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Wife learns of husbands cheating and wants revenge.
Don’t Lie Any More, I know

By aliveinpr

My stories do not necessarily reflect my personal proclivities, desires, wants or fantasies. Please read and enjoy this fictional writing.

Besides my regular work, I have been a volunteer for the county for the past six months and love what I do. I help with grief canceling of widows to help them cope after their loss. I like to meet with them in a small coffee shop where we can discuss their loss and future options, this is my way of having a cozy office. A personal touch to help relax my new friends. All I really needed in my ‘office’ was my laptop computer.

I asked to personally council Sarah after her husband died in an automobile accident. She and her husband had been friends with me and my husband, Arthur, for the last year. It would be easier to talk with her as I already knew much of her background.

I told Sarah that we should get together this weekend, use the pool and Arthur could grill some chicken for us. Sarah said, “I don’t know, I think I’ll just stay home”. I looked at her and said, “You can’t become a recluse, you need to get out, you need to be with friends. We would love to have you. Bring Beth with you”.

Sarah said, “Well, I haven’t seen Arthur in a long time. He is a super chef with the grilled chicken. That marinade he makes is yummy”. Sarah thought a moment and then said, “I don’t know, I would feel funny not having Glen there”. I said, “I know, we miss him too, but you have to be with friends, keep busy and socialize”. A date was made and we ordered a coffee refill.

Sarah was quiet as she sipped her coffee and then asked, “Gail, what am I going to do,” Beth just turned 18 and I can’t control her now that her father is gone”. I asked, “What is she doing”? Sarah said, “She has begun to dress like a whore, real short skirts and sheer blouses without a bra. You can see her breasts with her nipples poking against the fabric, and her skirts are so short, you can see her lace panties when she bends over”. “Did she dress this way when Glen was alive”? I asked. Gail shook her head and said, “No, never. She was a very shy and quiet girl and only had two boy friends all through High School”.

I thought a moment and asked, “Was she sexually active when dating in High School”? Sarah said, “I don’t believe so, she only saw those two guys a couple of weeks and dumped them. I have a feeling they tried to get ‘fresh’ with her, so they became history”. “Have you discussed sex with her,” I asked. Sarah said, “Well, yes and with our OBGYN. Her ‘monthly’ was irregular and the doctor had to put her on the pill. We both discussed sexual relations with her and I told her she should hold off on having any type of sex with boys until she’s older and not be too anxious for a sexual relationship”.

“What did she say”? I asked. Sarah laughed as she mimicking Beth, “She blushed and said ‘Oh, Mom I don’t want boys to touch me.’ She said that she might let them kiss her if she knew them for awhile. That’s why I think she’s still a virgin. I don’t think the two she dated ever got to feel her up”. I chuckled and said, “All the time I have known Beth, she seemed to be very conservative and I didn’t see any signs she had sexual desires. I never saw her dressing in the way you describe”.

“God, they are busy”, I said as I looked across the street to a small low rent motel. “Yeah,” said Sarah, “that’s the local hook up spot for quick sex”. I said, “In the last half hour we have been here, I have seen a lot of men and women coming and going”. “Yeah,” said Sarah, “a lot of prostitutes have regular rooms there”. I was astounded by the activity and thought to myself that if I was going to invest in a business, it would be that motel. I said, “They must make a lot of money with all that business”. Sarah said, “They charge for a whole day, but most of the customers use one or two hours and leave. The rooms are then rented again for a full day, they call that the pillow trade”. I laughed and said, “Maybe we should invest in a motel”. Now we were both laughing. “I get it,” I said, “the ‘No Tell Motel’, that’s a good name they have, that’s funny”.

On my drive home, I was thinking, ‘With today’s economy, I guess I can see women trying to cope by selling their pussies. Make money by lying on their backs. Here my husband gets laid and I don’t get paid for his ten or fifteen minutes before he falls asleep. What little sex we have, I would probably never make enough to buy a new dress or a pair of shoes. Oh, well, I’m married and have my wifely duties. I just have to make a quick stop and pick up some items for dinner tonight.

Arthur got home and I told him that I invited Sarah and Beth this weekend for his famous grilled chicken and a relaxing dip in the pool. Arthur thought that was a good idea since Glen’s death and began to make a list of the spices he would need to marinate the chicken. I made a shopping list of other groceries we would need. I was hoping our get together would help Sarah’s healing process.

That night, out of the blue, Arthur was amorous and began running his hand up my leg under my nighty. Something he hadn’t done for a long time was to lick and suck my pussy. It was only quick before he plunged his cock into me and unloaded his cum. I never got close to a climax until after he fell asleep. I had to use my hands and fingers to reach a mild climax as his snoring drowned out my screams. I began to wonder if whores ever had orgasms, any kind of stimulation from their customers. Were their lives just like my married life...wham-bam-thank-you-maam?

Sarah and Beth arrived Saturday and Beth was happy to be able to use the pool. She was wearing a Tee shirt over her bathing suit. When she was running toward the pool, she pulled the shirt off and her bikini was hard to see it was so skimpy. “Hi”, was all we heard as she ran and dove right into the pool. Arthur’s eyes were wide and his mouth open when he saw this young voluptuous female zoom past. Arthur turned back to his grill, but he kept glancing in her direction.

Sarah and I sat in the lounge chairs as we chatted about life in general. I noticed Beth pull herself out of the pool and I swear I could see pubic hair peeking from the crotch of her sparse bottoms showing a very obvious outline of the lips of her vulva. The small triangles, barely covering her well formed breasts revealed her hard nipples straining against the material. I was envious of such beautiful large nipples. My own breasts have been the focus of many men, but Beth had grown into a beautiful young woman. I also noticed Arthur, I’m sure he saw the same images. He was more than glancing at her breasts and figure, he was a down right lecher. I also noticed he was forming an erection in his shorts. Sarah also saw his sprouting erection and I said, “I see what you mean about her new attitude and attire. I think she is morning the loss of her father by rebelling”. Sarah squeezed my hand and said, “I hope you’re right, I just hope men, like Arthur, don’t get the wrong ideas”. I was inwardly hoping the same thing, my husband nearly had his tongue hanging out and drooling.

The day progressed and Sarah was beginning to really relax as I saw healing in her eyes. However, she and I both noticed the flirting, and playful friendship between Beth and Arthur. Splashing each other in the pool, pushing each other in and running after each other laughing. Beth kept giggling when she was close, actually touching my husband in the pool. Arthur and I never had children and I felt maybe, at his age, 46, he might be making up by seeing Beth as a daughter, but it just nagged at me. I felt that Sarah was also concerned.

The chicken was good, as usual, and we lounged in the living room groaning from being stuffed. Beth never put her Tee shirt back on and kept prancing around in her ‘invisible’ bikini as Arthur’s eyes followed her every move. Sarah and I went into the den and she said, “Do you see what she is doing? It’s like she is trying to seduce him”. I agreed with her and said, “I really don’t know what to do. I will let Arthur know I didn’t appreciate his actions today. It was obvious he was being a real ass the way he acted around Beth”. Sarah said, “Don’t blame him, he’s a normal male. Beth was teasing him and she knows she’s turning him on”. “I don’t care,” I said, “he needs to control himself and stop thinking with his dick”. Sarah laughed and hugged me as we went back into the living room.

Sarah threw the Tee shirt to Beth and thanked us for a great day and gave Arthur a hug and quick kiss thanking him for his delicious grilled chicken. Beth then gave Arthur a hug, a bit longer than usual, and thanked him too. Arthur and I watched the two walk to the car and drive away. I pulled Arthur back into the house and said, “You ASS, you acted like a high school boy trying to get into that young pussy. Sarah also saw your behavior, it was inappropriate the way you acted with Beth”. Arthur scowled and said, “What the hell, her father just died and I was trying to get her mind off his death. She needs a ‘father figure’ and I was trying to do that”. I replied, “You went way overboard, several times in the pool, it looked like you two were touching each other sexually”.

Arthur just turned and went to the den and turned on the computer. I went to the kitchen and cleaned up before getting ready for bed. Arthur finally climbed into bed, snuggled up next to me and said, “I’m sorry honey, I thought I was doing the right thing. Now that I’ve thought about it, you’re right, she was hot and sexy. I’m really sorry”. He then began to caress my leg as he nuzzled his face into my neck and began to kiss and nibble my neck and shoulder. His hand inched up my thigh and cupped my pussy. I thought he was still sexually stimulated as he fingered my clit and pussy before rolling on top of me and inserting his cock in my pussy.

He was different in the way he fucked me, slow, pumping in and out. In my mind, I was wondering if he was imagining fucking Beth. He actually took about twenty minutes before he released his cum into my womb. He kept his cock in me for awhile and when he pulled out, he quietly said, “You are still a sexy and desirable woman, maybe Beth just made me realize how hot my wife is”. He then turned over and fell asleep. I looked at Arthur for a long time and thought, ‘He’s trying to convince me that he was not turned on. Sarah and I both saw the way he acted, and I’m sure he was thinking about fucking Beth when his cock was buried deep in my pussy’. He fucked me longer than usual, but as usual, I didn’t have an orgasm.

Saturday was usual, Arthur grabbed his golf bag and headed out for a round of golf. I poured another cup of coffee as I turned on the television to watch the news. I was in deep thought about the activities between Arthur and Beth when the phone rang. It was another friend and she seemed to be hesitant to talk. I asked her what was wrong and she said that she was in the coffee shop, my office, when she saw a man and a very young girl going into a room at the motel across the street. She said, “I swear, I think it was your husband taking that girl into the room, I think your husband’s cheating”. I said, “Oh, Mindy, it couldn’t be Arthur, he went to play golf. He plays golf every Saturday morning”. She said, “Yeah, I couldn’t see him very well, it must not be him”. We chatted for a bit before laughing and hanging up.

Sarah then called and said, “Beth seems to be worse. I don’t know where she is getting her slutty outfits, but she is really acting like a slut whore”. I asked her what happened today, and she said, “She was wearing a near see through dress, her ass showing without panties. She ran out of the house and jumped into a car and off they sped”. I asked, “Did you see who was driving. How about the car, what did it look like”? Sarah said, “By the time I got to the window, they were down the street. It was either a black or very dark blue car”. I said, “I don’t understand, it’s like she’s a prostitute”. “Exactly,” said Sarah, “and she seems to make enough to buy those slutty clothes. I don’t know what to do”. I told her to check her bedroom, see if there were any clues. Sarah said she would and she even said that if there was a diary, she was going to violate her daughter’s privacy.

Another Saturday and off drove Arthur to play another round of golf. It was close to the end of the month and I needed to check our checking account against our check book registry. I saw a bank entry, ‘housing’, for the amount of $68.00. I felt this was a mistake and made a mental note to check with the bank on Monday. The books balanced, but the $68.00 dollar amount in the check book was listed as ‘greens fees’. Why would the bank list it as ‘housing’? Well, we didn’t bounce any checks, that was good news. I then checked the credit cards, and noted that Arthur’s account had another strange listing as ‘lodging’ for another $68.00. I was drawn from my focus when the phone rang.

Again, it was Mindy. She said she was at the coffee shop again, and said she saw who she thought was Arthur with a very young girl wearing very skimpy clothing. She still couldn’t be sure it was Arthur, but she said his features were the same. She didn’t know who the girl was but she watched both of them enter a motel room on the second floor. Now I was getting suspicious, was Arthur cheating on me? If he was, who was the girl he took to the motel? The words, ‘housing’ and ‘lodging’ were making more sense if he was cheating.

Since I didn’t have any solid evidence, I kept quiet after he got home, but I laid some bait by removing his putter from the golf bag. I called the country club and learned that ‘greens fees’ were paid annually, not as expensive as $68.00 a month. My brain was running overtime and I was fuming with rage. I just knew Arthur was cheating, but I needed proof. Now, I got on the phone. “Mindy,” I said, “does your phone have a camera”? Mindy said she had a real nice camera and asked me why I asked. I said, “I need a favor, go to the café on Saturday, I can’t make it, but see if the same man shows up. I want you to take pictures of him. I need to know if that is Arthur going to a room with a young whore”. “Sure,” Mindy said, “I would be curious to know too. I don’t understand why your husband would have to hire a prostitute. You are a hot wife, why would your husband cheat on you”?

Saturday, around 1pm, Arthur came home and had a wide smile as he said, “What a great day, my score is getting better. If I get any better, maybe I should become a pro, like Arnold Palmer”. I was fuming inwardly, I now knew that he didn’t play golf, especially without a putter. That bastard was lying, but I stayed quiet. I needed to get a report from Mindy. I was now anxious to see what pictures she had. I called Mindy and told her that I was coming to her house, I wanted to see the pictures.

I grabbed a flash drive and tried to stay within the speed limit driving to Mindy’s house. Mindy opened the door, and her expression said it all. I knew it was Arthur, he was cheating on me. I couldn’t understand why he had to cheat. I spread my legs for him anytime he wanted. He was just a lousy lover, but I tried to make him feel he was a real stud.

I handed Mindy the flash drive and told her to download the pictures. As she was loading the flash drive, I watched the computer monitor and verified my husband was cheating. I wasn’t able to get a good look at the young girl, but her dress told me that she was a whore, as her bare ass showed as she ascended the stairs to the second floor.

Mindy gave me my flash drive and then went to get me a drink. We sat as she calmed me down. I knew she was right, if I hadn’t calmed down before going home, I would have killed that lying bastard. Mindy asked me what I was going to do. If I was going to divorce him, she knew a good lawyer that specialized in divorce cases. Mindy said, “Many of my divorced friends have used him and he treated their cheating husbands like shit in court. My friends came away from court real financial winners. I used him for my divorce, the house is mine, and I don’t have to work as long as I don’t remarry”. I looked at Mindy and said, “I’m not sure what to do, but give me his name and number”. I knew what ever I was going to do, he would regret his cheating for the rest of his life.

I drove slowly as my mind digested all the information I had. I stopped at Sarah’s house as we hadn’t got together for a week. We had coffee as I asked what she had found out about Beth. Sarah said, “I searched her room. You wouldn’t believe what I found. She had a box full of money, with the quick count I made, there was at least $5,000, but I am sure there was more if I really took time to count it. You were right, I think she is selling her pussy, she’s a whore”. I put my hand on hers and asked her what she was going to do. Mindy said, “If I had proof, I’d probably call the vice squad and have her arrested”.

I said, “Yeah, I have the same problem. I now have proof that Arthur is cheating on me. Mindy took pictures of that asshole this morning taking a young whore to the motel. She was real young, but I couldn’t get a good view of her face. I do know, she wasn’t wearing any panties as they climbed the stairs. She has a tattoo of a star on her bare left ass cheek”. “Oh, my God,” Sarah said, “Beth has a star tattoo on her ass. I just saw it the other day as she finished her shower and was running naked to her room trying to wrap a towel around her”. I said, “Wait, don’t be too sure. There could be other girls with a star tattoo on their butts. Tattoo’s are becoming too popular now days”.

Sarah looked down at her coffee cup and said, “Yeah, you’re right, I hope I’m jumping to conclusions. But if it was Beth, then your husband is fucking her”. “Oh, no,” I said, “I hope it’s not Beth. You two have been my friends before Glen was killed in that accident. I’ve always thought of Beth as a daughter. I hope and pray we are both wrong. I don’t like the fact that Beth could be a whore, but I hope it’s not with my husband if she is”.

Sarah refilled our cups and we sat there silent for a bit. I then said, “You know, Mindy took the pictures and she kept me with her until I calmed down. I was going to rush home and kill that lying bastard of a husband”. Sarah said, “I don’t understand why he would cheat on you. You are gorgeous, I’ve seen the way other men look at you. If I could read their minds, they would be thinking, ‘I’d love to fuck her brains out’. You are a natural draw to the male species”. I laughed and said, “I don’t know. Arthur is such a lousy lover, I have to fake orgasms to please him. Maybe I should take those men up on their thoughts”. We both laughed and I hugged Sarah and began the drive home.

When I got home, Arthur was in the garage putzing around doing something with his car. I got a wicked idea and went to our bedroom. I changed into a sheer baby doll nighty without panties and strolled into the garage. Arthur looked at me for a second and asked, “Why are you ready for bed? It’s not even four o’clock”. He turned back to his stupid car and I ran back into the house. I was really pissed at this asshole that was supposed to be my husband. I quickly went through a bottle of wine before he finally came back into the house. I was sitting in the living room, my legs parted displaying my pussy as he glanced at me and then went to the bathroom to wash up. When he came out, he just asked, “What are you fixing for dinner”? I glared at him as I got up. As I was going to MY bedroom, I snapped and said, “fix your own dinner, asshole”.

I had locked the door and went to MY bed to cool down. I was pissed. An hour went by when he tried to open the door and then knocked and asked why I was mad. I said, “this is my bedroom. If you are going to sleep tonight, you will have to use the spare room”. He said, “We need to talk, what are you so mad about?” I snapped back, “I’M NOT READY TO TALK. WHEN I’M READY, YOU WILL KNOW”. I could hear his breathing at the door for about ten minutes and he finally left where I heard the door slam to the spare room.

I tried to sleep, but I knew Sunday morning was going to be awkward as I was not ready to hit him with the evidence I had. I got up early, made coffee, and was glad he was not awake yet. I filled my travel mug, grabbed my laptop and left. I had no destination in mind, just drive and think. I kept thinking, ‘Why haven’t I killed him yet’? I came to a rest stop on the highway to relieve my gladder. As I was leaving the restroom, I noticed a group of truckers watching me. I heard one say, “Hey guys, what a beauty. I would fuck her in a minute”. I stepped a little faster to get to my car. As I sat there, I didn’t understand, but my panties were wet. I thought ‘Sarah was right, guys looked at me sexually. I turned them on’. Now, my pussy was beginning to tingle and contract. I was now aroused as my hand fell to my panty covered clit and I began to stroke myself.

I was drawn out of my sexual thoughts when my phone rang. I checked and it was Arthur, ‘fuck you’ I thought, and didn’t answer. Then a text message, ‘when are you coming home?’, again I ignored the message. I turned on the car and began to drive again. I thought about the attorney Mindy was talking about, I wasn’t sure if that was the solution. Without killing him, he had to be punished some how. I saw a conveyance store and stopped to refill my travel mug. As I moved in the store, I noticed two men watching me. They watched me as I rinsed my mug and filled it with fresh coffee. I went to the counter to pay and their eyes were on me as I left the store. Again, my vagina began to seep and tingle. I was liking this feeling, now my brain went to my

As I entered the next town, I saw a strip mall with a clothing boutique. As I pulled up to park, in the window were some very sexy clothes, just what I wanted. When I entered, a young woman approached me and asked what I was looking for. I told her I wanted men to desire me, I wanted to accentuate my body. She stood, looked me up and down, and said, “You’re wearing what you need. Probably shorter skirts and sheer tops to get more looks”. I said, “OK, lets see what you have”. She got my size and she led me to the rear of the shop. I looked at what she had and thought I would look like Beth...a whore ready to fuck.

Then I saw some that were sensual but not whoreish. One short dress was black stretch mesh, short with lots of cleavage. I tried it on and when exiting the fitting room to see the mirror, she said, “Yes, that will get attention. You look fuckable in that dress, but you are wearing a bra and panties. You need to go ‘commando’ with that dress. When the guys look, they will break their necks to look again and see what they want. You subtly show pussy, ass and tits”. I knew I was going to take this one. I picked out three more outfits, a bit less showy, but still insinuated sex.

Monday came and I wore one of my new outfits to work. I became the center of attention when the men kept asking for various files or just asking stupid questions to be close to me. I saw men openly looking down my dress, and they would gather behind me when I would bend over to check lower file cabinet drawers. I was wearing sheer panties and by noon, they were wet. I was excited being ogled and surprised we had so many lechers in the company. I spent my lunch hour with the attorney Mindy recommended. I still wasn’t sure what I really wanted to do, but the attorney set everything up in the event of a divorce.

Back at work, I kept getting sneak peeks from the men. I searched my brain and remembered that the men had looked at me before, but now more obvious. I was glad I only worked three days a week, any more and I would have to keep a fresh supply of panties on hand. I went home horny. I knew I couldn’t count on Arthur to ravage me, he could never put out the fire burning between my legs. I knew I would have to masturbate while soaking in the tub, my only relief.

My mind was still working on a plan when I finally informed Arthur I knew of his cheating. I called Sarah and made an appointment at the coffee shop Saturday, we had never met on Saturday, but I wanted to see my asshole husband my self. I knew she was feeling better about her loss, but she was now concerned about her daughter.

I didn’t know exactly how she should handle Beth, so I called a counselor I knew from college. He said that Sarah had to be forward and ask Beth if she was a prostitute. Stun her with the question. If she admits her prostitution, then ask her why she had chosen that path. Try to reason with her, have an outline of the problems and dangers of the work. I thanked him, but thought this approach would not work with Beth, but I would pass it along to Sarah.

Saturday, Arthur left to play golf again, and again without the putter in his bag. I didn’t know much about golf, but I knew a putter was a vital club. I collected my laptop and drove to the coffee shop where I met with Sarah. I told her what my college counselor said, and Sarah thought that might work, but she said, “Knowing Beth, she is very head strong. I’m sure the money she is making will be a plus to continue her prostitution”. I agreed and then we saw Arthur’s car pull up to the motel.

When he got out, Sarah verified with me that it was defiantly Arthur. He then went to the passenger side and opened the door for the female. “Oh, my God,” Sarah said, “It is Beth. Your mother fucking husband is fucking my daughter, she’s a whore”. My eyes were wide as I then recognized Beth and saw Sarah begin to get up. I grabbed her hand and said, “Whoa, not now”.

Sarah gave me a nasty look and asked, “Why not now. I want to cut that mother fucker’s ball’s off”. “Not yet, he’s already fucked her, one more time won’t make a difference, it’ll be his last time”, as I pulled her back to the chair. “I’m going to have a ‘heart to heart’ with that asshole when he gets home. You need to do the same with Beth when she gets home. I’m going to be sure Arthur never touches Beth again”. We stayed long enough to watch them go into a second floor room.

I sat in the kitchen with my bottle of wine as I waited for my bastard husband to get home from his ‘golf’ game. I heard the garage door open and soon Arthur came in the house with that grin, claiming he had a fantastic game. I looked at him and said, “You don’t have to lie anymore. I know you haven’t been playing golf. Look in the bag, I’ve kept your putter for the last three weeks. You are a cheating asshole, I have pictures and two people who witnessed you, we know you have been fucking Beth. Oh, by the way, if you ever touch Beth again, Sarah will cut your balls off. If she doesn’t, I will. You never have to lie to me, ever again. I know you’ve been cheating”.

Arthur dropped his golf bag, his eyes wide and mouth open. He finally sat down as I watched beads of sweat form on his forehead. He said, “Oh no, I’m so sorry, it won’t happen again. Please don’t ask for a divorce, I love you and beg you to forgive me”. I looked at him and grinned. He must have thought I was going to forgive him by my smile, but I then said, “I’m not going to divorce you. You can fuck anyone you want except for Beth or ME. You will move into the guest room or move out, your choice. You are a lying, cheating bastard. You have been the lousiest fucker and I’ve had to make myself cum after your pathetic little cock spends five or ten minutes in my pussy. You are such a lousy fuck, you won’t keep a woman very long”.

His mouth was open and dry when he asked, “What are you going to do”? I said, “MY RULES, I’m going to find a MAN, a man that knows how to please a woman. If I want, I will bring my lover home and fuck him all night”. I let Arthur know that his credit card had a lower limit and his checking account was also limited, so whores were out of the question, he couldn’t afford them, nor the motel rooms. “How could you do that”, he asked. I said, I had a ‘nasty’ divorce lawyer set up the finances and if I tell him, he will file the divorce papers. In the mean time, it seems you will have to use your hand for your lover”.

I left Arthur stunned, his mouth still open and his eyes seemed to water up. I went to MY room and took a long soothing bath. I was happy with my self, I was going to be married but free from a sex worthless asshole. I decided that I needed a drink and was going to wear my new black dress. I took time to shave my pussy for the first time in my life. I wore my black garter belt with black hose. I slipped on the dress and then the five inch heels. I looked in the mirror and saw a woman looking for sex, sex and more sex. The sales girl was right, I was going ‘commando’. I was resolved to find a MAN, one who could pleasure a woman. I wanted a man that could make me cum, really cum.

After some light make-up, I fluffed my hair and began to walk past the dining room. Arthur was still sitting at the table and I saw his eyes swell to saucers as he asked, “What the hell are you wearing”? I coyly said, “A dress”. He said, “I can see your tits and pussy through that thing. You can’t go out like that”. I gave him a scowl and said, “I told you the new rules, you don’t have a say. I’m going to find a man, a REAL MAN that can please a woman. If you look back at the last time you fucked me, it built up my desire to be fucked all night, maybe all day tomorrow too”.

I walked out as his mouth was still hanging open. I wasn’t sure where I was going, but I called Sarah and let her know what I had done. She told me that she laid down the law with Beth. Beth had rebelled by saying she would pack and leave home. Sarah said she told Beth if she did move, she would alert the vice squad and if she was arrested, she would never bail her out. She also let Beth know if she ever got close to Arthur again, Arthur’s balls would be cut off. I laughed and asked her where a good ‘pick up bar’ was. She said, “I don’t know. As you know, I haven’t been out much since Glen was killed”. I said, “I’m sorry, I forgot. I need a man with a big hard cock. I’m going to take him home and if Arthur doesn’t like it, too bad. I laid down the law”.

I then called Mindy. She has been divorced for over a year and she should know where I could go. Mindy said there was a ‘wild’ bar on the west side of town, the ‘B & W’ lounge. I set the car in the direction of the bar and found it to be busy on a Saturday night as I pulled into the parking lot. I felt a bit conspicuous as I walked to the front door. Several black men standing outside gave me the ‘look’, never taking their eyes off me. I saw four black men staring and wetting their lips as I walked past. All of them were younger and they looked fit with well defined abs, muscles and obvious bulges in their pants.

I went to the bar and occupied a stool as I ordered a drink. A man came up and sat next to me and told the bar tender that he would pay for my drink. I thanked him and his eyes traveled my body. I knew he could see my boobs and pussy as I sat there in my black stretch knit mini dress. As he was evaluating a future fuck, a man on the other side said, “Don’t take it off”. I looked and saw a very well dressed, handsome black man and asked, “I’m not taking anything off, well, maybe later”. He laughed and said, “Your wedding ring, don’t take it off. Most men want a non-commitment, the best is with a married woman”. I laughed and said, “I’m Gail, by the way”. He answered and said, “Jackson, as in Andrew”. I laughed and knew I liked this man right away.

The man that originally bought my first drink, knew he couldn't compete with Jackson. He then left to find another conquest to fuck. If Jackson hadn't impressed me, the first stranger would have been fucking me tonight.

I sipped my drink and looked around. I noticed most of the men were black and the few women there were white. Jackson asked, “What brings you to the ‘B & W’ club”? I said, “Well a friend suggested it”. He asked, “Do you know what ‘B & W’ means”? I said, “No, but it seems to be a nice bar”. He said, “It means black and white, meaning black men and white women”. The palms of my hands began to sweat and my eyes widened.

Andrew then said, “Relax, you’re safe”. I asked, “Is this what they call a pick-up bar”? “Well yes and no”, Jackson said. “Married white women,” he continued, “come here to pick up black men or bulls as we’re called. Women like the way we ‘treat’ them”. “What do you mean by ‘treat’”, I asked. He said, “If I can be frank, the women look for big black cocks because their husbands don’t satisfy them. They also like our styles and stamina to fuck all night”. “But they’re married,” I said. He said, “Most of their husbands are cuckolds, they get off by watching or knowing their wives are being fucked by black men”.

I looked down at his crotch and saw either a bulging cock or a lot of padding to fill out his slacks. He laughed and said, “feel it, satisfy your curiosity”. I hesitated and then he took my hand and placed it on his very big and hard cock. With out realizing it, my hand stayed on his cock and rubbed up and down it’s length. “That’s right, work it baby”, he said as I was beginning to ooze pussy juices and my eyes locked on the bulge I was rubbing. I looked up and he was smiling. He said, “You’d like to see it, wouldn’t you”. I was mesmerized as he took my hand and led me away from the bar. He took me to a booth where we slid in.

Again, he took my hand and placed it on his crotch. He then said, “take it out.” Without thinking, I unzipped his slacks and reached in to grab the first black cock in my life. It was so big, I had trouble getting it out. My hand could not reach all the way around his black monster and I leaned down to be able to see it. I was dazed, it was so fat and long. There was pre-cum seeping from his pee hole and I rubbed my finger in it and brought my fingers to my mouth to taste my first black juices. He then placed his hand on my thigh and began moving upward toward my bare pussy.

I kept pulling on his cock and looked into his eyes. I said, “I want you to come home with me. I want my first black cock to stretch my pussy”. “What about your husband”? Jackson asked. “He knows my rules, he is never going to fuck me, and he has to stay in his bedroom. He knows I will have lovers”. Jackson smiled as he helped me up and guided me to the door. Pussy juice was running down my legs and I didn’t care who saw it.

Jackson followed me to my house. As I was driving, I had visions of his black cock stretching my pussy wide, to have him fuck me bareback and feel his cum deposited deep in my womb. Arthur, I thought, I don’t give a shit about him. If he’s in his room, he will hear me screaming all night to be fucked harder with that big black cock. Maybe Jackson will stay Sunday too, I want that cock bad. I’ve heard that women like to be fucked in the ass, something I’ve never experienced, but I’m going to try that too.

I hung onto Jackson as we walked to the front door. I opened the door and just inside, I pulled Jackson to me and opened my mouth as I grabbed his head and pulled him to me for a long affectionate kiss. I was grinding my pussy mound into his bulge as his hands had pulled the back of my dress up and he pulled me tighter to him. I then took Jackson’s hand and began to go to my bedroom. I saw Arthur still sitting at the table and he began to get up and open his mouth. I scowled at him and said, “FUCK YOU, WE HAVE NOTHING TO SAY. YOU KNOW MY RULES. GO TO YOUR ROOM AND STAY THERE”. Jackson laughed and degraded Arthur by asking, “Is that the wimp with the tiny dick that can’t satisfy his wife”? I chuckled and said, “It sure is, come on, I want you to fuck me with that big black cock”.

We didn’t waste any time to undress on the way to my bedroom. He only had to pull my dress up over my head to leave me in my garter, hose and heels. As he was unbuttoning his shirt, I was working on his belt and zipper to get his pants off. Just before entering my bedroom, Jackson’s big cock was visible and I saw the astonishment in Arthur’s eyes as he was watching us. His last vision was my naked body and Jackson’s huge cock disappear though the door as Jackson closed the door behind us. Jackson had his shoes off as I pulled his pants off. I was now able to really see his monster, I screamed, “YES, SUCH A BIG COCK, HURRY, I WANT TO SUCK IT, I WANT TO TASTE YOUR HOT CUM”. I wanted to make sure my worthless husband heard me.

I knelt before Jackson, ready to worship his beautiful big cock. Oh, so big, fat and long causing my pussy to spasm and flow juices. My mouth opened as I licked the pre-cum from the bulbous mushroom head. Jackson knew I wanted to punish my husband, to humiliate him for being a wimp and failure as a lover. Jackson loudly said, “YEAH, THAT’S IT BABY, TAKE MY COCK DEEP”. I smiled knowing Arthur’s bedroom was next to mine and I had visions of him with his ear to the wall. I tried to get as much of that monster black cock in my mouth, inching toward my throat. I felt his knob push against my tonsils and I had to pull back to keep from gagging. “Yeah baby,” Jackson said, “you’ll get it in your throat”. My body was tingling, it felt like a million needles were pricking my skin as my pussy ached with desire.

Jackson had his hands behind my head and was now fucking my mouth, my mouth was his artificial pussy as he kept pushing deeper. I felt his cock swell and with my hands on his ball sack, he was beginning to tremble and I knew he was going to cum. He was going to send his sperm to my stomach and I sucked harder in my desire to taste and drink his ejaculate. “I’m going to cum, baby, get ready”. I began to suck harder as my hands kneaded his balls. His head jerked back as his cock stiffened more when the first volley of his cum coated the back of my throat. I tried to suck and swallow at the same time as his cum was firing from his pulsing cock. I continued to suck even when feeling his cock began to soften. I looked up to his eyes and saw satisfaction, something I never saw from my husband.

I didn’t want to relinquish such a fabulous cock from my mouth, but Jackson pulled back hard causing a popping sound from my vacuuming mouth as the seal of my suction broke. I looked at him with sad puppy eyes wanting more of his cock. His strong hands and arms lifted me to the bed and I fell on my back with my legs spread wide. I saw the lustful look in his eyes as he surveyed my pussy. His head bent down and he began to kiss and lick my inner thighs, first the right and then the left, as he worked his way upward toward the lips of my pussy. He got closer, closer and closer.

He was teasing me as he slowly eased upward. My pussy was on fire with desire, feelings I never had with my husband. I knew a major orgasm was building as my body began to tremble, my legs shook. Suddenly his lips sucked my labia into his mouth and my eyes glazed over, my head thrust back as my back arched. “YES, YES, FUCK YES”, I screamed as the most magnificent orgasm hit. I saw flashing lights in the back of my brain as my thighs tightened against his head. His tongue was now fucking into my canal as he used a finger to lightly manipulate my clit.

“GOD YES, YES,” I began to scream. He then withdrew his tongue and inserted two fingers in me and began to rub my ‘G spot’ as his mouth was now sucking my clit. There was no stopping, another violent, body shaking orgasm was taking over my body as I felt my bladder spew. I saw clear liquid splashing around his head and knew I must be ‘squirting’. He looked up and said, “Yeah, baby, I love squirters”. He then returned his lips and tongue back to my now engorged clit. My orgasm continued. My arms thrashed against the bed, legs spasming and my mouth opened making gurgling sounds. I squirted a second time soaking his face, my abdomen and the sheets. All I heard from him as he continued on my clit was, “Umm, Umm, Aah”.

My orgasm was calming when he lifted his head and asked, “What do you want”? My eyes were unfocused, but I knew what I wanted. I said, “I WANT YOUR COCK IN ME, GET THAT BIG FAT BLACK COCK IN THIS WHITE PUSSY”. He moved up and placed the bulbous head of his cock on my labia and rubbed it up and down in my vaginal liquids. “NOW, NOW,” I yelled, “FUCK ME, PLEASE, PLEASE FUCK ME”. My vaginal muscles were expanding and contracting with anticipation of stretching wider than ever. My vaginal juices were flowing to provide lubrication for the impending entry of his monster.

He pulled back and said, “Reach down and open your pussy, invite this cock into your white fuck hole”. I immediately pulled my vulva and labia open when he said, “Now look and watch this black cock enter your white pussy, your first, but not last”. My eyes widened as my body trembled. I watched the black-purple bulbous head inch closer to my pussy opening. I pulled harder to open myself for him as my legs shook. I then felt his cock touch my labia and again the anticipation caused me to squirt coating his cock and stomach. As he began to push inward, I saw his eyes, a sparkle of domination, total control of a married white woman. His grin was showing true lust and pleasure. I knew my pussy belonged to him, he could use me any way he wanted.

The swollen head of his cock pushed past my labia and I felt the pressure, the stretching of my vaginal walls. I knew there would be initial pain from his size, but I wanted him in me, the entire cock buried in my pussy. As he began to push further, I felt the pain and said, “Fuck, you’re so big, slowly baby, fuck me slowly”. I watched in amazement as his cock continued to move deeper. The pain eased as I began to push my hips up to assist his cock to reach it’s goal. He then stopped and began to withdraw causing me to yell, “NO, NO, DON’T PULL OUT. FUCK THAT COCK ALL THE WAY IN ME. FUCK ME, FUCK ME”. He then begin to push back, a mini fuck, in and out of five or six inches. I watched and then I saw another inch enter me, my back arched as I pushed my hips into him as he pushed forward. I begged, “All of it, I WANT THAT COCK IN ME. Shit yes, so big, so big”.

I realized that I was still in an orgasmic state with my legs spasming on his shoulders aside his head. My hands were pounding the bed and my back arched to get more of his cock into me. My sexual high surpassed any feelings I have ever had, but when his cock rammed into my cervix, my whole body spasmed causing my liquids to squirt and coat our coupling. “Oh, God, YES, FUCK”, was all I could say with my mind spinning with euphoric energy. My body continued to shake as he began to pump that magnificent black cock deep with full thrust. “YES, YES, FUCK ME HARD”, was my only response as I felt my cervix pummeled with each violent thrust. Suddenly, my body went limp and he slowed his pace. I was in a mild lust induced state as my pussy walls spasmed and quivered around his large penis. My hips began thrusting to meet each piercing plunge he made deeper and deeper into my aching pussy.

He suddenly pulled out and, with ease, flipped my body over as he said, “On your knees, bitch. Get your ass high in the air”. I pushed my ass high as my head was buried in the pillow. I moved fast to get his cock back into me, I didn’t want my pussy empty. I was in total rapture when he thrust that large cock back into me pushing into my cervix with force. “Oh, Yes, Yes, I WANT IT, PLEASE CUM IN ME”, as I rutted my ass back to meet his thrusting cock. I wanted him to cum, I wanted to feel his sperm pumping into me, to fill my womb. I was amazed at his power, to delay his ejaculation as I kept screaming for him to fuck and fill me with his sperm.

He then wrapped his arms around me and rolled over where I was now on top of him with my back facing him. His hands were now mauling my tits as he thrust upward in my pussy. He dropped one hand and began to rub his thumb around my anus. I had never had anal sex, but I knew I wanted him to enjoy my ass, to fuck his cock into my bowels. I was his, I loved his cock and I loved the way he could fuck me. My holes were welcome to his big black cock. I felt his thumb push into my ass and I said, “Yes, take my virgin ass. FUCK MY ASS”. “Oh. I intend to”, was his reply. My body shuddered knowing I was going to be totally fucked by this man, a strange man I had only met a few hours ago, a man I knew could satisfy my sexual desires, nothing my husband had ever done.

I was now able to control the depth by sitting on that fantastic cock. I began to bounce up and down as he was able to lay still. I then began to rock forward and aft feeling the head of his cock rubbing against my cervix. I was in heaven and I was moaning, “Yes, Yes, so big. God, yes, your cock feels so good”. More orgasms as I was now working my pussy on him. Jackson then said, “Your white pussy belongs to me”. “YES,” I yelled, “TAKE YOUR WHITE PUSSY ANY WAY YOU WANT, I’M YOURS”. Jackson then said, “Good girl, I will make sure you are fucked”. I looked back at his lustful grin as his hand was caressing my ass, then his finger began inching into my rectum. I felt light pain, but pushed down on his finger.

Soon he had two fingers in my ass, wiggling them from side to side stretching me open. I grinned at him and pushed against his fingers again. As his right hand had his fingers in my ass, his left hand reached around and began to strum my clit. Sparks lit up in my brain as any pain I felt was replaced with total pleasure, he was using my own vaginal juices as lubrication. His fingers were pulled out and his hands were on my ass cheeks as he lifted me off his cock. He then said, “Grab my cock, aim it to your ass”. Yes, my virgin ass was going to be destroyed by his monster cock. I took his cock and held it at my anal opening and began to lower myself.

As the head of his cock spread my anal sphincter and popped inside, the initial pain caused me to scream. “OH, GOD, YOUR COCK IS TOO BIG FOR MY ASS. STOP... IT HURTS”. He then quietly said, “Take it bitch, you want it and you will take it all”. My eyes were watering up as I cried, “OH, GOD, IT HURTS, IT HURTS”, as he held me still. He said, “Relax now, think how good this is going to feel, just relax”. I did as he said and the pain began to ebb around his swollen head. I began to move and then felt more of his cock entering me. He was right, I was now feeling a strange sensation. His cock was beginning to feel good as he was now letting my body lower on his cock.

The nerves in my rectum were now feeling a pleasure I never knew. I now wanted him to fuck me deep and hard. I wanted to feel his cock deep in my bowels. “Yes, Yes,” I began to chant, “fuck me, oh, yes fuck me”. I felt his ball sack against my pussy and I knew I was totally impaled on his cock. He began a slow thrusting and withdrawing rhythm in my ass. I yelled, “YES, YES, FUCK MY ASS, FUCK ME, FUCK ME”.

It had been well over an hour and a half since he fed my stomach with his first cum. Now he began to pump his cock faster and faster. Suddenly he lifted me off his cock and plunged me down directly into my pussy and held me tight as I felt his cock swell and pulse as he began to empty his cum into my womb. I went into orgasmic spasms, my vaginal muscles squeezed and milked his cock. I was amazed at the amount of sperm he was filling me with, but he kept pumping his cum again and again. I was now yelling, “YES, OH, GOD, YES FUCK THAT CUM IN ME. FILL MY WOMB WITH CUM. YES, YES”. I laid back on his chest as he mauled my breasts and nipples. I murmured, “God, yes, so good, so good”. We laid connected together for a long time before his cock softened a bit and pulled from my well filled pussy.

I rolled off his chest and laid next to him and lovingly held his cock. After I calmed, I sat up and took his cock in my mouth and licked his cock clean. I heard him quietly growl, “Yeah baby, You’re a good slut. Do you like black cock”? I smiled and said, “Oh, yes, I love your big black cock. I love the way you fuck me, you make me know I’m a woman”.

We laid quiet for a short time, the sweat rolling off our bodies and the cum seeping from my open pussy, then we fell asleep. I woke after an hour and admired the black bull laying next to me on my bed, his beautiful cock was still semi-hard, such a cock to give me so much pleasure. I gave his cock a couple of quick licks and then left to make coffee. I walked naked to the kitchen. My worthless husband was sitting at the kitchen table and his eyes focused on my pussy and inner thighs. “What’s that on your legs, is that cum leaking from your pussy”? he asked. I snarled as I snapped at him, “It’s my lover’s cum. A man who knows how to pleasure a woman”. He turned away as he mumbled, “Such a cheating bitch”. I grabbed his hair and pulled his face to me and said, “Just who is the cheater, asshole? I told you the new rules, I’m not the cheater in this marriage, this pussy does not belong to you anymore”.

I was pouring a cup of coffee for Jackson and started to take it to him, when the bedroom door opened and he came out naked. Arthur’s eyes again bugged out when he observed this large, muscular coal black man walking toward the kitchen. I chuckled inwardly as I watched a thick, long black cock swinging between his legs. I saw Arthur drop his head and he cowered in his chair. “Hey, wimp,” Jackson said, “You like seeing my cum coming out of your wife’s pussy? Maybe you would like to suck and clean it out of her so I can fuck her again”. Arthur slowly got up and slumped as he walked down the hall to his bedroom. Jackson and I both laughed as we had degraded him.

Jackson took his coffee, thanked me and leaned back against the kitchen counter. I walked to him and took his cock in my hand and began to slowly masturbate him. His cock began to fill with blood and I sank to my knees taking his monster into my mouth again. As I was on my knees, my legs were slightly spread and I was oozing cum on the kitchen floor. Jackson said, “Maybe we should have ordered him to clean you up, then there wouldn’t be that mess on the floor”. I was learning to get more of his cock to my throat. Suddenly, Jackson pulled out and lifted me up. He pushed me up against the counter and spread my legs. His cock was now pushing into my pussy, but this time there was no pain, just pleasure.

I felt Jackson’s hands on my ass, but I felt something strange. He was rubbing a stick of butter around my ass and then pushed the rest inside me. He pulled out of my pussy and thrust his cock into my ass forcefully without any pain. He pumped into me as I was moaning with the pleasure he was giving me. This time, he pulled my hips tight to him and I felt his cock swell as he began to spew his cum deep into my bowels. I murmured, “Oh, that is so good, so big, so deep. Yes fuck my ass”. I looked to the side and saw Arthur standing by his door watching. I said, “Hey asshole, if you watch, then we will force you to clean me out with your mouth and tongue”. Arthur quickly opened his door and ran into his room. Jackson’s cock came out and I turned and dropped to the floor to clean his cock. Again I made a cum mess on the floor as my ass was oozing.

My phone began to ring and I saw it was Mindy, “Hello, Mindy,” I said, “what’s up”? Mindy asked me how my night was at the ‘B & W’ club. I asked, “How did you know about that club”? Mindy said, “I never told you, but that is the only bar I go to. I have several black lovers. The question, did you find a black man to fuck you”? “Oh, Yeah,“ I answered, “He just finished fucking my ass and we are going back to the bedroom and fuck more”. Mindy laughed and asked, “Where is Arthur”? I laughed and said, “In his room, probably cowering in the corner. He took one look at Jackson and ‘crawled’ away”. We both laughed when Mindy said, “Jackson, oh yeah, he fucked me too. A nice cock there. Well, I’ll let you go, I know you want that cock back in your pussy”. We hung. up and I took Jackson’s hand and pulled him back to the bedroom.

Jackson fucked me many times for the rest of the day. I didn’t know there were so many positions for fucking, I liked every one of them. He fucked me one last time as we were in the shower. Jackson dressed, but I stayed naked as we went to the living room to say our good byes. Arthur was in the living room watching TV as I was kissing Jackson long and hard. Jackson said, “Hey, wimp, next Friday night, I’m bringing some of my buddies here so we can fuck your wife all weekend. Up to you if you are here or not”. Arthur turned his head away and got up to leave. I said to Jackson, “Look, he has a hard on, I bet he will be here for the weekend marathon”. Jackson laughed, gave me a kiss and left. I returned to MY bedroom to catch up on sleep as Monday was going to be a fun day teasing the men at work, this time, I wasn’t going to wear panties under my mini skirt.

Dudley DowrongReport 

2020-01-31 02:35:03
I guess that most of the rednecks that cum to this site, don't appreciate interacial with white girls. Only when biack lips of some kind suck white dicks is what they want to see or read. They don't see a man that can please a woman, all they see is "Black".Even black men are potrayed as "owning white pussy", not enjoying it & sharing the pleasure of connected sex organs. Good presentation of a "hard" socsial issue.

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