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Some of you probably noticed the "gay" tag I put on here. When I say "gay," I don't mean lesbian. When I say "bi-sexual" I don't mean a girl that bats from both sides. You have been warned. This chapter is super long, mostly because I went down the rabbit hole of my own sexuality with it. Dicks are fun, OK? And if god didn't want us to shove dicks up our asses, then why the hell did she make it feel so good?
Part Twelve: Losses

Chapter Forty


“…put your arms forward like this,” I instructed the little imperial scout, “then, when you’re at the precipice, you want to open them like this,” I motioned my arms outward, “and you’ll just glide over the top. Did you get that?”


I rolled my eyes. “Practice it with me, little imperial. Ball.” I crouched and hugged my knees, “Arrow.” I shot up with my hands together overhead, “Eagle.” I finished, spreading makeshift wings. “Ball, arrow, eagle. Ball, arrow, eagle. Ball, arrow, eagle. There, it’s not so hard. Now, put these on, and this, and… oh, and put this on.” I said, dropping a suit of heavy orc armor, four bags of sand, and a berserker helm.

The imperial gawked at what I’d laid at his feet, then began to put it on. The orc armor was much too big for him, even though it was the smallest I could find, and it rendered him unable to pick up the sandbags. I tied each fifty-pound sack to his torso and legs, then put the helm on him.

“There.” I said, stepping back to admire my work, “Can you raise your arms?”

Shaking with the effort of it, the imperial managed to raise his arms, and the contraption flared like a fan from his armpits. It was my own design, and I was quite proud of it.

“Weight distribution’s off.” Trenok muttered beside me.

“Won’t matter.” I grunted, picking up the elf, “Once he’s airborne, the only direction that matters is down.”

“AIRBORNE?!” The imperial squeaked.

“You must be new to this sector.” I chuckled, and placed the elf in the carriage of the catapult.

He tried to scramble out of it, and I palmed his entire head, and pushed him back in. “Remember,” I said, putting a reassuring hand on his shoulder, “ball, arrow, eagle. When you get over the top, pull this cord,” I handed him the cord that looped into the contraption, “and the parachute will engage. Many of your comrades have died so that you could succeed, little imperial.” I gave him a grave look, “Make sure that their sacrifice is not in vain.” And I pulled the lever.

He flew across the sky, tumbling in his ball shape.

“Come on…” I growled, watching him grow smaller before the imposing wall of the Highland Rift.

“He can’t open his arms.” Trenok grunted.

“He’ll do it.” I muttered. The little ball disappeared before the grey rock wall, then reappeared above it. “Arrow!” I shouted as though he could hear me. For a moment, the ball stayed the same, then I saw his arms struggle against the wind and weight of his armor, and become an arrow in the sky. “Eagle!” I yelled, and his arms opened, the wings catching the wind. He soared even higher, clearing the edge of the wall, his resplendent silhouette catching the sun to gleam like an iron bird in the sky. “Pull!” I cried in delight. He pulled the cord, the parachute unfurled, and the straps broke. He fell a hundred feet, flapping like a bird, then he crashed to the ground with a boom that could be heard across the meadow.

“Yes!” I roared victoriously, “Success! How do you like that, Trenok?!”

“The straps—”

“THE STRAPS CAN BE MADE STRONGER!” I yelled over him. I snatched the mirror at my hip, drew the sigil on it, and palmed it. Field Marshal Shordian came into view.

“Did you see that, old man?” I laughed.

“Have you run out of boulders to hurl at me?”

Have you run out of boulders to hurl at me?” I laughed, “I’ll have thousands of orcs flying over your head in no time at all!”

“An interesting choice of ammunition.”

“They’ll float like a feather right on top of you.”

“Our archers could use the target practice.”

“Your archers can suck my dick!” I roared, and palmed the mirror again.

Trenok smirked at me.

I scowled. “I don’t need that ornery old bastard ruining my day.”

“He’s right though. His archers would only have to punch holes in the chutes, and the whole thing goes to shit.”

“Attack at night during a siege and use the flying orcs as support. They drop into the fort when everyone’s distracted and wreak havoc from the inside.”

Trenok puzzled over the ridgeline. “If you think this will really work, then you would have to be the one to lead the raid. That is, assuming the queen ever gives you the go ahead.”

“Yeah…” I grumbled.

A score of boulders suddenly ascended from atop the ridgeline. I sighed, and braced myself against the catapult. The rocks rained down on us, smashing into the ground, occasionally creating an explosion of timber when they struck an engine. They fell behind us, before us, and beside us; too great a range to run away from after launching a salvo, and too random to worry about becoming a target. It was a game of chance, and I was getting bored of it.

“Did you talk to her?” Trenok asked.

“You know she won’t budge. Even as our losses mount, she refuses to change tactics.”

“That’s not what I was talking about.”

I frowned at Trenok. “Now’s not the time.” I grunted.

“When will there be a better time than when you’re the Froktora of a horde at war? You’ll never be more important to her than now.”

“Something you need to understand about women—”

“I’m married.”

“So that makes you the fucking expert?” I growled, “Something you need to understand about women, is that emotional circumstance is everything. She’s really stressed as of late, and—”

“I can smell your vagina from here.”

I shoved a finger in his face. “You used to live in my nuts, boy, and don’t forget it.”

“Did I take them with me when I moved out?”

“I’ve popped skulls for less.” I growled.

“Did you pop your cherry for more?” He sneered. I looked down at his feet. They were spread in an easy stance, but the weight was shifted on the balls. A rock struck a catapult twenty yards away, but the screams of the fallen barely reached my ears.

“You know that the Froktora is not inherited.” I said.

He nodded with a smile. “And the tribes mean nothing anymore, but I’ve been training since I was ten to kick your ass one day, and I will not be denied that birthright.”

I snorted, a smile coming across my own face. I pulled the daggers out of my belt, and set them on the ground. “Fwelok!” I yelled over my shoulder, “Do you stand as witness to this match for succession?”

“What?! Right now?!” He yelled, huddled behind his trebuchet.

“Right now!” I laughed, and tossed my axe off my back.

Trenok disarmed himself, and kicked off his boots. I kicked off mine, and we stepped away from our catapult as our ogre loaded another boulder into the carriage.

“Gods pray this goes better for you than that bout with Adrianna.” I sneered, matching his stance step-for-step.

“Gods pray that it doesn’t end the same for you.” Trenok laughed back, then charged me. Fuck, he was fast. I barely had my weight shifted in time before he was grappling with me, his iron grip clutching my shoulder, mine doing the same. Our heads butted, our brows locked, and we snarled with tusked grimaces as we lurched for position. I was still stronger, but he could adjust faster, and before I knew it, he’d used my momentum against me. I toppled to the side, corrected to a roll, planted my hand into the earth, and spun upright with a sweeping kick aimed neck-high. He ducked, threw himself forward, and tackled me to the ground. My head struck the earth with a concussive shock, and my blurred vision caught the sight of Trenok raising his fist overhead, ready to deal the ending strike. I drove my knee into his groin, and sent him careening over the top. I jumped to my feet, ducked his flailing backhand, and scampered back, my fists held before my face.

“Bitch move!” Trenok gasped, bending with pain.

“I’m just preemptively kicking my grandson’s ass.” I laughed, “Might as well, seeing as how you fight.”

“I’d retaliate, but I’d hit nothing but an empty sack!” Trenok roared, and rushed me. I pivoted on my back heel, dodged one jab, and was struck squarely by the following hook. The shock of the blow sent me spinning backward, and I had to summersault just to keep from sprawling. He was on me before I could even catch my bearing, assaulting me with blow after blow to the body. I caught one strike between my forearms, dropped my weight, and forced him to lurch after me. Before I could put him arm in a bar, he’d planted his heel on my chest, and kicked back. His wrist was wrenched free, and before I could clamp down on his foot, he’d pivoted off me, and sent a sharp kick right to my ribs. I grunted with pain, and let the momentum carry me upright.

“Fuck!” I gasped.

“Did you really think I was going to let you take this fight to the ground?” Trenok laughed, backing off until he was five yards away, “I felt something crack there, didn’t I?”

“You just knocked it back into place.” I grinned, failing to disguise my hobble.

Trenok grinned broadly back. “I got you, old man.”

“Oh, you do?” I laughed painfully, “Then why don’t you come over here and finish it, you little shit?”

Trenok pivoted, took one step forward, then charged. There was a flash of movement, and I was blown backward. My body was showered with soil, my eyes were filled with it. I was wet. I was hot. I rubbed the muck from my face. There was a boulder behind me. It was rolling away, its surface black with soil. Black with blood. It was sprayed all over me. There was a hole in the ground five yards away. I scrambled to it. I looked inside. There was a mess of dreadlocks and a body of tattooed flesh. It was flatter than parchment. Pieces of shattered skull and brains were blown along the side of the crater, guts and ruptured muscle were splattered from their fleshy constraints. I sat back from the lip of the hole, and watched the rocks ascend into the sky from the Highland Rift.

“Chief!” Fwelok yelled, “CHIEF?! Oh god, Trenok!”

I shouldered him off me, and walked away. As the boulders crashed to the earth, and the soil shot from it, I made my way to the edge of the marshlands, and pulled out the mirror at my hip. I drew the sigil, and palmed the glass.

“Brock,” Shordian sighed, “are we done throwing rocks at each other for the day?”

“Trenok’s dead.” I muttered. My voice sounded like it was coming from someone else.

Shordian’s face hardened. “And?”

“And… I guess I’m going to kill you.” I said, “I… guess I thought you should know.”

Shordian just nodded. No humor on his face this time.

“Goodbye.” I said numbly, and palmed the glass.


Leveria had kept me sequestered in her tower for five days since the assassin struck. Though she’d made sure our time was wasted well, it was still wasted, and I knew she was doing it for more than my safety. While she was free to play the game of nobles, I was left alone in the high tower and put under constant watch. We went to court together, and Leveria made a point of keeping me by her side for all the nobles to see. Who had I run to when my life was in jeopardy? Why, the queen, of course. While that wasn’t the truth, the perception was all that mattered, and it made Lord Feractian’s barons cautious when I tried to approach them.

“They’re worried about your closeness to the crown.” Sofia whispered, glancing over her shoulder as the nobles shuffled out of the court, “The queen’s been making such a stink about insisting that the assassin was a Lowlander, and the rhetoric scares them. Are we to make enemies of both Alkandra and the Lowlands?”

“She’s just trying to weaken the value of Ternias’s Lowland backing.”

“But she has nothing to counter the offer!” Sofia hissed, “All she is doing is distracting the court from the real issues! Feractianas is in rebellion, the Night Wolf has slaughtered three more villages in Feltianas, and the Jonianas grain stores have been burned! The others are getting desperate, and in your absence, Ternias has gained their favor!”

“Distracting the court is all Leveria can do.” I said gravely, “Yes, our people are suffering greatly, but Ternias’s plan to attack from South Fort is suicide! Let Leveria blab on about assassins; anything but the stupidity coming from Ternias’s bench.”

Sofia rubbed her shoulder nervously, looking over at the Feractian section. “Have you heard about the rebel leader?” She asked, “The one called ‘Esmerelda?’ They say she was raped in front of her father by a Feractian tax collector. Now she wields an axe like a barbarian, and… emasculates any Feractian bannermen she takes prisoner.”

“That’s not exactly a great military tactic. Good luck getting people to surrender.”

“There’s a rumor that she’s trying to petition the Dark Queen for aid.”

I laughed. “Yavara would think it’s sacrilege to remove that many penises from the world.”

“So… you know nothing of it?” Sofia said, giving me a critical look.

I raised my brows. “You think I must be involved?”

“It’s just fortuitous that Feractianas is being consumed by rebellion, and you may be the only one who can help them.”

“Don’t mistake good fortune with conspiracy.”

“And Yanas Feltian’s absence from the court?” Sofia asked with a raised brow, and motioned her head to the empty Feltian seat, “I’ve heard that the stories of the Night Wolf’s horrors have driven the poor man nearly to his death bed. Not to mention the ongoing disasters occurring in Lady Jonias’s province.”

“It’s war, Sofia.” I said, though I was uncomfortable with her analysis. I had thought the same things myself at times, and wondered in my darkest moments if telling Yavara about the nobles I needed had been a mistake. But no… Yavara could never be so callous. Zander though…

I glanced at the six barons conversing around Feractian’s section, “Can you make an arrangement with them tonight?”

“Will you be able to fulfill it?”

“Yes, I promise.” I said, and glanced back at the empty seat in Feltian’s section of the court amphitheater. “When will Percian arrive?”

“Any day now. I have told him about you, and he’s very anxious to meet with you.” Sofia said, still studying me carefully. I doubted Sofia would judge me too harshly if she suspected me, but though she was a cold pragmatist, she was still a good and kind-hearted woman, and I wanted her to think the same of me. Of course, until she learns you betrayed her.

“Good.” I said, nodding to myself, “Meet me at my house an hour before our guests arrive, and we’ll… prepare.”

The suspicion left her eyes, replaced with an excited glint. “I shall be there punctually, Lady Straltaira.” She sauntered away, strutting so that her hips swayed dramatically in her noble garb. She glanced over her shoulder to see if I was looking, and I made no attempt to hide it. She smiled to herself, and walked out the door.

I sighed. Now I just got a figure out a way to free myself from Leveria.


When I got out of the shower, Elena was gone. I was about to call for Sir Raftas when I saw that the window was open, letting in the cold fall air. The bedsheets had been taken, and one was knotted to the leg of the bed, while another was knotted to that sheet, creating a rope that disappeared out the open window. I leaned out, and looked down at the terrified hybrid desperately clinging to the first few inches of her escape line.

“How cavalier of you.” I smirked down at her.

“Fuck off.”

“Scared of heights?”

“Fuck off.”

I leaned on the windowsill. “It’s like a scene from a romance novel. You’re the dastardly villain here to steal the virtue of the bare-breasted maiden princess, only her father has interrupted us, and now you must flee down a cord of bedsheets still rank with our lovemaking.” I looked past her, “I was in the shower for twenty minutes. How have you only gotten this far?”

“Fuck off.”

“The balcony’s only fifteen feet down. Of course, the ground’s three-hundred feet below that.”

“Fuck off.”

“If you jump that way, you might hit the water instead.”

“Fuck off.”

“Just scoot down the rope, Elena.” I giggled, “Didn’t they teach you that in ranger school?”

“Fuck. Off.”

I squeezed my tits together, and loomed above her. “Come back to bed, Baby.”

“You can’t keep me in there.”

“Has five days of unending sex with the one you love been so terrible for you?”

“My penis has friction burns.”

“I know that’s not true. I’m always so wet for you.” I purred, and extended my hand, “Come on, Elena. Stop this nonsense.”

She looked hopelessly up at me. “Leveria, I need my independence. You’re not keeping me safe; you’re keeping me prisoner. Don’t make me resent you.”

I chewed on my lower lip to mask that it quivered. “Don’t make me lose you.”

“Then don’t hold on so fucking tight.”

I reached out, took her hand, and helped pull her back into my room. I held her for a long time, trying to imprint the memory of her flesh onto my own. Eventually, she had to separate us, though I was pleased to note that it was a struggle for her.

“Leveria…” she said warningly.

“Fine.” I said, “but if you die, Elena Straltaira…” I touched the pearl necklace that rested upon her chest, “…we had a deal, remember?”

She laughed, her freckled nose crinkling. “You’re the worst person in the world, you know that?”

“You think I’m joking?”

“No, and for some fucked up reason, that’s why I love you.” She said, raking her fingers through my hair, “But Leveria, we both know that you’ll be the death of me.”

And she left me with a kiss burning on my lips.


I pinched the bridge of my nose, and massaged away the threatening migraine. When Leveria had told me the assassin was a Lowland agent, I almost tore down the Ardeni palace. That was, of course, undoubtedly what she would’ve wanted, which is what gave me pause. I wouldn’t put it past her for a second to fabricate an attack on Elena just to get me to react rashly. It seemed very convenient that I would be in Ardeni Dreus and on the mirror with Elena when the assassin decided to strike.

“Maybe I’m just paranoid.” I sighed.

“A healthy level of paranoia is a good thing for a ruler to have.” Zander replied. He’d gotten back last night from where ever he’d been.

“I wish I could get Elena the fuck out of there.”

“If Leveria hasn’t killed her yet, she won’t now.” Zander said, “Elena has proven herself to be quite adept at making herself invaluable.”

“For now.” I muttered, looking at Bentius on the map of Tenvalia. My eyes drew east, over the Alkandran Horn, and to Ardeni Dreus, “King Dreus supports Ternias because Ternias will never make peace with me. He sees Elena as an existential threat to his kingdom. I wouldn’t put it past him to send a killer to Bentius.”

“What about to Alkandra?” He asked.

I shook my head. “He wouldn’t risk it. Killing Elena in Bentius would give him a lot of plausible deniability, and no assassin is fool enough to go after me.”

“Alkandi said the same thing.”

“I’m better than she ever was. My healing expunges all poisons, my shield deflects all blades, and my mind can read from a thousand yards away. Unless Dreus or Leveria has a Creator on their payroll, I doubt I’ll see an assassin’s hello.”

Zander extended his hand, and touched the bare flesh of my throat with his index finger. “Trust is more dangerous than even a heathen god, my queen.”

Brock walked into the tent, and sat down beside Zander. Zander withdrew his finger, and placed it upon the map. “The Highlanders are doing an effective job concealing their formations from aerial surveillance,” Zander said, “they have protections spells everywhere keeping us from infiltrating their camp. We can only gain information from our assault teams. Brock, which sectors are showing the least amount of resistance?”

Brock’s black eyes stared vacantly ahead, then slowly fell upon the map. “None of them show any resistance.” He said numbly, “They kill us all the way up the cliffside, then flee before we summit, and fire upon us from range until we climb back down.”

“How’s the morale?” I asked.

“They still fight with passion. They fight for you.”

The winter cold will wear on their spirit more than bloodshed. Zander said into my mind, Orcs can take agony with a light heart, but misery weighs on them. Stay the course.

Let’s just hope the Noble Court’s spirit is feebler. If I can’t extract a diplomatic pound of flesh from the Highlands to offer my horde, they’ll see me as weak, and weak queens don’t last. Then an invasion will be my only option to prevent an all-out catastrophe. Tell me the seeds of rebellion are beginning to sprout in the Highlands.

They’re already bearing fruit.

And Gorlok? Was that your doing?

He acted on his own.

I want him brought back to me, Zander. Alive.

“You two are talking to each other.” Brock interrupted, “You do that a lot now. Talk in each other’s heads, leave me in the dark.”

“We’re just discussing Lowland relations.” I smiled placatingly, “Telepathic communication is much faster, and we wouldn’t want to exclude you from a conversation you have no interest in.”

“Of course.” He said, mostly to himself.

Zander turned to me. “We have a contingent of goblins coming from the Willows. Five-thousand in total.” He looked back at Brock, “They have knowledge of siege engineering. Perhaps they could duplicate the Highland ballista. Trenok’s rope idea has merit, I think.”

“It is a good idea.” Brock said.

“We can use it to mitigate casualties summiting the wall, and the ballistae would be more effective at covering an advance than catapults and trebuchets.” I said, “Then we wouldn’t have to worry about trying to take Mid Fort. We could redouble our efforts wearing away at the sectors.”

“No… no…” Brock muttered, “I think we should stick with the Mid Fort plan. It is Trenok’s plan. It is a good plan.”

“A siege of Mid Fort could cost us tens of thousands if it’s not done perfectly, and nothing in war goes perfectly.” Zander said.

“I know it’s frustrating, but we are winning, Brock.” I said, “The Highlands can’t outlast us. I’ll take an assured victory of attrition over a gamble.”

“Attrition.” Brock echoed.

“We can fill holes in the line. The enemy cannot.”

“Holes.” Brock mumbled, scratching at the beard he was growing, “Nameless numbers.” He pondered the map, all those battle lines he’d drawn himself, all those notes he’d meticulously written about each sector. “Five-hundred men have died here.” He said, pointing to one sector, then moving his finger up the line, “three-hundred here, seven-hundred here, a thousand here, four-hundred here, two-thousand here, six-hundred here, four-thousand here.” His finger ended at South Fort. He looked up at me. “That’s ten-thousand. Each of them was a man. Now they’re just holes.”

“There are always losses in war.” Zander said.

“Yes. Of course.” Brock looked at the map like he was confused by it, “There are always sacrifices. One man’s life is worth no more than another’s in the grand game of chance. It’s a lottery, really. Nothing you can do.”

“Brock?” I asked.

He suddenly seemed lost. He stared at me like he didn’t recognize me at all. I peered into his mind, and was struck with the sinking emptiness that had caverned him hollow.

“Oh god…” I whispered.

He stumbled forward like he was drunk, knocking the table aside. Zander leapt to his feet, brandishing his staff, but Brock only dropped before me, catching himself on one knee. With shaking fingers, he reached into his pouch, and pulled out an enormous amber egg. He held it aloft, then it slipped from his hand, and splattered on the ground, red mixed with yellow. He stared at it, and mumbled, “I don’t know what you imperials do when you… I don’t know w-w-w-what you Highlanders do, b-b-but the Terdini give people… the Terdini… when a Terdini man… when a Terdini man loves a Terdini woman, he gives her an omelet—an egg—and it’s an eagle, and it’s… it’s…”

“Oh, Brock!” I cried, and wrapped his enormous head in my arms, tears streaming down my cheeks. “Oh god, I’m sorry! I’m so, so sorry!”

“Will you have me?” He asked, his voice dead. I opened my lips to reply, but nothing came from them. He stayed motionless in my arms, then slowly rose to his feet. He pried himself away from me, not meeting my gaze, not letting me see his face, and he walked away. I let him go, and I hated myself for it.

Zander looked to me. “Trenok?”

I nodded.

He looked back at the shrinking figure of Brock, his massive shoulders sloped, his head low. “I’ll talk to him.”

“What will you say? What can you say?” I sniffled.

“I don’t know,” he said, and began to transform, “but Destiny might.”


I finished the call with Leveria, and quickly changed my sigil back from the tulip to the eagle’s beak. Leveria didn’t seem too concerned about the assassin’s mode of murder. She said she could spin it however she needed, just as long as the prince died. I felt no less guilty, but I did feel some relief. It was my last ever mirror call with Leveria. Thomas Adarian had completed his final mission. Now, it was time for Adrianna to start her first.

Twenty minutes later, I was in the middle of a magnificent marble hall designed by none other than Alexa Jenania. Great columns held a vaulted ceiling five stories above, the gargoyles at its apex depicting scenes of opulence and debauchery in kind, all bathed in the pale light of the dusk moon shining from the rotunda window. What else for the First Bank of Alkandra? Patrons walked by us, dignitaries of foreign nations smiled and bowed to us, investors from Ardeni and Drastin spied on us, waiting for an opportunity to broach us with an offer. I ignored them all, instead focused on the small box in Soraya Poneria’s hands.

“That is a million gold pieces?” I asked incredulously.

“From the first bank of Ardeni, certified and valid for as long as the bank exists.” Soraya explained, “The first bank of Ardeni is older than the line of Dreus, so this paper is gold.”

“So… where’s the money then?”

Soraya rolled her eyes. “Do I really have to explain banking to you? This paper is like a promise of gold, and since gold is intrinsically worthless except as a means of market rate-setting, this paper is a promise for the worth of gold, and therefore it is gold. The gold this represents is in a bank, and if you so desire, you can exchange this paper for actual gold.”

I shook my head. “No way would this shit work in Alkandra. We’re barely above trading corn seeds for beads.”

“It takes time for society to gain trust in money. You can’t eat it, you can’t fuck it, and you can’t kill with it, so beasts are understandably suspicious of it. Gold is shiny, and they understand that.”

I snorted. “You’re a cynical bitch when someone’s not abusing you.”

“Perhaps I’m always hoping someone will teach me a lesson.” The infamous masochist grinned with a twinkle in her eye. It didn’t matter that we were in the middle of a crowded bank. If anything, it only made her want it more. Today, Soraya wore leather straps for clothes, and the stitching that held them together were just piercings that linked her clit to her nipples, and her nipples to a collar around her throat. I hooked one finger around one strap, and pulled slowly until she was hissing.

“On your knees, Pet.” I called her by her preferred name, and she put the strongbox on the ground, and knelt atop it. I kept the tension taut on her strap as she pulled back the curtains of my robe to reveal the lewd treats within. Yes, I had a plug in my ass; I always did these days. She withdrew it slowly, and while I tortured her nipples and clit with the exactness of a puppeteer pulling the strings, I mounted her face, and made a stool of her. Her tongue worked subserviently into my anus, swirling around my filthy channel to taste the decadence of my bowels. She moved to my pussy, and she lovingly kissed my netherlips, and tasted the ovule of my flower. People stopped and stared. The locals enjoyed the show for what it was, but the foreigners didn’t know how to react. Surely, they’d heard legend of the hybrids of Alkandra, but seeing us in our element was something else entirely. It always aroused me to see their looks of comingled desire, amazement and fear. I moaned splendidly, and let my robe fall off my shoulder, giving everyone the view they wanted. The swell of my pregnancy was beginning to show on my belly, as was for Soraya’s, and our breasts had ballooned with milk. My nipples leaked with it, my entire body opening and blossoming in its pleasured state, and the milk ran in delicious rivulets down my swollen belly.

“Adrianna?” Alexa queried, emerging from the crowd. I could think of no one else I’d rather see in that moment; she was always an excellent pairing with Soraya.

“Off work early?” I smiled easily to her.

She stepped before me, construction dust covering her forearms and shins, battered work boots adorning her feet. She wore nothing else. Her modest cock was rigid below her pregnant belly, and it seemed to ask me politely if it could slip inside me.

“I just came—” She moaned the word when I guided her by the hips to violate me, “…I just came… I just came to collect wages for my workers. It’s payday.”

“I’m afraid Alkandra’s miser’s feeling rather stingy today.” I chuckled, grinding my ass on Soraya’s face as she sucked my pussy lips into her mouth. I took Alexa by her wrists, and pulled her arms behind her back, just how she liked. “But don’t worry, I’ll do the negotiating for the both of us.”

“You can be so persuasive.” She smiled against my lips, and began thrusting gently into me, my hungry lower mouth drooling as it consumed her cock, the droplets dripping upon Soraya’s chin. Alexa had small breasts, but they were swollen with milk, the pink nipples distended achingly. I brought one to my mouth, and sucked sensually. She groaned hedonistically, letting her head fall back, her hair draping over her arms that I held firmly, but gently behind her. Her warm milk filled my mouth, intoxicating from the source, sweet and rich on my tongue. I slurped with twisting lips, and she gasped violently. I tasted iron, and realized I must’ve accidentally let a little of my vampiric side out. I hadn’t yet told the others I’d gone through my transformation, and I closed my eyes in resignation, preparing myself for Alexa’s inevitable demand that I… but I hadn’t bit her. My teeth were still elvish and dull. Alexa had gone rigid in my arms. She’d gone limp inside me. Someone was screaming. I pulled her upright. Blood was gushing from her nose and mouth. Her eyes were wide with panic. There were fletchers protruding from her neck. The butt of a half-bow bolt. I grabbed her by the neck, holding pressure on the wound, keeping her upright like I was choking her to elevate the puncture above her heart. It didn’t matter. It was the aorta. She gurgled, her eyes bulging, begging me to do something, anything to save her. She mouthed around bubbles of red spit, then her eyes unfocused, and rolled back.

“No.” I whimpered, trying to keep the blood inside her. In a last vain attempt, I grew fangs, and bit into Alexa, injecting my venom with both capillaries, but her heart would not take my poison. It had stopped beating. In the rafters above, a shadow moved, then disappeared out the high window five stories over its dying architect.


I squatted over the chamber pot, and released the last volume of my enema. The liquid was clear, and the scented oils created an unmarred perfume. My now-bleached asshole was literally the cleanest part of my body. I douched my pussy, and inspected it in the mirror below me, making sure not an errant hair could be found. Yavara was right, it was hard work being a slut. I carefully washed my cock, then applied a fifth coat of lotion to it until the flesh was supple and moist. It was, without a doubt, the prettiest penis in the world. Feminizing a masculine organ was a difficult process, but I’d done the best that could be done. I slid the pink bow down its length, and applied a dusting of golden glitter. I was a gift, after all, and they could do whatever they wanted.

I eyed the two outfits I’d set out. One was a golden dress I’d tailored to fit the image a Highlander would have of Alkandran royalty. It had a neckline that plunged to the crotch, shoulders that fanned out aggressively, a cutout that exposed my back to the ass-crack, and a long elegant skirt that was slit down the sides. The other outfit was an opulent slave costume. A gold metal collar would adorn my neck, followed by scores of interwoven gold chain that would cover my breasts, but reveal everything. The fan of interwoven chain would end at my nipples, where two loops dangled for piercings. My panties were of the same material, the mesh chain links displaying everything, tailored to drape gently over my cock. Two golden cuffs would effect shackles that adorned my wrists, but I did not include a chain to complete their function. I would need use of my hands.

“Who should I be?” I asked myself, “The competitor, or the victim?”

Why not both? Came my answer, though my brain decided to speak it with Leveria’s voice. She was right about Yavara. For all her limitless debauchery, the Dark Queen was not particularly creative. I did up my white hair in woven gold yarn, applied dark red lipstick and blue liner with a smattering of gilded glitter, and just a touch of blush to my freckled cheeks.

I walked out of my room, and into the parlor. Sofia was there, nervously wringing her hands. When she saw me, her jaw dropped. I couldn’t help but grin.

“Elena!” She gasped, and hurried over to me. She stopped just before me, and looked me up and down with equal parts covetousness and reverence. When her teal eyes met mine, her expression was wholly worshipful. “I would get on my knees right now for you, but I fear that I’d be unworthy.”

I laughed, and touched her cheek with my thumb. She blushed to the roots of her hair, her pupils dilating slightly. The reaction was nearly too enticing to deny, but I restrained myself. “Sofia, you need to compose yourself.” I said, “You are the intermediary between me and the barons, and you’ll do a poor job of it if you’re drooling.”

“You don’t need me,” She giggled, staring unabashedly at my glitter-dusted bosom, “you’ll have them the moment they see you.”

“You are an unwed bachelorette. You’re supposed to be a virgin.” I stroked her flushed cheek dotingly, “I would hate for you to ruin your reputation in the court just because you couldn’t control your desires.”

“The Noble Court!” She spat derisively, then looked pleadingly into my eyes, “Even the noblest of them don’t hold a candle to what you are. The day cannot come soon enough when your queen becomes mine, and I join you in this flesh, for I feel like a worm in your presence!”

I took her firmly by the hair, and kissed her hard. She became butter in my mouth, her head tilting back to receive, her moist lips and tongue dancing subserviently to my lead. Her heart thundered against my breast, and I reached down, hoisted her skirt up until it draped on my wrist, and searched between her quivering legs with expert fingers. I found her blushing slit, and slid easily into its wet entrance with three fingers. She mewled into my mouth, sucking my face as I devoured hers, holding her away from me so that she did not dishevel me. I tormented her throbbing clit with my thumb, massaged her fluttering walls with my fingers, and I worked her insides until they were sweltering and saturated, and she was crying out muffled delight into my mouth. In under a minute, I’d brought her to a knee-buckling orgasm, and I palmed her crotch to keep the flood of juices from dampening her dress. She stayed frozen in the enslavement of ecstasy for a moment, then released into a languid posture. I carefully slid my hand out from her dress, and prompted her to clean it with her tongue. She did, staring thankfully up at me with half-mast eyes, her cute little tongue lapping her nectar like a kitten to milk.

“Better?” I asked with a smile.

“Yes.” She giggled.

I brushed her hair away affectionately. “How you feel now is how I feel all the time. At ease, satisfied, but wanting more. It’s what it means to be Alkandran. Don’t become a slave to your desires; become an ally to them, and don’t ever question your worth. You’re not a worm, Sofia. Yavara wouldn’t have you if you weren’t already special.”

She beamed up at me, and in that moment, I chose to believe my own lie just to enjoy her smile.

“Are you scared?” She asked me.

“No. I was made for this.”

“I’m scared.” She whispered, “Excited, but scared.”

“You don’t have to be in the room with me.”

“You’ve been insisting that ever since I got here.” She looked questioningly into my eyes, “You’re always so dominant and masculine when we make love. Are you afraid of letting me see the other side of you?”

I chuckled, brushing her light hair affectionately. “The idea of you seeing what a filthy whore I can be is absolutely delightful.” I touched brows with her, grinning wickedly, “I want to see that shocked look on your pretty face when your realize how low I’ll go. I just don’t want to traumatize you.”

“Maybe I want to be a little traumatized.” She grinned coyly.

“Oh, Sofia,” I hissed, closing my eyes against my arousal, “if you saw the thoughts running through my head right now, you’d run as far as you could.”

“But you’re so much faster than me, Elena.” She whispered on my lips, “You’d catch me and drag me down, and then I’d be helpless to you.” She inhaled deeply, the breath shuddering from her on its way out, “Then you could show me yourself what disgusting, terrible things you would to do to me.”

I forcefully separated our bodies, my cock so rigid that it hurt. “You, little Lady Droughtius,” I said quietly, “are going to get me in a lot of trouble.”

“Haven’t I already?” She giggled, quite pleased with herself, “Shall we begin then?”

We reapplied our lipstick, then I sat in my chair, and Sofia went downstairs to summon our guests.

In my experience with nobles, barons were the worst breed. They were the top of the minor nobles, but the glass ceiling was ever-present right above their heads, and they could only stare with longing at the seat of power above them. Feractian’s barons were all men in their twenties and thirties, fair of features as all high-elves were, their blonde hair and pale skin yet unmarred by age, their cheeks and jaws void of whiskers, giving them nearly an androgynous appeal. Being barons, their faces were twisted with expressions of perpetual contempt. That was, until they laid eyes on me.

“Lords Karlan, Glecian, Julian, Simian, Ralian, and Yenciata,” Sofia introduced the men as they entered the parlor, “Lady Straltaira is pleased to make your acquaintances.”

“My lords.” I said with a broad smile as they gawked at me from the doorway. I gestured to the seats around me, “Will you not join me?”

They shuffled into their seats, unsure and trepid. The servants gave them their drinks and smokes, and Sofia positioned herself tactfully beside me.

“If you don’t mind, I’d like to jettison the niceties and small talk and get right down to business.” I said, “The aristocratic banter is… well, you all might find it scintillating, but it’s wholly dull for someone of my tastes.”

The six barons exchanged looks. Ralian, a slight and meager-looking man, was the first to speak. “My lady… uh, what is it exactly you want to discuss?”

“I believe Lady Droughtius informed you of the night’s topic?”

“Yes, of course. The uh… the war.” Julian said, struggling to keep his eyes off the thing moving beneath my dress. I crossed my legs, and his eyes widened. He was a rather effeminate man, and I could practically smell his bi-curiosity from across the room.

“You’ve all been to court; you know my position on the war.” I said, “I am, and always have been for peace. The coalition I’m forming with Lady Droughtius is one with the singular goal of convincing either Queen Tiadoa or Lord Ternias to sue for peace, and prevent this disaster from becoming any worse. You lords of Feractianas have felt keenly the unseen effects of war. A population pressed to the limit can become a greater enemy than the one on the frontline, and now your province is in uprising.”

“And you offer a solution?” Simian asked. Muscular and chiseled he was, and calm in his demeanor. An athlete, obviously, and undoubtedly the star of his team. By the easy set of his eyes, he seemed a man who hadn’t needed his titles and wealth to open a woman’s legs.

“The solution is quite simple,” Yenciata growled, “we capture that Esmerelda bitch, draw and quarter her before the populace, and send a piece to the four townships of Feractianas!” Here was a man molded in snobbish aristocracy, one who cared more about his competition losing than his own victories. I had a good idea of what his tastes would be.

“Yes, quite simple.” Ralian rolled his eyes, “Why haven’t we done it already. Oh, because she has a thousand killers, and we have manservants and bodyguards.”

“Her ‘killers’ are but women and geriatrics.” Yenciata scoffed.

“They are very angry women and geriatrics, my lord.” I said gently to him, “And they will soon be very hungry. It will not be long before Esmerelda decides that your manors and estates are prizes worth taking. If you want to kill a rebellion, it must be done with overwhelming and brutal force. Lord Huntiata is an associate of mine. As of now, he holds the largest domestic force in the Highlands.”

“The watch is on strike.” Glecian said. He seemed a man a few words, but there was an easiness to him that bespoke a quiet confidence.

“Until they are paid, and I have made arrangements.”

Karlan leaned forward. “You’re saying that Huntiata would be willing to lend men of the watch to help with this rebellion?” Lord Karlan had kind eyes and a gentle face, and looked upon me with a puppy-like longing. I could not help but smile at him.

“I’m saying that he might. Queen Tiadoa certainly won’t lend her royal guard to assist you, and Ternias keeps his only domestic garrison stationed at Castle Thorum. All other troops are on our border, being needlessly slaughtered for our country’s vanity.”

Sofia cleared her throat. “Huntiata would obviously want concessions from Lord Feractian. Your lord has a joint holding of an old copper mine with Lord Xantian. It is abandoned, and the prospects are bleak since vampires have moved in across the river. It is of little worth to you, but of interest to him.”

Yenciata lit a cigarette. “And what of Lord Xantian? The mine is on his property. Our joint holding is more of a lease than a partnership.”

“We just need a legal in-route.” I smiled, “What will Xantian do when a score of armed men sequesters the mine with a signed document claiming Huntiata’s ownership? The sniveling shit will whine in court, and not a single person will give a damn.”

That drew a few laughs, and the barons’ postures began to ease in their seats. The wine they were drinking was particularly strong, and within it, was just a touch of succubus extract. Not enough to addle the mind, but enough to lower inhibitions and negate any effects the alcohol might have on their libido. Well, it would do more than just remedy incontinence. Even now, I could see a few of them strategically crossing their legs.

I swirled my wine, and shifted lasciviously in my chair, drawing my eyes slowly across the men to make sure I had their undivided attention. I imagined that when I spoke, they weren’t so much focused on the words I said, but the shape my lush lips made, and the sweet tenor of my voice as it dripped from my throat and tongue. “The partnership I have with Huntiata will make him very rich, and indeed, it will make you all very rich as well. Alkandra is a virgin whore waiting to be fucked, and I’m the only person in the Highlands who can get you inside of her. I’m not talking about the paltry thousands Ternias will offer you from the Lowlands. I’m talking about millions. In a country whose coffers are empty, what do you think millions will buy you?”

Their eyes sparkled at the thought as they stared at me, a monument of opulence and debauchery, gold decorating my very flesh. I stood up slowly, letting the dress drape between my legs, my wide hips sneaking from the slits in its side, my thick bronze thighs coming after. I walked on high heels to the center of the parlor, and assessed each man with an imperious gaze.

“Yes, you’ll be titans here in the Highlands, but what worth will your wealth be? Have you ever seen a jewel like me before?” I looked down at Karlan.

“No, my lady.” He said hoarsely, his erection practically bursting through his pants.

“I am priceless.” I hissed, “Unobtainable for even a mountain of gold.” I looked down at Glecian, and slowly pathed my eyes to his crotch. “There is only one thing I want in this world. Do you think you have it, Lord Glecian?”

“Yes.” He said, his eyes possessed of me.

I smirked at him. “I’m not so sure.” My eyes wandered to Ralian. “What can a high-elf man offer a creature such as I?”

“Everything.” He said, staring worshipfully at me.

“Everything?” I chuckled, turning my gaze on Julian, “I’ve had orcs, succubi, vampires, warlocks and the Dark Queen herself. Your ‘everything’ amounts to very little.”

“Won’t need much for a slut like you.” He growled.

I grinned at him, ran my hand through his blonde hair, balled my fist, and yanked it back. His eyes shown with unsureness, and I sneered at it. “All bark and no bite. You’ll grovel at my feet!” I snarled, then smiled gently, and caressed his jaw. He melted in my touch, and I winked at him.

I turned to Simian, who looked upon me coolly. “What about you, my lord? Do you think you have what it takes to please an Alkandran?”

“I do.” He said simply, and I didn’t doubt it, for he said it with such ease.

“And you, Yenciata?” I asked with a raised brow.

Yenciata sat with his hands in his lap. He looked me up and down, then unbuckled his belt, and pulled it from its loops. Watching me intently, he wound the leather strap around his fist, then snapped the slack with a crack. “I know what you want from me.” He said softly.

“Indeed, you do.” I smirked, then looked at the rest, “All of you know what I want. It’s what you want. It’s who you are. Grovel like the worms you are, and worship me like the golden goddess I am. Grin like the devils you are, and ravage me like the filthy whore I am.” I undid one clasp of my dress, and let the silk gold cascade down my curves to reveal my mesh-chain bra, my nipple taut around the piercing. “Worship me,” I whispered, “ravage me. Come, gentlemen. I am yours until daybreak, and the night is still young.”

For a moment, they were still. They stared at me, each man unsure of himself, unsure of his place with me, unsure of his place with the others. I wondered if I’d erred critically somewhere along the way, but then Ralian broke the moment. He took a sip of his wine, place the goblet on the coaster, then descended to his knees, and crawled toward me. Like an indulgent goddess, I extended one leg to him, and he took my foot worshipfully in his hand. He undid the clasp of my shoe, then withdrew it to reveal my naked toes. He kissed them each with quaint pecks, then continued his kisses up my foot, past my ankle, and along my shin. There were gentle hands upon my shoulders, and I looked over to see Karlan carefully taking off my dress. He slid his hand beneath the padded shoulder that still remained, and pushed it from its perch. My dress cascaded down my body, revealing in full the mesh-chain gold bra, my sculpted bronze abdomen dusted sparsely with golden glitter, and my mesh-chain panties.

There was another moment of stillness. All the men in the room stopped and stared at the organ between my legs. I felt a rush, and my heart accelerated in my chest. It was not fear that gripped me, nor embarrassment, nor even anxiety. In place of those things that would’ve seized a weaker creature than I, was a thrill. My bow-tied and glittered cock became hard, rising beneath the drape of gold links until it was pointed straight forward.

“Well, Ralian?” I whispered to the man who had just been kissing his way up my thighs, “Will you not worship me?” I snaked my fingers through his blond hair, and smiled warmly at him. “Can’t you see how you please me?”

“Yes, my lady.” He whispered hoarsely. Watching my throbbing member, he continued to kiss his way up my thighs, moving into the sensitive swaths between them. My pussy was flushed and leaking by the time he got to it, and he pathed my labia with his butterfly caresses. I moaned splendidly when his tongue entered me, his nose upending my cock so that it lay across his face. He gauged me from between my legs, his tongue moving within me, learning my secrets by the expressions on my face, and the drawn-out rumble of my moans.

Karlan moved once more, broken from his trance. He planted a kiss on my collar, and ran his hands smoothly down my sides. His fingers traced the contours of my abdomen, then converged on the lines of my pelvis. They stopped just before my cock, unsure and cautious.

“Does it frighten you so?” I chuckled, snaking my other hand in his hair, bringing his face into the vulnerable bow of my neck.

He planted a tingling kiss there, and inhaled my scent. “No,” he whispered, “but I don’t know how to touch a woman like you, my lady.”

“You’ve touched yourself thousands of times in your life, Lord Karlan.” I giggled, and playfully gnawed on the point of his ear, “You’ve been practicing just for this moment.”

He laughed with me, and eased his left hand around my hip to gently grasp my cock. I gasped slightly, giving him a touch of feminine reactiveness to ease him into the act. He elevated the organ from Ralian’s face, revealing the man eating my pussy.

“That’s it.” I whispered encouragingly to both of them, then looked at Karlan over my shoulder, “Well, are you just going to hold it?”

“No, my lady.” He said, and slid the bow off my shaft with one stroke. I held his downstroke back with a staying finger, then tilted my head forward to let a sting of saliva extend from my lips, and pool upon my shaft. When the string broke, I collected the tendril connected to my lips with my finger, and brought that finger to Karlan’s mouth. He wrapped his youthful lush lips about my knuckle, and drew sensually from it. The glistening salivary strand bridged his mouth when I withdrew my finger, and I shorted the bridge with a craning neck until our lips were connected.

As Ralian kissed my lower mouth, Karlan kissed my upper. He was a romantic in every sense of the word, seeping his passionate consumption of me with his desires for intimacy, holding me in the frame of his body as he stroked my shaft with a gentle, but firm grip. In all my life, I had not known what it felt like to be with a man like that. The prototypical boyfriend experience; as a gay woman, I had never wanted it, and as a hermaphroditic freak, I thought it to be wholly mundane, but I was surprised that I enjoy it. I nestled myself in his arms, savoring the protective shell he created, moaning in congruence with the motions of his hand as it slid up and down my shaft. Precum bubbled from my tip, drawn out by the loving pressure of his grip, and he was not afraid to use it to further grease his pleasure of me.

I balled my hands in Ralian’s hair, and eased atop his face, making a stool of it so that I could arch by back against Karlan, and feel his cock through his pants. I gave him an appraising smile over my shoulder. “Let me feel it.” I whispered.

He undid the lacing of his trousers, and they fell to his ankles. His cock sprung between my cheeks, and nestled into my crack. I savored the way it pulsed against my anus, the aperture winking with readiness to be filled, but I stayed my gluttonous desire, and instead turned my eyes upon Lord Julian. It was time to get him into the mix.

The lord was kneeling on the carpet, his shirt unbuttoned to reveal his hairless chest, his pants gone, exposing his slender and frail legs, and even more pathetic cock. It wasn’t that small a penis, it was a half-inch longer than mine, but he did not carry it with pride. He thought it underserving, and indeed, he thought himself underserving. Maybe it was a complex of his character, I did not know, but I did know that it was his sexual identity. He wore his belt around his neck like a leash, and he waited for me like a dog. I loved him a little for it.

“Come, boy.” I snapped at him. He crawled to me, and I wound the leash around my hand, and pulled it tight. He lurched against my hip, nearly knocking into Ralian, who was so ensconced in my pussy that he noticed naught else.

“Yes, Mistress?” Julian blubbered.

“Hmm, not Mistress, boy; ‘Your Holiness’ will do for you.” I wrapped the leash until I was practically strangling him, and saw the desire burn hot in his eyes, “Say it, boy.”

“Yes, Your Holiness.” He croaked.

I smirked at him, my lips parted to expire pleasured breaths as my nethers and loins were placated. “You will not touch my pussy.” I whispered coldly to him, “You will not touch my cock. The only part of me that you are fit to please, is my filthy asshole. And you will please it, boy, or I will discipline you. Do you understand?”

“Yes, Your Holiness!” He growled, his face darkening with pressure.

“Good boy.” I sneered, and guided him behind me. He crawled between Karlan’s legs, and nuzzled his snout between my cheeks. Not using his hands at all, he sniffed and snorted his way through my crack, licking and lapping like the mutt he was until my cheeks had consumed his face entirely, and his tongue found my anus. I sighed contentedly, shifting my weight back to open my sinful aperture, making a seat of Julian’s face, and giving Ralian’s neck a reprieve. Both their tongues moved inside me, both worshipful and doting, pleasing every part they could reach. I shifted my weight back and forth, groaning indulgently, resting my back in the protective embrace of Karlan, feeling every-bit the golden goddess they saw me as. Their tongues slithered together against my membranous division, and they massaged it in circles, turning my nethers into a quaking vacancy, my walls saturating with desire, the emptiness singing through me.

I moaned splendidly, arching my back against Karlan, the cock in his hand becoming harder, the drip of precum becoming more frequent. My motions were languorous and seeped in luxuriance, every motion an indulgence; every curl of my finger, ever bosom-heaving sigh, every stretch of my abdomen and legs dripping with a selfishness I rarely exhibited in sex, but now was celebrated for it. I had to do nothing. I was only there to be pleased. Karlan’s other hand came up to squeeze my right breast, Ralian’s hands came around to grip my ass and open it around Julian’s face, and Julian’s hands stayed firmly in his lap where they belonged, for he was not allowed to touch me. Those who could touch me, kneaded my supple flesh lovingly, each point of pressure sending tenors of pleasure up my spine. I undulated softly upon my throne of men, oscillating my hips upon their faces, lifting my feet off the floor and trusting in their oral perches to keep me aloft. With nothing but their mouths to carry my weight, the ecstasy of their lips and tongues was accentuated.

I laughed through expirations full of heavy breath, and I closed my eyes, bringing Karlan’s mouth to my throat, beckoning him to suck upon the vulnerable column. He did, sensually drawing his lips in a path down my collar, making me tilt my head up to the ceiling in pleasure. Ah, the pleasure. Never had the word been expressed with such surfeit, for I was fed it to the point of swelling, and had to give none in return. My pleasure was their pleasure, and the more I moaned and groaned, the more I sighed and gasped, the more they worked to bring me to the precipice.

The tingles in my pussy became a churning of delight, the titillation of my anus became a tremor in my rectum, the gradual pulse of my cock became a spasming of my loins. The pleasures comingled within me, ballooning gradually with the gentles motions of my lovers, building and building until I was breathless with it, unconsciously heaving to and froe upon my seat of male mouths, consuming their worshipful tongues with my gluttonous holes. I cried out, my head falling back upon Karlan’s shoulder, my neck craning above my jutted chest as my bosom ballooned with my expanding breaths of exaltation.

“Yes!” I cried, “Don’t stop! Don’t fucking stop!

And they obeyed, keeping their pace within me and upon me, wriggling their tongues, stroking their hands, moving in tandem with the silent commands of my body until every wish was fulfilled, and I was bursting. My cock spurted thick jets into Karlan’s hand, my pussy fountained into Ralian’s mouth, and my ass clenched in spasmatic contractions around Julian’s tongue, sucking him hard against my pulsating prostate. I danced with gyrating hips and a flexing belly, expelling the ecstasy through my navel, sounding out every sensation with peeled-open lips, and a satisfied grin. They held me aloft like the goddess I was, finally at home in the paradise I belonged in. Then the sensations dwindled, and my selfless lovers receded from me, gently putting me down, and backing away.

They had left me to the wolves. Simian watched me with hunger in his eyes, Glecian had a cruel glint to his blue gaze, Yenciata’s stare was cold and merciless, and a chill crawled up my spine when I connected my eyes with it. I felt the change come over me without having to effect it. The curve of my lips—which had been upturned in luxuriant ecstasy—was now gone, replaced with lips parted in concern. The lazy cast of my eyes was gone, now replaced with flitting, frightful glances. The languorous position of my body moved into a kneeling display of hunched shoulders, my head slowly bowing demurely. I was shivering, but the room was warm with fire and flesh. My heart raced, my hands became clammy, and my belly filled with fear, but my cock was rigid with excitement, and my pussy was wet and pulsing with the thrill of what was to come.

Yenciata stepped forward, and snapped his belt. I cringed in fright. He circled me, and the others followed suit, assessing my subservient posture, studying my nervous hands, drinking-in my beautiful curves, now cast in submission.

“Alkandran whore.” Yenciata hissed, low and sultry was his voice, “An abomination. A spawn of the devil herself. Gentlemen, they teach us in church to always be kind to your fellow man, even to your enemies, but this thing is not made from god. We can do whatever we want to it.” He draped the belt over my shoulder, and I whimpered. Leaning in, I could smell his wine-saturated breath when he said, “And you’ll beg for it, won’t you?”

“Yes.” I confessed with a shaking breath.

Yenciata chuckled, then looked up at the gentle trio who had finished pleasuring me. “This is your goddess?” He sneered, and wrapped his hand around my jaw, forcing it open. He hocked and spit into my mouth, and my tongue came out to catch it. He laughed again, squeezing my cheeks to the point of pain. “Goddess…” He growled, “no, no, no. I’ve heard rumors of the hybrid rulers of Alkandra. I’ve heard they open their legs in negotiation before they even open their mouths, and now I see it for myself. Diplomat? Politician? Noble?” He forced his thumb into my mouth, and my lips instinctively wrapped around it, “No,” he whispered, “not you, Lady Straltaira. You were never looking for peace in the court. You just needed an excuse to get fucked.

“Yes!” I confessed with a cry around his thumb, my body tingling from head to toe, the masochism slowly building within me. Oh, what terrible desires Leveria had awakened with her knives, what horrid fetishes had carved their way into my sexuality.

“Show your worshipers who you really are.” Yenciata growled as he slid the leather across my naked back, “And dispel the notion that you are anything but the filthiest of whores!” And he snapped the belt across my back, forcing me into an arch, my head whipping up, my eyes widening above lips poised to scream. Before I could sound the exclamation, another strike was dealt to my back, and my shoulders pinched together, my hands turning to claws that quivered in the air. The third strike came across my back, and this time, I managed to utter a screech of pure, blissful agony. I froze in a precarious balance upon my knees, and my eyes fell upon Sofia. She had been watching the entire time, and by the damp state of her dress, I could tell she’d been enjoying the show so far. Not now. There was horror in her expression, and her pale lips seemed ready to sound out a protest. Through my blurry eyes, I closed one lid, and gave her a tear-streaked wink.

The belt came across me again, and I was cast to the floor, catching myself on my hands just as another strike sang upon my back. My spine bowed away from the pain as a scream erupted from my lips, and the belt came down again, and again, and again. My elbows gave, and I was brought to the floor, my hands clawing at the rug, my teeth bared. I endured two more strikes across the back before the leather snapped upon my buttocks, sending a ripple through my fatty domes. I growled into the rug, the residual pain of each blow stinging so wonderfully into my flesh, the warmth radiating along the welts that formed. I no longer feared the lash, but anticipated with my heart alight in the thrill of it. Oh, how the sudden agony wound its way into me, how it seemed like a bolt of life being shot into my veins. And oh, the stings! The way they ate into my skin and muscle, suffusing the receptors of pain and pleasure, heightening my sensations twofold. I cried out with every shot, my back no longer bowed away from the pain, but arching to accentuate it, to elongate my spine so that the sensation crawled through me for longer. I was moaning between each strike, grinding my thighs together, so wet they were, so hot with the intense arousal that burned within me. I danced to the rhythm of Yenciata’s belt, knowing without looking where the next blow would land, and presenting it to him, relishing the anticipation, celebrating the pain, savoring the aftershocks of it all. Destroy me. Ruin me. Desecrate me. My body is a temple, but I’m a Satanist.

The last blow landed right between my cheeks, and I purred like a lioness, stretching in feline revelry. My hair had become disheveled, and through the strands, I saw Racian, Karlan and Julian all staring at me with their mouths agape. But I didn’t care about them. Sofia sat in her chair, the expression of horror still on her face, but of a different kind. I grinned wolfishly at her from behind my strands. That was the look of trauma I wanted to see. Get ready for the fucking show.

Yenciata hooked his belt through the loop in my collar, and yanked me upright on my knees. There were three cocks waiting for me, pulsing and throbbing, weeping with precum. What else could a girl ask for? I wrapped my fingers covetously about Glecian’s shaft, and he took me roughly by the wrist.

“No, whore.” He said softly, “You only get to use your mouth.”

“Of course, Master.” I breathed on his tip, staring dotingly up at him, “Please forgive my foolishness.”

He sneered, and snaked his fingers through my hair before balling his fist. Oh, the stings! “Whores aren’t forgiven,” he laughed, “whores are punished.”

And my throat was filled with him a second later. I gagged, tears filming my eyes, my nose pressed into his groin, my nostrils filled with the musky scent of him. His balls rested upon my chin, his salty flavor inundated my palate, and his pulsing rod added a second heartbeat within me. He pulled out, giving me no time to heave in a breath, then he shoved himself back in. Over and over he did this, fucking my face until strings of precum and spit snapped from my mouth, and braids of saliva cascaded down my chin to pool upon my breasts. When he’d had his fill of me, he wrenched my head away, and passed me unceremoniously over to Simian.

Lord Simian was not cruel, but he was firm. He demanded that I keep my hands in my lap and sit cross-legged when he throat-fucked me, and like a schoolgirl learning a harsh lesson, I did. He did not care that my fingers wrapped around my cock, nor that they ventured to my pussy. He did not berate me for pleasuring myself, only scolded me for my poor posture. I daresay that by the end of it, I had the squarest shoulders and straightest back in Tenvalia, for he angled his cock in such a way as to compel my neck into place. I moaned around him, slurping upon his shaft as it passed through my lips, enjoying his authoritarian command over me as more of my saliva dripped onto my flailing breasts, the mesh gold bra twinkling, the pierced nipples engorged with blood.

Yenciata was the worst, or the best. He held my nose shut, and suffocated me with his cock. When I flailed with desperate hands, he subdued them behind my back, and only shoved himself deeper into my tender gullet. My only escape was to satisfy him, but no matter how I pleased him, no matter how I glugged and gargled, no matter how I sucked and slurped, he would not relinquish his painful pinch on my nose. I knew then that he would only show mercy at the height of my agony, and so I enjoyed my ruination, savoring the ratcheting pain and panic that began to boil in my chest. I thrashed with desperate hips, undulated with a begging spine, and pleaded with my watery eyes, my face purpling. He just kept stuffing his fat cock into my throat, raping my neck until I was at the height of fear and excitement, and the world was most vivid. Then, before things became black, he pulled his cock out, and I heaved in the most pleasurable breath I’d ever known.

“Good girl,” he chuckled, stroking my marred lips, “what does a good little whore like you want?”

“I thought you knew what I wanted, Master.” I hissed.

He slapped me for my insolence, and I could not contain the glee in my yelp. Perhaps I should have. His hand ventured to my chest, and he balled a fist in my mesh bra. He torqued his wrist, the chain links coiled inward, and the piercing in my nipples stretched open around the metal that impaled them. I screamed, the sound filled with masochistic delight, my body writhing beneath his balled fist, my face both anguished and delighted. He smirked, and tossed me to the floor. My writhe continued, my hips swaying in the air, my hands reaching back to grab my supple glutes, and pry them apart, displaying the moist and eager holes that leaked and winked at him in turn.

“Filthy little whore.” He purred, running his cock through my crack, smearing my juices through my blushing petals, my glistening taint, my puckered anus. “Beg for it.” He hissed, “Tell me where you want it.”

“In my pussy!” I groaned, wriggling my pelvic floor against his shaft, desperate to feel him inside my starving hole. “Please, Master!” I bawled, “Please fuck my undeserving cunt!”

“Wretched thing.” He mused, lining up his shot, “What kind of a woman pleads so profusely for a stranger’s cock?”

“Just a whore, Master!” I whimpered, shuddering when his tip slid through my inner folds. Oh, how I salivated for him, my inner walls saturated with desire, pulsating with readiness.

“Just a whore.” He echoed, and drove himself all the way in. I mewled in glee, my lips peeled back to reveal my smile, my eyes closed to savor every inch. He satiated the void within me, his hard heat sating my wet warmth, stretching my ribbed channel until it was achingly full. His balls slapped against my cock, then swung back with his retreat, and slapped me again with his forceful penetration, his meat pounding through my soft innards, separating me, the impact resonating deep in my nethers. I crooned, holding myself spread open for him, letting him see the way his thick cock stretched my tight pussy-lips from my body, the sensation of it like lightning in my pelvis.

He grabbed my hair and forced me into a doggy position, my hands finding purchase on the rug, clutching the fibers for dear life. There was a cock waiting for me there, Lord Glecian’s, but when I opened my watering mouth to take it, he clasped his palm over my lips, and sneered. Holding my face up, he elevated my torso, and slid beneath it. My eyes went wide over my covered mouth, and I squealed muffled protests as I shook my head fervently. My misgivings were of course, disingenuous, and my masters played their roles to perfection. Yenciata held my hands behind my back, allowing me to be passionate with my attempts to wriggle free, and Glecian slid his thick cock down the underside of my shaft, toying my smaller member against his, letting their throbbing lengths and heads wrestle sensually. Though I still struggled in the captivity of Yenciata’s dominating hold, I celebrated the squirming combat of my penis against Glecian’s, the way they rubbed together, applying pressure upon the other’s to milk volumes of precum from our tips that greased our joining in hot liquid. We grinded against each other for minutes, Yenciata compelling my movements with his thrusts, squishing my pathetic leaking rod against the piece of man beneath me, acclimating Glecian to the pleasurable sensation of joining his cock with another so that he could do it inside me. When both of us were near the precipice of orgasm, Glecian slid his manhood down the length of mine, pressed his tip against the base of Yenciata’s, and pushed in.

I screamed around his muffling hand, my eyes bulging. My pussy was stretched into an unnatural oval, the lips becoming thin and taut to accommodate the extra girth of man being shoved forcefully into it. Were it not for my copious fluids, the entrance might’ve torn me, but my body was ravenous even if my mind could not take it, and so I surrendered my mental faculties to my carnal self, and relaxed to savor the sweet agony. Glecian’s balls pressed against Yenciata’s at my frothing entrance, and they both groaned on either side of me. Their tips touched my bottom together, their lengths hollowed me out, and their girths stretched me deliciously, coaxing the nerves like they’d never been before. They thrusted as one. I heaved between them, my legs straightening into lateral splits at my sides, opening wide to accommodate them. I whined and cried through the first thrusts, tears streaking down my flushed cheeks, my body rigid with pain. I groaned and gasped through their second drives, my insides forming around their invasion, embracing it. I moaned and sighed through their third piercing of me, my shoulders relaxing, my belly unclenching, but my legs keeping their straight bridge, opening myself receptively for their horrific violation. By the fourth thrust, I was crying out in glee, my face filled with the dawning revelation of such a terrible pleasure, my eyes shining in acceptance of it.

I felt the angle of Yenciata’s cock change inside of me, his shaft pressing hard against my ceiling, his base squishing against Glecian’s. I purred and grinded down on their joined members, not realizing in that moment that Yenciata was simply making room for Lord Simian. I felt a third penis traverse my crack, and press against my coiled anal aperture. Before I had time to ready myself, he drove in. I screamed in suffused anguish and delight, feeling the space between my holes become smaller until there was no space at all. My rectum dilated to accommodate the third man, but there was scant room for him with my pussy so full, and so he had to force himself in. He grunted in pleasure, celebrating my tightness as he bored into me, and I could only sputter and whimper, my breath torn from my lungs, my mind hinged on his tip as it moved deeper, and deeper, and deeper.

I was so full. So full of man. My holes were packed with stinking, pulsating, sweating cocks, rigid and hot within my delicate womanly channels, desecrating me in a way I had never known. As the last inches of Simian’s shaft entered me, and as his balls nestled atop Yenciata’s shaft, a great peace came over me. There was no void within me left, no pocket of air, nor elastic swath that could be stretched. I was at my very limit, and at this exquisite point of agony and ecstasy, I found a perfect balance. A shuddering breath flowed from my lips, and cut through the chorus of groaning males that tortured me from within. With what strength was left in my pelvic muscles, I clenched around all of them, and quivered in delight.

“Well, Masters,” I whispered breathily around Glecian’s palm, “what are you waiting for? Fuck your filthy whore.”

Oh, they did. Glecian’s hands wrapped around my throat, Yenciata’s hooked two fingers into my cheeks to fish-hook me, and Simian balled his fists in my hair to force my head back. They reared, angled, and thrusted as one. The impact resonated all the way to my chest, and the piercing of my depths was like nothing I’d ever known. They ran through my pliant inner-flesh, deforming it to fit their reaming girths, squishing against my walls and membranes, alighting every nerve within me. Again, and again, and again, they thrusted, lifting me between their crotches, so powerful were their drives that my pelvis was shot forward into a thrust of its own, presenting my leaking member to the room below my stretched belly and jiggling breasts, the mesh gold chains twinkling upon my unattended bosom.

I squealed around Yenciata’s fingers, my beautiful and noble visage turned ugly and lecherous, my tongue lolling between his knuckles as spit leaked from my stretched cheeks and lips. Despite that, I was grinning, grinning like a stupefied slut in the height of defilement, stripped of my mind, stripped of my dignity, made to be nothing but a sow who writhed in the filth. I was beautiful in my ugliness, a whore in her natural state, taking three cocks with such grace. My tear-filmed gaze fell upon Karlan, Ralian and Julian, who stared at me with reverence even as I was ruined, whose cocks were so rigid that they were curving painfully back. My hands were now free, and I raised them forward, beckoning them to join in this ritual of hedonism.

“Come, heathen worshippers.” Yenciata sneered to them, “Your whore-goddess awaits you.”

He released me from his fish-hook, and filled his hands with the jiggling fat of my ass. Karlan was there to fill my mouth with his, and I shared a romantic kiss with him, translating all the terrible pleasures I was experiencing into my lips and tongue. Two mouths found my breasts, their tongues gently toying with my pierced nipples, filtering felicitous tingles into my bosom. I filled my hands with their hair, and brought them deeper, savoring the way they nursed from me with such veneration. I glanced down at the tops of their heads, and discerned Julian’s from Ralian’s. I grinned in Karlan’s mouth, and pushed Julian’s head down.

The weakest of my followers was eager to comply, and even more eager to debase himself. I broke from Karlan’s kiss, and grinned down at Julian as his lips hovered over my cock. The three men inside me thrusted as one, and my pelvis was lurched forward from the inside. My tip passed through Julian’s lips, slid down his nestling wet tongue, and found the entrance of his throat. He wrapped his lush pink lips around me, and sucked. I groaned splendidly, easing back with the retreat of my penetrators, biting my lower lip, my eyes cast downward imperiously. I thrusted once more in unison with the men behind me, and as they violated me to the fullest, I violated Lord Julian.

The heat of lust we now generated surpassed the fetid bonds of heterosexuality, and what would be done this night would never be spoken of again. These men did not just enjoy the pleasures of my body, but of each other’s. Yavara thought that the art of a gangbang was to keep the male’s attention focused on the female, lest they realize each other, but Yavara was not a hybrid, she did not know what it meant to have the desires of a man, and in that moment, I realized that I had surpassed even her.

“Mmm, suck it.” I hummed luxuriantly, bringing him against my crotch. It was his first time, but he knew intuitively how to please another man. So when my eyes came once again upon Karlan, I did not have to say what I wanted him to do. It was writ across his gaze already. No one would ever speak of this. No one would ever know. Julian’s back was arched, his naked supple cheeks exposed and spread out before Karlan’s crotch. I reached between my legs, filled my palm with my spurting juices, and extended my hand toward Karlan’s cock. Wrapping him in my fingers, I greased his manhood, then lowered the tip between Lord Julian’s spread glutes. Julian’s eyes flashed open. There was not alarm in them, but an inquiry. I smiled through my moaning lips, giving the bisexual masochist a wordless promise, uncurling my balled fist in his long golden hair to run my fingers lovingly through it. He kept his eyes locked with mine, and eased himself backward. Karlan held him by the hips, and shifted himself forward. They connected their bodies with a jiggling impact, and Julian’s back bowed in delight, his eyes closing in hedonism as his lips locked firmly around my cock, and suckled greedily. Karlan groaned in pleasure, his face baring an expression of fascination and self-discovery as he eased himself back before driving in once more.

The sight aroused me, but the knowledge that I had compelled the act aroused me even further. Trapped between the abusive thrusts being dealt to my packed insides, and the reverent suckling of my parts being dealt to my front, I swayed literally and figuratively through my dichotomy of sexuality. I shared a kiss with Karlan as we shared Julian between us, plugging both ends of his digestive tract until he was writhing in orgasm. God, he was easy to conquer. He came between his trembling legs, spurting shameful volumes upon the carpet as his prostate was pumped to emptiness. Taking him by the leash I’d made of his belt, I bid him to crawl forward until Karlan’s cock slipped from his ass, slick and shining with vaginal nectar and anal grease.

“It looks delicious, does it not?” I whispered tremulously into my dog’s ear, barely holding onto my composure with the churning of my insides.

“Yes, Your Holiness.” He uttered.

“Share it with me, pet.” I chuckled, and beckoned Karlan forward. We placed our mouths on either side of him, and cleaned him off with our tongues. While Julian licked with subservience in his eyes, I consumed Karlan like he was prey, telling him with my ravenous gaze that he was still serving me. To ensure him of the sentiment, I cradled his balls with a covetous hand, and penetrated his anus with my middle finger. He jolted upright, shock and pleasure upon his face, and I ventured deeper, grinning around his cock, my grin broadening wickedly when I found his prostate. I did not have to move my head to suck him, for my body swayed violently with the thrusts of the sadists behind me, creating an undulation from my driving hips, to my bobbing head.

When he was on the verge of coming, I withdrew, and shooed Julian away when he moved to finish the job. Ralian ceased his nursing, and gave room for Karlan to descend with my guiding hand still wrapped around his cock.

“It’s alright.” I whispered when he stopped, realizing what I wanted from him, “It’s alright, love,” I cooed so gently with my shaking voice, “I’ll take care of you.”

Ralian, Julian and Glecian all bore witness as I guided Karlan to turn away from me, and mount Glecian’s belly. I unclasped Karlan’s cock, and spread his cheeks. His pink coiled button stared back up at me, wrapped around my finger, sucking it greedily. I withdrew my penetrating digit, took hold of Karlan’s hips, and eased him back. The men inside me pulled, stretching my ruined pussy-lips from my body, extending my anal cuff grotesquely outward. For the thousandth time that night, I savored the way they ruined me, then braced myself for their invasion. They thrusted into me, and I thrusted into Karlan. He cried out, his voice carrying hoarsely, his strong back tensing with striations. Like the loving goddess I was, I eased him gently back against me, molding my soft feminine curves into his tense posterior, bidding him to relax against me. I kissed his neck lovingly as my cock pulled back, groaning to feel the way his pulsating prostate and clenching rectum held me so snugly. When I penetrated him again, he did not cry out, but groaned in harmony with me, tilting his head back to receive the soft suctioning marks I dotingly placed upon his throat.

“Ralian,” I said commandingly, “you’ve been too idle. Prepare yourself for me with Julian.”

Ralian looked uncertain, but Julian was not. He took Ralian by the points of his hips, and gently bid him to bend over. Ralian did so with trepidation, but his cock was rigid between his thighs. Biting his lip in anticipation, Julian scooped a dollop of his own cum from the rug, and applied it to Ralian’s anus. I could tell by the way Ralian’s brow furrowed, that he enjoyed the sensation. He kept his eyes on me as Julian lined up his shot, and slowly penetrated him. If I could have painted the expression on his face for posterity, I would have had it hanging over my fireplace to enjoy on lonely nights. The vulnerability, the realization, the moment of pain, then the dawning of pleasure across his boyish features when Julian’s manhood comfortably slid inside him was just exquisite. They rocked back and forth, Ralian learning how to receive, Julian learning how to give, each of them slow and gentle with their motions, surrendering more to the forbidden passion until they locked eyes with one another over Ralian’s hunched shoulders. They gauged each other carefully, then moved in for the kiss. With Ralian’s head tilted back, and Julian’s face atop, they succumbed in full to their homosexual joining, wilting like roses into each other’s flesh. Julian reached beneath his partner, and began to milk Ralian’s unattended organ, and as I watched them, I reached around Karlan, and did the same.

Simien yanked my head back by my hair, tearing me from my deific debauchery, reminding me that I still had masters to please. He needn’t have; how could I forget? Yenciata and Glecian’s cocks still stretched my pussy into a ruinous oval, and Simian’s rod still reamed my shithole gaping, their synchronized thrusts beginning to accelerate. I sung my delight to the ceiling, my body forced into a rapid undulation, my hips thrusting faster and faster, my cock burying into Karlan’s ass with vicious drives. My legs were numb in their lateral splits, but my pelvis was filled with sensation, and the pleasures of my ass, pussy and cock were sloshing together, comingling and rising to my belly, expanding to my fingers and toes! I was losing control! I stroked Karlan fervently with both hands, my pants and exclamations joining with his. Julian matched our pace inside Ralian, gripping his partner by his blonde strands and fucking him with a purpose.

“Take it, whore!” Yenciata growled over the lot of them, his breath ragged with exertion, “Fucking take it!

“Yes, Master!” I screamed, my body no longer my own, moving to the brutal cadence of my puppeteers. Poor Karlan was fucked into a wailing mess, but the thrusts I dealt him were not my own. I heaved and heaved, stuffed with cock in my holes until they quaked with spasms, and I was screaming, screaming, screaming like a whore on her last penny, tears cascading down my cheeks, my eyes staring exultantly up at the ceiling, looking through to the heavens. The feeling built to the breaking point, and they fucked me through it, ratcheting the violence, winding the tension, fucking me, fucking me, fucking me until I lost my mind, and I was nothing but a singularity of violation that squealed out the soprano notes of orgasm. They burst inside of me as one, each cock spewing its load into my desecrated depths, saturating my inner-flesh with thick globs of cum. My starving anus and pussy sucked gluttonously upon their rods, milking them for every drop until they were dry. Simian’s cock punched my prostate into a spasming mess, and with a hoarse cry, I burst inside Karlan’s shithole. He was writhing atop Glecian, thick ropes of cum shooting from his tip and splattering upon his own belly, chest and face. Ralian succumbed to an orgasm of his own, collapsing onto the rug and groaning pathetically as he spewed his release between his quivering legs. Only Julian, who had already come, managed to keep himself from climaxing, and that was only because he pulled out of Ralian and suppressed his ascension with a groan.

There was a brief moment of peace in the debauchery, and it allowed an insidious moment of doubt to creep in. After the catharsis of lust had dwindled, Karlan, Julian and Ralian all looked at each other with growing horror in their eyes. I made sure to nip it in the bud. With a groan of effort, I eased myself from the spears that penetrated me, the squelching and farting of our separation trumpeting from my abused holes. God, I’d never been so gaped. My pussy was loose and yawning, absolutely ruined. My asshole would not coalesce at all, and I could feel the air of the room in its tunnel. I couldn’t remember a time I’d been so satisfied. Upon shaking legs, I crawled to the center of my worshipers, and stood before them.

“Karlan,” I said, taking his jaw in my hand, “Ralian,” I said, taking his hair in my hand. I turned to Julian, “And you, Julian. Everything you have done this night has been at my command. You are worms, and you obey without thinking,” I turned to Ralian, “and without guilt. Do you understand me?”

“Yes, Your Holiness.” They said in unison, relief coming over their faces, arousal returning to their members. Ah, young men.

“I am Alkandran.” I said, dropping to a crouch before them, the cum leaking from my gaping holes and onto the rug, “I have succubus and incubus blood in my veins. You’re so wrapped around my finger that you’d fuck your own fathers if I told you to.” I smirked devilishly, “What a party that would be.” I looked over at the predators of the pack, and beckoned them to join with just my eyes. They came over, and sat in the circle that surrounded me, moving in file between the prey. I was surrounded by penises, and I drew my eyes across each sullied member, savoring their unique sizes and shapes. “I was made for pleasure,” I whispered, “but so were you. Why would God make masculine lust so pleasurable, if she did not intend for men to enjoy each other?”

My eyes rested upon Glecian and Simian, the two most-experienced men of the group. I beckoned them to each other, and they gazed easily into one another’s eyes. I could not let these men leave this place until all had engaged in the forbidden act. It was my way of sealing their loyalty. I crawled until I was straddling their adjacent legs, and I covetously grasped each of their organs, and brought the throbbing tips togethers. I was transfixed by the way the moist tender flesh of their glans conformed and deformed with the slightest press, the heads pulsing to release milky froth that greased their joining. I pressed their cocks together until they were shaft to shaft, and I took them both into my mouth at once.

My tongue slathered their joined lengths, my cheeks puffed with them, and my throat gagged to accommodate both. I could not deep-throat their joined members, but I could take one into my gullet while the other waited patiently, savoring the heat of his rod pressed so snugly against the other’s. My hands cradled their balls, massaging tenderly, the pads of my fingers savoring the way the testicles thrummed beneath the thin scrotal flesh. My fingers ventured lower, and pressed to their asses. They opened their legs for me, and I penetrated them easily. Both men groaned in mutual delight, looking from each other, to me. Their smiles became lecherous, their gazes became heavy-lidded. Glecian parted his pale lips, and Simian moved in to taste them. Their hands found each other’s jaws, and they caressed one another down the neck and chest, before venturing lower. I removed my mouth so that they could grasp the other’s cock, and I burrowed my fingers deeper, finding their prostates. I milked the internal organ with a firm massage, and their legs began to quiver in delight. Simian made the first move. Turning to his side, he pressed himself against Glecian. Glecian rotated with him, turning his hips, presenting his supple ass to the man behind him. I removed my finger, and Simian added his cock.

They moaned together, shifting to nestle themselves comfortably, moving curve to curve and front to back. I slid my finger out of Simian, and sucked it clean as I marveled upon their homosexual joining, their balls squishing together against Glecian’s taint, his hairless rim being stretched open into a pink circle. They were experienced men indeed, but this moment of self-discovery was a virgin event, and it was precious to witness. I watched it with a rapt gaze, empowered to know that I had done it, aroused to the point of pain to see such beautiful men engage in such a beautiful act. But there was one who still had not tasted the forbidden fruit.

“Lord Yenciata,” I said, turning around, “I do—”

“You’re supposed to call me ‘Master,’ whore.” Yenciata said threateningly.

“Yes, Master.” Julian cooed, riding Yenciata’s cock. The slight boyish masochist was splayed across the sadist, his little cock rigid with pleasure as his pink anus was stretched open, Yenciata’s thick cock glistening with the cum he used as lube. Yenciata growled, and forced himself all the way inside the begging twink, and Julian moaned splendidly, his hands held firmly behind his back, leaving his pathetic rod unattended and leaking with the spurts forced from his abused prostate. I smiled at the scene, and turned to Karlan and Ralian.

They were exploring each other curiously, pressing their fronts to one another, sliding their cocks between the other’s balls and thighs. They kissed awkwardly, but not without enjoyment. They smiled between their unsure exchanges of lips and tongue, then inclined their heads to adjust. I was loath to intrude, but I had needs that needed to be attended to.

“Slaves,” I commanded softly, “pleasure me.”

As Ralian shifted to his side to take Karlan’s cock inside him, I mounted their faces, and made them clean me out. I groaned splendidly, swaying upon my oral perch, leaning this way and that to savor the texture of each tongue in my ruined holes. When I was sated thusly, I made my way through the circle, attending to lonesome cocks with my mouth, ensuring each pairing that their joining was a bisexual one. I sucked Glecian until he drained his second load down my throat, I ate Yenciata’s ass until he’d filled his victim, and I took turns slurping from Karlan and Ralian’s sacks as they sensually joined their bodies, the sweet tang of their anal lust dripping on my tongue. When every man had orgasmed, and all barriers were broken, I ended the intermission, and began the final act.

The predators became wolves once more, and the prey became my food. I lined Karlan and Ralian up shaft-to-shaft, making them interlock their legs so that their cocks were joined by their undersides, and wobbling in the air. I took a deep breath, and squatted upon them. I whined through gritted teeth as my ass was stretched to ruinous levels, but I endured the pain with relish, and slid slowly down until my cheeks were nestled in their crotches. They moaned in mutual delight, enjoying each other as much as they enjoyed the hot squeeze of my vile hole. I groaned with them, my thighs opening into a wide quivering squat to accommodate Julian. He slid against the other two, wrapping his legs around their joined laps and seating atop their thighs. His smaller cock was a blessing in this position, for I could take its full length inside me without having to lean back. I eased myself down it, my pussy compacted against the fullness of my ass, my netherlips salivating in readiness. I adjusted myself atop my throne, precariously striding the brink of self-control, the imminence of orgasm always threatening me in such a violated state. When I was in a position of equilibrium, I beckoned to the wolves.

They came to me, circled me, and attacked. Yenciata grabbed my breasts by the piercings, and drove his cock between them. My tits pillowed around his shaft, and his tip broke my cleavage to enter my waiting mouth. I tasted the anal tang of Julian on his head, and slurped it hedonistically, my eyes cast in masochistic splendor when he began twisting my pierced nipples. I reached to my sides, and took Glecian and Simian in my hands, stroking them aggressively, readying them for me. At my signal, my followers began to thrust inside me.

Up and down, up and down, I was hoisted, my anus stretched to the point of breaking elasticity, searing with equal parts pain and pleasure. My pussy was so tight around Julian that I could feel the texture of his skin against my hungry vaginal flesh, which soaked him in, the lewd muscles rolling up his length to take him deeper. Yenciata thrusted through my breasts with a fervency, pleasuring my nipples with pain, pleasuring my mouth with his stinking cock that drove relentlessly through my squished mammary fat. The gold mesh bra clinked with my jiggling breasts, flashing in the lamplight, displaying his emerging rod in opulent debauchery.

When he had his fill, they switched positions. Glecian forced Julian on his back, and mounted my cock. I gasped in delight to feel my organ suffocated by his anal embrace, and I marveled at the way he rode me, squishing his ass again my pelvis, pinning poor Julian down as he feasted upon the masochist’s lips and tongue. Karlan and Ralian rose to take my nipples into their mouths, sucking so sensually upon my ornamented breasts, fucking me so sweetly in my sucking shithole. Simian took my mouth for his own, driving into it with a purpose, craning my head so that he could see the way his cock bulged in my neck as it was forced down my gullet. I croaked and gagged, tears filming from my eyes, my throat swallowing rapaciously to compel his pleasure. Yenciata was given the full attention of my hands, and he made sure I put them to good work.

Then it was Simian’s turn to choose his piece of me, and he took my mouth once more, but not as I expected. Mounting my face, he forced my head back so that I could suck upon his anus, and drive my wriggling tongue deep into his filth. I rocked back and forth, a slave to the motions of my slaves, my cock near to bursting inside Glecian’s ass. Yenciata entertained himself with Karlan and Ralian’s mouths, making them cease their nursing so that he could once again drive his cock between my breasts, and make them tongue his tip when it poked out the top. The debasement aroused them, and their thrusts within my ass became more impassioned. Julian, still pinned beneath Glecian, felt the nonverbal cue, and followed suit, driving into my pussy, forcing me to fuck Glecian with a purpose. We writhed together, me with my head tilted back painfully, my breast used, hands gripping me on all parts. My thighs were wrapped in fingers, my ass was encased in palms, and my breasts were squished with the indents of gripping knuckles. I was a captive, a slaver, a queen and a whore, and I orgasmed as all four, dancing fervently as my holes contracted, my cock spurted, and my mouth squealed into the grotesque, delicious depths of the man mounting my face.

But the night was not over. I was passed around, carried, bent over, and bent in half. I was displayed as a deity and exposed as a whore. My flesh became sticky with cum, slick with sweat and flushed with exertion. My hair became matted and crisp, my face was smeared with makeup and glitter, a clown of sinful delights. I was encircled by cocks, my tongue wagging like a bitch’s to taste the cum that was splashed upon my face. I was placed upon the table and made to receive load after load of men emptying themselves into my gaping, prolapsed asshole. They forced Julian’s face between my cheeks, and made him suck out the meal from my rose-petalled shithole. I was spread out in the chair, blubbering and commanding in turn as each man planted their seed deep in my womb. And I went from man to man, fucking them in their virgin asses, sucking their quaking balls, licking them from taint to ass, and lathering their vile insides. I facilitated the coupling of every man as I was fucked in every hole, and by the time the night was over, not a single person in the room had the strength to stand.

I was left to sleep in a nest of men, my breath exiting my lungs with a whistle of the utmost contentment. It had been my masterpiece. I had taken six men who’d been raised in the homophobic confines of elvish society, and I had turned them upon each other with nothing but my sexual prowess. As I stared up at the ceiling, my limbs suffused with exhaustion, my body plied with the love of every man surrounding me, I knew that I had become limitless. I was Alkandran in totality, and there was nothing I could not do, no man or woman I could not conquer.

“Elena?” A small voice asked. I had nearly forgotten. With great effort, I lifted my head to see Sofia in the corner. She had buried herself in a pile of throw-pillows, making something akin to a fort. Only her eyes showed from the space between the pillows, and they peered out at me from the dark.

“Did I scare you?” I croaked with a smile.

“Yes.” She said, her voice frightened. There was a pause, then she whispered, “You’re not… you’re not who I thought you were.”

I groaned, and stood up, peeling myself from the flesh of Ralian and Yenciata. I walked over to the pile of pillows, and pulled off the top one. “What do you mean?” I asked gently.

“When you said I’d see a different side of you tonight, I didn’t know… I didn’t know what you meant. I understand now, and it scares me.”

I knelt to her level. “Why does it scare you?”

“You’re so alien.” She whispered, “The things you did...”

“No matter how dirty it gets, it’s just sex, Sofia.”

“It’s not just sex!” She snapped, then averted her gaze from mine with a swallow, “You changed them. I always thought it was just your body that was different, but Elena, you are no Highlander.” She looked fearfully up at me, “You’re something else.”

I smiled, and extended my hand toward her cheek. She recoiled, but I was too exhausted to play the coy game. I touched her despite her whimpering objection, and snaked my fingers behind her head. It was a threatening maneuver, and I meant it to be so. “Sofia,” I said gently to the terrified elf, “I am something far greater than a Highlander. You are right to fear me,” I stroked her quivering bottom lip with my thumb, “but you needn’t.”

“But I do.” She hissed.

I connected our brows, forcing her to look into my blue Highlander eyes. “You were fucking yourself beneath these pillows. I can smell it.” I whispered.

She nodded shamefully.

I chuckled, and raked my fingers through her hair. “I was like you once. I was in a bar in Ardeni Dreus, witnessing for the first time, the truth of Alkandra. Yavara was someone I had known and loved my whole life, and in one day, she shattered my perception of her. The horror I felt…” I breathed in, and sighed, “oh, it was beautiful. Such trauma. Such confusion. How could someone I had known with all my heart turn into an unrecognizable savage? How could she do those things without a second thought? Had I truly ever known her?”

“Yes.” Sofia whimpered.

“That’s not what you fear, Sofia.” I whispered, “What you truly fear, is that you could be just as wild. It seems impossible, and yet, all it takes is one little barrier within your mind to break, and you’ll become a beast. That, my dearest Sofia, is the change. I did not change those men. I simply facilitated their own change. Tomorrow, they will leave here thinking that the night was an isolated moment in their lives. They’ll soon realize when they look upon another man’s beauty, that they were wrong. In time, they will be very glad that they were wrong.”

“And me?”

I crinkled my nose adoringly. “What you call trauma, I call growth. There can be no growth without pain, and your mind was shattered tonight by what you witnessed. But feel my touch; is it not gentle? Maybe I am a wild beast, but to you, I’ll always be Elena.” I booped her nose, and grinned, “Until you’re ready to be as savage as I know you can be.”

She smiled then. “Perhaps you should be careful what you wish for, Elena Straltaira.”

I laughed, and hugged her. “You’re fucking awesome, Sofia.”

“You were amazing tonight.” She whispered back, “I came five times just watching you.” She nibbled on my ear, “You can be my goddess whenever you want.”

I grinned against her ear. “The sun’s not yet up.”

A booming knock on my door caused my head to snap around. The male revelers in the pile groaned sleepily, and shifted. Sofia and I exchanged a look. Another booming knock sounded.

“My lady!” The guard shouted through the door, “The queen’s guard is here! They have the house surrounded!”

“What?!” Sofia hissed.

I held up my hand for silence, then shuffled to the window, flattened myself against the wall, and peered out the glass. Fifty men in full plate stood outside my house, their swords unsheathed and naked in the moonlight.

“Sir Tanial,” I called to my door man, “do you know why they’re here?”

“You’re under arrest, my lady, for the charges of high treason.” He replied, “They have given you ten minutes to prepare yourself and surrender, or they will extract you by force.”


I was accustomed to the terrible realization every time I woke. I would open my eyes, and Sherok would be beside me. Only I wouldn’t feel her warmth, or smell her morning skin, and that’s when it came back to me. When I awoke that night with Destiny asleep in my arms, the realization didn’t hit me like it usually did. I acknowledged it, but there was none of the heart-wrenching pain. There was nothing. I carefully rolled out of the furs, and felt the chill fall air on my bare flesh. It was uncomfortable, but it wasn’t terrible. So I walked naked from my tent, and into the depths of the night.

The torches and bonfires lit the sprawling encampment, casting long shadows on the looming cliffside of the Rift. The fires twinkled from the slotted windows of Mid Fort above, bathing the narrow causeway in orange. The walls that had fallen time and time again to the stone of my catapults and trebuchets had been rebuilt by the mages nearly as quickly, and now they stood mockingly atop the Rift, fifty feet of stone and mortar jutting from the cliff like a middle finger to us all. It seemed so close. It would take me barely thirty seconds to charge up the two-hundred yards of ramp. I knew every inch of it was covered in spells, and pre-sited with range weapons, but in the darkness, it seemed little more than a loading dock.

“Chief?” Fwelok asked, approaching me cautiously.

“Rouse the first and second divisions.” I said.

“Right now?”

“Right now. We’re taking that fucking fort.”
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