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As night deepens, Rhonda and her two girls begin their 'training'. But soon Master Julio has other ideas for Rhonda's older girl, and Amanda's night of torment leads to an awful revelation.

Somewhere on a ranch in the middle of the desert, in a basement which looked almost as rough and primitive as a dungeon, an Indian-American mother and her two daughters were being held captive. Kidnapped and then repeatedly raped, Rhonda could hardly describe the fear and despair she now felt as she looked at her two daughters. There was Natalie, her 18-year-old youngest, and Amanda, her 19-year-old girl. Both of the girls were slender, gorgeous, and sexy…but now they looked hardly recognizable to her.

Julio, the gang leader who had purchased them from Gary, their kidnapper, had just taken a step back off the bed where both daughters were now sprawled naked, facedown, their wrists bound to the headboard. Natalie and Amanda's bodies were covered in a sheen of sweat, their hair all disheveled and askew from the brutal gang rape. Their pussies and asses were sore from being roughly used, and now the two girls lay almost lifeless. The traitorous dark wet stain on the bed near Amanda's pussy showed where Julio had allowed Rhonda to lick and suck her daughter to climax. As shameful as it was, Rhonda didn't regret it. After all the pain her little girls had endured in the last few hours, giving them pleasure, even twisted incestuous pleasure, was better than nothing.

Now Julio turned his intense, merciless eyes toward her.

"You ready for your training to begin, Mama?" Those eyes matched Julio's harsh features – the shaved head and the tattoo of barbed wires coiled through the eye sockets of a chain of skulls that wound up the side of his thick neck.

Rhonda was standing naked, unshackled for the time being, her gaze flicking back to Sanchez, Julio's second-in-command. A soft buzzing sound emanated from the obscene object the man held in his hands. The long chrome vibrator was riddled with bumps to create maximum stimulation, and Rhonda noticed that there were straps attached to the vibrator… She didn't want to think what he was going to do with that.

"Let us go, you bastards! You've already raped my little girls!" Rhonda shouted.

Julio stepped in close and too late she saw the flash of the knife in his hand. He slipped behind her at the last moment, one hand fisting in her hair, yanking her head back to expose her neck even as his other hand poised the blade against her vulnerable jugular.

Rhonda froze, all too aware of Julio's hard cock pressed above her tailbone, and of course the cold edge of the blade.

"You need to calm down, Mama." He slowly removed the hand which was fisted in her hair, only to slip it down lower, to her breasts, which he began to grope and fondle.

"Now you listen good, bitch. I don't want any hysterics, especially now that you are my property. Slaves must be properly trained, and you and your daughters will be exactly that once I'm finished with you. Do you understand?"

Trying to corral the traitorous stampeding rhythm of her heart, Rhonda whispered, "Yes, Master." She still felt his cum leaking out of her ass from her recent rape, and she hated the complete control he had over her right now.

"What's that, bitch? Speak up," Julio growled.

"Yes, Master. I'll behave," Rhonda said loudly, if still sullenly, her cheeks flaming red as he discarded the knife and now cupped and kneaded both of her ample breasts.

"Very good answer, bitch. You are a smart pussy after all," he said with a dark chuckle. But now he pointed at the knife he'd just discarded on the floor. "I have a new idea. Sanchez, hand me my knife again."

Rhonda stood frozen and terrified as, to her utter amazement, Julio handed HER the knife.

"Now, as a reward for you calming down, I'm giving you this knife to cut your daughters' bonds." He made a shooing gesture toward the bed. "What are you waiting for, Mama? Go ahead. Free your daughters' wrists."

Rhonda stood there for a moment. The busty, beautiful and headstrong woman briefly considered lunging at her captor and trying to gut him like a fish. But who was she fooling? The gang leader had more than 50 pounds on her, all of it muscle, and she would have to somehow overpower not just him but Sanchez and eleven other men. She quietly moved to either side of the bed, cutting away the ropes binding Amanda's and Natalie's wrists. Her two girls sat up, rubbing their wrists as the blood circulation started to come back to their hands.

Rhonda had no time to speak to her daughters, but her tormented expression of love said 'Hang in there, don't give up' as she looked sadly at the two girls she loved more than anything in the world. Julio cut the poignant moment cruelly short, barking at the mother now.

"Get rid of the knife. Lay back on the bed now, bitch, legs spread."

Ronda did as the man ordered. Cupping her hips with her hands, she spread her legs and held them wide open.

Now Julio fisted a hand in each daughter's hair and forced them to stare at their mother's gaping cunt.

"You see that, girls? Isn't it beautiful? Yes, you must love that pussy, after all, it is the PUSSY that gave birth to you. Now here is what we are going to do. We are going to train you to give your Mama some pleasure." Julio gestured toward Sanchez and the obscene sex toy. "Sanchez, show the younger bitch here how to use that toy to make Mama feel special." Sanchez approached, handing a startled Natalie the buzzing vibrator. She stared at it with wide eyes as if it was a dangerous creature instead of some inanimate object.

Sanchez's husky, dark voice added a sinister note.

"Come, little bitch, I will show you how to pleasure your mother with it. You will thrust it deep into her pussy, and I will show you the different settings, and you will lick your Mama's clit while you fuck her with it. Understand?"

Natalie licked her lips, yearning to say no, and to tell this freak-show to go to hell. But she was no fool, and her pride and dignity had to make way for basic survival now as her cheeks turned ruby-red.

"Y-yes Master. I'll do whatever you want." The willowy teen girl allowed herself to be led, kneeling between her mother's legs with the vibrator whirring away. Sanchez began to show her the four different settings. With the setting on 'low' he helped her guide the buzzing vibe between Rhonda's labia, thrusting it, gently for now, into the woman's snatch.

"Start licking pussy, bitch. Get your tongue in there," Sanchez ordered, thrusting the girl's head between the mother's legs. Natalie began pumping the vibe into her mother's pussy and lapping loudly at her mother's sex. Sanchez helpfully pulled the girl's hair out of the way so that she could work more effectively on her task.

Meanwhile, Julio suddenly yanked Amanda off the bed. The attractive girl looked up at him as he cupped her ass and pulled her roughly against his own body. He crushed her tits against his steel-hard chest. He admired the sun-kissed tone of the girl's body, slightly lighter in hue than her mother and sister.

"Now, while Sanchez trains your mother and little sister, you and I have unfinished business. Did I not tell you that I couldn't wait to get my cock in you? I'll tell you what, I am feeling generous at the moment, so here is my offer. We are going to have a nice, hard fuck now, little girl, but I will let you decide what position we use."

Feeling his hard cock pressed against her smooth belly, Amanda nodded.

"Thank you, Master." Suddenly, almost on instinct, she dropped to her knees. Her hands slid around to cup his ass cheeks as she began to slide her tongue from the base of his shaft up to the tip, and then back down. She briefly sucked hard on one of his balls, then on the other testicle, before sliding her tongue back up his manhood. She now began to suck fervently on the very tip of his shaft as she looked up at him. The appalling truth was that Amanda didn't want to think about what was happening to her mom and sis, and she'd grown up with this fantasy of wanting to be raped ever since puberty. As much as she hated herself for it, now she felt no choice but to embrace it. To please this man, who literally had their lives in the palm of his hand – that was all that mattered, wasn't it?

"Oooh, you horny little bitch. You want to make my cock even harder before we fuck, is that it?"

As if in answer, Amanda gurgled loudly, almost impaling her mouth completely. Her jaw rippled as her mouth dove forward, again and again, with loud slurping sounds that echoed obscenely in the basement. She pushed herself to the limit, her cute nose pressing against Julio's pubic hair as she fully encased him in her straining throat. Her eyes watered. She held there as long as she could. Then she pulled back, coughing as pre-cum dribbled down her bottom lip.

"AHH! Your cock-sucking skills aren't bad, little one. Let us see if your fucking skills are as promising. Which position shall we use to FUCK now, little cunt? Hmm?"

With an expression of seductive submission, the girl rose back to her feet.

"Can Master fuck me while standing up?" she asked. The way his eyes immediately warmed with desire, she knew that he loved her suggestion.

"Climb aboard, bitch."

Suddenly Julio was lifting her, and the petite girl was wrapping her legs around him even as she felt the head of his cock began to press at her delicate opening. Her slender arms wrapped around his upper torso as she looked into his hungry gaze. His heavy-lidded eyes bored into hers even as his cock slid up into her, impaling her with a grunt, her pussy stuffed as he began a rhythm, one hand cupping her ass as he bounced her on his cock.

Meanwhile, Rhonda had a perfect, horrendous view of the action. Holding her legs wide, with pleasurable stimulation assaulting her every second while Natalie licked and sucked at her cunt, Rhonda could now see Amanda clutching her rapist, clinging to him for dear life as he fucked her. Rhonda felt a piece of her soul shatter as she watched Amanda now use her grip on Julio to help pump her cunt up and down in time to his fucks.

Is this what her daughters' future would be? Was Amanda actually doing all this as an elaborate ruse to lull their captor into complacency, or was she actually starting to enjoy her rape? Rhonda had to hope that it was the former, but the more she watched her older daughter, the more she feared that Amanda's arousal was genuine.

"UH! UH!!! This pussy feels as good as I expected," Julio grated out, his shaft flying up and down with the tight seal of Amanda's cunt lips letting pre-cum dribble down the length of his shaft.

"So does your cock," Amanda said, shocked at her own words, as she felt that cock raping her and the sensations of pleasure each time she bottomed out on his shaft - awakening things she'd never imagined. Now he had both hands cupping her perfectly sculpted ass cheeks, using them for maximum leverage as he impaled her on his cock.

"UH!!! Bitch, I think I’m in love," he growled. "Kiss me."

Amanda obeyed. With upturned lips she accepted his voracious kiss, returning it threefold as their bodies continued to meld into one, her cunt accepting the full length of his shaft again and again as if her one true purpose in life was to take cock.

Rhonda watched her older daughter passionately kissing her rapist, and somehow that was what undid her. That drove her mind over the edge into despair. She began to plead as desperately as humanly possible.

"Please, Master, please don't do this. I'm begging you, let my girls go! Keep me, I'll be your slave forever, but please let them go!" she said as loudly as she dared.

In response, Julio readjusted his hands so that his arms were looped under Amanda's legs, forcing her cunt to an angle which even more perfectly accepted his penetrations. The loud sound of their bodies smacking together filled the room as he cupped the girl's ass cheeks fiercely now, hard enough to leave reddened handprints, fucking her more brutally than ever.

"I think… UGH! UH! What your mother is trying to say is that she wants me to fuck you HARDER," Julio bellowed, creating a mockery out of the mother's pleas.

At the same time, Sanchez was giving Natalie perverse encouragement. He had retrieved a riding crop with a thin, tapered end, to provide an extra method of 'instruction', to be exact, and now he slapped it against Natalie's exposed pussy each time she seemed to start flagging in her attentions on her mother's cunt.

"Did you hear your poor Mama? She's distressed, bitch. Give her more pleasure, maybe you can make her feel better," Sanchez said sadistically.

Natalie grunted as she took another blow to the pussy from the crop. Her cunt felt so swollen now, and the fiery ache was unmistakable. She pumped the bump-riddled chrome vibe at breakneck speed into her mother's sex now, turning it to the second-highest setting. Her tongue lapped devotedly on Rhonda's clit, and she thought to herself, 'Mama, I'm so sorry they're making us do this, but please cum.' Natalie reasoned that once her mother gushed in her face, maybe they would finally let them get some rest.

She could not have been more wrong.

Within a few minutes, Rhonda's tattered and abused mind could take no more. She felt her fluids rushing out to meet her daughter's continued tongue-strokes and caresses. The vibe punching into her again and again created sensations she hated to acknowledge, and yet her cunt's juices were soaking the entire length of it now. Rhonda's big breasts were tipped with fully aroused nipples now, as her body's natural response overrode her own wishes. She squeezed her eyes shut, groaning as she felt the orgasm about to knife through her.

"Yes, she's almost there. Good job, little pussy. Get your tongue in there now, double-time!" Sanchez growled. Placing his hand on her head, he shoved Natalie's mouth roughly against her mother's cunt. Natalie was already tasting her mother's sweet fluids as they flowed down the shaft, but now her eyes widened as a huge surge of wetness spewed from her mother's slick love-hole.

"UGGGHH! MMM!" Natalie groaned as fluid gushed onto her tongue, and she just kept lapping up her mother's pungent, delicious fluids even as she thought 'Oh god, this is so wrong! Mom, please forgive me!'

'Oh god, no, please no!' Rhonda thought simultaneously as the orgasm continued to rip through her like a thrashing hurricane, her cunt convulsing with the vibe-shaft thrusting hard and deep. She couldn't believe she had just come in her little girl's face with a sex-toy lodged in her pussy. Whatever shred of dignity she'd been clinging to now lay completely in tatters.

Sanchez was clapping, the mockery palpable as he grunted.

"Well done, sluts. Jefe, I'd say their training is going well."

Too busy bouncing Amanda on his cock, Julio replied between grunts.

"I can see that. UH! UH! Why don't you tuck those two in for the night? UHH!"

At these words, Natalie and Rhonda both felt a huge sense of hope and relief. But it was false hope. Sanchez soon ordered Natalie to lay faceup beside her mother, and he proceeded to tie both naked women spread-eagled on the bed, their wrists and ankles tightly bound. Then he proceeded to insert the vibrator into Rhonda's well-lubricated cunt, attaching the straps in place around her hips so that it remained embedded deep inside her. An extra strap was secured firmly across the woman's clit, and right away it made its presence felt. The sensations created a constant barrage of stimulation as Rhonda's eyes widened.

"AAAhhh! Please, what are you doing?"

"Giving you a night of pleasure, bitch. That vibe with its clit strap will make you cum again and AGAIN. Hope you enjoy." Now he turned toward the teen girl, who looked up at him with trepidation.

"No…please no!" Natalie squealed as she realized he had retrieved a second vibrator of the same make and capability. He turned it on, its loud buzzing indicating that it was set to the second highest setting too. As the long chrome vibe descended toward her sweat-slick body, the girl squirmed and begged.

"No! Please don't put that inside me! You bastard, stop!" But Natalie's pleas fell on deaf ears. She groaned as he shoved the entirety of the shaft deep into her pussy, securing the straps as it buzzed away in her delicate sex. Then he secured that final, awful strap, so that the buzzing sensations ran along the strap that pressed against her clit. Immediately Natalie began to buck on the bed, the forced stimulation driving her cunt wild.

"AAAAAHHHH!!! OOOHHH!!!! Please take it out! UUGGHHH!" Natalie moaned, her body forced to respond as arousal surged into her supple breasts, her nipples pebbling up with agonizing libido. The stricken mother gaped at her little girl.

"You monster! You promised that I could spend the night with my daughters!"

"And so you shall," Julio called from where he was still fucking Amanda. Amanda clung to him tightly, her cunt gripping his shaft and coating it with her own fluids of arousal. "But I did not say in what STATE you would spend the night with them, now did I, you big-titted slut? Just be thankful I am letting you and your youngest daughter 'sleep' in the same bed tonight."

So saying, Julio now ignored the plaintive cries of the mother and her youngest girl. He put all his focus on Amanda, her willowy figure clinging to him as their fucking reached a climax.

"UGHH!! You've done a great job of milking my balls, little cunt. Are you ready to receive a big, sticky load?"

"Yes Master," Amanda said breathlessly, kissing him again, moaning as his tongue dove into her mouth again to claim her. "Please fill me, Sir. Fill your slave's pussy."

The girl referring to herself as a slave helped drive the gang leader over the edge. He grunted, then bellowed like an ox as his cock began to twitch inside her. Thick spurts of cum filled the girl's abused and thoroughly fucked cunt until it was a slimy mess. As his cock continued spurting for what seemed a ridiculous length of time, Julio crushed her against his chest, and his lips bruised hers as he reveled in her taste while he came. His slowly softening-cock remained embedded in her long after the last spurt of cum had shot into her warmth.

For a few more minutes the couple kept kissing, seemingly in post-coital bliss, captive and rapist still enjoined. Finally, Julio's semi-soft manhood slipped free of his victim. He let Amanda down on wobbly legs, and the sexy Indian girl had time to watch his jism drip from her cunt lips to taint the floor between her feet. Before she could even move, though, he had abruptly picked her up again and thrown her naked body over his shoulder as if she weighed almost nothing. He slapped her ass with a loud SMACK and began carrying her toward the exit.

"Wait! Where are you taking her?!" Rhonda shouted. "You promised –"

"Silence!" Julio barked, swiveling back. "I've changed my mind, and your daughter's sweet pussy is going to get fucked over and OVER this night as she warms my bed. Think of it as an honor, to have your little girl sleep with her Master this night. As I said before, be thankful that I let you and your other little girl spend some time together." His chuckle was dark, like broken glass dragged across concrete. "Tomorrow the training of you and your two precious girls continues, so stop whining and save your strength for what's to come!"

Before Julio turned back toward the stairway, Rhonda got one final glimpse of her daughter's gorgeous ass, her figure slung over her Master's shoulder like a piece of meat. Then Sanchez strode up to the bed, blocking them from view.

"Here Mama, little bitch, since I'm putting you two to bed, I have to make sure you don't make too much noise." He fastened a pink rubber ball-gag to Rhonda's mouth, and then gagged poor Natalie just as tightly. He then stroked the teen girl's pussy as the girl squeezed her eyes shut and let out the most plaintive moan.

"Why fight it, bitch? Just CUM."

Natalie looked up into her captor's eyes with tormented pleasure written all over her face as he cupped her sex and slowly stroked her cunt in time to the pulsing vibe. The pleading in her eyes seemed to both beg him to stop and beg him to keep going all at once. Her little nipples were like sharpened pink studs, and he kept up the devastating caresses, his thumb applying added pressure to her helpless clit. When the orgasm tore through her, Natalie squealed, muffled through the gag, her eyes rolling up in her head as she arched her body off the bed.

"There. Much better, little cunt. You got some relief, yes? Enjoy an ENTIRE night of such stimulation, and we'll see how well rested you are come morning."

Sanchez turned and walked out, along with the rest of the men, and they left a devastated mother in their wake. All Rhonda could think now was 'Please someone save us from this nightmare!' As hope drained away, though, the buzzing pleasure along her clit and deep in her pussy seemed to be mocking her, while her youngest daughter's unwilling moans of pleasure were like salt in a gaping wound.



The bed was Italian-designed, king-sized and of solid wood, with sumptuous satin sheets of midnight blue. Julio lay back, hands pillowed behind his head.

It pleased him, making her do all the work. He lay back now as the slender, sexy Indian teen humped on his lap. He had bound her wrists behind her back and gagged her with a bright red ball-gag with a cock extension to fill her mouth. Amanda groaned now, breathing heavily through her nose as she fucked him, grinding her hips as her cunt gripped his shaft with an exquisite tightness.

The handle of a whip lay loosely in his right hand. Occasionally, when her gyrating naked figure seemed to slow, he would flick his wrist. With a loud SLAP the whip would whirl about, smacking against the girl's lower back or ass cheeks.

She slowed her rhythm now, and a deafening SLAP echoed once more in the room.


"Don't get lazy, bitch. Pump that pussy. You have to learn to please your Master, and endurance is a big part of that."

With a pathetic whimper, Amanda pumped her pussy more fervently, her breasts jiggling as she fucked him. He found it so beautiful, looking up at her terrified face, her long dark hair askew and disheveled as her sweaty body kept desperately impaling itself on his manhood.

Just then a knock on the door interrupted Julio's hedonistic bliss.

"What? This better be good!"

Sanchez's apologetic face poked in.

"Sorry, Jefe. I just thought you should know, Gary called. He said he changed his mind, wants to keep the mother and the youngest bitch for himself. He's willing to give you the older daughter for half-price in addition to a full refund for the other two cunts. What do you want me to tell him?"

Amanda's eyes widened with horror as she overheard the conversation. She grew sick to her stomach when Julio replied.

"Fine. If Gary wants them that bad, let him have those two. This cute pussy was my favorite of the batch anyway." Julio ran his hands along Amanda's flanks and then reached up, pinching the girl's nipples almost playfully. Sanchez shut the door behind him.

"UHH!! NNN!" Amanda wailed. The thought of being separated from the people she loved tore at her, but she kept fucking him, pure pleading in her eyes.

SLAP! The whip smacked against the girl's shapely ass cheeks again, and she made another muffled yelp through her gag, clenching her pussy around his cock.

"Did I say to slow down, bitch? No. Keep up the pace. Keep fucking. There's nothing more important than your Master's cock."

Amanda met her captor's gaze, grinding with total devotion now.

"AHH! Don't worry, little bitch, you don't need mama or little sis anymore. I'll make sure you're well taken care of. A steady stream of cocks and cum will be in your future. UHHH! Fuck, I'm going to flood you, bitch. Get ready. Wiggle that ass! Yeah!" He let out the most explosive groan, and his cock began to violently spew its thick, pungent seed deep in Amanda's cunt. She could feel every spurt as Julio thrust upward feverishly. His cock kept twitching, more warmth filling her pussy to overflowing, until it seemed his nasty, sticky jism would permanently cement his cock within her sex. The girl could only whimper as she sat on her rapist's lap, wondering if she would ever see her loved ones again.

"Mmmm. Bitch, I think I'm in love with your pussy." The gang leader sighed. Once he had finished emptying every last drop of his spunk in her, he slapped her breasts and roughly pushed her off of his lap. What he did next was oddly gentle though. He undid her bindings, carefully retying her wrists in front of her. Then he unfastened the gag and took out the rubber cock which had been stuffed in her mouth. Casting the toy aside, he then laid her down in bed beside him. He swept the comforter over their naked bodies. Lying on his side behind her, spooning Amanda like a lover, he then slipped his arm around her, cupping one of her breasts.

"You've earned a little rest, slave. Now give your Master a goodnight kiss."

As Amanda swiveled her head back obediently, his lips pressed to hers. She returned the kiss, wondering if she should beg him to not let Master Gary buy back her mother and little sister. She knew it was a longshot, but she had to try.

"Master, please…I don't want to be separated from my mother and sister. Please-"

He gave her breast a rough squeeze, silencing her plea as she let out a yelp.

"Don't push it, bitch. I'm in the mood to cuddle, but only if you stop whining and go to sleep. Understood?"

With a sigh, Amanda nodded and turned forward again. As her rapist spooned her and enfolded her in his body heat, cupping her breast once more, just one thought burned through her panicked mind.

'I have to escape,' she thought. She had to find a way.


The next twenty minutes or so seemed to Amanda like hours. She waited for her rapist to fall asleep. She waited until the even heartbeat and the steady rise and fall of Julio's chest against her back made her completely certain that he was fast asleep. Then she made her move. Very gingerly, she slipped out of his arms and off the bed. Looking around the bedroom suite, she managed to use the moonlight shining through the windows to find the knife Julio had stashed in the nightstand. Now her thoughts turned conflicted, if just for a moment. Part of her wanted to stab her rapist while he slept, but the stupidity of that was too colossal to consider. Even if she succeeded, it would only ensure that the gang leader's ten plus other men would be out for blood, and they were the ones holding her mother and little sister downstairs. Escape was imperative and far more important than revenge.

So Amanda took the knife with her. She slowly opened the bedroom door. Every second her heart hammered in her chest because she knew that the slightest creak might give her away. As soon as she had it opened far enough, she slipped through. Then, using the knife, she cut her bindings and began to make her way down the stairs. She clenched the knife in her fist, all too aware that she might have to use it. Amanda had never killed anyone before, never even thrown a punch in anger. Did she have it in her to do what needed to be done? To rescue Rhonda and Natalie?

Those thoughts were flooding her brain, crucially distracting her as she reached the bottom of the stairway.

Hands abruptly grabbed her from behind. She was about to lash out with the knife when she saw Diego, one of Julio's men, standing in front of her with a gun pointed to her head.

"Put it down, puta."

The knife fell from her trembling fingers, and the man behind her – she now realized it was Sanchez – picked it up. His one hand covered the girl's mouth while his other hand now pressed the flat of the blade to her exposed pussy. The coldness along her delicate folds made her shiver.

"What have we here? A very naught pussy, I think," Sanchez growled.

Diego nodded. He lowered the gun.

"Our Jefe is not going to be happy."

"Oh no, not at all," Sanchez whispered in Amanda's ear. The devastated girl lost all ability to move, frozen in terror and anticipation of what might come. With momentarily relief, the Indian girl felt the knife withdraw from her pussy. Then Sanchez's fingers were tunneling inside her, rubbing and possessing her cunt so casually, as if he owned it. "This pussy is in so much trouble. Lots of pain in store for you, girl."

She could hardly breathe. Her heart was pounding. Amanda tried to plead through the hand which now pressed to her mouth as effectively as a gag.


"Save your breath, Mamacita. Jefe is going to fuck you up bad when he finds out what you did, but that doesn't mean you don't get one more taste of pleasure. Am I right, brother?"

Diego nodded, stripping down until he stood naked. Sanchez was already nude, and he now pushed the pretty Indian girl onto her hands and knees.

"Widen those legs bitch, and put your ass up high in the air for me. My cock wants to see that pussy."

Amanda obeyed.

"Please….please don't tell your boss that I tried to escape. I'll do anything!"

"Anything? OH? I like the sound of that," Sanchez rumbled. He positioned his cock at her sex, then slammed himself into her to the hilt, his balls flush against her thighs. "Oohh, bitch, this is one tight heavenly pussy. You want Diego and I to keep your secret, you better start fucking. Show some enthusiasm."

Biting her lip, Amanda obeyed. She began pushing her cunt backwards in time to Sanchez's brutal fucks. The soft smacking sounds of their bodies colliding trickled through the hallway. Sanchez stared at his victim's beautiful ass as she helped impale her own pussy, participating in her own rape. But Diego wasn't idle during all this. He had been staring more and more intently at Amanda's beautiful face, her delicate nose and mouth just crying out to be used. His cock, thick and engorged, was ready for some action of its own, and now he approached the teen girl. His swelling testicles hovered just above her.

"You're going to suck this cock while Sanchez fucks you. If you can't please two cocks at once, I'll tell Jefe all about your little escapade."

"Please Sir, I'll do what you want!" Amanda begged between grunts as she slammed her snatch backward to engulf Sanchez's cock. She began licking Diego's massive testicles as the man slowly stroked his cock and watched her devotion. Soon his cock was harder than a slab of concrete.

"OK, bitch, it's time!" Amanda frantically opened her mouth and smothered his shaft as he fisted a hand in her hair. Holding her head steady, he fucked her face. She gurgled and groaned as he raped her mouth steadily, not letting her dictate the pace, showing her who was Master and who was slave. Meanwhile, behind her, Sanchez was slapping her firm ass cheeks as he fucked her, relishing in the snug fit of his young victim. Amanda could only whimper and grunt, impaled by their twin cocks, praying that they would both cum in her soon and then let her sneak back upstairs to her Master's bed.



Rhonda and her youngest daughter Natalie had not gotten a good night's sleep. With the vibrators constantly purring deep inside their cunts, and the clit straps pressed to them with constant, teasing pressure, it was impossible to truly rest. Meanwhile Rhonda had been anxious all night about what Julio might be doing to her little girl. Poor Amanda. So, it was with no surprise that the men found both girls exhausted the next morning.

Rhonda's eyes widened as Julio's men parted to reveal her original captor striding through the basement. It was Master Gary, the despicable, muscle-bound brute who had kidnapped her and her daughters in the first place. He was the vile man who owned this compound. He now approached, leaned down, and cupped each woman's chin.

"Did you sluts miss me? I've got exciting news! I've decided not to sell you two, after all." Confusion clouded Rhonda and Natalie's faces, but they soon felt their blood curdling at what he said next. "Of course, I still have to be good to my customers, and Julio is one of my more reliable partners. He will be keeping your daughter Amanda as his personal slave. I hope you don't mind." The way he said that last sentence, with such nonchalance, was both cruel and devastating. Rhonda and Natalie exchanged a look of disbelief as Master Gary set about releasing their bonds.

"But do not be entirely in despair, little cunts. I’m not completely inhuman. I'll take you upstairs to say goodbye to your little bitch."

Sanchez meanwhile broke in. "Master Gary, thank you for your hospitality, and for letting my Jefe rent out your ranch for a few days."

Mastery Gary smiled broadly, his perfect teeth flashing white. "It's my pleasure. Your boss and I have a special relationship; my house is his house." Gary finished untying the women, then retied each woman's wrists behind their backs. Now he unfastened the vibrators and yanked them out of each girl's pussy. Gary turned back toward Sanchez. "Is your boss up in the master guest suite?"

Sanchez nodded. "Yes, Sir. He's been waiting for you…well, and also been quite busy. Me and Diego caught his slave bitch trying to escape last night, if you can believe it."

Master Gary shook his head with a disapproving cluck. "That's not smart." He turned to Rhonda and Natalie. "Did you hear that, cunts? Your precious daughter and sister made a BIG mistake. Julio is not kind to cunts who defy him like that. Let's go upstairs and see your precious bitch one last time. This might be a rough goodbye."

Rhonda and Natalie were sobbing and begging as Gary ordered two of Julio's men to help drag the struggling women upstairs. When they finally got to the heavy, ornate door of the spacious guest suite, Gary paused. From inside came loud cries and screams.

Rhonda's heart sank. Natalie felt sickened.

Gary rapped on the door.

"Please come in!" Julio called.

Gary now came into the room with a hand gripping both Natalie and Rhonda's necks. Sanchez and the other men withdrew as he shut the bedroom door. The mother blanched at the awful sight before her.

Amanda's slender nakedness was tied face-up, spread-eagled by her wrists and ankles, to the enormous bed. Julio held a riding crop with a 3-inch wide slapper at the end in one hand, and a thin bamboo reed in the other. Amanda's breasts, arms, and legs were covered in tender welts from the constant smacks of the bamboo reed. Even the soles of the girl's feet were red where he had struck her.

Turning to the mother, Julio grunted.

"Your disobedient, ungrateful bitch of a daughter had the audacity to try to ESCAPE last night, Mama. Now she pays the price." So saying, he smote the sole of her right foot with the bamboo reed, and the girl flailed in her bonds and cried out.


"I don’t think she will be able to walk for quite some time without pain. These feet will both be right red by the time I am done with them." His face darkened and he stared at her exposed cunt. "This pussy too!" Saying this, he slammed the riding crop against Amanda's labia, and the girl squealed as her cunt lips took the heavy blow of the slapper. Judging from how red and swollen Amanda's pussy looked, he had been going at her for the better part of the morning.

"Please Master, I'm sorry! Please forgive me. This slave will never, ever disobey you again!" Amanda babbled. "Please!"

The crop descended with a resounding SMACK against the Indian girl's pussy yet again, and Amanda's cry tore into Rhonda's ears like barbed wire.


"Please stop hurting, her! Please stop!" Rhonda begged. The gorgeous mother could only watch, though, as Julio now smacked the bamboo cane against her older daughter's supple cones, beating her breasts until they were criss-crossed with welts. This went on for another 15 minutes, but to Rhonda, forced to view her little girl's abuse, those 15 minutes were an eternity. Rhonda didn't notice it at first, too distracted was she by her own distress, but Amanda's experience wasn't entirely one-sided. A thin trickle of wetness ran from her swollen pussy. As much as Amanda hated her body for its instinctual reactions, her rape fantasies from adolescence were once again bleeding into this awful nightmare, deepening her shame even as mom and little sis were forced to watch.

Julio shook his head with disapproval. He now pointed to the girl's ravaged sex. "Look at your little slut's pussy. She is actually enjoying this! We have a little pain-slut on our hands, don't we?" As he growled this, Amanda whimpered and shook her head.

"No, Master, please stop!" Amanda begged, then screamed as the bamboo whistled through the air, slapping against her right breast, making the cone jiggle wildly as it took the full brunt of the blow. He rained more blows against her arms and legs, then finished up with a final series of hard smacks with the crop against her sore yet slick pussy.

"AAAAYYY! PLEASE NO MORE!" Amanda squealed as the final blow to her pussy had her writhing on the bed, her exhausted body covered in welts and sweat.

Still clutching the riding crop in one hand and the bamboo cane in the other, Julio now strode up to Rhonda. Her hands, still bound behind her back, now clenched up automatically in fear. His face was now inches from hers, his gaze implacable.

"What do you think, Mama? Should I show your daughter some mercy finally?"

Rhonda shuddered as he leaned over, gently suckling on one of her nipples. Then he switched to her other nipple, suckling just as fervently. Suddenly he slapped his cane against Rhonda's ass, causing her to stiffen and let out a loud yelp.

"I asked you a question! Answer me!"

"Y-yes, please show my daughter mercy, Master. Please!" Rhonda implored.

Meanwhile, Master Gary seemed quite content to stay in the background and watch events unfold. If Julio wanted to provide him with a sultry show, he was only too glad to oblige his guest. Next, Julio stepped to the side, eyeing Natalie's slim, sexy figure. Natalie's breasts were thrust outward, like her mother's, an instinctual reaction from having her wrists bound behind her back. Now Julio temporarily put down the cane. He gently rubbed the teen's bottom lip with his thumb. He then gave her a full-on kiss, and Natalie moaned as he swept his tongue between her lips.

Pulling away, he glared at her now. "What do YOU say, little pussy? Should I show some mercy to your big sister now?"

Natalie nodded eagerly. "Please! We'll do anything, I swear. Just please don't hurt her more. Please!!"

There was a deep chuckle now, dark as night, which came rumbling out of the sadistic gang leader.

"Is that so? Anything? I very much like the sound of that." He looked contemplative for a moment, and that was when Amanda's breathless cry interrupted his thoughts.

"Master, please forgive this pussy. Please fuck this worthless cunt with your hard cock. This cunt doesn't deserve to live, but please fuck her. Please fuck your slave's pussy hard and make her scream. I deserve to be punished with your hard cock, Sir!"

It was a final act of desperation on Amanda's part, but she didn't know what else to do. She knew he loved humiliating her, debasing her, and punishing her – and after her escape attempt last night, she'd given him the perfect excuse to indulge his worst vices. But maybe she could subtly use those vices to her advantage too. If she groveled, if she spoke in the dirty, humiliating language he so loved, Amanda reasoned, then maybe, just maybe, he would show her a glimmer of mercy.

Julio scratched his chin. His harsh, angular face looked thoughtful for once.

"You know what, slave bitch, I may take you up on that offer." He turned to the mother and little sister. "Let's give you that final goodbye that Master Gary promised. This will be the final time you see your precious daughter and sister, sluts, so let's make the most of it." His cock stood out completely erect now, a tall, fleshy spike. He pointed at Rhonda. "You will help guide my cock to her pussy and help insert it inside your girl's fuck-hole." His gaze slid to Natalie. "And you, little one, will lick and suck on my balls while I give your sister the punishment-fuck she deserves. Understood?"

Both women nodded sullenly. Meanwhile, Master Gary undid the mother's bindings so that she could fulfill her task. Soon Julio was climbing onto the bed between Amanda's legs. Now Rhonda knelt down near the foot of the bed. She grasped the base of Julio's vein-covered, throbbing shaft, and positioned it at Amanda's swollen opening as he moved inexorably closer. Behind him, Natalie was already kneeling, her face following his ball sac. Just as Rhonda aimed the head of Julio's cock between Amanda's cunt lips, he thrust forward, knifing into her, their bodies slapping together as the rape began. Behind him, Natalie was frantically licking and slurping on the man's testicles. Julio began pumping roughly, slamming into his victim with pulverizing fucks as he groaned with appreciation.

"UHH!!! MMMM! Fuck! This sore pussy is very tight and warm! What do you say, cunt?"

Amanda looked up into her owner's eyes, relieved to just be fucked instead of beaten anymore. Biting her lip, she nudged her cunt towards his hard, nasty fucks.

"Thank you, Master. Please fuck me. Punish me with your cock, Sir!"

"Oh bitch, you're so romantic," Julio growled mockingly, pulling his cock out only to bring it crashing between her legs, shaking the entire bed and the girl's petite body all at once. Seeing that the mother needed something new to occupy her talents, Julio pointed at her daughter's raw-beaten breasts.

"You see your daughter's poor, mauled titties? Give them some comfort, you lazy bitch. This is your final goodbye to your precious daughter. Give her some pleasure to remember you by. SUCK those tits!"

Immediately Rhonda sprang into action. She leaned over, licking and sucking her daughter's breasts. Those nipples pebbled up like little pink jewels under her mother's devoted attentions. All the while, Rhonda could only think, 'I'm so sorry, sweetie. I'm so sorry I couldn't protect you.' As tears streamed down her face, Rhonda slurped loudly on Amanda's nipples, stoking fierce, aching arousal and hating herself for assisting their captor in her daughter's rape. This awful scene continued to play out. The sounds of slapping, Julio's cock pounding into Amanda's sore, abused snatch again and again, were like a symphony from hell from which neither Rhonda or Natalie could escape.

Natalie couldn't believe the musky, pungent odor of Julio's testicles as she slurped and sucked on his balls. The man smelled all male, and for some reason his scent sent a twinge to her loins, almost exciting her…but no, no, that couldn’t be. That was just WRONG.

Julio grunted in time to his hard thrusts, but also to Amanda's whimpers each time he fully stuffed her with cock. With surprising swiftness, she was moistening up around him. Her cunt muscles clenched around him as her fluids coated him, and there was no doubt about it – she was getting off on her own rape. Amanda's eyes fluttered as she looked up at the ceiling, stifling a moan, her mother's face pressed to her breasts eagerly licking and sucking.

"UHHH!!! Oh god. Ohhh!" Amanda moaned.

"Your young bitch loves getting raped, Mama. It's a cold, hard fact," Julio growled, watching his cock vanish inside her as she shuddered the second that cock slammed deep.

Rhonda loathed herself for it, but she found herself doing it anyway: Her hand trailed downward, slipping to her daughter's sex, and soon she was gliding her finger along Amanda's clit while Julio fucked her. Just the first few moments of that added stimulation sent the already lust-fueled girl over the edge.

"OH FUCK! Oh my god!" Amanda squealed, her cunt flooding her rapist's cock with fluid in horrifying gratitude. Julio refused to let up. He threw his hips forward, spearing his manhood into her even more violently. His cock slammed to the hilt inside his helpless victim as her pussy convulsed around his shaft, milking him toward a delirious finish which he wanted to postpone as long as possible. He fucked her like an animal, pounding into her so hard that Natalie had trouble accurately sucking and licking at his jostling testicles.

Seeing what transpired, Master Gary could stay as neutral observer no longer. Rhonda stiffened as she felt hands grabbing her roughly from behind, yanking her back from sucking on her daughter's nipple.

"Bitch, did Julio give you permission to help make your daughter cum? I think not. You need to be put in your place." Saying this, Gary forced the Indian woman to stay bent over the bed. Lubing his cock with some of his own saliva, he proceeded to press his bulbous cock-head to the tight wrinkled hole of her ass. Rhonda gritted her teeth as she felt his cock sink in the first two inches. Fuck, he felt like a baseball bat ramming into her. She gripped the sheets hard, her breasts shaking as he started a rhythm, ass-raping her with no thought for anything but his own pleasure.

Julio seemed to approve of his host's participation. He nodded at Master Gary.

"UH! UH!! Glad you decided to join us. Thank you for disciplining that shameless slut. She definitely needed it."

Meanwhile, behind Julio's shaking testicles, Natalie just thought to herself, 'When will this be over?! Bastard, please cum already.' She couldn't believe that she felt that way, that she actually wanted to see the bastard's testicles stiffen as he gushed deep inside her big sister's cunt…but she DID. Natalie just wanted to get this over with, as if the future could somehow hold anything other than further degradation. With a sudden pang of sadness, though, Natalie wondered if she would ever see her beloved sister again, and that made her almost change her mind back completely. Every last second with Amanda might be precious…these might be their last moments together. Even if they were horrific, she wanted to spend as much time with her sister as she could.

Just as Natalie felt that sudden change of heart, she heard Julio bellow.

"AAAAHHH!!! You're wringing it out of my balls, slave. Congratulations. Take a river of cum in your swollen young PUSSY. UGHHH!!"

Amanda cooed loudly as she felt Master Julio's cock erupt in her like a geyser. Sperm painted her insides, a sticky explosion which left her feeling warm from the inside out. Rhonda couldn't look away. The Indian woman was shocked and completely appalled at the expression of pleasure that flashed across Amanda's face. Then the spread-eagled captive was sagging, limp and exhausted from her morning ordeal. Julio pulled out his cock with an audible popping sound, but just as the thick river of cum began to stream out of Amanda's raped pussy, he guided Natalie's face to her big sister's snatch.

"Suck out my juices, little one. Show your sister some love for the last time. You will never see this cute pussy again, so show it some LOVE."

Perversely, in a way, Natalie agreed with her captor's sentiment. She had to make the most of their last moments together, no matter how nightmarish. So now Natalie loudly slurped and lapped at the rush of sticky fluids, drinking and swallowing the juices of both her big sister and her sister's rapist. The salty-sweet cocktail poured down her throat. Amanda stared down at her little sister, feeling Natalie's tiny nose pressing against her shaved pussy as she licked and slurped loudly at her sex. The ripples of pleasure were still vibrating through her, like aftershocks from an earthquake, and Amanda couldn't believe that their twisted subjugation and degradation had now led to this – to actually being GRATEFUL to have her little sister licking her rapist's cum from her pussy, knowing that this might be the last time she would ever see her little sister alive.

"Oh, Natalie. Oh god, yes. Lick my pussy. It feels so good," Amanda sighed.

This was wrong on so many levels, and what was most wrong of all was the arousal coiling through Amanda's core – an arousal she was desperate to deny but of course couldn't.

Master Gary was pounding away in Rhonda's ass. He loved watching his cock slam between those sexy, perfectly sculpted cheeks, but now, watching the little one lick out the cum from her big sister's love-hole just sent him over the edge. He buried himself deep, pumping wave after wave of cum into Rhonda's bowels.

"Ahh…fuck. You bitch, you made me cum in your ass."

She sagged with relief as he pulled out. Her distended anal ring leaked cum which trickled down to the cleft of her pussy.

There was a moment of perfect silence – or near-silence, at least. Just the sounds of Natalie still lapping dutifully at her sister's ruined pussy, and Rhonda breathing heavily in the aftermath of her ass-rape. Now Gary's gaze locked with Julio's, and it was as if both men were struck by the same bolt of lightning, the same twisted idea simultaneously coming to fruition in two different minds.

"Julio, I think I have the perfect suggestion for a final 'game' we can play with these three before I depart with the mama and her youngest pussy. A perfect final goodbye."

Julio grinned, which served as a strange juxtaposition given the skulls-and-barbed-wire tattoo coiling down his neck.

"I think I might be having the same idea." His gaze flicked toward the chest along the far wall. Both men knew exactly what was inside it. Gary nodded. Julio's grin widened.

The two brutal men left the woman and her two girls by the bed and walked over to the chest. As they rummaged inside it, Natalie kept licking dutifully at Amanda's snatch. Sighing with resignation, Rhonda thought 'It doesn't matter anymore. I just want to give my daughter pleasure before they take me away from her. I just want to show her how much I love her.' The beautiful Indian woman leaned over, her breasts rubbing against Amanda's as she pressed her lips to hers, passionately kissing her beautiful girl.

"Aahhh…Mom," Amanda groaned.

Between kisses, Rhonda reached down, petting Amanda's clit even as she felt Natalie's tongue probing her sister's sex, glancing against her fingers. There was no more cum to lick up, but by now Natalie was just enjoying the taste of her sister's trickling fluids.

"I love you, sweetie. Never forget that," Rhonda whispered. "I'm so sorry."

"Mom, I love you too," Amanda groaned. Her eyes were tormented, her breathing ragged as arousal surged through her pussy and everywhere through her veins. She looked down at Natalie, felt her little sister's tongue and her mother's skillful fingers pummeling her toward climax. Her juices were flowing now, like a river, almost as pungent as the huge blast of cum Julio had deposited in her pussy, the same cum which was now sloshing around in Natalie's stomach.

"Natalie, I love you too! UHHH!! Oh god. Natalie, yes, oooohhh…oh please… oh please, Natalie, don't stop. OOOH!!" Natalie now nipped at Amanda's nerve bundle, and it sent Amanda screaming over the precipice.


Amanda thrashed uncontrollably, but Rhonda had straddled her daughter, pinning her down as she kept kissing her. She stifled Amanda's squeal as her tongue explored her mouth. Their sweat-slick breasts rubbed together as Rhonda deepened the kiss and wrapped her arms lovingly around her older daughter.

Master Gary and Master Julio stood back with the object they'd been looking for now held between them. They had paused to watch, temporarily enthralled by the sight of the three beautiful women showing each other such love and affection.

"Are you thinking what I'm thinking?" Gary rumbled. Julio gave a curt nod.

Between them they held a long, cruel strap-on dildo with three prongs. One prong filled a woman's pussy, one prong filled a woman's ass, and the third and longest prong speared outward, a good 12 inches, the ultimate instrument to allow a woman to fuck a woman.

"I'm thinking we slather that triple-pronged dildo in hot sauce, use it to fill Mama's pussy and ass, and then force Mama to fuck her older daughter while the little one there sits her pussy on big sister's face and has her suck clit. Am I getting warm?" Julio said.

Mastery Gary's smile was cold, like sunset in winter.

"Close enough. I wasn't going to suggest the hot sauce. That's just sadistic. Then again, you always did have a greater imagination than me, my friend."

Taking that as a compliment, Julio strode toward the bed. First he ordered Rhonda off the bed, and she reluctantly scooted away.

Next, he yanked Natalie's cunt-slurping mouth away from her sister's prone figure. Startled, the Indian girl looked up at him fearfully. He yanked her to her feet and slapped his open palm across her pussy as she gave out a yelp.

"That's enough cunt-sucking for you for one day, bitch. Let's give your big sis a chance to reciprocate. This will be your final goodbye to her, so ENJOY it." Natalie's eyes widened as she realized what he wanted. The girl had to awkwardly straddle Amanda's spread-eagled form as she faced her captor who stood at the foot of the bed. Her cunt began to descend to Amanda's face. Amanda eagerly stuck her tongue out. As soon as those tender lips were within reach, Amanda sucked, licked, and eagerly cajoled her little sister's labia and clit like the loving sister she was.

"Oh… Amanda, you don't have to do this," Natalie whispered. She looked down guiltily as she sat her pussy on top of her big sister's face.

"Mmmm! SLURP! UHH! It's okay, sis. I want to. I love you, sis," Amanda sighed, her tongue working her sister's sex with fierce affection. Natalie's supple cones ached with lust. Her nipples hardened into sexy pink nubs as she carefully kept her balance, wrists tied behind her back, while her sister feasted on her pussy like the finest delicacy.

Meanwhile, Rhonda gaped at the monstrous object Julio and Gary were presenting to her.

"You can't….no! NO! I won't do that."

"Yes you will, bitch. You'll wear this strap-on and fuck your precious girl. This is your final goodbye. We can make it even more violent if you prefer."

With that threat hanging like a storm cloud overhead, Rhonda finally shook her head. Despair settled in the pit of her stomach like a stone.

"Okay…I…I'll do it. Please. Wait, what are you doing?" The sexy Indian woman watched as Master Gary took the vial of hot sauce he'd retrieved, screwed off the lid, and proceeded to coat all three prongs of the dildo with it.

"Wait, WHAT are you DOING! STOP!" Rhonda wailed, because of course she already knew what their sadistic minds were thinking. But she was helpless to stop it.

Across the room, Natalie's eyes widened, and she knew what was coming even if her older sister did not. Natalie watched as the two men forced the dildo into her mother's pussy and ass, fastening the straps in place around Rhonda's waist. The Indian mother groaned, her big breasts shaking as she trembled violently. Biting her lip, she felt the scalding heat of the sauce coating her pussy and ass.

"UHHH!!! Oh god! It hurts. Ooohhh!! Please, take it out!"

"SSSHHH, no complaining, bitch. You want to spend a few more precious moments with your older daughter or not? This is your last chance." Master Gary swung Rhonda around so that she was facing her daughter's naked, spread-eagled form. The girl's gaping pussy, fully exposed, seemed to beckon to the long, cruel dildo that now extended from Rhonda's waist. Rhonda climbed onto the bed. Amanda could feel the bed sink as her mother's weight slid onto the mattress, but she was still too busy licking Natalie's pussy to know what was coming. Rhonda now positioned the head of the lifelike red dildo-cock between Amanda's delicate cunt lips and slowly eased the shaft forward.

"I'm so sorry, Amanda. I'm so sorry!" Rhonda wailed as she felt the cock sliding into her girl's sex.

Master Gary fisted a hand in the mother's hair, yanking her head back.

"Fuck this slut HARD, Mama, or we're not above using electro-shock to make things really nasty here."

With that threat piercing her like a knife, Rhonda obeyed. She began plunging her dildo-cock deep into Amanda's prone figure. Her dildo slammed into the girl's helpless pussy again and again, and within seconds Amanda began to feel the heat from the sauce combine with the brutal fucks. When Amanda screamed into Natalie's pussy, Natalie was ashamed of the pleasure she felt. Her poor older sis was now frantically licking out her pussy, as if she was trying to purge her own pain by focusing all of her energy on giving her little sister added pleasure.

Gary and Julio took a step back and enjoyed the fruits of their labor. Rhonda's shapely ass cheeks were clenching up hard as she fucked her daughter. Amanda's muffled cries continued to sound from Natalie's pussy. As for the younger sister, she was gently rocking her sex back and forth, coating her sister's face in her fluids of arousal, doing whatever she could to distract her sister from her pain.

Gary grunted, a sound of contentment.

"Julio, I hate to say it…but these three cunts are special."

Julio nodded reluctantly. "Yeah, I hear you. It's like breaking up a set of fine china dishware. You just don't do it."

Gary patted his friend on the shoulder. "Well put, brother. So, that takes us back to square one. You still want to buy all three pussies?"

Julio nodded.

"OK, we go back to our original agreement then…but with one new stipulation."

The Mexican gang leader's dark eyes were filled with good humor.

"All right, call me curious. What's your condition?"

"I get rights to these pussies whenever I come visit you. I can fuck their holes, punish them any time I want. Agreed?"

"I can live with that." Julio nodded and the two fist-bumped. Looking on, the two men watched the horribly torn mother fucking her daughter while her other daughter moaned and cooed. Few things in life were certain, but the two men were certain of one thing: If they had anything to say about it, this mother and her two beautiful, precious girls were never, ever going free.



Author's Note:

There is something especially potent about combining the control theme of a noncon story with the forbidden theme of incest, especially between a mother and daughters. I've been wanting to add a third and final chapter to this story for a while now, and I hope this satisfies. Of course, never say 'never', and with the right inspiration I could see this story going further – Perhaps mom and the girls not only learn to better support each other in captivity, maybe they even learn to enjoy dominating each other…and their fellow captives too. Or perhaps they hatch a plan for escape that goes horribly awry, leading to even harsher, more inventive punishments. Either way, for now I'm content with this dark ending as it stands. So, with that, dear reader, I leave the future of Rhonda and her girls to your hopefully equally dark imagination. Thank you for reading, and please comment if you feel so moved! :)


Dudley DowrongReport 

2020-06-16 13:13:19
I didn't vote. Don't think i could do a woman that didn't.want ir.
As a predominate TV preacher said, "Everything that's sex. Is not love!" This series is a classic example of extremes. The M/F.expressed no love whatsoever, but the F/F in every instance was swimming in love. THANKS for sharing Ur remarkable talent right up there with Edgar Allen Poe, Alfred. Hhitchcock, & Steven King.

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