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these are my sex stories: they have been completely rewritten to flow better. I have added a ton of new stuff to these, This story is the introduction and back story if you looking for a lot of fucking and sucking then you in for a rude awaking, I take my time writing these stories and I would love feed back on them, it help me become a better writer.

Reader beware the following sex story’s contain in this book are of adult content and highly erotic contents scenes of graphic language and extreme sexual de***********ions these stories should only be read by Persons of 18 years and older, None of these stories can be copy and re-translated without express written permission from the Author. If you choose to read beyond this point all I can say is this YOU HAVE BEEN WARN!


The following sex stories contained in this book are accurate accounts of my many sexual experiences that I had during my late teenage years. Now out of respect and privacy of the women involved in these stories I will not only well be using their first name

The Stories contained with in these pages range from near misses to knocking it out of the park. It’s my hope that you enjoy reading these stories as much as I do write them about them, writing about these stories for you is a lot like taking a stroll down memory lane for me. Revisiting some of the more intriguing moments of my later teenage years right up to some the more memorable sex with my wife Ashley. These stories are written in a highly de***********ive manner to tell you the whole story, not just strictly sex, I firmly believe when a person sets about telling a story about important event in the writers life you have given the reader the beginning middle and end. It’s the only way I know to write them, I promise you I won’t leave a single juice out. So, sit right back and tighten your seat belt and hang on tight you in for a wild ride


My name Michael Cline, I’m 38 year old male who live in the old dominion ( hehe only a few will understand the meaning of that) I’m married to my wife Ashley of 14 years, no human children to speak of yet maybe someday. But I do have seven furry cat children lol. Yes, I’m married to the crazy cat lady.

Majority of these stories take place when I was 15-20 years old. But I didn’t finally lose my virginity until I was 17-year-old. Once I finally lost that bastard, I have had at least nine partner all together. Only six out of the nine of them we were intimate. Unfortunately, many things of them were where one-night stand but we were in committed relationship, there only one of the six that to this day I regret. Other than that, my wife Ashley is only woman that I had slept with more than once

Early teenage years

My early teenage years were very rough on me, I was bullied quite hard since I hadn’t yet lost my virginity. For many of my peers in middle school and high school had lost their own virginity at younger age and the fact that I was a person with disabilities in reading writing and learning comprehension, didn’t help matter out. I know for a fact that many of my peers in middle school and high school openly thought I was gay, I mean I know I walked weird and talked weird, meaning my voice was at a higher tone than the average male voice would after they when though the changes of puberty. It seem like my voice didn’t crack as must as the rest of the guys in my class .But even with those disadvantages stack up against me, I never give up the hope that there was a possible mate for me.

You really want to know the biggest disadvantage that I had in find that one certain young woman who would be willing to take my virginity was the fact that being seventeen in the 10 grade and being at least two year older than majority of the girls that made up my grade and those who where in my age range were either known sluts and I wouldn’t have even gone down that way to lose it.

Now you may be asking yourself why the hell was I seventeen in the ten grade, well the reason for that was I was held back twice during my schooling once in kindergarten by my parents for being develop delay in some certain areas, and the second when I was in eighth grade by the Roanoke County School System after I exited Private school and return to the public school system.

I passed eight grade with flying colors in the Achievement Center but the school system felt that I was best that I repeat the eight grade in order to get a year of public school under my belt before going to the on to the nine grade.

Now that I explain the age different in the my age at the time of these stories and my partners you now should understand the reason for the age different in my partners and myself, but I most stress for legal reasons that at no time did I never engaged in any sexual act with a girl that was more than four year younger in age than myself. Thank God for that four-year age loophole

As the reader of this you couldn’t fathom the amount of teasing and bullying. I endeared at the hands of my peers once they found out the fact that at 17-year-old and I was still a virgin but let me put to you this way. It wasn’t by choice; I mean I had an few opportunities during these time to lose it, but for one reason or another those opportunities didn’t pan out, mostly due fucking Condoms or the lack of not having them on hand or losing them, or overly protective parent got in the way. Either way at that time while I was still a virgin, I felt like I had a ten thousand pounded gorilla on my shoulders. Let just say it this way it didn’t help with my self-esteem one bit

Now at this point in time I was dating my girlfriend of at least a year Jackie, and many of the stories of near miss came during the time I was dating Jackie, at least two I recall, and well elaborate in the forth coming chapter. Even though I had been faithful to Jackie, after a year of coming up short with her, you couldn’t blame a man for seeking another avenue to find that release one looks for. So, as any normal hormones driven teenage boy, we always were on the look out for a potential mate, that one certain person that would be the one that would give us that opportunity we need.

Now don’t get me wrong here folks I was extremely happy dating Jackie and want to make her my wife someday, but with each passing day the peer pressure to lose my virginity drove me to seek out other opportunity and let me tell you there were plenty of possible prospects that I had my eyes on.

But keep this in mind that many of these prospects came with some risks, for many of them where at the time younger than me by two years or more. Being the age, that I was at the time made it that much harder to pick the certain one that was worth risking my both my freedom and relationship with Jackie on the line.

Everyone knows there a hierarchy or pecking order in our school and it followed religiously. The young lady was locked step with it. Everyone know how that hierarchy goes the more popular you are the higher you rank in this hierarchy, to explain the hierarchy I going to us a Pro Wrestling metaphor. Everyone know how it is in the wrestling world, a person would fall in to one of three categories Main eventers Middle Carder and Jobbers and will unfortunately for me. I wasn’t Main eventer; I was more of a Middle Carder. I certainly wasn’t a Jobber by no means. But being Middle Carder as I was at this point in my life, and never got into very most trouble. Most of the young women that made up my school. Looked down on me, they thought they were better than me for one reason or another.

Hell one day I finally build up the courage to ask one of the more popular girl at our school who was known to be what we guy called easy, but I don’t like using that term to describe a woman who I was seeking to lost my virginity with because it demeaning her. But on the day that I finally work up the courage to ask her out, she bluntly look at me and said “ Hell no I wouldn’t give you the time of day, because you’re the ugliness thing I have ever seen. Well with my self-esteem shot all to hell and utterly embarrassed with her reply and I shouted back at her with the following “ then you’re the ugliness bitch I had even seen”.

Which was furthers from the truth. She was 10 in my eyes, but she when to a -10 in my eyes due to her personality. But like I said before there were many more prospects in the field of play. I just had to keep looking and there was plenty of young women to fish for.

There was there one smoking hot red head girl named Brandi who had freckles all over her body, but they were all in the right places and they made her even hotter.

Oh my God Brandi had one hell of smoking hot body slime and curves in all right place and unbelievably delicious but firm looking 33C tits fit her like a glove. Her body fit her bad girl mentality. She all ways wore these tight revealing clothes that drove me crazy. The only drawback of Brandi’s was her bad girl mentality had gotten her into trouble both in school for smoking and with the law from truancy and later in life drugs but thank god she got her life turned around and is clean.

Brandi was a total flirt and knew how push a horny teenage male button. God what I would had done to lose my virginity with Brandi the things I would done to her if I had the chance is giving me kind of making me hard it kind of embarrassing for me to admitted to you that Brandi and I had phone sex one day while I was in bathrooms and for some reason I can’t recall what when on during it but what I do remember for sure when I blow my load she convinced me to taste my own cum. The only thing that really nip that in the ass was when Brandi wrote this extremely exotic letter to me tell me all kind of thing she wanted to do with me and do me and mom came across it and got the school involved.

There were a few other young women that I had my eyes set on, one of these young women was a young lady name Jackie G ( Author note: from time when there will be names that are similar in nation. In that case I will add the first letter of the person last name to distinguish the two) What can I say about Jackie G other than she was one of the most hotness girls that when to my school, She had to be at least 5’8 or a little taller. Slim and her curvy figure and those very perky 34D-36D in range. But let get real here a guy like me never stood a change, so I guess you can say it was wishful thinking on my part.

As much as I want to be one of the main eventers, I tried so hard only to failed, So I decided it was best for me to just to stick to the young woman who were in my ball park, I wasn’t going to change who I was just in order to get laid, I want a woman who was worthy enough to take my virginity, I want it to be special, for I only had one virginity to give so it had to be to the right person,

Unknows to me while I was chasing after young ladies who wouldn’t have given me the time or day. There was one young lady who had set her eye on me long ago. So, it was a total shock when my sister Vicki (now late sister God rest her soul.) noticed that I was struggling in my journey to seek out the one woman who was worthy of the honor of taking my virginity.

Well one day during pre school Breakfast in the lunchroom of our school RCCC. I grabbed my breakfast tray of the same old breakfast school meal and head off to see in my normal spot away from the rest. This when my sister Vicki came walking over to where I sat and sat her tray down at the table “Hey skittles !” my sister said to and punched me square on the upper part of my left arm and it stung like a bitch, I shoot my sister a look and said “ Hey what the fuck was that for sis?” rubbing my arm where she just had punched me. My sister just busted out laughing and took a seat in the empty chair beside me of me. “ Ahh suck it up cupcake I didn’t hit you that hard!” she said has she took a seat.

“What up sis… I’m surprised that you’re seating with me won’t that hurt your standing in the school hierarchy, to be seen sitting at the same table with your nerdy older brother sis. I asked her “ I could careless what other think about me for sitting with you Scott you’re my Brother and one who has been there more than some of my ride and die friends claim to be.” She said “ Well Vicki you don’t just seat with me unless you have something on your mind or you want something from me so why don’t you just come out and tell me what you want to tell me already?” I asked her

My sister laughs “ Well Scott you remember Stephanie the girl that I sit with most morning?” she asked me I look up from the book I was reading and lend back in my chair and look around the lunchroom to look at Stephanie who was sitting at a table in the far left hand corner of the lunchroom.

I knew of Stephanie she was on the listed of the woman I wouldn’t mind losing my virginity to. I mean we were friends but never though a girl as popular as her would be in my ballpark. “ Yeah what about her sis?” I asked her. My sister lends in close to me and said, “ Scott are you that motherfucking blind that you hadn’t notice that She been sending you signs that she really like you!” “ I know she like me Vicki we are friends but she one of those popular girl she won’t want to risk her standing in the school hierarchy to be any more than that I just have come to term with being stuck in the dreaded friend zone. I long for more with her sis but it is what it is, so why beat myself up over something that I can’t change.” I when back to eating

My Sister then pops me hard across the back of my head with her hand, in a Gibbs slap manner “ Hey what the fuck was that for Vicki first you punch me in the arm now your giving me an Gibbs slap what the deal sis?” I say to her as I now am rubbing the back of my head. “ That was for belittling yourself and thinking that you didn’t even have a shot with her!” My sister said to me. “ Well its true Vicki a girl like Stephanie wouldn’t go with a guy like me unless it was out of charity and I don’t want to be a charity case!” I said to her. Once again, my sister gives me another Gibbs slap across the back of my head harder this time.

I look at my sister and say “ Vicki I don’t hit women but I swear to God you give me another fucking Gibbs slap and I going to lay you motherfucking ass out you understand me !” She laughs and lend in closer. “ Then motherfucker listen to what I’m trying to tell you then !” my sister say to me in stern tone of voice “ Ok what the hell are you trying to tell me sis that I’m not seeming to understand!” I snap back at her in a hush tone of voice. My sister sighed and said “ When I said that Stephanie really like you, I meant she more like she is sweating your shit kind of way” my sister said

When she told me this, I was floored more like dumbfounded for a moment, my mind was racing a mile a minute, heart was racing. The palms of my hands became sweaty for I never thought in my wildness dream that Stephanie would be sweating any part of me especially my cock of all thing. For I thought Stephanie was a lesbian. “ Why would Stephanie want me for, I mean I thought she was a lesbian? From what I knew of lesbians sis aren’t they only into other girls?” I ask her My sister burst out laughing “ Scott you really think that Stephanie is a lesbian?” laughs “ No she swing both ways Scott, she loves eating pussy… but she loved dick just as much and it appears she wants yours in the worse possible away !” she said

“ You not fucking with me here Vicki because I swear to God if you are, I’m going to make your life a living hell.!” I said to her while looking at Stephanie in way that not to give it away that I was. My sister said “ Yes Scott I’m telling you the truth, at first I was floor myself when she told me. It wasn’t until Stephanie came out a told me a little while ago in the most serious tone possible “ God damn it, Vicki... One day I’m going to fuck your brother just you wait and see, and everyone knows he is a virgin and if I have my way I will be the one that takes it from him” Stephanie told me

My mouth hit the floor and my eyes grow as big as saucer I never thought Stephanie thought about me like that. I lend in closer to my sister and I said to her “Just how long have you been holding this information from me, Vicki?” My sister throws up her hands “ hey buddy I want to make sure that Stephanie wasn’t kidding about what she said, but she told me this the very first day of school.!” My sister told

Thinking back on it all these years later. Little did I know then that Stephanie and I would end up making love later down the road, but Stephanie wouldn’t get the honor of taking my Virginity. But what I can tell you this much for sure.

I wish she had, I learned so much about how to please a woman from her. I wish to this day I would have saved it for her. Has you will find out later in future chapters I would refer to Stephanie as my sex teacher. But as it turned out the honor of taking my virginity would fall to another girl in my school, whose name is Christina and I lost my virginity to this girl in the most unorthodox way that I could think possible. But if you think I’m going just give you right now. Then you wrong, you just going to have to keep read like everyone else. Now Christina was the last person who I ever thought I would lose my virginity to, but as much as I will tell you later, Christina would have a big part in me coming to be a man.

In the first chapter, you going to mean Diana and the first of my many near-miss.. i hope you enjoy them

leave me some feedback, it helps me become a better story writer

also, this story is going to replace the original i had posted

To be continued


2019-11-28 22:20:32
dude, I know English and write it very well thank you

Doozy woof HunterReport 

2019-11-28 21:38:32
Learn English - before you make a fool of yourself again...

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