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We pulled up in front of a nice townhouse complex that sat deep in a forested area. Her townhouse was in complete darkness. “Looks like everyone’s gone to bed,” I said casually.

“No one’s home. My parents are away,” Natasha replied.
It had been a very long day and evening. Being an assistant principal at a high school all day is draining enough. Add supervising a spring dance to the day’s workload and I was more than ready to call it a day, or a week for that matter. At least the dance was on a Thursday, so I’d only have to struggle through one more day before the weekend was ahead of me.

The dance had gone well enough, I suppose. I had only needed to send three students home for being under the influence, a phone call home that is never fun to have to make, especially with those parents, increasing in number, it seemed, who felt like being suspended from school for being drunk at a school dance was an unreasonable breach of school authority.

But the remainder of the night had gone as well as could be hoped for, and I was waiting around while the student council volunteers completed their cleanup of the gym, ensuring the school was ready to open again in what seemed like just a few hours away. As the last of the work was done, I hovered near the main entrance to the school, ensuring all the students had rides home as it was now after ten. As I was locking up the door, I noticed the student council president, Natasha, heading towards the bus stop. “Natasha,” I called after her. “Do you not have a ride?”

“No,” she replied, casually. “I’m going to catch the bus.”

I sighed inwardly. If her parents were cool with her taking the bus home from a school event at this time of night, who was I to worry? On the other hand, I was sure that I would. I knew enough about Natasha that she lived a fair way across town, attending our school instead of her neighbourhood school because of a special academic program that we offered. I don’t take a lot of public transit, but I knew enough that she was probably looking at least a forty-five-minute bus ride home, if not longer.

“I’ll give you a ride,” I told her.

“Oh, no,” she protested. “It’s all right. I take the bus all the time.”

“I’m sure you do. But it’s late, you’ve worked hard and I don’t want to give you an excuse to not come to school tomorrow,” I said, jokingly.

“You’re sure? It’s not on your way home.” That she knew I lived in the neighbouring town and commuted to work was not a surprise. As a student leader, we chatted a lot and I’m sure it came up how traffic was sometimes a drag to get to and from work.

“It’s no problem. At this time of night, traffic won’t be an issue. I’d feel better knowing that you got home okay.” After a couple of additional assurances it would be no trouble, she acquiesced and got into my car, providing me directions to her house. And I was glad that I did. The twenty-minute drive from the school would surely have translated into a significant trip by bus, especially given the reduced service provided during the later evening hours. On the drive, we chatted pleasantly enough about her plans for post-secondary, graduation being just a few months away. Her plans were ambitious, but not at all grandiose or beyond what I knew she would be capable of achieving. She really was one of the brightest students with whom I had ever worked, either in the classroom or since I had made the switch to administration.

We pulled up in front of a nice townhouse complex that sat deep in a forested area. Her townhouse was in complete darkness. “Looks like everyone’s gone to bed,” I said casually.

“No one’s home. My parents are away,” Natasha replied.

“What about your younger brother?” Now that I thought about it, I realized that I hadn’t seen Nathan at the dance that evening and it just occurred to me that it was strange they weren’t together to take the bus home.

“He’s away with his volleyball team at a tournament.”

“Oh, right,” I said, as though just remembering. Truthfully, her younger brother was a nice enough kid but I hadn’t paid that much attention to his whereabouts and didn’t know that he was away on some kind of trip. There’s a thousand kids to keep track of.

Natasha, almost always bright, cheerful and occasionally sarcastic, suddenly turned serious. “Can I ask you a favour?”


“Would you mind coming in for just a minute? It sounds stupid because I’ve been staying here alone for two nights already but I don’t normally come home in the dark, and, well….” Her words drifted off, as though she was embarrassed to admit she found the notion of entering into her darkened home eerie. “Never mind,” she continued. “It’s stupid.”

“No,” I tried to assure. “It’s fine. I can pop in and make sure everything is okay.” Minor alarm bells were going off in my head about the propriety of entering the young student’s home, knowing as I did that no one was home. Really, even driving a student home alone would have been considered inadvisable in this day and age but I had done it many times throughout my teaching career. I wasn’t about to let something happen to a student based on the notion that someone might think something inappropriate was happening. I shut off the engine, stepped out and walked to the front door, as Natasha put her key in the lock.

Stepping inside, she flipped on a light switch and the entry hallway lit up. “Looks good,” I told her. She didn’t say anything, just stood quietly looking towards what I assumed was the living room. “I can check inside further, if you’d like.” She nodded solemnly and I moved into the living room, where Natasha flipped on a couple of lamps. I moved around the room, poking my head through a doorway that led into the kitchen. Everything seemed to be secure. No boogie men jumped out of any corners and I told Natasha so with a lame chuckle.

“I know. Sorry. Once I’m inside, it’s fine. I just…”

“Don’t worry about it. I really don’t mind,” I replied, hopefully reassuringly. “I’ll let you get to bed now.” I started to make my way back to the entrance, when Natasha stopped me.

“Hang on a minute. One more favour. I just remembered. I have a dentist appointment in the morning. I won’t be in to school until lunch. I have something I need to hand in to Ms. Dayton, in my AP Psych class. Would you mind taking it and putting it in her letter tray?”

“Sure,” I told her.

“I’ll be right back.” She disappeared up a set of stairs in the far corner of the living room. I glanced at my watch and stifled a yawn. I still had a half hour drive in front of me and had to be back at work in about eight hours. I waited, walking slowly around the nicely decorated living room and was looking at the books and pictures on the large bookshelf when I heard Natasha say “Hi” from across the room.

I turned around and was stunned to see that Natasha was standing just at the bottom of the stairs, dressed only in a tee-shirt and thong underwear. I think that I stammered, at a loss for words. “I, um, what are you doing?” I finally managed.

She stepped slowly, delicately into the living room towards me. “I was hoping that you would stay for a little while.”

“I don’t understand,” I said stupidly, though a side of me clearly understood what was happening. But the other side of me refused to believe that it was. We stood across most of the living room, like two awkward teenagers that only one of us was. I wanted to but I couldn’t take my eyes off her. “I thought that you were getting an assignment you needed me to hand in.”

Natasha smiled and made a noise close enough to a giggle. “I lied.” And she walked across the room and stood in front of me, still in my overcoat and suit and tie. And without another word, she stepped right up to me and kissed me hard. Under oath, I would probably claim to have resisted but I didn’t. Finally, I pulled back and said, “We can’t do this, Natasha.”

“Why not? Give me one good reason.”

It was a question I was struggling to answer. I finally managed to stammer, “I’m like twenty-five years older than you.”

With that, she slid both her arms inside my coat and around my back, pressing herself up against me. Her perky little breasts pressed against my chest. If she pulled in any closer there would be no way she couldn’t notice the stirring in my suit pants, now well beyond my control. “You can see how much that bothers me,” she half whispered.

My breathing was quickening as my mind was racing. “I’m your vice principal,” I tried, and even I acknowledged to myself how lame it sounded. This time, her lips were right beside my ear and she whispered, “That just makes it hotter,” before lightly rimming my ear with her tongue. My knees nearly buckled. She brought her lips back to mine and this time, my own mouth parted and our tongues hungrily forced their way into each other’s mouths.

I had one last, momentary attempt to refute her advances, when I offered my third and final rationale for not continuing down this path with my beautiful, red-headed student. “I’m married,” I puffed.

At that, she actually laughed. “I don’t want to marry you. I just want you to stay for a little while. And then we’ll never talk about it again. I promise.” She kissed me hard, and released her left hand from our embrace, caressing the front of my suit pants, where there was no mistaking what she had found. “You can’t honestly tell me you don’t want to stay for a while.”

“No,” I groaned. “I can’t.”

Without saying anything further, she turned and pulled me by the hand up the stairs she had moments earlier just descended, pulling me into a bedroom that looked like what I presume was typical of a teenaged girl. I had a momentary flashback to one of my earliest sexual encounters, one in a room that looked much like this one and while I was much more experienced now than I was then, I found myself momentarily worried this hot young girl might turn me into the fumbling, way too fast boy I had been in my own teenaged experience.

She turned, suddenly, and threw herself back onto my lips, kissing me with a hunger that I suppose my sexist mind had assumed that teenaged girls did not possess, as if that kind of lustful drive was the exclusive domain of young men and girls went along to get along. Clearly, this was not the case, at least with Natasha. She pulled away, stepping back and smiling at me as I had seen her do so many times before but that tonight took on a completely different meaning. “Take your coat off. Stay for a while.” I laughed a little at the preposterousness of the situation, her standing there with so little on, me still dressed for the cold, rainy night. But only for a second, quickly whipping off my outer coat and suit jacket and letting them fall to the floor where we stood.

Natasha pulled me to her, grasping my tie and she moaned a little as we kissed again, as though kissing a suited man added to her desire. While she kissed me, she reached forward with her other hand and began to skillfully undo my tie, eventually pulling it away from my neck. She stepped back then, still with that beautiful smile, her eyes locked on mine as she one by one undid my shirt buttons, until she could reach her hands across my chest and around to my back, moaning once more as she did. She pulled my loosened shirt down over my arms until it got caught at the buttoned sleeves.

“Oops. “Smooth, huh?” We both laughed as I awkwardly undid the cuff buttons and my shirt fell to the floor. Tasha ran her fingers across my hairless chest, kissing my neck and shoulders as I reached around and for the first time, ran my hands across her ass and unable to resist and having come this far, cupped both her cheeks in my hands and pulled her up against me. I kissed her hard and thrust my own crotch forward against her, while plunging my tongue deep down her throat.

Sliding my hands up from her ass, I reached for her tee shirt and pulled it up over her head, dropping it to the floor at our feet. I placed my hand gently on her young, firm but perky right breast, and Natasha lifted her head back and closed her eyes, her mouth pointing up at me again. I lowered my lips to the side of her neck, then ran my tongue down until it was encircling her nipple, before opening my mouth and pulling hard onto her gorgeous tit. She moaned again and I worried my cock might break, it was pressing so hard against my suit pants. As though reading my mind, Natasha suddenly reached forward and began fumbling with my belt and pants fastener. Faster than I would have thought possible, she had my pants undone and pulled them down to my ankles in a squat, holding them as I stepped out of them. As she stood up, she slowly ran her tongue once up the length of my shaft, now standing straight up, from the top of my balls to the tip, then stood facing me, taking my hands and pulling me towards her bed.

“Are you sure?” I asked one more time.

“Oh my god, yes,” she replied, laying down on her back and pulling me down over her. We squirrelled our way up the bed and kissed again hard, my now fully naked body pressing down against her thong-clad one.

I began kissing her neck, then worked my way gently down to her young, pale breasts. I gently caressed her nipple with my tongue, eliciting a small squeak of delight from her, before enveloping the whole petite breast in my mouth, while caressing the other with my hand. Glancing upwards, I could see Natasha throwing back her head, letting out a small moan. I had come this far, having thrown every ounce of common sense to the wind, I inched my way downward, kissing and caressing across her precious, flat stomach, before sliding my face between her legs, my nose rubbing across the fabric of her pink thong as I passed.

I kissed her thighs, licking my way upwards until I reached the very top of her right leg, opening my mouth across the corner next to her panties. She arched upwards, pushing herself harder against my mouth, her moaning sounding like an “ooohhh” that was almost musical. Finally, I ran my tongue across the thong front and Natasha groaned, trying to push herself against my mouth. I pulled back, teasing, and she whimpered slightly, almost moving her whole body forward as though in search of my mouth. I opened my mouth wide across the bottom of her snatch, feeling the now damp, silk material in my mouth and running my tongue upwards from the bottom to the top.

Not wanting to wait even a second longer, I reached up with both hands and pulled the sides of her underwear. She instantly arched herself upwards, allowing me to pull the prize-blocking garment down her legs and discarding them. In an flash, my face was back down between her legs and I extended my tongue into her young flesh. She let out almost a yelp of pleasure as I began to extend my tongue inwards and out. I had never experienced a pussy that tasted as amazing as hers, though I had experienced my share. I kept pressing my face further inwards and to my amazement, for a girl so young, she was literally drenching the front of my face with her juices. I couldn’t get enough. It could not have been better, or so I thought until she started to rock harder, lifting herself up and down rhythmically, moaning harder and faster, and then she called out my name, “Oh god, Mr. Morrow.” I know that it shouldn’t have, but hearing my name – my last name - called out – by this strawberry blond beauty made me even hotter. I was worried my aching dick, now pressed hard against the end of the mattress as I savoured the delicious taste of this young woman, might explode prematurely, like a young teenager she should have been with.

Natasha was wildly shuddering and pulsating with each thrust of my tongue, her moans increasing in volume so much I momentarily worried her neighbours might hear her, especially as she identified me by name, alternating between panting and nearly shouting, “Mr. Morrow!” Finally, with one gigantic near shout, her whole, slender body convulsed and she moaned, flopping herself to the mattress, her moans spent while she caught her breath. I wondered if she might be done, but only for the briefest of moments, as she suddenly blurted out with an intensity that left no question of her intentions, “Oh my god, Mr. Morrow! You have to fuck me! Fuck me now!”

I climbed back up towards her, dropping juice-sogged kisses up her abs and chest, kissing her lightly on the mouth. “Are you sure?” I asked, one more time.

Her legs were already spreading before I could even finish the question. With one hand, this girl I’d always thought to be gentle, playful and demure, forcefully pulled my head down to her face, kissing me harder than maybe I had ever been kissed. With the other, she reached down, grabbed my cock firmly and positioned the swollen tip at the sopping wet opening of her young womanhood. Releasing my lips, she fairly hissed, “Don’t you even think of leaving here without fucking me!”

As I pushed my aching hard cock into her, she took in a great gasp of air, and arched her back and for a brief second, I worried I was hurting her. But to my unbelievable surprise, she began pushing back against my dick, rising to meet my forward thrusts, closing her eyes and quickly beginning to moan again. I reached back and began stroking the backs of her thighs, which she had lifted, putting her heels of her feet on my lower back. She moaned even harder, and as gentle as I had intended to be, I found myself thrusting harder and harder, hearing moaning and realizing that half the noise was coming from me. “Oh, fuck,” she mumbled, and quickly laughed and said, “Sorry for the swearing.”

I grunted and muttered something like, “I don’t fucking care,” pumping harder, knowing I had very little time left before I would surely blow my load and fill this young woman with hot cum. Finally, on a forward thrust, Natasha groaned and squeezed, her tight pussy grabbing my cock tightly in an embrace it could endure no longer. I felt my balls tightening for only a split second before I burst a huge load of cum, my cock spurting time and time and time again, as I unleashed a tidal wave of hot jizz into my school’s top student.

We both half yelled, half sighed out “Oh!” and I collapsed down on top of her, pinning her to her bed. We both lay there, panting, trying to recover our breath. As my heart rate returned to something approaching normal, I pulled my head up from where it had been resting alongside hers, and looked down at her. She peered up at me and this time, gently pulled me down and kissed me tenderly. “Thank you,” she whispered.

“Um, no. Thank you,” I managed, awkwardly.

She laughed. “I mean, thank you for coming in and making sure the house was okay. I really don’t like coming into the empty house at night. It’s silly but...”

“No, no, that’s fine. I totally understand,” I offered. Suddenly, it felt awkward. “Well. I guess, I should go.”

She smiled, no hint of discomfort apparent on her pretty young face. “Sure. It’s getting late.”

I quickly, um, dismounted, and got dressed. Natasha lay on the bed, watching me, playfully smiling as I fumbled with my clothing. Eventually, as I managed to get my coat on, she slid out of the bed and pulled her t-shirt back on, not bothering with the thong I had discarded vigorously. She slipped on a short housecoat that barely covered the pert little ass I had grabbed forcefully such a short time ago. We walked wordlessly down the two flights of stairs to the front door.

As I reached for the door handle, Natasha said, “See ya tomorrow.”

For some bizarre reason, despite what had just transpired between us, I remembered what she had told me earlier. “You needed me to hand something in. You have a dentist appointment.”

She laughed. “I lied about that, remember? I will see you in the morning.”

“Right. Yes, of course.” I turned to go, then stopped and faced her again. “Listen,” I said. “Tomorrow, when we see each other…”

“Remember,” she admonished. “We’ll never talk about it again.” She smiled innocently, looking like the honour student I had known before tonight, with the exception of her lovely, pale legs below her housecoat.

“Okay. Well, good night.” I opened the door and stepped into the cold, late night air.

“Good night,” she agreed, and she closed the door behind me.

I sat in my car, started the engine and turned the heat up high. For a moment, I looked back at the house in stunned silence, shocked and amazed at what had just happened. I saw the lights in the living room window go out. Glancing at the dashboard clock, I slid the car into gear and headed for home.

School was in just a few hours.


2019-11-19 08:33:09
You should make a part 2 where they fuck in his office.


2019-11-14 23:18:55
Very hot and really cute keep it up xx

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