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Three eighteen-year-old boys watch a meteor land near their town. Little do they know they're world is about to change as the women around them begin to act oddly.
There’s Something in the Water

By RawlyRawls

This is a work of fiction written solely to entertain. If you want to read lots more stuff, vote on new stories, or support my writing, please visit:

Also, all characters in sexual situations are 18 years or older.

Late 1950s, somewhere in the Midwest …

Chapter 5

Linda sat in a soft chair in the church’s bright, quiet back office. She took a deep breath. She was safe in the house of God. She should have come to Him sooner.

Pastor Neilson watched his parishioner closely. Her troubles didn’t show. She exuded radiance. The woman looked like she stood in the Lord’s light morning and night. “What sort of temptation has you so vexed, Mrs. Riles?”

“Carnal temptation, Pastor Neilson.” Was it a sin to withhold the entire truth from a man of God? Linda supposed it was okay so long as she put forth the foundation of the problem. “I have unholy desires.”

“I see.” Pastor Neilson steepled his hands in front of his nose. He sat behind a large desk, papers neatly set in piles to his right. He looked over Linda’s shoulder to see the office door open. His genteel wife, Molly, entered, her blue housedress swirling around her ankles. Over her dress, a loose white cardigan protected her modesty. “What is it, dear?”

Linda turned her head to see Molly Neilson standing primly behind her, hands clasped in front. She was a beautiful, brunette woman with a wide smile and soft brown eyes. She was not always fashionable, but Linda understood that she was a modest woman and God had given her much to cover up. “Hello, Molly.” Linda nodded politely.

“Hello, Linda.” Molly nodded back and offered that wide smile. “I just wanted to see if you needed any water?”

“Do you have any coffee?” Linda guessed Molly was maybe two or three inches shorter than herself, neither of them tall women. Linda’s eyes trailed down the pastor’s wife. Molly was probably quite the Rubenesque lady, but Linda couldn’t really be sure with her chaste sartorial decisions. And then, Linda’s eyes fell to the floor. How could she have such thoughts? Especially in that sanctified building of all places.

“Oh, I’m sorry. We don’t have anything stronger than water.” Molly could see the trouble in Linda’s eyes. Linda looked rested and radiant, but as a woman she could see the disquiet that possessed the parishioner. She’d obviously disturbed them at a difficult time. Well, her husband could handle his flock. He’d get it sorted.

“Of course.” Linda nodded. “No water, thank you.”

“Very well.” Molly looked from Linda to the kind eyes of her husband. “Also, you have another parishioner here. She’s in the waiting room.”

“Tell her to sit tight.” Pastor Neilson dropped his hands out of the steeple and reached into a drawer in his desk. “We won’t be long. I know how to help Mrs. Riles.”

“Yes, dear.” Molly turned, exited the office, and gently closed the door behind her.

“Temptation is easily put aside … when we walk with Him.” Pastor Neilson pulled a small silver cross from the drawer and held it out to Linda in the palm of his hand. “Here, take this.”

Linda leaned over and picked the cross from his hand. She curled her fingers around the little cool object and sat back down, hands in her lap.

“Whatever happens, know this cross is a holy symbol evil will recognize and fear.” Pastor Neilson’s face emanated confidence, from the set of his jaw to the coolness in his brown eyes. “You need only to hold that before you when the devil’s temptation appears and the evil will wither like grapes on the salted vine. Say these words to the Devil’s false promises: I praise His grace. I need no heaven but what God provides. Thank you, Jesus.”

“Really?” Linda raised an eyebrow, but the pastor’s confidence was catching. Linda repeated the words. “I praise His grace. I need no heaven but what God provides. Thank you, Jesus.”

“Yes. You got it.” Pastor Neilson looked at the clock on the wall. “I’ve had quite a few women come to me recently complaining of such temptation. I put the blame squarely on modern culture. Society is grappling with rock-and-roll, lascivious cinema, and the invasion by communists and Catholics. But the Lord will protect you child.”

“Thank you.” Linda nodded her head, her blue eyes clear and trouble free. This would work. “And thank you, God.”

“Excellent. Now, we’ll see you on Sunday.” Pastor Neilson looked to the door, his message clear. Time to leave.

“Thank you, Pastor.” Linda stood and turned. She walked to the door, opened it, and stepped out into the waiting area. She looked to her left, and her breath caught in her throat. There was Amanda Ackerman. The mother of the beast that had so debased poor Linda the day before. “Um, hello … Amanda.” Linda’s pulse drummed in her ears.

“Hello, Linda.” Amanda looked down at her kitten heels.

“Okay, well, goodbye then.” Linda hurried off. Strange, usually Amanda was so talkative. Maybe God was already getting Linda out of uncomfortable situations. Linda squeezed the cross tightly in her left hand. Thank you, Jesus.


In a small, windowless room behind the high school gym, Mark and Donna Farmer interviewed members of the senior class. The first two interviews, one girl and one boy, were of no interest to the investigators. The third would prove more exciting.

“What is your name and age, young man?” Mark jotted notes down on a pad of paper. They were seated at a rectangular aluminum table. Mark and Donna sat next to each other, a member of the school’s basketball team occupied a chair on the other side of the table.

“Chris Sumner and I’m eighteen.” Chris didn’t bother looking at Mark. His interest was fixed on Donna. She was pretty with her red hair twisted behind her head and the sprinkling of freckles on her upturned nose and cheeks.

“And you’re on the basketball team?” Donna looked at the boy’s exposed shoulders, covered only by the straps of his basketball jersey. His pale skin glistened with sweat. They’d pulled him in from his PE class. “And … um … um … um …” Something was wrong. Donna adjusted her glasses on her nose and pressed her legs together. What was wrong with her vagina? And she suddenly had butterflies in her stomach.

“Yes, I’m on the team.” Chris smirked. “Is something wrong with her?”

Donna opened and closed her mouth several times. She put a hand to her bosom and felt her chest heave. She suddenly needed more air.

“My wife was going to say …” Mark felt odd too. The world was out of focus, almost like looking at it through rippling water. Mark didn’t like the way this boy was looking at Donna. He had the swift realization, this is how prey feels when surprised by a predator. Fight or flight should have kicked in. But it didn’t. Instead his pen went to the paper and wrote of its own accord, very slowly. He wrote fight or flight fight or flight fight or flight over and over again, filling up the page.

“What’s wrong with him?” Chris watched the old man mindlessly scribble in his notebook. He looked back at Donna. “Say, Miss Farmer was it? You’re real pretty.”

“Mrs. Farmer.” Donna was terrified. She had no idea what was happening to her or her husband. Mark, the man of action, was suddenly rendered inert. She broke out in a cold sweat.

“Real, real pretty.” Chris stood up and pulled his basketball jersey off and dropped it on the table. He pointed a finger at his shorts. “See my teepee lady? I’ve got an angry Indian I want to show you.”

“No.” Donna clutched the edge of the table with both hands, her knuckles turning white. Whatever he had in his shorts was immense. “Stay seated young man.” But she didn’t want him to stay seated. She wanted to see what could make such a large teepee. She hated herself for it, but she wanted to see his angry Indian.

“Here it is.” Chris dropped his shorts and pulled down his underwear to his ankles. Out flopped his gigantic dick.

“Oh, no.” Donna grabbed Mark’s shoulder and shook him. She clenched at his gray suit jacket. “My lord. My lord. I need you.”

“Shit, lady. He’s not your lord.” Chris grabbed his dick and stroked with two hands. “This is.”

“No.” Donna rose from her chair. It took every bit of willpower not to run over to the young basketball player. “Mark?” She pulled her husband to his feet. He stood, but made no other move. “We need to go.”

“You can’t go.” Chris took a step around the table, but got caught up on the underwear and shorts around his ankles. “I haven’t had any pussy since last night. These days, I need lots of pussy.”

“No, thank you.” Donna moved for the door, dragging her husband who stumbled with her.

“Wait.” Chris reached for them, but his outstretched fingers fell short of the pretty redhead. “Wait just a sec.”

“Hurry, Mark.” Donna made it to the door, opened it, and pulled her husband out of the room with her. “Please.” She left all their notes and equipment behind, along with that horrible boy.

By the time they were outside in the fresh air, the fog in Mark’s brain began to clear. “What happened, Donna?”

“I’ll tell you when we’re safe.” Donna shoved him into their auto.

“Safe from what?” Mark couldn’t quite remember how he had left the school.

“Something’s happening here, Mark.” Donna raced around the car, opened her door, and sat in the driver’s seat. “We’ve found evil in Portsmith.”

“Capital.” Mark shook his head to clear his mind. “That’s what we’ve been looking for.” He closed his door. Now that he was confined in that small space with his wife, he felt his mind begin to wander off. It smelled like old memories in there. Things long gone that called to him.

“Mark?” Donna started the car and put it in reverse. “Mark?” She looked over at her husband, but he was in a daze again. “Don’t worry, dear. I’ll get you back to the hotel.” She put the automobile in gear and raced out of the parking lot. She took them back to their room, tucked Mark into bed, and sat in the chair next to him as he snored away. They should have left Portsmith long ago.


After visiting Pastor Neilson on Friday morning, Amanda went to Woolworths. She bought a chain for the cross the good pastor had given her. She wanted the protective symbol close to her heart. She hung it and it nestled in her cleavage. Then, with boobs on her mind, she went to the undergarment department.

The saleslady measured her. To Amanda’s horror, she’d gone from a 30B to a 32D. The saleslady said she was lucky, they were running low on bras bigger than her size. Amanda bought four bras, two longline and two bullet. She then bought herself three new housedresses, all two sizes larger than any she currently owned.

If only the strangeness in her life had been limited to her bust size. She had done something horrible with her son, and she needed to make it up to him. And she needed to make it up to her husband Nathaniel too. Even though he didn’t know, she had wronged him in a terrible way.

Amanda ate a hearty lunch. She then drove home, cleaned the house, and got to baking. She planned to have a chocolate cake ready for Roy when he got home from school. Then they could discuss putting that awful incident behind them over some afternoon cake.

She put on her new, green housedress and one of the longline bras. She hadn’t been so comfortably dressed in weeks. The day was off to a good start. Now she just needed it to end well.


Roy raced his bike home after school. A few minutes before, Patrick had asked him for help with unraveling his stupid mysteries, but Roy could care less. He’d laughed, wished Patrick luck, and ran for his bike. Roy wanted to see how far he could push it with his mom.

The turning point for Roy was an accident. He’d only meant to get his mom a little worked up, but Amanda had instead blown him. What he did with his mom was wrong. What he did with Mrs. Rodgers and Mrs. Riles was wrong. Roy knew it and he didn’t care. He needed more. Lots more.

Roy carelessly dropped his bike in the garage. He hopped up and down all the way to the front door. He was sweaty, but he wanted to be sure. He opened the door and slammed it. The anticipation was killing him. Something smelled good. His mom was baking. He tossed his backpack to the floor, flung off his shoes, and walked into the hall. “I’m home, Mom.”

“In the kitchen, Roy.” Amanda’s heart quickened. How could she be so nervous to see her sweet, darling boy? She smoothed out her apron and checked the oven. A couple more minutes on the cake. Roy would just have to be patient.

“Hi, Mom.” Roy walked into the kitchen and stood before Amanda. He pulled off his jacket and dropped it on the floor.

“Now, Roy, you know I’m going to have to pick that up.” Amanda stepped toward the jacket, but then stopped. “You’re … such a mess … Roy.” That smell again. It was Roy, but it was also something deep and dark and as primitive as a caveman. She was wet again, heaven help her. She pressed her trembling legs together. “I praise … His grace … I need no heaven … but what God … provides. Thank you … Jesus,” she whispered.

“What, Mom?” Roy cocked his head at her.

“You’re all … sweaty, darling.” Amanda tried to clear her head. The shower yesterday had gotten her back to her level-headed self. She’d do that again. “In the shower you go.”

“Okay.” Roy turned and raced upstairs. He stepped into the pink washroom and pulled of his pants, socks, and underwear. He had no intention of getting in the shower, but the washroom offered privacy, close quarters, and a chance to get her out of her dress. He removed and tossed his sweater and undershirt.

Amanda took the cake out of the oven and placed it on a cooling rack. She then followed her son up the stairs. She could hear him undressing in the washroom. It was good she thought of the shower. This must be how God helped her, putting constructive thoughts in her head. “There now, we’ll just get you … oh, my. I’d almost forgotten …” When she entered the washroom, she was treated to an eyeful. Roy was already naked, his chubby little belly hanging out. His hideous penis as hard as can be, sticking straight out from his body with its many veins and its knobby, dark head. His overripe testicles dangled between his legs. “I just didn’t remember, that you were so different … from other men.”

“One sec.” Roy turned and started the shower, giving Amanda an eyeful of his pale, white butt. Cold water came down from the showerhead. Roy turned back to his mom. “Last time you got all wet from the water. Why don’t you take off your dress?” He had no intention of taking a shower, so he didn’t bother adding any hot water.

“Yes.” Amanda couldn’t take her eyes off that monstrous penis. How could such a thing belong to her sweet Roy? “Good idea, darling.” Amanda untied her apron in the back and pulled it over her head. She dropped it on the pink tile. She reached down, pulled her new dress over her head, and then dropped it on top of the apron. “We need some privacy.” She closed the washroom door and locked it. She couldn’t have Annie coming home and finding her half-naked, giving Roy a shower.

“Wow, you look pretty, Mom.” Roy reached down and stroked his dick with his right hand. His gaze roved her body. Her white panties were stained with wetness in the crotch and her white bra held back titties Roy knew hadn’t been there until recently.

“Now, stop touching that, darling. We’re just going to get you cleaned up.” Amanda tried to look away from the penis, but she couldn’t do it. Such a crude instrument. So different from his father. She shook her head and tried to clear the cobwebs in her brain. “I praise His grace. I need no heaven … but what God provides. Thank you, Jesus.”

“You keep saying that. What gives?” Still stroking, Roy took a step closer to his mother. Roy’s father wouldn’t give his son the time of day. Nathaniel thought he was so important. Nathaniel wouldn’t let Roy sit in his chair, or read his books, or drive his car. Well, Roy thought, guess what Dad. I’m about to take my rightful place. He took another step closer.

“It’s something Pastor Neilson wanted me to say.” Amanda fell to her knees. She remembered what her son’s fluids had done to her. Would she taste him again? “I praise His grace. I need –”

“That’s enough, Mom.” Roy took the last step on that pink tile. He took his dick in his hand and gently slapped her cheek with it.

She let him. It made a soft smacking sound.

“You need to suck my dick.” Roy placed his dick on her pretty lips.

“Okay, darling.” She opened her mouth and let him in. Precum hit her tongue and her whole body shook for just a second. This was heaven on Earth. She didn’t know how, but she wanted to take all of him down her throat. “Ggggggkkkkkgggghhhh.” She gagged on his monstrous gadget.

“Wow, Mom.” Roy put both hands on the back of her head. “You look so perfect.” He pushed himself further into her mouth.

Amanda tensed and put her palms on the front of Roy’s hips, pushing hard. Her eyes watered. She was being invaded. She gagged again. And then, another bit of precum splashed in her throat. A sudden relaxation came over Amanda. She realized, she could simply just let him in. She could let her once gentle son have his way. The muscles in her back and neck loosened. She let him push in, and just like that, her nose bounced up against the base of his penis. A feeling of surrender and acceptance filled her body. And her son’s dick filled her throat. Her head took long, smooth strokes back and forth. She would never have thought any woman could do such a thing, least of all herself.

“Oh, my God.” Roy watched with wide eyes as his mom took all of him into her mouth, over and over again. “You were … uh … uh … made for this.”

She was. God in heaven, she was made to take this tool. “Hhhhhhmmmmmggghhhh,” Amanda said.

“Here it comes.” Roy pulled her head forward, gripping her dark, silky hair. He pressed himself into her. “Aaaaaahhhhhhh.” This was his best cum yet.

Amanda took the whole load down her throat like she’d been doing it her whole life. Her body spasmed and shook, and she came as her son filled her stomach with his magical seed. She would have fallen to the tile floor, but she was pinned by the penis lodged in her throat and the hands behind her head.

“Wow.” When Roy was done, he let her go and his dick slipped out of her mouth. He looked down at her pale face as cum dribbled down her chin. “Not done … yet,” Roy panted.

In a fog, Amanda felt hands on her. She was pulled from the floor up to her feet. She grabbed the sink for support and leaned forward. She felt her son pull her panties down and she groggily stepped out of them. Even though she’d never had sex standing up, she could guess what was coming. “Condoms … Roy.” She looked down at her fingers, gripping the pink porcelain tightly. She didn’t want to look up and see herself in the mirror. She didn’t want to see what she’d become.

“You think they’d fit, Mom? I bet Dad has a little weenie.” He slapped his still hard dick against her right butt cheek and watched the ripples. The roundness and firmness of her ass drove him crazy. The mass of it was something to behold. “Is it true? Does he have a little weenie?”

“I can’t believe …” Still looking down, Amanda nodded her head. “Yes. I didn’t know it … until recently. But your father … has a little weenie.”

“I thought so.” He slapped his weighty dick against her left butt cheek. “Now put it in.”

“Okay, darling.” She reached behind her and grabbed her son’s penis with her left hand. “But be gentle. And don’t let it out inside … meeeeeeeeee.” The second she lined it up with her entrance, Roy shoved it home. She felt split completely in two. Thank goodness she was so wet. “Gennnnntttttllllllleeeee,” Amanda said through gritted teeth.

“This is a … nice … pussy, Mom.” Roy grabbed her wide hips and thrust in and out. Her pussy made a faint squelching sound. After a few thrusts, he was all the way in.

Several minutes later, Amanda finally looked up. In the mirror, she saw a wild-eyed woman with dark hair flinching with each lunge from the boy behind her. His semen clung to her chin. The cross around her neck bounced back and forth, hanging below her neck. Her new boobs shook inside her new bra, jiggling crazily every time he bottomed out. So deep. She grunted like an animal and looked over her shoulder. Her son had a frenzied look in his eyes, staring down at her backside. Sweat flowed down his forehead. She felt like they were indeed wild animals.

“What did … uh … uh … the pastor … tell you?” Roy could see the white froth from his mom’s pussy on his dick with every back thrust.

“I praise … His grace … I need no heaven … but what God … provides. Thank you … Jesus.” Amanda could barely get the words out. She looked back at the crazed woman in the mirror. In all her life, she’d never been so enslaved by pleasure. She wanted this act of mating to go on forever.

“Okay.” Roy watched Amanda’s face in the mirror. He could see the ecstasy and the loss of control etched on her pretty features. “Now say this … instead. ‘I praise … ah … my son’s dick. I need no heaven … but what Roy … provides my pussy. Thank you … Jesus.’”

“No.” Amanda shook her head. “Ooooohhhhhhhhh.” Her vagina spasmed on his penis. She was rocked by the most intense orgasm yet.

“Say it.” Roy pounded harder with long, punishing strokes. He could see the little muscles in her back under her bra strap tense each time he slammed home.

Amanda braced herself against the assault. When she’d recovered from her orgasm, she knew that she couldn’t deny her son anything. How had he gotten so good at this? How had she lived her whole life without knowing what sex could be like? “Oh, my gosh, Roy. I’ll say it.” Who was this woman in the mirror? “I praise my son’s penis … uh … uh … uh … I need no heaven … oooohhhhh … but what Roy … provides my vagina. Thank you … Jesus.”

“Dick and pussy, Mom.” Roy watched his mother surrender. “Say dick and pussy.”

“I need … dick … dick … dick … I need … no heaven … but what you … provide to my pussy … Roy. Oh, sweet Jesus.” And with that, a new, intense bliss spread from her core as Roy let loose a torrent in her pussy. As the rapture passed through her, she knew she was his.

They both still gasped for breath a few minutes later when Roy pulled out, turned her around, and sat her on the edge of the sink. He stood up on his toes and slammed his dick into her pussy. It was the first time he got it into a woman by himself without any hassle. Amanda squealed, unable to comprehend that a man wanted to put a third load inside her.

Roy buried his face in her bra covered boobs and began slow steady strokes.

“Mom? Mom, where are you?” Annie’s voice filtered in through the door.

Amanda frantically tried to push at Roy’s shoulders. “We have to stop.”

“No way.” Roy kept up his slow, steady pace. He grabbed the upper part of her butt and pressed her forward to meet his thrusts. He looked up at her contorted face.

“Okay.” Defeated, she looked down into his brown eyes. “But be quiet.”

“Sure.” He buried his face back in her cleavage and went about his business.

“I’m in here, darling,” Amanda called through the door. “Taking a shower.”

“Hey, Mom.” Annie’s voice was right out in the hall. “I’m going out with Bobby now.”

“Okay … Annie.” Amanda winced as she felt Roy’s penis push things around in her belly.

“See you later.” Annie’s voice faded as she ran down the stairs.

“Bye.” Amanda closed her eyes and let Roy do as he pleased.

“Say it, Mom.” Roy pushed himself all the way in and held his dick there. He could feel his mom’s pussy clutching at his dick.

“Your dick … is heaven … in my pussy.” Amanda put her arms around her boy’s shoulders. “Thank you, Jesus.”

“That’s good.” Roy pulled almost all the way out and slammed home. He controlled her with his hands. He dominated her with his words. And he possessed her with his dick. “I can’t believe … I didn’t want to fuck you … at first. You’re the best … uh … uh … pussy yet.”

“Oh, no. Roy, you … didn’t.” Amanda’s eyes went wide. She looked down at his messy, brown hair. The cross lay on her chest, just above his forehead. It was about as worthless in this situation as his father. It was a terrible thought that Roy had done this to other women. But the idea also sent her spiraling into another orgasm.

They had sex for another hour in the washroom. After he’d cum again, Roy turned on the hot water and they showered together, washing off all the sweat and cum staining their bodies.

Starving, they went downstairs and together made short work of the chocolate cake. Amanda then went about making dinner for her family, but Roy said he felt sleepy and turned in before six.

Amanda served Nathaniel a reheated dinner when he returned home later that night. Afterward, she took him to their bedroom to fulfill her marital duties. Unfortunately, she’d been so stretched by Roy, she could barely feel her husband. He made a comment about how sloppy she was down there, ejaculated, rolled over, and went to sleep. Amanda lay in bed next to her snoring husband, staring at the ceiling.


Axcix sent playful vibrations out in the water around her. She’d been pondering the outsiders for some time. They seemed to know something about her and her methods. This was … unexpected.

To solve this problem, she would need to do something unexpected herself. She had only the dominant species to use as her tools. Her makers were clear, she could not jeopardize the experiment by acting directly. Even to eliminate a threat.

The answer was in the question. She could use the experiment itself. The dominant species was the only mammal to have permanently enlarged breasts, one of the many strange anomalies of evolution on this planet. Axcix had expanded female breasts to lure males. But what if she used them further. She went to work programming her nanites for lactation. Such large, fatty mounds could be useful in many ways. The makers would understand this.

The dangerous outsiders had taken precautions against food, water, and young, local males. They had adapted to the experiment. But they may have failed to realize the experiment could adapt to them.


On Saturday morning, Mark and Donna Farmer were still recovering from the shock of their interview at the high school.

Mark lay in bed, thankful for a good night’s sleep. “And you remember all of it?” Mark couldn’t seem to recall key moments from the day before. About a minute or two into their third interview, Mark’s mind had wandered off into a pleasant dream about note taking.

“I remember every horrible second of it. You went farther away than Sputnik. And the boy, he became agitated and aggressive.” Donna didn’t have the heart to tell her husband that she’d become sexually excited. Maybe more so than at any point in their marriage. It took enormous will to pull herself out of that small room. “He dropped his shorts and exposed his … thing … to us.”

“How very strange.” Mark lay supine on the bed, still in his pajamas. “You did the right thing getting us out of there.”

“Of course I did.” Donna sat on the plush chair by the bed, still in her pajamas as well. She leaned forward and watched Mark closely, her lips pinched and her eyebrows drawn. “Mark, we need to leave this town. Today would be best.”

“No.” Mark shook his head and rubbed the stubble on his chin. “We cannot walk away from this.” He turned his head on the pillow and looked at her. “My lady, we must further our knowledge.”

“This is not a game, Mark.” Donna’s green eyes, large behind her black-framed glasses, were sharp and piercing.

“I know. It is a quest for scientific knowledge.” Mark sat up and rested his head on the headboard. “We’ll stay at least until we meet the Lannit kid on Monday. He’s observing the town for us as we speak. If you still want to leave after that, we can revisit the idea then. Okay, my lady?”

“Fine.” Donna folded her arms over her chest. “My lord.” Her lips tightened into a fine line.

“And one more thing.” Mark’s eyes shone bright with earnest sincerity. “If I should happen to fall into another somnambulatory state, I’d like you to leave me in a safe place.”

“Leave you?” Donna’s cheeks blanched.

“If you are not being accosted or otherwise in jeopardy.” Mark nodded slowly. “I would like you to leave me and investigate further. The trancelike state is most likely tied to some other event in the scheme of … of … this presence.” He nodded. “I promise if you do this and we get interesting findings, I will be satisfied with our investigation and we can leave Portsmith. Yes? This is a once in a lifetime opportunity. We can’t let Dr. Cobb get all the glory.”

“I do not like it,” Donna said. “But if there is no danger, and you are … not responding, I will look into it further.”

“Thank you, my lady.” Mark moved to the edge of the bed. “Now, how about breakfast?”

Donna nodded. She was very hungry.


Amanda busied herself in the kitchen all morning. She made breakfast for Annie and Nathaniel, but Roy slept in. What Roy had done to her in the pink washroom was so out of this world. He’d managed to pull some trigger in her brain. As she gathered her ingredients together for cookies, her mind replayed the hours-long scene in her head over and over again. Such a tool as Roy possessed was fit for mating a wild beast, not a petite mother and wife. Yet, she had taken it. Taken every inch down her throat and vagina. And thanked Jesus for it.

The cross had been a failure, but she kept it around her neck. Not to deter anymore of her son’s advances, but because it reminded her of looking at herself in the mirror. The mad, grunting woman with wide eyes, gritted teeth, and dark hair. She’d had her son’s seed splattered on her face. Her round breasts had bounded up and down under her bra. And the silver cross had swung as it dangled from her neck. Amanda shivered thinking about that sin and walked over to the oven. She turned the dial and started the preheating. She loved her husband, and the last thing she wanted to do was break their marriage vows. Again.

No, no. Amanda shook her head as she walked back to the counter and added flour to her mixing bowl. Even though she loved her husband, the actual last thing she wanted to do was live her life without filling herself with Roy’s monster gadget again. Her body longed for it. With the spatula, Amanda finished mixing the dry ingredients.

“Nathaniel, dear. Are you here?” Amanda called out in a loud voice.

“I’m in the study, dear.” Her husband’s voice carried back across the house.

“Darn it to heck,” she whispered under her breath. Sometimes on Saturday mornings he’d sneak off to work. Amanda wanted him out of the house. “Annie, darling?” Amanda called.

“Here, Mom.” Annie stepped into the kitchen. “But I’m just about to leave. Bobby Connors is picking me up.” Annie was dressed in one of her poodle skirts. Above, she wore a modest, green blouse and a green headband to hold back her wavy brown hair.

“Well, you look nice.” Amanda set down the spatula and wiped her hands on her apron. “You’ve been seeing a lot of the Connors’ boy.” She untied the apron and pulled it over her head. Having only Nathaniel in the house was good enough and the cookies would have to wait. A wave of excitement and anticipation swept through her. She placed the apron on the counter.

“We’re going steady, Mom.” Annie gave her mom a quizzical look. She looked distracted and a little harried. She looked a bit sweaty too.

“Yes, Annie.” Amanda walked over to her daughter and shooed her toward the front door. “Be good. Now off you go.”

“But he’s not here yet.” Just as the words left Annie’s mouth, a car horn sounded out front. “Oh, cool. Bye, Mom.” Annie turned with a twirl of her skirt and ran down the front hall. A second later the sound of the door slamming filled the house.

“Right,” Amanda whispered to herself. “This is it.” She walked to the study and peered in. “Hello, Nathaniel. I just wanted to tell you that I’ll be busy … um … for a few minutes.” She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand.

Nathaniel sat at his desk, eyes fixed at the ledger open before him.

“Did you hear me?” Amanda put her hands on her ever-expanding hips. “Nathaniel?”

Her husband just stared at his ledger.

“Okay, dear.” Amanda watched the back of his head. “I’ll bring you some cookies in an hour or so. Love you.”

He didn’t move.

Fine. This was fine. He was in one of his moods and he wouldn’t bother her. Amanda quietly shut the study door and rushed for the stairs. Her heart thumped in her chest and her pink dress trailed behind her as she took the stairs two at a time. She stepped down the hall and opened Roy’s door.

Loud snoring filled the bedroom. She closed the door behind her, locked it, and looked around. The curtains were drawn and the room was a murky dark. Roy had taken down his childhood posters a few years ago and replaced them with teenage art. This meant posters of ladies. Space ladies, with ray-guns and spherical glass helmets. Cowgirl ladies, with six-shooters and sheriff badges. Surf ladies, with boards and wood-paneled cars. And others ladies too. All with curves and striking feminine features. Amanda wondered how she stacked up against these women. She looked down at her large breasts tucked into her new bullet bra and concluded that she compared well.

“Roy?” Amanda walked over to the bed, keeping her eyes on the poster ladies. It occurred to her, for the first time, that he must masturbate with his enormous gadget while looking at those posters. The thought would have horrified her a week ago, but now it sent little butterflies flapping in her stomach. “Roy?”

Roy snored on.

“Wake up, sleepy head.” Amanda reached down and pulled the blanket off Roy. She sucked in her breath.

Roy slept naked, his penis fully into its morning wood. The hard manhood rested on his chubby belly, the knobby head so dark and livid.

“Well, okay then.” Amanda exhaled and rubbed her hands together to warm them up. She climbed up onto the bed and crawled between Roy’s legs. She looked down at those improbably large testicles and bent down on all fours to get a closer look. Little purple veins branched all over the rough flesh. She opened her mouth, reached out her tongue, and licked the left ball. It was salty and the substance of it sent a thrill through her. She licked again, trailing her tongue over to the other testicle. Before long, the right ball filled up her mouth.

“Mom?” Roy propped himself up on his elbows and watched Amanda suck at his balls. The way she stretched her back, with her butt up in the air, was truly a sight to see. The sweep of her spine, the flare of her hips, and the roundness of her ass were all so inviting. “Yeah, keep doing that.”

“Mmmmmmmmmhhhhh.” Amanda reached up with her left and stroked his penis. Her little hand struggled with its girth.

“Where’s Dad and Annie?” Roy didn’t really care, but it seemed like something he should worry about.

Amanda released the testicle with a little plop. “Annie’s out with her boyfriend.” Amanda raised her shoulders up, extending her arms so she could look down on Roy’s penis as she manipulated it. “Your father is in his study.”

“Oh, shit.” Roy smiled. “The old man’s downstairs?”

“Language, Roy.” Amanda looked up into his eyes and nodded. “Yes, so be quiet.” She then lowered her mouth down onto the head. The electrifying sensation of his precum hit her tongue. She bobbed her head up and down.

“Sorry, Mom.” Roy leaned his head back on the pillow. “Who do you love more? Me or him?”

“Gggggghhhhhhhh.” Amanda gagged a little as she lowered her head further on his shaft. Another hit of the precum relaxed her muscles.

“Aaahhhhh, Mom. Your … throat’s so tight.” Roy was already so close.

“Ggghhhpppphhhhh.” She managed to get her nose down to the base. She moved her head up and down, making love to this savage tool with her mouth in long, wet strokes.

“Shit, Mom.” Roy grabbed the sheet in clenched fists. “Take it. Aaaaaaahhhhhhhh.” He spewed down her throat. The sound of her urgent gulps heightened his orgasm even more.

The world spun and stars danced before Amanda’s eyes. She was orgasming again from drinking his semen. She swallowed again and again, not wanting to waste a drop, feeling the liquid fill her stomach. After a minute, she pulled her head away. A lone strand of cum spanned the distance from her lips to his penis and then broke. “Thank you, Jesus.” Amanda sat back on her heels and let go of Roy’s gadget. It flopped back on his belly.

“Thank you, Mom.” Roy had his eyes closed, still clutching the sheet.

“Okay.” Amanda crawled off the bed. She wanted more, but knew better than to press her luck. This was good enough for now. She stood and looked down at her son. “I’ve got breakfast for you downstairs. It’s time to get up and start the day.” Her whole body tingled, and she felt so alive. Amanda turned to the door, but then looked back at him over her shoulder. “Oh, and I’m baking cookies. Come and get them while they’re warm.” She turned and walked to the door.

“Sure.” Roy turned his head and watched her butt sway as she left. She opened the door and disappeared. Roy wanted more. Much more.


Patrick called David late Saturday morning. He wanted his help as he rode his bike around town and looked for clues.

David agreed. He wanted to get out of the house. His mom had been avoiding him, and he couldn’t talk to her with his dad around. Standing in the kitchen, holding the phone, he looked over at his mother as she busied herself at the sink. He wanted to pick her up and carry her off. But that was impossible, so it was better to spend the day away.

Next, Patrick called Roy and asked for his help too.

Roy thought about Patrick’s offer. He hemmed and he hawed. Eventually Roy said no, he had other things to do.

Patrick didn’t like the sound of Roy’s voice as he hung up the phone. His fat friend had taken on a tone Patrick knew. It was how Roy spoke when he was trying to be devious.

Patrick ate a late breakfast in the kitchen, gave his mom a chaste peck on the cheek, and walked toward the front door.

“Don’t forget your sister will be here for dinner,” Susy called after him. “Be home before five.”

“Okay, Mom.” Patrick tried to hide the exasperation in his voice. Seeing Sally and her new husband, Jack, was not a priority when he had so much to do. But he was a good son and brother, so he’d be home by five. Until then, he would prove his worth as an investigator. Who knew what they’d find?


Later that day, Roy dropped his bike on Patrick’s front lawn. He was sure his friend would be off looking into his stupid mysteries by now. Roy was already sweaty from the ride over, but he did some jumping jacks down the front walk anyway. He stepped up and rang the doorbell.

The front door opened and there was Susy Lannit. Roy thought of the women he’d been with. He loved his own mom and had come to see her as very pretty. David’s mom was pretty too. Caroline Rodgers was a real doll. But Susy Lannit was the town beauty. With her high cheekbones, almond eyes, and the cute little cleft on her chin, she looked like an angel. Then, of course, there was her tall, voluptuous body which was less angel and more devil. As she blinked her deep, brown eyes at Roy, he looked her up and down. She wore a green and white circle skirt, and a too-small white blouse.

“Hello, Roy.” Susy felt quite uncomfortable all of sudden. One minute she’d been reading Good Housekeeping, the next she was staring at Patrick’s sweaty friend. Her vagina seemed to think it was intimate time with her husband. It wasn’t. “I’m … afraid you just missed Pat. You might … um … try the library.”

“Oh, damn.” Roy tried to look disappointed.

“Language, young man.” Susy frowned. She felt a bit light-headed. A raw, unctuous scent floated into her house. She couldn’t quite place it. She knew at once she hated it, but at the same time it was ingratiating itself with her body.

“Sorry, Mrs. Lannit.” Roy looked up. This was a delicate moment. Once she invited him in, it would be game over. “It’s just that I rode all the way over here. Could I please have a glass of water before riding over to the library?”

“Well … sure … that would be fine.” Susy opened the door wider and beckoned him in. She turned and walked down the front hall toward the kitchen.

“Say, Mrs. Lannit?” Roy stepped into the house and closed the door behind him. A little crescent of a smirk played on his red, sweaty face.

“Yes, Roy?” Susy looked back at him.

Roy couldn’t believe he was about to stretch out this absolute doll. The arc of her back, the subtle curve of her shoulders, the sway of her hips, and the sumptuous swell of her ass. It was almost too much. “I was wondering, is Mr. Lannit here?”

“No.” Susy shook her head and turned into the kitchen. “It seems golf is the new way to get ahead in the business world. He got up early to get out on the course.” Susy walked across the kitchen, grabbed a glass from the cabinet above, and moved to the sink.

“Oh.” Roy followed her into the kitchen. He stopped in the middle of the black and white linoleum floor and dropped his pants and underwear. Even after the blowjob from his mom earlier, he was hard as a rock. His dick jutted out in front of him. “Golf seems interesting.”

“It’s not.” Susy filled up the glass at the tap.

“Whatever you say, Mrs. Lannit.” Roy watched her delicate, slender arms work at the sink. His eyes moved up to her face as she turned to offer him the glass of water in her right hand. He needed to see the shock and confusion in those gorgeous eyes.

“Golf takes hours to play. And I’d rather spend time …” Susy froze when she saw the boy half naked with his out-of-proportion member sticking out in front of him. Her eyes went wide and her left hand went to cover her mouth. “Goodness, gracious. What … are you doing?” Her vagina had been leaking before, but now she felt a flood down there. She could not fathom why her body was responding to this rude, distasteful boy.

“Come and get it, Mrs. Lannit.” Roy’s smile broadened.

Susy stepped toward him. It was hard to think straight. “You are …” She took another step. “You are …” One more step. She was right in front of him now, staring down into his smarmy eyes. She gathered her strength. “You are … a vile boy, Roy Ackerman.” She splashed the water from the glass into his face. “Get out.” She didn’t care what her confused body said, this was wrong in every way possible.

Roy winced when the cold water hit him. “But … you want –”

“Nothing from you.” Susy slapped him with her left hand across his fat, right cheek. “Get out.”

“What?” Roy looked up her with shock and confusion. “I thought –”

Susy slapped him again. The smacking sound resounded around the kitchen. “Out.”

“Sorry.” Roy hurriedly pulled up his underwear and pants, tucking his dick under the waistband. He retreated down the front hall, opened the door, and ran toward his bike.

“And stay out.” Susy followed him to the front door and leaned out, glaring at Roy’s backside. “And … I don’t want you to see Pat anymore. He’s not … your friend.” Susy slammed the door and leaned her back up against it. Her breasts rose and fell as she struggled for breath. Was every teenager so grossly proportioned nowadays?

After she caught her breath, Susy went upstairs, calmly removed her clothes, and masturbated herself to climax. She hadn’t done such a thing since before marriage, but she just couldn’t help herself. The whole time, all she could think of was young, hard penises.

Chapter 6

Roy arrived home in tears. How could Mrs. Lannit have treated him like that? He was a sobbing, sweaty mess as he stumbled down the front hall.

“Roy, darling?” Amanda put down her magazine and stood up from the couch. Above her, the ceiling vibrated as Annie listened to her rock-and-roll on a record player. “What’s wrong?” Amanda straightened her new housedress and walked out in the front hall. Roy’s distinctive odor hit her like a freight train. Her vagina dripped. The association between that smell and Roy’s magical semen had firmly linked itself in her brain. Amanda knew immediately what she had to do.

“A … girl … Mom,” Roy said between sobs. “She was mean … to me.” Roy’s hair was a mess, his eyes red, his chest heaved up and down, and the faint pink outline of fingers covered one cheek.

“Did someone hit you?” Amanda pulled him into an embrace, cradling his head against her bosom.

“She … did.” Roy couldn’t stop his tears. He might be eighteen, but he could still cry like a baby.

“There, there.” Amanda stroked his hair. She put her arm around his shoulders and led him toward the back of the house. “I know how to cheer you up. Would you like something special?” She pulled him into her husband’s study and closed and locked the door behind them.

“Where’s Dad?” Roy looked around the study. His father’s ledger sat open on the desk.

“After he roused himself from his morning stupor, he left for the office. Your father thinks the house is making him sleepy.” Amanda unbuttoned her dress, pulled it over her head, and carefully placed it on the back of the chair. “But your sister got home about an hour ago. I never thought I’d say it, but thank goodness she listens to that infernal racket.” Amanda’s black ponytail danced as she quickly undressed. Her pale skin looked milky in the dim light of the study. She reached behind her and unclasped her bra. “Would you like to see my boobies?” She held the unhooked bra to her boobs with both hands.

“Yes, please.” Roy wiped at his drying eyes with the back of his hand.

“It’s nice to see you smile, darling.” Amanda dropped her bra to the floor and lowered her arms to her sides. Her breasts hung high on her chest, a clear rejection of gravity. Her nipples were small and dark. The alabaster skin easily showed the blue veins that ran all over her breasts. “Do these make you feel better?”

“Yes, Mom.” Roy looked her up and down. He unbuttoned his pants, lowered them, and kicked them to the corner of his dad’s office. He pulled off his briefs and tossed them. They landed on a bronze statue of a bird on the bookshelf behind him.

“Promise me you won’t do it inside, and you can have your fun.” Amanda stood only in her black panties and kitten heels, her hips cocked slightly to the right. The silver cross hung from its chain just above her boobs. She pulled off her panties, picked up her bra, and placed both on top of her dress. “Promise?” Amanda turned her back to Roy, leaned forward, and placed her hands on either side of Nathaniel’s ledger.

“Okay, I promise.” Roy only halfway meant it. He stepped up behind her, grabbed his dick, and guided it in. She was wet, and he felt himself slide in with one long, smooth stroke.

“Oh, my gosh. Roy … it’s like you’ve got a baseball bat back there.” Amanda lowered her hips a little and braced for the onslaught.

“Have you had sex with Dad since we did it in the washroom?” Roy gripped her wide hips with both hands and started with easy strokes. He looked down to see her pink lips stretching and tightly hugging his fat dick.

“Yes.” Amanda’s ponytail bobbed as she nodded. She stared down at the boring ledger that absorbed so much of Nathaniel’s time. All those tiresome numbers.

“Was it the same?” Roy felt a little hot with his sweater still on, but he figured a little extra sweat wouldn’t hurt. “Was his little weenie the same after I stretched you out?”

“Oh, gosh … oh … oh … no. It wasn’t, darling. It was too small.” Amanda’s legs trembled uncontrollably. She was about to have her first orgasm. Amanda shrieked as electric sparks flew around her body. The music upstairs continued to shake the ceiling. The pounding downstairs shook Nathaniel’s desk.

“I’m … the man … of the house … now,” Roy said in between animalistic grunts. “Right, Mom?”

“Oh … no …” What should Amanda say? Roy wasn’t replacing her husband. They were just enjoying a new dimension to their relationship. Amanda looked down at her flopping boobs, banging up against the cross. She was a long way off from the sanctity of Pastor Neilson’s office.

“What, Mom?”

“I … ah … ah … ah … love your father.” Amanda gritter her teeth. To use a cliché, it was as if she’d lived her whole life in black and white, and God had suddenly shown her color. Sex before this wasn’t comparable. Life after this week would never be the same. “And … I love … you.”

“I … love … you … too … Mom.” Roy punctuated each word by bottoming out hard in her pussy. “Now take it. Aaaaahhhhhhh.” Roy let loose inside her.

“No, Rooooooooyyyyyyyyy.” Amanda’s face twisted and she contorted as the rapture passed through her. Little droplets of spittle and sweat sprayed across that dull old ledger.

Roy kept himself buried in her from behind. He reached around her and groped at her large, firm titties. It was the first time he’d touched a bare breast. They stood like that for several minutes.

“Now, Roy, please pull out. We can’t … keep …” Amanda felt that giant gadget slide back and forth again. How to satisfy that boy? “We can’t … do … it … that way.” Amanda reached behind her and pushed at his hips. She carefully dislodged him and grasped his tool with her left hand. “I sometimes do this … for your father.” She angled his penis up a little and slowly guided him into her butthole. “Gentle … darling. You really are … getting a special … treat.”

“Wow. Thanks, Mom.” Roy returned his hands to her hips. He couldn’t believe she’d let him do her in the butt. His dick looked incredible disappearing between her cheeks.

That afternoon, Roy came two more times, both in Amanda’s ass. Afterward, Amanda waddled off to get cleaned off, happy she had cheered up her son. Roy watched her round bottom vanish past the doorway, his cum still dripping out of her.

Upstairs, Annie danced and listened to her music. She hadn’t heard any of the shrieking going on in the Ackerman study that afternoon.


The government car pulled out of the hotel parking lot, leaving behind the stash of bottled water and food from many miles away. Gertrude watched the automobile disappear behind some shrubbery as it headed for the interstate highway. She stood rigid, in her sensible shoes, on the balcony. Her formal, tweed swing dress fluttering a little in the breeze. She’d very much like to be on the interstate herself, traveling far away from Portsmith. There was danger here. Even the government people seemed to underappreciate their perilous position.

“Want some lunch, Dr. Cobb?” One of the government spooks stepped out onto the balcony, holding a newly delivered sandwich.

“Yes, thank you, Reynolds.” She reached out a delicate, pale hand and took the food. She was grateful not to experience the hunger that many of this town’s good citizens, infected as they might be, had complained about. “I think we should cancel our interviews at the schools.”

“Ma’am?” Reynolds hid his blue eyes behind dark sunglasses. His narrow-brimmed hat placed slightly askew on his head.

“Based on our findings so far, I think we should steer clear of the youth.” Gertrude gave the grim man a faint, humorless smile. “Especially male youth.”

“They don’t scare me.” Reynolds didn’t like this little scientist. Or the fact he had to take her orders. But those were the breaks when you took on the odd cases.

“No?” Gertrude turned her head to look back out in the direction the car had vanished, her blonde ponytail swished behind her. “I’m sure if it came to fisticuffs, you could take on all comers. But remember my warning about incapacitating airborne chemicals. Even with our precautions, I’m not sure we’re immune.” She nodded to herself. “Set up some interviews with older women. That should be safer territory. And make arrangements for blood draws.”

“Airborne chemicals.” Reynolds thin line of a mouth tightened so much it almost vanished. “Sounds like the Soviets. Let’s call in Langley.”

“This is not a red scare.” Gerturde shook her head, still not looking back at the man. “And most of my conclusions are preliminary.” She carefully unwrapped the sandwich and took a bite. “When we know more, we’ll call it in, or pack up and go home.”

“Sure thing, ma’am. Whatever you say.” Reynolds turned back into the hotel room to fetch his own sandwich. Not for the first time, he considered whether the good doctor was more than a little looney.


“How embarrassing.” Susy walked next to her friend Linda in the Sears department store in the big city. The two women had first tried the local Woolworths, but the store was poorly stocked on larger sizes. And both women needed larger sizes, particularly around the bust and the hips. So, they made the drive out to Sears.

“Don’t fret, Susy.” Linda looked over at her tall, shapely friend. “I have no doubt they’ll fit us up fine and we’ll look just as elegant as ever.”

“Of course, sugar. This is Sears. They’ll take care of us. I just wish the local stores would fit me.” Susy put her hands under her boobs and gave them a quick lift to emphasize her point. She dropped her hands and rolled her eyes at Linda.

“’Temporarily out of stock,’ they said. They’ll have our sizes soon, I’m sure.” Linda nodded her head with enthusiasm and her blonde hair bobbed with her. “Anyway, let’s have fun shopping.”

The women found a pair of salesladies to help them and reserved two changing rooms right next to each other. That way they could talk while they tried on clothes. Linda was the first into her changing room. She peeled off her tight green dress.

“Mrs. Riles, could I come in for a second? I’d like to get a measurement without your dress.” It was the young saleslady from outside the curtain. “My measurements seem a bit off.”

“Of course.” Linda wore no bra, but she had her panties on. She wasn’t feeling particularly bashful. She looked down at her left wrist, where she wore the cross Pastor Neilson had given her on a slender silver bracelet. She knew the Lord wouldn’t mind if a young woman saw her naked. She needed the measurements after all. “Come in, Ms. …”

“I’m Ms. Olivia Green.” The saleslady deftly slipped past the curtain so that no one could see in. Her eyes widened when she gazed upon the bare beauty of the blonde housewife. They were about the same height, but that’s where the comparisons stopped. Linda boasted exquisite, heavy breasts that dangled out before her. Her waist was narrow and her hips wide. Olivia was narrow all the way down. A slight woman with a girlish figure. She tried to not to stare at the woman. “I … I … brought my tape measure.”

“Wonderful.” Linda gave her a wide smile. “Let’s get those measurements right.” Suddenly, butterflies flapped in Linda’s stomach. She had the distinct feeling that this woman was an outsider and needed to be tamed. The feeling of impending conquest sent a quick shiver down her spine. What odd thoughts to have. She blinked her eyes and looked down at the bracelet on her wrist. She couldn’t remember the words Pastor Neilson had wanted her to say. The cross would have to be good enough on its own to ward off the devil.

“Um … okay.” Olivia stepped toward the older woman with nervous hesitation. Was she overdressed in her heels and circle dress? Olivia felt so odd standing next to this curvy, naked woman. She looked down at Linda’s large pink nipples, with her large areola that pointed slightly to either side. Small drops of milk dribbled down each boob. “Oh, it looks like we’ll need to get you some nursing pads too. Congratulations on the baby.”

“Baby?” Linda’s pulse beat in her ears. She was suddenly dealing with the urge to grab this mouse of a woman. Instead she reached her right hand for the cross and let her fingers slide across the cool metal. “What?” Her eyes trailed down to her own breasts. Sure enough, little droplets of milk formed around her nipples.

“Well, let me just get you measured, then we can get –” Olivia’s body coursed with sudden panic as Linda’s hands reached for her shoulders and head, roughly pulling her toward those enormous breasts.

“Sssshhhhhhh.” In one swift motion, Linda snatched the girl and sat down on the cushioned bench behind her. She cradled Olivia’s head and shoulders on her lap and forced the young woman’s mouth onto her left nipple.

Olivia tensed, struggled for a split second, but when the sweet, warm liquid hit her tongue and her body relaxed. It was the best thing she’d ever tasted. Olivia forgot about the changing room, the measurements, and even her commission. Her mouth moved of its own volition, sucking and gulping down milk.

Axcix did not have drones in the big city. But if the alien could have seen the two women, she would have been quite proud of her work. This was a novel way to spread the nanites. The makers would be proud.

“Gggghhhmmmm.” Olivia’s eyes rolled and her body shook for a few seconds. She hadn’t known there was pleasure like this on Earth.

“That’s it.” Linda stroked the girl’s brown hair with her left hand. She wanted nothing more than to feed Olivia. “Sssshhhhhhhh.” The cross caught the light and flashed at her. Was this part of God’s plan? Linda wasn’t so sure, but if Pastor Neilson’s protective cross allowed it to pass, it might be okay.

Olivia hung half off the bench. Linda reached down and pulled her so that the lower half of Olivia’s body curled on the bench next to Linda, while she continued to suckle. They were now both more comfortable.

“One more thing.” Linda looked down at the woman’s slim hips. She reached with her right hand and pulled Olivia’s dress up to her waist. She then lifted Olivia’s right leg so that her knee was in the air and her panties were exposed. Linda pulled those panties to the side, revealing a dark triangle of hair. “I’m sorry, Ms. Green, but I need to do this.” Linda’s fingers found their way in between Olivia’s vaginal lips. She was slick and ready. Linda inserted two fingers into Olivia and started pumping.

“Rrrrrrmmmmmnnnnn,” Olivia said around the large nipple. Her eyes opened wide and then shut as she let this housewife do as she pleased. The thought slipped into her mind that she was drinking another woman’s milk and committing lesbianism. Both those acts were unthinkable minutes before. But now … Everything felt so good. She opened her legs a little wider for Linda. Olivia was building up to a mighty orgasm.

“You in there, Linda?” Susy’s voice carried through and around the thin partition wall between the two changing rooms. “They certainly aren’t out of stock here. I have a mountain of clothes to try on. How are you faring?”

“I’m good.” With her left hand, Linda pushed Olivia’s head more firmly onto her boob. Olivia startled when they heard Susy’s voice, but quickly relaxed and continued sucking and gulping. Linda rhythmically thrust her fingers in and out of Olivia’s vagina. She’d never before done this to another woman. “Just … trying on something new.”

“Great.” Susy peeled off her old dress. She never wanted to wear the constricting thing again. “How’s it fit?”

“It fits …” Linda looked down as Olivia started to shake and moan. She kept Olivia’s mouth pressed firmly against her boob to quiet her. “… really well.”

Olivia was going to cum like an erupting volcano. She rocked her hips against the hand between her legs. “Mmmmmmmmhhhhhhgggghhhhh.” Her pussy gushed around those invading fingers. Olivia was certain no one had ever felt anything as magical as the orgasm that ripped its way through her.

“Did you say something, sugar?” Susy cocked her head quizzically at the wall. She caught sight of her own naked form in the mirror. She turned sideways and gazed at how her breasts now hung out from her chest. She sighed. Those boobies were going to make everything harder, from housecleaning to driving.

“Nothing.” Linda looked in the mirror in her own changing room. There she sat, mostly naked, with a young woman writhing in her lap. She trusted in Jesus, what with the cross resting on Olivia’s hair, but this did seem more than a little strange. She had conquered this woman and now the need to feed her started to subside. “How’s your day?” It was a dumb question, but Linda’s brain was occupied.

“I’m glad you asked.” Susy slipped into the first dress. It was wonderful to fit into something. “The Ackermans’ boy came to my house today.”

“Roy?” That got Linda’s attention. That was the boy that had so defiled her. Linda removed her hand from Olivia’s vagina. The woman was done with her orgasm, but still greedily drunk Linda’s unlikely milk.

“Yes, the fat one.” Susy nodded into the mirror. That dress was a keeper. She pulled it off and tried on the next one. “He was as rude as he’s ever been. He even propositioned me.”

Linda’s right hand was covered in Olivia’s juices. “What did you do?” She didn’t know how to clean up her hand. With her left hand, Linda pulled Olivia off her boob and looked into the young woman’s dark eyes. Linda brought her left index finger to her lips, telling the woman to keep quiet. She then brought her right hand to Olivia’s pretty mouth and slid the wet fingers past her lips.

It was clear to Olivia that this woman wanted her to clean the cum off her fingers. In her dazed state, she complied, opening her mouth and licking and sucking each finger in turn. She’d never tasted her own pussy before. Add it to a growing list of firsts.

“I slapped him and told him his friendship with Pat was over.” Susy liked the second dress too.

“Oh.” Linda wished she’d done the same to Roy. “That was good.” Her hand now licked clean, Linda stood up and pulled Olivia to her feet. “My measurements are fine. Please find me some nursing pads and some new bras.” She patted the woman on the rump and sent her out of changing room.

“Yes, Mrs. Riles.” Olivia looked back at the naked woman with longing, but dutifully slipped out of the changing room. How had life taken such a drastic turn?

“What was that, Linda?” Susy move on to trying bras. She fastened the straps in the back. It felt so good to be adequately supported.

“Just the saleslady. I sent her on the hunt for some roomy brassieres.” Linda slipped into the first dress waiting for her. It fit pretty good.

The two friends spent the rest of the afternoon talking and trying on clothes. Linda tried not to think about what she’d done to the saleslady. Especially, when she felt the urge to do the same to other people she encountered. Deep down she felt that these big city folk were from another place and needed to be conquered. Needed to be fed. But God had decided that Olivia was enough for one day.

Olivia went home that night, her mind a whirlwind. She had cheated on her boyfriend with a much older woman. And she had loved it. When she walked in the front door, she realized she was hungry. So very hungry.


Patrick and David rode their bikes all over town that Saturday, looking for some clue as the meteorite’s influence. It was getting late and they hadn’t found anything yet. Patrick needed to get home to dinner with his big sister, Sally.

David turned his bicycle to cut across a lawn by the Gooden residence. Ralph Gooden had graduated from high school the year before, but he still lived at home. He had been on the basketball team, so David knew him.

“Wait.” Patrick skidded his bike to a stop behind the house. From this angle, they could see the back windows on both stories of the house; bedrooms upstairs and the kitchen and living room downstairs. This was usually a private view for the Goodens, except when someone was cutting across their back lawn. “That’s Mrs. Gooden, right?” Patrick was looking through the big picture window in one of the bedrooms.

David made a U-turn, stopped next to Patrick, and looked up at the house. “Yeah, it is.” Roberta Gooden was a demure woman, wearing a housedress that looked like it belonged to a much smaller lady. Her blonde hair was spread around her head wildly as she pressed her back against the closed bedroom door. “What’s she doing?”

“Seems odd right?” Patrick looked over at David and then back to the house. He was just in time to see the door push open behind her, sending the poor woman stumbling into the bedroom. “Is that?” A tall naked form stalked into the room after her. Roberta turned and held up her hands in front of her. Patrick wished they could hear them. The tall figure had quite the enormous boner.

“Yes, that’s Ralph.” David watched in amazement.

Ralph walked up to his mother and pushed her hands out of the way. Roberta shook her head and took another few steps backward, but Ralph reached down and swept her up into an embrace that took her feet off the ground. He pressed his lips to hers. Patrick and Ralph watched her struggle at first, but then go limp in his arms. After a few minutes, she placed her arms around Ralph’s shoulders and actively kissed him back.

“What the heck?” Patrick got off his bike and stood next to it, squirming as he fought with a dick that wanted to inflate in his pants.

“He’s going to do her.” David also got off his bike, struggling with the same thing as Patrick. “Right there in her bedroom.” This was not the revelation for David that it was for Patrick, since he had done something similar to his mother.

Ralph put her down and roughly disrobed Roberta. The onlookers got a nice view of her sizable tits and ass. Ralph picked his mother back up in the air and turned her upside down. He buried his face in her pussy. Without missing a beat, Roberta grabbed his dick and pulled the head up into her mouth.

Both Patrick and David’s jaws dropped.

“Sweet Jesus,” Patrick shook his head. “Should we help her?”

“No,” David whispered. Although, whispering wasn’t going to do them any good. With the windows closed, the couple couldn’t hear them. But if the Goodens looked outside, the boys would have been spotted. Even so, David’s feet didn’t move. “It looks like she likes it.”

“Wow. You’re right. I didn’t know that kind of sex existed?” Patrick was a virgin, and he had often thought about what sex might be like, but he’d never imagined the act he was watching.

“Me either.” David was taking mental notes for the next time he could get his mother alone.

“Hey, Dave.” Patrick’s eyes were fixed on the mutual oral behind the picture window.

“Yeah?” David tucked his dick under his waistband.

“Have you had … you know … sex?”

“Yes. But not like them,” David said.

“Oh, okay.”

Ralph turned Roberta right side up facing him and held her under her knees. She reached down and fed his cock into her exposed pussy. She started bouncing up and down with long, jerking thrusts.

“Holy shit.” Patrick had a notebook in his backpack for clues. He thought he should be writing things down as he watched, but he didn’t want to take his eyes off the action. And was this really the kind of thing he could share with the investigators? He didn’t know. “Have you done that position?”

“Yes.” David thought back to holding his mom up in the air and punishing her pussy. He needed to do that again.

The boys watched in silence for a while, shifting their weight from one foot to the other. Their pants were uncomfortably tight.

Ralph pulled Roberta off his dick and held her up in the air. Her hips continued moving like she was still getting pumped. He turned her upside down again, still facing him, and lowered her head to the floor. Roberta supported herself with arms. While holding her hips, Ralph slid his dick back into her pussy. Roberta bent her legs and let him pound her upside down.

“Holy moly,” Patrick said. “You ever done that position?” Patrick was pretty sure that he was too weak and skinny to have standing sex, let alone upside-down standing sex. But David could probably pull it off.

“Not like that.” David started to feel uneasy. They were pressing their luck standing out in the open. “Maybe we should go.”

Ralph pulled out of Roberta’s vagina again and lifted her into the air. He tossed her gently onto her bed, turned her around, and mounted her from behind. The way Roberta’s blonde hair tossed about, it was obvious to anyone she was in the throes of ecstasy.

“Yeah, okay.” Patrick turned and walked his bicycle past David over the lawn. It was awkward going and there was no way he could ride the thing with his stiffy. “Say, Dave, who’s the girl you had sex with? You never told me.” Patrick frowned, thinking his friend usually told him everything.

“Sorry, Pat.” David took one last look at the Gooden home and walked his bike next to Patrick. “It’s … it’s just a little embarrassing.” It was also probably a clue. Seeing Ralph and Roberta was too much of a coincidence given what was happening with his own mother. Either they were really lucky to see it, or that sort of thing was happening all over town. Even though he knew it would help Patrick with his mystery, David couldn’t bring himself to tell his best friend. “Maybe I’ll tell you about her later.”

“Oh.” Patrick kept his eyes down on the green grass. “Okay. I understand.” But he didn’t understand. Even if the girl was a dog, he wouldn’t judge his friend for it. They passed the lawn and reached the dirt trail on the other side. One way was David’s home, the other Patrick’s. “I gotta head home. Sally’s coming for dinner. Thanks for helping me out today.” He was soft enough now that he felt he could mount the bike. He got on and pedaled off without so much as a wave.

“Okay,” David called after him. “See you soon.” He waved, but Patrick never made eye contact. Oh well. He’d smooth it over with his friend later. Now it was time to head home and face Linda. He gingerly got on his bicycle and rode home.


When Patrick arrived home, he was a sweaty mess. They had spent too much time watching Roberta Gooden succumb to her son. Now Patrick was late for dinner.

Patrick snuck into the house and entered the kitchen. Sneaking in wasn’t a very good plan, he was late, whether he was silent or not and Susy was sure to notice.

Susy worked in the kitchen by herself, putting the finishing touches on dinner. There was a casserole sitting out and she mixed together a chef’s salad. “Patrick Lannit. You’re late.” Susy looked up from her work when she spotted her son. “Everyone’s in the dining room. We’re all waiting for you.” She lowered her eyebrows and glared.

“Sorry, Mom.” Patrick hung his head.

“Come here. You’re filthy.” Susy grabbed a dishtowel and soaked it under the faucet. “Let’s get you cleaned … up.” She turned back to her son as he walked up to her. She could tell he was clearly abashed. Her nose tingled and her body suddenly felt quite strange. He smelled of teenage boy, and a day spent in the autumn breeze, and something darker, too. Her vagina gave a quick spasm. She ignored it. “Now what sort of mischief have you been getting into?” She looked down into his sweet face and dabbed at the dirt on his forehead with the towel.

“I was investigating, Mom.” Patrick cracked a half-smile. “And I might have found a big clue.”

“You and your mysteries, Pat.” Susy’s face warmed into a soft, bright smile. Her brown eyes filled with good humor. “You’re …” As Susy dabbed at his cheek with the towel, she lost her train of thought. “… such a handsome boy.” She bent down and gave Patrick a peck on the lips.

“Mom?” Patrick’s eyes widened.

“Shh.” Susy pulled back and winked at him. “Just a little kiss for my handsome boy.” She leaned back in and kissed him again, sliding her tongue into his mouth.

The conversation in the dining room echoed into the kitchen. Sally was laughing at some joke.

Patrick pushed on Susy’s shoulders and broke the kiss. “I’m too dirty, I need a quick shower before dinner.” He sprinted out of the kitchen, past the dining room, and up the stairs.

“Oh, my.” Susy put a hand to her chest and felt her heart thumping hard. “I don’t know what came over me,” she said to herself. She still felt so strange. Horny. Horny was the word. Susy turned to the sink and splashed some cold water on her face. Was she going to have to share this incident with Dr. Epman? Probably. Eventually, her body returned to normal and she finished up with her salad.

That night at dinner, Susy did her best to forget all about the kiss.

So did Patrick.

Sally monopolized the conversation, anyway. She was six months into her marriage with Jack and she couldn’t be happier. They were shopping for a new house and Jack had a promotion at work. Sally sipped at her water, and picked at her casserole, and talked and talked.

Jack sat to her side, smiling with admiration. After a time, he started up a conversation with Fred about baseball.

To one side, Patrick had men discussing sports. To the other, the women talked about Susy’s shopping trip earlier that day and the newest fashions. Patrick was bored out of his mind. So, he quietly ate his dinner and thought about the various clues he’d gathered. It all added up to something, but he wasn’t sure what it was. Yet.


David arrived home and dropped his bike in the garage. His dad’s auto was there, so he was home. David frowned at that. Oh, well. David sighed and walked inside. He found William in the living room watching a football game.

“Want to watch the game?” William looked up at his tall son and nodded to an empty spot on the sofa.

“No thanks, Dad.” David wiped his brow. His face was red from riding home in the cold. “Where’s Mom?”

“In the kitchen, reading one of her magazines.” William turned back to the little black-and-white men running around on the television. “I think.”

“Thanks.” David stepped past him and walked into the kitchen. “Hello, Mom.”

“Hello, sweetheart.” Perched on a kitchen chair, Linda looked up at David. She had been trying to distract herself from thinking about all the milk she’d fed that poor salesgirl earlier in the day. “How was your day?”

“My day was good. And it got me thinking.” David stopped and looked at Linda. She was radiant, her round cheeks glowing, and her blue eyes bright. “Say, that’s a nice dress.”

“Thank you, Davey.” Linda put down the magazine on the kitchen table. “I got it today on a shopping trip with Susy Lannit.”

“You look really good.” David closed the distance between them, bent down, and kissed her on the lips.

Linda pushed her chair back. Her vagina was more than moist. Reality just kept twisting around her. God was testing her. She held the cross that dangled on her bracelet up between her and David. “Jesus commands … something … something. Oh, no. I forget the words.”

“Did you say something, dear?” William yelled from the living room.

“No, Bill,” Linda yelled back. Her anxiety ratcheted way up. Her palms were slick, and the hairs on the back her neck rose.

“What’s that?” David reached out and held her wrist, looking down at the little silver cross. He caught a whiff of her response to his presence, and his dick practically turned to steel.

“It’s supposed to help.” A trickle of cold sweat slid down Linda’s cheek.

“Well forget about that.” David pulled her to her feet by her wrist. “I saw something today.” He dragged her into the laundry room, turned on the light, and closed the door behind them.

“What did you see?” Linda looked up into his desperate eyes and bit her lower lip.

“Ralph Gooden having sex with his mother,” David whispered. He pulled her close, pushing her large breasts into his belly.

“That’s … that’s not possible. I know Roberta. She’s on the Sunday School Curriculum Council with me.” Linda felt so small next to her son. She could feel his lean muscles through his sweater. “I just … can’t believe –”

“Don’t you get it, Mom. It means we’re not the only ones.” David lifted her into the air, pressing his hands into her lower back. “It’s okay.”

“But Jesus …”

“Forget Jesus.” David kissed her with passion and Linda kissed back.

William sat in the other room watching his game, but he might as well have been on Saturn for all Linda cared. They kissed for while like that, swirling their tongues together.

David pulled back from the kiss. “I want to show you something else I saw today.” He turned his surprised mother upside down and her dress fell to her waist. He put one hand on the small of her back and one on her butt, moving her panties to the side. He licked up the length of her wet pussy. She tasted perfect.

“Oh, Davey.” Linda knew what had to be done. She frantically unbuckled his pants and dropped them. She caught a glimpse of the cross around her wrist, but it gave her no pause. She pulled his long penis from his underwear. Waves of pleasure spread from her vagina. She could hear the smacking sounds as David sucked and licked her. She got the head of the penis into her mouth and began returning the favor. This was all so crazy and incomprehensible. But she surrendered to it completely.

After several minutes, David turned her right side up and put her on the ground.

“Go ahead, sweetheart.” Linda let him turn her around and bend her over. She leaned forward, her feet and hands both on the ground, her legs straight and her butt high in the air. “Put it in.” This position was also new to her.

“I want to give you a baby.” David lowered his hips and slid his dick into her waiting pussy.

“Oh, yes.” Linda watched the sweat drip off her nose onto the tile floor. “Give me your baby with your big, long thing.” Her insides stretched to accommodate him. “Uuugggghhhhhhhh. So … deep.”

“I’m … going to fill you up, Mom.” David gripped her hips tightly and slid her back and forth on his dick. “Here it … comes. Oooooohhhhhhhhh.” He emptied his balls inside her.

Linda screamed total incoherence. Asking to be seeded had brought on a whole new high for her. Linda’s eyes rolled back, her mouth hung open, and she took David’s cum. When she had recovered some, she found herself still impaled on his penis, but standing straight up. David reached around and groped her boobs. He started moving inside her again. She took him to completion standing from behind again, but this time with him kissing her neck and whispering all sorts of naughty thoughts about their would-be baby in her ear.

When they finished, Linda staggered out of the laundry room, horrified. She was sure William must have heard them. How could he not?

“Do you think Dad heard?” David pulled up his pants and followed her into the kitchen.

“Oh my, gosh.” Linda crept toward the living room. “He’ll kill us, Davey.” The thought of her normally gentle husband in a homicidal rage played in her mind. Linda peeked around the corner, and there was William still sitting on the sofa watching the game. “Bill?”

“He’s in one of his moods again. Thank God.” David peeked in at him over her shoulder.

“Yes.” Linda looked up at David. “That was lucky. But if we’re going to keep doing this, we have to be more careful.”

That was music to David’s ears. “Sure thing.” He dropped his pants again and waddled over to one of the kitchen chairs. He sat down, his dick straight up in the air.

“Really? Again? This is not what I meant by careful.” Linda lifted her dress, dropped her panties, and straddled him. “But this is the last time.” She put him inside her and bounced on his lap. “The very last time … for today.”

David came inside her again. After, they went and showered together.

By the time William came out of his daze, the game was almost over. How had that happened? He heard David chatting with Linda as they set the table in the dining room. William got himself up, lumbered into the dining room, and sat down. “I must have dozed off again. Dinner smells good, dear.”

“Thank you, Bill.” Linda came in and served them. It was a crazy day, but she wouldn’t have wanted it to go any differently.

Chapter 7

Axcix had a hard time keeping track of subjects when they traveled too far away. This is why she spent a good while piecing together various broken strands of data. When she finished running her algorithm and got most of the puzzle together, she hissed and gurgled at the bottom of the lake. It was good that she dwelled in the dark green muck, because the round alien ball wanted to hide her shame.

There weren’t many constraints put on her by the makers. They made her to think on her own. The makers wanted her to evolve and adjust to her new planet. There was one cardinal rule, however, localize your experiment. Otherwise, she could ruin other localized experiments. Or worse, she could alter the entire species before it was time.

Cursing to herself, Axcix modified her experiment. There were only a few outside her region infected so far. She would have her subjects bring them back to the local habitat. As for the lactation, she should be able to limit the effective radius. She worked furiously to make the modifications and sent out a new wave of nanites through the water.


The windows were still dark when Linda woke with a start and sat up in bed. Poor William snored happily next to her. How could he be so unaware of what his wife had been up to? By the end of Saturday afternoon, she had begged her own son to give her a baby and quivered in ecstasy when he planted his seed inside her. She had fed a young woman from her miraculously dripping breasts. Linda climbed out of bed.

Little Ms. Olivia Green had been corrupted. And sweet Linda, the once faithful housewife, had done the corrupting. Nothing made sense anymore. Linda quietly walked to her dressing room and chose one of her new dresses. She slipped out of her nightgown and into the dress. She snuck out of her room, not yet knowing where she was going.

The clock on the mantle downstairs was the only sound in the house as it kept its steady beat. The car keys, Linda needed the car keys. She picked them up off the hall table, grabbed her purse, and walked out to the car. She got in and started the engine.

Thoughts of the big city floated into her head. She looked at the dash clock. It was three in the morning. She pulled out of the driveway. She needed to find that mousy salesgirl and bring her back to Portsmith. With any luck, Linda could get there, find Olivia, and get home before anyone knew she was gone.


Patrick woke up very early on Sunday from a bad dream about monsters from outer space. The stars were still out outside his window. Sticky with sweat, he pulled himself out of bed to use the washroom. He stopped in the hall when he noticed that Sally’s door was closed. Their parents kept both his sisters’ rooms the same as when they left, so whenever they came home they had a place to stay. Patrick pushed his hand through his messy, black hair. It was damp with sweat. He took a deep breath and stared at the door.

Did Sally and Jack have sex in there last night? The thought of one of the Lannit children having sex under Susy and Fred’s roof seemed pretty far out there, but they were married. So …

It was a mistake to think about his sister and sex. Patrick still needed to pee, but his dick transitioned into full morning wood mode. Indecisive, Patrick stood in the hall. Should he still try the washroom? Should he wait until later? Maybe tug it back down?

Sally’s door opened and out stepped the blurry shadow of his sister. Patrick hadn’t put his glasses on, but he could tell it was her. She closed the door after her and gave a start when she saw Patrick standing in the hall.

“Wow, super creepy, Pat.” Sally brushed her red hair out her eyes and looked Patrick up and down. “What are you doing?” Her eyes paused when her gaze got to the enormous tent in his flannel pajamas. “Real mature, dummy. Just waiting out here to freak me out with a fake boner? How’d you even know I’d get up?”

“What?” Patrick tried to focus his eyes. He could tell she was wearing something bluish, probably some silk pajamas. He couldn’t see her expression, but it was a pretty good guess that her freckled face was frowning. “I’m going to the washroom.”

“Good for you. I woke up really hungry. I’m getting a snack.” Sally stepped closer to her brother. Something was different about him. He still looked dopey as ever. She inhaled deeply. He smelled strange, like something ancient and secret. Like the dark side of the moon. “You know, I’ve missed you, Pat.” Her tone changed. “Come give your big sister a hug.” She opened her arms to him in the cold, dark hall.

“Um … okay.” Patrick stepped up to her and gave her a weak, sideways hug. He didn’t want to press his dick on her.

“Hug me like you mean it, dummy.” Sally reached around his back and pulled him in. Warmth and tingling sensations spread through her vagina. It was odd timing, but she ignored it. Something poked at her belly. “And lose that stupid fake boner.” Sally reached down between them and placed her left hand into Patrick’s pajama bottoms. She gripped the monstrous thing and tried to pull it free. Her eyes widened in the dark. The thing was attached. “Is that real?” She whispered. “Is that your … dick?” She pressed her finger into the veiny, spongy flesh.

“Yeah.” Patrick felt the cold metal of her wedding ring on his dick. It contrasted with the warmth of her hand. “Let go.” Patrick’s chest was scrunched against her boobs, her right hand holding the back of his pajamas tightly.

“Ever had one of these?” Sally moved her hand slowly along the shaft, up and down. “I bet not. You’re shy with girls. Is Big Sister your first handy?” She inhaled deeply. What a wonderful smell.

“Don’t do that, Sally.” Patrick had never had a girl’s hand on his dick before, she was right. And it felt so good he almost forgot himself. “It’s not you, there’s something going on in town. There’s a mystery.”

“Life has a way of surprising you.” Sally wasn’t listening to him. Her hand sped up. She relished the way the foreskin slid over the wide head. “Why’d you keep your dick hidden all this time?”

“Jack’s right in there. In your room.” Patrick tried to gently pry himself away. He didn’t want to cause a ruckus, but he needed to get out of her clutches before he reached the point of no return. “What if he comes out?”

“He would be very unhappy, dummy.” Sally wanted nothing more than to bring Patrick to completion. “So, let’s be quick.”

“Think about what … ah … you’re doing.” Patrick’s legs shook.

“You …” Sally bit his left ear playfully and nibbled on his earlobe. “… should be grateful. There’s not many big sisters that would do this for their runty little brothers.”

“That’s … oh … Sally. That’s … my point.” Patrick closed his eyes and leaned his head into her shoulder.

“Just cum, dummy.” Sally could feel his whole body trembling. She lowered her right hand from his back to his skinny butt and grabbed tightly.

With a series of soft grunts, Patrick came in his pajamas while leaning up against Sally.

To her amazement, shocks of pleasure spread from her left hand as the warm liquid splashed onto her hand, wrist, and arm. “Oooohhhhhhh, Pat.” Her pussy clenched and she had her own orgasm. The two of them shook together in the hall as they shared in the ecstasy. When Sally was done, she removed her hand from his pajama bottoms and wiped the cum off on Patrick’s top. “Well, I don’t know what that was all about, but don’t tell Mom and Dad. Okay?”

“Or Jack?” Patrick took a step back from her.

“Especially Jack.” Sally stepped past him and headed for the stairs. “I’m still hungry. I’m going to go wash my hands and find something to eat.” She stopped, walked back to Patrick, and wagged a finger in his face. “Let me be clear. Don’t tell anyone or you’re dead. Got it?” She took a deep breath and her face softened. There was that dark, compelling odor again. Why did Patrick smell so good?

“Got it.” Patrick backed away from the blur that was his sister.

“Say, Pat?” Sally pursued him slowly down the hall, her hunger for a midnight snack replaced by a different kind of hunger.

“Yeah?” Patrick was very uncomfortable. The front of his PJs was soaked with cum and his dick was still hard and pushing wildly at the soggy mess.

“Got another one in you?” she whispered. “I’d let you do it in my mouth.”

“No.” Patrick found the door to the washroom and stepped inside. He slammed the door, locked it, and leaned his back against it.

Sally knocked for a while, quietly pleading for him to come back out. Eventually, she went away.

Patrick slid down the door until his butt hit the cold tile floor. Things were getting complicated. How was he going to tell the investigators about this?


Linda arrived in the big city around four-thirty in the morning. She stopped at a payphone and looked up Olivia’s address in the white pages. By four-forty-five, Linda was knocking on what she hoped was Olivia’s door. After a few minutes, a bleary-eyed Olivia opened the door and stared out at Linda.

“Mrs. Riles?” Her brown eyes sharpened and dropped to Linda’s bosom when she recognized her customer.

“Pack your things, sweetheart.” Linda pushed out her chest a little, enjoying the effect she was having on this young woman. “You’re coming to stay with me for a while.” She stepped past Olivia into the front room. She looked Olivia up and down, admiring the former saleslady’s slender figure in her nightgown. Something sparkled on Olivia’s left hand. “That’s new, isn’t it?” Linda pointed to the shiny, diamond ring.

“My boyfriend … um … my fiancé proposed to me last night.” Olivia’s pale cheeks reddened. “I’m sorry, Mrs. Riles, but I said yes.”

“No need to be sorry, Olivia.” Linda put her hands on Olivia’s shoulders. “Which way to your bedroom?”

Olivia pointed to an open door.

“Pack your bags.” Linda gently pushed the younger woman toward the door. “I can’t explain right now, but I’ll return you to your fiancé soon.”

“Can I …?” Olivia looked over her shoulder at Linda. “Could I … maybe …?” She bit her bottom lip.

“Yes, sweetheart.” Linda nodded. “I’ll give you more milk soon. But we have to get going.” Dimples formed on Linda’s cheeks; her warm smile spread reassurance.

“Okay.” Olivia’s knees felt weak. She packed her suitcase and they were off.

They were on the road in darkness, driving back to Portsmith. Daylight was still a little way off. Linda looked over at her passenger. She took a hand off the wheel and lowered her dress to expose her right boob. “There you go.”

“Thank you,” Olivia whispered. She leaned over in the front seat, curled her legs under her, and put her head in the older woman’s lap. The milk was just as sweet and satisfying as she remembered. She gulped that elixir from Linda’s right nipple as they drove, feeling wave after wave of pleasure wash over her.


When William and David arrived downstairs for breakfast, their new houseguest was waiting for them. Neither man was sure what to make of her. Linda’s story about putting up a friend of a friend while she was separating from her husband didn’t make much sense. But she told them it was the Christian thing to do, so they welcomed Olivia into their home. They set her up in Ryan’s old room. He was off finishing college, so he didn’t need it at the moment.

Another mouth to feed, went through William’s mind.

David was more concerned with how their guest would interfere with his plans to constantly mate with his mother.

Olivia settled in quickly. She even accompanied the family to church that morning.

The pews were full as always. David and Patrick sat together, their moms to their left, and Olivia on the aisle. To their right, William and Fred sat together. The fathers didn’t much care for one another, but they dutifully talked football and current events whenever their wives forced them together. Jack and Sally sat just beyond them. Sally hadn’t said one word to Patrick all morning, keeping her eyes down and only smiling at her husband Jack. Well, Patrick couldn’t blame her. The meteor was somehow responsible for her strange behavior in the hall, but how could she know that? Once he unlocked the mystery, Sally would be one of the first he’d tell. She’d be so relieved.

Patrick craned his neck and looked behind him right before services started. He spotted the Ackerman family way in the back. He waved to Roy, but his friend must have not seen him, because he didn’t wave back.


Later that Sunday, Patrick gave Sally an awkward hug goodbye when it was time for her and Jack to go home. He wished he could have told her what happened wasn’t her fault, but that would have to wait until he had some real evidence. He then hopped on his bike and spent a fruitless afternoon looking for more clues.

David tried to get his mom alone all afternoon, but he was stymied by their new houseguest. Olivia followed Linda around the house like a lost puppy. David tried to make small talk, but eventually went to his room to catch up on homework.

Roy made the most of his Sunday. With Nathaniel in his study and Annie out with her boyfriend, Roy cornered Amanda in her washroom upstairs. She gave in quickly, letting him bury his long dick all the way down her throat. When it was time for sex, she insisted she didn’t trust him not to get her pregnant. Roy was fine with that. He took her butt several times. They tried to be as quiet as possible, with Nathaniel downstairs. At one point, Roy had to stuff his mom’s panties in her mouth to keep her from screaming.


On Monday after school, Patrick raced his bike across town, eager to meet the investigators at the library. He’d asked David to come along, but he had basketball practice. Roy hadn’t talked to either of them all day. Patrick was sure that Roy’s behavior was connected to the mystery, but he couldn’t see how. Yet. This was another wrong Patrick would put right when he found more evidence. Thoughts raced through Patrick’s mind as he pedled. He was so lost in thought, that he almost missed the altercation happening outside the town’s hotel.

On the sidewalk, Chris Sumner was holding on to Mark Farmer’s arm. Donna Farmer was crying and trying to push the big basketball player away. So, the investigators had been waylaid on their way to the library. Patrick skidded his bicycle into a hard-right turn and headed for the sidewalk.

The town’s hotel was on an otherwise quiet street, and no one else was there to witness whatever Chris was trying to do.

“Nothing will happen to him if you come with me, doll.” Chris continued to pull at Mark’s arm.

“Capital,” Mark muttered over and over. He offered no resistance to the belligerent teenager.

“No.” Donna looked pale and frightened. Her red hair wildly billowing around her head as she pushed at Chris with her right hand and pulled at Mark’s other arm with her left. “Mark. Wake up. I need you, Mark.” Tears streamed down her cheeks.

“It’s only me now, lady.” Chris was tall and athletic. He was going to win this argument.

Patrick dropped his bicycle and leapt to his feet at a run. He was not the man for this job. He wished very much that David had been with him. Why wasn’t Chris at basketball practice too? Was he working for the meteor? Would he notice Patrick running up from behind?

Glasses fogged, Patrick planted his left foot and swung his right up between Chris’s legs from behind. The top of his shoe made solid contact with the bigger boy’s balls.

“Aaaaarrrrrrgggghhhhhh.” Chris fell to the ground and curled into a ball.

“I can’t’ believe it worked.” Panting, Patrick looked down at his writhing handiwork. “We should go.” He offered his hand to Donna.

“Back to our room.” Donna took Patrick’s hand and with her other hand dragged Mark back into the hotel. They got to their room and she locked the door behind them. “Thank you … Mr. Lannit.” Donna leaned her back against the door and tried to catch her breath. “You’re a … hero.”

“Aw, shucks. Call me Pat.” Patrick wiped the sweat off his brow. He looked over at Mark to get his approval too, but the man stood in the room, murmuring. “What’s wrong with Mr. Farmer?”

“He’s been getting like this.” Donna’s dress was wet and sticky. And her vagina, her cursed vagina, was wet as well. She suddenly saw this skinny eighteen-year-old as something of a man. A handsome man. She tried to calm herself. “It will pass.”

But it didn’t pass. The pheromones swirled around the room.

Much to his discomfort, Patrick found himself wanting to take this beautiful woman, his investigating partner, right in front of her dazed husband. He fought his urges, turned, and discreetly tucked his giant dick into his waistband. They needed to get out of there, or he was going to do something stupid.

As the minutes passed, Donna’s libido increased. It was becoming unbearable. She needed to get out of the room. “We can’t stay here.” She walked over to Mark and sat him in a chair. “Mark, dear, I’m going to go for a little bit. You’ll be safe here.” She removed his hat and patted him on the shoulder. “You asked me to investigate if this ever happened to you again. So, I’ll do what you asked, my lord.”

“Do you think Chris is gone?” Patrick took off his glasses, wiped the fog off them, and then returned them to his face. “He’s probably gone. Right?”

“Yes, he must be.” Donna moved to the door, opened it, and looked out. “And if he’s not, you can defend me again.”

“Um … okay.” Patrick didn’t like the sound of that, but he didn’t think he could control his urges much longer. Frying pan and fire. “Let’s go.”

“After you.” Donna ushered Patrick outside and locked the room door behind them. She felt a little more clearheaded out of that room. They walked back out to the sidewalk to find no sign of Chris. “I’ll drive us somewhere and we can talk.” Donna walked over to her car and fished the keys out of her purse. She stopped when she got close. “Good lord.”

“What?” Patrick picked up his bicycle and walked it over to her. He could see that her front right tire was slashed and completely flat. “Why would Chris do that?”

“I don’t know.” Donna shook her head and put her keys back in her purse. “He’s a lunatic.”

Out in the fresh air, Patrick felt better. His dick deflated and his mind went back to working beyond an animal level. “I’ll ride you to my house. We can talk there.”

“Really?” Donna looked at his bike dubiously. She hadn’t tried anything like that since she was herself a teenager. “How?”

“You sit on the seat and hold onto me. I’ll pedal.” Patrick smiled an encouraging smile. He didn’t want to be around if Chris came back.

“Okay, Pat.” Donna hiked up her dress a little and climbed on. This was beyond undignified, but this kid was the only good thing she’d found in this rotten town.

Off they rode back across Portsmith.


Olivia still wasn’t quite sure what she was doing in Portsmith. Linda seemed to have some sort of hold over her. She just did whatever the blonde housewife told her to do. Once Linda’s son and husband left in the morning, the two women worked through the household chores together. At lunchtime, they took a break.

“Thank you for the help, Olivia.” Linda took off her apron and sat down on the sofa in the living room. She patted the cushion next to her. “Everything is much faster with two.”

“You’re welcome, Mrs. Riles.” Olivia sat down next to her and her eyes fell to the swell of Linda’s large boobs behind her blue dress. “I’m really hungry.”

“Please, call me Linda, sweetheart.” Linda patted Olivia’s thigh and then idly played with Olivia’s green housedress. “I’ll whip up some lunch for us in a minute.”

“I was thinking … maybe … some milk?” Olivia’s brown eyes darted between Linda’s boobs and her blue eyes. “Please, Linda?”

“Well …” Linda sighed and unbuttoned the front of her dress. “You’ve been such a help. How could I say no?” She opened the dress and pulled down her bra. Out popped those magnificent boobs that had been so much smaller only a little while ago. “Don’t be shy.” Linda took the back of Olivia’s brown hair and guided her mouth to her left boob.

“Mmmmmmmmhhhh.” Olivia sucked and swallowed. Warmth spread through her. She fed like that for about a half-hour, curled up in Linda’s lap, with her legs next to her on the sofa. Eventually, she took her mouth off Linda’s nipple and looked up.

“There’s something you could do for me now.” Linda pulled the young woman off her lap, stood, and removed her own dress, bra, and panties. She pulled Olivia off the sofa and then sat back down, spreading her legs on either side of her houseguest. “You got me worked up. Help me unwind.” Linda looked down at the cross on her bracelet. This was all pretty far afield for Jesus. She was beginning to doubt the efficacy of Pastor Neilson’s solution. Maybe it was all because Linda had forgotten the words she needed to say. Oh well.

“I’ve never done that.” Olivia looked down at Linda’s blonde pussy, with her pink, glistening lips. “But I’ll try.” She leaned forward and gently kissed Linda down there. “For you, Linda. Only for you.” She stuck out her tongue. It tasted so good. Almost as good as her milk. Soon, Olivia was lapping at the housewife’s pussy like a thirsty puppy.

“That’s good, Olivia.” Linda put her left hand on Olivia’s head to help guide her. She looked down at her wedding ring, entwined in the brown hair. She wondered if her sweet William could ever have guessed the places that ring would go when he put it on her finger all those years ago. Probably not. “There’s … ahhhhh … something we need to talk about.”

“Mmmppphhhh?” Olivia kept licking, eager to please Linda and coax out more of her delectable secretions.

“I … uh … have a special relationship with Davey.” Linda lifted her feet off the ground and placed her legs over Olivia’s shoulders. “And if you’re going to be here … for a while.” Linda closed her eyes. “Oh, that’s good. Really good. Just like that.” Linda tried to concentrate. “You’re going to have to let … Davey and I …” Linda came on the young woman’s tongue, pushing Olivia’s face into her vagina. When she calmed down, she opened her eyes and looked down.

“What did you want, Linda?” Olivia looked up expectantly at Linda, her mouth and nose shiny.

“Now that I think about it,” Linda’s breathing slowed down. “I think you might be able to help. I’m sure Davey would like that. We’ll talk more about it later tonight. Now, how about some lunch?” Linda stood, dressed, and walked into the kitchen.

Olivia followed.


It was ridiculous riding on the back of a bicycle while Donna held on to the sweaty, pedaling teenager in front of her for dear life. She knew her boobs were pressed into his back, but gripping him around the midsection was the only way she wasn’t going to fall. She prayed that her glasses wouldn’t bound off or fly away.

Even worse than the absurdity was how hot and bothered the whole thing made her. As the wind whipped at her hair, and they sped over sidewalks and streets, Donna couldn’t get one particular idea out of her head; she wanted to give herself to this sweet, good kid. It was preposterous, but Mark faded further and further from her thoughts.

“We’re here.” Patrick left the bike in the driveway, took Donna’s hand, and led her into his house. He marveled at her warm, delicate fingers. He felt her cold wedding ring, so unforgiving, while the rest of her hand folded so perfectly into his.

“Oh, hello, Pat.” Susy looked up from the kitchen counter where she chopped celery. “And who is this?” Her eyes fell to their clasped hands and a frown spread across her face.

“Hello, Mrs. Lannit.” Donna looked to Patrick for an explanation. He knew his mother best, after all.

“This is … um … my … um … my tutor.” Patrick nodded and adjusted his glasses with his free hand. “The school sent her over. We need to study.”

“Well …” Susy felt weak in the knees, wet in the vagina, and suddenly jealous of this freckled woman. Of course, that was crazy. The tutor was old enough to be his mother. “Okay then. Study hard, sugar.” She took one last look at the woman’s red hair and the freckles covering her face, neck, and arms. She looked a lot like Sally. Except this woman really filled out her dress. “I’ll check in with you two later.”

“Bye, Mrs. Lannit.” Donna let Patrick led her by the hand.

“Bye, Mom.” Patrick called over his shoulder. He hustled her upstairs, into his room, and closed the door. Riding home, he’d had nothing but fresh air. And moving through the house, he hadn’t lingered long enough for her smell to catch up with him. But now, Patrick inhaled and his boner was immediately back. She smelled like treasure pulled from the earth. “I have some … stuff … to tell …” His voice trailed off.

Still holding Patrick’s sweaty hand, Donna looked around the room. He had posters with spaceships, volcanoes, and scientists. Lots of scientists. Donna recognized Nikola Tesla, Marie Curie, and Albert Einstein. His shelves were filled with books. Everything was tidy. Donna guessed that his mother cleaned in here every day. The bed was neatly made. This was a teenager’s room, but a brainy teenager.

“You’re beautiful, Mrs. Farmer.” Patrick looked up into her green eyes, magnified by her brownline glasses. “I … just …” He fought desperately against his urges. He wanted to jump her right there.

“It’s okay, Pat.” Donna looked down into his brown eyes. The poor kid’s glasses were fogged again. She took off her glasses and set them down on a nearby dresser. She then reached for his glasses, took them off, and put them next to hers. “You can kiss me if you want.” Donna offered a shy smile. She felt like a girl again. Patrick had been there to save her when her husband only stood by. The thought of her husband halfway broke the spell, and she looked down at the blue stone on her wedding ring. But all second thoughts were fully defenestrated when Patrick leaned in and gently kissed her lips.

Although she was the more experienced one, by several orders of magnitude, she let Patrick explore her mouth with his tongue. He was gentle and inquisitive, but seemed to gain confidence as time wore on. Soon, Donna was as aroused as she’d ever been. She broke their kiss. “You took care of me, Pat. Now I’ll take care of you.” She lowered herself to her knees, tucking her dress under her.

“Holy cow.” Patrick picked up his glasses and put them back on. He didn’t want to miss a thing. He watched this beautiful, sophisticated woman unbutton his pants. Somehow, the meteor was responsible for this. But at the moment, Patrick didn’t care.

Donna unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down with his underwear. She gasped. What she discovered was the most unlikely, manly penis she’d ever seen. Even bigger than that horrible basketball player’s gadget. It flopped down and bounced in front of her, long and thick with fat veins crossing every which way. The thing was so engorged that the head looked almost bluish. “Good heavens, Pat. There’s just so much of it.” Donna, who had felt so experienced minutes ago, now felt like a novice. She looked underneath the monstrous thing. The teenager’s balls hung low, and were similarly proportioned.

“Wow.” Patrick looked down as her small, white hands reached up and squeezed his shaft, as if to test its reality.

“Here goes nothing.” Donna would have to figure it out as she went along. The mechanics couldn’t be too different from what she was used to. She leaned in and licked at the precum oozing from the head. Sparks flew before her eyes. She wasn’t expecting that. What an amazing kid. Pretty soon, she was rolling her tongue around that bluish skin and sucking for all she was worth. With Mark, she never made any of the popping and slurping sounds she made in Patrick’s room. Was she turning into a hussy?

“Oh, man. So … good.” Patrick put his hands on her silky hair. “I’m gonna … ah … ah …”

Donna should have known a teenager would be quick. Normally she’d swallow for Mark, but this wasn’t normal in any sense. Well, she supposed, she would at least try to drink him down. Hot cum hit the back of her throat and she was in for another surprise. A powerful orgasm ripped through her body. All thoughts of swallowing vanished. Donna grunted, her eyes rolled back, and she fell to the floor. She let Patrick shower her with cum. When she came to, she was a sticky mess, lying on her back, looking up at the ceiling. That smell. That potent smell, like life itself.

“Are you okay, Mrs. Farmer?” Patrick looked down at the still trembling woman covered in his stuff. He gripped his dick with both hands. He wanted more, but was genuinely worried about Donna.

“That was incredible.” Donna was disappointed that he’d cum so soon, thus ending their startling session together. She looked up and her green eyes widened. “You’re still hard.” She sat up. “Very, very hard.” She reached lifted her hand for help getting up.

“Yeah.” Patrick reached down and helped her to her feet. “It feels really good.”

“Are you a virgin, Pat?” Donna pulled off her dress and dropped it to the floor.

“Yes.” Patrick looked down at his dick. He couldn’t help himself, he stroked it slowly. He looked back up at the nearly naked woman. She had milky, freckled skin everywhere. Her boobs spilled out of her bra and got most of Patrick’s attention.

“Well, I’m honored to be your first.” She reached behind her, unclasped her bra, and dropped it. She let Patrick stare and take in her perfect, teardrop boobs. Her nipples were small and dark. “I’m not exactly sure how we should do this. You know, so that it will fit.”

“What?” Patrick stared at this goddess before him.

“Do you have condoms?” Donna pulled off her panties and dropped them on the floor.

“What?” Patrick watched her perfect, heart-shaped butt as she walked to his bed.

“Yeah, I thought not.” She bent over and patted the bed, giving him an exquisite view of her pussy from behind. “You’ll just have to squirt your stuff outside. You understand? I’ll let you spray it on me again.”

Patrick nodded and walked toward her, his dick swaying in front of him. He sat on the edge of the bed where she indicated. Patrick went to pull his sweater off.

“No, keep it on, you look cute in that sweater.” Donna straddled his lap and looked down. The long penis looked even more daunting from this angle. She figured she might only be able to fit half of it, but she desperately wanted to try.

“Um … okay.” Patrick left his sweater on. No one but his mother had ever called him cute before. He was completely enamored of this woman. An accomplished, elegant investigator of strange mysteries was about to put him inside her pussy. He must have done something very good for God to give him this.

“Oh … my.” Donna reached below her and grasped the head. She positioned it at her entrance and lowered herself ever so slightly. “You really are … a special … young man.” It pushed past her outer folds and opened up her insides. Thank goodness she was so wet. “Now, I’m going to … go slow here. It’s really … big.”

“Sorry, Mrs. Farmer.” Patrick reached out and grabbed her wide hips with both hands. “I need …” He never finished his sentence as he abruptly pulled her down all the way so that his balls slapped up against her butt.

“Noooooooooo.” Donna’s complaint turned into a long guttural moan. Somehow, she could accommodate all of him, although she did feel her insides move as he shoved it in. She scrunched up her face, wrinkling her pretty, upturned nose. “I’ve … never.” Even without her glasses, she could see the clear outline of his gigantic penis pressing from the inside of her belly. Her hips involuntary shook and she orgasmed for the second time with her teenage savior.

“So good.” Patrick sunk his fingers into the soft flesh just behind her hips and moved her up and down. It was a long way for her pussy to travel, and he watched in fascination as his frothy dick disappeared into her again and again.

“Not … again … oooohhhhhhh.” Donna had one rolling orgasm after another. Her breasts bounced, her legs burned with effort, and the slapping sound of her butt on his legs filled the small room.

Downstairs, Susy stopped in the kitchen and cocked her head to the side, listening. What were they doing in their tutoring session? Time for a check in. She wiped her hands on a dishtowel and walked upstairs. Once at Patrick’s door, Susy put her ear to the door. It sounded like … sex.

Susy quietly tried the knob. It was unlocked. She opened the door a crack and peeked in. What she saw took her breath away. She placed a hand to her bosom. That tutor was bouncing on her boy. Susy had seen Patrick’s penis, but she didn’t realize it was so long, or thick. Come to think of it, she hadn’t ever considered that anyone’s penis could develop to such a size. The woman’s butt rippled wildly every time she hit bottom, and her hips moved impossibly high at the top of each bounce. And the sounds she made were unearthly. The tutor was a constant source of high, feminine grunts, moans, whines, and sighs. It was like the animal in her had complete control. Susy had never made those sounds with Fred. And her sweet, little Patrick. Also groaning like an angry tiger. Susy could see his fingers pressed into the tutor’s upper butt, his knuckles white.

As if the sights and the sounds weren’t enough, the smell nearly knocked her over. The odor of sweat and cum flowed out of the room. It was almost a magical scent, dark and bewitching. Susy’s panties were soaked. A part of her wanted to march in there, pull that floozy off her son, and scold them both. Another part wanted to replace that woman’s vagina with her own. But instead, Susy quietly closed the door and moved down the hall to her own bedroom. She locked herself in the washroom, sat on the toilet, and masturbated herself to several magnificent orgasms.

Back in Patrick’s bedroom, Donna could tell the teenager was getting close. “Not inside.” On an up thrust, she pulled him out completely and jumped down between his legs. “Put it all over me, Pat.” She grabbed his penis with both hands and stroked him with a fast, steady rhythm.

“Mrs. … Farmer …” Patrick erupted all over her pretty face and perfect boobs.

Again, Donna orgasmed at the touch of Patrick’s semen. Her shoulders hunched and she leaned forward, pressing her cheek against one of those contracting balls. His stuff rained down on her hair, but Donna didn’t care.

When they’d both come back to earth, Donna crawled up on the bed and pulled Patrick to the middle. She laid him down on his back and curled up next to him, her right boob pressing into his chest. She tenderly put her right thigh up on his legs, very close to his still-hard penis. “That was amazing, Pat.”

“Yes.” Patrick put his arm around her shoulders, and she rested her head in the crook of his neck. “I think I love you, Mrs. Farmer.”

“Shh.” Donna put a finger to his lips. “A woman never wants to hear that the first time. Especially …” Donna paused as she thought of Mark. “Especially a married woman.” She was a complete mess, cum and sweat drying all over her body, but she didn’t care. “Now let’s rest.”

Very quickly, they both fell asleep.


That night when Fred sat down to dinner, he gave his wife a questioning gaze. “Where’s Pat?”

“He’s sick.” Susy sat down at the table and spread a napkin on her lap. “He didn’t feel well after school.”

“He wouldn’t get sick as often if he exercised more.” Fred dug into his meatloaf. “Or got himself a girlfriend.”

“Now, Fred. How is that even related?” Susy wasn’t about to tell her husband that when she’d last checked in on their son, he was snoring loudly with a sleeping woman snuggled up against him.

“It’s science, Susy.” Fred took a big bite. “This is good,” he said with a full mouth.

“Speaking of girls, would you like to have some quiet time with me tonight?” Susy’s vagina hadn’t entirely calmed down from earlier.

“Feeling frisky?” Fred gave his wife’s boob a playful little slap. It didn’t move like he expected it to. It was heavier than he remembered. “Sure, I’ll give you the big one tonight.”

“Wonderful.” Susy didn’t tell him that in light of recent events, she’d come to believe that ‘the big one’ was no longer a very good nickname for her husband’s penis. “Can’t wait.”


It was dark outside when Patrick woke up. The warmth and the comfortable weight of Donna’s soft body pressed up against his side. Her presence made him immediately hard again. Everything about her was so perfect, even her soft snores. He carefully rolled her onto her back and climbed on top.

“Pat?” Donna woke slowly, and looked up at those eager brown eyes behind thick glasses. She smiled up at him. “Remember not inside.” She reached down and guided him in again. She marveled at the way he stretched her, a feeling just on the edge of pain, and building in pleasure with each stroke.

They spent the rest of the night like that. They would hump like rabbits, Patrick would spray her with his magical cum, and they would sleep. A few hours later they would repeat the process. The first signs of daylight crept through the window as they finished their last mating of the night. Donna’s feet wobbled in the air, her legs open to him, as Patrick took her on her back. What would she do about Mark? What about the mystery? And what about her slashed tire? All those things could wait, as she gave herself completely to this sweet, handsome boy.

Chapter 8

In the past, confidence was never Linda’s thing. She had gone from being a quiet, pretty young woman to a round, earnest housewife and mother. She deferred to the men in her life, even her two sons. She still couldn’t say no to men, but recently she’d had a taste of control with her houseguest, Olivia Green. And Linda liked it.

Late Monday night, Linda crept into her son Ryan’s old room where Olivia slept. She looked down at the woman, breathing gently under the covers. Olivia’s brown hair spread itself on the pillow and her soft, pale face looked so peaceful in the moonlight flooding in through the window.

“Wake up, Olivia.” Linda reached down and shook Olivia’s shoulder. “I have some more chores for you.”

“What?” Olivia’s brown eyes opened. “Linda?” She sat up and looked at the older woman standing over her. Olivia relaxed when she saw Linda’s warm, dimpled smile. Linda stood in her long, blue nightgown, her magnificent breasts pushing at the silky material. “What time is it?”

“It’s late, sweetheart.” Linda sat on the edge of the bed and put her hand on Olivia’s knee. “Bill and Davey are sleeping. But we’re going to go wake Davey up.”

“Oh?” Olivia stretched her arms over her head and yawned. She sat up, holding the covers over her small breasts even though she wore her own nightgown underneath. “What’s going on?”

“Let me show you.” Linda took Olivia’s hand in hers and gently pulled her out of bed. She led her out of the room and into David’s room. Their feet quietly padded on the carpet. Linda closed and locked David’s door behind them. “From now on, you’re going to help me with Davey.” Linda dropped Olivia’s hand and stepped over to the bed. David lay on his back under the covers, snoring softly.

“How?” Olivia watched Linda’s shapely behind. Not for the first time, she wondered how Linda had managed to take her away from her life in the city.

“Let me show you.” Linda pulled back the blanket and sheet. David was sleeping in flannel pajamas, and his massive, soft penis was outlined distinctly under his bottoms.

“You can’t be serious?” Olivia’s eyes widened and she stared at the lump. As a modern woman, Olivia had some experience with men. But she’d never seen anything like the lump in this boy’s PJs. “Is that …?”

“Yes.” Linda bent down and pulled down David’s bottoms. “He has the most wonderful penis in the whole world, and he needs help taking care of it.” Linda grasped the heavy, limp thing in her hands and stroked it, breathing life into the sleeping giant. She could feel it growing, and stiffening, in her hands.

“No way.” Olivia wasn’t sure if she was denying the request that she touch that monstrosity, or the reality of what Linda was doing with her son.

“Mom?” David looked down at his mother manipulating his dick in the dim light. She was bent at the waist and he could see her pale cleavage hanging down under her nightgown.

“I have a surprise for you, Davey.” Linda looked over her shoulder to where Olivia stood behind her. “Olivia will help you with your penis while she stays with us.”

“No.” Olivia looked down at the ring on her left hand and took a step backward. “I’m engaged. Robert and I are faithful.” She shook her head and looked at the now fully hard cock, the corners of her mouth dipping in revulsion. “I’d never …”

“Come now, Olivia.” Linda let go of her son’s penis, straightened, and turned toward Olivia. “That ship has sailed. You already lapped at my vagina like a little puppy. Remember?”

“What?” This was news to David. What was even happening anymore? All he wanted was to get into his mom’s panties again and again and now she was offering up this woman to him? David grabbed his penis and stroked slowly. A light sheen of sweat formed on his forehead. He sighed. Of course, he would take the offering.

“You asked me to.” Olivia took another step backward. “I didn’t … I didn’t …”

“Shh.” Linda quickly moved over to Olivia, pulling her own nightgown over her head in the process. Her large, pale boobs hung free. “It’s okay, sweetheart. Robert won’t ever know. You’re doing this as a favor to me.”

“Linda, I can’t –” Olivia was cut off as Linda cradled the back of her head and brought Olivia’s mouth down to Linda’s left nipple. The young woman bent at the waist and automatically began sucking when the first hit of milk touched her tongue.

“There, there.” Linda stroked Olivia’s brown hair and slowly walked backward toward David’s bed, making sure to keep her nipple in the woman’s mouth.

“Wow.” David stroked faster, watching his naked mom treat this grown woman like a baby. “That’s really something. She’s sucking you really good.” With his left hand, he propped the pillow under his head to get a better view of the women.

“Don’t be crude, Davey.” Linda sat down on the edge of the bed, pulling Olivia down to her knees as she continued gulping down milk. “How do you want her?”

Olivia’s eyes fluttered open when she heard that question. But the warmth of the milk spread through her body and carried her off again. Her eyelids fell. There was a smell in that room. Something dark, devious, and compelling. Thoughts about trying to cram that enormous cock into her tiny pussy flooded her mind.

“Put her on top.” David reached down and pulled off his bottoms.

“Okay, sweetie.” Linda pulled Olivia off her boob and guided her onto the bed so that she straddled David. “This might hurt a little at first, but once you adjust, it’ll be the best thing you’ve ever felt.” Linda pulled Olivia’s nightgown up over her head exposing her slender body and small breasts.

“She looks so different from you.” David had only seen two women naked before that moment. His mother, of course, and Mrs. Gooden when he and Patrick spied on her and her son Ralph from behind their house. “She’s so small.”

“Do you like her?” Linda cupped Olivia’s right boob. It was small, but it had a nice weight, and a gentle curve. Linda frowned, worried this wouldn’t work out.

“Yes.” David nodded and let go of his dick. He smiled up at Olivia, who looked down at him with distant eyes, lost in a fog of lust.

“Great.” Linda put her left hand on the small of Olivia’s back and her right hand on David’s penis. She guided it into the waiting vagina. “I think we’ll all get along swimmingly.”

“Oh, gosh.” Olivia rolled her eyes as David resized her tight pussy. “Wait … wait … oooohhhhhhhhhhh.” She was so wet, and the cock just kept inching its way in. “Robert … I’m sorry …” Olivia could already tell this would be another tectonic change in her life. The second she’d laid eyes on Linda, she’d had one life-shattering change after another.

“Whenever you’re ready, Davey. Just spray it all inside her.” Linda maintained steady pressure on Olivia’s lower back, forcing her hips down. David’s penis was almost all the way inside Olivia now.

Olivia turned her head to Linda, her mouth hanging open as pain turned to pleasure and in horror at the suggestion that David would breed her.

“But I want to spray it in you, Mom.” David reached up and held Olivia’s tits. They were firm and perky. He liked them.

“Oh, Davey. There’s time for that later, sweetheart.” Olivia hit bottom and Linda grabbed her hips and rocked her on David’s tool.

Olivia looked back and forth between mother and son. He’d already inseminated Linda? With all the surprises piling on top of one another, it was hard to figure out what was most shocking.

“Okay, Mom.” David tugged at Olivia’s tits, getting her to bounce her hips up and down. He listened to her squeak and grunt like a little mouse.

“Great. You can do me after. We just have to keep it down.” Linda looked over her shoulder at the closed door. “I don’t want to wake up your father.” Linda let go of Olivia’s hips and shoved her boob back into Olivia’s face. “Not so loud, Olivia.”

“Mmmmmmhhhhhhmmmm.” Olivia took the Riles family from both ends. Her pussy stretched around David’s monster cock, and her mouth drank from Linda’s monster boob.

“He has the perfect penis, doesn’t he?” Linda held the back of Olivia’s head to keep her firmly clamped on her boob. “Just wait until you feel his orgasm, sweetie. You’ll never want to go back to your fiancé.”

“Aaahhmmmmmmm.” The idea tugged at her heart. Poor Robert. But even now, she doubted she’d ever want to go without David’s cock. “It’s … good,” she mumbled around the nipple in her mouth.

“Here it … aahhhhh … comes, Ms. Green.” David closed his eyes and let loose inside her.

Olivia’s muscles spasmed and shook. The boob pressed into her face thankfully muffled her scream. Her body overflowed with ecstasy as David’s warm cum splashed inside her. She could feel it in there, filling her up.

Once David was done, Linda pulled Olivia’s trim hips off him, dislodging his penis. It came out with a plop. Linda then pushed the still trembling woman to the side of the bed, up against the wall. “Okay, Davey. My turn.” Linda mounted her son.

David opened his eyes. To his right, Olivia lay on her side, her eyes vacant and a little drool dribbling from her open mouth. Above him, Linda got ready to put his hard dick inside her. “Turn around, Mom. We haven’t done it that way yet.”

“What’s with you and your positions, mister.” Linda raised an eyebrow, but turned herself so that she was facing David’s legs. “I never dreamed … uh …” She put the magnificent penis inside her and it slid right in. It was awkward at first, like so many of David’s sexual schemes, but she placed her hands on his knees and started bouncing her hips. “… of some of the things … ah … ah … ah … you’ve done to me.”

Some life returned to Olivia’s eyes as she recovered. She looked over at the handsome boy next to her, and then down at his mother’s ass, bouncing as it rode that incredibly long shaft. How did she fit all that cock inside her?

“Kiss me, Ms. Green.” David smiled and with his right hand, pulled her closer.

And so, Olivia found herself making out with a teenager, while his mother mated with him. Only a few days ago, she was on a date at the drive-in with her then boyfriend, wondering if life would ever get interesting. In the present, she passionately swirled her tongue in the boy’s mouth, cheating on her now fiancé. If only she could warn her past self not to wish for interesting.


Pale morning light cast Patrick’s room in cool hues. Donna sat up in bed. Her legs were entwined with the young man she’d coupled with all night. She gingerly freed herself as Patrick breathed softly. He was also naked, but he still had his glasses on. They were crooked and pressed into the pillow. Donna tenderly removed them from his face and set them down on the nightstand. She then picked up her own glasses and put them on.

The house was still silent. That was good. She might escape without running into Patrick’s parents. Crawling out of bed slowly, so as to not wake the eighteen-year-old, Donna saw her clothes strewn on the floor. She stepped onto the carpet and bent over. There were some stains on her dress. She held the dress to her nose and inhaled, to test for freshness. Donna’s knees trembled. It was not fresh and the smell nearly made her climb back in bed with Patrick. But no, she shook her head. She needed to get back to her husband, Mark.

Donna dressed as quietly as she could, retrieved her purse, and snuck out of the room. She closed the door behind her and tiptoed down the stairs. It was early enough still. Nobody about. Just the tick tock of the mantle clock.

Outside, the air was crisp and cold. Donna hugged herself against the chill and walked. It was about a mile before she found a payphone.

“Mark? You need to come pick me up,” she said when he answered.

“Donna. My God, I was worried about you. When I saw what happened to the car –”

“I investigated, like you asked.” Tears welled in Donna’s eyes.

“Of course, of course. Capital, my lady.” Mark was so proud of his wife for making the best of their situation. “Are you all right?”

“I’m fine.” Donna looked around at the empty street, the first golden rays hit the tree tops as the sun crested the horizon. “Did you fix the car?”

“Yes, the spare is on. Where are you?”

Donna gave her location and Mark quickly hung up and ran out the door. He thought about asking her what had happened, but there was no time. He would find out all the details once they were together again.


Susy spent a restless night, hoping that the hussy of a tutor would leave during the night. Around three in the morning, she left her sleeping husband and pressed her ear to Patrick’s door. She could hear them still going at it in there. Susy was of a mind to burst in there and slap both of them silly, but couldn’t bring herself to break them up in the midst of their fornicating. Instead, she went back to bed.

In the morning, Susy waited in bed as long as she could. Finally, with light in the sky, she heard a floorboard creak out in the hall. Susy threw on a dress, left her room, and went down to the kitchen. She peered out the window and watched the woman walk away from their house, hugging herself against the morning chill. The tutor was a beautiful woman with red hair flowing in the breeze, and a comely figure. What was she doing with Patrick?

Breakfast wasn’t going to make itself. Susy worked through her morning chores and sent off her son and husband to school and work. She decided she’d start the day cleaning Patrick’s room. Just to see the state of it. She entered slowly and took in the chaos that was his bed. There were stains on his sheets and blankets, he hadn’t even bothered trying to hide the mess he made. One pillow was on the floor, the other had a stain on it. And the smell. The odor was so quintessentially Patrick, but also something else. As if he had mixed himself with the most heavenly elixir. And Susy could smell the woman’s secretions too.

Before Susy knew it, she was laying on the bed, her skirt around her waist, furiously rubbing her clit with her right hand. With her left, she held Patrick’s sheet up to her face, licking the dried semen from the cotton. It was just too much to resist.


Mark, dressed impeccably in his gray suit, bow tie, and fedora hat, picked up his wife at the phone booth. The second she sat in the passenger seat, he detected the reek coming off of her. “What happened?” He took off his jacket, put it around her shoulders, and then drove them back toward the hotel.

“I … I …” Donna shivered from the cold and the surge of adrenaline at the thought of telling her darling husband that she’d let the Lannit boy take her over and over with his monster penis.

“What are you covered in?” Mark glanced at her and then back to the road. “Did you see something … out of this world?”

“Yes, Mark.” She looked at him with her big green eyes and adjusted her glasses. She wanted to say, and he possessed me body and soul. Instead, she did something unusual. She lied to her husband. “Young Mr. Lannit saved me from that ruffian we interviewed. The boy, Mr. Sumner, seemed crazed and his skin oozed a substance that got on my clothes.”

“Egad.” Mark nearly swerved the car in excitement. “Was this at the library? How did I get back to the hotel?”

“No, it was at the hotel.” Donna shook her head. “Patrick rode along on his bike just in the nick of time and knocked our assailant to the ground. We then took you back to the room as you were in one of your states.”

“Hm. It’s odd I didn’t get any of the stuff on my clothes, if I was there.” Mark scrunched his chin in thought. “We’ll need to bag your clothes for evidence. And get you in a shower in case the stuff is somehow toxic.”

Donna shuddered, thinking about her husband carefully preserving Patrick’s cum as evidence. “Yes, I need a shower.”

“Then what happened?” Mark turned the car to the right. They were now close to the hotel.

“Well …” Donna looked out the window, trying to collect her thoughts. “Patrick and I followed the ruffian and he exuded more of the seepage as he ran from us. We spent all night searching, but gave up the search at daylight. And I then called you.”

“That’s why you walked up to the car with a slight limp? Too much walking all night?” Mark turned the car left onto the hotel’s street. “I was worried you were injured.”

“Yes.” Donna wouldn’t tell him that it was because her once-tight pussy had been battered all night by a giant cock. “One other thing, my lord.”

“Yes, my lady?”

“I’ll need to check in on Patrick this afternoon.” Donna could feel the heat in her cheeks as she said the words.

“Very good, I’d like to thank the young man in person.” Mark parked the car outside the hotel.

“No, dear.” Donna slowly shook her head. “I’ll need to visit him on my own. I’m worried you’ll have another of your spells. Perhaps I should do the majority of the investigating while we’re in Portsmith, and I’ll bring you the evidence.”

“Like your dress?” Mark shut off the engine and looked at his wife with earnest pride.

“Yes.” Donna couldn’t look him in the eye. “Like the dress. There may be more such evidence in future.”

“That’s my gal. No matter the danger, we’ll solve the mystery.” Mark smiled his easy, we’re-on-the-case smile. “I knew you’d warm to the Portsmith riddle. I’ll sequester myself with our books. Maybe you and Patrick can get more reading material for me at the library. When you have time.”

“Of course, dear.” Donna tried her best at a reassuring smile.


“You’re already late, Roy.” Amanda knocked on Roy’s bedroom door and straightened her blouse. These days she always felt nervous when she was about to talk to her son. She never knew where it might lead. “Your father and sister have already left. You need to go to school.”

“Leave me alone, Mom. I’m sleeping,” Roy yelled through the door.

“I’m coming in.” Amanda took a deep breath and opened the door. It was dark in there, the curtains were closed, and the room had a funk to it. Amanda could guess what he’d been doing. She wondered at her boy’s stamina; that his mother’s mouth, vagina, and butt weren’t enough for him. And he’d even mentioned sleeping with other women. Good God, her little, chubby man was a force of nature.

“Go away.” Roy pulled the blankets over his head.

“Now, Roy. If you don’t go to school and apply yourself, I’m going to cut you off from our … our … fun. You don’t want that, do you?” Amanda looked at the space girls and cowgirls on the walls and then looked down at her own bust. They had nothing that she didn’t have. Except for maybe youth. “Now get up.” She crossed the room and pulled the blanket off her naked son. There stood his morning wood. Seeing those chiseled veins and the dark knobby head took her breath away every time. Her vagina leaked into her panties. The funk in the room seemed to intensify.

“You’re not going to cut me off, Mom.” Roy opened his eyes and looked up at her. She was so pretty in the darkness with her pale skin and black hair. “You want it as bad as I do.”

“Roy, you need to get to school.” She frowned at him.

“Everyone thinks Dad is so great, but he doesn’t do it for you anymore. Does he?” Roy reached out and held her left hand. He slowly pulled her wedding ring from her finger.

“Don’t do that, darling.” She let him pull the ring from her finger and pull her into bed with him.

“Dad never saw this coming.” Roy laughed and reached under her skirt, pushing her panties to the side.

“What are you?” Amanda felt a little pressure on her butthole. “Oh, my. Roy? Are you?” Her sphincter gave way and she felt the ring enter her butt. The hole then tightened behind it. “You put it in my butt.”

“Yeah.” Roy laughed harder and rolled her onto her back. “I just like the idea …” Roy was giddy with laughter. “… of Dad getting down on one knee …” His laughter increased as he moved her panties further to the side and pushed his dick into her. “Dad on one knee, asking for your hand in marriage, and pushing those pretty diamonds up your butt.” Roy enjoyed the dumb expression on her face as he thrust in and out of her. She looked so lost. “I mean …” Roy couldn’t stop laughing. “From now on, you and I …” Roy put her feet over his shoulders and really started giving it to her. “We’ll know that your wedding ring was once … in your butt. But Dad won’t know. He might even kiss your ring, or do some sort of gallant shit like that.” Eventually, Roy’s laughter trailed off as he concentrated on nutting inside his mother.

“Roy. You can’t do it inside my vagina. Remember?” Amanda’s face twisted in lust as her orgasm built.

“I can’t do it in your butt … Mom … your ring’s in there.” Roy looked down at his helpless mother and pounded away. His chubby belly shook as he landed hard, punishing strokes with his dick. Her boobs shook under her blouse.

“Oh, Roy.” Amanda turned her head to the side and bit the pillow. A marvelous orgasm took control.

“You’re … going to give me a baby, Mom.” Roy was almost ready.

Those words caused Amanda to have another orgasm even before the first one subsided. She knew it was true. She would give Roy a baby.

“Every woman … in Portsmith … will give me … a baby.” And with that Roy drenched her pussy in cum.

When his sperm hit her insides, Amanda’s second orgasm accelerated into a third one, bigger than the first two.

Minutes later, as Amanda wobbled out of her son’s room, she blinked in disbelief. There were no lines Roy wouldn’t cross.

“Call the school, Mom,” Roy called after her. “Tell them I’ll be late today. You wouldn’t want me to cut you off from this dick.”

Amanda turned her head slightly and nodded. She made her way down into the kitchen. First, she’d call the school. Then she’d go to her washroom and clean the gallon of cum that oozed out of her. After that, she’d see about retrieving her wedding ring.


The women they interviewed all seemed a little off to Dr. Gertrude Cobb. It was something, but not enough to call in reinforcements. Given the literature on the meteorites, Gertrude was expecting an infection that decimated the populace. Or maybe gross mutations. What she got instead, was funny looks and lots of attention to the breast area. These women were pulling at their blouses, or constantly smoothing the front of their dresses, or in some cases even rubbing their own breasts when they thought no one was looking.

What could it mean? Something nefarious or benign? Gertrude didn’t have enough evidence yet. Maybe she’d order some protective masks for her and her staff, just in case. Something like surgical masks.

The more time they spent in Portsmith, the more Gertrude felt her intuition had been right to avoid the young males. But also, the less she trusted her intuition that the women in this town posed them no harm.


“Can I call my fiancé? I haven’t telephoned since I first got here.” Olivia stood in her maroon housedress, hands clasped in front her, fingers fidgeting.

“I’m surprised you want to telephone him after last night.” Linda looked up from the counter where she was making them some lunch, a pretty, warm smile on her face. She looked stunning with her blue blouse and white circle skirt.

“Please don’t say that.” Olivia bit her lip, thinking about the things she’d done last night. She’d opened herself up to this family completely. It was surely unforgivable. And the worst was that she knew she wanted more of that tall young man with the enormous cock and his bouncy, round mother.

“Well, it is long-distance, so don’t be long.” Linda put down the knife on the counter. A devious thought slithered into her mind.

Olivia walked over to the phone, picked it up, and dialed Robert’s work number. A man answered on the third ring and she asked for Robert. The man said he’d get him and there was a pause. She turned, fiddling with the cord, and watched as Linda lowered herself to the linoleum floor and crawled toward her. The way her butt stuck out in that position under her skirt was so provocative. And the way Linda’s shoulder blades moved was somewhat sinister. Olivia felt like she was being stalked by a large cat.

“Hello, Liv?” Robert was panting, he’d obviously raced to the phone.

“Hello, Robert.” Olivia watched in awe and horror as Linda crawled right up to her and slid under her dress. “Darling, it’s so good to hear –” Olivia sucked in her breath as Linda pulled her panties aside and licked at Olivia’s pussy. No one, not even Robert, had done that for her before. “Good to hear your voice,” Olivia squeaked.

It was only fair, Linda thought, that she taste Olivia. The young woman had done almost nothing but taste Linda since they’d met. Linda liked this new act. She lapped some more and realized that she enjoyed it very much.

“Are you still at your parent’s house?” Robert didn’t like to hear the stress in his fiancée’s voice. “Is your father doing better?”

This was the lie Olivia had told him over the phone the day she left. “Yes …” Olivia couldn’t help it. She widened her legs to give her hostess better access to her pussy and leaned back against the wall. “… he’s much better than you. I’m sorry … I mean, and … you?” She looked down at the lump Linda’s head made under Olivia’s dress. Olivia was going to have to hang up soon, or Robert was going to hear her cum on this woman’s tongue.

Robert talked on about work and his buddies. Olivia tried to listen.

More naughty thoughts occurred to Linda. While sliding her tongue slowly up and down between Olivia’s open lips. She slid her right hand up, wet her index finger in Olivia’s vagina with a quick poke, and then moved her hand around back.

“Oh,” Olivia blurted, interrupting her fiancé.

“What?” Robert again worried about his sweet girl.

“Nothing, Robert. I just … I just …” Olivia’s eyes shot wide as Linda’s finger entered her butthole. She hadn’t known that was a thing people did. “Cardinals … how are they?” Olivia knew that no topic interested him more than his beloved Cardinals.

“They’re struggling in the outfield right now.” He talked on and on about baseball while his fiancée further succumbed to Linda’s wiles.

Linda moved her mouth up and nibbled on Olivia’s engorged clit.

“Very busy. Have to go,” Olivia interrupted Robert just as he was explaining the shortstop situation. “Love you.” And she slammed the phone down. Olivia wailed and came. My God, she could feel herself squirting something into Linda’s mouth.

Linda felt a sense of euphoria as Olivia sprayed her chin with her orgasm. What control she had over her new, little friend. When the young woman stopped trembling, Linda came back out from under Olivia’s dress. “Well, that was quite something. I didn’t know women did that. You spayed me like a man.” Her face was shiny and slick, and the front of her blouse had a dark stain spreading across it.

“Me either.” Olivia slumped to the floor, her eyes fixed on this mesmerizing woman.

“Well …” Linda slapped her hands together, like she’d just finished a job well done. “I need a shower. Care to join me?”

The two women put off lunch for a little while longer, while they got each other off in the washroom upstairs.


“What are you saying?” David leaned over his lunch tray, studying his small, nerdy friend.

“I’m no longer a virgin.” Patrick smiled and sipped at his milk. “It happened last night.” His smile broadened. “And last night, and this morning, and this morning, and this morning.”

“Awesome. Well done, Pat. I’ll take you out to the malt shop to celebrate after school.” David’s smile had a shadow of doubt in it. Did Patrick do it with his mom? When they saw Roberta getting it from Ralph, had that given Patrick the confidence to take Suzy Lannit? “What about it Roy, you want to come along?”

“No.” Roy looked down at his chicken sandwich. “I’ve got other plans.”

“Don’t you have basketball practice?” Patrick raised an eyebrow at David and adjusted his glasses.

“It’s crazy. They cancelled our season. Boys started missing practice, then a bunch dropped the team.” David scratched at his short blond hair. “I thought we were going to be good this year, too. I guess we add that to the mystery pile, huh?”

“Strange.” Patrick thought it over and shook his head. “I want to go to the malt shop, I really do, but Mom’s picking me up early to see that doctor again. Tomorrow?”

“Yeah, sure.” David nodded.

“So, who is it?” Roy turned his head and gave Patrick a sharp stare. “The doll you banged. Who is it?”

“You can’t tell anyone.” Patrick leaned his head in and the other two boys did the same. “It’s the lady detective. She spent the night and it was the most incredible thing ever,” Patrick whispered.

“The older woman we saw in the library with the shapely backside?” Roy looked like he didn’t believe Patrick.

“Yes.” Patrick nodded emphatically.

Roy snorted a laugh. “You?” He chuckled a little harder. “I thought it was just me, but I bet it’s all of us that got bigger dicks.”

Patrick and David exchanged a glance.

“What are you talking about Roy?” Patrick was genuinely at a loss.

“You think you’re so smart with your books and your glasses.” Roy’s laughter came to an abrupt halt. “Did you fuck your mom yet, Pat?”

“What?” Patrick’s cheeks flushed and his fists clenched. He was ready to defend Susy’s honor.

“How about you?” Roy turned his attention to David. “You nail your hot little package of a mother yet?”

“Shut up, Roy.” David stood, his face darkening.

“It’s the sweat poindexter.” Roy looked back to Patrick. “I fucked his mom and I’m going to fuck yours. As long as I’m sweating, I can fuck whoever I want. There’s something happening to all of –”

Both Patrick and David leaped toward Roy, competing to see who could punch him first. Despite being on the other side of the table, David won.

The fist fight only lasted a few seconds, as the three boys were dragged apart by teachers. Roy had a bloody nose and the makings of a black eye. The other two boys escaped with only bruised knuckles.

The boys were all taken to the vice principal’s office where they had to stay until their parents picked them up.


Linda picked up David first. The other two boys watched him go with his head down.

Next, Susy showed up for Patrick. She scolded him right there in the room and led him out holding the collar of his shirt.

Roy was still crying when Amanda picked him up. She breezed into the room, head held high, took her son by the shoulder, and whisked him out to the car. He was still crying in the passenger seat when they pulled away from the curb.

“What happened?” Amanda glanced at him.

“Patrick and David punched me, Mom.” Roy wiped at his eyes with the back of his hand.

“Oh my, well I’ll certainly talk to their mothers.” She patted his thigh. “Don’t cry, darling. I know what’ll cheer you up.”

“What?” Roy sniffled.

“There’s an abandoned parking lot just over here.” Amanda turned the car right, then left, and then another left down an alley. “We should …” They pulled into the parking lot, but it wasn’t abandoned. Linda Riles’s auto was parked at the far end of the lot. Amanda couldn’t see anyone in it. She slowed her car and parked. Linda’s car was rocking back and forth. Amanda looked closer and she could see a pair of kitten heels wobbling up in the air above the back seat. “Oh, my word.” She put her right hand over Roy’s eyes.

“Stop, Mom.” Roy pushed her hand away, and his tears dried up. He looked at the car and it was very clear that Linda Riles had had the same idea as Amanda. David was doing her in the back seat.

“She’s a good Christian woman. I can’t believe …” Amanda couldn’t take her eyes of the rocking car. “Is her son in there with her?”

“Don’t look so surprised, Mom.” Roy reached over and pulled up her skirt. He pulled her panties to the side and slid a finger into her pussy. She was already wet. “We do it, why wouldn’t they?”

“Not now, Roy.” Amanda turned the car around and pulled out of the parking lot. She let her son finger her the rest of the way home.

When the car was safely in their garage with the door closed behind them, she shut off the ignition. Amanda turned to Roy and kissed him deeply. “Are you feeling better, darling?”

“I wanna do it in the back of the car, like David did with his mom.” Roy fondled her right boob through her blouse.

“Really?” Amanda thought that maybe it wasn’t the best idea, but she found herself climbing into the back seat. “What is this world coming to? Linda and her son. Her tall, handsome son.” The thought of another mother falling the way she had sent tantalizing chills up her spine.

“Stop talking about David.” Roy climbed into the back seat and positioned Amanda on her back, legs spread, kitten heels up in the air. He released his dick and without ceremony, shoved it in.

“Oh. Don’t worry, Roy. Ooohhhhh. You’re my … handsome boy.” She reached up and touched his face with her fingertips. “I only have eyes … uh … uh … uh … for you. I … love you … so much.” Her first orgasm washed over her.

“I … love you … too … Mom.” Roy reached under her and grabbed her ass for leverage. “I’m going to cum in your pussy again. I want a … baby sister. Give me … a baby sister.” He slammed into her with long, powerful strokes.

“Yes, darling.” Amanda squealed and her car rocked back and forth. Just like Linda’s car. They were both good, Christian mothers and wives and yet, they both had given it up to their sons. Amanda wondered what her life would have been like if she’d had twin daughters instead of Annie and Roy. She wondered if Roy would give her twin daughters now. “Oooooohhhhhhhh.” Amanda screamed and quivered as Roy emptied himself in her vagina.

Chapter 9

“Patrick’s been busy since we saw you last week.” Susy sat on the sofa in Dr. Epman’s office. Again, the doctor himself was nowhere to be seen. Instead, his wife, Paget, watched Susy and Patrick with interest. “He was in a fistfight today. The other day, he did something to his big sister, and she wouldn’t even tell me what it was. But I could tell it wasn’t any good. A mother knows.” Susy ticked off events on her fingers as she ran down her list. “Yesterday, he did … things to his tutor.”

“Things?” Paget smiled in a slight professional way and cocked her head. “What things?” Her inquisitive eyes, enlarged by her glasses, moved back and forth from Susy to Patrick. Her hands lay still in the lap of her crisp sheath skirt. She pressed her knees firmly together.

“Well …” Susy’s cheeks darkened as she thought about the things she saw and heard them do. “I understand that boys Pat’s age need to … let off steam. But the tutor was old enough to be his mother. And as his mother, I know that’s not in the least okay.”

“I see.” Paget nodded, her brown ponytail bobbing behind her head.

“He’s continued to be too touchy with me as well.” Susy continued ticking off items on her fingers. “He’s eighteen for goodness sakes, he shouldn’t be touching his mother. Also, his friend Roy was unspeakably rude to me.”

“Did he do something, Mom?” Patrick’s face went from chagrin to panic in a millisecond.

“I slapped that boy and sent him on his way.” Susy crossed her arms over her large chest and set her jaw firmly.

“I only punched him today because he said mean things about you.” Patrick adjusted his glasses and looked over at his mom. “He said bad things, Mrs. Epman.” Patrick turned his gaze to the pretty counselor sitting across from them.

“Did those bad things, per chance, have to do with him compromising your mother in a sexual way?” There was a little twinkle in Paget’s eye.

“My goodness, Mrs. Epman.” Susy put a hand to her mouth.

“I’m sorry, Mrs. Lannit. But we have to be honest here, and you know boys that age.” Paget turned her half-smile toward Susy. “You’re a beautiful woman, it’s only natural that they would look at you that way.”

“My gosh.” Susy couldn’t believe what she was hearing.

“Look, I think I know why this is happening.” Patrick moved his hands as he talked, becoming more animated. “There was a meteor. And Roy said something about guys’ sweat. And the senior boys, most of us have bigger …” He glanced at his mother. “… gadgets. And women in town are getting bigger too. And –”

“Patrick, that’s enough.” Susy dropped her forehead into her hands, mortified. “We don’t discuss your gadget or my weight. I put on a few pounds. It happens.”

“No, Mom. It’s not just you.” Patrick was talking very fast. “Look at Mrs. Epman. Her boobs are … different than last week.”

“What has gotten into you, Pat?” Susy’s eyes narrowed. She was this close to smacking her own son across the cheek.

“I see what’s going on here.” Paget stood and walked across the room to Susy and put a hand on her shoulder. “I’ll finish the session privately with Patrick. I know just what to do. Please wait out in the foyer.”

“But –” Susy said.

“Please, Mrs. Lannit.” Paget squeezed Susy’s shoulder gently. “I’ve discussed Patrick’s case with Dr. Epman, I know exactly what to do.”

Susy stood and walked to the door. She looked back over her shoulder at Patrick and Paget. Both watched her. Paget had taken Susy’s place next to Patrick on the couch. Susy opened the door, stepped out into the waiting room, and closed it behind her. She found a magazine, sat in a chair, and waited.

“You’re a clever boy.” Paget turned toward Patrick and put a hand on his knee. “You figured out that sweat serves as the catalyst.” Her smile brightened as she talked, full of expectation. “Although, I very much doubt there’s a meteor involved in all this.” Paget stood back up, took off her heels, and placed them next to the sofa. “But it’s not just guys’ sweat.” She removed her glasses, placed them on an end table, and then bounced on the soles of her bare feet. “Women too.”

“What?” Patrick’s jaw dropped as he watched this mild-mannered lady jog in place on the hardwood floor. His eyes fell to her boobs, bouncing in unison under her blouse and bra. They were bigger than last week, Patrick was sure of it. “What are you doing?”

“This needs to come off.” Paget was struggling to move her legs in her sheath skirt. She dropped the skirt to the floor and placed it on her shoes. She then jogged again, her bare, white legs tensing and releasing with every step. “I didn’t lie … to your mother, Patrick.” She was now huffing and puffing a little. Her blouse hung over her black lace panties. Underwear that were once reserved only for her marital bed were now in plain sight for this teenager. “I did … discuss your case with my husband. But then … I had a … revelation.” Her forehead glistened with sweat and her ponytail danced behind her as she continued to jog in place. While bouncing, she pulled her blouse over her head and tossed it onto the sofa. “I found something … better than any … drug. As … sweet as … life itself.”

“You need to stop, Mrs. Epman.” Patrick watched this professional, married woman exercise in her black lace bra and panties. He couldn’t pull his gaze away from her bouncing chest. His pants had become mighty uncomfortable as his dick fully engorged. “I won’t be able to help myself.

“You like my … tits? That’s what boys … your age call them … right?” Paget’s smile was a little strained as she exercised, but still pretty and friendly. “Tits?”

“Boobs?” Patrick, without thinking, unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down around his thighs. His dick sprung free. The smell in the room was rich and enveloping.

“Boobs?” Paget stopped her jogging and dropped to her knees. She wiped her forehead with the back of her hand. “You are such a polite boy, Patrick Lannit.” She reached out and held Patrick’s long penis with her left hand. “You have such a beautiful penis. Look how the head flares, just so.” She ran her right index finger over the head, pulling off a drop of precum. She put the finger in her mouth and her eyelashes fluttered. “So good.” Paget pulled Patrick’s pants and underwear down to his ankles and gently spread his legs. “Will this be your first oral sex, or is this something you did with the tutor?” She leaned forward and licked up the remaining precum on his cock. A little shudder went down her spine.

“Tutor.” Patrick couldn’t help but feel that he was about to cheat on Donna. It was ridiculous, he knew, in so many ways. They had been together only that one night. And she was married to the indomitable Mark Farmer. Donna wasn’t his girlfriend or anything. They weren’t going steady. She hadn’t put his pin on. But still. “Maybe we … oh … wow.” He sighed as the pretty counselor slid the head of his dick past her soft, pink lips. “The … meteor.”

“Mmmmmmmm.” Paget popped the cock from the side of her mouth. It was so substantial. She licked down the shaft and it felt like it went forever until she found his large, heavy balls. She’d never grow tired of this, and she was in the perfect position for mothers to keep bringing her their sons. “Don’t worry about the meteor, Patrick,” Paget said between licks of his left testicle. With her left hand, she stroked the massive penis. So far, Patrick was the skinniest of the patients she’d blown. This was a good thing, in her mind. He was cute and innocent. Paget liked them that way. “Whatever happened here in Portsmith, we are the luckiest people in the world.” She sucked in his ball and rolled it around her mouth.

“Your … husband.” Patrick looked down at the wedding ring touching his dick. The little silver band had so many diamonds. Dr. Epman must have a successful practice to buy such a thing for his wife.

Paget removed the testicle from her mouth and licked back up the veiny shaft. “Forget my husband. You really are a thoughtful lad, aren’t you?” She kissed the dark head. “Worry less. You’ll have more fun. Now put your hands on my head.”

Patrick cupped the back of her brown hair with both hands.

“Good. Now pull me back onto your penis.” She felt the pressure on the back of her head. She resisted for a second, just for fun, but Patrick pulled harder. She wanted him to want it. Resistance gone, the thick penis was back in her mouth. She bobbed her head, slurping and moaning. She needed more of that teenage cum that she craved. Day and night, it was almost all she thought about now.

“Mrs. Epman … wow … you’re going to make me …” Patrick burst in her mouth.

Paget was ready for the euphoria, and kept her mouth suctioned on his penis, draining him down her throat. The first couple times she’d done this, she wasn’t ready for the orgasm that went with swallowing her patients’ semen, and it had been difficult to clean and explain to the waiting mother. But now, Paget was nearly a pro. She swallowed everything, and rode that amazing high as lights swirled before her eyes and electricity delighted every nerve.

It took some time for Patrick to recover, but when he did, he looked down as she still lovingly sucked on his dick. “Mrs. Epman?” He removed his hands from her head. “I’m done.”

Paget looked up at him, with that pole still in her mouth, and winked. She pulled her head back and licked her lips. “Well done, young Mr. Lannit. Now, I want you to behave this week. No more fistfights, no more groping your mother.”

“But I –” Patrick said.

“Shh.” Paget put a finger to her lips. “If I hear you behaved all week, I’ll suck you again. I might even let you see my tits. Would you like that?”

Patrick pulled up his pants. His impulse was to mount the woman right then, but he fought for control of his body with the lizard part of his brain.

“Oh, you prefer boobs.” Paget gave him a mock pouty face. “Would you like to see my boobies next time?” Paget stood, collected her blouse and skirt, and dressed herself.

“I think it’s time to go.” Patrick buttoned his pants, tucking his still hard dick into his waistband.

Paget looked down at the watch on her wrist. “Right you are. Fifty minutes on the nose. Run along now.” She put on her heels and waved him toward the door.

“Goodbye, Mrs. Epman.” Patrick stood and quickly retreated to the door. “Thank you.”

“Patrick Lannit, always so polite.” Paget straightened and waved goodbye. “See you next week.”


The ladies waited in their meeting room in the church basement. They sat in a semi-circle on metal folding chairs, waiting for the presentation.

“I’ve never talked to scientists before, have you?” Linda leaned over to whisper in Molly Neilson’s ear. It was quite an honor to sit next to the pastor’s wife. Although, Linda wasn’t sure she deserved that spot. After all, she’d picked up David a little while ago after a fight at school. Minutes after pickup, she’d given herself to him in their family car. Her vagina still leaked the sperm her son had deposited there.

“I have not.” Molly shook her head and brushed her blonde hair off her forehead. She eyed the three outsiders at the front of the room. Two women and a man talked quietly. “I didn’t catch what this is about. Did you?” Molly’s nipples had started tingling the second those three government people had walked into the room. It was so strange. Odd cravings rose inside of her. It was all she could do to stay seated. She wanted to rip her sweater, dress, and bra off and let her breasts hang free. Which was insane anywhere, but especially in her husband’s church, with a large cross looking down on them from the wall.

“Water readiness preparation?” Linda shrugged. “Or something like that, I think.” She suffered from the same feelings as Molly, but these were familiar to Linda. She looked to her left where Olivia sat, squirming in her seat. These feelings were just like the first time she met Olivia. She looked around the semi-circle. Patricia, Samantha, and Rose filled out the semi-circle. These were all fine members of the community, and some of the most devoted friends to the church. Linda reached for the cross hanging from her bracelet. She had started to doubt that God was as committed to them as they were to God.

“Do you feel strange?” Molly whispered. Her heart thumped in her chest. She looked up at the embroidered phrase on the wall; An Oasis of Faith at a Busy Crossroad. An image arose in her mind of an oasis of milk bubbling up in the desert, where she would feed all the non-believers and convert them to Jesus. Molly frowned, but that was wrong, somehow.

“I feel good.” Linda looked at Molly. The short woman practically bounced in her seat. Linda noted the pretty woman’s generous curves, and that she hadn’t yet bought herself new clothes. Molly’s once loose sweater was now pulled tightly over her boobs.

A few miles away, Axcix watched through her sentry feed. She sat at the bottom of the lake, her mechanisms whirring with tension. The alien didn’t bother to watch most events as they happened, she liked to sift through the data afterward. But she made an exception for what was about to happen to those meddling primates. Six females should be enough for one, two, three … A storm of bubbles rose in the water around Axcix. Folly. There were only three now. Where had the other two outsiders gone? Now that the event had started, she couldn’t change course. This could lead to more problems.

“I think maybe I should go lie down.” Molly could feel her vagina leaking. Were her breasts leaking too? She’d weaned their youngest a few years ago. What was happening?

“It’s starting.” Linda leaned close to Molly and breathed in. She smelled delightful. But Linda focused on the front of the room as the small woman with gray eyes, blonde hair, and a formal swing dress walked to the center of the semi-circle.

“Hello, ladies.” She gave them all a perfunctory smile. “I’m Dr. Gertrude Cobb, and these are my colleagues, Mr. Richard Smith and Miss Wendy Gonzalez. We’re here exploring the interplay between meteorological phenomena and human health.” Gertrude’s smile turned more genuine as she enjoyed her own pun. They were not there to study the weather. “We have a few questions for you all. Mr. Smith will pass out some mimeographed copies of a questionnaire for your perusal.”

“I don’t feel so good, Linda.” Molly put her left hand on Linda’s shoulder. She needed to feel something solid. But human contact served only to excite her further.

“Hang in there, sweetie.” Linda patted Molly’s thigh. She watched Richard walk toward the ladies with a stack of papers.

Gertrude’s assistant Wendy had a dark complexion, black hair, and a somber expression on her face. She stepped up next to Gertrude and whispered in her ear.

Richard passed a paper to Rose and Samantha, but then when he offered one to Patricia, all hell broke loose in the church basement.

“I can’t stand it,” Patricia yelled. She stood, tore open the front of her fine blue dress, and jumped on Richard. The two of them toppled to the ground in a writhing heap.

Seeing this, Rose and Samantha stood with a frenzied look in their eyes. Rose pulled her blouse over her head and with trembling fingers tore her bra off and tossed it aside. Her boobs were large, with small dark nipples. Both women dove on top of Patricia and Richard.

“Drink, drink, drink,” Patricia murmured. She had her swollen, alabaster boob pressed firmly onto Richard’s mouth. The man struggled for a second against the women, but then his body went limp.

Gertrude and Wendy stood with their mouths hanging open in horror. Olivia and Molly rose to their feet and raced toward the outsiders, discarding their clothing behind them as they ran. Gertrude and Wendy didn’t move. They were suspended in disbelief.

“I didn’t think –” Gertrude couldn’t finish her thought as the half-naked pastor’s wife bowled her over.

“No, no, no.” Wendy turned to run, but Olivia, dressed only in her skirt now, caught her from behind. Now everyone but Linda was on the floor.

“Miracles never cease.” Linda stood slowly, her heart racing. She removed her blouse and bra, set them down on her chair, and then surveyed the room. Patricia had given way to Rose, who now had her boob in Richard’s face. Olivia had already snared Wendy, cradling the scientist’s head in her lap. Olivia fed the woman from her small breasts. The only one still struggling was Gertrude. Molly straddled the woman’s hips and was trying desperately to get her breasts into the doctor’s face, but Gertrude pushed back at Molly.

Linda strode over, kneeled down, and grabbed her own left tit. She positioned herself over Gertrude’s face and squeezed milk so that little droplets rained down into the woman’s open mouth.

“Uuuugghhhh.” Gertrude’s eyes rolled back in her head. Her whole body coursed with pleasure, and the need to escape quickly vanished. Molly took advantage and swiftly pulled Gertrude up into a sitting position.

“Yes. Oh, please. Yes.” Molly still straddled Gertrude’s hips and fed her tenderly, stroking her hair. She looked down to see the cross she wore around her neck resting on the doctor’s relaxed forehead. Molly cooed softly and watched this woman of science gulp and slurp at her enlarged nipple. That Molly’s dry breasts were now suddenly wet again was truly a miracle from God. And she just knew that what the church ladies were doing to these outsiders was a form of baptism, welcoming them into the community.

Linda stood over Molly and Gertrude. Her muscles tensed with frustration. She needed to feed someone, but everyone was busy. Rose was now suckling from Patricia’s breasts. Samantha fed the comatose Richard. Olivia continued to feed Wendy, and now had her left hand under the woman’s dress between her legs, obviously bringing her off with her fingers. And Molly and Gertrude continued, with Molly on top, holding the doctor firmly to her bosom. Linda turned around and walked back to a chair. She removed her skirt and sat down.

Soft murmurs and the wet smacking of lips on breasts filled the church basement. Linda really needed to feed someone. With her left hand, she lifted up her heavy left breast and placed her own nipple in her mouth. With her right hand, she pulled her panties to the side and began stroking her vagina. The warm milk that flowed into her mouth was magically sweet and carried with it a surreal high. She watched the corruption of these scientists and brought herself to orgasm after orgasm.

An hour later, the ladies began to dress again. Some had taken everything off during the melee, others still had a few things on. Everyone was calm and a bit spacy, like a strong buzz from too many martinis. The church women talked it over and decided that the scientists would no longer stay at the hotel. Wendy had formed a tight bond with Olivia over the past hour, and she pleaded for Olivia to take her home. So, Linda invited her to stay in Ryan’s old room with Olivia.

Gertrude was flustered and stuttering and no one could make much sense of her. Molly said that it was the Lord’s will to invite the stranger into one’s home, so she would put Gertrude in their spare bedroom. No one seemed to think or care what happened to poor Richard as he still lay on the floor.

When Richard woke some time later, he was confused and groggy. It almost felt like he had a hangover. He slowly stood and straightened his jacket and tie. For some reason, the collar on his shirt was wet. And it smelled … really good. The basement room was neat and tidy. Someone had put all the chairs away and the floor smelled of cleaner.

Had something gone terribly wrong? He wasn’t sure. Had the women attacked them? He seemed to recall shirtless women tossing themselves on top of him. But that didn’t seem right. Whatever had happened, he needed to get back to the hotel and regroup with the others. Maybe it was time to call in reinforcements.

Or maybe he needed to go for a swim. Yes, he definitely needed a swim. He turned and walked out of the church. There was a chill in the air. A swim in a cold lake seemed the perfect thing for the moment. He remembered Lake Ipuza Ikpi was only a few miles away. His automobile was still in the lot. He got in and drove his way out of town. An old, dusty dirt road lead him to the shores of the lake. It looked so peaceful and relaxing. Richard stepped on the accelerator and drove his car right off the rickety old pier.

He landed with a splash. As icy water moved up his ankles and caressed his calves, Richard thought about how nice it was to be out in the lake. He cranked down his window, crawled out, and dug his hands into the water. Stroke after stroke, Richard swam his way out into the middle of that large body of water as his car slipped from sight behind him.

Axcix chortled on the lake floor. She had some company now. The day had not gone exactly like she’d planned it. There were two more outsiders to round up. And she’d need to do that quickly, before they called in any more outsiders. But things had gone well enough. She sent out a recovery bubble to collect her new friend from the water. He might prove a useful tool should she have trouble collecting the other two.


Susy followed Patrick into the house and closed the front door behind her. It had been a quiet ride back from the doctor’s office. Susy was upset about the fistfight, and she didn’t much care for having to wait in a different room while Patrick talked to the doctor’s wife. The fact that Patrick wouldn’t tell her what they talked about only made her frustration rise. “Go to your room, Pat.”

“But, Mom, I’m hungry.” Patrick looked back at Susy and immediately regretted saying anything. She looked about as stern as Susy Lannit ever got. Her eyes had narrowed and she had a vertical line running up the center of her forehead that said she wasn’t about to put up with any nonsense.

“Get … up … stairs.” Her voice was dark and full of fury. “Just wait until your father hears you’ve been fighting at school.”

Without another word, Patrick headed for the stairs. He thought his father would probably be happy that Patrick had shown a little backbone. Fred always wanted Patrick to be more manly. But Patrick wasn’t about to say anything of the sort to his mother.

Susy watched him go upstairs and heard his door slam. She then went about preparing dinner, muttering to herself as she put on an apron and moved about the kitchen.

Ten minutes later, the doorbell echoed its tritone melody through the house. Susy wiped her hands on a dishtowel and went to see who was calling on the Lannits. She swung the door open and there stood the tutor from the day before. The red-haired woman had put on a touch more makeup today and had let her hair fall free to her shoulders. She wore a green circle dress with a bit too much of her bare collarbone showing for Susy’s liking. Her magnified eyes looked through her glasses and darted a little here and there like she was uncomfortable. Or ashamed. She should be, Susy thought. “You have a lot of nerve coming here again, Miss …”

“Mrs. Donna Farmer.” Donna stuck out her right hand, but Susy didn’t take it. After a moment, Donna pulled it back in and fiddled with the strap on her purse. “Uh … I’m here …” Donna’s green eyes had a hard time meeting Susy’s fierce brown ones. “… for another tutoring session.”

“Mrs.?” Susy stepped onto the front porch and closed the front door behind her, forcing Donna to take a step back. She waved her pointer finger at the tutor. “You should be ashamed of yourself. I know what you did. Pat’s barely eighteen and you, a married woman, seduce my poor boy into bed. Shame on you.”

“I didn’t mean …” Donna hated every second of this, but she couldn’t get turned away. She needed to feel Patrick’s arms around her again. She needed the young man inside her. She was already wet thinking about it. “It’s just … I’m not …” And what was worse, she couldn’t help but notice how stunningly beautiful Susy was as the housewife scolded her. Why was she thinking these thoughts?

“You need to pray to God for forgiveness. And pray that your husband forgives you too.” Susy opened the door again and stepped inside, looking out at the woman.

“I’m not … religious.” Donna looked down at her dress. She couldn’t see her own kitten heels beyond the expanse of her chest. “I’m a woman of science.”

“Even worse.” Susy leaned a little closer. “I don’t care what sort of help Patrick needs in school. He will get no tutoring from you. Never come back.” Susy slammed the door in the woman’s face.

Donna turned from the front door and walked back to her automobile. Tears snaked their way down her freckled cheeks. They weren’t tears of shame. It was frustration that consumed her. She’d never before spent a night like she had in Patrick’s bedroom and she wanted another taste. Just a nibble would do. Donna opened her door and sat in the driver’s seat. She placed her face in her hands and continued to cry. She looked up when she heard the passenger door open.

“I snuck out. Quick, let’s go before my mom sees us.” Patrick slipped into the car and closed the door after him. He tugged his sweater back into place and frowned when he saw that Donna was crying. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing.” Donna wiped at her eyes and turned the key in the ignition. The engine started up. “I must look a total mess.” Donna could see the mascara on the back of her hand.

“You look beautiful.” Patrick watched her in awe as they pulled away from the curb. She did have mascara spreading out from her eyes and running in black rivulets down her face. But to Patrick, it only made her look more enchanting. “I have some things I need to tell you.”

“Okay.” Donna glanced at him and adjusted her glasses. “We can’t go back to my hotel. And your house is verboten.”

“Verboten?” Patrick adjusted his own glasses in an unconscious mimic of Donna’s motions, like some sort of poindexter mating ritual.

“It means off limits.” A little smile crept across her face. It was good to talk to the eager boy again. What a rollercoaster. Minutes ago, she thought she wasn’t going to see him. “Where should we go?”

“Let’s go out by the lake. It’s pretty out there, and this time of year we should have it to ourselves.” Patrick pointed to the cross-street up ahead. “Take a right up there.”

Donna did, and ten minutes later they found themselves at the end of the dusty dirt road, parked out by Lake Ipuza Ikpi. On the way over, they traded some small talk, both putting off a deeper conversation. Now, with the car engine off and both of them leaning their backs on their doors, they were ready.

“So.” Patrick took a deep breath and let it out. “The first thing I have to tell you is that it’s our sweat that’s making us do stuff.”

“What do you mean?” Donna cocked her head and raised an eyebrow.

“I don’t know how, but something changed in Portsmith, and now when we sweat we can … um … we have …” Patrick watched Donna’s expression closely. She seemed interested. Her face still had the streaks of mascara, which leant her a more serious look. It seemed almost like she was an Indian with war paint. “Sex,” Patrick blurted out. “It makes us have sex.”

“Sort of like the Arviat case in 1905?” Donna pretended not to notice how Patrick’s eyes kept falling to her chest. “Interesting. I’m impressed. What else did our junior investigator discover?” Donna regretting saying this almost instantly. The our referred to her and her husband Mark, and she did not want to think of him at the moment.

“Well, um …” Patrick readjusted his glasses. “I had a, um, thing with my councilor. She knew about the sweat, and she used it on me. I didn’t want to. I’m sorry, Mrs. Farmer.”

“First, I think at this point you can call me Donna.” Her smile was full of warmth. “Second, you don’t need to be sorry. We’re not going steady or anything.” When she said that, Donna saw his face fall. “And third, no long faces when we’re together, okay? Why don’t you show me again how the sweat works?”

“What?” Patrick’s sad eyes brightened a little.

“Show me how the sweat works.” Donna nodded encouragement.

“Well, if it’s going to be me, I have to start sweating, I guess.” Patrick opened the door and stepped out of the car onto the soft dirt parking lot. He started doing jumping jacks.

Donna’s smile widened as she watched the goofy teenager move about. Her gaze fell to his pants, and she saw the hefty package he had in there shifting with each jump. It hadn’t been just her imagination. Patrick really did have an enormous cock.

After a couple minutes, Patrick had worked up a good sweat, even in the brisk, shady woods. He slid back into the passenger seat and closed the door behind him. “And now, I think it just does its thing. Do you feel any different?”

“Yes.” Donna’s pussy dripped and she was breathing like she herself had just done several minutes of jumping jacks. She was so ready. “Great job with your investigations, Pat. I’m so proud of you.” Donna removed her glasses and set them on the dash. She leaned forward and planted a soft kiss on Patrick’s lips. She then gently nibbled his upper lip.

“I love you, Donna.” Patrick placed his hands on her back and pulled her into him, pressing her soft, round boobs into his bony chest. He kissed her all over her lips and cheeks, smearing her mascara further.

“I told you,” Donna said between kisses. “Not to say the L … O … V … E … word.”

“But it’s true.” Patrick leaned back and looked at her earnestly. He took off his glasses and put them next to Donna’s. “Other than my mom, you’re the most beautiful woman I’ve ever met. The woman of my dreams.”

“Now that’s something a woman never wants to hear.” Donna unbuttoned his pants and pulled them down along with his underwear. His monster sprung free. Donna’s pupils dilated as she gazed down at it. “To be compared to your mother.” She grabbed the dick and slid her hands up and down. “Wait.” She looked up at Patrick. “Have you done something with your mother?” The thought, for some reason, drove Donna even more mad with lust. This small polite boy, taking his own very womanly mother. She imagined their coupling would look much like how Donna looked with Patrick.

“No.” Patrick put a hand on Donna’s red hair and gently pushed her toward his dick. “Well, I kissed her. But that’s all.”

“My goodness, Pat.” Donna looked up at him as she lowered toward his cock. “You would do it with her if you could, wouldn’t you?”

Patrick shrugged and then gave a very slight nod. He wanted to be honest with Donna.

“Well, I’ll have to serve as a substitute.” She let his cockhead slip into her mouth. Sparks flew before her eyes as the precum dissolved on her tongue. It was as good as she remembered it. Soon, Donna was bobbing her head and the car was filled with the sounds of her slurping and gagging. This was nothing like taking care of Mark. That was a gentle, coaxing enterprise. With Patrick, it was raw and almost savage.

“Oh, gosh. Donna, are you going … to swallow it?” Patrick pressed down on her head a little more firmly, causing her to take almost half his length.

“Yyemmmmmssssssss.” Donna tried to tell him yes, but instead she made a series of sputtering sounds. When the cum hit her throat, her muscles tensed. She swallowed as much as she could, but she was barely aware of her own body. When lucidity returned, she found her head in Patrick’s lap and she was looking up at his great length. She felt cum in her hair, on her face, and soaking into her dress. “There’s just so much of it.” She wasn’t even sure if she was referring to the span of his cock, the quantity of his cum, or his amazing stamina. “You want more, Pat?” She quickly kissed his right testicle and sat up.

“Yes, please.”

“I can’t believe you keep going the way you do.” Donna wiggled out of her panties and surveyed the front seat. It was a bit awkward to straddle him. She hadn’t ever done it with Mark in the car.

“Me either.” Patrick looked out at the lake. Daylight was fading. He should probably get home, but he wanted to go all the way with her again.

If only Patrick and Donna had known that under the water line, not far from them, there was a recently placed automobile. And a little farther out, there was a strange, metallic ball watching them with one eye, and watching something else with another. Axcix’s new catch, Richard, spun in a bubble under the water. His transformation starting.

Back in the car, Donna had figured out how best to proceed. She pulled her dress up around her waist and climbed onto Patrick’s lap facing away from him. “I’m going to put it in now.” She reached under her and guided the monster into her sopping pussy. She pressed her hips down and back, closing her eyes. The penis slipped in. “My God, Patrick. With your cock you could have any woman … ooohhhhh … any woman you wanted.” Donna couldn’t help but think of what Susy Lannit might look similarly speared on Patrick’s pole.

“This is the best.” Patrick put his hands on her butt and squeezed. “You’re the best.” He pulled her further down until the whole thing was inside her.

“Ohhhhh. I’m so full.” Donna placed her hands on his thighs for support and bounced up and down. “I’m completely filled up.” She opened her green eyes, and her gaze looked out through the windshield and over the lake, but her eyes took in none of the scenery. She screamed out her first orgasm after a few minutes, and followed it with one after another. She rode him like that for a long time.

When he was ready to cum, Patrick did the noble thing and pulled Donna off his dick. He sprayed her butt and back with his cum, watching her writhe in ecstasy as it soaked through her dress.

It took Donna a couple minutes to compose herself. She then twisted to look back at Patrick and planted a light kiss on his lips. “That was marvelous.” She retrieved her own glasses and put them on. Then, she grabbed Patrick’s spectacles and tenderly put them on his handsome face. “We need to get you home before your mom blows a gasket.” It was mostly dark outside.

“Yeah, good idea.” Even the thought of an angry mom couldn’t wipe the smile off Patrick’s face.

Donna reached behind her and felt the mess Patrick had made on her dress. “And it looks like I’ll have more evidence for Mark.” She shimmied back into the driver’s seat and started the car.

“What?” Patrick’s voice sounded sudden alarm.

“Don’t worry, just a bad joke.” Donna rolled her eyes and pulled the car out of the parking lot. “Think nothing of it, my lord.” Donna glanced at the boy. Why had she said that? That was something she only said to her husband.

“Of course, my lady.” Patrick had heard Mark and Donna with their back and forth, and knew how to reply to a my lord. “I love you, Donna.” Patrick put his head on her shoulder and watched the forest pass on either side as they headed home. He gently reached over and cupped her right boob with his hand.

“You keep doing what you’re doing to me, and I might just say that back to you some day.” Donna smiled. She liked the weight of his head on her shoulder and his soft touch on her heavy breast. She liked the way her pussy had expanded to accommodate his great size. There was no way she wouldn’t try to see him again tomorrow.

Chapter 10

“Grab the car keys, Mom.” Roy pulled on his jacket and stood by the front door. “I need a ride.”

“It’s a school night.” Amanda put down her magazine and walked into the hall. Sure enough, Roy looked ready to head out. “Where are you going?”

“I’d rather not say.” Roy smiled at his mom.

“I’m not taking you anywhere at this hour, young man.” Amanda crossed her arms and planted her feet.

“Where’s Dad?” Roy lowered his voice to a whisper.

“He’s in his study, working.” Amanda raised her eyebrows and cocked her head at Roy.

“Come here,” Roy whispered.

Amanda moved down the hall toward her son. “Yes?”

Roy leaned in to whisper in her ear, “Do you want my dick again?”

After a long pause, Amanda nodded her head.

“Well, then.” Roy leaned away from her and gave her a good-natured smack on the ass. “Please go grab those keys and put on a coat.”

Amanda avoided Roy’s smug gaze and hustled to do as he asked. She stopped in and told Nathaniel that she needed to take Roy to a function at school. It was a flimsy excuse, but her husband grunted an affirmative and didn’t look up from his work.

Mother and son got into the car and she drove. Roy directed her across town to a dark, quiet street with charming bungalows. She parked outside a blue and white house with the lights on inside.

Roy pulled his sweater down over his fat belly and tucked it into the front of his pants. He took a deep breath. Amanda watched him closely, fingers fidgeting on the steering wheel. The car popped and whined a little as the engine cooled.

“I’m nervous, Mom.” Roy looked at his beautiful, pale mother in the dim light. Her dark eyes and black hair blended into the evening.

“Well, if you told me what this was about, maybe I could help you.” She patted Roy’s thigh. “Is this about a girl.” She was hopeful Roy might be turning his colossal gadget on women his own age.

“Yeah, it’s about a girl.” Roy’s shoulders relaxed a little. “I could use your help. Could you blow me, please?” Roy untucked his sweater and lowered his pants and underwear. His hard dick stood at attention.

“What?” Amanda looked around at the empty street with wide eyes. “Now?”

Roy nodded. He watched the cross on her necklace slip out of her dress and hang down as she lowered her mouth to his dick. “Oh, yeah, Mom.” He put his hands on the back of her head and gripped her silky hair. “If I cum, it’ll really calm me down.”

“Mmmmmpppphhhhh.” Amanda allowed his massive cudgel down her throat. She’d become so good at pleasing Roy orally. But she really wanted this to be over quickly, before someone walked by with their dog, or got home late from work. She took long gurgling strokes, massaging Roy’s overripe balls with her left hand.

“I’m not usually nervous … these days … with women.” Roy was about ready to blast. “It’s just … I think her husband’s home … and I’m not sure about the sweat … aaaaahhhhhhhhhh.” He gripped her hair tighter and pushed her head all the way down on his dick as he came.

Amanda had only a second to try to make sense of Roy’s words. Then she was a slave to ecstasy as she choked on and swallowed Roy’s massive load.

By the time Amanda regained her senses, Roy had already opened the door. “Wait for me. I shouldn’t be too long.”

Amanda looked up at him as she lay on her stomach in the front seat.

“Also, you’ll probably want to clean that up before it stains.” Roy pointed to the cum that dribbled out of the side of her mouth and pooled on the seat below. “Bye, Mom.” Roy slammed the door and jogged circles over the front lawn.

“My, gosh,” Amanda whispered to herself as she wiped her chin with the back of her hand. She sat up and watched Roy jog around for a few minutes. He then tucked in his sweater again, combed his dark hair back with his fingers, and went to ring the doorbell. Amanda recognized the blonde that answered the door. It was one of Roy’s teachers. The woman shook her head several times and Roy nodded back at her. Amanda couldn’t hear what they were saying. After a minute of back and forth, the blonde woman let Roy into the house and closed the door after them.

“Poor woman,” Amanda whispered. She leaned over the seat and reached into the back where Roy had left one of his sweaters. But before she could mop up the cooling semen, she found herself with her face back down in it, licking up every last drop. She trembled as the salty protein dissolved on her tongue. When she was done, Amanda sat back up, wiped her spit off the seat with Roy’s old sweater, and waited for him to finish with his teacher.


“I’m happy he socked that fat boy, Susy.” Fred looked approvingly around the dinner table. Susy had a worried and almost anxious expression on her face. His eldest daughter, Sally, had come home for a surprise visit that afternoon, and she looked more bemused than anything else. Patrick avoided his father’s gaze, but Fred could see blossoming confidence in his son. “And if Pat was late for dinner because he was with some girl, great. Patrick needs more women, and fights, in his life.”

“But …” Susy didn’t know how much she dared say to her husband and daughter.

“Yes?” Fred looked at his wife with an eyebrow raised. “But what? You don’t want our kid to grow into a man?”

“I just …” Susy sighed. “I thought you’d be harder on him.”

“Well, I think my little brother looks good after a fight.” Sally smiled and pushed her red hair behind her shoulders. “You’re one cool cat, dummy.”

“Shut up.” Patrick’s cheeks flushed and he pushed his peas around on his plate. “What are you doing here, anyway?” He adjusted his glasses and looked at Sally out of the corner of his eyes. Was she really over their awkwardness after that one early morning in the hall?

“Jack had a business trip, so I thought I’d spend a few days at home.” Sally pressed her pink lips into a line. “I thought you’d be happy to see me.”

“We are, sugar.” Susy gave Patrick a reproachful look and nudged his leg with her foot under the table. “Patrick, try to be nicer to your big sister. I honestly don’t know what’s going on with you two.”

“Okay.” Patrick ate in silence as his father regaled the table with stories of fights from his own youth.


Roy was surprised when his teacher’s husband seemed unaffected by Roy’s presence. Caroline Rodgers squirmed and fidgeted, rubbing her legs together. So, something was working. But Roy thought the man was supposed to go comatose. That’s what experience had taught him. The couple had been in the living room watching television when Roy paid them a call. Roy and Caroline now stood in the doorway as Mr. Rodgers watched Dragnet from the couch to their left.

“Roy, this is my husband Bernard.” Caroline stood with her hands clasped in front of her blue skirt. Her white blouse barely contained her expanded breasts. “Bernard, Roy stopped by to ask a question about homework. His mother is waiting in the car outside and Roy will be going soon.”

“Okay.” Bernard looked over, registered the pudgy teenager standing next to his wife and then looked back at the television. He didn’t want to miss anything interesting.

“You have a lovely home.” Roy reached his left hand behind Caroline and slipped it under her skirt and panties, just above her butt. Even if Bernard wasn’t going to zone out, Roy could maybe salvage this trip.

“Thanks.” Bernard thought Detective Joe Friday was about to solve the case.

“Oh, my.” Caroline squirmed as Roy wiggled a finger into her vagina from behind. She was standing feet away from her husband, and she was letting this deplorable student inside her. Why didn’t she stop him?

“What, honey?” Bernard didn’t take his eyes of the television screen.

“Nothing.” Caroline was now breathing hard as the finger moved around inside her. Her knees trembled and sweat broke out on her forehead. “Enjoy your … show, dear. I’ll be right … back.” Her chest heaved, but her feet wouldn’t move.

Bernard said nothing and stared at the screen.

“Dear?” She was about to orgasm on Roy’s finger and couldn’t run from the room. “Bernard?” The only sound in the room was the television and the faint squelching of her wet vagina. She looked down into Roy’s fat face. “What did you … do to him?”

“Me?” Roy smiled up at her. “I think you did it. It’s your sweat that makes men go all twilight zone. That makes sense.” He sped up his finger, feeling her soft butt wobble around his arm. “I’m the only one figuring this shit out.”

“Ooooohhhhhh.” Caroline orgasmed standing in front of Joe Friday, Bernard, and this teenager. As she shuddered, she felt the boy pulling off her clothes. Soon she was naked, standing in her living room, and so was Roy. “Oh no. Oh gosh. Oh my.” She looked down at Roy’s penis which was clearly a gift from Satan. How had she ever fit that thing inside her.

“Normally, I’d have you start me off with a blowjob, but that’s already taken care of.” Roy pushed her down to her knees and watched her boobs bounce as she landed on the carpet. The areolae were so large and the nipples fat. Her blue eyes looked up at him, pleading. “We can move right to the main course.” Roy put pressure on her shoulders with both hands and dropped her to her hands and knees. The pretty teacher was quite the stunner naked on the living room floor. Her trim waist flared out dramatically to her wide hips and perfectly round ass. Her boobs hung below her, large nipples just kissing the wool of the carpet below. She held her head up, looking at the television.

“What are you going to do?” Caroline hadn’t had sex like a dog before, but she had heard about it. Even though she asked this wretched boy his intent, the situation made itself clear. She sucked in her breath, waiting for that monster to pierce her again. Her eyes watched the black and white images of Dragnet, but took none of it in.

“Hold on a sec, I’m going to get you some better entertainment.” Roy looked around the room, and then moved over to the fireplace. His dick swayed and his belly jiggled as he moved. He pulled the framed wedding photograph off the hook above the mantel and returned to his teacher. “Good girl, you didn’t move.” He put the framed picture down on the carpet, just in front of her splayed fingers. “You can watch this instead of that stupid show.”

“Please …” Caroline didn’t know if she was pleading for him to stop or mount her. She looked down at the photograph. Back all those years ago on her wedding day, she had on her gorgeous white wedding gown, with her new diamond ring sparking in the sunlight. Bernard laughed at something off camera, looking so handsome in his tuxedo. She thought about her past self, this beautiful couple before her, and how they had no idea she’d one day be despoiled on her living room floor while her husband sat by and did nothing.

Roy stepped behind her and lowered himself to his knees. He lightly ran his fingers over the perfect curve of her ass and watched her shiver at his touch. “Get ready, Mrs. Rodgers.” Roy lined himself up with her pussy and pushed in. The knobby dickhead popped inside her snug entrance. “This is gonna become a habit for you, just you wait.” He slid another few inches inside her.

“Bernard … I’m sorry.” Caroline looked down at her wedding photograph and let this boy destroy her wedding vows. She flinched as more and more penis slipped into her. She let out a long, low sigh as her vagina stretched to accommodate him. Pretty soon, she was pushing her butt back against his feral thrusts. The high-pitched sounds of her orgasmic shrieks drowned out Dragnet and resounded around her little bungalow.

Once he came in her pussy, Roy pushed the spasming wife down onto her stomach, pushed her legs together, and mounted her that way. The wedding picture was now right under her nose. He wanted her to look at that unsuspecting couple every time she came. And she came a whole bunch more on his bloated dick.

“Sorry … I’m … oooohhhhhhhh … oh, my gosh … so … sorry,” she babbled as Roy punished her from behind with long powerful thrusts. Her boobs pressed out from her sides as they compacted against the carpet. Sweat dripped off her nose and onto the framed glass. “Please … ooohhhhh …”

“We’re gonna … ah … ah … ah … do this a whole lot more.” Roy placed his hands on the small of her back for better leverage. His belly flopped on her ass every time he bottomed out. “At school … I’m gonna want … some relief … at school … aaaahhhhhhh.” He unloaded inside her and watched the muscles in her back tense as she came on his mighty dick again.

Three times that evening Roy deposited cum in his teacher’s pussy. By the end of it, she was begging for another load. He left her lying naked on the floor, with her husband stupidly sitting by on the sofa a few feet to her left. When Roy got outside, his mom started up the car engine.

“What did you do, Roy?” Amanda asked when Roy got into the car.

“Babies, Mom.” Roy patted his mom’s curvy thigh. “I’m going to have lots of babies.”

Amanda shuddered and drove the automobile away from the curb. He was right. Deep down, she knew her son was right.


The book was open on Patrick’s chest as he lay on his bed. He kept turning pages at the pace he normally would, but the words he read floated right by his busy mind. All he could think about was that Donna was back with her husband at the hotel while Patrick was stuck in his room trying to study. He didn’t know how he was going to wait to see her again. The lamp in his room gave off a warm glow. He tried to focus.

Patrick turned his head as a soft knock sounded on his door. “Come in.” Patrick watched his big sister Sally open the door, softly close it behind her, and walk over to the bed. She looked down at him with her pale blue eyes. Her gaze flitted down to the soft bulge that Patrick’s pajama bottoms couldn’t quite hide, and then back up to his face. Patrick quickly put his hand up to his forehead. Not that he expected any, but no sweat at all, thank goodness.

“Hey, dummy.” Sally sat down on the edge of his bed near Patrick’s feet and clasped her hands in her lap. “I want talk to you about the other night in the hall.”

“What?” Patrick adjusted his thick glasses and looked back at the open book sitting on his chest. “Oh, that was nothing.”

“No, you’re right.” Sally nodded with solemnity. “I was groggy and hungry and I thought you were Jack.” This was a stupid lie, Sally had said things that made it very clear she knew he wasn’t Jack, but it was the sort of lie Sally needed.

“Oh …” Patrick’s impulse was to contradict his sister, but he thought better of it. “That makes sense,” Patrick lied.

“And we didn’t even do anything anyway.” Sally nodded a hopeful smile on her face. “Right, Pat?”


“Okay, that’s settled.” Sally stood and smoothed out her dress. Her boobs strained at the material. “I really came home today just to make sure everything was cool with us.”

“It’s cool, daddio.” Patrick looked up into her eyes and saw the doubt there. “Everything’s fine.”

“Right.” Sally turned and walked to the door. She wondered if Patrick’s eyes were glued to her shapely behind. If so, he was such a pervert. For some reason, that thought sent a little thrill through her. “I’m going to get a snack. Good night.” Without looking back, she opened the door, exited, and closed it behind her.

Patrick let out a long sigh. Well, that was one less woman to think about. He reached over and switched off the lamp. The room fell into darkness. The sooner he went to bed, the sooner tomorrow would come. And that brought Donna closer to him.


A notification sounded indicating that the transformation was complete. Axcix turned her eyes away from the pregnancy tallies to the blinking lights in her display. The outsider had turned completely and now it was ready for release back into the local habitat. Once there, it would stymie and hunt down anyone that tried to interfere with the experiment. A powerful tool.

Maybe she should name it? Any good pet deserved a name. She turned the thought over in her brain, but no ideas presented themselves. Its name had been Smith, and so that’s what Axcix would call it now. She had no time to come up with anything more elaborate.

With the pop of a bubble, Smith was free to return to Portsmith. Groggy, but with a mission clearly in mind, it put one arm in front of the other and pulled itself to the surface of the lake. It sucked in air and then swam for the shore.


“Agent Reynolds? Agent Smith? Dr. Cobb?” Helen Bales walked into the dark hotel room. Where was everyone? “Wendy?” She walked over to the bedside lamp and reached for the switch when a hand darted from the open closet door and grabbed her wrist. Helen shrieked and tried to jump back but the hand held firm. Out of the shadows stepped Agent Reynolds. “Jesus, Agent Reynolds, you scared me.” Helen’s heart slowed down. She blew a puff of air to get her brown hair out of her face.

“Quiet.” Ed Reynolds dropped Helen’s wrist and put a finger to his lips. “Something’s happened and I’m guessing you don’t have the foggiest.”

Helen shook her head slowly, her shoulders rising with tension.

“Right. Okay, time to call this in.” Ed stepped over to the phone and lifted the receiver. He held it to his ear, but his finger never dialed the number for headquarters. There was no dial tone.

“What is it?” Helen watched him, hugging her slim frame tight.

“It’s probably worse than we thought.” Ed opened the bureau drawer and pulled out a pen, paper, and an envelope. He scribbled a note, folded it, and stuffed it in the envelope. He wrote an address on the envelope, sealed it, and stuffed it in his suit pocket. “Where’s your auto?”

“I left it at the library. It had a flat.” Helen let him grab her elbow and move her out of the hotel room. “I walked back here.”

“My tires were flat too.” Ed walked briskly, head on a swivel, looking for any threats. “We need to find a phone that works. Then we need to get out of this town.”

“Okay.” They descended the exterior stairs and walked quickly out through the small parking lot.

“But first we need to find a mailbox,” Ed said.

“There’s one two blocks to the right.” Helen had been the group’s secretary, and as such, she knew where the most convenient mailboxes were located.

“Take me there.” Ed’s face was tight and withdrawn. They left the parking lot and turned right. Find the mailbox, find a phone, and then find a car. With any luck, they’d do all three.


“This won’t do, Linda, I don’t like this one bit.” William walked out of the bedroom he shared with his wife and almost ran into his tall son.

“It’ll only be for a little while.” Linda called after him. “Have a little heart.”

“What’s wrong, Dad?” David put a hand on his father’s shoulder.

“Apparently, we’re now running a boarding house for young women.” William passed his son in the hall and grumbled his way down the stairs.

“Mom?” David walked into his parent’s bedroom. He found his mom in a lovely pink dress, sitting on the edge of the bed with her head in her hands. “What’s Dad talking about?”

“I didn’t plan any of this.” Linda looked up at her handsome son with wet eyes. “I hate to see your father upset, but it couldn’t be helped.” She took a deep breath and put her hands on her knees. “We have another woman staying in your brother’s room. At least for a little while. Ms. Wendy Gonzalez.”

“You’re the best, Mom.” David walked over to her, bent down, and kissed her on the cheek. “Is she a doll?” He kissed her again, a little closer to the lips.

“I didn’t bring her here for you.” Linda couldn’t help but turn her head slightly so that the third kiss landed on her lips. “But yes …” She bent her chin upward and nibbled on his upper lip. This was dangerous with the door open and William very much not having one of his spells, but she just couldn’t resist her sweet son. They made out like that for a minute and then she leaned back and took a deep breath. “… Wendy is quite beautiful, I think.” Was she bringing these women home for David, or was it just happening? Linda wasn’t sure.

“Well, can I meet her?” David gave his mom’s left boob a squeeze and straightened back up. He looked over his shoulder, suddenly worried his Dad might be standing in the doorway with a horrified expression on his face. But there was no one there.

“A little later, Davey.” Linda stood, gave David’s butt a little smack, and walked past him. “Olivia and Wendy wanted to make some calls home but the phone wasn’t working. So, instead they’re …” She looked back at him. “… busy in your brother’s room. Let’s give them and your father some space. Want to take a walk with me?”

“It’s dark outside.” David looked out the window.

“Come on, sweetheart.” Linda smiled at David, the worry leaving her face. “We can hold hands under the starry sky.”

“I don’t know.” David thought about how chilly it was out there.

“I might let you hold more than my hand.” Linda left the room and headed downstairs.

“Okay.” David quickly followed her.


Patrick slept and dreamed about living his life on the bed of a lake. He was underwater, but never drowning, stuck in the mud after falling and falling through the night sky.

“What?” Patrick shot up in bed, roused out of the dream by a hand on his shoulder. Cold sweat oozed out his pores and his chest rose and fell as he tried to catch his breath. A blurry shadow stood over him.

“Here are your glasses, sugar.” Susy handed her son his glasses and sat at the foot of his bed. She wore a long, dark-blue nightgown. “It smells … good in here.” She folded her hands on her lap.

“What time is it?” Patrick let the nightmare recede from his mind. He was suddenly aware that he was sweating in his mother’s presence. That wasn’t good. Not one bit.

“It’s two o’clock in the morning, Pat.” Susy rubbed her legs together. Her vagina leaked in her panties. It had been several days since her and Fred had done it. Maybe she’d wake up her husband when she got back to their bedroom and make love. She was surprisingly in the mood. “I …” Susy tried to maintain her focus. “I wanted to talk to you about the tutor when your father and sister weren’t around. This seemed the best time.”

“Let’s talk about it tomorrow, Mom.” Patrick thumped his head back down on the pillow. He tried not to look at his mom’s rolling curves that were accentuated by the soft moonlight falling through his window. He flipped the blanket over his head.

“No, sugar. We need to talk.” Susy inched her butt a little further up the bed, closer to her son. “I understand that a teenage boy has needs, but that tutor isn’t right for you.” She was talking to a lumpy blanket as Patrick hid from her. “You need a girl your own age.”

“I love her, Mom.” Patrick’s voice was muffled by the bedding. Thinking about Donna, and knowing that Susy was breathing in his sweaty odor, caused Patrick’s dick to inflate.

“Holy Moses.” Susy could see the outline of her son’s giant penis through the blanket as it got bigger and bigger. She knew she needed to redirect his energy from that other women. “You know, Pat. I saw you two together. Is it her body you like? There are girls your own age with big boobs. I know some of their mothers. I could set you up on a date with one of those girls.”

“Go away.” Patrick closed his eyes and wished for this to all be over. “I love her.”

“Enough is enough.” Susy pulled the blanket off Patrick and threw it to the floor. Her brown eyes zeroed in on the tent in his pajama bottoms. “I’ll do it myself if I have to.” She pulled down his bottoms. The air left her lungs when his erect penis sprung out. She got over her initial amazement and took a breath back in. “How did that woman ever fit your gadget inside her?” Susy leaned sideways and wrapped her fingers around the veiny shaft. She stroked up and down, her wedding ring glinting in the pale moonlight. “A mother sometimes has to do messy things for her children.”

“No, Mom. The meteor … Donna’s not a tutor … investigator … aaaahhhhh … oh, Mom … the sweat …” Patrick stared at Susy. Her hands were magic on his dick. Her boobs bounced and shook under her nightgown as she worked him. Her face was screwed up into an expression of pure determination.

“Will you break it off with that hussy?” Susy’s eyes never left Patrick’s penis. It was the organ of a man much, much bigger than her son. How strange this all was.

“No.” He thought he should be offering more resistance. He didn’t want to tell Donna about this. But then again, Patrick remembered how the investigator had asked him about his mom. Maybe she’d actually like hearing about this. Maybe he should just let it happen.

“Well then, I have no choice.” Never letting go of her son’s penis, Susy crawled between his legs and sat on her knees. “You made me do this, Pat.” She leaned forward and put the penis head into her mouth. She was quite accomplished at going-down-south on Fred. She’d had years and years of practice, after all. But this was awkward and different. Patrick was so big that it was almost like he was a different species all together. She popped it out of her mouth and looked up into his eyes. “I’ll keep doing this for you if you promise you’ll find a girl your own age.” Her hands kept stroking up and down his mighty length while she talked.

“I won’t stop seeing Donna.” Patrick could see the tenacity in her eyes. He knew his mom and he knew she was tough to stop when she wanted something.

“Fine.” Susy looked down at the penis and saw precum dripping down. She bent her head and licked it up. Her eyes fluttered and a shiver ran down her spine. What was that? She was not expecting him to taste that good. “I’ll do this for you every night until you find a girl your own age. I understand you have needs, Pat.”

Patrick shook his head.

“There are not many mothers that would make that offer, buster. You should be grateful.” Susy lowered her mouth back down and sucked in his penis. She bobbed her head with enthusiasm, her brown hair falling down around her face.

From what Patrick had pieced together, he thought there actually might be lots of mothers making similar offers all over Portsmith. But he kept that to himself and instead grunted as his mom struggled to bring him off.

Susy really put her mind to it and after five minutes her motions became more fluid. She found if she relaxed her jaw and moved her head to the left on the downstroke and to the right on the upstroke she could keep up a good rhythm. She felt his thighs start to tremble. It wouldn’t be long now.

The most intoxicating scent filled Patrick’s nostrils. He knew she was sweating from the effort. Now they were both sweating all over each other. Patrick wasn’t sure this night would end with only a blowjob. “Mom … I …” He gripped the sheets in either hand.

“Mmmmmmmmppphhhhh.” Susy encouraged him. If she gave him this experience, there’s no way he’d go back to that tutor. Suddenly her eyes widened. She never swallowed for Fred and she wasn’t about to start with her son. She pulled her mouth off him and pumped him with both hands. It was amazing. While her husband’s penis only had room for one hand, Patrick’s monster had room for three hands, maybe even four. “Just go ahead and finish, sugar.”

A geyser of sperm flew up in the air and fell back down on Patrick, the bed, and Susy’s bare arms and hands. As soon as it touched her skin, she gave out a shriek and her vagina gushed through her panties and into the sheets. Her eyes rolled back in her head and she slumped forward, which put her in the path of more jets of sperm. Patrick’s cum fell on her hair and over the right side of her face.

Minutes later, she still lay with her head on Patrick’s hip. The aroma that surrounded her was dark, pungent, and spoke to her about the creation of life. The sperm on her lips tasted so good. She licked it off and then she opened her eyes and saw the cum all over his fat testicles. Soon, she was licking up all his secretions.

“Oh, Mom.” Patrick looked down at her devouring his cum. She looked like a cat trying to lap up every bit of spilt milk.

When she licked the last bit of stray cum off his belly, she sat back up between his legs and looked down at him. “You’re still hard.” She ran a finger up his veiny shaft. “There’s nothing normal about this, is there?”

“Mom, you should go before we …” Patrick looked at his mother with half her face covered in his cum and it was breathtaking. “We’ve got thin walls. You don’t want to wake Sally or Dad.”

“Yes.” Susy nodded very slowly. Half of her wanted to mount her son and push that hussy completely from his mind, the other half knew she needed to flee. “We’ll discuss the tutor again later.”

“Okay, okay.” Patrick still gripped the sheet with both hands, using all of his strength not to jump up and slam his dick between Susy’s legs. “Just go,” he said between gritted teeth.

“I … I need a shower.” Susy crawled to the edge of the bed and stood on the floor. “Goodnight, Pat.” In a bit of daze, she wandered out his room and toward the shared bathroom down the hall to her right. She didn’t notice her husband standing to her left in their master bedroom door at the other end of the hall.

A little earlier, Fred had heard something that had woken him from a bad dream. The Lannits did have thin walls. His wife wasn’t next to him, so he got up and made it as far as his door when Susy’s pheromones swept over him. After that, he stood in the dark and murmured, “Just a bad dream, just a bad dream,” over and over.

Ten minutes later, a freshly showered Susy found Fred on her way back to her room and gently brought him back to bed. When he awoke in the morning he wondered about his bad dream. It had almost been like listening to wife gargle on another man’s cock.

Sally had also been woken in the middle of the night. Her room was right next to her brother’s. Through the wall, she had heard almost everything. Her mind had gone through shock, disgust, awe, and astonishment. But she finally settled on lust. She was listening to her own mother blowing her runty little brother in the next room. She lowered her hand into her pajama bottoms and stuck two fingers inside herself right around when the slurping noises started. She brought herself to several orgasms. Eventually, she fell asleep listening to her brother grunt and masturbate himself after Susy had left his room.


“This is Pastor Neilson’s house.” David followed his mother over the pastor’s lawn, letting her pull his hand. Their walk had led them there.

“Yes.” Linda gripped David’s hand tightly. His fingers were so warm in hers. They both wore thick jackets, but the cold air caressed Linda’s legs under her dress. She wished she’d dressed more appropriately, but this was a spur of the moment kind of thing. “I want to show you something.”

They knew this place, after all they’d been in the pastor’s backyard over the summer for a church barbeque. It was mostly lawn with a picnic table and benches to one side, surrounded by dense trees. Warm light angled its way out of the back windows and cast rectangles on the grass. Linda led David to the table. They sat down on the table with their feet on the bench, facing the house. In this position, they sat totally in shadow.

Linda reached into her purse and handed David a pair of binoculars. “I brought these for you. What do you see?” Linda snuggled up next to David and leaned her blonde hair against his upper arm.

David took the binoculars, adjusted the focus, and looked at the most obvious thing. “Pastor Neilson’s working on something in his study.” He eyed the main floor windows where all the lights were on, but only saw the pastor. “Probably writing his next boring sermon.”

“Shame on you, Davey. His sermons are never boring. It’s the Lord’s word.” Linda playfully banged her forehead on his arm. “Look upstairs.”

David’s eyes wandered up a level. The lights were all out up there, so it took a moment for his eyes to adjust. A couple rooms were decorated with rainbows and flying saucers and were probably where the pastor’s children slept. The next window looked into an empty room with a large, well-made bed. The pastor’s bedroom. He scanned the next room and David’s breath caught in his throat.

“You see them?” Linda looked up at him as he furrowed his brow and processed what he was seeing.

“That’s Mrs. Neilson with another woman in her lap.” David didn’t know what he was expecting, but this wasn’t it. The pastor’s wife was topless and her creamy skin made her easy to see in the dim light once his eyes knew what to look for. “The small woman is sucking on Mrs. Neilson’s boob. I don’t understand.” Indeed, the other woman was still clothed and had both her hands gripping the large white breast in her mouth. He could see through the binoculars clearly enough to notice the woman’s fingers rhythmically kneading the soft flesh.

“I’ve been feeding Olivia. Now Olivia’s feeding our new guest Wendy. As you can see, Molly’s also doing it with the scientist lady. I don’t remember the scientist’s name.” Linda moved her left hand from the warmth of her pockets and rubbed at David’s penis through his pants. He was already hard.

“Why are you showing me this?” David felt her unbutton his pants and pull out his dick. The air was cold on his sensitive skin.

“You and me. That other mother you saw with her son. And now this. It’s all related, Davey.” She stroked his magnificent penis with her left hand. “And this is the pastor’s wife, so it’s all God’s will. I thought you’d like to know that.” Linda bent sideways, lowered her mouth to her son’s cock, and began bobbing her head.

“Does Pastor Neilson know?” David held the binoculars up to his eyes with his left hand and put his right hand on the back of her head to help guide her rhythm. Mrs. Neilson seemed to have her hand between the other woman’s legs. David could guess what that was about.

“Nnnnmmmmm,” Linda said.

“Yeah, it’d be hard to tell the pastor something like that.” David didn’t think this was God’s plan at all. But whomever had the plan, David was thankful. He looked back down to the pastor’s window and watched him scribble notes onto a pad of paper. Whatever was happening, it was spreading fast, and so many men in town seemed oblivious. Heck, David’s own father had no idea what was happening under his own roof. “Scientist, you said?”

“Yyyymmmmmmppphhhh,” Linda said as she bobbed on David’s long cock.

David was going to have to tell Patrick all about this.

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If you’re interested in an illustrated version of this novel, you’re in luck. The immensely talented JDseal is working with me. We’re releasing lots of illustrated content here:

Thanks for reading!


2020-01-23 09:26:01
Great story. I have a bit picky brain. The last episode of dragnet aired and was off the air months before the first episode of the twilight zone.


2020-01-22 21:26:32
very good love the story...never read something for so long except iron mike....

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