said I should do that to you.” He swallowed then hastily added, “Which I would never do.”

'Right,” I said. “We're not freaks.”

“No,” he croaked and adjusted his erection. “What did they give you?

“A video of Clint having sex with Alicia and Zoey.”

“Fuck me,” he muttered, almost tripping on the curb. “They just gave you that? Evidence of their incest.”

“They trust us,” I said, my stomach churning. “We're brother and sister. They think we want to bang each other.”


“Yeah,” I said and forced a mocking laugh. My pussy was on fire.

“So, uh, we're going to have to watch the video,” Isaac said, releasing my hand to pull out his keys from his pocket. “Catalog it. Right up a report and give it to the detectives.”

“Yeah,” I said, my pussy on fire. As we headed in the house to watch incest, I didn't know what was going to be on there. What my brother and I would find.

Naughty advice echoed in my head.

To be continued...
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