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Only once every one thousand years is a woman born with that level of Arcane Power, trouble rises for the King when he discovers awakening her powers won’t be as easily as he thought it would be and has no choice but to resort to brute force.
PART 1: Her Capture

All she saw was darkness, all she felt was the wind in her hair whipping the tendrils around her face as the loud beating of powerful wings hurt her ears. The last thing she saw was the dancing of a fire in the middle of the woods where she had set up camp after running away from home. Ever since she had discovered her parent’s plans to sell her to the King, she had been plotting her escape. As the first woman born with soul bound Arcana in thousands of years they knew she’d fetch a hefty price. Only the strongest of Dragonborns were bred in the natural essence of Arcane magic, the new King being the last living Cosmic Dragon, wouldn’t let this opportunity pass by to bear an heir to continue his rule.

Elva shivered in the clutches of his giant talons that held her tightly, both from the cold and fear of what was to come. Just barely eighteen, her powers had not yet awakened. She heard rumors of how you could force the Awakening; extreme mental, physical and emotional trauma, at least that’s what the old texts said. How much truth there was to that, she was none the wiser. She bit her lip anxiously, and the tears that leaked from her eyes dried on her cheeks before they could fall.

They traveled for what seemed like hours before she could feel his quick descent to the ground, her stomach rolled at the quick landing and she swallowed the bile that rose in her throat. She fell to the ground with a thud, as he released her from his talons, hands bound behind her back she was unable to cushion the fall onto her face. As soon as the wet grass met her face she helped in pain from behind her thick cloth gag, Elva was sure if her eyes were open stars would be dancing in front of her eyes at the same rhythm her head spun from the impact.

The hairs on her arms and neck stood up as she felt the familiar crackle of magic energy, accompanied with the snapping and shifting of bones as the King shifted into his humanoid form. He picked her up roughly, tossing her over his shoulder and began walking towards his castle. She could feel the power in his muscles as he walked, like a dangerous predator stalking its prey. He said nothing to her, just continued walking. His glowing violet eyes flared at the large stone walls knowing he was running out of time, if he had not successfully conceived a child by the next full moon, his position as King would be challenged by the rival dragons. He felt no fear for his life, but more annoyance at the hassle it would be for him.

This little female had already caused enough trouble for him, he had wasted enough time tracking her down and she would receive severe punishment for her defiance. He turned his head burying his nose into her hair inhaling deeply, fuck she smelled so damn good. His cock twitched in anticipation of claiming his female, and the beast in him roared in agreement. “Mine.” It snarled, and his grip tightened on her firm round ass throwing the large double doors open with his free hand.

He wasted no time taking her down into the dungeon, normally reserved for prisoners he had them relocated for her arrival. He didn’t want an audience for the things he planned on doing to her, and he forbade the servants from going down her without explicit permission. He was not a merciful ruler, once disobeyed he had no qualms extinguishing a life. His kingdom feared him, and that’s how he intended to keep it. The King seemed to glide down the stone steps with such fluid grace, Elva never felt the bounce of his feet hitting the stairs. The smell of damp stone assaulted her nose, as the air grew thicker the further down they went. Her lungs burned as it became harder to breath, and her heart pounded in alarm.

The loud scraping of metal echoed, as the King opened the door to her cell. Her heard the rattle of chains as he placed her on her feet, securing two cold steels shackles to both wrists. She moaned in protest as her arms were pulled above her head, stretching them as far as they would go. After securing her to the overhead chains in the middle of the room he took in the sight of the woman he captured. In one swift motion he willed the nails of his hands to lengthen into razor sharp claws, and ripped the thin white dress off of her, baring her naked body to his hungry gaze.

He ignored her muffled cries of protest as he reached out a hand cupping one of her pale creamy breasts, squeezing hard he rolled her dusty pink nipple into a beckoning hard peak. Elva’s body jerked back at the first touch of his hands on her, repulsed at his violation. With an angry growl he grabbed a fist full of hair on the back of her head, yanking her neck back forcefully. Elva cried out in pain as she felt his hot breath against her ear.

“The more you struggle, the worse off it’ll be for you little one.” He growled nipping at her earlobe.

Elva could feel the bulge of his erection through the rough material of his pants pressed against her stomach. She couldn’t help but cry, she was so close to getting away. Her body trembled as he ran his rough hand down between her breasts to her stomach, leaving a trail of goosebumps. Her muffled protests turned to quiet sobs at the first tease of fingers on her pink slit, finding her clit he pressed down hard rolling the pink bud in circles. She squeezed her thighs together in an attempt to stop him from touching her, and he did. Her relief was only temporary however, until she felt him shackle her legs spread far apart leaving her completely powerless to his touch.

His hands became bolder, returning to rub her swollen clit as his other hand slapped her breasts hard. She cried out in pain at each slap, and a slow malicious grin spread across his face. The louder she cried, the harder his slaps became. Her cries of pain encouraged him further, he wanted to hear those cried more clearly. Feeling her pussy start to dampen he began rubbing her clit faster, removing the gag from her mouth with his other hand.

“Please...stop...I beg you.” She pleaded between heaved breaths.

“You beg me to stop, but your body begs me to continue.” He chuckled slipping a long finger inside her soaked pussy, grunting in approval as her muscles clamped tightly around his finger.

Elva let out a confused cry, crossed with a moan of pleasure and protest.

“If you truly don’t want this, then why do you grow damp under my hands?” He taunted inserting another finger briefly, just enough to coat his fingers in her juices before sliding them out and rubbing her wetness on her full pouting lips before forcefully shoving them into her mouth. He held his fingers there feeling her gag, and when she tried to pull away his other hand grabbed a fist full of her hair holding her head in place. She felt like she was suffocating, when he removed his fingers she sucked in a loud breath her sobbing intensifying. There was no reasoning with this man, she was now at his mercy.

His eyes danced mischievously as he gazed upon her distressed face, turning his heel he walked out of the cell. She flinched as the cell door slammed shut firmly, and the loud echo of a lock clicking into place. His footsteps fading away, until there was nothing left with her than the deafening silence of her isolation.

PART 2: On the edge

She didn’t know how long she stood in that dungeon, days? Weeks? A month? Every morning she got used to the servants coming into her cell so she could relieve herself into a bucket, and then they would bathe her. They hand fed her very small meals, some porridge and a small drink of water. He came to see her every night, making her cum against her will. He made sure to taunt her about it every time. Tonight was different, he didn’t arrive at the same time he usually did. Her now uncovered eyes searched around in the darkness, was this part of his mind game?

As she was beginning to sigh relieved hoping he wouldn’t come visit her today, he heard the large steel door at the end of the hall slam closed and heavy footsteps shuffle towards her.

“God damnit!” She whispered to herself heart rate accelerating as the footsteps grew closer. When he got to her cell he whispered something under his breath, and like a power switch all the candles and torches in her cell sprung to life. She squinted at him in the bright room, eyes trying to adjust to the new light and what she saw made her stomach drop.

The King appeared to be drunk, and cradled in his arms was an assortment of devices. Leather braided whips, wooden paddles with nails sticking out, a barbed wire whip and a jar of clear jelly looking substance.

The rage on his face made her swallow in reaction to his glare. An anger she knew was directed at her, he had been trying to Awaken her Arcana for a while now, unsuccessfully. She could feel it building in her stronger and stronger everyday, but refused to give in. Once she awakened, he would spill his seed into her and she would be forced to bear his child.

“You try my patience little one.” He growled in her face, his hot whiskey breath making her stomach roil.

“I guess I’m just not as magical as you think I am-“ She began, her head whipped to the side with an audible cracking sound and her face spread into a hot stinging in the shape of the back of his hand. She was so surprised, she didn’t register the pain from being struck in time to cry out.

“Don’t fucking lie to me, you grow closer everyday, you forget I am the Cosmic Dragon King! Magic and power pulses through my veins.” He barked circling behind her, hands sliding up her stomach to cupping her breasts he pinched and rugged roughly on both nipples. Elva whimpered in pain closing her eyes.

“The more pain you’re in, the more I can smell it.” He growled low in his throat. She never saw him grab the whip, but her back arched in pain as a strangled cry ripped out of her mouth at the first contact of the whip against her bare back. He gave her no reprieve, before cracking the whip against her back and ass once more. This continued for hours it felt, and he chortled tauntingly each time she screamed out in pain. Tears streaming down her face she loudly sobbed, taking each lashing. She felt a hot pressure in her lower stomach and grit her teeth,pushing her power back down.

“Don’t fight it little one, you’re so close your blood is starting to glow.” He grinned watching her blood spread across each cut the whip lashed across her back. His cock twitched in excitement feeling himself so close to her awakening, each day her magic scent became stronger and more potent. For as young as his female was, she possessed exceptional self control which he had admired in her. He had to keep up this harsh persona to achieve his goal, the future of his Kingdom depended on it.

He threw the leather whip to the side, watching beads of her gold hued red blood roll down her back dripping to a pool on the floor at her feet. He could see her sweat mingling with her shimmering life force and her chest heaving and falling hard as she sucked in sobbing breaths. He ignored her pleading to stop, lowering the chains connecting her shackled wrists. He led her over to a device that almost resembled a large saddle and bent her forward over it, securing her shackles to a pair of chains on the floor. He spread her legs shackling them in stirrups behind her.

Her face grew red with embarrassment as she felt the draft from the dungeon blow against her exposed pussy.

“I’m going to give you a choice. Allow your Arcana to awaken, or you pick a device for me to punish you for your insolence. The choice is yours.” He offered lining up his devices on various hooks on the wall. Elva glared at the walk in front of her unable to see him, but she could hear him arranging objects on the wall.

“Use whatever device you have to, I don’t care, I’ll never give you my magic.” She screamed the last part as her head was yanked back by his fist in her hair. His other hand slapping down on the tender raw flesh of her ass. She screamed out louder in pain as his hand came in contact with the cuts on her ass.

“Still wish to defy me?” He snapped slapping her ass as hard as he could one right after another, each slap ripping another strangled cry from her throat.

“…” Elva panted in between breaths, trying to ignore the pain he caused. With a frustrated growl he released his grip on her hair with such force her head fell forward smacking against the stone wall in front of her. She whimpered in pain seeing stars in front of her eyes, her head grew fuzzy as she fought unconsciousness.

The King was growing more impatient with this female, she should have bent to his will easily considering his power well surpasses hers. He’ll need to step up his game, each session he has with her the closer he gets to breaking her will. Tonight would be the night, he’d bring her close to the brink of death if he had to.

He moved the device she was bent over to the middle of the floor, pulling the barbed ship from the wall he walked around in front of her dangling it in front of her face tauntingly. She glared up at him silently, rage contorting today pain as her began wrapping the barbed wire around her left breast. She moaned quietly as she felt the barbs cutting across her skin as he dragged the whip around her shoulder and back diagonally to wrap the barbs around her right breast and securing it around her torso over her rib cage.

He brought his hand down on her ass, and Elva jumped in pain, with each jump the barbs cut deeper into her. Tears clouded her eyes blurring her vision as she grit her teeth. The spanking continued for a while longer, and then abruptly he stopped. She took that moment to breath deeply trying to settle the burning rage deep inside her, she couldn’t let him win.

Elva was so focused on steadying herself she didn’t hear the opening of the jar of lube he brought with him. Stepping in between her raw bloody thighs he scooped a two finger full scoop of the jelly rubbing it over her tight pink asshole. A pretty pink hole that has never been touched, one he was going to destroy.

She jerked up right feeling his fingers against her, she began to nick wildly under him ignoring the pain of the barbs.

“Please don’t! Not that!” She begged feeling real alarm for the first time since he brought her here.

“Of course little one, I’m happy to stop, if you allow yourself to awaken.” He demanded swirling the tip of his middle finger around her hole teasing it with barely inserting the tip of his finger.

“I can’t! Don’t you understand?! You can’t just force someone to bare your child!” She sobbed pleading

Her defiance made him angry and he forced his finger in her ass roughly ignoring her moan of pain.

“No! It is you who does not understand!” He snarled inserting another finger into her ass roughly pumping his fingers in and out of her resisting pink hole, but the lube making it easier to slide in and out.

“My Kingdom with perish without our magic fused together.” He growled continuing to fuck her ass with his fingers. Part of Elva felt guilty about her resistance knowing she was putting hundreds of lives in danger, but what about her? Didn’t her life matter? Breathing in deeply her remorse shifted into bitter rage and she whispered angrily.

“Fuck your Kingdom.” She regretted those words as soon as she uttered them, feeling him tense up his muscles shook against her. She could feel his rage rolling off of him in waves, before she could take back her words his hand wrapped around her throat squeezing tightly. Elva began to buck against him unable to breath, pain exploded throughout her entire body as she felt the thick mass of his cock ramming into her asshole over and over.

Spots danced in front of her eyes as her head became dizzy, as she rocked forward and back from the force of his thrusts. Her eyes began to roll back in her head starting to lose consciousness. Before she truly thought she would die her entire body began glowing, a gold that resembled the first light of day break in the morning. Her skin became hot to the touch and he growled out in pain and excitement, this was finally it.

His free hand bit into her hip as he continued his thrusts into her, he knew for this to work he had to deposit his seed deep inside her at the exact moment her powers awakened. He reached his hand down rubbing her swollen clit to spread her wetness around her pussy to prepare his thick cock to stretch her pussy.

Elva had no choice but to let her powers surface, her body was going into survival mode and she was tired of fighting. Maybe if she was lucky he would accidentally kill her before her powers fully emerged. He removed his hand from her throat slightly allowing her to breathe just enough to keep her alive.

He removed his cock from her ass moaning at the sight of her hole gaping wide from his entry, he swiftly shoved his cock to the hilt deep inside her, breaking her hymen. She let out a gurgling cry as he continued to pound her pussy like his life depended on it. Releasing her throat completely he reached down with his other hand furiously rolling her clit in circles under his hand. She felt white hot pleasure pulsing through her veins as she felt herself closer and closer to the edge, all she could focus on at that moment was their bodies joined. She forgot about why she was fighting, what she was preventing, all she could think about was his cock filling her.

Her head fell back and eyes shut tightly as her cries of pain had melted into moans of pleasure, she found herself rocking her hips back against his cock wanting to feel more of him inside her. He continued the assault on her clit and he gasped feeling himself close to the edge, he clenches his teeth willing his cum to hold until the right moment, like a General commanding a battle front.

He could feel her close to combusting as her breaths became quicker and moans longer, he switched the angle of his fingers on her clit and her thighs began to tremble and her moans intensified, he victoriously found her sweet spot. He pressed down harder thrusting his hip in and out of her faster. In a blind flash he felt her body convulsing under him, as her skin glowed brighter blinding him.

“I’m cumming I’m cumming.” Elva screamed with one more flick of her clit The King has pushed her over the edge of madness. Her orgasm ripped open the seal she had over her powers as an electric current exploded through her body, electrocuting the King as well, he growled in pain. Feeling her pussy tighten around him guided his own release as he pumped faster into her roaring his release as his hot seed shot inside of her. He kept pumping until she milked him dry, looking down at her the once bright glow began to dim gradually until her skin was back to normal. He felt her body grow limp under him as she lost consciousness. The King untied her from her bounds, taking her away from her prison. She would be with him in his chambers from now on.

Breathing heavily he smiled triumphantly, hoping her body took to his seed, if not he would continue to ravage her until she became pregnant with his child.

“Long live the King.” He grinned leaving the damp dungeon behind.
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