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This is a continuation of a story I started a few years ago. Hopefully I can continue. There is no sex in this story because I have to rebuild the characters for your reading entertainment. There are a more than enough 'hints' though.
My Daughter’s Phone #9

this segment is again written by Kelly. Enjoy


Amy has gone to her Dad’s for a few weeks which is good because these past two weeks have been a whirl wind. I got notice that I got the job and will be Mr. Mint’s secretary. I still have too get my results from a few of my exams but Mr Trainer has informed me that I got my desired mark in Math anyway. YAYY ME! And I didn’t have to do any extra for my credit! Not that I wouldn’t with Paul. I know crazy right? My teacher texts me AND has me call him by his first name. Dad gave me my ‘passing-grade-money’ early so I am going to the mall to buy some work outfits. Wish me luck LOL

AND I have slept in Kevin’s bed 9 times in the past 14 days.

It’s a warm sunny day as I look through my closet and drawers for an outfit to wear to go shopping. Something that I can get in and out of quickly. I decide on my black Nike yoga pants that makes my ass...WOW. A pair of seamless panties that match my bra. Apparently that is the ‘in thing’ A matched set. Standing in front of the mirror in the bathroom, I am disappointed that my boobs aren’t bigger, but I do look good standing here in my panties. I brush my teeth and style my hair. I spray a fine mist of Black Opium by Yves Saint Laurent into my hair, and then slide into my yoga pants, and bra. Then I slip on my long sleeve, off the shoulder tan top. I stand in front of the mirror and do a few swirls to ensure my look matches my mood. Grabbing my purse...I am now an official employee, making great money, I am too dress to impress on a daily basis. Which I can/will do. I won’t need to worry about transportation to or from work. AND I will be receiving benefits as well. Not bad for a high school senior if I say so myself. My hair looks great this morning and as I walk past the full length mirror in the hallway I look and feel different. I have spending money now and I am going to do just that!

But I still have to wait for the bus! UUUGGHhhhh. At least I am not on my way to summer school. The bus ride is uneventful but bouncy. I absently glance down and see the seam my yoga pants are wedging between my pussy. OH WHAT THE…? how do I fix this? Making a mental note not to sit over the back wheels of the bus I try to adjust myself to remedy this embarrassing situation. I look around to make sure I wasn’t seen and to my relief everyone else is still occupied on their own thoughts. Speaking of our own thoughts I am back to thinking about what I should wear to work on my first day…

The bus pulls into the mall and I along with and another 20 people exit. It feels different walking through the same mall that I always have. I have grown up. I am going to purchase my own clothes. Or wardrobe as it is known by working women. First stop is Reitmans where I pick out a new skirt, with a belt and a short sleeved shirt that looks great on me. Then I walk out and into Urban Planet. OH MY this place has everything! I leave there with two more full bags and a lighter purse.. As I’m walking out the door I hear someone calling my name. Turning to look over my right shoulder I see Amy’s mom walking through the mall. Approaching me with a smile.

“Hi Kelly are you enjoying your summer break so far?”

“OH Mrs. Places I am swamped right now. I have to start my new job soon, and I need some new outfits. I’ve got a good start on it so far I think.”

“Please Kelly just call me Lori. Do you want to put your bags in my car? We can look around together. I have a few things to pick up too. Amy has gone to her Dad’s and I am bored at home. I need some summer clothing too. C’mon we can put your bags in the car and come back in.”

With that she takes one of my bags into her hand and smiling at me she turns around and heads back to where she parked her car. Hurrying along to catch up she asks about my job and how I heard about it.

“I’m working as Mr. Mint’s secretary...”

Lori interrupts “At the plant?”

‘Yes, why?”

“Has Amy told you that I work there too?

“Actually she had, and my Dad works there too.” I reply with a smile.

“I didn’t know that Kelly.” she responds, “Oh wow...Why didn’t I realize this? Your Dad’s name is Kevin. Kevin Schmidt?”

A smile appears on my face at the mention of my Dad’s name.

“Did he open some doors for you to get you in there?” Lori jokes.

“I don’t think so. He just arranged the interview as far as I know.?” I answer. With a hint of doubt

“I’ve seen the help you have given Amy, and I know about your volunteering at the library, and the hospital. I’m sure you will fill the secretary role easily.”

My steps go sideways as I think of the last time Lori saw me helping Amy. It was from behind as I was between her daughter’s legs, and her dog might have had my scent on him.

We walk through the doors together and she says ‘the car is parked over there’ and points with her free hand. I look at Lori as she points and notice how pretty she is. And I see her emerald green bra and the lace that sits on top. I wonder to myself if her panties are the same colour and style. She is wearing a white dress with a floral print, short sleeves with thin spaghetti straps, and that alluring green bra. We get to the car and she opens the back door and reaches across to set the bag on the seat. I can see down her top, and right down inside her bra. Her nipple is soft and darkly coloured.

I lean forward to hand her my other bag, and as she rises out of the backseat she sees me staring at her. She watches my eyes and then looks into mine.

“Do you like my dress Kelly, or my bra?” she questions, with knowing eyes.

“Oh Mrs. Places. err Lori. Both, and that green looks stunning’ I exclaim.

“The panties match too” she says through a grin as she takes a hand full of her skirt and moves it to the side showing me thin strap of her green thong on her hip.

“That colour looks incredible against your bronze skin Mrs. Places. Catching some early rays this year are ya?” I inquired.

“I have been trying to catch some sun when I am working nights. I sit out in the backyard with Riley. He would let me know if someone was trying to look over the fence.” she jokes with a grin

“You just wear your underwear and bra in your yard? I gasp

“I guess you didn’t look hard enough” she says as she pulls her bra off her shoulder showing no tan lines. “I only wear my bikini bottoms or sometimes a thong. Tan lines don’t look good on an upper body” She says matter-of-factly.

My mouth is open and I have a stunned look on my face.

“What? You know how the yard gets a lot of sun, and it is fenced. It’s not like I charge admission and let the neighbours watch” she tells me

“No but I bet you could” is the response out of my mouth before my brain structures a different sentence.

“Thank you Kelly. You look great too. I think you know this because your clothes always fit you so well. Your character and charm matches your wardrobe. And your perfume matches you perfectly. It is…?”

“Black Opium” I add

“And I bet you are as addicting as your perfume’s name Kelly” she tells me, as we approach the door back into the mall. Before the door is opened by someone coming out I hope Lori is looking at my bum I added a wiggle just before the door opened. The man held the door and looked at us both with a smile as he said “Hello Ladies”

“Thank you” Lori replies as she hurries to catch up.

“Have a great day” I call after him.

“You too. Thank you” he answers as he openly stares at Lori as she walks past him. Her smile remains on her face.

As I hold the door for her I look at her eyes and see her eyes sparkle as our glance holds.

I MELT. WTF. I just got instantly damp

We walk up and back finding a few deals. Lori gets some candles, and bath soaps. I picked out some sandals but Lori was sure she had seen them cheaper at a different store.

“Just because you have some money now don’t waste it if you don’t have too. Lets just go to the other mall and check to make sure I’m right.”

“As long as you don’t mind. I don’t mind shopping” I answer with a smile.

“I’ve only met one or two females that don’t like shopping Kelly” she laughs as she walks down the mall.

‘I am attracted to my best friends Mom.’

This is going through my head as we walk together through the mall

‘She did see Amy and I having a...I was eating her pussy! I still remember it clearly. Amy’s dog had run towards the door, and I had caught movement out of the corner of my eye and looking over I saw Lori watching at us. She quickly left and then made a lot of noise as she ‘came home’ so Amy and I could get back to studying’

“Oh damn. Sorry” I blurted, as I bump into a slower moving person.

“Walk with your head up sweety. You have graduated another year, you have a great summer job, and summer is just beginning. That is unless you were looking down at my bum” she added the last part with a smug, knowing, smile. And turned her eyes towards the windows of the store’s we were passing. “If you look into the window displays you can see what is happening behind you...”

“Nice” is my reply, as I now know to choose my views. Smiling to myself as I realize she has seen me staring at her ass.

“We walk outside for the remaining 300 feet to her car and during that time we catch each other’s eyes looking into the windows as we try to see where the other is looking.

My nipples are hardening again in the breeze. Or that is what I am trying to convince myself of…

We get to the car and are seated and her air conditioning is on full as she start the car. We are blasted with a force of cool air that super charges my nipples firmness. I look at Lori, who is reaching to turn the fan down.

“That was a bit much” she says as she pulls the fabric of her dress away from her chest

“No bra of mine can hide my nipples in that cool blast” She whispers, as she looks over her right shoulder and puts the car in reverse.

I look and see her dress opening up and, yes I agree, to myself that her exposed nipple is hard.

The drive to the other mall which was just down the highway 15 minutes was OK in the conversation aspect. We talked that Amy had gone away to her Dad’s for the week, and that Lori enjoyed laying out with no bothers, or concerns.

“Are you on holidays Lori? We should go out tonight” I froze. Realizing what I had just said I just stared straight ahead.

And after a brief silence she leans over to me and whispers, “Where could we go?”

Smiling and looking at her as she looks away to watch the road I ask her ‘if we could just sit at her place for the afternoon?’

“And could you pick me up some wildberry coolers? I need a bathing suit anyway so I can look around this mall. That is if you have time. I never even thought to make sure you were alright with running me around for a $15 savings on a pair of sandals” I said

“Don’t worry Kelly. If I had more important things to do today I would have told you and invited you along. We can stop at the liquor store on the way home. It doesn’t look good if you go in before 2.” she said with a laugh.

I look at her, and she sees me looking at her and while saying “Trust me. Experience” she pulls into a parking spot and shuts off the car. We gather our purses and open the doors to the heat. UGGHHH The temperature has gone up 10 degrees (celsius) since we got in the car. The sweat starts for both of us and by the time we get to the door I can feel sweat on my chest and the middle of my back. The air conditioning feels incredible as I pull the door open.

I hold the door for Lori, and again my nipples harden as the cool, air conditioned, air passes over them.

“We have to do something about those Kelly” she suggests as she looks at my hair swirling around my face from the breeze.

“Lets go to Victorias Secrets and find you a bra, and some matching panties” she insists as she takes my hand and leads me towards the store. Her fingertips are massaging my palms. I do not take my hand away even as she gives a light squeeze and lets it go at my side. The feeling was sparks. I don’t know if she felt it but…

And now I have to try on bras and panties. My pussy is soaked. Remembering the kleenex I have in my purse helps me with a though of relief. OK now my confidence is back. It would be gross putting panties back that were wet. Laughing to myself I wonder what Lori would think if I handed her back a pair of wet panties…

We look at a few different designs before Lori walks to the attendant and says, “My daughter’s nipples need to be covered, but she wants a comfortable bra. She needs a sports bra, a white, red, and black executive bra, and a few everyday bras. Various colours, and matching panties for each one.”

The attendant walks over and introduces herself as Leah. She is 30(ish) and starts pulling bras out of drawers. Thongs out of others. She is going through the panties, and I am watching Lori glide through the store. It’s like everything she held up I pictured her in...and enjoyed it.

“Ah you are wearing seamless panties Kelly” Leah mentions from behind me.

“Yes” I reply as I reach around to ensure my panties aren’t showing.

“Don’t worry they are not showing. I just didn’t see you as a ‘commando type’ and I saw no g-string indicators.” she tells me with a glance.

“And what are g-string indicators?” I question?

“Go try these on. 34B right?”

“Yes how did you know” I smiled as she answered,

”I’ve worked her for a few months Kelly. One is an underwire bra but I just threw that in to see if you like the fit. You don’t need one though, but...”

“Can I take these all into the change room at the same time?”

“I don’t think you will be able to hide anything under your current outfit, so yes you can Kelly. There are panty liners in the change rooms. Or you can put them on over your underwear.”

I like these change rooms. They are big and there are mirrors at every angle. I look up to check the ceiling but no mirrors up there. Giggling to my self I slide my yoga pants down and then sit down so I can try on Leah’s choices. I try the first pair on over my panties and they fit me pretty well. Well enough that I decide I am going to buy them anyway so I can try them on without my panties. I wiggle into my new bikini style underwear. Pulling them up before I remember how wet I am.

‘Oh shit’ I am thinking as I pull them down and away from my soaking pussy. Yup my worst nightmare imagined. There is a line of liquid from my pussy to the panties. I bring the wet mark to my lips and try to lick and suck it out.

*I obviously need some help with my decision making skills, but at the moment I was in trouble. Yes I was buying them anyway but what if the sales lady sees the wet mark? It wasn’t there when she gave it them to me, and she did tell me about the panty liners. dammit*

I must have been day dreaming because on the third knock the door opens and Leah is standing there with a bra that, “… your Mom picked out for youuuuuuuuuuuu” she tries to explain as her eyes finally fine mine...

I can see what she sees because I was posing in the mirrors while I had the crotch of my damp panties in my mouth trying to dry them out. I’m sitting on the change room bench with my legs open. Nude with a very wet pussy. AND instantly hard nipples!

I pull the material from my mouth and tell her, “I am going to buy them all. It’s OK”, I mumble as I look down.

“If you don’t want them you don’t need to buy them. This happens all the time. Why do you think we provide panty liners?

She looks me up and down again, and says “Your Mom is right. This bra will look really good on you. See you in a bit.” And with a flattering smile she turns to leave, but looking back says, “There is a lock on the door you know.”

My heart is pounding, my nipples are hard, my pussy is wet, and in one hand I have a great feeling bra (I am holding a cup) and in the other hand I have a pair of panties that are wet from my saliva. Which may be harder to hide than my juices. UGGGhhhh’

I gather my purchases and, now dressed, walk to the change room door. Again noticing that I didn’t lock it after Leah had reminded me. If I was alone I would have asked Leah’s opinion on everything I was buying. I put my purchases on the counter and while Leah is ringing it in she is smiling to herself.

I look into her eyes as I hand her back the interac machine and mouth to her. “I’m really wet now” with a full smile

“I want you to come again”, she whispers as she smells the panties and puts them in the bag.

I walk to the front of the store with an exaggerated strut. I don’t even look to see if she is looking. I know she is. BUT Lori looks like a goddess. The lights in the store cast her in a luminous glow, she looked exceptional, and I was speechless as I approached her. I noticed her top button had come undone. Probably as she was looking through the bras and panties. I am thinking of her hands on the bra I just purchased. Wishing I was wearing it when her fingers were on it. Tracing around my nipples. She looks up as I approach.

“How did that bra fit?” she questions. She is staring at my nipples through my top. “I see you don’t have it on now.” she says with a full smile. “But they will attract a lot of attention with all the boys in here” she adds walking away.

‘OH NO! Suddenly I am embarrassed. My nipples are poking straight out and my boobs don’t fill a decent sized cup’

“Ummmnnn Lori, give me a minute so I run back to the change room and put the bra on” I tell her while looking at my poking nipples in the mirror.

“OK sweety” she says turning to me. Her blonde hair swirling around her shoulder as the red light behind her illuminates her. Like her aura suddenly appearing. And it is INCREDIBLE.

‘Sweety. She called me sweety. Is she just playing the mother/daughter scenario for the attendant, or… My heart does a flutter. What is wrong with me? This is my best friends Mom. I am ashamed, amused, turned on, happy, confused. But mostly happy.

“Can I use the change room to put on a different bra?” I ask as I walk back to the counter.

Leah looks over and seeing my predicament responds with an “Of course.” Handing me a pair of scissors to cut the tags. Then she goes back to whatever she was doing.

Sitting down on the same bench as before I take my top off, and open the bag taking the bra out. I pull off my sports bra and again look into the mirror. ‘Image is everything’ I smile to myself as I begin to remove the tags from my new bra. Suddenly the door opens and in walks Lori.

“Would you like a hand? The attendant told me you leave the door unlocked.” Lori giggled

“I need my heart re started first” I tell her, with a grin, as I try to respond to her sudden entrance.

“I’m sorry sweety. I didn’t mean to frighten you. She murmures

‘Again with the sweety, and this time we are alone’ I smile as I look at the bra and see Lori’s hand come into view as she takes the bra out of my hands.

‘Is my perverted fantasy coming to life?’ Lori slips the cups around to my chest as I spin in front of her. She quickly grasps the back of the bra and attaches them together. I am looking into the mirror as I see her lean forward and gently kiss my shoulder and the thin strap of my bra. She electrifies me as she runs her lips up my neck.

“I thought we were trying to hide my nipples Lori, and this will not do it.” With that I turn around and kiss her quickly on the mouth.

She looks shocked at me, and quickly says, “OK I’ll meet you outside.” and exits smoothly.

With confusion running through my head, and the sweet taste of Lori on my lips I pull my shirt back on over my nipple hiding bra. ‘A successful purchase that feels nice too.’

I adjust my top but can’t hide both straps. I leave the shoulder strap exposed that Lori kissed.

I recheck the mirrors and and smooth out my yoga pants as I exit the change room where I first kissed my best friend’s MOM. ‘Oh this could be bad, or oh so good’ I present Leah with her scissors back and see her admiring look.

“Now you look notable for the right reasons Kelly. I’m glad Lori’s pick worked. Still leaving that door unlocked I saw.” she states matter-of-factly with a smile.

“No use changing now” I tell her while returning her smile. “Thanks for all your help”

“Have an amazing day”

“Without a doubt now” I say under my breath as I see Lori sitting outside the store with a smile on her face.

As I approach Lori stands and asks ‘if I’ve had enough shopping for the day’

“Yes I’d love to sit in your backyard, with you, in the sun for the rest of the day. Oh geez...we forgot to look for the sandals” I exclaim

Laughing Lori says, “And that was the reason we came here.”

The store is right across the mall, and the sandals were cheaper, but only by $4.99.

“It was a well worth it trip though” I tell Lori as we walk towards her car. The heat is an enormous weight on our shoulders as we sit down in the car. Lori undoes the top two buttons of her dress. She had noticed the one was open and had redone it up but as she undoes the second button she opens her dress. That emerald green bra looks like it has a cup of jewels and I turn my eyes away as I pull my seat belt on. We get to the liquor store and Lori goes in and gets some coolers and a bottle of vodka. She comes out holding the top of her dress together with an embarrassed glow on her face.

“I had forgotten my dress was open until I reached into my purse and felt eyes on me. I looked down and everything was on display” she says through a grin.

“Proudly displayed I would say”

“More comments like that and I will pay for your coolers all day Kelly” We both laugh as she heads towards the highway.

The conversation is going great, and we are nearing our cut off when she blurts out

“I saw you going down on my daughter. Both of you were moaning. Her louder than you! And I can’t get it out of my mind” The last line is whispered to the windshield as I gulp with an instantly dry mouth.


2019-12-17 21:41:33
Thanks for the positive ratings. It will get better

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