The story of Max, Liam, Charlotte and Sarah-Jane continues. First time moments. Bringing back memories.
"So how did you enjoy that?" Max asked of Liam. "It was the best thing ever" replied his younger brother. "It felt so good when the girls touched my cock and the look in their eyes when they saw our junk was brilliant - they looked on in awe and looked scared at the same time and I know they were shocked when we came."
"I think that is the most I have ever cum. So pleased I had saved up a good load" said Max. "It was also great to touch their tits and see their pussies. It was so good to slip a couple of fingers inside. So warm and soft, and they produced a lot of lubrication too. I really cannot wait to see how it feels to put my cock inside such a welcoming hole. No wonder sex is so popular" Max added. "I know what you mean" replied Liam " I wonder how long it will be until the girls, you know, let us do it."
The boys agreed that they would need to get the girls back for some more fun and see what they could get them to do now that they had broken the ice. Max then noticed that just like him his younger brother had a hard on. "Think we are both enjoying just talking about what we did. I for one will have to have a quick wank or I won't be able to get it back down." "Me too" stated his younger brother and they both sat down on the settee and loosened their trousers and released their now straining cocks. Let's do eachother Liam mentioned and with no delay they both grabbed each other's cocks. Liam was almost as big as his older brother now and felt very relaxed at his older sibling seeing his nearly fully grown equipment. He felt as if his brother was a bit thicker in his hand but he was cool with that. Max was happy that his brother was now basically all grown up. They both climaxed at about the same time and Liam confessed to Max that he had, for the first time, walked naked across the locker room at school after gym and he knew that some of his fellow students, the late bloomers, had taken a real good look at his adult looking package. "I bet some of them are jealous. Imagine what they would feel like if they knew what we got up to with the girls the other day!"
The girls were not sure whether to talk about their time with the boys and Charlotte was aware that as the older sister that she had a duty of care over her younger sibling. She did however think that it would be a good idea to check she was ok after what had been after all a new experience for both of them.
"So what did you think?" she asked of Sarah-Jane. "About what" came the reply.
"You know about what. About what we saw and did with the boys this afternoon."
"Oh that" and she burst out laughing. The girls had a chat and agreed on the following:-
* They were both very frightened at revealing their intimate parts and in seeing a boys fully grown parts for the first time.
* They both enjoyed being touched by the boys on their breasts and pussies and agreed that being fingered by the boys felt really good.
* It was a surprise to them how the boys penises felt and also fascinating how their bigger than expected balls hung down in their ball sack and even moved about on their own.
* The things that shocked them the most was how big and hard both boys became in such a quick space of time. How hard they were and yet soft to the touch in some way as well. And finally the end moment when both boys came and how cool it looked to see their stuff come shooting out and the look of pure pleasure on the boys faces when they did indeed 'finish'.
Both girls agreed that it would be difficult to talk to boys in their class at school now without checking out their crotch area to see if they also had a good sized package or not and they even thought it would be fun to measure up as many of their classmates as possible. It would be unlikely to happen but it was a nice thought. "I suppose that as you are older that at least all the boys in your class will have something to show you. Not like some of the boys in my class who are still very immature" stated Sarah-Jane. "You may be right there but variety is the spice of life and I think it would be fun to see some lads at all stages of their development and at least we know what they will be like in a very short time and I am sure even the late bloomers would love to have a look at our boobs and pussies. It may not be such a fantasy after all" Charlotte opined with an air of anticipation.
They both agreed that in any event they had two lads of their own ages who would no longer be embarrassed and they could continue to have some fun with them.
The boys and girls agreed to meet up again and the following afternoon they did so. After an awkward silence Max broke the ice.
"What did you think of the other day?" he enquired.
"We had a chat and we agreed that it was very educational...and fun at the same time!" replied Sarah-Jane "perhaps we could have a bit more fun now?"
"Why not" piped up Liam and with that he started to take off his clothes "Whoa! Somebody is keen, let's at least pair off and make this a bit more civilised" Max announced and at that Charlotte grabbed hold of Max and Sarah-Jane paired up with Liam who already had his shirt off.
For the first time in their lives they all embraced and full on kisses to the lips became more and more amorous and soon by instinct tongues twirled and apart from some intimate noises there was silence in the room. The boys then started to undress the girls and the girls helped remove the boys' shirts. Shoes were kicked off and before too long both the boys and girls were topless and down to their underwear.
The boys managed to get a feel of both the girls boobs and then went down to their pussies where they both started to press in between the girls legs. The girls also had a feel on the outside of the boys underwear and all four were now becoming aroused.
As they stood there kissing and feeling eachother they were all in a different World. Both boys were hoping to go as far as possible, as for the girls, well they were not sure what they would do but they knew that the boys would be happy with a least a hand job and they were more than happy for the boys to give them some fingering. The boys were happy to move their hands and start probing the outside of the girls pussies through their underwear and the girls had started rubbing the boys now prominent hardness through their underwear too.
Max was starting to feel uncomfortable with his straining cock being so confined in his underwear. "Is it ok if I get my thing out" he enquired with a whisper in Charlotte's ear. "Let me help you" she responded and with that she put her hands along the elastic of his underwear and with a bit of help from Max she removed his last piece of clothing and his cock reared up and stood there in all its glory with his two balls, both about the size of two golf balls left swinging below in their rapidly tightening sack. She then took off her knickers and showed her neatly trimmed pussy to a now very aroused Max. The two of them sat back down on the settee and got back to some heavy kissing. Max moved one hand to her left breast and started tweaking her engorged nipple and he then moved his other hand down towards the heat between Charlotte's legs.
Liam and Sarah-Jane saw what their elder siblings were doing and quickly removed the last elements of their clothing and whilst Sarah-Jane slowly touched Liam's cock and he slowly caressed her breasts they seemed quite happy to just keep touching and watching their older siblings in action. Being before the days of internet porn this was all so exciting to them.
On both boy's minds was how far they could get the girls to go. They were not aware that the girls has discussed going the whole way with Charlotte prepared to have sex with Max, and with Sarah-Jane thinking that she was still a bit too young.
Max started to move his fingers more purposefully between the moist folds of Charlotte's vagina. He now had two fingers inside her and she was now murmuring like a purring cat with every entry. Her pussy was now almost dripping with a sweet moisture. Liam saw that his brother was now exploring with two fingers and attempted the same with Sarah-Jane who soon stopped him as this felt a bit uncomfortable. One finger was fine it seemed but two was a bit of a tight squeeze in her younger slit. By now there was a noticeable amount of precum at the tip of Max's cock and as Charlotte caressed his balls and cock he was as hard as he had ever been. Charlotte placed the tip of her finger at the moist slit at the top of Max's cock as she thought it might be a bit of pee and too her surprise it seemed sticky. Max whispered in her ear that it was a sign that he was getting close to cumming. Charlotte did not want him to cum yet so she left his genitals alone for a while and just gently caressed his inner thighs. He still stayed rock hard and she loved the way his cock was twitching and his ball sacs swirled around. As for Liam he did not have any noticeable moisture at the tip of his cock and when Sarah-Jane pointed to his cock slit with a shrug of her shoulders Liam just shrugged back and stated that it may be because Max is older. It in any case would help reinforce her feelings about being too young to go all the way.
Both Max and Charlotte were now so aroused that primeval urges were now starting to take over. Max was desperate to try and gain entry to her hot virgin snatch and Charlotte's mind was swirling as she wondered what it would be like to feel Max inside her. Will it fit? Will it hurt? Will I bleed? How long will it take? Questions every virgin girl has asked herself before her first time. As for Max it was more a case of will she enjoy it and how long will I last - it really was a case of "how will I measure up" - albeit that neither of them had any previous experience by which to compare.
Max decided it was time to make his play. " Shall we go somewhere more comfortable and more private" he whispered in Charlotte's ear.
As he led her to his bedroom, like so many virgins before them, they were excited and terrified at the same time
Nicely written with good mechanics (grammar, spelling, punctuation, etc.) I caught a lot of flack over the years for giving new writers tips for improving the flow of the story and that careful attention to mechanics helped make reading the story easier and more pleasurable. The appearance of your writing will influence how people think of you and may even dissuade people from bothering to read your work. Writing is hard work. I made my living writing scientific papers for a couple decades. Be proud of what you are doing and let it show in your work. The more you write, the better you will become. I rarely open my doctoral thesis as each time I do, I find another typo! Keep writing, I like very many of the stories on here now, and haven't abandoned one for poor mechanics, or lack of logical progression. Keep getting better.