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Tell me if y'all would like a part two.
My name is Taylor. I am 5'4 with black hair, green eyes, 24b breasts. I was walking to a friend's house and there is a house that i always pass by that was being rented by some college guys. As i passed by one of the guys asked me if i wanted to talk, i figured why not and walked over. He introduced himself as Dakota and another as Carl, Dakota asked me what i was up to and i told him i was heading to a friend's house. He said "i haven't seen you around campus" and i said i was a sophomore in high school.

He looked me up and down and let out a chuckle. " i should have figured someone as tiny as you was still in high school." I stick out my bottom lip, cross my arms and say "im not tiny" he laughs and says "you're cute" and asks me if i ever want to hang out sometime. I contemplate for a minute before giving him my number then tell him i gotta go to my friends house, he says ok he will call me later and extends his arms for a hug.

He wraps his arms around me and i feel his hand on the small of my back holding me close and says "it was good to meet you" and kisses my cheek making me blush. I turn around and walk away. I know hes watching my ass as i leave. I go to my friends house and we hang out for a while, hes been my best friend since elementary school. Ive never had sexual feelings for him but when i was curious about sex stuff he would talk with me about it even showing me his dick once.

After a few hours i get a text from Dakota telling me to stop by on my way home to chill if i want. I say ok and tell my friend i gotta go, i give him a hug and he grabs my ass and squeezed it. I laugh and smack his ass in return before leaving. I walk to Dakota's and knock on the door, a random guy opens it and i ask if Dakota was here. He looked me up and down before letting me in. I see Dakota sitting on the couch and i sit beside him.

He says its good to see you and asks if i want a beer, i tell him i dont like the taste so he has a friend bring me some juice. It tasted kinda funny but i didn't think nothing of it, Dakota places an arm around my shoulder and pulls me close as we talk. He smelled wonderful. After i finished my drink he asked if i would like another to which i replied yes. He grabs my hand and i follow him to the kitchen, he pours me another drink then leads me to his bedroom. I sit down on the bed and he opens a box with some weed in it, he holds the bag up and asks if I've ever smoked.

I shake my head no and he begins rolling a joint then lights it, he takes a few puffs before passing it to me. I grab it and study it for a second before hitting it for the first time, i coughed really hard and he patted my back and said to hit it lighter next time. For the first few minutes i didn't feel anything but then it kicked in. I was so stoned i just laid back on the bed staring at the ceiling.

Dakota climbs on top of me and looks into my eyes and laughs saying "you're high as fuck" he slowly moves closer and plants a kiss on my lips, i accept his invitation and i kiss him back. He starts kissing my neck as he slipped his hand under my shirt, before he reached my boobs i stopped him saying "i don't want this to go further" he says ok and stops only planting a final kiss on my lips.

He leads me back to the living room and he sits down the pulls me down to sit on his lap which i do. His friend brings me another drink and we all talk for a while, after about 20 minutes i begin to feel strange. I squirm a little and i feel Dakota's dick beginning to get hard under my ass, i felt every time it throbbed as blood continued to fill it. Dakota kisses all over my neck as his hands rested on my waist, his kisses felt so good i leaned my head back accepting each kiss.

He slipped his hand under my shirt again and this time i don't stop him, i close my eyes as i feel his soft touch moving past my stomach and reaching my bra. He gives my boob a light squeeze and i feel him move his hips up a little prodding me with him dick, i don't protest as he begins to take off my shirt and then undone my bra and removing it. He continued to lightly squeeze my breasts and pinched my nipple causing me to let out a light moan. I feel his other hand moving into my yoga pants and i place my hand on his just before he reached my clit, he said "don't worry im not going any further". He gently bites my neck and i feel myself begin to give in.

He asks me to stand up for a minute and he then pulls his pants and boxers, i see his dick for the first time and it looked massive. He pulled me back to sit on his lap and as i did i sat directly on the tip, he said wait and held his dick back and i sat down. I felt it slap against my back as he started back massaging my breasts, he then grabs my hand and pulls it around my back wrapping my fingers around it for the first time. He held my hand as i stroked it and whispered in my ear "that feels so good Taylor" letting out a soft groan.

I tell him my arm is starting to cramp and he says "if you get on your knees it will be easier for you" i drop down between his legs and look at his dick before he pulled my hand back to it. I watched the skin move as i stroked it, his hips thrust matching my slow pace he smiles at me before closing his eyes and laying his head back.

I watch the precum ooze out and start coating my fingers, i didn't notice but there was several guys behind me silently watching as i continued to stroke it. Dakota tells me im doing such a good job and he's gonna cum soon, i tell him ive never seen a guy cum before and thats when he realized i was a virgin. He took my hand off his dick and began stroking it himself pointing the tip directly at my face, he lets out a loud grunt and i seen it throb. He thrusted forward and a blast of cum landed on my face, another landing on my neck and boobs. I was shocked by what i seen.

He hands me his shirt to wipe my face with and the guys behind me left. He pulls me back onto his lap and asks me if ive ever cum before, i tell him i haven't and he pleads with me to let him be the one to do it. I reluctantly agreed and he picked me up and carried me to his room. He laid me on the bed and crawled between my legs, he pulled down my leggings and panties and then kissed my clit.

He said to me "close your eyes and just enjoy the feeling" as i lay there i felt his tongue slowly lick me up and down and started rubbing my clit. A moan escapes my lips and i arch my back, i feel a finger part my lips and reaches my hymen. I lay there eyes shut enjoying ever second of this new intrusion, he spreads my legs further apart and starts sucking on my clit. My hands grip his head and i rock my hips, i begin moaning loudly as i begin to cum, i released his head and grabbed the sheets as i felt the greatest pleasure in the world.

Before i knew it Dakota had placed his dick at my entrance and thrusted in taking my virginity, my mind wanted him to stop but as his dick went deeper i wrapped my arms around him as my pussy stretched welcoming its new friend. He groans in my ear "you're such a good girl for letting me inside of you" "i knew you wanted me the second we met." His thrusts get harder and deeper, my nails dig into his back and i cant do anything but keep moaning.

Two of his friends quietly walk into the room, they take off their pants and begin to stroke themselves. Dakota pulls out of me and climbs on my chest pressing his dick against my lips, i open my mouth and he slides in with ease. Next thing i know i feel another dick slip inside my pussy, my eyes widen and i try to speak only for my words to be muffled by his dick pushing towards my throat. The new dick inside me is bigger than Dakota and it stretches me to my limits, Dakota looks down at me and says "get ready to swallow baby" and next thing i know he erupts in my mouth.

His hot seed flowing over my tongue, the bitterness hits me instantly as i begin swallowing. He pulls his dick out of my mouth and asks me "do you want the other guy to stop?" Through my moans i say no and Dakota tells him to stop for a second, Dakota then picks me up and placing me on the ground on my hands and knees and his friend inserts himself back inside. His other friend then drops to his knees and placed the tip on my lips, i can feel the precum cover them as he placed a hand on my head and i parted my lips.

He pulls my head closer and i feel the tip pass over my tongue, next was his shaft, the tip collides with my throat and i gag. He slowly moves his hips fucking my mouth then Dakota pulls out his phone and starts recording me as i moan, the pleasure from being used on both ends was to much and i cum again. He pulls my head and thrusts hard and i feel his dick enter my throat, Dakota moves the phone closer getting a good view of my face and records my throat bulging slowly consuming the entire rod.

I feel the dick in my pussy begin to throb and i feel the warmth of his cum as he fertilized my womb, i moan again sending vibrations through the cock in my throat causing him to pull me all the way down and starts to cum. I close my eyes as i feel the constant throbbing and thrusting, they finally pulled out and i seen several more guys in the room. Dakota stops recording and tells tells them "no shes had enough" And they walk out I sit on my hands and knees just staring at the ground, the sexual conquest is over but i feel that its just the beginning.

Dakota picks me up and lays me on the bed. He climbs on top of me and kisses me then says "aren't you glad i helped you cum?" I bite my bottom lip and say "yes" he gives my clit a light rub and says "ill send you the video" then says he will walk me home. He asks me if i would do something for him before i get dressed and i say ok. He tells me "to get on your knees and open your mouth" he places his soft cock in my mouth and takes a picture.

We get dressed and start walking, his hand on my ass the entire time. When we get to my street i tell him that i have to walk the rest of the way on my own so my parents dont see him. He says ok and gives me a hug, he reaches down and grabs my ass with both hands squeezes tight and kisses me. I feel his tongue try to slip into my mouth and I let him. We kiss for a few seconds then he says goodbye.

As soon as i walk in my dad starts yelling asking where have i been? I told him that i was with some friends and we walked to the river to hang out. He says ok that my dinner is in the fridge, i walk into the kitchen and my older brother looks at me, smiles and says hey. As i eat my food he walks behind me and whispered in my ear "i know what you did" Then walked away. After i ate i went to take a shower, while i was in there my brother knocked and said he had to pee, i told him to wait and he said "fuck that" and walked in. I cracked open the curtain a tiny bit and could see him peeing, i didn't know he could see me and he said "are you enjoying the view?"

I don't respond, after he's finished he turns to the right and gives me a full view of it, stroked it twice then walked out. After i finished i went into my room and laid down, i received a text from Dakota it was the video of me being fucked. Then he sent the picture and i stared at it, it was strange but very erotic as i seen myself with a dick in my mouth. I looked into my own eyes then decided to play the video, i watched as the 2 guys pumped into me matching each others movement. I began to rub myself as i watched listening to me moan, then a knock on my door. It was my brother.

He walked in and sat on the edge of my bed unaware of my nudity as he asked me how my first time was. I tell him i don't know what hes talking about and he says "i know the signs sis, ive taken a girls virginity before". I blush and say it was ok i guess. He asked me if i was able to cum and i lied saying no, he then asked how big the guy was and i said"like 5 inches" he laughs and says "no wonder, luckily i don't have that problem". I ask him what he means, he doesn't say anything he just stands up and pulls down his pants, i watch as it grows to full length.

He grabs it and strokes it a few times and says "this is what pleases a woman" i stared in awe as he stroked it. I said "omg its so huge" he says "Yeah 10.5 inches" i bite my bottom lip as he starts stroking faster while staring at me. He notices and asks me "what are you thinking about?" I tell him "nothing" he says im lying and stands right in front of me. He continues to stroke and next thing i know he begins to cum on my face and blanket, i watched the first stream of cum shoot out and land directly on my nose and lips, the rest landing on my blanket. He pulls his pants up and says goodnight before walking out, i lick my lips tasting my brothers cum, it was more sweet than bitter which turned me on even more causing me to scoop some off the blanket and place it in my mouth.

I clean up then fall asleep. As i slept i dreamed of Dakota, i could feel him lightly touching my body gently squeezing my boobs. I felt his fingers slowly press inside me, giving me wonderful pleasure. I wake up the next day and go eat breakfast, i now see my brother in a different light, every time i look at him i see an image of his dick. He asks me if i have any plans and i tell him i might go to a friends house later on and says "you didn't get enough the first time huh?" I blush and say "i guess not" he tells me there's nothing to be embarrassed about.

Hes asks me "did you taste it last night?" I reluctantly shake my head yes and i see a large grin on his face, "did you like it?" I said "it tasted sweet" and he replied "im glad you liked it." Dakota texts me and asks if i can come over tonight and i tell him i can't but i can this weekend when i spend the night at my friend Sarah's house. He asks "is she a virgin to?" I tell him yes, and he tells me to bring her with me, I say ok.

My brother asks me " would you like to watch me cum again?" I tell him yes and i followed him to his room. He took off his pants and sat on the edge of the bed and spread his legs. He motions for me to come over and then presses on my shoulders to kneel, his dick is already hard and oozing precum. He wraps his fingers around it and begins to stroke, he stares into my eyes as i stare at his dick he then lays back, closed his eyes and continued to stroke. I don't know why but i placed my lips on the tip as he stroked, he didn't say anything only letting out a sigh as he stroked.

I started to go deeper on it and he stopped stroking just laying there as i sucked, i closed my eyes and got a few inches in before gagging, my brother groans pushing his hips up. I continued to bob my head trying to take him deeper, he lets out groans then moans my name and says "im about to cum" i go to pull my mouth off to watch and he places both hands on my head and stops me. He presses my head down hard, the head of his dick bends at my throat, he thrusts his hips up and it pops through and cum immediately begins to pour. I feel it as it makes its way to my stomach, my pussy is on fire looking to be played with and i begin to rub my clit.

When he stops cumming he holds my head on his dick as he sits back up, i swallow the last of his seed and he sees my rubbing my pussy as i sit there with his cock in my mouth. He lets go of my head and with a smile says "you was only supposed to watch" i look up at him, without saying a word i smile, lick my lips then walk out the room. My brother follows me and asks "can i have a nude picture of you?" I tell him i don't want to do it and he says " ok and thanks for earlier"

Not much else happens during the week, sometimes me and my brother would smile at each other because we know what we did and we both liked it. The weekend comes and my brother drops me off at Sarah's, before i get out the car he says he's gonna miss me those few days making me smile.

I go in Sarah's house and shes on her bed on the laptop and i walk in and sit down. Without saying a word i pull up the video Dakota made of me and gave her the phone, as she watched she asked me a few questions which i answered, the hardest one being "why did you let them do it" i replied "honestly i have no idea" i ask her if she would want to have sex for the first time and she tentatively said yes so i called Dakota.

"Hey its Taylor my friend Sarah wants to hang out with us today, is that cool with you?" He said that would be cool and i ask if he can pick us up. About 30 minutes later he pulls up and we get in the car, he says hello and we begin driving. I send him a text so Sarah doesn't hear what is said, i send to him "i want to watch everyone fuck her and add a wink face"

He glanced at his phone then looked at me and winked signaling that he agrees. We walk into the house, there's 6 guys inside and i immediately take Sarah's hand and guide her to Dakota's room as he follows. I say to Dakota "Sarah wants to lose her virginity". He looks at her body, shes slim, 34c boobs, red hair and brown eyes. He says to her that there is something she has to do for that to happen, she asks what it is.

He goes in his nightstand and pulls out a blindfold, "put this on and i will fuck you" she places the blindfold over her eyes, i watch as he starts by removing her clothes, walking around her checking out her nude frame. I silently walk out the room and go into the living room, i talk to all the guys for a minute and tell them the plan and they follow me. We all enter the room, by the time we enter Dakota already has Sarah on her knees with only about 2 inches of dick in her mouth, she bobs slowly not completely sure what to do so i grabbed her hand and wrapped it around his shaft and told her to stroke it as she sucks"

Dakota is about to place his hand on her head when i shake my head no, he looks at me puzzled and i wink. I walk behind Sarah and kneel down, i placed my hands on the back of her head and begin to push. I heard her gag and i pressed harder then i watch as her face collides with his stomach as soon as it pierced her throat. I tell sarah shes doing really good and i push and pull her head slowly as Dakota watches me, after a few minutes i remove my hands her her head recoils back drool hanging off her chin. I reach around and place my hand on her pussy and rub it, i feel that shes already wet so i tell Dakota shes ready. I take my phone out and start recording as he picked her up and placed her on the bed, climbing between her legs lining his dick up with her pussy. I ask Sarah if she wants to continue because this might hurt at first, as soon as she said yes Dakota slowly pushed in, slowly at first each time reaching her hymen before pulling out. After a few thrusts he pushes hard and deep turning her into a woman, the first full penetrating thrust caused her to let out a screeching whimper as he slowly pumped deeply into her.

I watch Sarah as she begins to have her first orgasm, her body shakes violently as her moans get louder and more seductive. Dakota pulls out and i tell her "he's stopping for a minute so he doesn't cum to quickly and to just lay there" after about a minute one of the guys walk up and climbs between her legs, lines himself up and thrusts hard. He fucks her fast and hard for several minutes before pulling out and another guy replaces him.

This happens for a while till the last guy is finished and i pull Sarah to her knees on the floor, i tell her to open her mouth so Dakota can cum in it. All the guys circle around her and stroke themselves, i watch as the first guy placed the tip in her mouth and let loose and she started to swallow. Once hes done she starts to close her mouth and i tell her "hes not done sweetie" another guy steps up and covers her face.

After they have all released their load either in her mouth or face Dakota placed his dick in her mouth and forced it down her throat releasing a torrent of cum. All the other guys leave the room and i remove her blindfold. She looks up at Dakota and said "how did you cum that much?" He says "that only happens with girls who truly turns him on. I ask Sarah if she enjoyed it and she says yes.

I then tell her there's one final thing she has to do and that is for Dakota to take her picture. She looks up at him and he snaps a photo she goes to stand up and he says "wait, open your mouth" and he places his dick in and takes another picture. He says "don't worry these are only for me". I face her and wipe my finger on her pace pulling off some cum and putting it in my mouth and smiling. She lets out a small grin and licks her lips.

She cleans herself up then we leave, Dakota takes her home then takes me. I say goodbye and kiss him, im extremely horny and my pussy is soaked. I walk in the house and my brother is in the living room, i tell him i have to show him something and he follows me to my room. I ask him if i remember Sarah and he says yeah. I sit on the bed and he sits beside me, i pull up her video and hand him the phone. His mouth opens in disbelief as he watched Sarah be fucked by multiple guys without realizing it. As he watched he began to get hard, i watched as his dick tented his shorts.

I tell him "if you want to you can take the video to your room so you can cum" he then stands up and walks out. He goes to his room and lays on his bed he decides to scroll through my gallery and comes across a picture of me with a dick in my mouth wishing it was his. He keeps scrolling and comes across my video, he watches for a few minutes, his cock throbbing hard begging his cum to be released. He gets up and walks back into my room the video still playing and hands me the phone.

I look at it then look at him, he pulls down his shorts and steps directly in front of me pressing the tip to my lips and says "you know you want to" i open my mouth and he places his hand on my head. "Mmmm thats right Taylor just suck it" he bobs my head up and down and in just seconds he begins to cum and i taste his sweetness once again only this time i wanted it. I swallowed and swallowed but he wouldn't stop cumming, my mouth began overflowing as he held me down. Finally it stopped and i swallowed the remaining drops, he goes to leave and i say wait. I removed all my clothes and told him he can take a picture.


2020-05-19 03:15:14
That's no way to respond to criticism. Just don't write so lazily and people won't have a problem.


2019-12-21 04:54:28
That really got to you didn't it? i Am SoRrY aBoUt ThAt.


2019-12-20 07:32:47
You never capitalize "I" unless it regains a sentence.

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