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He falls for a down-home, farm girl school nurse. But he falls for her sister too.

“We don’t share our men!” Sharon said to Willy.

Willy had just made a joke, saying that Sharon and her sister Rose looked so much alike, if he were to come over to their house in the dark he would have to kiss both of them to figure out who was who.

“We don’t share our men!” Rose said, when Willy told her about the joke.

They both were right, they never shared their men. Until they did.


Willy and Utah had met while in college at a university in Virginia. They were both assigned to the same dorm as freshmen and struck up a friendship almost immediately. They both possessed the same twisted sense of humor and were both musicians and loved the same kinds of music. They roomed together for the whole four years and actually graduated together, on time.

Willy was a journalism major and Utah studied computer science, but it was the music that bonded them first and foremost. Willy played guitar and bass and Utah played keyboards and they sang and jammed together the very first night they met, and haven’t stopped since. They knew many of the same tunes and wrote some of their own and could improvise together and play off of one another as if they’d been playing together for years. It was instant karma. It didn’t take long before they started hustling gigs on and off campus for extra money.

Utah was not his real name; his real name was Ron, and that’s what everybody called him at first. He was from New Orleans, and grew up on jazz and blues. But one night a bunch of guys from the dorm were in the lounge watching an NBA game on TV, Washington versus Utah. The guys were drinking heavily and then one of them found out that Ron was from New Orleans, and didn’t the Utah Jazz used to be the New Orleans Jazz way back when before they moved to Utah? Everybody roared, yep, that’s right, and everybody started calling him Utah after that, and the nickname had stuck. For the next four years he was introduced as Utah and many people he knew never even learned his real name.

In addition to having an incredible talent and aptitude for computers and music, Utah was a human encyclopedia of music trivia, especially rock and roll. There were several bars near campus that featured deejays playing music and they would hold trivia contests where the correct answers earned free beer. The guys would go to these trivia nights and Utah would know every single answer and they’d drink all night for free. It didn’t take long before Utah was banned from the contests. But then he would just whisper the answers to his buddies and they would all take turns giving the correct answers and get the free drinks. Eventually Utah and anybody who knew him him were banned.

After college Willy and Utah continued playing music as a duo in restaurants, bars and clubs, and it provided a nice second income for both of them. Utah worked as a computer programmer in the city while Willy worked for a magazine in a town about an hour away. Being in two different towns gave them opportunities to book gigs over a wide area and be a little choosy about where they played, and they wouldn’t have to play the same places too often. They liked their jobs, but they liked playing music evenings and weekends even better. The money was good and the fringe benefits were great: the women.

After a few years Utah got married and had kids, and Willy had drifted in and out of a couple extended relationships, so they had limited their gigs mostly to weekends. They were still gigging when they were in their late twenties.

One Saturday night they were playing at a place called Murph’s, a pub in a small town about a fifteen minute drive from Willy’s house. Willy had met the owner during his travels for his day job and had managed to book the gig. It was a small room with a long L-shaped bar covering two entire walls, a few tables, an area cleared for dancing and a tiny stage barely big enough for the two of them.

It had been raining when they were setting up but then the weather turned worse, with the rain pouring in torrents and scattered thunder and lightning. There were only seven or eight people in the joint and they weren’t leaving and no one new was coming in. Willy and Utah played as they usually did and made wise cracks in between songs, joking about the weather and the crowd.

At the end of the bar closest to the stage were two young ladies who were enjoying the show. Willy was the wittier one on stage and he noticed that they laughed at all his jokes. Especially the slim brunette.

They walked over and talked to them during their first break. Their names were Sharon and Kim. Utah was married so he was just being friendly to Kim, and they exchanged business cards, but Willy was very attracted to Sharon.

Sharon had a model’s body, long and lean, with long dark, teased hair and big brown eyes, a look Willy had always been attracted to. She was dressed completely in black, from her boots to her jeans to her skin-tight sweater. Her tits were modest, her ass was fine, and her nose was on the large side and a bit crooked, but Willy thought that just made her more interesting. She sat on the bar stool with her legs apart and as Willy played he stared at her delicious crotch from the stage.

Willy started talking to them from the stage, including them in his banter, and they laughed along. He sent them a round of drinks. During one of Utah’s solo numbers he sat next to Sharon at the bar and they chatted as they listened. He spent his next break talking to her as well.

Sharon was friendly, but coy. She had a shy smile and a good sense of humor but was not extremely talkative, not quick to open up. She often answered questions with questions. But Willy did find out that she was twenty-five, had grown up on a nearby farm, was a college graduate and a registered nurse. She worked full time as a school nurse, and part time as a home health nurse.

Sometime during their last set the rain had stopped. Willy had gone to the restroom and then to the office to talk to the owner. When he returned to the bar Sharon and Kim were gone.

‘Shit’, Willy said to himself. He hadn’t gotten Sharon’s phone number. And he didn’t even know her last name.


About an hour later Willy and Utah were chilling in Willy’s living room drinking beer and listening to music. They talked about the gig, the lousy crowd and the two girls, and Willy lamented about missing the chance to get Sharon’s phone number.

They were listening to a mix of classic blues-rock songs from the sixties and seventies when ‘On The Road Again’ by Canned Heat came out of the speakers. Just a week or so before Willy had been reading a rock and roll book he had on his shelf right there in his living room and had learned a small fact of trivia that he’d never known before.

“You know something that I never knew until recently, Utah?” Willy said. “That ‘On The Road Again’ was a top forty hit for Canned Heat before ‘Going Up The Country’.

“No, it wasn’t,” Utah said, after a short period of thought.

“Yes, it was,” Willy said, correcting him. “‘Going Up The Country’ was the bigger hit of the two, but ‘On The Road Again’ actually came out a couple months earlier in 1968.”

There was a silence between them for a moment as they listened to the song.

“No, it didn’t,” Utah finally said.

“Yes, it did. I was surprised to learn it too, but it’s true.”

“No, it didn’t,” Utah said again.

This surprised Willy. Utah was the undisputed king of rock and roll trivia. Did he really think he would challenge him if he didn’t know he was right?

“Wanna bet?” Willy said.


“How much?” Their pockets were full of cash from the gig.

“A hundred dollars,” Utah said.

“Okay, let’s get this straight,” Willy said. “You are betting me one hundred dollars that ‘Going Up The Country’ was a a top forty hit for Canned Heat BEFORE ‘On The Road Again’. And I am saying the opposite, that ‘Going Up The Country’ was a top forty hit AFTER ‘On The Road Again’. Right?”


“Okay, Utah, you are the trivia guru. The Big Cheese, The Big Kahuna, The Top Dog, The Top of the Heap, The Pick of the Pack, The Cream of the Crop, The Swami, The King. Before I take your money, you must know that I would never bet against you on trivia unless I knew I was right, right?”


“You still wanna bet?”



Willy got up off the sofa and walked over to the bookcase not ten feet away. He picked up a book from the bottom shelf. It was an old, dogeared paperback titled ‘The Billboard Book of Top Forty Hits’. He opened the book and found what he was looking for on page 72. There it was in black and white: ‘On The Road Again’ debuted in the Top Forty in September 1968, and ‘Going Up The Country’ debuted in December later that year.

“Read ‘em and weep,” Willy said, as he handed the book to Utah.

Utah’s eyes grew into round blue saucers as he stared at the page like a rabbit in the headlights. He couldn’t believe it. He kept staring at the book with a confused look on his face.

“I warned you, Utah,” Willy finally said.

“I need another beer,” Utah said, and got up and walked to the kitchen.

“Get me one too, will ya?” Willy said.

Utah returned with the beers and handed one to Willy. He sat back down with a plop and popped the top on his can.

“Hey, Utah, let me ask you a question. That girl we met tonight, Kim. You got her business card, right?”

“Yeah, I got it,” he said.

“Okay, good,” Willy said. “Tell you what. Call Kim on Monday and get Sharon’s phone number from her for me. You do that for me and we’ll call it even.”


“Yeah, really. I was going to ask her for her number but they left before I got around to it. You can help me out.”

“Really? You saying that if I get you the number then I don’t have to pay you the hundred?”

“Yes. That’s what I’m saying.”

“Okay, it’s a deal. But what if she won’t give it to me?”

“Then at least get her last name so I can look her up. Turn on the charm.”

“Okay. But I’m not betting anymore tonight.”

“Me neither.”


Utah came through. He called Willy on Monday night and gave him Sharon’s number.

“Kim said Sharon likes you, Bro,” Utah said. “She said they were going to come to another gig anyway. Looks like you wasted a hundred bucks!”

“Nah, money well-spent,” Willy laughed. He thanked him and they hung up.

Willy was glad to get Sharon’s number, but he was also glad for another reason. He didn’t really want to take Utah’s money; he had a wife and two kids at home and could use the extra dough.


Willy called Sharon on Tuesday night. She picked right up. He asked if Sharon was home. She said this is Sharon. He asked if she knew who it was calling. She said she thought so. He said this is Willy. She said she knew that, Kim told her to expect his call. He said he wanted to ask for her number Saturday night but she got away. She said you weren’t quick enough, once it stopped raining we made a run for it. Well, I have your number now, he said. She said, I know you do. He asked if she was happy he had her number, and she said yes, she was glad he had it.

“Kim said your friend Utah called her for you. Why didn’t you call her yourself?” Sharon asked.

“Well, Utah had talked to Kim more, I was interested in you. And he had kept her business card. And, it’s kind of a funny story…”

He told her about the trivia bet, and how he had won the bet, and how Utah was the trivia buff, not him.

“So, I won a hundred dollars, and Utah had set the amount, and I tried to let him out of it but he insisted,” Willy continued. “And I really didn’t want to take his money because he’s a great friend and has a family to support, so I told him if he called Kim and got your number for me we would call it even.”

“That was very thoughtful of you,” she said.

“Yes, it was, I’m a thoughtful guy, an incredible guy in fact, thanks for noticing. And very modest too.”

Sharon laughed. He loved her laugh. Shy but sincere.

“Sharon, I really enjoyed talking to you the other night and would like to do more of that. I’d like to ask you out. And since your phone number cost me a hundred bucks, I was hoping you’d say yes.”

Sharon burst out laughing and almost couldn’t stop.

She said yes. They talked for nearly an hour and made plans to go to dinner Thursday night.


Sharon lived on the family farm in a two bedroom bungalow she shared with her sister Rose. It used to house farm workers but the sisters had lived there together since graduating from college.

Sharon didn’t want Willy to pick her up at home, and he was glad about that because the farm was way out in the boonies and in the opposite direction from where he was planning to take her for dinner. She was reluctant to meet him at his house…she was raised to be cautious…but then agreed. Willy convinced her that his house was in a nice neighborhood and located in the middle of a safe no-axe murderer zone.

So Sharon came to his house for that first date, right on time and she looked great, as expected. Willy had said the dress was casual, and he had on a pair of Dockers and a print shirt, but Sharon was dressed simply but magnificently. She wore a blue sleeveless jumpsuit with a zipper down the front to her navel and blue pumps. It showed off her crotch and butt in a subtle way and Willy thought it was sexy as hell. She had a minimal touch of eye makeup and her lipstick and nail polish matched her brown eyes and hair, which flowed loosely down her back.

“You look great!” he said.

“Thanks, so do you,” she said, and smiled.

He also realized for the first time how tall Sharon was. She’d been seated on a stool at the bar when they’d met so it came as a surprise.

“Damn, you’re tall! What are you, five-eight, five-nine?”

“Five-ten,” she said. “Is that too tall for you?”

“Hell, no, it’s just right,” he said. “I’m six feet tall and my last girlfriend was five-three. I’m tired of dating midgets.”

Sharon burst out laughing and the ice was broken. It was a half-hour drive to the restaurant. Willy had planned it that way so they would have some time to talk and get acquainted. She had seemed quiet and shy when they met, so he wanted to give her time to relax and get comfortable so their dinner would be enjoyable without being awkward or forced.

It seemed to work out perfectly. Willy found out that when Sharon got comfortable she was not necessarily quiet or shy anymore, but had a lot to say and could talk up a blue streak. They had a drink at the bar before they were seated at their table. The conversation flowed throughout dinner and they shared many laughs. He could feel eyes on them when they left the restaurant that night.

Sharon talked almost the whole drive back to the house. She answered every question and Willy learned a lot about her. She lived with her sister Rose, who was a year younger, in a little house on the farm. The house was only about seventy-five yards from the house they grew up in, where their parents still lived, and they were talking about finding their own place. Too close for comfort, she said. She also had an older sister and an older brother, both married. She worked days as a school nurse for ten months of the year, and made house calls as a home health nurse part-time during the school year and full-time in the summer. She liked running, tennis and music, and had enjoyed the Willy and Utah show the other night.

By the time they pulled into Willy’s driveway Sharon already knew she wanted to fuck him, and she could tell he wanted to fuck her, but when he asked if she wanted to come inside for a few minutes she politely demurred. She said she had had a lovely time but she had an early morning meeting with her supervisor, and with a chuckle added that Rose would probably be waiting up for a full report.

Willy was relieved. He wanted her but this way temptation wouldn’t get the best of him and he wouldn’t blunder into a mistake of too much too soon and possibly ruin things. So they said goodnight with their lips and tongues. They made plans for a second date and Willy’s dick felt like a fence post when he walked into his house.


After their third date the kisses goodbye were getting longer and more intense. Neither said it, but they both knew they would end up in the sack the next time.

Willy had a Saturday night gig scheduled at a nearby yacht club. They would be playing in the lounge after the club held their annual installation of officers in the adjacent meeting hall. He said it was usually a fun gig, all the sailors and their wives and girlfriends and concubines got drunk and partied and tipped really well. He invited Sharon to come and bring a friend, he would get them passes.

“What’s the dress code?” she asked.

“Come as you are. You always look fabulous. But you better not wear that blue jumpsuit. I may not be able to control myself. I might have to unzip the damn thing.”

When the night came the weather was beautiful so the big glass doors of the lounge were wide open and the guys were set up outside on the covered deck. They were nearing the end of their first set when the girls showed up. Willy saw Kim first, walking toward them. Then he saw Sharon behind her, tall and elegant. And she was wearing the blue jumpsuit.

Willy pointed to a table to the right of the stage that he’d reserved for them. They were quickly waited on. Their drinks were arriving when Willy joined them at the table. He kissed Sharon and said hello to Kim.

“You are pretty brave to wear that jumpsuit,” he said to Sharon. “I might not be able to behave myself.”

“Oh, well,” she said with a sly smile, shrugged, and glanced at Kim, who had a grin on her face.

The gig was a real party. The club members were all buzzed, singing and dancing and generally raising hell. Kim found herself a sailor to flirt with and was soon dancing up a storm.

Over the course of the evening Willy noticed that the zipper on the front of Sharon’s jumpsuit was inching its way down. It was open down to her tits. Her tits were not large, so there was little cleavage. There was also no bra.

“Want to come over to my house after the gig?” Willy asked her.

“Yes,” Sharon said, and squeezed his hand tightly.

Willy was glad to learn that Kim and Sharon had planned ahead and brought two cars. After he had loaded his gear, Sharon followed him out of the lot. Kim’s car was still there. She was out partying on one of the yachts.


Willy pulled into his driveway, Sharon right behind. He locked the car and didn’t even bother to unpack his equipment. They walked up onto the breezeway between the garage and house and into the kitchen. He never used his front door.

Standing closely at the counter, Willy asked Sharon if she wanted something to drink. She said no, she was fine. Willy poured a glass of water and took a couple gulps.

“You know I’ve been undressing you with my eyes all night,” he said.

He inched closer and put his arms around her. Her brown eyes were big and round and stared into his.

“Maybe you should do it for real,” she said with a catch in her voice.

He put his mouth to hers and her lips parted instantly, welcoming his tongue into her mouth. Her arms went around him and they hugged tightly as they kissed deep and hard. They had made out heavily at the end of their last date and Sharon had felt Willy’s hands on her breasts and against her clammy crotch and she had held his hardened cock through the cotton of his pants. She’d wanted him then and almost succumbed, but Willy didn’t force things so neither did she. But she’d known that this would be the night, it was time to get horizontal with her new lover, and get her brains screwed out in the process.

Willy led her by the hand through the dining room and down the hall and into his bedroom. He flipped on a lamp to its dimmest setting and turned to face her. He ran his fingers gently through her hair and along her jaws and neck and shoulders.

“I think you are so hot,” he said, and kissed her. He traced his fingers over the exposed flesh from her shoulders to her chest. “You need help with this zipper?”

She nodded. He fingered the tab and pulled the slider slowly down all the way to her navel. He slid his hands under the shoulders of the suit and slipped them over her arms. The suit fell to the floor and she was naked except for a black thong. Willy started to unbutton his shirt.

“You need help with this zipper?” Sharon said, putting her hand down there, feeling the pressure of his cock against the fabric of his pants. There was no need for an answer.

He wore no belt. She unsnapped his pants and pulled his zipper down. Willy tossed his shirt aside as she pushed down his pants. His cock sprung up, hard and long. It was bigger than other cocks she’d had experience with. She’d never thought of herself as much of a cocksucker, but she wanted to suck this one.

“Sit down,” she said.

Willy sat on the edge of the bed. Without a thought Sharon knelt before him and sucked his cock.

Willy was surprised. He was expecting a slow build of foreplay, kissing and fondling and working his way around her exquisite body as he drove her to a frenzy, licking her, sucking her, eating her, and fucking her. But he knew all that was going to happen and didn’t care about the order of things.

It felt big and warm in Sharon’s mouth. She palmed his balls and alternated between sucking it, and licking and kissing it, then zeroed in on the sucking. Willy began slowly swaying it into her. She could feel his hands massaging her shoulder blades and she knew by his cries of pleasure that she was doing something right.

Willy watched her head movements, floating up and down, and took her long locks in his hands and pulled them back so he could better see her face. With his hands on the back of her head he held her, giving his cock a stationary target, and he fucked her open mouth. Swing after swing his cock delved deeper until pretty near the whole damn thing was in there.

“Lie back on the bed,” she said.

He was a good listener. He scooted back and lay on the bed and Sharon was instantly beside him, kissing his mouth and they did a thirty-second tongue suck while she held his swollen cock in her hand.

“I’m going to finish what I started,” she said.

Her lips went to his neck, to his shoulders, kissing him, and she licked his chest and nibbled his nipples and kissed his flat stomach. His cock was lying there, fat and juicy, so she kissed the tip and licked its length and sucked on his balls, taking her time. Willy’s sighs of pleasure burst into groans of delight when again she wrapped her mouth around his cock and sucked.

She sucked harder this time, back and forth with a feral force, like she was trying to open a clogged drain. Willy again held her hair in his hand so he could watch her sweet, hungry mouth at work. He was softly moaning and his body was shifting with each of her movements. He swung his groin into her face as she sucked his pecker and squeezed his mixed nuts.

Sharon felt his fist twist in her hair, tweaking her head to the left. She soon knew why. With a fierce grunt his body shook and his ass rose up off of the mattress and his missiles were launched.

He came in a spasm, and Sharon moaned when she received one final jolt. It was a ramming head-fuck, with his cock in deeper and his balls kissing her lips, and the hot rush and taste of his semen. He unloaded with each spurt and gradually his orgasm subsided. Her mouth kept playing his electric organ until it was completely out of juice.

She removed her mouth from his cock. There was sperm on her chin and the corners of her mouth.

“That’s a lot of cum!” she said.

“You bring out the best in me,” Willy said, and pulled her head toward his and buried his tongue into her mouth.

Their tongues swam in his salty slickness and Willy’s hands wandered over Sharon’s naked flesh. He felt her breasts and pinched her hardy nipples, firm and rubbery and ready. He kissed her neck and sucked on her earlobes. She sighed and voiced his name when he flicked his tongue on her nipples and sucked them into his mouth. He felt her fingers on the back of his head.

“Now it’s your turn,” he said softly, looking up at her from tit level. “I’ve thought about this all week.”

“Bring out the best in me,” she said.

He went back to his tit-sucking. He had one arm around her and his other hand was like a mine sweeper gliding over her sleek upper body and working its way south. Sharon was breathing heavily and her upper body was quivering like a bowl of hot pudding as he chewed on her swelled nipples, then she hissed aloud when she felt his hand slip under her thong and two of his fingers entered her.

She was drippy wet, her snatch a warm, succulent morsel open for business. Willy’s lips slowly kissed their way downward until they were flush with her crotch. He yanked her thong aside and covered her aroused clit with his mouth.

Sharon squealed like a stuck shoat when he sucked her turgid tool into his mouth. For Willy it was like he’d pulled the trigger on a burp gun. Instantly she was humping his face as he sucked and fingered her and she kept squealing with each plunge, the contrary applied forces of her clit being sucked outward and his fingers being jammed into her having the combined effect of driving her sylphlike body over the frenetic edge.

Sharon was a screamer. Willy was glad the windows were closed so none of the neighbors would call the cops. Her body continued to squirm as he kept doing what he was doing. Her clit felt plump in his mouth, and hot, like a jalapeno popper.

He sucked harder, not letting go of it, and a third finger slipped into her juicy vagina and joined the poking party. Sharon’s cunt clamped down around his fingers, and matched his puckered lips suck-for-suck.

“I’m going to come…” Sharon shouted.

Willy sucked and reamed her harder.

“I’m going to come big!”

Willy slipped his free hand under her fluttering ass and squeezed her cheek in time with his sucking. Four or five more thrusts was all it took.

“Oh God! Here I come,” she screamed.

She came like a barrel tipping over. Her torso twisted and her ass bucked and her long legs swiveled around Willy’s head which was buried between her slickened thighs. Her release was not a trickle or a spray, but an even flow of cum filling her cunt, surrounding Willy’s fingers and smoothly oozing out of her, onto his hand and between his lips and onto the bed.

When Sharon’s body finally stopped gyrating, Willy unclasped his lips from her glans and wasted no time getting into position. It was time to fuck. His cock felt like a half-smoke that had been left on the grill too long and was ready to split. He moved atop her and was pleased with how easily his swollen member slipped inside her. Her greasy pussy welcomed him and he felt her warm, wet walls tighten snugly around him, as if to marinate his meat.

He started slowly, swinging his groin into hers, wanting to take his time. But Sharon had other ideas. She pushed the pace, slinging her crotch into his, forcing him deep and squeezing his rod with her cunt.

“Ooh, that feels good,” she barked. “Oh yeah, fuck me.” She wheezed loudly with every push.

Willy gripped her ass and pounded her. He could feel her walls sucking his cock as they fucked. Sharon barked and yowled and arfed and howled and swiveled and twirled and wiggled and whirled with every powerful plunge of their synced bodies. Willy felt like a rodeo rider without a saddle horn to hang onto.

So he hung onto her ass. Sharon had a tight ass and there wasn’t a lot of loose flesh hanging around, so he dug his fingers deeply into her crack, spreading her, which elicited a loud, high-pitched eek. He slipped a finger into her asshole for a more solid grip.

“Oh shit!” Sharon said sharply. “What’s that?”

Willy covered her mouth with his and their tongues got back in the act. He licked her ears and chewed her lobes and sucked her neck as he continued to throw his body into hers and worked his cock and finger into her deepest points.

Sharon squawked even louder with a finger up her butt. Willy screwed it into her from behind as he hammered her pussy from the front. She wasn’t sure if she was coming or going. But after a couple more minutes of the double drilling she knew: she wasn’t going, she was coming!

“Oh shit,” she said, short of breath. “I’m going to come again.”

Willy stepped it up a notch. He threw his entire body weight behind each plunge, jamming his cock and middle finger into her, nuts- and knuckle-deep. Sharon screamed again just as he began ejaculating into her.

Her orgasm was another trembling, twisty contortion of convulsing flesh. Screeching in tongues, arms and legs jerking this way and that, and cum flowing outward, washing the cock inside her and puddling on the bed. Willy held her tight to still her and kept his tools fully inserted until at last her body rested.

“Was that as good as I think it was?” Willy said, after a time of quiet repose.

“Oh, My God!” Sharon said.

He took that as a yes.

They fell asleep in each others’ arms, and slept like the dead. Willy was awakened at around four-thirty in the morning. Sharon was getting dressed.

“What are you doing?” he asked.

“I have to go.”

“What? It’s only four-thirty! Is something wrong?”

Sharon came to the bed and sat.

“No, there’s nothing wrong. In fact, everything is great. But if my car isn’t in front of our cottage when my parents wake up…and they wake up early on the farm…they will worry that something happened to me. I don’t want to worry them.” She kissed him. “Last night was wonderful.”

“Will I see you again?”

Sharon put her hands on her hips. “You better,” she said.


So, Willy’s sex life went from zero to ninety in four dates.

Sharon had been seeing a guy when she met Willy, but it wasn’t going anywhere so she dumped him after Willy asked her out. And now after having gone to bed with him once, she knew she was going to go to bed with him every chance she got.

They were both instantly hooked. They soon had a routine where several nights a week they would tear each other up in bed. Sometimes they would fuck almost to exhaustion. They’d sleep. And Sharon always woke up and left at around four-thirty a.m.

Willy thought it was interesting, and fortunate, that Sharon, who was so quiet, shy and coy when they first met, could be such a whore in bed. She craved sex and fucked like an animal. The quiet, shy ones were the hottest and most uninhibited in bed, he decided. So many of the pretty, outgoing, popular girls he’d known often played games and were insincere, and didn’t try very hard, especially when he ever got them into the sack. Not Sharon. Once her door was opened, it opened wide.

But Sharon was not just a whore in bed. She was a whore on the floor, on the sofa, in the car, up against the wall, in the shower, you name it. She would fuck anywhere. One time Willy joked that he wanted to fuck her in a corn field on the family farm; damn if they didn’t. She wore a short skirt to one of his gigs and fucked him leaning up against the car during a band break. Another time he said he wanted to fuck her in her parents’ house while they slept; they did that too, in the very next room. And keeping Sharon quiet wasn’t easy.

Sharon would come up to Willy at his gigs and whisper dirty things into his ear between songs. ‘Hurry up, end the set, I want to go down on you’, she’d say. ‘I want you to come in my mouth’, ‘I want to lick your balls’, ‘I want to sit on your face’. Stuff like that. Sometimes Willy was glad he had a guitar to hide his hard-on. But Sharon turned the gigs into parties, and would bring a crowd. She’d bring friends and invite people from her workplaces. And her sister Rose.

The first time Rose came to a gig Willy did a double take. From across the room she could have been Sharon’s twin; she was sexy in the same innocent farm-bred way that Sharon was.

“God, Rose looks just like you, Sharon!” Willy said, later that night. “If I came over to your house in the dark I’d have to be careful not to kiss the wrong girl.”

“We don’t share our men!” Sharon said sternly, with her finger pointed.

“Uh, okay,” Willy said. “I was just joking.”

Rose said the exact same words when Willy told her about his joke.

Rose had the same long brunette hair, although hers was frizzier. She was a couple inches shorter than Sharon, but had the same lean body, modest tits and cute butt. And her nose was straight. Her boyfriend was a guy named Jed. He was blond and compact, muscled but short, a couple inches shorter than Rose. They hadn’t been seeing each other for that long when Willy met them, but they were good together, and they loved to party and dance.

Sharon and Rose were already close, but became even closer when their boyfriends hit it off. Over the next few months Sharon and Willy and Rose and Jed, aside from being at the gigs, would socialize often, going to parties or dances or just hanging out. The chemistry among the four of them was undeniable and comfortable all around.

Both couples had solid relationships and good sex lives. Willy and Sharon were fucking up a storm several times a week, but as Willy got to know Rose better he found himself more and more attracted to her, and he got the same kind of vibe off of her. He would often steal glances at her, and vice versa. But he knew by their firm, identical replies to his ‘joke’, that she was off-limits and it could never happen.


One night Sharon and Willy were lying in bed after having sex. Her head was resting on his shoulder and his arm was around her.

“All we do is fuck,” Sharon said.

This seemed like a strange statement to Willy. “Huh?” he said.

“All we do is fuck,” she repeated.

“Well, that’s good isn’t it? A healthy sex life.”

“Yes, our sex life is fine. But that’s all we do. I come to your house and we have sex.”

“That’s not true,” Willy said. “We go out with friends, we go out to dinner, we go to movies together, we talk. Plus you have your jobs, I have my job and my music. Our sex is the cherry on top. Is something else bothering you?”

“No. I mean, I’m sorry. I know. Sometimes it just seems like all we do is eat and then fuck.”

“What things would you like to do?”

“I don’t know, never mind. It’s stupid, I shouldn’t have said anything.”

“If there are things you would like to do, Sharon, please tell me. But I doubt it will change the eating and the fucking, especially the fucking. I like the fucking. We could go to a museum, but then we’d probably go somewhere to eat and then come home and fuck. I could take you to the opera, but we’d probably get something to eat and then come home and fuck. We can go on vacation, but we’d still end up eating and fuck--.”

“Okay, I get it,” Sharon interrupted. “Forget I said anything.”

Willy kissed Sharon on her lips. Then he ate her, and then he fucked her.


A couple weeks later they were again lying in bed post-coitus.

“What do you want for your birthday?” Sharon asked.

In two weeks Willy would be turning thirty. He wasn’t particularly looking forward to the milestone.

“Ah, nothing really,” he said. “I’d ask for a hot-looking sexual fireball, but I already have one.” He hugged her close.

“Oh, please,” she bemoaned. “Come on, tell me. What do you want?”

“A blowjob.”

“That’s a given. What else?”

“I don’t know. A necktie.”

“Come on, Willy, I’m serious. Think!”

“I don’t know,” he said. “I haven’t even thought about it. You caught me off-guard.”

They continued talking about it for a while. Willy was drawing a blank on any kind of material gift that he’d like to receive. He was the type who when he wanted something, he went out and got it. But Sharon was persistent.

“There must be something…” she said.

“Well, there is one thing that would blow my mind,” he said. “But I don’t think it’s feasible. And I don’t think you’d go for it.”

“What?” Sharon said, turning to look directly into his eyes.

“Aw, forget it, it’s crazy, never mind.”

“Oh, no you don’t! Tell me. What?”

Willy took a deep breath. “You really want to know?”

“Tell me, Willy.”

“Okay, but don’t get mad.”

“Mad, why would I get…”

“A threesome,” Willy said.

Sharon was left with her mouth hanging open. “A what?” she asked incredulously.

“A threesome. In bed. There, I said it.”

“A threesome? Are you serious? With you and me and what, another woman?”

“Yes. You, me and another woman. But not just any woman.”



“What?” Sharon sat up in a state of shock. “My sister!”

“Well, you asked me.”

“We don’t share our men!”

“Yeah, I’ve heard that before.”

“I can’t believe you. Aren’t I enough for you?”

“You’re more than enough, Sharon. You’re the best woman I’ve ever been with. That’s not the point. You asked me a question and I gave you an honest answer. It’s a fantasy. I knew you’d never go for it. Forget it, get me a necktie.”

Willy tried to put his arms around her but Sharon was having none of it. She hopped out of bed and started getting dressed.

“Please, Sharon…”

“Don’t you Please Sharon me,” she said, as she pulled on her jeans. “Men, ugh. I can’t believe you want to fuck my sister!” She put her shirt on and carried her shoes in her hand and walked out.

Willy noticed she had left her thong. He held it to his nose and took a whiff. Nice.

“Aw, fuck,” he said to himself.


Sharon drove home in a huff. She lay in bed with her mind racing and she tossed and turned for much of the night.

The next day she got up the nerve to tell Rose. She was appalled when Rose was not appalled. Rose was kind of flattered. Sharon was confused: First she finds out her boyfriend wants to fuck her sister, and now finds out her sister wouldn’t mind it either.

“I thought we didn’t share our men!” Sharon stated.

“I know, I know. But Willy’s attractive, and I’d never do it behind your back, but if it were both of us… I don’t know. It’s kinky, but it might be fun. And I think it’d be cool to watch you and him fuck.”

“You’re serious!”

“Not if you’re not into it. But if you are…Jed’s birthday is next month and we could give him the same gift.”

“You and me and…a threesome with Jed?”

“Sure, why not?” Rose said. “I know he’d go for it, he thinks you’re hot.”


“Yes. Sharon, this is every guy’s fantasy. And we can make it come true for both of them. And we’re sisters, we trust each other. We’re all attracted to each other and get along well. So what the hell.”

Sharon shook her head. She thought about seeing Rose fucking Willy, or sucking his cock. Would she watch or participate? Would she be turned on or turned off? Would Rose like fucking Willy too much? She thought about fucking Jed. He was pretty short, she’d never been with a guy that short before, would it work?

“So, what do you think?” Rose asked.

“I think we’re crazy,” Sharon said. “But it might be worth it to see the smiles on their faces.”


Willy waited a couple days to call Sharon. He wanted her to have time to cool off. He had his apology ready. But he didn’t need it.

“Okay,” Sharon said, “You’ll get your birthday wish.”

“Really?” Willy said. “You’re sure? What changed your mind?”

“I spoke to Rose. She’s okay with it, but Jed’s birthday is next month and she wants to give the same gift to him. Are you alright with that?”

“Um, uh, I guess so, if you are.”

“You don’t sound too sure.”

“No, it’s okay as long as you are comfortable doing it. Jed’s in for a wild ride; he has no idea what you’re like in bed. I hope you don’t kill him.”

Sharon laughed. Willy always said the sweetest things.


Willy’s birthday fell on a Saturday in February, but the state university had a big basketball game on Friday night that they wanted to watch on Willy’s big screen. So they decided they would all get together to watch the game and afterwards Willy would get his birthday gift and by midnight he’d be in seventh heaven.

Willy came home from work that day loaded with beer, wine and a tray of deli sandwiches and soups and salad. The temperature had dropped into the teens and it had started snowing in the late afternoon. Rose and Sharon would be coming to his house separately. Sharon had a home health visit to make somewhere way out in God’s country after she got off from her day job.

The snow had gotten heavier and was beginning to stick. The weather forecast was calling for a major winter storm. Rose arrived at a little after seven and when she came through the breezeway into the kitchen a powerful gust of frigid air blew in with her. They said hello and Willy brushed snow off the shoulders of her coat and helped her out of it and hung it in the closet.

She looked great. She wore tight jeans and a black sweater; her thighs and crotch and ass were wrapped snugly in denim and the neckline of the sweater dipped toward her breasts, showing her bare skin and a fit black necklace. Willy’s penis was already perking up.

Willy poured Rose a glass of wine and got a beer for himself and they went into the living room. He put on some music and Rose sat on the sofa and they talked while he built a fire in the fireplace. He had brought wood in from the woodpile that morning and he was glad he did; the pile was now covered with several inches of snow and the snow was coming down harder still. Sharon called to say that she would be later than expected. She had to make an additional home visit to an elderly couple. Willy heard the wind blowing outside and through the window saw lightning flash in the distance. He couldn’t remember seeing lightning in a snow storm before.

Once the fire was roaring it was time to refill their drinks. The first ones had gone down quick and easy. Willy retrieved the drinks and joined Rose on the sofa. They were quiet for a minute, a little uptight. He thought back to the night he’d made his bet with Utah.

“Rose, did Sharon ever tell you the story of how I got her phone number?” Willy said.

“No, I don’t think so,” she replied.

“I met Sharon at a gig at Murph’s, but she left before I could get her number. I was sitting right here later that night and Utah was in the chair and we made a bet about a piece of music trivia, and I won. A hundred dollars. But Utah had gotten Kim’s business card, so I told him if he’d call Kim and get Sharon’s number for me, he could keep the money.”

“Wow, really?” Rose said. “A hundred dollars. You must have really wanted her number.”

“Yeah, I guess I did.”

They were silent again for a short time as the music played softly. Then Willy spoke.

“But, do you know what I’ve often thought of since I met you?”


He cleared his throat. “I’ve thought about what might have happened if it had been you who I met at Murph’s that night.”

Rose stared at her wineglass and twirled the stem in her fingers.

“I’m sorry,” Willy said, “I didn’t mean to embarrass you, I…” Willy said.

“No, it’s okay,” Rose said, putting her hand on his arm. “I’m glad you told me. I’ve had similar thoughts. Sharon and I have never shared a man before, but when she told me what you wanted for your birthday, well, that’s why I went along with it.”

“Did it surprise you when Sharon told you?”

“Yes. Pleasantly.”

“I tried not to tell her, but she pulled it out of me,” he said. “I knew it was crazy and I told her she’d never go for it, to forget it, but she kept after me.”

“I’m glad you did. We’ve never done this before. But the only way I could justify it in my mind is if we give Jed the same birthday present. I know he’ll like the idea.”

“I understand, what guy wouldn’t? I tried to tell Sharon, you’re both hot, any guy in his right mind would want both of you. And the first time I saw you…God, I thought you were so sexy.”

“I remember that night. I remember thinking how lucky Sharon was.”

Rose’s hand was still on Willy’s arm and they had begun playing a little game of footsie. He covered her hand with his.

“May I kiss you?” Willy asked.

“Don’t you think we should wait for Sharon before we get started?”

“Just a kiss.”

Rose shrugged. It was okay, she guessed.

Willy scooted closer and held her hand between his legs as he put his mouth to hers and pressed their lips together. In a moment those lips parted and their tongues got into the act. Their lips loitered, prolonging the kiss, and Willy sucked gently on her tongue. His penis morphed from a fleshy mass into a rigid rod. Rose removed her hand.

“We better wait,” she said.

“One kiss and I’m hard,” he said. “Look what you do to me. I think tonight will be fun.”

“It’s not your everyday birthday gift.”

“You got that right,” he said, then yelled toward the window, “Hurry up, Sharon!”

Rose laughed. “What about the basketball game?”

“Oh, right. The game.”

The phone rang again. It was Sharon. Her car was stuck in a drift on the property of her last call and there was a foot of snow already and no sign of it slowing. Her company was sending somebody with a four wheel drive to pick her up and drive her over.

Willy looked out the window. The cars looked like giant snow piles. The snow was heavy and blowing sideways in the wind. Large icicles hung low off of the power lines like stalactites and the wires drooped from the weight.

“I have to go to the bathroom,” Rose said, standing up.

Willy stared at the crease splitting the seat of her jeans as she left the room. He shook his head in admiration and imagined pulling off her pants and licking it.


Willy was in the kitchen when Rose returned. They nibbled on salad and soup and then each got another drink and went back to the living room. The music was turned off and the TV was turned on. It was game time. They sat on the sofa together and Willy tried to keep his hands to himself.

The wind was howling outside, and the snow was piling up. The plow had come through the neighborhood once already, but there was already three or four more inches accumulated on the road surface.

About ten minutes into the game the lights in the house flickered and the power went out.

“Oh shit!” Willy said.

He got up and went to the window. Although it was a white-out outside, all the houses in sight were dark. The lines were down. He could see sparks popping out of a transformer on a pole a few houses down from his.

“I hope Sharon’s alright,” he added.

He gathered a flashlight and candles and matches from the pantry. He lit a few candles and placed them in various spots around the room. He added more wood to the hearth.

“This house has electric heat. It’s going to get cold tonight. I think we’ll all be sleeping here by the fire,” Willy said.

He went to the linen closet and brought out every quilt and blanket and sheet and comforter he had and brought them into the living room. Then he went to the bedrooms and brought back every pillow.

“We’re going to have a nice comfy nest for three,” he said.

Headlights shone through the picture window. They looked out and saw a Jeep approaching, creeping cautiously down the street. They sighed with relief when it stopped in front of the house. They went out on the breezeway. The Jeep couldn’t turn into the drive, the plow had pushed all the snow from the road off to the side into a high bank. They watched Sharon climb over the bank and slog through the drifting snow along the length of the drive.

“Goddamn it’s cold!” Sharon said, as she climbed onto the breezeway.

“Thank God you’re okay,” Willy said and he kissed and hugged her.

They rushed her inside and helped her off with her coat.

“That damn Jeep didn’t have any heat,” Sharon said, shivering.

“The power’s out here,” Rose said. “We’ll all be sleeping on the floor in front of the fire tonight.”

Sharon needed a drink. They got drinks and went into the living room. With the fire and candlelight Willy could see that she was dressed all in black, just like the night they’d met. Damn, she knows how to turn me on, he thought. Rose got busy laying out the blankets and quilts and pillows in front of the fireplace while Willy stoked the fire and added another log. He didn’t want to have to mess around with the fire when the real fireworks started going off.

“Looks like you two are ready,” Sharon said.

“No electricity, no game to watch,” Willy said. “We were just waiting on you.”

They made chit chat for a few minutes. Then Rose asked Sharon if she was ready, and she answered that she was. She picked up a candle and the girls walked across the room and took a shopping bag out of the hall closet. Willy figured Sharon must have left it there the last time she was over.

“Take your shirt off,” Sharon said. “We’ll take care of the rest.”

Then they took the candle and the bag into the bathroom.


Willy was shirtless, seated in front of the fire and enjoying the crispy warmth on his skin when the bathroom door reopened a few minutes later. He saw the candle first and watched as it came closer, the girls led by the soft glow. One of them put the candle on the table and then both knelt in front of him.

If he didn’t know better, he could have sworn he was seeing double. Rose and Sharon were dressed skimpily and identically in slinky, low-cut, black lace negligees and black necklaces.

“You two look gorgeous,” Willy said. “Let’s start with a kiss.”

He leaned his face to Sharon’s and their lips parted as they touched and they shared an intense french kiss for about twenty seconds. Then he turned to Rose and they did the same thing. He was already aroused.

“Now you two,” he said softly.

“What?” the girls replied in unison.

“Now you two kiss. I’ve been waiting for this.”

“Willy…” Sharon began.

“Kiss! This is a threesome, not a two-plus-onesome.”

Rose looked at Sharon, whose eyes were round and fearful. Rose smiled and chuckled. Sharon shook her head and emitted a nervous giggle.

They hesitated, but then Rose shrugged her shoulders, leaned forward, stuck her head out and puckered her lips. Sharon leaned in and planted a dainty peck on Rose’s lips.

“Come on you two,” Willy fussed. “Get with it. Put your heads together. Give us some tongue.”

He put hands on the back of their heads and slowly pushed them together until their lips were touching.

“Now, kiss like you mean it,” he said. “Turn me on.”

They started slowly, but soon their mouths opened and they kissed with more intensity, and Willy watched with pleasure as they tasted tongues with increased vigor. After maybe twenty seconds their heads separated and they looked at each other with wide eyes and embarrassed smiles.

“That was so fucking hot,” Willy said. “Do it again.”

So they did, and this time Sharon’s hand went around Rose’s back and pulled her closer. Their mouths did not hesitate, each willingly accepted the other and their tongues spiraled inside. Willy again watched with glee; he fondled himself and his perked pecker pushed at the front of his jeans.

“Undress each other,” Willy said when they ended their kiss.

Rose and Sharon smirked at him but they did what he asked. He watched as Sharon removed Rose’s gauzy wrap and then Rose returned the gesture. Then they were both naked except for black necklaces and matching black thongs.

“God, what a couple of hotties,” Willy said. “Kiss Rose’s nipples, Sharon. Suck them.”

“We’re not lesbians, Willy,” she said.

“I know that, come on, it’s my birthday.”

Sharon hesitated but Rose didn’t. She bent her head down and took Sharon’s breasts in her hand and sucked a nipple into her mouth, then the other, then back and forth several more times. Sharon moaned softly as her tits were sucked.

“God, you’re good at that, Rose,” Sharon said, and kissed her. She then sucked Rose’s titties and it was her sister’s turn to moan. Willy didn’t know if Sharon had done this before but she looked like she was into it, and Rose was eating it up.

“Are you going to sit there all night and watch?” Rose asked. “When are you going to get out of those pants and join in?”

“Right now,” he said. He started to unbutton his pants but Sharon stopped him.

“Wait, lie back,” Sharon said.

Willy did so. He got comfortable and put a pillow under his head. Sharon scooted up and opened and unzipped his pants.

“You’re going to like this, Rose,” she said, then to Willy: “Lift your butt.”

He lifted up and Sharon pulled off his jeans. She yanked down his boxers and his hardened, engorged cock bounced up and down several times from the force of it, and Willy saluted the girls with it, raising it and dropping it a few more times on his own.

“Not bad, huh?” Sharon said to Rose, taking the cock in her hand.

“Ooh Yes, very nice.” Rose said. “Show me what he likes.”

Sharon didn’t hesitate. She took Willy’s cock into her mouth and started sucking like a starved calf, showing off a bit for her sister. Rose watched her head bounce up and down and saw the whole cock ride in and out of her mouth over and over.

Willy made eye contact with Rose and reached for her. He took her hand and pulled her toward him, kissed her and stabbed his tongue into her mouth, picking up where he’d left off earlier when they’d sat together on the sofa. They kissed for some time with his dick sunk happily into Sharon’s mouth before Willy moved his mouth to Rose’s tits and went to town.

He licked and kissed Rose’s firm, modest breasts and her nipples thickened and stiffened in his mouth. The awkwardness was already a memory, their inhibitions gone. It was as if they were in a movie acting out an unwritten ***********, a triad of connected, erected bodies, working together, squirming on the floor in a nest of covers, sucking and humping, and the soundtrack was a chorus of moans and groans and slurps, the crackling of the fire, and the howling wind outside.

Rose’s arms were around Willy, and he pulled her closer, and with one hand behind her back, he slipped his other between her legs. She moaned and closed her legs as if by reflex, but he dug his hand deeper into her crotch and it found its way under her thong. She was wet and moaned louder when he slid two fingers into her. They kissed deeper and harder and she shifted her twat toward him, giving his fingers total access.

Meanwhile, Willy’s groin was doing some shifting of its own down below. With his cock plugged into his girlfriend’s mouth and with his mouth latched onto her sister’s tits and his fingers inside her, his body was a wiggly mass, but soon the fucking that his cock was doing in Sharon’s mouth and the fucking his fingers were doing in Rose’s pussy were in perfect time. Willy was working on withholding his cum as best he could as he was working on Rose. He wanted to have the stamina to last, and not come too soon, but it felt so fucking good.

He was greedily sucking Rose’s left tit and sinking his fingers deeply into her when he suddenly noticed his dick was no longer being sucked. Then he felt another hand on the back of his head; it was Sharon’s.

“What do you want to do first, Rose?” Sharon said. “Suck him or fuck him?”

“Yes,” Rose said.

Instantly Willy’s mouth was titless and his soaked fingers were out in the open air. Rose scooted down between his legs and licked his cock, then sucked it into her mouth.

Sharon kissed Willy and whispered, “Eat me.”

Rose was seriously sucking and had his balls in her hand. Willy grunted when he felt her long slim finger wiggle its way into his asshole. Sharon straddled his head, facing away so she could watch her sister in action. With his hands on her thighs, he sidled his mouth and her cunt into position, and Sharon sighed and shivered when his mouth joined her pickled gash.

With Sharon sitting on his face, Willy didn’t see much after that, but he enjoyed himself. He munched on tangy pussy while his cock was being sucked and his ass was getting fingered. He pumped his groin into Rose’s face harder, trying to fill her throat. His penis felt like a pressure washer with its nozzle shut off.

Sharon’s pussy juice seeped into his mouth and over his face as Willy licked her clit and tongue-fucked her. He paused when he felt Rose’s mouth vacate his cock, moments before he would have shot his load. But not for long.

Willy felt the warm, wet envelope lower itself around his cock until it covered it completely. Her pussy tightened around him once, twice, thrice. Then it rose up again, and down again, again, again, and he pushed his cock up into it, fucked it. Although he couldn’t see Rose, she was fucking him and he was fucking her.

Both girls were groaning and moaning in harmony, each with a piece of Willy inside them, and they pushed their twats into him, Sharon’s full of tongue and Rose’s full of cock. Their moans stopped momentarily; Willy was pretty sure they were kissing. Then Sharon squealed and her body shook, and Willy knew what was coming next. Sharon was.

“Oh My God!” Sharon barked, “I’m gonna come.”

Willy was about to explode too. He bucked and slung his cock upward into Rose’s cunt and she slammed it right back at him. Just as Sharon’s warm juice watered his mouth and face, he groaned low and loudly, which signaled to Sharon that he was about to come inside her sister.

He released a large, stored-up load, five or six healthy squirts, draining his cock. But Rose didn’t slow down at all. She continued to slide up and down on his spent, erected bone, squeezing it, hugging it, wanting to climax. Sharon moved her pussy off of Willy’s face and he immediately reached for Rose and pulled her to him, kissed her, and rolled her body over so that he was on top. He put his hands on her buttocks and since she had fingered his asshole, he rammed a finger up hers.

“Ooh!” Rose hissed.

So, she’s into butt play, that’s good, Willy thought. He liked to stick his dick up a girl’s ass every now and then, and it was not one of Sharon’s favorite things. But Rose seemed to be into it.

Willy pounded her into the floor, ramming his cock into her front and his finger into her rear. He kissed her mouth as he fucked her, with Sharon at their side with one hand on Rose’s shoulder and the other on Willy’s ass.

Sharon hadn’t known what to expect, didn’t know how she’d feel seeing Willy fuck her sister; but she was watching, and she liked it. She watched his tight, muscled ass bouncing atop Rose, watched his cock slide in and out of her, saw his mouth attached to hers, and she wasn’t jealous as she had thought she might be. No. Fresh off of her own orgasm, she wasn’t the least bit depleted, but even more turned-on, watching her sister close in on her own orgasm, with Willy’s cock and seed inside her.

Rose belted out a high-pitched squeak when she came. Her body thrashed on the covers as her cum rushed outward and Willy kept poking, trying to keep his dick inside her. When it popped out he didn’t try to reinsert it, he just lay beside her and held her until her body stopped squirming.

“Oh my God, Rose,” Sharon exclaimed. “That was hot.”

A minute or two later things had calmed down. Willy was lying between them with an arm around each girl and their heads on his shoulders. He was thinking about that old slogan in the beer commercial, ‘It Doesn’t Get Any Better Than This’. That’s how he felt at the moment.

“Damn, I’m not kidding,” Sharon said. “I wasn’t sure how I’d feel when I saw the two of you together, but wow, what a turn-on!”

“I’d like to see you two do it,” Rose said softly. They both looked at Willy.

“I think that could be arranged,” Willy said.

“Will this old thing be up to it?” Sharon said, stroking his penis.

“Maybe I can help,” Rose said, adding her hand to the mix, cupping his nuts with her palm and slipping her finger back into his ass.

“Ooh, Baby, you know what I like,” Willy blurted, and alternated kissing both girls while his cock came back in full.

He pushed Sharon onto her back and hopped onto his knees between her legs. His cock was like a weather vane pointed at the sky.

“Put me inside her, Rose,” he said.

Rose sat up. She looked at Sharon, then at Willy. Willy took her hand and placed it back on his cock.

“Put me in.”

Rose leaned close and Willy kissed her as she fed his cock into her sister’s open snatch. Willy started poking Sharon and felt Rose’s hand on his ass. He stopped momentarily and reached behind himself and took Rose’s hand, singled out her index finger and put her fingertip to his asshole.

“Put it in,” he said.

He felt her long, slim finger slide all the way in.

“That’s it. Keep it in there.”

Then he got back to it. Willy fucked Sharon and they gave Rose quite a show. He pounded her like she was the last piece of ass he’d get before heading off to war. Raunchy, loud, wild, whore-in-bed Sharon was on full display, squealing and screeching and quaking. Fucking Sharon was always intense, but Willy found it even more heightened, almost intoxicating, fucking her with Rose’s finger up his ass.

Sharon screamed like she was lying on hot coals and talked dirty as usual when she came. Willy wasn’t far behind, but her body was in tremors and became a moving target as he screwed her and tried to keep his cock inside her. Sharon’s body finally had calmed to a simmer by the time Willy’s cum came to a boil and he slammed her good six or seven final times before he emptied his semen into her.

Willy pulled himself off and collapsed beside Sharon and felt a sharp jolt up his ass as he did so. Rose’s finger was still up there.

“Oh, sorry,” he said. “God, that was good. I hope you girls don’t give me a heart attack.”

He kissed both ladies and lay between them, holding them, until they all fell asleep.


Willy woke in the middle of the night. Both girls were under a mountain of covers, sleeping on their sides facing away from him. Power was still out. He got up to get a drink of water and walked to the kitchen and looked out the window. The wind had abated and the snow had tapered off but was still falling in tiny flakes. There had to be two feet of snow out there.

The fire had died down so he stoked it back up, added wood and got it roaring again.

“Good idea,” Rose said. “It’s cold.” Sharon continued in a deep sleep.

“Well, maybe we should warm each other up,” Willy said, and scrambled under the blankets and took her in his arms. Her body was lukewarm but her nose and hands were cold.

“That’s the first time I’ve ever seen a naked man working in a fireplace,” she said. “Nice view.”

Willy kissed her and Rose didn’t hold back. Her mouth opened and accepted his tongue and they were kissing passionately in an instant. Willy’s hand went between her legs and entered her pussy which became wet with his touch. He gently bit her nipples and she sighed quietly and found his now-hard cock with her hand. He rolled on top of her and she slid his cock into her.

“Sweet,” she said.

Their bodies fell in an nice, easy, quiet fuck. It was a slow build, gradually increasing their matched rhythm, finally building into the percussion of sex. Willy slipped his finger into her ass.

“You like ass, don’t you?” she whispered.

“Yep. Maybe you do too,” he said.

“Yeah, Maybe.”

“Maybe I can put something else up there sometime.”

“Yeah, maybe.”

Willy fucked her a little harder, and reamed her butt with a little extra force, and they came almost simultaneously, and Rose murmured her pleasure and Willy stifled his groan into her hair, and they afterwards agreed it was the quietest, gentlest, smoothest lovemaking they could remember.


The sun wasn’t quite up yet, but Willy was. The fire was good, the girls were sleeping peacefully, the power was still out, but the snow had stopped. Willy got up, got dressed, bundled up, put his boots on and went outside to shovel snow.

The snow was high and drifted in spots. He cleared a walkway first then swept the snow off of Rose’s car and dug it out. The plow had come through again overnight but there was still a four or five-inch base on the street, and the pile beside the road blocking the driveway was almost four feet high. He got working on that next.

After about an hour he’d cleared enough so that Rose could drive out when he noticed the overhead light on the breezeway was illuminated. The power was back on. He was getting hungry. He walked over and looked into the living room window to see if the girls were up yet. He was surprised by what he saw. They were awake alright, but were not up yet. Their bodies were locked into sixty-nine position, both muff-diving.

Willy went back to shoveling, and dug his own car out.


Done shoveling, Willy entered his kitchen from the breezeway and smelled eggs and bacon frying and fresh coffee brewing. Sharon was dressed and showered and standing at the stove. Willy put his arms around her and kissed her.

“Happy birthday,” she said, and handed him a long, flat box.

He opened it. It was a necktie with little red hearts all over it. They both laughed.

“Thank you,” he said.

“You’re welcome. A little anticlimactic, huh?”

“I’ll say. Last night was incredible, you both were. I’d like to be a fly on the wall when Jed gets his birthday present.”

“Go get a shower, Birthday Boy. Breakfast will be ready in a few minutes.”

Willy didn’t mention what he’d seen Sharon and Rose doing when he’d peeked in the window, and neither did she. He walked down the hall toward his bedroom. The hallway bathroom door was closed and the shower was running. He thought for a second about going in and jumping in the shower with Rose but he didn’t want to push his luck. So he went into the master bath and turned the shower on hot.


The next few times Willy and Sharon got together with Rose and Jed things were comfortable all around. Rose would greet him with a kiss and there was a lot of laughter and a lot more touching going on. There was a new level of ease with all four of them. Willy had felt like he was in love with Sharon for some time, but now he felt like he was in love with Rose too. Could he really love both?

The night of Jed’s birthday came. Willy had a gig that night and Jed, Rose and Sharon came by for the first set. When they left Willy kissed both girls and shook Jed’s hand and told him to have fun but to try not to hurt himself. Willy’s mind stayed occupied through the gig but when he went home he couldn’t think of anything else. His thoughts were a parade of images of Sharon and Rose kissing Jed and sucking his cock and licking him, and swallowing his cum, and fucking him, and maybe even fucking each other. He began to wonder what gifts the girls would ask for when their birthdays rolled around.

Willy later asked Jed how he’d liked his birthday present and Jed just smiled with a dreamy look in his eyes and said ‘Fucking amazing’. He asked Sharon how it was fucking Jed, and she said ‘He was really good for a midget’.

The four of them reached a whole new level of intimacy after that, and they all began spending more time together. About once a month they’d go away for a weekend together and usually one night Willy and Jed would swap girlfriends. It was weird at first, Willy going to bed with Rose while Sharon and Jed were screwing in the next room, but it happened and was accepted and after a while, expected. And yes, Rose’s backdoor was always open.

The subject of marriage had come up many times between Willy and Sharon and between Jed and Rose, and eventually became a topic of discussion for all four of them. How about a double wedding?

Sharon and Rose’s family were Catholic, but they had left the church years before. No church wedding for these girls.

Jed came up with the idea of them getting married in a hot air balloon, high up above the countryside, with just a couple close friends as witnesses. Then they could honeymoon together. They all loved the idea.

The girls didn’t want a priest, so who would conduct the ceremony and read the vows? Willy made a suggestion.

“Jarvis,” he said.

“Jarvis?” they asked in unison.

“Yeah, Reverend Jarvis. My magazine did a feature a few months ago and I met him. Nice guy, but kind of eccentric. Has a struggling little church in a storefront out on the bypass road, probably only draws thirty or forty people to a service, but preaches up a storm and works as a maintenance man during the week. I’m sure he could use the money.”

Just like that it was decided that Jarvis was their man. Willy would hire the minister, Jed would arrange for the balloon. They chose a Saturday about a month away and decided where they would go for their joint honeymoon, and Rose and Sharon would handle the travel plans. The guys would pay for it all, of course.

The next few weeks were a whirlwind of planning and preparation for all four of them. There would be no fancy dress for the occasion but they all had to arrange for time off and the guys had to buy rings (they shopped together so neither showed the other guy up). They applied for marriage licenses and notified a few choice friends and of course told their families, even though there wasn’t room on the balloon for them. There would be a big party afterwards for everybody to celebrate.


The wedding day was fit for a storybook. Warm spring day, clear blue, cloudless sky, visibility unlimited. At about 2000 feet altitude they could see for many miles around, the national forest and the bay twenty miles distant. Pam and Utah were there, as well as Sharon and Rose’s older sister and one of Jed’s coworkers.

The vows were simple, and Jarvis stumbled through them twice, getting the names right most of the time. The rings fit. When it came time to kiss the brides, they all hugged, and both girls kissed both men.

They weren’t up in the air more than thirty minutes. Willy walked with Jarvis to his car. He paid the man and thanked him, and they talked for several minutes, then he gave him an extra hundred bucks as a gratuity. Then all headed to the Yacht Club to party.

“You know, it feels like all four of us just got married,” Sharon said, as they rode to the reception.

Rose, Jed and Willy agreed. They felt the same way.

The party was a blast. Sixty-eight guests kissed and hugged the brides and grooms, everybody danced and drank and ate and drank some more. The newlyweds all went home to Willy’s house. Their bags were packed. They would be getting up early in the morning to drive to the airport.


They flew to a tropical island and arrived at the resort in mid-afternoon. The girls had rented a villa on a bluff overlooking the Caribbean. The place had two bedrooms, large living area and balcony, and a Jacuzzi the size of a small swimming pool. The semi-private beach was a five minute walk and was clothing-optional. They went to the beach and drank rum drinks for the rest of the afternoon, and messed around a little in the sand.

That night, after showers and dinner out, they were all sitting in a circle, relaxing and facing each other, naked in the Jacuzzi, boy-girl-boy-girl. Willy had a hand on each girl, and so did Jed. The girls’ hands weren’t idle, either.

“Willy, do you mind if I borrow your wife tonight?” Jed said.

Willy looked at Sharon. He detected a barely-noticeable nod and that coy smile of hers.

“Oh, I think that sounds like plan,” Willy said. “But don’t throw your back out or anything. Take it easy on him, Sharon.”

“I’ll try,” she said.

Jed and Sharon rose out of the tub and grabbed their towels. Sharon’s hand must have been busy underwater because Jed’s cock was already fully erected and looked huge on his small frame.

“Goodnight, Honey,” Sharon said, and kissed Willy. Then she and Jed kissed Rose.

Willy watched them walk away side by side, holding hands, Sharon towering over him.

“What a slut my sister is,” Rose said. “Only married two days and she’s already cheating on her husband.”

Willy laughed. “I know, it’s terrible. And look at that snake, cheating on his new wife!”

Rose smiled and put her hand between Willy’s legs, found his cock, stroked it. She kissed him and was soon tonguing his open mouth, his hand massaging her breast.

“Take me to bed,” she said. “I brought lube.”

They got out of the tub and toweled each other off. Willy picked her up and carried her to the bedroom, over the threshold, so to speak. He threw her onto the bed, and they made love. He ate her and sucked her and licked her and fucked her and she sucked him and licked him and fucked him and they both came twice before Rose opened the lube tube and Willy fucked her sublime backchannel.

That week they did a little sightseeing, but most days were spent topless on the beach until they went back to the villa for afternoon delights. They ate their dinners out. They’d come back from dinner and get naked and into the Jacuzzi, where the sex would usually get started before they headed to bed. The first six nights Willy and Jed slept with each sister three times. They all spent the last night in the giant king bed. Side by side Jed fucked Rose and Willy fucked Sharon, and then they traded. The girls sucked cocks and traded. The guys even got an unexpected show watching Rose and Sharon going at it.


They returned home after an incredible honeymoon and tried to get back in the swing of normal life. Sharon moved in with Willy. Rose and Jed rented an apartment together. They resumed their pre-marriage routine of partying together on the weekends and going to Willy’s gigs.

A few weeks later Willy discovered an interesting fact. He checked the documents from the county courthouse regarding their wedding and marriages. The four of them had filed their applications properly, but evidently Reverend Jarvis had mixed things up when he did the recording paperwork.

“You sly dog,” Willy said softly, smiling.

He shook his head and laughed to himself as he read the docs, but there it was in black and white: Willy was now legally married to Rose, and Sharon was legally married to Jed.

He was not looking forward to telling the others about the screw-up. He was the one who had recommended Jarvis in the first place. He was still deciding how to tell the others when they all received another piece of surprising news.

Rose was pregnant.

Willy decided he’d leave things alone for a while, keep it to himself, play dumb. Why upset everybody if he didn’t have to? Wait till the baby is born, do a DNA test, determine who the father is. Who knows? Maybe the screw-up would end up being a blessing in disguise.


Doozy woof HunterReport 

2020-01-21 19:09:39
Freaking BRILLIANT story! De***********ive and horny as heck! Well Written and I totally enjoyed it. Write more please!

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