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Changes come
Mother’s Problem

Chapter 4

Patricia found herself laying naked in bed, groaning in utter frustration. So far, she had masturbated relentlessly for about an hour, trying to make the aching in fiery loins go away. Nothing worked. Not the vibrator, dildo, plugs or even a combination of the aforementioned. It also didn’t help that right now, she could her son ploughing his girlfriend Alicia.

Through the walls, she could hear the younger woman’s gasps. Not that she could blame the girl. Patricia had suckled and sampled at the forbidden fruit of her son Danial many times. Ever since the pupil had approached her with an unabated and unashamed infatuation, the women had been over to cycle through fucking and being fucked in a tryst of debaucheries as often as possible. This cycle caused an unforeseen issue with Patricia.

The sex wasn’t cutting it anymore. There wasn’t enough of it. In all actuality, she focused on her son, but there was’t enough spice. None of them had really explored different avenues of sex, which bothered her immensely. Rubbing her soaked sex once more, she thought about younger days in which debauchery knew no bounds.

The gasping has stopped, but Patricia dismissed it. She went back to masturbating, desperately trying to shove as many fingers into her hungry cunt as she could. Even that failed, though if one counted how wet her cunt was, they would see copious amounts of pussy juice had in fact, thickened to a cream that wouldn’t stop flowing.

“Hey mom.”

Danial’s voice sounded in her ears and interrupted her current affair. Even though she was under the covers, she blushed, something she often did when her son was around. The thoughts with him always brought a perverse sense of excitement to her.

“Hey son, you dehydrate yourself?”

She asked, hoping he had something left for her at the moment. As of late, he fucked Alicia almost relentlessly after school for about an hour. Patricia gave the woman a ride home from school daily now for about two weeks. All under the guise of a group project so the girl could spend less time at her own home.

“Fraid you’re gonna have to wait until later tonight,” he said as a matter of fact. He went into her bathroom, probably to wash himself off. She heard the shower start up and sighed in frustration. She couldn’t blame him. He was working up a sweat with his machinations twice a day with different women. Getting up, she thought about joining him in the shower but thought better of it.

“I’m gonna fuck that boy silly as soon as I can,” she said out loud to herself before getting off the bed.

She found a robe and sighed in distress. The sex in the house had evolved past her, and she worried that the slut let out over the past week would be curtailed. As she became less needed with the sex, she would have to cage her own beast again. Thoughts of a pledge to be faithful to her son flashed in her mind.

Moving out of her room ,she rounded the corner down the hall. Going through the second story of the house, she saw many pictures of her and Danial hanging on the walls.

Looking at his progression from a young boy to man sent a shiver through her. She thought of the days where she once doted on him for school work and the like. Now, she couldn’t help but want him like a man all the time. There was something about it. Continuing down the hall, she walked past his room.

“Patricia,” Alicia groaned out at her from her son’s bed. Patricia, quite intrigued by the call out as it didn’t happen often. Alicia may have started off in the whole situation as an infatuated girl with a crush on the teacher, but now she only frequented the house for her son.

“I don’t know if I like you calling me by my name like that?” Patricia said leaning up against the door frame. Alicia was sitting on the bed, brushing her dark hair.

“Sorry ma’am,” she said. Not that it mattered much to Patricia.

What mattered more to her was her fiery loins. Sensing eyes upon her, Patricia let her robe fall open a bit, exposing her breasts. She let out a sigh and she could feel Alicia’s eyes greedily drink her in. Moving a hand over a breast, she let out a moan.

“Let me make it up to you,” the younger woman said before dropping her brush and standing up.

Patricia expected to be beckoned over to the bed. Instead, Alicia walked over to her, fertile hips swinging. The look was extremely seductive and as she walked up, Patricia bit her lower lip. Now she remembered why she allowed the younger woman to be apart of the affairs she was having with her son. Alicia reminded her, of well, herself.

When Alicia dropped down in front of her, Patricia didn’t know what to expect. When hands reached up and pushed her legs apart, she obliged, lifting up on and letting it settle over the woman’s shoulder.

“Oh yes,” Patricia sighed. Fingers dug into the woman’s scalp, gripping into the soft hair. She pulled hard and pushed her hips forward.

Shaking involuntarily as pussy lips got licked in long runs of a tongue. The pressure of a lapping tongue against her exceptional large clit made her feel what she missed in her own bed earlier.

“Right there,” she gasped out. Something slipped inside of her, probing until it seemed to find a spot where she would shudder continuously when rubbed. Quickly, and with gusto, Patricia threw herself into the proverbial pool that she liked to describe her libido as to herself. It didn’t take long for her to start drowning in the waves of crashing peaks of orgasms.

Patricia always prided herself on her ability fall to into multiple orgasms. After an hour at failing in that regard, she gratefully fell into multiple orgasms. Screaming and squirting, she was soon left in a puddle of her own juices as the younger woman left her to collapse against the frame of the door.

“How did you learn to do that?” Patricia asked as her body spasmed in the sweet after glow.

“Your son made me learn,” Alicia replied.

Patricia went to reply, still having trouble focusing her eyes.

“How to eat puss?”

“Suck cock, but your clit is big enough to be considered one of those.”

Patricia smiled at the comment. A truer statement if there had ever been any. Between the meaty flaps, and often protruding out was a thick three-inch clit. Nothing compared to having that organ suckled on. When she was younger it made her feel like some sort of freak many a time, but others like she was a sexual goddess who deserved to have her body worshipped. Even still, it had been a huge fantasy to have a cock there instead. Even possessing both sexes as she sucked and fucked herself into oblivion.

A sudden pounding on the front door brought her out of her thoughts. It ruined her after glow and the jump actually made her heart pump. A muffled yelling could be heard.

“Oh my god,” Alicia said.

“Who the hell is that?” Patricia asked with anger growing in her voice.

“My dad,” Alicia said in a panic moving around in the room. That brought Patricia roaring into action herself and she moved to get changed in her room. It took her less than a minute to change into a shirt and a pair of shorts. As she moved out, she found Alicia almost having a full on panic attack.

“Relax,” Patricia said. “You look fine and it may be an emergency.”

She knew Alicia’s father showing up unannounced wasn’t for an emergency. The younger woman’s panic was probably justified, but Patricia remained calm. Nothing had been discussed in great detail concerning the girl’s father.

“Look, if you looked panicked, he will pick up on it,” she said to the girl. “Grab your stuff, and go to the restroom downstairs. I will answer the door. Clean up.”

Patricia moved down the stairs and to the front door. She made sure to keep the door chain engaged as she opened the door.

“Can I help you?” she spoke mustering an amount of annoyance in her voice. It wasn’t hard to do either. Being interrupted in her sexual bliss had brought out a foul mood in her and with that, she noted a man had found her home. That in itself was almost queer enough for her to call the cops, but Alicia may suffer with a decision like that.

“I’m here for my daughter,” the man spoke with anger evident in his voice.

“And you are?”

Patricia almost flinched when the door lurched open suddenly. He had pushed the door, but the chain snapped tight, barring his way.

“Can I help you?”

“I am Alicia’s father. Where is she?”

“She is getting ready to go. I was about to bring her home.”

“Well, I’m here now,” he shouted at Patricia. The door strained with an audible creak. Patricia shoved a foot up against the door to brace it, giving her some comfort.

“Look here sir, there is no reason to be so petulant.”

“What did you call me?”

“It doesn’t matter. Alicia is gathering her supplies up and will be out shortly.”

“Look her you slut,” he said with venom. It took her aback with not only the boldness but its dripping hatred. “I will not be talked to in such a way. Whatever you have her doing in there, I will be sure to contact your boss about this.”

“They are working on a group project. Letter sent home last week. I would appreciate it if you weren’t so bold in your anger.”

“Whatever bitch, get her out here now,” he said with a shout on the now. Patricia wondered if pissing him off would be worth it if a neighbor called the cops.

Alicia had walked up by this time and interrupted the thought. Patricia looked over to the girl. She looked scared.

“Alright, hold on, I have to close the door.”

Patricia closed the door and turned to Alicia.

“I will do something about this to get you out of there,” she said to the younger woman. Alicia nodded and Patricia embrace her female lover. They hesitated coming apart and then she left, a heavy tension left hanging in the air as the door closed behind her. As soon as the door closed Patricia felt an overwhelming sense of dread. Something had gone wrong, she just didn’t know what.


“Downstairs,” Patricia called back to her son. She heard his footfalls as he moved around above. Soon enough, he had begun walking down the stairs naked.

“Alicia leave?”

“Her father came by to get her,” Patricia said before moving away form the door and into the kitchen.

Danial followed her, but her mind wasn’t on the fact he was naked. A signal that she could have taken as an invitation. Instead, she wanted a drink. Something had to be done about her sinking mood. She moved through the kitchen, grabbing various ingredients to make some sort of mixed drink. With some rum, she got herself something and poured one for Danial.

“Drink this,” she said pushing the drink to him. “I made it mixed, so it won’t burn on the way down.”

“You want me to drink?”

She threw hers back and began making another.

“As opposed to having my son fuck me any time he wants?”

Danial gave her a look of surprise but he tossed the drink back. He began coughing almost immediately. She laughed and made him another. Her second back, she went for a third. He drank his second.

“Are you trying to get drunk?”

“Yeah,” she said after finishing the third drink. A fourth was poured. “You want another?”

“I think I’m already feeling it,” he said.

“I’m not.”

Another drink poured. She was barely feeling the heat in her stomach, and she wanted to feel it a lot more.


“I’m fine, go to the store and get us something for me to make for dinner.”

“Is that wise?”

“Dammit Danial, just go,” she said slamming the glass onto the counter.

She didn’t hear him leave, as she continued to drink. Before long, and a lost count of drinks, the heat did spread and dulled her worry quite well. Before long, her head began to swim a bit and she giggled.

“Danial has never seen me drunk,” she said to herself. He was gone for now, but her appetite for sexual release throbbed angrily once again in her clit. Looking down herself, she could see her clitoris dancing up and down, begging for stimulation. With a groan, she leaned back against the counter and tentatively touched the organ.

“Oh,” she groaned. A slight touch was enough to make her almost cum. Zero to sixty in less than a second. Taking two fingers, she slid them around her clit like a clip until the throbbing body of it rested between the phalanges. Soon enough, she began moving the sexual organ through her fingers slowly.

Alcohol never dulled her sexual stimulations. To her, it only seemed to make everything more sensitive. Thankfully, unlike before in the afternoon, it didn’t take long for her to orgasm. It hit her like truck when it strikes an animal-suddenly and by surprise.

An orgasm for Patricia always seemed to make her world explode in a flare of white light. A tensing that exploded until she found herself either in two positions. The first, would mean that she would collapse in utter exhaustion and satisfaction. The second, which she currently experienced at this moment, was a beginning of a series of finishes that would only get more intense until she got some cock.

“God,” she groaned out loud. What she would give to have Danial right now probably bordered on sacrificing the entirety of humanity. The second orgasm held off, even as she switched from different hand motions t push herself over, she couldn’t get there.

Pulling her hand up, Patricia looked at the slime covering it. A quick lick to clean off her fingertips, moaning of course while she did, it sent her into a frenzied state of needing better stimulation. Moving quickly, almost to a sprint to the fridge, she opened it and looked through the drawers.

It took almost a minute for her to find something suitable to fill her needs. With shaky hands, she grabbed a thick cucumber and rushed over to the sink to wash it. Thankfully she was able to ignore the burning in her loins, but only just. As soon as it was thoroughly washed, she turned to a corner in the counters before lifting one leg up and onto the counter.

“Oh, it’s cold,” she cried out, sinking the flesh of the vegetable straight into her wanting orifice. Normally resorting to such things would have been outside of what she wanted, but as the flesh slid in deeper, she couldn’t care less.

There was a time, years ago when she tapered off of sex, that Patricia once had used an assortment of vegetables to masturbate with pregnant. That had been difficult to do too as when she was pregnant she had sworn off sex. The resulting experimentation had ended with a brave act of getting an eggplant into herself. Subsequently, it did help stretching herself out at the time, but it was one of the last times she sought sexual pleasure before Danial.

Now, she creamed all over the phallic object as she held it in her for a brief second. Nails dug into the green flesh and she used that as a grip to pull the makeshift cock in and out of herself. What is lacked in having the head of a cock, it made up for have a rigged surface that her pussy gripped with wanton lust. Everything about it made her moan out in pleasure. She didn’t even stop as the second orgasm built in her.

“Ah shit,” she said as her body seized up before violently spasming. Ears barely heard the sound of spraying liquid of her pussy hitting different surfaces in the kitchen. By the time it ended she found herself on the floor, somehow fallen into a puddle of herself.

“That was a good one,” she said standing up on wobbly legs. A hand on the counter held her steady. The cucumber was still in her, held in place by squeezing vaginal muscles. Forcing herself to relax, she pulled the cucumber out of herself. Ridges seemed to slowly grate against her insides, reigniting carnal desires as it pulled out.

“That isn’t good,” she said holding cucumber up for view. Along its length, were great fissures were the skin had been cracked.

“Or maybe it is,” she said with a laugh before letting the vegetable fall to the floor. She would clean it up later, but she had worried about Daniel for a brief moment. She left the kitchen and looked for her phone.

She found it, and there were some messages from Alice. Right now, with her needs needing to be stroked out, she ignore them. Instead, she called her son. He picked up on the fourth ring.


“Hey honey,” she replied to him.

“What’s up mom?”

“I need you home,” she told him with a shaky voice coupled with a moan. “How long are you gonna be?”

“I just got to the store.”

She pulled back the phone to see almost an hour had passed. With a throaty moan, she continued.

“Can you hurry,” she begged with the poutiest voice she could. “I could really use something fulfilling for dinner.”

She put as much emphasis on the word fulfilling she could.

“Yeah, I’m on my way home I’ll be stuck in traffic,” he said with pause. “Passed an accident.”

“I’ll cook you a really good dinner if you can make back here in ten,” she groaned in frustration. His words meant a possible two hour wait before he got home.

He laughed and they hung up the phone.

She the phone down, knowing that he probably went to the closet store. Either way, she wouldn’t ever keep him away from food, in fear that he would keep his cock out of her. Then an idea struck her.

Patricia decided to make good on her word. There would even be dressing up as a seductress for him. A milf seductress who cooked her lover a feast so that there was enough energy for an all-nighter. Feeling giddy, she went upstairs to shower. The time didn’t matter being that there could be two hours and she quickly got under hot water.

Patricia took her time showering. Hair washed, body washed, and even made sure to douche. An enema crossed her mind and that task quickly happened, though she did have to masturbate once to keep her sensitivity down. She thought she heard the front door open and close, but that only made her smile.

Still in the bathroom, perfume was applied and some lotion. A check for any boy hair, which was promptly removed if found. She hated body hair on herself, feeling hair dulled any sensations where it grew. After that chore, she opened up her bathroom door.

“And there’s the slut now,” an angry male voice boomed into the bathroom.

Patricia jumped back at the words.

“Who the hell?” she replied, but she saw who it was. There was no mistaking the frame of the man as he appeared in front of her. It was Alicia’’s father. Frozen for a second, she couldn’t move as he heart pounded in her chest.

“You fucking slut, what did you do to my angel?” he screamed at her. The force of his voice made her jump, her naked breasts exposed.

“Now what are you doing here,” she yelled back.

The man was bigger than her. Modestly dressed in a pair of dark blue jeans, brown boots and a plaid shirt, she was taken aback by how attractive he was to her. Except for the yelling and surprise, she may have actually let this man take her in just about any situation he would have pleased. This situation was not one of them being that a role play hadn’t been set up.

“Listen here,” he hissed at her, taking a step towards her. His menacing tone made her step back into the bathroom. But too late was he action as before she could fully react, he was upon her and quickly had her pinned to the ground. “I won’t be talked to in such a way. what you did to my sweet angel can never be forgiven.”

“Alicia made her own choices,” she yelled, out, feeling the cold floor of the bathroom on her skin. “Just like I can.”

“What are you going on about?”

She could feel his hot breath on her skin. Focusing on that transferred to cunt. Within seconds, a buzz started on her lips. Horny again, she prepared to entice him.

“I mean, take it and leave. I won’t bother with your daughter again,” she replied. “My son will be home soon, so make it fast.”

“Your son, he is the one who defiled my angel,” he screamed, defeaning her ears. “I will take care of him soon enough. Time to tie you up.”

That sent panic through Patricia. The veiled threat against her son and then the promise of tying her up. her heart pounded with that. She began struggling in earnest but then a sharp pain on the side of her head made her see black.

Patricia awoke to automatically knowing that she had been tied up in a fetal position. She didn’t know how long she had been out, but she did know she was laying in a fetal position. The ropes dug into her skin, while not at all unpleasant, she didn’t concentrate on that. Instead, she worried what was to come.

“Glad to see your awake.” A harsh male voice said. Her thoughts cleared, but she couldn’t respond. There was something tied around her head forcing something down her throat. A groan was all she could do.

“You may not know this at the moment, but I am naked.”

A sudden sting on her right hip sent a pleasurable moan involuntarily through her. It surprised her a bit at how willing her body was adapted to the fucked up situation. Though, she realized her was about to fuck her and her promise to her son wouldn’t be keepable.

She had pledged herself to him. A dire predicament, but she knew that the sex would be exquisite. Like a long lost glove, her body grew hotter in perverse want.

“I plan on taking you. Not because I want to fuck you, but because you deserve something as punishment before the end.”

She wiggled her body a bit, trying to get her bum to look inviting to him. His words meant nothing much to her at the moment. Her body demanded attention.

“You don’t need to do that,” he said flatly. “I can already see you’re willing on you lips. I’ve never had the pleasure of doing such things before now.”

He had a daughter. She knew that. So the statement confused her. Thoughts raced and quickly she decided it meant that tying a woman up and having his way with her. Too bad, he may have had a rape fantasy, but she wanted what he promised. The bed sank.

“I have a confession to make,” he said. A hand fell onto her ass. “I’m a straight up virgin. Never had sex before.”

That confused the hell out of Patricia.

“Confusing I know. See, Alicia isn’t my biological daughter.”

There was a pause and then the hand moved. Across her butt and at first a tentative squeeze pressured on her before moving into kneading. It wasn’t unpleasant, but it did make her feel like a studied specimen. Consigning herself to it, relaxing took over while she anticipated fingers delving in soon enough. A signal felt with warm self-lubrication rolling slowly down the other side of her ass. She wondered if her asshole puckered wanting a taste of her sweet nectar.

“I got Alicia quite by accident. Cops looked for her for a long while, but by the time the case went cold, she was old enough to swear she only knew me.”

A finger traces lightly over he enflamed lips. Try as she might, the pleasure buzzing across them did not drown out his words. She felt like a slut then, knowing that he was confessing major things right now.

“My heart was with that girl, you know?”

Patricia did. She loved Alicia, but now she knew it. A moan escaped her throat.

“And you took her innocence,” he said with a loud inflection of voice. “My sweet little girl. She’s a harlot like you now.”

Eyes closed and fingers dug into the hungry cunt. Shuddering, it didn’t take long for the probing to really get her going.

“She was like that, right when I finally took her. All those years wasted by a slut and her son.”

Lips spread apart as more fingers probed in.

“I wanted her virgin sex, instead she has a cunt like yours.”

To which Patricia would have defended herself from. What was wrong with a cunt like hers? It was tight, wet and willing in almost every situation. No man could have been luckier to have it.

There was a small amount of pain as more fingers joined. She stretched and before she knew it, she knew there was a fist inside of her. That made her cream hard.

“All it took, man you are disgusting,” he said and spat to emphasis it. “There is pee everywhere.”

It wasn’t that though. Patricia could forgive a virgin for not knowing women came. Some even came hard enough to squirt. If she had the time or opportunity, she may offer to tech him.

“I can’t believe a woman can do this.”

So says the man who currently had a fist inside of her, but she couldn’t say that to him. Instead, she enjoyed the feeling of being stretched out and did her best to relax. She thought for a moment and then let of a throat moan. The object, which she had figured out was a strap-on dildo tied around her face made her slobber. She wondered briefly if he would use her mouth.

“Sick bitch like you is getting of on this huh?”

Vaginal muscles flexed, it was a signal for him.

“I think you have the wrong idea here,” he said. “We aren’t doing this for your pleasure. Only mine and once I have that, I have no more use for you.”

That didn’t matter to Patricia. What did, was that he would get his fill and leave the house. Danial may be home even sooner, and the perverse sense of want of her own son quickly became the goal at the conclusion of this encounter. Besides, he had been on his way back home and hopefully put an end to the whole ordeal. In the meantime, she did intend to fully enjoy the sex. No sense in letting a good opportunity go to waste.

“Now, why I have my hand up your filthy cunt isn’t to pleasure you. I want to make sure you can take me in. And don’t be too alarmed, I’ll let you see what I am using here soon enough.”

She shrugged and began moving her hips, giving herself some momentum to ride up and down the arm.

“If you’re that desperate, we can move on.”

There was no thought of her when his hand ripped out of her. She could tell as the sudden emptiness left an emptiness. The pressure weighing down the bed let up. Only a moment passed before he walked into view. If she could gasp, she would have.

Walked into view was the biggest cock she had ever seen. She marveled at it, automatically wanting to sink down its length. And he didn’t exaggerate. She needed to be stretched good and loose for that monstrosity.

Groaning, she looked at its thick length, hanging to what amounted to look like fourteen inches. An arm for sure, she worried he would pass out from how much blood was surely needed for it. But that joke and thought was interrupted by him.

“I had her, for years. Taking her from a child to woman. I needed someone to take this. Her training was supposed to be mine,” he shouted. She could hear what sounded like sobs. She thought it was pathetic. Cock like that, his biggest issue must have been personality. There weren’t many women who would pass up an opportunity like that. At least, in her crowd including herself.

“And now you’re going to take it.”

He lifted the meat up, no doubt pointing to the floor due to its massive weight. Strong hand grabbed her suddenly and pulled her to the edge and down to the corner of the bed. Her feet hung off the edge, but when the heavy slap of his cock landing on her face. That immediately made her cum.

“You are a freak,” he yelled and it seemed to be filled with excitement. The cock pulled across her face before falling from view. “I’m gonna fuck you as much as possible. I would love to have you blow me, but teeth and all. Your ass will be fine too.”

Patricia cared less about where the damn thing got shoved into, just as long as it did. A moan reverberated around the thick dildo down her throat, a trying symbol of lust for her. no need to bother about the man, just a tool in the end.

“I wonder if it’ll slide right in,” he said to himself. He had walked out of view. A sound of spitting filled the room. “Hope you don’t mind, as much as you deserve some pain, I don’t actually want to cause pain in sex.”

He sighed.

“That’s why I’m a virgin,” he said. “First time I tried with a girl my own age and let’s say such traumas made me scared to try again for a long time. Many failures and that is where Alicia came in. A girl who loved her father by no end. Someone who would understand.”

Then the tip of the knob of his cock touched her pussy lips. Jolts of electricity laced through nerve endings. It took little time for a cunt to slobber over the anticipated fulfillment. Then the thing began moving over her slippery lips, either lubing or really teasing. Either option would be fine for Patricia as she rarely held enough restraint when it came to sex. Being tied up helped in the endeavor kept her from making more immediate satisfying copulation.

The teasing went on painfully long. She heard a slight curse before it reregistered that virginity presented the major barrier. It made her groan in lustful annoyance but being restrained prevented a more guiding hand to the matter.

“Dammit let my cock in you whore.”

Not that she could help him but she didn’t move. A breath caught in her as she forcefully pushed herself into relaxing. As if it would be the last breath she took, she held on until she was about to burst with a need for air. Then like fate would have it, the imagined barrier that kept his cock at bay suddenly lifted.

A gasp that came out as a throaty moan. Like a battering ram, he blew down any resistance that tightness would offer. As she stretched she was thankful that a cucumber helped on the pregame. Now she could enjoy the baseball bat sized cock a lot easier. And she did, feeling the ridges of thick veins as sensitive flesh rolled over them.

The head settled up against her cervix. That didn’t worry her as she felt pleasure for such a thing. But he kept pushing. While Patricia considered herself freaky but prolapsing her womb out for uterine stimulation was low on her list of likes. Thankfully after pushing a few times he seemed to realize that there was only so much room in a vaginal canal. That’s when the fucking began in earnest.

“This is so fucking great,” he grunted.

She moaned in response almost gagging on the cock gag in her throat. Something about it drove her quickly into a frenzies state of absolutely needing to finish.

The sounds of her wet pussy getting worked over filled the air. Wet sounds that were rhythmic with the hard thrusts. Eyes rolling back in her head, she bit down hard on the dildo in her mouth. Teeth sank in and it wasn’t long before she began trying to stay lucid enough to bite through the material. That moment came when her orgasm hit.

She barely registered the rubber base falling away from her face. There wasn’t a moment to register that as her orgasm powerfully rocked. Nothing could matter anymore as that thick cock found itself wrapped tightly in her.

“Ah shit,” he moaned.

The size increased, possibly making her impaled on the thing. She knew it heralded the inevitable end for a man. His thrust became more frantic for a moment. Her orgasm was beginning to subside and taper off, but when heat radiated with intensity, her body reacted as it normally would.

“Fuck,” he screamed out.

Words scantily heard with spasming contortions. Groaning in after glow, she let the high of a powerful orgasm numb her body. The only uncomfortable thing impeding a full submersion into afterglow was the broken dildo in her throat. Working muscles and her tongue, she managed to push the thing out her mouth.

“You pissed everywhere,” he said with sounded like disgust.

“Never been with a squirter huh?” she said.

A sudden tension filled the air. She knew immediately he hadn’t expected her voice. Why would he? After all, she had been gagged.

“I,” he was hesitating to find words.

“Can you get hard again?” she asked, squeezing vaginal muscles. Not that he really needed to be hard again. Even softened, she could still fill his substantial size.

“You want more?”

“Sure,” she said. “You feel really good.”

“Is that all it is?”

“Sex?” She asked feeling amused with the question. “I thought so. You’re practically raping me, but kudos to you on the equipment. Without something impressive, I might have actually made an effort to get some attention here.”

She groaned. Even now she could feel hot cum running past her pussy lips. The smell was salty, which was pleasant.

“You’re a monster,” he said.

“Look who’s talking,” she said with a laugh. “So you gonna fuck me some more?”

Now Patricia still couldn’t see him. The restraints kept her from looking at him. All she could see is the open bathroom door, the light still on, and her night stand. On the night stand, there was a crystal glass, which always half-filled with water. Behind it, was a nice lamp. Then a framed picture of her and her son Danial when he was much younger. That made her smile for a second.

The cock began sliding out of her. She thought the man was about t fuck her silly and sighed in contention closing her eyes. When a sudden pain shot into her side.

“You filthy slut, my plan was to cause you pain, not make you pleasure you-you whore.”

She found it hard to breath. Another sharp pain and it registered that she was being stabbed. Again and again. Each thrust took more breath out of her. There needed to be a scream. Something to call out. Her son Danial, had he been hurt?

These thoughts began fading quickly as terror took over. She heard him. Screaming and ranting about her once again ruining his life. All he ever wanted was a woman to love him. He raised that, spent years with that goal all to have it ruined by one woman and her son.

If only he knew that his kidnapped daughter was already a closet slut. With some prodding. Patricia could have pushed her into acceptance. None of this hurt needed to happen.

But it was. And Patricia found herself gasping for air as she struggled to stay awake. Nothing would keep the darkness at bay. Even though the obscenities and stabs, she managed to get one last look at the picture on the night stand.

They looked so happy. A day where they had gone to an amusement park. Some passerby had taken the picture. Smiles big as houses. A smile broke on her face before darkness overtook her. But it was only a blink.

No longer did she find herself in a bedroom anymore. Instead white light permeated the air and she sat on a bench. Looking around, all she saw was that white light. There was no worry in her though, though confusion did find itself.

“Where am I?” she asked aloud to herself. Her voice echoed sluggishly in the air. Looking down at herself, she saw a white gown covering her. She felt empty and weightless while she started at her hands.

They weren’t solid in a way she knew. They faded and showed the white floor below through their wavering light.

“I’m dead,” she said not feeling remorse for the state of herself.

“Not yet actually,” a voice said.

She turned on the bench to find a small man standing next to the bench.

“Who are you?” she asked studying over him. He wore a suit with shiny black shoes. He seriously looked like he would barely come up to her inner thigh if she stood. Though he wasn’t what one would call a little person as his dimensions marked the same scale as a normal person just smaller.

“Name’s Dicker,” he said. His voice was almost comical, sounding high-pitched. He was rocking back on his heels. He cocked his head to look at her.


“You don’t feel,” he stated as a matter of fact. “That’s a rare feat for those who make it here.”

“Where is here?”

“The in between,” he said with a wave. “That’s why its white you see. Lack of everything for your anything.”

“What does that mean?”

Her gaze fell to her hands again. They were still almost see thru.

“Means your life isn’t over yet and there is decisions to be made.”

She chewed on the information for a second. What did he mean by feel? She felt plenty. Mostly centering on disappointment, but then she thought she understood.

“You meant feel as in touch,” she said.

“Ah, you understand your greatest sin.”

“So then my eternal damnation is not to feel? Is that why I’m see-through?”

He laughed. A high-pitched helium sounding peel of laughter that almost made her shiver in fear. It invigorated curiosity instead.

“Why do you laugh?”

“Because, mortals always seem to be surprising. Pray tell, how did you figure that out?”

“I like sex, what’s not to figure out? I could have all the happiness in the world, but without that, it would be hell.”

“Then have I got a deal for you,” he said with hat high-pitched laughter once again.

Taken aback, she waited for him to stop laughing. He then began dancing around.

“What deal?”

“I can give you your heaven, and even make it on the mortal plane.”

“How?” she asked a little too excited for her what she felt, was her own good. Furthermore, it did disturb her how little being dead bothered her.

“My sweet girl, we have to make a deal.”

“What do you want?”

“Well, first would be the terms,” he said swinging his arms wide with emphasis on a bow. “My offer is to give you life.”

“And you want a soul?”

“A soul?” he said standing up. “Interesting choice of words.”

He walked over and jumped up to stand on the bench next to her.

“Any soul should do I suppose, what soul do you have to offer?”

“My own I suppose,” she said looking down.

“Silly you,” he said with a laugh. “I don’t want your soul. You can get me one, one especially vile and nasty.”

“And that would be it?”

“Well, everything has a price my dear. Undead creatures tend to need life to survive.”


“Well, to return you, you would be undead unless we bind you to a contract where you will become something else at reanimation.”

She thought for a moment, taking in the facts of this offer.

“Who would the soul be?”

“Oh you should delight in this plight,” he laughed, before his eyes narrowed at her. “The man with knife thrust on the many, should suffice.”

“The man who killed me?”

He smiled. A wicked smile that distorted his face.

“Precisely,” he said. “But you hesitate.”

She did. It didn’t take but a moment for it to be clear to her why.

“What would it take for another reanimation?”

That smile didn’t break.

“You wish for a more elaborate deal,” he said with an inflection of voice at the end. “Name your pick, and I may give a bit.”

“My son, Danial.”

“Oh scandalous and marvelous,” he said clapping hands and jumping about. “Sorry, but I can only bring about those who are dead and not for a while.”

“Then the bastard’s daughter.”

“The venom is a nice touch. I can do her, but may I ask why?”

“I want to be alive with those I loved. She didn’t deserve her fate.”

“Who’s to say, but I can play. The price is steep.”

“What would it be?”

“A soul more or even more,” he said sitting on the bench now. “I haven’t had an asking as such in a long time. Times have changed and things are different. Failure might be high still.”

“What are you going on about?”

“Your price is fifty-one souls, gathered with your body.”

“Do what?”

“What better way than to send you down to do the thing that brings you to heaven. Endless sex and the like. One soul for you and fifty for her. She will bring me fifty for the transaction too. But you both will be also paying for the benefit of what other gift I have to offer.”

“And that is?”

“I am going to bring you back as a demon,” he said with a peel of laughter.

“Will I feel?”

“Everything as intensely as before and more. You will want more.”

That made her smile.

“What of my son?”

“An eternity with him is heaven for you. I see that and we can discuss those terms later. I need the souls for one deal before another.”

“I agree.”

“That’s it?”

“If there are consequences, later is better. The only change I have to have is that Alicia brings you her father.”

“I can agree to this. You have an hour once you awaken to bring you first soul, or your deal is off and you will disappear into nothing.”

They stared at each other. Eyes locked and studying, or at least to her. His eyes were golden, and swimming with swirls. Pretty enough as it looked. Enticing even.

“But now we seal the deal, and you can transcend.”

“Do we shake?”

“No,” he said. “We do unspeakable things involving horrors to make you anew.”


2021-12-10 12:52:07
Great story, buy didn't care for the ending!!

Black '10 inches' dickReport 

2020-07-25 03:11:21
I love this story but when are you going to continued it I have been wanting since last year


2019-11-28 03:01:58
Yeah, I know I went left on it. Honestly, had no idea where to take the story. The arc was taking so long for idea, I went left=field and found a story with it. I may write this as an alternate version and release another chapter for a non-weird one.


2019-11-25 05:21:49
I loved the story till you had her making a deal with what ever it was. The son should have hit Alicia dad in the head and killed him and Alicia moves in.

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