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You have made a giant scientific breakthrough that could save countless lives. You offer to hand over all of your research to the government under one condition: As a reward, you get to physically have your way with Trish's voluptuous body without any legal consequences.This bitch has been using her body to torture men her whole life without any consequences. You finally have the opportunity to give this cock tease what she deserves, and there is nothing she can do about it.
Trish yawns and stretches her arms out. The credits to the movie she had just finished start rolling on her TV screen. She is lying on her couch in her living room. She has on her bathrobe but is completely naked underneath.

It is relaxing Saturday night. She has opted to stay in tonight instead of going out, because she feels socially drained. As a social butterfly, she has spent the past weekends attending social functions, going out with friends, and doing all the things every young 21-year-old girl who has just been introduced to the world should be doing. Between all of that and her volunteer work at church, she has barely had any time to relax, recover, and recharge. She has promised herself that tonight, she is going to stay in and give herself some long-overdue personal time.

It has been a couple of months since her visit to your house. She still thinks about it every now and then, and every time she does, she cringes and smiles at the same time. Nothing grosses her out more, and yet, nothing makes her feel as powerful as that memory.

It is not nearly as awkward as she imagined to see you around the neighborhood. She says hi and giggles, and you sheepishly say hi back. The interactions are not much different than they had been before. None of the neighbors who see the two of you interact ever suspect anything has ever happened. Only the two of you know.

Like Trish, you often think about that memory too, and every time you do, you also get hit with two distinct emotions. One is excitement. It was the most fun you have ever had in your whole life, and revisiting it in your mind is one of your favorite things to do. The other emotion is anger. Now more than ever, you know that Trish understands how you feel about her. She knows what her flawless body does to you. Every time you see her and she says hi or giggles, it drives you crazy. This bitch deserves everything you dream of doing to her.

Trish hears the doorknob of her front door start to rattle.

“Who’s there?” she asks, turning her head to the door.

The door continues to rattle without an answer. She sits up, and then suddenly, she hears a click as the door unlocks. She is shocked. She has never given a key to her place to anyone else. The knob turns, and to her horror, you are standing at the door. You are shirtless with a pair of slacks on, and your disgusting belly hangs over your belt.

“Hello, bitch!” you snarl.

“How did you get a key?!” Trish shrieks.

You do not answer. Instead, you run towards her. You dive to try to grab her, but she leaps off the couch quickly, avoiding your pounce by a split second. You roll off the couch.

“I’m going to get you, bitch!”

“What the fuck!” she screams, “Get out, or I am going to call the cops!”

You pay her threat no attention. You dive to try to grab her again. She bounces away again like a bunny, narrowly dodging your clutch. You fall to the floor, red in the face with frustration.

She quickly runs out of the front door that you left open. You climb to your feet and catch your breath calmly. There is no rush. You know she is not going anywhere.

Before long, a brawny man dressed in an all-black outfit comes into the room, carrying Trish as she kicks and shrieks. He throws her onto the floor. Two more men enter behind him. All of them are equally as muscular and dressed in a similar black outfit. One of them shuts the door behind them.

“What the hell is going on!” Trish demands.

She scurries to her feet, but the first man immediately grabs her again and holds her in place. You watch her squirm in the big henchman’s arms. Her breasts bounce as she flounders. Her legs flail wildly with desperation. The jiggle of her kicking thighs is enchanting. It is almost as if those supple hocks of meat are begging to be spanked and beaten.

“Awwww, poor baby,” you chuckle as you walk up to her.

“Let me go!” she yelps again, “Who are these men?! What do you want?”

She knows what you want though. You have her trapped in her own home. She knows that there is only one reason a man would want to trap her: to rape and destroy her perfect virgin body.

“You’ll go to jail for this!” she cries.

“Oh, I doubt that very much,” you smirk, “You see, I have made a giant scientific breakthrough that could save countless lives, Trish.”

“What does that have to do with… “

You slap her across the face.

“Shut up and listen, you cockteasing bitch,” you order.

She glares up at you but reluctantly stops talking.

“I have finally developed a cure for cancer!” you continue, “It’s going to save millions of lives!”

Trish’s eyes shift back and forth. She does not understand what any of this has to do with her and the current situation.

“But only I understand how it works,” you smile, “Only I can train doctors and medical professionals on how to produce it and how to administer it.”

Trish squirms a bit more. She does not like where this is going.

“Of course, the government wants me to document it all, so they can begin curing cancer across our nation,” you explain, “And I am willing to do it… for a small, small price.”

Trish’s face flushes with fright.

“As a reward,” you whisper, leaning close to her panic-stricken face, “I get to physically have my way with your voluptuous body without any legal consequences.”

“No!” Trish gasped.

“Of course, they were quick to decide that many citizens' lives are worth sacrificing one,” you continue, pulling away and pacing in front of her, “They gave me a key to your house, and they even gave me my own set of well-trained government agents.”

“What the hell!” Trish cries.

“They are here in case you somehow manage to break free and try to escape,” you chuckle, “They have been instructed to stop you and bring you back to me. They have strict orders to make sure I get what I want.”

Trish begins to try to squirm out of the man’s arms again, but he tightens his grip and brings her body to a halt.

“The best part is,” you whisper, leaning close to her face again, “When I am done with you, however long it takes, they have been instructed to kill you and eliminate all evidence. It will be as if it never happened.”

“No!” Trish cries again, “Please… “

“Oh, don’t worry,” you grin with a sinister gleam in your eye, “They won’t kill you, sweetie. I’m going to do that part of their job for them.”

Trish breathes heavily and frantically.

“My final act with you will be your murder,” you continue in a sadistic tone, “All they will have to do is clean it all up when I am done.”

Trish’s cries become uncontrollable bawling. Tears roll down her cheeks.

“But that’s not going to be for a long while,” you smile, “There are so many acts I have planned before the final act, baby. We are going to have so much fun, you virgin fuck doll.”

“Why!” Trish cried, “Why me?! I let you spank me for a whole minute! No girl in the whole world has ever let you do that! Haven’t I given you more than any other girl has? I don’t deserve this!”

“You don’t deserve it?” you ask sarcastically, “You have been using your body to torture me for months without any consequence. I finally have the opportunity to give you exactly what you deserve, baby.”

“Please!” she weeps, “I’ll give you anything you want. Please don’t do this to me! I’m a good Christian!”

“No, you’re a good cocktease,” you retort, “This is your fault for being so beautiful and so pure. Look at you. You are asking for it. You brought this on yourself.”

“You’re a monster!”

“”I’m a hero!” you snap back, “I’m going to save countless lives. I earned this! I am going to tear into that pink slice of pure heaven. I deserve it!”

“I’m just a girl!” she pleads.

“Not anymore,” you laugh, “To the government, you are no longer a girl. You are no longer a person. You are simply a threat to the lives of their citizens. You are a threat to this country. You are a target that must be eliminated. You have no rights. You are a piece of fuck meat. You are my reward. You are my prize. You are my toy to play with, to use, and to kill.”

Her screams fill the air. You nod to one of the two men standing in the background. He walks up to her and covers her nose and mouth with a chloroform rag.

She kicks frantically and screams for help, but her cries are muffled under the rag. Her movements become more and more groggy. It is not long before her body stops flailing. Her head drops. She is unconscious.

A few hours later, Trish wakes up. She has been disrobed. She is lying face-up on the frigid stone floor of her basement. It is cold and dark. She cannot see anything.

She tries to move, but she notices that her arms are tied behind her back. She notices that her legs are spread apart. She tries to move them, but they are being held firmly by the ankles. She cannot tell what is holding them down, but it feels like hands.

Suddenly, she hears the sound of a flame lighting. A torch comes into view, and she can barely see through the dim lighting that permeates through the icy cellar. The torch is being held by one of the three goons. She looks down at her feet and sees that the other two men are holding her ankles apart.

She shrieks, and the sound lights up the cold basement. The echoes bounce off of the walls.

“Music to my ears,” you snigger as you come into view. You stand above her, admiring her irresistible body as it squirms helplessly on the ground.

You undo the belt that is holding your slacks up, and they fall to the floor around your ankles. You step out of them, completely naked. Your fat, greasy belly flops up and down as you laugh. Your cock is already erect. Giant veins run from the base of it to the flushed tip. The head is throbbing with ferocity. It cannot wait to tear into the untouched damsel lying in front of you.

Your eyes light up with glee, and your mouth begins to water as you stare at the smooth, glossy pink slit between Trish’s rattling thighs. It gleams in the faint illumination of the torch, saturated with the glistening juices of her pristine honeypot. The lips of her tight pussy pucker together tightly in a terrified attempt to block off any intrusion. The aroma of her pussy glaze wafts up into your nostrils, and you breathe it all in with lustful delight. Her juices smell like fear.

“My virgin angel!” you hiss, “God sent you from heaven just for me!”

You kneel down and begin to crawl over Trish’s wriggling body. Trish closes her eyes.

“Stop! Leave me alone!” Trish sobs as she feels the tip of your penis touch the lips of her unblemished cherry.

Her squirming body language implies that your advancement is unwanted and unwelcome, but the warmth of her body in contrast to the chilliness of the cellar feels so inviting.

“Welcome to my personal heaven,” you whisper as you lean in close to her ear, letting the anxious head of your throbbing cock push the tightly sealed lips of her pussy apart.

You lick her ear. She cringes in disgust.

“And your personal hell!” you sneer.

Your veiny cock tears its way through Trish’s virgin barrier. It ploughs through the moist folds of pink flesh inside and stabs into her sweet package and chastity. An evil feeling of nasty rapture runs through you as you feel the warm walls of her maiden chamber tighten around your cock. You roar and thrust even deeper into her airtight sanctuary, ripping into the heavenly paradise that has been unmolested all of these years.

“You’re so tight and small, kitten,” you grunt as you continue to thrust your uninvited cock deeper and deeper into Trish without admission.

Trish shrieks uncontrollably. The shrill sound of her helpless yelps cuts through the silence of the air. The walls of her untouched oasis tighten with resistance, but it is no use. Your shaft continues to spear its way forward with brute force.

“You are every old bastard’s fuck dream!” you bellow, “I am going to drill a hole all the way up to your throat!”

Trish’s shrieks turn into ear-piercing squeals. Her silky pussy walls continue to hug your penis tight. Her barricade is getting smashed. Her stronghold is getting invaded. Her virginity is getting ravaged. Her pussy is getting destroyed.

One of your arms grips tightly around Trish’s waist, pulling her hips into you as you thrust. Your other hand yanks at her luscious hair from behind, forcing her head to angle upward. With every thrust, your hand tugs harder with its grips, and Trish’s head is violently yanked back.

You wrap your lips around the side of her neck. You taste the soft skin of her neck and feel her throat strain as she continues to squeal like a piglet.

“You taste so good, darling,” you whisper.

Your cock grows and stiffens even more with every squeal her mouth emits. It continues to impale Trish’s insides as you plunge in over and over. You feel her tightened body convulse violently underneath you every time. The speed of your thrusts increases exponentially, and the intensity shoots up with every stab.

“No!” Trish yelps. She recognizes the state your cock is in. She remembers when your cock felt like this against her thigh months ago. She knows exactly what was coming next.

“Don’t cum inside me! You’ll get me pregnant!”

You bite down on her neck as you unload inside of her.

“Oh yeah!” you howl, “Do you feel all that hot spunk flooding your tight fuck box?”

Your body shakes uncontrollably as your throbbing cock floods her tight chamber. The tip of your cock feels a sensation of incredible pleasure as it forcefully shoots eruptive bursts of semen into the airtight space of her sealed walls. The blissful sensation is even more euphoric than the feeling you had when you nutted onto Trish’s thigh during your first encounter with her.

You moan, and your body goes limp. You collapse on top of her, erratically trembling as your ecstatic cock continues to discharge your thick fluid into her molested snatch. You can’t stop quivering.

Trish continues to weep. Her body wiggles around, and the feeling of her wiggling causes more gushing bursts to spatter out of your cock.

“Keep wiggling,” you moan, gripping her body tightly and furiously erupting into her overflowing fuck box.

Trish bites her lip in disgust. You cock shoots its final blast. You lay on top of her as she sobs. Her sanctity has been stolen. She is no longer pure. She is no longer a virgin. She is now just a used piece of fuck meat.

“Get off me!” she shrieks, “Please! You’ve had your fun!”

“Oh, sweetheart,” you chuckle menacingly, “I have just gotten started!”

“No!” she cries, “What else are you… “

But before she can finish, you shove a chloroform rag into her face. Her body flounders and flails underneath yours frantically. Her legs kick wildly. She lets out a muffled scream from under the rag.

“Shhhh,” you croon into her ear, “Breathe it in, baby. Go to sleep, my precious fuck toy.”

Her eyes roll back in her head. Her body’s flailing turns into sporadic twitching. Her kicks turn into erratic swings of her legs as she falls into unconsciousness.

A few hours later, Trish wakes up again. She finds herself in the middle of the dining room, which has been completely cleared out. It is well-lit, and she is hanging from the light fixture in the middle of the ceiling by her hands, which are tied together. Again, she is completely naked.

She is unable to move much. Her hands are tied up so high that she is forced to stand on the tips of her toes. Her legs are also fastened together at her ankles, and all she can do is sway back and forth a little. Her bare ass gleams in the lighting of the room, wiggling around as she sways as if to say, “Look at me. I am round, smooth, soft, perfect, and yours to destroy.”

She sees you approaching. You are wearing your slacks again. The three henchmen are nowhere to be seen. You smile at her, admiring her spectacular body as it helplessly swings. The tips of her toes scurry on the floor in the shape of a small circle. All she can do is wait for what you are going to do next.

“Looks like your ass has recovered from our first meeting, kitten,” you smile.

You smack one of her ass cheeks with an open palm and watch her supple flesh bounces in a ripple formation from the light strike. She bites her bottom lip.

“Please,” Trish stutters, “Please, don’t beat me. Please, not like last time.”

Your hand rests on her ass cheek, squeezing her skin between his fingers.

“Oh God,” Trish gasps under her breath as she closes her eyes.

“Oh, you didn’t like it when I beat you last time, baby?” you ask, lifting your hand and lightly smacking her ass again.

“No,” Trish cries.

“Remember what you said, Trish?” you ask, “Remember what you told Daddy?”

“Wh… What did I… “

“It doesn’t matter if you like it, Trish,” you answer, whacking her ass again, “You have no choice. Remember?”

“Not again, please!” she whines.

“Do you remember telling me to spank you as hard as I want?” you remind her, “You said this stupid helpless bitch can’t do anything about it!”


You slap her ass again and lean in close to her, moving your lips right next to her ear. She can feel the warmth of your breath as it glides across the pulse of her neck.

“You really know how to make a man feel powerful,” you whisper, smacking her ass even harder this time.

She winces as the stinging jolt shoots through her body. Her eyes shut tighter.

“Does it sting, bitch?” you hiss, “Does it?”


She screams as you give her ass another smack. More smacks follow, each harder than the last. Trish clenches her teeth together and screeches loudly.

“Cry for me, bitch!” you demand.

Smack! Smack! Smack!

The smacks continue. You begin to alternate ass cheeks and increase the speed of the spanking to a rhythmic clapping. Trish bites down on her bottom lip hard, trying to take it all in. Tears roll down her cheeks, and she tastes the saltiness as they flow to her lips.


You give her ass one final harsh slap and watch it jiggle around. The skin of her ass cheeks is really warm now.

“I’m done spanking you,” you declare.

“Th… Thank you,” Trish whimpers, a little surprised that you were done so soon. You had not even come close to the level of intensity of the first spanking session, but she knew better than to complain.

You laugh loudly.

“Wh… What?”

“I said I’m done spanking you,” you snarl, grabbing a fist full of her soft hair and yanking her neck back, “But baby, I’m not done. I’m just getting started, sweetheart.”

Trish’s eyes widen, unsure of what to expect. She is not sure if she can handle anything too much more intense.

“What are you going to do?” she asks with a tone of fear in her voice.

“Are you scared now, you teasing bitch?” you ask, ignoring her question and yanking on her hair harder and making her head snap back, “Because you should be.”

Trish gulps. With the position that you have her head yanked back, she can’t see anything but the ceiling. She tries to look out of the corner of her eyes, but it is useless. Her head is pulled back too far. She hears the jingle of your belt buckle as you undo it. She hears your pants drop to the floor.

“Are you going to fuck me again?” Trish whimpers, hoping that the answer is yes. She does not want to have sex with your disgusting body again, but she is not sure if she can handle whatever else you might have in store for her.

“What makes you think that, sweet buns?” you ask as you salivate at the mouth.

“I heard your pants drop,” she trembles, “So I thought that... “

Your leather belt strikes her ass cheeks, and she shrieks at the top of her lungs.

“We’re not quite there yet, you beautiful bitch,” you laugh, “I want to really hurt those ass cheeks!”


Trish screams again. She squirms around, but she can barely move, and you still have one hand tightly gripping her hair. The belt strikes her ass cheeks again. Her screams cut through the silence of the room. It hurts way too much.

Unlike Trish, you are enjoying every part of this. You love her helpless squirming, you love the sound of the whacks as your belt thrashes her scorching ass, and you love the cries she makes after every whip. The belt swings again, and each strike leaves a horizontal red mark across her burning ass.

“God, stop it!” she screams frantically.


The belt strikes again, and this time, it flogs her so hard that it slices through her soft skin, creating an open laceration across her blistering ass cheeks. Her shrieks are louder than ever now.

“Your skin is so soft, baby,” you giggle, “My belt cut right through it!”


The belt hit again, creating another open gash across Trish’s ass. The two slashes made an X shape across her butt.

“It’s like slicing warm butter!” you exclaim, “I love it!”

“Please, think about what you are doing!” she pleads.

“Oh, I know what I’m doing!” you cackle menacingly.

“Think about it!” she cries, “I am your fuck toy! You can do whatever you want me to, whenever you want, for as long as you want.”

“I know!” you roar, “And I want to destroy you!”

“Right now? You have only fucked me once,” she screams, “Think about all the fun you can have with my perfect little body. Day after day. Wouldn’t it be more fun to fuck me when I am pretty? Before you slice me to shreds? Do you really want to destroy your new toy this fast?”

You lower your belt. She makes an interesting point.

“Is it worth it?” she continues to implore, “The few seconds of joy you get from destroying my body right now, in return for the endless sexual pleasure you get from ravishing my body every day, whenever you want, forever?”

You look at her slashed ass. The open cuts are throbbing with intense pain. You are having the time of your life. You really want to continue, but what the pretty bitch is saying makes sense. How many times are you going to get to endlessly fuck a perfect bitch like her?

Trish sniffles. She looks at you with pleading eyes. She can tell that you are considering what she is saying, and a glimmer of hope shines in her soul. Sure, she would have to be your personal fuck toy forever, but it would better than being sliced into lifeless ribbons right now.

“You can keep me forever,” she reminds you, “You can fuck me forever. The government has made sure of that.”

Your hand clenches your belt tightly. You grit your teeth. You hate to admit it, but you know the smart thing to do is to stop ravaging her sweet ass with your belt. You’ve got as long as you like. You will regret it if you destroy her body right now.

“You’re right,” you sigh.

You want to do it though. You want to beat this sweet angel into an unrecognizable pile of demolished flesh. A sudden and powerful surge of evil overcomes your mind, blocking any sense of reason. You just want to hurt this pretty bitch more.


You lift your belt and whip her ass again, and it cuts right through her warm skin again.

“What are you doing?!” Trish cries, “I thought… “

“You thought wrong, you sweet bitch,” you exclaim as your eyes light up with excitement, “I’m having too much fun for it to stop.”


You swing the belt again and slice another X across her ass. Your eyes shoot down to her fresh, unbeaten upper-hind thighs. Memories flood your brain of flogging that floundering helpless thigh with your hand from your first encounter with Trish.

“Looks that sweet thigh recovered nicely too!” you seethe, slobber flying out of your mouth.

You swing the belt and strike both of Trish’s unassaulted hind thighs at the same time. They instantly slice open. She shrieks even louder now.

“Oh yes!” you bluster.


You slice through her thighs again, hacking the soft flesh open again. Her soft thighs now are covered with another X, right below the X’s on her ass. She cries and begs you to stop, but you pay her pleas no attention.

Slash! Slash! Slash!

The belt continues to flay her ass cheeks and thighs until both are covered with pulsating gashes. You roar as loud as you can.


You give her thighs one last slash with the belt as hard as you can. It rips her skin open again, deeper than any of the other cuts. Blood sprays out of the fresh laceration and across your face. You lick your lips and stop to catch your breath.

“Let me go!” she cries.

You drop the belt and let go of her hair, allowing her head to fall. She turns towards you and spits in your face.

You walk up to her still hanging body. You snuggle up close, pressing yourself against the side of her body. She tries to move away, but you force her back, using one hand to hold her body against you and the other hand to grip her head, again by the hair, so your mouth is next to her ear.

“God, you’re beautiful,” you moan.

“You are psychotic! Let me go!”

“It’s your fault, darling. You knew what you were doing. You drove me crazy, sweetheart,” you whisper, still holding her struggling body against yours. Her squirms make you even more horny.

“I’m not your sweetheart!” Trish shrieks.

“Actually, feeling your beaten body squirm against me makes me feel just as excited as feeling the squirms of your fresh, unbeaten body,” you smile, “It was worth it!”

She sobs.

“Oh, don’t cry,” you jeer, “That’s a compliment! You’re worth it!”

“You’re sick!”

“You’re worth all of it, you beautiful princess,” you hiss, biting onto her ear, “Worth beating. Worth destroying. Worth killing. Worth going to hell for.”

“No!” she screams.

You hug her closer to you, breathing in the scent of her sensitive neck. Your deep inhales begin to become more rapid and louder.

“What are you doing?” she cries, still squirm in your firm grip.

The sound of your inhales slowly shifts to a snicker. You’re laughing. Your laughter becomes louder and louder, and Trish’s squirms become more and more frantic. She flails in terror, but it is no use. Your grip is too strong.

“I haven’t completely destroyed your body yet, you sexy piece of buttery fuckmeat,” you cackle with glee, “And like you said, you are my fuck toy!”

She screams as loud as she can. Her screech rattles the dishes in the cupboards.

“Mine!” you remind her, “Forever!”

Before she knows it, the hand that was grabbing her hair lets go and instead is clasping over her nose and mouth with a rag soaked in chloroform. She wails from under the rag, but it is muffled. You force her to breath it in.

“Shhhh,” you croon to her jerking body as it flails into unconsciousness.

After a few more hours, Trish’s eyes flutter open again. She notices that she is now in her own bedroom, face up on the top of her bed. The softness of her mattress feels so much more comfortable than anything she has felt in a while.

“Maybe I was just dreaming,” she thinks to herself.

She quickly realizes this is not the case when she tries to move her limbs. All four of her limbs are fastened to the posts on the four corners of her bed frame with rope. She is completely spread out. She tests the ropes by shaking her limbs, but they hold firm. All she can do is rattle the bed frame a little.

She tosses her head from side to side to observe her surroundings. She sees that the three goons in all-black outfits are standing by the bed now.

“You are all monsters!” she yells, “You’re all going to hell for this!”

You come into her vision and crawl on top of her.

“Not again!” she cries.

Your cock sinks deep into her pussy. This time, her pussy does not try to resist. It gives in almost immediately. Your penis smoothly glides in. It is still tight, but the tightness feels less like an effort in defiance and more like a tight hug. Much to Trish’s disappointment, her pussy has submitted.

“Trish!” you grin delightfully, “You’re no longer a virgin! You no longer have the pussy of a pure angel. You have the welcoming pussy of a filthy whore!”

Tears well up in Trish’s eyes as she feels your cock slide in and out. She knows it is true. She has been robbed of her innocence.

“What would God say about you letting a man fuck your unwed body, you sordid cunt?” you cackle, “He would want me to punish you for being such a bad, bad girl.”

Both of your hands go to her breasts. You begin to knead the firm mounds. Her soft flesh complies with the squeezes of your hands. Trish whimpers. She feels your hands groping. She senses her delicate skin as your twist it between your outstretched fingers.

“I have not ruined your boobs yet,” you whisper.

You turn to one of the three henchmen, and he hands you a large knife.

“No!” Trish shrieks, “What is that for?!”

“I think you know,” you answer in a taunting voice as your face lights up with an evil smile.

With one of your hands still gripping one of her soft breasts, you jab the knife abruptly into the side of the bubbly orb. She screams at the top of her lungs. Blood pours out of the gash.

“Yes!” you hiss.

Trish’s pussy clamps around your cock harder as her body thrashes. Her screams become even shriller.

You take the knife out and give the breast another stab, this time from underneath. Blood spills out of both wounds. Trish tries to flail her body as hard as she can, but it is no use. The ropes that are holding her in position are too tight. She can barely move at all.

Her squeals continue to pierce through the silence in the air. Blood continues to gush out of the wounds on the stabbed breast. With every high-pitched scream her mouth released, the flow of blood turns into a burst and her pussy walls grip your cock and squeeze tighter.

Your hands are covered in blood. They move to the other breast. Your free hand grabs onto it from the top, securing a tight grip. Your other hand guides the knife to begin hacking at it. This time, you run the sharp side of the blade underneath the boob and begin to slide it back and forth, slicing deeper and deeper with every slide. You are sawing the poor bitch’s breast off of her body. Blood spurts out, spraying across your delighted and entranced face.

“Oh yes!” you cackle excitedly.

You rip the breast off of her chest and hold it high in the air. You raise it over your head, like a champion raising a trophy. Blood rolls down your arm. You are breathing heavily, looking down at your destroyed masterpiece.

Your other hand jams the knife into Trish’s side, right above her hip. She yelps again, but her yelp is weaker. She has lost all hope.

You drop the knife and the severed breast, and one of the henchmen hand you the torn lace panties that Trish had gifted you at the end of your last session.

“What… What are you going to do now?” Trish whimpers.

“Remember when you gave these to me?” you ask, ignoring her question, “You told me that I would never get to touch your body with my filthy hands for another single second for the rest of my pathetic life.”

Trish wailed. Tears soaked her face. Her bed was soaked red. She was lying in a pool of her own blood now.

“Shhhh,” you sing softly, “I’m going to send you home, Trish.”

“This is my home!” she yowled.

“Your real home, my heaven-sent angel,” you smile, “I’m sending you back to heaven.”

Trish eyes widen. New life shoots through her body as she wiggles around, trying uselessly to break free. Her pussy begins to squeeze your cock tighter again, but now, it doesn’t feel like the embracing hug from before. It feels like resistance again. It feels like rejection. It feels like it is being intruded. It feels like a savage rape.

You wrap the panties around Trish’s neck and pull as hard as you can on both ends. Her squirming becomes more and more vicious. Her eyes roll around in her head. Her mouth gapes open. She is trying to scream, but she cannot. Only gargles and sputters come out.

“Bye bye, you stupid bitch,” you whisper, leaning closer to her face.

Trish’s face turns bright. Her hair flies wildly about as she tosses her head around. Saliva begins to spill out of the side of her mouth. Your hands tighten the lace noose around her neck. She tries to gasp for air, but it is no use.

The sight of her final moment and the squeezing on your cock makes you erupt into her unwelcoming pussy one more time. You explode into her as her body jerks and spasms. Your semen floods her insides. Blood spills out of the wounds you have hacked into her. Her body tightens. Her desperate face attempts one last gasp to no avail, and she falls completely limp and lifeless.

“Oh God,” you moan in satisfaction, removing you cock from her dead, violated pussy and climbing off of her.

Her dead body still twitches uncontrollably on the bed. Late muscle reactions.

“Clean it up,” you instruct the goons. You walk out of the bedroom. The three men grab trash bags and start hacking Trish’s body apart. It’s an easier task with smaller pieces.
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