Tegan has made it to the end of the Inferno and is challenged to defeat her personal demons
Halloween pt 3
This is a direct continuation from Part 2, which I recommend you read if you have not already.
Tegan assessed the dildo again and then at the vessel of spunk. The most semen she had ingested in one sitting was eleven, the night she visited the glory hole, and that was in small increments as she served each man. This was spunk from thirty different guys who’d probably cum at least twice, gathered in a container that had been sitting around going cold and coagulating. She gagged just thinking about it. On the other hand that bad dragon style dildo she was supposed to impale herself on seemed like a physical impossibility. Looking back to the other woman she wondered if she was processing the same thoughts. But apparently neither of them was going to quit.
“Are our sacrifices ready?” The Speaker prompted. Tegan just nodded dumbly and the other woman did too. They were led over to the bench and turned so they faced away from each other.
“No peeking.” The Speaker explained. “We want you to challenge yourselves.”
“Pussy or ass?” The other woman asked, as the men near Tegan started smearing the dildo with lube.
“Either.” The Speaker said. “Whichever you think will give you the best chance of winning.”
Tegan had seen videos of women who had threaded truly astonishing dildos in their asses before, but those tended to be, in her experience, long thin flexible ones. This monster was not like that. The idea of getting anything but the tip past her anus was impossible. And while she considered it unlikely that she would get past the wide part of the dildo in her pussy, it was still her best shot especially after she had just managed to take an actual fist.
She hovered over the upraised phallus and began to lower herself, using her hands to spread herself as she eased the tip inside herself. She was consciously aware of the press of men standing around her in a circle taking a front row seat as she did – while a good portion of these man had already been inside her or watched her submit to various depraved acts it somehow felt more personal and intimate for them to be passively observing as she did this to herself. She heard the other woman groan behind her as she presumably began to take her own dildo and this urged her own, the small tip disappearing inside her and taking more of it, letting her body weight do most of the work and using her legs to control the pace. The dildo widened fairly quickly after the first couple of inches and she immediately began to feel the strain of it stretching her open again. She knew, logically, that her vagina was able to accommodate large objects but a niggling doubt in the back of her mind made her concerned. What if she did stretch herself out and herself a whore’s pussy, used up and damaged beyond usefulness for men? It was an irrational thought but one that she wrestled with as she struggled to take more of it inside herself. Was it worth it? This whole night had been one ongoing act of self discovery. She had already rationalised that maybe deep down she was a whore, an insatiable fucktoy. Maybe this moment was what all her exploration had been leading up to.
She groaned, taking short shallow breaths as she let herself drop another inch, approaching the widest part of the dildo. Behind her the other woman let out a gasp of pain and Tegan was urged on again, wiggling her hips to work more of it inside, grim determination on her sweaty face. She lowered herself another inch and as her opening reached the widest part of the object she felt the tip pressing up inside her, telling her she had nearly reached her limit as it touched her cervix. The other woman let out another guttural moan and then fell silent though Tegan could hear her laboured breathing. Tegan gave one last push and felt herself stretch to the point she thought she might break, her pussy lips wrapped around the widest part of the dildo so tightly it was practically strangling it, the tip pressed up inside her as far as it could go, her hole completely stuffed with the latex cock. She held herself in place then, with a feeling of accomplishment, announced “I’m done.”
“Well done, my angels. Very impressive from the both of you.” The Speaker said, sounding pleased. “There can of course only be one winner… and I think in this case it is clear.” There was a ripple of laughter around the room and Tegan, a sinking sensation in her gut, twisted her body around to look back over her shoulder at her competitor.
Unbelievably, incomprehensibly, the other woman had won. She was looking back over her shoulder at Tegan and underneath her her asscheeks were nearly touching the bench, the entire dildo having disappeared up her asshole, her ring distended to accommodate the rounded bulge at the bottom with only the flat base visible. She glanced down at Tegan seeing she still had several inches outside of her and with a triumphant smirk held down the base of the dildo as she slowly stood back up.
Tegan watched, her mind unable to believe what she was seeing as the woman’s anus stretched open again, struggling to pass back over the wide bulge towards the bottom, but once the bulge was clear she slid off effortlessly, exposing her well-greased, gaping back door momentarily before she stood up, gingerly. Tegan turned back around, shocked by what she’d just seen. She couldn’t comprehend the kind of nerve and practice that must have taken. Tegan’s dalliance with sodomy had seemed extreme over the last few months, but this woman had in the space of a few minutes put her completely to shame.
In a daze she slid herself up off her own dildo and took a step forward before two men took her by the arms and centred her on the bench to take a seat. She looked up trying to find Sam in the crowd and he was standing nearby, watching. His expression was inscrutable but his dick was hard, so Tegan had to conclude he was enjoying himself. Then the full gravity of her failure hit her as the speaker presented to her the tall flask of semen, the litre of room temperature, coagulated man-juice that she was now to consume for her hubris. She took the flask in her hands, weighing it. A litre of anything was tough to drink, milk, even water would have likely left her feeling full to bursting. But this was something else entirely. She stared dumbly into the container, the distinct alkaline aroma of cum wafting up into her face. No amount of blowjobs or jam and man-cream toast had prepared her for this moment. She knew that if she wanted she could just leave, call the night to an end, and Sam wouldn’t think less of her for it.
But she knew she wouldn’t. In her core she knew she deserved this, that she had flown too close to the sun and fallen, and now she had to pay the price. A cheer went up as she lifted the vessel to her lips and tilted it, the fluid sliding towards her mouth. It quickly filled her mouth and overflowed a little, splashing against her lips and a glob ran down her chin but she quickly swallowed, squeezing her eyes shut to try and hide her revulsion. She tilted it again more carefully this time and more of it slid into her mouth in a clump which she swallowed as well. The cool gunk slid down her throat about as easily as sticky porridge, she could feel it clinging to the inside of her warm mouth. A couple more mouthfuls and she was beginning to feel full already, she gagged, a cum-flavoured burp escaping from her.
She opened her eyes to look at the container and realised she was only halfway finished. She felt queasy as the semen began to settle in her stomach but the moment passed. She looked over to Sam for support but found little comfort in seeing him standing there idly stroking his erection as he watched her debase herself by trying to guzzle more than fifty loads of ejaculate. She suppressed another burp and returned her attention to the container, her hand shaking as she brought it to her lips and started drinking again, forcing herself to swallow without thinking, almost mechanically easing the mess down her throat one small gulp at a time until finally she upended the flask above her open mouth and no more came out. She felt full, bloated, and sick, but she nonetheless raised the empty flask and there was a triumphant cheer from some of the men as she slammed the glass down on the bench beside her, feeling dizzy.
“Very well done.” The Speaker intoned taking Tegan by the arm and raising her to her feet. He slid an arm around her and groped her ass playfully, catching her off guard as it was the first indication he had shown that he even had a sexual interest in the proceedings. “I think we can all agree that between the anal fortitude of player one and the unquenchable cum-thirst of player two, we are hosting some truly shameless sluts this evening.”
Tegan glanced over at the emo girl, who was lightly clutching her lower stomach as though it ached. Maybe she was feeling the aftereffects of taking the colossal object as much as Tegan was feeling some discomfort from the sheer volume of heavy protein she’d just tried to ingest. Either way they were both in for some interesting bathroom visits in the new future.
“Now for the ninth circle.” The Speaker began, stepping await from Tegan and raising his arms as if addressing a the heavens. “Treachery.”
Tegan made an effort to stand up straight. Treachery. Betrayal. So far the various torments had, however loosely, been associated with the alleged sins. It made for useful theatre, she supposed, while also steadily escalating the sexual depravity of the acts. Whatever lay ahead it was not something she was going to take lying down, unless whatever she had to do required it. She hadn’t drink a milk carton’s worth of semen just to give up now.
“In the ninth circle the sinners are punished for their treason and betrayals. They betray their family, their community, their guests, and their lords. But here I believe that above all of those are the people who are not true to themselves. Tonight you have faced trials that have likely tested the limits of what you considered yourself capable of, and let you to the realisation – if you weren’t sure already – that you are put on this earth to fuck. That deep down, all you really want is to be used for pleasure, and the pleasure you receive in return is its own reward.”
Tegan reflected on what he was saying. It seemed needlessly derogatory and maybe even a little sexist but at the same time this was something she was realising to be true. In the months since opening herself up sexually she had never really considered stopping even when she felt she or her limits were not being respected, and that pattern of behaviour had led her here tonight – she could pretend not to know what to expect but she always knew that it was going to involve people, strangers, and more than a few of them, doing things sexual with or to her. She had committed fully and hid behind a pretence of innocence. The speaker continued.
“If you are prepared to face this reality, then there are a few final challenges. They are not about punishment or force, but about submission. Firstly, remove your masks, and kneel before the assembled demons to be baptised into your new life as a fully realised slut. Alternatively, if you would prefer to continue lying to yourself, there is the door – it will open for you at any time.” The Speaker concluded.
Tegan had no doubt what he meant by baptism, given that several of the ‘demons’ were already lazily stroking themselves, but she stood silently for a long time thinking about the other part. Removing her mask? Even though it was tiny, and barely covered any of her face, and her eyes were still visible, it still provided a token amount of anonymity – plausible deniability should someone stop her on the street and ask “hey, aren’t you that girl who drank a jug of semen?”. Removing her mask meant letting everyone here know who she really was, the possibility that word would spread, that everyone would know. That could potentially have ramifications years down the road that she couldn’t even fathom.
After a long pause she raised her hands to her face and gently peeled the tiny mask away from her skin, the room’s air cool on the newly exposed skin. She dropped the mask to the floor and sank slowly to her knees. Beside her the other woman did that same and they looked at each other unmasked for the first time. Tegan realised that while the mask had somewhat provided cover for the other woman’s face it had really done nothing that would have kept Tegan from recognising her. She supposed the same went for her in reverse, and that was probably the whole point – insofar as this overblown excuse to do perverted acts to a bunch of willing women had any point whatsoever.
She looked forward again and tilted her head up slightly, closing her eyes as the men closed in on her. She wasn’t directed to do anything, so she didn’t. She was exhausted and parts of her ached in all new, surprising ways. The cum cocktail she’d forced herself to drink was sitting in her stomach about as comfortably as a concrete bowling ball, but it seemed like the hard part of the night was over.
The first spurts of cum hit her cheek from somewhere on the right and immediately began to trickle down the side of her face and neck. She assumed they came from the same man who would stand aside for the next one. A grunt directly in front of her heralded the arrival of another load that splattered against her lips with enough force to tickle her nose. She exhaled sharply to keep it clear, feeling the hot load cling to her lips and chin. Someone pressed their cockhead against her forehead as he began to cum and she felt his seed ooze onto her skin, with him wiping the tip off on her when he was done.
After that she lost track. Her entire little world was filled with the sounds of men’s heavy breathing and slapping skin as they jerked themselves and more jizz rained onto her face and hair and chest. By the time it was done, with an estimated thirteen men unloading on her herface was dripping with their sticky goo and she carefully cracked one eye open, a strand of spunk partially obscuring her vision.
“The second step is to record your new reality for posterity.” The Speaker held out her phone, which had apparently been given to him by Sam who had carried it for her owing to her absence of pockets. Feeling somewhat stunned she took it gingerly and looked at it dumbstruck as he went over to the other woman and handed it to her. “Take a self-photo with your device, as a memento.”
Tegan unlocked her phone and opened the camera app, switching it to selfie mode. She looked down at the image of her own face, caked with semen that clung to her pale freckled skin. She had never seen herself like this before – even the photo album that her housemates her prepared for her that one time had only shown her blindfolded and gagged face, but here she was, exposed and splattered. After a long minute of trepidation, she took a couple of selfies from the chest up, capturing her messy face and the drips of cum clinging to her small tits. She expected to have her phone take from her again but instead once she was done the speaker continued.
“Now the final challenge: you must meet the devil himself.” The Speaker paused dramatically as Tegan and the other woman exchanged glances. “It is exceedingly unlikely that either of you came to us as a virgin, which means you have at least one partner you have previously had an intimate relationship with. *********** one of them, and reveal your new self to them, and offer to submit yourself.”
“What do you mean by that, exactly?” The other woman interrupted.
“Send them the picture. If they reply, you will offer yourself, in total submission, for forty-eight hours. Should they accept, you will complete the challenge – your patron will verify that this is complete. When that forty-eight hours ends, you will have completed the final challenge.”
“You want us to hook up with an ex? And let them do whatever they want?”
“I mean… we’re no longer together for a reason.” The woman objected.
“I would not require you to offer yourself to an abuser – you are at liberty to choose whichever person you are most comfortable with. But the challenge is not meant to be an easy one – I am challenging you to face your devil, and come through stronger for it.” The Speaker said, with a tone of sympathetic understanding.
“Just… out of curiosity, not that I haven’t mostly enjoyed myself this evening… what am I getting out of going through with this?” The woman asked. Tegan was curious about that too… all night she had felt compelled to keep challenging herself each step of the way, and while she was prepared to accept that she had become a total slut in every sense of the word, the idea of revealing that to someone outside her circle was difficult – and who knew what she would be in for if she offered herself completely. While she hardly wanted to give up after coming so far, there had to be some kind of end goal here.
“Ah.” The Speaker acknowledged. “In a sense this act is its own reward. If you can overcome this challenge you will have accepted your reality that you will do – and are capable of – anything. You will defeat your demons. In another more tangible sense, you and your patron will be inducted into a very exclusive community and have access to future events. You will have run your gauntlet and never have to submit again – but we can tailor events to your liking and fulfil any desires you wish to have fulfilled. As you can see…” He swept his arm around the assembled men “…we have many willing and able-bodied candidates who will work tirelessly to bring your fantasies to life.”
“So you’re saying that my reward for being a fuck slave for a night and letting one of my exes dominate me for an entire weekend is that I get access to events where I have more sex?” The woman asked dubiously.
“Once you have defeated the devil, these demons become your servants.” The Speaker clarified.
There was a long pause and Tegan looked to the other woman who exchanged a glance with her then looked back down at her phone to quietly regard the picture of herself.
“What if our uh… devil, doesn’t want to participate?” Tegan asked.
“If we can verify that you submitted in good faith and were rejected, then you have still fulfilled your obligation to the community.” The Speaker answered.
“Fuck it.” The woman said and tapped her phone with rapid strokes, her well experienced texting thumbs clicking at the keyboard. There was a soft chime as her phone confirmed her message was sent.
“Do I have to choose now?” Tegan asked hesitantly.
“No, but soon. Don’t overthink it – go with your gut. Surely there is someone who you would like to show the new you.” The Speaker answered.
Tegan mulled over her options. She only had a few exes one of which was Bethany. As far as she knew Bethany was still one hundred percent into girls and probably wouldn’t respond well to Tegan sending her a picture of herself in this state. Plus, being female, probably wasn’t in the spirit of the challenge. The second was the guy she’d lost her virginity to, and they had been out of contact far too long. The person she was circling around thinking about was her most recent ex: the one she had broken up with because he wanted her to be someone she wasn’t. The one who had tried to get her to show off to his friends, or have a threesome, the one who had first convinced her to try anal. Since breaking up with him she had done everything he wished she would do and much much more. She didn’t carry a flame for him – she considered all of her exes to be history and never gave them any real thought, but if there was one person that she felt would be most astonished, even devastated by her transformation and what he would no longer have, it was him. Jackson. She still remembered with a bitterness that hadn’t fully faded the last fight they had had.
They’d been at a party and a friendly game of pool had turned into a doubles competition against one of Jackson’s friend’s and his girlfriend. He tried to convince her that it would be fun if they made the game a strip game when an item of clothing would be removed for every penalty incurred. Tegan knew she would inevitably wind up naked in front of a party full of people she barely knew and was far from comfortable with the idea. It was the last in a long series of events where he had tried to get her to participate in a strip game or flash his friends and she had finally had enough. She left the party and took an Uber home, declining all his calls and only sending one text telling him where she had left her key. That was the last thing she sent him before moving out of their shared unit into her current residence which she shared with Sam, Brandon and Angus.
She wondered how things might have played out differently if she had gone along with it, or if he’d been more patient with her. Had his pushing sowed the seeds of her current situation? Had she, deep down, been waiting to bloom into the woman she was now, and just needed more careful cultivation? Maybe he deserved to know what he had lost, and it would bring her closure. It made sense. She opened up their iMessage history that sat untouched for nearly a year and sent him the picture, then locked and handed off her phone to Sam.
“It is done!” The Speaker said, raising his hands. “Your patrons will update us when the challenge is completed and we will hold an induction ceremony. Now, unless our lovely, exhausted angels, have any final requests of the assembled demons…” he paused and when neither of them spoke up continued “…then it is my pleasure to call the evening to a close. Please feel free to avail yourself of the shower facilities. Your patron has provided us with a change of clothes to travel home in which will be waiting for you.
Everyone vegan to disperse and Sam helped Tegan to her feet, escorting her out of the ballroom and down a hallway towards the bathrooms.
“You were amazing.” He said gently.
“Did you know? Like, everything they were going to do?”
“No, they gave us a brief outline and I had to make educated guesses, but I didn’t know everything.” Sam said earnestly.
“Did you think I would make it?”
“I don’t think you’re a quitter, but I wouldn’t have been disappointed if you didn’t go all the way.”
“I feel a bit sick.” Tegan said, patting her stomach.
“I’m not surprised.” They stopped outside the bathrooms. “Are you gonna be ok? I don’t think I can go in with you.”
“I’ll be ok.” Tegan patted Sam gently on the arm and went in to get cleaned up.
Tegan and the other woman entered the bathroom together. It was not dissimilar to the style of the bathroom at the last party she had attended, the one she’d been paid for – but this was smaller, much like the house was overall in comparison with only three shower heads in the communal shower area. She saw one of her dresses and her shoes sitting next to a towel and took the shower closest, turning on the water and using her wetted hands to scrape the gunk off her skin before adjusting the temperature to warm.
“Ugh, I’m beat.” Said the other woman.
“I’m going to ache for days.” Tegan agreed, turning to face her letting the water run down her back. “I’m Tegan by the way.” It felt unusual to offer her real name up front.
“Zoe.” The other woman answered, massaging soap into her heavy breasts. “So… what’s your deal?”
“My deal?”
“Yeah… like why are you here. Who brought you?” Zoe clarified.
“I was brought by one of my housemates. Honestly I came because I was asked, I didn’t really think about it.” Tegan said, lathering herself up with body wash.
“Wow.” Zoe said. “I was brought by my boyfriend. We’ve been swinging for about a year, and I do cam shows as a side gig. Sometimes with him but mostly solo.”
“That sounds fun.” Tegan said fascinated “That might be a cool way to make extra cash.”
“It’s mostly about the tease, but it’s amazing what some guys will pay to see you put stuff in your butt, especially if you make it look like it hurts.”
“So you have some practice with that.” Tegan said wryly.
“Oh yeah.” Zoe said, returning Tegan’s smile. “No offence but when I saw the look on your face when you saw that dildo I knew I had the challenge in the bag. Did you enjoy the cocktail?”
“No, but more than I would have trying to fit that thing in my ass.” Tegan conceded.
“Different strokes.” Zoe shrugged, turning back around to wash her front. “I personally hate cum. The texture makes it a real struggle to swallow. My boyfriend doesn’t mind, because it means he can facial me as much as he wants. So you screw your housemate often?”
“I screw all of them.” Tegan admitted. It felt easy to admit that to Zoe, considering her side gig. “A few months ago I offered to let them start sharing me in exchange for paying my rent and bills.”
“Wow, and this was part of that deal?”
“No, the deal is for regular sex only. But I am open to other suggestions. Some things I say no to, but not many.”
“Ah.” Zoe finished rinsing off and turned off the water. “That’s pretty adventurous. So you’re not really in a relationship right now?”
“Not really. Not many guys would be down for being in a relationship with someone who’s got a free use deal with her roomies.” Tegan finished rinsing off as well and reached for her towel, drying herself. “You said you and your boyfriend swing?”
“Yeah, we go to clubs. Do partner swapping, sometimes he loans me out to couples looking for a unicorn. He also sometimes acts as a bull for cucks.”
Tegan parsed the terminology, pretty sure she understood all that.
“So he’s cool with you offering yourself to an ex for this challenge?”
“Can’t imagine why he wouldn’t be, considering he just spent the night watching a bunch of strangers rail me. But we’ll talk about it before I commit.” Zoe shrugged as she finished drying off and pulled on a tight cropped t-shirt that barely covered her nipples, leaving plenty of underboob, and a pair of tiny shorts. Tegan finished drying herself and pulled on her dress Sam had supplied. Typically, there was no underwear.
“Hey, this might sound weird but would you be interested in sharing your number?” Zoe asked, picking up her phone. “Like, maybe we could do something sometime, since you’re not attached?”
“That is weird…” Tegan thought about it for a minute “…but fuck it, sure.”
Tegan had left her phone with Sam but gave Zoe her number with instructions to text her so she could save it, and then they left the bathroom together. Sam was waiting back in the ballroom and handed her her phone as they walked outside together.
“You’ve been blowing up.” Sam commented.
“Are you surprised?” Tegan chided him.
“Not really.” Sam smirked. “So who’d you send the pic to?”
“Well since I guess you have to know, my ex, Jackson. Did I ever tell you about him?”
“Don’t think so.”
“He used to try and get me to play strip games and show me off to his friends.” Tegan clung to Sam’s arm for energy, she was feeling an ache down below and walking was hard. “If only he could see me now.”
“Seems like he probably will.”
“Did you read my messages?” Tegan asked.
“Well no, but his name came up on your lock screen.”
They returned to the car together and Tegan opted to sit in the back seat so she could recline sideways with her feet up while she read her messages. Sam drove, occasionally peppering the silence with questions about whether she enjoyed herself and how she was feeling, but Tegan’s attention was mostly on her phone. She saw the message from Zoe, who had thrown her cum-selfie in, as well as a shot of her pussy and tits from below for good measure. Tegan saved her details and, feeling daring, sent her own cum-selfie in return.
Then she turned her attention to the message thread with Jackson.
>> WTF
>> Tegan?
>> Did you get hacked???
Hey. <<
Miss me? <<
>> Did you get hacked or smth
No <<
Just thought you might want to see what I’ve been up to since we broke up <<
>> ngl that’s hot
>> But surprised to hear from you
Well you remember why we broke up <<
>> We didn’t really get to talk about it
We talked about it all the time, Jax <<
You tried to push me to do things I wasn’t ready to do <<
>> Sorry Teegz
>> But why msg me now then? With that pic?
Because I’ve changed a lot since then <<
>> You want to get back together?
No <<
>> :/
But I will let you have me <<
One last time <<
>> Like a booty call?
I mean you own me for 48 hours <<
And you can do whatever you want <<
>> Bullshit
No bullshit. You free next weekend? <<
>> Uh yeah, but I’m struggling to believe you.
That pic not proof enough? <<
>> Could b shopped
Tegan lifted her skirt and took a pic of her pussy, trying to get an angle with her face in the shot. Her lips were still puffy and red from the repeated fucking and her efforts with the dildo.
Good enough? <<
>> If I say no will you keep sending me pics?
One more <<
>> Spread your pussy
Tegan complied, spreading herself with her fingers and giving her a closeup shot of her soft pink folds and exposed clit. She didn’t really see the appeal of such a macroscopic view without context, but maybe that was because she was a girl. Guys liked it for some reason.
>> Fuck you got me hard
He sent her a picture of his hand wrapped around his cock.
Good news/bad news: I have a few chapters in the pipe - they’re coming! I’m just having trouble getting them to work in a way that feels interesting and fresh. I hope to have something out by the end of the week.