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I was getting to the age where I was expected to contribute a book to the main library so I sat down with my ink and paper and started writing some kind of silly draft.

“Hello, visitor. I guess I should tell you a little more about who I am and what this place is. Years ago, or so I am told and as I have read, a race called the humans from a planet named earth came to my home planet. My ancestors were more bird then ape but the humans set up labs where they mixed the DNA like my world was some kind of science project. That’s where my family line comes from. They were taught how to speak their language and my line, almost completely human but with slightly more bird like legs and large angelic wings, were chosen as the best mixture and were bread heavily until a modest population started to find homes in these very trees. Years in, more humans came briefly and took the original group away in chains and destroyed their ships. After generations of reading their books and exploring what was left of their belongings we have come to assume the originals as we call them did not have the authority to do what they did and we have not seen a human in almost one hundred years. As curious and prying as they were are surprised they did not come back sooner and...” “Oh that’s not very good.” I said to myself.

“The rain!” I got up and walked out of my home in the tree.

I pushed the vine door open and looked down on the jungle from my home. I stepped out and took my hair down to let the rain wash through it. I felt the feathers on my wings start to get heavy. The rain was hard today. I washed the dirt off my face and naked body with my hands. It hadn’t rained like this in days but it never lasts long. I heard the leaves moving behind me. I was sure it was some large animal so I ducked back into my home and dried off with some old cotton fabric. The hunters of the forest would not make that much noise and I could say the same about the pray. It had to be a large animal who’s breed choose strength over grace or speed and I couldn’t think of any that were unlike me and would be around here. I wondered if it was a visitor. I got my bow and arrow to attach to my back and draped my woven grass wrap over my body.

I looked down on the forest expecting to see one of my own looking for a place to dry their wings or at best a lost gettera. (An animal similar to an earth bear.) What I saw I had only seen in drawings. It was a human man, my dream subject. I stepped back as I watched him stumble through the brush not even looking up. I watched him for a while as he sat and took a drink from his bottle. He was alone, I was sure of it. I flew down and landed before him. He looked up at me in shock and fear. He didn’t say a word.

I broke the dead air. “Your shorter then I expected.”

He looked even more shocked.

I get closer. “I guess you didn’t leave us with a good way to measure ourselves and compare it to your measurements.” I poked at his boot. “Can I see your toes?” No reply. “I hear you have five like short stubby fingers.” He was a handsome little man, he had no hair on his head but plenty on his face, he had long brown pants and a matching button up shirt with a vest that looked almost like it was woven out of fine black grass fibers. He looked down at my feet, long flexible and with three long leathery toes. More bird like than human. I sat down and just watched him. He seemed to enjoy when I shook the water off my wings. He was afraid but still had a kind face. Nothing like the humans who were once here. Eventually I got tired of this game and it had stopped raining. My wings were dry and the day started to become warm.

“Okay listen up. Your not going to wake up from a dream and I’m not going to hurt you, the others might so you best come with me. Yes I speak English. Humans taught us then gave us books before they left along with the ones they just straight up left behind.”


“What’s your name human?”

“Hanson Samual” he choked out.

“Well hi, Hanson. I’m Blütenknospe. But you can call me Spe. I know, strange but it was a name passed down through my family and I honestly have no idea what it means. Now don’t scream.”

I grabbed him by his head under my arm covering his mouth and holding onto a shoulder. I shook out my wings and launched us both up into my tree. We landed on my deck and I set him down. He suddenly had a fascination with my chest that he was a second ago pressed to. Humans are strange.

“I was wondering if you flew or just fell... the notes we have from this planet are almost non existent.”

“You do speak.”


“Yes, we do fly and none of us are sure how. We seem to fly more like large birds of pray and we assume the reason we can have heavy bodies with large masses of organs unlike earth birds is because of our large wings but then again it may be another trait that is not found on earth. We don’t have the equipment to test our theory’s even with the things we have learned from earth books. The structure of things here are just not the same.”

“A bit of a science brain yourself I see. May... may I touch you?”

“You would like to study me?” I asked.

“Yes, very much so.” He smiled.

“I would like to study you. So I will make you a deal. Let’s both remove our cloths and get our notes and go to town.”

“Why would we go to town naked?” He looked confused.

“I... I did not mean... is that not a saying anymore? Anyway I mean stay here and study each other.”

“Then why would you say we should go to town.”

“It’s your language, it’s said in your books!” I suddenly felt very defensive.

“Strange... anyway you have a deal.”

His cheeks turned red. I started to undress and he followed. The first thing that struck me was his very large reproductive organ or I guess it’s called a penis.

“Your breasts, they are very large. Do you use them to feed young?”

“No, do you?”

“Well human woman do.”

“That explains why human men like them. I never understood that.”

“Can I measure you?”


He went to his bag and got a rope with numbers on it. “Step on this.”


He stretched his arms up. “6 and 10, amazing.”

“What are you?”

“I’m 6 foot 2 and I’m tall for a human.”

“I’m short around here. Show me a foot on that rope.”

He holds out a section.

“I would say most of the men are probably 7 to 8 foot, the woman are all 7 or more but me.”

He wrote in his notes as I spoke. “Now, how far can you fly?”

“I guess I could fly a very long way but I have not tried. This place can be dangerous and we have hunted all the animals we fear on this island already. Where did you arrive?”

“At the old lab. Then I made my way to this side by boat.”

“Your legs, can you run fast?”

“I don’t think humans are that fast and we are clumsy because we run on two legs not four. Do you run?”

“We have no need, we fly. If we were to run it wouldn’t go to well, our legs are strong for standing but not strong enough to run. I suppose if you trained your legs we would be rather fast.”

He got down on his knees and placed his hands on my knees then paused. “I’m sorry, may I?”

“Yes.” His touch gave me chills.

He ran his hands up and down my legs. “The skin and the structure is very human but the knees are strange. It’s like your bones are aligned to take the shock of landing. He rubbed them slowly. He moved up to my upper thighs and a finger brushed over the small amount of hair on my pussy. Maybe it was his sweet voice or his member and his touch but I felt a rush of blood and a slight tingle. He stood up. “When you jump you should land like this if you were a human.” He did a funny little false jump. “Feel my legs.” I felt his in the same way he felt mine and they were very much the same except I could feel tension in the back of the lower legs and thighs. His penis was inches from my face. He stood up straight. “Can I feel your...” I paused.

He looked at me and then pointed at his cock. It twitched just a little.

“Well yes.”

“I don’t mind but it may get a little excited and I guess I have to admit I would very much enjoy looking at yours but that is much more... invasive then you looking at mine so you don’t have to.”

I slowly took hold of his penis. “The men around here are not nearly this big but they are harder.”

He laughed.

“What?” I said.

“It gets harder, that’s what I mean by it might get excited. It gets bigger too.” He reached down and started to quickly rub it. He was looking at my chest making a slightly awkward face, maybe one of pleasure. His penis grew three times the size and became hard as a rock. It stuck straight out at me.

“Is this normal for human men?”

“What? Getting hard?”

“No the size.”

“Well where I am from it is a little big.”

“It’s huge.” I reached out and touched it like he did but slower.

“Mmmm now if you keep doing that your going to get me to excited.”

“Then what?”

“Well I’ll cum.”

“Cum? Is that when you release the sperm?”

“Yes.” He laughed.

“How does it work.”

“I assume men put there penis inside you here?”


“Do you have sex for fun?” He asked.

“No just for children. Do you?“

“Well yes. Anyway if the man is inside the woman and never on the outside it may be similar and you just have not seen it. A white mix of water, vitamins, minerals, and sperm cells leave the body and spray outward, onto whatever or into the woman.”

“I think I might like to see that.”

“Well I’m already half way there.”

“Really! Is there anything I can do?”

“Well um... Can I feel your breasts?... if.... if you don’t mind.”


I didn’t expect what came next at all. He started to stroke his penis again with renewed vigor. He reached out and pulled me closer and cupped my breast with the other hand. He slowly squeezed them in small rotations and it felt wonderful. He then moved to the nipple and softly pinched it. It grew hard and I don’t know what came over me but I let out a small sound almost like a cry. I covered my mouth. He took his hand and pulled mine away. “It’s okay, it’s natural. It’s called a moan and I like it.” He went back to twisting my nipples and I continued to moan. He then leaned down and pressed his face to my chest. He took a deep breath and then took my nipple into his mouth softly sucking and biting it. I put my hand on his head and my wings stretched out knocking an unlit candle off the table as I let out a long moan. He pulled away. “Spe, I’m going to cum.” I watched as he threw his head back, closed his eyes and I got down close to get a better look. A shot of warm liquid hit me between the eyes and then another on my chin and the others filled the valley between my breasts. He looked down at me in shock. “Oh my! I’m so sorry!” He got his shirt and carefully wiped it off me.

“I did not expect it to be so explosive.”

“I’m sorry! I should have told you.”

“It’s okay.”

“Maybe we shouldn’t have done that, you clearly have a job to do here.”

“We were just exploring the fundamentals of making life. I may not be able to tell the others about this but I’m learning.” He joked.

“In that case you can examine me. How would you like me?”

He looked around. “Lay on the bed, please.”

I laid down and opened my legs. He sat on the end of my bed and carefully drew every detail of my vagina in his notebook.

“It looks completely human.”


“Yes. May I touch it and would you allow me to put my finger inside?”

I nodded. He slowly spread the lips and touched every inch. I could feel it getting moist as he touched. “Are you making it moist?” I asked.

He smiled and his face looked a little red again. “Your doing it but I seem to be causing it.” He touched something in the upper third and caused a shock through my body. I let out another small moan. “You did feel that. It’s a real shame you don’t have sex for fun.”

“Are you going to make me cum too? Do you think it’s possible?”

At this point it was as much enjoyment as exploration. He smiled and started to rub that same spot again. He took his other hand and pushed a finger into me. I was moaning but doing my best to control it. This went on until I felt my body start to tingle from head to toe. Waves of pleasure filled me from my pussy outward. I put my hands over my mouth as my body started to shake. He was moving his finger in and out of me fast. The waves did not stop and he seemed confused. After what felt like ages he eventually he stopped and so did I.

“I have heard some human woman cum like that but I have never personally felt anything like that. You are so tight too.”

“Should we compare you to a man of my kind?”

“I don’t know how we would.”

“You could just take my word for it.”

“Are you saying we should have sex?”

“I believe so.” I smiled,

He leaned over me already hard again. “This might hurt you. Just let me know and I will stop.”

He leaned in holding his cock, he rubbed it between my lips and pressed the head to my opening. He pushed with increasing pressure. Soon enough it popped past my opening as I felt a sharp pain. He had pushed in a few inches before stopping stretching me in ways I had never felt. I put my arms around him and my wings fluttered. “Are you okay Spe?”

“It hurts but this makes it feel better.”

He smiled sweetly then leaned down and kissed me softly, something I had only heard of in books. He softly parted my lips with his tongue and touched mine as he held me close and started to move. We both moaned softly. “Your so tight. I don’t know how long I will last.”

“I think I need to know how your cum compares to men of my kind.”

“Oh god.” He bit his lip.

He started to move faster and pulled away so he could rub that magic spot at the same time and before long we were sweaty, hot and both close. I went first. It almost hurt because he was so large. The waves were even stronger and I felt my pussy shake. A few seconds later I felt it. Nothing like men of my kind I felt his warm liquid shoot hard and fast, deep inside me. Locked in by the tight fit of his pulsing cock I felt hs cum fill me like a balloon before he fell onto my body. He pulled his cock out of me and it ran down my butt. He smiled. “Now what?” He asked. I smiled.
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