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Isabella mom's card is declined when she trys to order a piazza, but the pizza delivery man has other ways of making her pay.
The pizza slut

It was truly a glorious day in the Wilson household. It was the first time the young Isabella Wilson would be left home alone for the night. Isabella’s mother needed to travel to the neighboring town for work and would stay the night there. It had taken Isabella a week to convince her mom, but after many long battles, she finally had. “Mom, I can do it, I don’t need a baby sitter. Please” She begged until her mother, with a defeated voice, gave in. “I will be home tomorrow morning. there will be food in the fridge, do NOT answer the door for anyone other than me. If something happens, or you need anything, call Mr. Rogers. I’ve told him you’re going to be alone. I love you.” She said as she walked out the door.

Isabella would never call her Mr. rogers, their next-door neighbor. She thought he was sort of creepy. And besides, she had other plans. Just the same as any teen would do when their adults were out of town, the first thing she did was clamber up the stairs, straight to her mom’s room. The next thing she did was head to her mother's oversized closet. She went through the racks of clothes, most of which were several sizes too large for her.

Isabella tried on some oversized bras. She was eagerly awaiting the day when her breasts grew to the size of her mom’s. She saw the way men looked at her mom, and she wanted that kind of attention. She settled on wearing a skimpy little nightgown. It looked huge on her, but she didn’t mind, she liked its softness. Heading to the bedside drawers, she rummaged through them. Jackpot, she thought while holding up her prize. A credit card. Perfect.

She ran down the starts as fast as she could, straight to the house phone. Picking it up she walked to the fridge. She dialed the number written on a little yellow sticky note for “Nicks pizza” The dial tone rang until a scratchy voice picked up. “Nicks pizza, home of the double cheese stuffed crust. What can we get you?” She requested a large pepperoni pizza. “Ok would you like to pay now or at the time of delivery? “Her mom thought her to never tell a stranger your credit card number, especially over the phone. With that on her mind, she chose delivery “Ok, give me your address and it will be there in 20 minutes.” She happily complied. Thinking nothing ill could come out of it.

Isabella eagerly waited for her treat to arrive. She had big plans for the night. Watching old movies and eating as much pizza and ice-cream as she possibly could. What more could she want in life? A ragged looking station wagon pulled into her driveway. The car door opened and tall man that looked like he had forgotten to shave climbed out, carrying with him large satchel. Isabella knew her pizza lied Within. He strode up to the driveway and rang the bell. Isabella was ready and swung the door open wide. Without looking up at her he asked for the $12.69 the pizza would cost. Isabella held out her card, or rather or mothers. The man took it and swiped on his hand-held card reader. While it was proccing he took his first good look at her.

“So are you home alone tonight or what?”

Isabella was bubbling with pride. Pride that she had been trusted by her mother enough to hold down the fort. With that pride, she gladly told him that yes, she indeed home alone.

“Big house all to yourself. So, you’re sure your mom's not coming home tonight, then right?”

He probed. Isabella thought it was an odd thing to ask, but figured he was just making small talk. She confirmed again that she was alone all night.

“Well, your card has been declined. It says it was deactivated, do you have any other money to pay?”

He said while taking a step into the doorway. Panic raised itself in Isabella’s chest. She didn’t know credit cards could be deactivated. She felt tears come to her eyes, she tried to hold them back but failed. She confessed to the man that this was the first time she had ever been left home alone and that she didn’t have any other money. Between tears, she apologized to him and told him he could take the pizza away. Unfortunately for her, he had other plans.

“It’s ok, maybe there’s some other way you can pay for it.” He said while walking in. he closed the door, locking it behind him. “I don’t know what you mean I don-”

She was cut off as he quickly grabbed her forcing her to her knees. He took his limp cock out of his fly then he used both hands to force open her mouth and put it in. He was not soft for long. She was pinned between him and the wall to her back. She felt him slide in and out of her mouth. Frustrated she wasn't taking it all, he slapped her head and put all his force into his hips. Pushing himself down her throat. She gaged. She felt like she needed to throw up, but his dick kept forcing it back down. He pulled out, and she vomited her stomach contents.

He began to take his pants the rest of the way off. Seeing that she thought she saw a chance to escape. She crawled to the stairs on all fours. With his pants still at his ankles, he caught her. He clamped her hands together, pinning them to the stairs. He ripped her nightgown off with his other, revealing her pink pussy. He licked it once before forcing his rock-hard cock into her slit. Using his other hand, he pushed her face into the carpet lining the stairs. She was pinned to the stairs as he pounded away, he went deeper than she thought was possible. she felt a deep pain with every thrust. He got off his knees and stood. He pulled on her ass up, raising it high. Balancing on one foot he pushed the other one against her face, grinding it into the ground. With his hands now free, he slapped her backside every time he went in and out of her hole. After what felt like a lifetime he pulled out and stood up. Tears streaked her face. She hoped he was done, but she would not be that lucky.

He grabbed her long hair and pulled her up the stairs, once in the hall he forcefully flipped her onto her back and mounted her. He stuck his tongue into her mouth as he raped her hole. His hands found their way to her small breasts. They fit into his hands with ease, he squeezed them hard while thrusting his hips. Isabelle wanted to die as his fingernails impaled her flesh, they were among other things that were penetrating her flesh. Minutes rolled by, but to Isabella, it felt like hours. Finally, He pulled out and stuck it back into her mouth. She felt something hot and sticky go down her orifice. She gaged it up until it was covering her face. He stood up and kicked her in the hard in the tit. He told her that good sluts should swallow. He left her lying there, cum covered and crying. He walked downstairs and began eating the pizza he had bought. She just laid there, regretting all her decisions that lead to this point. Regretting her life as a whole. She hadn’t even been treated as a human, no to him, she was nothing more than a fuck hole.

•As with all adult media, you can pretend the characters are whatever age you wish, but in this story ALL of them are over 18. with no exceptions.

Re-uploaded due to formatting issues.


2019-12-11 03:07:08
More please


2019-11-22 22:17:47
Lmao like anyone will believe that she is 18, what 18yo would beg her mom not to call a babysitter

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